DESIGN AND ACCESS STATEMENT Chippenham Road, Lyneham March 2019 Prepared by: CSA Environmental Dixies Barns, High Street, Ashwell, Herts, SG7 5NT email:
[email protected] On behalf of: Gladman Developments Ltd. Chippenham Road, Lyneham Design and Access Statement_DRAFT Issue Date: March 2019 Doc Ref: CSA_3008_10 CONTENTS 01 Introduction 01 02 Planning Context and Design Guidance 03 03 Site Assessment 05 04 Evaluation and Evolution 23 05 Development Proposals 27 06 Conclusion 49 01. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction This Design and Access Statement (DAS) has been prepared by CSA Environmental on behalf of Gladman Developments Ltd for a proposed residential development at land to the south of Chippenham Road, Lyneham (the Site). The Site lies within the administrative area of Wiltshire Council. N The Site measures approximately 12.57 hectares E E and lies on the north western edge of Lyneham. R G The submitted planning application seeks outline E H planning consent for a high quality sustainable T development comprising the following: C H I P P E N H A • Residential development for up to 200 M dwellings. R O A 2 0 2 A 1 • 2.600m of B1 business uses. D 3 (B 4 0 2 6 • 600m of D1 community use. 9) • Green Infrastructure (GI) including new areas BRADENSTOKE SITE of public open space that will incorporate ecological mitigation and habitat creation, retained hedges and trees, sustainable APOLLO ROAD drainage features, and play and recreation A 3 1 0 2 space. • The main Site access is applied for in full. MOD LYNEHAM LYNEHAM AIRFIELD (DISUSED) D A O R E N L A C LYNEHAM Site Boundary Figure 1.1: Site location plan.