Submitted on behalf of High Speed Two (HS2) Limited in support of confirmation of compliance with statutory formalities

Eversheds Sutherland (International) LLP One Wood Street LONDON EC2V 7WS Tel: 020 7919 4500 Fax: 020 7919 4919

1. The Act

1.1 Application was made by High Speed Two (HS2) Limited (“HS2 Ltd”) in accordance with section 6 of the Act for the Order (CD/2) to be made under sections 1 and 5 of the Act.

2. Transport and Works Act (Applications and Objections Procedure)( and Wales) Rules 2006

2.1 The procedure for submitting an application for an Order under the Act is contained in the Applications Rules (CD/19) made under the Act.

2.2 The application for the Order (CD/2) was made to the Secretary of State for Transport (“The Secretary of State”) on 9 August 2016 in accordance with Rules 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 of the Applications Rules (Appendix 1). Prior to this, a copy of the proposed draft Order and Explanatory Memorandum were supplied to the Secretary of State (Appendix 2) on 8 July 2016 in accordance with Rule 5(1) of the Applications Rules.

2.3 In accordance with Rule 14 of the Applications Rules, notice of the application for the Order was published in the following newspapers on the following dates:

Bucks Herald 3 and 10 August 2016 (Appendix 3)

Buckingham and Winslow Advertiser 5 and 12 August 2016 (Appendix 4)

London Gazette 9 August 2016 (Appendix 5)

2.4 In accordance with the newspaper notice published in the Bucks Herald and the and Winslow Advertiser mentioned in paragraph 2.3 above (“the Newspaper Notice”), copies of the application and of all other documents submitted with it were made available for public inspection at Winslow Community Library, Buckingham Library and Library at the times mentioned in the Newspaper Notice. The Newspaper Notice and notices displayed at the aforementioned venues confirmed how copies of those documents could be obtained in accordance with Rule 14(10) of the Application Rules (Appendix 6).

2.5 A copy of the application together with copies of every relevant document required to accompany it in accordance with Rule 13(8) of the Application Rules (including the statement required in accordance with Rule 13(8)(j)) were served in accordance with Rule 13(1) and (3) on those bodies required to be served on 9 August 2016 (See Appendix 7 for the list of bodies).

2.6 Notice in accordance with Rule 14(4) of the Applications Rules, containing information specified in Rule 14(5), including a statement as to the capacity in


which the recipient was being served, was served by first class post on 9 August 2016 upon those bodies required to be served (see Appendix 8 for list of bodies).

2.7 In accordance with Rule 14(6) of the Applications Rules, notice (in the form of Form 2 in Schedule 2 to the Rules) was displayed upon or as close as reasonably practicable to the proposed site of the works to be authorised by the Order, and in pursuance of Rule 14(9), was subsequently maintained to 21 September 2016 (Appendix 9).

2.8 In accordance with Rule 14(7) of the Applications Rules, notice (in the form of Form 3 in Schedule 2 to the Rules) was displayed upon the right of way or street at, or as close as reasonably practicable to each point of proposed stopping-up, diversion or restriction on the use of a right of way or street, and in pursuance of Rule 14(9), was subsequently maintained to 21 September 2016 (Appendix 10).

2.9 In accordance with Rule 15(1) of the Applications Rules, notices (in the form of Form 5 in Schedule 2 to the Application Rules) of the application were served by first class post on 9 August 2016 upon all those named in the Book of Reference (CD/11) accompanying the application for the Order. An example of the notices so served is attached at Appendix 11 together with a postal list of the persons and bodies served.

3. Post Application

3.1 In accordance with Rule 10(8) of the Applications Rules compliance with the relevant Application Rules were supplied to the Secretary of State in the form of sworn affidavits on 14 September and 7 and 10 October 2016 and was acknowledged by the Department for Transport by letters dated 19 September and 10 October 2016 (Appendix 12).

4. Objections

4.1 The period for making objections and representations commenced on 9 August and expired on 21 September 2016.

5. Transport and Works (Inquiries Procedure) Rules 2004

5.1 Following receipt of objections to the Order, by letter dated 18 October 2016, the Secretary of State gave notice of his decision to hold an Inquiry into the application for the proposed Order (Appendix 13). The Secretary of State also gave notice in the same letter that, in accordance with Rule 7(1) of the Inquiries Rules, HS2 Limited’s Statement of Case (CD/15) was required to be served on him and on each statutory objector and on each person who is required to serve


a Statement of Case under Rule 7(3) of the Inquiries Rules no later than 13 December 2016.

5.2 In a subsequent letter dated 26 April 2017, the Secretary of State gave notice of the date, time and place for the holding of an Inquiry and a pre-Inquiry meeting and the statement of matters served under Rule 7(6) of the Inquiry Rules (Appendix 14).

6. British Agricultural Services Limited

6.1 Following the Application, it was brought to HS2 Ltd’s attention that a restrictive covenant for the benefit of British Agricultural Services Limited (“BASL”) affects land within the Order Limits. The BASL restrictive covenant arises from a previous transfer relating solely to the transfer to BASL of minerals in the subsoil of land within the Order Limits but without the right to extract them. The terms of the restrictive covenant impact upon the use of land within Order Limits for the purposes of the proposed TWA Order. The effect of the TWA Order, if confirmed, will be to override the BASL restrictive covenant.

6.2 As the Book of Reference which was prepared by HS2 Ltd with all due diligence did not reference BASL, BASL were not served with a Rule 15 notice (see Appendix 11) at the time of the Application.

6.3 Rule 14(4) and Schedule 6 of the 2006 Rules sets out further categories of people upon whom notice must be served in the event of the circumstances arising and set out in Schedule 6 including those in Category 16 being:–

“16. Any person, other than a person who is named in the book of reference described in Rule 12(8), whom the applicant thinks is likely to be entitled to make a claim for compensation under section 10 of the Compulsory Purchase Act 1965 if the order is made and the powers in question are exercised, so far as it is known to the applicant after making diligent inquiry.”

6.4 Category 16 of Schedule 6 to the 2006 Rules may apply to BASL by virtue of the restrictive covenant though this is questionable given the nature of the restrictive covenant and the limited interest it confers on BASL.

6.5 However, HS2 Ltd determined to adopt a cautionary approach and served BASL on 5 April 2017 with a Notice in accordance with Rule 14(4) of the Applications Rules and presented BASL with an opportunity to object to the TWA Order within a shortened 21 day period (Appendix 15). This approach was agreed by the TWA Orders Unit on 3 April 2017 (Appendix 16).

6.6 The 21 day period for submitting objections expired on 27 April 2017 and no objections were submitted by BASL during that period.


7. Statement of Case

7.1 HS2 Limited’s Statement of Case (CD/15) was served upon the Secretary of State by hand on 13 December 2016. In addition HS2 Limited also served by courier HS2 Limited’s Statement of Case on each statutory objector and person who notified the Secretary of State of his intention or wish to appear at the Inquiry on 13 December 2016. (See Appendix 17 for the postal list of the persons and bodies served).

7.2 In accordance with Rule 7(2)(a) of the Inquiries Rules, HS2 Limited also served on the Secretary of State with its Statement of Case a copy of every document intended to be referred to or put in evidence at the Inquiry (“the Core Documents”) (see Appendix to the Statement of Case (CD/15)) together with a copy of the notice referred to below.

7.3 In accordance with Rule 7(2)(b) of the Inquiries Rules, HS2 Limited served upon each statutory objector with its Statement of Case, notice of where a copy of every document included in the Core Documents may be inspected free of charge (see Appendix to the Statement of Case (CD/15)).

8. Proofs of Evidence

8.1 In the letter dated 26 April 2017 (Appendix 14), the Secretary of State requested that proofs of evidence (summaries, appendices and supporting reference material) be submitted by Tuesday 20 June 2017. This date for the submission of proofs of evidence was confirmed by the Inspector for the Inquiry in the pre-Inquiry meeting note issued on 27 April 2017.

8.2 HS2 Limited’s proofs of evidence (including summaries, appendices and supporting reference material) were served upon the Inspector for the Inquiry on 20 June 2017. A hard copy of HS2 Limited’s proofs of evidence (including summaries, appendices and supporting reference material) was served, on those persons/bodies listed in Appendix 18 on 20 June 2017.

9. Inquiry

9.1 In accordance with Rule 13(6) of the Inquiries Rules:

(a) notice of the Inquiry (Appendix 19) was posted and has been maintained by HS2 Limited in a conspicuous place on or as close as reasonably practicable to the land to which the Order relates;

(b) notice of the Inquiry (Appendix 19) was posted for display and has been maintained where public notices are usually posted in the area being Winslow Community Library, Buckingham Library and Steeple


Claydon Library where copies of the Application and Core Documents were also made available for public inspection.

(c) notice of the Inquiry (Appendix 20) was published by local advertisement in the area in which the proposals contained in the application are to have effect such publication being in the Bucks Herald and the Buckingham and Winslow Advertiser on Wednesday 28th June and Friday 30th June respectively.

Eversheds Sutherland (International) LLP 18 July 2017

5 (/) Eversheds LLP , One Wood Street London EC2V 7WS 0 LJJ T: +44 20 7497 9797 F: +44 20 7919 4919 I DX 154280 Cheapside 8 (/) 0::

UJ The Secretary of State for Transport Date: 9 August 2016 > Department for Transport Your ref: LJJ C/o TWA Orders Unit Our ref: WHITED\293109-000415 Legal Service Direct: +44 20 7919 4800 Zone 1/14 - 18 Email: [email protected] Great Minster House 33 Horseferry Road London SW1P 4DR

Dear Sir,


We act for High Speed Two (HS2) Limited ("HS2") who have instructed us to apply on their behalf for the above rneriltioned Order.

ll!l accordance with Rule 9 of the Transport ar:Jd Works (Applications and Objections Procedure) (England and Wales) Rules 2006 we enclose the Application for the Order and in accordance with Rule 10(1) we also enclose three copies of that Applicatiol!l. I11 accordance with Rule 10(2) we also enclose four copies of each of the followirilg docJ.Jrnerilts:-

(1) A draft of the proposed Order as required by Rule 10(2)(a).

(2) An explanatory memorandum that explains the purpose and effect of each article arild schedule in the proposed Order, as required by Rule 10(2)(b).

(3) A concise statement of the aims of the proposals to which the application relates as required by Rule 10(2)(c).

(4) A report summarising the consultations that have beeril undertaken as required by Rule 10(2)(d).

(5) A list of consents, permissions or licences pursuant to Rule 10(2)(f).

(6) A statement of environmental information (ES) as required by Rule 10(2)(g) together with a copy of the Secretary of State's Scoping Opinion dated 28 June 2016 given pursuant to Rule 8; and a Non Technical Summary of the ES.

(7) The proposals for funding the cost of implemetilting the Order pursuarilt to Rule 10(3)(a).

(8) Plans and sectiol!ls comprising -

a) plans draw11 to a scale not smaller tha11 1:2500 in accordance with Rules 10(3)(b)(i), (4) and (5) and 12(1)(a) arild (c), (2), (5) and (7), ar1d

b) sections drawn to a vertical scale not smaller tham 1:500 in accordance with Rules 10(3)(b)(i) and 12(3)(a) and (b).

Jon_lib1 \14472655\2\rodwela

Eversheds LLP is a limited liability partnership, registered in England and Wales, registered number 0(304065, registered office One Wood Street, London EC2V 7WS. Authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority. A fist of the members' names and their professional qualifications is available for inspection at the above office. For a full list of our offices please visit (./') " Date: 9 August 2016 0 Your ref: LLJ Our ref: WHITED\293109-000415 Page: 2 I (./') (9) An estimate of the cost of carrying out the works provided for in the proposed Order in 0:: pursuance of Rule 10(3)(b)(ii). LLJ (10) A book of reference in accordar~ce with Rules 10(4) ar:1d 12(8)

> (11) A request for a directior:J from the Secretary of State under sectioll 90(2A) of the Town w al'ild Country Planning Act 1990 that planning permission shall be deemed to be granted for the development proposed in the applicatioll pursuant to RL:Jie 10(6)(a) together with a statement as to proposed planning conditions pl.'lrsuant to Rule 10(6)(b), and documents in support of the request for a direction pl.'lrsuant to Rule 10(6)(d).

A memory stick containing electronic copies of the documents is also enclosed.

Notice of the application has been and is being published as follows -

• The Bucks Herald on Wednesday 3 August and Wednesday 10 August 2016, • The Buckingham and Winslow Advertiser on Friday 5 August and Friday 12 August, and • The London Gazette on 9 August 2016.

Copies of each issue will be forwarded to you in due course. A copy of the newspaper notice is enclosed for information.

Payment in respect of the fee for the application in the sum of £46,200 (being the fee prescribed by Rule 19 and calculated in accordance with Schedule 4 to the Rules) has been made by BACS

We should be grateful if you would acknowledge receipt of the Application and of the above mer:1tioned documents.

Yol!lrs faithfully

Eversheds LLP


lon_lib1 \14472655\2\rodwela Eversheds LLP l/) One Wood Street London EC2V 7WS 0 United Kingdom UJ T: +44 20 7497 9797 F: +44 20 7919 4919 I DX 154280 Cheapside 8 l/) 0::: UJ Martin Woods Date: 8 July 2016 > Head of the TWA Orders Unit Your ref: UJ General Counsel's Office Our ref: COLUNST\172234-0001:87 Department for Transport Direct: +44 20 7919 4787 Zone 1/18, Great Mi11ister House Email: [email protected] 33 Horseferry Road London SW1P 4DR

By Post & Email

Dear Mr Woods

High Speed Rail (London- West Midlands) Bill ("the Bill") Calvert Waste Transfer Rail Terminal - Proposed Transport and Works Act Order

F1:1rtl:ler to the above matter, I now enclose a draft of the proposed Order together with a draft of the Explanatory Memorar:ldum as required under Rl:Jie 5 of tl:le Applications and Objections Rules 2006.

In addition to the above, I enclose the Order plans and sections together with some drawings from the draft Environmental Statement which should assist you in yo~:~r consideration of the draft Order.

I would like to draw to your attention the fact that we have not as yet made any amendme11ts to the Order to reflect the enactment of the Housililg and Planning Act 2016. We tmderstand that DCLG may be about to say something about commencement orders and transitional arrangements. I concluded that it may be better to wait to see what the likely scope ar:~d timescale will be for tl:le introduction of amendments before proposililg anything. Accordingly, further amendments to the draft Order are likely but these will, of course, be directed only to give effect to the legislative changes in the pipeline.

Please let me know if you have any queries, otherwise I will look forward to l:learing from you in due course.

Yours sincerely

Stephen Collings Partner Eversheds LLP


lon_libl \14588500\1 \grayc

Eversheds LLP is a limited liability partnership, registered in England and Wales, registered number OC304065, registered office One wood Street, London EC2V 7WS. Authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority. A fist of the members' names and their professional qualifications is available for inspection at the above office. For a·full·list of our offices please visit THEBUC~GHAMSHIDECOUNTYCOUNCa Goods Vehicle Operators Licence The Councillms made The Buckinghamshirc County Council (Temporary Prohibition of Alno (United Kingdom) Ltd trading as Alno UK Through TrarDc) (Li llie lckford,lckford) Order, 2016, wlliell will temporarily prohibit any vebicle from proceeding, except for ncccss, in Lillie lcld'ord, lcldorcl. i.lcljaccnt to No. 17 LiLLie Ltd of Unit 1. North Downs Business Par. Pilgrims The Transport and Works Act 1992 lclcford. Altcmativc route: Dead End Ro~d. The closure is required whilst sewer repair works Way. Dunton Green. Sevenoaks. TN13 2TL is take place commencing on 8 Allgust 2016 for 2 weeks. The proposed Order will come into applying for a licence to use Units 8 & 9 operation on 8 August2016, LIS signed, for a muximum duration of 18 months. The Transport and Works (Applications and Objections Procedure) Century Court, Wescott Venture Pork. (England and Wales) Rules 2006 The Council intends to make The Buckinghamshlrc County Council (Tcn1pornry Prohibilion . HPlB OXB as on operating centre for The High Speed Rail (london -West Midlands) (Greatmoor Railway Sidings Etc.) Order ofTI!rougl! TmrDc) (Crabtree Road and Higl! Slreel. Haddenham) Order, 2016, wl!icl! 10 goods vehicles and 0 trailers. Owners or ~· wiU temporarily prohibit any vehicle from proceeding, except for access, in those lengths of NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR AN ORDER Crnblrec Road and High Street, Haddenham described in the schedule below. The times or occupiers of land (Including buildings) near closure and the: altcnllllh•e routes arc :1lso given in the schedule. Tbe closures arc required the operating centre(s) who believe that their High Speed Two (HS2) Limited ("HS2") of One Canada Square, London E14 SAB is applying to the Secretary of State for Transport • wltilsl new reinrorcement gas main works take place. The: works will b~ carried out in 2 use or enjoyment of that land would be under seclion 6 of the Transport and Works Act 1992 for the above-mentioned Order under sections 1 and 5 of that Act. phases and it is anticipated that the works will cornmence on 8 August 2016 and will take affected, should make written representations This Order would authorise HS2 to construct railway sidings and associated works adjacent to tl1e Aylesbury Link Railway (also appro>dmatcly 3 weeks to complete each ph<1se. The lengths or road will not be closed known as the Marylebone lo Claydon Line) for tile loading and offloading of spoil and waste material to the Calverl simultaneously. The proposed Order will come into operation on 8 August 2016. as signed. to the Traffic Commissioner at Hillcrest House. Landfill and the Greatmoor Energy from Waste Facility in the District of , County of . The works for a maximum duration or 18 months. Pem1ltics ror not observing these restrictions will 386 Hore\'111\s Lane. Leeds. LS9 6NF stating their are required in connection with Phase One of the proposed High Speed Railway betv.•een London and Birmingham and will be as prescribed by the Road Traffic Regulation Act I 984 and Ihe Road Trame Act I 99 I. reasons, within 21 days of this notice. SCHEDULE Phase I Crabtree Road from High Street lo The Croft. Closed B August 2016 replace existing railway sidings and facilities for the transfer of waste located near the village of Calvert also in the District of for 3 weeks. The alternalJvc route will be 1-ligh Street, South End. The Cron. Townsidc: and Representors must at the some time send a Aylesbury Vale and currently operated by FCC Waste Services (UI<) Limited. Churchway ~High Street adjacent to Nos. 29 to 34 High Street Closed 29 August 2016 copy of their representations to the applicant The drah Order also makes provision for the slopping up of streets and the use of privale roads for construction and the temporary rar J \.\'eeks. The altcmative rOlltC will be Crtlblree Road, South End. The Crofl, Townsidc at the address given at the top of this notice. slopping up and diversion of streets. The Order would provide a defence to proceedings in respect of statutory nuisance and for and Churchway. lrealtng any deemed planning permission which is granted in relation to the authorised works as specific planning permission A guide to mal

-' .!> " Wcdncsd~y.Augustl0,2016 c ·assified

0 "9 ,±~ !~ PERSONAL PERSONAL PREMIUM LINES PUBUC NODCES SERVICES SERVICES The Transport and Works Act 1992 The Transport and Works (Applications and Objections Procedure) • Taras (England and Wales) Rules 2006 • Country Retreat The High Speed Rail (London -West Midlands) (Greatmoor Railway Sidings Etc.) Order An Expensive NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR AN ORDER Pleasure For The High Speed Two IHS21 Limited ("HS2"1 of One Canada Square, London E14 SAB is applying to the Secretary of State for Transport Fantastic Caravan For Sale Discerning uni:ler section 6 of the Transport and Works Act 1992 for the above-mentioned Order under sections 1 and5 of that Act. This Order would 'authorise HS2 to construct railway sidings and associated works adjacent to the Aylesbury Lin I< Railway (also 1. Lovely park with a leisure centre, Gentleman Only known as the Marylebone to Claydon junction Line) for tlie loading and offloading of spoil and waste material to the Calvert Landfill and the Greatmoor Energy from Waste Facility in the District of ~lesbury Vale, Coun~· of Buckinghamshire. The works Sports court, entertainment complex 07704964339 are required in connection with Phase One of the proposed High Spee Railway between London and Birmingham and will Flahing lakes, Golf course, Pet Friendly replace existing railway sidings and facilities for the transfer of waste located near the village of Calvert also in the District of Aylesbury Vale and currently operated by FCC Waste Services (UI<) Limited. The drah Order also makes provision for the stopping up of streets and the use of private roads for construction and the temporary £8000 stopping up and diversion of streets. The Order would provide a defence to proceedings in respect of statutory nuisance and for 07763620940 treating any deemed planning permission which is granted in relation to the authorised works as specific planning permission ! for the purposes of section 264(3)(a) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. Th e Order further provides for powers of I disposal and to enter in to agreements in respect of the authorised works and for overriding the application of landlord and tenant Jaw in relation to such agreements, the prevention of obstruction of the construction of tlie work1 and trespass on the railway or land, provision to mal~~ lodu~ under the Order as welf as the repeal of certain provisions which would no longer be required as a consequence of the Sports court, entertalnm.,t complex authorisation of those works by the Order. The provtsions of the Bill so applied are- clauses 13 (Extinction of rights of statutor)• 07910 undertakers) and 18 {enforcement of restrictions on land use), paragraphs 121 and (1 OJ of clause 22 {Power to dtsappl)• deemed Fishing lakes, Golf course, Pet Friendly planning permission), clauses 28 {consecrated land), 29 (Comm ons and open spaces), 30 {trees), 42 {co-operation), 43 (transfer 655197 of fu ncttons relating to works), 50 {enforcement of environmental covenants) and 63 {arbitration); paragraphs 1 (authori~• to survey and investigate land etc.), 2 to 6 (support of buildings!, 7 (trees on neighbouring land), 8 (discharge ol water) and £8000 Contact 10 {electronic communications apparatus) of Part 1 (further and supplementary provisions) and paragraphs 12 to 14 of Part 2 (exercise of powers of entry etc) of Schedule 2 (wo rks); paragraph 10, 12, 14, 16 and 17 (construction and maintenance of 07783620940 HEALTH youi friendly highways) ofPart3 of Schedule 4 (Highways); paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 (water abstraction and impounding), 5 (floods), 6 (drainage) ano9 Onterpretatlon) of Schedule 21 (water); paragraphs 1 {building regulations), 2 (drain repairs), 3 (drain disconnections) and dassifieds 61interpretation) of Schedule 22 (buildings); paragraph 3 (permit schemes) of Schedule 24 (street works!; paragraphs 1 (control of noise on construction sites), 2 {defences to proceedings relating to statutory nuisance) and 4 (disapplicalion of sections 61 (9) Do you need help team on and 65{8) of Control of Pollution Act1974) of Schedule 26 (noise); paragraphs 1 (Highway (Railway Crossings) Act 18391. 3 (Railway Regulation Act 1842), 4 (Railways Clauses Consolidation Act 184S!, S (Railways Clauses Act 1863) and 7 (British with a problem? 0207 Transport Commission Act 1949) of Schedule 28lapplication of other railway legislation etc.); Schedule 29 {arbitration between railway operators) and Parts 2 (electrici ty, gas, water and sewerage undertakers), 3 (electronic communications code networks) • . - ----. ~- . -- • 0845 206 . and 5 {land drainage, flood defence, water resources and fisheries) of Schedule 32 {protective provisions). In addition, certain PERSONAl SERVICES Hypnotherapy can & has helped provisions of the Bill relating to the compulsory acquisition of land are applied to the compulsory acquisition of lond authorised • by the Order. many people in manyways The application is to be made subject to an environmental impact assessment. Powerful when dealing with The application contains a statement that a direction for deemed planning permission is being applied for. • Phobias • Confidence Acopy of the application for the Order, and of all plans and other documents submitted with it, may be inspected free of charge from 9 August 2016 to 21 September 2016 at the places and at the times set out in the Schedule to this notice. • Emotional • Stress A copy of the application for the Order, and of all plans and other documents submitted with it, may also be viewed al • Sexual type Issues

Name: ______~ Steeple Claydon Library Monday - Closed 1------r------r------~ 50 Queen Catherine Road Tuesday- 2.30pm·5.30pm Address:------1 Steeple Claydon Wednesday . Closed Buckinghamshire Thursday- 2.30pm-5.30pm • Postcode: ______Mobile number; ______. MK18 2PY Friday- 2.30pm·5.30pm ...... Saturday - 9.30am·12 .30pm •'---.'" Email: ______, Sunday - Closed We have a

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NORTHAMPTONSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL Aylesbury Vale District Council ~A The Transport and Works Act 1992 ROAD TRAFFIC REGULATION ACT 1984- has received the following applications, which can be viewed via the Ll V The Transport and Works (Applications and Objections Procedure) SECTION 14 Internet or online at our offices during nonmal office hours. ~) /1) Comments can be made online at www.aytesbyryyaledc goy,yk ~- C (England and Wales) Rules 2006 THE COUNTY COUNCIL within 21 days. We publish every comment we receive on our ~'~""" The High Speed Rail (london- West Midlands) (Greatmoor Railway Sidings Etc.) Order (WHITFIELD ROAD & RADSTONE website. IJiltaiCfCOUHCil. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR AN ORDER ROAD. WHITFIELOI Affects the Setting of aLB -16/02820/APP -1 NEW ROW MAIN STREET High Speed Two (HS2) Limited (•HS2") of One Canada Square, London E14 SAB is applying to the Secretary of State for Transport !TEMPORARY PROHIBITION OF THROUGH - Single storey rear extension . unaer section 6 of the Transport and Works Act 1992 for the above-mentioned Order under sections 1 and 5 of that Act. Affects Setting of LB and Adjoining CA - 16/02679/APP- BEECH TRAFFIC\ ORDER 2016 This Order would authorise HS2 to construct railway sidings. and associated works adjacent to the Aylesbury Link Railway (a lso • BUNGALOW UPPER STREET -Two storey rear extension with known as the Marylebone to Claydon Junction Line) for the loading and offloading of spoil and waste material to the Calvert NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that accommodation within the roof at second floor level & single storey side/rear Landfill and the Greatmoor Energy from Waste Facility in the District of Aylesbury Vale, County of Buckinghamshire. The works Northamptonshire County Council have made an extension with accommodation within the roof at first floor level, basement & are required in connection with Phase One of the proposed High Speed Railway between London and Birmingham and will Order the effect of which is to prohibit traffic from outbuilding. (alternative to planning penmisslon 16/01560/APP) replace existing railway sidings and facilities for the transfer of waste located near the village of Calvert also in -the District of Aylesbury Vale and currently operated by FCC Waste Services (UK) Limited. proceeding along those lengths of Whitfield Road, Affects a Public Right of Way -16/02692/APP -LAND AT WHITE BRIDGE The draft Order also makes provision for the stopping up of streets and the use of private roads for construction and the temporary Radstone and Radstone Road, Whitfield as set out HERDS HILL STEEPLE CLAYDON - Erection of Bam (Amendment to planning below. stopping up and diversion of streets. l11e Order would provide a defence to proceedings in respect of statutory nuisance and for penmission 13/02691/APP) treating any deemed planning permission which is granted in relation to the authorised works as specific.p lanning perm ission LENGTHS OF ROADS TO WHICH RESTRICTION 16/02683/APP -LAND EAST OF ROAD TINGEWICK - for the rurposes of section 264(3)(a) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. The Order further provides for powers of APPLIES: Those lengths of Whitfield Road, Erection of stable block including associated hardstanding and access . disposa and to enter into agreements in respect of the authorised works and for overriding the application of landlord and tenant Radstone and Radstone Road, Whitfield from Within the Conservation Area - 16/02604/APP- SWAN COTTAGE 2 law in relation to such agreements, the prevention of obstruction of the construction of the works and trespass on the railway or Road to A43 . land, provision to make 11 an offence to disclose confidential information and ancillary provisions. The Order would also modi fy STATION ROAD - Single storey rear and side extension and an agreement made between the Secretary of State for Transport and Network Rail infrastructure Limited relating to protective REASONS FOR RESTRICTION: The restriction is erection of a detached garage. provisions in respect of the High Speed 2 Project. · reqUired fo r safety during carriageway repairs and Adjoining a Conservation Area- 16/02628/APP- THE BETSEY WYNNE PH The Order also confers powers for the compulsory acquisition of land for the purposes of the works and for ancillary purposes. associated works. ROAD SWANBOURNE - Erection of porch. Extension to single The Order wou.ld authorise the acquisition of easements or other rights in land and the imposition of restrictive covenants and storey pitched roof including patio area and single storey extension. Creation of modifies compensation and compulsory purchase enactments in relation to such acquisition. The Order would confer power to PERIOD OF CLOSURE: The proposed Order will additional car parking spaces including landscaping and fenced yard areas. disregard certain interests and improvements in land, for the set-off in any enhancement in the value of land in assessing come into effect on 15" August 2016 and will Removal of existing window to the South Elevation and replace with double compensation payable, the acquisition of part only of certain properties, the extinction or suspension of private rights of way continue in force for a period of eighteen months. and provides a time limit of five years for the exercise of the powers of compu lsory acquisition conferred by the Order. In relation An application may be made for the approval of the door set. to the compulsory acquisition of land under the Order, the Order prov1des for the application of Part 1 of the Compulsory Secretary of State for Transport for the Order to be Major Development -16/02641/APP- HAMILTON PRECISION LTD 10 Purchase Act 196S and for the application and modification of the Compulsory Purchase (Vesting Declarations) Act 1981. extended if this proves necessary. However, the TINGEWICK ROAD BUCKINGHAM - Demolition of existing Class B2 In anticipation of the coming into force of the High Speed Ra il (london- West Midlands) Bill, and by virtue of clause 52 of that restriction specified will have effect only at such warehouse and construction of 51 residential units with access and associated Bill, the Order provides for the application of a number of provisions of the Bill in relati.on to the works sought to be authorised times and to such an extent as is indicated by the parking under the Order as well as the repeal of certain provisions which would no longer be required as a consequence of the authorisation of those works by the Order. The prov1sions of the Bill-so applied are • clauses 13 (Extinction of rights of statutory display of signs prescribed by the Traffic Signs Major Development Affects Setting of LB - 16/02669/AOP - LAND AT undertakers) and 18 (enforcement of restrictions on land use), paragraphs (2) and (1 OJ of clause 22 {Power to d1sapply deemed Regulations and General Directions 2016 . SCOTTS FARM ROAD - Outline application planning permission), clauses18 (consecrated land), 29 {Commons and open spaces), 30 {trees), 42 {co-operation), 43 (transfer with access to be considered and all other matters reserved for the erection of EXPECTED DURATION: It is expected that the of functlons relating to works), SO (enforcement of environmental covenants) and 63 {arbitration); paragraphs 1 {authority to 12 dwelling including access and associated works. survey and investigate land etc.), 2 to 6 (support of buildings), 7 (trees on neighbouring land), 8 {discharge of water) and road w1ll be restricted until19" August 2016 . 10 (electronic communications apparatus) of Part 1 {further and supplementary provisions) and paragraphs 12 to 14 of Part 2 ALTERNATIVE ROUTES: use Brackley Road, (exercise of powers of entry etc) of Schedule 2 (works); paragraph 10, 12, 14, 16 and 17 {construction and maintenance of B4525 and A43. highways) of Part 3 of Schedule 4 (Highways); paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 {water abstraction and in:Jpounding), 5 (floods), 6 (drainage) and 9 {interpretation) of Schedule 21 (water); paragraphs 1 (building reglliations), 2 (drain repa irs), 3 (drain disconnections) and Dated this 4" day of August 2016 On Wednesday 10 August, 6 (interpretation) of Schedule 22 (bui ldings); paragraph 3 {penmit sChemes) of Schedule 24 {street works); paragraphs 1 (control QUENTIN BAKER of noise on construction sites), 2 (defences to proceedings relating to statutory nuisance) and 4 (disapplication of sections 61 (9) between 1 Oam and 2pm, Tesco will be and 65(8) of Control of Pollution Act 1974) of Schedule 26 (noise); paragraphs 1 (Highway (Railway Crossings) Act 1839), Director of Law & Governance 3 (Railway Regulation Act 1842), 4 {Railways Clauses Consolidation Act 1845), 5 (Railways Clauses Act 1863) and 7 (British holding a drop-in session in the foyer at our Transport Commission Act 1949) of Schedule 28 (application of other railway legislation etc.); Schedule 29 {arbitration between PKGfT16/264 railway operators) and Parts 2 (electricity, gas, water and sewerage undertakers), 3 (electronic commu_nications cod~ networks) If you require any further information please contact Towcester Superstore on Old Tiffield Rd and 5 (land drainage, flood defence, water resources and fishenes) of Schedule 32 (protective proviSions).. In add1t1on, certam Gary Thorp on 01604-883400 . (NN12 6PF). provisions of the Bill relating to the compulsory acquisition of land are applied to the compulsory acquisition of land authorised by the Order. · • The application is to be made subject to an environmental impact assessmenl We will be inviting members of the public The application contains a statement that a direCtion for deemed planning permission is being applied for. • NORTHAMPTONSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL to view our plans for a non-food retail and Acopy of the application for the Order, and of all plans and other documents submitted with it may be inspected free of charge ROAQ TRAFFIC REGULATION ACT 1984 - from 9 August 2016 to 21 September 2016 at the places and at the times set out in the Schedule to this notice-' • SECTION 14 : restaurant development on land adjacent to A copy of the application for the Order, and of all plans and other documents submitted with it, may also be viewed at . • THE NORTHAMPTONSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL the store. Copies of that infonmation may be obtained from Bruce Martin, Bill Deposit Manager, Hybrid Bill Preparation and Powers, High !FOOTPATH BETWEEN MOORS DRIVE & Speed Two (HS2) Limited, 5th Floor, Sanctuary Buildings, 20 Great Sm1th Street, London SWl P 3BT. A charge may be payable. Members of the public are invited to come and Any objectioos to, or other representations about, the proposals in the applications should be sent to the Secretary of State for MANSION HILL. MIDDLETON CHENEYl Transport do Transport and Works.Act Orders Uni~ Legal Service, Departrpeot for Transp.ort; Zone.111.4-18, Great Mmster House, !TEMPORARY FOOTPATH CLQSURE\ speak to a Tesco colleague about these plans 13' Horseferry Road, London SW1 P4nR (e-mail: transportandworksact~dft.gsi.sov. uk) . An .obje~t1on or other representation MUST (i) be received by the Secretary of State on or before 21 September 2016, (ill be made m wntmg (whether sent by post or ORDER 2016 and to learn about the investment this scheme e-mail), (iii) state the grounds of the objection or other representation, (iv) indicate who is moking tne obJeCtion or other

1 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the representation, and (v) give an address to which correspondence relating to the !'bjection or other representation may be sent. would bring to Towcester. (If you are sending your objection or other representation by e-mail, please prov1de a postal address.) . . Northamptonshire County Council intend, not less The Sectetary of State may make complete ,copi~ of the()bj~c;tioQr.and .otner representations public, 1ncludmg any personal than seven days from the date of this Notice, to ' L------1 information contained in them, and w1\l copy'"tliem fo11ie app11cant for the Order. make an Order the effect of which will be to prohibit ...... ,------Eversheds LLP, Solicitors and Parliamentary Agents, One Wood Street, London EC2V 7WS pedestrians from proceeding along that length of 1 I NOBTHAMPTONSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL On behalf of High Speed Two (HS2) Limited footpath between Moors Drive and Mansion Hill, 1 Middleton Cheney as set out below. Dated: 3 August 2016 ' ROAQ TRAFFIC REGULATION ACT 1984- SCHEDULE LENGTH OF FOOTPATH TO WHICH SECTION 14 RESTRICTION APPLIES: That length of footpath ADDRESS TIMES FOR INSPEQION THE NORTHAMPTONSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL between Moors Drive and Mansion Hill, Middleton Monday- 9.30am-5pm (BOSE HALL LANE. MIDDLETON CHENEYl Winslow Community Library Cheney from Moors Drive to Mansion Hill. Park Road Tuesday· 9.30am-5pm REASONS FOR RESTRICTION: The restriction is ! (TEMPORARY PROHIBITION OF THROUGH Winslow Wednesday - 9.30am-5pm Thursday • Closed required for safety during diversion of 11 kv cable. TRAFFIC! ORDER 2016 Buckinghamshire MK18 3DL Friday- 1pm-Spm PERIOD OF CLOSURE: The proposed Order will I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Northamptonshire Saturday- 9.30am-1 pm come into effect on 22"" August 2016 and will : County Council have made an Order the effect of Sunday • Closed continue in force for a period of six months . An ' which is to prohibit traffic from proceeding along that Buckingham Library Monday - Closed application may be made for the approval of the I length of Rose Hall Lane, Middleton Cheney as set ' Verney Close Tuesday - 10am-7pm Secretary of State for Transport for the Order to be ~ out below. Buckingham Wednesday - 1Oam-Spm extended if this proves necessary. However, the ! LENGTH OF ROAD TO WHICH RESTRICTION Buckinghamshire Thursday- 1Oam -Spm restriction specified will. have effect only at such MK18 f)P Friday- 1Oam-Spm 1 APPLIES : That length of Rose Hall Lane, Middleton Saturday- 1Oam-2pm times and to such an extent as is indicated by the Cheney from the junction of Braggintons Lane. Sunday- Closed display of signs prescribed by the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2016 . REASONS FOR RESTRICTION: The restriction is : Steeple Clavdon Library Monday - Closed required for an investigation into a problem area of so Queen Catherine Road Tuesday- 2.30pm-5.30pm EXPECTED DURATION: It is expected that the ' flooding. Steeple Claydon Wednesday - Closed footpath will be restricted until 5" September 2016. Buckinghamshire Thursday- 2.30pm-5.30pm PERIOD OF CLOSURE: The proposed Order will MK 2PY Friday- 2.30pm-5.30pm ALTERNATIVE ROUTE: use Moors Drive , Barnett 18 come into effect on 8" August 2016 and will continue 1 Saturday- 9.30am-12.30pm Road, Astrop Road and Mansion Hill. i in force for a period of eighteen months. An : I~======:!:S~u~n~da=y=-=C=Io=se=d======::::J • Dated this 4" day of August 2014 application may be made for the approval of the L QUENTIN BAKER Secretary of State for Transport for the Order to be • extended if this proves necessary. However, the Director of Law & Governance restriction specified will have effect only at such • PKGfT16/303 I times and to such an extent as is Indicated by the If you require any further information please contact display of signs prescribed by the Traffic Signs Gary Thorp on 01604 883400 Regulations and General Directions 2016. EXPECTED DURATION: It is expected that the road will be restrict8d ior om; day. ALTERNATIVE ROUTES: use Braggintons Lane and Main Road. 0207 Dated this 4~ day of August 2016 QUENTIN BAKER 0 452 6 Director of Law & Governance PKGfT16/293 If you require any further information please contact Gary Thorp on 01604-883400. FrrcJ;ty,Au9uSl12.201G \- Classified PUBIJC NOTIC£S PUBUC NOTICES

NORTHAMPTONSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL Aylesbury Vale District Council ROAD TRAFFIC REGULATION ACT 1984 F1JBUC NOnCES has received the following applications, which can be viewed via THE NORTHAMPTONSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL the internet or online at our offices during normal office hours. !VARIOUS ROADS. BRACKLEYl Comments can be made online at www av1e5buryva! The Transport and Works Act 1992 (20 MPH SPEED LIMIT! ORDER 2016 within 21 days. We publish every comment we receive on our website. The Transport and Works (Applications and Objections Procedure) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Northamptonshire Listed Building -16/02861/ALB- THE OLD POST OFFICE 1 GREEN END l (England and Wales) Rules 2006 County Council have made an Order under Section - Replacement of 2 windows serving the kitchen and j The High Speed Rail (london -West Midlands) (Greatmoor Railway Sidings Etc.) Order 84 and Schedule 9 of the Road Traffic Regulation • bathroom and removal of internal blockwork wall in later flat roofed link Act 1984, the effect of which will be to prohibit any · NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR AN ORDER extension. • motor vehtcle from travelltng at a speed exceeding 1-ligh Speed Two ii-IS2) Limited I"HS2") of One Canada Square, London E14 SAB is applying to the Secretary of State for Transport 20mph along those leng ths of roads as specified in Affects Setting of LB and Adjoining CA- 16102633/APP- OLD HOUSE 1 uncler section 6 of the Transport and Works Act 1992 for the above-mentioned Order under sections 1 and 5 of that Act. the Schedule below. 238 OLD END PAOBURY- Demolition of existing garages. Construction of two Th11 Order woulcl authorise HS2 to construct railway sidings and associated works adjacent to the Aylesbury Link Railway !also known ill the Morylebone to Cla)•don )unction Line) for tlie loading and offloading of spoil and waste material to the Calvert A COPY of the Order may be inspected at dwellings with garages. I. L,1ndlill and the Gre,1 1moor Energy from Waste Facility in the District of Aylesbury Vale, County of Buckinghamshire. The works Nortl1amptonshire Highways, Riverside House, Affects a Public Right of Way - 16/02634/APP - LAND AT WEST STREET ilrC req uircclm con nectton wtlh Phase One of the proposed High Speed Railway between London and Birmingham and will Riverside Way, Bedford Road , during - Erection of 6 no. stables and a tack room. replace ex ist rng ri!dway sidings and facilities for the transfer of waste located near the village of Calvert also in the District of Ay lesbury Vale ,1ncl currently operated by FCC Waste Services (UI