December 9, 2019 Meeting
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Solano Local Agency Formation Commission 675 Texas St. Ste. 6700 Fairfield, California 94533 (707) 439-3897 FAX: (707) 438-1788 Solano County Government Center Board of Supervisors Chambers 675 Texas Street Fairfield, CA 94533 December 9, 2019 10:00AM AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER AND SALUTE TO THE FLAG 2. ROLL CALL 3. CHANGES AND APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA 4. PUBLIC COMMENT Opportunity for the public to speak to the Commission on any subject matter within the Commission’s jurisdiction but not appearing on today’s agenda. 5. PRESENTATION The Commission will RECEIVE a presentation from the City of Vallejo Water Department. 6. PUBLIC COMMENT ON CONSENT CALENDAR Each speaker shall have 3 minutes to address any or all items on the Consent Calendar. 7. CONSENT ITEMS A. Minutes August 12, 2019 B. Financial Reports – July-October C. Legislative Report Commissioners Jim Spering, Chair Nancy Shopay, Vice-Chair Harry Price Ron Rowlett John Vasquez Alternate Commissioners Ron Kott Shawn Smith Skip Thomson Staff Rich Seithel, Executive Officer Michelle McIntyre, Sr. Analyst P. Scott Browne, Legal Counsel 8. BUSINESS ITEMS A. LAFCO Project No. 2018-03: Reclamation Districts Municipal Service Review (MSR) and Sphere of Influence (SOI) Update Public Review Draft and Presentation - The Commission will RECEIVE the Draft Reclamation Districts Municipal Service Review and OPEN for a 30-day public review comment period. California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) exempt under Class 6 categorical exemption (Section 15306 – Information Collection). B. Special District Risk Management Authority (SDRMA) Amended Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) – The Commission will consider ADOPTING a resolution approving an amended MOU with the SDRMA for employee ancillary health care benefits and AUTHORIZING the Chair to execute the MOU. C. Executive Officer’s Report (oral report) D. LAFCO 2020 Meeting Schedule 9. CORRESPONDENCE The Sphere, Journal of the CALAFCO 10. ADJOURNMENT Materials related to an item on this agenda are available for public inspection at the LAFCO staff office at 675 Texas St. Ste. 6700 Fairfield, CA during normal business hours and on the LAFCO’s website at Please note: LAFCO meetings are recorded and posted on the Commission’s website. Any person who has made a contribution of $250 or more to any Commissioner or Alternate is obligated to disclose the contribution to the Commissioner or Alternate or to LAFCO staff. If you wish to speak on an agenda item, green speaker cards are provided near the back wall of the Chambers. The cards must be completed and returned to the Commission’s Clerk. The Commission limits speaker comments to three (3) minutes. The Commission may extend the time as necessary. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you are a disabled person and you need a disability-related modification or accommodation to participate in this meeting, please contact the LAFCO staff at (707) 439-3898, by e-mail to [email protected]. Requests must be made as early as possible. Public parking is available on the second floor of the parking garage adjacent to the Solano County Government Center. Vehicular entrance to the parking garage is on Delaware St. Agenda Item 5 Solano Local Agency Formation Commission 675 Texas St. Ste. 6700 Fairfield, California 94533 (707) 439-3897 FAX: (707) 438-1788 Staff Report DATE: December 9, 2019 TO: Local Agency Formation Commission FROM: Rich Seithel SUBJECT: City of Vallejo Water Department Presentation _____________________________________________________________________________________ RECOMMENDATION: RECEIVE the City of Vallejo Water Department’s update presentation. BACKGROUND: On October 15, 2018, the Commission received a presentation from Mike Malone, Water Director, City of Vallejo Water Department. Mike shared the Water Department’s vision, strategic goals, history, water sources, and presented an overview of the Vallejo water system including Vallejo’s Lakes Water System in the Green Valley area. Subsequent to the October 15 presentation, the City of Vallejo Water Department advises that they have initiated specific strategies for the Lakes Water system to address deferred maintenance and capital infrastructure investment, high water rates, and the need to address fire protection and to provide continuous water service during power outages The City of Vallejo will be updating their October 15 presentation and sharing information from these initiatives and their potential impacts for the Lakes Water System customers and the Vallejo Water System overall. Commissioners Jim Spering, Chair Nancy Shopay, Vice-Chair Harry Price Ron Rowlett John Vasquez Alternate Commissioners Ron Kott Shawn Smith Skip Thomson Staff Rich Seithel, Executive Officer Michelle McIntyre, Sr. Analyst P. Scott Browne, Legal Counsel Page 1 of 1 Agenda Item 7A Solano Local Agency Formation Commission 675 Texas St. Ste. 6700 Fairfield, California 94533 (707) 439-3897 FAX: (707) 438-1788 MINUTES OF THE LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION OF SOLANO COUNTY August 12, 2019 10 AM BOARD OF SUPERVISORS’ CHAMBERS 675 TEXAS STREET, FAIRFIELD, CALIFORNIA 1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. by Vice Chair Shopay (acting as the Chair) with a salute to the flag by Alternate Commissioner Smith. 2. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners: Ron Rowlett, Harry Price, Nancy Shopay, and John Vasquez Alternate Commissioners: Ron Kott and Shawn Smith Not Present: Chair Jim Spering and Alternate Commissioner Skip Thomson Staff Present: Rich Seithel, Executive Officer, Michelle McIntyre, Sr. Analyst, and P. Scott Browne, Legal Counsel Commissioner Vasquez confirmed that voting members were comprised of: 1 County Commissioner; 2 City Commissioners, and; 1 Public Commissioner. 3. CHANGES AND APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA There were no changes to the agenda. 4. PUBLIC COMMENTS Chief Jim Nolan, Cordelia Fire Protection District’s new Chief, introduced himself. 5. CONSENT ITEMS A. Minutes April 15, 2019 B. Financial Reports – June 2019 (Fiscal Year End) C. Legislative Report D. Fire service study contract authorization Commissioners Jim Spering, Chair Nancy Shopay, Vice-Chair Harry Price Ron Rowlett John Vasquez Alternate Commissioners Ron Kott Shawn Smith Skip Thomson Staff Rich Seithel, Executive Officer Michelle McIntyre, Sr. Analyst P. Scott Browne, Legal Counsel Page 1 of 3 Agenda Item 7A Dave Marianno, Montezuma Fire District Commissioner, advised that their District hired a new fire chief, Chief Michael O’Connor. Mr. Marianno also expressed concern that he was unaware that LACO was considering a fire study or contracting a consultant for a fire study. Commissioner Vasquez explained that the Commission has been holding that discussion over many meetings and that the contract was discussed, budgeted, and approved in the FY 2019-20 LAFCO Final Budget Hearing. Commissioner Rowlett moved to approve the consent items, second Commissioner Price. The motion was approved with the following votes: AYES: Rowlett, Price, Shopay, and Vasquez NOES: none ABSENT: none ABSTAIN: none 6. PUBLIC HEARING LAFCO Project No. 2019-02 Fruitvale Annexation to the City of Vacaville. The Executive Officer introduced the item and Michelle McIntyre, Senior Analyst presented the staff report and recommended adoption. The Chair opened the item for public comments. There were no public comments. Commissioner Vasquez moved to approve the item, second Commissioner Price. The motion was approved by roll call with the following votes: AYES: Rowlett, Price, Shopay, and Vasquez NOES: none ABSENT: none ABSTAIN: none 7. BUSINESS ITEMS CALAFCO Conference and Board Nominations - There were no nominations for the CALAFCO Board openings. Commissioner Shopay moved to appoint Commissioner Price as the CALAFCO Annual Business Meeting and Conference Voting Delegate from October 30- November 1, 2019 and the Executive Officer as the Alternate Voting Delegate. The motion was unanimously approved by the following votes: AYES: Rowlett, Price, Shopay, and Vasquez NOES: none ABSENT: none ABSTAIN: none 8. CLOSED SESSION The Commission entered closed session at 10:55 a.m. Page 2 of 3 Agenda Item 7A 9. REPORT OF CLOSED SESSION The Commission returned from closed session at approximately 11:25 a.m. Following a Closed Session to discuss the Executive Officer’s evaluation and compensation, Vice Chair Shopay, acting as Chair of the August 12, 2019 LAFCO meeting, reported that the Commission discussed providing a compensation of $145,000 per year to the Executive Officer effective August 25, 2019, the beginning of the next pay period. Vice-Chair Shopay also reported that the Commission is pleased with the Executive Officer’s performance. Commissioner Vasquez moved to approve the increase to compensation, second Commissioner Price. The motion was approved by roll call with the following votes: AYES: Price, Rowlett, Shopay, and Vasquez NOES: none ABSENT: Spering ABSTAIN: none Commissioner Vasquez moved to authorize the Chair to sign the Minute Order, second Commissioner Rowlett. The motion was approved with the following votes: AYES: Price, Rowlett, Shopay, and Vasquez NOES: none ABSENT: Spering ABSTAIN: none 10. ADJOURNMENT Vice Chair Shopay adjourned the meeting at 11:30 a.m. ___________________________________ Nancy Shopay, Vice Chair Solano Local Agency Formation Commission ATTEST: __________________________________ Rich Seithel, Executive Officer Page 3 of 3 Agenda Item 7B Page 1 of 19 Agenda Item 7B Page 2 of 19 Agenda Item 7B Page 3 of 19 Agenda Item 7B Page 4 of 19 Agenda Item 7B Page 5 of 19 Agenda Item 7B Page 6 of 19 Agenda Item 7B Page 7 of 19 Agenda Item 7B Page 8 of 19 Agenda Item 7B Page 9 of 19 Agenda Item 7B Page 10 of 19 Agenda Item 7B Page 11 of 19 Agenda Item 7B Page 12 of 19 Agenda Item 7B Page 13 of 19 Agenda Item 7B Page 14 of 19 Agenda Item 7B Page 15 of 19 Agenda Item 7B Page 16 of 19 Agenda Item 7B Page 17 of 19 Agenda Item 7B Page 18 of 19 Agenda Item 7B Page 19 of 19 Agenda Item 7C ASSEMBLY LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE 2019 LEGISLATIVE SUMMARY Members: Consultants: Cecilia M.