
Firstly, unpack the ZIP contents.

About the contents of this ZIP file:

- The SWF file. Use this file to manually embed your slideshow into a . If you want to play it directly, you'll need the standalone Player. You can find it here: http://www.bannersnack.com/blog/download-swf-player/.

- The HTML file. Double-click this file to play your slideshow into your browser. You can also view the HTML's source, copy the code, and adapt it to manually embed your slideshow into a website.

- The EXE file. Use this program to open your slideshow in full screen on any PC.

- The APP file/folder. Use this program to open your slideshow in full screen on any Mac.

- The images folder. This folder contains the actual photos of the slideshow. Don't modify this folder's structure under any circumstances.

Making a CD or DVD

If you want to write your slideshow on a CD or DVD follow these two steps:

1. Unpack the ZIP contents 2. Write the files on the CD or DVD as it follows: - images folder (required) - SWF file (required) - EXE file (required for PC) - APP file/folder (required for Mac) - HTML file (optional)

Embedding the slideshow (web use)

1. Unpack the zip contents 2. Upload to FTP folder the following: - images folder (required) - SWF file (required) - HTML file (optional) 3. If the HTML file in which you need to embed your slideshow is located in any other folder than the folder where the images folder and the SWF file are, you need to use the “base” parameter with the location of the images:

So the final embed code should look something like this:

You can always use the embed code generated by our website, so you don't have to bother with hosting & HTML codes.

Thank you for using PhotoSnack!

You can visit www.snacktools.com for other creative web apps.