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Young-Participants-1992-37960-600 INTERNATIONAL OLYMPIC ACADEMY THIRTY-SECOND SESSION 17th JUNE - 2nd JULY 1992 COMMERCIALIZATION IN SPORT AND THE OLYMPIC MOVEMENT © 1993 International Olympic Committee Published and edited jointly by the International Olympic Committee and the International Olympic Academy. INTERNATIONAL OLYMPIC ACADEMY REPORT OF THE THIRTY-SECOND SESSION 17th JUNE - 2nd JULY 1992 ANCIENT OLYMPIA IOC COMMISSION FOR THE INTERNATIONAL OLYMPIC ACADEMY President Mr Nikos FILARETOS IOC Member in Greece Members Mr Fernando Ferreira Lima BELLO IOC Member in Portugal Mr Ivan DIBOS IOC Member in Peru Major General Francis NYANGWESO IOC Member in Uganda Mr Wlodzimierz RECZEK IOC Member in Poland Mr Ching-Kuo WU IOC Member in Taiwan H.E. Mr Mohamed ZERGUINI IOC Member in Algeria Mr Anselmo LOPEZ Director of Olympic Solidarity M. Heinz KEMPA Representative of the IFs Secretary General of the International Judo Federation Mr Abdul Muttaleb AHMAD Representative of the NOCs Mr Peter MONTGOMERY Representative of the Athletes Commission Mr Conrado DURANTEZ Individual Member Mrs Nadia LEKARSKA Individual Member Professor Norbert MUELLER Individual Member 7 EPHORIA (BOARD OF TRUSTEES) OF THE INTERNATIONAL OLYMPIC ACADEMY Honorary Life President H.E. Mr Juan Antonio SAMARANCH President Mr Nikos FILARETOS IOC Member in Greece Mr Zacharias ALEXANDROU 1st Vice-President 1st Vice-President of the Hellenic Olympic Committee Mr Nikolaos PANTAZIS 2nd Vice-President Member of the Hellenic Olympic Committee Mr Lambis NIKOLAOU Members IOC Member in Greece President of the Hellenic Olympic Committee Mr Dimitris DIATHESSOPOULOS Secretary General of the Hellenic Olympic Committee Mr George DOLIANITIS Mr Stavros LAGAS Mr Elias SPORIDIS Mr Nikos YALOURIS Honorary Vice-President 8 FOREWORD Since ancient times, Olympia has always been a magic and mystical place, which attracted every kind of athletic activity. Deeply rooted in the conscience of the ancient Greeks, it became a symbol in Coubertin's visions, the «Temple of Sport», the «Church of Athletic Action and Thinking», the trustee of the Sporting Ideal. The creation of the International Olympic Academy fulfilled the dream of Coubertin and his friend loannis Chrysafis, Director of the Physical Education Department of Athens University, of establishing a contemporary academic cen- tre for the research and study of the Olympic Idea. Thus the Academy, in the 32 years of its operation, has evolved into a receiver of world thought on Olymp- ism, but also into a transmitter of powerful stimuli about the concerns and the course of the Olympic Movement. The President of the International Olympic Committee, H.E. Mr Juan Anto- nio Samaranch, well aware of the beneficial objectives of the International Olympic Academy, has endorsed and supported its educational work since he took office in 1980 until today. The Ephoria of the IOA, in appreciation of his significant contribution to the Academy's work, has named the President of the IOC, H.E. Mr Juan Antonio Samaranch, as its Honorary President and at the opening ceremony of the 32nd Session on the Hill of the Pnyx, he was awarded an honorary diploma on papy- rus with the Ephoria's resolution and a commemorative silver tablet of the Acad- emy. The theme of the 32nd Session, «Commercialization in Sport and the Olym- pic Games», was one of the most complex issues ever discussed these last few years at an Academy session. Commercialization in sport should rather be understood as meaning the commercialization of the operation and organization structures of sport which has certainly influenced and altered the relationship between athletes and sport. Although, even today, we feel that we are moving further and further away from the concept of amateurism, as we steadily head toward professionalism and commercialization, we must mention, as a counterbalance, the millions of 9 volunteers who offer their services to sport for free, driven only by their faith and love for this institution and its beneficial effects on society. As a result of this voluntary work, 270 million disabled people all over the world can now share in the joy of practising sport and participating in it. We should also consider commercialization in sport as a phenomenon which involves only top-class athletes; it would certainly be true to say that this phenomenon is not affecting all sports and all athletes in competition sport. Be- hind the champions in each country you find a vast population of sportsmen who have nothing to do with professionalism and commercialization in sport. It is generally admitted that financial support to top athletes is essential, as well as the presence of safety valves which will place professionalism and sport at the service of sport and not the other way round. When presenting the theme of the session, the President of the IOA, Mr Ni- kos Filaretos, drew attention to the educational dimensions of the modern Olympic Movement, to the presence of commercialization and professionalism in sport as well as to the rivalry which exists between them. Fourteen more speakers developed the special theme of the session; in their analysis of the problem, they considered the policy of sponsoring, its legal aspects, its effects on the educational goals of the Olympic Movement, vio- lence, aggressiveness and doping and all related phenomena, from ancient times to this day. Twenty-five group discussion coordinators and 175 participants, represent- ing a total of 69 National Olympic Committees, substantially contributed to the in-depth examination of this topic through their interventions and questions. One hundred and thirteen individuals of the total number of participants were men and 62 individuals women. There were positive reactions and comments on the changes that have been made these recent years at the IOA sessions, in order to reduce the num- ber of lectures and provide more time for discussion and questions within the groups, as well as on the choice of a special theme. Comments about the special themes that were chosen these last years were especially flattering. This year's special theme was the last in the series of topical issues which have been considered at the IOA's sessions lately. These topics were: the view of the IOC on doping as a counterpoint to the Olympic Spirit (1989), Women in the Olympic Movement (1990), Sport for All and the Olympic Philosophy (1991). The conclusions of the discussion groups who debate the above topics, which are sources of concern for the contemporary Olympic Movement, are communicated every year by the President of the IOA to the IOC sessions, pro- viding a concise picture of prevailing world views on these problems. For the first time this year a joint session was held, on the premises of the IOA, for Directors of National Olympic Academies and members and staff of Na- tional Olympic Committees and International Federations. The topic of this session was the exploration of cooperation schemes be- 10 tween NOCs, NOAs and IFs for the promotion of Olympic education. This session was held on 20th-27th May and attended by a total of 97 par- ticipants, 79 male and 18 female. At the session were also present, for the first time, 19 Olympic Solidarity programme directors sent by the International Olym- pic Committee and six presidents and representatives of the new Common- wealth states as official guests of the Hellenic Olympic Committee. Eight lectures were delivered by a corresponding number of distinguished speakers invited by the IOA, who expanded on the need to disseminate Olym- pic education among the young and to promote Olympic programmes as part of the regular school curricula with the help of the NOAs, NOCs and IFs. The lec- tures also covered historical analyses and the modern trends within the Olympic Movement. Thirty National Olympic Academies were represented at the session, to- gether with 44 National Olympic Committees, one International Federation (Boxing), and five National Olympic Federations. The IOA and participants in the session were pleased to note that the idea of promoting Olympic education in the schools is finally becoming a reality after long years of efforts. One should acknowledge, in this respect, the decisive role played by the National Olympic Academies which now number 60 in all and many of which have a major contribution to show in the promotion of Olympic education through national educational programmes. When presenting this brief record of the International Olympic Academy's activities in 1992, we must emphasize the fact that because of the considerable interest shown by scientific and sport circles in organizing their seminars and sessions at the Academy's premises in Ancient Olympia, the Academy was open this year from 1st May until 5th October 1992, without interruption, offering its services to all concerned. In total, 21 events were organized, ten of which were of an international character: two official IOA sessions, four meetings of International Federations and four international seminars of philosophical and educational content. Of the 11 events held by national foundations and institutions, nine seminars were or- ganized by Greek educational institutions and federations and two educational seminars for students from Germany. Total participation amounted to 1,953 people. For many of these meetings the IOA, through the HOC, covered all expens- es of the participants, for accommodation and meals, both in Athens and Olym- pia, as well as transportation costs from Athens to Olympia and back. It is only right, therefore, that we express, through these lines, our deep gratitude to the Hellenic Olympic Committee for its undiminished moral and financial support of the IOA. We would also like to thank the IOC which contributes, through Olympic Solidarity, to the success of the Academy's annual sessions by financing 50% of the ticket price for one young man and one young woman from each National Olympic Committee who participate in the sessions, as well as covering the 11 publication costs of this report.
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