Coastal Erosion Monitoring Erosion Coastal

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Coastal Erosion Monitoring Erosion Coastal CoastalCoastal erosion erosion monitoring monitoring La Cooperazione La Coopération al cuore del Mediterraneo au coeur de la Méditerranée A networkA network of regionalof regional observatories observatories ResultsResults from from ResMar ResMar Project Project - A network of regional observatories regional of - A network Coastal erosion monitoring erosion Coastal EditedEdited by Luigi by Luigi E. Cipriani E. Cipriani ResMar Project ResMar Libro.indb 3 10/05/2013 11.30.29 Libro.indb 2 10/05/2013 11.30.28 Libro.indb 3 10/05/2013 11.30.29 MARITTIMO - IT FR - MARITIME TOSCANA LIGURIA SARDEGNA CORSE La Cooperazione al cuore del Mediterraneo La Coopération au coeur de la Méditerranée Libro.indb 4 10/05/2013 11.30.31 Coastal erosion monitoring A network of regional observatories Results from ResMar Project “Réseau pour l’environnement dans l’espace maritime“ Edited by Luigi E. Cipriani Direzione Generale Politiche Ambientali, Energia e Cambiamenti Climatici Settore Protezione e Valorizzazione della Fascia Costiera e dell’Ambiente Marino Libro.indb 1 17/05/2013 14.40.38 The print of this volume has been sponsored by: MARITTIMO - IT FR - MARITIME TOSCANA LIGURIA SARDEGNA CORSE Published in May 2013 by Nuova Grafica Fiorentina, via Traversari 76, 50126 Florence, Italy Project management: Luigi E. Cipriani, Andrea Boggiano and Rosanna Furnò - Regione Toscana Graphic design, electronic page layout and prepress: Chiara Loi English draft review: Lilian Wetzel and Vittoria Zichella All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or utilised in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without the permission in writing from the editor and chapter authors. Unless otherwise accredited, all illustrations have been provided by the chapter authors. Index.indd 2 17/05/2013 15.04.55 Dedicated to the memory of Sergio Silenzi, a great coastal scientist, a genuine friend. “When all is said and done, the journey is the reward” Randy Komisar, The Monk and the Riddle “Irrealtà di cose vedute; Sguardi non miei. Nella solitudine del cielo sento l’azzurro: deserto di ombre, che piango. Talvolta un’arpa risuona, ha qualcosa del mare. Ascolto, non io. La mia vita è un sogno.” Marco M. Bellandi, La mia vita è un sogno Libro.indb 3 17/05/2013 14.40.40 Libro.indb 4 17/05/2013 14.40.40 ResMar Coastal erosion monitoring - A network of regional observatories Contents Coastal erosion monitoring A network of regional observatories Foreword pg. 7 Luigi E. Cipriani The role of coastal evolution monitoring pg. 11 Enzo Pranzini and Lorenzo Rossi The Corsican coastal monitoring network pg. 57 Yann Balouin, Alexis Stépanian, Rémi Belon, Patrick Bezert, Serge Calendini and Gregory Bellini The Ligurian webcam network and database for coastal management pg. 79 Chiara F. Schiaffino, Massimo Brignone, Nicola Corradi, Andrea Cevasco, M. Alessandra Iannotta, Carlo Cavallo and Marco Ferrari The activity of “Osservatorio Coste e Ambiente Naturale Sottomarino” (OCEANS) and the implementation of a monitoring network and study methodology for sedimentological and morphodynamic processes of Mediterranean microtidal wave-dominated beaches (Sardinia) pg. 95 Sandro DeMuro, Claudio Kalb, Nicola Pusceddu and Angelo Ibba Sardinian Center for Coastal Monitoring and Assessment pg. 111 Alessio Satta, Maurizio Costa and Stefano Renoldi A coastal WebGIS for data sharing and distribution pg. 125 Giovanni Vitale, Enrica Mori, Sandro DeMuro and Claudio Kalb Coastal erosion in Tuscany: short vs. medium term evolution pg. 135 Luigi E. Cipriani, Enzo Pranzini and Giovanni Vitale Coastal monitoring through video systems: best practices and archi- tectural design of a new video monitoring network in Marina di Massa (Tuscany) pg. 157 Renata Archetti, Matteo Vacchi, Laura Bertoncini, Roberto Conserva, Ste- fano Michela, Daniele Sigismondi and Luca Parlagreco Biocenosis monitoring: the ecological role of defence structures along the Tuscany coast pg. 169 Irene Ortolani, Stefano Cannicci and Claudia Becchi 5 Libro.indb 5 17/05/2013 14.40.41 Coastal erosion monitoring - A network of regional observatories The shorelines of the Netherlands: Monitoring from the North Sea coast to the lakeshore of the IJsselmeer pg. 185 Jelmer Cleveringa and Rob Steijn The Atlantic Coast of New York Monitoring Program along New York’s Ocean Shoreline, USA pg. 191 Henry Bokuniewicz Coastal erosion monitoring in Colombia: overview and study cases on Caribbean and Pacific coasts pg. 199 Camilo Botero, Giorgio Anfuso, Nelson Rangel-Buitrago and Ivan D. Correa Community Participation in Coastal Monitoring: A Case Study from Western Australia pg. 215 Chiara Danese and Ashley Robb Lazio Region experience from Beachmed to Facecoast: “Working hypoth- esis for the feasibility of a European Network of Coastal Observatories” pg. 229 Silvia Bellacicco, Alessandro Bratti and Paolo Lupino 6 Libro.indb 6 17/05/2013 14.40.41 ResMar Coastal erosion monitoring - A network of regional observatories Foreword ResMar “Coastal erosion monitoring - A network of regional observatories” is the natural sequel to previous results on Beach erosion monitoring published in 2008 within Project BEACHMED-e - Strategic management of beach protection measures for the sustainable de- velopment of Mediterranean coastal areas (INTERREG IIIC Regional Framework Operation). Operation BEACHMED-e (October 2005 - June 2008) has been signalled by the European Commission DG Regional Policy as an “example of project covering relevant aspects of risk reduction and adaptation to climate change” (July 2007), within the initiative Regions for Economic Change (Theme 4.1 Coastal zones management). ResMar “Network for Environmental Protection in Maritime Space” (June 2010 – July 2013) is a Strategic Project, funded by the “Italy-France Maritime” cross-border co-operation Operational Programme. The project has been designed to improve monitoring systems, risk prevention, management of environmental issues and emergencies, and mitigation of pollution in the cross-border space of co-operation between France and Italy. It is com- posed of seven sub-projects and system actions designed to generate the best cross- border strategies for environmental protection in relation to water and soil. Coastal erosion and the state of coastlines are treated primarily in system action A and sub-project B, which include activities such as: - The creation by cross-border regions Corsica, Liguria, Tuscany and Sardinia of a coastal erosion monitoring network with a strategic view; - The feasibility of establishing a cross-border centre for the study of coastal morpho- dynamics. The publication of this book is contemporary with the official signing ceremony of the latest version of the Bologna Charter (BC 2012) European Regions Charter for the promo- tion of a common framework for strategic actions aimed at the protection and sustainable development of the Mediterranean coastal areas. Drawing from the experience acquired in the framework of the BEACHMED projects and European partnership, one of the main objectives of the Charter consists in establishing a network of existing coastal Observato- ries - EURIOMCODE proposal initiative (European Interregional Observatory for Mediter- ranean Coastal Defence). Such observatories will have the purpose of identifying common standards in coastal survey activities harmonised with the INSPIRE Directive; analysing coastal morphodynamics in the Mediterranean; sharing monitoring services and finding a common structure consistent with the principles of cost-effectiveness and efficiency, to suit the participant Public Administration bodies. In addition, and if needed at local and regional level, the initiative shall promote the establishment of specific structures for coastal monitoring, management of coastal zone risks and erosion phenomena, imple- 7 Libro.indb 7 17/05/2013 14.40.41 Coastal erosion monitoring - A network of regional observatories mentation of defence interventions and management of sediment stocks in coastal areas. With further relevance to the monitoring and observation mechanisms and networks, Article 16 of The Protocol on Integrated Coastal Zone Management in the Mediterranean (effective 24 March, 2011) states that “the Parties shall use and strengthen existing ap- propriate mechanisms for monitoring and observation, or create new ones if necessary. They shall also prepare and regularly update national inventories of coastal zones which should cover, to the extent possible, information on resources and activities, as well as on institutions, legislation and planning that may influence coastal zones”. One of the key aims of this book is to underline the importance of monitoring and net- works aimed at a proactive and adaptive defence strategy for a resilient coastal zone. It urges all of us to understand and work in line with physical processes in order not to do today anything that could hinder future strategies and solutions. For this reason, and in alignment with the EUROSION and OURCOAST initiatives, we are planning the following steps: - Joining The European Dune Network - Sharing experience across borders, which aims at increasing knowledge and understanding of coastal dunes and promoting the sustainable use and management of coastal dunes in Europe. - Implementing project-clustering initiatives like FACECOAST - Face the challenge
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