

Objection 1

The Town Centre Partnership wishes to object to the above application. After discussion it was decided that the location of the proposed establishment in the town centre is considered to be unacceptable for the following reasons.

• The establishment is proposed to be located within the town’s core retailing area, along a main approach from one of the town’s car parks, civic offices and law courts.

• There is a sensitive premise across the road, the Registrars Office. This could cause problems as wedding photographs are taken here, families registering births are often in the area and also grieving families would need to pass to register deaths.

• As stores of this nature do not advertise their merchandise in the window concern is raised that this building will result in a blank frontage that is both unattractive and will brake up the liveliness of the shopping street in this location. This position is supported by the Council and its adopted Local Development Plan (2000).

On the reasons provided we feel that the location of the store is unsuitable and object to Darker Enterprises being granted a licence on these grounds.

Objection 2

I am writing to object to the application by Darker Enterprises Limited for a licence to use 8-9 Glebeland Street as a sex shop establishment. Far from being a benefit to the town and community, I believe such a business would be harmful to both, given the current moral decline and its effects on public decency and community life. I am therefore requesting that you refuse the application.

Objection 3

I am writing to object to the proposal that is being put before the Planning Department. The opening of a sex shop in Glebeland Street.

This town is labelled as one of the worst in Great Britain if this proposal is accepted we would be sliding even deeper into the mire.

Objection 4

I am writing to protest about the proposed opening of a sex shop in Glebeland Street. It is my opinion that such establishments are inappropriate for a town centre where many children will pass by. This development will not encourage town centre usage by families such as ourselves.

AJO OBJECTIONS-07/BC Objection 5

I wish to formally object to the proposals for the siting of a sex shop in Glebeland Street.

I refer to the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982 and specifically pages 18.260 and 18.261.

According to the Wednesbury Principle, there is scope for the Local Authority to detail what if defines as the ‘relevant locality’. In this respect I would contend that the ‘relevant locality’ of the proposed sex shop needs to be defined in this case so as to take into account the following submissions: -

1. The shop would be inappropriately located in an area that is an integral part of the Town Centre.

2. The shop would be inappropriately located within 150 yards of the Civic Centre.

3. Glebeland Street is the main route for pedestrians entering the Town Centre from the Castle Car Park. This means that a significant amount of parents with their children will pass the proposed shop. This I consider to be inappropriate exposure of young people to the trade associated with the shop. I believe that the Borough Council has a corporate parent responsibility to protect a significant amount of minors from such trade.

4. Glebeland Street has a significant part to play in the regeneration of the Town Centre. Such a shop would not be appropriate. Furthermore, it could well deter other companies from locating their business in the area.

5. There is also precedent for including in the ‘relevant locality’ the identification of buildings of historic interest and thus determining such a shop would be out of character in the locality. There are several such buildings close to the proposed shop.

6. Glebeland Street is frequented at lunchtime by a considerable number of school children as a result of the take away food outlets. I do not think this is an appropriate locality for such an enterprise.

7. Glebeland Street is one of the main routes from the bus station to a part of the Town Centre. Again, this means that children, with or without parents, will pass the shop.

8. Glebeland Street is the location of the Registrar’s Office. The significance of the remit of this important office is such that it is inappropriate for a sex shop to be just yards away from it.

I would also contend that in the Planning Application it would be advisable that determination of the application should be decided by the Full Council. I propose that this be the case for this application.

I have received numerous complaints from concerned parents about this application.

AJO OBJECTIONS-07/BC Objection 6

We write to say how appalled we are at the prospect of this shop being given planning consent.

We strongly object to it particularly as the image of our Town is continually being denigrated in the media as being shabby, poor and generally not having much going for it and we feel that should this planning consent be given it only puts another nail in the coffin.

We urge you to reject this proposal and look for more wholesome and healthy projects to be initiated.

Objection 7

In light of the responsibilities held by the Registrars of Births, Deaths and , I wish to formally object to the proposals for the siting of an Adult Shop directly opposite their offices in Glebeland Street under the definition of ‘relevant locality’.

Many visitors to the Registrar’s offices are required to call at the premises to register deaths and stillbirths. At a time when they are extremely vulnerable and easily distraught, it would seem extremely uncouth to have to pass an adult shop on their way to what can be a distressing event.

Most other visitors are there with families and young children specifically for ceremonies and the registration of new babies, many of whom wish to take photographs as they leave the building to celebrate the occasion. An adult shop would definitely not make an appropriate back drop.

Objection 8

I wish to register objection to this the application as: - a. The shop would be located on the main pedestrian route from the Castle Car Park to the Town Centre. b. The shop would compromise the regeneration of the area and be a deterrent to other companies coming to this area of Merthyr. c. There are a significant number of children who pass through Glebeland Street each day – from the bus station, the Castle Car park and during the school lunch hours. d. I would expect your Council to refuse this application because of the offence that you feel it will cause a considerable number of people. e. The Planning Committee should refer the matter to the Full Council for a decision to be made.

Objection 9

I was somewhat alarmed to hear of the proposal to site a sex shop in the middle of Merthyr. As frequent visitors to the town centre, my wife and I would be embarrassed by this facility

AJO OBJECTIONS-07/BC especially when accompanied by younger members of our family. We also feel t hat it would attract more undesirable people into the area including potential customers from much further away. I wish to oppose the plans for such a shop, and, should this new business go ahead, then I and my family would seriously consider shopping elsewhere in future.

Objection 10

I wish to lodge my concern and objection to the proposed opening of a hard-core sex shop in Glebeland Street.

I feel that this would be completely inappropriate in the town centre with so many pedestrians and school children passing by. I also feel it would act as a deterrent for other businesses wishing to set up nearby. The proposed shop would also cause me and I believe a significant amount of other people offence and I fell the planning decision should be made by the Full Council.

Objection 11

I wish to object strongly to the Council granting the above application for a shop selling sexually explicit material, and request the application be referred to the Full Council for debate rather than decided by sub-committee.

My grounds for objections are as follows: -

• Glebeland Street is an area of the town that is in need of regeneration and the location of such a business would degenerate it even further. • Children of school age regularly use the street as a thoroughfare between the bus stop and cafes and chip shops, and could be endangered by the premises attracting people with deviant sexual preferences to the area. • People of all ages who regularly visit the Merthyr Express offices in Glebeland Street to place birthdays, memorial, and other adverts in the local press would be offended or endangered by such a business. • Public houses in the area could become meeting places where sexual perverts gather. • Once one of these types of business comes in, it won’t be long before more, and possibly more deviant ones arrives. • The excellent work that the Council is doing in regeneration the town and to raise the reputation and public image that the rest of Wales has about Merthyr would be further damaged by allowing such types of business into our town. • I have always been proud of the fact that Merthyr has not sunk so low as to allow such seediness to permeate our town. • I expect, as a taxpayer and voter of Merthyr Tydfil, to have my objection on the grounds of moral offence, considered by Full Council and not a Committee.

I urge the Council to reject this application in the best possible interest of the town’s already damaged reputation, as a moral duty tot the people of Merthyr Tydfil, and because of the objection of its ratepayers.

AJO OBJECTIONS-07/BC Objection 12

I understand the Planning Committee are considering an application for an Adult (sex) shop in Glebeland Street Merthyr. If this is correct, then I would like to register my objection to this application.

Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council has been farsighted in planning the regeneration of our town which has taken place over the pat few years.

Merthyr is increasingly seen as a thriving regional centre and the opening of an Adult (sex) shop in our town is inconsistent with the positive image which our Council and the town increasingly wishes to project.

I appreciate the time you have taken to read this objection.

Objection 13

We wish to voice our objections to the proposed opening of a sex shop in Glebeland Street Merthyr Tydfil. Reasons for objections – many youngsters walk along this street from school to visit fish and chip shops etc. There are many things going on in Merthyr to improve it and attract people to the area and we feel a shop of this nature will have a detrimental effect.

Surely there are enough ways for people who whish to purchase such items to buy them elsewhere e.g. on the Internet, without having to subject people of Merthyr to this type of shop in our town. Once you allow one to open where will it end? We propose that you turn this application down.

Objection 14

As residents of Merthyr Tydfil my wife and I wish to place on record our strong objection to the proposed opening of a sex shop in Glebeland Street. The streets of our town suffer enough through the effects of binge drinking and this type of trade will only add to Merthyr’s already tarnished reputation, which we are all endeavouring to change.

As our youngsters congregate regularly in the town centre, they should not be exposed to the material displayed and sold in these premises.

In a society where basic moral standards are slowly being eroded away, children need all the protection we can provide. We urge you to please give careful, moral implications.

Objection 15

I bring to your attention the proposed shop to be opened in Glebeland Street. Have we all gone mad in Merthyr? I find it hard to believe that anyone with an ounce of morality never mind common sense would consent to this establishment. Merthyr surely, with the help of the Council, or at least I thought, has been trying to drag Merthyr clear of its reputation.

AJO OBJECTIONS-07/BC The social scene for young teenagers is far from safe on a Saturday night now, where are we to allow our young sons and daughters to meet up when we know that a shop such as this is located here in the centre of town with all the perverts whose attention it will attract?

I understand that this is the final day to lodge any concerns or comments, although I wasn’t aware of that earlier. Whoever is in charge of the decision-making on this one – WE DON’T WANT IT HERE!!

Objection 16

As Chapter Clerk of the Merthyr Tydfil Deanery, representing the Anglican Clergy of the Merthyr Tydfil County Borough, I am writing to object to the planning application for a Hard Core Sex Shop in Glebeland Street.

The proposed location of this shop is totally inappropriate in this locality, being situated on a main pedestrian route in the centre of Merthyr.

This is a route regularly and frequently used by large numbers of children and also adults who would be offended by this shop.

As the premises are in such a central part of Merthyr such a shop would not only stop the regeneration of this area by deterring other business from coming to the area. It would also cause a further deterioration to the nature of this central area and a drop in property values.

If this application cannot be thrown out immediately, as it is so inappropriate in this area, it should be referred to the full council for consideration.

Objection 17

Re: Sex shop Merthyr

I am most annoyed to find out that planning for a sex shop in Glebeland St Merthyr has been made to the Council. I hope that the planning proposal is addressed to a full council and is duly found inappropriate.

I am a governor of Twynyrodyn community school and Sociologist, that specialises in sex and sexuality. Given my former qualifications, I hope that council will respect my authority on the matter.

A hard core sex shop, will attract deviance to the area. In an era when sex crimes have hit an all time high, with enough sexually promiscuous material being shown and promoted and easily obtainable via media, does the council really want to promote such an ill needed proposal, in a society, that is battling to improve our image.

The explicit and often illegal material these shops sell, both above and (under the counter), with easy access through global communications, could in fact, prove to be a Pandora’s Box of Evil, that hosts paedophilia enjoyment, and meeting exchange, promote, pornography with the latest sex trends of S & M being promoted. In an era, where prostitute, drug and sex slavery are flourishing, the council must therefore reject such a proposal.


Prevention is remember better than cure.

Objection 18

Opposition to proposed sex shop in Glebeland Street, Merthyr Tydfil

I wish to submit my formal objection to the proposed development of a ‘sex shop’ to be located in Glebeland Street, Merthyr Tydfil.

The Street in question is a well used pedestrian and visitor route in and out of our Town Centre. The Town in itself is becoming a very diverse community and is attracting a lot of outside interest, I believe that a siting of a ‘sex shop’ in this area would be detrimental to the business coming to the town and would dissuade visitors from bringing their business and custom to the area.

You may have heard of the ‘signal crimes perspective’ a theory, which suggests that where an area suffers disorder or the area portrays a low standard of maintenance/appearance etc, this will then be perceived to be a common standard throughout the area, thus resulting in a decline in general standards and respect for the area, the siting of this shop would in my opinion ‘bring down’ the perceived standard of the area and would result in locals/visitors avoiding the area.

I believe the siting of the shop would cause considerable offence to a number of locals and visitors alike and I would not use the street as I would not feel comfortable to use the area with my young family present. The area is well used by school children on a daily basis, the shop would draw the wrong kind of visitor to the area, which may put our children at risk, if there is risk why take it?

What kind of image are we trying to portray, a large controversial open cast has been given the go ahead to the east of Merthyr, which is already a blackspot on our land and right next to a large landfill site that’s smell is starting to permeate throughout Merthyr more and more, we are then refused a positive development in Rhydycar, which would have benefited our community greatly only then to consider the opening of a ‘sex shop’, I think that these issues need to be reviewed with urgency to ensure the future positive development of our town.

I hope and trust that someone in authority will take my e-mail into consideration.


I wish to object strongly to having a sex shop in Glebeland St. Merthyr Tydfil. In view of the current climate of sex crimes do we want to add any more negative labels on our town of Merthyr? What with a national T.V. programme claiming that “The Wyndham Arms at the other side of Glebeland St. is one of the roughest pubs in Wales do we want a sex shop at the other side of Glebeland St I don’t think so! I urge you to seriously think before giving planning permission to such a tacky venture.


Objection 20

I am writing in protest against the plans to open a sex shop on Glebeland Street. I would like you to consider that many school children use this street at lunch times. You must also think of the possibility of sex crimes increasing in the town.

Do we really want our great town Merthyr Tydfil with all its heritage to be brought down to gutter level?

Objection 21

Re: Sex Shop

I completely object to the licensing proposal for a sex shop in our town centre, as this will increase drug abuse even more in our town. We all know that sex, sex aides and drugs, go hand in hand.

Our town is in great difficulty as it is.

We are in need of far more sensible shops in our area.

Objection 22

I am writing to put my view forward as a complete disapproval of a sex shop to open in Merthyr Tydfil Town Centre.

Objection 23

I note an application for a licence has been applied for a sex shop to open in Glebeland Street.

How degrading for Merthyr Tydfil if permission is given. Please think of the next generation, for our children, grandchildren, great grandchildren.

Our children are bombarded with filth on posters, television, and cinemas. LET US CLEAN UP MERTHYR.

A scripture comes to mind. LUKE 17: Things that cause people to sin are bound to come, but woe to that person through whom they come. It would be better for him to be thrown into the sea, with a millstone around his neck than for him to cause one of these little ones to sin.

Objection 24

I am writing to you to state my absolute rejection for the proposed ‘sex shop’ in Merthyr Tydfil town centre. I feel very strongly about it and feel that it will morally corrupt our town. Please note my rejection along with all my family.

AJO OBJECTIONS-07/BC Objection 25

I am writing to oppose the proposed opening of a sex shop with pornographic material in Glebeland Street, Merthyr Tydfil.

There is enough crime prevalent in our society already and this sort of material can only add to the depravity in our society already. The moral fabric of our society is breaking down and opening such as this can only accelerate the situation.

I urge you to seriously consider these issues when making your decisions.

Objection 26


I am writing to you to protest and oppose the licensing and indeed “setting up” of a sex shop premises in Merthyr Tydfil.

I object to a business which promotes offensive materials that degrade and demean human beings.

This activity/business should be outlawed and abolished and not allowed to operate under any circumstances as it encourages lewd and selfish behaviour.

Please do not allow this business to trade in Merthyr Tydfil.

Objection 27

I wish to oppose the plans to open a sex shop in Glebeland Street. It will lower the tone of the area and limit interest from new business. Please forward my concerns to the licensing officer.

Objection 28

I am writing to express my concern and horror at the news of the ‘hard porn’ shop coming to Merthyr. After years of the council working to renew Merthyr’s image, this would be a blow to the town.

I have now lived in Merthyr since 1983 and am forever having to ‘stick up’ for the town against much denigration of it by those outside. Please don’t give them cause for further running our town down.

We also need to consider the needs of families, who will be concerned about the influence of such a shop on their children.

Please do not provide an opportunity to feed the perversions of others, to the detriment of our community.