------...... ------..------e ------I

Volu me 15, Number 10 University of California, Son Diego Friday , Feb ruary 4, 1972 Former Congressman Lowenstein calls for Nixon defeat Allard Lowenstein. lead r of added that th dlscr panc1E:'s "thev 're not golO!! to leave the th e 1968 " Dump LBJ" were bas d In th ;'\Ixon pr sidency vacant ' campaign and orga ni zer of the AdmlOl trallon and not He observed that candidate 1972 " Dump Nixon ' IOherent 10 the Amencan owe their allegiance to movement. spoke to a crowd of system or the ConstitutIOn whoever work for them " It about ISO students Tue.da y. on To correct th se mav a well be yo ung peopl R velie Plaza . at an ' AS­ IOcons!. tencles Lowenstein as 011 compame .. sponsored .. register to vot urged students " to finish what In an wer to a ·tudent who rally. " began 10 '68 . "Get Into a felt that Am nca could not b The mam pomt of hi s addr ss party pick a candidate and chan!!ed at th ballot box was that "Nixon has not kept upport hiS campaign.' he becau se of "the corrupt hi s campaign promises" and aid Imperlall t . v tern ' therefore " he should be Referring to the Lowenstem an wered . " You replaced " Lowenstein. a a sa Inatlon of Rob rt don 't change the tructure by former congre man from :'-lew Kennedy Lowenstem ald . . blowmg up tOilet or notlOg York . began his talk by get over the de pair of th but by electing people to outlining the "obvlou '68 campaign the only thing change It You can utter vour problems of the country" that can defeat us IS If Ick logans Ick Impenall t Among them he included the everyone qUit " socletv blah blah blah but It continuing war In VietNam . the take guts to get out and work economy. racial tensIOns. and Lowen teln spoke m favor of to elect people to change tax ineqUities. Lowenstein the NatIOnal Youth Caucus. an thing " The student responded organization seek 109 to end went on to accu e the ixon you ng people to the natIOnal by calling the former congre sman a fa CI t. Administration of deceivi ng nomlnatlOg conventIOns, and the American people with "lies Lowenstein replied to thl by called It the "mo t hop ful saymg Go off and pia v your in place of social justice and thing happemng now " peace. " patty cake game With slogan Lowen stein sternly Lowenstein, a Democrat, but the only people who can condemned these dlscrepancle' declined to endorse any of the stop the murder of Innocent in Amertcan Ideals. but QUickly candidates from his ' party, Vietnamese are the Amencan preferring to " hold off and see voters . not people who give lip how thlOgs develop " He did service to sloga n Things dont sa\', however , " If you 're not a change by notlOg or blocking Students to have voice in Dem Democra t work for traffic, they change by votlOg McCloskey , he has the courage 10 responSible leader to take on Nixon and oppose hi , It harder to talk to people war." than It IS to SPit at them .' said In response to a student Lowen teln , but If enough delegate selection next week asklOg what good It does to get people get Involved we can end involved when both major the war and bnng SOCial JU tlce parties are eVil, Lowenstem to America " He concluded by Students who are registered organization committee. Each 42 Cong oDistrict Jefferson Jr. Hi gh answered that students should saying that changes must come De mocrats have an opportunity caucus shall recommend to the San Dieguito High School 823 AcaCia find "a decent Democrat or m the form of "speCific and to become delegates to the candidate ' s statewide 800 Santa Fe Dr. Ocean side Republican to work for pragmatic program not pa rty's national convention in organizing committee names Encinitas they 're not all bad " He logans We mu t get the facts Miami under rules adopted last of registered Democrats con'tlnued that thl IS the to the Amencan people." he Former Sen, Eugene rational thmg to do smce said I year. The rules. which are residing in the congressional desi gned to encourage more district not to exceed twice the Sen , Vance Hartke McCarthy 40 Cong oDistrict 40 CongoDlstrtct , I active participation by minimum allocated to the " ord inary Democrats. have the district. The allocation to each 7960 Donzee St. 4951 Mt. La Plata fo rce of law in California since district will be computed by a San Diego San Diego Two UCSD scientists they were adopted by the State special formula based on past 41 Congo District 41 CongoDistri ct Legislature. democratic voting patterns in 107 Halsey Southwestern College Under the new system any the district and the population Chula Vista Chula Vista propose moon theory Democra t actively supporting of the district. Alternates will 42 Cong oDistrict 41 Cong oDistrict a particular candidate has the also be selected on the same Harold Polesetsky's Home 4507 Dorchester Dr - At the dawn of Earth's hi tory, our planet probably had no opportunity to be a delegate . basis. Groten Place . Corona Del Mar Moon District caucuses will be held After consultation with the Escondido - Early in Earth' evolution, between flye and 10 'mlm · m each Congressional district candidate or his Sen, George McGovern moons" may have formed around our planet for the purpose of proposing the representatives, and after Sen, Hubert Humphrey 40 Cong oDistrict - There is little doubt that Earth "captured " our pre ent na mes of registered giving due consideration to the 40 Cong, District Mi ssion Bay High School Moon Democrats as delegates and names recommended by the Shelter Island Inn 2475 Grand Ave. . - Some or all of the mini-moons eventually were wept up by al ternates pledged to each district caucuses. the 2051 Shelter Island Dr . San Diego the larger Moon. formmg orne of th " mascons." or rna ca ndidate for Presidential statewide organizing San Diego 41 Cong oDistrict concentratIOns , detected beneath the lunar urface dunng nomi nee . committee shall select 88 41 Cong oDistrict Lincoln High School Apollo exploratIOns The caucuses will be held on percent of the delegates and 88 Crawford High School ISO S. 49th St. These are among feature of a new general theory about the reb, 12 . which is next percent of the alternates. 41915~h St. San Diego origm and evolution of the Earth-Moon y tern announced Saturday . Separate caucuses The remaining members of San Diego 42 Cong District Tuesday by two sClenti ts at C D They are Dr Hannes will be held by each candidate the delegation will be selected 42 Cong, District Scripps Mansion Alfven .· profes or of phy ICS, who won the obel Prize 10 commencing at \0 a.m. on that at a statewide meeting of the Palomar Jr, College 9397 Scripps Ranch Blvd. ph YSICS In 1970. and Dr Gustaf Arrhemu , profe or of da te. A registered Democra t delegation of the winning RoomP 32 San Diego oceanography at Scnpp In tltltulOn of Oceanography from each district will be candidate following the San Marcos Alfven and Arrhenlu are con ultants to the ;'\atlOnal designated by each candidate presidential primary on June 6. Sen, Edmund Muskie Aeronautics and Space AdmlmstratlOn on pace re earch, and to preside oyer his caucus. Each delegate mu t pledge to Sen, Henry Jackson 40 Cong oDi trict Arrhemus lone of the clentl t elected by 'ASA to analyze Caucuses are open to all support his candidate until 40 Cong oDistrict Master Host Inn lunar sample The re earch on which the'lr theory I ba' ed registered Democrats. Only released by him or until he fails 950 Hotel Circle wa funded by ASA grants to receive 'at least IS percent of Engineers and Architects Hall They reported th ey had di scovered a " normal " pattern registered Democrats who 412 W. Cedar St. San Diego have signed a statement of the vote on an ballot a t the 41 Cong oDi trict followed 10 the evolutIOn of planets and their ateillte , and support for the candidate for convention in ' Miami Beach San Diego aid the pre ence of uch a large body a Earth' Moon did not 41 Cong oDi trict Rice Elementary School whom the meeting is being held from July 10-13 . 4th and L St. . fall withm the "normal " pattern Below are the locations of the Roval Inn of Chula Vista may participa te in the 636' E St. Chula Vista proceedings of the caucus. San Diego caucuses for each Example of a normal ystem are een m the planet Chula Vista 41 CongoDistrict Persons who are not now Democratic candidate who has Warren Jr. High hool Jupiter, aturn and ranu , they said registered as Democrats may announced a caucus. Persons 42 Congo District "Each of the e ha s five or more econdary bodle . or Orange Glen High School ISS Steven Ave register before next Saturday who are not sure which Solana Beach satellite ." Ifven explained by coming to the TRITON Congressional district they 2200Glen Ridge Road Two planets - Earth and eptune - are exceptIOn to the TIMES office. and registering reside in should call the County E condido "normal " rule with one of the deputy Registrar of Voters at 278-9400'. Mayor Samuel Yorty "The rea on , 10 both cases. eem tralghlforward .· th Registrar of Voters there. Mayor John Lindsay 40 Cong oDistnct scientists noted " Earth and Neptune might well have Persons may also register with Rep. Shirley Chisholm 40 Cong . District 5220 Harbor Heights Dr produced normal satellite sy tern early m their d velopmenl. any deputy registrar of voters 40 Cong, District Clairemont High School San Diego but these have been de troyed by a large satellitE which wa , 10 in San Diego County, Clairemont High School 41SOUte Dr, 41 Cong District both ca e , captured by the planet In the ca e of eptune the The first order of business at 4150 Ute Dr . San Diego Royal Inn of Chula Vi ta satellite IS Triton, the 'moon ' of eptune In th (a e of Earth. each caucus will be the San Diego 41 Cong oDistrict 63S E. St. the large satellite was our own Moon " ratification of a registered 41 CongoDistrict Memorial Jr. High School Chula Vi ta In the normal system, the mas of each satelhte IS but a lin Democrat designated from the Lincoln High School 2884 Masev Dr. 42 CongoDistnct fraction of the mass of its pnmary bod_ , th l: lJ lentl ts district to serve on the 1505 49th St. San Diego' 8060 Prospect Way observed. candidate ' s statewide San Diego 42 Cong, District La Mesa Moon. .. (Continued from page IJ 'The ....t relaxing sleep of your "On this basis." said Allven. " we should expect a normal satellite of Earth to be something like 100 times smaller than life ... Every Nigh'. our present Moon . For this reason. we believe it highly unlikely NE VER SAGS · NE VERLUMPS that the Moon could have accreted. or come together. near the Earth." AllY SIZE WA TEl MA nlESS Allven and Arrhenius argued that it would be inconsistent to news from # 95 advance one theory for the evolution of satellite systems nside~~e:rWa $14 elsewhere in the solar system while supporting a different I 115-- theory for the Earth-Moon system. Wa ter mattress " We feel that to regard Earth as a special case is not argaret Mead to come bed frames 29.95 justified." they said. Liner & llealer "ad If Earth and its satellites had evolved in a normal pattern. ~ilh •• ur.-h8se or our planet once could have had between five and 10 satellites. mall relil8 and (rme according to the UCSD scientists. They said Earth also may 'n Mandeville lectures have had a ring. like Saturn's ring . comprised of boulder-sized particles of matter. Former Ch ancellor inte rviewed The possibility that Earth once had satellites in orbit around Three internationally known speakers - Dr. Willon it has long been the ubjcct of speculation But the UCSD Krogman. Dr . Eugene Carson Blake. and Dr. Margaret Mead scientists are the first to predict their number . size and orbits - are scheduled to take part in the forthcommg Mandeville as the result of systematic investigation Dr. Gustaf Arrhenius Lectures at the University of California. San Diego. "The only likely possibility i that the Moon swept out the The lectures are part of a series sponsored by the Mandeville space occupied by these ongmal satellites. either cOllldtng Foundation and presented through the UCSD Campus "Hi, I'm Bill McGill" With them or forcmg them from their normal orbits In the Programming Board. The senes began in 1966 with a talk by latter ca e. the sa telhtes would ei ther have collided with (Graduate 01 UCSD in 1970, all got their wish : Da vis stayed police locked the doors on them will ) for those few interested eMondei Earth. or been ejected into remote space Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas and has continued 173 Calendar Listings on the campus on a regular basis ever since. Roger Sbowley was news editor on. Marcuse kept his contract. and they were out in the cold ." enough to investigate the "The large Circular or shghtlv elltpllca l basins on the Moon traumas of Bill McGill as he Dr. Wilton Krogman. physical anthropologist and anatomist. of the Triton Times for two and Murphy moved from dean How humiliating for one's ego . __ Food Wine Beer would eem to be features which could mark the resting places will speak on the campus on Thursday, February 24 . He is years. He now works at the to vice chancellor. And McGill much less his machismo! competed with regents. AS of these ongmal Earth satellites. Nine such ba Sin S. each one currently Director of Research of the H. K. Cooper Institute Republican National got his job in NYC . Bill McGill has retained his presidents and nearsighted 75' PITCHERS MON. 8.11 for All in Draft Lottery exceed 109 300 miles In diameter. occur on the Moon Five or Committee in Washington, But at Columbia. where the sense of perspective for two frauds of professors. "1 really -U) ix of the e contain mascons. which might well be the for Research. Education. and Rehabilitation in Lancaster. Pennsylvania. and is the author of several books and numerous operating tbe Washington " little war " of 1968 lingered on reasons . One. already went to San Diego . because I J.\ X U'A Rl' embedded . spread-out rematns of these mailer bodies . There ..... 1~,) monographs and articles on growth . race. evolution. and Campus News Service for in his maiden tour of the suggested. stems from this thought it was a paradise. " he ~J Pool Chess Darts ...... liO 17 ...... 2:11 ~9 17 are also Immense Impact area s on our own ~Iobe which might said at our meeting. " I could 2 ...... 3~S IS ...... ':":l 2 ...... 2Q7 IS ...... 121 have been caused bv colh Ions With these satelhles. Thi S forensic medicine. college newspapers and radio student scene - he spent an training as an academician...... 332 hour fending off charges and who is supposed to have not have been more wrong. The ., ...... 42 19 ...... ~O :; 3 ...... 109 In possibihty can be expiored sC lenl1fi cally . Dr . Eugene Carson Blake. General Secretary of the World stations.) 5525 La Jolla Blvd. 4 ...... 28 20 ...... 161 I ...... ~2 ~O ., .... 3} events I went through gave me Alfven and Arrhemus argue that the pla nets satellites. Council of Churches. will speak on the campus Tuesday. March demands at a " welcoming tea " learned that a cool eye and ~ ...... 3~8 ~ 1 '1' 1 :; ...... J:I') ~ I ••• • •. J the scare of my life ...... 21; comets and asterOIds m our solar system were formed by the 28 . He is a leader in the world ecumenical movement and is an WASHINGTO - It had been he met political tolerant attitude conquer all R ...... ~6 n :: ::: :2-'!) r, ...... J':2 21 7 ...... 28.) ~a ..... ,;11:;;; accreting. or coming together. of sohd parllcles of matter official and member of numerous religious. civic. and over 16 months since I last met professionals . ot the phony prejudice and mistrust. Then wh y return to a campus 7 ...... III 23 ...... 253 But the real reason is that that had at least ten times the l! ...... 206 24 ...... 62 R ...... 3'} ~ 4 ...... 3~' formmg "Jet streams. " educational organizations. Dr. Blake has served as pastor of William J. McGill. This time he Washington types who have !l ...... li9 23 •• •••. :},j magnitude of problems that our !l ...... In7 ~~ ...... 213 Accordmg to their theory. these jet·stream particles colltded the First Presbyterian Church in Albany. New York . and the was on my territory of only themselves to deal with. our former chancellor is from JO ...... 37 26 ...... 311 10 ...... &') 26 ...... 201 and eventually bonded together to form the pnmary bodv In a Pasadena Presbyterian Church. He currently serves as trustee Washington . D.C. - where one but the seasoned the very area which he now now eight year old campus 11 ...... 17\ 27 ...... 110 It ...... 202 27 ...... 60 :;10 2S ...... I !!~ planet·satelhte system . for Princeton Seminary. Occidental College . and San is free of the relatively stirJing conlrontationeers. Especially governs. He grew up in New faced in 1970? FRESH EARTH 12 ...... 126 28 ...... ~Ol n ...... I~ ...... 306 29 ...... 222 " When the solar sy tem itself was formed . most of the mass Francisco Theological Seminary. climate of New York City . But the professors. who let a would· York. not from the aristocratic McGill explained in that 11 ...... 298 2!l ...... 2 :1 UCSD 's one-time chancellor be power-broker know his ingredients of a Kennedy or February press conference 23 11 ...... 3H ~O ...... 111 I I ...... 30.> :10 ..... ~OO of parllcles came together to lorm the Sun ." Alfven said .. The Dr. Margaret Mead. anthropologist, author . lecturer and RESTAURAN T' STORE n ...... 221 ~ t ...... 2\U Ii ...... 3;'1 31 ...... 2;)j and now president of Columbia place. or at least think they do . Lindsay. but from the months ago that it was a IG ...... 4 remnants formed jet streams. and these eventually co ndensed specialist in education and culture. will speak on the campus on 1126 SHWY 101 IG ...... 309 to form the Sun's mne planets. Incl udmg Earth. Remnants of Tuesday. April 4. She is Curator of Ethnology at the American University has changed very Bill McGill sharpened his fountainhead of an Irish feeling that he could have more ..u :GI:ST impact in the "real world" of ENCINITAS n ;ORC\m' jet streams shll exist m the form of the asterOid bel t between Museum of Natural History in New York and Secretary of the little. tactics, refined his political immigrant family. hopeful that ...... 323 17 ...... ~ ...... \12 J~ ~Og He still bounces up steps. acumen. and met radicals a move to America meant a Columbia, stuck in the middle (ACROSS FROM HANSENS) ,')')- 2 ...... 27 18 ...... 11 3 Jupiter and Mars." Institute for Intercultural Studies. Inc . Dr. Mead spent many 2 ..... , :!;~ '111 • ••• , . ... _1 of a black ghetto - "a white. ;; ...... ~ : H} ...... 10;; The same process was repeated. on a miniature scale. to years hvmg with various South Seas peoples and was recently shakes hands vigorously and directly. Take a recent new life and new opportunity. :: , .. ... 54 17 ...... ·1 6 ·1 ...... 311 20 ...... 162 form the satelhtes around the planets. the UCSD sclenllsts introduces himself With a " H) , encounter with Puerto Rican McGill weathered the elite paradise to blacks." ., ...... fiS I~ ...... 11 involved in two New Guinea field projects. ~ ...... C:I ~t ...... ~O - .' I'm Bill McGill ." and Latin students who challenge of an upward climb. Perhaps he really did feel the 5 ...... 9(; J9 ...... 12i argue. All of the Mandeville Lectures are free and open to the (l ...... 208 22 ...... 140 6 ...... Zil 20 ...... 1011 Had an observer been present on Earth in those early epocs pubhc . All three lectures in the current series will begin at 8 Wilham J McGill has now occupied a university building. And he made it to Columbia 's need for greater challenge. 7 ...... ~ 7 ?3 ...... 302 7 ...... lj-l 21 ...... 316 when the satelhtes still Circled our planet. he could have seen I presided over the affairs of one "The pohce would never have • faculty. only to find that what But I think that the S ...... 1 ~ 1 21 ...... 138 p.m. and will be held in Room 2100 (second floor auditorium in 8 ...... ~47 22 ...... 20 f) ••• • • , 7 ~ ; ...... 290 them clearly , day or night , as miniature moons. accordmg to the BaSIC Science Bldg . at the UCSD School of Medicine. of America 's (former? ) great done it in San Diego." he he had achieved was the fundamental reason for Bill !l ...... 136 23 ...... 217 universities for three recalls. " but in New York I realization that academic McGill 's departure was the 111 ...... 21~ 26 .6 Alfven and Arrhenius . 10 ...... 361 21 ...... 261 ...... 31 semesters. He and his family made an agreement with the freedom meant li ttle more than need to return to the paSt and 1 J ...... 26 2.; •..... 260 11 ...... 12~ 27 In size. Earth's ancient satelhtes would have measured ...... ;;1 I~ ...... 198 28 ..•.•• 40 something like 50 to 100 miles 10 diameter The Moon. by occupy a large Victorian police to oust the keeping pace with the test himself against the cruel. J2 ...... 195 21' .... _. 8~ ...... IS(; ]3 ...... 329 29 mansion of 1912 vintage demonstrators but not arrest publishing rat race. " When I competitive, sophisticated I~ ...... 263 27 H ...... 205 30 ...... 182 comparison. has a diameter of 2.160 miles. The mlni·moons Draft lottery for '53 kids it ...... 3i11 ~8 ...... 2!ij nearby. And he hobnobs With them ." Consequently, he called saw the little old professor world that is New York . I.> ...... 21t 31 ...... 218 would have circled much closer to Earth. the scientists said. i'l. \ R('I{ the closest some 12.000 miles away and the larthest some 40.000 The Selecuve Service System held its annual lottery New York VIPs - from its in the cops when the stumbling along in front 01 Afterall. he was now returning 16 ...... 19 17 ..... :;(i:~ miles. The Moon 's present distance from Earth is about 238.000 Wednesday ; thiS one for males born in 1953 The lottery this ambitious. though ineffectual. demonstrators - some 40 of me. " he likes to recall.'" knew with a black belt in handling ... . , . ~O:! .,.­ SEPTE~IRER them - refused to vacate the ~ ...... :;:::: IS ...... 'I ...... 219 16 ...... 22, miles year has special Significance stnce persons who entered college mayor. to its accomplished but that I didn 't want to go down one of the most astute H) ...... :;·jS .:;; :1 . . .. . ~10 2 ...... 17 17 ... , •• 189 In shape. said Alfven . Earth 's satellttes probably would have this year did not get delerments tired governor. and to the premises. and had them with Columbia." politicians in the country. Gov . ~ () •••. , 0"_ '.1_ • 4 ...... 47 a ...... 226 18 ...... 2Sq been Irregular. hke Phobos and Delmos. the jagged moons of bigWigs that occupy the eastern eVicted one by one. " They Second Act. Scene. UCSD. Ronald Reagan . He would tell ~...... 2G6 ~ 1 ~oo Selective Service Director Curtis Tarr said he has no idea ..... 4 ...... ~5G In ...... 228 how many people will be drafted next year but that it is half of the country. especially expected to be paraded out as Time. 1969 . The record is there Columbia where its head r...... I :!.! ...... ::nj' Mars. ;, ...... 3.;4 20 ...... ).11 Would these satelhtes have been able to evolve and support expected that persons with numbers below 100 are safe. in the nation 's capital. martyrs. But once outside. the (in the Tnton Times. if you should be. "EXTRAORDINARY" 7 1 23 ~2 f, ...... li1 2t ...... 123 s ...... J:i:J ~ I ...... it When our Chancellor McGill "'EL TOPO' is an extraordinary movie! A phan­ 7 ...... IH 22 ...... 2G~ life forms ? Tarr said that this will probably be the last lottery before the :12 1 2·> •. , ... r;.) 1 tasmagoric allegory of Western civilization. The n ...... S ...... 97 ~:i ...... 2gG " We think not ," said Arrhemus. "Thev would have been too Selective Service Act expires next year. Tarr pointed out that left UCSD in August 1970. I was MDrap 10 ...... :~3 1 ~r...... 2 1 q ...... 361 21 ...... 2 ~6 small to hold onto an atmosphere ." . hardship deferments are the only ones generally available now. sure he left because of a film is superior for Jodorowsky's impulse to sa­ 11 ...... 2 ~, 'I 27 ...... J, 1 10 ...... ~ li 2~, ...... 2QI , I ...... ~ .; Could a crater like the one at Canyon Diablo. Arizona have Students who expect to graduate in June 1973 but whose personal ambll10n to move up tire and surrealism entertains while it slakes the 12 ...... H 2~ It ...... ~~ l ~G ...... 2n -I 2H 2 ~ ...... 21 been formed by the impact of an early Earth satellite? number is called will be permitted to graduate before entenng to a big university popular thirst for blood!" n ...... I! ...... 4'l 27 ...... ~IS 14 ...... 117 ~ o ...... 21'1 " No ," he said . "The Amona crater IS much too small. There the mihtarv presidency. then to a cabinet The Sauna Mystique - Paul D. Zimmerman, Newsweek I ~ ..... 22!1 2~ ...... iO 15 ...... 152 31 ...... 326 II ..... ~~,1 2 ~ ...... IllS is a possibility that one or more of the satelhte hit Earth. but Students with low numbers can expect to be called lor post. then to the head of a By V. Robert Allen. M.D. 16 ...... 9t government agency or 5 minutes is recommended for beginners. I:' ..... 2~') ~o ...... IM we cannot come to any conclUSIOns on thiS before makmg mental and ph YS ical exams some time this year. If drafted APRlTl persons wtll be given 30 advance nollce belore entering the education Institution. where Stay within these limits and you will o TOBER ce rtam rather comphcated calculatlons. ThiS IS a matter Query: Our gym contains a sauna. which. however . can be clanhed by computers." mihtary The TRITON TIMES has published on page three a power . politics and posillon probably survive. 1 ...... 12 J6 ...... Il~ ...... 21. 17 ...... 177 Medically. wbat are its proper uses, benefits, "UNFORGE'ITABLE" 2 ...... IOS Ji ...... 1&3 2 ...... J2R IS ...... 192 complete hstmg of lottery pla ces. would mean that he HAD and dangers? In short, I'm looking for some Considerable research has been done on "'EL TOPO' is a unique and unforgettable ex­ :~ • •••. . 10~ 1 ~ ...... :.! ,.! :1 ...... 103 I~ ...... 167 MADE IT factual info to guide me in using the facility . the physiologic effects of the sauna . There is ...... 280 In ...... n~ periencel It is just about everything that has been 1 ...... 7'1 20 ...... :\52 Well . Bill McGill fooled me . I suspect otbers might be interested In this a temporary rise in body temperature. blood :; ...... :! i t :!o ...... jl' ;, ..•... 86 21 ••••• . 288 and has probably fooled others information. pressure. pulse rate. basal metabolism, and said of it. Because it IS all things to all people. its f\ ...... 77 ~I 1 6 ...... 41 n ...... 191 The TR ITON TIMES news department Study in Europe offered who knew him 'two yea rs ago depth of breathing. Urine output decreases story is a multi·layered ink-blot tesl of references 7 ...... J ()~ :!:! . . .•. ~'i ~ 7 ...... 129 23 •••••• 193 ., ... . :;j'l when . in February 1970. he and an average weight loss of 500 grams and implications." - Martin Mitchell. After Dark " .. •.. . :1 0 2~ S ...... 157 21 ...... 236 Answer : Bathing is said to be man 's oldest !l . , ... . :!'~ 1 !l ...... 116 ~:; ...... 9 needs a secretary to work Tuesdays and DAVIS-An attraCl1ve mne-week program of study abroad is announced his (already occurs. (The weight loss is all water and is custom . Whether for ritual purification . rapidly regained over the next couple of 10 10 ...... 342 26 ...... 78 be10g offered thiS summer by Umverslty of Ca hforma Davis rumored I decision to leave the restoration of health. pure pleasure. or even 1 J II ...... 319 21 ...... 32; ExtenSIOn groves of La Jolla academia removal of dirt. the bath has been around a days I. None of these effects should trouble 12 12 ...... Iii :~ ...... 327 Wednesdays. Please see Frank at the Open to the general pubhc and grantmg twelve Units UCD [or the concrete jungle of ew normal healthy people. 1;; 1',!) ~8 13 ...... 21l9 2'1 ...... 319 long time and is here to stay . The sauna . or )I 81 ~ ~ . ....• l):) Exten SIOn credit. the " Medieval and Renaissance Program 10 York Newcomers to sauna may occasionally feel 11 ...... 11 ::0 ...... 31~ Finnish bath. IS a combinatIOn dry and wet 1:; JO ...... blJ 1" .. ... :!77 ~ 1 10 TRITON T·IMESoffice. France and the Lowlands' features three weeks m Pans. two Bill McGill is still slight light-headedness. rapid heart beat. and "MONUMENTAL" a heat bath which . once you 've tried it . you "'EL TOPO' is simply a monumental work of filmic )1.\)' 16 :.~ and one half weeks In Dljon and Brussels. and three and one prpfessor . either love or hate . Its origin is lost in Viking shortness of breath. The same se nsations arl. One is astonished each tIme by patterns and . 5 17 ..... 2i:1 :'IOYE~1UEJ{ half week s. including one free week . m Amsterdam Moreover. he IS a professor history . may occur With prolonged bathing . These shades of meaning never noticed before. It de­ :l ."" .::?'i.) ]C\ ...... ~t . . 10i " ~Oq Courses cover art hlstorv and Intellectual. social. and of psvchology . who contin ues to The'ideal sauna IS made of wood to prevent appear to be transient. view the world around him mands to be seen more than once!" 3 ...... I G6 In ...... II~ 2 ..... ~1 1 Ii " .... :!I pohllcal hi story from the 'Mlddle Ages through the 17th condensation of water and should be well You shouldn 't take a sauna bath right after 4 ...... ]';2 ~o , ..... :!7 1 :1 2:12 I~ ...... 160 -Peter Sch,e'dahl In the New York Times Century The 1Ostructors are Craig Harbiso n. assistant through scientific spectacles. insulated To avoid increases in humidity. eating. and contra-indications to sa unas are ~\ •..•• . 29:.! :!1 ...... :~ln 4 3~'l I! ' ...... 270 professor of art. UC D. MarCia Colish. associate professor of Columbia IS a more there are supposed to be 2 to 2''2 square any of the following : heart trouble, high f1 • •• •• . :137 .)oJ .0 ••• •:~:-n " :?2' : ~o , .. .. :ml history. Oberhn Co ll ege : and Charles Minott. associate sophisticated place than UCSD. meters of space per person and the room blood pressure. acute kidney disease. eye 7 ...... 11 > ~ : : ...... elG fl .:! 11 ~I ...... 2~7 professor of art hl storv. Unlversltv of Pennsvlvania he said over drinks at my pad trouble. acute infections, or epilepsy. It is I: ...... 2()1 ~I ...... ~11i I .2QQ 'H ...... 1n~ TRY IT ••• should never be packed with wall-to-wall !l ...... :!~G ~'t ..... 1~.! successfully co mpleting the cour'se of study receive In southeast Washmgton . apparently all right during normal ~ ..... ~1:! ~,: ...... 320 S~udents bodies. "MASTERPIECE" 10 ...... 100 ~IO ...... 1 1~ ' I ...... t-'t 24 ...... 1, 0 eight umts ExtenSion credit In art hlstorv. and four umts 10 Whereas the radicals at UCSO pregnancy . • ... ,,: ~O j" :'j ... ,. ~~;~ I can 't tell you what goes on in our sauna. "'EL TOPO' (s a masterpiece as much as It IS a II 111 .. •. . 2~7 ~ ~ .• . .. . 23 YOU'LL LIKE IT! history Graduate students and others wish10g to do special ran causes up the flagpote and You can get emotional about sau na . • ••• .. 11") :!"I ... " . 1~ Il ...... 1)9 ~6 ...... 314 but the way the Finns use it IS simple. l e professors scrambled for a Empirical claims made by proponents testament to one man 's genius A work of incom­ 1: : ...... -1!) :,!I \ 11 ...... 66 ~1 ...... 13j projects In heu of part or a I of the regular course work should Essentially . you enter. find a comfortable I, send project proposals to JCD DaVIS ExtenSion on or before piece of the political pie that Include relief from muscular aches and pains prehensible depth. It IS a 'roadmap to the soulT' 1 1 : .... .cc I ;'1) 1: ...... I!\ ~ ...... 1~0 New spot on the lauteet, a platform of graded .... ,. tri', ~l 0.. ,. Iji J after exercise. hardening of the body and -Steven Fuller, Changes I~' 11 ...... 237 2~ ...... I 7 Apnl 15 . 1972 Approval s 0.\'111 be based on sUltabihty of the umversity communities seem steps. and then you sit and sweat. After 16 ...... 101 I:, .... 176 ~o ...... 131 increased resistance . increased tOPIC to the program . and t Ie mstructors' ablhtJes to su pervi se to ba·ke . Columbia ' s everyone In the room is sweating. someone )l EC £)111 ER It establishment knew how to pours water on a pile of hot stones and you accomplishment. prevention of colds. an ...... I~ 111 :-;:! · ... , 170 J 7 ., •. , 2!14 The cost of the prograr 1 mcludlng round tnp airfare via mampulate would·be power get a "steam dip " of loyly. You go through answer to modern stresses. enhanced skin , •.. . .. flO 1 • ..•.. 1~ ECOLOGY BREAD :! ...... 360 17 01 TWA . board and room or fl!tv-elght days ( two meals brokers Like Bill McGdl. ca re . and general cleanliness. People who 1'\ ...... 1 6 ~ ...... th thi!. ad- SPECIAL this 2 or 3 times. accompanied . at least in ~ ...... zr. 18 ..... , ::! ~ • . • , •. ~\tj 38 Off.r .op".> feb 29 1972 - C per day . double room occu Ja,,~ .. , . •vvm in Am«proam dunng Take the radicals. At UCSD Finland. by vi~orous beating of each other like sauna baths rea ll y like them . They claim 4 ...... 207 1'\ . .... , ~l2 1 ..... 2,0 211 •••••. 11'1 ~ t ...... 80 one week Without classes. scheduled museum VISitS and hela j,lLGill wa s conlronted with dry leafy birch branches. or vihta. to exper ience a pleasantly relaxed feeling of ~...... 230 :!O ,I ...... :11 ~ 'I} • • ••• • 18 trips. medical Insurance. a 1d tUitIOn fees . IS$1695 repeatedly with " non ­ You 're supposed to start at the top and finish well being as well as feeling "squeaky h ...... 87 :!1 ::::: .31.1 ., .. , .:l:lt) ...... 2b j _ I •••• • • 2,):! Dates are June 'l:l thrOi gh August 30. 1972. and com pl eted negotiable demands " by with the soles. Sauna eti quette requires that clean ." It 's hard to judge whether some 7 ...... 231 2~ . . .. . 1.t6 No I No 1 ~ ...... 2 2 :!:: ...... 212 ...... 210 H ...... 155 ~gel W;~id appltcatlOn forms should !Je received by UCD ExtenSIOn no radical and raCial groups . He you offer to wash and whisk your neighbor's people are partly experienCing a sense of !l ...... S3 ~I ...... 6t Q ••••• • 120 ~) ••• •• • G CAll US Alml $95 459 4441 later than Februarv 15 Enrollments are not final until the met face to fa ce With outraged back . After that. you scrub up and take a cold hedonistic pleasure in playing a sado­ 10 .. ' .. . Ii, 2, ..... H ~ 10 ...... ,I 2f, ...... 35t 2151 hUldl de II '1lII. lllolIl receipt. bv ExtenSIOn . of a depoSit fee of $695. on or before San Diego citizens who shower. masochistic game and "letting it all hang lt ...... 61 :.'1, •••.• ~ l ") It ...... ~! 21 ...... 194 p...~"'~r-."I'" out." or are experiencing a variation of the 1~ ...... t'l(l ~i ...... :;~~ 12 ...... ~> ~ ~ ...... 136 Apnl3. (Refunds less $10. Hill be granted through Apn117 .1 demanded the ouster of the The dry bulb temperature in a sauna is ••••.. 3::!,', 24 ...... 175 Acomplete brochure ant.! apphcation form for the " Medieval hkes of Angela Davis. Herbert usually kept between 55 and 85 degrees C. old routine of hitting your head with a 1~ ..... , ~lR :!~ ...... ) .\ II 1n ...• •. i -, H • , ••• 0 ~s :10 ...... 281 hammer. "because it feel s so good when you H !l~ and Renaissance Program" is available through the UC DaVIS Marcuse and - yes - George C13()'185 degrees Fl. The whole experience 15 ...... 16 30 ..... , 1-12 1~ ...... 1:17 31 ...... 164 Extension office. DaVIS . Cahforma 95616 Murphy . What happened? They shouldn 't take more than 10 to 20 minutes and SLOp ." 16 ...... 187 Triton Times February 4, 1972 Page 3 Page 2 Triton Times Februa ry 4, 1972 By Sleven Griffin A.S. Pittances

The local fascists have been President receives 25¢ hourly. Two meeting rooms screaming that the AS The Vice-President receives serving 6.000 "I'm Gonna Shout All Night G-I-o-r-i-a!" government is worthies. - 15¢ hourly. The Council students? 1.600 they don't ever do anything . members get substantially " Recreation" 1,800 'Sit on their asses,' is the less. phrase I believe. These appointees I WOUldn 't bet against tJe Reflections on Women'sLibera tion aOOO Years of Humanism Well , the Building Advisory meet.. .oops, the student Administrators tripling or Ry David Krislofferson By Kevin Olson Committee for the Student majority resigns. Don 't like quadrupling their allotment Center has been funded $6 per their salaries. The savvy through the unassigned floor It is one-thirty in the afternoon , and I am sympathetic anti~hauvinist. Gloria says she student per quarter. The ad mi n i str a tors rip-o ff space, or pushing students even sitting in the Revelle cafeteria waiting for has been studying history, and has arrived at plantations of floor space (they larther out of the buildmg. that Most of the people who attended Gloria highly probable reaction, they had to "stoop" Building Advisory Committee Gloria Steinem, reportedly the world's most the conclusion that for the pa st 5000 years possesses a student majority. plan to take student momes student recreation fees WIll Steinem 's talk la st weekend were undoubtedly to using "devious" means to " inveigle" their erotic feminist , to make her appearance. The women have been oppressed and subj ugated from the Reg. fees to pay the finance . impressed, both by her fine speech and the way into a job which they probably "stole" The Committee's disposable cafe is filled to overflowing, the crowd is by men. The Steinem school of historical funds have accumulated to a students for the office space ). Yes si ree! It can happen to large turnout. Maybe even a few male from someone " more qualified." abuzz with excitement. and the temperature is analysis apparently does not distinguish chauvinist pigs were converted during the monetary pot exceeding The concentrated. special- YO U! The buildIng IS " But." one might reply, " who cares what increasing exponentially with time. What between, say, a tribal society in which women $250.000. Pennies, huh ? interest (yes-they e~ist' ) scheduled to be through the Opinion meeting! However, a few points arose in my are marketable slaves, and the Christianity of the male chauvinist pigs think , just as long as looks like a cross between a faggot and a Plans are being formulated student lobbYists swipe their major construction step In two mind which were not adequately covered at a Victorian England in which women are the talk. After ruminating over them with we get our jobs !" The rebuttal is quite simple. lesbian gets up on the stage and announces for spending the money on a share. The average student is years. Two years from now . that Gloria will be late, because her plan ~ is exalted to the highest ideal of romantic love. . some friends, both male and female, I have Women might get their jobs, but that in itself student center. An additional left with some peanuts. the you can thlOk back about that won 't repair a damaged self-image or late, and in the meantime we will be 011 Racism $500,000 loan from the Regents same student who voted to 25¢ an hour that you pay the AS decided to serve them up here for the digestion entertained by Lynn McClure and Barbara On the matter of race relations, Gloria tells and edification of others. alleviate male harrassment. The only method is already arranged. The total reduce AS salaries in the last PreSident, scaled down to to repair woman 's self-image is SUCCESS. Bentwood si nging folk songs. Fair enough , one us that Harvard sociologist Pat Moynihan is a comes to over S750.000. Still referendum. I suppose It 'S absolutely nothing for the field By Richard Robinson Until she can get in with the best of those thinks - except that it's getting very hot, and racist because he believes that many of the pennies? poetic justice. workers T 0 Hi z Z 0 n e r - Unless the poor audio system in the no one can hear them sing, and maybe Gloria things that are wrong with the Black cafeteria deceived me . I think I'm correct in bastards and give 'em hell in their own terms A building is going to be built. Two years from now. you can and on their own level, she will not really won't come after all . community have their causes in the Black Who 's the $600 ,000 structure The floor space priorities : watch some administrators " What Paul really wants to be is prom interesting qu es tIOn : " Why didn 't Kau fman paraphrasing Gloria 's goal as follows . She After about 20 minutes, she does come - but community itself. Shame on him! We all desires a completely humanistic society in respect herself nor will they respect her. going to serve? The AS ASF Issue theIr edicts In the queen ." - Dave Shaw simply steal the money if he' a crook. instead first we must suffer through a sputteringly know . of course. that "white racism" is the appointees will allocate the KSDT-radio statIOn. of getting himself a job for it?" I do not which discrimination . especially by physical sole cause of all racial strife, and that Blacks comforts of offices that were Stereotypes Cause Group Harrassment incoherent introduction by one Grazia de Pick , floor space in the student­ for those of you financed with YO UR Happiness IS being a member of the believe that Kaufman is an out-a nd-out crook; characteristics. does not exist. In simpler who is proud of the fact that she didn 't change are not responsible for anything. Gloria then who have never terms, in such a society every person. dominated Building Advisory recreation monies . Associated Students' Government. Happme s he is merely employing th ancient political If this is the case, then how can Women 's her name after getting married and doesn 't gives us a quote from Mr . Bobby Seale of the Committee. heard it! 2.600 IS, to be more specific. bemg able to retire privilige of cums haw If it's acceptible in irregardless of her/ his sex. skin color. etc" Lib be considered a group problem ? It is a mind telling everybody about it three or four Black Panthers to show us how womens-libbed Just envlson the futur e. " Aw would have an equal opportunity of developing These AS appointees are AdmlOistrative from the high and augu t duties of the AS ewark . I suppose I ought not to compla in group problem because individuals are times ; then a second introduction by Betty Blacks are: " In a Panther house, everyone selected by the AS Council Offices 1.300 shit , why did I vote to cut the President mto a qUiet smecure as a bus driver. about it at UCSD . his/ her personality and abilities to the utmost. stereotyped by association wilh the group . Harris, the publisher of Ms. magazine ; and a does the di shes and the housework ." Real 880 AS President's salary to 25, an One could hardly ask for a nobler goal. Remember what the AS AS Offices It IS being able to mamtaln one's glrlfirend bv Hams and Geese Relevant to this was the female grad tudent's distinguished-looking lady whose major manhood is not the subjugation of anybody ." officers are paId ? The Club Offices 2.400 hour???"? " sending her on tripS to the tune of several It would be qUIte a unfaIr to diSCUSS the co mplaint at the meeting about being intellectual revelation to us is "Oh, wow !" Unfortunately , Gloria does not know that Mr . hundred dollars - without pending a penny of matter of the ASUCSD without contemplating Concentrating on the special case of women, constantly harrassed by snide remarks about But they both yield to the silent audience Seale has said a lot of much less liberated one's own money It IS dlscretlOnarv travel for a moment at least that most expensIve of the necessary means to this ideal society her presence in law school I" Why don't you pressure, and finally Gloria Steinem walks to things about women. among them : " In the letters to the Editor fu nds. Coffee Hu t jobs. and many. many other ham radIO statIOns, KSDT From my room in consists of overthrowing the myths [a few of get married, etc.?" I and by employers the microphone . She is indeed, as I have been upcoming Black revolution , the best position things I haven 't time to recount here. No Argo Hall this communicatIOn medium sounds whi ch GlOria disc ussed ) that have subjugated (" What kind of birth control do you use ?",. told . stunn ing : a perfect body tantalizingly women can have is prone." doubt. there are quite a few that neither I nor exactly like a station In Los Angeles . the woman to her present inferior second-class The individual IS harrassed because of the hidden in sweater and corduroys, long brown I quickly tire of Ms. Steinem 's oration, and Recommendation bread. his clothes, hiS or so mmutes of a class If they anyone else outside of the halls of government statIOn Itself carrie famtly th rough a ci tizen status, con equently damaging her own stereotype of the group. But the group is hair cascading just so over each breast, examine the audience . They are fairl y apartment. his car. and his can not stop. would It be know about. fascinating as ortment of whi ties and self-image and chaining her to a life of eval uated by its individuals; each individual is sinfully sinuous legs , an aristocratic high­ advanced radical~hic . but a little scrawny Editor : chick: and 3) convinced the guy poSSible to have a "smoker' ew Vistas rumbles The worth of that feeble , far-off drudgework , i.e" "feminine tasks ". those a representative. Therefore in order to break and peaked-looking . The shag haircuts. the A Mr. Steven Griffm has to drop out of school and section" here as In other public cheekboned face accentuated by blue-tinted been writing so me letters Actually. the AS doe provide many SIgnal IS scarcely worth the 22 thousand whI ch nobody else wan ts to do .. down the inferiority surrounding Woman . a sunglasses. leather and dirt and scruff are all there. but become an ascetic. places such as trains or In latelv (sometimes under his services. some of them quite remarkable an dollars. or thereabouts that has been fed into it mass effort is necessary by individuals to gain A wistful si~h emanates audibly from some the romantic spontaneity is gone, and the The guy complied I while airplanes where people are mstltutlon of ItS cale. It ha followed in the on a dIrect current line from student monies. Quite a Hunk of Tradition the respect of others and THEMSELVES by people show signs of the dysphoria that has own 'name, sometimes under a stoned) ; and then the Chinese reqUired to remain ID one place of the less (or maybe more ) liberated males in psuedonym) announcing that I footstep of the CIty of San Diego In exploring A member of KSDT gave a ringing defen e of succeedin g in unhampered competition. the audience as Gloria begins to speak, her affected the movement in recent years. But "revol utionar\," deCided he for an extended penod of lime " new vistas In ineffiCient rapid transit ervlce It last quarter , dlscussmg the costs of moving am a "fascist. " I feel It worth Th ere can be no doubt that these myths of fingers clenching, now caressing the they are all there - aging hippies and nervous should be the teacher of thIS I should hope somethmg can be Like ItS splfltual mentor. the San Diego Mount Soledad or covering It With geese so I believe this was also the point that the teeny-bops. neurotic dropouts and alienated responding to say onl y tha t I done_ If necessary bv the femmme inferiOrity have caused tremendous microphone ; for she is, probably against her favor a reduction In new ascetic and screwed the Tran It System. the Coast Cruiser proVides an that the signal could reach PB. His point was woman from Romania was trying to make wishes , the very phenomenon her movement professors - and they seem at least guy m the head so that he IS professors as individuals If that the.v were domg the best they could. No psychological damage. But there is one point governmental power (in this excellent drainage channel for excess money. here to remember. These myths whi ch have when she was booed and hissed by the peanut seeks to destroy : the sex object desired by all temporarily content. for Gloria is saying what still wandering around looking they want the concentratlon of while at the same time suffenng from a doubt they are, but there best IS not dOing most gallery on the floor. That disgraceful incident, they want to hear. regardless of its case the AS government) . the' students m theIr clas. e_ resulted in the male and female roles have men ; the sensuous slice of erotica whose sole while a " fascist" fa vors for himself (ha-ha) three yea rs regrettable shortage of patrons. For those who of us much good. Why. then. doe the Big " K" one that might be expected from immature function in life is to rip the thin veneer of relationship to reality. They are eating it up. later they could try to make the like figures . the expenses of the Cruiser dUring go on ItS merry. maudible way through life? been p syc h o logi ca ll ~ ingrained into human preCIsel y a rapid increase in beings for five thousa nd years. That's quite a high school freshmen , not rational adults. civilization from the most stalwart of men and Gloria is winding up now and concludes her In addlllon. the cat IS atmosphere a bIt more the Fall Quarter were $2051. ItS income $582 The reason. of course. IS that the KSDT marred an otherwise informative and well­ governmental power at the co ndUCIve to learning hunk of tradition to revolt against. Therefore subordinate him to the whims of hi s libido . di ssertation with a definitely unique expen e of the individual convinced he's going to die In a Of the expenses. 1I01 went for salaries management is among the good ole' boys wh o conducted meeting . If people had stopped and summation of world hi story: (11 For the first few months and IS desparately A :>on-Smoker What s m store for us with respect to thl fast on AS whlskev and rye If Women 's Lib cannot reverse the tide in a Gloria Steinem is It; the creature of carnal I recommend a dictlonary thought (na sty word, "think "). they would 5000 years of civilization. women were in a tr~' lng to come down to hIS bodl' marvel of mass tran port I a real. true·to-l!\'e Rich fe w years or a generation. It is no cause for knowledge. the secret promise of libertlnism and two asplfln to Mr Griffin Wa~ing have discove red that both the Romanian and superior and god-like position in ociety. [ 2 ) Just to say good-bye to It. London Tran port double-decker bus Thl There are other Interesting points. of despair. The movement has started moving. masked by just the right amount of Eastern JIm Sills That 's what's important. In other words. the the law student were correct, as I have seaboard sophi stica ted reserve. For the past 5000 years. women have been in Just thought I'd send the wonder would have set u back S20.000 course There IS as a last example. the demonstrated here. Perhaps after we got It Kaufman and movement amounts to a p yc hol ogical Tbe Bubble Burst s an oppressed and inferior position in society. Warning message along . Anomalv Fastorv. which waxes nch whl!e the Therefore. through some strange Hegelian Compam would have gone to Lake Havasu and hara sed UCSD Drama Dept. stai!gers along revolution again t an extremely strong and Ms. Steinem could. if she so desired. keep Only by her own individual success ca n a dialectiC , it follows that (3) for the next 5000 Editor. Jonathan Hillel WIse bou~ht London Bridge to make a matchlllg set Just thIS SIde of foundenng In turn for the tubborn habit Such tasks are rarely woman restore her self-image and that of her such thoughts churning in men 's minds accomplished In a lIfetime. However. mass indefinitely ; but the bubble bursts, the dream yea rs we will have " total humamsm." I.e. a There IS a ChlOe e-Lalln Once you start spending other people 's mone\. money It gets. the Factorv doesn t even suppl\' group. J[ her sex is the reason that she is communicatIOn may prove me wrong. co llapses. when she ope ns her mouth and society where no one is oppressed or superior revolutionary wandering on Its awfulll hard to stop Part of the "other ch er-Ieaders at the basbetball games any turned down or paid less than a man for the to anyone else. End of speech. Special Section people s monel' . bemg flushed down Into the more The point IS not that the Factor\' ~hou ld begins to speak . For Gloria , although she is various campuses gelling same work by an employer, she ha s a ve ry nice and very pretty, ca nnot think her Upon hearing this. I conclude that [ 1 ) Gloria draft-age men stoned and Coast Crul er IS S5G 's from the Regents Fund be abolished It shouldn 't - but that If It IS How then can these myths be most legitimate lawsuit. But the law or other Steinem is hopeless. and of no intellectual Edllor ' By and large. I am glad to ee The Regents gOing to be a qua i-pnvate ex penmental way out of a paper bag. Even her sultry voice counseling them to make the After three \'ears at UCSD. [ eff ec tively dispelled ~ How can the image of political influences and changes in the system ca nnot mask the ubiquitous irratIOnality, the consequence. [2) If she is a princi pal force in wrong chOices concerning their spending money for a change. but surely we group. It should 't be propelled WIth such inferiority be destroyed so that it no longer cannot by them selves restore a woman 's self­ the movement. then the movemen t is of no find It inC rea Ingly difficult for could hnd better things to do With It massIve student funding causes a woman to look down on herself. or plethora of distortions and inanities that make draft commitment. He then a non-smoker to get through a respect. Only she can control that by being up the " phIlosoph y" of Women 's Liberation. intellectual or political consequence and i proceeds to screw the guy In Pa sing "Go " All In all . our great leaders have some class period WIthout bem~ subjects her to the scorn of self-proclaimed successful m her own activities. nothing to worry about, and (3) There is Even tho,e services whIch do from tIme to explaining to do . or thev WIll have no one but "superiors?" Gloria was co rrect when she As I listen to her speak. I am struck by the the arse. and sometimes in the subjected to the pollution of the themselves to blame If the coming co ntrast between Gloria 's ultra-sophisticated something seriou Iy wrong with a society process nps him off for all he 's tIme actualll get prOVIded , seem to also said it was a group problem. The cham s must In the final ana lysis. even humanism does where so many people get so excited over such air bl' a moker next to him prOVIde a pleasantl~ soft cushIO n In AS referendum makes the AS go voluntary. ThiS be cast off Woman . not only a few individual not promise an easy road to success. It can appearance and the barbaric street-culture worth. mind . soul. and bodv The c'louds of smoke exhaled do Incoherence of her speech - and wonder If despicable nonsense. For instance . he got' one pockets The ca e of Program Board of course would have the effect of killing the women . But how is this done? By legislation? only grant ~ual opportunity and some not fmd their wal' to the face of Gloria thank s everyone for listening to her UC LA student who was on a 2-S ChaIrman Wallace IS an excellent example. AS com pl etel\' - as happened at San DIego Employment quotas for employers? Hardly. If assistance. If an individual . regardless of sex they are really so incongruou s. the guy dOing the exhahng. but ThiS worthy succeeded In absorbing an extra State a few years ago. Neither I nor most For about a half-hour she rambles on . from speech. and says that there will now be a deferment to give up his 2-S. women are forced into the system it will only or race, decides not to work , all the humanism dIscussion group. followed by a meeting with rather to the poor people $100 last quarter bv becoming chaIrman of one other students want this to happen . but it IS serve to perpetuate the myths. Th ey will still in the world won 't make her/him success ful sexism to racism , back to sexism. over to calling it a cop-out The guy around hIm who get the effect of the film senes. We WIll no doubt hear that wh at happens m the end to all InstItutIOns humanism - all the necessary leftist cliches . Somebody-or -other Liberation Front and gave up his 2-S when he dug be considered infeflor because, to anticipate a and respected. similar groups. I do not stay around for these of burnmg eyes, and the mell . he deserved all thiS money because headmg whIch go on too long serving themselves One could pick at random . and not fail to find that it was a cop-out. and Perhap the smokers do not the film group was hard work. espeCially on In tead of the people they were designed to something embarrassing even to the most events. proceeded to try to deCIde realize how nauseating theIr top of hi other dUlles . To thIS . we might replv serve. If the student government continues whether to go in the service or habit IS to those who prefer that the work Invohed was not so verI' hard spending Its mone:; on sala n es. Junket s. turn in his card. The Chinese clean aIr It IS especIally bad that hc could not find time to do It - pa smg Inaudible radiO stations and empty buses. ~Q dude got the cat stoned again a when this happens during an RIJTH!f IIR()rn/~ [SIT t\OT couple of weeks later and 'Go and collecuni! hiS bread m the process Instead of on better flIcks and concerts. and RCAl-l,c{ IrYe S. HL666RS? H,4.i2V£Y exam I hate to think that at Or we might humbl~' uggest that someone other thmgs of use .to us. It may Wind up ~I~l WHO.:'

John Clarke that 's done. we'll be on the air. choice wa s KZWE . so possibilities of sharing a studio convention to record the events 17: It appears the 60 cycle KaZoWiE it will be. for the convention period . At that take place. 17: Will we still be KSDT ? TT : Have you made any humm has become a topic of TT : How do you vi ew KSDT , this time, we don 't know the controversy in the last few KSDT : Well . it seems the time period which would be attempt to procure press and soon KZWE . as a part of passes that would allow on-the­ days. What exactly is it? KSDT call letters have al ready our community? involved, but it may possibly ,. KSDT : These factors create been spoken for by a radio extend all summer. I n the spot-coverage? distortion which results in the station m South Dakota. Why KSDT : We are trying to event that this arrangement KSDT : KSDT 's former news "Now Playing" infamous 60 cycle humm that is would anyone want the call provide an alternative media works out. we would share our director wr ote to the Special S1.00 Discount For Students "I audible over the air. Once we letters KSDT ? Well , the for our comm unity. An facilities with the other station Republican Convention Barry littl~tnn go FM there will be no 60 cycle answer is, there is .10 reason at alternative to the tin voice and they would give us Committee In Washington DC which has been imbedded in the asking for info about the CARL BETZ IN , I humm because we will have a all. Some people have perverse information and foo t the The KSDT News -. real live radio station with a imaginations. Speaking of ears of the people for so many operating costs. conditions under which medias years. anet hsitizing and were granted press passes. Department, while not being Who's Afraid of real live transmitter. perverse imaginations ... conspicuous for its daily news. 17: Just when will KSDT be a having no FM ca ll letters we poisoning so many minds . We The Pacific Coast Radio When the quarter ended, we is in the process of becoming a "real live radio sta tIOn "? found ourselves launched on a thmk we provide some sort of Network presents an still had no reply . We called up relevant news source (or the Virginia Woolf? KSDT : Well . that is a looong epical quest for a name an alternative to Jack-i n-the­ alternative sol ut ion . It is an Joseph McGaffney in student community. By EDWARD AlBH story. It all began about befitting our illustrious almost­ Box radio. We want to organization of Western college Washington , . DC , the We are rectifying problems November 1. At that tim~ a-radio station KELP was one stimulate. educate. inform . radios stations. They include Republican Press credentials that have impeded news with KSDT had completed the FCC idea but it turned out another captivate, arouse, embrace the among others the UC. Statl!. man , and he said he "didn 't broadcasts in the past , such as application to go FM . [t station had it. KILO was community. and Stanford stations. PCRN know anything about college recruiting a news staff. and ARLENE GOLONKA • BEN PIAUA consisted of 6 copies. about 250 another suggestion but TT : Will you be broadcasting wants to set up a mobile unit in media ." McGaffney told us to setting up a system of news and pages each. and included such call his superior in Kansas who feeds. little known facts as the State would know what was If you are interested in of California's constitution. the happening. The man in Kansas electronic media , reporting LIZABETH ALLEN es Mnrthnl. by-laws of the Untversity of told the news director to write news, rewrite or newscasting, California. aerial maps. the him a letter. and that has been there are plenty of positions financial holdings of all the done . Besides official open. Please feel free to Regents. and all sorts of other / Republican press passes we contact Barry Littleton at the garbage. are also '!xploring other station. Once the application was filled possible alternatives one of We will report on campus. out we left it with Dean which is obtaining press passes local and national news daily at Murphy. He decided that the as member of PCRN. Also the 5:45. applicatIOns should be bound in station is still trying to obtain hardback. The gIrl who wa s SDPD approval for CHP press supposed to bind them got sick passes. allow laculty and students the TT : In the event of any trouble, after gelting about half-way Public Affairs ability to communicate any through the first copy Iin the do you think that the press small, but ideas they felt re levant to the ()r=r= middle of November I At the passes will be effective in ;ne,,,.. <; n band of university community. beginmng of Wmter quarter [ wa ylayi ng po ssi ble Recognizing its future role as r l' ",e~ aldes . is on its way ~ . went In to see If the harassment? development of a an alternative voice to a I3I)()AI)WA'" applications had been sent out KSDT : All a press pass does is In teresting, and portion of the Sa n Diego and found them 10 a half·bound identify you as a member of the live formal. At community wit h the Tti~~Tl?~ state. After recovenng from media . If you are going to get the program content attainment of an FM license, 314 F Street, San Diego CA 92101 the IOi1Iai shock of fmding the arrested. you are going to get fo r the most part on the Public Affairs Staff wishes J TUES., WED., THURS. S.30 P.M. SUN 5:00 P.M. applicatIOns sllll silting on the arrested. Having long hair . In the form of revie ws to accelerate their ~f, .. . '\ ~5 . 50 , $4 .50; FRI. . SAT. 8:30 PM. $6.50, $5.50; desk . the partia I bindings were brings the possibilities of docu mentaries. Other development. To do this, that is • removed and the appllcalions arrest up. so does havi ng a ms. i.e. KSDT's Absurd to produce 15 hours of hot SAT., 2:00 P.M. $5.00, S,4 .00 '."~rp

sunday the afternoon the bus leaves Professor McCorry, of the the door. Sponsored by the from Urey Hall at ten Drama Department, is UCSD Ski Club. Folk Dancing will meet at Duplicate Bridge minutes after 4, 5 and 6 casting for his original play, Revelle South (lining Hall Tournaments will be held o'clock. The noon and the 10 "Roses Don't Grow Here No tonight. 7-9 :18SS for every Sunday at 7:30 in p.m. run will start on More." He invites men of all Lockers are now availAble beginners, 9-12 d<1ncing . Revelle South Dining Hall. Monday, Feb. 7. Remember ages (faculty, students, or to Muir students who All bridge players welcome. your first ride is free. staff) to read for roles. The commute. The locker can be The Abbey of Le',g, Society Information : Barry, 453- play depicts a fictional obtained by coming to the for Creative An.lchronism, 0886. 4 p.m . HL 1108 - John incident during the 1921 Muir Dean ' s Office, will hold a meeting today on Da nforth, Northwestern Revolutionary War in Building 20, Room 2125 . the Central Library sun 8:30 a.m . and 5 p.m. - University Dept. of I reland. Copies of the script The rental charge per deck, 4 p.m. Roman Cathol ic Mass; 10 Economics, wi II speak on : are available in the Theatre quarter for the lockers is $1. a.m. - Lutheran folk mass "Life·cycle allocation of Office and tryouts will be The charge for the Free entertainment at AS with guitarist Ken Clay and time under uncertainty." held on Feb. 7 and 8 in the remainder of Winter Coffee Hut. Folk singing dialogue w ith new UCSD Theatre, 203 MC Quarter will be 50¢. There from 9 p.m. -12 p.m. psychoanalyst Ada Burris. Deadl ine is today for at 5 p.m. are 102 lockers available University Lutheran applications for Thes is and and will be rented on a first Simone Forti and her open Church, just west of Reve lle Dissertation Research come, first serve basis. The Gurdenia Show of sound and College. Grants beginning in the tue day lockers are located on the movements will be held in Spring Quarter for graduate north wall of Building 2e. the Art Gallery on Revelle The UCSD Horseback students in the sciences who EMPLOYMENT Campus this evening at 8 Riding Club is back in the have been advanced to RECRUITERS - Hughes p.m . Bring any musical saddle again!! Join us for a candidacy for the Ph .D. aircraft company industrial instrument to become 3-hour ride 9 - 12 ... $7.50 at Application forms are Products Division , Tune in every Tuesday from involved in the music. the great, new Horseman's ava ilable in departmental Oceans ide, Californ ia . 8 to 10 p.m. for the National park - Ra ncho de Los offices. Degrees : BIM I D, M , B. Black Science Students CONSCIENTIOUS Penasquitos - near UCSD Majors EEI APISI Physics, Program at 550 on your dial. OBJECTOR MEETINGS - - thousands of acres - Wargame simulations by I nfo Sc iences, Chem . Seminar with Lance Beizer, bring lunch drinks Triton Wargamers, Monday Industr i al Products provided ... sign up in the UCSD draft counselor, for 6:30 -1 0 p.m., seminar room D i v i sion in research, PE office MAPSI RIDES conscientious objector 102 Tioga Hall, Muir. development, and A program in Dental a ppl ica nts a nd those with available further manufacture of automated Research was des igned to any other draft questions information - call Sandy Music Department staff in dustr i al equipment provide college students Fridays at 3 p.m. in 1102 X2195 or 459-8977 . meeting for KSDT at 8 p.m . controlled by computer and with the opportunity to Tioga Hall. Be sure to notice at the Radio Station . If you numerical dev ices and engage in basic research change of room from Fall Tennis Club - round robin are unable to attend please image display devices. related to oral health and to Quarter. play - 1 - 4 on the Matthews contact Ph il Catalfo or Ken Career Planning, 20 6th become familiar with some Courts. Kravitz at the station. floor, Muir Campus. 453- of the scientific areas in ANOMALY FACTORY 2000, X2401 . which dental research performs every Thursday, A very few Thes is and presents challenge & Friday, and Saturday night monday Dissertation Research Want to lose those mid·week opportunity. It is hoped that through March 4 at 8:30 Grants (maximum 5300 ) blues? Get it on at the new some participants in the p.m ., 257 Me. Tickets Tune in every Monday to 550 are still ava il able to Tuesday nite Disney program wi II choose available at Urey Hall box at KSDT for the Legal registered graduate cartoon fl icks )!! Yes careers in dental research office or at the door. For Appraisal Program brought students in the social, friends, classic nostalgia, as a result of this reservations, call X 1195. to you by the Cultural physical, biological, and featuring all your old experience. The 10 week Department. mathematical sciences who Disney an imated pals, is summer program is open to Working budgets for all have been advanced to back again . Mickey, any pre-baccalaureate media (T RITON TIMES, " Ride the bus, it'll get you candidacy for the Ph .D. Donald, Goofy, Johnny student in good standing, KSDT, and all subsidiary hooked" - The Coast Application forms are Appleseed, Lil' Toot, Pecos who is a citizen of the U.S. journals) for the 1972-73 Cruiser will add to its available in departmental Bill, and company. All this and who will not receive his academic year should be service runs at 12 : 10 noon offices a nd must be will start on Feb. 8, with two degree prior to May of the addressed to the Comm and 10 o'clock p.m. Service submitted to the Committee showings: The Legend of following year of the Board in care of Nora Aust, has also been extended to on Research, Office of the Sleepy Hollow and The participation of the 105 MC as soon as possible. Encinitas with stops at E, Academic Senate, 106 MC, Wind in the Willows ... program. Each research G, and J streets in that by today, for grants Featuring Ichabod Crane participant will be assigned aturday beautiful city to the north. beginning in the Spring and Mr. Toad of Toad Hall. to an appropriate research The bus runs every day, Quarter. On the same bill will be lab where he may work in heading south from F street Saludos Amigos with Goofy the field of his choice. For UCSD GIMMICK RALLY­ in Encinitas at twenty The Third College faculty and his Brazilian Pals. more information contact ISTS! Remember opp-tee· minutes after 7, 8, & 9 and Adm inistrative Staff There will De two complete the Minority Recruitment cal illusions? If you enjoyed o'clock in the mornings, Meeting will be held in showings at 7 and at 9: 15, Office, UCLA, (tie·line) 851 - that gimmick rallye, you'll arriving at Urey Hall at ten Conference Room A, 111 2722-USB . Free popcorn ; 7814, or Room 13-44 A CHS really have fun w ith minutes before the hour . In MC, at4 p.m. refreshments will be sold at at UCLA. "groundhog, go home" on Saturday. Reg istration from 5: 30 to 8 at the South Revelle Parking lot. First car out at 7. For only $2 .50 you get loads of fun, •••••• trophies, free dash plaques, (w .. ) ( .. m·!; Jaue 190L'!;!;l ' ~ ([LIZ) !; .... 8-!;!;l :11V) '"JOI discounts on pizzas, and an 'l JaHl~ 8ll8'!;!;L . A~lnJel JO pue 3 'oN ~UOJ~ ueaJO O!;Ll UJOOJ 'aueld a~eA!Jd fiU!AU enjoyable evening . He~s 's~uapn~s JOI ~unoJs!o OUJ /OLS AIUO ',l,eMe ')jlq PII 'e!ee U! pua)jaaM fiu01 aJ!AJas xe.l aUJOJU I do~s Jas !nJ ) ~seo) 'PJOIPUel Free entertainment at AS pue sa~eUJUJooJ Alpua!J1 (UIC/C) Coffee Hut-Barrel House aalA.la. 'Pled 4SeJ~ pue Ja~eM '( do mS'l6C (!;l") au04d Blues Band . 9 p.m . . 12 p.m. -U!OJ ~OU ) sas!UJaJd COLV6 'l!le) ' oJspueJ~ uo JaAJp pue Ja4SeM Good blues. l8l6'6!;17 ( ~'13~ 3HI N I) ues '~aaJ~S ~a)jJew !;66 'Iood pa~ea4 'pa4S!uJnl Allnl '1110r V1 13H)S~3H '.lNI SJ.H!)I1~ ~3.UnfH) ,. ~de Jew lao ~UOJI 4Jeaq ••••••••••• 8HL INnO)SIO 3J.I~M JOI a~ewUJooJ aleUJal auo IN 30 nlS 10~.lNO) ~O "'1::> suo!JeAJaSa~ (ll III 'aAeo : 03033N A1.lN3~H:ln 'S81'8'!;!;l SP!li 'fiu!dUJeJ sfi!p NOI.ln110d 'salnpalPS 'uo!JewJoJu I JO~ ' sl!e~ap JOI )jse i.lSV~ - 3WOH S033N ONV S~IVd3~ ' S4~UJ Ol (W) paAoUJes /da4S S~'1) .N913~0:j - sdnoJfi afiJel JO lIeUJs JOI ( .. I l) '!; Jaue 06Ll-6!;"lIeJ OWv N'1)I~:lWV ~uaUJafiueJJe S~4fi!U lepads OlS . ~dv saJ04S ellor e1 JOI 3)III~ 3S 3111.l0WOInV :sJapea1 dnoJti uo"ua~w a~eUJoOJ aleUJall 03033N S3W'1r A~.l c.03~1.l alqelleAV IUUO .lad ~O )I)IS OlnV ~nOA SI PJe) '0 ' 1 I euo!~euJa~u I (v I l ) 6968'88V '1ISV (lllll 'P3 'lO09 ' ~SaUJe3 AJew ' saJUaJala~ - V)I~~V - 13V~SI ( ~ ) ' lOl'lX -l8l 'JaHO ~sa8 'J!e 's fieUJ ·SJn4.l pue 'san.l alqel!eAe S~4fi!l:j ueadoJn3 ' Ja~UI li e) 'aAe4 Aew nOA UJalqoJd 'ds·.. ~SJnH 'ade4s poofi ~uapn~s JO saHnp Pl04asn04 uo aJe~ J!V MOl pue ~uepuaHe aJe4S fiU!~!JM Aue 4~!M dla4 'sal!UJ 01 'Jauun Jpeo~ +OL AeM JO ueJP 4finoJ JnOA liJa4J o~ 'U! aA!1 o~ Slefi OM~ paau auo 6llS UJOJI NOON01 s~uapn~s paddeJ! pue4 OM.l o~ alqel!eAe aJe SJapea~ alu .I0J d!J~punoJ 69ZS - NOON01 )INI1) 9NI.lI~M ( .. I l) C9lL ~u!snoq S3~V~ 31dWVS 'C!;I' . AeMe JaUMO I! aUJ04 UJOJ~ JOI aJeJ JO ' ,l,~!I!qel!eAe (81Z) ispe aso04) o~ s~4ti!l~ Auew 81Z o~ aUJ!~ Hns ue) ·1!Jdv··qa:j leJnHnJ·Ja~unOJ ~ Sli!~Se~Uel 318V11VI\V ' 9!;9Q'C!;"'~ eor Hsn~ fiu!Jnp S)jaaM "-l JOI os)n MOl l aw snfiu!w ~ 09C9 MON S31n03H)S "J ~a 'sJaded UJ . a ~ "pass!p Jeau UJOOJ spaau ~se3 ' 88v ~4Jea !;CS 'Pled sa"!I!~n 11V ~-~ 3WWnS-9N I ~ dS 04d ' asa4~ 'eV\ ·S.lSldA.l UJOJI aldnoJ 03~ 1.l3~ ' 4Jeae J!I!Jed 4~JOU SJ.H911~ ~3.l~VH) 116L 3dO~n3 (1'1ll Aq asn04 :aAe4 ~ uaUJOM spaqo ~ 4J!~ JOI afiessaUJ l JO aldnoJ :paaN 'A lIWV~ M08NIV~ AZV~) aAea1 'upU3 'aun ~daN OC" (~) (~ua!JO pUllllalllJSI (~) ·L!.OlA ';0 1l0l'C!;L 'pd 'I! m '~se3 aIPP!W OSIV.) 0908 'L09l ( ea !;lS) l JO (lllS) l 'ueaJO -CC8 (vLll V99Z6 ' 111) 'aU!AJ I 'L8l II eJ - 'uoqepass!p tiU!)jOOIJaAO IleM ssel9 (Wv) 'OClO6 'e) 'AH) JaAln) 'V ' ~daO 'puepaAO 'AVM H.lV3~MSN33nO o~ sJaded WJ'I-wel uo ' JOp~sod 4~!M aJe4S 3snOH 8vlv 888C ' C!;V JO 90L9 CL9fL "d' 3 'S' 3 3WI.lANV 9NldA.l 3.lV~ n»v ~O:j .lNO~~NV3)0 ,.1..131101 -laZ ' NVW~IVH) .lH91l~ )1)'18 3WO) '3WI.lANV 11'1) ~dl~.l·ONnO~ 09 !;£lS WO~~ AVM 6HS WO~~ : NVdVr 3NO OlZS WO~~ dl~J. ~ dl~.l·ONnO~ 6ZZS WO~~ ONnO~ S.lH911~ aNnO~ : 3dO~n3 S.lH911~ ~V3AS~nOASI3dO~n3 .l3r 1VnNNV H.l6 laA.U.ll Page 12 Triton Times February 4, 1972