----------------..........------ ..------------------------------------------------------------------------------ e ----------- I Volu me 15, Number 10 University of California, Son Diego Friday , Feb ruary 4, 1972 Former Congressman Lowenstein calls for Nixon defeat Allard Lowenstein. lead r of added that th dlscr panc1E:'s "thev 're not golO!! to leave the th e 1968 " Dump LBJ" were bas d In th ;'\Ixon pr sidency vacant ' campaign and orga ni zer of the AdmlOl trallon and not He observed that candidate 1972 " Dump Nixon ' IOherent 10 the Amencan owe their allegiance to movement. spoke to a crowd of system or the ConstitutIOn whoever work for them " It about ISO students Tue.da y. on To correct th se mav a well be yo ung peopl R velie Plaza . at an ' AS­ IOcons!. tencles Lowenstein as 011 compame .. sponsored .. register to vot urged students " to finish what In an wer to a ·tudent who rally. " began 10 '68 . "Get Into a felt that Am nca could not b The mam pomt of hi s addr ss party pick a candidate and chan!!ed at th ballot box was that "Nixon has not kept upport hiS campaign.' he becau se of "the corrupt hi s campaign promises" and aid Imperlall t . v tern ' therefore " he should be Referring to the Lowenstem an wered . " You replaced " Lowenstein. a a sa Inatlon of Rob rt don 't change the tructure by former congre man from :'-lew Kennedy Lowenstem ald . blowmg up tOilet or notlOg York . began his talk by get over the de pair of th but by electing people to outlining the "obvlou '68 campaign the only thing change It You can utter vour problems of the country" that can defeat us IS If Ick logans Ick Impenall t Among them he included the everyone qUit " socletv blah blah blah but It continuing war In VietNam . the take guts to get out and work economy. racial tensIOns. and Lowen teln spoke m favor of to elect people to change tax ineqUities. Lowenstein the NatIOnal Youth Caucus. an thing " The student responded organization seek 109 to end went on to accu e the ixon you ng people to the natIOnal by calling the former congre sman a fa CI t. Administration of deceivi ng nomlnatlOg conventIOns, and the American people with "lies Lowenstein replied to thl by called It the "mo t hop ful saymg Go off and pia v your in place of social justice and thing happemng now " peace. " patty cake game With slogan Lowen stein sternly Lowenstein, a Democrat, but the only people who can condemned these dlscrepancle' declined to endorse any of the stop the murder of Innocent in Amertcan Ideals. but QUickly candidates from his ' party, Vietnamese are the Amencan preferring to " hold off and see voters . not people who give lip how thlOgs develop " He did service to sloga n Things dont sa\', however , " If you 're not a change by notlOg or blocking Students to have voice in Dem Democra t work for traffic, they change by votlOg McCloskey , he has the courage 10 responSible leader to take on Nixon and oppose hi , It harder to talk to people war." than It IS to SPit at them .' said In response to a student Lowen teln , but If enough delegate selection next week asklOg what good It does to get people get Involved we can end involved when both major the war and bnng SOCial JU tlce parties are eVil, Lowenstem to America " He concluded by Students who are registered organization committee. Each 42 Cong oDistrict Jefferson Jr. Hi gh answered that students should saying that changes must come De mocrats have an opportunity caucus shall recommend to the San Dieguito High School 823 AcaCia find "a decent Democrat or m the form of "speCific and to become delegates to the candidate ' s statewide 800 Santa Fe Dr. Ocean side Republican to work for pragmatic program not pa rty's national convention in organizing committee names Encinitas they 're not all bad " He logans We mu t get the facts Miami under rules adopted last of registered Democrats con'tlnued that thl IS the to the Amencan people." he Former Sen, Eugene rational thmg to do smce said I year. The rules. which are residing in the congressional desi gned to encourage more district not to exceed twice the Sen , Vance Hartke McCarthy 40 Cong oDistrict 40 CongoDlstrtct , I active participation by minimum allocated to the " ord inary Democrats. have the district. The allocation to each 7960 Donzee St. 4951 Mt. La Plata fo rce of law in California since district will be computed by a San Diego San Diego Two UCSD scientists they were adopted by the State special formula based on past 41 Congo District 41 CongoDistri ct Legislature. democratic voting patterns in 107 Halsey Southwestern College Under the new system any the district and the population Chula Vista Chula Vista propose moon theory Democra t actively supporting of the district. Alternates will 42 Cong oDistrict 41 Cong oDistrict a particular candidate has the also be selected on the same Harold Polesetsky's Home 4507 Dorchester Dr - At the dawn of Earth's hi tory, our planet probably had no opportunity to be a delegate . basis. Groten Place . Corona Del Mar Moon District caucuses will be held After consultation with the Escondido - Early in Earth' evolution, between flye and 10 'mlm · m each Congressional district candidate or his Sen, George McGovern moons" may have formed around our planet for the purpose of proposing the representatives, and after Sen, Hubert Humphrey 40 Cong oDistrict - There is little doubt that Earth "captured " our pre ent na mes of registered giving due consideration to the 40 Cong, District Mi ssion Bay High School Moon Democrats as delegates and names recommended by the Shelter Island Inn 2475 Grand Ave. - Some or all of the mini-moons eventually were wept up by al ternates pledged to each district caucuses. the 2051 Shelter Island Dr . San Diego the larger Moon. formmg orne of th " mascons." or rna ca ndidate for Presidential statewide organizing San Diego 41 Cong oDistrict concentratIOns , detected beneath the lunar urface dunng nomi nee . committee shall select 88 41 Cong oDistrict Lincoln High School Apollo exploratIOns The caucuses will be held on percent of the delegates and 88 Crawford High School ISO S. 49th St. These are among feature of a new general theory about the reb, 12 . which is next percent of the alternates. 41915~h St. San Diego origm and evolution of the Earth-Moon y tern announced Saturday . Separate caucuses The remaining members of San Diego 42 Cong District Tuesday by two sClenti ts at C D They are Dr Hannes will be held by each candidate the delegation will be selected 42 Cong, District Scripps Mansion Alfven .· profes or of phy ICS, who won the obel Prize 10 commencing at \0 a.m. on that at a statewide meeting of the Palomar Jr, College 9397 Scripps Ranch Blvd. ph YSICS In 1970. and Dr Gustaf Arrhemu , profe or of da te. A registered Democra t delegation of the winning RoomP 32 San Diego oceanography at Scnpp In tltltulOn of Oceanography from each district will be candidate following the San Marcos Alfven and Arrhenlu are con ultants to the ;'\atlOnal designated by each candidate presidential primary on June 6. Sen, Edmund Muskie Aeronautics and Space AdmlmstratlOn on pace re earch, and to preside oyer his caucus. Each delegate mu t pledge to Sen, Henry Jackson 40 Cong oDi trict Arrhemus lone of the clentl t elected by 'ASA to analyze Caucuses are open to all support his candidate until 40 Cong oDistrict Master Host Inn lunar sample The re earch on which the'lr theory I ba' ed registered Democrats. Only released by him or until he fails 950 Hotel Circle wa funded by ASA grants to receive 'at least IS percent of Engineers and Architects Hall They reported th ey had di scovered a " normal " pattern registered Democrats who 412 W. Cedar St. San Diego have signed a statement of the vote on an ballot a t the 41 Cong oDi trict followed 10 the evolutIOn of planets and their ateillte , and support for the candidate for convention in ' Miami Beach San Diego aid the pre ence of uch a large body a Earth' Moon did not 41 Cong oDi trict Rice Elementary School whom the meeting is being held from July 10-13 . 4th and L St. fall withm the "normal " pattern Below are the locations of the Roval Inn of Chula Vista may participa te in the 636' E St. Chula Vista proceedings of the caucus. San Diego caucuses for each Example of a normal ystem are een m the planet Chula Vista 41 CongoDistrict Persons who are not now Democratic candidate who has Warren Jr. High hool Jupiter, aturn and ranu , they said registered as Democrats may announced a caucus. Persons 42 Congo District "Each of the e ha s five or more econdary bodle . or Orange Glen High School ISS Steven Ave register before next Saturday who are not sure which Solana Beach satellite ." Ifven explained by coming to the TRITON Congressional district they 2200Glen Ridge Road Two planets - Earth and eptune - are exceptIOn to the TIMES office. and registering reside in should call the County E condido "normal " rule with one of the deputy Registrar of Voters at 278-9400'. Mayor Samuel Yorty "The rea on , 10 both cases. eem tralghlforward .· th Registrar of Voters there. Mayor John Lindsay 40 Cong oDistnct scientists noted " Earth and Neptune might well have Persons may also register with Rep.
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