250th YEAR OF TJ


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Hon, : : : :


Queens University at Kingston


^ice-tfqeeidents HON. EDWARD MURPHY. MR. J. B. LEARMONT.







Editing Committee : BAUDRY, Messrs. H. MOTT, R. W. McLACHLAN, Dr. J. A. M. db BEAUJEU. A RECORD





i$th SEPTEMBER 1892





Member of the Numismatic and Antiquarian Society

Hon.-Secretary Exhibition Committee. Mi3£>

Exhibition Committee.

t^hairiman :

Mr. J. A. U. BEAUDftY.

lfton.-$PCtietairj :



1. — (1608-1635.) First Governor of New and Founder of

2. De Chateaufort. Acting Governor of the colony until May, 1636.

3. Charles Hualt De Montmagny— (1636-1647.) During his administration the settlement of Montreal was established

4. Louis D'Ailleboust— (1647-1651.) He originally came to Canada with colonists for the . Died at Quebec in 16G0.

5. Jean de Lauzon— (1651-1658.) He wa J one of the principals of Richelieu's company. De Lauzon was succeded by his son, who in turn gave way to the former governor, D'Ailleboust, who was superseded in 1658 by 'Viscount D'Argenson-

6. Pierre de Voyer, Viscount D'Argenson -(1658-1661.)

His government seems to have consisted of little else than barbari invasions, and civil and religious quarrels.

7. Pierre du Bois, Baron D'Avaugour - (1661-1663.) He was of a resolute temperament and brought into the affairs of

Canada the rigidity that he had contracted in the military service ; and during the whole time he held office in , he had constant disputes with Bist.op Laval, principally with reference to the liquor traffic, which the latter wished to prohibit.

8. Augustin de Saffray-M£sy— (1663-1665.) He was a man of haughty and ob-tinate temper, and having quar- relled with his Council, he took upon himself to send back to France two of its principal members—an arbitrary act which procured his own recall in 1665. He died at Quebec, however, before the dispatch arrived.

9. Alexandre de Prouville, Marquis de Tracy.

Arrived at Quebec in 1665, as Viceroy and Lieutenant-General ; De

Courcellls was named under him as Governor, and .) BAN Talon as Intendant. The Viceroy brought with him the Carignan regiment and a large body of settlers.

10. Daniel de Remy de Courcelles (1666-1672.) By skilful diplomacy, he averted a threatened Indian war. He had fixed upon Cataraqui, near the present site of Kingston, OnL, as an

-^Ai i eligible point for the erection of a fort for the protection of the fur tra- ders and to check Indian incursions, 11. Louis de Buade, Baron de Paluan and Comte de Frontenac—(1672-1682.)— (1689-1698.) Frontenac was a bold and valorous soldier and a most successful administrator, but principally on account of some despotic acts, he was recalled in 1682. In lf>89, he was reappointed governor, and in 1690, he defeated Sir William Phipps and the English fleet before Quebec. He died in 1698, and was inhumed in the Eecollet Church at Quebec.

12. M. Le Febvre de la Barre— (1682-1685 ) His general management of affairs was extremely bad, and in con- sequence of dissatisfaction felt at his want of succes.- he was recalled in 1685, and he left the province without regret.

13. Jacques Bene de Brisay, Marquis de Denonville— (1685-1689)

14. Louis Hector de Callieres— (1698-1703.) In 1701, a temporary pacification and alliance of all the Indian tribes was effected by him. Died at Quebec in 1703. 15. Philippe de Bigaud, Marquis de Vaudreuil — (1703- 1725.) He was married .at Quebec, to the daughter of Chevalier de Soulanges and Miss de Lotbiniere. This marriage was viewed with dissatisfac- tion by the French ministry, who did not wish him, nor any of the governors, to ally themselves with the Canadian families. He died at Quebec, 1725, universally regretted by the people of the colony. His administration was marked, for the most part, with tranquility, and his measures, whether civil or military, were crowned with success. 16. Charles, Marquis de Beauharnois — (1726-1746.) Baron de acted as administrator in the interval since the death of Vaudreuil.

17. Eoland Michel Barrin, Count de la (xalisonniere — (1747-1749.) He wasa distinguished marine officer, active, energetic and enlighten ed as a civilian, and spent in scientific pursuits such leisure as his public duties allowed him. He gave a strong impulse to the administration.

18. Jacques Piekre de Taffanel, Marquis de la Jonquiere (1749-1751.) His government wa" marked bv considerable firmness, and he carried out generally the policy of La Galisonniere. He died at Quebec, May 17th, 1752, and was buried in the Recollet Church, alongside of Frontenac and Vaudreuil. 19. Duquesne, de Mennevalle, Marquis— (1752-1755.) A brave and judicious Governor, who during three most important years (1752-55) pursued such a firm and vigorous policy, as to call forth the admiration of the people of Canada and his native country. 20. Pierre-Francois, Marquis de Yaudreuil-Cavagnal— (1755-1760.) The last Governor of Canada under French domination, and un" doubtedly one of the best.


21 Murray James, Oil by Hamel. Governor of Quebec (1760-1763) (Jen. G-Hfjp) . Col. Burton, Governor of Threo-Rivers. Governor General (1763-1667) 22 Carleton Guy. (1768-1777) Lieut-Governor (17ii7). Oil Idem. 23 Cramaiie. Deputy-Governor. (1770-1774) 24 Haldimand, General Sir Frederic, K. B. (1777-1785.) Oil 25 Hamilton, Henry. (1785-1786) Dorchester (Guy Carleton) as Lord. Second term. (1786-1796) (Vide »Vo 22). 26 Clark, Major General.

Lieut- Governor. ( 1 792-1793). 27 Prescott, Major-General. (1796-1800). 28 Milnes, Robert Shore, Lieut-Governor. (17U0-1807). 29 Dunn, Deputy-Governor, (1805).

30 Craig, Sir James II. (1807-1811). 31 , Sir Geo. Oil given by him to the Hon. Ch. de Lotbiniere- 31iVPr£vost Lady. Presented by herself to the of Quebec 32 Drummond, SirGoudon. (1815-1816). A Montreal er born. 33 Shbrbkook, Sir John Cope (1816-1819). 34 Richmond & Lennox, Duke of. (1819-1820). Miniature on ivory.

35 Daliiousie, George. Earl of. (1820-1828). 36 Kempt, Sir James. (1828-1830). Oil 6

37 Aylmer, Lord. (1830-1833). Oil, presented by himself to the Uisulines. 37J Aylmer, Lady, ditto ditto.

38 Gosford, Earl of, Ct. C. B. (1835-1838). Oil. St. Mary's Cot lege.

39 Durham, John George Lambton, Earl of. (183s). Oil. 40 Colborne Sir John. (1838-1839). 41 Sydenham, Lord. (1839-1841.) 42 BacxOt, Sir Charles. (1842-1843). 43 Metcalk, Charles, Lord. (1843-1845).


44. Talon, Jean. Comte d'Orsainville (1666-1668). 45. Bouteroue, Claude de. (1668-1675). 46. Duchesneau, Jacques. (1675-1682). 47. Meules, Jacques de. (1682-1686). 48. Champigny, Jean Bochart, Seigneur de. (1686-1702). 49. Beauharnois, Francois de. (1702-1705). 50. Baudot, Jacques. (Sr.) (1705-1711). His son assumed control of the department of Finance.

50a. Begon, Claude Michel, Seigneur de la Picardiere (1712-1726). 50b. Dupuis, Claude, Thomas. (1726-1728). 50c. D'Aigremont, Cl^rambault. Commissaire-Ordormateur (1728). 50d. Hocquart, Gilles. (1731-1748). 50e. Bigot, Francois. (1748-1760).


51. De Laval, Mgr. Francois de Montmorency. 1658-1688. (Oil by Plamondon.)

52. Saint-Valier, Mgr. Jean Bapttste de la Croix-Che- vrieres de. Second Bishop of Quebec. 1688-1727. 53. DUPLESSIS DE MoRNAY, M.GR. LOUIS FRANCOIS.

Third Bishop of Quebec. Never came to Canada. Resigned See 1733. 54. Dosquet, Pierre He k man. Fourth Bishop of Quebec. 1734-1739. 55. De L'Aube-Riviere, Mgr. Francois Louis Pourroy de. Fifth Bishop of Quebec. 1740. Died a few days after his arrival iu Quebec, 20th August, only 29 years of age, of a pestilential disease caught on shipboard. 56. DuBREUIL DE PoNTBRIAND, MGR. HENRI MARIE. Sixth Bishop of Quebec. 1741-1760. Last Bishop appointed by France. 57. Briant, Mgr. Jean Olivier.

Seventh Bishop of Quebec. 1 76 4-1 784. 58. D'Esglis. Mgr. Louis Philippe Mariaucheau.

Eighth Bishop of Quebec. 1784-1788. He was the first of Cana* dian descent. Son of the Chev, d'Esglis and Louise de Lotbiniere. 59. Hubert, Mgr Jean Francois. Ninth Bishop of Quebec. 1788-1797.

60. Bailly de Messein, Mgr. Charles Francois de Coadjutor-Bishop of the Last,

61. Denault, Mgr. Pierre.

Tenth Bishop of Quebec I 797-1806.

. tf2. Plessis, Mgr. Joseph Octave. Eleventh Bishop of Quebec. 1806-1825- 63. Panet, Mgr. Bernard Claude, Twelfth Bishop of Quebec. 1825-1833.

•64. Signay, Mgr. Joseph, Thirteenth Bishop of Quebec. 1833-1850.


65. Mountain. Right Rev. Jacob D.D. Colored Photo. Born in England, in 1750. Dr. Mountain arrived in Quebec Novem- ber 1st, 1793, to take charge of his new diocese. For 32 years he presided over the Church in Briiish North America, and raised it from nothing, as it were, to the high standard which it had attained at his death. He died at Marchmont, near Quebec, June 16th 1825, aged 75.

66. Mountain, Rt. Revd. G-. J. Born in England in 1789, came to Canada with his father in 1793. Consecrated Bishop of Montreal, February 14th, 1836. In 1850, when the diocese had become too large for him to administer alone, Dr. Fulford was appointed to the See of Montreal, and Bishop Mountain assumed the title of Bishop of Quebec. He was the founder of Bishop's College, Lennoxville, and the Church Society. He is deservedly remem- bered for the active part he took in ministering to the fever-stricken emigrants at Grosse Isle, in 1849, and also during the time of the cho- lera of 1832-4. He died in L863. —

67 Strachan, Bishop of Mezzotint.

Bora April 12, 1778, came to Canada in 1799. Created Bishop in

1839, and continued in that office until his death at an advanced age y he retained his freshness and vigour to the last.


68. Lartigue, Mgk. Jean Jacques. (Oil.) 69. Bourget, Mgr. Ignace. (Oil.)


DANS LES Colonies Erancaises de l'Am^rique. du Nord.

From the list of Superiors of the Jesuits prepared by Rev. Father Arthur E. Jones, S. J., of St. Mary's College. Publishedfor the first time-

70. Pierre Biard, Sup. a Port Royal et a St-Sauveur—Ne a. Grenoble en 1575 Entre, 1590—Arrive, 1611 —Mort a Avignon, 19 Nov. 1622— II etait de retour en France en Mai 1614— Sup. 1611-1614-Prov Lyon.

71. Charles Lalemant, Sup. a (Quebec, comrae ceux qui sui- vent-Nea Paris, 17 Nov. 1587—Entre, 29 Juillet 1607— Arrive. 19 Juin 1625—Retour en France, 1638— Mort a Paris, 18 'Nov. 1674—Sup. 1625-1629 --Quebec entre les mains des Anglais - Prov. France.

72. Paul Le Jeune, ne dans le diocese de Chalons, Champagne, 1592 - Entre, 1613— Arrive a Tadousac 6 Juin 1632—Retour, 30 Oct. 1649 -Mort a Paris 7 Aout 1664— Sup. 1632-1639— Prov. France. 73. BarthE"lemy Yimont, ne 1593 — Entre a Rouen 15 Nov. 1613 —Arrive' an Port Ste-Anne, Cap-Breton, 24 Aout 1629 — Retour, 22 Oct. 1659— Mort a Yannes 13 Juillet 1667—Sup. 1639-1645—Prov. France. 74. Jerome Lalemant, ne a Paris 1593 —Entre, 2 Oct. 1609 Arrive, 25 Juin 1638—Mort a Quebec 26 Janvier 1673 - Sup. 1645-1650—Prov. France.

75. Paul Ragueneau, ne 1607—Entre, 21 Aout 1626— Arrive. 28 Juin 1636—Retour, 12 Aout 1662— Mort a Paris, 3 Sept. 1680—Sup. 1650-1653- Prov. France. —.

70 Francois Le Mercier, ne 1604- Entre* a Paris. U Oct. 1623 (al. 1620)—Arrive, 20 Juillet 1635—Eetour, 1673— Mortala Martinique, 16 Oct. 169J (al. 12 Juin 1690)—Sup. 1653-1656 —Prov. France.

77. Jean de Quen, ne a Amiens 1600 (ai. 1(504) — Kntre*, 13 Sept. 1620— Arrive, 1? A out 1635—Mort a Quebec, 8 Oct. 1659 - Sup. 1656-6 Aout 1659— Frov. France.

Jerome Lalemant, pour la seconde fois—Sup. 6 Aout 1659- Aoiit 1665 — Prov. France.

Francois Le Mercier. pour la seconde fois — Sup. 6 Aout 1665-12 Juillet 1671—Prov. France.

78. Claude Dablon, ne a Dieppe en 1618—Entre", 27 Aout 1639 -Arrive, 1655— Mort a Quebec, 20 Sept, 1697 - Sup 12 Juii. 1671 (nomme en 1670, il ne put quitter le Lac Superieur qu'en 1671) 6 Aofit 16 so —Prov. France. 79. Thierry Besphefer, ne 1631—Entre, 1645— Arrive, 19 Juin 1665— Ketour, 1690—Mort, ?—Sup. 6 Aout 1680-18 Oct. 1686—Prov Champagne. Claude Dablon, pour la seconde fois—Sup. 18 Oct. 1686-.. Aout 169 -t —Prov. France. 80. Jacques Bruyas, ne 1637— Entre", ? —Arrive, 3 Aout 1666 —Mort an Saul t- St Louis, —Sup. ... Aout 1693-25 ou 29 Aout 1698 - Prov. Lyon 81. Martin Bouvart, ne a Chartres, 1639—Entre, 10 Aout 1658 —Arrive, 30 Sept. 1673— Mort a Quebec, 10 Aout 1705— Sup. 25 ou 29 Aout 1698-22 Aout 17<'4 - Prov. France.

82. Vincent Bigot, ne 1647—Entre*, ? -Arrive, 1680— Eetour, 1713— Mort a Paris, 7 Sept. 1720—Sup. 21 Aout 1704-10 Sept. 1710—Prov. France.

83. Joseph Ls. Germain, ne ? Entre, ?— Arrive*, 1687 —Mort a Quebec, Janvier 1722—Sup 10 Sept. 1710-1 Oct. 1716 -Prov Toulouse. 84. Julien Garnier, ne 6 Janvier 1643—Entre". 26 Sept. 1660 Arrive, 27 Oct, 1662—Mort a Quebec, 31 Janvier 1730 — Sup. 1 Oct. 1716-1719— Prov. France.

85. Pierre de La Ciiasse, ne* 7 Mars 1669 - Kntre. 14 Oct. 1687 —Arrive, 1699 Mort a Quebec, 27 Sept 1749- Sup. 1719-6 Aout 1726 Prov. France.

86. Jean-Baptiste Du Parc, ne 28 Juin 1676 —Entr£, 28 Sept. 1695—Arrive, 1707 Mort a Quebec. 31 Janv. 1742— Sup. 6 Aout 1726-Sept. 1732 - Prov. France. —


87. Pierre de Lauzon, ne a Poitiers, 26 Sept. 1687—Entre, 24

Nov. 1702—Arrive, 1716—Mort a Quebec, ft Sept. 1742— Sup. Sept. 1732-1739—Prov. Aquitaine. 88. Jean-Baptiste de Saint-Pe, ne 21 Oct. 1686—Entre, 15 Oct. 1703 -Arrive, 1719—More a Quebec, 8 Juillet 1770— Sup. Oct. 1739-Oct. 174S Prov. Aquitaine.

89. Gabriel Marcol, ne 12 Avril 1692- Kntre, 14 Sept, 1708— Arrive, Juin 1723 -Mort a Quebec, 17 Oct. 1755 - Sup. Oct. 1748-Oct. 1754 -Prov. Champagne.

Jean-Baptiste de Saint-P£, pour la seconde fois—Sup. Oct. 1754-1763? -Prov. Aquitaine.

90. Augustin Louis de G-lapion, ne 8 Juillet 1719 -Entre, 10 Oct. 1735—Arrive, 1744—Mort a Quebec, 24 Fev. 1790— Sup. 1763-24 Fev, 17»0—Prov France.

91. Jean Joseph Casot, ne 4 Oct. 1728—Entre, 16 Dec 1753 Arrive, 1757— Orclonne, 20 Dec. 1766- -Mort a Quebec, 16 Mars 1800— Sup. 24 Fev. 1790-16 Mars 1800—Prov. France.


92. Abbe de Queylus. (1657-1661), (1668-1671).

• 93. Eev. Gabriel Souart. (1661-1668), (1674-1676).

; 94. < Dollier de Casson. (1671-1674), (1678-1701.) Laid out the streets of Montreal.

95. Eev. F. Lefebvre. (1676-1678).

96. " F. de Belmont. (1701-1732).

Published first .

97. Eev. L. Normand. 1732-1759.

98. " Montgolfier. 1759-1691. Was proposed as Bishop.

99. Eev. G. Brassier. (1791-1798).

100. " J. H. A. Eoux. (1798-1831).

101. " J. Y. Quiblier. (1831-1846.


102. Eev. G-. Perot. (1678-1680). 103. < P. Eemy. (168u).

.104. " J. Fremont. (1680-1682), (1693-1691). 11

105. " K. Guyotte. (1682-1693). 106. " M. Oaille. (1694-1696.) ' 107. E. C. de Breslay. (1696-1703). 108. " Y. Priat. (1703-1717), (1721-1*725).

109. •• J. Eangeard. (1717-1721)

110. ik B. Baret. (1721).

l - 111. J. Gr. de L'Escoat. (1 725-1730). 112. " A. Mat. (1730-1700). 113. « L. Jolivet. (1760-1776). 114. •• F. Desery. (1776-1793). 115. " C. M. LeSatjlnier, (1793-1830). 116. ' : C. Fay. (1830-1849).


200. Abercrombie, General James. Engraving.

Succeeded Gen. Loudoun as Commander of the British forces in America, 1775. Defeated at Carrillon by Montcalm. 201. Allison, Thomas. Crayon. Captain of the 5th Regiment of Foot. Married Theresa Duperon Baby. Died about 1820. 202. Archambault, Eev. P. Oil painting. Cure of Vaudreuil. Founded the Congregation of Ste. Anne (the Mother-house now at Lachine) at Vaudreuil. L. J. R. Hubert, Montreal: 203. Auldjo, Alexander. Oil painting. A native of Aberdeen, settled in Montreal at the end of last century ; and for years a partner of the firm of Maitland, Gardner and Auldjo. 204. Amherst, Sir Jeffrey. From a painting by Sir Joshua Reynolds. Engraved by James Watson. Commander-in-Chief of the British Army in Canada at the Conquest. 205. Baby, Honorable Francois. A miniature on ivory. In 1775, being Adjutant-General of Militia, he took an active part in the defence of the country. Was successively called to the Executive and Legislative Councils of . In 17Hl>, he married a daughter of Charles Tarieu de Lanaudiere, and Catherine _ueuil. Hox. Judge Baby. 206. Baby, Hon. Jacques Duperon. Oil by linnet. Son of Raymond Baby de Ranville and Thrrese. Le C te St. Ge Dupre. After the Conquest, he settled in Detroit, and married Suzanne de la Croix. Reaume, in 1760- An Executive Councillor of . Died at Sandwich, Out., L796. 12

207. Baby, Hon. Jacques. Oil by Hamel. Eldest son of Hon. Jacques Duperon. Born at Detroit, 1762. Commander-in-Chief of the Militia of Upper Canada (18l2). And J 'resident of the Legislative Council. Married Eliza Abbott. Died 1833.

208. Baldwin, Hon. Bobert. Oil painting by Hamel. Born in Toronto in 1804, and died there 7th December, 1858- At- torney-Geneial of Upper Canada. He never ceased to do battle for the principle of responsible government, till it was fully and unreservedly, conceded. Mr- Baldwin served in several governments, and Canada is deeply indebted to his enlightened mind and patriotic spirit.

209. Beaujeu, Daniel Marie Hyacinthe Li£nard De. Oil. Chev. de St. Louis " Le Heros de la Monongahela."

Bom at Montreal, 9 August 171 i. Commandant of in 1755. Defeated Braddock at the battle Monongahela, where he fell, 9 August, 1755. M. de Bi-aujku, Montreal.

211 . Benoit, Marie Anne. Miniature on Ivory, painted in „ Daughter of Claude Benoit, Surgeon-Major for the King of France at Montreal, and Theie.-e Baby, Married Major Reeves, of the " Royal Americans." Hon. Judge Baby.

212. Berault de St. Maurice. Oil. Advocate of St. Dominique, died there in 1791, during the rebellion in that Colony. Ancestor of the Hon. Judge Jette, Montreal. 213. Berthelet, Pierre. Pastel. One of Montreal's old merchant. Born at St. Laurent 1746. Son of Doctor Pierre Berthelet, who came from Geneva. Married 1st at Detroit, Francoise Meloche, and 2nd, at Montreal, Miss Viger. 214. Berthelet, Marguerite, n£e Viger. Pastel. Wife of M. Pierre Beithelet 215. Bethune, Eev. John, D.D. 1791-1872. Oil. Rector of Montreal for 54 years and Dean for 22 years. First Prin- cipal of McGill College. 216. Bibaud, Michel. Engraving. A Canadian author of note, born on the 20th January 1782, at Cote des Neiges,and died 3rd August 1857. Wrote the first in French, since the conauest. i 217. Blondeau, Monsieur. Pastel. An merchant. 218. Blondeau, Madame. Pastel. Wife of preceding. jf'3 219. Boish£bert, Charles Deschamps, Marquis de. Oil. A distinguished Canadian officer. Was the last French commander in - Miss de St. Ours: .


220. , (Pierre Boucher he). Engraving.

Sieur tie Grosbois (1622). Founder of the Boucherville family, Governor of Three River?, 1G61 221. Boucher. Oil painting. Port Warden of Quebec. A descendant of Pierre Boucher, Governor of Three Rivers. 222. Boucher Madame, n^e Tremblay. Oil painting. Born at lTleaux-Coudies. 223. Boucher, Lieut.-Col. Francois. Daguerreotype. Last surviving officer of the "Royal Canadian Volounteers." Born at Isle-aux Coudres, 8th August, 1778- Married Julie Olivier, at Berthier, (en haut,) 11th February, 1802. Died at Maskinonge, 26th August, 1861. 224. Boucher, (Julia Olivier.) Oil painting. Wife of the preceding.

225. Boucher, Doctor Francois-Xavier Olivier. Oil painting. Son of Lieut.-Col. Francois Boucher. Born at Maskinonge, 17th February, 1804. Mairied Marie Luce Deligny, aud afterwards m 1834, Einelie Monro. Died at Maskinonge, 8th November, 1835- A. J. Boucher, Montreal.

220. Bouchette, Lieut.-Col. Joseph ; C. B. Miniature on Ivory. Canada';; ablest topographer. Born in 1774. Died at Montreal, April !>th, 1841, and was buried in the Church of Notre-Danie. Surveyor-General of Lower Canada. A protege of H. R. H. the Duke of Kent. He made many valuable plans regarding Canada, and published his ''Topogrrphy of Lower Canada"

227. Bourgeois, Eevd. SrsTEii Marguerite. Oil painting by Pierre Leber, in 1700. (After death.) Congregation de Not re-Dame, Mont rea

228. Brant, Captain Joseph, Tyendenaga. (Oil ) Born 1742. Died 1807. Chief of the Six Nations. 229. Bussy, (Antoine Ferriere, Sieur de). Oil. Officer in the French troops at the Conquest. His son received a commission in the militia from Lord Dorchester, 1780. Mdk. Lemerie, Montreal. 230. Campbell, Colonel John. Oil. Of the Indian Department. Married to a daughter of La Corne St. Luc- 231. Cartier, Jacques, 1750-1814. At the age of 45, painted by Dulongpre.

Lived at St. Antoine, Riviere Richelieu ; father of Sir George E. Cartier. .


232. Cazot, Eev. Father Jean Joseph. Oil.

Born 4th October, 1728, at Palizeux, in France. Ordained 20th December, 17G6 and entered the order of the Jesuits. He died at the Jesuits' College. Quebec, 16th March, 1800. He was the last member of his order in Canada. St. Mary's College, Montreal 233. Cerre, Marie Anne. Coloured Crayon. Wife of Judge Pierre Louis Panet, of Montreal. Died at D'Aille- boust, in 1820. Allied to the Cerre family, founders of St. Louis, Miss. Pierre T. Levesque, Montreal

234. Cerre-Chouteau, Marie Therese Oil. A sister of Mrs. Judge Panet Born, 26th November, 1769. Painted Idem. at St. Louis, Miss., 1812.

235. Chaboillez, KeA\ Augustin. Oil. Cure of Longueuil. Ordained priest 1784. Published several pamphlets (18240

236. Chaboillez, Charles. Oil. An old "North Wester;" ami member of the celebrated " Beaver- Club" Died at Terrebonne in 1809. Faiher of Mesdames Simon McTavish, Bouchette and McKenzie.

237. Champlain, Samuel de. Large steel engraving. Published! at Paris, Registered in Canada, 1854. Governor of Canada. Born at Brouage in 1567. Founded Quebec- July 3rd, 1608, and died there on Christmas Day, 1635. 238. Charland Louis. Water coloured. Died in 1813, aged 40 years. A geographer and antiquarian Inspector of Highways in Montreal; prepared first correct map of Canada published in London under the name of Vondenvelden. 239. Charlevoix, Pierre Francois Xavier, Born 1G84, died 1761. A celebrated Jesuit, writer, for several years a in Canada The " Histoire Generate de (a Nouvelie France" describing his own

experience, and the manners and customs of the native Americans, ie the most valuable of this works. Cure of Caughnawaga. 240. Christie, General Gabriel, (1722-1799) By Sir Joshua Reynolds.

Brevet-Major under Amherst at the conquest of Canada in I75& Commander-in-Chief in Canada, 1798. Died at Montreal 1799. Mr. Roe. 241. Christie-Burton, General Napier, (1758-1835) By Sir Joshua Reynolds. Succeeded his father, General Gabriel Christie, as Commander in- Chief in 1799. Son-in-law of General Ralph Burtou, who executed 15

the military operations which resulted in the • capture of Quebec and, who was afterwards Governor of Three Rivers.

242. Clignancourt, Chevalier d'Amours de. Oil. Officer. Allied to the de Montigny family. B. A. T. DeMontigny, Montreal. 243. Cot£, Emilie. (Madame Larocque). Miniature. 244. Cotte, Madame. (Oil.)

245. Coullard Hon. Antoine Gaspard — (1789-1847). Pastel Seigneur of St. Thomas. Surgeon 4th Batalion in the A Legislative Councillor Miss. DeLeey, Quebec. 24d. CUGNET FRANCOIS JOSEPH. Oil. Son of Francois Etienne Cugnet (first, Councillor of the Consei Souverain of Quebec) and Louise Madeleine Dueautoy. A distin jurisconsult, 1 guished who wrote several law treatises of ereat tnpi»if ° em " Died 1 789, at Quebec. 247. David, David.

248. D'Ailleboust, Pierre. Sieur d' Argenteuil. Oil. Lieutenant in the D&achement de la Marine in 1691, and captain in 1710. Died shortly after. J DeLanaudiere family. 249. Denis de la Bonde, Louise. Oil. Wife of the former- Daughter of Pierre Denis de la Ronde and Marie Catherine Le Neuf de la Potherie. 250. De May, Madame, nee Larocque.

251. Desbarats Joseph. Oil. Born in France, 1733. Came to Canada about 1763. Merchant. Married, in 1763, Louise Angelique Creste- 252. Desbarats, Lieut.-Colonel Pierre Edou\rd (T765-' 1828). Oil,

Clerk of the Parliament of Lower Canada- Married in 1798, Jr seph- te Marie Voyer, daughter of Sieur Charles Voyer; grand-father of George Desbarats, of Montreal.

253. D'Eschambault, Jacques Alexis Fleury. Medallion. King's Attorney.

554. D'Eschambault Joseph Fleury. Medallion. la Son of Joseph Fleury de Gorgendiere and Dame Claire Joliet. Born 1709. Ascent of the Oompagnie des hides. Married Marie Cathe' rine Veron de Grand Mesnil. Died 1789.

255. D'Eschambault, Louis Joseph. Medallion. Eldest Son of preceding. Followed his aunt, the Marquise de Vau- dreuil, to France, and became page to Louis XVI. At the Revolution- he returned to Canada. 16

256. Desjardins, Messire Philippe Jean Louis. Oil. Vicar General.

Came to Canada in 1793 and returned in November, 1802. Died in Paris, 21st Oct. 1833. One of the victims of the French devolution who took refuge in Canada.

257. Doucet, Nicolas Benjamin. Oil. Prominent Notary and J. P. at Montreal, 1832. Grandfather of Lady Middleton.

258. Doucet Mrs, (n£e Bouchette). Oil Wife of the preceding.

259. Duchesnay, Antoine Juchereau. Oil. Fifth Seignior of Beauport. Son of Joseph A. T. Juchereau Duches- nay and Francoise Chartier de Lotbiniere. He married (1) 12th Au- Julie in gust 1765, de Beanjeu ; (2) 1773, Catherine LeComte Dupre. Was ma le prisonner at Fort St. Johns by the Americans in 1775 and brought to Philadelphia, where he was detained over a vear- Died at Beauport, 1806. 260. Duke of Kent, Edward. Engraving. a. From a painting by Sir Wm Beechey, R. A. b. By Armstrong, from an original jointing. Father of Her Majesty Queen Victoria. Arrived at Quebec, August 11th, 1791, in command of the 7th Royal Fusileen-. Sailed from Halifax on his return to England, August 3rd 1800. 261. Dulongpr£, Louis. Coloured Crayon. A Canadian painter of fair skill of the beginning of the Century. A large number of Canadian portraits are from his brush. 262. Dumont (Francois Marie Petit Lambert). Oil.

Born 1 38. Son of Enstache Ldinbert-Dumont, Seigneur of Mille Isles. His mother was a descendant of the^Marechal de Chambelle ; was Captain in the troops auxiliaires to the colonies, stationed at Orient, in Brittany; Knighj of St- Louis. 263. Dumont, Major Eustache Nicolas Lambere, Sieur, Thotograpli. Born 1767. Seigneur of He a la Fourche, Mille lies, and l'Aug- mentation—the founder of St. Jerome and St. Eustache. Died 1808. 264. Dumont, Lieut. -Col. Charles Louis Lambert, Sieur. Son of preceding, born 1806- Last Seigneur of Mille Isles and l'Aug- mentation, Commandant 2nd Battalion of the County of Two Moun tains, 1832. 265. Dumont (Miss Bush). Wife of preceding.

266. Dumont, Marguerite Virginie Lambert. Water Color. Seigneuresse of Mille Isles. Wife of C. A. M. Globensky, St. Eusta- che. DeLkry Macdonald. 17

267. Dundas, Henry, Viscount Melville, after whom Dundas Street, Toronto, is named. From a painting by Sir Henry Raeburn, R.A.

208. Duniere, Miss. A water color. Wife of Bonaventure Panet, a brother to Judge Pierre Louis Panet

269. Dupr£, Hippolite LeOomte St. Georges. Oil. Lieut.-Col. of Militia and Commander of the Transport Service. Married at Montreal, to Miss Ourof Died at Montreal, Nov-, 1797.

270. Dupre, Le Comte, Honorable Jean'Baptiste. Oil. Lieut.-Colonel of Militia. A Legislative Councillor. Married Ca therine de Brouague. Died at Quebec in the beginning of the century.

271. Ermatinger, Frederick William. (Small Oval painting.) . Second Sheriff of Montreal. Died 1828. 272. Ermatinger, Lawrence. {Small Oval painting.)

For many years in the Commissariat. Died 1830. 273. Fabre, Edouard E. Engraving. Took a prominent part in the troubles of 1837-8. Subsequently served the Office of Mayor of Montreal. His Grace Archbishop Fabre.

274. Faribault, J. B. Engraving.

Born at Berthier in 1773. An employee of the North West Co., for

1 1 years. First to cultivate the soil, West of the Mississipi. Founded Faribault, where he did I860.

275. Fleurimont, Pierre Francois ]S"oyelle. Oil. Son of Pierre Nicolas Noyelle, Sieur de Fleurimor.t, and Marie, Charlotte Boucher de Lapeiriere. Died in 1832. 276. Franklin, Sir John. (Arctic Navigator,) from a painting by Derby.

Laid the first stone of the Rideau Canal on August loth 1827.

277. Fraser, Brigadier-General Simon. Engraving. Killed at Saratoga, October 7th, 1777-

278. Fraser, Lieut.-Colonel Simon. Oil.

Born 1777. Grandson of Thomas Fraser, an officer in the Fraser Highlanders. Was notary Public at St. Jean PortJoly. Married, 1806, Marie Felicite Boucher.

279. Fraser (Marie F£licit£ Boucher ) Oil. Born 1781. Daughter of Francois Boucher and Catherine Pelletier, of Riviere Uuelle. Wife of Lieut-Col. Simon Fraser.

280. Gagnon, Eev. Joseph. Oil.

Born in 1763, at St. Famille, Island of Orleans, where he also died, 12th Nov., 1840. He was Cure of that parish for 34 years- He left numerous historical MSS. 18

281. GrALEj Samuel. Judge of the Queen's Bench- Son of Assistant Paymaster Gale. Born in 1783 at St. Augustine, Florida; replaced Judge Uniacke in 1834; supported the government during the troubles of 1837-8. Retired 1847. Died 1865. 282. Gamelin Gaucher, Captain. Colored Photograph.

283. Gamelin, Madame, n£e Tavernier. Oil. Founded the Convent of " La Providence," Montreal. 284. Garneau, F. X. Engraving. Noted for his History of Canada. He was born in Quebec and adu- cuted at the Quebec seminal y« 285. Gaspe, La Chenaye, Charles Aubert de. 1630-1702. Crayon, by Hamel.

Ancestor of the De Graspe family in Canada. Came to Canada about 1665. One of the principal Merchants of Quebec. Agent gene- ral of the Compagnie des Indes- Member of the Supreme Council of Quebec. Received patents of Noblesse (1693). 286. GaspeHon. Ignace Aubert de. 1757-1823. Crayon and Pastel.

Legislative Councillor. Seigneur of St. Jean-Port-Joli. 287. Gasp£, Catherine Tarieu de Lanaudiere de. 1768-1843. Wife of the preceeding.

288. Gaspe, Philippe Aubert de. 1786-1871. Oil. Seigneur of St. Jean Port-Joli. The celebrated author of " Les Anciens Canadiens." 289. Gasp£, Suzanne Allison de. Daughter of Capt- Allison. Married in 1811 to the preceeding. Died 1847. 290. Gauffreau, J. Bte. Oil. Merchant, died at St. Barthelemi in 1814, ancestor of the Hon. Juge Jette.

291. Genevay, Deputy Postmaster General. Oil Painting by William Berczy, Sr. 292. Gerrard, Samuel. Oil.

One of the early workers in the interest of the Montreal Genera ^ Hospital. President of the . Died March 24th. , 1857, aged 89.

293. Grant, David Alexander. Oil. Captain 94th Regiment. A nephew of the honorable Grant. Married - the Baroness de Longueuil. 294. Grant, Marie Charles Josephte Lemoyne, Baronne de Longueuil, 1756-1841. Oil.

Daughter of the last Baron de Longueuil. Married to proceeding .


295. Grant, Hon. Charles William, (fifth Baron de Longueuil.) A miniature on Ivory. A Leg. Councillor. Son of Capt. Grant and of the Baronne de Lon gueuil; born at Quebec, 4th February, 1792; died 5th July, 1858.

29 J. Grant, William, A miniature on irorij. Brother of the former.

297. Gray, Le Chevalier de Goulds de. Oil. Of the de Longueuil family. 293. Grey, Edwahd William. First Sheriff of Montreal. Di.d 1810.

299. Guy, Pierre. Oil. Dulongpre. Colonel of the Militia of Montreal. One of the signers of the cap tulation of Montreal (1775). Born in 1739, Married to Joseph Man Hervieux, 1764, Died 1812. Buried with military honors.

300. Hallowell, James. {Miniature on ivory).

Merchant; lived in St. Gabriel street, Montreal, previous to 1800- Grand-uncle of Mr. Strachan Bethune, Q. C, and Mrs. J. J. C. Abbott .301. Hallowell (Mrs). (Maria Sutherland). Miniature ivory) Wife of the above. Mother of Mrs. Wood of Sorel, Dr Hallowell and Madame Alfred Pinsonneault.

3 »2. Hakt Ezekiel. Born at Three Rivers 1767, died there 1843. Was the second son of Aaron Hart. In 1807 and 1803, he was elec- ted member of the Legislative Assembly for Thre Rivers, but was pre- vented from taking his seat by a resolution of the House on account of his religious belief. Served in the war of 1812. 303. Harwood, Hon. Eobert Unwin (1779-1863). Seigneui of Vaudreuil and Cavagnal- Lieut. -Colonel of Vaudreuil Militia. Member of the Legislative Council. Called to the Special Council 1838. 304. Harwood Louise Josephte Chartiee de Lotbiniere (1802-1869).

Se'gneuresse of Vaudreuil and Cavagnal. (Wife of the preceding) Eldest daughter of the Marquis de Lotbiniere.

305. HIsrigauld, Doctor. Oil. Surgeon—Son of a surgeon in Lafayette's army.

306. Herriot, Major-General F. 1766-1844. 1812 was Fought in several of the battles in the war of ; second in command at Chateauguay. Founded Drum mondvi lie in 181(3.

307. Howe, Yiscount George Augustus. Commanded one of the divisions of the English Army at the Con quest. He fell in Abercrombie's attack on Fort Carillon, July 5th, 1758- —


308. Hubert, Bev£rend Messire Augustin David. The original

painting in oil by Christopher de Heer, 178V. A vopy by1 Dulongpre, 1795. Born 1749. Cure of Quebec. Drowned with several others while crossing to the island of Orleans, 21 May, 1792. L. J. R. Hubert.

309. Hubert, Louis Edouard. 1766-1843. (Miniature) Painted by J. J. Girouard at the Camp of Laprairie, 1813. Captain. Quarter-Master Militia of St. Denis, 1812. M. P. for Richelieu, ISO Mr 05. Idem,

310. Hudon (Bev. Hyacinthe). Oil. Vicar General of Montreal and Dean of the Chapter. President of the Temperance Society. Ordained priest 1817. Honorary Canon of the Cathedral of Chartres (France). Died while attending to the Irish emigrants during the ship fever, 1847.

311. Ibbotson, Captain H. (Photograph) Born in 1790, and arrived in Canada with his regiment (103rd) in the winter of 1812. Served through the war. Was at the Battle of Fort Erie. Married Mary Jane Dorion, of Quebec. Died 1869.

312. Imbert. Oil.

Member of trie Supreme Council of Quebec- Left for France, 1760

313. Jogues, Bev. Father Isaac. Oil. (Archbishopric of Montreal.) First apostle of the Iroquois. The most intrepid martyr of the Jesuit Order. Was horribly mutilated by the Iroquois, 1642; was delivered by the Dutch, and after a voyage to France he returned and was massacred by the Indians. St. Mary's College. 314. Incarnation (Venerable Mother Marie del') Foundress and first Superioress of the Ursulines of Quebec 1639. This painting was returned to the Urselines from France, when their copy was burned in 1686. The poi trait was taken three days of the her death. Urselines of Quebec 315. Jordan, Jacob. Miniature.

Seigneur of Terrebonne, Laehenaie and Blainville ; Was Paymaster- General of H. M. Forces in Canada, and member of the first Parlia- ment of Lower Canada for the county of lerre bonne. Died 1796. 316. Jordan James. Miniature. Second son of the above, taken when at school at Waltham Abbey, England, as appears by a letter written by him to his father in 1784. 317. Johnson, Sir William, Baronet. Engraving. A distinguished military commander. Had great controle over the Indians. Died at Shenectadv, 1774. .


31$. Johnson, Sir John. Miniature. Son of Sir William. Knighted 22nd November, 1765. Superinten- dent of Indian Affairs and a member of the Legislative Council. Died 1830. 819. Johnson, (Mrs. Bowes). Miniature. Daughter of the preceding-. 320. Johnson, Colonel M. Miniature. Son of Sir John. 321. La Corne.. Jean Louis de Chapt. Sieur de— (1666) Oil painting. Knight of St. Louis. Town-Majo- at Three Rivers, and King's Lieutenant at Montreal, where he died in 1731. Lost an eye at the Siege of Gerovale, before coming to Canada. Married Marie Pacaudy de Contrecceur. Abbe Verreau.

322. LaCorne, Maurice Dubreuil de. Oil.

His son. Was Ordained a priest in 1739. Canon of the Cathedral of Quebec and member of the Conseil Souverain, 1749. Left for France in 1737, where he died- 323. LaCorne St. Luc, Luc he Chapt de. Oil. Also a son of Jean Louis Born 1703. Knight of the Order of St. Louis. Was a man of considerable influence over the Indians. Took Fort Clinton in 1747. Present at Carillon and at St. Foye. Escaped from the wreck of the ship " l'August" in the Gulf, and remained in the couutry. An Executive Councillor under the new regime. Fought at St. Johns, and accompanied Bourgoyne with a party of and Indians latter this on much ; but the having withdrawn, brought correspondence between both of an unpleasant nature. He married

three times: 1. Miss Hervieux ; 2. Madame tie St. Pierre; 3 Delle. Boucher de Boucherville. 321. Lafitau, Joseph Francois. Oil. A celebrated Jesuit missionary among the natives tribes in Canada. On his return to France he published a work entitled "Mceurs.des Sauvages Americains compares aux Mceurs des premiers temps." He died in 1740. Cure of Caughnawaga. 325. Lafontaine, Chief Justice Sir L. H. Oil.

Born at Boucherville in October, 1807. He took part in the events of 1837. Chief Justice of the Queen's Bench, in 1853. Created a baronet 1854. 326. Lafreniere. Franco rs Zacharie Hertel de—1665. Oil in paint [i Knight of St. Louis. Captain of a detatchment of the troops of the Marine. Captive of the Iroquois lor two years. Had his knee broken at the siege of Sementille, 1690. 327. LaKocque, Francois Antoine. Oil.

Oldest son of Frs Antoine. Born at I'Assomption 1784. Married 1818 Catherine Hmilie Cotte. Died 1869. One of the principle 22

merchants of Montreal- Served in the war of 1812. Made prisoner by General Harrison, at Amherstburg in 1813.

328. LaRocque, Madame Francois Ant., n£e Ootte\ Oil. Wife of preceding.

329. Larue, Miss. Oil.

Wife of Honorable J. Bte. Tache, Seigneur of Kamouraska, a mem- ber of Parliament and a Legislative Councillor.

330. Larue, Madame. Oili Mother of the preceding. 331. Lanaudiere, Charles Tarieu de. Oil from a miniature on ivory. (1710-177G.)

Sieur de la Perade, Chevalier de St. Louis. Was in command of part of the Canadian militia at Carillon and on the Plains of Abraham. Married, Genevieve Deschamps de Boishebert, and afterwards Catherine LeMoyne de Longueuil.

332. Lanaudiere, Charles Tarieu de. Oil from a miniature. (1741-1811.)

Only son of the former by his first marriage. Was wounded on the Plains of Abraham, being then Aide-Major in the Regiment of La Sarre. Married Mile. Lacorne de St. Luc. Aide de-Camp to Lord Dorchester in 1775, he contributed not a little to save him from falling into the hands of the Bastonais. Superintendant of Waters and Forests. Appointed to the Legislative Council in 1792. 333. Lanaudiere, Hon Charles Gaspard Tarieu de. Oil by Dulongpre. (1769-1812.) Half brother of the former, by Baron de LongueuiPs daughter. He entered the Royal Navy, at the suggestion of the Duke of Kent, but left it shortly after, not fet-ling called to it. He returned to the country and married Susanne Marganne de la Valtrie. Was lieutenant in the "Royal Canadian Volounteers." Caller to the Legislative Council. 334 Lanaudiere, Marie Louise Tarieu de (1770-1843. Crayon. Daughter of Hon. Tarieu de Lanaudiere ami Catherine de Longueuil.

335 Lasalle, KoBERr Cavalieli de. One of the discoverers of the Mississipi. Built Fort Cataracuoy. (Kingston). Died in 1681. 336 La Peltrie, Madeline de Chavigny, Dame de. Oil Foundress of the Ursnlines at Quebec in 1039, to which she devoted her fortune and her whole life. Died 1671. Ursulines of Quebec.

337 LeoarS, Hon. Joseph Oil (1 795-1 818)

A much esteemed painter | Legislative Councillor. 338 Lennox, Major Oil Son of Lord Lennox. Married Marguerite de Chapt de LaCorne St Luc, who, afterwards became the wife of .. 389 Leprohon, Lieut-Colonel Jean Philippe 1764-1831 Du- longpri pinxit. Dr. Leprohon Merchant, Collector of Customs at Coteau du Lac and J. P. 340 Leprohon, Marguerite Parant 1761-1796 Dulongvre pinxit. Idem Wife of preceding.

341 Leprohon, R£ v. OnEktme Joseph 1789 Oil painting Superior of Nicolet College for 30 years. Idem 342 Leprohon, Lieut-Colonel Edouard Martial 17**0 Lieutenant Canadian Militia, 1812. Lieutenant-Colonel, 1845. Idem 343 LeMoyne d'Iberville, Pierre 1661-1706 Photograph.

The celobrate 1 Canadian Navigator. 344 L£ry, Gaspard Chaussegros de 1682-1756 Oil Knight of St. Louis. Engineer-in-chief of New France. At Siege of Turin 1746. Studied under Vauban. Appointed to fortify New France 1716. Built the fortifications of Montreal and Quebec 1718 1720. de Lery family, Quebec 345 Lery (Marie RexIse Le G-ardeur be Beauvais. Married in 1717 to the Sieur Gaspard Chaussegros de Lery. Idem- 346 Lery, Hon. Joseph Gaspard Chaussegros de 1721-1797. OH Idem King's Engineer. Knight of St Louis. Commanded a detach- ment at the siege of Oswego. Captured Forts Bull, Bridgeman and Clinton. Built-Fort Beausejour in Acadia. The first Canadian pre- sented to George III Idem 347 Lery, Marie Giles Chaussegros de Oil Wife of the Sieur Landrieve des Bordes, Commissioner for His Most Christian Majesty at Montreal, 1761. Idem 348 Lery, Francois Chaussegroc, Vicomte de, Lieutenant- General. 1754-1824 Oil Grand Cross of the Order of St. Louis and of the Legion of Honor Engineer-in-Chief of the French Empire. Created Baron by Napoleon and Vicomte by Louis XVIII. Idem. 349 Lery, Cecilia Kellerman, Vicomtesse de Oil Wife of the preceding. Daughter of the Duke de Valmy, Marshal of France.

350 Lery, Hon. Louis Rene" Chaussegros de. 1762-1833 Oil. Seigneur de Gentilly Captain Royal Canadian Volun eers, I79>', Grand- Voyer, 1801. M.P. for Kent, 1810. Legislative Councillor. 1816. Lie,,, 351 Lery, Chevalier Gaspard Roch Chaussegros de. 1771- 1851 Oil Lieutenant in Royal Engineers of France. Made the Campaign of 1792-96 under the Prince of Conde. Chevalier des Ordres du Lye et de St. Louis. Gouverneur de< Enfanta de la Russie. .


352 Lery, Hon. Charles Etienne Chaussegros de 1774 Mi- niature Seigneur of Rigaud-Vaudreuil (Beauce). Quartermaster General in 1812. Idem.

353 Lerodx d'Esneval Raymond. Oil. Fathej of the first Leroux who came to Canada.

354 Leroux d'Esneval, Madame, Oil. Wife of the preceding.

355 Leroux d'Esneval, Benjamin. Oil. Born in Canada. Officer in the Guards of Marie Antoinette. Guillo- tined during tne Revolution. Grandson of Raymond d'Esneval.

356 Leroux d'Esneval, Laurent. Oil. Merchant. Grandson of Raymond. Married at l'Assomption, 1796, to Esther Loisel.

357 Leroux, Esther Loisel. Oil. Wife of the preceding. 358 Lesdiguieres. de Bonne, Due de. 1543-1626. Le dernier Connitable de France. Ancestor of the Honorable de Bonne de Lesdiguieres who married Louise de Lotbiniere.

359 Levesque. Marc Antoine Louis. Oil. Judge advocate 1812-14. Prothonotary at Montreal, 1814. 36d Levi-sque, Francois. Miniature on ivory A son of the Hon. Ant. Levesque. Died 1820-24. 361 Lighthall, D. K Huntingdon and Ormstown. Silhouette, 1820. Registrar of Old County of Beauharngois. 362 Ligny, Major Jacques de. Audy pinxit, {Oil.) 1826 M.P. for Berthier, 1832-9. 363 Ligny, Frangoise Langevin de. Audi/ pinxit, {Oil) 1826 Wife of preceding. 364 Longueuil, Charles Le Moyne, First Baron de— 1656-1729 Engraving.

Knight of St. Louis. Governor of three Rivers, (1720-24,) and of Moutreal, (1724-21).) 365 Longueuil, Charles Le Moyne, Second Baron de-1687-17 55. Oil. Knight of St Louis. Governor of Montreal, (1749.) Administrator at the death of La Jonquiere, 1752 36t) Longueuil, Pierre Amable de. Oil. Son of preceding- Drowned at La Guadeloupe, dining an action between the English and French squadrons. 307 Lorimier, Claude Nicolas Guillaume de. Oil. Knight of St. Louis. Commandant of the Fort de la Presentation* (17.'»5-1759.)

368 Lorimier, Jean Baptiste, Chevalier de. (1784-1845.)

Son of preceding. Interpreter. Prisonner in 181.*-!.

369 Lorimier, Francois Thomas Guillaume de. Oil. Sienr de Verneuil, also son of Claude. Ensign in 1759. Comman- dant of Fort Shonagetti. 370 LORIMIER, (xUILLAUME EdOUARD DE. Son of preceding. Captain of Militia. Forght in 1^12. 371 Lorimier, Guillaume de. Miniature. Son of Claude Guillaume Born 1782. Lieutenant. Killed at the battle of Williamsburg, 1813. 372 Lorimier, Claude de. Miniature. (1744-1825.) Third son of Claude Nicholas Guillaume. CommanJant of Indians at St. Jean d'Iberville.

373. Lotbiniere, Louis Eustaciie Chartier de 16S8-1749. Oil. First Councillor of the Supreme Council, Archdeacon ami Dean of the Chapter of Quebec. 374. Lotbiniere, Michel, Marquis de Chartier de 1728- 1798. Oil.

Knight of St. Louis. Engineerdn-Chief of New France. Seigneur of Lotbiniere, Vaudreuil, ttigaud, Beauharnois, Jieauee, Aliainville, Hocquart, Chatigan, &c. Built the forts of Carillon and Isle aux Noix. It was upon his advice that Montcalm attacked Fort William Henry 1757, and waited for Abercrombie at Carillon, 1758- 375. Lotbiniere (.Marquise de) Louise Madeleine Chausse- gros de L£ry. (1728-18«»7)

376. Lotbiniere, Hon. M. K. G. Alain Chartier de 1748- 1821. Seigneur of Lotbiniere, Rigaud, Vaudreuil and Cavngnal. Taken

prisoner at. St John's 1 775. Second speaker of the House of Assembly- He contributed in a great measure to the retention of the French language in Parliament. 377. Lotbiniere, Josephte Godefroy de Tonnancour. First wife of the preceding. Died 1800. 378. Lotbiniere, Charlotte Munro or Fowlis. Oil. Daughter of Hon. Col. Munro of Fowlis, second wife of the pre- ceding. Died 1834. 379. Lotbiniere, Francois Xavier Toussaint Chartier de. Water Color. Born 1812; died J814— the last De Lotbiniere. 380. Lyman William. Merchant. Born 1794; died 1857. Came to Canada 1807. Began business 1819. 26

381. Lyman, Horace J. P, Photograph. Born 1798; died 1878. First settler of Granby, P.Q. Conveyed rwo loads of arms, abandoned by the troops, the rebel lines J F through 1837. 3S2 Lyman, Benjamin. Photograph.

Born 1810; died 1879. Capt. in Montreal Rifles, 1837-8- Served at ^ St. Eustache.

383. Macdonald of Garth, John, 1 774-1 S67. {Taken in his 92nd year.) Came to Canada in 1791. A partner in the old - Member of the Highland Society of London, 1804. Built Fort Gibraltar (now Winnipeg), 1806, ami Fort Qn'Appelle, 1-307. Took possession of Astoria in the war of 1812. The last of the old North- Westers.

384. Macdonald of Glenalladale, oi- the House of Clan Ranald, John.

A Captain 84th Highlanders. Served in the war of 1775-1784- Born 1743. Came to Canada on the ship Alexandra, in 1772, with a number of followers, and settled at Glenalladale. near Charlottetown, P. E. I. Was Fort-Major of the Island of St. John, 1784. Declined Governorship of the island. Died 29th Dec. 1811, at Glenalladale. He had married Margaret Macdonald of Moror. John Macdonald, Glenalladale, Charlottetown, P. E. I. 385. Macdonald

3S6 MacGillivray. Hon. Colonel William. Large Oil painting.

Group by Dulongpre at the Chateau St. Aittoinc, Dorchester Street West. Member of the Legislative Council- Chief Partner in the North West Company. Took Detroit in 1812 at the head of his corps of Canadian . Married to Magdalen Macdonald of Garth.

387 Mackay, Lieut. -Col. William. Oil. North-West fur trader, 1796. Partner in the N. W. Company, 1812- Captured Fort Prairie-du-Chien, 1812, and commanded Fencibles (1814) against the .

38S Maisonneuve, Paul de Chomedy, Sieur de. Engraving. The founder of Montreal.

38 (J Martin, Rev. Father Felix, S. J. Oil.

The founder and first rector of St. Mary's College.

390 May, Captain Hodolph Am£dee de. Oil. Came to Canada in the Reoiment de Meuron, 1811. 07

391 May Marie Angeliqi :e Munro, (179C-18GL) Wife of preceding. 392 McCord, Thos. M.P. 393 McCord, Madame. Nee Davidson, wife of preceding.

394. McGill, Jam ef, Founder of McGill University. Oil. (1744- 1813) 395. McGill, Hon. Peter (1809-1860). Mayor of Montreal (1840-1842).

396. McKenzie, Honorable Roderick. (1761-1844) Oil. Old North-Western A Leg. Councillor. 397. McKenzie Sir Alexander. Engraving. Celebrated discoverer. One of the founders of the North-West Co. 398. McLeod, Archibald Norman. Pastel. A partner in the old North-West Company. 399. Meloises, Nicolas Renaud d'Avesnks des—died 1743. Oil. Capitaine d'Tnfanterie, 1735. 400. Meloises, Angelique Cartier de Lotbiniere des. Oil "Wife of preceeding. 401. Mignault, Rev. Pierre Marie, Oil

Cure of Chambly ; founded the college of Chambly.

402. Moffat, Hon. G-eorge. (1787- ). Large Crayon. M. P. for Montreal 1847. 403. Molson, Honorable John (1). (1764-1836). The firsi step towards steam navigation of the St- Lawrence, was taken by Mr. Molson. President of the Bank of Montreal. Execu- tive Council of Lower Canada.

404 Molson, Honorable John. (2.) (1787-1860.) Son of the foregoing. Pre.-ident of the first Railroad. And one of the Founder of Molson Bank.

405 Molson, William. ( -1875.) Benefactor of McGill College and the General Hospital.

406 Monckton, Honorable Robert, (Lieutenant-General ) Led one of the divisions on the Plains of Abraham, September 13thi 1769. 407 Mongeon, Charles—1801-1841. Oil. One of the Sons of Liberty. His entire establishment at St. Atha- nase d'Ibeiwille was burnt 1837.


409 Montcalm De Saint Veran, Louis Joseph, (1712-1759,) Oil Commander of the French troops in Canada. 410 Montenach, Fortune Charles de. Miniature, Capitaine an regiment des MeuronP.

411 Montigny, Jacques Testard he. (16631 737.) Miniature. Knight of St. Louis. Captain. One of the greatest warriors of early Canada. 412 Montigny, Marie de la Porte de Louvigny— died 1763. Miniature. Daughter of the Governoi of Three Rivers and wife of preceding.

413 Montigny, Jean-Baptiste Testard, Chevalier de. 1724 1786 Miniature. Knight of St. Louis. Fought at the Monongahela 1755, at the cap- ture of Fort Bull by the Lery, 1756, and at Chouaguen. Wounded at Niagara, 1759, and taken prisoner. 414 Montigny, Charlotte Trottier Des Rivieres. Miniature. Wife of preceding. 415 Montigny, Andre Franrois Testard de. Miniature. One of the body guards of Louis XVI. Born at Blois, France, 1767. 416 (Montigny) Hoensbruck, Chanoinesse de Thorn, Countess of. Daughter of the Marquis of Hoensbruck, Hereditary Marshal of the Duchy of Gueldres, &c. Wife of the preceding. 417 Montigny, Sophie Josephine Charlotte Testard de Miniature. Daughter of Andre de Montigny and of the Chanoinesse de Thorn. Born 1794. 418 Montigny, Charlotte Testard de Miniature. Born 1749. Daughter of Chevalier Jean-Baptiste de Montigny. Married 1780 to Charles Douaire, Sieur de Bondy, Major of the troop in Canada under the old regime. 419. Moquin, Louis. Small oil painting. A celebrated juris consult of Quebec, born in 1787. 420. Mount, Doctor Philip. Oil Surgeon-Major (84th) Royal Highland Emigrants (1774). Replaced Dr. Bender as Surgeon-Major of the Hesse-Hanau Chasseurs, 1783. Married Christine Munro of Fowlis. 421. Monnt (Christine Munro of Fowlis). Oil. Daughter of the Hon. Colonel John Munro of Fowlis, M.L.C Wife of the preceeding. 422. Napier, Lieut-General Robert. 1708-1766. Oil painting. He prepared the instructions to General Braddock, for the attack on Niagara, in 1755. 29

423. Neilson. Honorable John. Miniature. Established La Gazette de Quebec. M. P. 1820 for Quebec County 424. Neilson, Samuel. Small portrait. A son of the foregoing, and proprietor of The Quebec Gazette. 425. Niverville, Makianne du Perron-Baby de. Oil painting' Wife of the Chevalier J. Bte de Niberville, Seigneur of Cham bly" 426. Ogden, Hon. Isaac. Pastel. U. E- Loyalist.

427. Ogden, Peter Skene. Pastel.

Factor of the Hudson Bay Company. Governor of Oregon 1846.. 428. Ogden, David. Pastel.

Son of Hon. Isaac Ogden, Served in 1812. 429 Osgoode Chief Justice. Engraving. (1754-1824.) First Chief Jus: ice of Ontario.

430 Painchaud, Rev. Charles Francois. (1782- ). Oil. Founder of the College at St Anne's.

431 Panet, Hon. Pierre Louis. Oil. ( -1812.) Judge of Common Pleas, Montreal.

432 Panet AmIslie. Painted by her husband, in oil. Wife of William Berszy, Jr., co-seigneur of d'Ailleboust.

433 Pangaian, J. H. Miniature. Seigneur of Mascouche.

^34 Papineau, Hon. Joseph Louis. (1786-1871.) Oil. Leader of Rebellion of 1H37. 435 Paquin, Jacques, Revd. Oil (1793-1849.) Whilst Cure in St Eustache during the Rebellion of 1837, he wrote his Journal Historique des LJve'nements dv St. Eustacke.

436 Parent, Etienne. (1801- .) Oil. An M. P. and Editor of Le Canadien.

438. Pelletier, Brother Didace. Oil. A lay brother of Recollets, who died 21st Feb., 1699, aged 41. 438. Pepin, Joseph. 177MS43. Oil. Captain of Militia in 1812.

439. P£pin. (Charlotte Stubenger). Oil. Daughter of Surgeon-Major Stubenger, and Wife of the preceding 440. Perrault, Fits, Jos. Crayon. (1753-1844.)

Prothonotary at Quebec during 5,') years. 441. Perrault, Ursule. Crayon. Wife of Dr. Buchanan, surgeon in Montreal. Painted m 1798. 30

442. Perrault. Jean Olivier. Oil. Judge Court Queen's Bench. Died 1827.

433. Poncin Rev. Claude. Oil. (1725-1811.)

Priest of St. Sulpice. 444. Potiiier, Hon. Toussaint. Oil Seigneur of Fief Lagauchetiere. A partner in the old North-Wes Company; Major in the corps of Voyage urs who took Detroit in the war of 1812.

445. Princess Theresa-Joseph a- Charlotta. Oil, Painted in Canada, 1794, by Wm. Berczy, JSr. Daughter of Peter Leopold, Emperor of Germany, and Maria Louisa, of Spain. Born, 14 January, 1767. 446. Rebecka, Daughter of Powhatan, Emperor of Virginia. 1616. She was converted and baptized in the Christian faith, and married to Mr. John Rolff. 447. Reid, Hon. James, Chief Justice.

The Hon. James l.'eid, was one of the Judges of the Court of Queen's Bench for 33 years; during 15 of which he presided as chief- justice. No man ever possessed more respect and confidence during his judicial career; he was regarded as an upright and impartial judge, his integrity was inflexible. His widow, (who was the sister of the Hon. W McGillivray) built the west wing of the Montreal General Hospital as a memorial of this worthy citizen. 448. Repentigny, Louis Le Gardeur, Marquis de. Governor of Senegal, Brigadier, &c. Commanded at the Battle of Montmorency, &c. Married Marie Gilles de Lery

449. Richardson, Hon. John. Oil. (1755-1831.) One of the founders and first President of the Montreal General Hospital.

450. Robertson, Major John. Oil. Captain in the 60th Bcgiment.

451. Robertson, William, M.D. Oil. One of Montreal's physicians.

452 Rocheblave, Hon. Pierre Rastel de. Oil. Son of Marie Pierre Louis de Rastel, Sieur de Rocheblave. N. P. for Leinster. An old North Western. Represented the county of Leinster before being called to the Upper House. Died in 1840, aged 70 years.

453 Rocheblave, Noel Rastel de. Oil.

Brother of the former ; died accidentally, going up to Detroit.

454 Rouville, Jean Baptiste Hertel de. (1670-1722 ) Knight of St. Louis. Led the attack on Deerfield in mid-winter, 1703-4 31

< 455 Rouville, Rene Ovide Hertel de. (1720-1793.) Oil. King's Councillor. Last Lieutenant General Civil and Criminal of Three Rivers (1746-1760.)

; 45G Rouville, Marie Louise Hertel de. Daughter of the above. Oil.

4 457 Rouville, Hon. Jean Baptists Melchior Hertel de. (1748-1817) Oil.

Ensign in the Regiment of Languedoc, 1760. Took part in the war against Paoli in Corsica. Prisoner at St. Johns, 1775. Captain in the English Army, 1789.

' 458 Rouetlle, Marie Anne Hervieux. Oil.

Daughter of Captain J. i>. Hervieux, wife of the foregoing.

f 459 LIouville, Hon. Jean Baptiste REne Hertel de. 1789- 1859. Oil. Son of the foregoing. Captain in the Voltigeurs, 1812. Lieutenant- Colonel of the division of Cnambly, 1815.

460 Rouville, Charlotte Boucher de La Broquerie. Oil. Wife of the foregoing.

461 Rouville, Madame, de. Oil.

462 Roy Francois. Oil. A celebrated advocate in this city, died in 1829.

463 Salaberry de. Oil. Vice- Admiral of France under Henry IV.

46 4 Salaberry, Michel d'Irumberry de. Oil. Came to Canada 1735. Officer on the Anglezea- 465 Salaberry, Ignace Michel Louis Antoine d'Irumberry DE. Miniature on ivory. (1752-1825.) Distinguished himself in 1775. Married Catherine Francoise Hertel. Major of the Canadian Royal Volunteers. A freind of the Duke of Kent. 466 Salaberry Col. Hon. Charles-Michel d'Irumberry DE. (1776-18-9.) Oil painting. The hero of Chateauguay. (1778-1826.) 467. Salaberry, Marie Anne Hertel de Rouville, (1788.) Miniatufe.

Daughter of Hon. J. B. Melchior de Rouville, and wife of the "Hero of Chateauguay."

468 Sattin, Antoine Revd. (1767-1836.) Oil. A Sulpician, who came to this country in September, 1794. Wrote a life of Madame d'Youville. 469. Saunders, Admiral Sir Charles. Engraving. Which took Quebec (1759) 32

«- 470. Selby George, M.D An old Montreal Physician (1760- 1835). Oil.

, 471. Selby, William Dunbar. M.D. Oil. ( -1829). Son of the former. Married 1815, a daughter of the Hon. Francois Baby. 472. Salby, (miss dunbar). Wife of preceding.

, 473. Skakel Alex., A.L., L.L.D. (1776-1846). Oil. A generous friend to the Montreal General Hospital.

(Major-General) Oil. i 474. Small John.

Governor of Guernsey ; Colonel of Second Battalion, Royal High- land Emigrants, which he raised (1774). Led one of the three columns at Bunker's Hill. Lieutenant in the 42nd {Black Watch) at Carillon- (1758.)

475. Stephen, William. Oil. Established one of the first dry-good houses in Montreal. (1832).

( 476. St. Josept, Rev. Mere Marie de la Troche de. Oil, Came from the Monastery of the Urselines of Tours, with the Ven. Marie de lTncarnation to found the Monastrv at Quebec in 1639. Died in 1650. Urselines of Quebec-

477. St. Ours, Hon. Charles Louis Roch de. (1753-1834). Oil.

Son of Pierre Roch de St. Ours. Officer in the French Troops.

' 478. Stubenger, George. Surgeon-Major of the Hanoverian troops about 1775.

479. Todd, Isaac. Oil. One of the old North Westers, and a partner in business with James % McGill. He was one of the early members of the congregation of St- Gabriel Church. Died 1815.

. Louis Joseph Godefroy de. Oil. 480. Tonnancour, 1 1712]. Sub-delegate of thelntendantand Procureur du Roy at Three Rivers.

j 481. Tonnancour, Louise Carrerot de. Oil. Wife of the foregoing.

« 482. Tonnancour, Lieut. -Col. Charles Godeproy, Chevalier, de. Assistant Adjutant-General in the war of 1812.

483. Townshend, Marquis. [1724-1807.] Engraving. After the death of Wolfe, he took command of the army, and chiefly promoted the capitulation of De Ramezay. 481. Vallieres de St. Real, L'Hon. Joseph Remi. Chief Justice. Died 1847. 33

/ 485. Valois, Joseph. (1743-1812.) Oil. M. P for Met real.

, 486. Valois, Dr. M. F. Patriot of 1837.

487. Vierge, [La,] a la Couronne. Oil. Presented to the Convent by the Sulpician, Mr. Montgollier, 1700.

/ 488. Viger, Hon. D. B. Oil by Hamel A noted political leader,

i 489. Viger, Jacques. [1787-1888]. Oil. First Mayor of the City of Montreal. Distinguished antiquarian, numismatist and chronicler. 490. Vincent Nicholas. Huron Chief, 1824. Bare coloured print.

/491. Vincent, Zaciiar£e Thelar-i-olin. [1812-1886] J'nnted by himself. 492 Voyer Sjeur Charles. Married in 1769, to Charlotte, daughter of Sieur Jacques l'errault and Charlotte Boucher de Boucherville. 493 Wilkes, Rev. Henry, D.D. (1805-1886.) Colored Photo. Came to Canada 1820. Sscond Pastor Zion Church (Congregational) 1836.

494 Wolfe, General James. (1726-1759.) Oil by Hudson. Took Quebec 1759. 495. Wooster, David.

Commanded at Montreal, during its brief occupation by the Ameri- can troops in 1775-76.

476. Wurtele, Jonathan, Silhouette. Seigneur of Riviere David. Officer Quebec Cavalry. War of 1812. 497. Yonge, Sir George, Secretary of War, after whom Yonge Street, Toronto, was named. — trom, a painting by Mother Brown.— lUngravtd by E. Scott. 493. Youville, Marie Marguerite de Frost de la Jemmurais. Tableau a Vhuile par Beaucourt. [1701-1771]. Founders of Grevs Nuns. Montreal. 34




Dug up on the site of the Indian Village of .

Stone Hammer. Stone Axe.

.). Stone Celt or Skinner. 4. Stone Chopper. 5. Flint Flakes. 6. Flint Arrow head from Pointe aux Trembles. 7. Native Copper bugle beads. 8. Bone pottery marker.

1). Bone Bodkin. 10. Bone Piercer. 11. Bone Gouge. VI Other Bone instruments. 13. Portion of human skull used for a drinking cup. 14. Arm Bone of an Indian. 15. Broken specimens of Vessels of pottery. 16. Head in pottery. 17. Bead in pottery. 18. Broken specimens of pipes in pottery. 19. A portion of a vessel showing arrangement for hanging it over the lire. 20. Menu. See next page. 35


" Un Festin a manzer tout."


Represented by Fragments of Soup Beaver Head Broth Beaver Jaw

Fish Boiled Sucker Bones and Scales of Sucker

Entrees Beaver's Tail Tail Bones of Beaver

Snails Snail Shells

River Mussels Mussel Shells

Roast Baked Partridge Leg and Wing Bone

Broiled Haunch of Venison Bones of Virginia Deer

Boiled Bear Hani Bones of Bear

Vegetables Green Corn Corn Cob

Stewed Pumpkin Pumkin Seed

Baked Beans Chared Bean

Pudding Parched Corn > Grain of India Corn Corn Cake

Desert Choke Cherries Cherry Stone

Plums Plum Stone

Butter Nuts Nut Shells

Nepenthe The Pipe of Peace Oldest Specimen of Tobacco in the world. Pottery pipes

The plates to be cleared at each course. 36 FROM HOPKIN'S ISLAND, NEAR DUNDEE, QUEBEC.

21. A large variety of Flint Arrow heads. 22. Spear heads. 23. A variety of limestone celts or skinners 24. A stone wedge. 25. Stone gouges. 26 A fragment of a mound builders' pipe, showing that com- merce was carried on between Canadian Indians and those oi the Mississippi Yalley.

2V. Fragment of a pipe in pottery. 28. Fragments of vessels in pottery, showing designs differing altogether from those of Hochelaga.


29. A Quartz arrow head. 30. A Lime stone celt or skinner 31. A stone chisel or wedge. 32. A stone gouge. 33. A tapping gouge.


34 A native copper chisel from near Bridgenorth. 35. A serpent's head pottery pipe from Bobcaygeon. 36. A Flint arrow head from Bobeaygeon. 3*7. A stone pipe from near G-lenarm. 38. Specimens of pottery from Grlenarm. 39. An Iroquois arrow head from Auburn, IN". Y.


40. 6 beautifully finished arrow heads from Norfolk County,J Ont.


41. A stone Hoe. 42. A larger Hoe from near Picton. 43. Rubbed arrow head. 44. Chipped arrow head. 37 MONTREAL COINS.

45. Wellington copper, 1816, the first Montreal coin. 46. Montreal British Militia. 47. The North West Company heaver coin, 1820- 48. Canada halfpenny, 1830 and L 841, issued by Duncan&Uo., a Montreal firm. (2)

49. The Bout

50. The Montreal and Lachine Railway coin ticket. 51. The Tiffin copper issued about 1835. 52. The T 8. Brown copper, issued 1832. Mr. Brown was one of the leaders in the rebellion of 1837 and from this copper, was nick-named "Copper Tommy" by loyal citizens (2) 53. The Molson copper, 1837. 54. The Owen's Ropery copper. 55 The Mullins copper. 56. The Joseph Roy copper. 57. The Hart copper. 58. The Maysenholder & Bohle copper. 59. The Dnseman copper. 60. The "un sou," series of coins with Bouquet, forty- live varie- ties, the complete scries. (45) 61. The Bank of Montreal - un sou," token. 62. The Banque du Peuple " un sou," token, one variety, called the rebellion token, displays a small star and a liberty cap, said to have been suggested by the accountant of the bank wbo was a sympathizer wirh the rebellion. (2) 63. Bank of Montreal pennies, six varieties, among which are the celebrated side views. (6) 64. Bank of Montreal halfpennies, six varieties including side views. (6) fc>5. City Bank pennies, 66. City Bank halfpenny. (1) 67. Banque du Peuple pennies. (2) 68. Banque du Peuple halfpenny. (I) 69. Quebec Bank pennies, (2). These display the arms of the City of Montreal.

70. Quebec Bank halfpenny. (1) 71. The Sharpley copper. 72. The Devins & Bolton copper. 73. The Lymburner coppers, three varieties. 74. The Cardinal coppers, three varieties (3) 38

75. The Desjardins copper. 76. The Montreal Business College fifty cent piece for business practice. 77. The LeBoux coppers, five varieties. (5) 78 The Gnaedinger copper. 70. The P. O. Tremblay coppers, two varieties. (2) 80. The Archambault collector's card. 81. The Club des Echecs etde Dames Canadien-Francais subs- cription check.

82. The Phelan Bread Check. 83. The Landry Bread Check. (2) 84. The Richelieu Hotel Bar Check.

85. The Normandin Bar ( heck. (3) 86. The Eeparie Bar Check. (2) 87. The Sylvestre Bar Check. 88. The a. Tremblay Bar Check. 89. The Papineau Bar Check. 90. The Gesangverein Teutonia Beer Check. 91. Weir & Larminie Stamp Coin.


92. Medal commemorative of Jacques-Cartier's visit, 1535. 93. Medal commemorative of the capitulation of Montreal. 94. Medal given to the Indians who accompanied Sir William Johnson at the taking of Montreal.

95. Grand Trunk Railway, good conduct medal. 96. Grand Trunk Railway,medal commemorative of the opening of Victoria Bridge.

97. Victoria Bridge Medals, three varieties. (3) 98. Lower Canada Board of Arts and Manufactures prize medal. (2) 99. Agricultural and Industrial Exhibition, prize medal. (4) 100. Lymburners souvenir medals for the Exhibition of 1880, 1881 and 1882. (9)

101. Mongeau's souvenir medals, Exhibition of 1891. (3) 102. Breton's Souvenir Medal, Exhibition of 1891; Chateau de Ramezay. 103. Souvenirs of winter excursions on the St Lawrence, January 1st, 1878 and 1882. (2) 104. Numismatic Society medal, commemorative of founding in 1862. 105. Numismatic and Antiquarian Society, commemorative of incorporation in 1870. 39

106. Numismatic and Antiquarian Society, commemorative of its twenty fifth anniversary 1887 107. Numismatic and Antiquarian Society, Jeton de Presence 1887 108. Eussell Hall, Sunday School. (2, 109. Young Mens' Christian Association, commemorative of first building 1872. (4; 110. Lachinc rapids excursion medal. 111. Winter Carnival of 1883. (1) 112. Winter Carnival of 1884. (23) 113. Winter Carnival of 1885. (12) 114. Winter Carnival of 1887. (I) 115. Winter Carnival of 1888. (1) 116. Western Congregational Church,commemorative of erection of building in 1876. 117. Cathedral Bazaar medal 1886. 118. Windsor Hotel medal. 119. Montreal Birthday medals. (2) 1 120. "Witness ' story writers' medals 1890 and 1891. (3) 121. Natural History Society's prize medal. 122. Circle Jacques-Cartier medal 1874. 123. Wesleyan Theological College, the George Bishop medal. 124. McGill College, The Chapman medal. 125. " The Prince of Wales medal. 126. " The Molson medal. 127. " The Shakespeare medal. 128. " The Logan medal. 129. " The Torrance medal. 130. " The Holmes medal. 131. " The Sutherland medal. 132. « The Wicksteed medal. 133. " The British Association medal. 134. The High Scnool Davidson medal. 135. The Girls, High School medal. 136. Protestant School Commissioners' medal. 137. British and Canadian School, the Frothingham medal. 138. Catholic Commercial Academy, the Edward Murphy medal. 139. The P. S. Murphy higher school p»ize medals. (2) 140. The P. S. Murphy smaller medals. (17) 141. College de Montreal reunion of 1885. 142. College de Montreal, Congregation du Petit Seminaire. 143. Normal schools, Prince of Wales medal. 144. The Congregational College medal. 145. The Presbyterian College medals. (2) 146. Union des Cloutiers medal. (2) 147. Caledonian Society medal, Montreal. 148. St. Jean Baptiste celebration of 1874. 149. St. Jean Baptiste celebration of 1ST- (5) —


150. St. Jean Baptiste celebration of 1884. 3 1M. The A. Deroehes, Montreal, commemoration medals. (4) 152. The St. Mary's Temperance Society medal. 153. The St. Patrick's Temperance Society medals. 154. Enfants de Marie de la Congregation de Notre Lame de Montreal, medals. (6) 155. 50th anniversary of the settling of the Oblats Fathers in Montreal.

150. Montreal General Hospital, nurses' medal. ,


157. St. Gabriel Street Church. 158. The first Protestant Church in Montreal. (2) 159. St. Gabriel Church. (1) 160. Knox Church. (1) 161. St. Andrew's Church. (1) 162. St. Paul's Church. (I) 163. Lagauchetiere street now Erskine Church. (1) 165. Free Church, Cote street now Cresent Street Church. (1) 166. St, Mark's church. (2)


166. 1742— Card money for twelve Livies. 167. 1752—Card money for thirty sols, signed Beauharnois. 168. 1756—Ordinance for twenty-four sols, signed at Quebec by Bigot. 169. 1759—Ordinance for 96 sols issued at Montreal after the capture of Quebec. 170. 1790—Fractional notes for fifteen and thirty sols issued by Dobin & Badgley. 171. 1790—Notes of the Canada Bank for five shillings. 172. 1820—Three dollar note of the Bank of Upper Canada, payable at the Bank of Canada in Montral. 173. 1820—Private notes issued in . (2) 174. 1821—Counterfeit five dollar bill of the Bank of Montreal. 175 1837 Rebellion Money—Shinplasters of Distillerie de St. Denis, signed by Wolf red Nelson. (9) u§- •- s n-o s 3x-m a h x J!

•9j3 ^ kosthtn *pj n . )


176. 1837 —Notes issued by Cuvillier & Sons. (II) 177 1837 Shi npl asters issued i a Montreal. (6) 178. 1837—Shinplasters issued in Laprairie. (5) 179. 1837—Shinplasters issued at Ste. Anne de la Perade. (2) 180. 1837— Shinplaster issued at Rawdon. (1) 181. 1837-9—Shinplasters issued in the Province of Upper Canada. (9) 182. 1848 - Notes issued by the Board of Police, Cobourg. (2) 4 83. 1853—Bond of the Montreal & Bytown Bailway Co~'y* (1) 1 84. 1872—Montreal City Bond. The Dr. Bernard loan. ( 1

DOCUMENTS. 184. 1730 — Signature of Sir Win. Pepperell, the hero of Louisbourg. 185. 1766—Signature of General Gage.


186. 1690—Plan of the City of Quebec. 187. 17 Century - View of Niagara Falls. 188. 1741—Map of Canada. 189. 1757—Map of Acadie. 190. 1757 -Map of the Canadian Lakes. 191. 1757—Map of Hudson Bay 192. 1841—View of St. James Street. 193. 1841 —North East View of Notre Dame Street. 194 184!—View of Place d'Armes. 195. 1841 — South East View of Notre Dame Street. 196. 1803— View of Montreal from the Mountain. 21 x 27 197. 1803—Viewof Montreal from the St. Helen's Island 2' x 27 198. 1821—Plan of Citadel Hill showing the "Windmill. 27 x 37 19H. Plan of Canal commenced by the gentlemen of the Seminary and abandoned on account of the heavy rock cutting. Interesting as showing the site of the Petit Lac St. Pierre. 200. Plan of the Walls, with elevation, of the City of Montreal. 201 Plan of the City of Montreal two years before its capituta - tion.


Collection of British War and Indian Medals.

202. Canada—Chateauguay, Chrysler's Farm, Upper Canada, preserved, Quebec, Louisbourg, Boscawen, Louisbourg taken, Canada subdued, Quebec taken. North West, North West officers, Kebeca Liberata ; 2o;> India— Sobraon, Aliwal, Ferozeshuher, Moodkee, North West Frontier. Umbeyla. Bhootan ;

204. South Africa— 1H53, 1 877, 1878, I87'J ; 205. Crimea— Alum. Sebastopol, Inkermaim, Turkish, officers for Sebastopol, Baltic ; 200. China—Toku Forts, 1860 ; 207. Affgiianistan— 1878, 1879, 1»80, Amedkhel ; 208. Egpyt— 1882, Telelkebir, Khedives bronze star, officers

bronze star, Bronze star 1884- i, officers bronze star 18&4-6. 2(M*. Indian mutiny—Lucknow, Relief of Lucknow, Delhi, Central India. 210. Medals given to Indians—Louis XIY, four varieties. George III, (1770-7) three sizes. George III. conspiricy

of Pontiac medal. George III, war of 18 1 2-14 medals, two sizes. Victoria, Ashburton treaty medal, Indian chiefs medal, 1872, two sizes. Indian Treaty Medal. 211. Medal worn at the ceremonies of the Beaver Club in Mon- treal towards the close of the 18th century. .212. Silver pipe from Three Rivers. 213. Deeds of sales of pews in the St. Gabriel street Presbyte- rian Church, the oldest Protestant Congregation in Mon- ' treal, 1702. B (3)


1. Photo of life-size oil portrait of the Honorable Pieter Schuy- ler, Lieutenant-Governor of Xew York, Commander, con- cerned in all the earlier invasions of Canada, after Kertk's. (Portrait presented to him by Queen Anne.)

; 2. Photo of Schuyler Manor-house of ' The Flatts," near Albany; Where the expeditions against Canada were largely planned from 1000 to 1775. Built 1072. rebuilt smaller 1772. 3. Rear view of ditto. 4. Sketch of Battle of Odelltown, L838. 5. State dish of prize-silver, from Guadaloupe, bearing arms of the N. Y. Loyalist Gen. Fischer (Visscher) of the Grenadier-Guaids. 1795, and those of his wife Lady Sarah ancestor of the Lighthalls Ten Eyck Schuylers Traver ; & 6. Water-color Portrait of Mrs. (Ten Byck Schuyler or) Hoy le, who, with Henry Hoyle, her husband, built La- colle Manor-house. Ne'e Sarah Visscher, heiress of pro- ceeding. 7. Dutch seventeenth-century chair of a sel brought into Canada by preceding.

8. Photos of Caughnawaga antiquities : I. The fortification walls, &c, 1721. 2. Part of ditto (interior). 3. The 44

presbytere, 1725, containing schrine of Tehgahkwita, &c 4. Books of the old Jesuits and portrait of the Histo rian Pere Charlevoix. 5. Charlevoix's room and desk, 1725. C Honorable EDWARD MURPHY, Montreal,


Found by him in 1860, between Mansfield and Met calf Streets, a little South of Sherbrooke Street, on the site of the old Indian Village of Ilochelaga. discovered by Jaeques-Car- tier, A.D. 1535. Tray Ko. 1 — Fragments of earthen vessels; some very tasteful. "basket patterns" and of graceful shapes. 24 pieces " 2— Ditto, ditto, with circles, dots and lines made with the bone stamps in tray 10. 30 pieces. " 3—Ditto, ditto, plain and " netted -patterns" b pieces. " 4— Ditto, ditto, fragments of " Corn ear pattern, " and two pieces much crusted and blackened by use 9 pieces. " 5 —Round disks of pottery, 2 pieces, 1 with hole in centre and notched edge, 3 pieces of rounded flat stones, uses unknown 6 pieces. " 6 figure of —A stone skinner or axe, well made ; also female head and an angular piece of pottery, these supposed to have been as ears to vessels used in coo- king, also a piece of rock crystal. 4 pieces. " 1 — Tobacco pipes and pipe stems, some of them exhi- bit much skill and taste in making. The patterns elegant and simple. One of them very elaborate and unlike in style to the others, is supposed to have been a " pipe of peace " from some distant tribe of Indians. 9 pieces Ditto, ditto, fragments of pipe bowls 4 pieces. Pipe stems, fragments of various styles, ends of two

much cut by the teeth. \) pieces. " 8—Articles used for food, viz : shells, butter-nuts plumb stones, snail-shell and several pieces of charcoal. About 20 pieces. " 9 the beaver found —Jaws (2) and many teeth, &c , of with the shells, nuts, &c. Several pieces. " 10 — Hone implements, stamps for stamping the circles T us on the pottery in tray JS o 2, also pointed and flat to make lines and dots on the basket and other patterns, the remarkable one in this lot is the large bone imple- ment having 8 teeth cut on the large end, either to stamp or to make a number of lines at once. pieces. 45

Tray Xo. 11 — Bone implements, 1 lish spear and five bone arti-

cles, ground and nicely made, uses not known. (5 pieces. 12—Piece of human skull, part of a eircle of 4 to 5 in. diameter, with a countersunk hole near the edge and 4 distinct notches near it on the edge, —this is sup- posed to have been a trophy, the notches indicating the number of "scalps" taken, and the hole to suspend it on the chest by a string 1 piece. 13—Metallic articles —A dagger or knife blade, of steel, 1 piece of iron and 2 nails, all much rusted. 4 pieces. D JOHX ARCHIBALD MACDONALD,

Glenallaoale, P. E. 1.

1. Blunderbuss used by John Macdonald, of Glenalladale, Cap- tain 84th Highlanders (1775-1784;. 2. Claymore of same. 3 Dirk of same.


4. Commission of Fort Major of the Island of St. John's (P. E. 1.) for Captain John Macdonald, 84th Highlanders. 24 Aug. 1781, (signed) ''George" & "Sydney''.


1 Wooden Crozier of Bishop de St. Valier. who died 1727. He had melted his silver Crozier to make small cross for the Urselines of Three Rivers. 2. His inkstand, 200 yeaisold. 3. Clock given by Miss Genevieve de St. Ours to the Kopital General.


One of the six silver plates with coat of arms of d'Aillebout, third , which his widow, Barbe de Boulogne, left to the Hotcl-Dieu. These plates have been in constant use since about 1(340, previous to the foundation of Montreal. 46

3 Silver spoon with arms of the Do Bourcherville family. 4. Silver spoon with arms of 5. Silver spoon with monogram and crown of a count. Silver dish bearing the arms of the d' Amours family. 7. Indian basket of porcupine work, used by the Hotel- Lieu Xuns. 8 Bone of Catherine Tekakwita, the Indian Virgin, who died in 1 680. The bone is in a quaint wooden case, given to Hotel- Dieu, by the Rev. Pere Marcoux, cure of Sail It St. Louis, 25 Aug. 1826.

9. Engraving of Father du Plessis, S J., born at Quebec, 169 l 10. Manuscript prayer-book of his sister, Rev. Mother Duplessis- de Ste. Helene of the Hotel- Dieu. 11. Dissection Spirituelle. by the same. 12. Consideration sur les graces, etc. de St. Joseph, by abbe

Joseph de la Colombien ( MSS ) 13. Box covered with red leather bearing the ot ; monogram Louis XIV, with royal crown, etc. This box belonged apparently to the king's household and is supposed to have been sent out by the Duchesse d' Aiguillon. a REDEMPTORIST FATHERS—Ste. Anne de Beaupre.

1. Silver crucifix given to the shrine of Ste. Anne de Beaupre by d'Iberville, in 1706. 2. Silver reliquary in which the relics of St. Ann were brought from Carcassonne in 1668, and placed by Bishop de Laval at Ste. Anne de Beaupre. H URSULIJSTES OF THREE-RIVERS.

1. Lead plate found in 1853, while digging a grave in the chapel of the monastary of the Urselines, Three-Rivers,

reading as follows : Cy Grist Saur (sic) Marie de Jesus. —Premiere supe rieure, qui decedat. le 26 Octobre, 1709, age de soixante et douze ants, (sic.) 2. Plate belonging to Bishop de St. Valier about the year 1700. 3. Silver dish belonging to the abbe de Calonne. 4. One of the silver crosses given by Bishop de St. Valier to the Urselines, whose Monastary he had founded at Three- Rivers. The metal was from a silver crozier, presented to him by his family and which he had melted for the purpose. 47

6. Chapelet, missionary knife, belonging to the abbe de- Calonne, with his photograph. 7. Abbe de Calonne's clock. (Louis XVI style.)


1. Cope bearing the arms of France, supposed to have heen> worked by Anne of Austria, given by Louis XIV to Mgr, de Laval. 2. Chasuble. idem 3. Cover of Prie-Dieu, of same, given to the Jesuits by Louis XIV. J LAVAL UNIVEES1TY.

1. Missal-holder carved in wood, belonging to Mgr. de St. Valier, and bearing his arms 2. Portefolio of Mgr. liriant, seventh bishop of Quebec (1764- 1784).


3. Original title of concession of the Island of Anticosti to Jolliet, March 1680. K CHUECII OF TADOUSAC.

Rev. Mr. Ldmieux, Care.

1. Wax figure of l'Enfant Jesus, said to have been presented to the Indians by Louis XI V. 2. Candlesticks, made by the early Jesuits. 3. Lead plate establishing rebuilding of Tadousac Church, (1742.) 4 lielics of Father de la Brosse, last Jesuit of Tadousac, died 1782. L


Ret. Victor A. Buart, Curator.

inscription 1. Sword found at Chicoutimi bearing "Joannes me fecit." 48

2. Bayonet from the wreck of Walker's fleet 1712, found at

Pointe aux- Anglais, (north-side ) 3. Sketch of the last chapel of Chicoutimi (built 1726) by Lady Head, (1856) before it felt in. 4. Goblet, knife, etc., found with a skeleton at Pointe-Blue (Lake St. John) 1883. 5. Purse, etc., from Christian Island, (.) (i. Brick from a vault among the ruins of Louisbourg. 7. Knife found at Boberval.

8. Two pipe heads from Lafontaine, (Chit ) 9. Old pipe, (Tadousac.) 10. Three arrow heads, from (1) Mistassini, (2) 1ST. D. de la Terriere and (3) Tadousac. 11. Tomohawk from Tadousac. 12. Tomohawk from old French Fort, Georgian Bay. 13. Stone axes (2) (Chicoutimi and the Saguenay.) 14. Five stone Chisels, (Saguenay.) 15. Old knife, wooden handle inlaid with metal. 16. Pipe in red stone, inlaid with metal, (Saguenay.) 18. Pipe of black clay. M HOTEL-DIEU—MONTEEAL.

1. Ostensory presented by the Duchess de Bullion to Mile. Mance. N FROM THE


(Reconstituted by Rev. Father A. E. Jones, S.J.)


1642 to 1657.

1—1642-1644 E, F. Joseph Antoine Poncet, S. X " 2—1642-1643 Joseph Imbert Duperon, S. J. 3—1643 Ci Ambroise "Davost, S- J. " 4-1643-1644 Gabriel Druilletes, S. J. " 5_1645 Isaac Jogues, S. J. " 6—1645 Jacques Buteux, S. J. " 7_1645-1646 Paul Le Jeune, S J. " 8-1646 Adrien Darau, S. J. " 9—1647-1648 Georges D'Eudemare, S J. 49

10-1648-1650 R. F. Jean De Quen, S. J 11—1648 " Pierre Bailloquet. 12—1650 " Charles Albanel. 13—1050 •• Andre Eiehard. 14 — 1650 " Simon Le Moync 15—1650-1657 " Claude Pijart.


16 — 1522 Psalter belonging to the de Montholon family. 17 — Small Psalter of the 16 Century. 18 - Prayers in Indian. Instructions on the Acts the Apostles. 19 — Father Garnier's discourse on the necessity of suffering. '20 —Passion of Our Lord, in Huron. 21— French and Indian Dictionary. 22 —Original Cramoisy Edition of the Jesuit Relations, 1635- 1640-4' 36; ; 1641-42; 1642-43; 1652-53; 1657-58; 1664- 65 1671-72. ; 23—1672 to 1679 Originals of the Jesuit Relations. Two bound volumes. 24 —Detached duplicate originals of same Relations, in hand- writing of Father Jean de Lamberville, Claude Dablon and Vaillant de Gueslis. 25—1639, Autograph (1) copies of chev. de Sillery's donation. Paris, 22 Feb. 1639, founding the Jesuit's residence, [later called Sillery]. These copies in handwriting of Father Jean de Quen, discoverer of Lake St. John, and of Father Gabriel Lalemant, martyred by the Iroquois, 17 March 1649. 26—1644 Feb. 8. Grant of certain indulgences by Urbain VITI, to the Jesuit Mission of St. Marys, in the Huron country. 27—1645, Feb. 20 Paris. Letter of Father J. Filleau, Provincial of Jesuits of France to the' Hospitallers of Quebec. 28-1646, Feb. 20, Rome. Letter of Father Ftienne Charlel, French assistant of the General of the Jesuits at Rome to the Hospitaliers of Quebec. 29—1646, Aug. 3, Three Rivers. Description of New-Xelher- land, [New York], by Father Isaac Jogues, who was martyred by the Iroquois 16th Oct. 1646. [Original.] 30—1647, Jan 20, Rome. Letter of Father Jacquinot. S. J. Assistant of General to same.

31—Bound Vol. of M. S. S. entitled : 1652, lo. Memoire touchant la mortet Lesvertua des Peres Isaac Jogues, Anne de Xoiie, Antoine Daniel, .loan De Brebeuf, Gabriel Lalemant, Charles Gamier, Noel Chaba- nel, et un seculier Rene Goupil.

(1) All the M. S. S. mentioned in this list are autographs. 50

With [autographic] sworn depositions [passim] of Fathers Paul Eagueneau and Joseph Poncet. 1642-1646, 2o. Death of a martyr, described by a martyr. Captivity and death of Rene Groupil, martyred by the Iroquois, Sept. 26th 1642, —by Father Jogues. 34—1652 Des souifrances et de l'heureuse mort du Pere Isaac

Jogues : Mss. by Father Paul Eagueneau. Compiler of the relations of 1072-1679. 35 —1656 Mss. by Father Gabriel Druillettes, concerning ex- change of Jesuits property on Isle d'Orleans, for M de La Citiere's property at Point Levis. 10 march 8. 36—1656, march ; 1657, ; 1658, march Letters(3) of Father Paul Le Jeune, Sap. of Jesuits of New France, to the Hospitalieres of Quebec. Ap., 37-1660, 2 Feb., Paris; 1660, 2 Blois ; 166', 6 Ap., Blois; 1660,19 Ap., Blois; 1660, 25 Ap., Blois. Letters (5; of Father Barthelemy Vimont, Sup. of the Jesuits to the Hospitalieres of Quebec. He celebrated the lirst Mass on Point. a-Calliere, at the founding of Montreal 38 —1665-1672 Inventory of donations to the Sacristy of the Jesuits' Church, Quebec. Various hand writings. 39 —1613, 8 mars, Beauport, and 9 April. Atttestation of miracle through Father de Brebeuf, signed by :i Marie Eegnouard and de Lauzon-Charny, Vic. Gen. 40—1665, Sept. 5, Beaupre. Letter signed J. Guion et du Buisson, to Father Chastelain, S. J., Quebec, relating cure through Father de Brebeuf's relics. 41 — 1666 (ante) Photo of writing of Father Ftiennede Carheil, S J. 42 — L673 " Memoire pour uu missionaire qui ira aux Sept-Isles.". diving names and details of the various Indian families, by Father Louis Nicolas. 43 _i 673-1674 The Original of Father Marquette's Map of the

discovery of the Mississipi. . 44—1674, Oct. 6 to 1675, April 6. Autograph journal of the voyage of Father Marquette, S. J,, to the Mississipi. 45—1674 Deposition of cure operated on Father Frs Boniface, by Father de Brebeuf Supposed handwriting of Father Thiery Beschefer. 46—1678, 12 May. Acts of Amortissement in favor of Jesuits by Louis XIV. Copy supposed to be by Father Sebastien Easle, who was shot by the new Fnglanders, 23 Aug. 1724. Photo of the original document in the possession of Quebec Government. 47—1678. Original account of Father Marquette's voyages in 1673, etc. Last nine lines in Father Claude Dablon's hand- writing. 1678. — . .


48—1680, May 29 Photo of first concession, Sault St. Louis, to Jesuits by Louis XI V. 49—1683 Account of the Sillery Mission (autograph) by Jac- ques Bigot, S J 50—1(183 Abrege* de la Vie du R. P. Claude Pijart, S. J. (autograph) by Father Martin Bouvart, S. J. 51—About 1683. Letter of Lvov. Father Pierre Jos. Marie Ohaumonot, Jesuit missionary of the Hurons, containing an Indian prayer. 52—1684, Oct. 6. Account of the Sillery Mission (autograph) by Jacques Bigot, S. J. 53 —About 1638. Autograph Algonquin and French Dic- tionary by P. Louis Andre, S. J. 54—About L689. Autograph. Words and Phrases in Algon- quin and Ottnwa, by Father Louis Andre, S. J 55 Post 1693. Missionary, Map of the neighborhood of Lake Chobmouchoine (or Lake St. Peter), between Lake St. John and Hudson Bay. 56—1695-1709 Autograph. La Vie de la B Catherine Te- gakouita, dite a present '-La Sainte Sauvagesse." Par P. Claude Chauchetiere, S J.

57 — 1696 i ures wrought through the intercession of Catherine Tegakouita. Mss addressed to Father Pierre Choionec, S.J., by Rev. M. Pierre Remy, P.S.S.. cure of Lachine. 58— 1707-1721 La Vie de Catherine Tegakouita, Premiere Vierge Irokoise Autograph M S. by Father Francois Le Brun. Autograph corrections and additions by Father Pierre Cholenec 59 —1709, April 8 Autograph Letter of R. Joseph Sere de la Colombiere. brother of the Ven. Claude de la Colombiere, S.J. 60—1717, June 15. Photo of second concession by Louis XV, of the Sault St. Louis, to the Jesuits 61—1721, July 10. Letter to Father Pierre de Lauzon, S. J., byv Father Julien Gamier, S J. 62 — 1722 Sur l'Etat present des Abenaquis, by Father Gxuillau- me Loyard, S. J. 63 —1726 Relation of a wonderful cure operated through Father de Carheil. Draft by Martin de Lino, President of the Supreme Council of Quebec. 64 — 1730, March 13. Relation, Saguenay Mission, by Father Pierre Michel Laure, S. J 65—1713 Huron Radicals, Vol. 1, by Father Pierre Potier, S.J. 66 —1744 Huron Radicals, Vol. II, by Father Pierre Potier 67—1745 Huron Grammar, by Father Pierre Potier. S. J. 68—1746-1747 Sermons in Iluron, by Father Pierre Potier, S.J. 69—About 1749, Edifying deaths, by Father Claude Grodefroi Coquart, S. J. 52

70 —1749, Meinoirc sur les Limites dc l'Acadie, by Father Pierre Frs. Xav. de Charlevoix, S. J. 71 — 1751, Huron Radicals, by Father Pierre Potier, S. J. 72 -1749- 1756, Catalogue ^ (originals) of the Province of France of the . 73—1758, Extract of the Jurisdiction of JST.-D des Anges. Seigneurie of the Jesuit Fathers (Signed), M. Hianveu. 74 -1759, March 30. Commission constituting Sr Mathieu Hianveu, notary for the Jesuit Seigneuries of N -D. des Anges, St. Gabriel, Sillery and Belair, by Father Jean de St. Pe, Sup. and Father de Glapion, Proc. 75— 1762, Sermon by Father Augustin Louis de Glapion, S. J.

76 — 1 776, Sept. 23. Letter of Father Jean Baptiste de La Brosse Last Jesuit of Tadousac. 77— 1788, Sept 10. Letter of Father Aug Louis de Glapion, Sup. of Jesuits, to Hugh Finlay, protesting against seizure of Jesuit Estates 78—1790, April 5. Printed copy of the Letter of Mgr. Bailly de Messein to the President of the Committee on Education, in reference to the Jesuits Estates. 79.— 1791, March 13. Copy of letter of Jon Oct (Bishop) Pies- sis, Sec. of Mgr. Hubert, re fering to the last sickness of Father Well, the last Jesuit of Montreal. 80—1797, 1803, 1806 Signatures of Geo Washington, John Adams, Thos. Jefferson, Jos. Madison. 81 — 1808, Voyages en Canada par le R. P. Emmanuel Crespel (1736-1742). Printed, 1808 (Mss Annotations by Yiger )

82 — 1 83 , Dec 30. Document signed by Bishop Panet, granting ! to Mgr McEachran, first Bishop of Charlottetown, P. E. I. the power of a Vicar- General in the Province of Quebec. 83—1776, , Continental Currency $2, $4 and $6. 84—1766-1767, Quebec Gazette.


82 Marriage contract of Nicolas Desroches and Catherine Mar- chand, 20 April 1687. 83 Agreement between Jean Desroches and Jean Leduc, 6 April, 1687. 84 Dentist's instruments used in Canada about 1693.


85 Parlor set, in gilded wood. Style Louis XLV. (14 pices). 53


86—1653, May 23. Concession by de Lauzon of a Fief to Cup. Boucher.


lard, in 1 769. There is a family tradition that the Father hesitated accept a silver being said to cup ; but pressed, that, if he lost it, God would restore it. Next day the mis- sionary was drowned and the cup was found in the house.


88 —The original of the Chaussegros de Lery plan of Montreal August 10, 1717, showing project of fortifications.


89 —Painting of St. Ann, presented to the Church of Varen nes(L780j by Anne Lemoyne, wife of Michel de St. Michel,


< 90—Costumes of Quebec Volunteers, 1839.


91_Sword of J. Bte. Ferlancl, Captain of .Militia. 1740. (Ste. Famille,P. Q,) * 92 -Sword of Jos. Paquet, Lt-Col. Militia, 1799. (Lanoraie) v 93—Sword of Prisque Ferland. Capt. of Berliner Militia. 1770.


94— Bone Stilus used byHoehelaga Indians to decorate pottery 54


95 —Handcuffs taken off the hands of Davignon and Desmarais, the prisoners of 1837 who were rescued by Bonaventure Viger on the Chambly road.


96—Barracks .receipt (1755). Signed, Deschenaux. 97—Receipt by Mxmtgolffer (1757) 98 —Waterloo gun, Major Coleman of the 15th Regiment. 99—Canon Ball, Plains of Abraham. 100—Caronade. Logan's farm, 1762. (Eegistered) 56



1. 1680—" Villemarie dans lisle de Montreal." Photograph of a tracing in Laval University.

2. 1717 - " Plan de la Ville de Montreal." By Chaussegros de Lery, 10th August, 1717, shewing projected for- tifications—Photograph of acopy by Bouchette, made in 1802 for Sir Robert Shore Milnes. 3. 1723 -" Plan de la Ville de Montreal en Canada." By Mouillart Sanson, geographer to the King and by him dedicated to Gedeon de Catalogne, hence generally called the " Catalogne Map." Fortifications still incomplete. Tracing from a copy in the Seminary.

4. 1743 — "L'Jsle de Montreal et ses environs." By Bellin,— from Charlevoix's works. 5. 1 758 " Plan of the Town and Fortifications of Montreal or " Ville-Marie in Canada From Jeffreys. 6. 1800—Tracing shewing the town within the Fortifications. from a plan in possession of the Reverend A. R. Jones, S. J., unsigned and undated.

7. 1800—A. Original sketch by Richard Dillon of the North West View of Montreal. B. The engraved plate worked up from the same, printed in London 1803- 8. 1800—Original sketch by Richard Dillon of " The East View of Montreal "

This view is taken from the head of Beaver Hall Hill. 9. 1803—"Plan des Fortifications de la ville de Montreal." The original plan made by Louis Charland for the Commissioners for the removal of the Fortifications. 10. 1834—" Carte de Vile de Montreal;' par Andre Jobin.


Plan of Siege of Quebec. 1775. Published by Faden, London Plan of St. Lawrence, from Sillery to Montmorency Falls, with operations of siege of 1759.