Federal Register/Vol. 65, No. 149/Wednesday, August 2, 2000

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Federal Register/Vol. 65, No. 149/Wednesday, August 2, 2000 47248 Federal Register / Vol. 65, No. 149 / Wednesday, August 2, 2000 / Rules and Regulations 10, 2132HB Hoofddorp, The At present, the AC draft applicable to DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Netherlands. part 25 airplanes has been developed. U.S. Industry: Marriott Downtown, 200 The philosophy and methodology Federal Aviation Administration West 12th Street, Kansas City, adopted for this AC are derived from the Missouri. approaches presented by the ICPTF 14 CFR Part 39 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: (International Certification Procedures [Docket No. 99±NE±40±AD; Amendment 39± Requests regarding the logistics of the Task Force) Working Group III. 11830; AD 2000±15±01] U.S. meeting should be directed to the Harmonizing this AC with JAA's version RIN 2120±AA64 Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), has been a constant effort throughout Small Airplane Directorate, Attention: the development process. Notice of Airworthiness Directives; CFM Lester Cheng, ACE±111, 901 Locust, availability for public comment of this International CFM56±2, ±2A, ±2B, ±3, Room 301, Kansas City, Missouri 64106; AC draft (for part 25 only) is scheduled ±3B, ±3C, ±5, ±5A, ±5B, ±5C Series telephone (816) 329±4120. For for publication August 2000. Turbofan Engines international and all other product The next phase of the effort is to information, contact FAA, Headquarters update the current AC (for part 25 only) AGENCY: Federal Aviation Office, Attention: Randall Petersen, by adding elements that are applicable Administration, DOT. AIR±110, 800 Independence Avenue to other parts (that is, parts 23, 27, 29, ACTION: Final rule. SW, Washington DC 20251; telephone 31, 33 and 35). The FAA has determined (202) 267±9583. In Europe, contact Joint that it is in the public interest to hold SUMMARY: This amendment adopts a Aviation Authorities Headquarters a public meeting for the purposes of new airworthiness directive (AD), (JAA), Ms. Rosa Serrano, Saturnusstraat sharing thoughts and gathering applicable to CFM International (CFMI) 8±10, 2132HB Hoofddorp, The comments that need to be considered for CFM56±2, ±2A, ±2B, ±3, ±3B, ±3C, ±5, Netherlands (31±23±5679745). No the development of an AC related to ±5A, ±5B, ±5C series turbofan engines, official record of the meeting will be general aviation aircraft and other that requires initial and repetitive visual maintained. products. Accordingly, the FAA will inspections of the fuel pump filter cover helicoil inserts and bolts for damage, SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: conduct this public meeting in Kansas City, Missouri. and, if necessary, repair or replacement Participation at the Public Meeting with serviceable parts. This amendment Public Meeting Procedures also requires the installation of new or Background The following procedures have been reworked fuel pumps that incorporate On June 7, 2000 (65 FR 36243), the established for the U.S. industry an improved filter cover retention FAA published amended type meeting: design (D-bolts), or an on-wing repair of certification procedures for changed 1. Admission and participation in the existing fuel pumps, as terminating products. These amendments affect public meeting is free. Registration will action to the inspections. This changes accomplished through either an occur on the date of the meeting amendment is prompted by reports that amended type certificate or a between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. Seating fuel pump filter cover helicoil inserts supplemental type certificate. The will be limited to the first 300 have loosened or pulled out. The amendments are needed to address the participants. actions specified by this AD are trend toward fewer products that are of 2. Representatives from the FAA will intended to prevent fuel leakage from completely new design and more conduct the meeting. A technical panel between the fuel pump filter cover and products with multiple changes to of FAA personnel will discuss gear housing, which could result in an previously approved designs. This final information. engine fire and damage to the airplane. rule action will enhance safety by 3. The issue will be limited to the DATES: Effective date October 2, 2000. applying the latest airworthiness Changed Product Rule and the The incorporation by reference of standards, to the greatest extent development of an AC. certain publications listed in the rule is practicable, for the certification of 4. Sign and oral interpretations will approved by the Director of the Federal significant design changes of aircraft, be made available at the meeting, Register as of October 2, 2000. aircraft engines, and propellers. including assistive listening devices, if These amended regulations become ADDRESSES: The service information requested from the person listed under referenced in this AD may be obtained effective June 7, 2000. Mandatory FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT at compliance dates are December 10, from CFM International, Technical least 10 calendar days before the Publications Department, 1 Neumann 2001, for transport category airplanes meeting. Anyone requiring other and restricted category airplanes that Way, Cincinnati, OH 45215; telephone: accommodations under the Americans (513) 552±2800, fax: (513) 552±2816. have been certified using transport with Disability Act should notify the category standards, and December 9, This information may be examined at individual listed under FOR FURTHER 2002, for all other category aircraft and the Federal Aviation Administration INFORMATION CONTACT at least 10 engines and propellers. (FAA), New England Region, Office of calendar days before the meeting. For the purposes of implementing the Regional Counsel, 12 New England 5. Statements made by FAA personnel these amended regulations, the FAA has Executive Park, Burlington, MA; or at are intended to clarify issues. chartered a Changed Product Rule Team the Office of the Federal Register, 800 6. The meeting will be conducted in to develop the necessary guidance North Capitol Street, NW, suite 700, an informal and nonadversarial manner. materials allowing for proper Washington, DC. orientation, application and Issued in Kansas City, Missouri on July 19, FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: standardization for the Aircraft 2000. James Rosa, Aerospace Engineer, Engine Certification Service. These guidance Michael Gallagher, Certification Office, FAA, Engine and materials include Notice, Advisory Manager, Small Airplane Directorate, Aircraft Propeller Directorate, 12 New England Circular (AC) and training. The Changed Certification Service. Executive Park, Burlington, MA 01803± Product Rule Team started its work in [FR Doc. 00±18894 Filed 8±1±00; 8:45 am] 5299; telephone: (781) 238±7152, fax: April 1999. BILLING CODE 4910±13±U (781) 238±7199. VerDate 11<MAY>2000 18:25 Aug 01, 2000 Jkt 190000 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\02AUR1.SGM pfrm01 PsN: 02AUR1 Federal Register / Vol. 65, No. 149 / Wednesday, August 2, 2000 / Rules and Regulations 47249 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: A The FAA agrees. This final rule has that the documentation will create an proposal to amend part 39 of the Federal been revised accordingly. undue burden. Aviation Regulations (14 CFR part 39) to The FAA does not agree. The FAA has Terminating Action include an airworthiness directive (AD) determined that although performing that is applicable to CFM International One comment expresses concern that the inspections in accordance with the (CFMI) CFM56±2, ±2A, ±2B, ±3, ±3B, the fuel pump manufacturer and repair B737±300/±500 Aircraft Maintenance ±3C, ±5, ±5A, ±5B, ±5C series turbofan vendor will not be able to support the Manual, may be prudent, it is not a engines was published in the Federal five-year compliance schedule. Another requirement. This AD will mandate the Register on January 24, 2000 (65 FR comment requests an extension of the inspection for all operators. The FAA 3621). That action proposed to require terminating action date. Two comments does not consider the required initial and repetitive visual inspections request elimination of a five-year documentation to be an undue burden. of the fuel pump filter cover helicoil terminating-action requirement because inserts and bolts for damage, and, if there will be insufficent time to remove Initial Inspection Interval necessary, repair or replacement with the fuel pumps on an attrition basis, and Two comments request that the initial serviceable parts. That action also this requirement will disrupt planned inspection be changed from 200 to 300 proposed to require the installation of component removal schedules. cycles or 600 hours. Another comment new fuel pumps that incorporate an The FAA does not agree. The engine states that preflight walk-around improved filter cover retention design manufacturer has informed the FAA inspections will spot fuel leaks. (D-bolts) as terminating action to the that the fuel pump vendor should be The FAA does not agree. The FAA has inspections. able to support this five-year determined that the initial inspection compliance schedule. The FAA has needs to be performed in a timely Comments Received revised the final rule in response to manner to detect damaged helicoil Interested persons have been afforded another comment to allow an on-wing inserts and prevent additional fuel an opportunity to participate in the repair as a terminating action, which leaks. The FAA has also determined that making of this amendment. Due should help to minimize disruption in this type of fuel leak may not be consideration has been given to the current maintenance schedules. consistently detected by a preflight comments received. One comment requests that walk-around. On-Wing Gearbox Replacement terminating action be mandated at the next shop visit or 6,000 hours because Inspection on Both Engines One comment requests that the five years is too long. One comment suggests that a requirement for on-wing gearbox The FAA agrees in part. Terminating provision be included in the AD to not replacements be removed from the action will be required at the next shop inspect all fuel pumps of an airplane terminating action since the fuel pump visit, however the FAA has determined during the same maintenance session.
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