SOUTH PACIFIC COMMISSION UNPUBLISHED REPORT No. 4 REPORT ON THIRD VISIT TO VANUATU 10 January – 5 April 1983 and 8 May – 22 July 1983 by L.B. Chapman Masterfisherman and P. Cusack Fisheries Development Officer South Pacific Commission Noumea, New Caledonia 1997 ii The South Pacific Commission authorises the reproduction of this material, whole or in part, in any form provided appropriate acknowledgement is given This unpublished report forms part of a series compiled by the Capture Section of the South Pacific Commission's Coastal Fisheries Programme. These reports have been produced as a record of individual project activities and country assignments, from materials held within the Section, with the aim of making this valuable information readily accessible. Each report in this series has been compiled within the Capture Section to a technical standard acceptable for release into the public arena. However, they have not been through the full South Pacific Commission editorial process. South Pacific Commission BP D5 98848 Noumea Cedex New Caledonia Tel.: (687) 26 20 00 Fax: (687) 26 38 18 e-mail:
[email protected] Prepared at South Pacific Commission headquarters, Noumea, New Caledonia, 1997 iii SUMMARY The South Pacific Commission's Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project (DSFDP) visited Vanuatu for the third time between 10 January and 22 July 1983, with an interval of approximately one month between early April and early May, under the supervision of SPC Masterfisherman Lindsay Chapman. Priority activities during the visit included: conducting training courses in fish handling and processing at newly opened fish markets in Port Vila and Luganville, vertical longlining trials around FADs, and training in deep-bottom droplining techniques at outlying districts in conjunction with the establishment of artisanal village fishing projects.