Muslim East in Slavic Literatures and Cultures

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Muslim East in Slavic Literatures and Cultures MUSLIM EAST IN SLAVIC LITERATURES AND CULTURES POLISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY MUSLIM EAST IN SLAVIC LITERATURES AND CULTURES edited by Grzegorz Czerwiński Artur Konopacki Anetta Buras-Marciniak Eugenia Maksimowicz Białystok 2019 Polish Historical Society Scientific Committee Andrzej Chwalba, Marian Drozdowski, Jarosław Kita, Andrzej Koryn, Andrzej Korytko, Teresa Kozłowska, Cezary Kuklo, Krzysztof Mikulski, Anna Pobóg-Lenartowicz, Marek Sioma, Michał Zwierzykowski Editorial Board Andrzej Gil, Adrian Jusupović, Jarosław Kita, Tomasz Schramm, Wojciech Walczak (Editor-in-Chief), Ewa Wipszycka-Bravo Reviewers Prof. Iwona Anna Ndiaye (University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland) Prof. Petar Bunjak (University of Belgrad, Serbia) Publisher Polish Historical Society / Polskie Towarzystwo Historyczne Rynek Starego Miasta 29/31 00-272 Warszawa Proofreading Małgorzata Sylwestrzak, Jacek Partyka, Marcin Hościłowicz Cover photo Grzegorz Czerwiński Russian summary Eugenia Maksimowicz © Copyright by Polish Historical Society / Polskie Towarzystwo Historyczne & Authors, 2019 ISBN 978-83-955449-1-0 DTP Joanna Świątek / Alter Studio Print TABLE OF CONTENTS FROM EDITORS . 9 I . THE BALKANS . 11 Sanjin Kodrić “East and West – Heart and Mind”: The Muslim Orient and the European Occident in Bosniak Literature at the End of the 19th and the Beginning of the 20th Century . 13 Vedad Spahić Cultural and Historical Context of Bosnian Aljamiado Literature . 41 Lejla Kodrić Zaimović Rana bosanskohercegovačka periodika i trauma susreta orijentalnog i evropskog (na primjeru slike svijeta „Bosne” i „Sarajevskog cvjetnika”) / Early Bosnian-Herzegovinian Periodicals and Trauma of Encounter of the Oriental and European Worlds: Example of the World Image in “Bosna” and “Sarajevski Cvjetnik” . 47 Dijana Hadžizukić Istočnjački vrt u romanima Dževada Karahasana / The Eastern Garden in Dževad Karahasan’s Novels . 65 Marek M . Dziekan Życie i dzieło Abdurrahmana Sirriji (1775–1847) / Life and Work of Abdurrahman Sirrija (1775–1847) . 77 Anetta Buras-Marciniak Muzułmanie w Słowenii . Pomiędzy tabu a marginalizacją / Muslims in Slovenia . Between Taboos and Marginalization . 97 6 SPIS TREŚCI II . POLISH TATARS . 107 Grzegorz Czerwiński Mufti Jakub Szynkiewicz’s Travel to Yugoslavia in 1930 . 109 Svetlana Gribova Деятельность муфтия Якуба Шинкевича в годы Второй мировой войны (1939–1945) / Activity of Mufti Jakub Szynkiewicz (Yakub Shinkevich) during the Second World War (1939–1945) . 119 Mieste Hotopp-Riecke, Stephan Theilig Yazma Miras / Written Heritage: The Image of the Polish-Lithuanian Tatars as a Transferred Stereotype in German Literature . 137 III . MUSLIM WORLD IN THE EAST SLAVONIC LITERATURES AND CULTURES . 153 Anna Giust Oriental Inspirations in Russian Opera at the Time of Catherine the Great . 155 Wanda Supa Portrety muzułmanów we współczesnej prozie rosyjskiej / Portraits of Muslims in Contemporary Russian Prose . 173 Bartosz Gołąbek Z domu Allacha do świata Stalina . Rozważania na marginesie bestsellerowej powieści „Zulejka otwiera oczy” Guzel Jachiny / From the House of Allah to the Stalin’s World . Some Remarks on Bestseller Novel “Zuleikha Opens Her Eyes” by Guzel Yakhina . 191 Mykola Vas’kiv Чингіз Айтматов і не тільки: киргизька література в українських окремих виданнях / Kyrgyz Literature in Ukrainian Printed Editions . 203 Olga Bykova Образ Ірану в збірці репортажів Олександра Мар’ямова «Іран без чадура» / The Iran’s Image in the Collection of Reports by Olexander Mariamov “Iran without Chador” . 225 SPIS TREŚCI 7 Marina Nabok Образ національного героя в українському фольклорі та фольклорі мусульманських країн в контексті його сприйняття студентами з Близького Сходу / The Image of the National Hero in the Ukrainian Folklore and the Folklore of the Muslim Countries in the Context of its Perception of the Students from the Middle East . 239 Halina Twaranowicz “Запіскі янычара або турэцкая хроніка” Канстанціна Міхайловіча: гісторыя помніка і характарыстыка мусульманскага свету / “Memoirs of the Janissary, or the Turkish Chronicle” of Konstantin Mikhailovich: The History of the Monument and Characteristics of the Muslim World . 249 IV . POLES AND THE MUSLIM EAST . 265 Aleksander Gadomski Католический костел в крымском диалоге культур / Catholic Church in the Dialogue of Cultures in Crimea . 267 Katarzyna Wrzesińska Od „dzikiej hordy” do „naszych Tatarów” . Z dziejów popularyzacji wiedzy na temat ras ludzkich w piśmiennictwie polskim przełomu XIX i XX wieku / From a “Wild Horde” to “Our Tatars” . On the History of Spreading Knowledge on Human Races in the Polish Writings at the Turn of the 20th Century . 283 Joanna Nowak Wschodnia rasa, kultura i cywilizacja w relacji z podróży do Turcji Zenona Leonarda Fisza / Eastern Race, Culture and Civilization in Zenon Leonard Fisz’s Account of his Travel to Turkey . 299 Waldemar Jaskulski Ambasada Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w Ankarze w latach 1939–1945 / The Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Ankara in the Years 1939–1945 . 313 РЕЗЮМЕ . 329 FROM EDITORS This volume contains materials from the International Scientific Con- ference “Muslim East in Eastern and Southern Slavic Literature”, held in Białystok (Poland) November 17–18, 2017 . The conference was organized by the Faculty of Philology of the University of Białystok, Chair of Sla- vonic Philology of the University of Łódź, Podlasie Branch of the Polish Tatars Association and Łukasz Górnicki Library in Białystok . Session “Muslim East in Eastern and Southern Slavic Literature” was held with the financial support of the Municipal Office in Białystok . The Marshal of the Podlaskie Voivodship and the President of the City of Białystok took the honorary patronage over the Conference . The book has been edited by Grzegorz Czerwiński, Artur Konopacki, Anetta Buras-Marciniak and Eugenia Maksimowicz . It has been re- viewed by Iwona Anna Ndiaye (Professor of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland) and Petar Bunjak (Professor of the Uni- versity of Belgrad, Serbia) . I . THE BALKANS Sanjin KODRIĆ Department of Literatures of Peoples of Bosnia and Herzegovina University of Sarajevo Bosnia and Herzegovina “EAST AND WEST – HEART AND MIND”: THE MUSLIM ORIENT AND THE EUROPEAN OCCIDENT IN BOSNIAK LITERATURE AT THE END OF THE 19TH AND THE BEGINNING OF THE 20TH CENTURY Abstract: The paper presents a comprehensive but still concise view of the phenomenon of interrelation between the Muslim Orient and the Eu- ropean West in modern Bosniak literature, i .e . in Bosniak literary practice from the late 19th century onwards, up to the present moment . The Mus- lim Orient and the European West encounter directly in Bosniak literature especially after 1878, which is the year that is therefore the dividing line between the so-called older and modern Bosniak literature . This encoun- ter left a deep mark in modern Bosniak literature, but also in the culture of Bosniaks and Bosnia-Herzegovina in general, crucially modelling more or less all fundamental processes in modern Bosniak literary practice, and particularly the processes of cultural memory in terms of both memory of literature and memory in literature, as well as literature as a form of collec- tive memory . This innovative view of the Bosniak literary past is realized from different methodological and theoretical perspectives, starting from classical literary and cultural history as well as interliterary and intercul- tural history of literature, through cultural poetics or post-colonial stud- ies, to imagology and cultural memory studies, etc . Keywords: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bosniak literature, Muslim Orient, Muslim Slavic people . 14 SANJIN KODRIĆ 1 . As an autochthonous Muslim Slavic people, Bosniaks nowadays have been positioned in a rather specific way between the Muslim Orient and the European Occident, which is, naturally, evident in the diverse areas of their culture . Although the absolute and apodictic judgements always hap- pen to be ungrateful, the most frequent and best known self-reflective con- ception in this sense is the image of Bosniaks as the people at crossroads, but also serving as a bridge between East and West . Both such conceptions bear a positive and negative emotional character . They are often perceived as a particular comparative advantage, but, at the same time, also as particularly unlucky circumstances . In both cases, literature participated to the greatest extent in the representations of both such aspects of the Bosniak destiny . It refers, therefore, in such a sense, to specific literary representations with im- portant consequences in a domain that lies clearly outside literature . This current image of the Bosniaks about themselves has, however, had a long and complex history, which had shaped it, but it could also be traced and followed in a literary history, within both the oral and written literature . And such issues have been almost altogether left out from the focus of inter- est of previous literary-historical and cultural-historical research activities, notwithstanding their unquestionable importance1 . In the oral literature of Bosniaks, the understanding of the Muslim Orient and the European Oc- cident has been mostly accomplished on the margins of epic interest for the meeting between a Muslim hero (“ghazi”) with an “infidel-enemy”, or “cruel villain” and “non-believer” or (Byronic) “Giaour”, where, in the oral litera- ture, the Muslim Orient and the European Occident, generally, do not ar- ticulate themselves as peculiar representational
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