Board of Missions
PROCEEDING-S OF THE BOARD OF MISSIONS OF TH E PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, A T T H E IH iFttst gftfronfal Sttnttna, Held in the City o f Philadelphia, on the 6th day of September, A. D. 1838, and continued by adjournments to the 11th of the same month. TOGETHEB WITH THE REPORTS OF TH E DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN COMMITTEES, THE REPORT OF THE BOARD TO THE GENERAL CONVENTION, AND TH E REPORT OF A SPECIAL COMMITTEE, MADE BY THE REV. DR. JARVIS. NEW-YORK: t PRINTED BY WILLIAM OSBORN, 88 William-street. M DCCC XXXVIII. PROCEEDINGS OF T H E BOARD OF MISSIONS. TRIENNIAL MEETING. Philadelphia, September 6, 1838. T h e Triennial Meeting of the Board of Missions of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America, was held this day at St. Andrew’s church, at 5 o’clock, P. M. Present: The Rt.Rev. Bishops Moore, Bowen, Chase, Brow nell, H. U. Onderdonk, Meade, B. T. Onderdonk, M‘Ilvaine, Doane, and McCoskry;—The Rev. Messrs. Allen, Anthon, Boyd, Burroughs, Carder, Croswell, De Lancey, Dorr, Dunn, Ducachet, Edson, Forbes, Hawks, Jackson, Jarvis, Johns, Jones, Mason, Mead, Milnor, Morehouse, Prestman, Rodney, Tyng, Vaughan, Watson, and the Secretary,—Messrs. Ec- cleston. Huntington, Lovell, Morris, Newton, Nicklin, Stuy- vesant and Wharton. The Rt. Rev. Bishop Moore opened the meeting with prayer. The roll having been called, it was on motion of the Se cretary, Resolved, That the reading of the minutes of the last meeting be dispensed with. The Rev. Mr. Vaughan, the Secretary and General Agent of the Foreign Committee, reported that Henry I.
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