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BIMCC Newsletter N°18, January 2004 Contents Dear Map Friends, A Note from the It would be pretentious on our part to make a big issue out of a President 3 small event such as the fifth anniversary of the BIMCC. Compared to our modest Circle other Map Societies are way Looks at Books ahead, such as the London-based International Map 4 Collectors’ Society (IMCoS) which was founded more than 20 (I - V) years ago, or the Washington Map Society which celebrates its 25th anniversary this year (see International News and Events). Other 12 But we may be satisfied with what has been achieved within Publications this short space of time, and both the President’s Note and the enclosed loose-leaf BIMCC Chronicle for 1998 – 2003 reflect Excursion to this. Halle 14 No fewer than five books and four other publications are presented in this issue, starting with Francis Herbert’s very BIMCC News thorough review of the recently published carto-bibliography of 15 plans of Paris, and ending with a facsimile compendium of maps showing the possessions of the beer-brewing Abbey of International Affligem, near Brussels. An illustrated account of our two major 17 events this year, the Excursion and the Study Session, is News & Events complemented by News from the Circle, and an outline of its 2004 programme. This time, the Newsletter has been given a wider distribution to Historical 20 include scientific Institutions and antiquarians who were not on memento our list before, hoping they might join and strengthen our ranks. Auction Highlights Lastly, may we pass a gentle reminder to renew your & Calendar 22 membership – if not already done - , you’ll find a note about this enclosed. Enclosure — Have a splendid and cartographically rich New Year 2004, with NL 18 Supplement: best wishes to you all. BIMCC Chronicle W.B. for Brendan Sinnott (Photograps in this issue by D. Bodenstein and J-L Renteux) ISSN 1379-3306 January 2004 BIMCC Newsletter 1 1 ANTIQUARIAAT PLANTIJN Antiquariaat SANDERUS D.R. Duncker F. Devroe Meÿsberg 12 Old maps, atlases and prints NL-4861 BP Chaam Nederkouter 32 - B-9000 Gent Tel ++31/16/149.20.08 Tel ++32-(0)9/223.35.90 e-mail: [email protected] Fax ++32-(0)9/223.39.71 Old maps, prints, atlases and illustrated books e-mail: [email protected] When planning, building, extending your map and atlas collection visit our Sponsors - They deserve your confidence Antiquariaat Librairie Moorthamers Marianne Katz-Moorthamers Brecht Devroe Antique Maps, Prints Books - Maps - Atlases and Books 240, Rue de Vaugirard, F-75015 PARIS St.-Jansstraat/Rue St.-Jean 35 Tel ++33-1- B-1000 Brussels Fax ++33-1- Tel ++32(0)2 512 16 98 e-mail: [email protected] Fax ++32(0)2 512 16 94 web-site: 2 BIMCC Newsletter January 2004 A Note by the President Five years is not a long time in the life of an Dame Chantal), who until recently looked after the Association, yet at its beginning it is a most very important convivial side of our gatherings at the important phase for a young and growing body of Collège Saint Michel in Brussels (twelve in all): the people, brought together by common interests in the provision of snacks and all sorts of beverages in a History of Cartography, and intent upon broadening nicely decorated environment. I am also indebted to and sharing these. our son Christopher who patiently helped the PC- It all really started during the International neophyte out of innumerable problem situations, Symposium which the International Map Collectors’ and who acted as our first Treasurer for a while. Society (IMCoS) had organized in Budapest in Likewise, much of the success of our young Circle is 1997. As a recently retired person I was receptive, due to past and present members of the Executive and then enthusiastically responsive, to the idea of Committee who have given a good part of their time starting a map circle in Brussels which came up in and effort to the common goal. the company of friends over a glass of wine. It would not be quite right to say that everything was Although IMCoS were not ready to set up an IMCoS plain sailing. At times it was difficult to absorb the Branch abroad, their support was outstanding : growing workload and maintain, at least summarily, Chairman Jenny Harvey and Rodney Shirley the (selfimposed) level of performance, as provided most helpful advice, and among those volunteers for the more cumbersome tasks don’t present at the first meeting, the Map Evening on come knocking on your door. However, I am 31st March 1998, there was a 6-strong UK confident that we shall be in a stable position delegation, including Officers Caroline Batchelor, regarding our work organization in the near future. Harry and Samantha Pearce, as well as Francis One concern was over the budgetary feasability of Herbert, Curator of Maps at the RGS, plus Philippe running the Circle as planned, as we receive no Swolfs and Hans Kok, IMCoS Representatives for subsidies. But here I must say that we consider Belgium and The Netherlands respectively. During ourselves very fortunate to be benefiting from the the summer I gathered seven more people around generous support of our Sponsors and Benefactors. me to act as founding members : Véronique Van de Without them we would not have been able to keep Kerckhof, Otto Chrispeels, Reiner Kaivers, Philippe the Association alive. They have accepted the Swolfs, John Barrett, son Christopher, and Jean- entirely non-commercial character of all our events, Louis Renteux. Then, in August, the Statutes of our and we are most grateful for this. non-profit Association were published in the official Let me say a word about having adopted English as Gazette, the ‘Moniteur Belge’, and in December we our working language. There has been some organized our first Conference, commemorating understandable criticism about this from the French- Ortelius. From then on, membership rose steadily (it speaking part of the map world, but then we must currently stands at 110 paid-up members), and realize that English is, de facto, well on the way to events were scheduled at a brisk pace, as is becoming the lingua franca in most university, manifest from the Chronicle in the Supplement communications and commercial sectors in Europe. included with this issue. And pointing to such aberrations as ‘Brot-Shop’ (for All this could not have run so smoothly without the Bäckerei - bakery), and ‘surbooké’ (’French’ for untiring help of my wife Dominique (assisted by overbooked) is no justification for not wanting to Map Evening 1998 .... ... and in 2003 January 2004 BIMCC Newsletter 3 3 cultivate Shakespeare’s language, on the contrary, I a few of these (see photographs on pages 26 & 27) find. I doubt if we could attract any significant have accepted our invitation to lecture at Study number of people to our events if we were to divide Sessions or Conferences – their presence has our Speakers into the three official languages of honoured us, and gave our Members a chance to Belgium : Dutch, French and German. Unlike the meet and discuss with eminent historians. Others bigger Organizations, we cannot afford, and I think have agreed to receive us for a guided visit on our do not need, simultaneous translation. And what excursions to public or private collections. May they about our Newsletter ? Even the venerable 50 year- all see here a sign of our gratitude. old Coronelli Gesellschaft in Vienna offers its texts And may the Circle succeed, in many more years to in English now. Those who have attended our come, in fulfilling its fundamental mission : to meetings will have noted, and appreciated, the ease provide an informal and convivial forum for all those with which any of the three languages are used, with a specialist interest in maps, atlases, town together with English, in their informal part. views, and books with maps, be they collectors, Along these five years at the head of the BIMCC I academics or antiquarians. have made the acquaintance of a great number of VIVAT, CRESCAT, FLOREAT ! leading figures in the History of Cartography. Quite Wulf Bodenstein LOOKS AT BOOKS (I) Les plans de Paris des origines 1493 à la fin du XVIIIe siècle / études, carto- bibliographie. Catalogue par Jean Boutier ; avec la collaboration de Marine Sibille et de Jean-Yves Sa- razin. - Paris : Bibliothèque nationale de France, 2002. - 432p. : ill. ; 30 cm. - Bibliogr.: p.404-429. - ISBN 2-7177-2230-0 Summary : Describes and illustrates most of the 369 main (chiefly printed) items (including facsim.), giving locations (in Europe and North America) of copies from imaginary view of M. Wohlgemuth & H. Pleyden- wurff for the Liber cronicarum of H. Schedel (Nürnberg : A. Koberger, 1493) to 'Plan de la ville de Paris . .' of E. Verniquet ([Paris], An VII [i.e. 1799]), plus 'Supplément' of two 18th-century items. - Includes lost and unidentified items. Includes indication of titles of maps, of authors of works in which maps appear, and of subjects. Since 1908 - with the publication of the 583-page some manuscripts are included. It is worth mention- Catalogue des Plans de Paris et des cartes de l'Île ing, however, that Boutier's item no. 206 records de France, . conservés á la section des cartes et states up to 1844 (Roussel’s ‘Paris, ses fauxbourgs plans [de la Bibliothèque nationale] - compiled by et ses environs’ of 1730 re-issued in Paris by Au- Léon Vallée, librarian at the then BN, there has guste Logerot).