
19chapter Care of the Child With a Respiratory Disorder

Key TERMS Learning OBJECTIVES oximetry Upon completion of the chapter the learner will be able to: atopy rales clubbing retractions 1. Compare how the and physiology of the in coryza children differs from that of adults. 2. Identify various factors associated with respiratory illness in infants and expiration children. 3. Discuss common laboratory and other diagnostic tests useful in the suctioning diagnosis of respiratory conditions. infiltrate 4. Discuss common and other treatments used for treatment inspiration tracheostomy and palliation of respiratory conditions. ventilation 5. Recognize risk factors associated with various respiratory disorders. oxygenation 6. Distinguish different respiratory illnesses based on the signs and work of symptoms associated with them. pulmonary 7. Discuss nursing interventions commonly used for respiratory illnesses. 8. Devise an individualized for the child with a respiratory disorder. 9. Develop patient/family teaching plans for the child with a respiratory disorder. 10. Describe the psychosocial impact of chronic respiratory disorders on children.

Restoring a full breath allows a child to participate fully in life’s adventures. Alexander Roberts, 4 months old, is brought to the clinic by his mother. He presents with a cold and has been coughing a great deal for 2 days. Today he has had difficulty taking the bottle and is breathing very quickly. Mrs. Roberts says he seems tired.

Respiratory disorders are the Variations in Pediatric most common causes of illness and hospitalization in Anatomy and Physiology children. These illnesses range from mild, non- dis- orders (such as the or sore throat), to acute Respiratory conditions often affect both the upper and disorders (such as ), to chronic conditions lower , though some affect primarily one (such as ), to serious life-threatening conditions or the other. Respiratory dysfunction in children tends to (such as ). Chronic disorders, such as allergic be more severe than in adults. Several differences in the rhinitis, can affect quality of life, but frequent acute or infant’s or child’s respiratory system account for the recurrent infections also can interfere significantly with increased severity of these diseases in children compared quality of life for some children. with adults. Respiratory infections account for the majority of acute illness in children. The child’s age and living con- ditions and the season of the year can influence the eti- Newborns are obligatory nose breathers until at least ology of respiratory disorders as well as the course of 4 weeks of age. The young infant cannot automatically illness. For example, younger children and infants are open his or her mouth to breathe if the nose is obstructed. more likely to deteriorate quickly. Lower socioeconomic The nares must be patent for breathing to be successful status places children at higher risk for increased sever- while feeding. Newborns breathe through their mouths ity or increased frequency of disease. Certain viruses are only while crying. more prevalent in the winter, whereas allergen-related The upper respiratory serves as a cleansing respiratory diseases are more prevalent in the spring and agent, yet newborns produce very little mucus, making fall. Children with chronic illness such as diabetes, con- them more susceptible to infection. However, the newborn genital disease, sickle cell anemia, and cystic fibro- and young infant may have very small nasal passages, so sis and children with developmental disorders such as when excess mucus is present, is more tend to be more severely affected with res- likely. piratory disorders. Parents might have difficulty in Infants are born with maxillary and ethmoid sinuses determining the severity of their child’s condition and present. The frontal sinuses (most often associated with might either seek care very early in the course of the ill- sinus infection) and the sphenoid sinuses develop by age ness (when it is still very mild) or wait and present to the 6 to 8 years, so younger children are less apt to acquire setting when the child is very ill. sinus infections than are adults. Nurses must be familiar with respiratory conditions affecting children in order to provide guidance and sup- Throat port to families. When children become ill, families often encounter nurses in outpatient settings first. Nurses must The tongue of the infant relative to the oropharynx is larger be able to ask questions that can help determine the sever- than in adults. Posterior displacement of the tongue can ity of the child’s illness and determine whether they must quickly lead to severe airway obstruction. Through early seek care at a health facility. Since respiratory illness school age, children tend to have enlarged tonsillar and accounts for the majority of pediatric admissions to gen- eral hospitals, nurses caring for children require expert assessment and intervention skills in this area. Detection HEALTHY PEOPLE of worsening respiratory status early in the course of dete- 2010 rioration allows for timely treatment and the possibility Objective Significance of preventing a minor problem from becoming a critical Reduce hospitalization • Appropriately educate illness. Difficulty with breathing can be very frightening rates for three ambulatory- children with asthma for both the child and parents. The child and the family care-sensitive conditions: and their families about need the nurse’s support throughout the course of a res- pediatric asthma and the ongoing manage- piratory illness. immunization-preventable ment of asthma. Nurses are also in the unique position of being able and influenza. • Encourage pneumo- to have a significant impact upon the burden of respira- coccal and influenza tory illness in children by the appropriate identification vaccinations per recom- of, education about, and encouragement of prevention of mendations. respiratory illnesses. See Healthy People 2010. 2 Chapter 19 NURSING CARE OF THE CHILD WITH A RESPIRATORY DISORDER 3 adenoidal even in the absence of illness. This can contribute to an increased incidence of airway obstruction. BOX 19.1 CONGENITAL • Inspiratory stridor is present and is intensified with The airway lumen is smaller in infants and children than certain positions. in adults. The infant’s trachea is approximately 4 mm • Suprasternal retractions may be present, but the infant wide compared with the adult width of 20 mm. When exhibits no other signs of respiratory distress. edema, mucus, or bronchospasm is present, the capacity • Congenital laryngomalacia is generally a benign condi- for air passage is greatly diminished. A small reduction in tion that improves as the cartilage in the the diameter of the pediatric airway can significantly matures. It usually disappears by age 1 year. increase resistance to airflow, leading to increased work • The crowing noise heard with breathing can make of breathing (Fig. 19.1). parents very anxious. Reassure parents that the condi- In teenagers and adults the larynx is cylindrical and tion will improve with time. • Parents become very familiar with the “normal” sound fairly uniform in width. In infants and children less than their infant makes and are often able to identify inten- 10 years old, the cricoid cartilage is underdeveloped, sification or change in the stridor. Airway obstruction resulting in laryngeal narrowing. Thus, in infants and may occur earlier in infants with this condition, so children, the larynx is funnel-shaped. When any portion intensification of stridor or symptoms of respiratory of the airway is narrowed, further narrowing from mucus illness should be evaluated early by the primary care or edema will result in an exponential increase in resis- provider. tance to airflow and . In infants and children, the larynx and glottis are placed higher in the , increasing the chance of aspiration of foreign mate- rial into the lower airways. Congenital laryngomalacia have a large amount of soft tissue surrounding the tra- chea, and the mucous membranes lining the airway occurs in some infants and results in the laryngeal struc- are less securely attached compared with adults. This ture being weaker than normal, yielding greater collapse increases the risk for airway edema and obstruction. on inspiration. Box 19.1 gives details related to congen- Upper airway obstruction resulting from a , ital laryngomalacia. , or epiglottitis can result in tracheal collapse dur- The child’s airway is highly compliant, making it ing inspiration. quite susceptible to dynamic collapse in the presence of airway obstruction. The muscles supporting the airway Lower Respiratory Structures are less functional than those in the adult. Children The bifurcation of the trachea occurs at the level of the third thoracic vertebra in children, compared to the level ABof the sixth thoracic vertebra in adults. This anatomic dif- Inf ant 2 mm 1 mm ference is important when suctioning children and when endotracheal intubation is required (see Chapter 32 for further discussion). This difference in placement also 4 mm contributes to risk for aspiration. The bronchi and bron- 2 mm chioles of infants and children are also narrower in diam- 1 mm circumf erential edema causes 50% reduction eter than the adult’s, placing them at increased risk for of diameter and radiu s, increasing pulmonar y resistance b y a f actor lower airway obstruction (see Fig. 19.1). Lower airway of 16 . obstruction during often results from bron- Adult chiolitis or asthma or is caused by into the lower airway. 5 mm 4 mm Alveoli develop at approximately 24 weeks’ gestation. Term infants are born with about 50 million alveoli. After 10 mm 8 mm , alveolar growth slows until 3 months of age and then progresses until the child reaches 7 or 8 years of age, at which time the alveoli reach the adult number of around 300 million. Alveoli make up most of the tissue and 1 mm circumf erential edema causes 20% reduction of diameter and radiu s, increasing pulmonar y resistance b y a f actor are the major sites for . moves from of 2.4. the alveolar air to the blood, while moves from the blood into the alveolar air. Smaller numbers of ● Figure 19.1 (A) Note the smaller diameter of the child’s airway under normal circumstances. (B) With 1 cm of alveoli, particularly in the premature and/or young infant, edema present, note the exponential decrease in airway place the child at a higher risk of hypoxemia and carbon lumen diameter as compared with the adult. dioxide retention. 4 Unit 4 NURSING CARE OF THE CHILD WITH A HEALTH DISORDER

Chest Wall in is reflective of a larger decrease in pO2. Conditions such as alkalosis, , hypo- In older children and adults the ribs and sternum support carbia, anemia, and fetal cause oxygen to the and help keep them well expanded. The move- become more tightly bound to hemoglobin, resulting in ment of the diaphragm and intercostal muscles alters vol- the curve shifting to the left. Conditions common to pedi- ume and within the chest cavity, resulting in air atric respiratory disorders such as , , movement into the lungs. Infants’ chest walls are highly and hypercarbia cause hemoglobin to decrease its affinity compliant (pliable) and fail to support the lungs ade- for oxygen, further shifting the curve to the right. quately. Functional residual capacity can be greatly reduced if respiratory effort is diminished. This lack of lung support also makes the of infants and Common Medical Treatments toddlers almost completely dependent upon movement A variety of interventions are used to treat respiratory of the diaphragm. If diaphragm movement is impaired illness in children. The treatments listed in Common (as in states of hyperinflation such as asthma), the inter- Medical Treatments 19.1 and Drug Guide 19.1 usually costal muscles cannot lift the chest wall and is require a physician’s order when a child is hospitalized. further compromised.

Metabolic Rate and Oxygen Need Overview Children have a significantly higher metabolic rate than for the Child with a adults. Their resting respiratory rates are faster and their Respiratory Disorder demand for oxygen is higher. Adult oxygen consumption is 3 to 4 liters per minute, while infants consume 6 to Care of the child with a respiratory disorder includes 8 liters per minute. In any situation of respiratory dis- assessment, , planning, interventions, tress, infants and children will develop hypoxemia more and evaluation. There are a number of general concepts rapidly than adults. This may be attributed not only to related to the nursing process that can be applied to respi- the child’s increased oxygen requirement but also to the ratory disorders. From a general understanding of the care effect that certain conditions have on the oxyhemoglobin involved for a child with respiratory dysfunction, the nurse dissociation curve. can then individualize the care based on client specifics. Normal oxygen transport relies upon binding of oxy- gen to hemoglobin in areas of high pO2 (pulmonary arte- ASSESSMENT rial beds) and release of oxygen from hemoglobin when the Assessment of respiratory dysfunction in children includes pO2 is low (peripheral tissues). Normally, a pO2 of 95 mm health history, , and laboratory or Hg results in an oxygen saturation of 97%. A decrease in diagnostic testing. oxygen saturation results in a disproportionate (much

larger) decrease in pO2 (Fig. 19.2). Thus, a small decrease Remember Alexander, the 4-month-old with the cold, , fatigue, feeding difficulty, and fast breathing? What additional health history and physical examination 100 assessment information should the nurse obtain? 90 80 Health History The health history comprises past , family tion 70 a r history, history of present illness (when the symptoms u t 60 a started and how they have progressed) as well as treat- 50 ments used at home. The might be 40 significant for recurrent colds or sore throats, atopy (such

Oxygen S as asthma or atopic dermatitis), prematurity, respiratory

% 30 dysfunction at birth, poor gain, or history of recur- 20 rent respiratory illnesses or chronic lung disease. Family 10 history might be significant for chronic respiratory disor- 0 ders such as asthma or might reveal contacts for infectious 0102030405060708090100 exposure. When eliciting the history of the present illness,

Blood PaO2 (mm Hg) inquire about onset and progression, , nasal conges- ● Figure 19.2 Normal hemoglobin dissociation curve tion, noisy breathing, presence and description of cough, ( green), shift to the right (red ), and shift to the left (black). (text continues on page 000) Chapter 19 NURSING CARE OF THE CHILD WITH A RESPIRATORY DISORDER 5

Common Medical Treatments 19.1 Respiratory Disorders

Treatment Explanation Indication Nursing Implications

Oxygen Supplemented via mask, Hypoxemia, Monitor response via work of nasal cannula, hood, or respiratory distress breathing and pulse tent or via endotracheal oximetry. or nasotracheal tube High Addition of moisture to Common cold, croup, Infant may require extra inspired air tonsillectomy blankets with cool mist, and frequent changes of bedclothes under oxygen hood or tent as they become damp. Suctioning Removal of secretions via Excessive airway Should be done carefully bulb syringe or suction secretions and only as far as catheter (common cold, flu, recommended for age or bronchiolitis, tracheostomy tube size, or pertussis) until cough or gag occurs Promotes mucus clearance Bronchiolitis, pneumo- May be performed by (CPT) and postural by mobilizing secretions nia, cystic fibrosis, or in drainage with the assistance of other conditions some institutions, by nurses or vibration resulting in in others. In either case, accompanied by increased mucus nurses must be familiar (see production. Not with the technique and Chapter 14 for more effective in inflam- able to educate families information about CPT matory conditions on its use. and postural drainage) without increased mucus. Saline gargles Relieves throat pain via salt Pharyngitis, Recommended for children water gargle old enough to understand the concept of gargling (to avoid ) Saline lavage Normal saline introduced Common cold, flu, Very helpful for loosening into the airway, followed bronchiolitis, any thick mucus; child may by suctioning condition resulting need to be in semi-upright in increased mucus position to avoid production in the aspiration upper airway Insertion of a drainage tube , Should tube become into the to empyema dislodged from container, facilitate removal of air or the chest tube must be fluid and allow full lung clamped immediately to expansion avoid further air entry in to the chest cavity. Introduction of a Removal of foreign Watch for postprocedure bronchoscope into the body, cleansing of airway swelling, bronchial tree for diag- bronchial tree complaints of sore throat. nostic purposes. Also allows for bronchiolar lavage. 6 Unit 4 NURSING CARE OF THE CHILD WITH A HEALTH DISORDER

Drug Guide 19.1 Common Drugs for Respiratory Disorders

Medication Action Indication Nursing Implications

Expectorant Reduces of Common cold, pneumonia, Encourage deep breathing (guaifenesin) thickened secretions by other conditions before coughing in order increasing respiratory requiring mobilization to mobilize secretions. tract fluid and subsequent Maintain adequate fluid expectoration of mucus intake. Assess breath sounds frequently. Cough suppressants Relieves irritating, non- Common cold, , Should be used only with (dextromethorphan, productive cough by pneumonia, nonproductive codeine, direct effect on the in the absence of hydrocodone) cough center in the wheezing medulla, which sup- presses the cough reflex Antihistamines Treatment of allergic , asthma May cause drowsiness or conditions dry mouth (oral, Treatment of bacterial Pharyngitis, tonsillitis, Check for parenteral) infections of the sinusitis, bacterial . Should be respiratory tract pneumonia, cystic given as prescribed for fibrosis, empyema, the length of time abscess, prescribed. Antibiotics (inhaled) Treatment of bacterial Used in cystic fibrosis Can be given via infections of the respiratory tract

Beta2 adrenergic May be administered Acute and chronic treat- Can be used for acute agonists orally or via . ment of wheezing and relief of bronchospasm. (short-acting) Relax airway smooth bronchospasm in May cause nervousness, (i.e., albuterol, muscle, resulting in asthma, bronchiolitis, tachycardia and levalbuterol) bronchodilation. cystic fibrosis, chronic jitteriness. Inhaled agents result in lung disease. fewer systemic side Prevention of wheezing in effects. exercise-induced asthma.

Beta2 adrenergic Administered via Long-term control in Used only for long-term agonists inhalation chronic asthma. control or for exercise- (long-acting) Long-acting Prevention of exercise- induced asthma. Not for (i.e., salmeterol) does not produce an induced asthma. relief of bronchospasm acute effect so should in an acute wheezing not be used for an episode. asthma attack. Racemic epinephrine Produces bronchodilation Croup Assess lung sounds and work of breathing. Observe for rebound bronchospasm. Anticholinergic Administered via inhala- Chronic or acute treat- In children, generally used

(ipratropium) tion to produce ment of wheezing in as an adjunct to beta2 bronchodilation without asthma and chronic adrenergic agonists systemic effects lung disease for treatment of bronchospasm Chapter 19 NURSING CARE OF THE CHILD WITH A RESPIRATORY DISORDER 7

Drug Guide 19.1 Common Drugs for Respiratory Disorders (continued)

Medication Action Indication Nursing Implications

Antiviral agents Treatment and prevention Influenza A Amantadine, rimantidine: (amantadine, of influenza A Monitor for confusion, rimantidine, nervousness, and zanamivir, jitteriness. oseltamivir) Zanamivir, oseltamivir: Well tolerated but expensive Virazole (Ribavirin) Treatment of severe lower Usually reserved for treat- Administer via aerosol with respiratory tract ment of RSV in the the small-particle infection with RSV ventilated client. Has not aerosol generator been shown to signifi- (SPAG). Suction patients cantly reduce length of on assisted ventilation stay, morbidity, or every 2 hours; monitor mortality. pulmonary every 2 to 4 hours. May cause blurred vision and photosensitivity. Corticosteroids Exert a potent, locally Maintenance program for Not for treatment of acute (inhaled) acting anti-inflammatory asthma, chronic lung wheezing. Rinse mouth effect to decrease the disease. Acute treatment after inhalation to frequency and severity of croup syndromes. decrease incidence of of asthma attacks. May fungal infections, dry also delay pulmonary mouth, and hoarseness. damage that occurs Minimal systemic absorp- with chronic asthma. tion makes inhaled steroids the treatment of choice for asthma maintenance program. Corticosteroids (oral, Suppress inflammation Treatment of acute exacer- May cause hyperglycemia. parenteral) and normal immune bations of asthma or May suppress reaction response. Very effective, wheezing with chronic to tests. Consult but long-term or chronic lung disease. Acute physician if vaccinations use can result in peptic treatment of severe are ordered during ulceration, altered croup. course of systemic growth, and numerous corticosteroid therapy. other side effects. Short courses of therapy are generally safe. Children on long-term dosing should have growth assessed. Decongestants (e.g., Treatment of runny or Common cold, limited but Assess child periodically for pseudephedrine) stuffy nose possible usefulness in . Some sinusitis and allergic rhinitis children react to decongestants with excessive sleepiness or increased activity. Leukotriene receptor Decrease inflammatory Long-term control of Given once daily, in the antagonists response by antago- asthma in children age evening. Not for relief of (montelukast, nizing the effects of 1 year and older. bronchospasm during zafirlukast, zileuton) leukotrienes (which Montelukast: for allergic an acute wheezing mediate the effects of rhinitis in children episode, but may be airway edema, smooth 6 months and older. continued during the muscle constriction, episode. altered cellular activity)


Drug Guide 19.1 Common Drugs for Respiratory Disorders (continued)

Medication Action Indication Nursing Implications

Mast-cell stabilizers Administered via inhalation. Maintenance program for For prophylactic use, not to (cromolyn, Prevent release of asthma and chronic relieve bronchospasm nedocromil) histamine from sensitized lung disease, pre- during an acute wheez- mast cells, resulting in exposure treatment ing episode. Can be decreased frequency for allergens used 10 to 15 minutes and intensity of allergic prior to exposure to reactions. allergen, to decrease reaction to allergen. Methylxanthines Administered orally or Used late in the course of Monitor drug levels routinely. (, intravenously. treatment for moderate Report signs of toxicity aminophylline) To provide for continuous or severe asthma in immediately: tachy- airway relaxation. order to achieve long- cardia, nausea, vomiting, Sustained-release oral term control. Also diarrhea, stomach preparation can be indicated for of , anorexia, used to prevent prematurity (see confusion, headache, nocturnal symptoms. “”). restlessness, flushing, Requires serum level increased urination, . seizures, arrhythmias, insomnia. Caffeine Stimulates the respiratory See “Methylxanthines.” center Pulmozyme (dornase that hydrolyzes Cystic fibrosis Monitor for dysphonia and alfa) the DNA in , pharyngitis. reducing sputum viscosity. Synagis (palivizumab) Monoclonal antibody For certain high-risk groups Should be administered used to prevent serious of children monthly during the RSV lower respiratory RSV season. Given disease intramuscularly only.

rapid respirations, increased work of breathing, ear, nose, Physical Examination sinus, or throat pain, ear pulling, headache, vomiting with Physical examination of the respiratory system includes coughing, poor feeding, and lethargy. Also inquire about inspection and observation, , percussion, and exposure to second-hand smoke. Children exposed to . environmental smoke have an increased incidence of res- piratory illnesses such as asthma, bronchitis, and pneu- Inspection and Observation monia (Sheahan & Free, 2005). See Healthy People 2010. Color. Observe the child’s color, noting pallor or cyanosis (circumoral or central). Pallor (pale appearance) occurs as a result of peripheral vasoconstriction in an effort to con- serve oxygen for vital functions. Cyanosis (a bluish HEALTHY PEOPLE 2010 tinge to the ) occurs as a result of hypoxia. It might Objective Significance first present circumorally (just around the mouth) and Reduce the proportion of • Educate the family progress to central cyanosis. Newborns might have blue children who are regularly about the effects that hands and feet (acrocyanosis), a normal finding. The exposed to tobacco passive smoking has on infant might have pale hands and feet when cold or when smoke at home. children. ill, as peripheral circulation is not well developed in early • Encourage families to infancy. It is important, then, to note if the cyanosis is join smoking cessation central (involving the midline), as this is a true sign of programs. hypoxia. Children with low counts might not demonstrate cyanosis as early in the course of hypox- Chapter 19 NURSING CARE OF THE CHILD WITH A RESPIRATORY DISORDER 9 emia as children with normal hemoglobin levels. There- fore, absence of cyanosis or the degree of cyanosis present is not always an accurate indication of the severity of res- piratory involvement. Note the rate and depth of respiration as well as work Suprasternal notch of breathing. Often the first sign of respiratory illness in (Suprasternal retractions) Xiphoid area infants and children is tachypnea. (Suprasternal retractions)

A slow or irregular in an acutely ill infant or child is an ominous sign. See Chapter 32: Nursing Care of the Child During a Pediatric Ribs Emergency. (Intercostal retractions)

Nose and Oral Cavity. Inspect the nose and oral cavity. ● Figure 19.3 Location of retractions. Note nasal drainage and redness or swelling in the nose. Note the color of the , presence of exudates, ton- sil size and status, and presence of lesions anywhere within Retractions (the inward pulling of soft tissues with the oral cavity. respiration) can occur in the intercostal, subcostal, sub- Cough and Other Airway Noises. Note the sound of the sternal, supraclavicular, or suprasternal regions (Fig. 19.3). cough (is it wet, productive, dry and hacking, tight?). If Document the severity of the retractions: mild, moderate, noises associated with breathing are present (grunting, or severe. Also note the use of accessory neck muscles. stridor, or audible wheeze) these should also be noted. Note the presence of paradoxical breathing (lack of simul- Grunting occurs on expiration and is produced by pre- taneous chest and abdominal rise with the inspiratory mature glottic closure. It is an attempt to preserve or in- phase; Fig. 19.4). Bobbing of the head with each breath is crease functional residual capacity. Grunting might occur also a sign of increased respiratory effort. with alveolar collapse or loss of lung volume, such as in atelectasis, pneumonia, and . Stridor, a high-pitched, readily audible inspiratory noise, is a sign Seesaw (or paradoxical) respirations are very of upper airway obstruction. Sometimes can be ineffective for ventilation and oxygenation. The heard with the naked ear; these are referred to as audible chest falls on inspiration and rises on expiration. wheezes. Respiratory Effort. Assess respiratory effort for depth and quality. Is breathing labored? Infants and children and Restlessness. Is the child anxious or restless? with significant nasal congestion may have tachypnea, Restlessness, irritability, and anxiety result from diffi- which usually resolves when the nose is cleared of mucus. culty in securing adequate oxygen. These might be very also may occur when a large amount early signs of respiratory distress, especially if accompa- of nasal congestion is present. Increased work of breath- nied by tachypnea. Restlessness might progress to list- lessness and lethargy if the respiratory dysfunction is not ing, particularly if associated with restlessness and anx- corrected (Fig. 19.5). iety, usually indicates lower respiratory involvement. Assess for the presence of nasal flaring, retractions, Clubbing. Inspect the fingertips for the presence of or head bobbing. Nasal flaring can occur early in the clubbing, an enlargement of the terminal phalanx of the course of respiratory illness and is an effort to inhale finger, resulting in a change in the angle of the nail to the greater amounts of oxygen. fingertip (Fig. 19.6). Clubbing might occur in children

Synchronized respirations Lag on respirations Seesaw respirations

● Figure 19.4 Seesaw respirations. 10 Unit 4 NURSING CARE OF THE CHILD WITH A HEALTH DISORDER

tion, the inspiratory phase is usually softer and longer than the expiratory phase. Prolonged expiration is a sign of bronchial or bron- chiolar obstruction. Bronchiolitis, asthma, pulmonary edema, and an intrathoracic foreign body can cause pro- longed expiratory phases. Infants and young children have thin chest walls. When the upper airway is congested (as in a severe cold), the noise produced in the upper airway might be trans- mitted throughout the lung fields. When upper airway congestion is transmitted to the lung fields, the congested- sounding noise heard over the trachea is the same type of noise heard over the lungs but is much louder and more intense. To ascertain if these sounds are truly adventitious lung sounds or if they are transmitted from the upper airway, auscultate again after the child coughs or his or her nose has been suctioned. Another way to dis- cern the difference is to compare auscultatory findings over the trachea to the lung fields to determine if the abnormal sound is truly from within the lung or is actu- ● Figure 19.5 Hypoxia and respiratory distress ally a sound transmitted from the upper airway. lead to anxiety and air hunger. Note adventitious sounds heard on auscultation. Wheezing, a high-pitched sound that usually occurs on expiration, results from obstruction in the lower trachea or with a chronic respiratory illness. It is the result of . Wheezing that clears with coughing is most increased growth as the body attempts to supply likely a result of secretions in the lower trachea. Wheez- more oxygen to distal body cells. ing resulting from obstruction of the bronchioles, as in bronchiolitis, asthma, chronic lung disease, or cystic fibro- Hydration Status. Note the child’s hydration status. The sis, that does not clear with coughing. Rales (crackling child with a respiratory illness is at risk for dehydration. sounds) result when the alveoli become fluid-filled, such Pain related to sore throat or mouth lesions may prevent as in pneumonia. Note the location of the adventitious the child from drinking properly. Nasal congestion inter- sounds as well as the timing (on inspiration, expiration, or feres with the infant’s ability to suck effectively at the breast both). Tachycardia might also be present. An increase in or bottle. Tachypnea and increased work of breathing often initially accompanies hypoxemia. interfere with the ability to safely ingest fluids. Assess the oral mucosa for color and moisture. Note Percussion skin turgor, presence of tears, and adequacy of urine When percussing, note sounds that are not resonant in output. nature. Flat or dull sounds might be percussed over partially consolidated lung tissue, as in pneumonia. Tympany might Auscultation be percussed with a pneumothorax. Note the presence of Assess lung sounds via auscultation. Evaluate breath hyperresonance (as might be apparent with asthma). sounds over the anterior and posterior chest, as well as in the axillary areas. Note the adequacy of aeration. Breath Palpation sounds should be equal bilaterally. The intensity and Palpate the sinuses for tenderness in the older child. pitch should be equal throughout the lungs; document Assess for enlargement or tenderness of the lymph nodes diminished breath sounds. In the absence of concurrent of the head and neck. Document alterations in tactile lower respiratory illness, the breath sounds should be detected on palpation. Increased tactile fremitus clear throughout all lung fields. During normal respira- might occur in a case of pneumonia or .

● Figure 19.6 (A) Normal finger- ABCNormal Early clubbing Advanced clubbing tip. (B) Clubbing. Chapter 19 NURSING CARE OF THE CHILD WITH A RESPIRATORY DISORDER 11

Fremitus might be decreased in the case of barrel chest, guidelines in determining ongoing treatment. Laboratory as with cystic fibrosis. Absent fremitus might be noted or non-nursing personnel obtain some of the tests, while with pneumothorax or atelectasis. the nurse might obtain others. In either instance the nurse Compare central and peripheral . Note the qual- should be familiar with how the tests are obtained, what ity of the pulse as well as the rate. With significant respira- they are used for, and normal versus abnormal results. tory distress, often becomes compromised. Poor This knowledge will also be necessary when providing perfusion might be reflected in weaker peripheral pulses patient and family education related to the testing. (radial, pedal) when compared to central pulses.

Laboratory and Diagnostic Testing Ambient light may interfere with Common Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests 19.1 explains readings. When the pulse oximeter probe is the laboratory and diagnostic tests most commonly used placed on the infant’s foot or young child’s toe, for a child with a respiratory disorder. The tests can assist covering the probe and foot with a sock may the physician in diagnosing the disorder and/or be used as help to ensure an accurate measurement.

Common Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests 19.1 Respiratory Disorders

Test Explanation Indication Nursing Implications

Allergy skin Suggested allergen is Allergic rhinitis, asthma Close observation for anaphylaxis testing applied to skin via is necessary. Epinephrine and scratch, pin or prick. emergency equipment should A wheal response be readily available. Some indicates allergy to the children react to the skin test substance. Carries risk almost immediately; others of anaphylaxis. (Nursing take several minutes. note: Antihistamines must be discontinued before testing, as they inhibit the test.) Arterial blood Invasive method (requires Usually reserved for Hold pressure for several minutes gases blood sampling) of severe illness, the after a peripheral arterial stick measuring arterial pH, intubated child, or to avoid bleeding. Radial of suspected carbon arterial sticks are common oxygen and carbon dioxide retention and can be very painful. dioxide, and base Note if the child is crying excess in blood excessively during the blood draw, as this affects the carbon dioxide level. Chest x-ray Radiographic image of Bronchiolitis, pneumonia, Children may be afraid of the the expanded lungs: tuberculosis, asthma, x-ray equipment. If a parent can show hyperinflation, cystic fibrosis, or familiar adult can accom- atelectasis, pneumonia, bronchopulmonary pany the child, often the child foreign body, pleural dysplasia is less afraid. If the child is effusion, abnormal unable or unwilling to hold still heart or lung size for the x-ray, restraint may be necessary. Restraint should be limited to the amount of time needed for the x-ray. Fluorescent Determines presence of Bronchiolitis, To obtain a nasopharyngeal antibody respiratory syncytial virus pneumonia specimen instill 1 to 3 mL of testing (RSV), adenovirus, sterile normal saline into one influenza, parainfluenza nostril, aspirate the contents or Chlamydia in using a small sterile bulb nasopharyngeal syringe, place the contents in secretions sterile container, and immedi- ately send them to the lab.


Common Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests 19.1 Respiratory Disorders (continued)

Test Explanation Indication Nursing Implications

Fluoroscopy Radiographic examination Identification of masses, Requires the child to lay still. that uses a fluorescent abscesses Equipment can be frightening. screen—“real-time” Children may respond to imaging presence of parent or familiar adult. Gastric washings Determines presence of Tuberculosis Nasogastric tube is inserted and for AFB AFB (acid-fast bacilli) in saline is instilled and suctioned stomach (children often out of the stomach for the swallow sputum) specimen. Peak expiratory Measures the maximum Daily use can indicate It is important to establish the flow flow of air that can be adequacy of asthma child’s “personal best” by forcefully exhaled in control. taking twice-daily readings 1 second. Measured in over a 2-week period while liters per second. well. The average of these is termed “personal best.” Charts based on height and age are also available to determine expected peak expiratory flow. Pulmonary Measures respiratory flow Asthma, cystic fibrosis, Usually performed by a respi- function tests and chronic lung disease ratory therapist trained to do the full spectrum of tests. can be obtained by the trained nurse in the outpatient setting. Pulse oximetry Noninvasive method of Can be useful in any Probe must be applied correctly continuously (or situation in which a to finger, toe, foot, hand, or intermittently) child is experiencing ear in order for the machine measuring oxygen respiratory distress to appropriately pick up the saturation pulse and oxygen saturation. Rapid flu test Rapid test for detection of Influenza Should be done in first 24 hours influenza A or B of illness so that medication administration can begin. Have the child gargle with sterile normal saline and then spit into a sterile container. Send immediately to the lab. Rapid strep test Instant test for presence Pharyngitis, tonsillitis Results in 5 to 10 minutes. of strep A antibody in Negative tests should be pharyngeal secretions backed up with throat culture. RAST (radioaller- Measures minute quantities Asthma (food allergies) Blood test that is usually sent out gosorbent test) of immunoglobulin E in to a reference laboratory the blood. Carries no risk of anaphylaxis but is not as sensitive as skin testing. Sinus x-rays, Radiologic tests that may Sinusitis, recurrent colds X-ray results are usually received computed show sinus involvement more quickly than CT or MRI tomography results. (CT), or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) Chapter 19 NURSING CARE OF THE CHILD WITH A RESPIRATORY DISORDER 13

Common Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests 19.1 Respiratory Disorders (continued)

Test Explanation Indication Nursing Implications

Sputum culture Bacterial culture of Pneumonia, cystic Must be true sputum, not mucus invasive organisms in fibrosis, tuberculosis from the mouth or nose. Child the sputum can deep breathe, cough, and spit, or specimen may be obtained via suctioning of the artificial airway. Sweat chloride Collection of sweat on Cystic fibrosis May be difficult to obtain sweat test filter paper after in a young infant stimulation of skin with pilocarpine. Measures of chloride in the sweat. Throat culture Bacterial culture (minimum Pharyngitis, tonsillitis Can be obtained on separate of 24 to 48 hours re- swab at same time as rapid quired) to determine strep test to decrease trauma presence of streptococ- to the child (swab both appli- cus A or other cators at once). Do not perform immediately after the child has had medication or something to eat or drink. Tuberculin skin Mantoux test (intradermal Tuberculosis, chronic Must be given intradermally; not test injection of purified cough a valid test if injected protein derivative) incorrectly

NURSING DIAGNOSES, GOALS, in planning nursing care for the child with a respiratory INTERVENTIONS, AND EVALUATION disorder. The nursing care plan should be individualized Upon completion of a thorough assessment, the nurse based on the patient’s symptoms and needs; refer to might identify several nursing diagnoses, including: Chap. 15 for detailed information on pain management. Additional information will be included later in the chap- • Ineffective airway clearance ter as it relates to specific disorders. • Ineffective breathing pattern • Impaired gas exchange • Risk for infection Based on your top three nursing diagnoses for • Pain Alexander, describe appropriate nursing interventions. • Risk for fluid volume deficit • Altered nutrition, less than body requirements Oxygen Supplementation • Activity intolerance Oxygen may be delivered to the child by a variety of • Fear methods (Fig. 19.7). Since oxygen administration is con- • Altered family processes sidered a drug, it requires a physician’s order, except when • Pain following emergency protocols outlined in a health care facility’s policies and procedures. Many health care set- After completing an assessment of Alexander, the tings develop specific guidelines for oxygen administra- nurse notes the following: lots of clear secretions in the tion that are often coordinated by respiratory therapists, airway, child appears pale, respiratory rate 68, retrac- yet the nurse still remains responsible for ensuring that tions, nasal flaring, wheezing, and diminished breath oxygen is administered properly. sounds. Based on these assessment findings, what would Oxygen sources include wall-mounted systems as well your top three nursing diagnoses be for Alexander? as cylinders. The supply of oxygen available from a wall- mounted source is limitless, but use of a wall-mounted Nursing goals, interventions, and evaluation for the source restricts the child to the hospital room. Cylinders child with a respiratory disorder are based on the nursing are portable oxygen tanks; the D-cylinder holds a little less diagnoses. Nursing Care Plan 19.1 can be used as a guide (text continues on page 000) 14 Unit 4 NURSING CARE OF THE CHILD WITH A HEALTH DISORDER

Nursing Care Plan 19.1 Overview for the Child with a Respiratory Disorder

Nursing Diagnosis: Ineffective airway clearance related to inflammation, increased secretions, mechanical obstruction, or pain as evidenced by presence of secretions, productive cough, tachypnea, and increased work of breathing

Outcome identification and evaluation Child will maintain patent airway, free from secretions or obstruction, easy work of breathing, respiratory rate within parameters for age.

Interventions: maintaining a patent airway • Position with airway open (sniffing position if supine): open airway allows adequate ventilation. • Humidify oxygen or room air and ensure adequate fluid intake (intravenous or oral) to help liquefy secretions for ease in clearance. • Suction with bulb syringe or via nasopharyngeal catheter as needed, particularly prior to bottle-feeding to promote clearance of secretions. • If tachypneic, maintain NPO status to avoid risk of aspiration. • In older child, encourage expectoration of sputum with coughing to promote airway clearance. • Perform chest physiotherapy if ordered to mobilize secretions. • Ensure emergency equipment is readily available to avoid delay should airway become unmaintainable.

Nursing Diagnosis: Ineffective breathing pattern related to inflammatory or infectious process as evidenced by tachypnea, increased work of breathing, nasal flaring, retractions, diminished breath sounds Outcome identification and evaluation Child will exhibit adequate ventilation: respiratory rate within parameters for age, easy work of breathing (absence of retractions, accessory muscle use, grunting), clear breath sounds with adequate aeration, oxygen saturation >94% or within prescribed parameters.

Interventions: promoting effective breathing patterns • Assess respiratory rate, breath sounds, and work of breathing frequently to ensure progress with treatment and so that deterioration can be noted early. • Use pulse oximetry to monitor oxygen saturation in the least invasive manner to note adequacy of oxygenation and ensure early detection of hypoxemia. • Position for comfort with open airway and room for lung expansion and use pillows or padding if necessary to maintain position to ensure optimal ventilation via maximum lung expansion. • Administer supplemental oxygen and/or humidity as ordered to improve oxygenation. • Allow for adequate sleep and rest periods to conserve energy. • Administer antibiotics as ordered: may be indicated in the case of bacterial respiratory infection. • Encourage incentive spirometry and coughing with deep breathing (can be accomplished through play) to maximize ventilation (play enhances the child’s participation). Chapter 19 NURSING CARE OF THE CHILD WITH A RESPIRATORY DISORDER 15

Overview for the Child with a Respiratory Disorder (continued)

Nursing Diagnosis: Gas exchange, impaired, related to airway plugging, hyperinflation, atelectasis as evidenced by cyanosis, decreased oxygen saturation, and alterations in arterial blood gases

Outcome identification and evaluation Gas exchange will be adequate: Pulse oximetry reading on room air is within normal parameters for age, blood gases within normal limits, absence of cyanosis.

Interventions: promoting adequate gas exchange • Administer oxygen as ordered to improve oxygenation. • Monitor oxygen saturation via pulse oximetry to detect alterations in oxygenation. • Encourage clearance of secretions via coughing, expectoration, chest physiotherapy, and suctioning: mobilization of secretions may improve gas exchange. • Administer if ordered (albuterol, levalbuterol, and racemic epinephrine) to treat bronchospasm and improve gas exchange. • Provide frequent contact and support to the child and family to decrease anxiety, which increases the child’s oxygen demands. • Assess and monitor mental status (confusion, lethargy, restlessness, combativeness): hypoxemia can lead to changes in mental status.

Nursing Diagnosis: Risk for infection related to presence of infectious organisms as evidenced by fever or presence of virus or bacteria on laboratory screening Outcome identification and evaluation Child will exhibit no signs of secondary infection and will not spread infection to others: symptoms of infection decrease over time; others remain free from infection.

Interventions: preventing infection • Maintain aseptic technique, practice good hand washing, and use disposable suction catheters to prevent introduction of further infectious agents. • Limit number of visitors and screen them for recent illness to prevent further infection. • Administer antibiotics if prescribed to prevent or treat bacterial infection. • Encourage nutritious diet according to child’s preferences and ability to feed orally to assist body’s natural infection-fighting mechanisms. • Isolate the child as required to prevent nosocomial spread of infection • Teach child and family preventive measures such as good hand washing, covering mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing, adequate disposal of used tissues to prevent nosocomial or community spread of infection.

Nursing Diagnosis: Fluid volume deficit, risk for, related to decreased oral intake, insensible losses via fever, tachypnea, or diaphoresis Outcome identification and evaluation Fluid volume will be maintained: Oral mucosa moist and pink, skin turgor elastic, urine output at least 1 to 2 mL/kg/hr.

Interventions: maintaining adequate fluid volume • Administer intravenous fluids if ordered to maintain adequate hydration in NPO state. • When allowed oral intake, encourage oral fluids. Popsicles, favorite fluids, and games can be used to promote intake. • Assess for signs of adequate hydration (elastic skin turgor, moist mucosa, adequate urine output). • Strict intake and output monitoring can help identify fluid imbalance. • Urine specific gravity, urine and serum electrolytes, blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, and osmolality are reliable indicators of fluid status.


Overview for the Child with a Respiratory Disorder (continued)

Nursing Diagnosis: Nutrition, altered: less than body requirements related to difficulty feeding as evidenced by poor oral intake, tiring with feeding

Outcome identification and evaluation Child will maintain adequate nutritional intake: Weight gain or maintenance occurs. Child consumes adequate diet for age.

Interventions: promoting adequate nutritional intake • Weigh on same scale at same time daily: weight gain or maintenance can indicate adequate nutritional intake. • Calorie counts over a 3-day period are helpful in determining if caloric intake is sufficient. • Assist family and child to choose higher-calorie, protein-rich foods to optimize growth potential. • Coax young children to eat better by playing games and offering favorite foods resulting in improved intake.

Nursing Diagnosis: Activity intolerance related to high respiratory demand as evidenced by increased work of breathing and requirement for frequent rest when playing Outcome identification and evaluation Child will resume normal activity level: Activity is tolerated without difficulty breathing. Pulse oximetry readings and within parameters for age and activity level.

Interventions: increasing activity tolerance • Provide rest periods balanced with periods of activity. Group nursing activities and visits to allow for sufficient rest. Activity increases myocardial oxygen demand so must be balanced with rest. • Provide small, frequent meals to prevent overtiring (energy is expended while eating). • Encourage quiet activities that do not require exertion to prevent boredom. • Allow gradual increase in activity as tolerated, keeping pulse oximetry reading within normal parameters, to minimize risk for further .

Nursing Diagnosis: Fear related to difficulty breathing, unfamiliar personnel, procedures, and envi- ronment (hospital) as evidenced by clinging, crying, fussing, verbalization, or lack of cooperation Outcome identification and evaluation Fear/anxiety will be reduced: decreased episodes of crying or fussing, happy and playful at times.

Interventions: relieving fear • Establish trusting relationship with child and family to decrease anxiety and fear. • Explain procedures to child at developmentally appropriate level to decrease fear of unknown. • Provide favorite blanket or bear to patient, as well as comfort measures preferred by client such as rocking or music for added security. • Involve parents in care to give child reassurance and decrease fear. Chapter 19 NURSING CARE OF THE CHILD WITH A RESPIRATORY DISORDER 17

Overview for the Child with a Respiratory Disorder (continued)

Nursing Diagnosis: Family processes, altered, related to child’s illness or hospitalization as evidenced by family’s presence in hospital, missed work, demonstration of inadequate coping

Outcome identification and evaluation Parents demonstrate adequate coping and decreased anxiety: Parents are involved in child’s care, ask appropriate questions and are able to discuss child’s care and condition calmly.

Interventions: promoting adequate family processes • Encourage parents’ verbalization of concerns related to child’s illness: allows for identification of concerns and demonstrates to the family that the nurse also cares about them, not just the child. • Explain therapy, procedures, and child’s behavior to parents; developing an understanding of the child’s status helps decrease anxiety. • Encourage parental involvement in care so that parents may continue to feel needed and valued.

than 400 liters of oxygen and the E-cylinder holds about checking the level of oxygen in the office’s oxygen tanks 650 liters of oxygen. Cylinders turn on with a metal key each day. that is kept with the tank. The tank empties relatively quickly if the child requires a high flow of oxygen, so this Oxygen is highly flammable, so use safety pre- is not the best oxygen source in an emergency. The cylin- cautions. Post signs (“Oxygen in Use”); inform the der is useful for the child on low-flow oxygen because it family to avoid matches, lighters, and flammable or volatile materials; and use only facility- allows mobility. approved equipment. Respiratory therapists usually maintain the respira- tory equipment that is found in the emergency room or The efficiency of oxygen delivery systems is affected by hospital. However, in an outpatient setting the nurse may several variables, including the child’s respiratory effort, the be responsible for maintaining respiratory equipment and liter flow of oxygen delivered, and whether the equipment


G Figure 19.7 (A) Simple oxygen mask provides about 40% oxygen. (B) The nasal cannula provides an additional 4% oxygen per 1 L of oxygen flow (i.e., 1 L will deliver 25% oxygen). (C) The nonrebreather mask provides 80%–100% oxygen. 18 Unit 4 NURSING CARE OF THE CHILD WITH A HEALTH DISORDER is being used appropriately. In general, oxygen facemasks come in infant, child, and adult sizes. Select the mask that bests fits the child. In addition, ensure that the mask is The child may have either a stuffy or runny nose. Nasal sealed properly to decrease the amount of oxygen that discharge is usually thin and watery at first but may escapes from the mask. Ensure that the liter flow is set become thicker and discolored. The color of nasal dis- according to the manufacturer’s recommendations for use charge is not an accurate indicator of viral versus bacte- with that particular delivery method. The oxygen flow rial infection. The child may be hoarse and complain of rate or concentration is usually determined by the physi- a sore throat. Cough usually produces very little spu- cian’s order. Whichever method of delivery is used, pro- tum. Fever, fatigue, watery eyes, and appetite loss may vide humidification during oxygen delivery to prevent also occur. Symptoms are generally at their worst over drying of nasal passages and to assist with liquefying secre- the first few days and then decrease over the course of tions. Table 19.1 gives details on oxygen delivery methods. the illness. Assess for risk factors such as daycare or school atten- dance. Inspect for edema and vasodilation of the mucosa. Diagnosis is based on clinical presentation rather than Monitor vital signs, color, respiratory lab or x-ray studies. Comparison Chart 19.1 differentiates effort, pulse oximetry, and level of causes of nasal congestion. consciousness before, during, and after to evaluate its effectiveness. Nursing management of the child with a common cold Acute Infectious Disorders consists of promoting comfort, providing family education, and preventing spread of the cold. Acute infectious disorders include the common cold, sinusitis, influenza, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, croup Promoting Comfort syndromes, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), pneumonia, Nursing care of the common cold is aimed at support- and bronchitis. ive measures. Nasal congestion may be relieved with the use of normal saline nose drops, followed by bulb ● COMMON COLD syringe suctioning in infants and toddlers. Older chil- dren may use a normal saline nose spray to mobilize The common cold is also referred to as a viral upper res- secretions. A cool mist humidifier also helps with nasal piratory infection (URI) or nasopharyngitis. Colds can congestion. Generally, other over-the-counter nose sprays be caused by a number of different viruses, including are not recommended for use in children, but they are rhinoviruses, parainfluenza, RSV, enteroviruses, and sometimes prescribed for very short-term use. Promotion adenoviruses (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious of adequate oral fluid intake is important to liquefy Diseases, 2004). Recently, meta-pneumovirus secretions. has been identified as an important cause of the common Educate parents about the use of cold and cough med- cold (Burke, 2004). Viral particles spread through the air ications. Although they may offer some symptomatic relief, or from person-to-person contact. Colds occur more fre- they have not been proven to shorten the length of cold quently in winter. They affect children of all ages and have symptoms. Counsel parents to use the appropriate product a higher incidence among daycare attendees and school- depending on the symptom relief desired, rather than a age children. It is not unusual for a child to have six to combination product. Products containing acetaminophen nine colds per year. Passive smoking increases the risk of combined with other “cold symptom” medications may catching colds (Johannsson et al., 2003). Spontaneous mask a fever in the child who is developing a secondary resolution occurs after about 7 to 10 days. Potential com- bacterial infection. As with all viral infections in children, plications include secondary bacterial infections of the teach parents that aspirin use should be avoided because ears, throat, sinuses, or lungs. of its association with Reye syndrome. Therapeutic management of the common cold is directed toward symptom relief. Nasal congestion may be Providing Family Education relieved via humidity and use of normal saline nasal wash Currently there are no medications available to treat the or spray followed by suctioning. Antihistamines are not viruses that cause the common cold, so symptomatic indicated, as they dry secretions further. Over-the-counter treatment is all that is necessary. Antibiotics are not indi- cold preparations are available singly and in combinations. cated unless the child also has a bacterial infection. These preparations have not been proven to reduce the Explain to parents the importance of reserving antibiotic length or severity of the cold but may offer symptomatic use for appropriate illnesses. Provide education about relief in some children. the use of normal saline nose drops and bulb suctioning Chapter 19 NURSING CARE OF THE CHILD WITH A RESPIRATORY DISORDER 19

Table 19.1 Oxygen Delivery Methods

Delivery Method Description Nursing Implications

Simple mask Provides 35% to 60% oxygen • Must maintain oxygen flow rate of at least 6 L/minute with a flow rate of 6 to to maintain inspired oxygen concentration and 10 L/minute. Oxygen delivery prevent rebreathing of carbon dioxide percentage affected by • Mask must fit snugly to be effective but should not be respiratory rate, inspiratory so tight as to irritate the face. flow, and adequacy of mask fit. Venturi mask Provides 24% to 50% oxygen by • Set oxygen flow rate according to percentage of using a special gauge at oxygen desired as indicated on the gauge/dial. the base of the mask that • As with simple mask, must fit snugly allows mixing of room air with oxygen flow Nasal cannula Provides low oxygen con- • Must be used with humidification to prevent drying centration (22% to 44%) but and irritation of airways needs patent nasal • Can provide very small amounts of oxygen (as low as passages 25 cc/minute) • Maximum recommended liter flow in children is 4 L/minute. • Children can eat or talk while on oxygen. • Inspired oxygen concentration affected by mouth breathing • Requires patent nasal passages Oxygen tent Provides high-humidity • Oxygen level drops when tent is opened. environment with up to • Must change linen frequently as it becomes damp 50% oxygen concentration from the humidity • Secure edges of tent with blankets or by tucking edges under mattress. • Young children may be fearful and resistant. • Mist may interfere with visualization of child inside tent. Oxygen hood Provides high concentration • Liter flow must be set at 10 to 15 L/minute. (up to 80% to 90%) for • Good method for infant but need to remove infants only. Allows easy for feeding access to chest and lower • Can and should be humidified body. Partial Simple facemask with an • Must set liter flow rate at 10 to 12 L/min to prevent rebreathing oxygen reservoir bag. rebreathing of carbon dioxide mask Provides 50% to 60% oxygen • The reservoir bag does not completely empty when concentration. child inspires if flow rate is set properly. Nonrebreathing Simple facemask with valves • Must set liter flow rate at 10 to 12 L/min to prevent mask at the exhalation ports and rebreathing of carbon dioxide an oxygen reservoir bag • The reservoir bag does not completely empty when with a valve to prevent child inspires if flow rate is set properly. exhaled air from entering the reservoir. Provides 95% oxygen concentration. 20 Unit 4 NURSING CARE OF THE CHILD WITH A HEALTH DISORDER

● COMPARISON CHART 19.1 Causes of Nasal Congestion

Sign or Symptom Allergic Rhinitis Common Cold Sinusitis

Length of illness Varies, may have year-round 10 days or less Longer than 10 to 14 days symptoms Nasal discharge Thin, watery, clear Thick, white, yellow, or Thick, yellow or green green; can be thin Nasal congestion Varies Present Present Sneezing Varies Present Absent Cough Varies Present Varies Headache Varies Varies Varies Fever Absent Varies Varies Bad breath Absent Absent Varies

to clear the infant’s nose of secretions. Normal saline individuals known to have a cold. Encourage parents nasal wash using a bulb syringe to instill the is and families to consume a healthy diet and get enough also helpful for children of all ages with nasal congestion. rest (Torpy, 2003). See Healthy People 2010. Though normal saline for nasal administration is avail- able commercially, parents can also make it at home (Box 19.2). Teaching Guideline 19.1 gives instructions ConsiderTHIS! on use of the bulb syringe. Corey Davis, a 3-year-old, is brought to the clinic by her Counsel parents about symptoms of complications of mother. She presents with a runny nose, congestion, and a the common cold. These include: nonproductive cough. Her mother says, “She is miserable.” • Prolonged fever What other assessment information would be helpful? • Increased throat pain or enlarged, painful lymph nodes Based on the history and clinical presentation, Corey • Increased or worsening cough, cough lasting longer than is diagnosed with a common cold. What education 10 days, , difficulty breathing would be helpful for this family? Include ways to • Earache, headache, tooth or sinus pain improve Corey’s comfort and ways to prevent the • Unusual irritability or lethargy common cold. • Skin rash If complications do occur, tell parents to notify the health care provider for further instruction or reassessment. ● SINUSITIS Preventing the Common Cold Sinusitis (also called rhinosinusitis) generally refers to a bacterial infection of the . The disease Teaching about ways to prevent the common cold is a may be either acute or chronic in nature, with the treatment vital nursing intervention. Explain that frequent hand approach varying with chronicity. Approximately 5% of washing helps to decrease the spread of viruses that upper respiratory infections are complicated with acute cause the common cold. Teach parents and family to sinusitis. In young children the maxillary and ethmoid avoid second-hand smoke as well as crowded places, sinuses are the main sites of infection. After age 10 years, especially during the winter. Avoid close contact with the frontal sinuses may be more commonly involved. Mucosal swelling, decreased ciliary movement, and thick- ened nasal discharge all contribute to bacterial invasion of the nose. Nasal polyps also place the child at risk for BOX 19.2 bacterial sinusitis. Complications include orbital cellulitis HOMEMADE SALT WATER NOSE DROPS and intracranial infections such as subdural empyemas. Mix 8 oz distilled water, a half-teaspoon sea salt, and a Symptoms lasting less than 30 days generally indicate quarter-teaspoon baking soda. Keeps for 24 hours in acute sinusitis, whereas symptoms persisting longer than the refrigerator, but should be allowed to come to 4 to 6 weeks usually indicate chronic sinusitis. Sinusitis is room prior to use. managed with antibiotic treatment. The course of treat- ment is a minimum of 10 days. The current American Chapter 19 NURSING CARE OF THE CHILD WITH A RESPIRATORY DISORDER 21


Using the Bulb Syringe to Suction Nasal Secretions • Hold the infant on your lap or on the bed with head • (IfPlace using rubber saline) tip Instillin infant’s several nose drops and of release saline pressure solution tilted slightly back. inon one the ofbulb. infant’s nostrils.

•• (IfPlace using rubber saline) tip Instill in infant’s several nose drops and of release saline pressure solution • Remove the syringe and squeeze bulb over tissue or inon one the ofbulb. infant’s nostrils. the sink to empty it of secretions.

• Compress the sides of the bulb syringe completely. • Repeat on alternate nostril if necessary. Using a bulb Use only a rubber-tipped bulb syringe. syringe prior to bottle-feeding or breastfeeding may relieve congestion enough to allow the infant to suck more efficiently. • Clean the bulb syringe thoroughly with warm water after each use and allow to air dry. 22 Unit 4 NURSING CARE OF THE CHILD WITH A HEALTH DISORDER

HEALTHY PEOPLE 2010 Nursing Management Objective Significance Normal saline nose drops or spray, cool mist humidi- fiers, and adequate oral fluid intake are recommended Reduce the number of • Appropriately educate for children with sinusitis. Teach families the impor- courses of antibiotics families that the cause tance of continuing the full course of antibiotics to prescribed for the sole of the common cold is diagnosis of the a number of viruses and eradicate the cause of infection. Also educate the fam- common cold. that antibiotics are ily that using decongestants, antihistamines, and intra- inappropriate for the nasal steroids as adjuncts in the treatment of sinusitis treatment of viral has not been shown to be beneficial. Normal saline nose infections. spray or nasal washes may promote drainage (Leung & • Encourage families to Kellner, 2004). use measures such as normal saline nasal ● washes to decrease symptoms associated Influenza viral infection occurs primarily during the win- with the common cold ter. “The flu” is spread through inhalation of droplets or more quickly. contact with fine-particle aerosols. Infected children shed the virus for 1 to 2 days before symptoms begin. Average annual infection rates in children range from 35% to 50% (Brunell et al., 2001). Influenza viruses primarily affect Academy of Pediatrics recommendations state that anti- the upper respiratory but can cause systemic biotics should be continued for 7 days once the child is free effects as well. Children with chronic heart or lung con- from symptoms to eradicate the infection (AAP, 2001). ditions, diabetes, chronic renal disease, or immune defi- Naturally, chronic sinusitis requires a longer course of ciency are at higher risk than other children for more treatment than acute sinusitis. Surgical therapy may be severe influenza infection. indicated for children with chronic sinusitis, particularly if Bacterial infections of the respiratory system com- it is recurrent or if nasal polyps are present. monly occur as complications of influenza infection, severe Nursing Assessment pneumococcal pneumonia in particular (AAP, 2002). Otitis media occurs in 30% to 50% of all influenza cases The most common presentation of sinusitis is persistent (Brunell et al., 2001). Less common complications include of a cold. Rather than improving Reye syndrome and acute myositis. Reye syndrome is an after 7 to 10 days, nasal discharge persists. Explore the acute that has been associated with history for: aspirin use in the influenza-infected child. Acute myositis • Cough is particular to children. A sudden onset of severe pain • Fever and tenderness in both calves causes the child to refuse • In preschoolers or older children, halitosis (bad breath) to walk. Due to the potential for complications, a pro- • Facial pain may or may not be present, so is not a reliable longed fever or a fever that returns during convalescence indicator of disease. should be investigated. • Eyelid edema (in the case of ethmoid sinus involvement) • Irritability Nursing Assessment • Poor appetite Children who attend daycare or school are at higher risk Cold symptoms that are severe and not improving for influenza infection than those who are routinely over time may also indicate sinusitis (Leung & Kellner, at home. Note the presence of risk factors for severe 2004). Assess for risk factors such as a history of recur- disease, such as chronic heart or lung disease (such as rent cold symptoms or a history of nasal polyps. asthma), diabetes, chronic renal disease, or immune On physical examination, note eyelid swelling, extent deficiency or children with cancer receiving chemother- of nasal drainage, and halitosis. Inspect the throat for evi- apy. School-age children and adolescents experience the dence of postnasal drainage. Inspect the nasal mucosa for illness similarly to adults. Abrupt onset of fever, facial erythema. Palpate the sinuses, noting pain with mild pres- flushing, chills, headache, myalgia, and malaise are sure. The diagnosis may be made based on the history accompanied by cough and coryza. About half of and clinical presentation, augmented by x-ray, computed infected individuals have a dry or sore throat. Ocular tomography scan, or magnetic resonance imaging find- symptoms such as photophobia, tearing, burning, and ings in some cases (Leung & Kellner, 2004). (Refer to eye pain are common. Comparison Chart 19.1, which differentiates the causes Infants and young children exhibit symptoms sim- of nasal congestion.) ilar to other respiratory illnesses. Fever greater than Chapter 19 NURSING CARE OF THE CHILD WITH A RESPIRATORY DISORDER 23

39.5° C is common. Infants may be mildly toxic in either the rapid diagnostic test or throat culture (described appearance and irritable and have a cough, coryza, and below) is positive for group A streptococci, penicillin pharyngitis. Wheezing may occur, as influenza also can is generally prescribed. Appropriate alternative anti- cause bronchiolitis. An erythematous rash may be pres- biotics include amoxicillin and, for those allergic to ent, and diarrhea may also occur. Diagnosis may be penicillin, macrolides and cephalosporins (Hayes & confirmed by a rapid assay test. Williamson, 2001).

Nursing Management A “strep carrier” is a child who has a positive Nursing management of influenza is mainly supportive. throat culture for streptococci when Symptomatic treatment of cough and fever and main- asymptomatic. Strep carriers are not at tenance of hydration are the focus of care. Amantadine risk for complications from streptococci as hydrochloride (Symmetrel) and other newer antiviral are those who are acutely infected with streptococci drugs can be effective in reducing symptoms associated and are symptomatic. with influenza if started within the first 24 to 48 hours of the illness. Nursing Assessment Preventing Influenza Infection Onset of the illness is often quite abrupt. The history may Yearly vaccination against influenza is recommended include a fever, sore throat and difficulty swallowing, for high-risk groups. Children who are 6 months or older headache, and abdominal pain, which are quite common. considered high risk are those who: Inquire about recent incidence of viral or strep throat in the family, daycare, or school setting. • Have chronic heart or lung conditions Inspect the pharynx and tonsils, which may demon- • Have sickle cell anemia or other hemoglobinopathy strate varying degrees of inflammation (Fig. 19.8). Exudate • Are under medical care for diabetes, chronic renal dis- may be present but is not diagnostic of bacterial infection. ease, or immune deficiency Note the presence of petechiae on the palate. Inspect the • Are on long-term aspirin therapy (risk of developing Reye tongue for a strawberry appearance. Palpate for enlarge- syndrome after the flu) ment and tenderness of the anterior cervical nodes. Inspect Among otherwise healthy children, infants and tod- the skin for the presence of a fine, red, sandpaper-like dlers are at highest risk for developing severe disease. All rash (called scarlatiniform), particularly on the trunk healthy children between the ages of 6 and 59 months or abdomen, a common finding with streptococcus A should also be immunized. Refer to Chapter 9 for more infection. information on immunizations. The nurse may obtain a throat swab for rapid diag- nostic testing and throat culture. If both tests are being ● PHARYNGITIS obtained, the applicators may be swabbed simultane- ously to decrease perceived trauma to the child. The Inflammation of the throat mucosa (pharynx) is referred rapid strep test is a sensitive and reliable measure rarely to as pharyngitis. A sore throat may accompany nasal congestion and is often viral in nature. A bacterial sore throat most often occurs without nasal symptoms. Group A streptococci account for 15% to 30% of cases, with the remainder being caused by other viruses or bacteria (Bisno, 2001). Complications of group A streptococcal infection include acute rheumatic fever (see Chapter 20) and acute glomerulonephritis (see Chapter 22). An additional complication of streptococcal pharyngitis is ; this may be noted by asymmetric swelling of the tonsils, shift of the uvula to one side, and palatal edema. may also follow pharyngitis and is most common in young children (Ebell et al., 2000). It can progress to the point of airway obstruction and requires careful evaluation and appropriate treatment. Viral pharyngitis is usually self-limited and does not require therapy beyond symptomatic relief. Group A ● Figure 19.8 Note the red color of the pharynx, as well as streptococcal pharyngitis requires antibiotic therapy. If redness and significant enlargement of the tonsils. 24 Unit 4 NURSING CARE OF THE CHILD WITH A HEALTH DISORDER resulting in false-positive readings (Farrar-Simpson et al., the midline (“kissing tonsils” or 4+ in size), the airway may 2005). If the rapid strep test is negative, the second swab become obstructed (see Fig. 19.8). Also, if the adenoids may be sent for a throat culture. are enlarged, the posterior nares become obstructed. The child may breathe through the mouth and may snore. Nursing Management Palpate the anterior cervical nodes for enlargement and tenderness. Rapid test or culture may be positive for strep- Nursing management of the child with pharyngitis focuses tococcus A (Johansson & Mannson, 2003). on promoting comfort and providing family education.

Promoting Comfort Nursing Management Saline gargles (made with 8 oz of warm water and a half- Tonsillitis that is medically treated requires the same teaspoon of table salt) are soothing for children old enough nursing management as pharyngitis. Nursing care for the to cooperate. Analgesics such as acetaminophen and child after tonsillectomy is described below. ibuprofen may ease fever and pain. Sucking on throat lozenges or hard candy may also ease pain. Cool mist Promoting Airway Clearance humidity helps to keep the mucosa moist in the event of Until fully awake, place the child in a side-lying or prone mouth breathing. Encourage the child to ingest Popsicles, position to facilitate safe drainage of secretions. Once cool liquids, and ice chips to maintain hydration. alert, he or she may prefer to sit up or have the head of the bed elevated. Suctioning, if necessary, should be Providing Family Education done carefully to avoid trauma to the surgical site. Dried Parents may be accustomed to “sore throats” being treated blood may be present on the teeth and the nares, with with antibiotics, but in the case of a viral cause antibiotics old blood present in emesis. Since the presence of blood will not be necessary and the pharyngitis will resolve in a can be very frightening to parents, alert them to this few days. For the child with streptococcal pharyngitis, urge possibility. parents to have the child complete the entire prescribed course of antibiotics (Parmet, 2004). After 24 hours of Maintaining Fluid Volume antibiotic therapy, instruct the parents to discard the Hemorrhage is unusual postoperatively but may occur any child’s toothbrush to avoid reinfection. Children may time from the immediate postoperative period to as late as return to day care or school after they have been receiv- 10 days after (Peterson & Losek, 2004). Inspect ing antibiotics for 24 hours, as they are considered non- the throat for bleeding. Mucus tinged with blood may be contagious at that point. expected, but fresh blood in the secretions indicates bleed- ing. Early bleeding may be identified by continuous swal- ● TONSILLITIS lowing of small amounts of blood while awake or sleeping. Other signs of hemorrhage include tachycardia, pallor, Inflammation of the tonsils often occurs with pharyngitis restlessness, frequent throat clearing, and emesis of bright and thus may also be viral or bacterial in nature. Viral red blood. infections require only symptomatic treatment. Treatment To avoid trauma to the surgical site, discourage the for bacterial tonsillitis is the same as for bacterial pharyn- child from coughing, clearing the throat, blowing the nose, gitis. Peritonsillar abscess may follow a bout of tonsillitis and using straws. Upon discharge, instruct the parents to and requires incision and drainage of the -containing immediately report any sign of bleeding to the physician. mass followed by a course of intravenous antibiotics To maintain fluid volume postoperatively, encourage chil- (Belkengren & Sapala, 2003). Occasionally surgical inter- dren to take any fluids they desire; Popsicles and ice chips vention is warranted. Tonsillectomy (surgical removal of are particularly soothing. Citrus juice and brown or red the palatine tonsils) may be indicated for the child with fluids should be avoided: the acid in citrus juice may irri- recurrent streptococcal tonsillitis, massive tonsillar hyper- tate the throat, and red or brown fluids may be confused trophy, or other reasons. When hypertrophied adenoids with blood if vomiting occurs. obstruct breathing, then adenoidectomy (surgical removal of the adenoids) may be indicated. Relieving Pain Nursing Assessment For the first 24 hours after surgery, the throat is very sore. Adequate pain relief is essential to establish ade- Note whether fever is present currently or by history. quate oral fluid intake. An ice collar may be prescribed, Inquire about the history of recurrent pharyngitis or ton- as well as analgesics with or without narcotics. Counsel sillitis. Note if the child’s voice sounds muffled or hoarse. parents to maintain pain control upon discharge from Inspect the pharynx for redness and enlargement of the the facility, not only for the child’s sake but also to tonsils. As the tonsils enlarge, the child may experience enable the child to continue to drink fluids (Louloudes, difficulty breathing and swallowing. When tonsils touch at 2006). Chapter 19 NURSING CARE OF THE CHILD WITH A RESPIRATORY DISORDER 25

● INFECTIOUS MONONUCLEOSIS ● LARYNGITIS Infectious mononucleosis is a self-limited illness caused by Inflammation of the larynx is termed laryngitis. It may the Epstein-Barr virus. It is characterized by fever, malaise, occur alone or in conjunction with other respiratory sore throat, and lymphadenopathy. Mononucleosis is symptoms. It is characterized by a hoarse voice or loss of commonly called the “kissing disease” since it is trans- the voice (so soft as to make it difficult to hear). Oral flu- mitted by oropharyngeal secretions. It can occur at any ids might offer relief, but resting the voice for 24 hours age but is most often diagnosed in adolescents and young will allow the inflammation to subside. Laryngitis alone adults. Some infected individuals may have concomitant requires no further intervention. streptococcal pharyngitis. Complications include splenic rupture, Guillain-Barré syndrome, and aseptic ● (Jensen, 2004). CROUP Children between 3 months and 3 years of age are the Nursing Assessment most frequently affected with croup, though croup may Note any history of exposure to infected individuals. affect any child. Croup is also referred to as laryngotra- Determine history of fever and onset and progression of cheobronchitis because inflammation and edema of the sore throat, malaise, and other complaints. Observe for larynx, trachea, and bronchi occur as a result of viral infec- periorbital edema. Inspect the pharynx and tonsils for tion. Parainfluenza is responsible for the majority of cases inflammation and the presence of patches of gray exudate. of croup. Other causes include adenovirus, influenza virus Petechiae may be present on the palate. Palpate for bilat- A and B, RSV, and rarely measles virus or Mycoplasma eral nontender enlargement of the posterior cervical pneumoniae (Bjornson et al., 2004). The inflammation and lymph nodes. After 3 to 5 days of illness, the pharynx may edema obstruct the airway, resulting in symptoms. Mucus become edematous and the tonsillar exudate more exten- production also occurs, further contributing to obstruction sive. Lymphadenopathy may progress to include the ante- of the airway. Narrowing of the subglottic area of the rior cervical nodes, which may become tender. Palpate trachea results in audible inspiratory stridor. Edema of the abdomen for the presence of splenomegaly or the larynx causes hoarseness. Inflammation in the lar- hepatomegaly. An erythematous maculopapular rash may ynx and trachea causes the characteristic barking cough appear as the illness progresses. Definitive diagnosis may of croup. Symptoms occur most often at night, and croup be made by Monospot or Epstein-Barr virus titers. is usually self-limited, lasting only about 3 to 5 days (Leung et al., 2004). Croup often presents suddenly at night, with reso- The Monospot is usually negative lution of symptoms in the morning. Complications of if obtained within the first 7 to 10 days croup are rare but may include worsening respiratory of illness with infectious mononucleosis. Epstein-Barr virus titer is reliable at any point distress, hypoxia, or bacterial superinfection (as in the in the illness. case of bacterial ). Croup is usually managed on an outpatient basis, with only 1% to 2% of cases requiring Nursing Management hospitalization (Leung et al., 2004). Corticosteroids (usually a single dose) are used to Nursing management of mononucleosis is primarily symp- decrease inflammation and racemic epinephrine aerosols tomatic. The throat may be very sore, so analgesics and demonstrate the alpha-adrenergic effect of mucosal vaso- salt-water gargles are recommended. Bed rest should be constriction, helping to decrease edema (Bjornson et al., encouraged while the child is febrile. Frequent rest peri- 2004; Schooff, 2005). Children with croup may be hos- ods may be necessary for several weeks after the onset of pitalized if they have significant stridor at rest or severe illness, as fatigue may persist as long as 6 weeks. During retractions after a several-hour period of observation. the acute phase, if tonsillar or pharyngeal edema threat- Comparison Chart 19.2 gives information comparing ens to obstruct the airway, then corticosteroids may be croup to epiglottitis. given to decrease the inflammation. In the presence of splenomegaly or hepatomegaly, strenuous activity and Nursing Assessment contact sports should be avoided. Appearance of rash or jaundice should be reported to the physician. Note the age of the child; children between 3 months and 3 years of age are most likely to present with viral croup (laryngotracheobronchitis). History may reveal a cough Concomitant strep throat in the presence of that developed during the night (most common presen- infectious mononucleosis should be treated tation) and that sounds like barking (or a seal). Inspect with an antibiotic other than ampicillin, as it for presence of mild URI symptoms. Temperature may may cause an allergic-type rash if used in the be normal or elevated mildly. Listen for inspiratory stri- presence of mononucleosis. dor and observe for suprasternal retractions. Auscultate 26 Unit 4 NURSING CARE OF THE CHILD WITH A HEALTH DISORDER

● COMPARISON CHART 19.2 Croup vs. Epiglottitis

Spasmodic Croup Epiglottitis

Preceding illness None or minimal None or mild coryza upper respiratory infection Usually affects age: 3 months to 3 years 1 to 8 years Onset Usually sudden, often Rapid (within hours) at night Fever Variable High Barking cough, Yes No hoarseness Dysphagia No Yes Toxic appearance No Yes Cause Viral Haemophilus influenzae type B

the lungs for adequacy of breath sounds. Various scales Extensive use of the Hib vaccine since the 1980s has are available for scoring croup severity, though these are resulted in a significant decrease in the incidence of of limited value in the clinical assessment and treatment epiglottitis. Epiglottitis usually occurs in children between of croup (Leung et al., 2004). Croup is usually diagnosed the ages of 2 and 7 years and can be life threatening (Leung based on history and clinical presentation, but a lateral et al., 2004). and death may occur if the neck x-ray may be obtained to rule out epiglottitis. airway becomes completely occluded. Additional compli- cations include pneumothorax and pulmonary edema. Therapeutic management focuses on airway maintenance The child with fever, a toxic appearance, and and support. Intravenous antibiotic therapy is necessary increasing respiratory distress despite appropriate (Tanner et al., 2002). The child will be managed in the croup treatment may have bacterial tracheitis . Comparison Chart 19.2 gives infor- (Orenstein, 2004). Notify the physician of these findings in a child with croup. mation comparing croup to epiglottitis.

Nursing Management TEACHING GUIDELINE 19.2 If the child’s care is being managed at home, advise parents about the symptoms of respiratory distress and instruct Home Care of Croup them to seek treatment if the child’s respiratory condition • Keep the child quiet and discourage crying. worsens. Teach parents to expose their child to humidi- • Allow the child to sit up (in your arms). fied air (via a cool mist humidifier or steamy bathroom). • Encourage rest and fluid intake. Though never clinically proven, use of humidified air has • If stridor occurs, take the child into a steamy bathroom long been recommended for alleviating coughing jags and for 10 minutes. anecdotally reported as helpful. Administer dexametha- • Administer medication (corticosteroid) as directed. sone if ordered or teach parents about home adminis- • Watch the child closely. Call the physician if: tration. Explain to parents that the effects of racemic • The child breathes faster, has retractions, or has any epinephrine last about 2 hours and the child must be other difficulty breathing observed closely as occasionally a child will worsen again, • The nostrils flare or the lips or nails have a bluish tint requiring another aerosol. Teaching Guideline 19.2 gives • The cough or stridor does not improve with exposure information about home care of croup. to moist air • Restlessness increases or the child is confused ● EPIGLOTTITIS • The child begins to drool or cannot swallow

Epiglottitis (inflammation and swelling of the ) Adapted from Knutson, 2004. is most often caused by Haemophilus influenzae type b. Chapter 19 NURSING CARE OF THE CHILD WITH A RESPIRATORY DISORDER 27

Nursing Assessment Groothius, 2000). The frequency and severity of RSV infection decrease with age. Repeated RSV infections Carefully assess the child with suspected epiglottitis. Note occur throughout life but are usually localized to the upper sudden onset of symptoms and high fever. The child has respiratory tract after toddlerhood. an overall toxic appearance. He or she may refuse to speak or may speak only with a very soft voice. The child may Therapeutic Management refuse to lie down and may assume the characteristic posi- tion, sitting forward with the neck extended. Drooling may Management of RSV focuses on supportive treatment. be present. Note anxiety or a frightened appearance. Note Supplemental oxygen, nasal and/or nasopharyngeal suc- the child’s color. Cough is usually absent. A lateral neck tioning, oral or intravenous hydration, and inhaled bron- x-ray may be performed to determine the presence of chodilator therapy are used. Many infants are managed at epiglottitis. This is done cautiously, so as not to induce air- home with close observation and adequate hydration. way obstruction with changes in position of the child’s Hospitalization is required for children with more severe neck (Bjornson et al., 2004; Tanner et al., 2002). disease. The infant with tachypnea, significant retractions, poor oral intake, or lethargy can deteriorate quickly, to the Nursing Management point of requiring ventilatory support, and thus warrants hospital admission. Do not leave the child unattended. Keep the child and par- ents as calm as possible. Allow the child to assume a posi- Pathophysiology tion of comfort. Do not place the child in a supine position, as airway occlusion may occur. Provide 100% oxygen in RSV is a highly contagious virus and may be contracted the least invasive manner that is most acceptable to the through direct contact with respiratory secretions or from child. Do not under any circumstance attempt to visu- particles on objects contaminated with the virus (Lauts, alize the throat: reflex may occur, precip- 2005). RSV invades the nasopharynx, where it replicates itating immediate airway occlusion. If the child with and then spreads down to the lower airway via aspiration epiglottitis experiences complete airway occlusion, an of upper airway secretions. RSV infection causes necro- emergency tracheostomy may be necessary. Ensure that sis of the respiratory epithelium of small airways, peri- emergency equipment is available and that personnel bronchiolar mononuclear infiltration, and plugging of the specifically trained in intubation of the pediatric occluded lumens with mucus and exudate. The small airways airway and percutaneous tracheostomy are notified of become variably obstructed; this allows adequate inspi- the child’s presence in the facility (Bjornson et al., 2004; ratory volume but prevents full expiration. This leads Tanner et al., 2002). to hyperinflation and atelectasis (Cooper et al., 2003) (Fig. 19.9). Serious alterations in gas exchange occur,

Epiglottitis is characterized by dysphagia, drooling, anxiety, irritability, and significant respiratory distress. Prepare for the event of sudden airway occlusion.

● BRONCHIOLITIS (RSV) Bronchiolitis is an acute inflammatory process of the bronchioles and small bronchi. Nearly always caused by a viral , RSV accounts for the majority of cases of bronchiolitis, with adenovirus, parainfluenza, and human meta-pneumovirus also being important causative agents. This discussion will focus on RSV bronchiolitis. The peak incidence of bronchiolitis is in the winter and spring, coinciding with RSV season. RSV season in the United States and Canada generally begins in September or October and continues through April or May. Virtually all children will contract RSV infection within the first few years of life. RSV bronchiolitis occurs most often in infants and toddlers, with a peak incidence around 6 months of age. The severity of disease is related inversely to the age of the child, with the most severe cases ● Figure 19.9 Hyperinflation with atelectasis occurring between 1 and 3 months of age (Weisman & is noted upon chest x-ray. 28 Unit 4 NURSING CARE OF THE CHILD WITH A HEALTH DISORDER with arterial hypoxemia and carbon dioxide retention Auscultation resulting from mismatching of pulmonary ventilation and Auscultate the lungs, noting adventitious sounds and perfusion. occurs secondary to markedly determining the quality of aeration of the lung fields. increased work of breathing. Earlier in the illness, wheezes might be heard scattered throughout the lung fields. In more serious cases, the Nursing Assessment chest might sound quiet and without wheeze. This is attributed to significant hyperexpansion with very poor For a full description of the assessment phase of the nurs- air exchange. ing process, refer to page 00. Assessment findings perti- nent to bronchiolitis are discussed below. Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests Common laboratory and diagnostic studies ordered for Health History the assessment of RSV bronchiolitis include: Elicit a description of the present illness and chief com- • Pulse oximetry: oxygen saturation might be significantly plaint. Common signs and symptoms reported during the decreased health history might include: • Chest x-ray: might reveal hyperinflation and patchy areas • Onset of illness with a clear runny nose (sometimes of atelectasis or infiltration profuse) • Blood gases: might show carbon dioxide retention and • Pharyngitis hypoxemia • Low-grade fever • Nasal-pharyngeal washings: positive identification of RSV • Development of cough 1 to 3 days into the illness, fol- can be made via enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay lowed by a wheeze shortly thereafter (ELISA) or immunofluorescent antibody (IFA) testing • Poor feeding Nursing Management Explore the child’s current and past medical history for risk factors such as: RSV infection is usually self-limited, and nursing diag- , goals, and interventions for the child with bron- • Young age (less than 2 years old), more severe disease chiolitis are aimed at supportive care. Children with less in a child less than 6 months old severe disease might require only antipyretics, adequate • Prematurity hydration, and close observation. They can often be • Multiple successfully managed at home, provided the primary • Birth during April to September caregiver is reliable and comfortable with close observa- • History of chronic lung disease (bronchopulmonary tion. Parents or caregivers should be educated to watch disease) for signs of worsening and must understand the impor- • Cyanotic or complicated congenital heart disease tance of seeking care quickly should the child’s condi- • Immunocompromise tion deteriorate. • Male gender Hospitalization is required for children with more • Exposure to passive tobacco smoke severe disease, and children admitted with RSV bronchi- • Crowded living conditions olitis warrant close observation. In addition to the nurs- • Daycare attendance ing diagnoses and related interventions discussed in the • School-age siblings Nursing Care Plan for respiratory disorders, interventions • Low socioeconomic status common to bronchiolitis follow. • Lack of breastfeeding

Currently no safe and effective antiviral drug Physical Examination is available for definitive treatment of RSV. Examination of the child with RSV involves inspection, Aerosolized ribavirin is recommended only for observation, and auscultation. the highest-risk, most severely ill patients (Lauts, 2005). Routine antibiotic use is discouraged in RSV bronchiolitis Inspection and Observation treatment because the secondary bacterial infection rate Observe the child’s general appearance and color (cen- of the lower airway is very low. trally and peripherally). The infant with RSV bronchioli- tis might appear air-hungry, exhibiting various degrees of Maintaining Patent Airway cyanosis and respiratory distress, including tachypnea, Infants and young children with RSV tend to have copi- retractions, accessory muscle use, grunting, and periods ous secretions. Position the child with the head of the bed of apnea. Cough and audible wheeze might be heard. elevated to facilitate an open airway. These children often The infant might appear listless and disinterested in feed- require frequent assessment and suctioning to maintain a ing, surroundings, or parents. patent airway (Lauts, 2005). Use a Yankauer or tonsil-tip Chapter 19 NURSING CARE OF THE CHILD WITH A RESPIRATORY DISORDER 29 suction catheter to suction the mouth or pharynx of older Patients with RSV can be safely cohorted. Attention to infants or children, rinsing the catheter after each suc- hand washing is necessary, as droplets might enter the tioning. Nasal bulb suctioning may be sufficient to clear eyes, nose, or mouth via the hands. the airway in some infants, while others will require nasopharyngeal suctioning with a suction catheter. Nursing Providing Family Education Procedure 19.1 gives further information. The routine Educate parents to recognize signs of worsening distress. use of sterile normal saline is not indicated in all children, Tell parents to call their physician or if as its use has been demonstrated to result in decreased the breathing is rapid or becomes more difficult or if the oxygen saturations for up to 2 minutes after suctioning child cannot eat secondary to tachypnea. Children who is complete (Ridling et al., 2003). Adjust the pressure are less than 1 year of age or who are at higher risk (those ranges for suctioning infants and children between 60 who were born prematurely or who have chronic heart or and 100 mm Hg, 40 and 60 mm Hg for premature infants. lung conditions) might have a longer course of illness. Instruct parents that cough can persist for several days to Promoting Adequate Gas Exchange weeks after resolution of the disease, but infants usually Infants and children with bronchiolitis might deteriorate act well otherwise. quickly as the disease progresses. In the child ill enough to require oxygen, the risk is even greater. Assessment should Preventing RSV Disease include work of breathing, respiratory rate, and oxygen sat- Strict adherence to hand-washing policies in daycare centers and when exposed to individuals with cold symp- uration. The percentage of inspired oxygen (FiO2) should be adjusted as needed to maintain oxygen saturation within toms is important for all groups. Though generally benign the desired range. Positioning the infant with the head of in healthy older children, RSV can be devastating in the bed elevated may also improve gas exchange. Frequent young infants or children with pre-existing risk factors. assessment is necessary for the hospitalized child with Palivizumab (Synagis) is a monoclonal antibody effec- bronchiolitis (Cooper et al., 2003; Steiner, 2004). tive in the prevention of severe RSV disease in those who are most susceptible. It is given as an intramuscular injec- In the tachypneic infant, slowing of the respiratory tion once a month throughout the RSV season. Though rate does not necessarily indicate improvement: quite costly, it is covered by most insurance policies and often, a slower respiratory rate is an indication of Medicaid for those who qualify. It is generally indicated for tiring, and carbon dioxide retention may soon be use in certain children less than 2 years of age. Qualifying followed by apnea. factors include: • Prematurity Reducing Risk for Infection • Chronic lung disease (bronchopulmonary dysplasia) Since RSV is easily spread through contact with droplets, requiring medication or oxygen inpatients should be isolated according to hospital policy • Certain congenital heart diseases to decrease the risk of nosocomial spread to other patients. • Immunocompromise (AAP, 2003)

Nursing Procedure 19.1 Nasopharyngeal or Artificial Airway Suction Technique

1. Check to ensure the suction equipment works 5. Apply lubricant to the end of the suction catheter. properly before starting. 6. If indicated for loosening of secretions, instill sterile 2. After washing your hands, assemble the equipment saline. needed: 7. Maintaining sterile technique, insert the suction • Appropriate-size sterile suction catheter catheter into the child’s nostril or airway. • Sterile gloves • Insert only to the point of gagging if inserting via • Supplemental oxygen the nostril. • Sterile water-based lubricant • Insert only 0.5 cm further than the length of the • Sterile normal saline if indicated artificial airway. 3. Don sterile gloves, keeping dominant hand sterile 8. Intermittently apply suction for no longer than and nondominant hand clean. 10 seconds, while twisting and removing the catheter. 4. Preoxygenate the infant or child if indicated. 9. Supplement with oxygen after suctioning. 30 Unit 4 NURSING CARE OF THE CHILD WITH A HEALTH DISORDER

More information related to recommendations cessfully managed at home if the work of breathing is not for Synagis use can be found at http://aappolicy. severe and oxygen saturation is within normal limits. aappublications.org/cgi/reprint/pediatrics;112/6/1442.pdf. However, hospitalization is required for children with more severe disease. The child with tachypnea, significant ● PNEUMONIA retractions, poor oral intake, or lethargy might require hospital admission for the administration of supplemen- Pneumonia is an inflammation of the lung . It tal oxygen, intravenous hydration, and antibiotics. can be caused by a virus, bacteria, mycoplasma, or fungus. It may also result from aspiration of foreign material into the lower respiratory tract (). Pneumonia Haemophilus influenzae type B has been occurs more often in winter and early spring. It is common nearly eliminated as a cause of pneumonia in children but is seen most frequently in infants and young in the United States and other developed countries as a result of universal immunization toddlers. Viruses are the most common cause of pneumo- with Hib vaccine. nia in younger children and the least common cause in older children (Table 19.2). is usually better tolerated in children of all ages. Children with bac- Pathophysiology terial pneumonia are more apt to present with a toxic appearance, but rapid recovery generally occurs if appro- Pneumonia occurs as a result of the spread of infectious priate antibiotic treatment is instituted early. organisms to the lower respiratory tract from either the upper respiratory tract or the bloodstream. In , mucus stasis occurs as a result of vascular engorgement. Cellular debris (erythrocytes, neutrophils, Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) refers to pneumonia in a previously healthy person that is and fibrin) accumulates in the alveolar space. Relative contracted outside of the hospital setting. CAP is hyperexpansion with air trapping follows. Inflammation a common cause of lower respiratory infection in of the alveoli results in atelectasis. Atelectasis is defined North America (Ostapchuk et al., 2004). as a collapsed or airless portion of the lung, so gas exchange becomes impaired. The inflammatory response further impairs gas exchange (Nield et al., 2005). Pneumonia is usually a self-limited disease. A child Viral pneumonia usually results in an inflammatory who presents with recurrent pneumonia should be eval- reaction limited to the alveolar wall. Aspiration of food, uated for chronic lung disease such as asthma or cystic fluids, or other substances into the bronchial tree can fibrosis. Potential complications of pneumonia include result in aspiration pneumonia. Aspiration is the most bacteremia, pleural effusion, empyema, , common cause of recurrent pneumonia in children and and pneumothorax (Nield et al., 2005). Excluding bac- often occurs as a result of gastroesophageal reflux disease teremia, these are often treated with and/ (Turcios & Patel, 2003). Secondary bacterial infection or chest tubes as well as antibiotics if appropriate. often occurs following viral or aspiration pneumonia and Pneumatoceles (thin-walled cavities developing in the requires antibiotic treatment. lung) might occur with certain bacterial Nursing Assessment and usually resolve spontaneously over time. Therapeutic management of children with less severe For a full description of the assessment phase of the nurs- disease includes antipyretics, adequate hydration, and ing process, refer to page 00. Assessment findings perti- close observation. Even bacterial pneumonia can be suc- nent to pneumonia are discussed below.

Table 19.2 Common Causes of Pneumonia According to Age

Age Group Most Common Causative Agents

1 to 3 months RSV, other respiratory viruses (parainfluenza, influenza, adenovirus); , Chlamydia trachomatis 4 months to Respiratory viruses, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Chlamydia 5 years pneumoniae, Mycoplasma pneumoniae 5 to 18 years Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Chlamydia pneumoniae, Streptococcus pneumoniae

(Nield et al., 2005; Ostapchuk, 2004) Chapter 19 NURSING CARE OF THE CHILD WITH A RESPIRATORY DISORDER 31

Health History ping and perihilar infiltrates are the most common Elicit a description of the present illness and chief com- findings. Patchy areas of consolidation might also be plaint. Note onset and progression of symptoms. Common present. In older children, lobar consolidation is seen signs and symptoms reported during the health history more frequently. include: • : possibly useful in determining causative bacteria in older children and adolescents • Antecedent viral URI • count: might be elevated in the case of • Fever bacterial pneumonia • Cough (note type and whether productive or not) • Increased respiratory rate • History of lethargy, poor feeding, vomiting, or diarrhea Nursing Management in infants Nursing diagnoses, goals, and interventions for the child • Chills, headache, dyspnea, chest pain, abdominal pain, with pneumonia are primarily aimed at providing support- and nausea or vomiting in older children ive care and education about the illness and its treatment. Prevention of is also important. Explore the child’s past and current medical history Children with more severe disease will require hospitaliza- for risk factors known to be associated with an increase in tion. Refer to the Nursing Care Plan on page 00 for nurs- the severity of pneumonia, such as: ing diagnoses and related interventions. In addition to • Prematurity the interventions listed in the Nursing Care Plan, the fol- • Malnutrition lowing should be noted. • Passive smoke exposure • Low socioeconomic status Providing Supportive Care • Daycare attendance Ensure adequate hydration and assist in thinning of secre- • Underlying cardiopulmonary, immune, or nervous tions by encouraging oral fluid intake in the child whose system disease respiratory status is stable. In children with increased work of breathing, intravenous fluids may be necessary Physical Examination to maintain hydration. Allow and encourage the child to Physical examination consists of inspection, auscultation, assume a position of comfort, usually with the head of percussion, and palpation. the bed elevated to promote aeration of the lungs. If pain due to coughing or pneumonia itself is severe, admin- Inspection ister analgesics as prescribed. Provide supplemental Observe the child’s general appearance and color (cen- oxygen to the child with respiratory distress or hypoxia trally and peripherally). Cyanosis might accompany as needed. coughing spells. The child with bacterial pneumonia may appear ill. Assess work of breathing. Children with pneu- Providing Family Education monia might exhibit substernal, subcostal, or intercostal Educate the family about the importance of adherence retractions. Tachypnea and nasal flaring may be present. to the prescribed antibiotic regimen. Antibiotics may be Describe cough and quality of sputum if produced. given intravenously if the child is hospitalized, but upon discharge or if the child is managed on an outpatient basis, Auscultation oral antibiotics will be used. Auscultation of the lungs might reveal wheezes or rales Teach the parents of a child with bacterial pneumo- in the younger child. Local or diffuse rales may be present nia to expect that following resolution of the acute illness, in the older child. Document diminished breath sounds. for 1 to 2 weeks, the child might continue to tire easily and the infant might continue to need small, frequent Percussion and Palpation feedings. Cough may also persist after the acute recovery In the older child, percussion might yield local dullness period but should lessen over time. over a consolidated area. Percussion is much less valuable If the child is diagnosed with viral pneumonia, par- in the infant or younger child. Tactile fremitus felt upon ents might not understand that their child does not palpation may be increased with pneumonia. require an antibiotic. Pneumonia is often perceived by the Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests public as a bacterial infection, so most parents will need an explanation related to treatment of viral infections. As Common laboratory and diagnostic studies ordered for with bacterial pneumonia, the child may experience a the assessment of pneumonia include: week or two of weakness or fatigue following resolution of • Pulse oximetry: oxygen saturation might be significantly the acute illness. decreased or within normal range The young child is at risk for the development of aspi- • Chest x-ray: varies according to patient age and causative ration pneumonia. Parents need to understand that the agent. In infants and young children, bilateral air trap- child might be at risk for injury related to his or her age and 32 Unit 4 NURSING CARE OF THE CHILD WITH A HEALTH DISORDER developmental stage. To prevent recurrent or further aspi- HEALTHY PEOPLE ration, teach the parents the safety measures in Teaching 2010 Guideline 19.3. Objective Significance Reduce invasive pneu- • Provide accurate infor- Preventing Pneumococcal Infection mococcal infections. mation to families Children at high risk for severe pneumococcal infection about pneumococcal should be immunized against it. This includes all chil- disease. dren between 0 and 23 months of age, as well as children • Encourage pneumo- between 24 and 59 months of age with certain conditions coccal immunization such as immune deficiency, sickle cell disease, asplenia, per recommendations. chronic cardiac conditions, chronic lung problems, cere- brospinal fluid leaks, chronic renal insufficiency, diabetes mellitus, and organ transplants. For additional informa- tion refer to Chapter 9. See Healthy People 2010. x-ray might show diffuse alveolar hyperinflation and perihilar markings. ● BRONCHITIS Nursing Management Bronchitis is an inflammation of the trachea and major bronchi. It is often associated with a URI. Bronchitis is Nursing management is aimed at providing supportive usually viral in nature, though Mycoplasma pneumoniae care. Teach parents that expectorants will help loosen is also an important causative agent in children over secretions and antipyretics will help reduce the fever, 6 years of age. Recovery usually occurs within 5 to 10 days. making the child more comfortable. Encourage ade- Therapeutic management involves mainly supportive quate hydration. Antibiotics are prescribed only in cases care. Expectorant administration and adequate - believed to be bacterial in nature. Discourage the use of tion are important. If Mycoplasma is the cause, anti- cough suppressants: it is important for accumulated biotics are indicated (Orenstein, 2004). sputum to be raised. Nursing Assessment ● TUBERCULOSIS The illness might begin with a mild URI. Fever devel- ops, followed by a dry, hacking cough that might become Tuberculosis is a highly contagious disease caused by productive in older children. The cough might wake the inhalation of droplets of Mycobacterium tuberculosis or child at night. Auscultation of the lungs might reveal Mycobacterium bovis. Children usually contract the dis- coarse rales. Respirations remain unlabored. The chest ease from an immediate household member. Annually about 1,000 U.S. children contract active tuberculosis disease (Reznik & Ozuah, 2005). Nonwhite children and children with chronic illness or malnutrition are more TEACHING GUIDELINE 19.3 susceptible to infection. After exposure to an infected individual, the incubation period is 2 to 10 weeks. The Preventing Aspiration inhaled tubercle bacilli multiply in the alveoli and alveo- • Keep toxic substances such as lighter fluid, solvents, lar ducts, forming an inflammatory exudate. The bacilli and hydrocarbons out of reach of young children. are spread by the bloodstream and lymphatic system to Toddlers and preschoolers cannot distinguish safe various parts of the body. Though pulmonary tuberculo- from unsafe fluids due to their developmental stage. sis is the most common, children may also have infection • Avoid oily nose drops and oil-based vitamins or home in other parts of the body, such as the gastrointestinal remedies to avoid aspiration into the lungs. tract or central nervous system (Starke & Munoz, 2004). • Avoid oral feedings if the infant’s respiratory rate is 60 See Healthy People 2010. or greater to minimize the risk of aspiration of the In the case of drug-sensitive tuberculosis, the Amer- feeding. ican Academy of Pediatrics recommends a 6-month course • Discourage parents from “-feeding” in the event of oral therapy. The first two months consist of isoniazid, of poor oral intake or severe illness to minimize the rifampin, and pyrazinamide given daily. This is followed risk of aspiration of the feeding. by twice-weekly isoniazid and rifampin; administration • Position infants and ill children on their right side must be observed directly (usually by a public health after feeding to minimize the possibility of aspirating nurse). In the case of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis, emesis or regurgitated feeding. ethambutol or streptomycin is given via intramuscular injection (AAP, 2003). Chapter 19 NURSING CARE OF THE CHILD WITH A RESPIRATORY DISORDER 33

increases and the lung on the affected side is poorly HEALTHY PEOPLE 2010 expanded. Dullness to percussion might be present, as well Objective Significance as diminished breath sounds and . Fever persists Reduce tuberculosis. • Assess the health history and pallor, anemia, weakness, and weight loss are present. Increase the proportion of of all infants, children, Diagnosis is confirmed with a positive Mantoux test, posi- all tuberculosis patients and adolescents for risk tive gastric washings for acid-fast bacillus, and/or a chest who complete curative factors for tuberculosis x-ray consistent with tuberculosis (Reznik & Ozuah, 2005). therapy within 12 months. infection. Increase the proportion of • Provide tuberculosis Nursing Management contacts and other high- screening as recom- risk persons with latent mended. Hospitalization of children with tuberculosis is necessary tuberculosis infection who only for the most serious cases. Nursing management is complete a course of • Refer all tuberculosis aimed at providing supportive care and encouraging infections to the local treatment. adherence to the treatment regimen. Most nursing care public health department. for childhood tuberculosis is provided in outpatient clin- ics, schools, or a public health setting. Supportive care • Educate families about includes ensuring adequate nutrition and adequate rest, the importance of com- providing comfort measures such as fever reduction, pre- pleting medication ther- apy as prescribed for venting exposure to other infectious diseases, and pre- active and latent tuber- venting reinfection. culosis, and the need for appropriate follow- Providing Care for the Child with Latent up and retesting for Tuberculosis Infection tuberculosis infection. Children who test positive for tuberculosis but who do not have symptoms or radiographic/laboratory evidence of disease are considered to have latent infection. These children should be treated with isoniazid for 9 months Nursing Assessment to prevent progression to active disease. Follow-up and appropriate monitoring can be achieved via the child’s Routine screening for tuberculosis infection is not rec- primary care provider or local health department. ommended for low-risk individuals, but children consid- ered to be at high risk for contracting tuberculosis should Preventing Infection be screened using the Mantoux test. Children considered Tuberculosis infection is prevented by avoiding contact to be at high risk are those who: with the tubercle bacillus. Thus, hospitalized children • Are infected with HIV with tuberculosis must be isolated according to hospital • Are incarcerated or institutionalized policy to prevent nosocomial spread of tuberculosis infec- • Have a positive recent history of latent tuberculosis tion. Promotion of natural resistance through nutrition, infection rest, and avoidance of serious infections does not prevent • Are immigrants from or have a history of travel to infection. Pasteurization of milk has helped to decrease endemic countries the transmission of Mycobacterium bovis. Administration • Are exposed at home to HIV-infected or homeless per- of bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccine can provide sons, illicit drug users, migrant farm workers, or nurs- incomplete protection against tuberculosis and is not ing home residents widely used in the United States. Children with chronic illnesses (except HIV infection) are not more likely to become infected with tuberculosis Acute Noninfectious Disorders but should receive special consideration and be screened Acute noninfectious disorders include epistaxis, foreign prior to initiation of immunosuppressant therapies (Reznik body aspiration, respiratory distress syndrome, acute res- & Ozuah, 2005). piratory distress syndrome, and pneumothorax. The presentation of tuberculosis in children is quite varied. Children can be asymptomatic or exhibit a broad ● range of symptoms. Symptoms may include fever, EPISTAXIS malaise, weight loss, anorexia, pain and tightness in the Epistaxis (a ) occurs most frequently in chil- chest, and rarely . Cough might or might not be dren younger than adolescent age. Bleeding of the nasal present and usually progresses slowly over several weeks mucosa occurs most often from the anterior portion of to months. As tuberculosis progresses, the respiratory rate the septum. Epistaxis may be recurrent and idiopathic 34 Unit 4 NURSING CARE OF THE CHILD WITH A HEALTH DISORDER

(meaning there is no cause). The majority of cases are include pneumonia or abscess formation, hypoxia, respi- benign, but in children with bleeding disorders or other ratory failure, and death (Orenstein, 2004). hematologic concerns, epistaxis should be further inves- tigated and treated. Nursing Assessment The infant or young child might present with a history of sudden onset of cough, wheeze, or stridor. Stridor sug- The child with recurrent epistaxis or epistaxis that is difficult to control should be further evaluated gests that the foreign body is lodged in the upper airway. for underlying bleeding or platelet concerns. Sometimes the onset of respiratory symptoms is much more gradual. When the item has traveled down one of the bronchi, then wheezing, rhonchi, and decreased aer- Nursing Assessment ation can be heard on the affected side. A chest x-ray will demonstrate the foreign body only if it is radiopaque Explore the child’s history for initiating factors such as local (Fig. 19.10). inflammation, mucosal drying, or local trauma (usually nose picking). Inspect the nasal cavity for blood. Nursing Management The most important nursing intervention related to for- Nursing Management eign body aspiration is prevention. Anticipatory guidance The presence of blood often frightens children and their for families with 6-month-olds should include a discus- parents. The nurse and parents should remain calm. The sion of aspiration avoidance. This information should child should sit up and lean forward (lying down may be reiterated at each subsequent well-child visit through allow aspiration of the blood). Apply continuous pressure age 5. Tell parents to avoid letting their child play with toys to the anterior portion of the nose by pinching it closed. with small parts and to keep coins and other small objects Encourage the child to breathe through the mouth dur- out of the reach of children. Teach parents not to feed ing this portion of the treatment. Ice or a cold cloth peanuts and popcorn to their child until he or she is at least applied to the bridge of the nose may also be helpful. The 3 years old. When children progress to table food, teach bleeding usually stops within 10 to 15 minutes. Apply parents to chop all foods so that they are small enough petroleum jelly or water-soluble gel to the nasal mucosa to pass down the trachea should the child neglect to chew with a cotton-tipped applicator to moisten the mucosa them up thoroughly. Carrots, grapes, and hot dogs should and prevent recurrence. be cut into small pieces. Harmful liquids should be kept out of the reach of children. ● FOREIGN BODY ASPIRATION Foreign body aspiration occurs when any solid or liquid substance is inhaled into the respiratory tract. It is com- mon in infants and young children and can present in a life-threatening manner (Qureshi & Mink, 2003). The object may lodge in the upper or lower airway, causing varying degrees of respiratory difficulty. Small, smooth objects such as peanuts are the most frequently aspirated, but any small toy, article, or piece of food smaller than the diameter of the young child’s airway can potentially be aspirated: popcorn, vegetables, hot dogs, fruit snacks, coins, latex balloon pieces, pins, and pen caps are com- monly seen (Qureshi & Mink, 2003). Foreign body aspiration occurs most frequently in children ages 6 months to 5 years. Children this age are growing and developing rapidly. They tend to explore things with their mouths and can easily aspirate small items. The child often coughs out foreign bodies from the upper airway. If the foreign body reaches the , then it may need to be surgically removed via bron- choscopy. Postoperative antibiotics are used if an infection ● Figure 19.10 Foreign body is noted in the is also present. Complications of foreign body aspiration bronchus upon chest x-ray. Chapter 19 NURSING CARE OF THE CHILD WITH A RESPIRATORY DISORDER 35

Items smaller than 1.25 inches (3.2 cm) can plications of RDS include air leak syndrome, bron- be aspirated easily. A simple way for parents chopulmonary dysplasia, patent ductus arteriosus and to estimate the safe size of a small item or toy congestive , intraventricular hemorrhage, piece is to gauge its size against a standard retinopathy of prematurity, necrotizing enterocolitis, com- toilet paper roll, which is generally about 1.5 inches in plications resulting from intravenous catheter use (infec- diameter. tion, thrombus formation), and developmental delay or disability (Stoll & Kliegman, 2004). ● RESPIRATORY DISTRESS SYNDROME Nursing Assessment Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) is a respiratory dis- The onset of RDS is usually within several hours of order that is specific to neonates. It results from lung birth. The newborn exhibits signs of respiratory distress, immaturity and a deficiency in , so it is seen including tachypnea, retractions, nasal flaring, grunting, most often in premature infants. Other infants who might and varying degrees of cyanosis. Auscultation reveals experience RDS include infants of diabetic mothers, those fine rales and diminished breath sounds. If untreated, delivered via cesarean section without preceding labor, RDS progresses to seesaw respirations, respiratory fail- and those experiencing perinatal . It is believed ure, and . that each of these conditions has an impact on surfactant production, thus resulting in RDS in the term infant Nursing Management (Stoll & Kliegman, 2004). Rarely, mucus plugging can occur in the neonate placed The administration of surfactant via endotracheal on a ventilator after surfactant administration. Therefore, tube shortly after delivery helps to decrease the incidence close observation and assessment for adequate lung and severity of RDS. Management of RDS focuses on expansion are critical. In addition to expert respiratory intensive respiratory care, usually with mechanical venti- intervention, other crucial nursing goals include mainte- lation. Newer techniques for ventilatory support are also nance of normothermia, prevention of infection, mainte- available (Table 19.3). nance of fluid and electrolyte balance, and promotion of adequate nutrition (parenterally or via gavage feeding). Pathophysiology Nursing care of the infant with RDS generally occurs in The lack of surfactant in the affected newborn’s lungs the intensive care unit. results in stiff, poorly compliant lungs with poor gas exchange. Right-to-left shunting and hypoxemia result. ● ACUTE RESPIRATORY As the disease progresses, fluid and fibrin leak from the pulmonary , causing hyaline membrane to form DISTRESS SYNDROME in the bronchioles, alveolar ducts, and alveoli. Presence Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) occurs fol- of the membrane further decreases gas exchange. Com- lowing a primary insult such as , viral pneumonia,

Table 19.3 Alternatives to Traditional

Mode Description Additional Information

High-frequency Provide very high respiratory rates (up to May decrease risk of ventilators 1,200 breaths per minute) and very associated with ventilator pressures (high frequency, low tidal volumes oscillating, or jet) Nitric oxide Causes pulmonary vasodilation, helping Safe; no long-term developmental risks to increase blood flow to alveoli Liquid ventilation Perfluorocarbon liquid acts as a Virtually no reported physiologic sequelae surfactant. Provides an effective medium for gas exchange and increases pulmonary function. Extracorporeal Blood is removed from body via catheter, Labor-intensive. Risk of bleeding is great. membrane warmed and oxygenated in the oxygenation ECMO machine, and then returned (ECMO) to infant. 36 Unit 4 NURSING CARE OF THE CHILD WITH A HEALTH DISORDER smoke inhalation, or near-. Acute onset of res- soothing the child’s fears. As the disease worsens and pro- piratory distress and hypoxemia occur within 72 hours gresses, especially when ventilatory support is required, of the insult in infants and children with previously psychological support of the family as well as education healthy lungs. The alveolar–capillary membrane becomes about the intensive care unit procedures will be especially more permeable and pulmonary edema develops. Hyaline important. membrane formation over the alveolar surfaces and decreased surfactant production cause lung stiffness. ● PNEUMOTHORAX Mucosal swelling and cellular debris lead to atelectasis. Gas is impaired significantly. ARDS can progress to A collection of air in the pleural space is called a pneu- and death, though some individuals mothorax. It can occur spontaneously in an otherwise recover completely or have residual lung disease. healthy child, or as a result of chronic lung disease, car- Medical treatment is aimed at improving oxygena- diopulmonary , surgery, or trauma. Trapped tion and ventilation. Mechanical ventilation is used air consumes space within the pleural cavity, and the affected lung suffers at least partial collapse. Needle aspi- with special attention to lung volumes and positive end- ration and/or placement of a chest tube is used to evacuate expiratory pressure (PEEP). Newer treatment modalities the air from the chest. Some small pneumothoraces resolve show promise for improving outcomes of ARDS. independently, without intervention (Cunnington, 2002). Nursing Assessment Nursing Assessment Tachycardia and tachypnea occur over the first few hours Primary pneumothorax (spontaneous) occurs most often of the illness. Significantly increased work of breathing in adolescence. The infant or child with a pneumothorax with nasal flaring and retractions develops. Auscultate might have a sudden or gradual onset of symptoms. for breath sounds, which might range from normal to Chest pain might be present as well as signs of respiratory high-pitched crackles throughout the lung fields. Hypox- distress such as tachypnea, retractions, nasal flaring, or emia develops. Bilateral infiltrates can be seen on a grunting. Assess potential risk factors for acquiring a chest x-ray. pneumothorax, including chest trauma or surgery, intu- bation and mechanical ventilation, or a history of chronic Nursing Management lung disease such as cystic fibrosis. Inspect the child for Nursing care of the child with ARDS is mainly supportive a pale or cyanotic appearance. Auscultate for increased and occurs in the intensive care unit. Closely monitor res- heart rate (tachycardia) and absent or diminished breath piratory and cardiovascular status. Comfort measures such sounds on the affected side. The x-ray reveals air within as hygiene and positioning as well as pain and anxiety the thoracic cavity (Fig. 19.11). management, maintenance of nutrition, and prevention of Nursing Management infection are also key nursing interventions. The acute phase of worsening respiratory distress can be frightening The child with a pneumothorax requires frequent respira- for a child of any age, and the nurse can be instrumental in tory assessments. Pulse oximetry might be used as an

Tear in t racheobronchial tree

Air in pleural space

Chest tube AB ● Figure 19.11 Pneumothorax. Chapter 19 NURSING CARE OF THE CHILD WITH A RESPIRATORY DISORDER 37 adjunct, but clinical evaluation of respiratory status is most cockroach antigens, and molds. Seasonal allergic rhinitis useful. In some cases, administration of 100% oxygen has- is caused by elevations in outdoor levels of allergens. It is tens the reabsorption of air, but it is generally used only for typically caused by certain pollens, trees, weeds, fungi, a few hours. If a chest tube connected to a water seal or and molds. Complications from allergic rhinitis include suction is present, provide care of the drainage apparatus exacerbation of asthma symptoms, recurrent sinusitis and as appropriate (Fig. 19.12). A pair of hemostats should be otitis media, and dental malocclusion. kept at the bedside to clamp the tube should it become dislodged from the drainage container. The dressing Pathophysiology around the chest tube is occlusive and is not routinely Allergic rhinitis is an intermittent or persistent inflamma- changed. If the tube becomes dislodged from the child’s tory state that is mediated by immunoglobulin E (IgE). chest, apply Vaseline gauze and an occlusive dressing, In response to contact with an airborne allergen protein, immediately perform appropriate respiratory assessment, the nasal mucosa mounts an immune response. The anti- and notify the physician. gen (from the allergen) binds to a specific IgE on the surface of mast cells, releasing the chemical mediators Chronic Diseases of histamine and leukotrienes. The release of mediators Chronic respiratory disorders include allergic rhinitis, results in acute tissue edema and mucous production asthma, chronic lung disease (bronchopulmonary dys- (Banasiak & Meadows-Oliver, 2005). Late-phase medi- plasia), cystic fibrosis, and apnea. ators are released and more inflammation results. IgE binds to receptors on the surfaces of mast cells and ● ALLERGIC RHINITIS basophils, creating the sensitization memory that causes the reaction with subsequent allergen exposures. Allergen Allergic rhinitis is a common chronic condition in child- exposure then results in mast cell degranulation and release hood, affecting up to 40% of children (Hagemann, 2005). of histamine and other chemotactic factors. Histamine and Allergic rhinitis is associated with atopic dermatitis and other factors cause nasal vasodilation, watery rhinorrhea, asthma, with as many as 80% of asthmatic children also and nasal congestion. Irritation of local nerve endings by suffering from allergic rhinitis (Corren, 2000). Perennial histamine produces pruritus and sneezing (Hagemann, allergic rhinitis occurs year-round and is associated with 2005). Treatment of allergic rhinitis is aimed at decreas- indoor environments. Allergens commonly implicated in ing response to these allergic mediators as well as treat- perennial allergic rhinitis include dust , pet dander, ing inflammation.

Visceral pleura Parietal Lung pleura

From patient To suction To vent source or air room air


Drainage collection chambers 250 mm

Water seal 2 cm B ● Figure 19.12 The chest tube is connected to suction or water seal via a drainage container. 38 Unit 4 NURSING CARE OF THE CHILD WITH A HEALTH DISORDER

Nursing Assessment For a full description of the assessment phase of the nurs- ing process, refer to page 00. Assessment findings perti- nent to allergic rhinitis are discussed below. Health History Elicit a description of the present illness and chief com- plaint. Common signs and symptoms reported during the health history might include: • Mild, intermittent to chronic nasal stuffiness • Thin, runny nasal discharge • Sneezing • Itching of nose, eyes, palate • Mouth breathing and Determine the seasonality of symptoms. Are they perennial (year-round) or do they occur during certain seasons? What types of medications or other treatments have been used, and what was the child’s response? Explore the history for the presence of risk factors such as: ● Figure 19.13 Allergic shiners beneath • Family history of atopic disease (asthma, allergic rhinitis, the eyes and allergic salute across or atopic dermatitis) the nose. • Known allergy to dust mites, pet dander, cockroach anti- gens, pollens, or molds • Early childhood exposure to indoor allergens tic studies ordered for the assessment of allergic rhinitis • Early introduction to foods or formula in infancy may include: • Exposure to tobacco smoke • Environmental air pollution • Nasal smear (positive for eosinophilia) • Recurrent viral infections • Positive allergy skin test Nonwhite race and higher socioeconomic status have • Positive RAST also been noted as risk factors (Hagemann, 2005). To distinguish between the causes of nasal conges- Physical Examination tion, refer to Comparison Chart 19.1 on page 00. Physical examination of the child with allergic rhinitis includes inspection, observation, and auscultation. Nursing Management In addition to the nursing diagnoses and related inter- Inspection and Observation ventions discussed in the Nursing Care Plan for disorders Observe the child’s facies for red-rimmed eyes or tearing, of the nose, mouth, and throat, interventions common to mild eyelid edema, “allergic shiners” (bluish or grayish cast allergic rhinitis follow. beneath the eyes), and “allergic salute” (a transverse nasal crease between the lower and middle thirds of the nose that Maintaining Patent Airway results from repeated nose rubbing) (Fig. 19.13). Inspect The continual nasal obstruction that occurs with aller- the nasal cavity. The turbinates may be swollen and gray/ gic rhinitis can be very problematic for some children. blue in color. Clear mucoid nasal drainage may be Performing nasal washes with normal saline may keep the observed. Inspect the skin for rash. Listen for nasal phona- nasal mucus from becoming thickened. Thickened, immo- tion with speech. bile secretions often lead to a secondary bacterial infection. Auscultation The nasal wash also decongests the nose, allowing for Auscultate the lungs for adequate aeration and clarity of improved nasal airflow. Anti-inflammatory (corticosteroid) breath sounds. In the child who also has asthma, exacer- nasal sprays can help to decrease the inflammatory bation with wheezing often occurs with allergic rhinitis. response to allergens. A mast cell stabilizing nasal spray such as cromolyn sodium may decrease the intensity and Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests frequency of allergic responses. Oral antihistamines are The initial diagnosis is often made based on the history now available in once-daily dosing, providing conve- and clinical findings. Common laboratory and diagnos- nience for the family. Some children may benefit from a Chapter 19 NURSING CARE OF THE CHILD WITH A RESPIRATORY DISORDER 39 combined antihistamine/nasal decongestant if nasal are available from a number of vendors, such as www. congestion is significant. Leukotriene modifiers such as onlineallergyrelief.com. montelukast may also be beneficial for some children (Banasiak & Meadows-Oliver, 2005). ● ASTHMA Providing Family Education Asthma is a chronic inflammatory airway disorder charac- One of the most important tools in the treatment of terized by airway hyperresponsiveness, airway edema, and allergic rhinitis is learning to avoid known allergens. mucus production. Airway obstruction resulting from Teaching Guideline 19.4 gives information on educat- asthma might be partially or completely reversed. Severity ing families about avoidance of allergens. Children may ranges from long periods of control with infrequent acute be referred to a specialist for allergen desensitization exacerbations in some children to the presence of persis- (allergy shots). Products helpful with control of allergies tent daily symptoms in others (Kieckhefer & Ratcliffe, 2004). It is the most common chronic illness of childhood and affects about 9 million American children (Kumar et al., 2005). A small percentage of children with asthma account for a large percentage of health care use and TEACHING GUIDELINE 19.4 expense (Wakefield et al., 2005). Asthma accounts for Controlling Exposure to Allergens about 12 million lost school days per year and a significant number of lost workdays on the part of parents (Lara et al., Tobacco 2002). The incidence and severity of asthma are increas- • Avoid all exposure to tobacco smoke (this includes ing; this might be attributed to increased urbanization, self-smoking). increased air pollution, and more accurate diagnosis. • If parents cannot quit, they must not smoke inside the Severity ranges from symptoms associated only with home or car. vigorous activity (exercise-induced bronchospasm) to daily symptoms that interfere with quality of life. Though Dust Mites uncommon, childhood death related to asthma is also on • Use pillow and mattress covers. the rise worldwide. Air pollution, allergens, family his- • Wash sheets, pillowcases, and comforters once a week tory, and viral infections might all play a role in asthma. in 130 degree F water. Many children with asthma also have gastroesophageal • Use blinds rather than curtains in bedroom. disease, though the relationship between the two diseases • Remove stuffed animals from bedroom. is not clearly understood. • Reduce indoor humidity to <50%. Complications of asthma include chronic airway • Remove carpet from bedroom. remodeling, status asthmaticus, and respiratory failure. • Clean solid surface floors with wet mop each week. Children with asthma are also more susceptible to serious bacterial and viral respiratory infections. Pet Dander Current goals of medical therapy are avoidance of • Remove pets from home permanently. asthma triggers and reduction or control of inflammatory • If unable to remove them, keep them out of bedroom episodes. Current recommendations by the National and off carpet and upholstered furniture. Asthma Education and Prevention Program suggest a Cockroaches stepwise approach to management as well as avoidance of allergens. The stepwise approach involves increasing treat- • Keep kitchen very clean. ment as the child’s condition worsens, then backing off • Avoiding leaving out food or drinks. treatment as he or she improves (Table 19.4). Leukotriene • Use pesticides if necessary, but ensure that the asth- modifiers have been found to be effective in the short-term matic child is not inside the home when it is sprayed. management of chronic asthma (Berkhof et al., 2003). Indoor Molds Long-term prevention usually involves inhaled steroids. • Repair water leaks. Bronchodilators may be used in the acute treatment of • Use dehumidifier to keep basement dry. or in the long-acting form to pre- • Reduce indoor humidity to <50%. vent bronchospasm. Exercise-induced bronchospasm may occur in any child with asthma or as the only symptom in Outdoor Molds, Pollen, and Air Pollution the child with mild intermittent asthma. Most children • Avoid going outdoors when mold and pollen counts may avoid exercise-induced bronchospasm by using a are high. longer warm-up period prior to vigorous exercise and, if • Avoid outdoor activity when pollution levels are high. necessary, inhaling a short-acting bronchodilator just prior to exercise. See Healthy People 2010. Table 19.4 Asthma Severity Classification and Treatment Approach

Classification Lung & Referral Symptoms Function Long-Term Control Quick Relief

Step 1: • One or two PEFR 80% or more No daily medi- Short-acting Mild intermittent times a week of predicted, cation needed bronchodilator • No symptoms variability <20% PRN symptoms and normal PEFR between exacerbations • Intensity of exacerbations varies, though usually brief in length. • Nighttime symp- toms one or two times a month Step 2: • Symptoms more PEFR 80% or more Daily anti- Short-acting Mild persistent than twice a of predicted, inflammatory bronchodilator (referral to asthma week but less with 20% to 30% medication PRN symptoms specialist than once a day variability (low-dose should be • Exacerbations inhaled corti- considered) may affect costeroid) activity level. (preferred) OR • Nighttime cromolyn OR symptoms <2 leukotriene times a month modifier Step 3: • Daily symptoms PEFR 60% to 80% of Daily anti- Short-acting Moderate • Daily use of predicted, with inflammatory bronchodilator persistent (referral inhaled short- variability >30% medication PRN symptoms

to asthma acting beta2- (medium-dose up to TID specialist agonist inhaled cortico- recommended) • Exacerbations steroid OR low- affect activity. dose inhaled • Exacerbations 2 corticosteroid or more times a AND long- week; may last acting days bronchodilator) • Nighttime symptoms >1 time a week Step 4: • Continual PEFR 60% or less of Daily anti- Short-acting Severe persistent symptoms predicted, with inflammatory bronchodilator (referral to • Limited physical variability >30% medicine (high- PRN symptoms asthma specialist activity dose inhaled up to TID recommended) • Frequent corticosteroid) exacerbations and long- • Frequent acting nighttime bronchodilator. symptoms May need systemic corticosteroids.

PEFR, peak expiratory flow rate. Adapted from National Asthma Education and Prevention Program. (1997, July). Expert panel report 2: Guidelines for the diagnosis and management of asthma (NIH Publication No. 97-4051) and (2002). Update on selected topics. (Publication No. 02-5075). Bethesda, MD: National Institutes of Health, National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. These recommen- dations are intended to be used as a guide in individualized asthma care. Chapter 19 NURSING CARE OF THE CHILD WITH A RESPIRATORY DISORDER 41

function changes, and airway smooth muscle responsive- HEALTHY PEOPLE 2010 ness increases (Kiecheter & Ratcliffe, 2004). As a result, Objective Significance acute bronchoconstriction, airway edema, and mucus Reduce asthma deaths, • Provide appropriate plugging occur (Fig. 19.14). hospitalizations for education and triage to In most children, this process is considered reversible asthma, and hospital families of children with and until recently it was not considered to have long- emergency department asthma, particularly standing effects on lung function. Current research and visits for asthma. when the child is experi- scientific thought, however, recognize the concept of air- encing symptoms way remodeling. Airway remodeling occurs as a result of or a decreased peak chronic inflammation of the airway. Following the acute flow rate. response to a trigger, continued allergen response results in a chronic phase. During this phase, the epithelial cells are denuded and the influx of inflammatory cells into the airway continues. This results in structural changes of the Currently many manufacturers use chlorofluoro- airway that are irreversible, and further loss of pulmonary carbon (CFC) as the propellant in metered- function might occur (Kiecheter & Ratcliffe, 2004). dose inhalers. In 2005, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced that these types of inhaler would be phased out of the market by the end of Nursing Assessment 2008. Environmentally friendly formulations of hydrofluo- For a full description of the assessment phase of the nurs- roalkane (HFA) will be used in all metered-dose inhalers by that time (Bederka, 2006). ing process, refer to page 00. Assessment findings pertinent to asthma are discussed below.

Health History Pathophysiology Elicit a description of the present illness and chief com- plaint. Common signs and symptoms reported during the In asthma, the inflammatory process contributes to in- health history might include: creased airway activity. Thus, control or prevention of inflammation is the core of asthma management. Asthma • Cough, particularly at night: hacking type of cough that results from a complex variety of responses in relation to a is initially nonproductive, becoming productive of frothy trigger. When the process begins, mast cells, T lympho- sputum cytes, macrophages, and epithelial cells are involved in the • Difficulty breathing: , chest tightness release of inflammatory mediators. Eosinophils and neu- or pain, dyspnea with exercise trophils migrate to the airway, causing injury. Chemical • Wheezing mediators such as leukotrienes, bradykinin, histamine, and Explore the child’s current and past medical history platelet-activating factor also contribute to the inflamma- for risk factors such as: tory response. The presence of leukotrienes contributes to prolonged airway constriction (Banasiak & Meadows- • History of allergic rhinitis or atopic dermatitis Oliver, 2005). Autonomic neural control of airway tone is • Family history of atopy (asthma, allergic rhinitis, atopic affected, airway mucus secretion is increased, mucociliary dermatitis)

● Figure 19.14 Note airway edema, mucus production, and Normal airway Airway with inflammation Airway with inflammation, bronchospasm occurring with bronchospasm, asthma. and mucus production 42 Unit 4 NURSING CARE OF THE CHILD WITH A HEALTH DISORDER

• Recurrent episodes diagnosed as wheezing, bronchiolitis, way and effective breathing pattern as well as promoting or bronchitis adequate oxygenation and ventilation (gas exchange). • Known allergies Refer to the Nursing Care Plan on page 00. Additional AQ7 • Seasonal response to environmental pollen considerations are reviewed below. • Tobacco smoke exposure (passive or self-smoking) • Poverty Educating the Child and Family Asthma is a chronic illness and needs to be understood as Physical Examination such. Figure 19.15 displays the “Kids with Asthma Bill Physical examination of the child with asthma includes of Rights” developed by the American Lung Association. inspection, auscultation, and percussion. Teach families of children with asthma, and the children themselves, how to care for the disease. Symptom-free Inspection periods (often very long) are interspersed with episodes of Observe the patient’s general appearance and color. exacerbation. Parents and children often do not under- During mild exacerbations, the child’s color might remain stand the importance of maintenance medications for pink, but as the child worsens, cyanosis might result. Work long-term control. They may view the episodes of exacer- of breathing is variable. Some children present with mild bation (sometimes requiring hospitalization or emergency retractions, while others demonstrate significant accessory room visits) as an acute illness and are simply relieved when muscle use and eventually head-bobbing if not effectively they are over. Frequently during the periods between treated. The child may appear anxious and fearful or be acute episodes, children are viewed as disease-free and lethargic and irritable. An audible wheeze might be pres- long-term maintenance schedules are abandoned. The ent. Children with persistent severe asthma may have a prolonged inflammatory process occurring in the absence barrel chest and routinely demonstrate mildly increased of symptoms, primarily in children with moderate to work of breathing. severe asthma, can lead to airway remodeling and even- tual irreversible disease. Auscultation and Percussion To provide appropriate education to the child and A thorough assessment of lung fields is necessary. family, determine the severity of the asthma as outlined Wheezing is the hallmark of airway obstruction and might in the NAEPP Expert Panel Report: Guidelines for the vary throughout the lung fields. Coarseness might also be Diagnosis and Management of Asthma (Kumar et al., present. Assess the adequacy of aeration. Breath sounds 2005). Stress the concept of maintenance medications for might be diminished in the bases or throughout. A quiet the prevention of future serious disease in addition to con- chest in an asthmatic child can be an ominous sign. With trolling or preventing current symptoms. severe airway obstruction, air movement can be so poor Educate families and children on the appropriate use that wheezes might not be heard upon auscultation. of , metered-dose inhalers, spacers, dry-powder Percussion may yield hyperresonance. inhalers, and Diskus, as well as the purposes, functions, and side effects of the medications they deliver. Require Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests return demonstration of equipment use to ensure that Laboratory and diagnostic studies commonly ordered for children and families can use the equipment properly the assessment of asthma include: (Teaching Guideline 19.5). • Pulse oximetry: oxygen saturation may be significantly decreased or normal during a mild exacerbation The NAEPP recommends use of a spacer or holding chamber with metered-dose inhalers to increase • Chest x-ray: usually reveals hyperinflation the bioavailability of medication in the lungs. • Blood gases: might show carbon dioxide retention and hypoxemia Each child should have a management plan in place • Pulmonary function tests (PFTs): can be very useful in to determine when to step up or step down treatment. determining the degree of disease but are not useful dur- The recommendations for treatment based on severity of ing an acute attack. Children as young as 5 or 6 years asthma are listed in Table 19.4. Figure 19.16 provides an might be able to comply with spirometry. example of a written format that may be helpful to fami- • Peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR): is decreased during lies in the management of asthma. This written action an exacerbation plan should also be kept on file at the child’s school, and • Allergy testing: skin test or RAST can determine aller- relief medication should be available to the child at all gic triggers for the asthmatic child times. Children who experience exercise-induced bron- Nursing Management chospasm may still participate in physical education or athletics but may need to be allowed to use their medi- Initial nursing management of the child with an acute cine before the activity. exacerbation of asthma is aimed at restoring a clear air- (text continues on page 000) 42 Chapter 19 NURSING CARE OF THE CHILD WITH A RESPIRATORY DISORDER 43

● Figure 19.15 The Asthma Bill of Rights. 44 Unit 4 NURSING CARE OF THE CHILD WITH A HEALTH DISORDER


Using Asthma Medication Delivery Devices

Nebulizer • Plug in the • Add the medication nebulizer and to the medicine cup. connect the air compressor tubing.

• Attach the • Place the mask mask or the on the child OR mouthpiece and hose to the medicine cup.

• Instruct the • After use, wash child to close the mouthpiece the lips around and medicine the mouthpiece cup with water and breathe and allow to through the air dry. mouth. Chapter 19 NURSING CARE OF THE CHILD WITH A RESPIRATORY DISORDER 45


Using Asthma Medication Delivery Devices

Metered-Dose Inhaler • Shake the • Attach the inhaler inhaler and to the spacer or take off the cap. holding chamber.

• Breathe out completely.

• Put the spacer • Compress the mouthpiece in inhaler and inhale the mouth (or slowly and deeply. place the mask Hold the breath over the child’s for a count of 10. nose and mouth, ensuring a good seal).

Diskus • Hold the • Push the lever Diskus in a until it clicks horizontal (the dose is position in one now loaded). hand and push • Breathe out fully. the thumbgrip with the thumb of your other hand away from you until mouthpiece is exposed.

• Place your • Remove the mouth securely Diskus, hold around the the breath for mouthpiece 10 seconds, and breathe in and then fully and breathe out. quickly through your mouth.



Using Asthma Medication Delivery Devices

Turbuhaler • Hold the • Then twist it to the Turbuhaler left until you hear upright. Load it click. the dose by • Breathe out fully. twisting the brown grip fully to the right.

• Holding the • Remove the Turbuhaler Turbuhaler from horizontally, the mouth and place the mouth then breathe out. firmly around the mouthpiece and inhale deeply and forcefully.

ConsiderTHIS! Research has found a lag in parent/child education in relation to asthma management (Horner, 2004). Asthma Young children with asthma receiving inhaled medications education is not limited to the hospital or clinic setting. via a nebulizer should use a snugly fitting mask to ensure Nurses can become involved in community asthma educa- accurate deposition of medication to the lungs. “Blow-by” tion: community-centered education in schools, churches, via nebulizer should be discouraged, as medication delivery and daycare centers or through peer educators has been is variable and unreliable. shown to be effective. Education should include patho- physiology, asthma triggers, and prevention and treat- In addition to the presence or absence of symptoms, ment strategies. With such a large number of children the NAEPP recommends the use of the peak expiratory affected with this chronic disease, community education flow rate (PEFR) to determine daily control. PEFR mea- has the potential to make a broad impact. See Healthy surements obtained via a home peak flow meter can be People 2010. very helpful as long as the meter is used appropriately School nurses must also become experts in asthma (Teaching Guideline 19.6 gives instructions on peak flow management as well as being committed to ongoing edu- meter use). The child’s “personal best” is determined col- cation of the child and family (Sander, 2002). Resources laboratively with the health care practitioner during a for schools include: symptom-free period. PEFR is measured daily at home • Open Airways for Schools is an educational program using the peak flow meter. The asthma management plan presented by the American Lung Association or its local then gives specific instructions based on the PEFR mea- chapter, focusing on increasing asthma awareness and surement (Table 19.5). compliance with asthma action plans and decreasing Avoidance of allergens is another key component of asthma emergencies. Contact the local lung association asthma management. Avoiding known triggers helps to or call 1-800-LUNG-USA. prevent exacerbations as well as long-term inflammatory • Asthma and Allergies at School is a kit available from changes. This can be a difficult task for most families, par- AANMA at www.breatherville.org/schoolhouse or ticularly if the affected child suffers from several allergies. 1-800-878-4403. Teaching Guideline 19-4 outlines strategies for allergen • Healthy School Environments Assessment Tool is avail- avoidance. able at http://www.epa.gov/schools/. ● Figure 19.16 Asthma Action Plan.


HEALTHY PEOPLE TEACHING GUIDELINE 19.6 2010 Objective Significance Using a Peak Flow Meter Reduce activity limita- • Encourage appropriate • Slide the arrow down to “zero.” tions among persons with physical activity in • Stand up straight. asthma. (Developmental) children with asthma. • Take a deep breath and close the lips tightly around Reduce the number of • Provide extensive the mouthpiece. school or workdays education to children • Blow out hard and fast. missed by persons with and families about • Note the number the arrow moves to. asthma. Increase the peak flow meter use proportion of persons • Repeat three times and record the highest reading. and its meaning, main- with asthma who receive tenance and rescue • Keep a record of daily readings, being sure to measure formal patient educa- peak flow at the same time each day. medications, symptoms tion, including informa- of asthma exacerba- tion about community Data from the American Lung Association. tion, and a written plan and self-help resources, for how to “step up” as an essential part of and “step down” the management of their asthma management. condition. Exposure to second-hand smoke increases the • Refer children and their need for medications in children with asthma as families to local asthma well as the frequency of asthma exacerbations. or Internet resources Both indoor air quality and environmental pollu- and support groups. tion contribute to asthma in children. • Refer families to formal classes on asthma education. Promoting the Child’s Self-Esteem Fear of an exacerbation and feeling “different” from other children can harm a child’s self-esteem. In qualitative Moodiness, acting out, and withdrawal correlate with research studies, children have made such statements as increases in school absence, which can contribute to “my body shuts down” and “I feel like I’m going to poor school performance. To live in fear of an exacer- die” (Yoos et al., 2005). The fatigue and fear associated bation or to be unable to participate in activities affects with chronic asthma may reduce the child’s confidence the child’s self-esteem. and of control over his or her body and life. In Through education and support, the child can gain a addition to coping with a chronic illness, the asthmatic sense of control. Children need to learn to master their child often also has to cope with school-related issues. disease. Accurate evaluation of asthma symptoms and

Table 19.5 Assessment of Rate (PEFR)

Zone* PEFR Symptoms Action

Green: >80% personal None Take usual Good control best medications. Yellow: Caution 50% to 80% Possibly present Take short-acting

personal inhaled beta2- best agonist right away. Talk to your health care provider. Red: <50% personal Usually present Take short-acting

Medical alert best inhaled beta2- agonist right away. Go to office or emergency department.

*The National Asthma Education and Prevention Program recommended the “traffic light” approach for educating individuals on PEFRs and management plans. Chapter 19 NURSING CARE OF THE CHILD WITH A RESPIRATORY DISORDER 49 improvement of self-esteem may help the child to expe- Nursing Assessment rience less with an acute episode. Improved self- esteem might also help the child cope with the disease in Tachypnea and increased work of breathing are character- general and with being different from his or her peers. istic of chronic lung disease. After discharge from the The school-age child has the cognitive ability to begin tak- NICU, these symptoms can continue. Exertion such as ing responsibility for asthma management, with contin- activity or oral feeding can cause dyspnea to worsen. ued involvement on the part of the parents. Transferring Failure to thrive might also be evident. Auscultation might control of asthma care to the child is an important devel- reveal breath sounds that are diminished in the bases. opmental process that will contribute to the child’s feel- These infants have reactive airway episodes, so wheezing ing of control over the illness (Buford, 2004). might be present during times of exacerbation. If fluid overload develops, rales may be heard.

Promoting Family Coping Nursing Management Parent denial is an issue in many families. The family, through education and encouragement, can become the If the infant is oxygen dependent, provide education to experts on the child’s illness as well as advocates for the the parents about oxygen tanks, nasal cannula use, pulse child’s well-being. The resilient child is better able to oximetry use, and nebulizer treatments. Often these cope with difficulties presented to him or her, including children require increased-calorie formulas to grow asthma. Cohesiveness and warmth in the family envi- adequately. Fluid restrictions and/or are neces- ronment can improve a child’s resiliency as well as con- sary in some infants. Follow-up echocardiograms might be used to determine resolution of pulmonary artery hyper- tribute to family hardiness. Parents need to be allowed tension prior to weaning from oxygen. Encourage devel- to ask questions and voice their concerns. A nurse who opmentally appropriate activities. It might be difficult for understands the family’s issues and concerns is better the oxygen-dependent infant or toddler to reach gross able to plan for support and education. Provide cultur- motor milestones or explore the environment because the ally sensitive education and interventions that focus on length of his oxygen tubing limits him or her. increasing the family’s commitment to and control of Parental support is also a key nursing intervention. asthma management. As the child and parents become After a long and trying period of ups and downs with confident in their ability to recognize asthma symptoms their newborn in the intensive care unit, parents find and cope with asthma and its periodic episodes, the themselves exhausted caring for their medically fragile family’s ability to cope will improve (Svavarsdottir & infant at home. Rayens, 2005). ● ● CHRONIC LUNG DISEASE Cystic fibrosis is an autosomal recessive disorder that Chronic lung disease (formerly termed bronchopulmonary occurs about once in every 3,300 live white births and dysplasia [BPD]) is often diagnosed in infants who about once in every 16,000 live black births (Boat, 2004). have experienced RDS and continue to require oxygen A deletion occurring on the long arm of chromosome 7 at 28 days of age. It is a chronic respiratory condition at the cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator (CFTR) is seen most commonly in premature infants. It results from the responsible gene mutation. DNA testing can be used a variety of factors, including pulmonary immaturity, prenatally and in newborns to identify the presence of acute lung injury, barotrauma, inflammatory mediators, the mutation. The American College of Obstetrics and and volutrauma. Epithelial stretching, macrophage and Gynecology currently recommends screening for cystic polymorphonuclear cell invasion, and airway edema affect fibrosis to any person seeking preconception or prenatal the growth and development of lung structures. Cilia loss care. At present, 11 states include testing for cystic fibro- and airway lining denudation reduce the normal cleansing sis as part of newborn screening (Gross, 2004). abilities of the lung. The number of normal alveoli is Cystic fibrosis is the most common debilitating disease reduced by one third to one half. Lower birthweights, of childhood among those of European descent. Medical white race, and male gender pose increased risk for devel- advances in recent years have greatly increased the length opment of chronic lung disease. Complications include and quality of life for affected children: about 50% now live pulmonary artery hypertension, cor pulmonale, congestive past the age of 30 years (Boat, 2004), and many live a high- heart failure, and severe bacterial or viral pneumonia. quality life into their 40s (Carpenter & Narsavage, 2004). (Harvey, 2004; Stoll & Kliegman, 2004). Complications include hemoptysis, pneumothorax, bacte- Anti-inflammatory inhaled medications are used for rial colonization, cor pulmonale, volvulus, intussusception, maintenance, and short-acting bronchodilators are used intestinal obstruction, rectal prolapse, gastroesophageal as needed for wheezing episodes. Supplemental long-term reflux disease, diabetes, portal hypertension, , oxygen therapy may be required in some infants. gallstones, and decreased fertility. 50 Unit 4 NURSING CARE OF THE CHILD WITH A HEALTH DISORDER

Therapeutic Management resulting respiratory and gastrointestinal clinical manifes- tations of cystic fibrosis. Therapeutic management of cystic fibrosis is aimed toward minimizing pulmonary complications, maximizing lung Nursing Assessment function, preventing infection, and facilitating growth. All children with cystic fibrosis who have pulmonary involve- For a full description of the assessment phase of the nurs- ment require chest physiotherapy with postural drainage ing process, refer to page 00. Assessment findings perti- several times daily to mobilize secretions from the lungs. nent to cystic fibrosis are discussed below. Physical exercise is encouraged. Recombinant human DNase (Pulmozyme) is given daily using a nebulizer to Health History decrease sputum viscosity and help clear secretions. Elicit a description of the present illness and chief com- Inhaled bronchodilators and anti-inflammatory agents are plaint. Common signs and symptoms reported during the prescribed for some children. Aerosolized antibiotics are health history in the undiagnosed child might include: often prescribed and may be given at home as well as in the • A salty taste to the child’s skin (resulting from excess hospital. Choice of antibiotic is determined by sputum cul- chloride loss via perspiration) ture and sensitivity results. Pancreatic and sup- • Meconium ileus or late, difficult passage of meconium plemental fat-soluble vitamins are prescribed to promote stool in the newborn period adequate digestion and absorption of nutrients and opti- • Abdominal pain or difficulty passing stool (infants or mize nutritional status. Increased-calorie, high-protein toddlers might present with intestinal obstruction or diets are recommended, and sometimes supplemental intussusception at the time of diagnosis) high-calorie formula, either orally or via feeding tube, is • Bulky, greasy stools needed. Some children require total parenteral nutrition • Poor weight gain and growth despite good appetite to maintain or gain weight (McMullen, 2004). Lung • Chronic or recurrent cough and/or upper or lower res- transplantation has been successful in some children with piratory infections cystic fibrosis. Children known to have cystic fibrosis are often Pathophysiology admitted to the hospital for pulmonary exacerbations or other complications of the disease. The health history In cystic fibrosis, the CFTR mutation causes alterations in should include questions related to: epithelial ion transport on mucosal surfaces, resulting in • Respiratory status: has cough, sputum production, or generalized dysfunction of the exocrine glands. The epi- work of breathing increased? thelial cells fail to conduct chloride, and water transport • Appetite and weight gain abnormalities occur. This results in thickened, tenacious • Activity tolerance secretions in the sweat glands, gastrointestinal tract, pan- • Increased need for pulmonary or pancreatic medications creas, respiratory tract, and other exocrine tissues. The in- • Presence of fever creased viscosity of these secretions makes them difficult • Presence of bone pain to clear. The sweat glands produce a larger amount of • Any other changes in physical state or medication regimen chloride, leading to a salty taste of the skin and alterations in electrolyte balance and dehydration. The pancreas, Physical Examination intrahepatic bile ducts, intestinal glands, gallbladder, and The physical examination includes inspection, ausculta- submaxillary glands become obstructed by viscous mucus tion, percussion, and palpation. and eosinophilic material. Pancreatic enzyme activity is lost and malabsorption of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates Inspection occurs, resulting in poor growth and large, malodorous Observe the child’s general appearance and color. Check stools. Excess mucus is produced by the tracheobronchial the nasal passages for polyps. Note respiratory rate, work glands. Abnormally thick mucus plugs the small airways, of breathing, use of accessory muscles, position of comfort, and then bronchiolitis and further plugging of the airways frequency and severity of cough, and quality and quantity occur. Secondary bacterial infection with Staphylococcus of sputum produced. The child with cystic fibrosis often aureus, , and Burkholderia cepacia has a barrel chest (anterior–posterior diameter approxi- often occurs. This contributes to obstruction and inflam- mates transverse diameter) (Fig. 19.17). Clubbing of the mation, leading to chronic infection, tissue damage, and nail beds might also be present. Note whether rectal pro- respiratory failure. Nasal polyps and recurrent sinusitis lapse is present. Does the child appear small or thin for his are common. Boys have tenacious seminal fluid and expe- or her age? The child might have a protuberant abdomen rience blocking of the vas deferens, often making them and thin extremities, with decreased amounts of subcuta- infertile. In girls, thick cervical secretions might limit pen- neous fat present. Observe for the presence of edema (sign etration of sperm (Boat, 2004; Simpson & Ivey, 2005). of cardiac or liver failure). Note distended neck veins or the Table 19.6 gives further details of the pathophysiology and presence of a heave (signs of cor pulmonale). Chapter 19 NURSING CARE OF THE CHILD WITH A RESPIRATORY DISORDER 51

Table 19.6 Pathophysiology of Cystic Fibrosis and Resultant Respiratory and Gastrointestinal Clinical Manifestations

Defect in the CFTR Gene Affects Pathophysiology Clinical Manifestations

Respiratory • Infection leads to neutrophilic inflammation. • Airway obstruction tract • Cleavage of complement receptors and • Difficulty clearing secretions immunoglobin G leads to opsonophago- • Respiratory distress and impaired gas cytosis failure. exchange • Chemoattractant interleukin-8 and elastin • Chronic cough degradase contribute to inflammatory • Barrel-shaped chest response. • Decreased pulmonary function • Thick, tenacious sputum that is chronically • Clubbing colonized with bacteria results. • Recurrent pneumonia • Air trapping related to airway obstruction • Hemoptysis • Pulmonary parenchyma is eventually • Pneumothorax destroyed. • Chronic sinusitis • Nasal polyps • Cor pulmonale (right-sided heart failure) Gastrointestinal • Decreased chloride and water secretion • Meconium ileus tract into the intestine (causing dehydration of • Retention of fecal matter in distal intestine, the intestinal material) and into the bile resulting in vomiting, abdominal distention ducts (causing increased bile viscosity) and cramping, anorexia, right lower • Reduced pancreatic bicarbonate quadrant pain secretion • Sludging of intestinal contents may lead to • Hypersecretion of gastric acid fecal impaction, rectal prolapse, bowel • Insufficiency of pancreatic enzymes obstruction, intussusception. necessary for digestion and absorption • Obstructive with esophageal • Pancreas secretes thick mucus. varices, and splenomegaly • Gallstones • Gastroesophageal reflux disease (compounded by postural drainage with chest physiotherapy) • Inadequate protein absorption • Altered absorption of iron and vitamins A, D, E, and K • Failure to thrive • Hyperglycemia and development of diabetes later in life

Auscultation Palpation Auscultation may reveal a variety of adventitious breath Palpation might yield a finding of asymmetric chest sounds. Fine or coarse crackles and scattered or localized excursion if atelectasis is present. Tactile fremitus may wheezing might be present. With progressive obstructive be decreased over areas of atelectasis. Note if tenderness pulmonary involvement, breath sounds might be dimin- is present over the liver (might be an early sign of cor ished. Tachycardia might be present. Note the presence pulmonale). of a gallop (might occur with cor pulmonale). Note the adequacy of bowel sounds. Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests Common laboratory and diagnostic studies ordered for Percussion the diagnosis and assessment of cystic fibrosis include: Percussion over the lung fields usually yields hyperreso- • Sweat chloride test: considered suspicious if the level of nance due to air trapping. Diaphragmatic excursion might chloride in collected sweat is above 50 mEq/L and diag- be decreased. Percussion of the abdomen might reveal nostic if the level is above 60 mEq/L (Fig. 19.18) dullness over an enlarged liver or mass related to intestinal • Pulse oximetry: oxygen saturation might be decreased, obstruction. particularly during a pulmonary exacerbation 52 Unit 4 NURSING CARE OF THE CHILD WITH A HEALTH DISORDER

related interventions discussed in the Nursing Care Plan Overview for respiratory disorders, interventions common to cystic fibrosis follow.

Maintaining Patent Airway Chest physiotherapy is often used as an adjunct therapy in respiratory illnesses, but for children with cystic fibrosis it is a critical intervention. Chest physiotherapy involves per- cussion, vibration, and postural drainage, and either it or another bronchial hygiene therapy must be performed sev- eral times a day to assist with mobilization of secretions. Nursing Procedure 19.2 gives instructions on the chest physiotherapy technique. For older children and adolescents, the flutter-valve device, positive expiratory pressure therapy, or a high- frequency chest compression vest may also be used. The flutter valve device provides high-frequency oscillation to the airway as the child exhales into a mouthpiece that contains a steel ball. Positive expiratory pressure therapy involves exhaling through a flow resistor, which creates positive expiratory pressure. The cycles of exhalation are repeated until coughing yields expectoration of secretions. The vest airway clearance system provides high-frequency Cross section chest wall oscillation to increase airflow velocity to create of ABNormal chest Barrel chest repetitive cough-like shear and to decrease the vis- cosity of secretions (Goodfellow & Jones, 2002). Breathing ● Figure 19.17 (A) Normal chest shape—transverse exercises are also helpful in promoting mucus clearance. diameter > anterior-posterior diameter. (B) Barrel chest—transverse diameter = anterior-posterior Encourage physical exercise, as it helps to promote mucus diameter. secretion as well as providing cardiopulmonary condition- ing. Ensure that Pulmozyme is administered, as well as inhaled bronchodilators and anti-inflammatory agents if • Chest x-ray: may reveal hyperinflation, bronchial wall prescribed. thickening, atelectasis, or infiltration • Pulmonary function tests: might reveal a decrease in Preventing Infection forced and forced expiratory volume, with Vigorous pulmonary hygiene for mobilization of secretions increases in residual volume (Boat, 2004; McMullen, is critical to prevent infection. Aerosolized antibiotics can 2004) be given at home as well as in the hospital. Children with frequent or severe respiratory exacerbations might require Nursing Management lengthy courses of intravenous antibiotics. Management of cystic fibrosis focuses on minimizing pul- monary complications, promoting growth and develop- Maintaining Growth ment, and facilitating coping and adjustment of the child Pancreatic enzymes must be administered with all meals and family. In addition to the nursing diagnoses and and snacks to promote adequate digestion and absorption of nutrients. The number of capsules required depends on the extent of pancreatic insufficiency and the amount of food being ingested. The dosage can be adjusted until an adequate growth pattern is established and the number of stools is consistent at one or two per day. Children will need additional enzyme capsules when high-fat foods are being eaten. In the infant or young child, the enzyme cap- sule can be opened and sprinkled on cereal or applesauce. A well-balanced, high-calorie, high-protein diet is neces- sary to ensure adequate growth. Some children require up to 1.5 times the recommended daily allowance of calories for children their age. A number of commercially available nutritional formulas and shakes are available for ● Figure 19.18 Sweat chloride test. diet supplementation. Chapter 19 NURSING CARE OF THE CHILD WITH A RESPIRATORY DISORDER 53

Nursing Procedure 19.2 Performing Chest Physiotherapy

1. Provide percussion via a cupped hand or an infant percussion device. Appropriate percussion yields a hollow sound (not a slapping sound).

2. Percuss each segment of the lung for 1 to 2 minutes.

POSITION #1 POSITION #1, for infants UPPER LOBES, Apical segments UPPER LOBES, Apical segments


Nursing Procedure 19.2

Performing Chest Physiotherapy (continued)

POSITION #2 UPPER LOBES, Posterior segments

POSITION #3 UPPER LOBES, Anterior segments



Nursing Procedure 19.2

Performing Chest Physiotherapy (continued)

POSITION #8 & 9 POSITION #10 LOWER LOBES, Lateral basal segments LOWER LOBES, Superior segments

3. Place the ball of the hand on the lung segment, keep- 4. Encourage the child to deep breathe and cough. ing the arm and shoulder straight. Vibrate by tensing and relaxing your arms during the child’s exhalation. 5. Change drainage positions and repeat percussion Vibrate each lung segment for at least five . and vibration.

In infants, breastfeeding should be continued with Starting at the time of diagnosis, families often enzyme administration. Some infants will require fortifi- demonstrate significant stress as the severity of the diag- cation of or supplementation with high-calorie nosis and the significance of disease chronicity become formulas. Commercially available infant formulas can real for them. The family should be involved in the child’s continue to be used for the formula-fed infant and can care from the time of diagnosis, whether in the outpatient be mixed to provide a larger amount of calories if neces- setting or in the hospital. Ongoing education about the sary. Supplementation with vitamins A, D, E, and K is illness and its treatments is necessary. Once the initial necessary. Administer gavage feedings or total parenteral shock of diagnosis has passed and the family has adjusted nutrition as prescribed to provide for adequate growth. to initial care, the family usually learns how to manage the requirements of care. Powerlessness gives way to adapta- Promoting Family Coping tion. As family members become more comfortable with Cystic fibrosis is a serious chronic illness that requires inter- their understanding of the illness and the required treat- vention on a daily basis. It can be hard to maintain a sched- ments, they will eventually become the experts on the ule that requires pulmonary hygiene several times daily as child’s care. It is important for the nurse to recognize and well as close attention to appropriate diet and enzyme sup- respect the family’s changing needs over time. plementation. Adjusting to the demands that the illness Providing daily intense care can be tiring, and non- places on the child and family is difficult. Continual on- compliance on the part of the family or child might occur going adjustments within the family must occur. Children as a result of this fatigue. Overvigilance may also occur as are frequently hospitalized, and this may place an addi- a result of the need for control over the difficult situation tional strain on the family and its finances. Children with as well as a desire to protect the child. Families welcome cystic fibrosis may express fear or feelings of isolation, and support and encouragement. Most families will eventu- siblings may be worried or jealous (Carpenter & Narsavage, ally progress past the stages of fear, guilt, and powerless- 2004). The family should be encouraged to lead a normal ness. They move beyond those feelings to a way of living life through involvement in activities and school attendance that is different than what they anticipated but is some- during periods of wellness. thing that they can manage. Refer parents to a local support group for families of children with cystic fibrosis. The Cystic Fibrosis Foun- Massage therapy performed by the parent, dation has chapters throughout the United States and nurse, or licensed massage therapist may help to can be accessed at www.cff.org. Additional resources can decrease anxiety in the child with cystic fibrosis. It be found at www.cysticfibrosis.com, www.cfri.org, and may have the added benefit of improving respi- www.cfww.org. ratory status, but it does not replace chest physiotherapy (Huth Parents of children with a terminal illness might face et al., 2005). the death of their child at an earlier age than expected. 56 Unit 4 NURSING CARE OF THE CHILD WITH A HEALTH DISORDER

Assisting with anticipatory grieving and making decisions related to end-of-life care are other important nursing BOX 19.3 interventions. SUDDEN INFANT DEATH SYNDROME (SIDS) Preparing the Child and Family for Adulthood Definition With Cystic Fibrosis Sudden death of a previously healthy infant <1 year of age With current technological and medication advances, Prevention many more children with cystic fibrosis are surviving to • Place all infants in the supine position to sleep (even adulthood and into their 30s and 40s. Lung transplanta- side-lying is not as safe and is not recommended by tion is now being used in some patients with success, thus the AAP). prolonging life expectancy (barring transplant complica- • Provide a firm sleep surface and avoid soft bedding, tions). Children should have the goal of independent liv- excess covers, pillows, and stuffed animals in the crib. ing as an adult, as other children do. Making the transition • Avoid maternal prenatal smoking and exposure of the from a pediatric medical home to an adult medical home infant to second-hand smoke. should be viewed as a rite of passage (Madge & Byron, • Ensure the infant sleeps separately from the parents. 2005). Pediatric clinics are focused on family-centered • Avoid overbundling or overdressing the infant. care that heavily involves the child’s parents, but adults • Encourage pacifier use at nap and bed time if the with cystic fibrosis need a different focus, one that views infant is receptive to it (AAP, 2005). them as independent adults. Support and Information Adults with cystic fibrosis can make the transition from • www.sidsalliance.org: SIDS alliance pediatric to adult care with thoughtful preparation and • www.sidscenter.org: National SIDS/Infant Death coordination. They desire and deserve a smooth transition Resource Center in care that will result in appropriate ongoing medical man- • www.asip1.org: Association for SIDS and Infant agement of cystic fibrosis provided in an environment that Mortality Program is geared toward adults rather than children. • sids-network.org/: Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Adults with cystic fibrosis are able to find rewarding Network, Inc. work and pursue relationships. Most men with cystic fibro- sis are capable of sexual intercourse, though unable to reproduce. Females might have difficulty conceiving, and Therapeutic management of apnea varies depending when they do they should be cautioned about the addi- upon the cause. When apnea occurs as a result of another tional respiratory strain that causes. All children disorder or infection, treatment is directed toward that of parents with cystic fibrosis will be carriers of the gene. cause. In the event of apnea, stimulation may trigger the infant to take a breath. If breathing does not resume, res- ● APNEA cue breathing or bag-valve-mask ventilation is necessary. Infants and children who have experienced an ALTE Apnea is defined as absence of breathing for longer than or who have chronic apnea may require ongoing cardiac/ 20 seconds; it might be accompanied by . apnea monitoring. Caffeine or theophylline is sometimes Sometimes apnea presents in the form of an acute life- administered, primarily in premature infants, to stimulate threatening event (ALTE), an event in which the infant or respirations. child exhibits some combination of apnea, color change, muscle tone alteration, coughing, or gagging. Apnea may Nursing Assessment also occur acutely at any age as a result of respiratory dis- tress. This discussion will focus on apnea that is chronic or Question the parents about the infant’s position and activ- recurrent in nature or that occurs as part of an ALTE. ities preceding the apneic episode. Did the infant experi- Apnea in infants may be central (unrelated to any ence a color change? Did the infant self-stimulate (breathe other cause) or occur with other illnesses such as sepsis again on his or her own), or did he or she require stimu- and respiratory infection. Apnea in newborns might be lation from the caretaker? Assess risk factors for apnea, associated with hypothermia, hypoglycemia, infection, which may include prematurity, anemia, and history of or hyperbilirubinemia. Apnea of prematurity occurs sec- metabolic disorders. Apnea may occur in association with ondary to an immature respiratory system. Apnea should cardiac or neurologic disturbances, respiratory infection, not be considered as a predecessor to sudden infant death sepsis, child abuse, or poisoning. syndrome (SIDS). Current research has not proven this In the hospitalized infant, note absence of respiration, theory, and SIDS generally occurs in otherwise healthy position, color, and other associated findings, such as young infants (AAP, Task Force on Sudden Infant Death emesis on the bedclothes. If an infant who is apneic fails Syndrome, 2005; Ramanathan et al., 2001). Box 19.3 to be stimulated and does not breathe again, pulselessness gives more information about SIDS and its prevention. will result. Chapter 19 NURSING CARE OF THE CHILD WITH A RESPIRATORY DISORDER 57

Nursing Management breathing, and increases patient comfort. In some cases the tracheostomy facilitates mechanical ventilation weaning. It When an infant is noted to be apneic, gently stimulate may be permanent or temporary depending on the condi- him or her to take a breath again. If gentle stimulation is tion that leads to the tracheostomy. The tracheostomy tube unsuccessful, then rescue breathing or bag-valve-mask varies in size and type depending on the child’s airway ventilation must be started. size and health and the length of time the child will require To avoid apnea in the newborn, maintain a neutral the tracheostomy. Silastic tracheostomy tubes are soft and thermal environment. Avoid excessive vagal stimulation flexible; they are available with a single lumen or may have and taking rectal (the vagal response can an outer and inner lumen. Both types have an obturator cause bradycardia, resulting in apnea). Administer caffeine (the guide used during tube changes). Typically, the tubes or theophylline if prescribed and teach families about the with inner cannulas are used with older children and in use of these medications. children with increased mucus production. Cuffed tra- Infants with recurrent apnea or ALTE may be dis- cheostomy tubes are generally used in older children also. charged on a home apnea monitor (Fig. 19.19). Provide The cuff is used to prevent air from leaking around the education on use of the monitor, guidance for when to tube. The funnel-shaped airway in younger children acts a notify the physician or monitor service about alarms, and physiological cuff and prevents air leak. Figure 19.20 shows training in infant CPR. The monitor is usually discontin- various types of tracheostomy tubes. ued after 3 months without a significant event of apnea Complications immediately postoperatively include or bradycardia. In some ways the monitor gives parents hemorrhage, air entry, pulmonary edema, anatomic dam- peace of mind, but in others it can make them more ner- age, and respiratory arrest. At any point in time the tra- vous about the well-being of their child. Also, the alarm cheostomy tube may become occluded and ventilation on home monitors is extremely loud and parents often go compromised. Complications of chronic tracheostomy for months with inadequate sleep. Providing appropriate include infection, cellulitis, and formation of granulation education to the parents about the nature of the child’s tissue around the insertion site (Russell, 2005). disorder as well as action to take in the event of apnea may give the family a sense of mastery over the situation, Nursing Assessment thus decreasing their level of anxiety. Refer families to When obtaining the history for a child with a tracheostomy, local area support groups such as those offered by Parent note the reason for the tracheostomy, as well as the size and to Parent and Parents Helping Parents. type of tracheostomy tube. Inspect the site. The should appear pink and without bleeding or drainage. The Tracheostomy tube itself should be clean and free from secretions. The tracheostomy ties should fit securely, allowing one finger to A tracheostomy is an artificial opening in the airway; slide beneath the ties (Fig. 19.21). Inspect the skin under usually a plastic tracheostomy tube is in place to form a the ties for rash or redness. Observe work of breathing. patent airway. Tracheostomies are performed to relieve air- When caring for the infant or child with a tra- way obstruction, such as with subglottic stenosis (nar- cheostomy, whether in the intensive care unit, the patient rowing of the airway sometimes resulting from long-term floor, or the home, a thorough respiratory assessment intubation). They are also used for pulmonary toilet and in is necessary. Note presence of secretions and their color, the child who requires chronic mechanical ventilation. The thickness, and amount. Auscultate for breath sounds, tracheostomy facilitates secretion removal, reduces work of which should be clear and equal throughout all lung fields. Pulse oximetry may also be measured. When infec- tion is suspected or secretions are discolored or have a foul odor, a sputum culture may be obtained.

● Figure 19.19 The home apnea monitor uses a soft belt with Velcro attachment to hold two leads in the appropriate ● Figure 19.20 Note smaller size and absence of inner position on the chest. cannula on particular brands of pediatric tracheostomy tubes. 58 Unit 4 NURSING CARE OF THE CHILD WITH A HEALTH DISORDER

● Figure 19.22 The trach collar allows for humidification of inspired air or supplemental oxygen.

Many pediatric tracheostomy tubes do not have an inner cannula that requires periodic removal and clean- ● Figure 19.21 Properly fitting trach ing, so periodic removal and replacement of the chronic ties. One finger width fits between tracheostomy tube is required. Clean the removed tra- the ties and the child’s neck. cheostomy tube with half-strength peroxide and pipe cleaners. Rinse with distilled water and allow it to dry. The tracheostomy tube can be reused many times Keep small toys (risk of aspiration), if adequately cleaned between uses. plastic bibs or bedding (risk of airway Perform tracheostomy care every 8 hours or per occlusion), and talcum powder (risk of inhalation injury) out of reach of the child institution protocol. Change the tracheostomy tube only with a tracheostomy. as needed or per institution protocol. Nursing Proce- dure 19.3 gives information about tracheostomy care. If the older child or teen has a tracheostomy tube Nursing Management with an inner cannula, provide care of the inner can- In the immediate postoperative period the infant or child nula similar to that of an adult. Involve parents in care of may require restraints to avoid accidental dislodgment of the tracheostomy and begin education about caring for the the tracheostomy tube. Infants and children who have had tracheostomy tube at home as soon as the child is stable. a tracheostomy for a period of time become accustomed to Refer the family to local support groups or to www. it and usually do not attempt to remove the tube. Since air tracheostomy.com, which offers many resources for a inspired via the tracheostomy tube bypasses the upper air- family whose child has a tracheostomy. The child with a way, it lacks humidification, and this lack of humidity can tracheostomy often qualifies for a Medicaid waiver that lead to a mucus plug in the tracheostomy and hypoxia. will provide a certain amount of home nursing care. Provide humidity to either room air or oxygen via a tra- cheostomy collar or ventilator, depending upon the child’s need (Fig. 19.22). Box 19.4 lists the equipment that should be available at the bedside of any child who has a BOX 19.4 tracheostomy. EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT (AVAILABLE AT BEDSIDE) Tracheostomies require frequent suctioning to main- tain patency. The appropriate length for insertion of • Two spare tracheostomy tubes (one the same size the suction catheter depends on the size of the tra- and one a size smaller) • Suction equipment cheostomy and the child’s needs. Place a sign at the • Stitch cutter (new tracheostomy) head of the child’s bed indicating the suction catheter • Spare tracheostomy ties size and length (in centimeters) that it should be • Lubricating jelly inserted for suctioning. Keep an extra tracheostomy • Bag-valve-mask device tube of the same size and one size smaller at the bedside • Call bell within child’s/parent’s reach in the event of an emergency. Chapter 19 NURSING CARE OF THE CHILD WITH A RESPIRATORY DISORDER 59

Nursing Procedure 19.3 Tracheostomy Care

1. Gather the necessary equipment: 4. Cleanse around the tracheostomy site with pre- • Cleaning solution scribed solution (half-strength hydrogen peroxide or acetic acid, normal saline or soap and water if at • Gloves home) and cotton-tipped applicators working from • Precut gauze pad just around the tracheostomy tube outward. • Cotton-tipped applicators 5. Rinse with sterile water and cotton-tipped applicator • Clean tracheostomy ties in similar fashion. • Scissors 6. Place the precut sterile gauze under the tracheostomy • Extra tracheostomy tube in case of accidental tube. dislodgement 7. With the assistant holding the tube in place, cut the 2. Position the infant/child supine with a blanket or ties and remove from the tube. towel roll to extend the neck. 8. Attach the clean ties to the tube and tie or secure in 3. Open all packaging and cut tracheostomy ties to place with Velcro. appropriate length if necessary.

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● MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 5. Which is the most appropriate treatment for epistaxis? 1. A 5-month-old infant with RSV bronchiolitis is in a. With the child lying down and breathing through respiratory distress. The baby has copious secretions, the mouth, apply pressure to the bridge of the nose. increased work of breathing, cyanosis, and a respira- b. With the child lying down and breathing through tory rate of 78. What is the most appropriate initial the mouth, pinch the lower third of the nose closed. nursing intervention? c. With the child sitting up and leaning forward, a. Attempt to calm the infant by placing him in his apply pressure to the bridge of the nose. mother’s lap and offering him a bottle. d. With the child sitting up and leaning forward, b. Alert the physician to the situation and ask for an pinch the lower third of the nose closed. order for a stat chest x-ray. ● c. Suction secretions, provide 100% oxygen via CRITICAL THINKING EXERCISES mask, and anticipate respiratory failure. 1. A 10-month-old girl is admitted to the pediatric unit d. Bring the emergency equipment to the room and with a history of recurrent pneumonia and failure to begin bag-valve-mask ventilation. thrive. Her sweat chloride test confirms the diagnosis of cystic fibrosis. She is a frail-appearing infant with 2. A toddler has moderate respiratory distress, is mildly thin extremities and a slightly protuberant abdomen. cyanotic, and has increased work of breathing, with a She is tachypneic, has retractions, and coughs fre- respiratory rate of 40. What is the priority nursing quently. Based on the limited information given here intervention? and your knowledge of cystic fibrosis, choose three of a. Airway maintenance and 100% oxygen by mask the categories below as priorities to focus on when b. 100% oxygen and pulse oximetry monitoring planning her care: c. Airway maintenance and continued reassessment a. Prevention of bronchospasm d. 100% oxygen and provision of comfort b. Promotion of adequate nutrition c. Education of the child and family 3. The nurse is caring for a child with cystic fibrosis who receives pancreatic enzymes. The nurse realizes d. Prevention of pulmonary infection that the child’s mother understands the instructions e. Balancing fluid and electrolytes related to giving the enzymes when the mother f. Management of excess weight gain makes which of the following statements? g. Prevention of spread of infection a. “I will stop the enzymes if my child is receiving antibiotics.” h. Promoting adequate sleep and rest b. “I will decrease the dose by half if my child is 2. A child with asthma is admitted to the pediatric unit having frequent, bulky stools.” for the fourth time this year. The mother expresses c. “Between meals is the best time for me to give the frustration that the child is getting sick so often. enzymes.” Besides information about onset of symptoms and events leading up to this present episode, what other d. “The enzymes should be given at the beginning of types of information would you ask for while obtain- each meal and snack.” ing the history? 4. Which of these factors contributes to infants’ and 3. The mother of the child in the previous question tells children’s increased risk for upper airway obstruction you that she smokes (but never around the child), the as compared with adults? family has a cat that comes inside sometimes, and a. Underdeveloped cricoid cartilage and narrow she always gives her child the medication prescribed. nasal passages She gives salmeterol and budesonide as soon as the b. Small tonsils and narrow nasal passages child starts to cough. When he is not having an episode, she gives him albuterol before his baseball c. Cylinder-shaped larynx and underdeveloped sinuses games. Diphenhydramine helps his runny nose in the d. Underdeveloped cricoid cartilage and smaller springtime. Based on this new information, what tongue advice/instructions would you give the mother? Chapter 19 NURSING CARE OF THE CHILD WITH A RESPIRATORY DISORDER 63

4. A 7-year-old presents with a history of recurrent nasal 2. The nurse is caring for a child with asthma. The discharge. He sneezes every time he visits his cousins, child has been prescribed Advair (fluticasone and sal- who have pets. He lives in an older home that is meterol), albuterol, and prednisone. Develop a sam- carpeted. Tobacco smokers live in the home. His ple teaching plan for the child and family. Include mother reports that he snores and is a mouth breather. appropriate use of the devices used to deliver the She says he has symptoms nearly year-round, but they medications, as well as important information about are worse in the fall and the spring. She reports that the medications (uses and side effects). diphenhydramine is somewhat helpful with his symp- 3. While caring for children in the pediatric setting, toms, but she doesn’t like to give it to him on school compare the signs and symptoms and presentation of days because it makes him drowsy. Based on the a child with the common cold to those of a child with history above, develop a teaching plan for this child. either sinusitis or allergic rhinitis. 5. The nurse is caring for a 4-year-old girl who returned 4. While caring for children in the pediatric setting, from the recovery room after a tonsillectomy 3 hours review the census of clients and identify those at risk ago. She has cried off and on in the past 2 hours and for severe influenza and thus those who would benefit is now sleeping. What areas in particular should the from annual influenza vaccination. nurse assess and focus on for this patient? 5. Compare the differences in oxygen administration ● STUDY ACTIVITIES between a young infant and an older child. 1. While caring for children in the pediatric setting, compare the signs and symptoms of a child with asthma to those of an infant with bronchiolitis. What are the most notable differences? How does the his- tory of the two children differ?