RUSSELL THORNTON and MARY K.GRASMICK A publication of the Center for Urban and Regional Affairs, 311 Walter Library, 117 Pleasant St. S.E., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455

The content of this report is the responsibility of the authors and is not necessarily endorsed by CURA.

Publication No. 79-1, 1979.

Cover design by Janet Huibregtse. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Introduction 1

American and Ethnic Studies Journals 3

Journals Surveyed 4

Bibliography 5

Economics Journals 13

Journals Surveyed 14

Bibliography 15

Geography Journals 17

Journals Surveyed 18

Bibliography 19

History Journals . 25

Journals Surveyed 26

Bibliography 28

Interdisciplinary Social Science Journals .133

Journals Surveyed .134

Bibliography .135

Political Science Journals

Journals Surveyed .142

Bibliography .143

Sociology Journals .145

Journals Surveyed .146

Bibliography .148


Social science disciplines vary widely in the extent to which they contain scholarly knowledge on American Indians. Anthropology and history contain the mcst knowledge pertaining to American Indians, derived from their long traditions of scholarship focusing on American Indians. The other social sciences are far behind. Consequently our social science knowledge about American Indian peoples and their concerns is not balanced but biased by the disciplinary perspectives of anthropology and history. The likelihood that American society contains little realistic knowledge about contemporary American Indians in comparison to knowledge about traditional and historical American Indians is perhaps a function of this disciplinary imbalance.

This bibliography enumerates articles on American Indians published in the scholarly journals of history, sociology, geography, political science, economics, and American and ethnic studies through 1976. Articles in anthropology have been excluded from this bibliography because of the massive number of them and because they may be found in other, existing bibliographies. It has been compiled in an effort to both summarize existing social science knowledge on American Indians and facilitate the generation of new knowledge on American Indians in all of the various social sciences and related disciplines, but particularly in those which have in the past shown little interest in the study of American Indian peoples and societies.

Russell Thornton American Indian Studies University of Minnesota December 1978



American Quarterly (1949 through 1976)

American Scholar (1932 through 1976)

American Studies (1971 through 1976); formerly Midcontinent American Studies Journal (1969 through 1970)

American Studies in Scandinavia (1968 through 1976)

Canadian Review of American Studies (1970 through 1976)

Ethnicity (1974 through 1976)

Journal of American Studies (1967 through 1976)

Journal of Canadian Studies (1966 through 1976)

Journal of Ethnic Studies (1973 through 1976)

Phylon (1940 through 1976)

Race and Class (1974 through 1976); formerly Race (1959 through 1974)


Aberle, David P. 1973 "The Sun Dance and reservation underdevelopment." Journal of Ethnic Studies 1(2): 66-73.

Ablon, Joan 1965 "American Indian relocation: problems of dependency and management in the city." Phylon 26(4): 362-371.

Adams, Graham, Jr. 1976 "Frontier violence and the American mind?" Canadian Journal of American Studies 7(1): 102-106.

Ahern, Wilbert H. 1976 "Assimilationist racism: the case of the 'friends of the Indian'." Journal of Ethnic Studies 4(2): 23-32.

Amoss, Pamela T. 1976 "The Upper Skagit Indians of western Washington: an anthropologists viewpoint." Journal of Ethnic Studies 3 (4): 74-77.

Baker, Donald G. 1972 "Color, culture, and power: Indian-white relations in Canada and America." Canadian Review of American Studies 3(1): 3-20.

1974 "Identity, power and psychocultural needs: white responses to non­ whites." Journal of Ethnic Studies 1(4): 16-44.

Berg, Philip 1975 "Racism and the Puritan mind." Phylon 36(1): 1-7.

Berry, Brewton 1960 "The myth of the vanishing Indian." Phylon 21(1): 51-57.

Bolt, Christine 1974 "Return of the native: some reflections on the history of American Indians." Journal of American Studies 8(2): 247-259.

Browne, William P., and Michael Davis 1976 "Community control and the reservation: self-interest as a factor limiting reform." Ethnicity 3 (4): 368-377.

Carrothers, A.W.R. 1967 "Canada: reluctant imperialist." Journal of Canadian Studies 2(1): 11-23.

Chadwick, Bruce A., Joseph Strauss, Howard M. Bahr, and Lowell K. Halverson 1976 "Confrontation with the law: the case of the American Indians in Seattle." Phylon 37 (2): 163-171.

Clifton, James A. 1965 "Culture change, structural stability, and factionalism in the Prairie reservation community~'' Midcontinent American Studies Journal 6(2); 101-123. 5 Cohen, Felix S. 1952 "Americanizing the white man." The American Scholar 21(2): 177-191.

Coulson, Michael R.C. 1961 "Fact and fiction in the quest for Quivera." Midcontinent American Studies Journal 2(2): 80-92.

Cracraft, Richard H. 1967 "The American West of Karl May." American Quarterly 19(2): 249-258.

DeMallie, Raymond J. 1976 " ethnohistory: a methodological critique." Journal of Ethnic Studies 4(3): 77-83.

Denton, Trevor 1972 "Migration from a Canadian Indian reserve." Journal of Canadian Studies 7(2): 54-62.

Dippie, Brian W. 1969 "'His visage wild; his form exotic': Indian themes and cultural guilt in John Barth's The Sot-Weed Factor." American Quarterly 21(1): 113-121.

Dobyns, Henry F. 1965 "Therapeutic experience of responsible dernocracy. 11 Midcontinent American Studies Journal 6(2): 171-186.

Duffy, Dennis 1971 "In defense of North America: the past in the poetry of Alfred Purdy." Journal of Canadian Studies 6(2): 17-27.

Fairfield, Robert C. 1967 "New towns in the far North." Journal of Canadian Studies 2(2): 18-26.

Fischer, Ann 1965 "History and current status of the Houma Indian." Midcontinent American Studies Journal 6(2): 49-63.

Flanagan, Thomas 1974 "Louis 'David' Riel: prophet, priest-king, infallible pontiff." Journal of Canadian Studies 9(3): 15-25.

Fogelson, Raymond D. 1974 "On the varieties of Indian history: and Traveller Bird." Journal of Ethnic Studies 2(1): 105-112.

Frideres, James s. 1975 "Prejudice towards minority groups: ethnicity or class." Ethnicity 2(1): 34-42.

6 Giddings, J.L. 1962 "Eskimos and old shorelines." The American Scholar 31(4): 585-594.

Griessman, G. Eugene 1976 "The Tukabatchi pow wow and the spirit of Tecumseh: or, how to hold a pow wow without Indians." Phylon 37(2): 172-173.

Grindstaff, Carl F., Wilda Galloway, and Joanne Nixon 1973 "Racial and cultural identification among Canadian Indian children." Phylon 34(4): 368-377.

Halliburton, R. Jr. 1975 "Black slave control in the Nation." Journal of Ethnic Studies 3(2): 23-36.

Hayne, Barrie 1969 "Ossian, Scott and Cooper's Indians." Journal of American Studies 3(1): 73-87.

Hickerson, Harold 1973 "Fur trade colonialism and the North American Indian." Journal of Ethnic Studies 1(2): 15-44.

Hilbert, V. 1976 "The Upper Skagit Indians of western Washington: the Indian's view­ point." Journal of Ethnic Studies 3(4): 77-79.

Hrdlicka, Ales 1932 "Advanced surgery found among Indians." The American Scholar 1(3): 374-376.

1935 "A leaf from the prehistory of Kodiac Island, Alaska." The American Scholar 4(4): 496-502.

Iverson, Peter 1976 "Legal assistance and Navaho economic revitalization." Journal of Ethnic Studies 4(3): 21-34.

Jennings, Francis 1971 "Virgin land and savage people." American Quarterly 23(4): 519-541.

Johnson, Ronald M. 1974 "Schooling the Savage: AndrewS. Draper and Indian Education." Phylon 25(1): 74-82.

Johnston, Thomas F. 1976 "Alaskan native social adjustment and the role of Eskimo and Indian music." Journal of Ethnic Studies 3(4): 21-36.

Kehoe, Alice B. 1975 "Dakota Indian ethnicity in Saskatchewan." Journal of Ethnic Studies 3(2): 37-42.

7 Kupferer, Harriet J. 1965 "The isolated Eastern Cherokee." Midcontinent American Studies Journal 6(2): 124-134.

Lane, Lauriat 1975 "Thoreau's autumnal Indian." Canadian Review of American Studies 6 (2): 228-236.

Lavender, Abraham D., and John M. Forsyth 1976 "The sociological study of minority groups as reflected by leading sociology journals: who gets studied and who gets neglected?" Ethnicity 3(4): 388-398.

Levine, Stuart 1965 "The Indian as American: some observations from the editor's note­ book." Midcontinent American Studies Journal 6(2): 3-22.

Leonard, Thomas C.

1974 "Red, white, and the army blue: empathy and anger in the American West." American Quarterly 26(2): 176-190.

Littlefield, Daniel F. Jr. 1975 "The decline of the ball play among the Civilized Tribes." Journal of Ethnic Studies 2(4): 56-70.

Littlefield, Daniel F., Jr., and Lonnie E. Underhill 1971 "Renaming the American Indian: 1890-1913." American Studies 12 (2): 33-45.

1974 " and his one-man fight with the marshalls." Journal of Ethnic Studies 1(4): 3-15.

Lurie, Nancy Oestreich 1965 "An American Indian renascence?" Midcontinent American Studies Journal 6(2): 25-50.

Malone, Patrick M. 1973 "Changing military technology among the Indians of southern New England, 1600-16 77." American Quarterly 25 (1): 48-63.

Margon, Arthur 1976 "Indians and immigrants: a comparison of groups new to the city." Journal of Ethnic Studies 4(4): 17-28.

Marshall, Peter 1967 "Sir William Johnson and the treaty of Fort Stanwix, 1768." Journal of American Studies 1(2): 149-179.

1971 "Colonial protest and imperial retrenchment: Indian policy, 1764- 1768." Journal of American Studies 5(1): 1-17.

8 Matthews, F.H. 1970 "The revolt against Americanism: cultural pluralism and cultural relativism as an ideology of liberation." Canadian Review of American Studies 1(1): 4-31.

Mays, John Bentley 1973 "The flying serpent: contemporary imaginations of the American Indian." Canadian Review of American Studies 4(1): 32-47.

Melling, J. 1966 "Recent developments in official policy towards Canadian Indians and Eskimos." Race 7(4): 379-399.

Meserve, Walter T. 1956 "English works of seventeenth-century Indians." American Quarterly 8(3): 264-276.

Nash, Gary B. 1976 "Whither Indian history?" Journal of Ethnic Studies 4(3): 69-76.

Officer, James E. 1970 "A new image for the great white father." Midcontinent American Studies Journal 11(1): 5-19.

Pearce, Roy Harvey 1974 "From the history of ideas to ethnohistory." Journal of Ethnic Studies 2(1): 86-92.

Philp, Kenneth 1973 "John Collier and the crusade to protect Indian religious freedom, 1920-1926." Journal of Ethnic Studies 1 (1): 22-38.

Porter, Kenneth Wiggins 1973 "On Jim Beckworth." Journal of Ethnic Studies 1 (3): 78-85.

Rees, John 1975 "Dead men's bones, dead men's beliefs' : ideas of antiquity in up­ state New York and 'theron ware'." American Studies 16(2): 77-87.

Robertson, R.G. 1967 "The coming crisis in the North." Journal of Canadian Studies 2(1): 3-11.

Rochlin, Carol K. 1965 "Tight shoe night." Midcontinent American Studies Journal 6 (2): 84-100.

Rogin, Michael 1974 "Indian extinction, American regeneration." Journal of Ethnic Studies 2(1): 93-104.

Rountree, Helen C. 1975 "Change came slowly: the case of the Powhatan Indians of Virginia." Journal of Ethnic Studies 3(3): 1-20.

9 Sauro, Lewis 0. 1963 "The fur trader and the noble savage." American Quarterly 15(4): 554-571.

Savage, William W. Jr. 1974 "Monologues in red and white: contemporary racial attitudes in two southern plains communities." Journal of Ethnic Studies 2 (3): 24-31.

Scotch, Norman A. 1960 "The vanishing villains of television." Phylon 21(1): 58-62.

Sheehan, Bernard W. 1968 "The quest for Indian or1g1ns in the thought of the Jeffersonian era." Midcontinent American Studies Journal 9 (1): 34-51.

Smaby, Beverly P. 1975 "The Mormons and the Indians: conflicting ecological systems in the Great Basin." American Studies 16(1): 35-48.

Teunissen, John J., and Evelyn J. Hinz 1973 "Roger Williams, St. Paul, and American primitivism." Canadian Review of American Studies 4{2): 121-136.

Thomas, Robert K. 1965 "Pan-Indianism." Midcontinent American Studies Journal 6(2): 75-83.

Toelken, Barre 1975 "World view, the university establishment, and cultural annihila­ tion." Journal of Ethnic Studies 2 (4): 1-21.

Trosper, Ronald L. 1976 "Native American boundary maintenance: the Flathead Indian Reser­ vation, Montana, 1860-1970." Ethnicity 3(3): 256-274.

Upton, L. F. S. 1973 "The origins of Canadian Indian policy." Journal of Canadian Studies 8(4): 51~61.

1975 "Colonists and Micmacs." Journal of Canadian Studies 10(3): 44-56.

Walker, Deward 1965 "Some limitations of the renascence concept in acculturation: the Nez Perce case. 11 Midcontinent American Studies Journal 6(2): 135-148.

Wallace: Anthony F.C. 1952 "Handsome Lake and the great revival in the West." American Quarterly 4(2): 149-164.

Washburn, Wilcomb E. 1975 "American Indian studies: a status report." American Quarterly 27(3): 263-274.

10 Wax, Rosalie H., and Robert K. Thomas 1961 "American Indians and white people." Phylon 22(4): 305-317.

Wax, Rosalie, and Murray Wax 1965 "Indian education for what?" Midcontinent American Studies Journal 6 (2): 164-170.

White, Bruce w. 1976 "The American Indian as soldier, 1890-1909." Canadian Review of American Studies 7(1): 15-25.

Witt, Shirley Hill 1965 "Nationalistic trends among American Indians." Midcontinent American Studies Journal 6(2): 51-74.

Wrone, David R. 1973 "The Cherokee Act of Emancipation." Journal of Ethnic Studies 1 (3): 87-90.


American Economic Review (1911 through 1976)

American Journal of Agricultural Economics (1968 through 1975); formerly Journal of Farm Economics (1932 through 1967)

Annals of Regional Science (1958 through 1976)

Canadian Journal of Economics (1968 through 1976)

Economic Development and Cultural Change (1952 through 1976)

Economic Inquiry (1974 through 1976); formerly Western Economics Journal (1962 through 1973)

Growth and Change (1970 through 1976)

Journal of Economics and Business (1972 through 1976)

Journal of Economic Issues (1967 through 1975)

Journal of Law and Economics (1958 through 1976)

Journal of Political Economy (1892 through 1976)

Journal of Regional Science (1958 through 1976)

Land Economics (1948 through 1976); formerly Journal of Land and Public Utility Economics (1925 through 1947)

Quarterly Journal of Economics (1886 through 1976)

Quarterly Review of Economics and Business (1961 through 1975)

Regional Science Perspectives (1971 through 1976)

Review of Economic Studies (1933 through 1975)

Review of Economics and Statistics (1948 through 1976); formerly Review of Economic Statistics (1919 through 1947)

Review of Radical Political Economics (1971 through 1976)

Review of Social Economy (1942 through 1976)

The Southern Economic Journal (1933 through 1976)

SEE ALSO: American Journal of Economics and Sociology in sociology bibliography

Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science in political science bibliography


Beale, Calvin L. 1973 "Migration patterns of minorities in the United States." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 55(5): 938-946.

Bennett, M. K. 1955 "The food economy of the New England Indians, 1605-75." Journal of Political Economy 63(5): 369-397.

Davidson, R.D., and Kenneth Wernimont 1943 "Tenure arrangements in oil fields. 11 Journal of Land and Public Utility .Economics 19 (1): 40-58.

Deprez, Paul 1971 "The economic development of the Canadian North: with or without the Indians?" The Annals of Regional Science 5(2): 8-16.

Dorner, Peter 1961 "Needed: a new policy for the American Indian." Land Economics 3 7 (2): 162-173.

Fowler, Loretta 1973 "The Arapahoe Ranch: an experiment in cultural change and economic development." Economic Development and Cultural Change 21(3): 446-464.

Hart, Albert Bushnell 1887 "The disposition of our public lands." Quarterly Journal of Economics 1(2): 169-183.

Kuo, Chun-Yan 1976 "The effect of education on the earnings of Indian, Eskimo, metis, and white workers in the MacKenzie district of northern Canada." Economic Development and Cultural Change 24(2): 387-398.

MacLeod, William Christie 1925 "A primitive clearing house." American Economic Review 15 (3): 453-456.

Murphy, Robert F. and Julian H. Steward 1956 "Tappers and trappers: parallel process in acculturation." Economic Development and Cultural Change 4(4): 335-355.

Perry, Stewart E., and Mark W. Frankena 1972 "Land title for the Alaska natives and their economic development." Review of Radical Political Economics 4(1): 71-76.

Reifel, Ben 1950 "The problem of relocating families on the Fort Berthold ." Journal of Farm Economics 32(4): 644-646.

Rietz, Robert W. 1953 "Leadership, initiative, and economic progress on an American Indian reservation." Economic Development and Cultural Change 2(1): 60-70. 15 Ruffing, Lorraine Turner 1976 "Navajo economic development subject to cultural restraints." Economic Development and Cultural Change 24(3): 611-621.

Schmidt, Richard Conrad 1974 "Competition and dominance of nonnative institutions in the Canadian North." Growth and Change 5 (2) : 28-32.

Seymour, Flora Warren 1926 "Our Indian land policy." Journal of Land and Public Utility Economics 1(2): 169-183.

Shimkin, D.B. 1955 "The economy of a trapping center: the case of Fort Yukon, Alaska." Economic Development and Cultural Change 3(3): 219-240.

Smith, Vernon L. 1975 "The primitive hunter culture, Pleistocene extinction, and the rise of agriculture." Journal of Political Economy 83(4): 727-755.

Sorkin, Alan 1970 "Poverty and dropouts: the case of the American Indian." Growth and Change 1(3): 14-18.

1973 "Business and industrial development on American Indian reserva­ tions." The Annals of Regional Science 7 (2): 115-129.

1973 "Manpower programs for American Indians." Journal of Economics and Business 26(1): 49-57.

Stephan, G. Edward, and Stephen M. Wright 1973 "Indian tribal territories in the Pacific Northwest: a cross­ cultural test of the size-density hypothesis." The Annals of Regional Science 7(1): 113-123.

Taylor, Benjamin J., and W. Nelson Peach 1974 "Social and economic characteristics of elderly Indians in Phoenix, Arizona." Journal of Economics and Business 26(2): 151-155.

Trosper, Ronald L. 1975 "Discussion" of three papers on "Past developments and future pros­ pects for ethnic minority groups." American Economic Review 65 (2): 59-60.

Vayda, Andrew P. 1967 "On the anthropological study of economics." Journal of Economic Issues 1(1): 86-90.

Wilson, H. Clyde, and Leo J. Wolfe 1961 "The relationship between unearned income and individual productive effort on the Jicarilla Indian Reservation." Economic Development and Cultural Change 9(4): 589-597.


Annals of the Association of American Geographers (1911 through 1976)

Antipode (1969 through 1976)

California Geographer (1960 through 1976)

Canadian Geographer (1960 through 1976)

Economic Geography (1925 through 1976)

Geographical Analysis (1969 through 1976)

Geographical Review (1915 through 1976); formerly Bulletin of the American Geographical Society (1901 through 1915) and Journal of the American Geographical Society (1852 through 1900)

Journal of Geography (1902 through 1976)

Proceedings of the Association of American Geographers (1969 through 1976)

Southeastern Geographer (1961 through 1976)


Alcock, Fredrick 1916 "The Churchill River." Geographical Review 2(6): 433-448.

American Geographical Society of New York 1897 "The influence of geographical environment: Pueblo Indians in Arizona and New Mexico." American Geographical Society Journal 29(1): 1-12.

Atwood, Wallace W. 1911 "A geographic study of Mesa Verde." Association of American Geographers Annals 1: 95-100.

Ballas, Donald J. 1960 "Notes on the population, settlement and ecology of the eastern Cherokee Indians." The Journal of Geography 59(9): 258-267.

1962 "The livelihood of the eastern ." The Journal of Geography 61(11): 342-349.

Barbeau, Marius 1930 "Totem poles: a recent native art of the Northwest coast of America." Geographical Review 20(2): 258-272.

1945 "The Aleutian route of migration into America." Geographical Review 35(3): 424-443.

Birdsall, W.R., M.D. 1891 "The cliff dwellings of the canons of the Mesa Verde." American Geographical Society Journal 23(4): 584-620.

Bryan, Kirk 1929 "Flood-water farming." Geographical Review 19(3): 444-456.

1941 "Pre-Columbian agriculture in the Southwest, as conditioned by periods of alluviation." Association of American Geographers Annals 31(4): 219-242.

Boas, Franz 1887 "Census and reservations of the Kwakiutl Nation." American Geographical Society Journal 19(3): 225-232.

1887 "A year among the Eskimo." American Geographical Society Journal 19 (4): 383-402.

Boudinot, Colonel E.C. 1874 "The and its inhabitants." American Geographical Society Journal 5: 217-224.

Burrill, Robert 1972 "The establishment of ranching on the Osage Indian Reservation." Geographical Review 62(4): 524-543.

19 Carter, George F. 1948 "Sweet corn among the Indians." Geographical Review 38 (2): 206-221.

1950 "Evidence for Pleistocene man in southern California." Geographical Review 40(1): 84-102.

Comer, George 1910 "A geographical description of Southampton Island and notes upon the Eskimo." American Geographical Society Bulletin 42(2): 84-90.

Condra, G. E. 1907 "Opening of the Indian Territory." American Geographical Society Bulletin 39(4): 321-340.

Cruickshank, J.G., and C.E. Heindenrich 1969 "Pedalogical investigations at the Huron Indian village of Cahiague." Canadian Geographer 13(1): 34-46.

Cummings, Harry, and Melzetta Harrison 1972 "The American Indian: the poverty of assimilation." Antipode 4(2): 77-87.

Douglas, James 1897 "The consolidation of the Iroquois Confederacy: or, what happened on the St. Lawrence between the times of Cartier and Champlain." American Geographical Society Journal 29(1): 41-54.

Duff, U. Francis 1897 "The prehistoric ruins of the Rio Tularosa." American Geographical Society Journal 29(3): 261-270.

Eckblaw, W. Elmer 1927 "The material response of the Polar Eskimo to their far north Arctic environment." Association of American Geographers Annals 17 and 18 (4 and 1): 147-198 and 1-24.

English, Thomas H. 1921 "The Cahokia Indian mounds: a plea for their preservation." Geographical Review 11(2): 207-211.

Fewkes, J. Walter 1902 "The ruined Pueblo in New Mexico discovered by Vargas in 1692." American Geographical Society Bulletin 34(3): 217-222.

Fitch, C. H. 1900 "The five civilized tribes: Indian Tribes. 11 American Geographical Society Journal 32(1): 15-21.

Flad, Harvey K. 1972 "The urban American Indians of Syracuse, New York: human exploration of urban ethnic space." Antipode 4(2): 88-98.

20 Fonaroff, 1. Schuyler 1964 "Aid and the Indian: a case study of faulty connnunication." il II California Geographer 5: 57-68.

Gannett, Henry 1895 "Indian Territory." American Geographical Society Journal 27(3): ~mer 272-276.

Goodey, Brian 1970 "The role of the Indian in North Dakota's geography: some :-ica propositions." Antipode 2(1): 11-24. . 8:

Gregory, H.E. 1915 "The Navajo Country: part I--physical features." American Geographical Society Bulletin 47(8): 561-577. ! no .63- 1915 "The Navajo Country: part II--the people." American Geographical Society Bulletin 47(9): 652-672. de a. Haas, William H. 1926 "The cliff-dweller and his habitat." Association of American Geographers Annals 16(4): 167-215. ~ of Hadley, Jack !S 0: 1915 "Whaling off the Alaskan coast." American Geographical Society '. Bulletin 47(12): 905-921.

Heidenreich, Conrad E. 18 (I 1963 "The Huron occupance of Simcoe County, Ontario." Canadian Geographer 7(3): 131-144.

1974 "A relict Indian corn field near Creernore, Ontario." Canadian .fie Geographer 18(4): 379-394. i) :

Hoffmeister, Harold 1945 "The Consolidated Ute Indian Reservation." Geographical Review 35(4): 601-623. ical

Hoover, J. w. 1929 "The Indian country of so.:.thern Arizona." Geographical Review 19(1): 38-60. on c

1929 Modern canyon dwellers of Arizona." The Journal of Geography 28(10): 269-278. oast 1930 "Tusayan: the Hopi Indian country of Arizona." Geographical Review 20(3): 425-444. 1): 1931 "Geographic and ethnic grouping of Arizona Indians." The Journal of Geography 30(9): 235-246.

1931 "Navajo nomadism." Geographical Review 21(3): 429-445. Van 171

21 Wheeler, E.P. 1930 "Journeys about Nain: winter hunting within Labrador Eskimo." :iet Geographical Review 20(3): 454-468.

Wissler, Clark 1919 "Arctic geography and Eskimo culture: a review of Steensby's work." :::ivi Geographical Review 9(2): 125-138.

1920 "The culture of the American: its regional distribution and origin." Geographical Review 10(4): 262-266.

Zon, Raphael 1920 "Forests and human progress." Geographical Review 10(3): 139-166.





mci~ 26 (:




anit nal


Agricultural History (1927 through 1976)

American Historical Review (1895 through 1976)

Americas (1944 through 1976)

Arizona and the West (1959 through 1976)

Arkansas Historical Quarterly (1942 through 1976)

Business Historical Quarterly (1954 through 1976); formerly Business Historical Society Bulletin (1926 through 1953)

Canadian Historical Review (1920 through 1976)

Canadian Journal of History (1966 through 1976)

Catholic Historical Review (1915 through 1976)

Chronicles of Oklahoma (1921 through 1976)

Comparative Studies in Society and History (1958 through 1976)

Explorations in Economic History (1969 through 1976); formerly Explorations in Entrepreneurial History (1963 through 1976)

The Historian (1938 through 1976)

History of Political Economy (1969 through 1976)

History of Religions (1961 through 1976)

Indian Historian (1961 through 1976)

Journal of American History (1964 through 1976); formerly Mississippi Valley Historical Review (1914 through 1963)

Journal of Economic History (1941 through 1976)

Journal of Interdisciplinary History (1970 through 1976)

Journal of Modern History (1929 through 1976)

Journal of Religious History (1960 through 1976)

Journal of Social History (1967 through 1975)

Journal of Southern History (1935 through 1976)

Kansas Historical Quarterly (1931 through 1976)

Louisiana History (1960 through 1974)

26 Mid-America (1929 through 1976); formerly Catholic Historical Review (1918 through 1928)

Oregon Historical Quarterly (1947 through 1976); formerly Oregon Historical Society Quarterly (1900 through 1946)

Pacific Historical Review (1932 through 1976)

Perspectives in American History (1967 through 1976)

South Dakota History (1970 through 1975)

Southwestern Historical Quarterly (1912 through 1976); formerly The Texas State Historical Society Quarterly (1897 through 1911)

West Virginia History (1939 through 1974)

Western Historical Quarterly (1970 through 1976)

William and Mary Quarterly (1921 through 1976)


1921 "The flight of the Kickapoos." Chronicles of Oklahoma 1(2): 150-156.

1925 "Journal of the General Council of the Indian Territory." Chronicles of Oklahoma Part I: 3(1): 33-44; Part II: 3(2): 120-140.

1925 "Okmulgee constitution." Chronicles of Oklahoma 3 (3): 216-228.

1929 "Business letters from the Apache country." Business Historical Society Bulletin 3(2): 1-6.

1932 "Diary of Samuel A. Kingman at Indian treaty in 1865." The Historical Quarterly 1(5): 442-450.

1968 "The Dine--Apache de Navajo." The Indian Historian 1(2): 4-6.

1968 "In memoriam: Louis McLane Hamilton, Captain 7th U.S. Cavalry." -69 Chronicles of Oklahoma 46(4): 362-386.

1969 "Bugging the bureau: introduction to a critique." The Indian Historian 2(2): 19, 26.

1969 "The Cayugas: United States vs. Great Britain." The Indian Historian 2(1): 45-47.

1970 "Sioux treaty of 1868." The Indian Historian 3(1): 13-17.

1973 "Milk intolerance and the American Indian." The Indian Historian 6 (2) : 17' 42.

1973 "The Trobriner decision." The Indian Historian 6 (4): 26-31.

1975 "The denial of Indian civil and religious rights." The Indian Historian 8(3): 43-46.

1976 "The Prairie Potawatomie: resistance to allotment." The Indian Historian 9(4): 27-31.

28 Abbott, Walter 1911 "Preservation of Indian names." Oregon Historical Society Quarterly 12(4): 361-368.

Abel, Annie H. 1910 "The Indians in the Civil War." American Historical Review 15(2): 281-296.

Adair, Col. William Penn 1926 "The Indian Territory in 1878." Chronicles of Oklahoma 4(3): 255-274.

Adair, E. R. 1932 "Dollard des Ormeaux and the fight at the Long Sault: a re-interpre­ tation of Dollard's exploit." Canadian Historical Review 13(2): 121- 137.

Adams, R. C. 1969 "A Delaware report." The Indian Historian 2 (2): 25-26.

Agnew, Brad 1971 "The 1858 war against the ." Chronicles of Oklahoma 49(2): 211-229.

1975 "The Dodge-Leavenworth expedition of 1834." Chronicles of Oklahoma 53(3): 376-396.

Alden, John R. 1940 "The Albany Congress and the creation of the Indian superintendencies." Mississippi Valley Historical Review 27(2): 193-210.

Allen, Henry Easton 1939 "The Parilla expedition to the Red River in 1759." The Southwestern Historical Quarterly 43(1): 53-71.

Allen, Virginia R. 1970 "Medical practices and health in the Choctaw Nation, 1831-1885." Chronicles of Oklahoma 48(1): 60-73.

Allgood, Samuel Y. 1928 "Historic spots and actions in the Washita Valley." Chronicles of Oklahoma 5(2): 221-233.

The American Indian Historical Society 1970 "The Iroquois wampum controversy." The Indian Historian 3(2): 4.

1970 "Belts of 'sacred significance'." The Indian Historian 3(2): 5-9, 50.

Anderson, Irving W. 1970 "J.B. Charbonneau, son of Sacajawea." Oregon Historical Quarterly 71(3): 247-264.

Anderson, Mabel Washbourne 1932 "General ." Chronicles of Oklahoma 10(4): 540-548. -33

29 Antle, H.R. 1934 "Excavation of Caddoan earth-lodge." Chronicles of Oklahoma 12(4): -35 444-446.

1935 "Report of an archeological site." Chronicles of Oklahoma 13(2): 191-195.

1935 "An unusual antiquity in Pontotoc County." Chronicles of Oklahoma -36 13(4): 470-471.

1936 "Interpretation of relationship terms." Chronicles of Oklahoma 14(3): 343-348.

1942 "The legend of Abuska." Chronicles of Oklahoma 20 (3): 255-256.

Armytage, W.H.G. 1950 "The Ron. Charles Augustus Hurray among the Pawnees: 1835." Hid-America 32(3): 189-201.

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Hoody, Clara T. (ed.) 1962 "The Hoolsey expeditions of 1864." Arizona and the \vest 4(2): 157-176.

Worcester, D.E. 1945 "Spanish horses among the Plains tribes." Pacific Historical Review 14(4): 409-417.

Horley, Ted R. 1947 "Arkansas and the 'hostile' Indians." Arkansas Historical Quarterly 6(2): 155-164.

Hright, Allen 1921 "Hheelock Seminary." Chronicles of Oklahoma 1(2): 117-120.

Hright, George Hilliam 1922 "The origin of the prehistoric mounds of Oregon." Oregon Historical Society Quarterly 23(2): 87-94.

Hright, J.B. 1959 "Ranching in the Choctaw and Chickasaw Nations." Chronicles of Oklahoma 37(3): 294-300.

Hright, J. Leitch Jr. 1968 "A note on the First Seminole War as seen by the Indians, Negroes, and their British advisors." Journal of Southern History 34(4): 565-575.

Hright, Huriel H. 1928 "Old Boggy Depot." Chronicles of Oklahoma 5 (1): 4-17.

1928 "The removal of the Choctaws to Indian territory." Chronicles of Oklahoma 6(2): 103-128.

1928 "The meaning of the name of the Hississippi River." Chronicles of Oklahoma 6(4): 529-531.

1930 "Organization of counties in the Choctaw and Chickasaw Nations." Chronicles of Oklahoma 8(3): 315-334.

129 1931 "Historic spots in the vicinity of Tuskahoma." Chronicles of Oklahoma 9(1): 27-42.

1931 "Tryphena." Chronicles of Oklahoma 9(2): 180-194.

1932 "A brief review of the life of Eliphalet Nott Vlright." Chronicles of Oklahoma 10(2): 267-286.

1934 "The journal of John Lowery Brown, of the Cherokee Nation en route to California in 1850." Chronicles of Oklahoma 12(2): 177-213.

1934 "VIapanucka Academy, Chickasaw Nation." Chronicles of Oklahoma 12(4): -35 402-431.

1936 "Contributions of the Indian people to Oklahoma." Chronicles of Oklahoma 14(2): 156-161.

1940 "Official seals of the Five Civilized Tribes." Chronicles of Oklahoma -41 18(4): 357-370.

1941 "Notes on the life of Nrs. Hannah Horcester Hicks Hitchcock and the -42 Park Hill Press." Chronicles of Oklahoma 19(4): 348-355.

1946 "The American Indian Exposition in Oklahoma." Chronicles of Oklahoma 24(2): 158-165.

1949 "Centennial of New Town Hethodist Church." Chronicles of Oklahoma -50 27(4): 342-343.

1954 "General Douglas H. Cooper, C.S.A." Chronicles of Oklahoma 32(2): 142-184.

1955 "The great seal of the Choctaw Nation." Chronicles of Oklahoma 33(4): -56 430-433.

1955 "John D. Benedict, first United States superintendent of schools in -56 the Indian Territory." Chronicles of Oklahoma 33(4): 472-508.

1955 "Tewah Hokay." Chronicles of Oklahoma 33(4): 434-439. -56

1956 "The great seal of the Huscogee Nation." Chronicles of Oklahoma 34(1): 2-5.

1956 "A history of Fort Cobb." Chronicles of Oklahoma 34(1): 53-71.

1956 "A report to the General Council of the Indian Territory." Chronicles of Oklahoma 34(1): 7-16.

1956 "Seal of the Cherokee Nation." Chronicles of Oklahoma 34(2): 134-140.

1956 "Seal of the Seminole Nation." Chronicles of Oklahoma 34(3): 262-271.

130 1956 "Jessie Elizabeth Randolph Hoore of the Chickasaw Nation." Chronicles -57 of Oklahoma 34(4): 392-396.

1956 "The great seal of the Chickasaw Nation." Chronicles of Oklahoma -57 34(4): 388-391.

1956 "Notes on events leading to the Chickasaw treaties of Franklin and -57 Pontotoc, 1830 and 1832." Chronicles of Oklahoma 34(4): 465-483.

1957 "Grand seal of the Territory of Oklahoma." Chronicles of Oklahoma 35(2): 128-137.

1958 "American Indian corn dishes." Chronicles of Oklahoma 36(2): 155-166.

1959 "Samuel Austin Wircester: a dedication." Chronicles of Oklahoma 3 7 (1) : 2-21.

1959 "Lee F. Harkins, Choctaw." Chronicles of Oklahoma 37(3): 285-287.

1961 "Colonel Cooper's Civil Har report on the Battle of Round Nountain." -62 Chronicles of Oklahoma 39(4): 352-397.

1962 "Seals of the Five Civilized Tribes." Chronicles of Oklahoma 40(3): 214-218.

1963 "Notes on Colonel Elias Cornelius Boudinot." Chronicles of Oklahoma -64 41(4): 382-407.

1971 "The Indian International Fair at Muskogee." Chronicles of Oklahoma 49(1): 14-50.

Wright, Nuriel and LeRoy H. Fischer 1966 "Civil War sites in Oklahoma." Chronicles of Oklahoma 44(2): 158-215.

Wright, Muriel H. and Peter J. Hudson 1929 "Brief outline of the Choctaw and Chickasavl Nations in Indian Territory, 1820 to 1860." Chronicles of Oklahoma 7(4): 388-418.

Hright, Peter H. 1968 "The pursuit of Dull Knife from Fort Reno in 1878-1879." Chronicles of Oklahoma 46(2): 141-154.

1972 "John Collier and the Oklahoma Indian Welfare Act of 1936." Chronicles of Oklahoma 50(3): 347-371.

Yaz, William 1973 "Teachers and administrators in American Indian education." The Indian Historian 6(3): 18-22.

Young, Claiborne Addison 1958 "A walking tour in the Indian Territory, 1874." Chronicles of Oklahoma 36(2): 167-180.

131 Young, E. Harold 1935 11 Some contemporary references to Saint Hary's }fission." Hid-America 17(2): 84-104.

Young, Mary E. 1955 "The Creek fraud: a study in conscience and corruption." Mississippi ~V~a=l=l=eLy_H~is~t~o~r~l~·c~a~l~R~e~v~i~e~w 42(3): 411-437.

1958 "Indian removal and land allotment: the Civilized Tribes and Jacksonian justice." American Historical Review 64(1): 31-45.

Youngkin, Stephen D. 1974 "Prelude to Wounded Knee: the military point of view." South Dakota History 4(3): 333-351.

Yost, James 1976 "Traces of the native tongue." The Indian Historian 9(1): 39-40.

Zamora, Mario D. 1973 "Moral, innnoral science: the case for cultural anthropology." The Indian Historian 6(2): 24-28.

Zimmerman, Jean L. 1966 "Colonel Ranald Hackenzie at Fort Sill." Chronicles of Oklahoma 44 (1): 12-21.


Administrative Science Quarterly (1956 through 1976)

American Behavioral Scientist (1960 through 1976)

Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (1890 through 1976)

Behavioral Science (1956 through 1976)

Daedalus (1958 through 1976); formerly Proceedings of the American Academy of the Arts and Sciences (1864 through 1958)

Human Relations (1947 through 1976)

Law and Society Review (1966 through 1976)

Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly (1923 through 1975)

Public Administration Review (1940 through 1976) 1 Public Interest (1965 through 1976)

Public Opinion Quarterly (1937 through 1976)

Social Research (1934 through 1976)

Social Science (1925 through 1975)

Social Science and Medicine (1967 through 1976)

Social Science Journal (1975); formerly Rocky Mountain Social Science Journal (1963 through 1974)

Social Science Quarterly (1968 through 1976); formerly Southwestern Social Science Quarterly (1931 through 1967), Southwestern Political and Social Science Quarterly (1923 through 1930), Southwestern Political Science Quarterly (1920 through 1922).

Social Science Research (1972 through 1976)

Society (1972 through 1976); formerly Transaction (1964 through 1971)

Urban Affairs Quarterly (1965 through 1976)

Urban Life (1975 through 1976); formerly Urban Life and Culture (1972 through 1974)

Youth and Society (1969 through 1976)

1 except volume 8


Adair, John, Kurt Deuschle, and Walsh McDermott 1957 "Patterns of health and disease among the Navahos." _Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 311: 80-94.

Alexander, Theron, and Robert Anderson 1957 "Children in a society under stress." Behavioral Science 2: 46-55.

Bahr, Howard M., and Bruce A. Chadwick 1972 "Contemporary perspectives on Indian Americans: a review essay." Social Science Quarterly 53(3): 606-618.

Bayda, Gerald 1971 "Cattle ranching in the Peco Valley of New Mexico." Rocky Mountain Social Science Journal 8(1): 85-96.

Bee, Robert L. 1969 "Tribal leadership in the war on poverty: a case study." Social Science Quarterly 50(3): 676-686.

Berry, Brewton J. 1936 "The Missouri Indians." Southwestern Social Science Quarterly 17(2): 113-124.

1937 "Democracy in primitive society." Social Science 12(1): 96-101.

Blackmar, Frank W. 1892 "Indian education." Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 2: 811-837.

Blumenfeld, Ruth 1965 "Mohawks: round trip to the high steel." Transaction 3 (1): 19-22.

Briggs, Jean L. 1970 "Kapluna daughter: living with Eskimos." Transaction 7(8): 12-24.

Brockman, C. Thomas 1971 "Correlation of social class and education on the Flathead Indian Reservation, Montana." Rocky Mountain Social Science Journal 8(2): ll-17.

Carlson, Glen E. 1934 "The American Indian--past and present." Social Science 9 (2): 185-191.

Chapaan, Berlin B. 1948 "Freedmen and the Oklahoma lands." Southwestern Social Science Quarterly 29(2): 150-159.

Christiansen, Paige W. 1966 "The Apache barrier." Rocky Mountain Social Science Journal 3(2): 94-108.

135 Coan, Charles F. 1926 "New Mexico through the ages." Social Science 1 (2): 12 7-132.

Cohen, Fay G. 1973 "The Indian patrol in Minneapolis: social control and social change in an urban context." Law and Society Review 7 (4): 779-786.

Cohen, Felix S. 1937 "Anthropology and the problems of Indian administration." South- western Social Science Quarterly 18(2): 171-180.

Collier, John 1942 "The Indian in a wartime nation." Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 223: 29-35.

1945 "United States Indian administration as a laboratory of ethnic relations." Social Research 12 (3): 265-303.

Collins, John James 196 7 "Peyotism and religious membership at Taos Pueblo, New Mexico.'' Southwestern Social Science Quarterly 48(2): 183-191.

Dozier, Edward P., George E. Simpson, and J. Milton Yinger 195 7 "The integration of Americans of Indian descent." Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 311: 158-165.

Dryfoos, Robert J., Jr. 1970 "Two tactics for ethnic survival: Eskimo and Indian." Transaction 7(3): 51-54.

Feagin, Joe R., and Randall Anderson. 1973 "Intertribal attitudes among Native American youth. 11 Social Science Quarterly 54(1): 117-131.

Fischer, A.D. 1969 "White rites vs. Indian rights." Transaction 7 (1): 29-33.

Fox, J. R. 1960 "Therapeutic rituals and social structure in Cochiti Pueblo." Human Relations 13(4): 291-303.

Garbarino, Merwyn S. 1970 "Seminole girl." Transaction 7(4): 40-46.

Graburn, Nelson 1967 "The Eskimo and 'airport art'." Transaction 4(10): 28-33.

1969 "Eskimo law in light of self- and group-interest." Law and Society Review 4(1): 45-60.

Haas, Theodore H. 1957 "The legal aspects of Indian affairs from 1887 to 1957." Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 311: 12-22.

136 Hackenberg, Robert A. 1966 "An anthropological study of the demographic transition: the Papago information system." Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly 44(4): 470-493.

Hadley, J. Nixon 195 7 "Demography of the American Indians." Annal~. of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 311: 23-30.

Havighurst, Robert J. 1957 "Education among American Indians: individual and cultural aspects." Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 311: 105-115.

Hebal, John J. 1961 "Generalist versus specialist in the Bureau of Indian Affairs." Public Administration Review 21(1): 16-22.

Hecker, Lena B. 1937 "Constitutional status of education in Alaska. 11 Social Science 12(1): 64-71.

Kallen, Horace M. 1958 "On 'Americanizing' the American Indian (note)." Social Research. 25(4): 469-473.

Kaplan, A.D.H. 1938 11 Social and economic transition in the Rocky Mountain region. 11 Social Science 13(3): 224-226.

Kay, Kathleen 1928 "The gentle red man." Social Science 3 (3): 298-307.

Kelly, William H. 1957 "The economic basis of Indian life." Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 311: 71-79.

LaFarge, Oliver 1957 "Termination of federal supervision: disintegration and the American Indian." Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 311: 41-46.

Leh, Leonard 1. 1941 "Prehistoric progress as illustrated by the Pueblos." Social Science 16(3): 270-276.

Leupp, Han. Francis E. 1909 "Indian lands: their administration with reference to present and future uses." Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 33 (3): 620-630.

Lurie, Nancy Oestreich 1957 "The Indian Claims Commission Act." Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 311: 56-70.

137 Maclay, Howard, and Edward E. Ware 1961 "Cross-cultural use of the semantic differential." Behavioral Science 6: 185-190.

i•kilwraith, T.F. 1947 "The Indians of Canada." Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 253: 164-163.

McNickle, D'Arcy 1957 "Indian and European: Indian-white relations from discovery to 1887." Annals of the American Acader,Jy of Political and Social Science 311: 1 11.

Moseley, Edward H. 1965 "Indians from the eastern United States and the defense of north­ eastern Mexico: 1855-1864." Southwestern Social Science Quarterly 46(3): 273-280.

Hurphy, Joseph A., M.D. 1911 "Health problems of the Indians." Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 3 7: 34 7-35 3.

Neff, Ronald L., and Jay A. Weinstein 1975 "Iowa's Indians come of age." Society 12(2): 22-26.

Osgood, Charles E. 1960 "The cross-cultural generality of visual-verbal synesthetic ten­ dencies." Behavioral Science 5: 146-169.

Paul, John R. 1937 "Rheumatic heart disease among American Indian school children in different climates." Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly 15(2): 135-138.

Peterson, Helen L. 1957 "American Indian political participation." Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 311: ll6-126.

Philip, Kenneth 1972 "Herbert Hoover's new era: a false dawn for the American Indian, 1929-1932." Rocky Mountain Social Science Journal 9 (2): 53-60.

Pospisil, Leopold 1973 "E. Adamson Hoebel and the anthropology of Law." Law and Society Review 7(4): 537-559.

Redfield, Robert 1940 "The Indian in ,.,exico." Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 208: 132-143.

Sapir, Edward 1930 "Southern Piute: a Shoshonean language." American Academy of the Arts and Sciences, Proceedings 65(1): 1-275.

138 1930 "Texts of the Kaibab Piutes and Uintah Utes." American Academy of the Arts and Sciences, Proceedings 65(2): 276-535.

1931 11 Southern Piute dictionary." American Academy of the Arts and Sciences, Proceedings 65(3): 537-730.

Spindler, George D., and Louise S. Spindler 1957 "American Indian personality types and their sociocultural roots. 11 Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 311: 14 7-15 7.

Thompson, Hildegard 1957 11 Education among American Indians: institutional aspects." Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 311: 95-104.

Twining, William 1973 "Law and anthropology: a case study in inter-disciplinary collabor­ ation." Law and Society Review 7 (4): 561-583.

Underhill, Ruth M. 1957 "Religion among American Indians." Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 311: 127-136.

Vogt, Evon 1957 "The acculturation of American Indians." Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 311: 137-146.

Wagner, Jonathon H. 1929 "The work of the Bureau of Education in Alaska." Social Science 4(1): 43-47.

Wahrhaftig, Albert L., and Robert K. Thomas 1969 "Renaissance and repression: the Oklahoma Cherokee." Transaction 6(4): 42-48.

Watkins, Arthur V. 1957 "Termination of federal superv1s1on: the removal of restrictions over Indian property and person." Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 311: 47-55.

Wax, Rosalie H. 196 7 "The warrior dropouts." Transaction 4 (6): 40-46.

Westermeyer, Joseph J. 1973 "Indian powerlessness in Minnesota." Society 10(3): 45-47, 50-52.

Weston, Warren 1965 "Freedom of religion and the American Indian." Rocky llountain Social Science Journal 2(1): 1-6.

139 Wilson, C. Roderick 1969 "Papago Indian population movement: an index to cultural change." Rocky Mountain Social Science Journal 6(1): 23-32.

Wood, Corinne S. 1970 "A multiphasic health screening of three southern California Indian reservations." Social Science and Medicine 4(5): 579-587.

Zimmerman, William, Jr. 1957 "The role of the Bureau of Indian Affairs since 1933." Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 311: 31-40.


American Journal of Political Science (1973 through 1976); formerly Midwest Journal of Political Science (1957 through 1972)

American Political Science Review (1901 through 1976)

American Politics Quarterly (1973 through 1976)

Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science (1935 through 1967)

Canadian Journal of Political Science (1968 through 1976)

Comparative Political Studies (1968 through 1976)

Comparative Politics (1968 through 1976)

Journal of Politics (1939 through 1976)

Political Science Quarterly (1886 through 1976)

Political Science Reviewer (1971 through 1976)

Politics and Society (1970 through 1976)

Polity (1968 through 1976)

Review of Politics (1939 through 1976)

'Western Political Quarterly (1948 through 1976)

World 'Politics (1948 through 1976)


Beatty, Willard W. 1946 "The goal of Indian assimilation." Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science 12(3): 395-404.

Dawson, C. A. 1945 "The new North-west." Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science 11(4): 578-600.

Dunning, R. W. 1958 "Some implications of economic change in northern Ojibwa social structure." Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science 24(4): 562-566.

Gladstone, Percy 1953 "Native Indians and the fishing industry of British Columbia." Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science 19(1): 20-34.

Jenness, Diamond 1954 "Canada's Indians yesterday. What of today?" Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science 20(1): 95-100.

Lingard, C.C. 1946 "Administration of the Canadian northland." Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science 12(1): 45-74.

Macinnes, T.R.L. 1946 "History of Indian administration in Canada." Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science 12(3): 387-394.

Moore, Andrew 1945 "Survey of education in the MacKenzie district." Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science 11(1): 61-82.

Rich, E.E. 1960 "Trade habits and economic motivation among the Indians of North America." Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science 26 (1): 35-53.

Ragin, Michael Paul 1971 "Liberal society and the Indian question." Politics and Society 1(3): 269-312.

Shields, James, and Leonard Weinberg 1976 "Reactive violence and the American frontier: a contemporary eval- uation." Western Political Quarterly 29 (1): 86-101.

Tannenbaum, Frank 1946 "Technology and race in !1exico." Political Science Quarterly 61(3): 365-383.

143 Taylor, Griffith 1945 "A Mackenzie doomsday: 1944." Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science 11(2): 189-233.

1945 "A Yukon doomsday: 1944." Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science 11(3): 432-449.

Valentine, V. F. 1954 "Some problems of the Metis of Northern Saskatchewan." Canadian Journal of Economics and Po1itica1 Science 20(1): 89-95.

Wherrett, G.J. 1945 "Survey of health conditions and medical and hospital services in the North West Territorie$." Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science 11(1): 49-60.


American Journal of Economics and Sociology (1941 through 1976)

American Journal of Sociology (1895 through 1976)

American Sociological Review (1936 through 1976)

American Sociologist (1965 through 1976)

Berkeley Journal of Sociology (1955 through 1976)

Canadian Journal of Criminology and Corrections (1968 through 1976); formerly Canadian Journal of Corrections (1958 through 1967)

Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology (1964 through 1976)

Case-Western Reserve Journal of Sociology (1967 through 1976)

Crime and Delinquency (1960 through 1976); formerly NPPA Journal (1955 through 1959) 1 Crime and Social Justice (1974 through 1976)

Criminal Justice and Behavior (1974 through 1976)

Criminology (1970 through 1976); formerly Criminologica (1963 through 1969)

Demography (1964 through 1976) 2 Gerontologist (1961 through 1976)

International Journal of Comparative Sociology (1960 through 1976)

International Journal of the Sociology of the Family (1971 through 1972)

Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion (1961 through 1976)

Journal of Applied Social Psychology (1971 through 1976)

Journal of Comparative Family Studies (1970 through 1976)

Journal of Criminal Justice (1973 through 1976)

Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology (1941 through 1976); formerly Journal of the American Institute of Cri~inal Law and Criminology (1910 through 1940)

Journal of Gerontology (1946 through 1976)

Journal of Health and Social Behavior (1960 through 1976)

Journal of Marriage and the Family (1964 through 1976); formerly Marriage and Family Living (1941 through 1963), Living (1939 through 1940)

146 Journal of Political and Military Sociology (1973 through 1976) 3 Journal of Research in Crime and De.linguency (1964 through 1976)

Journal of Social Issues (1945 through 1976)

Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare (1973 through 19 76)

Kansas Journal of Sociology (1964 through 1975)

Pacific Sociological Review (1958 through 1976)

Population and Development Review (1975 through 1976)

Population Index (1937 through 1976)

Rural Sociology (1936 through 1976)

Social Forces (1925 through 1976); formerly Journal of Social Forces (1922 through 1924)

Social Problems (1954 through 1976)

Sociological Analysis (1964 through 1974); formerly American Catholic Sociological Review (1940 through 1963) 4 Sociological Inquiry (1961 through 1976)

Sociological Methods and Research (1972 through 1976)

Sociological Quarterly (1960 through 1976)

Sociology and Social Research (1927 through 1975); formerly Journal of Applied Sociology (1922 through 1926)

Sociology of Education (1963 through 1976); formerly Journal of Educational Sociology (1927 through 1962)

Sociology of Work and Occupations (1974 through 1976)

Sociometry (1937 through 1976)

1 except volume 3 2 except volume 8 3 except volumes 10, 11 4 except volume 45


Ablon, Joan 1971 "Retention of cultural values and differential urban adaptation: Samoans and American Indians in a west coast city." Social Forces 49(3): 385-392.

Aginsky, B.W. 1939 "Population control in the Shanel (Porno) tribe." American Socio­ logical Review 4(2): 209-216.

1940 "An Indian's soliloquy." American Journal of Sociology 46 (1): 43-44.

1949 "The interaction of ethnic groups: a case study of Indians and whites." American Sociological Review 14 (2): 288-293.

Aginsky, B.H., and Ethel G. Aginsky 1947 "A resultant of intercultural relations." Social Forces 26(1): 84-8 7.

Alfred, Braxton M. 1970 "Blood pressure changes among male Navaho migrants to an urban environment." Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology 7(3): 189-200.

Anderson, James G., and Dwight Safar 1967 "The influence of differential community perceptions on the pro­ vision of equal eGucational opportunities." Sociology of Education 40 (3): 219-230.

Badcock, William T. 1976 "Problems of native offenders in the correctional system." Canadian Journal of Criminology and Corrections 18(4): 281-289.

Barber, Bernard 1941 "Acculturation and messianic movements... American Sociological Review 6(5): 663-669.

Barnett, H.G. 1941 "Personal conflicts and cultural change." Social Forces 20(2): 160-171.

Bennett, Michael C. 1973 "The Indian counselor project--help for the accused." Canadian Journal of Criminology and Corrections 15(1): 1-6.

Bernard, Jessie 1928 "Political leadership among North American Indians." American Journal of Sociology 34(2): 296-315.

148 Journal of Political and Military Sociology (1973 through 1976) 3 Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency (1964 through 1976)

Journal of Social Issues (1945 through 1976)

Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare (1973 through 1976)

Kansas Journal of Sociology (1964 through 1975)

Pacific Sociological Review (1958 through 1976)

Population and Development Review (1975 through 1976)

Population Index (1937 through 1976)

Rural Sociology (1936 through 1976)

Social Forces (1925 through 1976); formerly Journal of Social Forces (1922 through 1924)

Social Problems (1954 through 1976)

Sociological Analysis (1964 through 1974); formerly American Catholic Sociological Review (1940 through 1963) 4 Sociological Inquiry (1961 through 1976)

Sociological Methods and Research (1972 through 1976)

Sociological Quarterly (1960 through 1976)

Sociology and Social Research (1927 through 1975); formerly Journal of Applied Sociology (1922 through 1926)

Sociology of Education (1963 through 1976); formerly Journal of Educational Sociology (1927 through 1962)

Sociology of Work and Occupations (1974 through 1976)

Sociometry (1937 through 1976)

l except volume 3 2 except volume 8 3 except volumes 10, 11 4 except volume 45


Ablon, Joan 1971 "Retention of cultural values and differential urban adaptation: Samoans and American Indians in a west coast city." Social Forces 49(3): 385-392.

Aginsky, B.W. 1939 "Population control in the Shanel (Porno) tribe." American Socio­ logical Review 4(2): 209-216.

1940 "An Indian 1 s soliloquy." American Journal of Sociology 46 (1): 43-44.

1949 "The interaction of ethnic groups: a case study of Indians and whites." American Sociological Review 14 (2): 288-293.

Aginsky,, and Ethel G. Aginsky 194 7 "A resultant of intercultural relations." Social Forces 26 (1): 84-87.

Alfred, Braxton M. 1970 "Blood pressure changes among male Navaho migrants to an urban environment." Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology 7(3): 189-200.

Anderson, James G., and Dwight Safar 1967 "The influence of differential community perceptions on the pro­ vision of equal eaucational opportunities." Sociology of Education 40(3): 219-230.

Badcock, William T. 1976 "Problems of native offenders in the correctional system." Canadian Journal of Criminology and Corrections 18(4): 281-289.

Barber, Bernard 1941 "Acculturation and messianic movements." American Sociological Review 6(5): 663-669.

Barnett, H.G. 1941 "Personal conflicts and cultural change." Social Forces 20(2): 160-171.

Bennett, Michael C. 1973 "The Indian counselor project--help for the accused." -----Canadian Journal of Criminology and Corrections 15(1): 1-6.

Bernard, Jessie 1928 "Political leadership among North American Indians." American Journal of Sociology 34(2): 296-315.

148 Berry, Brewton 1945 "The mestizos of South Carolina." American Journal of Sociology 51 (1): 34-41.

Bienvenue, Rita M., and A.H. Latif 1974 "Arrests, disposition, and recidivism: a comparison of Indians and whites." Canadian Journal of Criminology and Corrections 16(2): 105-116.

Bishop, Charles A. 1975 "Archival sources and the culture history of the Indians of the Eastern Subarctic." Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology 12 (3): 244-251.

Blackmar, Frank W. 1929a "The socialization of the American Indian." American Journal of Sociology 34(4): 653-669.

1929b "The social assimilation of the American Indian." Journal of Educational Sociology 3(1): 7-19.

1930 "The American Indian and status." Sociology and Social Research 14(3): 221-232.

Blanchard, Kendall 1975 "Changing sex roles and protestantism among Navajo women in Ramah." Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 14(1): 43-50.

Bloom, Leonard 1940 "Role of the Indian in the race relations complex of the South." Social Forces 19(2): 268-273.

Bock, Philip K. 1960 "Patterns of illegitimacy on a Canadian Indian reserve: 1860-1960." Journal of Harriage and the Family 26 (2): 142-148.

Bogardus, Emory S. 1952 11 Symbolism in totem poles." Sociology and Social Research 36(4): 24 7-251.

1957 "Social life of the cliff dwellers." Sociology and Social Research 41 (3): 214-221.

Boggs, Stephen T. 1956 "An interactional study of Ojibwa socialization." American Socio­ logical Review 21(2): 191-198.

Bond, Horace Mann 1931 "Two racial islands in Alabama." American Journal of Sociology 36(4): 552-567.

149 Boyer, L. Bryce, Ruth M. Boyer, and Arthur E. Hippler. 1974 11 Ecology, socialization, and personality development among Athabascans." Journal of Comparative Family Studies 5 (1) : 61-73.

Burma, John H. 1963 "Interethnic marriage in Los Angeles, 1948-1959." Social Forces 42(2): 156-165.

Carroll, Michael P. 1975 "Revitalization movements and social structure: some quantitative tests." American Sociological Review 40 (3): 389-401.

Clifton, Rodney A. 1972 "The social adjustment of native students in a northern Canadian hostel." Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology 9(2): 163-166.

1975 "Self-concept and attitudes: a comparison of Canadian Indian and non-Indian students." Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthro­ pology 12(4): 577-584.

Clinton, Lawrence, Bruce A. Chadwick, and Howard M. Bahr 1975 "Urban relocation reconsidered: antecedents of employment among Indian males." Rural Sociology 40 (2): 117-133.

Cockerham, William C., and Audie L. Blevins, Jr. 1976 "Open school vs. traditional school; self-identification among Native American and white adolescents." Sociology of Education 49(2): 164-169.

Cohen, Ronald 1966 "Modernism and the hinterland: the Canadian example." International Journal of Comparative Sociology 7(1): 52-75.

Collier, John, and Laura Thompson 1946 "The Indian education and administration research. 11 Sociomet~_y 9(2-3): 141-142.

Collins, John James 1968 "Law function and judicial process at a New Mexico pueblo." Inter­ national Journal of Comparative Sociology 9(2): 129-131.

1969 "Transformation of the self and the duplication of ceremonial structure." International Journal of Comparative Sociology 10(3-4): 302-307.

Cussler, Margaret 1946 "Film-making as a focus of social forces in an Indian tribe." Rural Sociology 11(4): 362-365.

Damas, David 1975 "Social anthropology of the central Eskimo." Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology 12(3): 252-266.

150 Den ton, Trevor 1975 "Canadian Indian migrants and impression management of ethnic stigma." Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology 12(1): 65-71.

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