Adobe Trademark Database for General Distribution
Adobe Trademark List for General Distribution As of May 17, 2021 Please refer to the Permissions and trademark guidelines on our company web site and to the publication Adobe Trademark Guidelines for third parties who license, use or refer to Adobe trademarks for specific information on proper trademark usage. Along with this database (and future updates), they are available from our company web site at: Unless you are licensed by Adobe under a specific licensing program agreement or equivalent authorization, use of Adobe logos, such as the Adobe corporate logo or an Adobe product logo, is not allowed. You may qualify for use of certain logos under the programs offered through Partnering with Adobe. Please contact your Adobe representative for applicable guidelines, or learn more about logo usage on our website: Referring to Adobe products Use the full name of the product at its first and most prominent mention (for example, “Adobe Photoshop” in first reference, not “Photoshop”). See the “Preferred use” column below to see how each product should be referenced. Unless specifically noted, abbreviations and acronyms should not be used to refer to Adobe products or trademarks. Attribution statements Marking trademarks with ® or TM symbols is not required, but please include an attribution statement, which may appear in small, but still legible, print, when using any Adobe trademarks in any published materials—typically with other legal lines such as a copyright notice at the end of a document, on the copyright page of a book or manual, or on the legal information page of a website.
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