Environmental Impact Assessment
Av. Marià Fortuny 83, 2n 3a 43203, REUS at@limonium.org www.limonium.org 977 342 069 Presentation LIMONIUM, SOCIETAT d’ACTUACIONS AMBIENTALS, was born as a company on April 1996. It is formed by a pluridisciplinar team of young but experienced professionals, educated in the items of environmental sciences, engineering, biology, land planning and environmental education. Limonium offers its experience to companies, public administrations and individuals, and because of this, two different working teams have been created: environmental consulting and communication and environmental education. Image of ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING AREA OF LIMONIUM: studies, projects, and assessments Image of COMMUNICATION and ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION TEAM OF LIMONIUM: education for sustainability and environmental concernment, for schools and general public. Limonium spp. Limonium is the latin name of a genus of plants named Sea-Lavanders or Statice in English. They belong to the famíly Plumbaginaceae, being small and generally linked to salty environments (salty marshes, inland and coastal salty soils and first coastal line). They consist morfologically on a basal rosette of leafs, usually fleshy, and long floral stems, with colors that change from white to violet through pink. The essence of genus Limonium defines the philosophy of our company: • Diversity: genus Limonium has more than 100 species in the Iberian Peninsula • Adaptation to local conditions: there is a different Limonium in almost every different cliff or salty marsh. • Adaptation to difficult conditions: Limonium plants always grow in difficult environments, in places that are harsh for other species. • Humility: Limonium are always humble plants, that know their limitations and that only flower when conditions are proper.
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