OFFICE OF FOREIGN ASSETS CONTROL CHANGES TO THE Sectoral Sanctions Identifications List SINCE JANUARY 1, 2014 This publication of Treasury's Office of Foreign
[email protected]; BIK (RU) 044525060 [UKRAINE- OTKRYTOE AKTSIONERNOE Assets Control ("OFAC") is a reference tool EO13662]. OBSHCHESTVO; a.k.a. GPB, OAO; a.k.a. GPB, providing actual notice of actions by OFAC with BANK RAZVITIYA I OJSC), 16, Building 1, Nametkina St., Moscow respect to persons that are identified pursuant to VNESHNEEKONOMICHESKOI 117420, Russia; 63, Novocheremushkinskaya Executive Order 13662 and are listed on the DEYATELNOSTI (VNESHEKONOMBANK) St., Moscow 117418, Russia; SWIFT/BIC Sectoral Sanctions Identifications List (SSI List). GOSUDARSTVENNAYA KORPORATSIYA GAZPRUMM; Website; The latest changes may appear here prior to their (a.k.a. BANK FOR DEVELOPMENT AND Email Address
[email protected]; publication in the Federal Register, and it is FOREIGN ECONOMIC AFFAIRS Registration ID 1027700167110; Tax ID No. intended that users rely on changes indicated in (VNESHECONOMBANK) STATE 7744001497; Government Gazette Number this document. Such changes reflect official CORPORATION; a.k.a. VNESHECONOMBANK; 09807684 [UKRAINE-EO13662]. actions of OFAC, and will be reflected as soon as a.k.a. "VEB"), 9 Akademika Sakharova prospekt, GAZPROMBANK OPEN JOINT STOCK practicable in the Federal Register under the Moscow 107996, Russia; SWIFT/BIC BFEA RU COMPANY (a.k.a. GAZPROMBANK GAS index heading "Foreign Assets Control." New MM; Website; Email Address INDUSTRY OJSC; a.k.a. GAZPROMBANK Federal Register notices with regard to
[email protected]; BIK (RU) 044525060 [UKRAINE- OAO; a.k.a. GAZPROMBANK OJSC; a.k.a.