

Anaerobic , Gas Exchange, and Acid-Base Balance During Hypoxic Exposure in the Channel Catfish, lctalurus punctatus

WARREN W. BURGGREN AND JAMES N. CAMERON Zoology Department, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003 (W.W.B.), and University of Texas Marine Science Institute, Port Aransas Marine Laboratory, Port Aransas, Texas 78373 (J.N.C.)

ABSTRACT ventilation, blood gas and acid-base values, Mo,, Mc.02and the gas exchange ratio have been measured before, during, and after exposure to in the channel catfish, Zctalurus punctatus. Z.punctatus maintains M,,, at control levels to a PI,, as low as 60 mm Hg, through a profound branchial . Concomitantly, however, a lactic usually develops, indicating a significant anaerobic glycolysis. Both a metabolic acidosis and occur inzctalurus during hypoxic exposure, with the former usually predominating. MCo,doubles and the gas exchange ratio (R,) increases from 0.8 at control levels to 2.0 at hypoxic levels, indicating that, in addition to anaerobic glycolysis, nonglycolytic pathways producing CO, also oper- ate during hypoxic exposure. Analysis reveals that at least half of the increased MCo2during hypoxic exposure is due strictly to lactate acidification of the HCO,- pool, rather than from metabolic production of molecular CO,. Thus, the actual (RQ) only rises to 1.5 during hypoxic exposure. Within one hour of a return to air saturated water, a large lactate "flush" and severe plasma acidosis occur, and control levels for these and other values are not reachieved for 2-6 hours after hypoxic exposure. Complete analysis of 0, and CO, exchange in the catfish exposed to short-term hypoxia thus must consider both the time course of acid-base disturbance and the evolution of CO, from the acidified tissue bicarbonate pool.

Limitation of delivery to the tissues, tributed to a progressive shift towards whether due to the increased demands of exer- anaerobic glycolysis in many and cise or the reduced supply during envi- marine fishes (Leifestad et al., '57; Heath and ronmental hypoxia, is a physiological problem Pritchard, '65; Holeton and Randall, '67; Ban- encountered at some time by almost every fish durski et al., '68; Caillouet, '68; Wittenberger, species. While extensive investigation has cen- '68;Hunn, '69;Burton, '70a, b; Burton, '71; Bur- tered on adjustments and adaptations evoked ton and Spehar, '7 l;Hughes and Johnston, '78). to maintain oxygen delivery in the face of po- However, nonglycolytic anaerobic pathways tential 0, limitations, it is also generally ac- resulting in the evolution of CO, and end- knowledged that various tissues of many fishes products other than lactate, apparently also can sustain considerable levels of anaerobic operate during hypoxic or anoxic exposure in metabolism by which the minimum energy re- fishes (see Blazka, '58;Burton and Spehar, '71; quirements of the animal are alternatively Hochachka and Somero, '73). satisfied. Increases in lactate and other anaerobic Evidence for anaerobiosis is often presented end-products in fish offer an indication that in the form of increased blood, tissue, or urine anaerobic metabolism is occurring-they can- levels of lactate, one of the major metabolic not, however, provide quantitative information end-products of vertebrate anaerobic gly- on the time course of development of colosis. Thus, elevations in lactate during or anaerobiosis or on the anaerobiclaerobic met- following environmental hypoxia have been at- abolic balance during acute hypoxic expo-

0022-104X/80/2133-0405$02.30 0 1980 ALAN R. LISS, INC. 406 WARREN W. BURGGREN AND JAMES N. CAMERON sure in fishes, because of the often very complex MATERIALS AND METHODS time course of the excretion of lactate and other Experiments were performed on 21 channel end-products (Heath and Pritchard, '65; Wood catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, weighing between et al., '77; Hughes and Johnston, '78; Wardle, 520 and 1069 g (mean 825 +- 145 g), and '78). Another way in which insights into the obtained from a commercial supplier. All aerobidanaerobic balance could be gained, par- experiments were carried out on fasting indi- ticularly in those fish where anaerobiosis re- viduals at lFC, and catfish were previously sults in CO, production, is by continuous meas- acclimated to this for several days urement of the respiratory quotient (R,) of the before use. fish under control and hypoxic conditions. However, a severe metabolic acidosis may ac- Branchial ventilation and gas exchange company lactate liberation from the tissues during anaerobiosis (Hughes and Johnston, Values for. branchial ventilation and oxygen '78) and determination of RQsimply on the basis extraction, Mo, and MC02,and blood gas data, of total CO, excretion is probably misleading pH and plasma lactate were for the following reason: Acidification of the measured in unanaesthetised, partially bicarbonate pools of the body will cause the restrained catfish resting in a darkened plexi- generation of molecular CO,. Because the CO, glass chamber, which provided for complete in water is high, it is likely that CO, separation of inspired and expired water (Fig. liberated from the body HC0,- stores by tissue 1). Before placing the catfish in the box, a rub- acidification will be excreted along with the ber sleeve formed from the thumb of a latex CO, produced from both aerobic and anaerobic surgical glove was carefully stitched over the metabolism, particularly if a branchial hyper- mouth of the catfish, during MS 222 anaes- ventilation accompanies hypoxia. Indeed, lac- thesia. By judicious placement of the glove tate acidification of the blood as a result of around the lips, inspired water could be sepa- exercise has been shown to reduce CO, concen- rated from expired water without apparently tration in carp (Auvergnat and Secondat, '421, "loading" or otherwise impeding the buccal or tench (Secondat and Dim, '421, and rainbow opercular pumps. The opening of the rubber trout (Black et al., '59). sleeve was stretched over a tube cemented into During metabolic acidosis, then, it is essen- a plexiglass partition, which served to divide tial that a distinction be made between the gas the chamber into a small anterior section (vol. exchange ratio (RE) or the apparent RQ for 950 ml), and a larger posterior section contain- metabolism, which will be a complex function ing the fish (vol. 2,700 ml, including volume of of metabolism, gas exchange, and acid-base fish). Water entering the anterior chamber balance, and the true metabolic R,. The gas (500-1000 ml/min), which was in excess of the exchange ratio may be larger or smaller than ventilatory requirements of the catfish (100- the true metabolic Re, depending on acid-base 500 ml/min), spilled from the chamber via a state. Measurements of R, in water- fire-polished glass standpipe. All water animals are rare, due to the difficulties of pumped over the into the posterior measuring small CO, changes in water, and we chamber spilled out via a second, posterior know of no study of systematic changes in RQ standpipe, adjusted to the same height as the related to aquatic hypoxia. anterior one. The expired water was collected The intent of the present investigation thus in a volumetric flask, giving a direct measure- was to examine the ventilatory and metabolic ment of gill ventilation volume (Vg). responses and acid-base balance of a fresh A water-tight plexiglass lid covered the en- water teleost before, during, and after hypoxic tire water surface, with the exception of two exposure; and then 1) to determine to what elevated water wells extending 3 cm above the extent total CO, elimination was actually the lid level (Fig. l), through which the standpipes result of metabolic CO, production, as distinct were exposed to the atmosphere. Water col- from acidification of the bicarbonate pool; and lected as it flowed up into the anterior well was 2) to examine the time course of, and especially considered representative of inspired water. recovery from, acidification by anaerobic end- Minimum wash-out time for the anterior products. The channel catfish, Ictalurus chamber was 1-2 min. The surface area ex- punctatus, was chosen for this investigation, as posed to room air in the posterior well was its anaerobic capabilities and plasma acidifica- small, and the ventilatory flow through this tion during hypoxia have been well established well quite rapid I> 100 ml/min). It was thus (Burton, '71; Burton and Spehar, '71). assumed that wat,er collected through the pos- HYF'OXIC EXPOSURE IN THE CHANNEL CATFISH 407 .

Water bb membrane overflow Gill ventilation volume Fig. A diagrammatic representation of the exuerimental apparatus used foru most experiments. See text for 1. details. terior well was representative of expired water, ally by simply observing the prominent pulsa- once a steady-state flow and adequate turnover tion of the water meniscus in the posterior of water in the posterior chamber according to standpipe well, which was produced by bran- wash-out times had been achieved after any chial pumping. change in ventilatory state. Estimates of Blood Po, and pH were measured with the minimum wash-out time for the posterior Radiometer pHM 71 blood gas analyzer and chamber containing a 1 kg catfish with a V, of appropriate electrodes, while blood 0, content 200 mUmin are 8-12 minutes, while with a was measured with the method described in hypoxic V, of 300 ml/min, minimum wash-out detail by Tucker ('67). Blood CO, content was time falls to 5-7 minutes. This box thus com- determined with the conductometric apparatus bined the advantages of a flow-through res- referred to above. A commercially available pirometry apparatus for M,,, and Mco2determi- assay (Sigma)was used to measure plasma lac- nation, and van Dam type system (van Dam, tate levels spectrophometrically. '38) for monitoring gill ventilation. The volumetric mixing technique of Edwards Before placement in the experimental ap- and Martin ('66) was used to construct blood paratus, the caudal artery or caudal vein of oxygen dissociation curves in vitro for 1. each catfish was nonocclusively cannulated, punctutus. using a trochar insertion, with a PE 50 catheter filled with heparinized saline. Once in the Intracellular pH and bicarbonate chamber, the catheter from the fish was led out The mean whole-body intracellular pH was through the posterior water well, allowing un- measured using the DMO technique (Waddell disturbed blood sampling. and Butler, '59). Animals were cannulated Oxygen contents of inspired and expired in the caudal artery as described above, and water were determined by measuring the water allowed to recover overnight. An injection Po2 with a Radiometer pHM 71 blood gas containing approximately 10 pCi of analyzer and electrodes, and then multiplying :%H-labelledinulin or mannitol and 4 pCi of by the solubility coefficient for 0, in the water 14CC-labelledDMO (New England Nuclear) was at 18°C. content was deter- infused slowly over a 2 to 4 min period. The mined by a conductometric technique adapted solution generally contained - 20 p1 of ethyl from May('68). These data, along with ven- acetate and 100 pl of ethanol made up to 500 pl tilatory flow and body weight, permitted the with Courtland saline. The infusion was rinsed calculation of M,, M,,,, and the gas exchange in with another 0.3 ml of saline. Blood samples ratio. were then removed at regular intervals, when Ventilatory frequency was monitored visu- the following measurements were made: pH, 408 WARREN W. BURGGREN AND JAMES N. CAMERON total plasma C02, and activity of tritium and RESULTS 14C. The inulin or mannitol data were used to Steady-state values during normoxia calculate extracellular fluid volume (ECF) by and hypoxia calculating the zero time intercept of a regres- sion of log (corrected .'H dpm) versus time. In- Gas exchange ulin space was routinely corrected upward by Oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide 7%, in order to express all results as mannitol production, gill ventilation and blood gases, pH space, since mannitol yields consistently larger and lactate were simultaneously measured values (Cameron, unpublished data). during normoxia and two levels of hypoxia in Mean whole-body intracellular pH was cal- eight Ictalurus punctatus fitted with the venti- culated using the formula given by Heisler lation membrane. ('781, and ECF (mannitol) volume, and an ICF Gill ventilation under control conditions, ap- (intracellular fluid) volume obtained as the dif- proximately 160 mlikgimin, nearly doubled ference between ECF and total body water. The with a drop in P,,,,,from 153 to 105 mm Hg, and latter is 68.0 t 1.0 glkg (Cameron, unpublished was maintained at these elevated levels at observations), obtained by freeze-drying whole PII,,levels of as low as 6.5 mm Hg (Fig. 2). The fish to constant weight. From values of in- significant increase in V, above control levels tracellular pH (pH,), plasma pH (pH,), total was mediated through a doubling in branchial plasma CO, (CT),and the ECF and ICF vol- stroke volume; ventilation frequency, approx- umes, both ECF and ICF bicarbonate pool sizes imately 65-70 beatsimin, was not significantly could be calculated, assuming a uniform P,,,. different at the three inspired oxygen levels. Intracellular HC0,- was calculated from the The percent utilization of oxygen (% U) at all Henderson-Hasselbalch equation (l),which by oxygen levels was relatively constant at rearrangement yields an expression for in- tracellular total GO, (CTJ (2). PH = PK,' + log [(CdS,o2) - 11 (1) %U 50 c * so (beatsfR = ~ 100]y7 CT, CT{. 1 + AO(pH,rpK>) (2) 1'" /m In) n.8 XU 1 + 10(pHe-pKd 0 0 Where pK,' equals the pK for carbonic acid at ao loo 120 140 160 18°C (6.151, pK, was the value for DMO at plasma ionic strength and 18°C (6.20 from Heisler, '781, and Sco,equals dissolved CO, con- Bronchial i] stroke centration. volume z Experimental protocol MI,,, Mcip2,the gas exchange ratio, and ven- 80 I00 120 140 160 tilatory and blood gaslplasma variables were 4001 I I I determined only in apparently undisturbed catfish which had been in the experimental ap- paratus at least overnight, and often for 24-36 hours. IA addition, several unrestrained fish fml/kg/min) resting in nonrestrictive, darkened water 100 chambers were examined. After this acclima- tion, baseline data were collected over 2-3 con- secutive hours at an inspired P,), (P,02)of 150- 80 I00 120 140 160 153 mm Hg until a steady state was reached. The P,02was then reduced in a stepwise fashion to either approximately 105 mm Hg or 65 mm Fig. 2. Steady-statevalues for oxygen utilization (8v), Hg. Data were then collected at about half-hour branchial stroke volume, and gill ventilation volume CV,) intervals until 2-3 consecutive readings indi- during normoxic (control) and hypoxic conditions in Zc- tulurus puctntus. Data from 8 catfish are given, except cated arrival at a new respiratory steady state. where indicated. In this and all subsequent figures with PIU2 After this, the PIo2,was then returned to air as the abscissa, mean values & 1 standard error are given, saturation and monitoring continued until all and the asterisks represent the significance level at which control baseline values were once again evi- data points vary from control values (*, P < 0.05; **, P < dent, following which the other level of hypoxia 0.01). N.S. indicates no significant difference. The second, would be induced. Thus, after each period of upper value for V, at €',c,2.153nun Hg (open circle), which is arrived at along the dashed lines, represents a non-steady- hypoxic exposure catfish were allowed a com- state value in air saturated water measured following 1hour plete recovery under normoxic conditions. of recovery after exposure to a P,,p of 65 mm Hg. HYPOXIC EXPOSURE IN THE CHANNEL CATFISH 409

40-5W0, and since gill ventilation increased at both hypoxic levels, the net effect was that 601 steady-state MI,,, though showing a slight downward trend in some catfish, did not change significantly from the control values of about 25-30 ml/kg/h (Fig. 3). That is, adultktulurus punctatus is an oxygen “regulator.” Shorter measurement periods would have indicated a different pattern, however, since most fish in- creased their V, substantially during the first few minutes to one hour of hypoxia, only declin- ing to a new steady state after 1-2 hr of hypoxic Normoxla] “ypoxlo I Normoxla exposure (Fig. 4). Arterial oxygen tension (Pa,,) was approxi- 0 l...... mately 80 mm Hg at a PIOZof153 mm Hg, 012345 falling to less than 20 m Hg at an inspired PO, Time (hours) of 65 mm Hg. Over the same PIO2range, caudal Fig. 4. Variations in oxygen uptake (solid circles) and carbon dioxide excretion (open triangles) during normoxia, venous Popfellfrom 25 to 8 mm Hg (Fig. 5A). In hypoxic exposure, and the subsequent recovery period in a order to interpret these changes in blood 520 g catfish. the in vitro respiratory properties of pun& I. 1.1 (? sd) (N = 4) at pH 7.82. Hematocrit was tutus blood were examined. Oxygen capacity at 30% * 6% (N = 8). Oxygen dissociation curves a P,,, of 153 mm Hg and a pH of 8.02 was 7.8 vol determined at 18°C with pooled whole blood % ? 1.3 (N = 4), falling slightly to 7.4 vol % ? samples from four I. punctatus are shown in Fig. 5B. P,, at a physiological pH during nor- moxia of 7.90 (se Fig. 6B) was about 20.1 mm Hg, and the Bohr shift (A log P5,,/ApH) was comparatively large at -0.839. Using these 0,-Hb dissociation curves and the calculated Bohr shift, arterial blood on the average was at least 95% saturated in vivo dur- ing normoxia, falling to only 20-3076 satura- tion when plopwas 65 mm Hg. Although caudal venous blood is not necessarily representative of mixed venous blood, arterial-venous oxygen T content differences of approximately 2.4 vol % 100 120 140 160 80 at air saturated PI,) levels, and 1.5 vol % at a PlO,of 65 mm Hg, dre indicated. Unlike MO,, carbon dioxide excretion (M(.o,) increased significantly from about 25 ml/kgb to 40-45 ml/kg/h at a PI of both 105 and 65 mm Hg, considerably exceeding02. Mo2at these levels (Fig. 3). As a consequence, the gas exchange ratio, approximately 0.85-0.90 during nor- moxic conditions, increased progressively to a steady-state value of 2.0 at a PIC),,of 65 mm Hg. Water convection requirements for oxygen and carbon dioxide are given in Table 1. V,/ 0 MCO2increased pnly. slightly during hypoxic ex- 80 100 120 140 160 posure, while V,/ M,,, was nearly three times control levels at the lowest PI . When the wa- 02 ter convection requirement at each hypoxic Fig. 3. Steady-statevalues for oxygen uptake (Mo2),car- level is “normalized’ by multiplying by the per- bondioxide excretion (Mr,,,), and the gas exchange ratio (RE) cent 0, saturation of the water, it can be seen during control conditions and hypoxic exposure. Also indi- cated by open symbols are transient values measured after a that gill ventilation is adjusted during hypoxic one hour recovery period from hypoxia as described in Fig. 2 exposure to maintain the mass transport of O2 and text. at near control levels (Table 1). 410 WARREN W. BURGGREN AND JAMES N. CAMERON

lO0l A after several hours. Rather, the hypoxic acidosis tended to gradually become more se- vere, and the consequent depletion of HC0,- stores greater as the hypoxia was continued. Plasma lactate concentrations were nor- mally quite low, about 2.5 mg%, and did not rise significantly at the intermediate level of hypoxia (Fig. 6A). At the low oxygen concentra- tion, however, a highly significant four-fold rise in plasma lactate was apparent, not only O‘? 80 I00 I20 I40 I60 for the eight fish which were membrane-fitted for respiratory studies, but also in an additional five fish which were not membrane-fitted. A moderate to severe plasma acidosis almost in- 1001 R variably accompanied the lactate increase, be- coming more pronounced (pH, = 7.62) at the lowest ambient oxygen level (Fig. 6B). The mean whole-body intracellular pH (pH,), 801 f-determined from eight free catfish, was 7.394 * % sat PCO, 4.4 mmHg 0.086, compared to mean plasma pH in these of Hb same fish of 7.883 * 0.041. These eight fish Pco2 18 mmHg were also subjected to hypoxia (65 mm Hg), but pH 801 unfortunately only two of the eight responded 20 with the typical lactate acidosis (Fig. 7). These two showed pHi depressed by 0.2 to 0.4 units at greatly depressed values of pH,, whereas the other six fish showed little change in either pHi 0 20 40 60 80 or pHe (Fig. 7). The relationship of pH, to pH, is shown in Figure 8; the slope of all data taken together is not significantly different from one, Fig. 5. A) Steady-state blood P,,, in the caudal artery although data points for some individual fish (PaOz)and caudal vein (P,02)during control conditions and hypoxic exposure inZctaluruspunctatus. B) Oxygen dissocia- show a slope significantly less than one. This is tion curves determined at 18°C with pooled whole blood to be expected, since the intracellular com- samples from 4 Zctulurus. P,,,,of the tonometered blood, as partment is much better buffered than the ex- well as the pH measured at P,,,,are indicated. tracellular compartment. A summary of several aspects of the blood Acid-base balance acid-base status ofl. punctatus during hypoxia When the total blood CO, val- is provided by the “Davenport diagram” of Fig- ues (C,) were compared for ten fish (with and ure 9. During control conditions, blood CT and without respiratory membranes) during con- pH, were quite consistent from fish to fish, giv- trol (normoxic) and hypoxic periods, the ing a mean value shown as the large solid dot. hypoxic group was significantly (P < 0.01) The diagonal straight line is the mean in vitro lower. The decrease from 9.7 * 1.3 mM to 7.5 * buffer line, determined from several fish, and 2.4 mM is somewhat misleading, however, the curved, numbered lines are P,,,, isolines, or since the CT did not reach a steady state even isopleths, derived from the Henderson-

TABLE 1. A summary ofgas exchange, gill uentilation, and the water convection requirements in Ictalurus punctatus

(ml H,O/ml 0, (ml H,O/ml CO, (mmHg) (mUkg/h) (ml/kg/h) (mvkg/h) consumed) excreted)____ (+JM4)J*%O,Sat.ofH,O 153 30.7 25.9 9,420 307 364 307 106 30.0 42.9 19,620 654 457 426 64 22.2 40.0 18,960 854 474 354

Mean values from 8 fish are gwen HYPOXIC EXPOSURE IN THE CHANNEL CATFISH 411 Hasselbalch equation and a pK' value of 6.154. 201 A During hypoxia, all membrane-fitted fish showed a constant fall in plasma pH (Fig. 6B), as did two of eight catfish without membranes. Point H in Figure 9 represents the mean value for two membrane-fitted catfish in which C, was monitored, while individual points (open circles) for CT and pH, during hypoxia for the fish without membranes (Figs. 7, 8) are also shown. The hypoxic disturbance for virtually all the fish can be characterized as a mixed 80 100 120 140 160 metabolic acidosis and respiratory alkalosis. That is, the addition of lactic acid to the blood from anaerobic metabolism caused a metabolic 8.0- acidosis,depressing the pH and CT,whereas the hyperventilation (Fig. 2) tended to cause a re- duction in p,,, of 0.5-1.0 mm Hg in most cat- 7.8 - Blood fish, shifting values somewhat down and to the PH right on Figure 9. 7.6 - Post-hypxic recovery Within minutes of a step-wise return to nor- 24 - moxic levels, very marked changes in most 4,..,,,,,. 1 variables measured became evident. Particular 80 I00 120 140 160 attention was paid to the normoxic period be- tween 30 and 90 minutes after exposure to the most severe level of hypoxia (65 mm Hg). Even Fig. 6. Steady-state values of A) blood lactate concentra- though. inspired P(,?levels were at control tion, and B) blood pH during mntrol conditions and hypoxic levels, V, remained elevated and % U was con- exposure. Also indicated are the values measured 1 hour stant, and consequently Mo,, remained signifi- after return to air-saturated conditions from the lowest level cantly elevated at levels nearly double control of hypoxia. values (Figs., 3,4). Unfortunately, only limited data on Mcon during this recovery period were gathered, but in the four catfish examined, M,,,, declined only slowly to control levels dur- ing this recovery period. A large lactate pulse into the blood also oc- curred during this recovery period, such that plasma lactate concentrations rose to their highest values of 14-15 m@o (a nearly seven- fold increase over control concentrations) within the first hour of the recovery period be- fore subsequently slowly falling over the course of several hours to the low control levels (Fig. 6A). Associated with these extreme levels of plasma lactate was a marked acidosis, with pH falling to 7.4-7.5, and in two individuals to as low as 7.18 one hour after a return to air satu- rated P,,2levels. (Fig. 6B). Figure 10 shows the time course of plasma lactate and pH changes Fig. 7. Time course of intracellular and extracellular pH before, during, and after an unusually severe changesin8catfk.h before andduringexposuretoaP102,of60 and prolonged hypoxic exposure. In this 704 g mm Hg. Open circles represent mean values of pH, t 1 catfish, both the highest lactate concentrations standard deviation for 6 catfish showing no acidosis during and the lowest pH values occurred one hour hypoxia, while individual symbols represent data points for after a return to normoxia, and even six hours two catfish exhibiting a hypoxic acidosis. Closed circles and the associated individual symbols give values of pH, in later, a metabolic acidosis was still evident. these same fish. Complete recovery to steady-state normoxic 412 WARREN W. BURGGREN AND JAMES N. CAMERON

in other undisturbed, usually inactive bottom dwelling fishes (Grigg, ’69;Burggren and Ran- dall, ’78).Z. punctutus is clearly able to main- tain oxygen uptake down to inspired Po, levels of at least 60 mm Hg (Fig. 31, which may ap- proach the lowest oxygen levels naturally en- countered by this species. A previous investiga- tion of fingerlingz. punctutus (Gerald and Cech, ’70)indicated that this species was an oxygen “conformer,” even though ventilatory ad- .. justments were attempted during hypoxic ex- 7.01 posure. Differences with the present study may have arisen from their use of 4-9 g fish, or 72 76 80 possibly a restrictive apparatus interfering in some way with normal gas exchange. We find that oxygen uptake inl. punctutus is Fig, 8. Relationship between intracellular and extra maintained at control levels during hypoxic cellular pH in Ictalurus punctatus. exposure, in part through a pronounced hyper- ventilation, a product largely of increased branchial stroke volume, and a maintained oxygen extraction from the ventilatory . fell considerably and arterial blood was less than 50% saturated at the lowest levels of hypoxia, and although PdoAalso decreased, tis- sue extraction and the a-v 0, content difference fell overall. No cardiovascular variables were measured, but the fact that oxygen uptake at the gills was maintained in the face of a reduced a-v content difference, strongly indicates that gill rose to match the hyperventila- tion occurring during hypoxia. Matching of per- fusion to ventilation in this fashion has been well documented for other fishes (Jones et al., ’70; Cameron et al., ’71). 75 80 The profound branchial hyperventilation in PH Fig. 9. Davenport diagram of acid-base adjustments to Zctalurus punctutus during hypoxic exposure hypoxic exposure in Ictalurus. Total CO, was directly meas- must, of course, have resulted in a considerable ured conductiometrically after acidification of a whole blood energy expenditure by the skeletal muscles sample. P,.,,, isopleths have been drawn for 2.5, 3.7, and 5.0 powering ventilation. Since Mi,, remained at mm Hg. The solid circle is composed of mean values ? 1 control levels during hypoxia, this increased standard error from 16 catfish, both with and without mem- branes under normoxic conditions. Point H (open circle) ventilatory effort could be sustained in one of presents mean values from the two membrane-fitted fish for several ways. For example, aerobic metabolism which data were available during hypoxic conditions. Indi- in tissues not involved in gill ventilation could vidual points are from catfish, without a membrane, exposed have been reduced to preferentially maintain to hypoxia at a P,, , of 60 mm Hg. the limited oxygen delivery to active, aerobi- cally respiring ventilatory muscles. Alterna- levels in this particular catfish was completed tively, the increased ventilatory effort may at least within 17 hours of a return to a PICIzof have been sustained through anaerobic 153 mm Hg. glycolysis and other anaerobic pathways, with oxygen delivery diverted to hypoxia-sensitive DISCUSSION tissues such as the nervous system and sense The channel catfish, Zctuluruspunctutus, un- organs. like the brown bullhead,Z. nebulosus, is usually Whatever the body distribution of available restricted to oxygenated river waters or deep 0, taken up at the gills of Zctulurus during ponds and lakes, where it maintains a com- hypoxia, it is evident from 1) the highly el- paratively low activity level. Mi,, values of ap- evated blood lactic acid concentration, 2) the proximately 30 ml/O,/kg/h support the latter increase in the gas exchange ratio, and 3) the observation and are similar to values measured post-hypoxic “repayment” of an “oxygen debt,” HYPOXIC EXPOSURE IN THE CHANNEL CATFISH 413

Time (hours) Fig. 10. Changes in blood pH (open triangles) and lactate concentration (solid circles) before, during, and after a particularly severe and long period of hypoxia in a 704 g Ictnlurus. that a substantial anaerobic contribution to the Several catfish, particularly those not fitted total energy production, from glycolysis and with membranes, exhibited the typical small other undertermined pathways, occurs in Zc- respiratory alkalosis, but failed to develop a tulurus during exposure to the lowest levels of large metabolic acidosis. Although we cannot oxygen. completely account for this discrepancy, we be- A relatively severe plasma acidosis accom- lieve that the more marked metabolic acidosis panied the lower hypoxia level in I. punctatus of the membrane fitted fish can be attributed to (Figs. 6, 7). Determination of intracellular pH occasional struggling and abortive swimming values indicates that an extracellular (plasma) attempts during severe hypoxic exposure, acidosis will be accompanied by a comparably which were rarely observed in fish without severe intracellular acidosis (Fig. 7), since membranes. This form of what must be largely there was no obvious regulation of a constant anaerobic glycolytic muscle activity under PHi. these conditions, probably contributed to the Interestingly, these catfish also usually greater acidosis in these catfish. It also seems showed adecrease in blood Pc020f0.5 to 1.0 mm likely that 65 mm Hg is the lowest level at Hg, indicating a small respiratory alkalosis an- which 0, regulation is maintained in 1. tagonistic to the larger metabolic acidosis (Fig. punctutus, so small activity or stress differ- 8).Thismay seem exceptional, since it has been ences at this hypoxic level may assume greater argued that gill ventilation does not directly importance. regulate plasma Pco2or pH in water-breathers The more than doubling of the gas exchange (Randall and Cameron, '73; Cameron, '78). ratio to a value of 2.0 at a P,,, of 65 mm Hg, However, the observation that a doubling of indicates an active anaerobic but nonglycolytic ventilation causes less than 1 mm Hg change in metabolic pathway producing C02 during PaCO2,plus the close coupling of V, to oxygen hypoxic exposure in Zctulurus. Several appro- requirements (Table l), lend support to the priate pathways, including pyruvate dehy- general idea that the is drogenase and a-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase dominated by oxygen levels. Nonetheless, ob- reactions, have been implicated in fishes (see servations during the posthypoxic recovery Hochachka and Somero, '73). However, as period indicate a possible minor respiratory cautioned earlier, a portion of this increased control mechanism in Ictulurus, involving CO, excretion reflects acidification with lactate plasma or tissue acidosis. Insufficient data on of the body bicarbonate pools, rather than P,,,$uring recovery were available for statisti- excretion of molecular CO, produced from other cal analysis, but in two catfish so examined, anaerobic metabolic pathways. Sufficient data PacW2returnedto control levels within 15 min- were available for two membrane-fitted catfish utes of the return to normoxia, but V, remained to calculate changes in the intra- and extra- elevated for a further hour until pH, had risen cellular bicarbonate pool before and during to control values. Cause and effect clearly re- hypoxic exposure, as well as to calculate Mc02, main to be demonstrated. RE, and RQ. Average values for these two ani- 414 WARREN W. BURGGREN AND JAMES N. CAMERON mals are given in Table 2. Over a four hour An additional, small source of CO, loss dur- period of hypoxic exposure, during which pH, ing hypoxic exposure may be a C0,“washout” fell from 7.90 to 7.41, the total bicarbonate pool due to hyperventilation per se, either in the was reduced by approximately 35%, or about 3 1 absence or presence of a metabolic acidosis. As mlkg. This represents a molecular CO, excre- evident in Figure 9, however, the nearly 50% tion due strictly to lactic acid acidification of fall in total CO, with only a ‘/z mm Hg decrease the extra- and intracellular bicarbonate pool of in P,,,, in acidotic fish, in particular, would approximately 8.0 ml/kg/h. Thus, if a total in- indicate that CO, washout from ventilation crease in M,,,, from all sources from 26 to 40 alone is a minor component of the overall ml/kg/h is assumed to develop during hypoxic change in acid-base balance. We have therefore exposure (Fig. 31, then it can be readily calcu- not increased the complexity of the calculations lated that only approximately 45% of the el- by assuming a new P,.,,, steady state during evated M(.(,,during hypoxia is due to metaboli- hypoxia. cally produced CO, from dehydrogenation of The period of recovery from hypoxia exposure pyruvate, a-ketoglutarate, or other substrates. is a telling and significant one, though receiv- Thus, whereas the gas exchange ratio, RE, of ing little attention in many previous studies on Ictaluruspunctatus is about 2.00 at a P,,,, of 65 fishes. In Ictalu rus, hyperventilation at mm Hg, the respiratory quotient, R,i, is in fact hypoxic levels was maintained during a one only about 1.55. That acidification of body tis- hour recovery peripd following exposure to a sue of fishes reduces blood C02levels to some PIO,of 65 mm Hg. M,,, during this same period extent has long been appreciated (Auvergnat nearly doubled over any previous levels (Figs. and Secondat, ’42; Secondat and Diaz, ’42; 3, 4), indicating a classical “repayment” of an Black et al., ’59).However, the present investi- “oxygen debt” accumulated during hypoxic ex- gation clearly has demonstrated that acidifica- posure. M,,,, remained at high levels, but the tion of the bicarbonate pool must be a major immediate return of REto control values (Fig. consideration when determining respiratory 3) is misleadingly simple. Presumably the gas exchange during hypoxia, activity, or HC0,- stores must at some point in recovery transient temperature increases. begin to be replenished, but metabolic CO,

TABLE 2. Changes in the intracellular (ICF) and extracellular fluid fECF)pH, bicarbonate concentration, and bicarbonate pools during steady-state control conditions and after 4 hours of hypoxia (P,,, 65 mm Hg)

ECF ICF Total HC0,- (vol = 23.4 mlilOO (vol = 44.7 mlilOO Pool g tissue) g tissue) (@q)

PH 7.90 7.38 -

Normoxia [HCOS-I 11.05 3.50 - (Pi,,, = 153 lll~~lHg) (pEqim1) HCO- pool 2,753 + 1,664 - 4,417 (PEd

PH 7.41 7.11 -

[HCO,-I 7.40 3.07 - (pEqiml) HCO,, pool 1,445 + 1,447 - 2,892 (PEq) A HC0,- pool over 4 hours - 1,525 pEq

If acidified, A HCO,- = 34.2 ml molecular CO, = 8.5 ml CO,/h = 8.0 ml CO,lkg/h

Also indicated is the reduction in the total bicarbonate pool during this penod, and the volume of COO,produced assuming total acidificatlon of HC0,- to molecular CO,. Data are mean values for two membrane-fitted catfish with a mean body weight of 1,068 g. HYPOXIC EXPOSURE IN THE CHANNEL CATFISH 415 production (and excretion?) is high because of ACKNOWLEDGMENTS the upswing in Moz. Compounding the situa- This study was supported by a NATO Re- tion during the recovery period was the often search Fellowship (W.W.B.) and grant large flush of lactate into the plasma which PCM77-24358~~ ~ from the National Science followed hypoxic exposure. This produced a Foundation (J.N.C. ) transient metabolic acidosis even more severe than during hypoxia, with blood pH sometimes transiently falling to as low as 7.18. In fact, a LITERATURE CITED curious dilemma developed for us with regard Auvergnat, R., and M. Secondat (1942) Rententissement to a few fish, in which they were approaching plamatique de l'exercise musculaire chez la carpe (Cyp- lethal pH levels during hypoxic exposure, yet to rinu carpi0 L.). Compt. Rend., 215:92-94. Bandurski, R.S., W. Gradstreet, and P.F. Scholander ( 1968) return them immediately to air saturated con- Metabolic changes in the mud-skipper during or ditions would initiate the lactate flush and re- exercise. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 24:271-274. sult in further fall in pH that would prove im- Black, E.C., W.G. Chiu, F.D. Forbes, and W.G. Hanslip mediately lethal. (1959) Changes in pH, carbonate, and lactate of the blood of yearling Kamloops trout, Salrno gairdnen', during and Caillouet ('68) made a preliminary study of following Severe muscular activity. J. Fish. Res. Bd. Can. the effects of anoxia on blood lactate and pH 16:39 1- 402. levels in disturbed I. punctatus, by completely Blazka, P. (1958)The anaerobic metabolism of fish. 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Physiol., tion of lactate from the tissues. 29: 1253-1257. Heath, A.G. and A.W. Pritchard (1965) Effects of severe Finally, it is interesting to note that at the hypoxia on carbohydrate energy stores and metabolism in milder level of hypoxia (105 mm Hg), M,,,,was two species of fresh-water fish. Physiol. Zool. 38:32!%334. clearly elevated above control levels, although Heisler, N. (1978)Bicarbonate exchange between body com- lactate levels and pH values were not signifi- partments after changes of temperature in the larger spot- ted dogfish (Scyliorhinus stellaris). Respir. Physiol., cantly different from those during normoxia 33: 145-160. (Figs. 3, 6). The elevation in CO, excretion Hochachka, P.W., and G.N. Somero (1973) Strategies of would thus appear to be entirely of a metabolic, Biochemical Adaptation. Toronto, W.B. Saunders. nonglycolytic origin, although how the end- Holeton, G.F., and D. 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