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El Nuevo Mexicano, 1900-1922 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

2-17-1916 El Nuevo Mexicano, 02-17-1916 La Compania Impresora del Nuevo Mexicano

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' ALEGADO CAU- QUE SE SIRVIO A LOS ASISTEN- SEGUIDORES; EL WILIAM H. ORPET, ESTUDIANTE EL ARZOBISPO MUNDELEIN FUE DU- - LA COMIDA DIO DILLO DE LA FRONTERA EN TES A QUE SE UNA APARE- CONSAGRADO LA OE UNIVERSIDAD, PARA ' ; APRIETOS JUNTAMENTE EN OBSEQUIO DE LA CONSAGRA- ROS CE COMO AUTOR DE LA MUERTE DIOCESIS DE. AQUELLA GRAN EL CION DEL ARZOBISPO DE CHI- CON SUS COMPADRES; JEFE DE SU NOVIA. CIUDAD, EN MEDIO DE SOLEM- DE TE- SE CUENTAN 'DE LA "REVOLUCION CAGO, PRELADOS NES CEREMONIAS Y LITURGICAS. XAS" TIENE EL PRECIO DE $1000 OTROS PERSONAJES Chicago, ill., Feb. William It. CABEZA. POR SU ,Crpet, estudiante de la Universidad Chicago, 111., Feb. 11. El Arzobispo do Wisconsin, a quien ha atribuyo el George W. Mundelein. jefe de la ar- al Chicago, 111., Feb- i. Los (Por Alambre Arrendado Nuevo i quími- hecho de haber dejado morir envenn-J- x hfdiócesi. Católica ítomatia do esta cos de 'la ciudad encontraron veneno Mexicano.) nada raí en el bosque Holm do Iako ciudad, fno instalado oí dia s do Fo--i KS 11. activo en muestras de la servida .'- Paso, Texas, Feb. Ají koto Ropa Fu rest, suburbio do a Marion brero con oJeiuno en ;la el ísta, (orenionías Pizaun, alegado caudillo do la "revo- ea banquete dado la noche del. Jue- estu-- . - Francés Lambert, a quien habla Cutedrol del Sagrado hombre, do Texas- tenido ves on honor del - lución responsable pasado Arzobispo piado, fie acusado da homicidio hoy El 'reconocimiento1 de- la Importan-t- y de la frontera y Mimdelein, en el Club. Es- y.cr las dificultades University se lo detuvo en la cared de. Wauke-- 1 cía de la responsabilidad asumida por el vorano y. oto- te descubrimiento, unido a la desapa - Ucsinquictud general t,nn, ftin admitírsele 'fianza, ; el. r.üf.vo. prelado' oiu'el pallo, el. sí'.n- , traí- rición de un punche de cocina del club, - ño ganados, fue capturado ayer y i Orpef, quien tiene 20 años de edad, boio do su meito sacerdotal, se cíin- a un el haber haUado una cantidad do ve- do a Matamoros, México, Begun - i.fjo al de! Estado eu Wau-- i tiene en su discurso quo pronunció neno en II- - procurador oficial mandado aü Coronel A. su cuarto, con i aepurte juntamente iH.gíin, Ralph J. Dady, que era cierto ttuxpuui q j terminó tal aricio; al comando de la guar- - ternura que se clasifica üo üloekson, anarquis (que habla tenido Intimas relaciones "Al dar una ojeada retrospectiva - hizo eli- de la frontera do los listados Uni- ta, quo la policía crea que la .1 ta - icon que talo tenia 18 ton respecto a la experiencia qno ha que a mas da cien des, hoy jfermedad aquejo t ños. do edad. !áe dice quo manifes-- i adquirido, y pensar en el Hato ejerci- Con fueron otros úe los comensales, fue resultado de Pizana, capturado to también que la, Srita. Lambert es-'- dn niños, de pobres, do enfermos, una intentoria enve 'XV'" ' cuatro Mexicanos bandidos. Todos premeditada para ituvo temiendo dtnnnte cuatro tiiesos t!e huérfanos y de desamparados íi-- i lililí incomunicables en la uenar a los huespedes, sido puestos el ser njndre, a pesar do que el arzobispo, creo en la obra que so) El La naturaleza del veneno descubier- Oipet;jo creel do Matamoros. podido por ,j le daba algunas drogas que él mismo "a a llevar a cabo en una ai chídióce-- 1 com to, y el temor de se e! arresto de Fjzana, y su alegado que quizá haya 1 preparaba, y las cuales la enfermaban. t"ls como la' do Chicago. r.. v Ha tae mandado mezclado un veneno do acción lenta pañero, Luis de Rosa, Se dico en la acusación que Orpet j "Deberéis ser generosos, en vuestra el Gobernador en Iob dol ha he- en meses pasados por manjares banquete, hizo un via jo secreto de Madison a s.nipatfa, generosos en vuestra devo-- i Go- cho que el comisionado de salobridad James E. FergUBson. de Tenas, al Uilte Forest, el (Martes por la noche, cien, y estar siempre do mi parte, así Caballero del estado do haya hecho advertencia a todos tid-- bernador Luis púa Llamó por teléfono a la muchacha, yjfcu las buenas épocas como en las i los concurrentes a la ' Tamaullpas, México, una recompensa fiesta, de que se le pidió una cita a la cual accedió laí versas. Deberemos ostar como uno ofrecida el Es- pongan desde luego bajó, el .'cuidado de $1.00 ha sido por jóven concurriendo al bosque a la! solo uno en el trabajo, uno en fla espe de cual- de un médico. ' tado de Texas por la captura Imnñana siguiente. ' Orpet, dice que uno en la caridad, mis estinía? de vivos Varios de los huéspe- enjianza, ' quiera log alegados caudillos, distinguidos, esta entrevista lé manifestó que iba a 'uos' chispos, sacerdotes y fióles.-- i o muertos. des be han afectado de tal manera, - casarse con la señorita Celebtia Yon-)'- A los sacerdotes dijo: .'.'' J '.' aun no Grande Movién- riue han recobrado su salud. dea-- I Una Fuerza rebelde j ker, y entonces la Lambert tomó un "Si nosotros, mis sois encontrándose todavía en clérigos, dose Hacia Oaxaca. cama, y activo veneno, y Orpot la vió morirse, cendentes de los habitantes de otroa otros 'manifiestan que aun sienten los El" Paso, Texas, Feb. il. El Gene- Asustado, se retiró violentamente y clí ñas, ya sea de las verdes colinas da efectos de la sopa envenenada. tul Carranza, acompañado por los i;tcmó el tren para Madison. Al dia si-- 1 Irlanda, o de las adeas de Francia o El Arzobispo Mundelein no se afec- Obregon, Benjamín HilL Luis finiente. Jueves, se encontró el cada-- j ae Alemania, no pienso mas en tina tó por' el veneno, por haber - Cabatlero. y Candido Aguilar, ha am- probado, EL PRE SIDENTE Y LA SRA. WILSON EN ' ver cosa; que habéis hecho promesa de apenas, la sopa, hoy manifestó no ST. LOUIS. V a noticias y Antes salir Or-)- Uu baro a Guanajuato, según l de de Madison, dice vuestros sentimientos a)'la tierra abor sentido ningunos malos efectos 1.a, acompañante del l'resid Wilson,-co- ce la Ciudad de, México al consulado pintura nte la Sra. Witaon v otros. ue' liecha en St. Louis, donde el que trató de arreglar uua (coartada ios libres, y vuestra obedleucia a la posteriores. presidente prenunció Uno de sus de Mexicano aquí hoy. disensos "piepai ación." Fito saludado y aplaudido por una Inmensa mucho para la muchacha. Escribió Tina car-- iglesia. Conservad vuestros voto; El del club notó la ausencia dumbre en la ciudad, la cual tiene un ' Las columnas de la caballería, arti- gerente por ciento iimv erando do residentes d liPMcendpnpin tim,. vi tntfl ta que le dejó a un amigo a fin de! no los perdáis." oel del "chef" lo, fue afortunado a ' e infantería del sur y sudoeste, ayudante de cocina, y en. "retratar" la Sin. Wilson, siendo que ella se evita todo lo posible de que los fotógrafos que la enviara por correo el Miércoles La catedial estuvo con un llería ' pictórica SI - principió a sospechar. periodistas n6 tomen su retrato. están moviéndose al norte en esta- Acompañado Por íai tarde a la Srlta. Lambert. A etncurso de laicos y que se de un policía fue a la habitación de clérigos, do de Oaxaca, en oposición al gobier- eso tiempo, ya Iba en camino de vuel- extendían hasta las cales Joan Crones, que' asi se lla:na dicho adyacente. no de facto, a según estas noticias, las ta a la Universidad, 'y dejó el cuarto ayudante, y allí descubrió laborato- os tenemos un ARGUMEDO CAP-- cuales reclaman que gobierno consti- el a PRIMERO FUE '; que ocyipó, en una casa de. rio y redomas con venenos. SECUSDISO condado huéspedes tucional ha sido establecido en cator-- , BBIBO'Stifr- -f quien, por TURADO. en forma tal que so creyera' que ha- Cro-ue- s - NEGRO SENTENCIADO A LA PENI- Según los empleados del club, actos públicos, ha prohu- bia ce plazas y ciudades de Oaxaca, y los sido ocupado por él el Martes en ' fue empleado en ul- para títiíiir al Los al TENCIARIA. ,. puertos de Minizo, Salina Cruz y Puer- Septiembre partido Dispachos que Llegan Depar- la noche. t es aficionado a LANZA la vioíoi-- i cam- - estado de Oaxaca. timo, y la discusión de COMO n la tamento de Eedo' Aseguran que en Se sabe' que la és to Angel, rsuntos señorita Yoriker Por Robarse un Par de Pantalones que t.- económicos, y se dice que, M0STA:SS y reconociendo que "urt Combate5 Prisionero. El Genera! Carranza, se dice, ha Csyó pvofnswa de "química en un colegio ContenlaH Dinero. con frecuencia ha tronado contra el una demanda de los ín- - pedido una 6rden al efecto que los go- pur parta normal en Dcikalb, 111. Se asegura orden actual de la sociedad, con sus PARA r-s de negocios do este condado Washington, T. Feb. i. Hoy re bernadores de los Estados no tienen GOBERNADOR DEUÍ- C, que fue roinpañéift de eacneia de Or- Deivlng, X. M Feb. El Juez Co- - capas de ricos y pobros. En el cuar- no. ubre del Han. Secundum Ro-- cibió la mexicana poder para imponer impuestos en el embajada do esta Pet en Lake Forest, antes ;de no se lia del Soxto Distrito Judicial. to va- il nt?ü f I Ht J li II f 1 H IÍIR.. WOll llv ln 1 T.j f i . . . Neblatt, entré-estado- r que ocupaba, la policía encontró t)' " .. .. nnnit.i a..l. trafico y que los gober-- . , vf la. ' mera esie a in Lniversidad. t"Vo el Lunes Mar- - rios volúmenes de autores ' y i'" ui ta- anarquis-- ' Q General el revo-- j El es un Uoa - adores que hayan impuestos tales UEVO ESTADO : -- Bonjamin Argumedo. .eductor jóvon de aparlen antepastos! y dispuso de L si- tas; explosivos y armas, adornas d nof Zr Jí(ll, luuiL-ufiii- saciones deben anular las mismas. Se ' inao juLtiuie, uettut;a uei autuca, TestluO Til de COlo redomas de venenos. lio en el como traje guíente causas: lis 1 partidoTlrnRepublicano, fracaso de Villa,-- se habia A un dice que la órden es su respuesta a de quien Fio. reportador le' dijo lo si James de color, acusado de Ha el único medio - Elliot, ró sido enviada a varias ciudades de reslaurar la pros- dicho se encontraba . las protestas por el departamento de doseces que guíente:, be, sentenciado a servir de dos a ciu-- i - !a filiación del citado cocinero, a nu'f!"'0 '"lebi()' '10r Io estado encontra del aumento de tasa- EL ESTALLIDO POR EL EX.PRESI-Lr(írida- d níuerto. La encontré en el bosque, debido i o años en lá Elüot Entre los en '' ' penitenciaría. presentes el banquete RE-- 1 ' - ciones en minería en los estados de DE LA CAMARA DE Ia noticia, que fue enviada por el que temamos esa cita. Le habia su- rs el hombre que entró a la casa de nue se enfermaron por el tósigo, se PRIMC.IDIAnn nesueivHse que eiia comisión una-- Michoacan y Aguascalientes. . PRESENTANTPR General Carranza, docia que Argame pilcado que no dijera a nadie que yo Puní Prinl-V- i. v e Jtn nnv Ha isnntn- - cuentan 1'i;l,en"ínte Hon. Secun-jd- o prelados, 1 recomienda al - jueces, banqueros, OFICIALMENTE POR LA COMI-- fue derrotado' y llevado prisione- estaba presente. En Madison revolt I 'iones aue contenían $4.50 en los bol- - El es Llevado a na 1 General Argumedo médicos notables, negociantes princi- SION CENTRAL RFPimi ic&iua u",u '"""ero para nominación de rn n Oiivniicn T.,i,t,. l?l oend. P'i CflmM All 1,1 itnoo Hi, ,,, do1 1ií, Queretaro. . pales y fabricantes de la ciudad y de DFL CONDAnn C&u d6. ?é: qué la casera habiti 11 rc miriici :?.ber"a5r, ."eVa cho añadía con Argumedo habían n que creyera que na David Hallowav robo recihirt ima Torreón, México, Feft (via El la nación,' , ailo pur ei í,at panino Kepiiiuieano "'"caído otros tres allí la noche. 1 hablé a jó- - Texas, Feb. 12.) El General estado. ' prisioneros jefes fi de uno a dos años en la pe-- ' Paso, con - teléfono re- Charles Spies Tira el Sombrero en el ;be!des, grado do generales; perol'- Por a tu casa, le) dije r.itenciaría y multa de $300. ICstaba P.enjamin Argumedo, capturado - 'y OTRO Anillo el Sentimiento la Nom- un sus , o tu mamma - cientemente por el General Murgía, al' CUERPO HALLADO CERCA y por 4 se mencionan noniores. "i""" sigmen- acusado por W. G. Kerr, da Myndus, inación Parece Ser Unánime. ia estación aei Cora-i(;- e comando' de las 'fuerzas de Carranza, DE MILLS. El licenciado Lagos Cházaro, quien bagrado haberse robado unos caballos. Sena no es Candidato Paira Teniente - on, ae ta - N figuró prominentemente como conse- linea eléctrica Chicago- j William robo fue se reporto que habia pasado anoche . Kennedy, mayor, Se Cree es el Cadáver de un Ma- Gobernador. fue Milwaukee, Y la vf hacia j un que ' jjero de Zapata y quien por algún dirigirse sentenciado de uno a dos años en la por Palacio Gomez, suburbio, bajo Secundum Romero, del conda la estación con su . yordomo del Rancho Se Hará Una mandatario de México, se amiga 4a sentencia fue conmu-Pavis- ; una guardia fuerte, en camino a do de San es ahora fuera Respondiendo 'a los reportes que el!tien,P Josephine Miguel, disfra-ríent- e estaba yo escondido tras de un era un caudillo de Investigación Completa. correr para la posición de te- - !ía"ft de ser capturado, huyendo tida, pendiente la examlnacion del Argumedo de toda duda candidato para la y la ful Pronto en (Por Corespondencia Especial. ) este el a espiando. se a sesenta días en la cárcel. la oposición al gobierno de facto el nominación para go- gobernador otoño, Volvió Millos, N. M., Feb. 7. El Juez Fos Republicana f El informe de 'Carranza se basa en hacia lili. f'l,,,,.!,,. Harriv fulaifiíiinn írna de fa- retal io de la Corte Suprema. lose D. .estado Durango. ter el condestable bernador. Un estallido en su "Principiamos a le y Grunig fueron lla Sena en es-:- n que lo rindió' el General' caminar, y dIjeMl0S e ia de estado; la vor fue botado por la comisión dijo días asados: "No parte penitenciara mados a Mills otra vez el Jueves pasa- te de las fuerzas derro- - ' "c """'"ul1 u.n.nnauo. iioro y sentencia modificada a cuatro meses La Cuadrilla de Pancho Villa Llega del condado de Ban Mi- buscando ningún puesto electivo Murgía, jefe que do en la mafiana otro central me suplicó que no la abandonara. n Solamente a 100 Hombre. para investigar y ciertamente no el de teniente gober- - ;taron a Argumedo. hnen rnmnortamiento. en una tenida en Las . en guel junta - dos-- , cuerpo que fue hallado el cañón el nador-- to-- era tenido los mexi- u""l'D uuu y uiaoamos en ei Manuel CaRtro y José Sluirkis, robo, (Por Alambre Arrendado al Nuevo Vegas el Lunes, Febrero 7. Usted podrá agregar que ' Argumedo por Jueves pasado en la mañana por ,e Qe 008 oras. j. malmente, 18 meses a en la La comisión sobre davia nó estoy listo para perecer y canos carrancistaa de ésta y por los .elca dos años peniten S,es- - resoluciones, ,e diJB e o habla hablar prano Ta'lor y Damián dos jóvenes hasta 'he del de para que ; IX Paso, Texas, Feb. la cuai formalmente tomó pose- abora. faltado en hallar el altos dignatarios departamento plarín. J 1ue en la vecindad de) - "le naDla necno el Pro- - hoy, efl General Cavasos, al comando J üo modo de hacer la vida con honor so- - Estado, como el hombre mas peligro- 1J'"B; sión del sombrero de Romero y - , rancho de - pósito de casarme con señorita Ce- de la de Guei-rero- despa- - Mils, lamente.' so que se encontraba en robelion con- la guarnición Los dos cuer- tiró fen el anillo, estaba compues- chó un fuerte destacamento al norte jóvenes reportan que el tra el nuevo gobierno. MIL PESOS SE OFRECEN POR EL ta del Juez David J. Leahy, Chas. ' 'ella. ' hacia estaba muerto .. . ., , .... . ' del po tiempo que y ,.1 - hacia Namiquipa a cerrar la ruta A. Spinas, Fidel Ortiz, W. R Tip- ARRESTO. 4 ,. esca- te rree que es el cuerpo de un tal UN PROGRESO RAPIDO. 'de L Ho1 que nie Para I"9 .me sur para que Villa no se pueda ton, A. Sena el Dr. ,1. El Paso, enviados a la embajada K,itfba Clyde Wiggins, quien desapareció Apolonio y " par. , M. ' . . mexicana, anuncian que el General Hombre de Raton, Baleado en la Cara Cuninham. Se Est5 Haciendo en Todas as Zo-- 1 !";'"'". volví la ' unos cuatro o cinco meses pasados, y ' ban-- cara y la vi caer El General Quevedo se que , Villa mandaba la ' Una Persona Desconocida Mien reporta el misterio su ñas Establecidas or el Genera . personalmente al suelo. Corrí hacia ella vi es-- por ha del norte en la rodeando desaparición recomen- Tro i y que en un cerrado la entrada Después que la resolución a Ma"6 rb6 tr" 1 iba tras Estaba Sentado Tren - nunca ha sido aclarado. Se lina viño a fin de Acabar el 1q"e C' agonizante. Cruces.- hirS Banidaje. Cbi- - legion arriba de Las Tropas dando la nominación de Romero fue . tral de Laguna alm,r e del Santa Fe; Ancioso de Hallar la investigación completa del asunto. f ..pCIIIlanec! a g ,ftdo asta me de Madera se reportaron que se esta- unánimemente adoptada por la comi- el Domingo, y que también . . Identidad del Asaltante. Clyde Wiggins era mayordomo en el Torreón ,'Couh Feb. -Los coman ef pfi de auQ ban moviendo hacia el oriente para sión Central de la Besion se .. . rancho de a! su condado, rfunto. Aa 1. a r,no mTll(n(o .,1T,I imuniBeueiu. io... vi" f , tn. Mills tiempo de - l".- J flliwln T..n. " " .sta,n encontrar a VMla. en una Re- ,1n(rt Corretondenoia ' ' resolvió junta abierta de (Por Especial.) lTn Americano que llegó de Narni-uuip- a publícanos, y en esta Charles su administración, y. quien Ri'ton, N:. M., Feb.' 4. Thomas J. junta' fl ínfortnau que ge eRtA hMJien(k, ua roí. bajo Chlca Aqu, tomé un tren para Ma-- hoy declaró que Villa tenia, a A. Spieas presidió y elogió al 'leliiíle, el comerciante local que fue APOYARAN A WILSON. prest progreso hacia una ;MJ ,,uuul " idison, y luego le escribí a elüa. No le de cerca de la flltlma cámara de rápido completa mueve al en m fegun reportes Namiquipa, dente repre- Los hermanos Se t!Vllla 89 dije a nadie lo temor deDa,oauo cara ""r u,Hl "ereo"4' de 10!) hombres en su cuadrilla inme- pacificación. Arríela! ",foa ocurrido, por sentantes. El procurador de Distrito rumbo a ; desconocida mientras estaba sentado Para la Próxima a la han revocado sus protestas de leal- - norte' Oj.naga. manchar a su buen nombre." diata.. El Americano, quien partió de W. G. Ward propuso que la apro- Presidencia de la Union, los Demó-- ' junta tad al de Carranza, y se di- - , O. E, del seductor, Chihuahua el día 3 de Febrero, dijo bara la acción de la comisión, y esto gobierno Orpert,;padre yi c d oviembre T Superintendente del Es-a"- 1914,, eu Villa habia man crasas de Wisconsin. . se ce que su deserción ha resultado de'. ESPECULA Cyras Collem ? aquol tiempo que hizo en medio de "tremenda grite- PN. por ' la recompensa ofrecida por, TA ilwaukee, Feb. 5. El presidente una personal con el 'a'f!' suplicó al exprocura-- ! dado noticia a da plaza que él venia ría," a según dice el Optic de Las Ve- disputa general Dc RAN yantado encamino al arre, ,o Wilson o Jf" LS ,;"r Wllkerson que defendiera a su que para a matar a todos los fue apoyado para la fue llamado y subordinado Murgía. Namiquipa gas. Luego Romero, '"JO. .y u. u desertores él clon durante una junta efectuada hoy 61 Calixto n,v mn,lrllln ?l?l?lN w.nii y una admitió que quería mujer públicamente que pensaba a l.iMMi, valias heiiiuiiuo bi Sr. co- entre los Demócratas de Wisconsin 0011 'a de Argnmedo,rlll. fue derrotada en M.. 5.- -- T:n re- - cautiva por cada .hombre de su muy alto de la acción de la comisión Silver Citv. N. Feb. Polista babiaht tenido una recompensa mando. La a dice el y que terminó hoy mismo, después de Pília a íó cari MftTmin f a úntnlutlri. . . n .... t ..1 ...... demanda, según anunciando que él respondería pone ae noueo aice que uuitiNt.;A siuue cantando nerm'anente ofrecida de $3"0, y en es nombrar los va a sos- no-- , nimucwjn; Americano, levantó al encontra candidatos que candidato la ,., uai. una proies-- DE LA a país l'amada y sería para Fiuun (lel valle están firmando witiNiKAS eu cielo ta semana la dobleteó, con la eppe-rauz- del caudillo del norte Mexica- tener, y los delegados que enviara, a que so le perdone desde el combate RPrá a los represen-- ! IGLESIA y los mlnacion Republicana. ta QUe mandada ARDE. do conseguir la información de- nos los Americanos' ge armaron la convención. . de Ro- - en que recibió las heridas ..en con- - y y 6e Seguido de la "aceptación" Argumedo 'antes de .Nuevo México el seada. Hasta ahora, lis autoridades defenderse ellos a La declaración relativa a Wilson AU el Dr. - que se decia bab'an causado su muer-- ; N. Feb. 12. Un incen- - organizaron para y mero el 3vtez iahy, Cunning- greRO nContra de los privilegios que Artesia, M., no han hallar nada de la per-- sub hogares. Préviamente se diio aue ce: podido Bona que baleó a Belisle. Villa habia tenido muchos amigos se-- l "La democracia de Wisconsin se Herman y Epitacio Quintana habla- - cen las cuadrillas de tontreras y lo8eni0 a i09 especuladores do ieñatsia- Cristiana el Martes en la tarde cretos en el oeste renominacion reelección 3a Ro-- Cuoncamé ser-mer- de Chihuahua. obliga a la y ron .endosando estampida de Ipdio desafectos de da quo limpien y envíen toda cuando estaban en la mitad de los FUERTES TEMBLORES. Villa, se dijo, estaba particular- de Woodrow Wilson como presidente i líen solamente dificultades locales'.. iena ge;a de las nartcs accesibles vicios, el cual era el principio de la: ícente encolerizado el do Unidos." la candi- - por número de los Estados La resolución aprobando que serán fácilmente compuestas. See a Reserva Florestal Nacional de: apertura de la iglesia nueva. Pero no Washington, D. C., Feb. lfi En los su - - desertores de cuadrilla. Un mes datura de Romero es como sigue: declara que pasará con los chirienhua. Mucha de la leña, roela- hubo ningún excitamielito; la andicn- niósgrafos de la Universidad de Geor- - a dice L-- pasado, según el Americano, comisión central uei panino nombres de Argumeao, cuya entrega, nmn os rancheros, ha sido mandada, cía sigmó cantando, mientras que ue town se registraron conmocionei Villa habia entrado al con 0 arestado el en Juarez hoy. de San Mi- - distrito por guardia Republicano del condado se espera por momentos. 'por los espeo.ikladores a México, para otros trajeron escaleras y apagaron el terestrrg que duraron varias horas. El hombres. Ta para la entrada de Un paisano quien se dice quo estaba reunida en Las egas, n - guel, creyendo abastecer a los revolucionistas. incendio. director, Towndorff, dijo que no la noche halló- solamente en a que tenia operando con Payan pasar losriU6 los intereses de Nuevo México UNA NUEVA EXPLOSION. significación, pues eran parte d 100 hombres con el Interna- - redimí-cional- , él. Los demás se sobre puente mandan que nuestro estado sea BANQUEROS AHOGADOS. SIGUEN LAS EXPLOSIONES. una srrie de pulsaciones que se vie-- : ido Chihuahua a rendirse se lfi. para escapó. j.j0 jel mal manejo del partido Domo- Indiana. Pa., Feb. Boletín Hoy, nen registrando desde lineo tiempo. A según dice este Americano, algunos Francisco Rojas, un soldado ante-- 1 ci ático en ambos asuntos nacional y ya tarde, ocurrió una explosion en la! Portland. Ore., Feb. 13 Charles Wilmington, Feb. 16 Boletín Bta J de los de la cuadrilla van todavía en i;or de VIlOa y empleado como clarín ,e estado, y creyendo que esto se a de la Tioihester Coal and Iron; Kirkcairick y Hnrry Gaminie. emplea-- ' i ueho ocurrió Una terrorífica exHio-- , UN VAPOR HUNDIDO. camino para la Capital, robando se-- ipor el General Gavira, y un paisano, :(r conseanir solamente por la nomi- - Company, en Ernest, a cinco millas de dos de mi banco, se ahogaron hov al s.'on en e Itallor de la Bethlehem Steel un van e - es-- caminando, a rendirse. fueron condenados a ejecución hoy nación corno rf portaestandarte del' esta población, ;ma canoa en la que lnten- Company, e nNew Casfle. cerca de ! Londres. Feb. 13. El vapor bele'.i Manuel Payan, jefe del de j.or el General Gavira, bajo convío 'partido Republicano, uno que tiene la jando mas de cien hombre en dl.ha 'taron hacer un de Saleai a Port- - tn p .blacion. Xo e han recibido de ha sido huri- - viaje ' Antwerp, etccttvos de Juarez, acutado de qui- - clon de haberse robado municiones entera y completa confianza de todo mina. Xo ge sabe la suerte que ha- - h nd. por el río Willamette, que se en- - Íl!s- - pero el ruido se oyó por muchas tildo. Dos de la tripulación se ahoga- - tarles dinero a los fuellas cuales vendieron en El Paso. el de nuestro cre-!lrá- corrido 24 mineros. Imillas. n prisioneros, pueblo estado; y sumamente crecido. i 2 Ft NTJI-Vf- , MFXIC.AN'O íSMmMrio) IV'. SANTA

i,.t "r'M" J ,jí i mwuiH. cu. djamt p.n Uw-'- i . g ta Ks 1 'i ji.ihuo mi immueiom mía 1 rif rs APROBANDO LA At If s:iii(lzHCi'ti qie jifolcpa profunda i MI.MSTRACION EEVANAftiu TN ESPAÑOL. voroucla- liara la gran vieja constilu-.'co- lea . 3 durante el Pabiioado Juc en fcanía Fe ni período ante) de la i por ' Las siíiuienies resoluciones, endo IMPRESORA DEc NUEVO MEXICANO. t flucción y luego hace un COMPAÑIA juego Ua aduilniiitiaclonea naejoual (luí luieiit- documento cuando juicio !y do ent.nlo, eualts fueron introdu 6R0NS0N M. CUTTING. , . , , , íum pudor. Es una i isauiíaclon 3 .President i, Iculits ,1. H. unfijiiuie-- 1 F. vid por Criat, fuerou JOHNSON ,. ., , . . . , Editor caudillos lian nutrition pur - .... inifiute por la comisión cen- f í'.LNlUNO MUNIZ , . . veinte ños en usté istmio us him adoptadas f.eoretarlo da. Redacción y iti'nl de enfado íieaiocrátiea el Sábado RALPH M.' HENDERSON Cerentu Ocncr;! l. add-t- n la MHttii-iu y picar ' Ui lUHriüua; - MIGUEL A," OTERO, , , dillna, quienes lian arrea.lo a los vv ',)' ,,...... Tesorero "((-..i'-tif, une la comi Ion cuitial i I.llilUM V i'imiprmlii vnln a .i, aullare; 1 Kl i i ni p., un, i di de' Ntiava Mexicano es td mu - p" iíl ""MruUa del tirabuzón, dol (e átcf periódico viejo del Estado de Nuevo MS- Nuevo en sesión en l'a, 8h manda ,u'1 1 .Mando México, b'anja a todas las esta tota del EMado v tiene una .Iraiitapioa'f9 clieote jabón y la " - ont día do ( iiiero, l'.iW, Cordial- wiy rauue entro el pueblo itehsmto' y progresista tifll Sadopule. " roUuüura de vapor, sin contar muchas de iié lucillo y do todo cord.i!üeíioaa la .'Iras hazañas, cuya máquina - iid'iihiiwrn , n d nneftro sean PrpI- oe suBcatcioN al Año .trabaja mientras usted e duermen y. precio .$1X0 Woodrovv y . tos trabajan mientras eslflu reeorda-- , (Umte, WHsou, particular-- ' , iiicüHí su su TARIFA CIE ANUNCIOS. dos políticas y uuignííic (iitHiiictH de estadista las cuales por pubwda. columnar, cada inaeroion J Todos saben el ,. ., 26o que fin del capftuio mz can Noticia ;,".'l(!c a nuestro pata en todo sueltas, por línea, por inserción,. .. tiene quo venir alítun día T tendrá ; i e mundo en esto gtiempoa dillculto-- Ai."iij por iáua, cada eeir.ni,i or,o 'í.iB sor un .cita pojo en Nuevo JU'kí-f- o sos de discordia tntornaeioiiaí, Avíeos i'laslficados de . cuando La tie-- l V ocasión) por palabra ' Ole venga. Democracia e 1 "Kcsuélviise adwiias. que especial-ment- i,, , e una chauna este año grande para emlORanios la política- de mien- Periódico Oficial del Candado de el dia. .Solamente Sandoval. apurar poniendo la tra administración Nacional en as cuestión, agudamente entre los eautli-- ' patrióliepá de preparación pa- 1!8 an a maquinaria Republicana rJNaV.'í" li ra detenta encentra de agresión y si r H?CÍ ,:n ayuda coi potada en un lado el co--y: V y mantenimiento de paz con bonor, y . num. doctor, abogado, comerciante, obligamos nuestro soporte a la admi- "3TGlliMñN i.VñTdéíiV cWÜ5 y labrador en ol otro y pe-- ! sus" esfuerzos r R'k?Q0N5 JUEVES, IT, .T'li;. . nistración en para andola tn esa línea puede la oposl-- CSUCf-a- a fecto estos nobles propósitos. O ALEMAN, REPOKTADO LIBRE EN LOS MARES Y EL CUAL i, n:tion miar. La cuestión es si unos " "Resuélvabe ademas, que estamoi PODRA HACER MUCHO PERJUICIO. " cuantos o eo- - pocos los muchos van a el AHORA ES EL TIEMPO DE TRA f Nue-iire- r en compléo acuerdo con presidente publicidad .que hag al pueblo de las cosas en este estado; si es BAJAR. i .V.'ico Kl mifamo en toda su conducta y manejo de nnu puihur alKo. vn,nos a tener abierta-Sl.no- s la- ,.e gobierno - entre KUtriotceuta madre, herma- ta poner los reatos del finado en i EL SR. J. M. 0RTI2T los iriejo-r.lii-r- buba la Democracia . ivas coniultcadaH relaciones con núes- si paga 11 ; y- los de Nuevo .efcc0,,a Los1 , veci- - nas liijob que derrame sobre ellos morada y sea. Uesi Mexico ZTt ZZ .ZlrCZT. - fOWemo,.E revo Hoaado v anbmlludo ' precios por huesos, fierro, parras, a gratas ZíJ v.n-- tuier una oportunidad de sanar W?UWU" e" uUn..w sur. alabamos a Udo taeto mí balsamo eumsohidisr. son los buenos líeKuelto adornas, que una copia de bule y toda clase de metal. 252 E. ' , al y . cu la elección de X918 "'V " con cer- - deseis del que- aquí so. suscribe.-- fstag resoluciones sea a la Manhattan Ave... debenmpe.ar -Zf.. n -- -- '1? flt,ne mano al tratar presentada - , 'í H1! - t,nla T - el m,mtP uto aeiiienianuo, y sigan pen 1,, í (i Muy de Vd, familia del finado, una al Ntuavo Mexl- , -- o Debe ,,.,i c.il.t. nn,.....lM,m I'if, respetucsanieute f. a,yuda " Uwudcrata, tenar sando ellos se van a poner en línea co. IS M Se iu,labC,eodfL el tonifl de au alto Bu Suscritor, .(.ano de I'n. rnr:i míe f,,w,It! p0,Bp0,nM "i "Porte leal de cada uno de ellos, no t es- - ,mí carpo ' , if , ualquier orgauiüacion política que KSl'INOZX. archi-- 1 trabaj orfeniiuaciou modo 11B es- - MAÜiiAJtITO sean publicadas y otra, que sea f después importa cuales sean sus sentimientos té clara y i pucto, de "a salvadora do limpiamente por el progre vaoa ea los arebivos do nuestra Socie- - r. ; ATFtNCI0N! la convención. Hacer - flm líH en- canto al encogimiento de lto y librar al del P fmrS" alaciarse " ujrpre por estado grupo del" PARA CURAR RCEFRIADOS CE cad, , ''! ,.Z7Z,7i Ahora 'rlu es el's.at!nt6 L,, de nuestros """,'' o ) í's"nt'!8 nte.uíctonaloí ' ; ,Coato dSj0 Juez llngh-- influencias. que- - tanto , NIÑOS. - j vo. , . . . egoístas por . uo euuieiiKar erTranaio aei. ' i: i ... mas de pues y na satvauo mi,, , i.u no en vecino, iluce dosis "u. 'uuuiuie.autu jmeue acei iieinpo in iau tenido sus marios la iiil'laiiiaciou. La primer - ' : MERIiniLDO RUIZ, ' 61 c0- - linne en tesoro y la de mu-- comfor-- 1 " luu0 J0 Prmuesa fle Uemócratas tienen uiia cbansa sangre Tensa al niiio seco, veblldo ' Vendan lodo s "T - Comlbion. debe comenzar inmediata7 - , piesidente Operacion por V. 11. Walton, un candi- inaRnlfi este año.' Rl descontento Ul0s ne Biltt lomores. tatuemeiue, eviten la exposición, mente una - ('.U"i.v:iR( VUvro de giut del catado asistir en -- ."HeBUelvuse uauie au. ue ORTIZ, Viejo, Riieilas Hule, y íCí,io para Ia presidencia, manifiesta el ;V loMlnnnletiKi la -i aueuia, que congratula iioinpoia Aiqiuiraii ' ut t. - U ' t - el Ur. suaviza- , , Secretario cu tada precinto. (,SIJ,rillI quo düUe actuar a todo riB.iui ia ....,!m , nos a ambos el uueblo de nuestro es- líell. lis placentera? ' Matades, Huesos, Garras, Zinc, " .i, ? re La única 0sa 4 " levanta fiema y l'ioino, a la que .pana es pouiendo .. 'crecien "", J .!:! .lado v al Honotabla A. A, Joños. í'ri- 'UiaPtica, lite, . . ' - . i ralnuilonto continuo niia ,. .,,.,., ' uaauvio, coh.vi CriF,TE DE DISTRITO CLASURA' CANTA FE IRON AND METAL organización, activa ;y peleadora ' si la imnci-áHa ae nea-.u- hnmi'rnm.hi del nainiln Ai aa o"mif . wkt.. it,imii onuaunu o ja luwiwi, cuxiauo evitara enrerieaiUTiS..n.,,.,...i.,.),; i CMa y a liaj,conferido,,i. propio su fÉRMlNO FSPFriAi vARfi rn n; conftao, e. precinto programa sea a ore la djsüaclon que le B(S No cuyo objeto principal para derrotar cualquier partí-- n rjag () un resfriado prolongado. Ll em-- 1 - ehtado, único, 1 y-- nota- 334 Wes: Water St. tiempo, para deshacerse de la Chusma Vieja Bepu-- do sobre la tierra si' la munición m "l estado ít mismo por sus i flejen quo su nifiQ sufra. Olitenfin ' e ahora. La nunca La corte de Distrito por el .término Al luna Alto del Mercado jaezar oposición plfana de Nuevo .México, y demuestra jftUiaa I os Demócretas se!l'ies serviehis para el bien público en un botella, boy. jiusistan que les den Precio, bieny 1 xuxi- - '!UK e5WUO eu - td mi-- 1 u la- del "l" ndula saber lo cue "O- tnui "uii cbuiuo iiaiiajauno ( .e tai BS Hu oüjeto principal sin unen, y trabajan juntos alta estación en la administración Compota, de Alquitrán y Pino "S1! Háganos, tenga por vor meses - . . -- ' 2,ctB.--ü- e - en s pasados en - preparación ju- . a,. ,i..-.- . - Dr. Bell. venta etf la Uo ios uuimas tres semanas, rrco. ' " iuo ui; tierson.! íes iu,iac--...ii Nacional.. ... !u": . - ajinimiuims Los ra la elección.,-- Está trabajando alio- "Resuélvase ademas, que Ue todo co- - tica Capital Pharmacy, Lunas, clausuró gus sesiones el PARA REUMATIRVÍO de la semana. ' ....uve, mu, ui:.i1JaUd, y ; cou. mle p,,iere ,i,.,c,,r neacnlo. nnerta no- - Tai, ....,- - raso endosamos v aorcbainos la ad- - lules presenta ,,i.i Dijí" - !fl! etl. Cada COndíiOO. 1 l. !mliH4-rr.n- J RE GO ON ES GONDOLEN- Juez dicha attlVlUUÜ npr el aniinWa i.,.,n. un .intí0ii. .,k,w. i t rinl h;í UMl!in:Tt LUCÍ Mectiem, que presidió i.jj. consideiabla-- , ; .corta, can su acostumbrada eneriría esta , jR 8Ugtsncial de los votantes de Nue-- ; H'enlo de Sloan.- Xo pierdan tiempo McDonald, primer gobernador del" cia IO,C0J tiliuGi G1ATIS en i , la delapidada algunas partes lVO México.-- Pro i aciiRia iinrmir ogdnía innecesaria.. Unas tado de Nuevo México, v alabamos su que caracteriza, pasó Sentencia en del estado. Se en-- cuantas del ias necesita tónico, y abandona el trabajo, otros serás lo gotas Liniinento ue Sloan fidelidad al deber, su Integridad y Bi, Sr. .Editor del Nuevo Mexicana: siguientes causas: sistema pn ias Partes-aiectada- sf es .todo lo - tuíiaíiiio y y dirección de laida las uvas ios re los guacales. que Eficiencia, al .puoblo del estado, .con ': írvate dar cabida en las column aiuuny j. McCrackor, por muerte en 00 we-:i- a orsanizacfcn central. Personalmente. ... i'lff";. M desaparece "encarecida" esVeranza one tal bien i deju acreditado semanario a laslKtgymlo grado, sentenciado de 10 á 20 Que tratan de de condado en condado el LO "rrXTrr: - resoluciones lo 'le años en le ifbajo por GUE TIENEN QUE PELEAR, 'vít 'agrediíclilo " j V gobierno económico pueda perpe- suieutes por, que penitenciaría. escribe: f '1 ,;; sii)iente . . rifniMpiillll llill-- ill rlrt I". . todos los males "- -" H"- - Aosotros sanemos lo ftun tfliimiinH Hfií.iiT art, ., a a i liarse liara su menesiar v reiiciaaü. f" .".a fe,u.wt,,,- ,,. r ,v u u u. Ju aíí,t e - ,.". imperatlvamemenieceha! io y nece- B. V. con Reumatismo En- - mandamos ia" Divina Providencia Irenzi Phio, por robo de caballos,., (Ue ,H,ear," dijo el Juez tong, a Crónico, y Nuca adornas, que ,Por cuanto, - peculiares del lumedUUnieute. - 1 3t)0. I i.ino Si hay alguna iS rr,riision central Democrática el" dia1 cuerdada, a'uuquo experimenté mu-- ! lalicitacíones calurosas al rango y HlaiCn sus altos designios tuvo lie naf,ta aüos, mulla de Jin 1" Ilación, o se deja la cosa para "nía- mi 'chas medicinas, todas fracasaron. 1. Isidro Chavea, de á 5 afios y $500 ! hombre. ati e o , fama por de los es - baj un doctor. .multa, lista sentencia fué ""u parte Demócratas, Eh ,una. COsa. muy buena que la De- ,el 'do;-a- tos dR, e8tad0; y le8 prometemos: a dre que fue de nuestro consocio Rober suspen-'- m 'fj,1 ??H! i cosa ida. . cue segura que.ilos Republicanos los mocracia Realize lo. que tiene quo pe- - ."f. 'J"im?n "fjtlloa bajo obligación la organización 'o Dean. y. suegro de dos de nuestros .. , SUfranuffRitrtePvl!Ur? - mJéXl- eeJ8r,1n chillando en la Urna. r Tu-n-e q una organlaa- - U,.$LZtn?11 "ÍL'M utí eficiente y el mas encare- consocios Juan Encintas y Mónico Be-- J Las demás causas .fueron contitma pelear ' Í'ILI Sitúas trabajo TJfZ'Z fCf JTÍ'T"!- votos enconlra de la Chusma cien es.- - el dia 3 ele Febrero de 191.6, das para el signleiila .término de la oadss bisado, riflooM . , que se ba atrincherado sola 'wir.i. empleado en uno de ,L departa - irldo.ilrl cual el cerebro y mano de ;ftVldos, dl dwitea..,- se bailan en el su- - de S'J sneum- - corté. Explica como se miede curar comnletamBn Vieja aquí íRt.ado medio de la manipulación y astucias inautos- de tltnda-ta- grandes' en 8. Ha Comisión sea capa?,, con el fin que a ,a avanzada. edad años - ' iii ieuí.eb a la - - . - a Jos. dolores Ue íbm La corto un Comito com ; m"i para enterrar oi.vmíüií- por las últimas dos décadas Tiene P. blonde eiiiBtoitn. cerca fcssliis'a ocho-- 1 los principios, dolíDemocracia- que no- I""110 penoSt..m:j ,' .nombró nad,. icrihTm yl?no eTtibraZ t? .i vi ,i i.i ñ i..i...í.. - .; dtf í i i,.J,. ilvniiui,...uia ..uiiuiijo ue Ja. avalan-- , (,ne una ali - ''ít"l!aK WflMos,..y:tods!ests-iiel-oii- sotros' triunfen en iRifermedaif de, parálisis quejo tuvo eu p.ictito los ticeuciados Antonio A'. 'mmeMe liHATia ana mhm-- ...t, pelea? organización jiie. RepveM'newos -- e . ' " ne, qc.iBh oop-ta- , un nta ali público con brillan- - Ciertamente : sabrán todo, acerca del niivii,n-wim- i i,, ..om.rf,,.,,.!,,,, cania pe largo tiempo. . , h, r. uwen .y a. u. 1 íeld. eonsein ntni.,í..i .ni, . í.,T promesas . . votantes tinímwuo de almin- -ll, San u Coíl- - ' estes deben ser .llevados a tes durante la canipañaLy .,m álce a S.lth, úa Bn buGU gobi'eI y de su paz y eutiuw,,ia iiieaimuiit ueiuiieiou mío. pulían iesoiuciones oe TKE NERVISANA C.P. las casillas electorales na a su ju-- coiencia soure la muerte Ueen- - Peuio South riith IIL lttñern ca" ,uei iniaao aejaito esposa del ' líj .p Av., Chkeo, a j f'-ida- :nZ y&yt n7 vcta Pbarm linnltn.A íto floan ii'UQ liil.io Biiliípjíllil.i 11 A dependiente debe puesto Pace fft .... cS' v.w ,Vf.,,i CT till ter ,t una organización! , , - T TAMM1IC r ' " t " tn 1 n,.,.., .. - ...... '"r- . , -- i. Ii. í 'í. I'll W V mu ... ir li i 1:,a ' ' ' ' " mu. a en- r ÍU- - nuft iinnn nrrni ' n(li " mi nene para narnmuwo.- "v" "'"" !,.f ningún ' Recuerdín au est año 'W aBn'd vtnnn - ' en 'Enfermedades da la ti. i (Especialista animada y tiene ha- - - Evítense de do vientos C.mclta,- Angelita y Luisita Dean, un que puestos todos vectar la preocupación dá raza y w i a i a a a esponiciones y o V GAlWíA.NTA ' y i tus uniformes de guerra. La comisión ceria uara ádelan-- - C',U T ; Coman con cuidado. Tomen .crecido Harnero de nieto y biznietos? arder a V,,,.,.,,.. .,.., . Edific o Harnett. ' ' , "M TA- V'evo oei iV.rr;.,!,',n;iA. j..t t... . r ' central debe comensar inmedlatamen. :t.r .... vé... scuDruntento or King. y parientes, sumidos en acerbo dolor ,.uuv,j i .Hiu.Lía uti ni, iiii4.. r,iias ., " nAHn. , acerca de lo - t una r.rticias movimientos po lisí t preparado del' Pino y Alquitrán, por lo tanto sea , aseguran buena digestiónalivian fe! Albuquerque, Nuevo Mexico, tampana f.rne de gam.acion que se mete el ojo de - ' ' por suscríbanse sanativos y laxativos pía- U' . :. al, Nuevo Resuelto adornas, por la Sociedad de constipación;. y tonifican todo el siste-- i uo- - - UN renteros. p:i Nuevo Descubrimiento 1 ina su su .Solamente PESO al año, roteaclim de Vida e Intenses dfJ Ro-w- jíiiuiuan vista ciara y piel Estará en Santo Fe. Nuevo Mexico. iuol Dr. Kibg mata y destruye los ger- y saludable. Sola-- i EL EDIFICIO QUEMADO DEL N. M., en reunidos to- apariencia la primer senuina do cadi mes: Ofici PARLAMENTO EN OTTAWA ERA EL ORCULLO PRINCIPAL DE ARQUITEC- - mano del fiío, suaviza la gaig.inta junta que meiit-,- ") centavos De. venta en la .!. dos caria uno de sus miembros se na: ; Edifit'io TURA DEL PUEBLO DE TODQ EL DO VilNIO. (miada y paraMa inflamación, tíana y Botica Capital Pjtarmacy. Laugliliñ. lia membrana, mucosa, Busque como unen a la apesarada familia en su ; le ha-- 1 eüevan cíe-- .. mejor parezca, usted no podrá tríate pesar :y sus preces al DEL MAD EL MBVOS. J. W. - WAFFEN3M1TH !!ar l"l!.lor remedio para la tos. y. res- lo a Dios recibid el Una - rogando que haya señora pregunta a un icontertu- '" ,, M. H. M. frlud08- - Su uw a B 'en r vf9 í"le ,45 ft'ma del finado la mansion de los Lo, que instrumento prefiere el piano de sa Ufuccion.-- üo . Tratamiento de e, upa garantía Jllstoé Pa , , w o el v.olim cnta cu la ' " Enrermc'!".des Crónican y Dif:cuto.-J- ! Rotua Capit.,1 Pharmacy. wta' -- Sin ' wtín ademas, qtie Sociedad dada alguna el vioHu. Oficina y ReBidencia en exnemie un voto ae. a ( y f SENTIDA DEFUNCION. gracias las per porque? i 35(1 East Manhattan Ava. ..oii.is por ia boii'la.l que tuvieron de A porque mucho Tel. No. 2!)1 has- - - uiiiafiariios durante el funeral ..,as fácil j Voungsvílle, N.- M Feb., 5, 1916, ," tirarlo por la ventana. lloras de Oficina 2 a f. P. M." S.-- .lülitor del Nuco Mexicano: Santa Fe, N. M. ' EL VAPOR BRITANICO "APPAM", CAPTURADO POR UN J Aprcclable 8r: SI gusta sírvase dar INVASOR AL EMAN, Y EL TENIENTE BEP.GE AL . C - OMAJJDO DE LA MAGNIFICA ADGHJ . j cabida en las ccJulmias de su acredita- ISICION. , Mi semanario a lo siguiente:- :.E1 dia 21.de Enero, A. D. 191G a eso 1 .N t.c bs 7: Oil do la waHaua de'd dcexla-- - ttr cu su casa rctíidencia pa CJilmayd. M.. la quo rn vide ! : sjfondla al noai lire do Tumaalta K. rrujibo, despnca" i!.- haber cnfrido por el ospaclo.de 4 me "V 'fs rio ur.a enfermedad desconocida, la tiialjir.i-- la no ic ni .y grave, pero si Ciiu la estabu sajando por el sendero de la separación eterna, y al niis.no e i. causándole soc.utr la anteceaen-t- - tie.po -- - -- 5 muerte de eslíes .lose .Guadalu- - ni t ' sq "; ! Tiujíllo habla muerto nueve " I Je quien ' - -- I". ff', - v ', ; i ir:;-- ,,'$J'í' i'.ceíi antes que tila. Dios en sus sabias tíoternünaqlones i m uu iieiiiauo ue entro nuestros me- -: ...... 'i . ' i i oíos .ara qu haya ido a darle cuenta . r lío su vida terrenal, koirad tonos s is t;t alioy-do- quo el Sor Supiemo le con- ceda un lugar al lado de los justos y .co su alma deseante tn pan en la í ' i.aiiíiioü de los bienaventurados. ' ' 7' Deja para lamentar su tnsie sopa-ilació- n t en este tenebioso vaíle de lá-g- . mas on í primer lugar a su deseen-- dada madre Juanita Ortiz, quien si. halla con .1 r" sir corazón agobiado con el l.ias tremendo dolor, dos, lierinanoa Jo-i.- e L. Espinona y Htnigiio Espinoía. cinco Pijes, siendo ellos Prsulo, Valen-na- . C'a.ietano, lienigno y Ruperto Tru- - j.'lo, todos 'Casados y ocho nietos f,raii nqnier de sobrinos y parien- tes, í : La extiata contaba al tiempo de en i in.urte ceno 56 años de edad 'los cna- - es jupo lograrlos en buenas y hones-t"- ocnptuicneR Bu velorio estuvo coticiirrfdislmo de gcn'e pi cual da pr.tcba que laft:tinta cía bien uisía y altamente ii!.u.i!U diJ! I'.-.- laim.ino t'riuadttn-s- e 1 '" apreciada ti ut ai u.icttaia cb'K - reino, una truel ra bonnosisf a. mr toda la suite tic su comuu,df. en í.tiawa. viricali'iente dcs.lrnifc . ! - v.o i.;i c ',, n f.ói.í.n del ( i unn sonortada nor mía cra-- i También u:- aaiailila n n v,.l,,rin or . uu mveud'o e, si II) X'.. !' o.-.-, r.d cal que ..(IMC di in.:'.!i i i f íit'jlm :i'e v.diito. .Yo 1, en ''ir .'i Kiríeinil de .utRtro lile ('.UMido. i.tr tina bomba, o niauui-n.- i - i i- h. rd-- 1, ' 'ii'i'iiiiii' !.! i o ic'i pi.tbij u e! n,i(,-- d, Coimaiiíht, i'.d'e Najau-j- bástala hoia h.-id- í ' lepa, ii'fcinii, la pn.i.'i-iih- t i - , , gl.iru cr.uvpip; pi ' ia 'i ,iui oh i, ;.(!!- i'i r, & Caiitl.1: No. 2, oe fiTu1!-- l,i de anil"' wura.de 61 d I P,.1 -- ti ne una capital rl fii",il Saj" üivbt.r!. prlM ,pal de" Su fni.rnl . riticd el día 2". como Luí cameras del Pariamen-- t I. ce !( (te o. T . 'a 'ic t a' ;.c :) iiiHiiy tiel 'líumiiiio, jjulra asistía u las S o las 7 de la mañana en el ce- - i turma! r del do ios ' u gninn io por el trabajo de renca eu el incendio; n.cníerio ce Nuctro Señor de Esquí- - o.'r,jics g íi lo , i VHI"- oíii-i- .Si '.''rio ('.,!;! ,s !,,. -!' .;",, .Primer Ministro Robert L. líala donde sus - - ill reto mortales per- t'o acres- v lewH- s., bas- ,'li.i-.- i ( i ' msimi,! mu s. Aira? iifii r u n; ,o, i. el i:t).fic:o dol Parla- - l iicixí; ;n nor .Iuhubus níu-.n- ta 11,5 i un costo de uta u a i - 55,im,. tie palla libroj l ar- 'lento. .Que Dios aiitkiue tan acerbo dopir I

I v .y n X ! r- v- I! n H UjHJL. A f VJi




ERZERUM; 80,000 WADSWORTH TELLS SLIPPERY PANCHO ILL Of EH V i GERMANS' BEATE EV YORK G. 0. P. Pursuit Stimulated by-Arriv- Plan of All Armed of Heavy Germany's Sinking Turk Rescuers Fail to; World Keerards United Reinforcements Liners' Adds New Complication Save Von der Gotz States as "Slacker," ' v- - nJ XT 4 ' When Amicable Outcome Was N ' and His Men. He Believes MEXICAN LIFE " V. ''. In Sight. ; '.'.; '.. IS SAVED BY U. S. I FOR TOWN VALUABLE REPUBLICANS . A X' , ' r? FINAL ANSWER IN LuSITANIA STRATEGIC POINTl WHITMAN, DECIDE ' ' " AJ v (By Leased Wire to New Mexican.) '' LL" 1 CONTROVERSY IS SATISFACTORY fcnof Kl l'aso, Feb. 16. Pursuit of (Jen- to New Leased Wire to Nevv Mexiean) Francisco Villa has been stirnu-- i (By Leased Wire Mexiean.) (By ' ' A fal Leased Wire to New Feb. IB (5: 33 p. m.)-- - New York, Feb. 10. The United , ' , ' latcd by tho arrival of a considerable (By Mexican.) London, r ' ' Feb. 16. said the Ger te-- i one or me iuobi crmcat force of with 1110111113, WASHINGTON, Secretary Lansing today that Renter's Petrosrad correspondent States faces, cavalry good with-tu- h rran announced intention of armed merchantmen t Ki'zerum lias been periods in its msrory, ana uiu u.isunj V. t $sr , rHrcH ' ' ..- - sent by General Luis Jlerrerra, from government's sinking lographs that ' fwi mv, f ' 29, has the entire question of by I ho Russians. of the republic for a century may be Chihuahua City, and General Cavazos warning after Feburary captured - Luoitania cannot be final- of Urzerum has buen determined in the next four y earn, from the Guerrerro district of west- warfare. The agreement presented today The captura until the United States determines whether anything in it con- tho of the recent campaign Senator James W. Wadswortn. Jr., Chili tahua, according to General ly accepted objective s ...... of armed told tho state convention S vil I, Gabriel Gavira, coin mandante at Juar-- I tacts with the now policy sinking merchant ships. of the Russians in the, Caucasus, its Republican ( S was officials realized that the Lusitaina 4 , v It out American strate- as its permanent re today. pointed that possession is of considerable today, speaking to "liners" and that the announced German sub- as 'is tho chief chairman. Wadsworth declared that All of the forces operating against agreement refers newly gic importance, it' Villa have formed a south of marine policy refers to all armed ships. Before the Lusltania agreement city of Turkish Armenia and the cen- but for the European war, the United junction the Si.n Gerónimo, Generar Gavira said. firallv is accepted, it will be necessary to clarify the situation. of a of roads. States would be "in the depths of ambass-dc- r ter system Villa, he was Go- - In h3 conference with Secretary Lansing todsy, the German from blackest kind of industrial depres-sion,- " stated, between San Press dispatches Petrograd inerte- mhoo, renimo una Santa Ana. discussed the advisability of a postponement of the effective date of recently said German Field Marshal that a protective tariff was for - f Thefe are about miles the new submarino orders to give onportunity negotiations. Secretary Von Gol (2 in comimand needed to unprecedented in- ' I .. points eight Der was at prevent - did not commit himself and made no comment. invasion of the United States Y';A"..f.v.IwVJ apart. Lansing Erzorum with 80,000 men; that their dustrial I" inatritM. htmnTo I Vs.' '! ':''- . Later, Secretary Lansing said the German communication was being close of the He ' escapa had been cut off, and that at the struggle. WASHINGTON SAVES LIFE studied closely to determine If anything containued in Germany's recent the administration Mexican and ' they had provisions or only a OF RICH JESUS RAMOS notice of intention to sink armed ships without warning, after February rigiii.-b- night. A relief expedition was sent Philippine policies, Baying mat Hi. - 23, conflicted with the assurances In the LusitanfSi negotiations. other Washington, Feb. Representa- given the Turks but it is reported these ly or wrongly", the people of tions the state to the! WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. lfi. Count , Von Bemstorft told Secretary Rus-- as Z7h, t i i J by department forces had been defeated by the j nations regarded America today prmx cÉKMn rBitmnmf , i fx 1 ; Mexican announc-- l it was his tUat in carrying out the new subma- ' v fir government, it was Lansing personal opinion in in to shins with heavy losses. Erzerum "lacking determination, lacking - j rine it was not the intention of the German government n fcwow... ed today, have resisted in a suspen- campaign, - those respon-sin- J ..)?.:',. I I is about sixty miles west of the Rus- virility, shrinking from sion of the order of execution pro sink "liners." .Mr. Lansing is said to have informed him that such a 1 must border. Its capture, if accom-- sibilítica and obligations which nounced a statement from the German government would be desirable. nation." upon Jesus Ramon, wealthy plishecl, it is reported, presents one! come to every Touching Mexican of Sonora, accused of being It developed that when tho German ambassador presented the draft few definite on national defense, Wadsworth de ' week ho at. time in- of the accomplishments Cjr'V ' an enemy of ílie Carranza govern- of the Lusitania agreement, more thin a ago, that "of the Caucasus campaign. clared that .wnuo me .uumocram ment. American friends of Ramos formed the state of his new submarine policy, some con- department government's The operations were designed to "were attempting to reach had appealed to the state department. which later was announced from Vienna and Berlin. relieve pressure on the British in clusion oil this great question, their Assurances have been received by German embassy officials declared they could not understand why Mesopotamia, and it is assumed a leader was displaying his agitation, .- the department also that 'Dr. Jlancera, the .situation should be disturbed, because tbey understood the Lusitania 'Junction with the British is his blowing hot , and Í3&IU5H SOLDESS GROSSING fíFRICñN SHHO OUNE,- the who an au- were conducted as to unarmed It hoped uncertainty; fíFfSICfí OIVDBO TOP&Y physician performed negotiations all along applying ships. for. cold." BS IT IS topsy upon Francisco Madera, will be was established after the sinking, that the l.usitania bore no armament. The reserve fund of the National t iven every to his The of the K'amerunT ous No opportunity prove BELGIUM MUST BE FULLY treasury Is in a "precarious condition," taking by the campaign. pffective expedi- innocence at his forthcoming trial on FINAL REPLY IN LUSITANIA RESTORED, POWERS AGREE said the speaker. British leaves German East Africa. as tion has yet been sent against Ger- the charge that he mas implicated in CASE IS ACCEPTABLE Havre, France, Feb. JG (2:25 p.! The committee on resolutions of the only remaining Gorman posses man East Africa. Minor attempts by Madero's death. . Feb. 16. Count Von de-th- e Washington, m.)-T- he to state convention sion 1n Africa. At the of the British to enter this have THE WAR TODAY allied powers signatory the Republican beginning colony Bernstorff, the German ambsssador, the inde-- 1 elded unanimous vote to the war the Germans held Gorman been and at last accounts PRIESTS MAKE ANOTHER treaty guaranteeing by today repulsed, todav to Lansins and neutrality of Belgium i dorse the administration of Governor Southwest Africa, a great tract lying German forces from the colony were 'APPEAL TO GOVERNMENT presented Secretary i - the latewt draft of the Lusitania agree- have decided' on an agreement not Whitman, but to attach the endorse- on the Atlantic north of the Union of just across the border in British Bast Washington, " Feb. 36. ap- - WHILE FRANCE and Flanders are ment, embodying the changes sug- to end hostilities until the political ment to a separate plank dealing with South Africa; Togoland, a smaller Africa. A proposed expedition from peal was made to the state' departri the fields of that Ro military, activity by the American government, nnd economic independence of Bel state issues. , territory between tho Gold Coast and the Union of South AricaS for the ment lodav by nan Catholic priests gested - ju'it now command chief attention. and also cue change suggested by gium is and the nation It became known that endorsement Dahomey, and german East Africa. subjugation of this last remaining for restitution ol cluirch property con- Ger-- the of the Russians in Berlin. The indications were that is Indemnified for the damages suff- of former Senator Elilm Root for the Togoland was conquered easily; ( German colony apparently hasr been liscated in Mexico. The clergymen. operational ' I.aii- - tna agreement in its present lorm ered1. ,' presidency was proposed, and that it man Southwest Africa fell efore the interrupted by the sending of tho were accompanied to Secretary their Caucasus campaign are devel- office John I.robably would be acceptable to the This decision wag communicated became the subject of long argument forces of the Union of South AfricajSouth African forces north for the sing's by Representative oping notable points of interest. The United de-- J. of New Tho States. , to the Belgian foreign office on Mon The matter was thá subject of under Premier Botha, the one time protection of Kgypt against the Egan, Jersey. proper- newest cornea With - Turko-Germa- specifi-calil- y development As now drawn and signed day by the ministers bate for more than an hour, after general, after a long ánd ardu- ported n drive. ty regarding which complaint formally representing : " .announcement of the the German ambassador, the agree- the entente allies. which a vote was taken and the pro- '": ' was made, was held In the name Potrograd's by y,. :') of an American The capture of nine of the forts of the ment is in reply to the last American 'By the treaty of London, signed posal, was defeated. - priest. depart- ment has to the Turkish stronghold of Brzerum, the rote: .' ,' November 15, 0831, the of By a vote of 36 to 8 the resolutions trade commission law and is already suggested neutrality pending chief of Turkish for- was Austria. had decided to. the m St. Jlfi.iican government its restoration. city Armenia, It begins with reference to the Relginm guaranteed by committee prior BRANDEIS CHANGED Ionis. ';'' where it is said 80,000 men are Russia, Great Britain and Prussia. of the convention today to mal assurances given hv Germany last opening There was a long line of question- CARRANZA I? LEAVING locked up with not more than two that submarines would not submit a two re ' September platform containing ing about the tying clauses during weeks' , BERLIN CLAIMS REPULSE one with national TO INSPECT WEST COAST provisions. sink unresisting linors without warn- solutions, dealing 10 which Mr.iWinslow said they existed (Jene-I-,- . is-- n Méx., Feb. 16. ing and for the of life OF BRITISH ATTACKS. issues and the other with state j II or- Guadalajara, E BRTISH armies regard safely before the United Company was ral by General Mesopotanna that the instmctionsto Berlin, Feb. 16. (via London, 3:15 the containing an endor-- i 10 Mr. Carranza, accompanied t0 be aboard, and sues, latter 3IÍ1U, ganized. Questions by Anderson Co- - apppar makmg httle were so defi- p. m.t Three attacks the British :Bement Obregon. leaves here tonight for P633' submarine commanders by of the state administration, were intended to show that when Mr. lima and on the Pacific! nite as to allow no In efforts to recover the without the name of Brandéis it was because he Manzannlllo, prices OF foodstuffs continue to misunderstanding. trenches;n,lt mentioning resigned At Manzanillo General Obre-- j It then that the submarino southeast of Ypres, in Belgium, oovernor Whitman. This vote was OFFENSE dirt crease in Great Britain under war states' nqt agree with the company's pol- gon wmi cmer warfarei around the British Isles was which lost to the Germans, a the forces ' leave nis tor lienno- pressure. From the beginning of they are;regIlraed as victory for icy. , con- for - :illo. Sonora, After inspecting the war has been 47 a, reprisal what is characterized announced today by army headquart- j William Barnes. the increase by ditions on the western coast. General of as the '"inhuman", blockade of Great eis. All the attacks are declared to e per cent. The British board .(in the subject of the proposed Carranza will return to issHies Britain to starve the central! powers, been fruitless as Were those of Mr. Dr. Nicholas Queretaro, trade, which these figures, j(j0rsemnt of Root, Favorable House Report the provisional cauital. declares the increase in more and then promises indemnity for the French in attempts to regain Btuler. chairman of the reso-groun- d that ' Murray First Then I.nis Cabrera, General Carranza's of food Berlin Aninricitiis lost on the Lusltania and lost northwest of Taliure In 'lutlona issued a state- - Approved, Orí important articles in committee, the Waterways Bill minister of assured i Vien- exwesse.i resret" for their . finance, today 'a has been S,;. per cent and in ''proíound ,the Champagne. mnt , Shoe ' after its adjournment. Roasted, Says committee' of foreign business men na 112.9 cent. ueaths. a discussion" he C. 10. per "There 'was said, Washington D. Feb.'. After that the recent decrees providing for li. t era on to snv that the German to wisdom of , in "as the comimending Magnate adding $700,000 for improvement of the mining ta 4 and the prohibition of ERZERUM, the chief citv of Tmknh i 'The I 0,ei rent lecommng liability" Day Congress of - Mr.' Root to the Republicans the east river channel at New York acquisition of real estate hy foreign- Armenia, and the principal Turlysh i'or their loss, nialtes the' proposals most fit candidate. Bat- : country as the from Governor's Island and the ers were to fraudu stronghold in this has been contained in the draft isubmitted SENATE ,T n 'By Leased Wire to New Mexican.) necessary prevent region, " l"V B to the navy tho house com lent of Mexican accord-- 1 Discussed Newlands resolution for T,her? ,VV. Washington, Feb. 16.-- The senate tery yard, transfer property cf by the Russians, oay and then deals with 'the question - out 011 tcr-- ! M,r- permanent ritness, in mittee rivers and harbors today owners to foreign ing news agency dispatch fromWf "others than special investigation of railroad Oegis-- ' commUtee investigating the nomina, reprisals, acainst li09l of as on of- - lation. General of difference opinion Q( D Bl.amiiis of Bogton voted a favorable report tho an Yesterday's Russian The change which the Attorney Gregory o U)u!s "y subjects. tne WIsdom. of resoiu-(- en-ti;- nual riveiu and harbors TAKE Acial fore lands committee denied proseen-!'- 0 passing any the court .bench today bill, aggregat CONSTITUTIONALISTS statement announcement Berlin foreign office has made in the gllpreul0 ZAPATA.' - cf eil men who entered withdrawn t!0ns whatsoever on the subjet ofi AuBUn q. Fox, of New York, ing í:!9,60X.410. AH new projects ex STRONGHOLD FROM stated nine forts of Erzerum al- wording of the latter proposal has and Mr. gagpd voted!- - lands except those guilty of fraud, presidential candidacy since as counscl for (nosa opposed to Mr. cept New York harbor were Galveston, Tex..' Feb. H. Aj'isco, a ready had fallen before tho forces, not been ru'JÜcly disclosed, but from Judiciary committee continued Jts!Root himself requested that no fiucn yrkndeis, and O. W; Anderosn, United down. fortified Zapata stronghold between of Grand Duke Nicholas. the air of optimism which prevailed Into nomination of Lo:ils D'action ue taken, no action was taken .states at as counsel Mexico City and 'Cuerna vaca, was; todav. there was a eeneral impression inquiry attorney Boston, SOUTHEAST of where the lirandeih as sum-ern- court tustiee. by the committee. J for Air. Brandéis and his supporters. captured by constitutionalists after aj Ypres. that the ehmices of its delaying the or-- to! British had lost several hundred Labor committee, considering child! The convention was called to Today s brier session was occupied Million and Half , battle of several hours, according negotiations were slight. labor bill, was invited to South-- der at 12:5 p. m. Samuel W. who information reaching.' tho Mexican j yards of trenches, they made de- While administration officials would visit by Winslow, charges - i re- termined efforts to po-- em coton mills by Southern opponents United States Senator James W. that Mr. Brandéis, as an attorney and Each, Bid to Build consulate here today. It nlso üí regain the not say the was entirely ac- of the bilí Wadswortn Jr., nominated Dy the director of the United Shoe Machin- ported that the fanataistas are evac- sitions, delivering three successive ceptable, heid the confident be- All they Passed Newlanris resolution for committee on permanent organiza-congreaEicn- ery company, approved certain prac- Large Submarines uating the city of Cuemavaca. attacks. of these were fruit- lief that the long controversy was at investigation of railroad ;tion was unanimously elected permft-lepislatio- n tices which he afterward condemned less, (lie German bulletin claims.. last corning to a close. and delivered his ' CITY HALL THREATENED. and government public inent Chairman as illegal. P. Fell. Bids IN THE French as with Asked about suits in Bos- Washington, ic Champngue the strug- ownership compared dress.: pending conn-goin- BRITISH STEAMER ESCAPES for two new submarines - gled in vain to reclaim trenches, ac- federal regulation. The Committee on delegates at ton and St. Louis to test the validity New York,; N. Y., Feb. IC FROM GERMAN SUBMARINE o opened at the navy to Berlin, but Paris tells a Walsh offered lip-t- of the .much clause department today and uniformed were cording Senator amendment large reported that it had agreed discissed tyins police 1G. Tho - showed the Electric Boat company different story, claiming that in New Orleans, La.. Feb. Shieldb dam hill requiring devel(jp-o- n the following names as the "big in the company's lease of its ma- assigned to patrol the park in the T the hand crew of British steamer Baron ers to to ' eMftoa Wiiialnu, r? nlfiin twl Hint as lowest bidder at $191,000 of Hall today after grenade attacks certain trench tho pay royalty government. four"! vicinity City sections were a mule which arrived United States Senator James W. the company got sr favoralile decision i3060' Mayor Mitchell had received a let-to- r recaptured. Xapler, ship here from Alexandria, Egypt, HOUSE Wadswortn, Governor Charles S. in the first suit: that the government The Lake company bid wins $1, signed "Canada" warning him brought, " - CSfl.ooo. stories of a battle in the Mediterra- Considered miscellaneous bill. iWhitman, Frederick C. Tanner,-chai- r now was appealing. Tho second suit Congress has appropriated that the city hall was to bo set on RAVAGES LONDON 1 nean on 17, between tho Ba- Rear Admiral Grant continued state commit-testimon- vas brought under the new federal ,500.000 for each submersible. fire. . January hisman of the Republican ron and a German submarine, 011 submarines before naval tee an(j Senator Elon B. Feb. 16 Napier gtato London,, (3:45 p. m.) in which the steamer escaped . (ouniittee. Brown ' ' Great damage has been done all over Rivers and committee con-t- ' m harbors voted, Prio'r to the opening of 'tho f I ? IT M - f . 1 ' O r 1 i lliR pnmiti-- fla n rpsntt rf fjflo- report favorably annual appropria-- ' vention a proposal to submit to the n wo m acermany wants to know oav I W-m-n- uonzer ! run inchld-- Root as avinzlJ x,rime.' ' J NFW5 WAS ftl PPR FS5FI1 í'cn.ííLc?rryinK delegates the name of Elihu " etnoaists:ta:'inuuaiugs....""' ano ana i ujuy river York- - - C I Druiges .wrecked, R, ,New the presidential candi- 1 Washington, Feb. 1G.-- The i:nU ?3 0W Republican WeSleV Went tO OflOW LlCrht hatlTaStlC: stations demolished. The: a C, for the Colorado river at!date wag defe8ted , tiie committee J. and ritJVed' o imrnt. in anm ftnnAaA German Eoveinmont. thrmieh Von itm no tler new projects. ' niaa bt '., re80iutions. A of five feet Bernstorff today formally aBked the ; i, as Ban Off Go to Circus. ..'r;. ..., , .i, , The selection of Senator Brown Would lake Pasteboards and recks of coasting vessels are re United States to explain why the "hi( fnnr" nnil the ndOIV cross-chann- American wireless at Tioii was íií ff iha ported and traffic Is Sayvillo sup- voiced against government ' ' clause. t!on of t!le ulatfonn so as to segre being delayed. . pressed the official announcement of gate national and state Issues, is re- - In the German of the report- Secretary Houston told agricultural f By Leased Wire to New Mexican.) ) ited Indulgences. Those named theatrical performance with a clear admiralty garded as a victory by William Bar- 16. on danc--; of - on ed in the North sea of the Brit-- commiltee tick to Chicago, Feb. The ban the doctrine the Methodist Episco- conscience, and hia, way home from'. sinking cattle ought be Whit- tish on eliminated in six months and nes and his followers. The ing aad card playing in the doctrine pal are: Oxford he stopped in London to en Tungsten Spreading cruiser Arabic February 11. urged man contend that a sgvicultiiral (legislation. forces, however, of certain branches of the Methodist Dancing, 1rtr 1av fir,,! anl,,,i,J ilannino In the resolution endorsing the gov- church was assailed today by Card playing. ins sisiers. in uie oiu cnurcn, a smne Lincoln County ernor and his administration never- - nf the Methodist Church. Attending1 theaters. was considered a vice; a laugh a Las Vegas Woman 00 Quarts of Nitro Uheless is a partial Victory for them, south, at the conference on Union of Attending circuses. crime." . Carrizozo, N. M Feb. 16. Some Blows Man to Methodism, In session in Evanston. Other branches of the Methodist de- The greotett step toward church fine specimens of tungsten ore have Suicides in Illinois Atoms TO INVESTIGATE OWNERSHIP. Prof. Fitzgerald S. Parker, general nomination have prohibitions In mat-tei- s unity would be been picked up on the old dump of the Little Mack in the White secretary of the Epworth League. of dress, diversions, singings, disarmament. President Wilbur F. mine, Springfield, 111., Feb. 16. Mrs. Jo- - Cleveland, Ohio. Feb. 10 Charles j D. Feb. IS In ves- Oaks within few Washington. C, Nashville; Bishop Collins Dennv, readings, hoarding, Tllleit, of Vanderbilt Unversity,' Nash- district, the past rnna Coberly, of Las Vegas, N. Uf tí ker. local for the Wash- the of Til-kit- . ms manager ligation of adequacy railroad lUshville, and Ptof. Wilbur F. borrowing without prospect of repay- ville, told the conference. an), mine, wnicn is muy 55 took her life b d,.ink. of Wash- - aswil years, melon Torpedo company, (legislation and government owner of Vanderbtlt University, joined ing, and buying without prospect of "The questicn of doctrine and rit- half mile or more from the locality inR on of Inr-ton- ' poi,on the steps a church ra., wns blown to atoms of wiit-i- public utilities as compared in the warning. paying, and all tilings that are "not ual in relation to church unity are uie turnover? oi luussien as here- Monday It was learned v in the storehouse in today, iia company's with feder.il regulation hy a cost The Methodist Church. South, Prof. for the glory, of God." he said. "What we need first made, was not heretofore known ci,n was rushed to a hnsnitnl h-- riinrt O'lnstoad Falls, a suburb. wns In to Eight 'committee,' provided today iu Parker pointed out, has adopted its Prof, Parker said: is disarmament; contain any of this valuable mine- hefore relief could be given. Despond- lniiidrod quails of nitroglycerin bkni the ,senat today by a vote of 4" to general rules new phraFes eliminat- "Wesley, the founder of the Metho- discontinue Btrike and work together ral, so that there is no telling to what ency from ill health was said to be up. il.".. ing the specific naming of the prohib- - dist church, snid that he could seo a toward the goal of unity." extent it does really exist there.' tne cause for the act. ' ' 'Ñ , f WEEKLY SANTA" FE NEW MEXICAN

n ti-wvi- a t.t clocks strike In sympstbv? sk th in. .. Jh. A AAA A A4 n toloiabld Ass. ' i ne Coionei nouse 7 in the Solar ' Mystery -- 4. une Published Every ThoreAay jjy Tbs ., Til 3 Su Stale ""' WELL, is no cheaper now than it (Thomas F. Lowan in Leslie's.) NEW MEXICAN PRINTING! COMPANY. o) joe two on side of the Ilesas will be in if you buy It. Only persons this ÁW3 July,, ocean were aware pur- TRY A COLO. TOWEL , of the real ER0N30N M. CDTTINGl ...... President .,". pose of Colonel E. M, House's intruded visit ELEGY; GERM'S WATERLOO . K. DANA JOHNSON , ..Managing Editor .,,.,' ,THE Carrizozo News: "What is this?" we ask- to Europe before be sailed. They were iiim-siJl- . . ed of Joe In from White Oaks Mon- President Wilson .Colonel RALPH M. HENDERSON. ...General Manager The jackals' prowl, the serpents hiss The baccilli that pester and dorg us" Swain, and House MIGUEL A. OTERO, Treasurer In what was chico ' day", as ha handed out six dollars to lix his Tho real purpose of tho second visit Sr...,. Persepolis. ( ., That nab us, demise us and morgue us renewal . to tips News of Colonel House to was identical Proud Babylod is but trace Don't have no mors chance subscription good Europe V and solid for three years, to the with (he purpose of the Entered as Second Clam Matter at the Santa Fe Poetoffio. the desert's Than a fleá In a running first, visit, namely, t'pon dusty face. trance summer of "fa this some high-grad- to hob whether Or ' 1918, of that not another offer of The - topless, towers of Iliu.1i When chance to rpeet . SUBSCRIPTION PRiCS, ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR. they doings, those express shipmentiirin by President Wilson would Cud the Are ashes. '.ludah'arhsirp is dumb. General torgas, . k Jewel boxes, of ore go rich in the nmzuma belligerents in a receptive mood. The fleets of Nineveh ..-- a It a more rumor and Tí1'8' ..,:..'. , "' that toothful of would pay for week's The that, peace negotiations Are down with liavy Jones, Esquire."" WHILE IT is well known that there fun iu a New York lobster palace,, with are proceeding, with the president of the And all the is a twixt cup and girlie attendants neglecting their rouge United States as mediator, wouldMnalie it ; - ADVERTISING RATES: oligarchies, kings many slip the the x And potentates that ruled these lip, it is unnecessary to say that this puffs in their anxiety to help, or" impossible for 'disaffected Democrats, led by Jaeh. ..280 things "Not on your liiol" exclaimed Joe. "That's Mr. Bryan, to prevent the of Display, per Singla Column, par Iurtloa Are gone! But cheer up; don't bo sad; situation is accentuated when a tu.nbler the of good did . cow tho president or his election next November. go&dluB WoUcas, per lino, per insertion...... "... ..10s Thiuk what a lo.vcly time had! is used. ' "v product soioethlng Uiauí-tio- they substantial." Colonel House's liin Legal Nt-jci-- per Une, . . 60 reward for assiduity is pr Guiterman In Life. And the rowels Jingled, as he his that he will have behind hi at the - recom- CUtéiühi Jkdfi, or word, iaasrUoa .. le ...'..'A WASTE dragged pr spur-tippe- heels out on to Main street. mendation of President Wilson for the awurcT of the Nobel Peace Prize to The air is now a battlefleld- - which ROW IN WOODROW former Secretary of "State Bryan aud Henry ;The endlcas night anil day through; , AREA OF LOW PRESSURE Ford have both been Having put tha mesa in message How aspiring. strange to think In other wars , t is not difficult i o and the In b will Maxwell Mail: Ves Lara was bad understand why the The Little Bird Párlc Bv All Means junk junket, Folks used It just to pray through! fooling report that his mission was to reconcile 'dif- nc;;t the'' paign in cam- the other morning and refused to leave his injcc New York Sun. bed". -- ferences among our diplomats was denied The New Miexican 'disapproves the sug- Just ns a suggestion to the Democrats, St. 1 Mrs. Lartf'was worried, so the paign. Louis Times. phosed at the White House. It was a denial simi- and at thoj-is- of to be Mr. Isaac doctor. After asking what tho trouble was, gestion that the proposed National Park appearing THE SUSPENSE is now over. Mr. lar to that given out on the eve. of the reslg-- , course tho doctor said he could not get down for west of this ba called the "Pajarito" Earth's press agent,, which he will of Wilson has allowed his nniue to be used nation of Secretary of State Bryan, in tha city a little while, and told Mrs. Laro that 11 The name first indignantly deny, the New Mexican would most formal manner it was stated at the National Parle. proposed, as a candidate for the presidency.. the meantime she should take Ves' torn- - Is more the importance of puttnig Mr. Uarth In White House that the was not "The Cliff Cities National Park far Precocity Nebraska purature, Mrs. Laro had a big thermome- resignation in-- on the this contemplated. This was to tho appropriate and more descriptive and the circuit during campaign THERE ARE those who think this ter with a barometer as a part of it. She repeated up at Demo- (From the Hastings Tribune.) jmouient when Bryan's sensational re- stantly "ells the person interested in na- year. His appearance the recent , will be merely taking his name in vain. , put that on Ves and left it awhile, and then vtty , A bunch o folks went to tirement was, suddenly announced tional arks what and why the New Mas-ic- cratic smoker here not his personal ap- young up when she looked at it the barometer indi- after--noo- n Circumstantial of his the lake near Hildreth Sunday cated So support the statement parte is. "Pajarito" roeansr nothing to pearance, you understand, bat ALBUQUERQUE, fit course, is being "very dry!" she sent over and Colonel in to in en- - that House is Europe enter a the whom, we to be demonstrated that Senator the Burger auto truck and this week. got a "cold one" for Ves. When the doc- average person expect ' wedge for peace can bo found by anyone to ' Millions Iiarth la one of the greatest little, if we joyed a good. skate. tor" reaiclied the hose an hour later Ves had cares to a visitor the proposed park. V who anallyze recent developments . good-humo- r ', been to work for fifteen minutes and felt "Pajj-erito,- " - may uso that WE arc is' not will call it some perhaps "Puy- term, instigators TALK, told, cheap us in Washington. No attempt has ever been we . The Ring SerWee talk-- . as well he ever did in his life. jar-itoe-" to will that have in the state. when you hiro a Sawyer to do the made to disguise the fact that Colonel.. and the stranger it identify the Iu brief, Mr. Earth is a mighty entertain (Fjoot Denver Post.) ingl ' House's first to Europe was a peace tliti in no way whatever. When he TUSH! , trip park , PISH, ;;;'''. ing Humorous speaker, while his remarks Pastor weds pair by phoiie. mission. linds out how to pronounce Pajarito and '. :' .1 Clovis News: Miss Bosh, of Kansas City, r v A Should Colonel House, tilting at wind- what it means, "Little Bird National Park" for the minority and about tho majority at PRONOUNCING GAZETTEER. will return in a few days to trim hats for the last circus he From Our New Dictionary Osborne mills, succeed, by creeping upon the wind- will still prove meaningless to Mm. legislative proved that Michael the Millinery Parlor. mill ""while can in when occasion Francis Patrick Hickey unaware, Henry Ford, seeking Cliff Cities" is put a - "The National Park of the stinger requires, BAR A place in a river or On shore Left his In Blllerlca, to overawe the windmill with a brass band', cottage 1 OUCH! , and best name con- if the Democrats want to' have some real where is scarce. - far away the possible water . Took a a failed signally, the world will take off Its fun this Set train and went to see Ft. Sumner Review: The ceivable for is with the Old Guard year theni TRUST Ah of ' latest govern to him. the proposed park. It unique, association capitalists Man who lives In Batavia - hat y at- put Isaac on the in in ;nent estimates places the value of New it will fascinate program every city f , grips the interest, it and that refuse to trust. Found that he had gone away Mexico livestock at 100 to noth the state. . ','-.'.-- million, say tract. INTUITION What a woman says To Irt - of rabbits and o . dwelt Philadelphia. ing politicians. Don't Shoot the Captain Meanwhile, let us not divide and dissi-pat- o she has when she succeeds in making a Twas no use to peak and pine, INSUFFERABLE our We have a splen- good guess. And ? energies. put up An s6 he went to Muscatine .... (Indianapoilla i '. Animated One-thir- Star) .. d al- Ft. wc did fight for the 'creation of the National Corpse SCRUPLE of a dram .To see some friends. How could he know Sumner Review: The first robin There is an old and heard of in a wise saying that Park of Cliff Clties.Ni which has , If Cliff Cities National Park though some men take a drain without E! have this city wbb that of some- the fight the projoct That they had moved to Paso? one's robin' partisanship stops at the water's edge. By the and its any scruples. Grins and Groans. The resultant song it vie mean tn our with for- already given proposed park Is,dead It is an exceedingly lively remains. But ju6t before he reached the place, has not been set to music. that dealings attractions widespread advertising. If Con- The fact is shown clearly in an Interview They had gone on to Havre de Grace. eign powers, especially in situations that be lend to gressman Hernandez happens not to know with Secretary W. B. Douglass, of the Park WE VIEW withseverity the would-- The problem now was getting knotty, HITCHING POSTf might war, the government should feel the of . that anyone iu ííew Mexico is in favor-o- Association, in this issue. All persons in- fucetiousness of that fellow who 80 Michael went to ( support its citizenship. Wyandotte, Socorro Chieftain: Considering his four Woodrow Wilson was elected a decid- it, let us educate Mr. Hernandez. Opposi- in the are invited to read wants to make Uncle Tow Catron a na- Where he found a named Cholmon- - by terested project girl years' experience andXfalthful performance ed minority of the popular vote. He is not tion based on the this interview. Mr, has had his tional monument thfi dUtie.R neti a Invnlveis spectacular ignoranre Douglass dely , of Tllnnv rmiiHnn today, perhaps.v.the first choicer of a ma- which he displayed in the letter recently' hand "on the throttle for some time in thiB but should the convention see fit to nominate " Virtuous, very holmondely. jority. Yet for the time being he is the published is certainly no. argument against enterprise and of all men is qualified to SOME DOUBT about-Jes- Wlllard's Thus we see the end of Michael him, it then devolves upon the voters to re- foreman of the plant, the chairman of the; in' favor. know be- v turn Mr, Catrpn to this , the bill, which thousands this state what tho situation really is. He weight büt those who have fought him And of this poetic cychael. ; important post. boardi the commander in chief of the army Let :is not fiddle with this and that lieves it in encouraging and takes the wet agree that he weighs enbtigh.;.. í The Conning Tower. ' and navy. , , ''- - THE LITTLE SCHEME ' monument until we nové been lickeJ Manket off with twist of the r, Tetf bad the poet couldn't reel us Quarrel as 'tte may. among ourselves over ... Rio Gtande Republic: Probably few un- footfalls of domestic vir- on the. main f,if;ht. To declare in the mid- We believe his statement will effect- THE PNI3 point on which' there seems off on Los the policies,' and yrist Something ' Angeles. this move, but it look b to a novice It there-i- no of to be no Is 110 derstand ulent as we may assail ,the Democratic dle of that hopo suecer? ively silence, the claim that tho "park bill disagreement that the as if Don Socuudino r ' Romero has found nominee and his en- - strikes us as the if Is dead." Americans who were oh CURIOUS i TOW, much elbow party throughout the hardly proper spirit, grease way to choke the dog. If lie insista 110 - r :. suing campaign it is time now for those Mr. Catron is indeed against his bill, lot ,' , i.0 are lili dead, r it takes to put up a right-angl- stove- - hard enough that he be the candidate for ' who wish to be thought safe and patriotic us Mm a chance to demónstralo it. ' .Mr. Bursuin will give " pipe." - Governor, likely get, bury citizens to be taking the sides of we under- Chino President Remembers AS WE it, the and each of 4 and Secundino the or foreign The principa opposition as get mayor i got state land ofllcj nations or playing into their hands at- - - by the aldermen is to blame for the "'MEN- ARE to wear over some other that will return in - stand it coiner from mtui heavily interested Mrs. J. T. Albertson, wife of' a painter of solely drapery the perquisite tacks on governmental actions and propos- . be- the usual Romoro dihoro. . j in livestock in the arta. We Mo., him d a. check for monkey and parrot''party in Albuquer- hips this year, the fashionable" tailors salary als of whose cause and necessities we proposed Sedaliti, may lieve 'the prpiWROd bill will work no hard- 500 Irom liijiel C. Jaokling, president of que. say. Next come the bustles and then he profoundly and dangerously ignorant. , LET HIM RUN " on tho Chino company, .In recognition Watch Us Grow! A mollycoddisii we aro not. ship then and that however justified Copper Bur- generation kindnesses to him years ago VE HAVE had our attention called -- Springer Times: It is rumored that nautical but. we dis their protest they have, not realized what if pscrd"d sum people; surely might when he worked on the Albertson farm near "to the fact that the about will quit the race for governor. Please play ideas ol navigation more advanced the park will mean to the state at largo.,., queer thing ', The Anvil Chorus let him run! . , than tho and Let us not "lie down" until a final effort there. , Niagara is that thore isn't enough theory practice 'of throwing Jackliug was left penniless when his par- water to drown the noise. bricks at the man iu the pijot house. to this bill In shape tc : THIS 13 RANK DISRESPECT get satisfactory ents died, but he workefKhls w'ay through KINGDOMS. HERE, DOING AWAY WITH , meet objections und pass it, has beeu de ' and Springer Tiroes: Old Tom Catron, of San the Warrensburg Normal school PERHAPS WE should'," , feated. Anticipating defeat before it gets School of Mines. He then say Congress-- ' When the' war ta Fe, has announced his candidacy for a A Sunday School Record through the Bolla man ' Syracuse senate. here Ib getting ahead of the story. If, us came west, locating at Salt Lake City. Bergere. it was that it would do second term in the United States begun prohpesied Thomas is a but we be- Carlsbad, N. M Feb. 35. A. L. Fales, of alleged," everybody, including government, His Interests in copper have with It has so far done away good rabbit, firmly enterprises JUST A of how. long' the away kings. lieve that his next race course lio Roswell, state missionary of thb American rimde hint a , , QUESTION with not sin-pl- removing their should. senators, representatives, archaeologists three, by in direction of the Old at Sunday School Union, who has been ; Rooshian can the Gentian busy of Bel- the Folks Home. ipthis settlers and others are unanimous as to the L0 keep crowns, but their kingdoms, Albert on work, that him. of Mon- county organization reports bill's weak points, let us unanimously fix licking gium, Peter of Servía, aní Nicholas since 1910, he has been instrumen- - While those million ftnssian prisoners V AND SAME OLD SPEECH October, and to showdown. tenegro. ! tall in the of 109 schools it take it a are busily feeding Germany, it should be THE LAST is not in Fort Sumner Review; Tom Catron's hat organization Sunday a National for New nioujik yet tight ' in with 312 teachers and 4.7S0 scholars enroll- Anything to ge;t park remembered that ii A TESTIMONIAL. is the ring for the same Incidentally Germany WORTHY visits- - to these and Mexico In thox.one particular location which : beats all old hat in the same old ring. ed, making 15 other , busily feeding a million Russian prisoners. THERE, THERE, Canada, be calm,' . Cleveland Plain Dealer: But it them..aid-.fro-.-- to an tnstit-.ition- srbools, giving time time, justifies such - of the proeminently be calm. how many- Teuton sympathizers besides visits to the homes of the peo- and which will prove one of the greatest sex fur boots this WHY, 'THE IDEA1 gentler are wearing- top with tliein $500.36 worth of , ever The admiral's warning- - that Germany's is a Fort Sumner Review: Representative ple, leaving ..advertisements the state has had. SPEAKING OF personae non winter not knowing that the style Christian and 1,014 Bibles an! submarines have us beaten fathoms gratae io the Hernandez got his "maiden" speech off bis literature forty how would you like to be a on the tribute, Cossackb. . Testamenta. He has delivered CGI sermons o - Is a one and one that' should be cop chest in congress the other day. The pre- timely Navajo .reservation? is that a maiden or a Mrs. wrote and addresses. heeded. the ostrich with our ' i p CAUGHT UNAWARES. sumption Playing navy .. ; ...... has 1,42ft,-17- 1 it for him. Meet Them Half is a in these Indianapolis Star: Germany Way dangerous occupation parlous IT COSTS $137.80 to kill an antelope times. prisoners of war and has taken l,n00.(Mi0 A Dream City The in luna county. This is to be- 129,- - OH MY; CAN THIS BE TRUE?. state corporation commission has - - unlikely rides, which would make it seem as If x come Socorro Chieftahi: Advocates of made a justifiable demand on the Santa Fe a popular pastime with sports- 171 allies mar have been surprised in a , opposite Td . ,, eart ot heartR The author of ''Curfew Shall Not Ring railroad for of the service on the slain wouldn't men. . game of pinochle, or While otherwise off Pa k"w,Jn ',e,r improvement, Taddy Tin, Navajo, that should Mr. Bursunv' sec fit to accept night," Mrs. Rose Rartwiek Thorpe, has ' watch. Pauania-Californi- a the Larny branch. send his children to school. One of the the a hn written tbó poem invitiou for the - ALL OFF gubernatorial nomination, thing To show our good faith .and meet the things that we cannot imagine is John Con- , can have for the mere say so, candidates of International exposition. Mrs. railrosd bid for of Tad- - ' who now lives in San Diego, aud company halfway, let's this way shedding tears upon the grave "I call my s Charity," THEN THERE'S CALIFORNIA: other political faith might just as well lay Thorpe, d!s-- Tin. Mr. who is engaged .in writing a' novel, sent the improvement by fixing the present dy The baseball catcher grins, t down; for Bursum's nomination will Swiss are said meretwhlk-awa- y verse to President G. A. graceful state of affairs regarding the ap- Indianapolis Star: "The mean a at the coming No following charming "Because they cover don't you See7 be be.st soldiers on tho of the a few from the station to the city. (o the earth," sa,ys vember erection. , Davidson, exposition, days ago: proach railway New Mexico sets another of A multitude, of shins." Florida Times. Union. learn- The New Mexican" this winter hits consignment "Maybe they ' seeji sriendld advertising in a recent issue of Exchange. ed to charge at tho hotels over there," And A Dream City on the bills of Ballboa, tlti?;ens in a sea of mud and j floundering the St. Louis Globe Democrat, which carries In view of dope like that ebove think what á first, line of defense Florida . The Best Citizens A d city of magical art. 'tdr.di on the road to the depot which of e.herald made; on its last page :m illustrated article on It lies upon our mind, will be. able to contribute to our enlarged The conviction of social ánd political phi- iici' flower gemmed garments Christian in the Slough of Despond, look The name should be the same army! losophers ever since there were any that splendor ' ftatc resources from "The public's ' - like a roller skater on a cement floor. suff-ret- h married men are more desirable and devot,-e- lush from the fount of Earth's geh- Southwest Trail." ' It long . ' " .,?..'.. Sprang' Vi 'hut boots it for a man to rido on a grea Is citizens on tho average than unmarried erous heart. And kind. of j men receives confirmation from the statisti- She sits like a queen on lie.r throne ed PuUnian with expensive upholstery inln THEY'RE DYEÍ). high cal results of cam- ) the station to confront a bottomless morat.s The New Chairman OLD SAW with new teeth a Macon News: What has beoome of the Iird Derby's recruiting beauty, says paign in Great Britain. Her glance reaching Jar to the west and between bl.n and his final goal? The Sui dyspeptic can eat his cakeand still rod flannel underskirt? . It. out of 2,fC2,2in married tho east,. , station and well llghtec'.-- C&rlsbad Current: The dioico of .Tudge ' appears that ta grounds are have it. ' . Hit! a- I Britons of military ago and otherwise avail- Oil luesa her banquet is to Üm - B; Lnughiin, of Kama Fo, ss chairman ' ' but the illumination gives little aid t able 1, 070.2C3 to ot te (Democratic st;te committco is one .professed a willingness waiting arrival who profanoly trips and stumbles TfHS IS. the life, when you cuti give SUCH A BIG IF. flsht for their She ' beckons the world to the his bcl,t that c0,,ld have been cotuitry. graciously and curses war across ten rails of he,)f Vo l"My tho coal man the leering guffaw. That is over cent. feast. made 1C fifty per Denver and Rio Grande and New Mexico-- St. Pnul Disptachr tile knockers would But out of tho '2.170,2:1,1 unmarried mn ' use their hammers to nail lies every- 'tCentral, boardwalkless, to find frog pond '' THEN THERE, is always a. possibili- only equally available tlic.?n who fame forward A FAMOUS DIAMOND riP-h- i would be happy.. e to nf him tm uní) tn inft nt iiim Springer Stocktuau: The . Democratic ty of revenue by the issuance of Liar's body were i,l."O,01:l, or les than fifty-thre- perl state centra! committco weefc done finest of white diamonds with only, If he is lncky.'the stulit sky to last Licenses. President-agree- s. cent, The known blue well in the selection of a state chairman. Tho situation is In worüd, has been mounted aud exhibit- - ' guide big staggering footsteps over ice and 5 For wholly Unsurprising. the Judge X. c. I.uiRhlin is a staunch Democrat. Pankey Anything While we Idealize Vrrdent it is the cd in New York. . It weighs 150 carats, anil suow ana wrens ana across - : Those Giddy Indiana Girls youth,", u.roubu uik.jm- a W9iont( advocate of Joffersonian prlucl- the wc are rhoitt rather is almost square in M is set In a News-Thnos.- That exceptions thinking . South ) Helps County shape; uaieu fiuewaihs toward ins oosniianou. - (From the Bend ,lioS hisU!v resneetod tUroiiuhont tha state "I am for n'nvtlih's that hojis Santa Fe tban the rule the spirits who at. any ucc claw si platinum, mounted as a. pendant on If anyone has any doubt as to 4he aud will much to the cause Miss Bertha Staehowiak entertained dia- city's give weight country," declared Stale Senate r B. F. Pan-ke- would lead because bom and bred to lead- a necklace of diamonds, Just above the dereliction let htm a to nd he as tho head of delightfully a stag party - try pedestrian trip purpose represents, Tuesday of Laniy, torta;;, when usknd whether ership. mond, and attaching ft to the necklace, is' - the Santa Fe station on a winter the Democratic in state. But he for Miss Prawat. dark night. party the ing Josephine he. fuviired I'm suc.L-estio- to change the Moreover, all virtues grow by Kereie, t a large, dark blue sapphire 0f abnormal It is ri?;ht and proper to ctclract the beam h.p.s nittch to tío,, and he is the proper man nf el.ir.rv" in Ft Junction." m anil men woo nave assumed one sort ot bo size. The interest of the genis ornamental- at this time. ' n;t;i from the eye of the Santa Fe .railway. THE KICKER'S PHILOSOPHY ms to give tho' tourists on tho A. T. & S. F. clal rcspo:i nihility nre en tho average more ly Is merged in their interest as minerals, to sbow'our he4rt is In the railway the. (aigcütion to visit Sania Fe city, susceptivo to the demands ot nnotner. for are really too large and heavy for right Never submit to any wrong-M- ake they : hu- been Mr. Justice- w u is me men place let's have an occitlist deftly rcmovo Roy .,Spanish-- merican Ho knows a This suggestion lirs trade by ev'Ty community us.iiuiy beauty. ' kickl 1 who "find ti:nc" to do tho mote from our own" eye. man nature and how to trianage men. Ik , R. H. fauna, of the state supreme very busy already associa- Though; your voice pecomes a gong; in a new tilings. . . ALAS! TOO 0 . knows New Mexico politics inmi court, letter to the state corporation TRUE. tion with it. íie also knows bow to get Though the strife be sore and long; commission Married 'men, en the average, are oidor .with men and conditions here and. Though it leave you weak end sick. I do not know tnst how the neonlo of and more mature thau unmarried:. Sometimes a man acquires quite along t The Old West - reflection-an- best of all, lie is in sympathy with the new- Make a ! Lamy feel uimut th", saaeesHon." continued Experience has brought d A lot of nches and pains, acutnr of the life is i ,., .1 , xi . , er. and better class of political thinking the senator, "and i think it, would be a good pcrcepticn 'truth that Because he's rather long on tónguo Ti,n .i w not a series of to be tl!ilt prevails in New Mrtilco and the ambi- Thought is might tor honest men; idea to have some cue ask' them.'- Nor do jtmt pictures enjoyed, And rather bort on brains. the l.nlte.d States lias entirely way be-- ! " to but is main- given t!lla of tho bcttcr ;iemnt of ctZei13 vho Make a kifkt I know just how aiuch good the proposed youth is prone regard it, lore the new. need he , r only fairly observant , hafe under the domination of tlie Cane chanco, f made, wt.uld ronnilish in mar-n- y a ounes 10 re penorinen HE WAS TOO FRESH lnlr-tak- Never mind the where or when; sej to dn cover their to - I In Britain it has beeu found that men. wiio according die! of Special Interests mid their henchmen the odds be one to keting a larger tourist- crop, but do think Omar Ah. Miss Aimte, you look as fresh. J1U-- J Thougrt ten, have fortune" ' Christian Science Monitor". Thus a who hare controlled conditions here tor so the suggestion should he considered care- already 'given hostugos ti as a rose tins , Show a chick-Make moriimg. so.irl editor fells," in the eoiitrcnn o? bis many years. Wo repeat we are downright 'yourself plucky fully. No one ran doubt the. advisability of are ten to nine more ready to take further Miss Alineo Fume to you, only more so.' a kickl hazards than those who have not. . weekly, how n "? umrt-looki- c!j d" from giad that cur political efforts tills year lire pntting forth every eilort to bring more peo. so Since human .nature is about the same the y entered his sanctum tho' f bo direct d by able and honest a man pi 10 ew 10 tanta re county una LOGIC OF LEMUEL tit nher by it (loiihtleKu tn co'tniH-- t"n' " u,t'!'e 'ó' Though gives the lawyers wealth, to the capita! of the state. We have' so everywhere, o.'hir Little Lemuel Say, paw, are all blind peo and t.'ieif to sell lii:n "a wire diners on deuiF.nds of a meet Make a kick! ; attractions Io from similar situation would idiots? wlu-- n in ' many to..pcnl t'.uuisu ple whiUi to bang bis cloihes ' a similar Pmc- - iuut Hi.fir? CM POSTS eft takes on , part oí thcí and the world; response fit courKM mm Whüfever nut 11 ; Poverty health; fvery country ana now t"in iue younc iclto v .Vi-- ,,,1 w'.-- er 111 i w trp:!y' t'uU .Sons Crtroürtans are j we Fitonld (let the world knew what we hove a nmi tuvn yvinnu under hut? Fight the wrong by force, by stealth ; ViiHiu'it (U,t j,jra your thtst when his- editor's clothes ! Mem-- o. come forward to (the only two nscts of whisky a month the ! to motto trnd the tourist is goyd advertising me-- i offer their country "tho, uttle Lemuel Then whv do people say: In they-mui- Always your stick, " not uso be found hamrin ConMnnrc'a! At ' what the! dium." last full measure of devotion," and so prove "Out of out of mina?" perl Make a kick! sight,! vhore, on far back as he could renienibi'v, serine poets of that sta'e ni'l Ho. At first i ' '",',.' ithcmtelves better citizens on the average, , . had on the !:atV of a (.lance it doer- reeni lo be ratier i A. SUGGESTION mainly because th"y had thought more! ,. CATCHING ON TO DAU they always bmig airobleni, THE 'CROP of waiijtc-oai- tin's Hit. iu-- l year, I aoout Hie s chair. f.(!'lia;is ibev v'il be able to draw "I see ojie- ot our lady political experts j reanues, ., JOddie Let's sneak 'round behind the barn for cof.tr and brilliayt y, it is will fie.n 'he a' Why not?' said, linr-hr-- a sugRetiiin," ', ;i'i:' smoke a brer-I-t ; cipuette. I all records. : j SAWED-OF- and ti'.rj sre maan-- ' "bumper" "What is it"" SERMON Sau na-- Too likely to get caught. Ever : .1 1 fiT.ni c a!r iu i in - ne us com- - : 3 a firm believer in Dad swore New day? oí ' "liisiead of an trn.y, let appoint a Every spinster the ssnee of Year's dav, he's It doesn't feem üiadiiropiiate ok-- A GENERAL strike of New York - i particiflariy rn:ermcies and marvelous inventions. ' jew- mission to treat, with any foe which may j biblical injunction that it is not good for been rne.i'king around there to smoke his for Kitchin to introduce the sugar bill. ahornan. , . eíry workers has been called. Will tee ! bappen along. K. C. Journal. man to live alone." own. Judge. .'


the report of the Cotuniinsioiu-- r of tito iX"EFUI:IFLTS Senator Fall Discusses New Mexico General Laud Oflice, when dissected, . .J' will show to you that tho administra- V V on tion of tha public lands in tho United CO. PLEASE - 'Land Question at in :;gly . Length Speech States today is being paid for by tiio . Native- to taxpayers and that the proceeds of citüm; Bilí Proposing Big Grant Nevada the public domain are being enten up REPORTED, STATE: by clerks in the public land oitu-e- . In- mm SUPECT Cd:i oí of Taos of there as ::nty (On February 7, the senate, as lh no as tha Canadian government is stead, being $2,000,000 shown in this report, say to you that ' doing, as the government of India is BY , committee' of tlie whole, (resumed the is not one dollar of : IvIERBFELDER GRATIFIED as the Australian sovornmenl; there receipts DID. NOT INSTRUCT VALENCIA Democratic Victory in. First State Election consideration of the bill doing, above The it- SPIRIT AND PROGRESS SHOWN (3.2520) r nd the oilier infn are'doing. expenditures.' report COUNTY TREASURER TO DISRE- - to the state ot Nevada governm dona not show con- BY MORA COUNTY EDUCATION- Due to Him, "El Bien granting it should invite tho of tho self that the last, GARD RAISES MADE BY STATE Largely Says Publico"; aerea of lund in said state for peap'a) gress for the purpose of these AL GATHERINGS United .Slates to acquire', in private paying TAX- COMMISSION, THE COURT Antonio Lucero osed For Governor the use and benefit of the public expenses, as set forth in this report, Prop ownership t Ua remaining puhlio land EXPLAINS bv enthusiasm 'mani echools of Nevada and the State IJni-- , appropriated more than $3,000,000 Inspired tbe instead of throwing obstacles around "Our Xext Sen- to note some Vernlty of the state of Nevada.) which was expended by the land oflice fested by large gatherings at Morn, Under the caption, Is. interesting that of the acquisition of these lands and Kfb. 10 to the 1.2tu El Democrat- the local Bpauiali-Americau- s of ... Mr. Fall:' At Uto last election a can- itself or by the Interior department. Mora county, from ator." itieu Publico, the the their settlement; But, Mr. President, In a letter to General Stato Industrial ic of Democratic believe that in tho didate for congress, who bad been a I aai not Mr. I ' Attorney inclusive, Supervisor Spanish weekly Taos, proposes pitrty instead of the from the reflecting, President, In- member of from New Mex- inspector want It understood. Frank W. Clancy, Judge M. C. L. C. Merstfkler spoke eloquently to Kelix .Martinez for the Democratic event Assistant Secretary of the congress land oiilce welcomed as Some senators ico, a gentleman of great attainments public being always fear that in remarks of the of Socorro, explains that the day of the work accomplished for ed- nomination for tr. 8. senator, and urg- terior A. A. Jones becomes a candi- ho should be, the homesteader de I and fino character, thoroughly sincere by kind I am making there .is intended lax order which he issued to tho Va ucation Mora county, "it was a es all Democrats to nulla with it to dato for the senatorial nomination, to settle his upon the to out- the will- - and earnest, had offered In the' house siring family some reflection, political or other- lencia county treasurer In January lit surprise and a pleasure see the brim" about his selection for and is named, Martinez will be 640-acr- instead of his dls- to - a e bill which that public domain; being ,.t no way gave that official the right, as pouring, to hear the inspiring ruco. ling take the nomination for gov- passed body. chil- i,iri,ii,iit In in received with pleasure by the. some office. has been stated, to accept 1915 taxes courses, to witness tiie e.nUHtslawn , "Felix Martinez was born in ' Pe- - ernor. It has been the general the last campaign, every county of in Nothing is further from in state of New Mexico, an dren that man, when he arrives on the basis of the valuations fixed and to view the spUmdid exhibits," this it says, "and Hoi that Martinez would consider the issue as to my thoughts. The present adminis county," that member of congress was sight, their friend, who is able tration Is the course by the county commissioners, disre- he said. "There were excellent ad- therefore to us he Is not a stranger, only the aomlnatlon for United against show them how to with pursuing exactly his 640-acr- homestead bill, and lie comply the which been ad- garding the raises made by the state dresses by 'Assistant State School as pretended by Republicans papers. States senator, but there now seems law and how' to homes: has pursued by former was defeated. He had been elected acquire their It 16 tax commission. His Instruction, he Superintendent Piludolfo liaett, of the Ha belongs to this same soil, is one of to be an Idea In some quarters that his in ministrations pursuing exactly to congress before and he was defeat- instead of being received that the same methods says, merely was to receive whatever department of education; by District us, and is one that knows our ne- the gubernatorial nomination would the old frontiersman of bookkeeping ed by 5,000 majority; and in every way, feels, sir, which they found In force when the amount was Offered,' giving a receipt Attorney C. W. O. Ward of Vegas cessities and consequently can, with be entirely acceptable to him. that if he could carry out his wishes Dr. lioss ls of In- It is matter prcinct in every county in that state, administration took charge . of the for that amount, as the treasurer took and by David Hoyd, the a perfect knowledge, defend our a knowledge in the matter be, would receive him at ' , I at an issue was made, against him of his land office. They are disposing of the position that he could accept only University of Albuquerque. also terests In the United States senate this time that the Deniocratio a Spanish-American- s 640-acr- e the point of Winchester rifle when amount and said a few words. Tiio exhibition feel In case advocacy of the homestead lands in the same, way they have been the full , of the taxes, He Is a voter of this state, posses- that he within rifle shot of the front Spanlsh-Amer- - bill. gets disposed of for years and Un- many tax payers wanted to pay only given by the pupils in grammar. In ses large properties here, and has Jones or some other door, because he comes as an en years.' in was one can Is nominated for United Mr .President, the conditions differ der the method of bookkeeping It is what they admitted was due. spelling and physiology of taken part in the political life of New States emy. I eve- in the different states. New Mexico shown that $4,000,000 were placeddo After stating that from published the best ever witnessed. Every Mexico; It was due to his unceasing senator, the governorship should bo I am these as facts from ..It be was crowded and - to a Spanish-America- in, build- stating the credit of the reclamation fund of accounts might thought he had ning the hall when energy that the Democracy triumph- given They from her taxable property, thirty-od- of years personal experi- the United States out of the of hold that the raises made by the state illiteracy was discussed every hand In ed m the first state election, and point out that it Is practically cer-- i ing roads and supporting courts and south- salo ence and familiarity with this tax commission were and to ihe room waa raised in detwmiiiatloti have r-- if we tai that the will name educating children, and doing her public lands. The Treasury report illegal, doubt that select Republicans western country. I may say. in pass- shows so have advised persons whose taxes to wipe out this blot by 1920. Mora him to the standard to the a native for one of the big offlces, . as a.state of this great Union to nothing like much placed in carry duty that it. baa been my fortune to be, to Me-che- In the best of the of her citizens. ing, the hands of tho secretary ot the had been raised not pay, Judge county feels justly proud that it is coming campaign be will again guide and that order to hold the native ability associated with some of ' - , a . imf n f 1, a f r,.. t n An the larger The says: not at the bottom of the list of Illlter- ,1...IUW Ut;ulUi;raiC.l JluaiB lo i IVII. " imwho-l- m,,iuyBiNyu l1..,l.n She is taking herself, issuing bonds, coun- treasury. Interior department's VÍClory. nncnioi, private Irrigation projects in my shows a million dollars "It all grows out of an prder I ates in. this state and it is going to do Martinez is fhe candidate most fear-'Eve- n those who admit that the Span- - placing a mortgage upon the and with some of tho railroads report nearly of future of New try less; but these mistakes were made made to the treasurer of Valencia its best to remove till illiterates. ed by the Republicans, and for this are not entitled to as perity generations seeking to develop that country with he deemed "I waa with the reason on the. Democratic Mexico for, the purpose of building and have been made for years, not county, which essential to particularly struck tiiey are anticipating the places the various 1 kef. on i development enterprises, his His was industrial and to gee a cabi of re-- as the because for I want to say-t- simply by this administration. .protection position that exhibit, his candidacy by Republican, roads, example. and I think I know somewhat of what he mude a who con of the smaller number in tho you just here that for every acre Mr. president, it may be that we could receive nothing but the full net by boy had also presenting him as a foreigner whose party, I am speaking in this instance. I tax due and structed his own tools. was outside i insist that it will be to of land in private ownership in New can not get a general mensure which by the books, persons There Interests are of the country, necessary have on file here, filed several years came me also a remarkable machine we nora nato a Spanish-American- ', for Mexico benefitted this taxation, would be satisfactory to the senators to and complained of this threshing but know and all the people by ago, appeals to the thea of and to made a school exhibit senator of which' we have voted upon ourselves" secretary from tho different statea. For my wished pay what they admit by boy. The know that although he has some governor, the Interior not the incum- tod to be due. I instructed Included not industrial but also 111 Besides Felix Lieutenant for the construction of these public present state, or my portion of the country, him that only terests El Paso, Texas, his bartl Martinez, bent of that otlice to modify in some he must and vast num- us," own Governor E. C. de andV Secre. roads, there are 1,000 acres of the the only satisfactory method of handl- receive whatever was paid. map work, handwork a is with with his people, who Baca, way, if possible, tho that "ex- a of will tarJ' of state Antonio Lucero are public domain benefitted, and the gov feeling ing the public hinds Is to let the local giving the person paying receipt for ber things." honor him with, the senatorial isted, at least through instructions to so much He-w- as us not Prominently mentioned in connection ernment of the United States gives us peple handle them themselves. . It money. also advised toga. Let select a defender 0f the special agents and the of no an- the not' one cent. And then, investiga costs too much in overhead charges course, that taxpayer could the big corporations, but a defender w'h gubernatorial nomination, tors of this department in our portion to handle them from nex any conditions to his receipt.- - He TO. VOTE of the people of hiB own race, of T"8 lieutenant governor and the when we ask to be unhampered, of the Washington. OS to be allowed to handle the resources country,' You can not do it without loss. You was only entitled to a receipt in full cura the Mexican people." secretary of state also have been if he naid in full." . , ' mentioned for some time as of our state in order that we may It is hard enough for any man from can turn them over to the people of EI Bien Publico also proposes Sec-'- ! possible Ariz- The erroneous idea - 111 no progress, that we may continue to Nevada, from New Mexico, from Now Mexico, and they will handle concerning thel THE DEMON RUM SOD retary of State Antonio- Lucero fr,",."u'"ultB concessional of public-lan- d Mechem order was due to a mlnation. Therei,r is a among,- - educate the children of the coming ona, or from one the other them at a profit, but they must not report the Democratic nomination ,for gov feeling situa- sent from Los Lunas the many of the a of the generation, that we may continue to states to impress the real be restricted in handling such lands at time the ernor, commending the manner in order was Democratic the Spanish-American- s build wo, con- tion upon senators who have no know- as tbe senator is now In re- made, and which was WILL TAKE ACTION REGARDING which he has filled his posi- party that good roads, that may asking present should satisfied tinue to be of in ledge, and could have no personal gard to those to be donated to bis printed in an Albuquerque paper. SINGLE SALOON NOW OPERAT-I- tion, and commenting on his honesty be with worthy citizenship The substance of Mochem's the congressional and in- knowledge of the conditions existing state. The tracts must not be re Judge TOWN and v nomination, this great nation, we are almost capability. tho met In each of these states. It is hard stricted to 160 acres or 320 acres or letter has been transmitted to Secre- nomination for some of the less variably by just such expressions Martinez for Governor imnortant stato tlin as were read into "Hccord" from enough to get any kind of remedial 640 acres. The only object In mak- tary Howell Earnest of the state tax offices, lpavine the Howell Karnebf, secretary of the In collection with the Taos senatorial and nomina- - a the senator legislation; and In every effort made ing a restriction would be to prevent commission by Attorney General paper's gubernatorial newspaper article by which tale tax commission,, who returned mentlon of Martinez and Lucero," It tions to from Nevada (Mr. this morn- by such a senator there is always an lands from going into private owner- Clancy,, says: here a business Pittman) com- "I have times had yesterday after trip Some one in the United States amendment or Somo proposed ship through some collusion and many occasion to states a Qocal ing.. to advise collectors to Clayton, that option seems to think the of the West promise or something offered which fraud, and the object is that, they county the election to determine the saloon ques- people same should never are anxious to take from the people possibly unfit3 the bill for his pur- shall become taxable and help out the effect, that they tion iu the Union seat, will be REST 1916 MEETING MOUNTAiNAIR MURDER I refuse to receive the county of this country a magnificent domain pose. For that reason liavo said revenue of the local government. money unless held in June. Petitions for the elec- of immense value to the that the senator from Nevada, of person offering to pay imposed some tion were in circulation while Mr. people de- the different states of the course understanding the conditions Improper condition, such as the Enrnest . was there, and were being OF TAX SIXTH IN SEVEN YEARS throughout mand for a in full." C0ÜISSIO - .union, for the purpose of conferring there, may know that bis people can Amendment to the receipt freely signed. When Mr. Earnest left it a few bloated bondholders or dispose of 640 acres without inviting "Judge Mechera," Mr. Clancy adds, Clayton there was but one saloon op upon "does not want the a few soulleRS corporations! the charge of collusion or fraud; they Constitution Means commission to en, but arrangements were being COMMERCES ON KEXT TRACEABLE TO BOOZE to 640-acr- a false to Why, sir, we have the same inter- may be ablo dispose of get impression with regard made by parties who had bought the est in our state that the citizens of tracts to individuals.- - I will say to a "Federal Militia his action in this matter." I'Kturos and atock of the Ekilund sa the older Btates have. We ask to be him, however, that our experience loon to open, another. A temporary MONDAY, FEBRUARY 21 act the National de- SALMON AND allowed the same privileges that the under the of 1898 was this: That Guard really Injunction seemed last week, direct- LOPEZ SHOT A to be federalized in to KILLED BY BARRAGOZ AT people of the older states have been great domain 2,000,000 acres or sires order ed Sheriff Crumley and restraining JOSE allowed. We ask our conditions more, W'as granted to New Mexico. help the movement for preparedness FORMAL- HEARING 0 him from interfering jxüii the saloons NATIVE BALL, RESULT .OF that NET VALUE OF OUTPUT COAL be into and With the exception of 2 ' mm acres was again pointed out. today by Adju in the same block with a church, and OF WHISKEY taken consideration, that General T. AND MINES OE OF do us the Justice to believe that sold by collusion, as it is claimed, in tant Harry Herring, who which were closed under the statute .METAL you called attention to Senate Joint a saloon shall not be MOST IMPORTANT MATTERS we are as honest, as thor- one of the timber districts in New JAMATE RATES providing that Just, just 95,- introduced Senator of , BOARD; RAILROADS TO and conscientious and Am- Mexico to a lot of entrynien, each by conducted within WK yards any ENTER ough loyal Gore, which is Ho aiiTond the consti- was rendered Ineffective when PROTEST. (By Special Correspondent.) erican' citizens, as are the cltizensof securing 160 acres on this land there church, tution of the United Stales relating the authorities revoked all of the sa- Mountainair, N. M., Feb. 12. At tho Connecticut or any of the older states was no residence required with the DELAYED 2 MONTHS of that tract and one' or lo the calling out of the militia. This loon licenses on the ground that their native dance last night, on the east of the north or south in this union;' exception is two other tracts of similar character resolution as follows: proprietors had previously pleaded - of town, Jose Barragoz shot and that the citizenship of this great west- "Reslved the Senate and House to violations of the saloon The first regular .meeting of jjlejside ern ours citi- obtained in a similar way, it was ab- by guilty reg killed Salmon is gairf country of Is American of Representatives of thex United ulations. The saloon now Is state tax commission this year wni Lopez. 'Whiskey the same as solutely impossible for New Mexico TESTIMONY AT LOCAL HEARINGS open be held at the to have been the cause of the trouble, zenship, exactly that States of America In congress assem- more than .100 yards distant from any capítol here next week, which 13 to dispose. of a foot of that land. - was' found in the original bled, (two-third- s of each house con- THROUGHOUT STATE MUST Is in the of a new commencing next"Monday, February Strong drink has been the direct Eighty.'acres, I out of 2,000,000 church, and hands colonies. And, Mr. President, when think, of the 21. The, Bursum law provides that L,.a i of went to actual settlers! curring therein) that in lieu FIRST BE REVIEWED proprietor, having been recently pur- ,,.,!,., we come to you and say that we know acres land, 15th of section 8 of Colo. the first meeting in each m,,i;o were such lands as could not paragraph the chased by a man from Alamosa, regular during tbe past seven years, and yet J our conditions, vknow what it is They article 1 o fthe constitution of the year shall open on the third Monday bemused could not one drink has been legally sold necessary for us to do, we ask you unless, they acquire United States the be pro- of February. At next week's meet- more than 160 acres. So dis- following The in to place the same confidence in ue; the only as an amendment to the con- formal hearing connection ing the commission will determine here .during these years. made of this land was under posed but I want to describe to you, sir, the position stitution which when ratified by the with the proposed readjustment of THIS STATE AND TEXAS the net value of the output of each The Ladies' Club, of Mountainair, such methods as about suits three-fourth- .reception that we meet with at the brought or s of the intra-stat- e coal and metal mine in and raised íüü'.GD-las- with to legislatures class rates by the state cor- the state, Friday night hands of the bureaucrats who are it by the United States government states, shall be vaid to all 'intents these valuations will be certified to a supper and entertainment. see the of the law wore poration commission, probably will literary the present time running this that purposes and purposes as a of the consti- .READY FOR HEARING the county commissioners of the conn-- 1 The are to be used in beau- part not be held for least two months. proceeds carried out paralyzing the industry tution Article XVIII: 'The congress at ties in which the mines are located tifying the cemetery, shall have to Before is called the A poor homesteader applies for of New Mexico for years. They were the power provide for it testimony before the first Monday in March. n19 program, wag varied and well 1G0 acres upon the public domain in finally compromised, and, the parties caSJIng forth the militia to exacute taken at tlie preliminary hearings nir in BOUN. Also Beveral tax appeals will be heard earned out. 'The schools did well tho laws of the insur- xpstimonv some " the stato of New Mexico. He at once did not go to the penitentiary. That Union, suppress held DA BE RESU- - and general taxation matters ;both ln conCert and individual invasion and on by the commission at various RY DISPUTE TO drills becomes an object of suspicion. Every is as much as I can say for them. rection, repel carry IN considered. , and the crowd went home war.' " - points in the stato in January and MED NEAR FUTURE. recitation, little sixty-dolla- r clerk who has been But so far as the beneficial results The Hawkins-Springe- r mine tax 'feeling well for The National Guard. General Her- this month will he paid attending, sent out from Washington 'as an in- were concerned, they were absolute- early reviewed, Poth New Mexico and Texas are law, under the provisions of which th.cj When the new auditorium is ring 6:iys, Is strongly in.fnvor of this spector of public 'binds or of public ly nil. We had the lands, but we and several matters taken up with now will determine the net'ed la the School Moun-value- s joint resolution as.it will leati the ready to resume the taking of High building, land entries makes it hf business to could not of them. Mexico-Texa- s of mine i'tainair will dispose federalization of the militia. the railroads and settled, if possible, testimony In the New outputs, states that have a hall large enough watch the I believe New' Mex- de-- this homesteader, because firmly that in through correspondence. At the for- boundary dispute, and Attorney Gen- the commission shall nioet to j to seat all who care to attend. moment the application is filed ap- ico a 640-acr- limit would only result W. ar- termine these values on the first Mon- - mal hearing, which will be held here, eral Frank 'Clancy has made parently the suspicion is aroused in In this: We would take it, of course, Teachers of to to El Paso day of February of each year. How- - Guadalupe rangements go early RPtXCU-- OPPM the minds of some of the gentlemen and then come back to congress at shippers and representatives of the next week In connection with the ever, as the Bursum law fixes the QPLinn! who are in control of one branch of the next session and ask it to relieve Endorse railroads will be heard. tax third of the County vyhite Following this work. However, as the state , Monday February for AT TUCUMCARI the administrative departments of the 610-acr- e limit still more, and we hearing, the commission will make an commission meets here next Monday, first meeting each year, Attorney Gen-- ; this government that is, the Depart- would keep coming to congress un- and as the commission wifi eral Clancy held that there was no: . order a new schedule of probably i i f ment of the Interior that a thief Is til we it in one way establishing need Of a on wwnnnii nib uir nuni no finally persuaded Back from Fort Sumner where he want to consult him about some of holding meeting the first BUT e fates. The rates will on a SCARLET FEVER KID3 to steal, not from theeo-pl- or another to us more; and in be mileage Hawkins-Springe- r as attempting give attended the Guadalupe County Teach- the details of tlie Monday, the work prescribed by MAY GO ONLY TO SCHOOL of he United States but from the the meantime we would bo looking ers' ' Association convention, State basis. mine tax law, which will be dealt the Hawkins-Springe- r measure could of the 160 acres. with some of be in if Department Interior, little degree partiality School Superintendent Alvan N. At ihe preliminary hearings of the with for the first time by that body accomplished ample time v vr i, seem to think,- and to the sale those lands n.,.,0H vk h Why, sir, they of and with White he had a strenuous timo. commission practically all of the ob- at that meeting, he may delay his taken up at the regular February ',,; ,;,,ml n.,,!f, havat man- says actually the idea seems to rest in not tco much strictness to tho , He arrived here about 2 a. m. from jections to the proposed new schedule departure for soveal days. ing. ceen closed tor tne tnree weeKS the minds of some of the gentlemen ner or method of sale. In other words, testi- - At the next week past Lamy and says he appreciated great came from houses that are enjoying Texas stiil has some direct meeting represen ton account of the opened who are engaged every week in send- I say to you frankly the land could: snort-nau- l tatives of the El Faso & Southwest quarantine, ly some remarks made by Mr. Justice business. The tentative imony to Introduce, and the Attorney this morning. At the present data out matter to the not he utilized if the law was in- -j Southern Facific & ing plate weekly strictly Hanpa concerning the stub train. schedule of rates shows some General of Texas has .notified Mr. ern, and Arizona there- have been no o! from the of Wash- enforced and 640 could be Mexico will developments newspapers city only acres "We had an educational session at creases in rates for short distances, Clincy that the introduction of this New roads appear to pro- diseases for two in the name of "conservation," individual. the ctijitagious the past ington acquired by the Taiban Friday night," said Mr. White, and substantial reductions iu rates testimony will require at least a test against the raises made byi and re- and in the minds of citi- I have I call the commission weeks, the health authorities many good offered, and shall "and it was interesting'. At Fort Sum- for long hauls, week. After that there will be tes- at its November meeting, conditions zens of the country, tlfat when a attention of Senate later to a bill when valuations of port good. the ner we were weil received by 260 per- timony in rebuttal by New Mexico. the corporate prop- ftooks in houses where there' hava man secures 160 acres of land . he for New Mexico or bound''- - and livestock for 1916 were donating, selling sons, a large turnout for th&t place. In tho additional work in the erty been scarlet fever have been takes it away with him somewhere. to New Mexico 27,000,000 iicres of un- fixed. The valuations of patients Seventy of fhe 98 teachers were pres- Child ary dispute this state will have only the three ordered burned, the to new Why, sir. the land remains there. It reserved and reserved, land still re- Plays With; roads mentioned were in-- ; city supply ent. Speeches were marie by Dr. the funds appropriated by Uona Ana considerably ones where necessary. Can not be carried It is there 1 senator - over nxeu away. maining. will say to the Frank. H. H. Roberts, of Las Vegas, county, the last legislature having to- creased toose in iwio, and The or yet. It is paying taxes to the local from Montana that one of the Matches; is Dead to notices of werá tiled ith the proclamation January 2rd. provis; Prof. Roscoe C. Hall, of the Univer- fnscd to make an appropriation appeal will stlil remain in effect, all government. ions of the bill is that there shall' commission some time ago. whereby sity of New Mexico, and by Mrs. S.: continue the work. children under sixteen years of ge , Instead of inviting the homesteader be a guaranty that the slate of New 1 FromAivtul Burnsl F. CirHicrson, of Roosevelt county, v will be forbidden to attend any public to go upon the public .domain the Mexico will pay out of the ! ' proceeds was greatly pleased at the enthil-- gathering, or to the now is to throw every pos- of those lands 6i!14 cents acre to ' appear upon tendency per siasm of every one." N. Feb. 11. COUNTY AGENT Raton Case Is Still sible obstacle in his to United the Tticumcm'i, M,, GOES' streets" other than going to and from way prevent the States government for Tha resolutions - him from .convention passed 1'edt'o, the little son in school. The special otiifcrs will con- acquiring a home; and this benefit of the Reclamation service. If Mr. admin-- ! On FrWal Pnuri warmly endorsing White's , of 'Mr. and Mrs. in on to is in Yanes, living j.' i , '.tiuue duty see that the rules of shown the matter of desert we have those lands sold, we will pay i:4 ration. ' lands, the will to tho part of town, is dead as 101 CARLOAD OF SEED this proclamation are enforced. if senators read what the government of the 'United Albuquerque, N, M., Feb. la. Dr. ; . a of On the be- ' is said in this report of 1015 from the States jl5.0o0.000 for the 27,000,000 result hums, day in: fore the child hold of a box Lamb ,of Ka'ton, testifying toda General Land Office with reference to acres. Hears ; got VllKe ,s herc!,' iven that Motor Court Arg'nscnt vith the federal court in the case of Pearl the divert lands, will see. it Mr. I here 'of matches, igniting them, Dr. k,1'n".' N' M" on they that President,'' have figures Nerrncnt-Lope- z iKeysor 'against 3., U llobbs 'V)a'70:,.,f Suit! the result that his -- - en- - has been made hurd.-- and hauler and liiken from the records of the land in clothing GONZALES TO SECURE CHOICE stated that when he attended 8.i)!orch ' r1?u- ,hace homestead fellow was MIC-UE- caught, fire. The little CATS IN DENVER FOR SAN loriei-Htio- ''- - AO- u,r i '" haroer and harder for the settlor to department itself, which show that j . v.lilr-- was nerforoied on the: '''"'. ! horribly burned about tha chest, AND MORA CITI- - Xo. ', NE o obtain a itle. unlit nov , say to vmi, for every acre of land in the state of i , j FARMERS; linr '),,., ,.rh i,.',r- BJS'H. for NE tili . arms and face. ZENS RAISE I i.t.. Feet ion 21. 1!), sir, that under the rules and regula-- New Mexico of by this groat Edmund Abbott $6,000 his as to make it township range disposed District Judge f. opinion, lmpostlhje X. .M. P. no- - tions issued within' the last year or government of the United States a is for tha defendant to have f!F, meridian. h,is filed torjtliis hearing' argument" M. ft. icultural performed of to two not under the act of congress, the last five the- of suit bvi Gonzales, agent tiie a ;tice Intention :u;ke three year years taxpayers over the injunction brought lor and t?an operation 'alleged Jew days to etltabütdi to Tiecauee has not been Lo-- X X Si St Jlora Miguel counties, ' proof, clniui tlie land that changed the United States have paid .more ,,James W. Norment against Colwo i S S X .X X Ü X , a s pnsand through, here this morning on .heve described, before P.e.nlster and man who mat application for a than one tent per acre and the laud pes:, county treasurer, to restrain the x X ?20-acr- e his way to lienvpr, t a iliereiier. Slate? Land Oliice. desert land takes his to - X OF ALCOHOL ' purchase large Fii'ted entry has paid nothing the United States; in'ai.un r from issuing deeds for ce.'- QUART X of fie j oilantity inosih' oats to le No at Santa Fe. V. on the 28 of iu na limine an-- uiK.penuon-ti- mat the ot Hn ertv so a at nn) n urn X PROVES FATAL DOSE X Clue Found in 1!, day words, expenses rmi distributed to the farmers of Mig- - V a . h isiirt, tiury doors stare him in the flee from; tlie administration of tlie lands t m h some time Mr. N ir- - X N. M., Feb. 14. A X public for ao. lxirdsburg. and So Murder Leo-füiií- - Up! Mora rmmtiet that they Albuquerque Claimant mimes as witnesses: tie day that he maltes bis in New Mexico have been than! y X Mexican on a X aapiita- greater ment alleges that there whs an from, Morenei. spring-pr-r- A ; rr.py plant abumhuit this rehurta, of Bucbman. X. M.; tn.ii to the upon w.Y.r'i out of the entire Income from the disoosition in the sM s as re cards the X vaster made In a saloon X here, l ean a harvest of bkh mialitv and Alhieusernne, Feb. l". Xo clue bad ..!. Cre-.tii'- of Puckmnn. X. as shown iSh so are! of a loo-pro- ' Moptnya, li. by statistics, such lands. Instead of being h ours tit which were made. At- X drank a fl'.iart of i . ' they X!on(, ,i,a,' mnr!,Hdi ' been :a;e to murder-- i M: IMu:!'"i;tno ileim-z- err-.- Jrt,i-e!o- r -- '',,nd tod.iy the of by loci! of for X ),,-- great asset the taxpayers of the torney J. H. Crist Mr. whiskey without stopping. He X TtK,' ,,f 'xloiVe a X. lixi-ke- ol!i represents ;, !;,,ri of .lose, rhavez. wbo?e V"M.: Martin I.uji'ii. of Ism Inuau. the piibli,! lard x who knows 1'nitod the citizens of the Alex-i-m!i-- r a room 3. X States, NeiriUTit and Jistrict Attornry X died in north of the t ltl vc r.tit w $' ("Mi to t.is.m' the i mú miMIU'ipd 1:0. ty foimd tit wor'id in'. II"1 j Snwiiy in lii comli United Stales are bcimr taxed the. A!'o"ti"V A, B. Rer-- t recks-.- i Killing i ' (or !!e;d and I', i. Is jiu.d.. Mr. OoiUjh-i- will huí lt d in a t'-i- h it br.cft- - tions. ' across- probably rtallmt ni.VNi'irico iMLt; no. , j support of tho land department ban, of Re, m and Wright, repre- X' ."':.,'!.; X return vltb a carload of seed in a ! It ot nor. of ours ;rn font tne city, iilie nut Kepisipr. hir, this government should toe way in the city of Washington. The: sent tU." defendant. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X S !'!;. I" clays. Hps 'are still completely in the da First put ilic.itiou Feb, 10th. WFFKLY SANTA' FK NEW- MEXICAN

' the horse iB ill tremendous demand fui pullinu the great guns ami it that every horse 'For National into: Prospects . BY. been pressed ESTABL ÍSHED THE have heard that the 7 PRESIDENTS?,I'Cnited States has also furnished j many fino animals. The horse is al-- 1 1 YeCITS not- Best For scarce in ;we do Park in ready Europe Famous. Ruins Rito SdIHlilIs4 AfelT WhoBE' NBW know whether equestrians wilt have: any momita alter the war. No Time to Lie Down W ith Victory Nearer Than Country Now Under U. "As regards the auto, it is much the Ever bodies, whetheil local or otherwise, same story. Every form of car had Before, Says Douglass; Advocates Want , who would be interested in the Park, to be taken, the government paying' "It is not fair to the Agricultural S. Protection to Meet AH and With , the owners a good price for the ma-- Objections Cooperate Department to say that they are op- chines. Another reason fot the Mar j. all Organizations; the Park's the Thing posed to the creation of this park. In MONUMENT ; icily of motor cars in German cities renlity I think such Is not the case. I ALSO Is the value The use of was at forest of gasoline. ; WHO FAVORS THE NATIONAL PARK the service twice, and jguRoJUie except for military purposes ( found them very much interested in TO GREAT SAVANTi lis taboo. There are a few taxis run-- ; "Now let us recapitulate, speaking of course as to the creation tho subject. They did not commit jning in .P.e'rlin today but they are run of.the Park, and not as to any particular bill or name. themselves as to their action, simply j by- a called 'benzol' and it. i that were The Bandelier Nations! Monument,; ...... preparation "Senators Catron and Fall ara for sayin thdy considering jits odor is so disagreeable many peo-- : "Representative Hernandez is neutral, but will.be for it with tho bill. The Interior Department some of the most valuable ' been protecting :ple prefer walking. The trolley car"! the present protestants satisfied. .. . has never opposed to' the park; rules in the country and perpetuating Ht ill run, the women seining as con- - "The Interior Department Is not apposed to the Park. nor Is the General Iand Oifice op. the memory of a great scientific ex-- j Uluctors, the men preside at the mot-- ; ."The Agricultural" Department Is uncertain. posed to it." n ' as of ptorer has been established by próc--, jors yore." ."The General Land Office is not opposed to It. , rush- ''The Office la not to if n issued President Wilson,; Mrs. Ramsey says that the Indian opposed it the Pueblo Indidns by to received here. ing of troops from the west the are protected. a copy having just been ' ' char-- i BURKING FILM ' '.. '" " eaaUnn front and back, .which ' "The Indian Rights Association for it with the clause of the Thifc sets aside some , , V' proclamation acteiized the tactics of the Germans! bills of the 6.3rd Congress protecting the Pueblo Indians inserted. JN.ndO acres in three portirms in ihe: ' ' " ' ' " ' at the beginning of the great war still "The New Mexico Society of' the American Archaeological hot ween the Rio ; .' THEATER AT "plateaus country '"'' o Institute is for it. l '. MOVIE iSraudo and .leniez mountains westr coiiiintms. Germanya spiderweb , ; the trans-- : Mexico for of The land includes railways furnishing remarkable "The New Archaeological Society is it. .Santa Fe. that; Is ' ' portation facilities.' AMien a German; ''The Southwestern Anthropological Society for it. between 'the Rito de and! ; X-;- SPRINGER CAUSE OF tile Cunada de Cochiti grant, inclttd-- ' . 'eaves for th efront'he doesn't know: "The American Civio Association is for it. how he will American Homecraft is for h. ing the ' Rilo canyon with its cliff long be fighting France, "The; Society f or Hussians. "The New Mexico Federation of Women's Clubs is for It.. dwellings; the Painted Cavo, the English, Belgians He; DANGEROUS of Cochiti and the may fight any or all of them, in a "The Santa Fe Chamber of Commerce Is for it. I PHIIC Stone Lions Stone; - , , National- Association of New Mexico Is for it.' Pumas; an area north of the Ramon '"'' short hpace of time. "The Park of no one Vigil a .'quarter of a square Food ReguIaMons. "Instead asking for National Monuments, that wants, giant, wo should once have an amended bill Introduced in niiJe in extent, povertng the'Navawi mi-- ; at Conreos "One of the direct results of the '. an areaof one mile in-- , tl at will fully protect all Interests." s Cool Heads Alone Prevent Tragedy ruins;. square occupation of Belgium is the j Tsunkawi and litary W. B. DOUGLASS. Af er Scared Audience Makes Rush eluding the ruins of;1 in j reduction the price of the Brussells . I for Doors and House is Otowi. Which were admit-- Finally grapes heretofore ' fo as to the extent of The president's proclamation is tin to Replying a question the present National Forest Emptied Quietly. ' ted Germany unaer heavy duty, ', the creation of the '(2- Guarantee ma- follows: "The Berliners' like these real prospects for laws; fuel, building grapes,": National Park of the Cities, terial, and water to the nearby-- set .1 (paid Mrs. Ramsey; "and many poor: sec- Dandelier National Monument cannot eat now." ' William Éoone Douglass, general tler; 16) protect uie rucoio inuians ;DEMING AISLES MUST BE people them of the National Prfrk Associa- con-- ; Santa Fe National Forest That the food which retary jn uieir rignts. men go uciore W(DE ENOUGH F0R TW0 ' regulations tion of New Mexico, said today: gross with, a bill that has no oppo-- j New Mexico have been exploited so much in' tlw Bv 1lio President .of the. Vnitod issue of the Now Mex- - sition. if we ever get it to a votei ,'-,- ., rT, , press, are merely another example of "Yesterday's i Fub' 'States of America: ' lcau reminded ma or a certain r in congress It will pass. , Sfn??.r' i Cermany's extraordinary foresight, Is ess of a number in the during tho Civil War. A battery National Monument Danger - A PROCLAMATION. declaration of Mrs. Ramse !miin lurge aU(iience ut the moving picture .'.! .. I fhe German e enemy was piaymg navoc witn "The most serious :s ihe "WHKREAS, certain prehistoric abo-- ; government knows the danger in tho opera house here pre- of in the entrenched troops, and the tak of Depart-- j ruins "situated upon public ' address every family Berlin and position the Agricultural vented a panic when one of the films riglmtl ing of it seemed impossible. Finally ment to make small areas into na- - Tilling lands of the .United States, .within .. ' ,1 the number of persons in, that fami- caught tiro, the room with a Bhe a a Irish boy jumped' up and started the bulk the Santa Fe National Forest, in the THE LATE ADOLPH BANDELIER. ly," said. "Tickets calling for big tional monuments, retaining dense smoke. The burning film was - of by for it, "Ue down, you fool!" yelled of the ruins wfl.hin their own forest. thrown from the room to Stale of New Mexico, are of mi- j eetain, quantity bread, regulated operating the. number of mouths to be fed, are the captain. "You can't take that The department forgets that the pro- he floor below and the audience usual etnnologic, seienunc, ami that Mw Forest 'Service Other Monuments. - Ie killed." The ans- and eaB;c,w ha.lltol, disfiibuted each week and you cannot battery; you'll ject is older than the national forest, made a rush for the front and rear cational interest, it appears tlla jXational Advocates of the national monu-th- a wer came "That's all Sor, that,,i(nn oppo!llng, Park) more bread than the tickets back, right, and that this area .was only loaned to exits. Cool . interests would be P'o-;,,ia- purchase heads shouted assur public alia believes that the went declara several lie down when I'm A lot na- - - acquisition plan that after call for. That Is all there is to it. "t I'll hit," it to protect the ruins while tho ances, and the rush stopped, the pco- moted by reserving these relics of a)(?, the monHment will not hinder thai nava been created in the it more of the 'the idea a as region have found that our tickets call for boys thought tional park was maturing. We are ue leavina ouietlv. vanished people, with much land movemeut We iiave not been tal;-- i will be a for s and soon had the bat- strong argument the ncre bread than we good one, tbey them to us back our! - ; may bo necessary tor the proper , actually need. only asking. give The accident, says- the Colfax any controversy In this eluding of all in a' National The - - itg. part . Park; This talk of infants for lack of tery. own. St'ockman, has led some peo- thereof, as a National Mo- - dying .,.'', County protection r.cnnectioll ne said, "To recommend next monument suggested Is the Je- to me more No For Monuments -j milk, and the appeals to America "Nothing has ever pleased Poljce plo to remark that the house luunent: o- mez opera t't the president the .aside mission church and to ... WOOD-RO- WIL--. setting adjacent send condensed milk by pareelpost, than to read the inscription nailed "As I am informed, all national has not sufficient that a Now, thereforé, I, : j e exits; large rational monument Is as ar as our ruins, (some ot which are Yey strike me aB the head of New Mexican. "THE monuments will over to the juri- SO.V, President of the United States absurd. There is plentT the. pass one should be provided on the north, machinery allows usjant. Other ruins in the plateau of CITIES NATIONAL PARK IS of virtue of the in milk and when milk does become CLIFF sdiction of the Interior Department, near the center of the room. America, by power to go and .we can take no part in country are also proposed for segre FIGHTING FOR. has no jiudience me vested section two of the Act scarce, the adults will be the frist WELL WORTH and that department at present by jany aRit!ltifm among congressmen formation. The real big plan is to make who will without it.. hns DON'T LOSE TRACK OF THE IS- for the of the ONE ROW of Congress approved June S, 190T, go There money proper policing OF EEAT8 r, against the passage of a pending; a great national park out of the whole. been an excellent substitute for SUE.' So it is, I have cut that out area of the monuments, so IS entitled "An Act for the Preservation 11 11hñi-- proposed ORDERED REMOVED. p.veii if we etinnlil so .Tpuif7. enmitrv. irKludinfi- tha. liana lo ' uo milk some kind of a white powder and have pasted it on the wajl over that, however satisfactory the laws ot American Annquuies, prucianu has .beon Rn the lands condemned ' M impresaion. however, that cation, having which has been extensively used by my desk, 'lest I forget.' for the protection of monuments, Deming, X. Feb. 14 The board ; that there are, hereby reserved from lne foi.(, .t servi(..e na been and i opposing purchased, tnose who like it.' Sec- is no means of enforcing them. of trustees of Doming has ordered the and use of all kinds un-th- e is inoor-- "The advice of First Assistant there appropriation national park bill. This l Former Secretary of the Interior Americans Miss Friends. - Thus the ruins would be without tho Hull Amusement company to remove der all of land tpnb-- 1 retary Jones of the Interior 'Depart- the public laws, reet." .Tames R. Garfield. In the In-- 1 one row city today, There Is one remarkable difference in his at .the Chamber protection they now have. If the of r.eats down the center aisle to all valid adverse claims, . of j ment, address ject prior The creation the monument, while secretary included $SU,O0) in In life in the Agricul- - of the Princess that and set as a National Monu-.- ; Berlin today, noticed at of Commerce, was to 'Keep on fight terior .Department and theater, holding apart opening the way to expenditure of his appropriation schedule, to be could the aisle is too narrow to the of in the lea3t by the Engllsn speaking colony ing for it ttiral Denartment get together present meat, all tracts land, government moneys in conservation, spent on tho improvement and pré- a of board of as the and by certain musicians, artists and "Tho pr is too to 'and create one monument as unit, permit rapid; exit., "The state; New Mexico, shown ;more visitors and more activity in the servation of the ruins in the Rito oposed park great una wm on. literary folks. Mrs. Ramsey explain- h .l.huit.d nn.i . mmnnnnto am em bodying all ot . uie oesireo learures, p"'" iui mue uie uisie Itandeiier National Monument the or ancient ruins west of here, the national mowi-diagra- oi jarea country, under, ed it ef- - and for at! wide enough to permit two persons forming a thereof. ... iwill make it even for 'in saying: merely wasting their time in the arrange proper, policing, part inore necessary nieut plan. President Roosevelt the "When the war thou- same the settlers to walk abreast, all...lre ..regulations pro-.thi- s broke out, fort It is true delav it the time protecting The reservation ánade by this to once to ar--1 they may by ' county proceed at weeutive- order creating the Jeinez sands of aild left and the Indians in their it as to movie houses agreeing that all r!a mutton is not intended to t for a new across English Canadians shelling us with shrapnel of misstated rights prevent range bridge the Forest changed the proclamation to do as make-shif- t while aisles must be this wide. use of lauds for forest - Germany. But those who insisted on facts. But every year finds Ihe park! might a the. the the pur- river at Buckman. To fail to do so include the Rito sector when his on. , - leinaining in Berlin soon felt the It to Park fight goes But, after all,: under the esta-- la- project stronger. takes time ' proclamation deliberately closing the doors to tent ion was called to the of ' For-- , necessity war hand that had been felt in eet the facts before the peo-- would it not be better to ask for what t Wishing the Santa Fe National the business. properly ' looking after these relics of the past, other of Four thou- we want, like the little est. The two reservations shall both , . s . capitals Europe. pie. really girl sand who 'Give us .our Whñ TriíÍ'--' be effective on the land withdrawn, Englishmen and Canadians, "The Department of the .Interior; who prayed, this, day ,"Mjn .rr nY ,: remained In now interned 31 11)11(1. ; - ; but the National Tomunent hereby Borlln, are hcir.,n the fifht whnn'nn .lulv imjiy pie.' Doubtless ' I 7 o rtotnl,H cliorl chalí ha thw clnm in un f fn.- BERLIN. DESPITE WAR'S STRENUOSITY you have, read that wordithev withdrew the area for a nation-- Í Anv Name Acceptable , Kill Wife to 1 'interned' In l - florvntimi mtA onv llui, rr flip lnnrt your papers, but park, having had a field examina- "As to the name of the proposed realise just what it means? It does I would which interferes with its preserva-- ! ltiou the year previous. There have, park; personally accept any Live in ot a Mo- REMAINS SPOTLESS TOWN Or EUROPE: ""' ",r"" " peopie musí been two other field the name, it would seem tnat Spite tlon or protection as National ; examinations, certainly ' merely stay around "Berlin and can-- 1 last by myself in 1910. All examin-- i the name should be suggestive to the nument is hereby forbidden. not leave AV Germany.. It means that era visitor as to he will if we is given to all j recommended national narks. It what see, Cut arning hereby BV they are placed in a detention Cities' is Windpipe unauthorized persons not to appro-- AMERICA 0T HATED THE GERMANS camp should be borne .in mind that these wish to attract him. 'Cliff . and held as prisoners of war. - name was first injure, remove, or destroy any They examiners had absolutely no inter- no misnomer. The prbte, cannot see - feature National their wives or children. est in the matter, other thau the na- 'used by Dr. Hewctt in an article on Ratou, X, M.. Feb. 14. Floyd of this Monument, None of us have seen these people, tional .. , n or to locale or settle on any of the good., Puye. a Spanish-America- resi- of Horses and Autos Noticeable Effect of many of them friends, since these Aragón, lands reserved by this proclamation. Scarcity personal "The first bill . was Introduced in "What chiefly distinguishes the outbreak the war. - dent of the Ponll country, is a IN WITNKSS I have of Among the the 56th Congress to create 'The Cliff ruins from all others within tie boun- WHEREOF, Conflict in Teuton Intimate 4,nflo are famous musicians. at the Jail on hereunto sot my hand and caused the Capital; Glimpse prisoners Dwcllers' National Park.' Eight bills daries of the United Stales, and! prisoner county the War-Tim- Lehvinne is one of tbem doc- seal of the I'nited States to be afflx- - of e Life American Woman Artists, have been introduced for this purpose, wherein they are the most wonderful, charge of attempted murder of by tors, literary men, actors, ex of abor-th- e golf which illustrates the importance of is' (he great concentration his wife. The prisoner Is suffer- " ' ' perts. Few, of them work; they are and if, will tho evolu-down- . Done at the Citv of Washington; ; . park, the fact that not iginal habitation, dawning ing from a dangerous wound the guest of the government, but tion of our modern are rather s city. They caused, by an effort to end his ivTr cifoürh ,dz s ra of unwilling guests. They while "Why should we stop the fight now, indeed embryonic cities, but no one own life his throat.. - the by cutting - of away time the best they hundred and sixteen and of the Inde- or' capital the empire now strug- officers on the pavement, mingling 'can, giv after waging it for seventeen years? would expect t.) find on embryonic Tho slash was sufficiently deep to 'ith tlle strains of a brass band. The ing concerts, readings, shows, and That. too. as we have succeeded and an embryonic street, car ttemtwice of States the 'gling for its very existence while the some just mayor, sever the windpipe, but miracu- of them teach for a 1 cne hundred and fortieth. .Russian tear is growling on the east-- ' soldiers are marching to, war, for the golf good in smoking out the enemy, and com-- service. They probably bad a system lously missed moro vital salary. They yearn to do work. to parts, (Signed) WOODROW: WILSON. !er nfrontier and the Knglish lion roar- - cana is piaymg a martial air. e polled it fight in the.open. of government, somewhat similar to permitting the man to live. on the One of them. Mr. He&sen, who was "It is said the Indian ( Signed ( ROHRRT LANSING. en the west, and France's artillery stantl pavement and see these that 1,000 settlers have that of present pueblos. ' ylng head of a music house In Berlin, is to of Secretary of Statd! thunders in the southwest, appearent-- , "en theae brave fellows lesviog protested against this proposed park .It seems hardly proper speak aj front to be killed interned and he devojtes his time, on the ground it unscientific. There is . !ly is unmoved by the titanic struggle fi" the probably to; that takes away 'name being i tue or Cketch of Bandeller. 'which - Some the men make no to Keeping accounts tho camn, their lands. When know flower or trae that is has shaken Kurope to its foun- of attempt He grazing you hardly animal, Junior Promenade would rather do be! d ' Adolph Francois Alfonse Bandolier idations. Berlin Is a bcauti- - conceal their thoughts 6t Impending that than tbe facts, that' protest is New by Its scientific na:ne. The today city idle. - was - sad-us- t Moreover, once in a while Ico'b Of thou-- : name be born at Heme, Switzerland, Aue'f,,i, a city peacefulalmost jovous- a death. Their faces betray their greafpst joke.- the one "Pajarito" would far from at State College dis-.cit- there is an C, 1St. He was a son of a ot cafes and amusing ness of heart at leaving home, opportupity to go' into said signers, if there be that many, scimti fie, as it is, in no way con-bu- t delightful the city of Berlin to make Swiss army officer. He cabaret shows; a of comfortable mil" and love3 Others bear pur- 175 have any grazing rights fn nected with the scientific features. It to Mexico city chases of supplies, two Ger- the State N. M., Feb. 11. The i ame New as fellow of and rest-givin- "P 80 we" tnat tne' lool glad. And although area affected. They merely; is in no way a misnomer, excepting College, hospitals parks; but man ' tho of Amer-- ; we stand on the soldiers accompany the buyer loaned their names to a f a of the ruins am not fifth annual junior promenade will be Archaeological Institute ,bove all, the Bpotless town of Europe pavement seeing and oblige' .wealthy that portion ica to study the Pueblo, ruins. This; t,1R8Q met n their to the keep strict watch over him. neighbor. . near the canyon of that name. A hdd at State College on Friday eve- ,s0 Mrs. Sylvia Ramsey, wife of a way . 1880 un-- ; There is Rus- - this of twenty-fifth- The occupied his Ayhole time front prominent American dentist of Berlin trenches. Friends and relatives another camp for Against protest, we offer the portion of the. Jemez plateau has ning February til t8N!. He on to slans not far from rolls of the National Assorts-- 'affair Is held the traversed foot the enjalIt sjstcp 0 Attorney Melvin T Dun- - throw flowers them; some hurl Berlin. They are! Park. i been called the Pajarito plateau, and annually during of New - month of is each tire Itio Grande Valley and examined iavv 0 fthis Packages of cigarettes, pieces of kept prisoners by a novel arrange-- tion Mexico, wherein one thou- that is what suggests the name to February, and year city, depicts Germany's in surveyed ill the villages sites cap'i1 at where she resided for the llacco an(' little cigars with ribbons ment. Mrs. Ramsey exolalned. There .sand prominent, men and women from some as the nroDer one for the nark, cSarge of the junior class. has - bou-i- f is a wire all over the The Is- known as imd studied the historical traditions paBt fourteen years and to which she around them. It is a parting netting around the camp state have pledged their Wants to junior promenade the Indians. He - l Is and two or three times a d.iv support to the National Park of the "As to mrnnuitinn in mv Intter to the one big dance of the year, and Is living also expío- return in a- few days. Mrs. Ram-- 1 venir... Yet there a feeling of joy (hU rod on foot of 1,1 a wire is with ' elec-- 1 Cliff Cities. are on I the only formal affair of such naturo. nearly nil New Mexico, SOy has lived in Berlin throughout niany German breast, for there heavily charged There the rolls Governor McDonald last December Arizona, Mexico and Central America Kocs another man to for of sufficient to kill presidents of universities and that the Catron bill could not Many people from Las Cruces, El the prosent European war and she fight, father voltage ' colleges, stated his publications by the Institute. hns anyone touching it. As the exact mayors of cities, presidents and sec-- ! be passed In its present form, as the Paso, and from the Mesilla Valley, on ed fpund it about the ciniest spot:li,,lti: stu- iré now uie lonnaation lor an stuu- - n moment whenN the current is turned retarles of chambers of commerce, the Pueblo Jndians were rot I this occasion, mingle with the Kurope. Americans Are Not Hated. on protected. ' cuts of these regions. And so he has Ve is kept a secret from the prison- secretary of tho state chamber of asked an immediate araendmeut. Sen dents. feel the great struggle that is Mrs. Ramsey says, reports of bitter-fnes- s or come to be considered the world's! ers, nene them só far hag at- commerce, state senators,, doctors, ator Fall said to let the bill stand as y This year's affair promises, to rating on all sides of us, it is true." toward Americans for ' - Selling to 'make a ' ones In several foremost authority on Spanish-Amer- shs said 'today. "We feci it in the tempted , lawyers, ministers, civil' engineers, it is untir reported on, and then eclipse all former ammunition must be discounted. "The An orches- - ica as revealed - ranchers, presidents and man-- : amend it to the ways. excellent by archaeloglcal anl,ar ve read of It In the dailv news- German is not general meet the wishes of - emperor personally ' of - tra has been secured to furnish the vuuicwRicai evidence, lie uieu in mi- we see of! RY jagers great mining companies, cat- various departments. The National papers; moving pictures hostile to America," she said. "He jrjlT FT) FAN" The hard wood ot ' J; German we . tie companies and water companies Park Association is for the creation music. floor the . , . !,,. . . ". p.r 'the army's camp. But do, admires America and the Americans. nj, . j ,u nun I ltr- Yet the Park Association is but ot the and not for some particu- college gymnasium will he put in the ...K uuie u.; not see anything more than He likes the American If Ur A WlNUMII park, ' n. pictures people. three n,ontns "'i1- il is ev-- best condition. The decor ni iiaiiuran s iniuuu uuvei .or hear mnra ihnn iwnnrta T ío tmnn. n, i.- - 1 Columbus, N, M., Feb.' 14. B,,t growing lar form of bill. So far as I know possible Benito will : "Tho pelight-Makers- is in the Can-.o- f t....j rapidly m the fabulous babies who one of the is ations be very extensive and oannon the shriek of shrapnel, the i anv it Tas been de- - Bare,a' a Mexican about 44 years of " ery association strongly von Kito de Mrs. H. quarter largely bramls of milk. So, for School of Archaeo- - novel. los Frijoles. S.'md cllPer of victorv or 4he yel of vein bv he ar was found dead at the Birehfield certain the American ka-in- is a ped rto!1. 1 fiP'ht. re ev- - Many outside are of Santa Fe niece of this is .- - Peach was logy Santa Fe, and wish to do people expected -- despair too far awav to be heard. a few s There S one ""eh. Judge notified and d ' pape to mobilize . In- - to attend the affair, and will be , explorer. And the not hc summoned a held an in-- : beginning erythmg possible to advance its they Berliners who have been American in Berlin at Jury and - A. .1. ,., , paper piuisnea it as to our sup-- : Uni- - welcomed the students and facnl- Rito , . . by .lurge Abbott of the v.as ,i, ... - congressional terests. We are likewise for the .Dn,i " IS" MWIl. i". ' Í - 1 t o :... r ., ...... UV UF.:ociian or area '"irnrtw... laI. uu ., UI1U W ' Tho4 nllooa ,i r this last summer .daily affairs with 'little more""lconcern "But whn ihe nonnlA nf Karl In 1"" eci tnat me,':.deceased bad come iul,.i.i'inna fl&IIJ til iew JliVMCII, ISn lO w'.v.n,. I.mI,. i, tuic and to statements b'- to Catroft for introducing thej. bill to see an' endowment for a An- - for many who will visit at that time. according it- Ithan before the war's outbreak, show animosity to Americans it i his death by a fall from a windmill chair of Don P. Johnston, he will be iower- - He had l ' .with "There is abundance of every kind cause they confuse English people been oiling the ,bv ihr(,P'0 institution, ,n the capacity of custo-:o- f an1 is mill.iX Ue park- - The continued food an(1 an Sundance of healthy with American people, both speaking " PPOsed that he was struck C'T innonlP to pat it m Ho-t- m Thi ti, n' , .. . by one of tbe fans when the mill ?ator X'Llm. nrTi as to excavation 1 tn, TT nst fall, Abbott ;; us support, ana so tar as I am in- - was for the of To Probe of Judge planted of all 'the veterans into the allowed fo be d ,0 "in. Barela had been 'a purpose preventing Story iraftinpr tallied over the formed, has never his i large shipment of fish furnished by sprvlce i alt fnnlichnnaa Tho riit'ni.im ku.n nf u,a . n.i.. foreman of Birchfleld's for twenty changed mind, specimens from the most important The and the "As for Representative Hernandez, ruins field Killing of Government, Forest Ser of Berlin is a town to- - you cannot years- - being removed from the Antelope kept spotless speak Gorman, and for whom,, I high-- ! vice already has plans under way for - -- personally, have Ihe of and thus In the interest of day as of yore and the work of keep- pretty good German at 'Central' i ; study, the ladders to the that, est regard, he has been most nnfor-jal- l educational whether replacing different, ing'it such falls largely on the men. will cut off your conversation." institutions, eaves and some of the Students Lecture at tunately placed. He was one of our they have the monev to excavate or An letter received repairing ,a a iniBiuu in tue viipi-- j ana iviotors ocarce anonymous today esta-ta- .j,,,. noises umiiiKcsi ana not. - liMn rails The service is also to l of a where so homes While Berlin supporters, personally Fnr from hnettio tn tho!h statu rsma. nir,in TriniH., n country many still has nearly all of Normal carried the hill Kflimil ,i uiiMi tt'ipjuione connection wun inc have been University tentativa tn Senator nf inhauim t ir,iin brought into the shadow tbe luxuries it enjoyed before the The education to-- .i,i department of j Catron. Ho would have us Tor-.la- y Abbott ranch. - given his; the drafting, of that clause by its nest j man seven miles from the of death and it is to relieve this ten- war. Mrs. Ramsey says there are two received word Or. H. living from Frank and enthrusiastic but! plan-Tranc- e . sion that the cafes are as horse hearty support, friends and arrangements were .county seat has in hie posses-H- FOREST NOT IN kept lively excepted; and motor cars, I.oberts. president of tbe New for the heavy from his SERVICE as ever, and the "A horse will soon protests own;ned for the School's cooperation with sien the hides of three antelope which that cabnret shows become so rare Mexico Normal 1. niversity. that the county. the ti. ... CONTROVERSY, EXPLAINS uraw enremment ,.i i,m.i .u ' 1 ' iar.ge crowds every night. that it will te kept in a zoo," she novel to - tA rr,iiv k...... , . 1. experiment of having students "The thlnz do not ' r J.ue som Supervisor Don p. Johnston of the a . ,h- - a...,, " i'. ' :n ura nas tue meat, me uay ef Joy and Sorrow. declared. "There has been lnt ....' '.. Z L 'L"" '. ;'u. f',t " " " ' 113 oe ; Santa Fe National Forest in . "r "" Present snoitm consuttea, and the Archaeo-- name ot the man is The letter com "There is one day when the neo. talk, lhat th. -v ln , ,,,,1, . trt. 1"" given. . hnr. ne n '' viii. i riuueiTis io.ni. to meet us. ana aeree nnnn np na Sncintv nf -- a.- . - '''( .a.i.cu arf 11 i on tho Monti- 111 , imt...wv , - . u SUIU. An lurnting nlay National pie feel joyous and sad turns. It War: llaVa. - when ,0,mnn -- tn , , .." ,. UEU.'io'i lUHjr by tie r,wl...v. " .,"7.. (in-- pnn-nr- e KAiilhu-aln- took occasion to make it f nll. uní .V,..,,,.uiiii win; iti uu.'uailTee rne sn qhniilfl the'. nar,t;nnt,-- ,;n i. .4- - mmeil- - .ment, very is when the haughty tread of soldiers and down like Napoleon on horse-- . speeches on "Patriotism." tinuation of grazing rights to the full Anthropological and other scientific htcly by Mr de Baca 1 El! NUEVO MEXICANO (fiwrm) DE SANTA FE

Tí-- YO ,'"-.. i i, 52 í? Tí t víHs 4U1) ( uu- o ÍAV LA U &; ffc Pif í"9 if. casir. .."cücííjuo, (íh . áuorcbHA ruH MUCKlt y m ;y icwJ 1 ir1 'Mono ni carta blanca, en la poH-tic- DE UNA MUJER EN SAN PECHO. tes " ti I .Kiiputilicaiia.' w 9 -4 Exa,rnnac9n del Cuerpo Exhumada Benigno Harnndsz Para Gobernador por cj Oidai de Salubridad de Ciu- ti C.zr.cn Vé. Iton.rs de Nuevo México. dad Falta en Manifestar Ningunas asírái?n í f ILs'iJt Ji del victo i;i Diputado al Congreso ltunigno C. Pruebas qu la 8r. Crtpín Fuera tvp í3 la híbld.i. de lo fiil respiración Nadu es mas repulsi- Hernandez para gobernador Nuevo Asesinada. E!'a ha hecho pon buen éxito con su e:;por,o, con su hermano, y con prnti níimcro tianc-.aieiit- e bomba lie e el.rá s'ficiiií .111 PAZCON PflE- vo a uil pensamiento q ie cañones', Fii'iESaLOSBiJO Meixlco! Esta es ?a separada uciuu., y eiU como ella usó 011 .oda 11011, - que Bias Sanchez, secretarlo princi- ''El alegado Misterio que rodea lia coa taa crecientes resultado. explosivos, preparados para muerte la Montes pa! di) la Ultima cámara de represen-- ' de Sra. Constancia t UeJ. puce.e usar este eicKodq curar la 'destrucción de las vicias ICn los para DE NUEVO "f.ÍEXICO Y luntes y Republicano del. con- do Crcsplu, esposa de Gaspar Crraplu, 'Jna persona que se emborrache, un cr alia nmiriniiciiiii jnus de loa países civilizados ya no es dado- de Mora, acuha da tirar en las o hija de Francisco Montes, de" Han lo note, y cm que el público se cutero d nun- r. el fie 15n la tirada de la Antonio, condado de Bernalillo, bus asuntos La Si líora necesario que individuo prepare filas Republicanas. ' ' ' privados. se- ca se aoíarára. está ansiosa de Lotras defenderse a si semana antepasada do su papel ayudar personas, y para mismo, pero MEJOR OOE LOS esta razcía le cou manario en Español, , "El Comliate" Ccih la de acertar do sí por aconsejanio toda esta condición no exis esperanza tale nniiiguna rewerva en favor de o no la mujer fue asesinada el cuerpo queeiUd. tiene alftCin aer querido se; dado & ebte vicio de la LIT110 ta entre las naciónos Las naciones y anuncia que desde aho- lúe exhumado el Viernes por el Dr. Da- que bebida, que Hernandez, le éteríba iu van a la guerra, y mientras esto sea SE rlECLAfwIA ra el soportara su candidatura para la vid Knapp, el médico de condado de hoy jstismo falta, y díale cl!r& como cv,r6 á su del o exce ail es necesario la nominación Hepuhlicana para gober- Santa Fe. La mujer murió cerca de íppso prepararse para eivo de la bebida. , . nador. ... f San Pedro, condado de Santa Fe el V PIN DEL DISCURSO DEL SR. A. A. fuerra. Esla nación, con tatúa pro- ; Ella o !e uu centavo este con- no dudamos en lo mas clia 14 habla estado casada pide por JONES, PRIMER ASISTENTE SE- "Nosotros deilinero; sejos, por esa razón ticlieríaUcl, escribirle piedad y tanta vidas que proteger, no ARGUMENTOS AVANZADOS ' POR el St. año se estaba y DEL. INTERIOR. mlntm0,",dice ganchez, "que cerca eje un y Subía que ella CRETARIO límele se tomen chansas. EL ORGANO DE LOS SEPARA- igumi. Naturalmente, permitir que Rursuni hará un buen gobernador, lo en buena salud ateb de su muerte. UeJ. tomará uu interés Cuando el DOS; HERNANDEZ, CON "UN RE- espera que sp per. ' Neutralidad. tiempo venga, para arreglar ecuocemos personal, creemos que es Casi nada se pensó de ningunas cir- semitl eu a Ud. desée curar de da GISTRO MARAVILLOSO'', NOMI- persona que ata cuestión, no tengo mas mínima y de muy buenos sentimientos cunstancias sospechosas que rodearan la bebida e xcesiva, ti o Ud. "La acusación ha sido hecha que es- NADO PARA LOS capaz y epie le escriba chula quo la voz del pueblo sera por el GOBERNADOR; nuestro pueblo. Maa, t Sr. Bur-su- m muerte hasta que runrorob cayeron solamente curiosiidud. ... to pufa ha estrilo favoreciendo a un la- REPUBLICANOS TRABAJANDO para, pór t;oBteuímiei)to de esta" nación, de noso- tuvo la oportunidad, habléndoseila u oidos de sus se di- Diríjase Uel. á ella cou toda do en - Se ha dicho TO- parientes, según franej la guerra Europea.- tros, invioladas las Estre- LA CUESTION DE RAZA POR de confianza : j8.y - y preservar concedido el partido Republicano, ce, y finalmente se hizo una aptílacion que- por la venta de municiones a In- PO LO QUE VALE .1 llas y Harías empero, el el exhumado.' ; sus aliados los hemos Cavore .',.- ser gobernador, pueblo, para que euorpo fuera Mrs. glaterra y en-fr- e endo-b.-i- r s ándersors, "Nuestra marina es cuarta ahora e e?t domina, rehusó Cuando el Dr. hizo que suca-rjjrlo- iargaret ciclo. No "1iay cuestión que nuestras quien que Knapp 227 las grandes marinas del mundo, y la convención restos .la haner Calis María, Híüliurn, New York, E. U. X. municiones lian nido favorables a los Que Frank Habbell, de Albuquerque, la candidatura que do tierra para mientras .que yo personalmente creo se- confirió al Sr. Bureara Ja se h&lló el 6 fin (3e hacérselo aiín más fácil rUifidoH, y si et,e resultado siguió una está intitulado a un aeiento en el Republicana exatninacion, que caorpo i para Uel., que la eficiencia de Joa hombres que ñado de los Estados Unidos cuatro años pasados, y debido a ello, estaba en muy mala condición. Una Intención deliberada muy bien nos principal- ora T1r-,(Tlf- hiuuejan nuestros buques los pon- tenemos un gobernador Demócra- oxamlnacton de la no C.f AntWston, quien comoleta en el mmf.n fll v em ,. pueden acusar de no ser neutrales, Pe- mente porque es .uní "hijo de Nuevo hoy nuca, obstante, oití'o a su ofiposo Hl uso ftxoue2vo n. drían, en ro'ííüidad, a la cabeza de las a coiho el banque- ln bubiac. diimora ro la en esa cues- México," es declarado por "La Revis-t- ta. El Sr. Ely, tanto manifestó que no habla sido quebrada áa alguna. posición de este pala taurinas en es co.no el que le supefan. fuerza, do Taos," el paladin de la Chusma ro Reynolds, no sabemos hasta hoy como so habia rumurado, No habia tión es tan sana y tan sólida a imperativo que debemos tener una"ma-rm- que servicios hayan rendido al pueblo heridas ni otras lastimaduras. Nn Mattiumt ArAntm, cimiento de la nación Es absolutamen- Vieja Republicana, en su tirada de la 2:i"Ciilie t'ííria. Hillburn, ?lew York; E. V. A. mas grande En tierra, nuestras del Estado o en que público se te en acuerdo con todus las de ceíijana antepasada. Doclara ademas empleo El hecho que la mujer muri6 repen- tílclrfticnmo oom ctiri á su ICsposodol violo cío 3 bf reglas armadas no son suficiente, aun conocer sean o' yo ca- bajo one intitulado al rango como el hayan dado a para qua tinamente cuándo esta- - ewcivu., pues utoy inturesado petsonalinmio en uii persona qu la ley internacional. Solamente ' está aparentemente toma, befjj'Jaa nan exo-o- , las presentes circunstancias, propia- como el de acreedores al honor de ser goberna- torce meses pasados Alemania misma igual, y aun superior, ' la en buena salud encaminó a algunos mente ara tener cuidado del país Si '. ('ce laró un poder neutral tenia un cualuuier "extrangero", cuando se dor. ,, a creer que .habla sido "asesinada." qué la j saben cuan s derecho vender municiones de guerra viene, ustedes servirle a su estado nativo eu "Tiempo'hace ya, que nosotros También se adelantó la teoría una para oíretip que Callo y No. . Ciudad- desastroso sería mandar tropas sin cluda-cr.nosf- " tenido la convicción de que el - guerra a los países beligerantes. Hay cualquier posición a la cual sus lucha puede haber causada la muerte al frente Kn la del Estado Depío-Paí- buenas razones para esto. Si dueños ninguna disciplina lo eleven. puesto de Gobernador per- de .la mujer en la refriega. .S Estado. Prov. s Ilispano-Amertcan- solamente los años,- ve- nl-f- guerra en un tenece al menos por dos mini releía nn filaran nerniíliHnn Las declaraciones son hechas El Dr. Knapp le sometió un reporte ... i .' . hombres se perdieron, pero 'más nideros, a uno da nuestros distingui- L wi33 editorial encabezado: "Una Preten- al procurador de distrito Alejandro ahora eií la listo, de Hispano-Americano- Su- que 7,(00 estíin la íual lee como si- dos Nadie pue- beligerantes, qué sería el efecto? sus siendo tion Ultrajante," ítead diciéndole que no habla podido pensiones, deshabilidades .- de que siempre hemos sido póngase que nosotros entráramos en gue:- ,- i segar, hallar -- evidencias de asesi- el resultado de mandar sin dis- ningunas ATO-(CH- tropas New Metxican en consecuentes y mas que liberales en EN MEMORIA DE MANUEL DE EN MEMORIA D LA SEPARACION guerra con el Japón e Inglaterra dije- do "The Santa Fe nato. Con la falta de ninguna eviden- ciplina al campo bátala - a los los em- ra que no nos vendería municiones un editorial reciente da claramen- conceder tajonea mejores cia al contrarío se asume el ROYBAt. DE MI QUERIDA TIA FAUSTINA "En loa dias primitivos éramos una dal Estado siu fijarnos por procu- Nuestro sería e a entender que los ciudadanos pleos públicos VIGIL. . primer grito que Ingla- nación de pobladores, y vivimos eon el el mismo rador de distrito que la mujer murió , nativos da Nuevo México son sus en que los Hispanos tenemos ' terra estaba Aliada con el Japón; que e causab' naturafles. , Enero 30 de 19 W.' fusil Pero en estos buenos dias de derecho a ocuparlos, la misma clase elia no era neutral; 'que' ella estaba peones y su& esclavos políticos y El ha- Kl día 2(1 fle Enero nosotros las condiciones han cambiado o hombres desempeñarl- Dr. Knapp dijo que ej cuerpo Año de mil nuevecientos Oudando é Instigando al enemigo de que necesitan de su Ucencia y be- mejores para como a ' ' a tal modo que mas' que la mitad de la - áolo necesitamos de un es- bía estado en la tierra por mucho tietn aquí voy explicar diez y seis no se fue olvida los Estados Unidos Si tal condición neplácito para aspirar a altas os, y que- se de eBte mundo pote viveu en plazas y ciudades de en nuestras convenciones pe para hallar ningunas marcas en la despidió ínurió mi existiera serla absolutamente necesa-rt-i y para obtenerlas. Ha- fuerzo unido querida tía mas que 2,.'00 de populación . de nuca, y. dijo que si la mujer habla Manuel de Atocha Roybal. se Vidal todo blando sours la canuiaatura - deal obtener la candidatura que separó de esta para país La Fortaleia de Alemania jara uno muerto por causas ilegales, ya no hay la manufactura de Honorablo Francisco A. seemos asi como la elección para ' preparado para "Para'e! bienestar da nuestra juven- Hubpell modo de hallarlas. Eran su padres carnales de los nuestros. s El primero de Febrero , municiones dentro de sus propios para el puesto de senador federal . tud, no hay razón para que no se desa- vamos Manuel Sabino Roybal ya Dios lo determinó ' v. y esta vendría a ser Una carga el citado con 'Pues bien; pues 'poniendo rrolle una clase do hombres en nues periódico pregunta - DE DE LAGRIPPE finada Vaieria Montoya manos a la vamos Jos Hispano- PUES QUE de Faustina , que los nó méritos tiene obra; ; que Vigil países pequeños podrían - airoguncia quo y - i Señor la en ' tras ciudades, como- también en el j del , Toses que se quedan "pogadai." des- tenga paz de este mundo e ausentó. existir Asi los Estados, Unidos, en' es- que servicios lia prestauo ese Americanos partido Republicano 4 - como j ' y de su gloria. ta país, qtilenes sepan "sobrellevar hacitsrido un ebfuerzo supremo para de la 'grippe agotan la fuerza y gozando materlu, estí ia a laques ' permaneciendo por lias, durezas a la' para atreverse, pretender reelucen resistencia F. G. ' - y puedan responder Republicana vecidera nos lá vital. Aillos mi querida tía ley internacional está llevando la an- . tan alU empleo.- Respondemos convención llamada del La prepara-1- - "Un Pues este nlílo fue criado - país. 'gran 'conceda la omináclon de un candida- Prevo, .Bedford, JndV escribe; te en el corazón torclia de- la ley pa-- el beneficio de que aparte de muchos, otros tiene tengo ' cion de Alemania no está confinada-e- ' to sea de los ataque de la grippe me dejó con una espero mejor decir, en Dios en la tudas las naciones el e para gobernador que ia espero, y Virgen mérito esencia! indisputable jDoüa-Cecil- Roybal ensoñar a marchar a los soldados, la j tos severa. Hice lo La a México de ser de Nuevo do nuestros; que tenga la capacidad, todo qu pude, - ' que te halle3 en la maslon. lnvasion se vé en la educación hijo México, y y por Don José T. Vigil. "Ustedes han puro científica en energía y sobre todo la voluntad para Perdí peso y Ine enflaquecí tanto que 4 oído varias opiniones su estar intitulado grado tguuil y de pueblo. Ella no ha educado a ser electo." ; nunen. tlm 0 Pro- - A las ocho, de la mañana en cuanto a nuestras relaciones con aun superior al de cualquieer otro que pueda parecía que nanar., Fue criado con bueii anhelo su como lo, hacemos noso- po-jb- Ha , se su i ue juventud, Luego el ñf. Sanchez procede a Compota de Miel y Alquitrán de le llegó partida tío vecino mas coreano, y sola- o extranjero, para serirTTsu esta- y cen buena cortesía tros, lo liamos hecho, en nuestras ' Hernandoü como el y dos botellas me curaron. e Adiós mi hermano mente recientemente si- do natal jner al Diputado Foley ; querido apelación ha hom-bie- s en cualquier posición a mientras estaba en sa hogar comunes, para que sean eme los Hispano-Americano- s Ira estoy bien y devuelta a mi poso ., adiós querida familia, do hecha de mandar' nuestra armada la que tus conciudadanos quieran y en su amable compañía. a profesionales y oradores, pero les deben, nominar. :iormal." La do Miel A- Mexico Pero la no elevarlo. No mas creden Eepublicanos Compota y '. " ' Viejo armada ha ha dado a ellos educación vocacional nec.esjta 1 mi id.,, y en En el curso de au artículo, Sanche? lquitrán de Foley va derecho al mal- Ádios querido esposo espero Dios que nunca irt dales que esos." . Ya se acabó Manuelito de la.claae I10 g0,amente capajcm ,j ... i .. ,. nom- rtie - qlle íumonta sobre el hecho que los estar. Es uu remedio safo y seguro ya separo de tf inas cuantas personas olvidan, o fal- nlr,0 a ganarse Un nombre para sí que de Dios vaya a gozar j. tai en .Ir, .1 I..., bres de Ralph C. Ely y Herbert Rey- De venta en la Botica Capital Phar- hay te encargo a nils hijitos realizar, .,.,!,.. a la na- - Magerman Fuera del Partido Repu- los íngeles querubines pero para ayudarle ' so mí. r.scauus umuos en cuanto nolds tambjeu.. han sido mencionados macy.. , ;."".-'- ,ya quedaron siu a México, con en la hora de necesidad. Los bue- - blicano, Reclama el Papel. lo salgan a acompañar. li asido una como probables candidatos Republica- muy delicada Algunas 'nos caminos de Alemania le han dado Eu ila misma columna editorial, "La personas faltan en nos para gobernador, pero desecha a DEFUNCION. Adiós nil quCridi) Enriques realizar que el pro- a ella una en el presen- Kevista do Taos" toma ocasión para Fue tan bella bu hermosura blema gran ventaja los dos- con la observación que él no N es la ííltima despedida envuelto se extiende mas allá si- sus al anterior a su hermosura notaba te y efate ampiarle pajieiazos - que los conflicto, país espero que sabe de servicios Gallina, N. M.,- Febrero 11, 1916. y también Adiós Fidel de linderos de México Casi cerca Gobernador Herbert J. ningunos públicos los y querubines ga la misma cesa hasta que caminos Ilagerman. de;l angeles adiós de un siglo pasado los Estados Unidos Concerniente que ellos hayan dado para que estén Pr, Editor Nuevo Mexicano: a y querida Cordelia sólidos se hallen en, a él dice; que su gloria presentaban; V- toda sección que M: - , declararon las del he- ni Intitulados al honor. Santa Fe, N, .,' qüe repúblicas vayan para todas direcciones , "NI Mono Carta Blanca.",, misferio occidental Cuestión de Derechos Reclama Blas Sírvase incertar en las columnas Hay Veneranda do mi alma serían protegidas "En conclusion, mis . "El Hagorman, Como cinco años contaba, de amigos, quiero ' de su apreciable semanario lo siguien- : y Eloiba del corazón agresión, y en años recientes, al las estar. que tantas pruebas nos ha dado Sanchez. a W hora de su muerte monos, asegurarles que gentes que te: El dia 39 de Enero a las .4 y me- se quedaron siu su madre ha aido la política de los Esta haciendo fuerza do eu hostilidad al partido Repu- En su üémanarlo Inglés, "The Wag- mas debemos conforriiarnos dos tener control están dia de la mañana remontó su vuelo ha- los llevo eu el corazón. Unidos promover y cimentar núes - blicano y de su alianza- ofensiva on Mound Bancheí "pu- asi nos tocó la suerte trabajando solamente con la vlstacla- y rantagraph,". cia el cielo ila niíiita Fldelita Valdez tras relaciones con los países al sur. vada en el del defensiva con los cabejclllas De- blica lo siguiente a la cabeza de su Sí bienestar país. Mesien) fue a aumentar el' número de El dia dos do Febrero los Estados Unidos hubieran man- to feliz en decTlr cuestión mocráticos, cabal derecho columna editorial: angeles Adiós mi José que ninguna tiepo ..... al cielo de sufrido papá Miércoles en la mañana una armada a Hispano-Americano- s Nue- después haber por a ejado México, en que luz partidaria se permita quo se levante. para oponerse a ilos candidatos "Los de que ya lo voy dejar ' "'" Wería 19 días de la maligna enfermedad de so celebró el funeral vista ella por estas otras repó-H.llca- Ejite es un cuando los ciudadanos-Ame- Pepublicanos, no lo tiene pa- - vo México deben unirse en ambas las ya me voy para el cielo tiempo pero la fiebre malaria a la edad de un año como es la regla crlstiaua . Anteriormente las repúblicas ricanos de todos los partidos, ra dictar y ordenar quienes sewn ... dos próximas convenciones Republica- por toda una eternidadi de la y nueve meses. Deja tristes y des- America del Sur y Central no de todo linaje, unirse para un estos candidatos. Ese distinguido na jr Demócrata, eu sus demandas pa- puedan consolados a bus Francisco Val- - El que esta Indita han tenido un sentimiento f olo des-- ra la .division de los honores padres Adiós mi mamá Cecilia compuBO fuerte de propósito, la seguridad del futuro caballero debería conocer que ' igual- . úex 8. Vaildez dos uerma-J- - no es ni trovador en ios Estados Unidos. La oe de mente en las nominaciones ofi- y Plácida y adió poeta las Estados Unidos. Nuestra ora que fue gobernador ha estado para querida mamá las a doctrina j t itos, quedando en un profundo dolor compuso bu memoria x de Monroe fue tenida como cion debe ser Paz y Paz fuera del del ciales de estado." Esto no es mas voy a . Preparación; gremio partido, y que sintiendo eterna su rogar y a lo un garrote grande con el cual loa Es con Honor., no hacerse sin de la separación de en el cielo que pudo mejor. Preparación sin Militaris que tiene niugun derecho para justo, miras - celestial. ' - amable y hljita.- La mi tados Unidos un dia los golpearía- - á su mo. . . ,. , , atiumlr la actitud de mandón o tanta habladuría de la cuestión de ra querida angelita y fue a las 4:30 de la del Soy sobrino de la finada" luibion Elias miran con temor' sobre za. En nuestro punto de vista no sepultada tarde Adiob todos niB hermauos ' la hay mismo dia en el de la ca- que en Las Truchas fallec ió fuerza de ilos Estados Unidos Pero1 cuestión de. raza; todos somos ciuda-- l camposanto con crecidas esperanzas el Presidente JUEZ FEDERAL pilla de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe , ti quieren saber mí nombre Wilson puso una doctri--j QUE ESCUCHARA PROCEDIMIENTOS DE EXPULSION danos Americanos intitulados a los hoy me despido de ustedes na y damos un Biiulro voto de agradeci-t- r Donito me (llamó la cual durara tanto como la de! ENCONTRA DE CUATRO ABOGADOS. mismos derechos y como tales sé nos a cantar las alabanzas. yo. lento a sus y todas das t Monroe, que los Estados Unidos de debeu conceder privilegios iguafles. padrinos 'a personas a los des- Vigil os mi apelativo , America nunca mas territo-- ! es una derc-ebo- s que acompañaron uou. adquirirán Poique esta cuestión de tu esta aespeUuia. y - rio por Y consolados padres durante las tristes liara que mejor sea conquista, en línea con su no do , desue el el fiu y preocupación, ' principio hasta 1 110 le horas de . que guste asi declaración, recientemente se- pesar. uno tie sus hermauos ., trajo por que los cotnponga a su, idea una reunion junta en do respetuosamente, .' Washington HerriKr.dci ha Hecho un Registro Ma-- . Jobo Adeluidó VigiL uno de los congresos, nías notables, que FRANCISCO VALDEZ, el ravl!lo80,,se Reclama. En un' tribuna! : mundo ha visto El pueblo de '.as re-- ' Ya se va el cuento 'En un con acabar ca"--' artículo tratando las LO P.UE LOC NIÑOS NECESITAN j Era tan grande la miseria en su pfihífcas del sur vieron que los Eata-- ' en toda conformidad políticas en lá próxima ...... ,, AHORA. isa? dos Unidos estaban en buena fé; que con iv.u.raña, "El Nuevo de Tíe-11- y esto me despido t Tan no signfiieaban ninguna Estado," ÍCo obstante el mejor cuidado que grande, que hace ocho dias agresión; que el - Yo. J. L. Roybal. tuvo único era Juntar en una Amarilla, semanario Eeiiubltca- Jas madrta pueden darles oste tiempo que vender el último bastón con propósito ece i.u uu cunuauo icio aico - - J a. sola familia a todos los países riel be--, Ainna, lrac enfermedad a muchos niños. Me lAHORA SE SIENTE ENTERAMEN vmua. mi mujer I 1,11c los Demócratas oatfln consideran - d nlsforlo Occidental . ,1'cinas oeiiraa fnmlHa. v do h.a a BIEN. elo Paz Valverde, de la - Los Criminales en México f registrador que se están ep. , de- lAnuelloa de puedo depender quienes tienen dolor ' olirinu do. terrenos do Clavton y "Ellos dicen que ciudadanos Amrri- - a, ir ani Ijj Sra. VmiriiAr. Fun !.,.. l.i.. - NUESTRA Í1FFRT4 JITiMPV Pato 6 han L ..?:..5;: V cts. (anos sido muertos en Módco. ..i.V"..! . C0n,o:CIaire, WfH., escribe; ,"La Compota (.fcar;a, v tiesas u otros síntoma;, do . I " " 81 s una ; " I'EJE-- PASAR . verdad, verdad m el sen. . r:r:. de Miel y Alqullran de Foley curaren malestar de los ríñones ..tarín inte ESTA; Corten pero ueciara , .1 . ... tido'Tmis horrible, y ti castigo que los lueuig.'io fitrnanuez, ...i !.!:,,.,.. esta tira, inclí"iyen,!a con 5 centavos y eme no importa quien sea nominado, crímenes merecea ciertamente rio otros remedios hablan Ze : mándenla por correo a Foley & Co., quo rl candidato Detnócruta no tendrá después que rancia. nith, Kas., quien es hendérselos ft las fracasado. . La recomiendo a toelejs Chicago, III., escribiendo su nombre y partes culpables. fuerza' derrotar a "cala un dolor penoso em mi espida Vor i deben uatodos recordar para siendo eabomo3 nuestra pro- dirección claramente. Recibirán, de quienes Hernandex,-debid- o que por y rasl no moverme.. E;,.er-me- i a Don podia cotite-efenci- o les criminales. Ellos no qiíe Benigno s vuelta un de son el pia experiencia que tutt remedio 1.0 Mirlos parquete prueba íf.'tíi hacloiidij un registro semejante remedios Bin ningunos idclcr que nuestros vecinos y noso- maravilloso toses, resfriados, la Compota de Miel y Alquitrán li cual nunca se ha hecho para estillados.. tomé como. dos free de tros han dio 'que dehe ser reconocí-- : por ningún Foley, para toses, resfriados y croup Nuevo 7 to.terinrnyVar&,. las tases ;ras pRrteg de una de 50 centavos s Vtro reprei cútante de caja do. liwíos rrfmencB han sido co.rcti-do- M'ico,crup o las Pildoras de Para los Riftone.i, lu y ueuiu-,a- Ri-- Foley él sin duela sc.T.1 el - q " wua" pvKaua que ia de Folev los ; por cundrilltis dt ,y candidato liepu- pndoras para para dolores en los costados y en la lilicnno." despuea de la grippe De venta fmnc!j y allora mo sRIlto ntaramen- - ía ley, y el podertul ounl nosotros s mpalda, reumatismo, dolor de raba Ii! ' "fio-;"- la otlea. ' papel dice adornas que los Capital Pharmacy. te bien." Hombres de edad madura, dtli-.i- , mirando crt.t ' malestares de loe rlúones y por nijtortdad :iv ri- - ja les'' ratas del . . v niños cencío todo Jo osible iura traer a K ponific condado de Rio 'ancianos, mujoi'es y cuyos vejiga; y Ja Rastillas Catárticas de a Anilm quieren ter escuchados en ñones están débiles hallan que estas Ealudable lim- Justicia los pables y castigarlos .luí".' ' Foley.un catártico y r.e.inii.acion de los na flor, y de alivio de los de acuerdo coit sus crímeni Kst-- candidatos, y qu que Muiaquias Martinez, pildoras Bguras dan piador, para constipación, blliasidad, clin hnu a Felix es el 'hombre para malestares la en'or-recido- s Hiendo asi, sería propio qu'; nosotros, propuesto Garcia, domaos, propio' perturbadores de vej- dolor de cabera o Intestinos n anejáramos una armada a Mexico y, uno elo los niieuibros do Ui misionado de corporaciones. En igaDe ventu en la Botica Capital Do venta en la Botica Capital e!e a de C. lomar lus copas en nuestras propias impuestos de estado, para rcia la'caadiilatura Ralph Pharmacy. ",' Pharmacy. luimos? Sin duda ustedes recordarán ccniislonado do corporación, y al Li-- : Ely para la nominación Republicana ,.1. H. H matanza de lialianoK ph Ne w Or-- , (enriado Crist para Fiscal para gobernador, 'Martinez dice: ans y de Chinos en Idaho Pensa-r.s- "Ambos cabalercs," dice e' "Hoy tonemof,' coa nosotros, un can- ustedes, bajo aquella, cirouiift an- ;i;':-:í- "tieuic.i iruclia influenria en nu didato nuevo para gobernador en la! eemd.-ulo- , das que Ilaha tenía uerr-li- de míí-da- . y f;e noe quu tas doleftae'o-- persona' deT do la Comisión tropas ;i Idaho? rii farra ua no s de los lindados de Rio Anilla y Central fio Estado Republicana, Ralph; Premios Aluminum Gratis litde, cou sus recursos, ver q.ip Jas S".ntn Fe herín instruidas de volar C, Ely. Asi aparece' de4 una carta L J'ara 'manifestarles a nuestros patroc'üadores cnanto apreciamos au condiciones mejor-n- , no ellos en la ronvencion de enlacio. V mandada a los ele tJúo íe que sería "r Republicanos á engrandecí r' Riie.-tro- s y estima-4- r : petroclnio y raía ayudar negocios n.ejur para que man- oí estado por Sr. y de los dc-.d- mejor el' i!. íü'.-l- Ely. de dinamo, dando T il.l.IAM POPE, de ' ;;:,;i hacia ' coleotac'ones eaieos hora, car una arruada allí, incurriendo la .iirecpilíniiepuis Sena Para Teniente Gobernador. este caballero haría M,trus- . 1 gistroa pasados rn- FARDO PAGADO A LA MANO T TU'V.S LA S Cl'EN-- ':a cu ' de i ele v i ihé a U- 1 CADA ' mala voluntad de 'todo habítame 6" i EMados U foto de Kue.'.o Haca En la, edición ingl-i- del "Nuevo Es- un del cual esta- gobernador cualquier TAS PAGADAS EN O ANTES DEL. DIA 3 DE CADA MES, Cupones a bi Vuld luir Nuevo .México. n liten el ,v re! i decirle Currania. usted tj l. Vifjil, tabre cargos en los tado," la'euaJ ,hio su comparencia' la do podría estar orgulloso. Como pre-- ' ' o Efectivos. TH'i cualtiiiicr fet.!i-iu-- ia nosotros U noche. Febrero 8. tomó Kuu.aua ael a 5' la cual so "The dente de la cotniMou de esta- JfS leroil r.iis'n líos por un jlH adn. pa llama cenlml ae cambiarán en Dbr-tr- of.Vina U- - - Kstos Ctiprnes por cualquier i.i np'ireinna'orios la tninieion y el ni i0 iafi ii redu- New Slate." editor L do con mucho tino y éxito la Pope i edujo los perjuicios de Renj'iirin manejó de LOZA ALV'IN!.:M DE MARCA DE CALIDAD cmincío ustedes lo d ñero para que sujete a ios quebran-- t .ir cu iii" ei í.iilu do perjuicios ii .?. M iiuiicz que el Coronel ose ílilma campaba cfuigresionul, y por! WaeM.-Í- $7.-- i. deseen. titéales a nuestros mensajeros acerca de evo. de la cennide-laii'io-- de ílfi.T.'O a - Prt ley en wi paa? , .:!ínt."ett Vld;ll, también 1). Sena, secretario de la corte bu- medio de sus esfuersu8 tenemos hoy ( ali.'íc uíin 'a )'. Ví ser la r.ildad- A. Tí. vrema c.siaiio t- i el el para itie de ,es;l "trabajando congreso mejer repi esenlame e e- "V.r.r r en..l; de y. aos. 4 Santa-F- i !:t, pcrtar.le, pero i. i;" teeara iue jingar j duramente" para eop.se cuir la no.nma que Nuevo Míxuo ha tenido hasta la Electric Laundry una que mejor dear'a hablarla bajo 'jiiisioii encentra ele Mairon y Wood scñoiita a tí del. cion Republicana para teniente gober- - fecha eu la cámara nacional." El! NUFAO MFX1CANO f f mnnnrlo) DF. SANTA FT.

CARTA DEL COMISIONADO DE ! EN LAZOS DE M. J ' FLORES. '.flufliiila de terrera, todas perso Otra Misa de Aniversario. TERRENOS l estl-- 7 ;ias bien conocidas y altamente El dia 24 do Febrero, 1916, a las 4 La Helia y feimpatica óenoriia fciu;i'M inmtns por huh bi'iiu y íuihu cualina- - tie la mañana so celebrara en Alame- i SEEY1CSO El Nuevo .Mexicano ha recibido lia Hi- - FO Rornero fue Llevada al Altar del n El lLIGOo la comunidad donde viven. N. M., condado una n- - da, do Bernalillo, ...... ,i .i s,.., a,. - ' Mil IH l.íJ''H Utl UK1 U meneo el Joven Eer LUI'"'1!"'1!" í por Distinguido templo estaba tentado do parientes misa de callo ;de año por el alivio y de Estado R. P. Ervien y la Por--tan- Heno que nardlno Herrera. y amigos de las persona contrayen- leseando del Rima de la finada a Noftkks fisfafes la Capitel del Estodb. nos do ella publica Integra para 'que tes. La. misa nupcial en la cual fue- Romero, que fue de Don se enteren los interesados. esposa ron unidos, como marido y mujer las Podro Romero. El afligido esposo, Sania Fe, N. M Enero 27, 191(5. En la Iglesia Católica, de Santa Cruz, partes arriba mencionadas fue .cele- .MJos y demás parientes rmpntuona'-ripnt- fueron multados mi $fi( cada uno: Sr. Editor del Nuevo Mexicano, M, so celebró olí i .uii' j Febrero 14, brada por el Muy íltev.. iMoiiseiiofir invitan a todos bus GANA oil- N. ,M. parientes DUE A BURSUft RATON LA FELE! El J. Sclmlor... Floyd Santa Fe, 1 8 - PARECE Mayor j. it'll, ti las de ia niafmna, el enlace Don Antonio 'Fourchegu, vicario go- y amigo que los honren con su pre- T. A. V. Lu- Muy Sr. Mío: - William lluffine, de a bMlo y virtuosa se 1nmii d0 urchldiócesl de Se uta Fe en ani-1- . ier, Parece existo un mal entendi- ja. sencia y oraciones la misa do Bonn, Edwin I?. Hum- que hermo-Atooh- a cero, Henry f.orlta Klizaria Romero, bija de Don El altar eslab adornado con. 6i parió que se celebrará en la foch i Gar- miento en cuanto al anuncio de la ven- LE METIERON LI BOTA. POR EIOÍIIO MUNICIPAL phrey, Henry y Adran Remoro y esposar,- con el intcli-;HC- candelabros y cirio para rr.bu indicaba. La falleció ia do terrenos d'l estado Para infor- propios extinta, fia. gente y honrado joven Bernardino.:., ocasión. Concluidas las ceremo-llcrrer- a, el dia 2 i de Febrero de a la edad mación general en cuanto a la misma, l'iir,, OCTlfHRE A., 1M5, la fecha fijada por hijo de Don Miguel Herrera ,lifls cnJia Catedral la feliz pareja 45 años. ar- cito una parte do la Sección 10 dl Ac- runs íe OE SU ABASTO DE AGUA. el juez Popo pura escuchar loa y esposa, todas,1 personas do la ílC0n)panada de sus s GO- ta de Habilitación y la leo como respectivos CANDIDATO PARA que do commit-- 1 ? y NO SERA gumentos sobre el mandato tempo- ' y distinguidíis la , 3r JoR0 A Romero y su (iStl. UN ANGEL MAS. '; EN sigile: BERNADOR;, DESINCLINADO rario para determinar si so debia ihid de Níiwihrt. v niíieiiew siemnre bnn madá esposa la Sra. Democia G. de ' i UNA PELEA AGRESIVA, has- 'Dichos terreno''i','no serán vendidos L,,,,, or HACER hacer permanente Pospuesto .lHaw,)Wfl est)madn8 ,. Romero, a la. residencia de la Joseflta, de once mese de edad o TAL ni arrendarlos por el todo o en parto. pasaron, EL' HOMBRE DE SOCORRO EL JUEZ HALLA QUE EL AGUA el día S de Octubre, 1 !)!!). Des- Has y finas cuuílidades. La novia por- con de Don Cruz Vigil y esposa la Bru. ta que sea el mas alto novia donde fuero obsequiados ja VEZ SE RETIRE SI LA OPOSI- PRORPORCIONADA POR LA COM ' sesión lar asCepto postor y taba un hermoso de seda blanca, L. de falleció eu la pués de una bastante en de- trajo un suntuoso banquete y oplpera co 'regorila Vigil, CRECIENDO . encon-- mejor subasta pública, la cual del CION CONTINUA PAÑIA PRIVADA ES DELETEREA oí mandato es concedido i velo nupcial, guirnalda de hermosos y '. de sus padres en ia Calle ga berá tenerse en la cabecera del con- - mida. Y NADA SATISFACTORIA Y RE- en cuanto a abas-- ; exquisitos azahres, ramillete do boda amino del Cañón el Marros a lab 3 do tra de la ciudad (l').l (imlAiia . ii..lai alfiiorlrte lri ta. La novia.' es una Sra. muy aconduc- La Entrada de Romero se Considera HUSA CONCEDER EL MANDATO de lindas y aromáticas flores blancas tarde a resultas de una complica-o- tecer el agua para las llaves de mas tada y se lo ha conocido co i la los r:í.nof a8 ttft,(,ta(,0(! 0 la porción menu-ditos- , siempre Ericontra de Hubbell Cual ENCONTRA DE LA CIUDAD. a la ciudd so le cntretegldo con ramajes verdes de enfermedades, las c:iales la al cendios, pero de ,!noB dfmdose primeramen-c(1- o mo ejemplo de buenas esposas y an Catronistas Creen que le Ayudará , todos los eiudes le daban un iencla médica no evitar su el uso fmporario. del agua do en los esu pudo Rehusa la Nomi- av,80 d0 ,(.ha nbul)fa pública por be-- helosa quehacer de casa, ' Tío Tomás; Leahy La Actora Requerida de Pagar Tres propOd-- i realce bellísimo a la horniosura y desarrollo fatail. la Inocente la planta municipal para p, cual la debido a estas bellas cualidades no -- nación, Cuartas Partes de los se d(j wmtic0( explicará lleza de la simpática y encantadora y tatura padeció pacíficamente sus tor- Costos; toa domésticos. do la tran- - dudamos hará una modelo el no Era iatui aleza, tiempo y lagar novia. El novio un vestido que esposa' mentosas dolcucia y con una Prob6 Aijua Propia DKMEAIHRB final des-sob- re portaba - wpiró Un Inferné Importan- - gue 15, 1013, argumento sacclm qHe g(,ril teWa, Con una en su nuava vida. El novio es un ca- político Para la Mayor Parte de los Usos si negro. nroulo nara la ocasión, v maní. onrisa Inocente, manifestación alegrt. encon-tr- a mandato, para decidir ríe te es un sentimiento H completa los terrenos que sfibrio, enérgico y mi-- ( que el Servicio no a la Com- - ci.!)cn festaba un aspecto alegre al liado de labaUero trabajador, ;e cnn gusto se despedía de este el cmul ha sitio y Intitula debe hacerse permanente, averigua- istíran ofrecido en venta, y cuyo anun- en sus do- - de Bursum, a Gozar de cjmnañera do sus dias. !muy cumplido obligaciones "rble, mundo y ho iba a gozar do una pañía ja Franquicia. cio ante el Juez Pope,, una sesión J deberá' una vez cada ''.manifestado en variad parte del c0 8e. publicar ' La y debido 8 estos fino dotes ' dol coro an-- , fe- - partida nnpeial partió la víspera m'cas, 'orla eterna en compañía ia de 10 días tenida en ol edificio no inenoh diez sema-dera- l un estado desdo que probabilidad f e.iin,rui por que de la boda Crfiz. El tent-jnu- P086' también hará esposo icíil. El funeral se verificó el Mier-ole- s Las siguientes son unas cuantas de sesión de diez días ante para Santa de la nominación de Bursum se y otra na consecutivas en un periódico de Pío estaba La novia es hermana de Don 2 lo restos lasj imperfecciones del de 3a ' atestadísimo de mírlente v'cdelo. a las do da tarde y creciendo rá- agua el Juez ocupando el cuarto se publique hizo aparente, esta de Katon halladas Pope jcsrenlacion general que v:nigs de los jóvenes contrayente y Félix Romero, uno de los ciudadanos nerón sepultados en el cementerio del a ' Compañía según corte en el Capitolio. en fla del pidamente, y tal vez llegue tal la suprema ,con )egiilaVidad capital el altar un - 'ma honestos y emprendedores de la osario. El Nuevo Mexicano envía a J nor el Juez Pope: , acu-ílj0- ) presentaba aspecto primo- desarrollo toda la situación introducido por la y en a(1ue periódico de semejante Fria. El que ') 1. No beberse n.fco adornado de hermosísimas flores enérgica población de Agua 6 afligidos padres y dema deudos, lo con- era buena para Ciudad do Raton, cubriendo circulación entonces se gobernatorial, en todo que sada, la que publiq'.w. y candelabros y cirios, todos Jo cua-- 'e'lz evento concluyó con un lucido mas sentido pésame. debido a bu color y sabor. la - - éerca-- la de los cierne a los Republicanos, tal vez 1.200 pSglnas de máquina tipo jmaa locación terrenos les habían sido ce- - v bailo se díó eu' la - arreglado para la lwmonioso que Era repugnante al menos en o va cambiada. Este sentimien- escribir,-siend- los reportes de ,.Ile as sñ ofrezcan ni ninguna venia - quede labracion de tan feliz evento. La mi- noche en la sala de Don Félix Rome QUE LA SUERTE PRO- - to encentra de Bursum está ba-- tres sentidos. habían o contrato para la venta ue manera "ECE '','"' rios ciudadanos quienes sa nupcial en la cual fueron unidos co ro y al cual asistieron mucho pa- EA8- - 3. Impropia para' usarla en . el la te- AL SR. ESTEPHEN , eado sobre una creencia qae si es el proporcionada por u otros, piodutos naturales de tales b!do. agua iro marido y mujer los jóvenes contra rientes y amigos de la feliz pareja, ; t bafio. . menos sea en el ton. ;. ; nominado no ser electo, y actora. Los exhíbitos rrinos se hará, a que - podría . "iima,ñ yen tes, (ue celebrada por el Rev Pa- El ba'le estuvo muy arreglado y nn el numero de Repu- 4. Dejaba, un olor muy répug-- veintenas de botu-I- - en, la manera, y después . que se dicej que consistieron de lugar, tire Haeflterman, cura pároco de la oe nntft el mas fnmimo desórden, de , nanto en la ropa de quo "n est semana tuvimos el gusto blicanos Bursuni despueB cuales ti aviso por publicación asi proveído atend'e-ceremonia- que estarían por y boinas las ocupaban iglesia de Santa Cruz. Concluidas' las de oue todos los que s es- - era lavada. ventas arrendamientos de prueba i la c'udad al distinguido ybon--- si era nominado, pero quienes Varios químicos 'jara las y - -- dos mesas largas. la feliz pareja, acompaña- on eran personas muy arrgladas y el Sr. í 3 .5. No se podía cocinar ninguna ; ciudadano Stephen Easton, peían que no entre a la carrera, testificaren por la ciudad, descri- '.os mismos terrenos, Proveído, Que da de us Don . respectivos padrinos, "piienes aben eustar en medio de la N. M., coñ- se , comida con ella. ., nada de lo contenido al isidonte de, Youngsville, considerable. Bursuin, cree, biendo varios microbios quo ellos aquí privará Romero Re- - 6. Enriques y esposa la Sra. harmonía. de Rio Arriba. Durante su visl-n- . está opuesto a nacer una pelea Su olor era repugnante en en el Jicbo propuesto Estado de alquilar nq udo ' alegaron hallar agua para Leca S. de Romero, partieron para Nne"o eVcano a lo oí la nominación, y i los talleres de barberías. de loa terrenos a que Be pi dsea pj. Easton nos comunicó que ha agresiva por beber. cualquiera y a una corta distancia fellci-c- 7. Los no antes mp e8Ooad08 mucha dicha y dos minis de cobre ai una oposición bien parapetada se fotógrafos la podían decision final porrace referencia en esta sección por 'in la, FEBRERO 10, 1916, llegar a casa la feliz se v ninffun08 infortunios - sa- usar. ,. o menos sin di- pareja pjea e do su residencia. En dias pa- desarrolla tal vez se decida el en favor de la Ciudad frmin do cinco años del se leste Juez Popa, carruaje, formaron en If nueva vida " lirse de la carrera. En tal even- 8. Lugares donde se vendían li- .Clio anuncio requerido por ésta.' agradables perturben su ""o e" Sr. Foston mandó varias pie-- ño Raton '"' '"'"" uva,, y ucumpanauos ue UOS muenos to, sería necesario desarrollar a monadas y leche helada no la .' , La Oficina de Terrenos del Bstado f, lo of'eins de ensaye do me-n'- "envidados y al son de una dulce mar- NA-"- , -- ' MlLA SALUD CAUSA QUE UN , al STATE RECORD C- loe resultados del . otro candidato, particularmente' querían," , ESTA ha designado' cha de boda en el violin y hareclbido ' OLA CORTE OPINA QUE NO, ejecutada y TIVO SE CUELGUE CON UN 1 si la nominación de Hubbell vie- 9. Que aun no se podia usar & m "i"aye, lo cuales son muy eatisfacto--- ' DECALIFICADA. vihuela por músicos expertos en el AL DE LA a ser el Auditor de como cerve- - , , tales avisos, y ha "'AMFRE ORIENTE TVq He-- la minas da cada ne cierta, y ni ingrediente en ,1a para que publique a ct-s- a por te, marcharon hasta llegar la CIUDAD. ' - ' Kstado William G. Sargent y el Co za. ' ji" Marrnn l ácticamente en todo 'caso,- dosig. t de los :oaeri- 89 20 y la otra $51.20. El En los, Procedí m entó. de y - primero, donde todos, en la misionado da Terrenos de Estado 10. Aun los hoteles y casas de Pldo al periódico mas cercano al terre- v. Faetón trabajará con energía en YVood--La Declaración d. ra compfleta harmonía y regocijo, Martin Borrego, de 53 Año de Edad, Robert Ervien son ambos dos de tal aviso mino si veta co-ti- o hospedaje se quejaban de ella.' para publicación fueron brindados con un - "tos y las signen f. en r Pn0t ' exquisito y e Aburre de su Mala Salud y se Qu ' mencionados coaio posibilidades. 11. Los - hallaron pación " 'local van i" duda que nuestro panaderos Insuficiente v..Los Abogados Serán suntuoso banquete y opípera. com'da ta ia Una Viuda. hay Cuando algunas personas inquieran Vida; Deja ""leo se ha encontrado una fortuna. que el agua estaba muy lodosa el Dia 12 de Abril. compuesta de sabrosas y regaladas Juzgado en cuanto a donde encontrar éxi-- v el uso en.ol pan. i pueden alam- ""Bp'eramos quo salga coe. mucho para te- vianda. Suspendido do una viga por un La de Secundlno Movimien- ' 12. publicados, los avisos de ventas de resultado en lo Entrada Los hospitales no querían Los Sres. Owen . Marrón y La novia es una señorita muy v'r- - bre alrededor do su cuello, el cuerpo pbtentra mejores Encontra de Hubbell. ' rrenos, se hace dificultoso el decirles adelante. to usarla. '. Francia E. Wood, miembros de la losa v anhelosa y de una renutacion inerte de Martin Borrego, de 53 años 13. el periódico del condado én el cual el loca- Los manufactureros de de de Marrón y Wood, '"tacbable y siempre ha sido tratada de edad, fue hallado creca de las 7 el Los politicastros' Republicanos ' firma ley aviso sera publicado, hasta que el te- hielo no la querían para nada. ordenado v estimada con la mas fina delicadeza Lunes en la noche en su casa residen-no- les," comentando sobre la entrada de de Albuquerque, 'se ha rreno esté listo para venderse, porque PERSONAL todas (as personas honrada en la Calila del Camino del Cañón Secundlno Romero para la nominación que serán . juzgados para expul- mismo pudiese estar en distintos déjela fM antecedentes trece objeciones ante el Juez de la. ;t iquel'a comunidad: es 'una señorita Probablemente hacia varias horas Republicana para gobernador, dan sarlos del foro tamaños de trechos. ; ni agua clonada a loa ciudada míe ha recibido de sus amante pa- - que habla muerto cuando Aanacio Vi- - Don Julio dls- - evidencia que su oposición es casi lo propoi Corte de Distrito de los Estados De consiguiente, tales personas son Roybal, apreciable y nos de Raton por la Compafiñía de cor- dres las Instrucciones' mas bello viendo el dió la alarma. ciudadano de condado mismo de aquella del muchacho que Unidos William, H. Pope en la informadas que los avisos siempre se- yigl, cuerpo, mguido Pecos, Obras de Agua de Raton fueron ma- 10 r'pcentes. cuya adquisiciones la harán había estado en mala salud estuvo en la ciudad du-nt- e dijo, después do cada una de sus te federal en Santa; Fe a las rin encontradog en el periódico STA- Borrego ;ia Sun Miguel, nifestadas ' una esnosa tnodeJo cuidadosa en varios años los su faml-i- , anunció que "nada le importaba por testimonia y pruebas de la mañana el Miércoles, Abril TE RECORD. y los; por y durante pasados la semana visitando a a una opinión del Juez de la ' quehaceres de su asa, y si siffue I03 s meses estaba mas. Se la cual estado cu esta ciudad erque ninguna de ellas lo babia sor- según 12. ; - ; Muy respetuosamente de Vd., empeorando ha Corta de Distrito de los Rutados Uni , ".leninlos dé ms como dice de sérias enfermedades prendido." Que Romero esperaba 'me El Juez Pope ha firmado una ROBERT P. ERVIEN, padres, esnosa, que sufría r una temporada de visita. dos William H. Pope dada el Miérco pe labrará una corona de laureles nue 'nternas que le causaban mucha Fran-isc- o ttr su cuchara para la nominación órden a ese efecto, y al mismo , Camisionado. Los Sres. Patricio Sanchez y les en la en la su humilde hoeufr de d'clíns tristeza. de sus s ra gobernador se ha sabido por algún antepasado noche y declarado que la declara-- ' inquietud y Algunos M. y Lucero, ciudadano proml-ente- tuerza el tiempo v felicidades. El novio es un la de tiempo, y mientras que Republicanos de ésta manifestación Juez protocolada ENLACE MATRIMONIAL. jóven amigos expresaron opinion que y distinguido del condado do cien de preocupación uv ' rehusó la Ciudad de a honrado e intellgnto-- unalhabia el sentido. Salló de la ocales no tienen duda en cuanto a la Popo 'estorbar a los Sres. Marrón y Wood "pa-T- poeo perdido v'ora, estuvieron en la ciudad durante por ''Jena rme amantes casa de Albino Alarld en la Avenida .ctividad de las ambiciones de Rome- Rutón de entrar en competición con una cesión de juris- Ojo Zarco, N. M Febrero 3, 1916. educación, la bus 'a semana. Durante u breve visita justificar 'adres se esmeraron en darle dondo habia estado vivien- ro, de algún modo están dudosos acer- la Compañía de Obras de Agua de es insu-fhíien- El Viernes día 2S de Enero, 191C, a para Manhattan, en la transaron negó- dicción" por el Juez Pope con mas antigua capital n Latón la 8 de maüaná en la de "lie facilidad y menes trába do por vario meses, y se fue su ca délos motivos que tan pronot en Operación de un sistema y el ordena que sea las la parroquia para los importantes y vi&itaron á sus juez lo se abriera camino para hacer la vi- - casa el Lunes en la mañana. Poco se a Charles Spiess, al Juez Leahy de Obras do Agua y decretó que la de los archivo. San Antonio del Peñasco se celebró nichos amigos y conocidos. Ro- actora quitada el enlace matrimonial de la bella di con m en o dificultadas: y pensó de su partida, porque se presu- y al Dr. Cunningham presentar sj, compañía pague tres cuartas La razón el Juez Pope y Begun Durante la semana tuvimos el gusto porque señorita hemos sido Informados este to-- mió tal vez deseaba hacer mero para la carrera. Algunofe de partes de los costos del pleito. Juz- simpática joseflta Velarde, jóven que algún e ver en la ciudad de 'i se consideró calificado para do mucho e incidentálmentt su paso para un deseo de estor El Jue halla el en bija de Don Antonio Jose Velarde, prestielo y estimación ejbrcicio visitar M-- tilos sugieren que Pope que agua, la causa es explicado en la yi esidencia en Taos, N. , a la Sra. el gar Yinado, y de la Sra. Maria Ascension entre toda la comuriidnd decente, no casa. Cuando no volvió su allegados bar desarrollo del movimiento de cuestión estaba lejoa de estar limpia cual esta marcada 459, ' T. Guara e hijo, Eduardo órden la -- de' Magdalena e O. de Velarde, con el bien conocido 'olamente Nimbé, ñero de muchas se alarmaron. , ú . IiubbeU para la nominación senatorial y saludable. El juez admite que pue-tien- ' Sra. su civil. 'trns luirte ha A le sobrevive una "vara, lia Guara y hijo álgo que hacer con su acción, 'do haber duda que fiebre joven .lose David Pacheco, hijo de don dnde 't.ratndo' c"n Borrega viuda. bastante en ninguna - por tiempo Hispano-America- - D. B. do debido a e- No tenia fa'cilla. El funeral se veri-- f Felipe Pacheco y de Epifanía "Prsnnss. y todss T que f u otras enfermedades sérias hayan CATRON PARA SENA- as Cruces y en El Paso, Texas, donde nos no ser nominados SPIESS POR Pacheco, todas' personas bien conocí ti run.lidiidfv v fino- dote. estamos có el Miércoles en la mañana. pueden para resultado del agua, pero agrega:. "Del PARA GOBER-- . 'a Sra. Guara desempeñó un puesto o DOR Y ROMERO nue ' ambos puestos senador de los Esta-jotr- modo es razonablemente cierto das y de alto respeto bien apreciadas 'mrn hará un esnoso modelo v en una oficina de Las NADOR. - uy importante rtn- s finas cualidades. La ceremo- cumplido en su deberé v obl'enc'o-r.- o V'ILLIE WEST PARTE PARA TIE- uos Unidos y gobernador. desórdenes de los intestinos vl- - is Cruces el de siete meses. que Don RRA AMARILLA. ,, por espacio Un nia fuo presenciada por liumerosíma mürttnle. Mieiiel Herrera, su en Cruces relato interesante aquj en diasjnieron a causa de la misma.' El juez nd'-- rurante estancia Las Dice de San Miguel concurrencia de amigos y del novio. P uno dn lo eluda-dnno- s pasados es que recientemente,' previo halló que el agua a las ei Aguila Negra parientes y la Ciudad Paseña la Sra, Guara lúe proporcionada la conocidos. La novia un TYins v Willie West, quien por nueve años al de hacer üa candidatura de llaves de incendios con el que no es Candidato Para Toga portaba traje pnrgicoa é'rnredednre de muchas atenciones arreglo cumplían ex- trabajó eficientemente en el re"ip'ente Romero an movimiento del condado si se la Ofrecen en Plato de Plata fie seda blanco y velo nupcial de Nftnbí y drtl ondndo d Santi Fe. departa- ' cohtrato de la compaññía, Por mento de noticia del Nuevo Mexicano de caudi- con Composturas Verdes. quisitos azalire y ramillete de boda muchos aos ha sido comerciante te San Miguel, algunos los Hay varias otras cosas que el juez v La Srfta Adelina V. Mueller, jde hermosos y cKquisitos claveles blan estafetero de Nambí, ademn de ha- - y cuyo puesto desempeñó con tino y llos Republicanos allí le ofrecieron h:il!ó la decision de con- dama de Velarde, N. M.. incluyendo un 'ei-s- s certeza a entera satisfacción de sus A. de Las ?os naturales. El novio ocnnsdo en muchos otro negó-''o- a, al Juez su la Charles Spiess, Vegas, portaba Ar.-'b- se en Leahy soporte para cederle a la actora las rentos recla- el Lunes en la maña-n- i cendado de pío halla vestido para la oca?icn en 1n h "airones, partió - . de eTl la niembro de la comisión Nacional negro propio tdon nia'e s'tdo on me- gobernador, y que madas de las llaves. ceremo- Tierra condado de 'o cluriad recibiendo tratamiento por Nuevo Mexico y uno de del evento. Concluidas las rnohn ívttn. H 'dn .'n hnnihrn mm para Amarilla, los esmerados cuidado rehusó. Al su el Juez acom- io haio principiar opinion de nias en la iglesia la feliz pareja teda su Btrb'clon de él 1 d bu rio Arriba, en cuyo lugar ha acepta- J. Ca-ro- n 'o importantes la y el bien conocido faeultivo el Dr. Ixis dores del senador punta'es o soporta Pope dice que la Compañía do Obras pañada de sus padrinos Alfredo Tru-ji'l- nos" ha sido a su do una posición mas lucrativa en la estado so-.-, de la Chusma Vieja Repúb- educar y M. Diaz. La Sr'ta. Mueler ha aqui expresan gratificación de .Agua do Raton, como peticionaria, y Margarita L. de Trujillo, pass-ro- n fufarla la sendo, imprenta del "Nuevo Estado" de aquel de una - en este sstndo mientras estuvo en por de la felicidad. sufriendo por algún tiempo é la entrada de Romero, la teo- lica - bajo plato, por alivio primeramente, por el anunció a la casa de los primeros dopíe los nndrei de la novia no condado. Durante Qos año que el jó- nenona enfermedad que le aquejaba - Albuquerque cu dias pasados, toñeco ría que movimiento Hispa- o en bill original que debido a una intenclo-ie- s fueron recibidos por bus pao re con la dicha de infor- West trabajó en la oficina del mucho, rero al tiempo do escribir a úMicamente él no tenia conocerlos, pero por la go-ci- que para posición de exclusiva conferida sobre la aleare música con y rega- Mexicano dió entera satisfac-- 1 m vB e muy aliviada y de ser candidato la nomina- y exquisitos mación de otro reraonnR nn irv en encuentra materialmente a:wa para com- " - su ayudará por una ,.1erta ordenanza No. 10, de los lados brindis ''y opípera comida meen bien, .pohemos cue son ,on eíl 8,18 servicios, siempre fue ;p.sneremo que pronto recupere las chansas Sr. no-- tion ReruMicsna para senador vian-ci- . del Catron para la efectiva por 25 años desde Jullo 23, puesta de sabrosas y regalada "uy atento y cuidadoso en sus quena- - "neoramaria sama. lamun-n- no Unidos. Dijo él: nq muy honrodaa y dist'nwiii'in v íninaciou de senador. estor-Qu- e pitados En la noche se dló un hermoso con "a Pn ,a c'udod la Sríta Rafaellta kS91, "la ciudad demandada sea - riiipnpR Rp nOT1 espf-od- cres. Aprendió perfección el di clase de hom- tamhtptr pn tam-p,,,',- Romero a la nominación ,i "Hay solamente dos oero- - de N. M., aspira u . . ! bailo duró hasta el amanecer, tan de Chamita,; quien uau uv vrj.Lioi ni wv,Jiiwtr.iv.iiii.i! .uii la que rr ene sil fx.mtMn morlnlc de- - arte impresor y está bien esül enteramente i,j. ... re9 1u,encs Pu,len nacer Ia bonito honesto no hubo sia .i . ;b!en vino a la ciudad con el fin da para gobernador, m1sma en oucracion de un sistema - ca'r7 y que ningún "pntp y PI los iio. ,i. se cree él el senado de los Jístaaos uní desórden. pjpmnlor. re'en n. realizado, pero que anrecia!j ira para psinnwnrloR tajo d. obras de j es el hombre rico fenipri V pipmrlrvq dft sus imprenta, especial acldo . .. mama, la que no pueda conseguir la nomina-- l Idos. Vno de el'os Concluyo deneandole a la feliz pare- d"-- r . El juez ademas hace nota que la de- - ro nun im'vo ente en lo que, concierne a tacto - Zt v ho tu en tal evento é4 cuenta con uien entrar en la batalla y luna miel no han rliitnioq rín yi p,,, T.irrr, nnipn tion, y la cual es la puede ja perenne de y que tmo para componer anuncios. El Nue una fensa, ciudad, responde es el hombre desa- o nue nasT nor operación muy conseguir la nominación para comi- ganar, y el otro pobre de tener ningunos infortunios 1 vo a esHa la ac- nW pventn Prtnnliivó pon nn D'l- - MexicBiio ha perdido los senicios iif'cultosa ñero en la cual salió con sionado de terrenos como el alegación que compañía tan no le Justifi- en su vida marital precio ha- quien está pobre que gradables v un honesto buen - tora ha violado su franquicia por nin- r'rlo lvpmioso boilp míe w, d'rt en ln (e jóven y trabaja- micho éxito y felicidad. por retirarse do la carrera de gober- ca perder. Yo no pertenezco a Muy respetuosamente de Vd- - ,0T' la ofic'na del "Nue ber faltado por años en proporcionar "n"h pri ia sol de non Mot'n Tome-- ! niip"tras que nador. Según se dijo varios dias pasa guna do las dos clases, y consecuente- FELIPE D. PACHECO. ro vo Estado" ha dado un adelante agua en calidad y cantidad según pres - en Nambé, y al cual asistió mime- paso dos, hay un plan para dejar fuera del mente candidato para el sena- mas con iona en calidad y cantidad según pres- no.soy lipptsima concurrencia de pariente y'v ventajoso la adquisición de !. ui UD .U 1,0 eaero "Urar como candidato OliELl OS PUE ESTUVIERON PRE -- tfele p BU Ique por razón de esto la ciudad fuel1'0' mlgos, danzando todos muy alpg-rp- Jven i"'prenia. haoe induciéndolo a que corra como algua- no ia nominación cu SENTES EN LA JUNTA DEMO- lVa . , habi-tante- y aceptaría n las horas - ''ns B!ste,,1!,s modernos de impren-na- cil llamada para protección de sus matutina de la mana- mayor del condado de San Miguel, evento me ofrecieran la misma en CRATICA.' y botiü cha construir un sistema de que Reinó Sa mas completa harmonía y uebido tods estos cenocimipn-- mmiií cen la promesa de mariscal de los Es- con ver agua y que tal sistema rival está un plato de plata composturas Miembro de la comisión; Central no se notó el mas mínimo desórden, fcs mie son tíln nocesar'o en estos tados Unido- en caso que los Repu- i de alrededor." Democrática en la la 1 no dudamos este dará Justificado. . presente junta la persona que fue encargada de ha-- que jóven A blicanos salgan victoriosos nacional- Sr. anunció que él soporta- emana fueron como "nter-- i satisfacción en nuevo HEDIO PRECIO El Spiess patada sigue: ccr las veces de bastonero manejó ei j bu campo mente, pero aquellos que sueñan tale al Senador T. B. Catron ía and R. L. Jo laDor- - Historia Breve de la Pelea de Raton ría para Bernalillo, Dennis Chaves baile con mucho tino y tacto. Todo victoria de modo están cier- Secundi-n- D. Y LO- ningún nominación dff senador, y a McAllister; Chaves, J. C. Gilbert los que tuvieron la dicha de atender E! N"evo Mexicano, lo mismo que f.XE" ÚZÍH HOY tos saldMn con éxito. Para Conseguir Agua Pura. - lúe Romero para la nominación para and C. W. Currv; Curry, H. L. Pat- a la boda al Us muchos amigos y AGOSTO Ciu- y baile, se retiraron muy conocido, 11, 1914, el Concilio de ton: Colfox, C. B. Kolbousen and H. lfl ausencia de tan e ESE ESTA CPORTUaÜUD gobernador. T TA , T. IT T y agradecidos, llevando gra-!f-e- útil inteligen dad de Raton decreta una ordenan- tam-i- - n. r. ' llolm O. Bursnm, de Socorro, ah. ne. tos recuerdo dril buen trato y tiempo !'e J0"?11. r'ero al mismo empo se ale-qu- e MEYER-CO- za multando a la de ""',"'Eddy, D Grant, He- EL ALGUACIL REGRESA Compañía bien estuvo en en dia Q119 usa No. 554 Albuquerque iJ. L. Jacksbn Guada- - hablan tenido en tan lucida y no'a aceptado posición ROWE. Obra de Agua de Raton en $1,000 Burnside, Asee; cho S pasados, pero ambo él y el Sr. Spiess A. H. nada boda. I""88 lucrativa, en la cual enceramos Mano, po n Jupe B(,nlgno PadilIa; Lincoln, ralegada negligencia propor a la McKin-mism- s"'Ss;a con declararon que su presencia allí Hudspeth. UmA H L Kerr; a El Nuevo Mexicano tiende a los!"" mucho éxito y felicidad. r Corte de Satín, cionar los usos de (Por Alambre Arrendado al Nuevo agua propia para coinciden-,e- y ' - ' vez fue una .ñera A. x. Hannett, W. Carroll; celen dpsposo.dos y a sus amantes pa- L la ciudad. N MISA DE Suela geraa Mexicano) cia. ' ' jMora, Rafael Romero; Otero, G. E. dres. felicitaciones, desr-ín- - ANIVERSARIO. N. M., Feb. 11 El JULIO 12, 1915, en - y Flexibles. 'Estancia, algua pleito protocolado - j Moffett; Quay, E. F. Saxon, R. A. Dod- d.i'e a la vez que el ángel de la dicha cil Julius Meyer, de este condado, lle-- la corte federal por la Compañía de UN ANGEL MAS. son; Rio Arriba, J. D. Montoya; i. .),,. .. .i.. . El Lunes. Febroro 2S, 191G, en la Correo Pagado gó aqui anoche con Robert E. Howe, Obra de Agua para privar que la! Roosevelt, T. B. Mear.' W. H. Braley; hmmmo contratlemno desaerfldahlM lran',a "ca de Alrisco," condado se A. C. FRECI3 a quien quería aqui por asesinato,) ciudad proporcionara agua hasta Ju- Estela Padilla, la hija de dos años Sondoval, de Baca; San Juan, j est0rben la felicidad de su nueva vida I18 Bernalillo, se celebrará uní mis $1.45 y seis robos, quien fue arrestado al lio, 1916, cuando la franquicia de jde edad de Don Marcelino Padilla ytv a- ixui&nnn; ban miguei, a., ae te requiem cantada nor el alivio y tiempo de sn descargo de la peniten- - 25 años de la compañía expira. El esposa, y nieta de Don Francisco Or--i Pac- - E..V. Long; Santa Fe, Arthur. LUCIDA Y ELEGANTE BODA. ca.nso del a'ma dftl finado Manuel ciaría do Texas en Sartartia el Lu-- j mandato temporario fue concedido, '(z y eposa, falleció a resultas de una ' I5mn' ,anucl ive'eii?' 1 Antonio Jaramillo, quien falleció el 'amaño de 3, 3!-- y 4 Solamente - - - 2? res. Howe ej el único superviviente j JULIO 30, 1915, once hombres multa- complicación de enfermedades el Jue- 13 Limfs' Febrero 14, .1916,' a las 7 dia de Febrero, 1915, a la edad de; ranRile'T PiDAN KLTSTR3 CATALASD IH ES- - 1 fede-jve- s Cate-'-S ños. Don-Jos-é de la familia Howe, quien fue eegui-- dos por desprecio a la corte pasado a la 9 de la mañana en 0nSí?oweíl - ienefa George ' áe ,a maiiaca se celebró en la Saavedra y espo- Earnest- ' Va do de Abo Pass, cerca d aqui, a la ral bajo la razón que ellos llevaron la casa residencia de su padres en ; Hoffman iirl el enlace matrimonial de la hon-'1- sobrinos del finado, respetnosa- - línea del lindero Mexicano, en un! la causa a otra corte cuando esta-- i la Calle de Snn Francisco. El funeral fy ad,.,m a 03 rníembros de la co-- rada y distinguida señora Aneelita mente Invitan a todos rus pariente? - v atentado para areftarlo por el asesi- ba pendiente ante la corte federal se verificó el Viernes a as 2:20 de la r.ision, todos los presidentes y secre-- , Romero, hija de Don Fe'ipe Pomcro. amigo que lo acompañen en ese IC. l rato de J. McClure un defectivo Los siguiente fueron multados en tarde con las recepciones de oostum--; tsrios anteriores de la comisión o, y de la señora Domin-'.di- a y eleven ens Hipearías por el RlWEROMERCCtí. Ignacíti -- iin ! e v - del ferrdcarril. Su padre, herma-- cada uno: H. L. Bickley, pro-ibr- en la Catedral. Los reatos fueron 't al tuvieron el privilegio de votar, fue, con el aprecio.ble y distinguido k dcrs'ioo del a'ma de su ext'n- - j s Rosa- 8 n. rio, y dos oficiales fueron muertos en curador de ciudad; James H. en el rcmentrio del j Todos lo otro De:nócrtas presentes ciudadano Don Camilo Herrera, hiJO;'o tía. Ia misa principiará a la f. m veoas, h. la batalla en el lindero. Ing, y John H. Fry., Ios siguientes .rio. tomaron parte en la deliberaciones . I de Don Abran IFerrera y de la Sra. de la mañana. . '