1 January 2019 VITA Martin Walter EDUCATION
1 January 2019 VITA Martin Walter EDUCATION: B.S. summa cum laude University of Redlands, Redlands, Calif. 1966 M.S. University of California, Irvine, Calif. 1968 Ph.D. University of California, Irvine, Calif. 1971 THESIS ADVISOR: B. Russo (Irvine), M. Takesaki (U.C.L.A.) THESIS TITLE: W*-algebras and non-abelian harmonic analysis POSITIONS HELD: Functional Analysis Year Fellow U.C.L.A. 1970–71 Research Associate Queen’s University 1971–73 Kingston, Ontario Assistant Professor University of Colorado 1973–77 Associate Professor University of Colorado 1977–84 Professor University of Colorado 1984– Alfred P. Sloan Fellow University of Pennsylvania 1977 Alfred P. Sloan Fellow University of California, Berkeley 1978 Visiting Professor K. Univ. le Leuven, Belgium 1980 [January–June] Visiting Professor Universitetet i Trondheim 1982 [August–January] Research Fellow Mathematical Sciences Research 1984 Institute, Berkeley Chair, Dept. of Mathematics University of Colorado 1996–2000 PUBLICATIONS: 1. W*-algebras and non-abelian harmonic analysis, Journal of Functional Analysis, 11 (1) (Sep- tember 1972), 17–38. 2. Group duality and isomorphisms of Fourier and Fourier–Stieltjes algebras from a W*-algebra point of view, Bull. Am. Math. Soc., 76 (6) (November 1970), 1321–1325. (Abstract). 3. Non-abelian Pontriagin duality (with C. A. Akemann), Duke Journal of Mathematics, (Sep- tember 1972), 451–463. 4. The dual group of the Fourier–Stieltjes algebra, Bull. Am. Math. Soc., (September 1972), 824–827. (Abstract). 5. A duality between locally compact groups and certain Banach algebras, J. of Functional Anal- ysis 17 (1974), 131–160. 6. On the structure of the Fourier–Stieltjes algebra, Pacific J.
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