NQ. 24. Records of Headquarters of the German Air Force High Command

The National Archives National Archives and Records Service General Services Administration

Washington: 1961 World War ]] Records Division National Archives and Records Services Gsno;-;,! Services Administration King & Union Streets A!e^;;dr!a, Va.

This finding aid, prepared under the direction of the Committee for the Study of War Documents of the American Historical Association, has been reproduced by the National Archives as part of its program of facilitating the use of records in its custody. The microfilm described in this list has been deposited in the National Archives by the American Historical Association and may be identified as Microcopy No. T-321. It may be consulted at the National Archives. A price list appears on the last page. Those desiring to purchase microfilm should write to the Exhibits and Publications Branch, National Archives, Washington 25, D. C. Some of the papers reproduced on the microfilm referred to in this and other guides of the same series may have been of private origin. The fact of their seizure is not believed to divest their original owners of any literary property rights in them. Anyone, therefore, who publishes them in whole or in part without permission of their authors may be held liable for infringement of such literary property rights, AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION



No« 2U. Records of Headquarters of the German Air Force High. Command (Oberkommando der /OKL)

THE AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION (AHA) COMMITTEE FOR THE STUDY OF WAR DOCUMENTS GUIDES TO GSRMAH RECORDS MICROFILMED AT ALSXAIflBlA, VA» This is part of a series of Guides prepared "by the American Historical Association listing records microfilmed at Alexandria, Ya*, "by the American Historical Association Microfilming Project* An American Committee for the Study of War Documents was established in 1955 a-3 a private of scholars, interested in.docu- mentary research and especially in the microfilming of records of foreign origin kept in American depositorieso in 1956, the American Committee became a committee of the American Historical Association* Its present c-hairman (I960) is Professor Oron J« Hale, University of Virginia» who was preceded by Dean Reginald H* Phelps, Harvard University, and Professor Lynn M* Case of the University of Pennsyl- vania* An initial Ford Foundation grant and additional funds provided by the Old Dominion Foundation, Lilly Endowment, and Avalon Founda- tion enabled the Committee to undertake the cataloguing and microfilming of declassified German records in the custody of the World War II Records Division of the National Archives (previously TAGO, Departmental Records Branch) at Alexandria, Virginia. The plans for screening and microfilming of these materials were prepared by a Subcommittee on Microfilming under the chairman- ship to the end of 1956 of Professor E. Malcolm Carroll» Duke University, and his successor, Dr. Fritz T. Epstein, The Library of Congress. The microfilming team at Alexandria was under the direction of Professor Gerhard L* Weinberg of the University of Michigan in 1956/579 of Dr0 Dagmar Horna Perman from 1957 to September 1959» of Mr« James Go McDowell from September 1959 to August I960, and is now under the supervision of Dr» Willard Allen Fletcher of the University of Colorado* The American Historical Association expresses its appreciation for the cooperation given to its Committee for the Study of War Documents by the staffs of the National Archives9 especially its World War II Records Division, as well as the U.S. Department of the Army*

Washington, D»C., November 1960 Dr. Boyd/C... Shafer. . / .' Executive Secretary, AHA


1. T- 71, Records of the Reich Ministry of Economics (Reichswirtschaftsministerium). 195S» 75-p. 2. T- 7^, Records of the Office of the Reich Commissioner for the Strengthening of G-ermandom (Reichskommissar ftir die Festigung deutschen Volkstums). 1958» 15 P» 3. T- 81, Records of the National Socialist German Labor Party (Nationalsozialistisehe Deutsche Arbeiterpartei). Fart I. 1958* lUl p« &* T- 76, Records of the Organisation Todt. 195#» 2 p. 5. T- SH, Miscellaneous German Records Collection (Part I). 1956* 15 p» 6. T- 82, Records of Nazi Cultural and Research Institutions, and Records Pertaining to Axis Relations and Interests in the Far East* 1958* l6l p. 7. T- 77, Records of Headquarters, German Armed Forces High Command (Oberkommando der Webrmacht/OKW) Part I. 1959* 222 p* 8. T- SH, Miscellaneous German Records Collection (Part II)* 1959* 203 p. Q. T-253, Records of Private German Individuals. 1959. 23 p. 10. T- 73, Records of the Reich Ministry for Armaments and War Production (Reichsministerium fflr Rltstung und Kriegsproduktion). 1959. 109 P* 11. T-178, Fragmentary Records of Miscellaneous Reich Ministries and Offices. 1959* 19 p. 12. T- 78, Records of Headquarters of the German Army High Command (Oberkommando des Heeres/OKH) Part I. 1959» 19 P« 13. T-177, Records of the Reich Air Ministry (Reichsluf tfahrtministerium). 1959* 3^ p. ik. T-312, Records of German Field Commands, Armies (Part I). 1959* 6l p. 15* T-179, Records of Former German and Japanese Embassies and Consulates 1890-19^5* I960* &3 P» 16. T- 81, Records of the Deutaches Ausland-Institut, Stuttgart. Part I: Records on Resettlement* I960* 105 P- 17* T- 77» Records of Headquarters, German Armed Forces High Command (Oberkommando der Wehrmacht/OK¥) Part II* I960. ISo T- 77» Records of Headquarters, German Armed Forces High Command (Oberkomiaando der Wehrmacht/OEW) Part III* I960* 19« T- 77» Records of Headquarters, German Armed Forces High Command (Oberkommando der Wehrmacht/OKW) Part 17* I960. 20* T- 81, Records of the National Socialist German Labor Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei) Part II. I960. ^5 p« 21« T- 81, Records of the Deutsches Aas land-Ins ti tut, Stuttgart. Part II: The General Records. 1961. 180 p. 22. T- 70, Records of the Reich Ministry for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda. 1961. 41 p. 23. T- 83, Records of Private Austrian, Dutch, and German Enterprises 1917-19^6. 1961. 119 p.


This Guide is one of a series of finding aids describing those declassified seized German records deposited at the World War II Records Division, National Archives, which have been microfilmed by the Microfilming Project of the Committee for the Study of War Documents of the American Historical Association. The Guide contains the text of data sheets identifying records filmedo A copy of the data sheets has been filmed as a target sheet at the beginning of each roll of film* The present Guide covers 78 rolls of film of records of the Oberkommando der Luftwaffe. The greatest part of the correspondence con- tained in this collection is that of the Reichsluftfahrtministerium, Generalluftzeugmeister (GL), and its branch offices, the Technische &nt, LC III, LC 6 and 7» The files deal chiefly with the procurement of armaments and supplies for the Luftwaffe and thus contain correspondence with German firms engaged in war production, with foreign firms for raw materials supply, ahd with Erprobungsstellen of the air force* The documentation also includes information on foreign - especially Russian - armaments, used by'the Erprobungsstellen and private firms engaged in research on, and production of, air force equipmento ; The files for the period 1927-1939 contain chiefly correspondence pertaining to the reorganization of the Reichsluftfahrtministerium in 1939, plans for peace-time manoeuvres, mobilization and civilian air defense. A major source of information on the war operations of the Luftwaffe is the collection of the KriegstagebiScher, especially those of Luftflotten 3 and 6. Much additional information is yielded by the daily reports of the smaller units, the largest group of which originated with Flak units, andv/hieh constitute an important supplement to the estimates of the situation* Information on the organization of the Luftwaffe is to be found in the various booklets issued by the Reichsminister der Luftfahrt und Oberbefehlshaber der Luftwaffe (R.d.L.UoOb.d.L*)* They also contain instructions on the recruitment and treatment of non-commissioned officers, regular and war-time officers, Luftwaffen- und Flakhelferinnen, and Luftwaffenhelfer. Organizational charts of the Air Ministry and the OIL, as well as Stfirkenachweisungen for various units, are also included* A large segment of the record group is made of printed material. The Deutsche Akademie der Luftfahrtforschung and the Technische Amt published a considerable amount of technical data, samples of which have been filmed. However, propaganda material, such as "Mitteilungen f$r. die Truppenv " "Untexrichtsunterlagen fflr die geistige Betreuung der Truppen," and instruction material issued by the various offices of the Wehrmacht Propaganda has been filmed in its entirety* Originally the folders in this collection had been numbered in the order of acquisition. This system was abandoned when$ prior to filming, the entire collection was reorganized. The attention of the reader is also directed to pertinent material described in other guides, especially Guides 7» 10, 128 17, 18, 19 and 25. The terms "Serial" and "Roll11 in this Guide refer to the sequence of film. The "Item11 number is the identification symbol on the original folder within the captured records collection. "Provenance" indicates, where ascertainable, the archival origin of the documents whose description follows* The symbol "FT11 means that the folder has been filmed throughout; the symbol "FS" denotes that the folder has Continued 7 "been filmed selectively. "1st Frame" gives the frame number of the first page of the folder. Every exposure has "been given a frame number consecutively throughout the filming operation. The "Notes11 provide a general idea of the nature of the materials "but should not "be taken as exhaustive descriptions. Apart from a few minor rearrangements folders were filmed in numerical order. Although, on the whole* subjects tended to appear coherently and in numerical sequence, it is still necessary to check the whole Guide for any one subject. The original records have been returned to the Federal Republic of Germany. The microfilms are deposited in the National Archives, 11 Washington 25, D.C., as microcopy T~3219 rolls 1-7S, and should be requested by adding "T-321 to the rolls desired.

Miriam Haskett, 1960

VI Serial Roll Provenance Filmed 1st frame Notes 1 Grenadier Regiment 7^5 QKL 1*03 Reichsministerium der Luftfahrt, Inspektion des Luftschutzes, Batl. Ill "Merfcblatt uber Aussehea, Wirkung und Beklbipfung von eaglischen tind russischen Brandabwurfmitteln,if 17 February 19^2, from the files of the Grenadier Regiment 7^5 Batl. Ill, Reichsluftfahrtministe- OKL File of the Reichsluftfahrtministeritun (RLM), Generalluftzeug- rium (RLM), Generalluft- meister (GL), Technisches Amt (LC), Abteilung III, pertaining to the z eugmei st er ( GL) , Teeh- reequipment of the Austrian Air Force, March 193^» ^<>r other material nisches Amt (LC); of the Technisches Amt see T-177 and T«8^, 1AP -b- 10/1. RLM, GL, LC 6 IV B OKL FT ^73^535 RLM, GL, LC 6 I\T B file, pertaining to the procurement of anti- aircraft supplies, September 19^1. Copies of correspondence "between the GL, LF 1 III C if and Oberkommando des Heeres (Ch. H, Rttst. u. B, d. Sc). See OKL 1*17. RLM, GL, LC FT RLM, GL, LC III 5e file "R&stungstatistik,fj 1936, concerning the statistics of air armaments contained in Pendelkarten. FT Item of unknown provenance. R»d.L. ue Ob.d.L., "Richtlinien und Ausbildungsplane fflr die militarische Ausbildung des Offz.-Haeh- wuchses der 21. Truppe im Kriege," Teil 2, 1937* Mimeographed, Nur fur den Dienstgebrauch. Compare OKL 2911. RLM, GL, LC OKL ^73^737 RLB.I, GL, LC III 7 file, containing information and orders is- sued by the R.d.L, u. Ob.d.L. 2*Abteilung (IIC) concerning the organ- ization, armament and distribution through Germany of Flak regiments, 1935 - 1937« Binder does not Belong to this folder. OKL 1*99 FT Ausrtlstungsnachweisungen und Starkenachweisungen des R.d.L. u. Ob.d,Lo for Flak units, 1935 - 1936, OKL FT ^735305 Gerate-Beschaffangsprogramm fur Flakartillerie (Die Friedens- einheiten sind in den Mob.-Einheiten enthalten), am 1.^.38 neu aufzu- stellende Mob.-Binheiten vorgezogen auf den Io7<>37; ^eil I* Gesamt- bedarf mit Aufschlilsselung; (A und L Gerat und Artilleriemunition). Berlin: Reichsdruckerei, 1936. Geheime Kommandosache. OKL ^7353*2 Gerlltebeschaffungsprogramm fur Flakartillerie, (Die Friedens- einheiten sind in den Mob.-Sinheiten enthalten) Stand 1,^,37; Teil I: Gesamtforderung; Teil II: Aufschlilsselung nach Einheiten (Ausser A und L Gerftt und Artilleriemunition) Berlin: Reichsdruckerei, 1936. Geheime Koramandosachen. OKL ^735^93 Gerfttebeschaffungsprogramm fur Flakartillerie, (Die Friedens- einheiten sind in den Mob .-Einheiten enthalten) Stand l.U,37» Teil I: Gesamtforderung; Teil II: Aufschlilsselung nach Sinheiten (A und L Gerfit und Artilleriemunition) Berlin: Reichsdruckerei, 1936. Gehei- me Kommandosache. Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame ffotes 2 ? OKL 6?0 FT !*735581 Item of unknown provenance. R.d.L. u. Ob.d.L,, Generalstab 3. Abt., Sabotageabwehr in der Luftwaffe, Berlin, 1.2,1939. Geheim. Heereskriegsschule Mdnchen OKL 680 IT H735603 Heereskriegsschule Mttnchen file of maps and plans for air and combined operations manoeuvres for 1936 - 1937 (putative eneniass France, Russia and Czechoslovakia). Compare OKL 2S53-.- 2852. 2218 FT U735808 R.d.L, u. Ob.d.L., Vorlaufige Ortsanweisung fgy den Luftschutz der Ziv^lbevdlkerung Absehnitt VIII Luftschutzsanitatsdienst, Berlin, 193£>. Uur fur den Dienstgebrauch. From the files of Division 17, Mrnberg, * . Item of unknown provenance,: R.d.L. u. Ob.d.'L., L.Dv. Luftschutzdienst in Unterkiinften, Anstalten und Anlagen der TArehrmacht, Berlin, 1937. NUP fdr den Dienstgebrauch. OKL 2223 FT 1*735866 Item of unknovm provenance. R.d.L. u. Ob.d.L., LA,, Bemerkun- gen dee Oberbefehlshabers der Luftwaffe zur Ausbildung und zu den flbungen im Jahre 1935, Berlin, 1936.Geheinu Division 17, lumber g OKL 2228 FT 1*735903 From the file of Division 17, Mrnberg. R.d.L. u. Obod.L. LA III, Merkblatt iiber Gliederung und Befehlsverhaltnisse der Luftwaffe, Berlin, 1937» l^ur far den Dienstgebrauch. OKL 2230 FT **735916 Item of unknown provenance, R.d.L. u. Ob.d.L., LDv. 29, Be- stimnningen iiber Befflrderung, Ernennung, Versetzung, Kommandierung und Dienstlaufbahnen der Unteroffiziere und Mannschaften~der Luftwaf- fe, 1937. Panzerdivision 3 GEL 223*1 FT 1*735959 From the file of Panzerdivision 3. R.d.L. u. Obad.L. LA III, Die Luftwaffe, Militarwissenschaftliche Aufsatzsamalung, 2. Jahrgang, Keft 1. Contains articles on Aufklftrungsstaffel, Jagdflieger im Kriege, and other issues in air warfare. Ifur fftr den Dienstgebrauch. OKW, Wehrmacht Propaganda OKL 2276 FT 1*736055 OKW, Wehrmacht Propaganda copy of Hausverteiler des Reichsluft- fahrtministerium, 1.12.1939. Geheim. R,d.L, u. Ob.d.L. GL. OKL 2300 FT 1*736068 Technisches Amt GL, LC III copy of report prepared by General- Tehcnisches Amt LC luftzeugmeister/LS "uber die durch GL/Luftwaffenbeute vom 1— 20.ll.lO. durchgeflihrte Srkunduag und Sicherstellung der Industrie- und Versor- gungsanlagen von Charkow," 10 Dec, 19^1. Luftflottenkommando 3 OKL 2301 FT 1*736206 Luftflottenkommando 3 file of "Kriegsplanungen und Organisation," 1939 - 19^)« Containing material on construct ion projects in the Luft- waffe. OKL 2326 >S 1*736307 Luftflottenkommando 3 file containing material on cont racts for the supply of materials for the Luftwaffe, and construction, 1938 - 1939- Part I of this file contains material on clothing supply of the Luftwaffe - not filmed. Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 2 Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, OKL 2383 IFT 1*73S!*18 ; OKI?, ¥i Rfl. Amt file "11 i, Organisation der Luftwaffe, Band 1*," Wehrwirtschafts- und Rft- 1939. This belongs to the Wi R& Amt records in T-77. stungsamt; Biicherei der Kriegsakademie OKL 1*05 FT 1*736811 Bilcherei der Kriegsakademie copy of Reichsluftfahrtministerium, Abteilung Fremde Luftmachte, Sammlung auslandischer Aufsg-tze flber Luftkriegsfrsgen, (tibersetzung), Verzeichnis, 1»3»1937» Useful clas- sified bibliography. Duplicates omitted. 3 Reichsluftfahrtministerium OKL 1*12 1*736865 File probably of an office in the RLM. Compilation of lists of units of the Luftwaffe which had taken part in the Tunisian campaign, 19^*3. R.d.L. u. Ob.d.L., Techni- OKL 1*15 FT **736936 R.d.L. u. Ob.d.L., Technisches Amt, LC file of delivery sches Amt, LC schedules and surveys on the status of the German Air Ministry procurement program, 1937 - 1939* Reichsluftfahrtministerium, OKL 1*17 1*737250 RLM, GL, LC 6 file of correspondence with the Oberkommando Generalluf t zeugmei s t er , des Heeres (Ch.H^Rttst. ue B.d.E*), pertaining to the procurement Techni sches Aint, LC 6 of anti-aircraft supiDlies, 19^*0. Correspondence on this subject for 191*1 in OZL 1*13." Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, OKL 1*21 FT ^737555 Wi R& Amt (?) file of a report on the Iraq Petroleum Company, Wehrwirtschafts- und Hfl.- prepared by the RLM (?) 1939 (?). . . stung saint; ? GKL 1*22 FT ^737630 Item of unknown provenance. Direktor Diple Ing. Harten ?DI, nach einem vor den R&stucgskommendeuren im Januar 19^-3 gehaltenen Yortrag, Leistungssteigerung in der Luftwaffe, published by the Industrierat des ReichsmarschalIs. Geheim. Reichsluftfahrtministerium, OKL 1*23 HLM, GL, LC file "Sa27, Flak," containing the survey of the Generalluft zeugmei ster , ilak in 1936 and correspondence on organization and financial matters, Technisches Jiint, LC; ELM, GL, LC OKL l*2g UT ^737^52 RLM, GL, LC III file "Chef des Stabes Verschiedenes 193i*~193S," containing a folder justifying the opposition of Germany to the USSR; the position of Red Army men in USSR; biography of Tu^achevsky; 1938? Correspondence and memoranda on problems concerning production of planes during the build-up of German air-force and air industry, 193^ - 1937, BLM, GL, LC OKL 1*33 RLM, GL, LC 6 file 1!LC 6/IV Kriegsauftr.-abdrucke ilak-Gerat, Bd. 2," containing correspondence on contracts for parts of Hak, 191*1 - 191*2. OKL IT 1*7381S1 RLM, GL, LC III 7d files of correspondence on procurement of armaments and supplies for the Luftwaffe, chiefly Hak, 1937, one item 1939. Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 5 Reiehsluftfahrtministerium, OKL U37a-b IT RLM, GL, LC II 7© files of correspondence with "Hagenuk, " Hanseati- Generalluf t zeugmei st er, sche Apparatebau-Gesellschaft, in Kiel and Ravensberg, on contracts for Teehnisches Amt (LC) leinmechanik war materials. Contains some material on deferment of im- portant workers, and some detailed lists of orders and products, 1939 - OKL IT LC II 1& file reports on the effectiveness of "bombing operations, Allied and German, in Irance, Holland and Poland, as well as on ship- ping in the English Channel. Contains also some reports on the inspec- tion of munitions and bomb factories in Germany, 1939 - 19^0* l^ie more important reports made by members of LC II 7e w^° travelled to the above countries called '"Reiseberichte." OKL 1*50 IT 1*7^0982 RLM, GL, LC II file "63 ,h,m,g, s, t,w, " 1936 - 1938, containing lists of personnel and tables of organization and reorganization of Ilakartillerie regiments. Binder does not belong to this file. OKL IT RLM, GL, LC 6 file, containing tables of organization and re- organization of II ak regiments, as well as reorganization of the air- ministry in 1939* 1939 - 19^0. 6-7 6-7 OKL IT liC 6 file, containing correspondence, chiefly with Oberkommando des Heeres, Waff en Inspektion Mstung 3» on the manufacture, supply and testing of ammunition for Hak and tanks, 1938 - 1939* 7 7 OKL IT RLM, GL, LC 6 file, containing correspondence and periodic re- ports on quantities of munitions on hand, use of supplies and procure- ment of future munition supplies for Plak regiments, 1939. OKL lislf, IT ^2615 RLM, GL, LC 6 file, containing correspondence on consumption and further procurement of Hak munitions, 19^0 - 19^1. OKL 1*55 IT W3291 RLM, GL, LC 7 file HLC,7 III L 13X-19HO of fene Happen- Akte 3," containing correspondence and reports made by personnel of LC 7 oa manufacturing of munitions in Germany, and the possibility of expand- ing the munitions industry in Czechoslovakia and Poland, as well as importing raw materials for such industry from those countries; also correspondence on personnel problems of some of the manufacturing firms, 19*10. Sls&ssische Prazisions- QKL 1*56 IT SlsS.ssische Pr&zisions-Apparatenbau Werke (Slpawerke Gem.b9H,,) Apparatenbau Werke (ELpa- and ¥ D 0 Tachometer A«G. St. Ludwig im Slsass file of correspondence werke G.m.b.H.) and ? D 0 concerning the manufacture of parts for the aircraft and auto industry, Tachometer A.G. St. Ludwig 19^1 - 19^4. The file contains circulars published by the Wirtschafts- im Elsass; gruppe Maschinenbau, "Maschinenbau Ifachrichten, " Berlin, 19*42. g 8 RLM, GL, LC OKL 1*86 IT W3903 RLM, GL, LC files containing material on the development, ex- Continued perimentation, production and modification of 3*75 and g.8cm Ilak Serial Ho11 Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Hotes artillery pieces, as well as correspondence pertaining to the export of Flak artillery to Brazil, and a report of the Hilltar-and Luft- attachfe in Finland on the Finnish Flak, 193S - 1939. Bauaufsicht des Luftfahrt- OKL 489 FT 4744493 Bauauf sicht des Luftfahrtministeriums bei der Firraa Elsassische ministeriums bei der Firma Prazisions-Apparatenbau, St. Ludwig im Elsass file, containing cor- Elsassische Prazisions- respondence on the internal organization of BAL and circulars issued Apparatenbau, St. Ludwig to the Sauaufsichten "by BLM, G-L/C-S containing orders and instructions im Elsass for the supervision of the personnel and management of the Elpawerke and of the products manufactured there, 1942 - 1943. 4. Landesschutzenzug of OKL 66S IT 4745025 Mobilmachungskalender of the 4. Landesschutzenzug of the 1. Kom- the 1. Kompanie, Wehr- panie, Wehrkreis XII, 193S - 1939, kreis XII;" OKL 691 IT Item of unknown provenance. Tables showing air transports to Crete and Rhodes, 1 Jan. - 1 June 1943. OKL 750 Item of unknown provenance. "Bildermappe, Lear- und Vergleichs- material, Russland," containing pictures of bunkers and other forti- fications in eastejjnt Poland and the Polish-Russian border, 1 April 1941. ii i OKL 752 Item of unknown provenance. Lists of industrial targets of the Luftwaffe in Russia, 1942. Photostat. Reichsluftfahrtininisterium, OKL 856 Reichsluftfahrtministerium (RLM), Generalluftzeugmeister (GL), Gene ralluf t z eugme i s t er, Technisches Amt (LC) 6 IV 3 file "A. 121/38gK I, II, III. Angel. Flak," Technisches Amt (LC) containing correspondence of the development, manufacture and pro- curement of search-lights and g.gcm and 10.5cm artillery pieces for the Luftwaffe, 1938 - 194l. Correspondence on this subject for 193^ - 1939 in OKL 4S6, for 1940 in OKL 417, and for 194l in OKL 413. OKL 857 Item of unknown provenance. "Die Bildung der Polnischen Luft- waffe , (Quelle; Romejko: Dosriadczenia LotniczeTT*1 Three page memorandmn of the development of the Polish air force in 1919 - 19^0. OKL 941 Item of unknown provenance. Pamphlet made by the Hauptbild- stelle des RLM, part of a series Das Frontluftbild, Musterauswertun- gen von der Front fur die Front, Synthetischer Kautschuk, containing material on the manufacture of synthetic rubber in general and a list of factories of synthetic rubber in the European part of Russia, Oct. 1943. Flugfunk-Forschungsinstitut- OKL 952 FT 4745566 Flugfunk-Forschungsinstitut - Oberpfaffenhofen file containing Ob erpfaff enho fe n RLM Inderungsanweisungen ftir abgsnomasnes Grerlt* which are forms Continued describing the modifications to be made in existing aircraft models, Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes and correspondence with the Deutsche Versuchsanstalt fur Luftfahrt e.V. Berlin, Adlerhof, concerning the causes of defects in existing and experimental aircraft models, 19^3* 9 Luftflak 3 Luftflak 3 copy of a study made "by L-Flak-Stab-Qstland, Luft- waffen-Beute-fflak aus dem Feldzug im Osten 19^1 > containing material on the development of light and heavy Flak artillery pieces in Russia, as well as ammunition for these, also the development of search-lights and "balloons and the organization of the Russian Flak units. The conclusions of the study deals with the lessons to be learned from the attempts "by German units to make use of Russian Flak pieces. OKL 22l|9 FT Item of unknown provenance. Pamphlet prepared "by the Haupt- bildstelle des RLM, part of a series Das Frontluftbild, Musterauswer- tungen von der Front fiir die Front, Pulver und Sprengstoff, containing material on the manufacture of explosives in Russia and England, plans and an aerial photograph of an explosives factory at Newton Ferrers and a map showing the distribution of explosives factories in USSR, 19^. Similar pamphlet on synthetic rubber in OKL 9^1. Zerstflrungsgeschwader 101, OKL 2253 PS Zerstflrungsgeschwader 101, Fliegerfcorps II copy of pamphlet Fliegerkorps II prepared by the Hauptbildstelle des RLM, part of a series Das Front- luftbild, Musterauswertungen von der Front fur die Front, Sow jet- russische Ortsfeste Salvengeschtttze, containing description and maps of distribution of permanent installation of multiple rocket laun- chers, 19^3. Negatives of photographs omitted. Item of unknown provenance. Memorandum (probably never sent off), from Chef des Generals tabes der Luftwaffe Koller to the Ftthrer, concerning numerous telephone conversations of Koller with General Christian, Generaloberst Jodl and Oberst von Below, in which he tried to elicit specific orders for future actions of himself and his command, 25 April 19^5, Chefsache. Photostat. Pages 3-H, 7-g, xvhich would not microfilm have been retyped and inserted. This concerns the inci- dent as a result of which GSring was dismissed from his positions. OKL 2281 FT Item of unknown provenance. 3 maps showing the Luftflottenbe- reiche in the Reich and Ostgebiete. September - January 19*&. Reichsluftfahrtministerium, OKL 23^5 FT Reichsluftfahrtministerium (RLM), Generalluftzeugmeister (GL), Generalluftzeugmeister, Technisches Amt LC 7 II file, containing correspondence concerning Technisches Amt an inspection trip of members of LC 7 to Flemal and Eben Emael to study the effectiveness of bombing operations against these places, 3 September 19^0. Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 9 9 Bayerische Motorenwerke, Bayerische Ilotorenwerke, Hugmotorenbau G.m.b.H. file "Werk- Flugmotorenbau G.m.b.H. besuche-Ausland Akt. 6 R-Z,n containing correspondence on the visits of foreign delegations to the BM¥ from Hungary, Turkey, Switzerland, Russia, Rumania and U.S.A., as well as reports (Streng Vertraulich) from the BMW to the RLM containing information obtained from the visitors about aircraft production abroad, 1936 - 19^1 • Interesting information. OKL 22H8c 10? I/laps of iliegerkorps VII, , showing the dis- tribution of the units of Luftflotte Reich, and the location of Luftflotten 2-6, 2^ June 19*&. Geheime Kommandosache. OKL FT Item of unknown provenance. Four maps showing the distribution of Flak units of Luftflotten 5a ^ 3 aad Luftflotte Reich as well as Ilakartillerie Sinsatz Ost, June OKL 2251 FT Item of unknown provenance. Map shov/ing Allied daylight bomb- ing attacks in France and Holland, March 19*&. G-eheime Kommandosache. Duplicate omitted. OKL 2266 Item of unknown provenance. Table showing t!Rfl.stungszustand der Eaiqpfverbflnde 19^3 - 19^> Flaming des Generals der Kampfflieger gem. Progr. 223 u. bisherige Erfahrungswerte," as well as weekly tables showing the location, unit distribution and strength of the Luftflot- ten, for the period 27 Oct, 19*10 - 20 Dec. 19^1, Chefsache. Unfilm- able photostats, originals in the National Archives. Kriegstagebuch, Oberkom- OKL 22S6 FT Copy from the Kriegstagebuch, Oberkommando der Luftwaffe, Fdh- mando der Luftwaffe, rungsstab of a draft of orders for and Luftflotte Reich Fdhrungsstab prepared by the Fflhrungsstab for the office of the Adj. Reichsmar- schall, 7 Feb. 19^5. Photostat, OKL 2290 FT Item of unknown provenance. Two maps showing the extent of attacks by Russian air-force on Poland, Hungary and Rumania during September 19^» and a map of "Aufmarsch der russ.- Fliegertruppe, Stands 25. if. 191*5." 10 10 Oberkommando der Luft- Kriegstagebuch, Oberkommando der Luftwaffe, Fflhrungsstab "An- waffe, It&rungsstab lageband C ( Chef sachenband) 2^.11.^3-26.5.^," containing copies of orders and information sent out to the commanders of Luftflotten, especially as regards preparations for an Allied invasion of Norway, Jutland, France and Belgium, the behavior of neutral countries such as Sweden and Turkey and the possibilities of procuring greater sup- plies of fuel, and development of various kinds of new weapons. Important material. Sections of items 23-31 are missing. Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 8

10 OKL 2506 FT ^6790 Item of unknown provenance. Two maps showing the distribution of Russian air-force units in the southern sector of the Russian front, 15 November 19^3. W6799 Oberkommando der Luftwaffe, Fflhrungsstab la Kriegstagebuch, coa- taining daily weather reports, general survey of the military situation, resume of the orders eent out to the Luftflotten and notes on the daily planning sessions of the QKL, February 19^5» OKL 259*1- FT Oberkommando der Luftwaffe, Fflhrungsstab la Kriegstagebuch, con- taining daily \ireather reports, general survey of the military situation, resume of the orders sent out to the Luftflotten and notes on the daily planning sessions of the OKL, March 19^5. General der Luftwaffe beim OKL 2607 FT "Aufmarsch und Kampfanwei&rangen der Luftwaffe (Planstudie 1939) Oberkoxnmando des Heeres Allgemeine Anordnung," Heft I and Heft III (Heft II missing), issued by the Reichsminister der Luftfahrt und Oberbefehlshaber der Luftwaffe, General stab I. Abteilung. From the file of General der Luftwaffe beim Oberkommando des Heeres 7•Feb. 1939» Chefsache. Photographic reproduc- tion. Oberkommando der Luftwaffe, OKL 2377 FT Oberkommando detr Luftwaffe, General stab 1 file, containing tables Generalstab 1 showing the strength in personnel and armament of air-force bases in Finland and ITorway, by base, 19^3* "Leistungstabelle der deutschen Kriegsflugzeuge, Stand 1.12.1938,tt prepared by Reichsminister der Luftfahrt und Oberbefehlshaber der Luft- waffe, Luftwaffenffihrungsstab, Abteilung 1. From the files of General- kommando, 711 • Armee Korps. Panzerdivision 3 OKL 223lfb FT From the file of Panzerdivision 3- R.&.L. "&• Ob.d.L. LA. Ill, Die Luftwaffe, Militflrwissenschaftliche Aufsatzsammlung, 2. Jahrgang, Heft 2, 1937. Mir fftr den Dienstgebrauch. For Heft 1 see OKL 223^. Generalkommando ?. Armee- OKL 223^c FT W7599 From the Generalkommando V. Armeekorps (Vehrkreiskommando V), korps (Wehrkreiskommando V) Bdcherei. R.d.L. u. Ob.d.L. LA III, Die Luftwaffe, Militarwissenschaft- Bflcherei liche Aufsatzsammlung, 2. Jahrgang, Reft 3, 1937.Uur fur den Bienst- gebrauch. OKL FT Item of unknown provenance. R.d.L. u. Ob.d.L, LA III, Die Luft- waffe, Militflrwissenschaftliche Aufsatzsammlung, 3« Jahrgang, Heft 1, 1938. Nur fur den Dienstgebrauch. Reichsminister der Luftfahrt OKL 373 FT ^7771 Reichsminister der Luftfahrt und Oberbefehlshaber der Luftwaffe, und Oberbefehlshaber der Generalstab 3. Abt., Bericht WehrmachtmanoVer (Luftwaffe) 1937 (Sonder- Luftwaffe, General stab druck: ziviler Luftschutz) Teil I:ManBververlauf mit Beilagen; 3. Abteilung Teil II: Anlagen; Teil III: Brfahrungen; Teil IV: Gliederungen, Karten, flbersichten, Berlin, Juni 193S« Geheim. Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Hotes 9 10 10 R.d.L. u. Ob.d.L. Ausbil- OKL 426 FT 4747891 R.d.L. u. Ob.d.L, Ausbildungsstab, Lehrgruppe file, containing dungsstab, Lehrgruppe correspondence concerning the preparation of Flak manoeuvres on the eastern border of Germany, 1938. OKL 929 FT 4747946 Item of unknown provenance. Pamphlet on chemical - gas - war- fare, prepared by R.d.L. u. Ob.d.L., Ausbildungsstab, No date. OKL 65S FT Item of unknown provenance. R.d.Lc u. Ob.d.L., Ausbildungs- stab, Verelnt Schlagen - Zusammenarbeit Luftwaffe - Heer auf dem Gefechtsfeld, Heft 1-6, January" 1945* G-eheim. 11 11 Item of unknown provenance. Report probably prepared by Luft- waffenfuhrungsstab Ic, Fremde Luftwaffen Ost, on air-force schools in the Soviet Union. OKL 2235 FT 4748157 Item of unknown provenance. Oberkoramando der Luftwaffe, Chef des G-eneralstabes, &. Abteilung, Wie Wir kampfen. Truppenschriften der Luftwaffe, Heft 1, 19UU. Contains "artTcTes'^chiefl5r on the les- sons to be drawn from the early parts of the war, G-eheim. Aero-Club von Deutschland OKL 2040 FT 4748327 Aero-Club von Deutschland file, containing copies of reports on Soviet aviation by the Militar-und Luftattach* in Moscow, which were passed on to the Club by the HLn, 1936. Luftkriegsschule (E.O.N.) 9 OKL 2601 FT 47^8356 Oberkommanao der Luftwaffe, Chef des Genei-alstabes 8. Abtei- lung, Kriegswissenschaftliche Skizzen fflr die Luftwaffe, Heft 3» October 1944.Contains articles on the requirement for troop leader- ship, on historical battlefields and on the need to inculcate patriot- ism into the troops. From the files of Luftkriegsschule (K.O.IT.) 9. Iftir far den Dienstgebrauch. Reichsluftfahrtministerium, OKL 36! FT ^7^373 RLM, Auswertungsstelle Ost copy of a study prepared by R.d.L, Auswertungsstelle Ost u. Ob.d.L. GL Planungsamt, Ergebnisse der Beuteauswertung Ir. 7* Heuaufgetretene feindliche Kriegsflugzeuge, 4. UdSSR, 25 November 1942. liir fdr den DienstgebrauchT Photostat. Erprobungsstelle der Luft- OKL 366 FT 474S467 R.d.L. u. Ob.d.L., G-1/Planungsamt pamphlet, Flugzeuge, Flug- waffe, Travemunde zeugausrilstung und Waff en der Sowjetischen Luftwaffe, Heft lit Flugzeugausrilstung und Waff en, May 1942> Sur fSr~den Dienstgeb rauch. From the files of Srprobungsstelle der Luftwaffe, Travemunde* Oberkommando der Luftwaffe, OKL 399 FT 474S681 Oberkommando der Luftwaffe, G-eneralquartierineister file "8 al G-eneral quart iermeister Ausland Geliefertes KriegsgerSt Zusamme nst el lung en,lf containing cor- respondence on export of war materials and armaments to friendly and neutral countries, as well as tables showing the types and amounts exported, 19^3 - 19****• Among the countries supplied were Hungary, Finland, Slovakia, Rumania, Bulgaria and Japan. Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 10

11 11 Oberkommando der Luftwaffe, OKL 1*01 FT ^9321 G-eneralquartiermeister file !l£ al Ausland Allgemeines K103 2," G-ener alquar t i erme i s t er containing correspondence on supply of Flak, ammunition, material for construction of harbors, radio equipment and aircraft to Allied coun- tries » chiefly Hungary, Rumania, Croatia, and Spain, as well as re- ports on the strength of the air-force in these countries* 19^» n 12 12 CKL 1*0? W9563 G-eneralquartierineister file % al Ausland Allgemeines, " contain- ing correspondence on supply of Flak, ammunition and aircraft to Rumania, Slovakia, Croatia and Japan, as well as lists of the exported material and the payments made for it by the Allied countries, 19*!3 - Two items for 19**5. Item of unknown provenance. Pamphlet prepared "by R»d«,L. u, . CrL/Planungsamt, Flugzeuge, Hugzeugausrilstung und Waff en der sowjetischen Luftwaffe, Heft I; Flugzeuge, March 19^ ~~ Dienstgebrauch. Photostat. OKL 2037 FS ^750072 Item of unknown provenance, Anlage 1 to the special orders issued by G-eneralquartiermeister to G-eneralkommando XI, Fliegerkorps Abt. IVa, "Besondere Anordnung fiir die Verpflegung, Bekleidung u. Ausrilstung sov;ie Geldversorgung zur ubung 'Kleopatra* , " apparently concerned with preparations for a paratroop landing in Egypt, 19 July 19^2 „ This item has been inserted into a file of routine correspond- ence concerning personnel, of Abwehroffizier Kommando Flugbereich Beauvais, 19^3. The correspondence was not filmed, OKL FT Item of unknown provenance. Pamphlet issued by the Oberbefehls- haber der Luftwaffe, G-eneralquartiermeister, Chef des Hachrichtenwe- sens d. Lw. , Zustandigkeit der Luftzeugamter fur flieg, Gerflt, containing lists of works from v/hich spare parts for aircraft armament can be obtained. OKL 953 pa? 1*750117 Item of unknown provenance. Memorandum prepared by R.d.Lo u» Ob.d.L*, G-eneralluftzeugmeister, Luftwaffenbeute, showing the develop- ment, organization and workings of the Luftwaffenbeute section during 1939 - 19^-1 an-d opposing a proposed decentralization, according to which air-booty would be handled directly by t-he liuftflotten in the field, 7 February 19^2. G-eheim. Reichsluftfahrtministerium, OKL 1*09 FT 1*750157 Reichsluftfahrtministerium (RLM), G'eneralluftzeugmeister (GL), Greneralluftzeugmeister, Technisches Amt LC II file, containing material on the transfer of Technisches Amt Flak regiments into the Luftwaffe in 193 5 » as well as plans of organ- ization and tables of armament of Flak units for 1935 - 1937- OKL S30 FT U750369 RLM» G-L, LC 6 file "Munitionsanlage vom l.Fovem^er 19*40 bis Continued 1. Oktober 19^1, " actually contains material from September 1939 *o Serial Roll Provenance lotes 11 October 19^1» showing the amount of ammunition procured for and used "by air-force units in monthly tables, as well as correspondence with various air-force units on the making of these tables. Important reference file for the campaign in Poland, France, the Balkans, and Russia. 12-13 12-13 Oberkommando der Luftwaffe, OKL IT Oberkommando der Luftwaffe, Generalquartierraeister file "S a Generalquartiermeister Ausland Japan," containing correspondence on the supply of war mate- rials, especially radar arid electrical equipment to the Japanese, and instructions from the OKL to show and supply the Japanese mission only models of currant, planes, but no experimental models of planes or special armaments, 19^ - 19^5* Interesting material. 13 13 OKL 2293 FT ^751595 Item of unknown provenance. Pamphlet "Kurze Ubersicht tlber die Herstellung von Pulver uad Sprengstoffen," possibly prepared by the Lufttechnische Akademie, no date. Qberkommando der Wehrmacht, OKL FT ^751620 R.d.L, u, Ob.deL., Inspektion des Sanitatswesens, Sanitatsbe- Chef des Wehrmachtsanitfits- richt tlber die Luftwgffe far das Jahr 1937/3%» Berlin: Reichsdrucke- wesens rei, 1939~ ffonTTne" fi3re"of~6berkommando der Wehrmacht, Chef des T/ehrmacht sani t &t swe sens. ? OKL 2295 IT U751717 Item of unknown provenance, "Anweisung fi!lr Truppenarzte uber Sondereinrichtungen des Sanit&t-Dienstes fflr das Fliegerpersonal," prepared by Inspekteur des Sanitatswesens der Luftwaffe, 19^-3• Luftkriegsakademie, Berlin- OKL 227S FT ^751723 From the files of Luftkriegsadademie, Berlin -Gatow, plan of Gatow " - 1937 - Kriegsgeschichte." During this outing the students were to inspect the battlefields and be instructed on the battles of Friedland and Tannenberg, 22 November 1937. ? OKL 2569 FT ^751737 Item of unknown provenance. Draft of a talk given at the Luft- kriegsakademie on December 17, 1937» dealing with the importance of organizing the economy to deal with a possible war, and the important work to be done by officers in estimating correctly the needs of their units, so that the air ministry can make appropriate demands on the industry. OKL U32 FT H751775 Item of unknown provenance. Set of news sheets issued monthly by E.d.L. u. Ob.d.L., yerfiigungen Erfahrungen und Richtlinien des General der Flakwaffe lYer-Flak)T contains the issues from March through November 19^3. llur fnr~den Dienstgebrauch. SS-Hak-Kommando, Ober- OKL 2039 From the file of SS-Flak-Kommando, Obersalzburg, news sheet salzburg issued by Oberkommando der Luftwaffe, General der Flakwaffe, Yer- Flak-K, May 194H, containing articles on the desirable conduct of Continued officers, the necessity to deal more harshly with Russian POW's, Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 12 and the desirability to separate the prisoners helping the Hak units from the Jugendhelfer, the teen-age German youths assigned to Flak units. Geheim. 13 13 Chef der Luftvrehr OKL 2231a FT ^752319 From the file of Chef der Luftwehr, copy of Bemerkungen des Inspekteurs der Flakartillerie und des Luftschutzes zur Ausbilduag 1937, Berlin: Reichsdruckerei, January 1938* containing a report on the efficiency of the Flak training program for that year. Nur fftr den Dienstge"brauch. OKL 22311) FT 4752343 From the file of Chef der Luftwehr, copy of Bemerkungen des Inspekteurs der Flakartillerie und des Luftschutzes zur Ausbildung 1938* Berlin:Reichsdruckerei, April 1939» containing a report on the ef- ficiency of the Flak training program for that year, Nur ftb- den Dienstgebrauch. OKI, 2528 FT ^752372 Item of unknown provenance. Description of, and instruction charts for heavy Flak artillery pieces, probably prepared "by the of- fice of General der Flakartillerie. lo date, Flugabvehrkommando Hugabwehrkommando Schwarzwald file, containing aerial photographs Schwar?wald showing camouflaged Flak installations in Germany, and correspondence on the lessons to "be drawn from this project* January 19^2. Generalstab des Heeres, OKL 37!* FT H7526SO Generalstab des Heeres, Ausbildungsabteilung file of correspond- Ausbildungsabteilung ence with the office of General der Aufklarungsflieger concerning the farther instruction of troops in camouflaging positions to prevent spotting by enemy aircraft, as well as two instruction pamphlets on this subject issued by Kdo Tarnung der Forschungsstaffel z.b.V., OKL 2505 FT 11752753 , Fliegerkorps I, Jagdgeschwader 5^ file, containing copies of letters received by the Fliegerkorpskommando from the Luft- flottenkommando, containing information on the Russian plane JAK 7B» as well as information on the efficiency of Russian Hak Puaso 3» February 19^3, R.d.L. u. Ob.d.L., General- OKL 20*U FT R.d.L. u. Ob.d.L., Generalluftzeugmeister, Chef des Stabes file, luftzeugmeister, Chef des containing detailed lists of the booty taken on the Russian front, States prepared by the office of Generalluftzeugmeister, Luftwaffenbeute, in July and August 19^1. Chef der Technischen Luft- OKL 317 FT ^752918 Chef der Technischen loiftrilstung file, containing information rustung (TLR) prepared by the office of Chef der Technischen LuftrtLstung M < II C) on the innovations in U.S. and Russian aircraft, 13 January 19^5- Mir fdr den Dienstgebrauch, QKL 322 FT 4752963 Chef der Technischen Luftrilstung file, containing information Continued on U.S.A., Russian and Japanese plane models due to come out in the Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Hotes first .half of':*19U5, k January 19^5, prepared "by the office of Chef der Technischen Luftrlistung Rtt (II C). G-eheim. Chef der Technischen Luft- OKL 323 FT ^752977 Chef der Technischen Luftrfistung file, containing reports on (TLR) aircraft production in the U0S., Russia and Japan for 19^Uf prepared by Luftrtistung Eft (II C). Gehein. Reichsluftfahrtrainisterium, OKL 325 FT 1*753020 Reichsluftfahrtministerium, Generalluftzeugmeister, Chef des Generalluftzeugmeister, Stabes file "10 Tage Meldungen tLber im Osten neu angefallene Lw Beute," Chef des Stabes containing lists, prepared every ten days of Russian Flak armaments taken on the eastern front, 19^-1. For similar material from the same year see OKL 20^1. Oberkomniando des Heeres, OKI 32S FT U75327S Fremde Heere Ost copy of a list, prepared by OKL, Chef der Tech- Abteilung Fremde Heere Ost nischen Luftr&stung, TLR M, of the munitions and aircraft factories in the Soviet Union, 1 October 19*&, Geheim. OKL 335 FT ^753321 Item of unknown provenance. Two charts of drawings and speci- fications showing Flak armaments used by Germany, England, U.S.A. and USSR, prepared by the office of Chef der Technischen Luftrilstung, TLR RB, 1 August 19^. Item of unknown provenance. Chart prepared by Chef der Techni- schen Luftnlstung, TLR RB. Ill, showing the relative force of the German, English, American and Russian air-force in the field, and the estimated strength of these powers in the future. Charts show strength for 1 January 19UU, 1 June 19^U, 1 April 19^5 and estimates for 19^6. Oberkominando der Wehriaacht, OKL H753333 Oberkornmando der ¥ehrmacht, Feldwirtschaftsamt, Haupt-Abteilung Feldwirtschaftsamt Ausland, Aussenstelle bei Heeres Gruppe Siid, copy f|Arbeitsunterlagen far Beuteerfassung SFr. 5» Werknummern und Typenschilder der SU-Flug- zeuge," prepared by Chef der Technischen Luftrilstung, TLR R&, 1 lovem- ber 19^. to* f'or den Dienstgebrauch. OKL 3^5 ^753357 Item of unknown provenance. Oberkommando der Luftwaffe, Chef der Technischen Luftrilstung, TLR Eft, Ergebnisse der Beuteauswertung, Sonderbericht Hr. 27> Masse und Gewichte von'lEiebwerlEs- und Flugiib'er- wachungsgerat aus Beuteflugzeugen, 3Q September 19^* Fur far den Dienstgebrauch. Probably from the files of Luftwaffenftth rungs stab, Fremde Luft- waffen Ost, material on the construction of Russian bombs, their effectiveness and the growth of Russian bomb industry 19*40 - 19^2. Geheim, Chef der Technischen GKL 350 FT ^753517 Chef der Technischen Luftritstung file of reports on new aircraft Luftriistung models, construction of air-fields and supply of fuel in allied terri- Cont inued tory; England, America and the Ear East, March and February Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes Geheime Kommandosache. Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, OKL 351 Copy of the OKW, Wehrwirtschafts- und Hilstungsamt of a report Wehrwirtschafts- und Rfl.- prepared by R.d.L, 11. Ob.d.L., Generalluftzeugmeister GL 7» "Die stung saint Zinngewinnang in der UdSSR, "• 6 September 19^1 „ Geheim. OKL 352 FT 1*753560 Wi M Amt copy of a report prepared "by R.d.L. u. Obed.L.» Generalluftzeugmeister, GL J9 "Die 31 ei und Zinkversorgung in der UdSSR, " S September 19^1. Geheim. R.d.L. u, Ob.d.L., GL 7 OKL 353 FT 47535S6 Probaily from the files of E.d.L. u. Ob.d.L., GL 7» report on the inspection of former Russian aircraft industry around Moscow, written by H. Stabsing. Eugen Giintler, April 19^1. Geheim. Item of unknovm provens-nce. Report prepared by Generalluft- zeugmeister, GL/A-M, "Sowjet-Union, Luftrilstungsindustrie und Aus- rdstung der Sowjetischen Fliegertruppe, " February 19^2, Geheim. Bflcherei Werk Co. Daimler- OKL 355 FT U7536S9 Biicherei Werk Co., Daimler-Benz AG-. , Unt ertilrfcheim copy of a Benz AG. Unterturkheim report prepared by Generalluftzeugmeister, GL/A-Rft (IB), "Leistungs- daten und Konstruktionsmerkmale der Sowjetischen Flugmotoren, Ge- samtbericht," April 19^2. R.d.L. u. Ob.d.L., (RLM) OKL 356 U753910 R.d.L. u, Cb.d.L., (RLH) Generalluftzeugmeister (GL), Techni- Generalluftzeugmeister (GL) sches Amt LC 6 file "Munitionsmeldungen 1. November 19^0, 29. Septem- Technisches Amt(LC) ber 19^1," containing lists of amounts and types of munitions avail- able for the Luftwaffe in 19^0 - 19Ul. 15 15 ELM, GL, LC OZL 357 FT ^75^053 RLM, GL, LC 7 copy of a report prepared by the office of Gene- ralluftzeugmeister, GL l/III, "Russische Flugzeuge, Flugmotoren und Waff en im Finn. Rass. Krieg 1939/40," 31 January 19*11. Geheim. OKL U20 FT RLM, GL l/III copy of a report "Die Jlugger&t herstellende Industrie der UdSSR, " prepared by KL. Stabsing. G€ntler, April 19^1. Photostat. Fabrik Rheinmetall-Borsig, OKL **35a FT 1*75^271 From the file of Fabrik Rheinmetall-Borsig, Werk Unterluss Werk Unterlftss Abt. WKU Abt. VJKIT copy of a report on types of Russian Flak ammunition pre- pared by RLM, GL/Luftwaffenbeute, February 19^2. Photostat. Dupli- cate omitted. QKL FT ^75^326 Item of unknown provenance. Charts and descriptions of Russian FT 1*75^520 bombs and Jlak ammunition, probably prepared by GL/Luftwaffenbeute, OKL 757 FT Item of unknown provenance. Charts on the effectiveness of aircraft motors, German, British, American and Russian, prepared by Chef der Technischen Luftrustung, TLR, Luftrustung Ausland, 19UU0 OKL 776 FT Item of unknovm provenance., Charts on the effectiveness of British and American aircraft motors, prepared by TLR, Luftrilstung Ausl^rvd, 1QUU. Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 15 15 OKL 832 FT 1*75^839 Item of unknown provenance. Chart prepared "by the TLR, M A 17, on the development and production of various types of JAK Jagdflug- zeuge, from the JAK to the planning of the JAK 1*. 1 December 19!*!*. OKL 839 FT Item of unknown provenance. Map showing the Russian air-fields in southern Russia, 1 September 19l*l*» prepared by the Stabsbild-Abtei- lung G, Luftflottenkommando 6. QKL 731* FT 1*751*81*8 Item of unknown provenance, Greneralluftzeugmeister, Vorlaufige Beschreibung und Betriebsvorschrift far den Peil-Empfanger EP0 2a, October 1939. Gerhard Fieseler Werke Gerhard Fieseler Werke G.nubeH., Bilcherei copy of a booklet G.m.b.H., Mcherei prepared by Chef der Technischen Luf trilstung, TLR-M, "Motorenlei- stung sblatter der wl oh tigs ten zur Zt. eingesetzten britischen, ameri- kaniscnen und "sowjetischen Flugmotoren,>f September 19^*a **. /3ft ak-Waf font echni sche OKL 692 FT 1*75^916 i*. /Hak-Waffentechnische Schule der Luftwaffe file, containing Schule der Luftwaffe information in the form of letters, charts and photographs on new models of American, British and Russian aircraft, 19^1* - 19^5« G-eneralluftzeugnieister, OKI l*39a FT 1*75521*2 Generalluftzeugmeister, Chef des Stabes, Major Plochfs file of 16 16 Chef des Stabes OKL **39b FT 1*755669 "Auslandsnachrichten des Generalluftzeugmeisters,11 containing bi-monthly leaflets issued by the office of the Generalluftzeugmeister containing detailed information on the production of foreign aircraft, August to October 19!*!. OKL 1*71 FT 1*7557**7 Item of unknown provenance. Oberkomraando der Luftwaffe, Chef der Technischen Luftrftstung, TLR-Rt, "Ergebnisse der Beuteauswertung, Sonderbericht Hr. 33» Kraft und Schmierstoffe," 15 Fo'vember 19!^, contains information on lubricants used in American, British and Rus- sian airplanes. Uur fur den Dienstgebrauch. OKL 1*61* FT 1*755771 Item of unknown provenance. Oberkommando der Luftv/affe, Chef der Technischen Luf trilstung, TLR-ld, "Brgebnisse der Beuteausv/ertung Hr. 1*0, Jlussere Kraftstoffzusatzbehalter von Feindflugzeugen,ft 1 Septem- ber 19l& • Ear for den Dienstgebrauch. OKL 1*61 FT 1*755796 Item of unknown provenance. Oberkommando der Luftwaffe, Chef der Technischen Luftrustung, TLR-Rtt, "Ergebnisse der Beuteauswertung Hr» 1*1, Abgasdilsen und Flammenvernichter," 3 September 191*!*. Fur for den

OKL 1*66 FT 1*755330 Oberkommando der Luftwaffe, Chef der Technischen Luftrttstung, TLR-Rfl., "Ergebnisse der EeuteauswertuEg Nr. 1*5* Heuerungen an feindlichen Flugmotoren und Triebwerken," 13 October OKL 1*65 ET 1*755893 Item of unknown provenance. Oberkommando der Luftwaffe, Chef f Continued der Technischen. Luf trilstung^ TLR-RftK ! Ergebnisse der Beuteauswertung Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame ITotes 16 Kr. U6, Untersuchungen an Triebwerken von Feindflugzeugen, Teil I: Schraierstoffversorgung," 20 November 19^H. 16 OKL 1*62 FT ^755955 Item of unknown provenance. 0"berkommando der Luftwaffe, Chef der Technischen Luftr€stung, TLR-Ru, "Erge'bnisse der Beuteauswertung Nr. ^5» Lagerschalen sowjetischer Plugmotoren," 10 March 19^5» Bauaufsicht des Luftfahrt- OKL 682 FT ^755968 Bauaufsicht des Luftfahrtministeriums "bei der Firma SLsassi- ministeriums bei der Firma sche Prazisions~Apparaten"bau file of circulars "Mitteilungen der Elsassische Prazisions- Bauaufsicht en," issued "by Chef der Technischen Luftriistung, TLR/B-BA, Apparat enbau containing information and instructions to the Bauaufsichten, Septem- ber - December 19^4. Kur filr den Dienstgebrauch. Bauaufsicht des Luftfahrt- OKL 23^8 FT ^756076 Bauaufsicht des Luftfahrtministeriums bei Fabrik Uher & Co** ministeriums bei Fabrik Mflnchen file, containing "Mitteilungen der Bauaufsichten," as well as Uher & Co., Mttnchen correspondence chiefly on shortage of raw materials and fuel and the possible substitutes to be used, December 19^4 to April 19^5* OKL 1616 FT U756270 Item of unknown provenance. Memorandum on the workings of the "Volkskomraissariat fur die Luftrttstungsindustrie der S.U»n ELM, GL, Chef des Stages OKL 2315 FT RLM, G-L, Chef des Stabes file, containing estimate of plane production in the U.S. for March 19^1t routine correspondence on the establishment of Sportplatze, and important correspondence and notes on talks between General Ploch and the Hungarian General Littay on the expansion of the aircraft industry in Hungary, April 19^1. Chef der Technischen Luft- OKL 908 FT U756353 Chef der Technischen Luftriistung file of estimates prepared by r&stung TLR/A-Rti., of plane production in the U.S.A., Great Britain and the Soviet Union for February 19^5- Chef der Technischen Luft- OKL 899 FT ^756395 Chef der Teehnischen Luftrftstung/Fl. E 5 copy of a pamphlet rftstung/ 311. E 5 prepared by Technische Luftr&stung/R~R& (VI C), "Auswertung aus dem technischen Feindschrifttum, "fibersetzung aus der Fachpresse: Anlei- tung zur Navigationsausrustung von Flugzeugen," which is a transla- tion of a Russian article prepared by Mirski, Snaraenski and Wolosse- witsch and published in "Zahi,15 in Moscow in 19^0. The German trans- lation was made in September 19^. ELM, GL, Chef des States OKL 893 FT ^756*480 RLM, GL, Chef des Stabes file, containing a list of the booty taken by the Luftwaffe on the Eastern front, 1 September 19^1. Oberkomraando des Heeres, OKL 22^0 FS ^75657^ From the file of Oberkommando des Heeres, Abteilung Fremde Heere Abteilung Fremde Heere Ost Ost, copy of a report prepared by Leitstelle I Ost fur Frontaufkla- rung, Untergruppe Rit-T9 "Kraftfahrtzeugfertigung in der SU, Stand: Mitte 19^1-H." Less important, unfilmable, material in the back of the folder, has been omitted. Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame States 17 RLM, GL/JWM-Chef, report on the possibilities of importing raw materials for the needs of the Luftwaffe from Africa, Japan and South America "by air transport, and photographs of the planes used for this purpose, 19^1 - 19^2. Interesting material. Chef der Technischen Loft- OKL 90? FT ^7 56620 TLR-Rft file containing estimates on U.S. and Canadian plane rdstung; production for 19UU - 19^5, prepared by TLR-Btt, 26 February 19^5. Erprobungsstelle Rechlin OKL S6? #T ^756631 Erprobungsstelle Rechlin copy of a report prepared by GL/C-E 6 V C, "Beschussversuche auf russische Panzer Kampfwagen mit 3 cm H-PanZergranaten Patronen o. Zerleger, Bei Sloczow," containing a description of the experiments and photographs of the weapons used, 10 August 19^2. Geheim. OKL 763 FT ^756655 Item of unknown provenance. Report of Erprobungsstelle der Luftwaffe, Travemflnde, on the experiments conducted with the aerial bomb BM 1000 f, 17 September 19^. OKI 733 ^756693 Item of unknown provenance. Reichsluftfahrtministerium, For- schungsamt, two circulars: "Richtlinien der Geheimhaltung der For- schungsergebnisse des Forschungsamtes (FA) bei den BehSrden," and "Auszug aus den Bestimmungen uber die Kontrolle der Forschungsergeb- nisse des FA." Uo date. OKL 737 FT U75670U Item of unknown provenance. Three pamphlets prepared by R.d.L. u. Ob.d.L., Inspektion des Luftschutzes containing instructions on the extinguishing of British incendiary bombs, 19Ul - 19^2. OKL 1612 FT ^756735 Item of unknown provenance. Copy of a letter circulated by the Luftwaffenverwaltungsamt, containing information on the develop- ment of Russian heatingplants, 2*! February 19^. Institut fdr Techn. Physik, OKL 2035 FT From the file of Dr. W. ICLuge, Dozent a.d. Technischen Hbch- a.d. Technischen Eochschule schule Prag, four pamphlets in the series Deutsche Luftfahrtforschung; Prag "Forschungsbericht Nr. 1936f Beitrag zur KennTnis von Thermo el ement en zu Strahlungsmesszwecken,R "Forschungsbericht Kr. 1925» Der Nachweis einer Raumladung in zusammengesetzten Photokatoden," "Forschungsbe- richt NT. 1925/2 Eaumladung infolge lichtelektrischen Tiefeneffektes und langwellige lichtelektrische Grenze an zusammengesetzten Photo- katoden, " prepared by Deutsche Forschungsanstalt fdr Segelflug "Ernst Udet" Institut fdr Flugausrustung, 19^U, "Untersuchung und Mitteilung Hr. S3^» "frber die lichtelektrischen Imissionszentren der Alkali-Antimon- katoden," prepared by Technische Hochschule der Universitat Breslau, A sample of a large amount of unfilmed technical publications. 17 17 ELM, Answertungsstelle Ost OKL 376 FT ^756862 HLM, Mswertuagsstslle Ost copy of a report prepared by the Continued Versuchsanstalt filr Luftfahrt, E.V., Berlin-Adierhof, Serial Boll Provenance Notes lg "Bericht ttber das russische tragbare UKW Funkspruchgerftt , fl w 17 17 ELM, QL, LC OKL tog FT ^756*870 ELM, GL, LC III file "IX 1^2 a, containing reports on the strength and organization of Flak units, 193^ - 1935- OKL 2313 W ELM, GL, LC III file "II 11 i," containing circulars issued "by the Eeichsminister der Luftfahrt, containing instructions on the recall and reinstatement of former Of f iziere des Eeichsheeres into Flak units, 1935- OKL FT ELM, GL, LC 6 file, containing material on the organization of the departments "3eute-Flak" and the Technische Amt, and a description of the proper 'official channels1 through which communications with these offices had to go, 193^ - 19^ • OKL 327 FT ^7570^7 Item of unknown provenance, E.d.L., Technisches Amt, GL/C-EA, Entwicklung der trie, contains information of the development of the air- force during "1933 - 19*&» a&d lists of factories producing aircraft, motors and parts of aircraft, 1 June 19UU. Geheim. can, 2i;oU FT ^757133 Item of unknown provenance. Pamphlet of instructions prepared "by the Zentrale fur technisch-wissenschaftliches Berichtwesen liber Luftfahrtforschung, on how to prepare technicel reports, 1935* Item of unknown provenance. E.daL. u, Ob.d.L., Technisches Amt, Ergebnisse der Beuteauswertung Hr. 3Q» Neuerungen an f eindlichep Flugmotoren, containing information on Eussian, British and American aircraft5 December OKL FT ^757215 Item of unknown provenance* E.d.L. u. 0"b.d.L., Technisches Amt, Ergebnisse der Beuteauswertung Ir. 31 » KiJhler und Kuhlereinhau "bei Feindflugzeugen, January 19^4, Mur for den Dienstgebrauch. OKL ^69 FT ^757257 Item of unknown provenance. E.d.L. u. Ob.d.L., Technisches Amt, Srgebnisse der Beuteausv/ertung I?r. 3~» leuerungen an feindlichen Flug- motoren und Triebwerken, May 19U4. Kur fttr den Dienstgebrauch. OKL U70 FT *l>757330 Item of unknown provenance. E.d.L. u. Ob.d.L., Technisches Amti Ergebnisse der Beuteauswertung Nr. 3^» Abgasturbolader, July 19^. Fur fiHr den Dienstgebsauch. OKL 2577aa FT ^757396 Item of unknown provenance. nGedanken ilber Technik und Taktik in der Luf tkriegsfohrung, fl Schrif ten der Deutschen Akademie der Luft- fahrtforschung, Heft OKL 2577dd FT Item of unknown provenance. "Fortschritte und Ausblicke auf dem Gebiet der Treibstoffe und Bchmierstoffe fdr Flugmotoren,H Schriften der Deutschen Akademie der Luftfahrtforschung, Heft 27 * 193*5* Filmed as a sample of the extremely technical material contained in this pub- lication. Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame ITotes 19 Item of unknown provenance. Jahrbuch 1939 der Deutschen Luft- fahrtforschung, unter Mitwirkung des Reichsluftfahrtministeriums und der Luftfahrtforschungsanstalten, Ausgabe: Flugwerk. The rest of the volumes in this series are in the Library of Congress. y.Kompanie, Flugmesstruppe, OKL S29 FT YJEompanie, Flugmesstruppe, Luftwaffenregiment 5^ filet con- Luftwaffenregiment 5^ taining daily orders on routine matters and instructions to personnel on behavior in case of landing in neutral or enemy countriest as well as information on enemy air-force extracted from information given by POW!s, June - July 19*4*4. 2O Flak Division OKL 2*413 FE *4757539 20«Flak Division file, containing daily orders of the division on routine matters, and information on the behavior expected of the officers of the division when on leave, February - March 19^3. S*Flakdivision OKL 2*412 FT *47575SS S»Flakdivision file, containing (Jeschaftsordnung of the division and two charts showing the internal organization of the division and the duties of each section, May 19*43. Truppenarzt, Leichte OKL 21489 FT ^757 611 Truppenarzt, Leichte Flakabteilung S*4 file, containing instruc- Flakabteilung £& tions issued by the Divisionsarzt to the Truppenarzte on the admin- istration of Feldlazarette, November 19*43- Fliegerdivision 7 OKL 395 FT ^7576^9 Fliegerdivision 7 file, containing two reports written by General Kommando XI» Flieger Korps, Abteilung Ic, on the training and organization of English and American parachute and commando units, April 19*43. Luftflottenkommando 6 Two Kriegstegebttcher of Luftflottenkommando 6, containing copies of orders received by the Luftflottenkommando and copies of orders issued by the Komrnando to the divisions under its command, as well as reports on the operations of the units of the Luftflotte on the eastern front, March 19*45» Interesting material. IS IS Sonderstab Generalfeld- OKL 390 FT Sonderstab Generalfeldinarschall Milch, Kriegstagebuch 15.1 - marschall Milch 3.2.19*1-3, containing copies of orders issued by Generalfeldmarschall Milch pertaining to the supply by air of the army and air-force units around Stalingrad, as well as material pertaining to the court-martial proceedings in connection with irregularities in German airfields on the eastern front, January - February 19*43. Very important material. Contains Chefsache. Truppenarzt, Reserve Flak- OKL 2*41 ^ FT *4759029 Truppenarzt, Reserve Flakabteilung 192, Flakregiment 131 file, abteilung 192, Flakregiment containing the Tagesbefehle of the regiment, January - May 131; Luftwaffe Standortaltester OEL 817 FT *4759205 Luftwaffe Standortaltester Syrakus file, containing copies of Syrakus instructions issued by the Standortalteste in regard to the behavior Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 20 of troops passing through Syracus, possible contagious diseases in the area, black-out regulations, etc., 1942 - 1943. 18 OKL 2433 FT ^759287 Item of unknown provenance. Chart: "Die schwere Flakbatterie 8,8 cm in der Marschordnung, aufgeschlossen." No date. Fl iegerhor s tkommandantur, OKI 23^2 FT 4759290 Fliegerhorstkommandantur, file, containing "10 t&gige Tours Munitionslage" report and reports of aircraft traffic in the airstrips under its command, March - April 1944. OKL 2303 FT 4759328 Item of unknown provenance. "Ausbildungsplan fdr Spitzengruppen (30-35 Soldaten) der Huganw&rter, 7 Wochen," course started 1 November 1942. R.d.L. u. Ob.d.L. General- OKL 2341 FT Red.L. u., Ob.d.L., Geneiralstab, 8. Abteilung, file containing a stab, 8. Abteilung memorandum of Oberstleutnant i.G. Sorge: "G-edanken itber die luftstra- tegische Lage Mitteleuropas," as well as comparative charts on air- craft production in Germany, Britain and the U.S.A., 14 April 19144. Geheime Kommandosache. Interesting material. OKL 2255 FT 4759423 Item of unknown provenance. Charts and aerial photographs of the landing of the Allies at Anzio - Nettuno, prepared by General Kommando II Fl.K, Ic Bild, of . OKL 725 FT 4759437 Item of unknown provenance. Reports* charts, maps, and aerial photographs describing the Allied landing in Salerno on 9 September 1943. Luftflottenkommando 6» OKL 380 FT 4759506 Luftflottenkommando 6, Fiihrungsabt. Ic/Archiv copy of a report FHhrungsabt. Ic/Archiv prepared by Luftflottenkommando 6, Fflhrungsabt. Ic, "Die Luftrttstungs- industrie der Sowjetunion, Stand: September 1944,n Item of unknown provenance. File of instructions issued by the Sonderbeauftragte des Reichserziehungsministeriums fttr den Einsatz von Luftwaffennelfern (Hitler Jugend) beim Luftgaukommando VII to various high school teachers who were the Unterbeauftragten of the Sonderbaauftragte, and responsible for getting their students to enlist for this work, October 1944. RLM, GL, LC OKL 2265 *T 4759701 RLM, GL, LC 2/1I file, containing a report on the Soviet delega- tion which came to inspect the Heinkel factories in Rostock, 1 Novem- ber 1939« Geheime Kommandosache. Interesting material. Reserve- Hak- Schwer, OKL 2224 FT 4759719 Reserve-Flak-Schwer, Abteilung 338, 3/Kompanie copy of a booklet Abteilung 338, 3/Kompanie issued by Luftgaukommando XI, entitled! "Merkblatt fttr Abwehrfragen,n containing information on the proper channels through which various kinds of reports are-to be made to H.Q.., November 1941. Geheim. OKL 2226 FT 4759734 Item of unknown provenance. Booklet issued by Luftverteidigungs- Continued kommando 4S la, "Merkblatt fur die Bberwachung des Dienstbetriebes Serial Roll Provenance Item filmed 1st frame Notes 21 schwerer und leichter Flakbatterien durch den Batterieftthrer,n March 191*0. Ifur fflr den Dienstgebrauch. 19 19 Item of unknown provenance. Booklet issued "by the Luftvertei- digungskommando If, "Merkblatt fur die tJberwachung des Dienstbetriebes der Hakscheinwerferbatterien (150cm) durch den Batterie-Fflhrer," 191*0. HOT fttr den Dienstgebrauch* Luftgaustab z.b.V, 117 Luftgaustab z.b.Y. 117 copy of "Diensteinteilung des Luftgau- komraandos VII und der Luftzeuggruppe 71" issued by Luftgaukommando VII, May 191*0. Luftflottenkommando 6, Ffth- OKI 8l6a-b FT 1*759871 Luftflottenkoramando 6, Fflhrungsstab Abteilung I a, Kriegstage- rungsstab Abteilung I a buch for April 19^5» containing Lageberichte on the entry of Russian forces into Czechoslovakia, and reports of the operations conducted by Luftflotte 6 in. that area. Important material. Luftflottenkommando 6 OKI 383 FT 1*760597 Luftflottenkominando 6> Kriegstagebuch containing material on the defence of the bridges of the Oder, March 19^5» Some pages writ- ten in pencil have been retyped. For other Kriegstagebilcher 19^5 of Luftflotte 6 see OKL 2312; 3S5; 3B2a-b; 3S6a-b; 387a-b. Ilakregiment 25 OKL 21*32 FT 1*760680 Flakregiment 25 Kriegstagebuch for 191*1 - 19^2, containing chiefly reports of administrative changes and training in the1 units of Flakregiment 25 around Hamburg and Harpover* Interesting material. Kampfgruppe zur besonderen OKI 821 FT 1*760861 Kampfgruppe zur besonderen Verwendung 5 Kriegstagebuch, con- Verwendung 5 taining copies of Srfahrungsberichte dealing with the decline in ef- fectiveness of the unit due to lack of suitable ground personnel and. the effectiveness of German and Russian propaganda leaflets, Septem- ber - October 19H2, Very interesting material. OKL 2305 IT 1*760887 Kampfgruppe z.b.V. 5 Kriegstagebuch for the period of February - September 19l*3i containing daily reports of the operations carried out by the unit, and report on the transfer of the unit in May 19**3 from the Russian to the Italian front. 20 20 Fliegerhorstkommandantur, Fliegerhorstkomrnandantur, Tours Kriegstagebucher for the period Tours from September 19^*1 to January 19^3 > containing daily reports on the conditions of the air-fields and ground personnel of that area. 3. (H)/21 (Pz) AufklHrungs- OKL 2395 IT i*76iU95 3. (H)/21 (Pz) Kriegstagebuch of an airforce squad, containing staffel material on the operations of the sauad chiefly on the eastern front, 191*1 - 191*2. OKL 21*38 IT 1*76161*7 Item of unknown provenance* Report, presumably based on the Kriegstagebuch, of the moTear-cntiS and operations of leichte Flakabtei- lung 9^ in Poland during August and September 1939- Serial Roll Provenance Item |r2fLe containing general instructions on the handling of reports, care of weapons in and out of action and plans for additional training of the unit, 19*4*4. Leichte Flakabteilung 73^ Leichte Flakabteilung 73*4 file, containing copies of the daily orders of the unit, concerned chiefly with routine matterst but also with the desertions of Italian soldiers, who had been apparently at- tached to this outfit, special warnings and regulations for the con- version of pay into foreign currency as well as special postal regula- tions for units in the field, 19*4*4. OKL 211-70 FT 14761939 Leichte Flakabteilung 73*4 file, containing correspondence on the ammunition supply of the unit, 19*43 - 19*4*4. Leichte Flakabteilung 753 OKL 2*467 FT *4762227 Leichte Plakabteilung 753 file* containing copies of personal letters sent out by the commander of the Abteilung to families of dead and wounded soldiers of the unit, copies of propaganda material, "Mitteilungen fdr den Chef," prepared by the KS-Ftthrungsoffizier con- sisting of passages from the writings and speeches of members of the German high command and translations of anti-German passages from the English press and American anti-fraternization orders, as well as "Dienstanweisungen fftr Waffenwarte der Batterie," 19*42 - 19*45. The middle section of this file contains very interesting indoctrination material, 21 21 Leichte Flakabteilung 83*4 OKL 2^55 FT *4762356 Leichte Flakabteilung 83*4 file, containing chiefly correspondence on administrative matters of the unit, as well as instructions of procedure in the cases of soldiers returning to their units from behind enemy lines, and instructions on the proper use of decorations, 3.9113 - 191^5, Leichte Flakabteilung 955 OKL 2*4*47 FT *4762719 Leichte Flakabteilung 955 file, containing various orders and instructions on the care of the munitions of the unit, leave for the personnel, heating of barracks etc., 19*43 - 19^*4. Flakregiment *431 OKL 2*418 FT 147628*43 Flakregiment *431 file, containing copies of the daily orders of the iT'lakgruppen under its command in Lille, Antwerpen and Beauvais, concerned with the administrative matters of these units, 19*43 - 19*4*4. Leichte Flakabteilung 757 OKL 2*486 FT 14763055 Lelchfce FO.&k&bteilung 757 file of daily orders concerned with administrative tiatt.ers of the unit, 193*4 - 19*4*4. Flakabteilung 83*4 OKL 2*4*42 FT U763360 Hakabtailing 83*4 file, containing correspondence on additional training of fc iicir, 194U - 19*45. OKL 21452 FT 14763*462 Slakabtei'iiiug 8'3*4 file, containing correspondence and training leaflets on the Sinheitsschiessgerat 'Panzerfaust,' 1914*4. Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 23 Flakabteilung 851 file, containing daily orders of the unit, chiefly concerned with instructions to the office staff, 19^3 • Leichte Flakabteilung 951 file, containing daily orders con- cerned with administrative matters and giving some information on the operations of the unit, 19^3 - 19*&. 22 22 Leichte nakabteilung 955 OKL 2^63 ^7637^9 Leichte Plakabteilung 955 file, containing daily orders, chiefly concerned with instructions to sentries, and special instructions for the prevention of contagious diseases, 19*43 - 19^« Schwere Flak-Transport- OKL 2^22 FT Schwere Flak-Transport-Batterie 70 file, containing instructions Batterie 70 on the manner in which the moving of the "battery was to be organized and orders for ! Alsrmilbungen,! June 19^3* Schwere. Flakabteilung 182 OKL 2^85 FT W3912 Schwere Flaka'bteilung 182 file, containing daily orders of the unit, chiefly concerned with routine matters, and some material on relations with Italian soldiers attached to the unit, 19^3 - 19^» OKL 2U15 FT Schwere Flaka"bteilung 182 file, containing daily orders con- cerning mostly routine matters as well as a reminder to commanders to be more careful in dispensing disciplinary punishments, and a reminder to front-line commanders to be more courteous to visiting dignitaries, Schwere Flakabteilung 30^ CKL 2^51 FT Schwere Makabteilung 30^ file, containing daily orders and special instructions warning against the too easy recommendations of company commanders of the personnel under their command for E.K. , and material on the distribution of anti-gas equipment to the unit, 19^3« Schwere FlakaT>teilung 182, OKL 2^79 FT Schwere Flaka.bteilung 182, Flakregiment 57 file, containing 31akregiment 57 daily orders and the commendation of the unit by General f el dmarschall Richthofen for its good work during the withdrawal of German troops from Sicily, 19^3- Schv/ere Flakabteilung 33*4- OKL 2^77 ^ Schwere Flakabteilung 33^ file, containing daily orders on routine matters, as well as an injunction against the acquisition, by soldiers of rationed Italian goods, 19*13 - 19^H. OKL FT Schv/ere Flakabteilung 33^ file, containing correspondence chiefly concerned with the deterioration of discipline in the front lines: unauthorized leave, improper saluting and rudeness to superiors, as well as relations with the Italian army and populations the incorpora- tion of Italian soldiers into German units after the Badoglio coup, the capture of partisans and looting from the local population, Octo- ber 19^K5 - March 19^-U. Very interesting material. Schwere llakabteilung z.b,Y. OKL FT 1*76*1860 Schwere Flakabteilung z.b.V. 1555 file, containing daily orders, Continued 1555 references to the conduct towards Italian soldiers and persons desiring Serial Soil Provenance Notes to acquire German citizenship, 19^3 - 23 23 Schwere Flakabteilung 1*52 OKI 2^6 FT ^76518** Schwere Slakabteilung **52 file, containing the daily orders of that unit which was stationed in Italy, 19^3* Schwere Slakabteilung 1*1*3 OKL 2l*l*9 FT 1*765216 Schwere Flakabteilung 1&3 file, containing copies of the daily orders of the Flakgruppe Mnster, as well as some material sent out by the HS-Fdhrungsoffizier, 191*3 - 19!*!*. Schwere llakabteilung 372 OKL 2l*l*i* FT l*765**30 Schwere Flakabteilung 372 file, containing the daily orders of the unit while in Italy, 191*3. CKL 2U62 FT 1*765*466 Schwere Flakabteilung 372 file, containing correspondence on the transfer of various members of the unit back to Germany from Africa, 191*3. Schwere Flakabteilung SOI OKL 2l*l*5 FT 1*7655**! Schwere Flakabteilung 601 file, containing reports of the actions of the unit at the defence of the Shine between Engers and Neuwied, March 19U5. Schwere Flakabteilung 3**6 file, containing miscellaneous cor- respondence on religious activities within the unit, new regulations in regard to POWfs» and new forms of address of senior officers, as well as the proper treatment of members of the NS-Ftthrungsstab working with the unit, 19!*!* - February 191*5. Schwere Flakabteilung Uoi file, containing correspondence on the reports of the strength of the unit in man and munitions and copies of the reports prepared, 19l*^» Schwere Flakabteilung 6?7 OKL 2^59 FT 1*766187 Schwere Hakabteilung 677 file, containing the daily orders of the unit in France, 19^2 - 191*3. Schwere Flakabteilung Ig2 OKL 2**28 FT ^766^32 Schwere Flakabteilung 182 file, containing daily and special orders of the unit, as well as an Italian drill order, probably for Italians attached to the unit, January - May19UU. Flakregiment 93, 2.Batterie OKL 689 FT ^7661*79 Flakregiment 93» 2»Batterie file, containing Abschussberichte and daily orders of the unit on the Russian front, January 19^3- ELakregiment 66 OKL 2l*l6 FT 1*766521 Flakregiment 66, l.Abteilung file, containing correspondence on the food supply of the unit in Tunisia, and a reminder to restrict as much as possible the use of foreign (German) currency in Tunisia so as not to cause inflation, 19^*2 - 19^*3. 2i* 2k Flakabteilung 738 OKL 21*87 FS 1*766561 Flakabteilung 73& file, containing reports of telephone conversa- tions concerning the training of the unit to ward off attacks by para- troopers, February 19l*5* Routine correspondence on personnel matters at the end of the folder has been omitted. Continued Leichte Flakabteilung 92l* OKL 2**88 FT ^766721 Leichte Flakabteilung 92l* file, containing correspondence on Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes the filling of posts of interpreters knowing French and German "by the unit, and the transfer of interpreters to the Luftgaukommando in Mttn- chen, 191*1*. OKL 21*23 IT 1*766728 Flakregiment 135 file, containing daily orders of that unit while in Italy, 191*3. Fliegerregiment 90» OKI 819 FT 1*766809 Fliegerregiment 90, **• Kompanie file, containing the daily U> Kompanie; orders of the unit while in France, 19**3 - 19UH. Flakregiment 59 OKL 2U21* FT 1*767118 Flakregiraent 59 file, containing correspondence and instructions on the possibilities of paratroop landings, the necessity to help the local population as much as possible during and after "bombardment, and the possibility of deserters finding shelter in the villages in the vicinity of which the unit was stationed (probably west of the Ehine) , February 19^*5. Flakregiment 5^ OKL 2U21 FT 4767151 Flakregiment $ file, containing correspondence and reports on manoeuvres of the regiment which were to be held in cooperation \«;ith units of Reserve Flak, 1938. Flakregiment 1*9 OKL 21*29 IT 1*767190 Flakregiment **9 file, containing the daily orders of the unit which was apparently stationed in Italy, 19^*3 • Hafcregiment 3$ OKL 21*27 FT 1*767361 Flakregiment 38 file, containing correspondence on the special training of the outfit in anti-tank warfare and coastal warfare in the Balkans, and the special instructions for officers and UCO's,

OKL 2*126 FT 1*7671*13 Flakregiment 36 file, containing the daily orders of the unit, as well as leaflets: "Mitteilungen filr die Truppen, " prepared by the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, !7ehrmacht Fflhrungsstab, tfehrmacht Propa- ganda, as well as "Mitteilungen fur das Of f izierkorps, " and "Unter- richts-Unterlagen fttr die geistige Betreuucg der Truppe," issued by the Stellvertretende Generalkommando XI, 1 c/Wehrmacht Propaganda, in Hanover, reference file for 19^3- 25 25 Flakdivision 19 Flakdivision 19 file, containing instructions on the proper pay of native and French workers affiliated with the company in Tunisia and pay for German soldiers quartered in Italian towns when the unit was transfered there, 19^3. Hakregiment 5 OKL 21*20 FT 1*767936 Flakregiment 5 file, containing miscellaneous orders on the cleaning of equipment, loss of pay-books, improper wearing of medals etc., 19¥*. Flakregiment 137 OKL 21*30 FT 1*76800** Flakregiment 137 file, containing the orders of the regiment for November 19^*3. Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Hotes 26

25 25 Reserve Hakabteilung 371» OKL 21*66 FT l*76g>406 Reserve Flakabteilung 371* ^» Batterie, 3- Zug file* containing 1*. Batterie, 3. Zug the daily orders of the Zug, some material on desertion and attack of soldiers on their officers in the "beginning of the file, instruc- tions on the proper address of officers* 19^0 - 19^3» Reserve FLakabteilung 371 OKL 2**1*3 FT l*76Sl*U6 Reserve Flakabteilung 371 file, containing MerkblHtter, instruc- tion leaflets, on the proper care of army clothing and equipment, as well as instructions on the extinguishing of new "bombs and on new types of enemy aircraft, 19^2. Reserve Flakabteilung 5^2 OKL 2**37 FT 1*768 52^ Reserve Flakabteiluiig 5^2 file, containing correspondence on the leave of members of the unit in Tunisia and the ha"bit of officers of establishing communications with the RLM on their own and not through official channels, 19^*2. Reserve FLakabteilung 2£i* OKL 2l*57 FT 1*76853^ Reserve Flakabteilung 261* file, containing instructions on the proper way of writing reports on the aircraft shot down by the unit, May 19^2. Reserve Flakabteilung 237 Reserve Hakabteilung 237 file, containing the daily orders of that unitg probably stationed in northern Germany, 19^*1* Item of unknown provenance. Report of an officer of the Flak- untergruppe Zeitz-West, Flakabteilung 662 on the flak batteries in Lindenburg, Falkenheiin, Kriegnitz and lltenburg, January 19^*5' Flakgruppe Dorsten, Flak- Flakgruppe Dorsten, Flakregiment 1*6 file, containing correspond- regiment 1*6 ence on the maintenance of the ammunition of the unit and the possibil- ities of obtaining replacement of men and ammunition, 19lf2 - 19^-3» 26 26 OKL 2^35 FT 1*7691*31 Flakabteilung Dorsten file, containing correspondence on the acquisition of personal equipment for the members of the unit, 19l*3» OKL 2593 FT 1*769862 Luftwaffenverbindungskommando beim Oberkommando der Heeresgruppe Mitte file, containing various instructions issued chiefly by Luft- waffenfflhrungsstab Ic, Freinde Luftwaffen Ost, Auswertungsstelle Ost, on the use of improvised roads and equipment in Russia, 19^1 - 19****. Interesting material. Flakgruppe Dorsten, Flakgruppe Dorsten file, containing correspondence on the pro- Slakregiment 1*6 curing of ananunition for the unit and on the care and condition of the ammunition at hand, 19**3 - 19U1** 27 27 OKL 2361* FT 1*770597 Item of unknown provenance. Miscellaneous Abwehrmeldungen. 191*1* _ 191*5. Flakgruppe Dorsten, OKL 21*56 FT 1*770832 Flakgruppe Dorsten file, containing material on the steps to Flakregiment 1*6 be taken for the prevention of dissemination of enemy leaflets within the German lines, and correspondence on personnel matters of the unit, Continued as well as a copy of instructions: "Heiratsordnung fur die Dauer des Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Hotes 27 Krieges," giving detailed instructions as to whom soldiers and officers were allowed to marry, 19^3 - 19^» 27 27 Leichte Ilakabteilung 673 OKI 2^76 IT ^771088 Leichte Ilakabteilung 673 file, containing miscellaneous in- structions on the proper uses of field telephones and trains by the members of the section, conduct in Irench towns when on leave etc,,, 191*3 _ igifc. Hakgruppe Dorsten, OKL 2U61 IT 1*771150 Hakgruppe Dorsten file, containing orders for special training Hakregiment ^6 programs for the unit and some routine weekly orders, as well as a copy of a report written by a Ilottenchef on his inspection of the units at Sutingen, Bflblingen, Mannheim, Wiesbaden and Hurnberg, 1939- 19^3. - Gem. Ilakabteilung 672 OKL 2 IT Gem. Hakabteilung 672 file, containing some daily orders of the unit while in France, and lists of personnel and munitions in the unit, 19^2 - 19^. OKL 21J-65 IT IJ771405 Gem. Ilakabteilung 67?- file, containing correspondence on the further training of the unit and instructions on the care of ammuni- tion, and instructions to hold regular "Ausbildungswochen," 19^. Gem, Ilakabteilung 37» OKL 2)492 IT ^771610 Gem. Ilakabteilung 37* 1» Batterie file, containing miscel- 1. Batterie laneous correspondence on enemy leaflets, transportation for soldiers going on leave, proper dress, Italian soldiers attached to German units and the transfer of money for soldiers who lost their money in southern Germany due to occupation by Allied armies, 19^ - 19^5* 28 28 Gem. ilakabteilnng 153 OKL IT Gem* Slakabteilung 153 file, containing correspondence on the proper way to send mail, both private and official, from the unit, as well as correspondence on the establishment of the office of Druekvorschriften Yerwalter, who should be in charge of all Druck- vorschriften, chiefly instruction material for the troope, and a list of the leaflets available for instruction, 19^3 - 19UH. Hakregiinent 12, OKL 2U7H IT ^772077 ZLakregiment 12, 3* Batterie file, containing mimeographed 3. Batterie instructions on repulsing daylight raids, lists of personnel and their duties within the unit and the ammunition which they use, as well as a pamphlet: MDer innere Befehl," issued by the Wehrbetreu- ung der Luftwaffe, 19*&. OKL 815 IT ^772136 Item of unknown provenance. Leaflet "zur AushEndigxing an sied- lungswillige LuftwaffenangehSrige, Markblatt Hr. 1, Die Yerhaltnisse in den neuen Ostgebieten,B as well as a letter encouraging the senior MJO1s to study and complete their education in their spare time in flArbeitsgerneinschaften," and sample questions and themes for their study, Serial Rpll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 28 28 28 Luftnachrichten Regiment OKL 825 IT 1*772181 Ln. Regiment (mot) 53 file, containing the daily orders of (mot) 53; that unit while it was in France, 19*41 - 19^2. Lg. Nachrichten Regiment ttf. OKL g2g FT ^77238! Lg, Nachrichten Regiment Wf. file, containing the daily orders of the unit, pertaining to German soldiers "buying in Jewish shops, visits to the French population and special arrangements made for soldiers who wish to finish their studies, 19^*2. Luftnachrichten Regiment 5!*- OKL gig FT 1*772521 Luftnachrichten Regiment ^k file, containing the daily orders of the unit, the pay rates of the soldiers while in France and Belgium and some material of the proceeding against soldiers who had gone into French hotels or homes without their weapons, 19^» Flakscheinwerfer Abtei- OKL 2^73 FT 1*772619 Flakscheinwerfer Abteiltmg 298 file, containing the daily orders lung 298 of that unit, special references to Italian soldiers apparently in- corporated into the unit, October 19^3 to May 19^4. Flakscheinwerfer Abtei- QKL FT H7726S8 Flakscheinwerfer Abteilung 160 file, containing the daily orders lung 160; of that unit while in Italy, 19% - 19^. Flakscheinwerfer Abtei- OKL FT U772753 Flakscheinwerfer Abteilung 5^3» 2. Batterie file, containing lung 583, 2. Batterie the daily orders of that unit, and some special instructions on further training of the battery through shooting at balloons, 19^3 - 19^« OKL 2609 FT 1*772802 Item of unknown provenance. Report on the efficiency of the meteorological service in Africa from February 19^41 - May 19*43 , pre- pared by Luftflottenkommando 2, I¥, June 19^3* Deutsche Luftwaffenmission OKL 2608 FT 1*772867 Deutsche Luftwaff emission in Romftnien file, containing Lage- in Roma'nien berichte prepared by the Greneralkoramando des IV. Fliegerkorps, giving reports on the operations of the Fliegerkorps in the Dnieper area, Luftwaffenjagerbrigade 1, OKL 25&*8 FT 1*773202 Luftwaffenjagerbrigade 1, XI. Fliegerkorps file, containing XI. Fliegerkorps correspondence on the restrictions of the use of all vehicles* the catching of rain v/ater to increase the water supply, and warnings of commanders to their troops not to surrender too easily. Correspond- ence covers the stay of the unit in Horth Africa, igUl - 19^2. Fallschirra-Jager Regiment 5, OKL 251*6 FT 1*773259 Fal 1 s chirm- Jag er Regiment 5» XI, Fliegerkorps file, containing XI. Fliegerkorps directives issued by H.Q. of XI. Fliegerkorps to the regiment on the proper procedure for transferring personnel, proper care of ammunition and the prevention of unauthorized promises of posthumous decorations, R-29 R-29 Flakersatz Regiment 12 OKL 736 FT H773307 Slakersatz Regiment 12 file, containing correspondence on person- nel matters, instructions to increase the numbers of promotions of Fahnriche and reports on officers of the unit, Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 29 R-29 R-29 Hakersatz Regiment 12 ZL 730 FT H773657 Flakersatz Regiment 12 file, containing reports on personnel of that unit, instructions for the improvement of the security system of the unit and copies of circulars for officers containing details on the trials and executions of German spies, 1936 - 1937- 30 30 Luftnachrichten QKL S26 FT Luftnachrichten Regiment 5^- file, containing the daily orders of that unit while stationed in France, 19H*k OKI g27 FT Luftnachrichten Regiment 5^ file, containing correspondence on personnel matters of the unit, 19*&. ilieger Division"7 OKL Si!* FT Flieger Division 7 file "Mchtlinien fur die Aufgaben rad Efi- tigkeit der Ic im Bereich der Flieger Division 7 (Vortrfige anlasslich der Ic - Besprechung oei EL, Biv, 7 am 10.8M9**2)»" containing direc- tives on the work of the intelligence agency of the-division. Wehrmacht s>efehlshaber OKI, 7^3 FT 1*77^176 Ifehrmachts'befehlshaber Forwegen, Jtbteilui^ 1 a copy of nTrup- Forwegen, Abteilung 1 pengliederung des Luftflottenfcommandos 5 (^ Bereiuh WorTp'egen eln- gesetzte Yerbande) Stand vom 1.3.19^3. Hiegerregiment 53 OKL FT Fliegerregiment 63 file, containing the daily orders of the regiment while stationed in France, 19^2 - 19^5. 31 i&llscblrmjager Regiment 6, OKL 823 FT Fallschirmjager Regiment 6, XIII. Hiegerkorps file, contain- XIIIo Fliegerkorps ing the daily orders of the regiment while in France and Italy, as well as some leaflets "Mitteilungen fftr die Truppe,11 19^3- Generalkommando FT Generalkommando des IV8 Hiegerkorps file, containing m re^rt Fliegerkorps prepared by Luftflottenkommando 1 I c on the enemy forces opposing Heeresgruppe Nord, May 19^U. St.G. AID to D.HeG FT St. G, Abt. D.H.G. file, containing Luftflottenbefehle of "Luft- flotte 2 for 19^3 an^ January 19^, during the stay of the Luftflotte in Italy. Kur fur den Dienstgebrauch. General Kommando XI. Flie- OKL FT General Kommando XI. iliegerkorps file, containing special gerkorps orders of GSring and Richthofen encouraging the troops to hold out to the end, March 19^5. Abwicklungskommando, Hafc- GKL 2U10 FT . Abwicklungskominando, Flakkorps II file, containing copies 's£ korps II letters sent out by the unit commanders to the families of dead or missing soldiers, 19^. Luftflotten Intendant, CKL 2622 FT ^775316 Luftflotten Intendant, Luftflottenkommando 3 file, containing Luftflottenkommando 3 correspondence on civilian employees of the Intendantfs office and former Luftwaffen personnel employed as civilians, 1939. OKL 2623 FT Luftflotten Intendant file, containing correspondence on the construction of buildings for the Luftwaffe, 1939- 32 3,2 Luftflottenkommando 3 OKL 2621 FT ^776065 Luftflottenkommando 3 file, containing correspondence and Continued circulars on the reorganization of the units under the command of Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes and Luftflotte U, 1938. 32 32 Luftflottenkommando 3 OKL 2620 FT ^776313 Luftflotte 3 file» containing "Allgemeine Besichtigungsbemerkun- gen," reports on air-force installations visited by representatives of the Hottenchef, and directives issued as a result of these in- spections, especially about 'betterment of conditions of civilian workers, 1939• Luftkreisintendant Dr, Rondo's file, containing reports of Ronde to General Bogatsch and G-oneralmajor Fohl on the progress made in "building various Luf;waife installations in Germany and the possibility of a reduction Jii coses for this construction work, 1939» Probably Munich area. Luftflottenkommando 3 OKL 2330 FT ^776753 Luftflottenkommando 3 fil^» containing correspondence and directives on the proper supply of food to the units under Luftflotte 3» 1939. OKL 2397 FT 1*77686** Luftflottenkommando 3 file» containing correspondence and direc- tives on the food supply of the Luftflotte while in France, as well as a report of Major Killinger and Regierungsrat Geffers on a tour of inspection of units in France and Belgium, especially mess halls, 33 33 CKL 262^ FT ^777^29 Luftflottenkommando 3 file "11 b,tt containing directives for the reorganization of the Luftwaffe in general, directives for the forma- tion of special Jagdgeschwader and creation of new Reserve Flakbatte- rien, as well as directives for the supply of Reserve ITugnachrichten Kompanien with regular air-force equipment, 1938 - September 1939» Luftflottenkommando 3 file "19 c," containing instructions on the preparation of "Mobe Kalender," and orders setting up the order of movement for the various units in case of mobilization, May 1939* GEL 2630 FT 1*778003 Luftflottenkommando 3 file» containing reports on the installa- tions of the Luftflotte and. requests for further buildings, September 1939- OKL 2627 FT H77S092 Documents from the of Luftgaukommando VII, Luftwaffengrup- penkommando 3» an& Abwicklungsstelle Luftkreiskommando 5 united in a file of Luftflotte 3» dealing with a report on the section IV a of the Generalstab des R8d.L. u, Obod.L, and recommendations for its reorgan- ization. The chief recommandations were to employ better educated officials and if possible give them some experience in working with front line units, 193S* Luftflotte 3 OKL 2629 FT itf78269 Luftflotte 3 copy of a directive on the pay of nurses in the air-force, issued by the ELK, Octobor 1933. Serial Roll Provenance Notes 31 33 33 Luftflotte 3 OKL 2631 FT Luftflotte 3 file, containing reports on unannounced inspections of air- force "bases, a program for further training of future officers and HCO1 s and a list of the Intendanten and the units to which they are attached, 1939. OKL 2632 FT Luftflottenkommando 3 copy of a report on the running and mainte- nance of recreation centers, prepared "by section I? a, 1939* OKL 2633 10? Luftflottenkommando 3 copy of a list of code names for the units under its command, August 1939 • OKL 2634 FT Luftlottenkommando 3» Fuhrungsabteilung, directive on the further training of the unite of the Luftflotte, March 1939. OKL 2635 FT Luftflottenkommando 3> Euhrungsabteilung file "ManoVer der schnellen Truppen 1939 > Besprechung "beim Lehrstab fdr Heerestaktik am 22.6*39»" containing the preparations for the joint manoeuvres to "be held south of the Eger. 3^ Luftflottenkommando 3, OKL 2637 1*773506 Luftflottenkommando 3» Luftflottenintendant Ronde file, contain- Luftflottenintendant Ronde ing notes on the Luftflottenintendanten Besprechung prior to the in- spection "by the Intendanten of Luftgaukommando VII installations, air-ports, food supply, etc., August 1939« Luftflottenkommando 3 OKL 263S FT 4778549 Luftflottenkommando 3 file, containing maps showing the distribu- tion of units of the Luftflottenkommando in the West in peace time and intended changes for war, as well as the placing of the Flak artil- lery units in Luftgau VII and the ground units of Luftflotte 3» January 1939. Chefsache. Luftflottenkommando 3» OKL 2639 FT ; Luftflottenkommando 3» Luftflottenintendant file, containing Luftflottenintendant correspondence on the food supply of the units and the special rations for flying personnel, September - November 1939* OKL 2640 FT Luftflottenintendant file, containing correspondence on housing and installations of the units of the Luftflotte, August - October 1939- Luftflottenkommando 3 OKL 2628 FT 4778S73 Luftflottenkommando 3 file, containing some material on air-raid shelters for 1939 a**d some material on Italian soldiers attached to German units, 19 4H. Luftflottenkominando 3» OKL 2668 FT 1*77S992 Luftflottenintendant file, containing correspondence of the Luftflottenintendant Intendant on welfare matters of the personnel attached to Luftflotte 3»

OKL 2642 FT 4779699 Luftflottenintendant file, containing orders for the movement of headquarters and some other units of Luftflotte 3 to Gablingen, and some reports of the Intendant on the supplies of the offices in various units, 1939 - Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Ho tea QSL 26*6 FT ^779796 Luftflottenintendant file, containing reports on the personnel of the offices of the various units, their education and efficiency, as well as reports on the uniform of the Luftwaffe, January 1939• H-35 S-35 GKL 26H1 FT ^779833 Luftflottenkomraando 3» Luftflottenintendant file, containing material on proper food supply, proper quarters for outpost units and requests of officers of various units to increase their family- pay since the local authorities were not giving them the proper aid, August - December 1939• OXL 26¥* FT 1*780102 Luftflottenkommsndo 3» section IT a file, containing instructions on the preparations to "be made in B-H&fen for a possible complete mobilization, June 1939- OKI FT U7S0163 LuftfLottenkommando 3 file, containing instructions issued "by the ELM "Grundsa'tze for die Besehaffung von Verpflegung und Marketender- waren durch die EVM (M?A) im Kriege, gftltig ah 1. Marz 1939." Luft f1ot1 enkommando 3» Luftflottenkommando 3» Luftflottenintendant file, containing the Luftflottenintendant reports of the Intendant to various munitions warehouses and to the Flakkorps I in Regensdorf, 1939 - 19^0. Luftflottenkommando 3 OKL 26**9 FT 1*7803**9 Luftflottenkommando 3 file, containing miscellaneous orders on the issuing of special rations and cigarettes, and some material on telephone connections to Norway and Denmark, 19^0. Sample file of a group. OKL 2650 FT ^780380 Luf tflottenkommando 3 file, containing copy of a report "by E.d.L. u. Ob.d.L., LD Insp. 3au on the working conditions of civilian con- struction workers in Luftwaffe installations, 19^0. OKL 2651 ^780539 Luftfiottenkomraando 3 file, containing a copy of ^Raurnbedarfnach- weisung fiir die Luftwaffe,M as well as reports and maps on the construc- tion of various Luftwaffe installations and munitions warehouses, 1939* OKL 2652 FT 1*780878 Luftllottenkommando 3 file, containing further "Bauberichte" and reports on the construction in S-Hafen, 19^0. 37 37 OKL 2653 FT 1*781133 Luftflottenkommando 3 file, containing directives issued ty the ELM: "Besondere Anordnungen filr die Versorgung der Luftwaffeneinheiten Nr. 28-^2," a Merkblatt nftber die (JeTyBhrnisse in der Wehrmacht und ftber den Familienunterhalt filr die Angehftrigen der zum Wehrdienst einberufe- nen Personen," and "Verwaltungsanordnungen 1-27I11 as well as some "Be- sondere Anordnungen far den Quartiermeisterdienst," 1939• Luftflottenkommando 3 file, containing directives issued "by the ELM: "Besondere Anordnungen filr die Versorgung der Luftwaffeneinheiten,M "Besondere Anordnungen f$r den Quartiermeister,H and a number of Merk- Continued blatter "Versorgung und Entschadigung,lf dealing with payments to be Serial Soil Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Hotes 33 made to dependents of soldiers during the war, and the payment of "Sterbegeld" after their death, 1939 - 19^0. 3S 33 Luftflottenkommando 3» OKL 3655 IT H7S1935 Luftflottenkommando 3, Luftflottenintendant file "Bichtlinien Luftflottenintendant fdr die Ausbildung im Kriege, I. Fliegertruppe (Land)," containing the directives for such training issued "by the R.d.L. u. Ob.d.L., 19HO. OKL 2656 FT H7S2199 Luftflottenintendant file, containing "Besondere Anordnungen fur die Versorgung," "Besondere Anordnungen ftlr das Kriegsgefangenen- wesen," chiefly on mail for P0¥fs, and special orders dealing with disciplinary measures against German units in Paris, and special in- structions for G-erraan soldiers not to be deterred from firing on women and children during riots, 19HO. OKL 2657 FT H7S2661 Luftflotteaintendant file, containing Lageberichte compiled "by the Fftlarungsa'bteilung Ic of the Luftflotte on the bombing of London and other British cities, October - November 19HO. 39 39 OKL 265S FT H7S3H95 Luftflottenintendant file, containing the daily orders of Luft- gaukommando VII, Luftgaukommando Ifestfrankreich, Luftgaulroiamando Hol- land and Luftgaukommandos XII and XIII for 19HO. OKL 2559 FT H78H10H Luftflottenintendant file, containing correspondence on the food supply of the units of Luftflotte 3, lodgings for the H.Q,. staff and special foreign exchange regulations for members of the Luftwaffe, 1939 - 19111. HO HO Luftgaukommando XII OKL 2660 FT H7SH356 Luftgaukommando XII file, containing correspondence on the ar- rangements made for the safety of the personnel in the units under the command of Luftgau XII during air-raids, as well as maps and drawings showing the location and sturdiness of the "buildings sug- gested for this purpose, 19HO. OKL 2661 FT H7SHH02 Luftflottenkommando 3» Chef Ingenieur file, containing corre- spondence with Srprobungsstelle Tarnev/itz, the Keinkel works and the OKL on proposed improvements in air-craft guns and bombs, 19HO. Luftflottenfcommaiido 3, OKL 2665 H7&H652 Luftilottenkommando 3» Luftflottenintendant file, containing Luf t f lo 1 1 enint e ndant ; correspondence on civilian office and kitchen workers in France, 19HO. Luftflottenkommando 3» IV a OKL 2666 FT H7S5293 Luftflottenkommando 3» section IV a file, containing correspond- ence on matters pertaining to the employment of technical and con- struction workers within the jurisdiction of Luftgaukommando West- frankreich, 19Hi. Hi Luftflottenkommando 3» OKL 2667 Luftflottenkommando 3» Luftflottenintendant file, containing Luf t fl o 11 en i nt endant correspondence with the Luftgaukommandos of France, Belgium and Hol- land on the substitution of female off.ia© workers for soldiers in the Serial Eoll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Hot es offices of the Luftgaukommandos, and some correspondence on construc- tion and technical workers, 19^1. Ml Luftflottenkommando 3, OKL 2669 2T Luftflottenintendant file, containing correspondence on the - Luftflottenintendant supply of suitable winter uniforms for Luftflotte 3» 19^0« 1*2 GEL 26?0 FT Luftflottenintendant file, containing correspondence on the supply of the units of the Luftflotte with suitable uniforms and shoes, 19*10 .- 191*1. OKL 2671 IT Luftflotteriintend.ant file, containing correspondence on the worft done "by the units of the Luftflotte 3 for the German Red Cross and the Winterhilfe, as well as instructions on the sums to he paid by officers fox* lodgings off "base while the units were stationed around Munich and later in Prance, 19^0 - 1Q1&. Luftflottenintendant file, containing copies of "Frontnachrich- tenblatt der Luftwaffe,11 as well as photographs of various members of the Luft-v-affe v.uo had been awarded the Hitterkreuz and photographs of eneniy aircraft, 19^-1. OKL 2672 TO Luftflottenintendant file, containing directives and daily orders issued "by- the Luf.tga'ofcoiamando Tfestfrankreich and Luftga'ukommandos XII and XIII, v.rHh material on the resale of army food by German soldiers to civilians in occupied areas, preparations to be made in the units for possible visits of officers from the OEL, special pay for the families of wounded soldiers etc., 19^1. Luftflottenkommando 3 OKL 267*1- FT Probably Kriegstagebuch of Luftflottenfcommando 3» (opening pages are missing) containing reports on investigations of suspected espionage in the Channel Islands and in France, 19*10 - 19*&. Cf. OKL 2676. OZL 2675 ^739935 l*iles of a Iflakregiment (number illegible), containing copies of "Gruadsatsliche Befehle der Luftflotte 3," dealing with the care of vehicles attached to the various units, punishment of attempts at suicide, inspections of airfields and special arrangements for preven-*- tion of sicknesses during the summer, 19*41 - 19^3- Luftflottenkomraando 5 OKL 2676 FT ^790031 Probably ICriegstagebuch of Luftflottenko;amando 3* (opening pages are missing) containing reports on investigations cf suspected espionage in the Channel.-Islands and in France, 19^0 - 19^4. Of. OKL 267H. Luftflottenkommando 3» H7901S6 Luftflottenkommando 3» Luftflottenintendant file, containing mis- Luf t flo ttenintendant cellaneous material: newspape-r clippings on rationing and financial matters of France and England, some.correspondence pertaining to con- struction of air-force installations in France, instructions on civilian air-defence and correspondence on the loss of equipment of Luftflottea personnel Serial Roll Item Filmed 1st frame Hotes 35 OKL 2691 FT 1*790&>1* Luftflottenkommando 3 Brieftagebuch Hr. 3 for OKL 2686 FT U790637 Luftflottenkommando 3 copy of "Besondere Anlage 8 zum Mob. Plan (Luftwaffe) (Jftltigkeitsliste der Kriegsstfirke- und AusrtLstungsnach- weisungen, Ausgabe vom 1.10.1937»" prepared by the office of E.d,L. u. Ob.d.L.- G-eheim. OKL 2678 FT 1*790680 Luftflottenkommando 3 copy of "Mobilmachungsplan fttr die Luft- waffe, Ausgabe vom 31, Oktober 1938," prepared "by the office of E.d.L. u. Ob.d.L. Geneim. 1*5 1*5 OKL 2679 FT 1^79076^ LuftfLottenfcommando 3 copy of wAnlagen-Heft zum Mo"b. Plan (Luft- waffe), Ausgabe vom 31. Oktober 1938 »M prepared "by the office of R.d.L. u. Ob.d.L. Creheim. Luftflottenkommando 3 -copy of "Besondere Anlage 1 zum Mo"b. Plan (Luftwaffe) Kriegspitzengliederung der Luftwaffe und Gliederung der hfiheren Koinmandotehfiraen der Luftwaffe im ICriege, Mob. Jalir 1938/39, Ausgabe vom 1.8.1938," prepared by the E.d.L. u. Ob.d.L., Generalstab 2. Abteilung. G-eheime Kommandosache. OKL 2680 FT 1*791123 Luftflottenkommando 3 copy of "Besondere Anlage 2 zum Mob. Plan (Luftwaffe) Listen der Mob.-Einheiten und AufstellungstLbersichten 1939/^» Heuausgabe vom 1.7.39»fl prepared by E.d.L. u. Ob.d.L., Gene- ral stab 2»Abteilung. Geheime Kommandosache. Luftflottenkommando 3 copy of "Besondere Anlage 3 zum Mob. Plan (Luftwaffe) Sonderbestimmungen fdr das Mob. Jahr 1939/^0, l.**.1939,!1 prepared by G-eneralstab 2»Abteilung. G-eheime Kommandosache. OKL 2683 1*791311 Luftflottenfcommando 3 copy of "Besondere Anlage 1* zum Mob. Plan (Luftwaffe) Mobilmachungsendzeiten for das Mob. Jahr 1939/UO, 1.U.1939," prepared by G-eneralstab 2»Abteilung. Geheime Kommandosache. OKL 2681* FT ^791323 Luftflottenkomraando 3 copy of "Besondere Anlage 5 zum ^ob. Plan (Luftwaffe) Vorausmassnahmen, Mob. Jahr 1939/^0* Ausgabe vom Februar 1939»tt prepared by Generalstab 2«Abteilung. Geheime Kommandosache. OKL 2685 FT Luftflottenkommando 3 copy of "Besondere Anlage 6 zum Mob. Plan (Luftwaffe) Bestimmungen filr die linsatzbereitschaft der Luftwaffe Mob. Jahr 1939/1*0, 1.5.1939," prepared by Generalstab 2.Abteilung. Geheime Kommandosache. Luftflottenkommando 3 copy of "Besondere Anlage 11 zum Mob. Plan (Luftwaffe) 2ivile Luftfahrt Mob. Jahr 1939/1*0, Ausgabe vom 25.1.1939," prepared by Generalstab 2,Abteilung. Geheime Kommandosache. OKL 2688 FT 1*791397 Luftflottenkommando 3 copy of "Berondere Anlage 12 zum Mob. Plan Continued (Luftwaffe) Eeichswetterdienst fur das Mob. Jahr 1939/1*0, Ausgabe vom Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Fotes 36 25. Februar 1939»n prepared by Generalstab a Abteilung. Geheime Kommandosache. 1*5 Luftflottenkommando 3 Luftflottenkommando 3 copy of "Besondere Anlage 13 zum Mob. Plan (Luftwaffe), Formationsnummern, Kennzeichen, Erkennungssignale fiir das 11 l^ob%-Jahr 1939/^0» Ausgabe vom 1,^.39» prepared by Generalstab 2, Ab- teilung. Geheime Kommandosache. Luftflottenkomfliando 3 copy of "Besondere Anlage 17 zum Mob. Plan (Luftwaffe) Bestimmungen ffir die Rackfuhrung Mob. Jahr 1939/^0, Ausgabe vom 1. Mai 1939ttt prepared "by Generalstab 2, Abteilung. Geheime Kom- mandosache. Luftverkehrsgruppe OKL 90l* FT Luftverkehrsgruppe copy of "Luftgeographisches Einzelheft Euro- paischer Polarlander," prepared by Generalstab 7. Abteilung, containing maps of the area, 19^*1 • Geheim, OKL 2S1 FT Item of unknown provenance. "Baku und die Apschoren-Halbinsel, Hachtrag zum Luftgeograpihischen Binzelheft der russischen Schwarzmeer- und Kaukasuslftnder,11 .prepared by Generalstab der Luftwaffe, containing maps, photographs and some descriptions of this area, 19**1. Geheim. Luf tverkehr sgruppe OKL 285 *T ^79.2015 Luftverkehrsgruppe copy of "Luftgeographisches Mnzelheft der russischen Schwarsmeer*- und Kaukasuslander," prepared by the General- stab der Luftwaffe, containing photographs of the area, 19*41. Geheim. OKL FT Item of unknown provenance. "Anleitungen fur den luftgeographi- schen Unterricht uber lufopaisch-Eussland," prepared by Generalstab 7. Abteilung, containing descriptions of the area, 19^3« ^tlr £ttr den Dienstgebrauch. Item of unknown provenance. "Luftgeographische Beschreibung Buropaisches-Hassland,n prepared by Generalstab 1. Abteilung, Gruppe Karten, containing photographs, maps and some descriptions of the area, 19H1 • Uur fdr den Bienstgebrauch. GEL 20**5 IT 1*792S05 Item of unknown provenance. "Luftgeographisches Binzelheft, Transkaukasien,tt prepared by Generalstab 7• Abteilung, containing photographs and a few maps of the area, 19^3« 38ur ffir den Dienstge- brauch. Item of unknown provenance* "Luftgeographisches Einzelheft, Mitt el- und Ostrugsland,w prepared by the Generalstab der Luftwaffe, containing photographs of the area, 19^*2. Hur fur den Dienstgebrauoh. OKL 290 FT **793350 Item of unknown provenance. "Luftgeographische Beschreibung der Balkanlander, 1. Band Ost-Balkan," prepared by t?^e Generaletab 7. Abteilung, containing photographs of the area, 1943. Geheim. Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 37 Item of unknown provenance. "Luftgeographische Beschreibung oia 292 FT ^7936^5 n der Balkanlander, 2e Band SUd-Balkan, prepared "by the Generalstab 7. Abteilung, containing photographs of the area, 19^3» Geheim. OKL 291 FT 1*79*1005 Item of unknown provenance,, "Luftgeographische Beschreibung der Balkanlander, 3» Band N¥~Balkan," prepared by the Luftwaffen- fflhrungsstab, containing photographs of the area, 19MJ» Geheim. OKI, 289 Item of unknown provenance, "Luftgeographische Beschreibung wichtiger Flugstrecken des Ost~ und StLd-Balkans," prepared by Gene- ralstab 7. Abteilung, containing sections I, 1 and V out of OKL 291-292 dealing with flights over the Balkan area in bad weather. liFur f&r den Dienstgebrauch. OKL 735 FT ^79^338 Item of unknown provenance. "Luftgeographische Beschreibung, Tttrkei,11 prepared by Generalstab 1« Abteilung, Gruppe Karten, coo- taining aerial photographs of IPurkey, 19^1« Kar fflr den Dienstge- brauch. OKL 905 FT Item of unknown provenance,, "Luftgeographisches Einzelheft, Westturkestan,H prepared by the Generalstab der Luftwaffe, containing maps and photographs of the area, 19^1. $ur fur den Dienstgebrauch. Item of unknown provenance, ''Luftgeographisches Einzelheft, Iran," prepared by the Generalstab der Luftwaffe, containing photo- graphs and descriptions of Iran, 19^1. Jhir ftLr den Dienstgebrauch. Item of unknown provenance. "Luftgeographische Beschreibung des Irak,n prepared by Generalstab 7* Abteilung, containing maps and photographs of Iraq, 19^2* HOT fdr den Dienstgebrauch0 OKL 2610 FT Item of unknown provenance. "Luftgeographische Beschreibung der Atlasifinder, 1. Band, Tunesien, containing photographs and descriptions of Tunesia, 19*1-3. $ur f€r den Dienstgebrauch, OKL 92S FT ^795726 Item of unknown provenance. Detailed map of Antalya, special edition for the air-force, with possible targets marked on it. Ho date. CKL U795729 Item of unknown provenance. "?erzeichnis der bei der Luft- waffe vorhandenen ICarten, Luftgeographischen Bearbeitungen, Reliefs und Militargeographischen Arbeiten, Stand vom 1. JanUar 19^2," pre- pared by Generalstab 7. Abteilung. Duplicate omitted. Luftflottenkommando 6» OKL 2312 FT ^795353 Luftflottenkommando 6, Ffihrungsabteilung la Kriegstagebucher, 50 Fflhrungsabteilung la QKL 3S5 FT ^79597^ containing daily weather reports, reports on the military situation OKL 382a-b FT in general and detailed reports on the operations conducted by the 51 51 OKL 3S6a-b FT units of Luftflotte 6 in Czechoslovakia, iq^3 - ityF), OKL 2312 Continued OKL 3S7a-b FT ^79803 contains material for July 19^1 to Ma,y 1QU4; OKL 3^^ contains material Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes for February 19^5; 3S2a-b contain material for March 19*45; 3S6a-b and 387a~b contain material for April 19^5. Two other Kriegstage- bilcher of Luftflotte 6 for March and April 19*45 are OKL 383 and OKL Sl6a~b. 51 51 Heeres Flakartillerie OKL 2571 FT 1*798879 Heeres Flakartillerie Abteilung 273 file, containing "Merk- Abteilung 273 blatt zur Luftwaffen-UntersMtzung," prepared by Pansergruppe Ifest, Abt. la/Fliegerverbindungsoffizier, March 19^4. The file contains also aerial photographs of Gross Wartenberg, Schildberg and Kampen, no date, R-52 R-52 Luftwaffenchef Abteilung OKL 203^ FT Luftwaffenchef Abteilung II B file, containing two propaganda II B leaflets presumably written by German POW!s in Russia, information on Russian propaganda in POW camps given by escaped German prisoners, as well as names of instructors in the Russian camps and names of newly taken German prisoners who had been brought to the POIf camp, 19*12. Kriegswissenschaftliche Abteilung der Luftwaffe file, contain- ing material sent there from Kriegsgefangenenlager der Luftwaffe ITr, 2 in Litzmannstadt, chiefly lists of aaps and charts of Russian air- ports - the maps and charts themselves had been presumably mailed separately, 19^2. ? OKL 2277 FT ^799000 Item of unknown provenance. Map showing the distribution of the units of Luftflottenkommando Reich, June 19^4J4# OKL Wl IT 1*799003 Item of unknown provenance0 List of the fighting and adminis- trative units under the command of General der Deutschen Luftwaffe in Italien, October 19UU. Schwere Slakabteilung 33^ OKL 2365 FT ^799059 Schwere Flakabteilung 33^- file, containing miscellaneous mate- rial! some Luftflottenbefehle of Luftflottenkommando 2 for November correspondence of the evacuation of German children in March leaflet containing a speech of encouragement to the troops in September 19^, and t¥O charts of the unit under the command of the Koinmandierende General der Luftwaffe in Italien for April and May Terbindungstab zum Komman- OKL 2605 FT H799101 Verbindungstab zura Kommandant der italienischen Luftwaffe und dant der italienischen Luft- der deutschen Verbindungstelle zu CAI, Kriegstagebuch for the period waffe und der deutschen from August 19*40 to February Verbindungstelle zu CAI; Kontroll-Kommission der OKL 396a-b FT ^799130 Kontroll-Kommission der Luftwaffe V, Kriegstagebuch containing Luftwaffe V reports on the inspections carried out by the commission in air-force units in France and Italy, Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 39 53 GKL 2036 IT 1*800073 Item of unknown provenance. "Besondere Anordnungen filr das Kraftfahrv/esen," issued "by the:General .derDeutschen Luftwaffe "beim Oberkommando der KGL» Italienischen Luftwaffe, numbers 1-38 for 19^3* Forschungsfiihrung des OKL 2705 FT US00261 Forschungsfflhrung des Rod.L» u, Ob.d.L*. Das Geschaftfilhrende 5** R,daL, u, Ob,d,Le, Das Ge- Mitglied Dr. G-eorgi file, containing correspondence and reports of schaftx'fclironde Miliglied meetings in which new armaments for the Luftwaffe were discussed, Dr. Georgi; March 19^. Luftzeugamt (See) Travemftnde OKL 2708 FT 1*800^05 Loftzeugamt (See) Travemflnde file, containing Underunganweisun- gen issued "by E,,d.Lo u» Ob.d«L., L E II, mostly instructions for the changes to be made in experimental planes, 1937 - 1938. OKL 2706, FT 1*8006^2 Items of unknown provenance. Report on the 2707 compiled from the Eriegstagetrficher of Luftflotten 2, 3 an& 5» con- taining reports on the bombing operations carried out by the Luft- flotten over England and over the English Channel. OKL 2706 contains the details of bombing operations over land from August 19^0 to March 19^1; OKL 2707 contains reports on bombing operations in the Channel from August 19^0 to June 19^1, Photostats. Interesting material, Deutsches Rotes Kreuz, OKL 2719 FT U8007S7 Deutsches Rotes Kreuz, Presidium copy of RLuftfahrttechnik, Presidium Studiengang - Berufswege," prepared by Dr. Gustav Adolf Scheel of the Reichsstudentenwerk, containing instructions on how to apply for grants for studies in Luftfahrttechnik, 19*&. Photostat. Innwerk Bayerische Aluminium OKL 2716 FT **800969 Innwerke Bayarische Aluminium A.G., I^Hlnchen file, containing A.G. , Mdnchen progress reports on experiments with new turbines, no date. Filmed as a sample of similar technical reports. OKL 2712 3T U801032 Item of unknown provenance,. Reports on the experiments carried out in Rechlin (no dates) and report on a conference held at Rechlin between the RLM and the technical staff of the Erprobungstelle on testing of bombs, February 19^. nugfiink-Forschungsinstitut, OEL 2721 FT 3*801180 Flugfunk-Forschungsinstitut, Oberpfaffenhofen file, containing Oberpfaffenhofen correspondence concerning request for foreign language publications, especially technical articles, 1938 - 19^2. 55 55 Erprobungstelle der Ltift- QKL 2722 FT Erprobungstelle der Luftwaffe Tarnewitz file, containing reports waffe Tarnewitz on the experiments with bombs and bomb-like materials conducted there, and reports on the production of short instruction films for the Luft- waffe, 19la - 19^2. Flugfunk-Forschungsinstitut, Oberpfaffenhofen file, containing correspondence on construction of further facilities for the institute and special contracts between the institute and architects, Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes

56 56 Deutsche Forschungsanstalt OKI 2725 FT ^802331 Deutsche Forschungsanstalt fur Segelflug file, containing cor- fdr Segelflug respondence on personnel questions, especially on exemptions of person- nel of the Forschungsanstalt from the draft, 19^1. R.d,La u. Ob.d,L., General- GKL 2726 FT 1*802551 R«d.L0 u. Ob.d.L., Generalluftzeugmeister, Technisches Amt LC 7 II luftzeugmeister, Technisches file, containing reports of various firms on experiments conducted with Jtat LC 7 II; the new materials from which bombs could be constructed, 19^-1 • Erprobungstelle der Luft- OKL 2727 FT 1&027S2 Erprobungstelle der Luftwaffe, Tarnewitz file, containing reports waffe, Tarnewitz on the experiments carried out in the Erprobungstelle in the second half of 19*0.. R.d.L. u. Ob.d.L,, GL., OKL 2728 FT H802S37 R.d.L. u. Ob,d,L.I Generalluftzeugmeister, Technisches Amt LC Technisches Amt LC 7 V S 7 V E file, containing correspondence with the construction firm Richard Schneider in Rauenstein, TMringen, concerning concrete construction work to be done for the Luftwaffe, 19^1, OKL 2729 FT Deutsche Forschungstelle fur Segelflug, Darmstadt file, contain- ing correspondence on the experiments carried out with the Humbold Se- gelflugzeug, 1937 - 1938e Oberb&rgermeister, Lubeck OKL 2730 FT **S02901 Oberbflrgermeister, Lttbeck file, containing letters of condolence written by various other Surgermeister to the Burgermeister of Lubeck commiserating with him on the bombing of Lubeck by British , March 19^2. nugfunk-Forschungsinstitut, OKL 2739 US02927 Flugfunk-Forschungsinstitut, Oberpfaffenhofen file, containing Oberpfaffenhofen correspondence with the Beschaffungsamt der deutschen Bibliotheken concerning the loan of technical books and articles, 19^U» OEL FT U803223 Flugfunk-Forschungsinstitut, Oberpfaffenhofen file, containing correspondence on personnel matters of the institute and some cor- respondence with self-styled inventors who submitted their suggestions to the professors of the institute, 19^3• 57 57 OKL 2737 FT Forschungsinstitut file, containing correspondence with the Deutsche Akademie der Luftfahrtforschung concerning the loan of the publications for the Akademie to the Forschungsinstitut, 19^3* Technisches Institut der OKL 2731 FT Technisches Institut der Luftkriegsakademie, Berlin-Gatow copy Luftkriegsakadernie, Berlin- of "Deutsche Luftfahrtforschung, Untersuchungen und Mitteilungen Gatow Kr. 626, Bber ein Verfahren zur Herstellung hoher mechanischer Stoff- beschleunigungen und seine Verwendung bei der Entwicklung mechanischer f Stossprdfanlagen9' March 19^1«, Filmed as a sample. Beauftragter des Reichsmi- OKL 2732 FT U803783 Beauftragter des Reichsministers fur Bewaffnung und Munition nisters fur Bewaffnung und copy of a report on Hohlraumbomben prepared by the Forschungsanstalt Munition Graf Zeppelin, Stuttgart-Rait, January Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Hotes 57 57 B.d.L. u. Ob.d.L., General- OKL 2736 FT UB03S13 R.d.Lo u. Ob.doL., Generalluftzeugmeister, Amt luftzeugmeister, LC 2 file, containing reports on the number.of experiments carried Amt LC 2; out at the ErproTmngstelle Travenrfinde, 19^0, Ilugfunk-Forschungsinstitut, OKL 27^2 FT Flugfunk-Forschungsinstitut, Ot>erpfaffenhofen file, containing Oberpfaffenhofen correspondence on personnel matters with old and prospective employees, and correspondence with various firms concerning the circulation of technical articles issued "by the Forschungsinstitut or translated "by it, 19U2. Forschungsinstitut, Oberpfaffenhofen file "Verschiedenes A-L" M 5S 5S and "Yerschiedenes A-Z, containing miscellaneous correspondence with the members of the institute and the firms interested in its publications, 19**1*. OKL 271*5 FT l*S05glS Forschungsinstitut file "235 &-S,n containing correspondence and accounts of the firms which received the publications of the institute, 191*3 - 19l|l*. 010, 271*6 IT' 1*306212 Forschungsinstitut file "Yerschiederse Buchhandlungen,n con- taining correspondence with publishers and with firms receiving the publications of the institute, 19U1J, 59 59 Kommando der Erprobung- Kommando der Erprobungstellen file, containing correspondence stellen with the Srprobungstelle Rechlin on the organization of the Erpro- bungstelle, Janua.ry 19U5» OKL 14^069 6U Kommando der Srprobungstellen file, "65 a/2 I-IV," containing reports and correspondence of the Luftflotten members of the Kommando who visited various Erprobungstellen, discussing new models and lists of types of planes to be given out to them and special injunctions to the Luftflotten to follow only the established official channels in correspondence, 19l*2 - 19^* Brprobungstelle der Luft- OKL 2750 FT i*g07518 Erprobungstelle der Luftwaffe, Travenrfinde file, containing waffe, TravemiLnde copies of contracts issued by R.d.L. u. Ob«.d.L.f Chef der techni- schen LuftrfUtung to various firms for the production of photographic equipment for the Luftflotte, 191*1*. Otto Schickert & Co., £*-&., OKL 2751 FT l*S075l*l Otto Schickert & Co., K.-G-., Iferk Bad Lauterberg file, contain- Werk Bad Lauterberg ing correspondence with ELektrochemische Werke Mlinchen A.G. and Ingenieur Walter Kunzel, Fabrik H. Walter K.G. in Berlin concerning the use of raw materials by these firms and the possibility of obtain- ing further quotas from the KLM, 19^2 - 19^1*, Reichsluftfahrtministerium, OKL '275!* FT 1*807592 RLM, Wehrmachtauskunftstelle file, containing correspondence Wehrmachtauskunftstelle of the Auskunftstelle with the families of missing Luftwaffe person- nel, 191*1*. Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 42 60 60 Koramando der Erprobung* OKL 2741 FT 4S078S2 Kommando der Irprobungstellen file, "Erprobungsschwerpunktsbe- stellen richte der E1Stellen, 21.6,43 - 31.12.43," containing the weekly re- ports of the Erprobungstellen in Rechlin, Travemilnde, Tarnewitz, Karlshagen, Udetfeld, Monster Nord, Iferneuchen and Cazaux, 19^3» Various See "below See "below Abschussmeldungen of various Flak units containing the reports of the actual Flak unit shooting down the plane as well as the witnes~ ses of the shooting who substantiate the evidence, 1944. The folders were not filmed in numerical sequence but rather rearranged according to unit. The numbers on each Serial are listed in order of filming, but the cross references to the Serials containing the other Abschuss- meldungen list only the inclusive numbers. OKL 2760 FT 4808475 461 RAD Flakbatterie; OKL 2761 FT 480S489 Schwere Flakabteilung z.b.V. 9972; OKL 2762 FT 4808671 Schwere jlakabteilung 442; OKL 2763 FT 480884? Schwere Flakabteilung 537t OKL 2764 FT 4808869 Schwere Flakabteilung 2SO; OKL 2787 FT 4808896 Schwere 51akabteilung 280; OKL 2765 FT 4808925 Flaksturrnregiment 1^1 (mot); OKL 2766 FT 4809191 Leichte Hakabteilung S65; 61 61 OECL 2767 FT 4809326 Schwere Plakabteilung 537 J OKL 2768 FT 4809354 Hakgruppe Augsburg; OKL 2769 FT 4809373 Hakgruppe Hannover; OKL 2770 FT 4809385 Hakgruppe Milnster; OKL 2771 FT 4809430 Schwere Plakabteilung OKL 2772 FT 4809739 Schwere flakabteilung 429; OKL 2773 FT 4809858 Schi^ere Batterie 20b.T9 6395; OKL 2774 FT 4809969 Leichte Plakabteilung 873; OKL 2775 FT 4810020 G-em. flakabteilung 153; OKL 2790 FT 4810095 Gem. Jlakabteilung 153» OKL 2776 FT 4810144 Pallschirm Plakregiment Herman G-ttring; OKL 2780 FT 4810190 Fallschirm Flakregiment Herman G6ring; OKL 2786 FT 4810240 Fallschrim Flakregiment Herman Gflring; OKL 2777 FT 4810341 Schwere Hakabteilung 423; OKL 2778 FT 4810497 Hakregiment 27 (mot); OKL 2779 FT 4810507 Leichte Flakabteilung 89; OKL 2781 FT 4810542 Leichte Flakabteilung 89; 62 62 OKL 2798 FT 4810631 I-III Abschussineldung of Leichte 51akabteilung 89; Continued OKL 2782 FT 4811638 Abschussmeldung of Schwere Flakabteilung 3H? Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Uotes 63 63 Various OKL 2783 FT 4811887 Slakgruppe Mftnchen Sfid; OKL 2785 FT 1*812153 Schwere Flakabteilung 552 (folder does not belong to file); OKL 2788 FT 4S12376 Flakregiment 22; OKL 2791 FT 4812660 Hakregiment 130; OKL 2792 FT ^12795 Flakabteilung 157; OKL 2793 FT 4813088 Abschussmeldung of Leichte Flakabteilung 74; OKL 2794 FT 4813607 I-III Abschussmeldung of Leichte Flakabteilung S4l; 65 65 OKL 2795 FT 4814589 I-11 Abschussmeldung of Schwere Flakabteilung 942; 66 66 OKL 2796 FT 4815711 I-III Abschussmeldung of Schwere Flakabteilung 631; OKL 2799 FT 4816404 Abschussmeldung of Schwere Falkabteilung 5^6. OKL 2784 FS 4816726 Item of unknown provenance. File containing: "Mitteilungen fftr die Truppen," issued by the Hationalsozialistischer Ffihrungsstab der ¥ehrmacht in December 1944; "Gedankenfi&rung," a leaflet contain- ing a speech of encouragement to the troops by General Bayer to be read by the commanding officer of the unit to the troops» and a pro- clamation of the deutsche Oberbefehlshaber (without date or signature) concerning the shooting of civilians who are cought either without special permit or those suspected of giving aid to the enemy. OKL 2789 FT 4816743 Item of unknown provenance. Unused forms for Arbeitsauftrage and Arbeitskontrolle, as well as a form of the Deutsche Berufserzie- hungswerk, Amt fur Berufserziehung und Betriebsfiihrung der BAF, OKL 2052 FT 4816780 Item of unknown provenance* Report prepared by the Erprob\mg- stelle Travernilnde on the Winterballon, a torpedo which would penetrate ice, December 1944. Chef der Technischen OKL 2306 FT 4816797 Chef der Technischen Luftrftstung C-E 9 copy of a report pre- Luftriistung C-E 9 pared by the Bailistisches Institut der Technischen Jikademie der Luft- waffe in Berlin-Gatow on torpedos and electrically timed bombs, Decem- ber 1944. Reichskriegsministerium, OKL 2051 FT 4816872 Reichskriegsministerium, Wehrwirtschaftsstab copy of "Besondere Wehrwirtschaftsstab Anlage 10 sum Mob*Flan (Luftwaffe), Anordnungen des Oberbefehlshabers der Luftwaffe f&r den zivilen Luftschutz, Mob. Jahr 1938/39," the Anordnung was to become effective on April 1, 193^. Geheim. ¥ehrmeldeamt, Hallein OKL 2050 FT 4816930 Wehriaeldeamt, Hallein copy of "Besondere Anlage 10 zum Mob. Flan (Luftwaffe), Anordnungen des Reichsministers der Luftfahrt und Oberbefehlshabers der Luftwaffe filr den zivilen Luftschutz, Mob, Jahr 1939/40." 6? 67 Reichskriegsministerium, OKL 2138 FT 4816997 Wehrwirtschaftsstab copy of "Besondere Anlage 1 zum Mob. Plan Continued Wehrwirtschaftsstab (Luftwaffe), Kriegsspitzengliederung der Luftwaffe und Gliederung der Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes HSheren Kommandobelidrden der Luftwaffe im Kriege, Mob. Jahr 1937/38, Ausgabe vom 28. Jamiar 1937•" The changes which were introduced in the. .Mob. Plan in 1938 were entered in this copy in January 1938. Geheime Kommandosache. 67 67 OKL 2113 FT 1*817088 Item of unknown provenance. "Berichtigung Nr. 2 zur Besonderen Anlage 10 des Moo.-Planes (L), Ausgabe vom 1.1,39»" prepared "by R.d.L. u9 Ob.d.L., Generalstat 2. A"bteilung in March 1939» Wehrraeldeamt, Hallein OKL 2057 FT ¥ehrmeldeamt, Hallein copy of "Besondere Anlage lU zum Mob.Plan (Luftwaffe) die Personelle Srgflnzung der Loftvaffe im Iriege, Ausgabe April 19^0," prepared by Generalstab 2. Abteilung. Geheim. OKL 2ll*3 FT 1*817195 Item of unknown provenance. M8U Ziele der !fehrv/irtschaft - Rdckverlegung der Rttstungsindustrie, Stand 1. Sept. 19^3»" prepared by the Luftwaffenffihrungsstab Ic/I7, Geheim. RLH, Auswertestelle Ost ELMt Auswertestelle Ost copy of "SU Fliegertruppe, Terbande im Fronteinsatz, Stand: Mitte September 19HU," prepared by Luftvaffen- fuhrungsstab Ic/Fremde Luftwaffen Ost, Geheim. Photostat. OKL 2103 1*817385 Item of unknown provenance. "Frontflugzeuge der Sowjet-Union, Stand: 1.5.19^2, Zusammengestellt auf Grund von Beutematerial durch Lw - 1C, A.O.K. U.w Item of unknown provenance, "flbersetzung der Dienstvorschrift tlber das Zusaramenwirken der Iliegertruppe mit den Erdtruppen. Heraus- gegeben vom Generalstab der Soten Armee, Milita> Terlag des Volks- kofflfflissariats f6.r die Yerteidigung, Moskau 19HU." No indication as to who did the translation. Geheim. Photostat. OKL 2259 FT Item of unknown provenance., MSU Beobachterausbildung, besonders filr Aufklarung und Fernkempffliegerverbande," January 19^5* Photostat. OKL 2281* FT 1*817**76 Item of unknown provenance. "Fflhrungsstab der SU iliegertruppe, Vorschrift zur Kampfausbildung der Schlachtflieger der SU Fliegertruppe, 19^3»n Bto indication as to when or by whom the translation was made. Item of unknown provenance, "SU Fliegertruppe, Eussische Ab- Irflrzungen, Stand: Ifov. 19^U," prepared by Luftwaffenfuhrungsstab Ic Fremde Luftwaffen Ost. Nor fttr den Bienstgebrauch. OKL 2301* FT Item of unknovm provenance. Collection of newspaper clippings from German, Czech and Scandinavian newspapers on the Russian air- force for the period 1929 - 1939* Geheim Archiv Geheim Archiv copy of "Werke der SU-Luftrdstungsindustrie unter besonderer Berdcksichtigung der Flugzeugzubehdrwerke, Stand? 1,1 prepared by Chef der technischen Luftrilstung, TLR-RfiL. Geheim. Serial Soil Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 67 OKL 2283 F? Item of unknown provenance. "Die Fliegergruppe in der Flie- gertruppe der E.A.," probably prepared in 19^, but there is no indication as to who prepared it. OKL 2087 ST Item of unknown provenance. "Ausbildungsplan der Heeres- llakartillerie-Ausbildungs-Batterie (schwere und leichte) giving details of the general and specialized training which Hakregiments received. Ho date and no author. OKL 2088 FT 1*817666 Item of unknown provenance,, "Ausbildungsplan der Ballonaus- bildungsbatterie," giving instructions for the training of ICO!s for 3allonbatterien0 No date, no author. OKL 2089 FT 1*817691 Item of unknown provenance. nAusbildungsplfine f£r Hiegerab- wehr-Ausbildungskompanie (mot)»!l giving instructions on the training of iTCO1s for Flak companies. No date, no author. Item of unknown provenance. "Merkblatt fur die Pferdehaltung der Luftwaffe." Ho date, no author. Item of unknown provenance. Leaflet: "Was muss der Kanonier der mittleren und leichten Flak von der Munition wissen? Anhalt fftr den Unterricht durch die Zugfflhrer oder Munitionsunteroffiziere» Anlage b zu VSB-1LAX 12 (Juni/l£).w Luftkriegschule (K.O.N.) 9 OKL 2100a FT 1*817762 Luftkriegschule (K.O.>T.) 9 copy of a pamphlet ^Kriegswissen- schaftliche Skizzen fdr die Luftwaffe, Heft 1," prepared by Chef Generalstab 8. Abteilung, containing short articles on the importance of military history and on the scientific knowledge which all officers should have, July 19^. Nur filr den Dienstgebrauch. OKL 2100c FT U817760 Luftkriegschnie (K.O.H.) 9 copy of a pamphlet nKriegswissen- schaftliche Skizzen for die Luftwaffe, Heft 3»" prepared by Chef Ge- neralstab 8. Abteilung, containing articles on geography and history and a discussion of German strategy in Europe from the eighteenth to the twentieth century, October 19^« $&r f^r den Dienstgebrauch. OKL 2100d FT U817S07 Luftkriegschule (£,0,10 9 copy of "Kriegswissenschaftliche Skizzen fftr die Luftwaffe, Heft ^," prepared by Chef General stab S. Abteilung, containing articles on the use to be made by officers of their experiences at the front in training new recruits» Hovem- ber 19^o Uur fdr den Dienstgebrauch. OKI, 2100e 1*817838 Luftkriegschule (K^O.E,) 9 copy of "Kriegswissenschaftliche Skizzen ffir die Luftwaffe, Heft 5," prepared by Chef Generals tab S. Abteilung, containing articles on the Preussischer Landsturra and Preussische Landwehr, December 19^. Hur f&r den Dienstgebrauch. Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Uotes U6 67 on, 207^ FT Item of unknown provenance. Leaflet prepared by the office of Chef des Ss.nita'tswesens der Luftwaffe in March 19^ entitled: "Zusatzblatt zum Einlegen in die Anweisung fdr Truppen&rzte liber Malaria vom 23.9.19**3." Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, OKL 21l2a FT Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, Chef des Wehrmachtsanita'tswesens Chef des ^ehrmachtsanitSLts- copy of "SanitHtsbericht uber die Luftwaffe ftr das Jahr 1935/36 wesens (1. October bis 30. September) herausgegeben von der Sanit&tsin- spektion der Luftwaffe." Kur fflr den Dienstgebrauch, with hand- written note added giving permission to treat the pamphlet as open material from January 19*4-5 on« OKL 2112b FT Chef des ¥ehrmachtsanitfttswesens copy of "Sanit&tsbericht •ttber die Luftwaffe fdr das Jahr 1936/37 (1. Oktober bis 30. Septem- ber) herausgegeben vom Chef des Sanitfttswesens der Luftwaffe*," Nor filr den Dienstgebrauch, with handwritten note giving permission to treat the pamphlet as open material from January 19^5• OKL 2069 HS17991 Item of unknown provenance. List of necessary supplies pre- pared by Luftflottensrzt Reich in March 19**5t requesting the monthly medical supplies for the Luftflotte, OKL 2061 FT 1&1S020 Item of unfcown provenance. . "Mitteilungen aus dem G-ebiet der Luftfahrtmedizin herausgegeben vom Inspekteur des SanitStswesens der Luftwaffe. Porschungsbericht 10/1*2: Hdhenunffille, Hflhenzwischenfalle (durch Sauerstoffmangel) zusammengestellt auf Grand der Sliegera'rztli- chen Erfahrungsberichte," prepared by Dr. H. Becker-1'reysing in the Reichsluftfahrtrainisterium, 19^*0 - 19Ul. Ilur fdr den Dienstgebrauch. Heeresbauamt I, M&nster See "below See below Heeresbauamt I, Mtinster copies of "Bestimmungen fdr den 3au von Luftschutz-Bankern," prepared by the H.d.L. u. Ob.d.L,, Inspektion des Luftschutzes in July 19**1. 1*318056 Heft I Allgemeines, Planung und Grundrissgestaltung; Heft II Konstruktive Ausbilduiig; Eeft III Beluftung, Heizung und Kiihlung; Heft IV Wasserversorgung und Entw&sserung. 68 68 Item of unknovm provenance. "?orl&ufige Ortsanweisung fdr den Luftschutz der ZivilbevBlkerung, Abschnitt VIII Luftschutzsanitftts- dienst, Ausgabe 193o»" prepared by the office of R.deL. ue Ob.d.L. liar fur den Dienstgebrauch. OKL 2586 FT US18335 Item of unknown provenance. "Vorlaufige Ortsanweisung f&r den Luftschutz der Zivilbevfilkerung, Abschnitt XII LuftschutzveterinAr- dienst," probably prepared by the office R.d.L. u. Ob.d.L., 1935- Hur f£Lr den Dienstgebrauch. Provenance Item - Filmed 1st frame Hotes M-7

OKL 2099 FT U81825S Item of unknown provenance* "Erfahrungsbericht uber die TJbun- gen des zivilen Luftschutzes im Rechnungsjahr 1936,n prepared by the office of R.d.L. u. Ob.d.L. and issued in 1937» Geheim. Item of unknown provenance. "Bemerkungen zu den tTbungen des zivilen Luftschutzes im Jahre 193^*n prepared by the office of the Reichsminister der Luftfahrt. Har fur den Dienstgebrauch. OKI 2131 FT Item of unknown provenance. "Der Werkluftschutz, Teil II, Ausbildung im -Jerkluftschutz, Heft 1: Tferkluftschutz-Ausbildung,n prepared by the office of R.d.L. u. Ob.d.L. in 19U2. OKI 2090 FT 1&1S363 Item of unknown provenance. "Feuerschutzmassnahmen in Flak- und Flakscheinwerferstellungen, besondere Anlage zu VSR-Flak 13 fl (Juli U3)» prepared by the office of R.d.L. u. Ob.dfcL., General der ilakwaffe, Abt. 3efestigungen. See "below See below Items of unknown provenance. Four booklets "Vorlaufige Richt- linien fiir die Ausbildung der- Offizieranw&rter der Luftwaffe," printed in Berlin: Reichsdruckerei, 1936. Wo author. Geheim. OKL 20?2a FT . Teil I A-C Fliegertruppe; OKL 2072b FT Teil II A u. "B Flakartillerie; OKL 2072c FT Teil III A u. B Luftnachrichtentruppe; OKL 206? KP Teil 17 Gemeinsamer Luftkriegsschullehrgang. OKL 2068 FT Item of unknown provenance. ^Sonderheft: Berufsarten des tech- nischen Personals der Fliegertruppe und die dazugeh&rigen ITummern der Ausbildungszweige fiir das Aasfflllen der Kopfleisten von Wehrstammbuch und Yerwendungskarten gem. L.Dv.75/H Ausgabe Juli 19UU," prepared by the Reichsminister der Luftfahrt, General der Truopentechnik/I. Mir fdr den Dienstgebrauch. OKL 211^ FT 1*818565 Item of unknown provenance. "Anweisung f£lr die Abgabe von Per- sonalmeldungen im Bereich der Luftwaffe (PM Anxi'eisungen),H prepared by Oberkommando der Luftwaffe, Lw.-Kehramt/Chef-Abt., November 19i|U. Hur fiir den Dienstgebrauch. OKL 2108 FT 1*818626 Item of unknown provenance. Book of the series "Die deutschen Luftstreitkr&fte von ihrer Entstehung bis zum Snde des Weltkrieges 1918,1> issued by RLM, Kriegswissenschaftliche Abteilung der Luftwaffe, Volume ?: Die technische Bntwicklung der Flakwaffe bis zum Ende des ¥eltkrieges, Berlin;Mittler und Sohn, 1942. F.F.Seh. C 10* Dv.-Verw, F.F.Sch. C 10, Dv.-Verw. copy of pamphlet "Spezial- u. Stamm- personal der Luftwaffe, Ausgabe v. 1.9.19143." Nur fur den Dienst- gebrauch. Serial Boll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 68 6S Laftwaffenhelfer Betreuungs- OKL 2093& Luftwaff enhelfer Betreuungsoffizier copy of "Luftwaff enhelfer, offizier mit Nachtrag I, II und III," containing the regulations under which high school students were to be taken into the Luftwaffe as part time helperst while continuing their education for part of the week, 19^2. ITur fur den Bienstgebrauch. See also EG 1033 90-150. OZL 2129 FT Item of unknown provenance. "Dienstordnung fur Luf twaffenhel- ferinnen, Heft 2. Jlakv/affenhelferinnen, " prepared "by R.d.L. u. Ob.d.L., Chef d. Lw./Ag ziv Pers., December 19^3* Kbntrollinspektion Afrika OKL 2101b FT Kontrollinspektion Afrika copy of "Die Wehrbetreuung der Luft- waffe, Zusammenstellung der grand sfttzlichen Verfttgungen, " prepared by the Luf twaffenfflhrungs stab Ic/VIII, 19^1. Item of unknown provenance, "Die Wehrbetreuung der Luftwaffe, Anweisung ffir den Wehrbetreuungsoff izier, " prepared by the Luftwaff en- fHhrungsstab Ic, September 19^2. Jfur f&r den Dienstgebrauch. Item of unknoivn provenance. "Vorlaufige Sonderbestimrnungen filr Luftwaffenttbungen vom l.U.193^, " probably prepared by R.d.L. u. Ob.d.L. , LA III. Hur filr den Dienstgebrauch. Reichsfcriegsministeriura, OKI 2136 FT 1*819113 Reichskriegsministerium, Wehrmachtversorgungsabteilung copy of *f ehrmach t ver so rgung sa"b t eilung "VorlSuf ige Of f izierergansungsbestimmung der Luftwaffe, " prepared by the office of R.d.L. u. Ob.d.L., November 1936. OKL 2123 FT 14619161 Reichskriegsministerium, ¥ehrmachtversorgungsabteilung copy of "Bestinuimngen Mr die Erganzung der Gefreiten und des Unteroffizier- korps der Luftwaffe," prepared by the office of R.d.L. u. Ob.d.L,, May 1936. OKL 2121 FT Item of unknown provenance. "Merkblatt: Das Luftbild im Dienst des Heeres," prepared by R.d.L. u. Ob.d.L., G-eneralstab 3« Abteilung, 193^. BIT fflr den Dienstgebrauch. OKL 2106 FT U&L9217 Item of unknown provenance. Leaflet containing "51ue;zeuganspra- chen, " abbreviations used instead of the full names of G-ernian and British planes, prepared by Hakartillerie IV, Lehrstab I, August OKL 2109 IT US19230 Item of unknown provenance, "Hinweise filr die flakartilleristi- sche Ausbildiing,n prepared by the Luf tverteidigungskommando U, I a, October 1939» ^ar $&* den Dienstgebrauch, OKL 21^7 FT U619262 Item of unknown provenance. "Merkblatt -fiber die Behandlung von Blindg&ngern englischer Fliegerbomben, " prepared by the office of the Generalluftzeugmeister LC 7» August 19^0. Nur fur den Dienstgebrauch. OKL 2091* FT Item of unknown provenance. "Ersatzwort© Ulr den Funkverkehr, " prepared by the office of the Generalnachrichtenfuhrer in the OICL, containing the code names of offices Bud units, new edition, 19^. Geheim, Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame ITotes 68 68 Chef der Technischen Luft- GEL 21^0 FT US19398 Chef der Technischen Luftrttstung/H.S 10 copy of a report on 10 the relative strength of the Axis versus the Allies in raw material, prepared by the Chef TLR-Rtt, August 19*&. Geheime-Kommandosache. Photostat. n 69 69 Item of unknown provenance. Anleitung fur den Pressedienst," prepared by the office of S.d.L. u. Ob.d,L,, containing the procedure through which interviews and inspections of air-force installations by the press are to be organized, 1938. OKI Item of unknown provenance. "Eichtlinien filr den Befestigungs- bau der Luftwaffe," prepared by OKL Lw. Fdhrungsstab (Ausb. Abt.) General der Hakwaffe (Abt. 3efestigung), for distribution to Flak- brigaden, ELiegerkorps, Koromando Plughafenbereiche and Lw. Bef. Dienststellen, containing instructions and charts on the proper construction of fortifications in the field, 19HU. Horddeutsche Dornier-ltoke OKL 23^7 FT 1*819610 ITorddeutsche Dornier-Werke G.M.B.H. file, containing copies of G.M.B.H. Beanstandungen - reports on faulty construction - issued by the super- vising Bau Aufsicht der Luftwaffe, 19U4 - 19^5. 'Reichskriegsministerium, OKL 2105 Reichskriegsministerium, tfehrmachtversorgungsabteilung copy of Wehrmachtv er sorgung sab t eilung "Personelle Bestimraungen fdr die Brgfinzungseinheiten der Flakartil- lerie und Luftnachrichtentruppe sowie fttr die ?lieger€buagsstellen und Fliegerdbungsstellen (Funlc) vom 2. September 193^«" OKL 2lUUa-b -FT Item of unknown provenance. nA3?B Arbeitsunterlagen filr Betriebs- stellen, Saimnelmappen I-II," prepared by R.d.L. u. Ob.d.L., LI) Ag III 10, containing instructions on the care of machinery end general work- ing orders for the works directly under the supervision of the Luft- gaukominandos. Ho date. OKL 2075 1*819936 Item of unknown provenance. "Merkblatt filr die Befehlsstelle der Sinzel-und Grossbatterie der schweren Jlak (Mnheitsschaltung)," prepared by R.d.L. u. Ob.d.L., General der Flakwaffe, containing instructions on the proper way of setting up the positions of heavy Hak units when they are to work in cooperation with light ilak or search light units, July 19*&. Sw Stolberg OKL Sw Stolberg copies of two Merkblatter: (210Ua) "Merkblatt ilber die Mitwirkung von Dienststellen ausserhalb der LuftpolizeibehSrden bei der tJber\vachung des Deutschen Luftraumes im Bereich des Luftamtes K8ln," prepared by the Luftamt Kflln/Rhein, January 1938. and (210^b) "Merkblatt lilber die Mitwirfcung von Dienststelien ausserhalb Continued der LuftpolizeibehSrden bei der Bberwachung des deutschen Luftraumes Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Fotes im Bereich des Luftamtes Frankfurt/Main,*. prepared ty. the .Luftaint Frankfort/Main. Uo date, "but probably shortly after 1936. 69 69 Fallschirm Artillerie OKL 2126 FT U820005 Fallschirm Artillerie Eegiment I copy of "Grtmdsatze und Bei- Eegiment I spiele filr die Befehlsgebung in der Luft^jaffe," prepared by the Generalstab der Luftwaffe 3» Abteiltmg, 1937» Geheim. Panzer-Division 3 OKL 2122 FT if82017 6 Panzer-Division 3 copy of "Herkblatt "fiber Gliederung und Be- fehlsverhaltnisse der Luftwaffe,11 prepared by R,d.L. u. Ob.d.L., LA. Ill, 1937* lair fttr den Dienstgebrauch. Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, OKL 950 10? U820195 Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, Wehrwirtschaftstab copy of MStar- Wehrwir t schaf t s tab kenachvreisungen der Luftwaffe," giving details on the organization of units of the Luftwaffe and their equipment for 1937 - 1938. JSger-Regiment OKL 2055 FT Jager-Regiment 3^ copy of "Torschriftensoll fur die Einheit eines Luftwaffen-Feldkorps,!l prepared by the office of R.d.L. u. Ob.d.L., Chef des Ausbildungsvesens, 19^3• Hflheres Fliegerausbildungs- OKL 21U2 FT Hfiheres Fliegerausbildungskommando 17 copy of "Orientierungs- kommando 17 heft Italien, unter besonderer Ber€cksichtigung der iliegertruppe und Slakartillerie, Stand: 1. April 19^0," prepared by the Ober- befehlshaber der LufU^ffe, 5uhrungsstab. I c. OKL 2081 FT Item of unknown provenance. "Bbersichtliste der Archivunter- lagen (I), Italien (I) einschliesslich Sizilien (I-si) und Sardinien (I-aa) mit Ausnahme Zielgruppen 10 (JlugplStze) u. 20 (Luftzeugamter) Stand: 1.1*19^4," prepared by the Ptihrungsstab Ic, Fremde Luftwaffen West. R-70 B-70 Betriebsobmanner Brauch OKL 2890 FT U820506 Betriebsobmanner Brauch und Smmermann, Fliegerhorstkommand.antur und Emmermann, Fliegerhorst- Wiesbaden-Erbenheim file, containing correspondence concerning the kommandantur Wiesbaden- civilian workers employed by the Fiiegerhorstkomraandantur, their re- Srbenheim quests for personal aid and the reasons for their transfer or dismis- sal, 1939 - 19^1. Major Kobisch, Luftnach- OXL 281^ . FT US20931 File of Major Kobisch of Luftnachrichten Regiment 205, contain- richten Regiment 205 ing correspondence on personnel matters of the Ln. Regiment, reports on a training program for officers, personal letters, booklets of code for radio messages, two notebooks of names of the personnel of the unit and an "Ahnenpass in Tafelform,M 19^3—19^. Item of unknown provenance. "Begleitbuch fur Sonderanhanger, Ausgabe November 1938," booklet of instructions and forms for drivers. Filmed as a sample. Unteroffizierschule der Luftwaffe 3 copy of "Merkblatt 1 flir den Unterricht an der Gas s chut zschule der Luftwaffe," June Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame jfetes 51

71 71 AufklaVungsgruppe 123 See "below See below AufklSrungsgruppe 123 copies of three volumes of "Handbuch fur Heerestaktik, April 1939," prepared by the office of the R.d9L. u. Ob.d.L, Lehrstab fttr Heerestaktik, OKL 2871 FT 1*821092 Teil I Grundbegriffe; Old 2872 I- FT 1*821268 Teil II Bildmaterial; 2872 II Teil III Bildmaterial (Fremde Heere). OKL 2899 IT Item of unknown provenance. "Grundausbildung fur die 8-w8chige Rekrutenausbildung bei der Luftwaffe," prepared by the Oberkommando der Luftwaffe, Fflhrungsstab, Ausbildungsabteilung, February 19l*5» Sap flir den Dienstgebrauch. Luftkriegsschule !?ildpark- OKL 2906 FT U821971* Material collected by L, Broferson during a course which he tferder attended at the Luftkriegsschule Wildparfc-#erdert 19^0 - 19^1» con- taining songs written by the students of the Luftkriegsschule, circu- lars passed out to them and notes made by him during lectures. Sound in bookform. 72 72 OKL 2908 FT 1*822308 Item of unknown provenance. "Yorlfiufiges Haxos-Merkblatt far den Haehtjfiger," prepared by the OKL, Generalnachrichtenfuhrer, Luft- nachrichten Inspektion, 6. Abteilung, February 19l*5- Luftnachrichten Flugmess- OKL 2876 !ET 1*822318 Luftnachrichten Flugmess-Reserve-Kompanie z,b.Y*2 file, con- Heserve-Kompanie z»b. ?. 2 taining various instructions and information on the geography of France, behavior during gas attacks and proper handling of guns and ammunitions, 19^1. OKL 286U FT i*S223SS Item of unknown provenance* File containing various instruction leaflets: "Kdchenbetriebsordnung," "Besondere Vorkommnisse,tf "Aus- bildung von Rekruten," etc., no date. Item of unknown provenance. Notebook on "Flugzeugerkennungs- dienst" probably belonging to one of the students of a Flugzeuger- kennungskurs, no date. Fliegertruppe Wttrzburg, Staff el 1, Verwaltung copy of "Die Unterfcunft und Liegenschaftverwaltung bei der Wehrmacht," no author and no date. Efur fttr den Dienstgebrauch. Reichsluftfahrtministerium OKL 2827 IT 1*822663 RIM copy of "Richtlinien fttr die Erstellung von Signalanlagen (einschl. Uhrenanlagen) auf Fliegerhorsten, Srlass R.d.L. u, Ob.d.L., vom 28,6.37." Generalkommando II.Flieger- OKL 2888 FT 4822711 Generalkommando II Hiegerkorps copy of "Stichworte liber lin- w korps satzgrundsa*tze der Luftwaffe, prepared by the Ftthrungsstab of the G-eneralfcommando II Fliegerkorps, no date^ ? OICL 2830 IT U8227140 Item of unknown provenance. "LeitfaMen fur den (Jebrauch an der Continued Wetterdienstschule, Militfirischer ITetterdienst," prepared by Reg. Rat Serial Roll 3rovenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 52 Dr. Fritz, who v;as probably at the ^etterdienstschule, 72 GEL 2829 FT 1*822772 Item of unknown provenance, "^orlaufige Unterrichtsmappe fftr den Unterricht in Srdtaktifc bei Schlachtflieger-Schul- und Ergan- zungsverbanden," November 19^*. Greheim. oici, 2891* IT 1^22909 Item of unknown provenance. Notebook on "Lufttaktik" probably belonging to one of the students in the school for Lufttaktik, no date. Item of unknown provenance. "Planubung 1937 in Lehrgang I," plan for manoeuvres at the Luftkriegsakademie Berlin-Gatow which were held in November 1937« Putative enemies Prance and Czecho- slovakia with Russia, Belgium, England, Holland, Poland and Austria figuring as neutrals. Major Erhard, Generalstab OKL 2870 Major Erhard, G-eneralstab der Luftwaffe, 2. Abteilung file, der Luftwaffe, 2. Abteilung containing correspondence with the Luftkriegsakademie Berlin-G-atow and a map of the planned movements of the units in the academy in case of mobilization, 1938. OKL 2861 Three files of Major Erhard of the G-eneralstab der Luftwaffe, n OKL 281*5 2. Abteilung, containing notes on "Luftangriffstaktik, 1937. DEL 2869 QKL 2860 Three files of Major Erhard of the (Jeneralstab der Luftwaffe, OKL 2862 2. Abteilung, containing notes on "Luftverteidigungstaktik (Ost- OKL 2859 preussen," 1937. 73 OKL 2868 File of Major Erhard of the Generalstab der Luftwaffe, 2. Ab- teilung, containing notes on "Luftverteidigung,M 1936. OKL 28**9 FT 1*823392 Notebooks belonging to Major Erhard of the Generalstab der Luftwaffe, 2, Abteilung ,containing material on "Seekriegswesen,n "Luftverteidigungstaktik," "Luftangriffstaktik," as well as personal notes and addresses, mostly for 1937« OKL 2865 1*823810 File of Major Erhard containing mimeographed instruction sheets prepared by the Luftkriegsschule II in Berlin-Gatow on "Luftangriffs- taktik," 1935 - 1936. OFL 2867 1*823886 File of Major Brhard containing miscellaneous material: some correspondence dated 1935 (addressed to Hauptmann Erhard), a biblio- graphy of official and scientific literature which he received on loan in 1935» a translation of a biography of Peldmarschall Kessel- ring, which had been printed in the "Observer" in September 19^3 and personal notes. OKL 281*7 FT 1*823899 Major ErhardTs file wQuartiermeisterdienst,n containing mimeo- Continued graphed material issued "by the LtiftKrlesftanhule BerllTv.Cflt.ow on Serial Soil Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame notes 53 cooperation between the quartermaster units and the flying units, 1937; also a stray item on the strength of the Polish air-force, 1939- 73 73 Major Srhard, General- 010, FT 1*823970 Major Srhard1 s two files of notes on "Vtehrmschtsmanflver," stab der Luftwaffe, OXL 2852 FT 1*823999 as well as some correspondence with the commander of Fliegertruppe 2, Abteilung (S) Tatow on the organization of the manoeuvres, 1937^ OKL 285** FT 1*821*030 Major Erhard1 s file of notes on "Seekriegslehre-Ostpreussen," no date. OKI 2855 FT 1*821*056 Major Irhard1 s file "Kachrichten und Verbindungswesen," con- taining a list of Flugmeldezentralen in various German cities, a map showing the distribution of various Flak regiments in Germany and personal notes, no date. OKL 2856 FT 1*821*06** Major Srhard1s file "Kriegsgeschichte," containing mimeographed questions on problems in strategy for the students of the Luft- kriegsschule Berlin-Gatow and personal notes made by Erhard concern- ing them, 1937. Major Erhard1s file "Fremde Heere Frankreich," containing charts showing the organization of the French arn*S2i*305 Major Erhard1s file "Schwere Flakschein^erfer," containing mimeographed material of the Luftkriegsschule on Luftverteidigungs- taktik with search-lights and maps showing the movement of units during manoeuvres (no further specific information on the manoeuvres in the file), 1935. OKL 281*1* FT 1*821*1*65 Major Erhardfs file, containing the "Stundenplan" of the Luft- kriegsschule for 1937- OKL 2866 FT 1*821*610 Major Erhard1s file "Luftmappen," containing mimeographed questionnaires of the Luftkriegsakaderaie Berlin-Gatow on "Gefechts- luftaufklarung," and maps belonging to the questionnaires, 1936. OKL 2863 *T 1*821*711 Major Erhard-s file "Wetterkunde," containing a copy of a talk entitled: "Wetter und Kriegsfdhrung," written by Dr. Beelitz of the Kriegsschule Berlin-Gatow and an "Fbungswetterkarte 3Tr. 3»" no date* More material of Major Erhard in LGK 173-17!* RG 1033. Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes

See "below See "below Maps and charts serving as Anlagen to the report Nr. 15931/^3 g. Kdos., prepared by the Luftwaffenkommando Sftd-Ost, section Ic, probably in 19^3 « ^e report is missing and so are Anlagen 1-2 and OKL 283** FT 14821*718 SO 2 1. Angriff d. 9. So. Command in Aug. 1*3. 2. Bins&tze d. 9. Bo. Command in Aug. 1*3. 3. Binsats d. 201 N.C.&roup Juli/Aug. %. If. Bandenversorgung Jtdi/Augast ^3» OKL 2837 FT SO 3 1. Bigener Einsatz Okto"ber %. 2. Bewegung fdl/Kriegsschiffe Okt. 1*3. 3. Sindringtiefe v. A"bsprunglDasis Foggia. ty. Bandenversorgung Okto"ber ^3. 5. Pdl. Luftangriffe Bereich Lw. Kdo. SO. OKI 2838 FT, 1*82^73** SO If 1. Fdl. Luftangriffe (Orte). 2. Fdl. Luftangriffe (Anzahl). 3. Luftwaffenaufmarsch ostwtrts u. Mittelmeer, Stand v. lU. 10.^3. 010, 2839 3T SO 6 Strassen und Eiseribahnen im lahen und Hit tier en Osten (Karten). OKL 281*0 FT SO 7 Flugplatzkarte alliierte Yer"b§nde in Kordafrika u. Haher Osten nach V.-Meldungen u* Gefangenaiaussagen, Stand Mitte September U3. OKL 281*1 FT SO 8 Truppengliederung d0 9»» 10. ""•• 12. englischen Armee (nach V.~Heldungen) Stand Snde September ^3» OKL 28U2 FT 1*821*772 SO 9 Gliederung der alliierten Truppen in Igypten u* Hahen Osten. Stand Ende Oktober ^3. OKL 281*3 FT 1*82^782 SO 10 Lagekarte d. serb. Bandengliederung nordflstlich Serbien, Draza Hihailovic. Stand lO.Oktober 1*3, HLM, Generalluftzeugmeister, OKL 2833 FT 1*821*785 ED'i, G-eneralluftzeugmeister, Technisches Amt, LC 7 file, contain- Technisches Amt, LC 7 ing a report written 13y a member of LC 7 (signed Marquand, without title or rank) on his tour of inspection to Kampfgeschwader 3» and hi/ investigation of an incident in which bombs had exploded prematurely inside some planes of that base, September 1939 • Fliegerregiment "so" OKL 2819 FT i*82l*793 Fliegerregiment "so" file, containing Merkbl&tter for further training of officers and Tagesbefehle of the unit, 19^ - January 19t5» OKL 2818 FT 1*821*836 Kommando der Strom-Sicherungskompanie 1/Y file, containing a Merkblatt instructing the commander of the company to inform his supe- riors at once if any Russian acts which might be contrary to the Geneva Convention were being committed, so that the ministry of propaganda might use the information; also aflMerkblatt fiir das Verhalten des deut- schen Soldaten in den besetzten Oebieten im Osten,n and an instruction leaflet dealing with "Behandlung jtldischer Mischlinge in der Wehrmacht," - 191*3. Provenance Filmed 1st frame Ibtes 55 Item of unknown provenance. Instructions for Luftwaffen units talcing part in the manoeuvres in 1939* ™ne instructions v/ere issued in August, the manoeuvres -were probably to be held towards the end of the year. The aim of the manoeuvres was to test the effectiveness of the Luftwaffe against the movement of motorized units. OKL 2811 IT 1*321*952 Item of unknown provenance. Lists giving the amount of pay of OKL 2310 FT 1*32^*955 POW1 s and the pay of German workers doing the same kind of work, no date. OKI 2800 FT 1*821*953 Item of unknown provenance* "Nachtrag zur 2. Auflage der An- leitung fflr das Ausschreiben und Vergebung von Bauleistungen im Dienstbereich der Luftwaffenverwaltung vom J>0, April 1939 • Einge- fdhrt am 1. Oktober 19^0, Aufgestellt vom Minis terialrat Dr. -Ing. Mehmel - Dipl.-Ing. Dr.. Gttnther." OKI 2832 FT Item of unknown provenance. "Shrenlisten der Deutschen Luft- waffe," containing the names of the receivers of the Shrenpokal and the Deutsche Kreuz in Gold, 19*43, IX. Hiegerkorps, Korpsarzt file, containing Truppenkranken- nachweise, tables of the numbers of various casualties of the IX. Jlie- gerkorps, January 19^5* OKL 2S01 FT **825330 Item of unknown provenance. "Stellungsbesetzvtng des General- OKL 2316 FT 4825371 stabes der Luftwaffe, (Offiziere und Beamte) einschliesslich: Kriegs- wissenschaftliche Abteilung der Luftwaffe, Inspektion, Luft-Kriegs- schule, Luft-Techaische-Akademie und HShere Luftwaffenschulen, Stand: 1. Juli 1937." OKL 2S33 1*8251*12 Item of unknown provenance. "Verzeichnis der bei der Luftwaffe vorhandenen Karten, Luftgeographischen Bearbeitungen, Reliefs und MilitSlrgeographischen Arbeiten. Stand vom 1, Januar 19*4-2." Wehrbezirkskommando Salzburg OKL 2S03 FT 1*8251*56 Wehrbezirkskommando Salzburg copy of "Bemerkungen des Oberbe- fehlshabers der Luftwaffe zu den Mob.-tTbiingen im Jahre 1933, Teil 2," prepared by the office of R.d.L. u. Ob.d.L., Generalstab 3» Abteilung, October 1939 • Geheime Kommandosache. Item of unknown provenance, "Besondere Anlage 7 ^m Mobs Plan (Luftwaffe) Nachrichtenverbindung der Luftwaffe, Mob. Jahr 1939/^0, Ausgabe vom Juni 1939 <>" Geheime Kommandosache. Item of unknown provenance. "Besondere Anlage 7 Mob. Plan (Luftwaffe) Hachrichtenverbindungen der Luftwaffe, Mob Jahr 1933/39. Ausgabe vom 1. April 1933." Geheime Kommandosache. Continued OKL 2S75 H825629 Item of unknown provenance. "Besondere Anlage 1 sum Mob. Plan Serial Roll Item Filmed 1st frame Notes Rfls.tung Vorausmassnahmen, gultig ab 1.1.1937»" containing: Yorbemer- fcungen and instructions for Gruppe Wirtschaft and Gruppe Heer. Ge- heiroe Kommandosache. 75 75 Kampfgeschwader 55 OKL 2S7S FT US25655 Kriegstagebuch of Kampfgeschwader 55 f°r *^e period from May 17» 19^3 "to May 2U, 19^U, containing reports on the actions of the C-e- schwader on the Ea.stern front. OKI 28S2 FT U825783 Item of unknown provenance. Report, probably submitted to the occupation forces in Germany, on the organization of the Hugmelde- und Ja*gerleitdienst as v/ell as the Fankaufklftrtingsdienst, the Luft- schutzwartdienst and the Sisenbahnflugwarndienst, prepared by Oberst Birke, former Flugmeldeinspizient des General Hachrichtenfilitrer der Luftwaffe Sttd, June 15, 19^5. OEL 2S77 FT 1*826008 Item of unknown provenance. "Kriegstagebuch und Luftlagemel- dungen" of an air-force unit stationed around Strassburg for the period from IS September 193^ to 19 November 19UU, containing details on the damage done by air-attacks on the base and the surrounding cities. The name of the unit is not given. Slugmeldekompanie (mot) OXL 2gSO FT US2609S Flugmeldekompanie (mot) z.b.V. ill, Truppe 10 file, containing z.b.V. 1*1, Truppe 10 correspondence on the supplies and the equipment handed out to the company, and a Merkblatt "Der Panzerknacker," containing instructions on anti-tank warfare, January 19^5» CKL 2821 FT Provenance illegible- (Kommando Bayerisches VII ?)„ "Richt- linien fiir den Ausbau des Eigenschut?:es gegen Angriffe aus der Luft," prepared by the Beauftragte filr Sigenschutz gegen Angriffe aus der Luft, shortly after World War I. OKL 2S07 FT Item of unknown provenance. "Srfahrungsbericht liber die zivilen Luftschutzilbungen in Berlin vom 19C bis 22. Mftrz 1935," prepared by the office of R.d.L. ue Ob.d.L., January 1936. Qberkommando des Heeres, Oberkomma,ndo des Heeres, Generalstab 5» Abteilung copy of "Die General stab 5» Abteilung Luftwaffe, Militarwissenschaftliche Aufsatzsaminlung, 3« Jahrgang, Heft 1, herausgegeben vom General stab der Luftwaffe, Berlin, 193^»" containing articles on the channels of command in the Luftwaffe, the organization of a Eampfstaffel in peacetime and the organization of E-Hftfen. Bur fflr den Dienstgebrauch. OKI 2S96 FT 1^26310 Item of unknown provenance. "Die Luftwaffe, Militarwissen- schaftliche Aufsatzsaramlung, Heft U, Berlin, 1936," prepared by the office of H.d.L. u, Ob.d.L., LA III, containing articles on the various aspects of training a good Luftwaffe officer. Hur fftr den Dienstgebrauch. Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Hotes 57 75 75 Wehrbezirkskommando Salzburg OKL 2%Qk FT US26395 Wehrbezirkskommando Salzburg copy of "Merkblatt 99 Behandlung jildischer Mischlinge in der Wehrmacht," prepared "by the office of R.d.L. u, Qb.d.L., Luftwaffenpersonalamt, February 19^2. OKI 2805 Item of unknown provenance. "Die Wehrbetreuung in der Luft- waffe, Zusammenstellung der grunds&tzlichen Yerfilgungen, herausgege- ben vom Luftwaffenfflhningsstab Ic/VIII,11 June 19^1. Luftkriegsschule (K.O.B.) 9 OKL 2S06 FT ^326523 Luftkriegsschule (K.O.IT.) 9 copy of "Die Fdrsorge in der Luft- waffe (wie hilft die Luftwaffe ihren Angehfirigen in Krankheits-, Ge- burts- und Todesf&llen einer v/irtschaftlichen iTotlage?)," prepared by the Stabszahlmeister Heinrich Lobinger at the Yerwaltungsschule der Luftwaffe, 19^3. OKL 2916 ^826621 Item of unknown provenance. "Vorl&ufige Dienstanv/eisung fiir die Wehrroaclithelferinnen in der Luf twaffe," prepared by the Oberkom- mando der Luftwaffe, Luftwaffenwehramt, January 19^5* Duplicates omitted. R.C*M. Kriegswissenschaft- OKI 2873 H.C.ii. Kriegsv/issenschaftliche Abteilung der Luftwaffe copy liche Abteilung der Luftwaffe of "Ansprachen anlfisslich des ^5» G-eburtstags des Ausserordentlichen Mitgliedes der Akademie Generaloberst Srnst Udet," 25 April 19^-1. OKL 2915 FT HS26667 Item of unknown provenance. Leaflets "Informationsdienst Luft- fahrt" publirfied weekly by the information .service of the Luftwaffe, containing articles on British air-industry, new developments in the Japanese air-force and the contributions of the German Wehrwirtschaft to the Luftwaffe, 19*41. OKL 2911 FT HS27077 Item of unknown provenance. Msrfcblatt "Der Offiziernachwuchs der Luftwaffe im Kriege, Akbive und Kriegs-Offizierlaufbahn, heraus- gegelDen VOID General fur ilachwuens Luftwaffe, Ausgabe vom Juli 19^4." Duplicate omitted. Compare OICL WkJ. OKL 2912 FT Item of unknown provenance. "Die Lmifbahn des SanitEtsoffiziers in der Luftwaffe," prepared by the office of E.d.L. u. Ob.d.L,, 19^2. Duplicates omitted. CKL 2910 FT 1&27102 Item of unknown provenance. "Merkblatt f&r die linstellung von Freiwilligen in die Luftwaffe, herausgegeben vom Reichsminister der Luftfahrt und Oberbefehlshaber der Luftwaffe, Juni 19^3." Duplicates omitted. Item of unknown provenance. File "Organisationsskizze (mit Be- darfsberechnun.gen) des Luftkriegsamtes," The first ten pages are missing so that neither the date, the preparing agency, nor the, provenance could be determined. Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes Hote: The folders on the following Serials were filmed without frame numbers "by the World.War II Records Division, National Archives. Generalkommando XVIII. la/L file, containing two Kerkblatter number 5^ and 691 entitled: "Bestimmungen far den ?erst$ndigungsdienst zwischen Truppenteilen des Heeres und fliegenden Yerbanden der Luft- waffe," prepared "by the office of Oberbefehlshaber des Heeres, General- 8tab d.H./Ausb. Aht.(Ia)» 19l|0. Originally filmed on Roll ME 20^. Kommandantur tfflrzburg OKI 2127 FT Kommandantur Wlirzburg copy of "Richtlinien filr den Einsatz der Jliegertruppe zur unmittelharen Unterstfltzung des Heeres,11 prepared "by the office of R.d.L. u. Ob.d,L., Generalstah 3 (takt) Abt. (II), August 1939. Originally filmed on Roll MR 20^. Unteroffizier Hamacher at 01^2070 FT Probably a file of Unteroffizier Hamacher at the Luftnachrich- the Luftnachriclatenschule tenschule Halle, containing instruction leaflets on Plakartillerie Halle . . issued by the Luftnachrichtenschule, 1939 - 19^0. Originally filmed on Roll MR 202. Item of unknown provenance. ffBesondere Anlage 6 zum Mob. Plan (Luftwaffe) Bestimmungen fur die Sinsatzbereitschaft der Luftwaffe, Mob. Jahr 1939/UO, 1.U.1939, * prepared by the office of R.d.L. u. Ob.d.L* Greheime Kommandosache. Photostat. Originally filmed on Roll MR 201. Luftwaff engruppenkomraando 3, OKL 2325 FT File containing correspondence of the Luftwaffengruppenkommando IVa 3» IVa and Luftgaukommando VII, concerning building and preparation for immediate use of Luftwaffe installations, December 1939* Origi- nally filmed on Roll MR 213. 77 77 Hachschub Bezirk 6, Burnberg OKL 2239 FT Kachschub Bezirk 6, Mrnberg, copies of "Handbuch der ¥ehrbe- a-b, treuung,0 prepared by the Luftwaffenfuhrungsstab Ic/VIII. This is 78 78 on, 2239 FT a collection of propaganda leaflets containing descriptions of newly c,d,e acquired German territories, discussions of the Fdhrerprinzip, anti- English propaganda, articles on "Ostfragen Deutschlands," biographies of Krupp and other big German munitions manufactures and articles on the proper behavior of soldiers and civilians in wartime ,etc., 19^0 - 19^1. Originally filmed on Roll HR 206, 207. Luftverke hrsgruppe OKL 311 FT Laftverkehrsgruppe copy of "Die Kftstengebiete der Barents-See," prepared by R.d.L. u. Ob.d.L., Generalstab 7« Abteilung, containing maps of the area, 19^3. Geheim. Originally filmed on Roll MR 151. 59 Price Idst for Records of Headquarters of the German Air Force High Command National Archives Microcopy No, T-321 Microfilm copies of one or more rolls of the microfilm may be purchased at the prices listed below. The prices are based on a charge of 8 cents for each foot of microfilm, with all prices rounded off to the nearest dollar. A 10-percent discount is given on orders for more than $1,000 and a 15-percent discount on orders for more than $3,000. Rolls containing priviledged material are designated by the symbol R before the roll number. They are not available for sale and are therefore not included in this list. Checks or money orders for microfilm should accompany the order. They should be made payable to the General Services Administration and should be sent to the National Archives, Washington 25, D. G, Persons ordering microfilm from outside the United States or its possessions should make their remittance by international money order or check drawn in United States dollars on a bank in the United States and payable to the General Services Administration (NNSE). Each order should specify the microcopy number (T-321), the roll number or numbers, and the price* Roll Price Roll Price Roll Price Roll Price 1 #8 20 #8 & $1 61 #8 28 21 8 42 8 62 7 38 22 8 43 9 63 7 47 23 8 44 7 64 8 56 24 8 45 6 65 7 6 10 25 9 46 5 66 8 79 26 7 47 7 67 7 88 27 8 48 8 68 8 97 28 8 49 7 69 6 10 10 30 5 50 8 71 9 11 8 31 9 51 8 72 6 12 8 32 8 53 7 73 7 13 8 33 7 54 8 74 8 14 9 34 8 55 4 75 10 15 9 36 7 56 8 76 3 16 7 37 5 57 9 77 6 17 9 38 9 58 9 78 8 18 6 39 5 59 6 19 8 40 9 60 8 Total $559