Valentin BODEA VIAŢA POLITICĂ ÎN ORAŞUL GALAŢI DE LA MAREA UNIRE ŞI PÂNĂ LA DEPLINA INSTAURARE A REGIMULUI COMUNIST POLITICAL LIFE IN THE TOWN OF GALAȚI, FROM THE GREAT UNIFICATION AND UNTIL THE COMPLETE INSTALLATION OF THE COMMUNIST REGIME - Abstract - The study of political life allows us to understand some important mechanisms which define the existence of a community, in a particular historical age. For an urban center such as the town of Galați, the issue of political life can be approached only considering it within the large political frame of the whole country. We have to discover the way the national political frame influenced, in various ways, the local situation. The relations between the central and the local institutions, between the government and the local authorities, between the parties and their local branches will be under scrutiny. Moreover, the paper will analyse the involvement of the local political elites in the process of mass mobilization during the electoral campaigns. As examples, we have chosen four of the most important parliamentary elections that took place between 1918 and 1948: those from 1922, 1928, 1937 and 1946. We investigated the functioning of the local political system and its dependency on the national political tendencies. Keywords: party; parliamentary elections; universal vote; electoral list; distinctive mark. Cadrul naţional Înainte de a ne referi la situația politică din orașul Galați și județul Covurlui, se cuvin câteva precizări legate de sistemul electoral din România în perioada analizată în acest articol. Prezentarea cadrului legislativ va contribui la mai buna Muzeul de Istorie „Paul Păltănea” Galaţi (
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