TA) July/August 1988 The newspaper of the Anti. Movement / 30p The To - the NeISO

NEWS OFROM SOUTHERN AFRICA watches Wembley tNWI ODWTI 01387 7966 outside Europe (udace) e Euopee slace) - £12.50; ,ebes ot the ba-k pge fio Ltd Eepson Steet. Brosteyby-Bow, London The- atomsphere inside the stadium itself was inredible: to hear over 70,000 people stag "Free ' most have seat shockwaves through the apartheid government in Pretoria, Despite attempts hy both Conservative MPs and the South African ebassy to stop the concert, it proved so overwhelming succes in awakening pulic interest - MIRAGES FROM ARGENTINA? Mirage III fighter bombers from Argentina have been unloaded in , according to 'western diplomats'. The World Campaign Against Military and Nuclear Collaboration with South Africa has asked President Raul Alfonsin to investigate the unconfirmed reports urgently. Argentina does have Mirages but it is unlikely that the government would , one of Nelson Mandela's co-accused at the , who is serning alife sentence and sharos a cell block with MandelainPolismoor prison, wrote in a recent letter: 'All eyes are on Wembley stadium for the big concert. You lucky guys. What wouldn't I give just to listen to Whitney Houston! I must have told you that she had long been mine and Walter's (Sisulu) top favourite. , Nelson irearch the mandatory arms embargo and uthorise their sale ta South Africa,. Third parties cosld have been involved. The South African Air Foce has admitted to losing several Mirages in the war against Anola and it is in desperate need of additional aircraft. BRITISH AEROSPACE The World Campaign learned in June that British Aerospace and MBB of West Germany were involved in making special multiensor platforms and electronic and other related equipment for the South African Defence Force (SADF).www.nuance.com British foreign secretary Sir Geoffrey Howe and his West German counterpart Dr Hans-Dietrich Genscher were immediatelt urged to investigate. The case was also raised in Britain by David Steel MP. The SADF needs this Mandela'sPDF lawyer , mid: ' knowCreate! Mandela is sitting in his cell in South 5 Afriea, Trial dreaming bhomttheconrert.' Avhbishop Huddleston, president of the AAM, declared: ' am overwhelmed at the generosity of the artists taking part and their doing so is an expression of their commitment to a noble muse." A petition signed by 'the artista of the world' who paid tribute to Mandela reads: 'Twenty-four years ago Nelson Mandela and his colleagues were sentenced to life imprisonment for seeking to overthrow the apartheid system in South equipment to locate and respond to missiles, grenades and anti-tank and other ammunition. South Africa would find it invaluable in its war against Angola and the other Front Line States. If British Aerospace and MBB are allowed to complete their deal with South Africa, it will amount to another major breach of the arms embargo sad give substantial support to the SADF. BONN ACTS Six South Africans were excluded from a military conference in Karlsroe, West Germany, at the end of June after representations by the World Campaign. Three of the South Africans, representing SomChem, were due to present expert papers at the internetional conference on combustion and detonation phenomena, organised by the Fmunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology. Africa. Their only crime was io seek freedom for their people. '18 July 1988 will be Nelson Mandela's 70th birthday. The world will no longer tolerate his ontined incaeration. He can and must be freed. His freedom is the key to the freedom of all the peoples of Southern Africa. Now is the time to act, 'We appeal to the peoples and governments of the world. Let us join together and do all in our power to secure the release of Nelson Mandela before his 70th birthday.' The World Campaign approached the 16 govern ments concerned andNorway immediately instructed its own representatives to withdraw. Other governments were preparing to take similar action when the Bonn government asked the state-funded institute to exclude the South Africans. HELP TO END COLLABORATION Make a note of the followiag details so that you can report any caee of military and nuclear collaboration with South Africa: World Campaign egaioui Military and Nulear Collabortion wifth Suh Africa, PO Box 2, Lindeberg Gaard, N-1007 Oslo 10, Norway Tel: 010-472 301345 Fax: 010472 303381 Telex. 72314 AAM N Telegrammes: Antiapartheid Oslo. 1 1

ANTI-APARTHEID NEWS t JULY/AUGUST 191 NEWS OFROM SOUTHERN AFRICA Namibian workers back striking students Namibia's democratic trade onion federation, the National Union of Namiian Workers (N UNW), has thrown its weight behind the country'sschool students in their continuing protests against South Africa's iegal occupation. More then 60,000 school studento fron all over Nmisii have been on strike to demand the removal of South African military bases from near their schols and South African miltary personnel from their dasroomn. It is the biggest wavt of protest of its kind in th e country's history., The atmosphere inside Namibia has been described as electric as police he attacked crowds of striking students with teargas, clubs and robber bullfens, and arrested activists from the Namibien National Students (Iglpsation (NANSO). The stoyaway has emptied dozensof schools in the northern wet zone and from them spread to Windhonh, Arandis (housing workers from Rio Tinto Zinc's mniom mine), Gieon is the sarthTomeh, Wais Bay, Omarom and Swakopmund. On 20 June, the NUNW began a two-day national stayewey in Support of the students, saying that as 'parents and workers', its members supported student demands for the removal of army bases, the release of detainees and rho removal of the hated Koevoat counter-insurgency unit from the townships. An 85"-0% stayaway was reported in the industrial ra of Windheek, Namibia's capital. Bums rmn almost empty, despite threats and harassmentwww.nuance.com by police and Koeot patrols armed with automatic weapons and led hailers, At Namibia's two largest mines, Consolidated Diamond Mines and the Rozing uranium mine the stayaay won 100%, end at the Toumeb copper mine it was abeo almost total. ThePDF latest round of student Create! protests began in March this year when 5 700 pupils Trial at the Ponhofi high school in northern Namibia, alarmed atthe presence of a Koevoet base, voted unanimously to go home until it was removed. The students soy that the South African army deliberately places its bases near schools, to intimidate the youth and to drflrct SWAPO guerrilla attacks. When combatants of the People's Liberation Army of Namibia (PLAN) attack South African hams, the army retaliates by shelling and attacking schools. South Africa's administator. general in Namibia, Louis Pioneer, has claimed that the army is them to 'protect' students and told the schools to build themeltesebomb sheiters. Besides Punhofi, Shuluatu and Ogongo schools, whom classrooms and dormitories are no more thsn 200 yards from a base, hae been seriously affected. Several pupils have been killed and others hurt, Dormitories hew been broken into by drunken soldiers and policemen, and schoolgirls assaulted. South African soldierposing m; SWAPS guerrillas have abducted students at night and followed up by mass arreststhe next moroing. Teachers, too, have been hilled, injured and arrested. Other schools in Namibia have since joined the strike so protest and to show their soldrity with those worst affected. Besides the trade union movement, the students ham bren supported by the church and community leaders, The Council of Churches in Namibia has appealed directly to South African president P W Botha, while priests and church workers han themselves been assaulted and detained. Father Jackle hason, leader of youth work for the Roman Catholic Church in N amibia, was arrested and beaten while watching a demonstration by 1,200 schoolchildren in Kaatra, outside Windhoek. He Was accused during interrogation of organising the strike himself and later had to he admitted to hospital for his injuries. Even the Ovambo hantostan leader, Pater Kelangula, has cosne out in support of the schools boycott, while the puppet'tranositional governetnt' hs threatened . ' str of nhational emeefeory'. Glasgow send-off for Mandela TOO Mandela Freedom Marchers to Pretorie ar ontheirway -andnoone onwhat could hae wished for a finer overlypess send-off, theweathe Greeted on the steps of the marhers c Glasgow cityhall bythe their mete president ofthe African Natinal lnaving Gle Congress Wdll the secretary sunshine, tI general of SWAPO of Namibia, warned the and cheered by 30,000 anti- face 'many apartheid supporters at a maw swamps el srally on Glagow Green, the 25 distraction marchers set off on Sunday detonstrat 12 June on their hO0-mile 'Bt we journeytoLondon. youwillma The fiv-hour rally with live apartheid emusicand speakers,andthe SWAPO /l,,O0-stron9 marsh thnnugh AndimbaT, Jim Kerr of Simple Minds sings the band's own song for the campeige,'MandelaOa, Glesgowcitycentrewhich greeitgsto preceded it, were the largest 50,000 peo events of their kind ever Netherland, organised by the Scottids Anti- daybeforeApartheid Committee. paytribute Thetronoutshowedthe Reram strength of feeling in a city that his nwr which has both awarded Nelson from 17 ye Mandela the Freedom ofthe imprisonmv Cityandrenmedits main 10ofwhich square after him. Winnie Madela with Nelson is a rector of the university, as Robben Isla bwasforeenrANC president ueronditlon Albert Luthu. die fighting The 29 Nelson Mandela justie than P FreedomMarchers'represent one's owefr Severyne. ppod to apestheid', ANC president Sliver Tambo Soth At told them, 'Wne ask you not just Dr Allan hoe Andimbe Toim ja Toio, Jenny Buchan MEP, Archbishop Huddleston and JioKerr on their way to to take the earch from Glasgow send the Fos the rally on GlasgowGreenwww.nuance.com toLondon,butbeyondLondon theirwaywe NEWS OFROM SOUTERN AFRICA .nPDF Afriean US rapid deploymentCreate! 5 Trial forces carred out exercises en and South with a Zarean hrigade and that Angola the Angolan defence minia share power atry said that 450 Unit President dos troops trained by Israeli There are no specialists had participated i should ihare in the manoeuvres. .e puppets ... Another major hurdle in ,oup plays the the talks is the insistence on of the racial 'linkage' by the United an army. It States and South Africa, sharing power meaning their demand that rica itself.' Cuban troops must withdraw States itself from Angola befoce a suttleto withdraw meit in Namibia can he Unita. Early reached. -a,, Operation But thu Angolan presi. ook place in dent has qssured SWAPO prosince of leader Sam Nujoma that the Angolan Angola will not compromise the Namihian people's interests. Angola views Namibian independence as centraltothe solution ppauls for ANC president Oliver Tanbo hsa alan quashedrnous that the removal of di ite and African National Congress Onal with- bases from Angola was pat South of the negotiations. 'oops from He said that at none of the quadripartite meetings diate was thequestion of the ntation of ANC raised. He said, 'Our Ition 435 struggle is the same straggle eto astheAngola.one -against SouthAfricanviolence.',ee Thereislittledoubtthat of South Sooth Africa is in trouble in ,geson Angola. Pretoria will make igola asmuchusofthepeace sg off of all talkas hsil can to buyenough upport for time to extricate itself from puppets a verystickysituation. . lance ryof African casualties and 'Tran- destroying milioy infra t in strocture. 'a 17 The liberation moveiarked ment's military wing, the inside People's Liberation Army of te. - Namibis (PLAN), announced nihian in early June that a new offensive had been launched against the occupation ie-n forces. The level of defiance h within Namibia is proving Soha once and for all the unreprea th sentative and powerlesa ngoet nature ofthe imposed trimna , it nal government. Even Preoria is beginning to orther realise that its attempt to retel iretia on the population has Af the In 1987, the South Afiointed can administrator.generi of nt have Naumibia, Pretoria' colonial rss of governor. Louis Pienar, These spoke the truth when he were not the same as the wishes of the transitional government. His comments indicaite British hypocrisy The British government's attitude towards the Unit bandit organisation in Angola is 'cotsry to the principles of diplmnacy', saps a senior member of Angola's MPLA Workers Party. Roberto d'Alnleida, the MPLA's head of ideology, told Anti-Apartheid News that although normal economic and nOmmarcial relations had been estalished between Britain and Angouo te latter's indepadaenr, the British government 'still sems t tolerate the pesenc Of Unit'. AngeI had been told by the British govrnment that it was unable to prevent Jonas Savimbi or other Unite representatives from visiting Britain, an the grounds that such action would be anti-demontatitc 'We don't accept this but we think it's a battle to he fought until we can convince the British government to deal only with the representativeswww.nuance.com of the Angolan government," d'Almeida said. British public opinion had to be convinced that Unita was a totally unacceptable organisation. The United States was new trying to detach Units from South Africa's centrol and place it under the ostensible control of an independent African country, Zaire, to gie the bandits same credibility. Such a strategyPDF would only serve Create! to lengthen the struggle against apartheid, 5 d'Almeida Trial warned. Pretoria's lack of trust in Iis awn creation (the transitiored government). In early 1988, this was made even clearer when P W Botha vsited Nasihia and announced increased President don antes of Angola repressive powers for the administrator-general. The Pretoria regime may now be about to impose a full-scale state of emergency on Namibin. This would involve heightened repression and the end of the virtually-defunct tramnsitional government. The curent chairman of I the puppet government, -1 Andrew Matjia, said that k the school boycott was aimed at making Namiibia Olive Tambo wishes Indres Naidoo luck an the march The talk of South Africa From 12 June to 17 July, the cooking; his favourite was Nelson Mandela Freedom crab curry.' Marchers will be trekking 'Even in prison Mandela from, Glasgow to London, stood out as a tre leader covering nearly 600 miles and a tremendous inspira. step by determined step. tion to the rest of us. When The marchers come from I was released I left with a wide variety of back- mixed feelings. I didn't grounds and are sponsored know whether to laugh or by organisations including cry. the ANC, SWAPO, trade 'To leave the others unions, church bodies, behind was heart-breaking student unions and aid but they were happy that agencies, we would go on to fight outside. Now Mandela and Eunicelipings theother prisoners are fully Eunice Iipinge, who works aware of the campaign here for SWAPO in Luanda, flew and the march. They even to Britain especially to take know the names of same of part, in the march. She has the mechers. It is the talk been working for SWAPO of South Africa!'sinceshe was astudentin The other Nelson the early1970s. MandelaFreedom Marchers She was motivated to join are the march becase she feels i From South Africa that she is 'part and parcel Thanaig Shope, from the of the freedom-loving people ANC's Solomon Mahlangu of Namibia and South Freedom College in Africa; Iwant freedomfor Tamania; Nadia Joseph, everybody. whosefamilylooked after 'Nelson Mandela is the Mandolias' daughters helping us, we are fighting when hoth Winnie and hand in hand. We will achieve Nelson were in jail; AAM much i gh the march deputyexecutive secretary because ve- the world and former politicalprisoner people have heard ofit, even Alan oks the South African regime, and it will work on their * From Namihia- Eln mids until they realise that Ekand. imprisoned on we must befree. RobbenIslandfor18years Indres Naidoo As a former fellow prisoner on with Nelson Mandela, Indres Naidoo had no hesitation in accepting an invitation to jin the march. Indres hasbenamember of the ANC 'all my fife' and is now ANC deputy representative in East Berlin. Indres first came to know Mandela in the 1950s when his father worked dsely with Mandela on the Defiance Campaign. 'Apart from being a political person, Mandela was very humble and very sociable. by the South African regime * From Britain - Simon Osborn, march organism (sponsored by the TGWU); Joni MancDougall (TGWU), Jessil McFall (GMB); Jo Blck (NALGO); Pas Bralv (MSF); Stephen Whittaker (NUM); Sean Hu9 (NUM); Bob Mitchell (NCU/Battersea Labour Party); Jo Spreadbury (Chrsin Aid); Sean Brown (British Council of Churches); Rob McKenie (Natioml Union of Stodents); Elaine Thomson (NUS Scotland); Vijay Krishnbewyan (NOES); Pate Shields (Roads to Freedom); H Ieuvegooufood,andI AlexReid(WooderaftFolk); itntakentheform toldthestoogenationalungovernableandthatone oftenhadtogoover to his Karen Olendall (Doncasterwww.nuance.com ket and mactc hm- asaemblythatthewishesofofthelikelyresultswasa house three miles away with Students Union/Doneaser nts, causing South the majority of Namibians state of emergency. PresidentNema of SWAPO some ofPDF my mother'sAA). Create! 5 Trial -.. ------.-- - - ......

ACTION OFOR SANCTIONS New strategy Celebration for a goes for gold man of action A new international organisation, supported bySWAPO, the ANC, the AAM and the End Loans to Southern Africa (ELTSA) group, has been formed to block sales of South African gold. The World Gold Corn. mission aims to implement apartheid gold boycotts among consumers and governments alike. Sanctions against gold would strike at the heart of the apartheid economy. The gold industry provides half of all South Africa's foreign earnings and a quarter of the, regime's tax income. Yet the issue of gold has been largely untouched by sanctions pressures, mainly due to fear that any action would have the adverse consequence of driving up its price to Pretoria's benefit. Taking advantage of recent research, the World Gold Commission has now developed an effective strategy which will prevent newly-mined South African gold being sold on the world market without disturbing the operation of the maket. An initial focus of activity will be the Italian jewellery industry which buys 100 tonnes of South African gold a year (almost 20% of its production). There are strong indications already that sources of its supply will be switched. Jewellery retailers in this country will also be asked to stock ranges of non-South African gold jewellery. At a press conference to launch the commission, its chair, Peter Robbins, an ex metals trader and adviser to various governments and internation lhodies,revealed a leaked list of the members of a secretive organisation, the World Gold Council, which promotes the buying of gold. The list showed that though it purports to have an international member. ship, the council iseffectively dominated and funded by South African mining interests. The World Gold Commission has written t all non-South African members of this body suggesting they dissociate thesselves from it. The commission will also be approaching central banks and working in close cooperation with groups in Switzerland and particularly in the USA where new sanctions measures under discussion include action against apartheid gold. The World Gold Commission, c/o 13 Mandela Street, London NW ODW, Ccl 01387 7966. South African gold minrs - sanctions agains gald would hit the apartheid regime hard College bn Authorities at New Colege Oxford have agreed to ban investment in nine major British companies in South Africa, including Shell, Consolidated Gold Fields, BP and ICI. The decision folo.vs the launch of a new diatvestment campaign by students at the university which bas attracted widespread support. In May, a debate with Shell resulted in an overwhelming call for their withdrawal from South Africa. Two years ago, New College was among the Oxford colleges that closed their accounts with Barclays. Earlier this year the London School of Economica voted to disinvest completely from any companies with South African or Namibian operations. Student disinvestment campaigns are also currently under way at Exeter and Leed. Chain reaction South African fruit has been cleared from the shelves of major West eran retail chain Hertie and Kaufhof as pressure for sanctions increases in Europe. A Hertiemanagerclained that the store's decision to implement the boycott was a commercial and not a political one, but admitted that demand for South African produce had dropped. Hundreds of messages of congratulations and solida. rity flooded in from heads of state and from ordinary people around the world forwww.nuance.com Archbishop Trevor Huddleston's 75th birthday on 15 June. At an event to mark his birthday, only a few of these could be read out. They included the wishes of the president of Angola for the Archbishop's 'continual renewal of vigour. I hall the efforts you are making.' Guest speaker Oliver Tambo, president of the African National Congress, spoke of Archbishop HuddlestonPDF as 'a leading opponentCreate! of apartheid and a freedom fighter 5 in the activeTrial sense', and as great friend'. 'The ANC today is grate ful to him and there are no words to measure up to what he has meant and continues to mean to our people. 'In the '50s we got to know you as not just another priest; we saw something new about the way you understood your priesthood in relation to what was happening to the people you served.' President Tamb remindod the audience that at the Ehiptown Congress of the People in 1956 when the was drawn up, 'Father' Huddleston was one of only three people awarded the 'Isitwaisndwe' (hero) medal. In a video message Winnie Mandela called the archbishop 'a very special person to all South Africans of whatever colour. 'He earned our respect as one of our greatest freedom fighters in his own Christian way.I Shridath Ramphal, Commonwealth secretary general, described Archbishop Huddleston as 'the parish priest of the global antiapartheid movement, the symbol and ispiration of the worldwide campaign to end apartheid. 'Throughout all the years of Nelson Mandet's impi saonment, Trevorfluddleston has kept watch with him and has helped the wider world to keep that vigil.'

1985 ndela TH AFRICA! AMIBIA! )NS NOW! SIDE AA Festival ds, Liverpool 8 DISTRICT )UP on his 70th Birthday 'Victory is Certain' PO Box 260, Kingston, Surrey KT1 2DU Rossendale AA Group greets Nelson Mandela and all imprisoned opponents of apartheid on Nelson's Birthday and hopes for their speedy release from detention Amandla! BRISTOL AA sends greetings to Nelson Mandela on his 70th birthday Bristol AA, 4 Brookfield Rd, Cotham, Bristol, BS6 5PW Barnet AA Group Salutes Nelson Mandela on his 70th Birthday. Victory to the ANC! Victory to SWAPO! The Society of Telecom Executives, representing 29,000 British Telecom managers, sends greetings to all on the Nelson Mandela Freedom March and at the rally who are supporting the campaign to and all other prisoners of apartheid. THE FIRE BRIGAD UNION supports the call forthe freeing of Nelson Mandeland all prisoners of apartheid KCameron 5 ons GeneralSecretary I ident Lewisham AA congratulates Nelson Mandela! Free All Political Prisoners! Join Lewisham at its Birthday Party for Nelson on July 16th Lewisham Labour Club Limes Grove, SE13 £3.50 £1.50 concs Music & bar T Lambeth NUT www.nuance.com sends Birthday Gretings to Nelson Mandela Sanctions Now! SLD AA SocialPDF & Liberal Democra Create!ts Against Apartheid 5 Trial Are you interested in setting up/ joining the SLD AA? Purpose: to promote anti-apartheid issues within the SLD and provide an SLD presence in anti-apartheid activities. Contact: Nik Nicol, Flat A 58 Pentonville Rd, London N1 NHS Tel: 01-837 3983 -I

ANTI-APARTHEID NEWS * JULY/. *WITH THE WORKERS OF SOUTH AFRICA& NAMIBIA South African strike has DAY massive support Masln m supporf - UA il urorra AttemI trade t A mernorandum submitted by non-restricted aff'liates of the UDF to the South African Employers Committe of Labou Affaäs, the Chamber of Mines and Commerc, the Fedenated Chamben of Industrieo, the Afrika~n Handels Inatitut and other employeas' o ganisationa condemns proponals in the South Affican government's Labour Relations Amendrent Bitt andpnotests at 'the iole you are playing, aotively collaborating with the state, to smash thet, ade union movement'. In COSATU's view the Bill is cleafly almed at nurbing woikers' militancy and wiping out the gana they have made in the paur. The Bill dratiaSyhmpinges on the night ta strike, bars sympathy tion and encourages mna nt to sue for losses d. to unlawful strikes. It had already sparked widespuead anger and protest fom workers prior to the call for three days of protest ation. COSATU highlighte the following contentioås actions in the Bil: 4 w o r k er n r a n n o t tue n the same sur within 15 months, affenting snansal wage bangaining nihta 9 the proceduro far calling a legal strike ha hecome more complicated and bureaueratic b an inspector can delay fa ever the time whena union can go on legal strike * the proposed legislation states that it is not unfair pratice to selnttvely reemploy workers aftr a strike * it will be an unfair practice for a majority union to laim sole negotiating rights for a workplare ;i -1 Bewn...... adthreemillion TheCbamberofMins hlesk wenhers participened in mselaly bhni.,d e the lergest strike in South injuncton aainst the South African histoy on 6-8 June. Africen National Union sf The Congress of South Mine ersna (NUM) preventig Afric-aTrade Unins(COSATU) the anion ht fre. oiising fls called sn workersto stay at the nnsaaay. Thi as besked hann in pertet against the up by a sampaga of vilifiatis n regine w sea Labour Relations agient COSATU thmugh the Astendment Bill. The stayaway South Afrinen Besodcasing case Wa a supported bythe Ceporaion. me"r Niatenel Council el Begienul nd seanl letors Tradeionsna ACTUI. lei, the oelel oe ....t ler The masesve mppert for the tho preteot. Ben asuey earried staywey sas retarkable ot by rhe Lebn. M.nit.,ing n ionsm a.hcondriflgthetackstho Groupshowed vtualy¥ no democatfic m.vmn ba dtUffere in responseto the n io n ssffredovrecntmoatbs.In proe c11baeenuioniw addition, legal restrictions 7.r ..d non-Jn[oalsedlabour i thei st makes menyunfair 'All in all', COSATU said, plned on national and Ial Pereaia-Witwaterånd dismissals legal and negates 'govermnent atrctures have officials promotting the prtest Veenijng äe.gir. many of the retrenchment onceaganbeenexpoteda actien. Thisa,.entsies70%ef procedures agreed with thetoolofrapitalandauni.... privilegedminoarity.' C m a g i g t Campaigning to www.nuance.com the Alex 5 The Jaint Campaiga Agarist is ronmitted to do aS1it ean the Represion of Trade to secsre the release of our Union.sto in South Aflica brathet trade n omses and Nnnniada tha Co- ad hi, f1- txiatn e th ' ideatonPDF of Shipbildimgand Create! Esalet tho y- the EngineeringUnions(Csnfed) 5 Trial National Union of Mine hare taunched a new am worhera (NIRM) laeanhed . pagn to se re the telease petition to save the lives of of Moses Mayekiso, general thme South Africe i.setretary of the National on death aow. Union of Metalworkern of In addition, the Joint South Afrca (NUMSA) and Canapalgn and the Union of hi. fellow trialists, known a Shop, Distributive en d Allied the Aleandra Fine. Meem Mavetyn No time The TUC's award-wnning commnercial on South Africa, produced to encourage coss.men to boycott Soth -Afaian and Namiblan goods, he been refused advertiang time by London Regional Tranaport (LRT). The commercial was due to be shown on television monitors at Leicester Square ube station and would have bern neen by thousands of commutets. Write on The National Union of Schoelmatera i Union o Wornen Teachers has sgreed to repeat last year'a afiapartheid nitig cmpetition for schoolchildren. thi tos th, mir ost sat Una grol org Whi the wer apa te s CO! derli snshi Theer will be two pnrie ee the campen to wien (Lat £50, 2nd £25) an the following categories: 5-9, the Alexandre Fine steppn 10-13 and 14-pIna, ap in Sine for the r econve eclingdateis ingothetrialinAugust. November. For furthe C The Jotat Cmpelgo en details contaet Bill Herron, Confd are organlingapon ,ord . ,pignt r NASUWT,22 UpperBrook Bohato melase toepk Street, London W1Y 1PD. nd hi, ftelw tilit,, a ralling on the oritish gaver GMBtt meoint Over 5,000 of thee poe ro will be erulated t appeal nionasfflinted taty Confed. Britain's second biggest trade The Joint Campaign als union, the GMB, launehed plans to call on the ehains ( an emergency appeal for boards of dijetomoflBriti Mozambique at its annual nltinationals with who, congren in Bounemouth. NUMSA he recognitio GMB membes ar belng agrementain Soath Afri urged to mise fonds for to make a staterent on tl emergency ald and long- Alexandra Fie tril. term development projerts Spnakig on behalf can by the international Confed, general secretae children's agency, Unicef. Alex Ferry sald 'the Confe wsa cit GREETINGS TO NELSON MANDELA TtA) ONHIS70thBIRTHDAY ITE TO IDELA FOR FREEDOM AND JUSTICE IN SOUTHERN AFRICA HDAY Assembly of Reform Rabbis (GB) Jewish Council for Community Relations Jewish Socialist Group MAPAM www.nuance.com ULPSNYC (Union of Liberal and Progressive Synagogues Network of Youth Clubs) YAKAR Educational Foundation JEWS AGAINST APARTHEID Camden Anti-Apartheid SalutesPDF Create! 5 Trial Nelson Mandela on his 70th Birthday Victory to ANC! Victory to SWAPO! Brighton Co-op Party Birthday Greetings to Nelson Mandela Freedom to All Send for FREE leaflet "SOUTHAFRICA" with details of the most recent anti-apartheid video titles distributed by: Concord Video & film Council 201 Felixtowe Road Ipswich IP3 9BJ 22 (0473) 7157554/726012 The 3,500 strong local government union says FREE NELSON MANDELA I -**- II HAPPY NELSON From the Labour Southampton City LOOKING FOR BOOKS ON AFRICA? Africa Dookcentre WE ARE THE SPECIALISTS African History - Geography - Politics Sociology - African Women - Development Economics - Art & Culture - African Art Music (Books & Records) - Cookery Religion - Literature - Children's Books Caribbean & AA Enterprises Goods & Gifts 38 KING STREET LONDON WC2E 8JT Telephone: 01-240 6649 I~-II I

ANTI-APARTHEID NEWS * JULY/AUGUST 1 S *~o I A'/-' IBradford Anti-Apartheid [ CORNWALL CISEUM CI ,Group ST A, CORNWAL Salutes Nelson Mandela "on I D A 2 6 l -'ia. SATURDA 27] -J S U N D A 2 8 ] -!] AUUS 1988. [ ill~i The N icaragua So lidarity Friday: ANDYSHEPPA lRITET(UK)L 1:1 - CHEBA FADL l his 70th Birthday Southai ;+; lL ]I]I II~l;" IPllJ +[II= ' i |]II:IsoonenjoythesameSAHRUIAlgria - IBE MUIC ND ANC ENEMBE (ibe) Ifreedon, that the peop BLOWZ:EL LtA (UK)-ltX HE GU BROTERS (hina) BLUR (UK) Come to The Nelson Mandela of Nicaragua have won. UDICEE Banladeh) ALKNADA PTEL(Inia)Birthday Party Stra:ER OCll $ LA] IM[ERl (Soland) . - PEREon FridayJuly22nd MIDLOTHIAN SNE W OUTFIT(UK)O(H nga)- .(S. eriRat Queens Hall, Bradfrd.ISTRI CT -° TORO(Perto Rico)-ARDi.' *][al'*we/ With Dudu Pukwana" s"Ztla'. COCIL Sunday: ALKHAN(Pakistan)MISTYI OOTS(U 7.3Opm onwards. £2.50 & £3.50 stongly supports the II P WEDDINGORCHESTRA(Bui=i'°Jdlaria) NelsonMandela BROTERS(Zibabe)Lestho -~PEDROCALI+ Freedomat70 .(amia) m (K)BUHMEO'T SWales Anti-Apartheid Campaign WEEEN TIKES E2.0 (inc FRE ENTRY for]one ci-'"4 h ild undei FREE CAR PARKING BE ACHl~El CAlPINM ovem ent - H NO, DOGS , NO L VEHICLEScalls for the unconditional PenbiwYdd Happy SUN, SEASAD MUI,DANCE,*RiUNDTHWOL WITCJ]'atzvWO HpuBDh ON NE. HOLIDAY ,,,KENDreleasewww.nuance.com of Nelson Mandela TICKETSBYPERSONBath Tis , P . 05 . . B - . . Rand all political prisoners.. NEL ON ...... 27 8 Ca me "..SySt036 Forfurtherinformation about the . yes .-0222'- 20 F almouth: Records & ...... High Street 0326 3116 L :..' WalesAnti-Apartheid MovementPDF M ryr Welsh Create! 5 Trial 01 267 G _23 She- Recrds, Whi d tr 1 -37 50 M, . TtAg- please write to: Llafur Laboui 0865 24054 . P Sound heck, aeay...... AAM, 43 GlenroySt, Roath, Cym Students Records Broad Street --a07345 ,2 Jh ,Fe0924S. A: Cardiff & 0222499769 The 0703 34961 Ta LdS iTaCity of Salford CO L BSupports the campaign to free Happy Birthday j MJIST' / - Nelson Mandela! MANLA from Hackney Anti-Apartheid h Q /r Wewillcontinuetofightforthe win thuh soNS Pit releaseofMandelaandother w0thhirohdh * Oo,+hOpolitical prisoners and for the A. ft ke Iii- -n liberationofthepeopleof ...:...:. .: . ap/S:: ./Southern Africa...... LiAMANDLA!Oy of Salford H.A.A.G. Box 30 Kingsland High St London E8 Free Nelson Durham City Council seeks to eliminate Birmingham Anti-Apartheid Mandela racial discrimination in housing and sends greetings to Nelson and all otherareas.Thisfighthasan Mandelaonhis70thBirthday. other international context. Accordingly, the io Councilcondemnsapartheidand Weare600miles furtheralong ison of welcomes theefforts ofthosewho also theroadto freedom. apartheid! oppose apartheid and who campaign for the release of Nelson Mandela, Liverpool A LUTA CONTINUA! NALGO

THE WHOLE W hni 7oot' »of O0 50 Stevie wooder - ~Mejut elim to mY wc tove yeu Nelson Mondola. We pulst .1ted to say Hippy Birthedoy Notoo M.odeto"..We oro -ey mrooioo of the fest thot o ntul you ame f-i, no m-, womuon or ehild, hatt.ewr colour of coftor tey oemilt,- 1 te. mam-etortoo o~ to, t tO;' seb. akn The Nefoo Mandele Freedom namtheoeMy SUR City'. ' (*v*~ tft~flr

ANTI-APARTHEID NEWdS - JU LYAU Isi Ndonda of Arehopeneng siggs the noo f the eight. > 'Frt Nako nate. Petert Gabriel and 70,000 people sag in Onin for 'Biko'. Cope. Wheepi Goldberg, Lenny Hnry and Richnol G-c. *0 % I xm

9EIW/S 0 L¥1AUGUST 1988 4 THE CAMPAIGN TO FREE NELSON MANDELA! JOIN THE ANTI-APARTHEID MOVEMENT! partheid Movement is the major organisation in Britain campaigning for freedom in Southern eeks to involve all opponents of apartheid in local and national campaigns. Its aims are simple evthe message of what apartheid really means, to promote action to isolate apartheid South Ito mobilise support for those struggling for freedom in Southwww.nuance.com Africa and Namibia. Nelson iimslfhas acknowledged the significance of the Movement's work. In a message smuggled pen Island prison after the Soweto uprising in 1976, he said: is on our side. The OAU, the UN and the Anti-Apartheid Movement continue to put ohe racist rulers of our country. FREEPDF NELSON MANDELA! Create! 5 Trial indela's message to the world is simple and clear: "Every effort to isolate apartheid adds o our sruggle. "We in Britain have a special responsibility to act since the British government I protector of apartheid. it to support Nelson Mandela and his cause by becoming active in the campaign against you must join the Anti-Apartheid Movement NOW! JOIN NOW! ad receive fre ith your membership a Nelson Mandela badge. Once a member, you will i beco e a membr- Ofthe recognised local group in your area. You will also receive AntiNews and a member's newsletter ten times a year, giving up-to-date information on local and against apartheid. PH SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Joint Membership (2 people living at the same address) £13; P0S ents £6.50; Unwaed/pensioners £4.50; School students £4.50. ANTI-APARTHEID MEMBERSHIP FORM o pay, please complete the section below. POST CODE uplete either the cash subscription form or the direct debit mandate below. CASH SUBSCRIPTION FORM cheque/postal order of £ for membership and £ - donation. Total £ Cheques rie- pay-able to the Anti- Apartheid Movement DIRECT DEBIT MANDATE Jebit mandate will be paid on the 1st of the month. You will charge my account annually until cancelled, rship subscription rate which I have ticked below: ] Joint membership £13 D Individual membership £10 FI Student membership £6.50 LI Unwaged membership £4.50 rise you until further notice in writing to charge my/our account with unspecified amounts, fixed at the ip rate of the Anti-Apartheid Movement, which may be debited thereto at the instance of the AntivMovement by direct debit. Signed Date address of your bank in BLOCK LETTERS please Bank account in the name of: unt Number nay decline to accept instructions to charge direct debits to certain types of account other than current accounts. 'n to Anti-Apartheid Movement, 13 Mandela Street, London NW1 ODW. 01 -387 7966


NELSON MANDELA FREEDOM CAMPAIGN Salute to Nelson Mandela from the Council and Community of the London Borough of Hackney We have declareda MONTH OFACTION AGAINST APARTHEIDi suppoirtof the Freedom of Nelsen Mandela and all political prisoners, and for the complete eradication of the apartheid system in Soot Africa and Namibia. Our programme of activities is being organised by the Race Relations Committee through the Chair Cflr Mameisia M gi and the Vice-Chair Clr Shuja Sheik h and the Council's Race Relations Unt. Also involved are the various Comm unity Organisations including the Hackney Ethnic Minority Alliance (HEMA) and the Hackney Anti-Apartheid Group, Main events June 13th 1988: Mounting of pictorial Anti-Apartheid Exhibition in the Foyer of the Town Hall for e month. June 14th 1988: Race Relations Committee tinalises the prog rmame of work for the Month of Action and is addressed by Mick Flynn of the Anti-Apartheid Head Office. June 16th 1988: Secretary-General Andimba Toivo Ja Toivo (SWAPO) and M D Naidoo (ANC) raise the Namibian and South African National Flags atop the Town Hall - to remain tor a month. June 26th 1988: Staff member ofthe Race Relations Unitjoinsthe Glasgowto London Freedom March at Leeds. July 9th 1988: Turdsh Communitywww.nuance.com Centre hosts a meeting with the ANC July 15th 1988: Borough Freedom Concert and mobilising rally, with Secretary-General of SWAPO. July 16th 1988: Hackney Anti-Apartheid Group organise a mobilising street party. July 17th 1988: Hackney contingent for the National Freedom Rally assemble at Stoke Newington Town Hall at lOam. CouncillorPDF Jacob Slaw, leadCreate! member on Anti-Apartheid work & Dan5 Thea, PrincipalTrial Race Relations Adviser, London Borough of Hackney, Town Hall, Mare Street, London E8lEA. Il 986 3123 ex 32 BIRTHDAY NELSON MANDELA th Africa and ase of Nelson From lela Middlesborough Borough Council GRAND DRAW S 24 DAY TOUR OF CHINA FORTWO OVER EASTER 1989 PRZES: T6148 9, na- Donated by SACU ChinTous Tol: 01 4004000 Bike. Donated1 bytosquto Bes. Tel 01 26 8765 ywomeen'so-op in Botswana. DonAc byAA Enterprisos. Tel 01 837 oted byTwin Trading Te101837 0000 SATIS No Apartheid Executions Every Wednesday 12.45-1.15pm at the Foreign Office King Charles Street, SWI As part of the No Apartheid Executions Campaign SATIS is organising regular deputations to the Foreign Office every Wednesday at 12.45 to 1.1 5pm calling for the British government to intervene on all the cases of the people on death row for 4L A:. ...- .. . Cy.....o~o~ut, rupposnIontoapartheid. ot-mbabwean Wine. onated byVD- , e, os. Tl 0532 450 a34056 )an ca rvig. o,05d bya Sopporter. " ian 70othl ICA )s For more details phone: 01 -387 7966 , 1e, Ann-Apartheld Moeent, 13 Mandela St, London NW1 0DW. Tel: 01 387 76, ekends. South -fiction,

ANTI-APARTHEID NEWS i JULY/AUGUST 1088 15 UPDATE *SOUTHERN AFRICA:THE IMPRISONED SOCIETY uniiuren usect and abused in Mozambique Torture and terror - part of the system Children as young as eight have been seen in Mozambique with miesuding gangs of South Africa's puppet MNR forces, backing and bayoneting hospital patients in cold blood and forcing ambushed travellers to enter burning buses, What has turned them into such monsters? Ordinary people are being dekumnined and brutalised on When villages aem atacked by the MNR, young boys are forced to watch their families being beaten and killed and their mothers and sisters roped and mutilated. They are themselves forced to join in the daughter and become so traumatised tha t tis impossible for them ever to risin their communities. After being taught to kill goats and cattle, Fernando was forced to use hisskills n people. He killed at least four before being finally captured in . battle with Frelimn government troops. One of the exsaplations of why the MUR uses children, says Derrick Knight, is that while they can teach children to amissseinMozambiqueas OrPamelaZinkm,a killforthem,theyknewthe -- e. . .he...... a- L-Qf."'atfiUe.m prt f a deliberate MNR poodiatitian with 12 years' Mozambican armywMill not kill con' thestrugl for freedom www.nuance.com nciting strategy. Children am experience of work in the Front the children, who thus serves as 'A pattern emerged which chidren, them is no obligation some of the main and certainly Line States, told a London an armed shield for MNR repeated itself in everypart of for police to notify parents, and thePDF most tragic victims of thisCreate! confernce on children under atrocities, 5 Trial thecountry. The atgacsweren't it is illegalt poublish the names praces. apartheidearlierthisyeuthat Mozambique'shealth simplytheactionsofover. of detained children. Derrick Knight points out in the atrocities being committed ministry has been collecting zelous security forces, but were 'Children of Resistanon' hkreen' book,'Mozambique: in Angola and Mozambique evidence on the abuse and actually part of a deliberate makes uiqte clear that vilence Caoght in the Trap' (Christian wre 'on the level of what was brutalisation of children by the policy of terrodsing the youth. against children is widespread, Aid 1988), that dehumanising happening in Nazi Germany'. MAR. and the vam taskof Sosaid FrankChikooa. systematic and plaened. But tactics are well known in Central She spoke of a S-year-old meabilitating them back into secretary general of the South rather than being crashed, America, where crack units of boy rendered totally speechlenss normal society. African Council of Churches at children in South Africa are the Guatemalan and Salvadorean by the trauma of seeing his The problem is massive and the conference on'Childm, growing up prepared to fight, be forces train young men to family burned to death in his requires psychiatric, medical, Repression and the Law in imprisoed, or be killed. mutilate and kill their own home; 'the house was set alight educational and social work Apartheid South Africe', held in This is the spirit of South people. bya matchwhich the MNR resources whichare farbeyond Haraslat year. Africa's childrn,thespirit of Mozambican reporterSergio forced him to light'. Mozambique's capacity. Theblanket of silence on the Benjamin Moloise who told his fgora talkd to manychildren Another boy, Fernando, According to Mozambique's torture of South Africa's oho hed nocad from te M~fi aged 16, told OrZinkin h vic mini t education, children was iftad for w call is Mozambique's Gaze province bad bes kidnapped by the Paulo Mulanga. 'even if the war days s children, lawyers, in 187. They confirmed that as MNR at a foat for his sister, wer to end tomorrow we wig doctors. social workers and in Central America drugs are About a third of his village had have the effects of this situation parents spoke of their su p port ad bythe MNR as pars f bero killed, the rest captured, for the nest twothree or four rperinces. military training to encourage and be was taken off far generations to come'. AYCO i aiingo Wild bestial behaviour. - militarytraining, byaCOSAWR o broad front uniting correspondent students organised it clubs, Based on these testimonies, religious societies and other Victoria Brittain and Abdul greups, and to promote Mintyham now brought United action bystident, as together a shocking picture of a whole, young workers and the systematic brutalisetion of young unemployed people. children in apartheid South Its main campaigns are Africe-'Children ofReistonce'. again the mt" o tho o This book is a challenge to hose held on deth row, us g, hot abe oil it is a against the banning of the challenge to she iatercetional African National Cege , l mediaeAbdulMinty oAAM andagainstvigilatsand nemeda ,pAdM nAA istoogelocal authorities. nboothnthatryouroetcdtsurimtnor Terror tactics by the stote launch that journalists do not see fit to report these atrocities. ovr its vigilantes hove fvrced Aed atrocities they am, The Tan) young peopletofleeatroctethyae' Te fo thir homes and hridavitsandtestimonies rea. lein heaves r consitentlypointtowidespread, becoe rehgees iv thei own la-d SAC has, set ongoing violence against ln..SAYC children. The children a the up a special Y uvg Ptonersv conference told of being beaten, proect to ckle this or whipped, or pisoed in sitary proe m nd to ceh abitate confinement. Children had also childrn who hve eenbershot, andsomewww.nuance.com hadhee tortvred in detention orelestrocuted ebranwashed in Sooth 'A dummy was put in my African amy camps. mouth so I could not screrm. The Sooth African You-t There was no air. They switched Congreat (SAYCO) in appeal. vebplugenMymousnspumping ing for help frosPDFBritish Create! 5 Trial hard, no signs on my body. I stdeta o and yung peopte coedntrananything.'Bures to get SAYCO presdent N lhlchthiniwas7whenhews Peter Mokoba and other tortured at Kenpten Park SAYCO octivists released Polce station, from detention in South Children are held in cells Africa that are frequently filthy and Peter Mokoba has been cald, with no right of ceusto beaten, tortured and held in Freimo soldier end yog child - Morombion children nae vistirns of the MR's brutality parents or a lawyer. pamts hame leg irons since he was no right of asuess to their detained in March this year, TES PRISONERS cretary James-Knapp RD-*UNIVERSITY. PRESS A se-vely-fifth birthday tribute ddleston andÅÅWork 'RAH DUNCAN HONORÉ ~h, fofionin nn9ooo . 0< ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ erä- - 91lnoto09n99ffgi The National Graphical Association (1982) -sends--greetings to Nelson Mandela on his 7~t Birthday Bryn Griff iths General President Graphic House 63/67 Bromhamn Road Bedford London Communists say Free Mandela! Solldarity with all South African. and Namnibian political prisoners Joln the fight for sanctions now! LDCP Committe, CPaGB (Secn:ay David Green) 224- 2%3anwoath Road. Loundon SEI71.lie WHAT KIND DE fl[GIME JAILS AN EIGNHEAR OLD IM 'INTIDATION'. In South Åt-no l ffieann9 KOboka9just9 snatioo a9299d 9 0900ctth on doff9< 991 09no nnne and £101902r wi9h Aonnnastnonjonyornoenahlna nlahnon as 90n bandb rafised 00 ro be,, Vkbn 91909 fj ý1 tin in 0 ,10 ~san e 019999 9ne bnoo 0919 l MIbdObulgMaggoO no9eGud.rHnd 19-n, -nnsa.buonOnnnh was 98999, innised and h, ao affino 14 Mun oraninsations 09 990 40 Sann, the St teof Ernergny ~0 Cildren. onlnnollbn 24 bad been Me1909 dnOl.d 0n n 92M9 J-an '999, ana ,nhed, 90909I. 0109009 910)009929909bd 28 0,ioaalo ln-Om..ndnno,9e d Eiinn nbad bon Inon t, C-0na9 f., long tha n 99.90 n& thunn bana baen c 11d-nn 901109 ad b.aten f., 9909119 toen d.a aa t a se.al t t he f. roO uoIl9O a 10919y re 19199

ANTI-APARTHEID NEWS *JULY/AUGUST 1988 17 0 EWS&EV WS The way 0 ahead for NAPanh,41. mud, tors, ~ so Namibia ahea forandI Sout Africa aimed a Sormther 'f,o...8eakhns plus a film and Mie. seton. ~~~~~pubctionsarelse n l SouthernFiction nd nition A fricaudent age A frica'Learning About Apartheid' Senis Amin, Derrick Chitala and Ibbo Mandaza (eds). 'SADCC Prospects for Disengagement and Development in Southern Africa Thisseletion of analytical essays o the economic and political strategy of the Southern African Deoelapoent Coordination Confer-nee (SAUCC) takes a Supportive but critical stance towards the orgon ation and its policies. The book is very detailed and designed primarily for economists and experts on the fine-tuning of regional integration in Southern Africa. This is not to say that it is not for these less well-versed in economics and integration theories. It prosents a wealth of wall. researched material on the variou sector of the ecomis of Southern African states that will be most affected by SADCC peltes, though if it has one failing it is that it gives too little space to the all-important transport sector. by Keith Somerville One of the arguments put farard bymany of the s eihbutore is thot the SA OCC is in danger of hecoming too closely associated with the western capitalist ecsomwies and of replacing dependence on South Africa with dependence on the Wet. They are undoubtedly carrest in identifying this longterm problem. However, readern should hear in mind the relative doner presented by South African political, military and economic hegemony and the longer- term problem of western economic dominance. The destruction of apartheid exploitation in South Africa should he seen as the firt step towardsovera l economic and political liberation for the states of Southern Afrire and not as the end of the SADCC's work. The most important aspect of the book under review is that it is an important addition to the existing literature onSADCC because it will start a debate on the strategy to he followed by the grouping. The book's criticism is constructive and the issues it raises ar ones that cannot be ignored. 'SADCC Prospects for Disengagementwww.nuance.com and Development in Southern Africa', United Nations University/Zod Books, ISBN 0 86232 749 0 (pbk) __PDF------Create!------5 Trial------Atojl- on Mandela not rest until your i and the freedom of eople of South Africa ilbia has been won. ay Greetings from mti-Apartheid Group KEEPING AN EYE ON APARTHEID * Whtch tnewspaper in the past 12 months has published exclusive iterviews with black South Afican mies' leadees? Not the (,uardan or the Observe,, but VOICE OF THE UNIONS lh independent labour movement monthly newspaper, theough ts eye witness on-the-spot reports. * READ the July issue with exclusive reports from COSATL special Cogress. Alexandra & Soweto, inteeviews wtth Nelson Mndelat lawyer, editors of banoed New Nation ad threatened Weekly Mail etc BENEFIT from Voice sreporeng of key isuet facing the labour, co-operative and peace movements. * WRITE 1o: 35 Adolphus Rd, LondonNd2AY, England %Il 00454 N A M E ...... ADDRESS ...... ORGANISATION ...... TEL ...... PI'ir~iici ne .. .. Apler o fit eUion, 21- s err ipy UK lepra; cires u re onth d ccst reenul9 suseriaptuo l :1cop£5pe yarros fs.Abod~6.0 r iSi -uracmi BARNSLEY AA GREETS NELSON MANDELA ON HIS 70th BIRTHDAY. PEACE AND FREEDOM IN SOUTHERN AFRICA. Stop Racism! Aboligh Apartheid! Solidarity with Nelson Mandela! SouthwarkAA TelO-582 7375 LAWYERS AGAINST APARTHEID SENDS BIRTHDAY GREETINGS TO ITS HONORARY PRESIDENT NELSON MANDELA AND DEMANDS THE RELEASE OF ALL POLITICAL PRISONERS LAAA, PO Box 353, London WC1R 5NB

'AT APAIITHED PlEWS @ i ANTI APARTHEID GROUPS Te AAM has local groups in the following places: LONDON REGION Barnet, Brent, Cemden, Chiswick, Croydon, Ea[ina, Earl's Cnart Bamrsley, tasng$toke & District, Bath, Bedford, n, Blackburn&Darwen,Brädford,Bridgewater Brighton, eley& Pendle, Calderdale, Cambridge, Canterbury, 1, Chelenham, Chesterfield, Cotswolds, Coventry irlington, Derby, Diss & District, Doncaster, Dover& Deal st Dorset, East Grinstead, Eastleigh, Exeter, Furness , Hadow, Harilepool, Hastings, Hemel Hempstead, ire, Huddersfield, Hull, Kingston & District, Lancaster, i Spa, Leeds, Leicester, Leigion Buzzard & Unslade, District, Longsight/Levenshulme & Rusholme, agh, Luton & District, Malvem, Manchester, Mansfield erseyside, Mitton Keynes, Newark, Northampton, North ,4Månk-a ... « 1 i,- z. U-~ ~ ~ -_~~ Aberdemn, Argyll, Ayr, Central Region (Stding), Clydebank, Cumbemeuld,Cunningbame, Dumbarton, Dum1des;Dendee, East Kilbride, Edinburgh, Falkirk, F'de, Fraserburgh, Glasgow East Glasgow North West, Glasgow South, Hamilton, Hyndbur, lenvenesa, Midlotbian, Palsley/Renfrew, West Lotbian. Soottish Committee: contact John Macdinnon, 266 Clyde Street, Glasgow Gl 4J; tel Glasgow (041) 2211276. WALES Abergavenny, Berry, Blaenauwww.nuance.com-Gwent, Bridgend, Caerphilly, Cardiff, Cynon Valley, Deeside, Denbigh, Gwynedd, Lampeter, Merthyr, Mid-Powys, Newport, Pontypridd, Rhondda, West Glemorgan, Wrexham. WelesUMM: Contect Hanif Bhamnne, 43 Glenroy Street, Ronath, Cerdiff CF2 3JX; tel Cardiff (0222) 499769. There is eo a iocal group in Guernsey, Channel Islands. ONATIONAL&PDF INTERNAT Create! 5 Trial Running for freedom On 18 Julya fun isen on Epsom Downs will celebrate the 70th birthday of the world's mostfanonuspolticalk pri.oser and raise money for the AAM. Ät 7pm them vil] be a hwa-9ene fen -is ánd then the main event, the Nelson Mandel Birthdny Four Mile Raa', will take plaro at 7.30pn. The minimum entry fee far the hun rs 1s £1, and spot prizes will be nwarded at randorn. For th four-mie event, the minimm entry Ovm 360 peaple tak part in Brinni AA's Soweto Waik, raising £7,00g fe nh Solominn fee will be £2, although FreedomCslegeinTana.eia. Towenty- sesenchildrenfroamCabotjuniorschooltookpal onembers of the AAM nr ompletedthl0-ilea i nrnembers of any atbletir ,tub affiliated to tho meeory of the Sobwet Frdetails;flocafcoachestoLondonfort[ Amateur Athletic Annaria- naiare in 1976. There tion will pay a mniniumen of were speakers, liv. enper Neson Manela Freedom March and Rally ii £1.50. from Shikishaandatfesr- c°ntact:iLin Solo n, AAM HO, 01 -387 'There will be pines far minute niler was observed. thefastthrerrenandfirat On20Janetherewasa BOy 4 aroundthe.u thcee wamen in the four- large patheid ht dt irotAnt-apnt - e su onenain upat in Borg- ls'arh spreäds pirktaeodthef p-es, inkidiung s f Htounsndaw's 10 dnys of station at the tickets to see the flm C y action irclinded public Th' Dril R ån in London Picket Pont neal Freedon Whirh ila iseing moeetigs amusiand ,'ry lio deided u6 tWatcclthe A n..ber, setened at Epsom Play- evenine with Atltran Dewn, soft drink '-A7pplýtise after pasning on tfie baora n 20, 21 nd22 Jly. u dis..ion an the reane trnlng tbåt the company dn.a rmgc, Entry fmn and delail, byratt, . Bop Aginnt w.as Se-ttfrnrr. awaywhen ran be abtained from lrany Bothu and .cab.rete,,ni.g. ArtigO n formaton pieket. MeNbt andD Denton,1Parkhll suppliedby'theAAM,the Donset Suthi Pad,well,EpsnöKT1Ii Hkney -Empire h, allo S.lisbuyAA ILQ, tel 01-393 1060. announced thet it wul stop buted Shel boy M te ially vim Mendis.SnLankan islinAppletise. Kurgstn A activist and AAMt member The magaalne Ella bas the SIeli-oim portant whohubeen campaigning agreed to stop carrying Road. sinre 1984 for the right to adverts for Cape fonit and Malvern AA, together with stay in Britein, has now last protests am being made to Sashas mrany other local AA groups his appeal aguinst deprta- Addel by several AA groups She pi, tim. about their contined -, , ,tatudv af and orgarrisations, ame Hn, h cn-,Cpfrtd SheU g appealing ta members ta Hein petitionnf torleave ucceplunce at Cape fruitads. Waworth Or support the appeal for the to appeal to the House of In Sheffeeld the local AA Solmon MahlanguFrreedom Lords aftr the c~1,t of rup and the Council for Colege in Tan anal. appeal tu red down his re Ra tia Equalitywww.nuance.com brought the almin ra AA's The college is an by the on 17 Jne. Mendi said matter fl th attentin of Bo 3salsbt,ANC for victims of the that the c.urt's dec.n wus tha rity counil, wha repri- n2 9OG.1,I a apartheid regime, and is in not unexpected, given its manded Adael and Cnct ear dN, constant need of supplies failure to tke roecentPDF suggeoted that theyCreate! mahe t o7Jaiv Not, 5 Trial develnpmtens in Soi Lanka donution to the ANC and F, mdom Mar1i andmney. e into account in deiding SWAPO tom tho prvored, send gi~t af maney av bry whether he woald be sato ta af the ads. bandages, plasters, inset return to the country he left KingstnAAbave riten repe]lant, kaoinunti-mahara in 1973. taAdsbelaboutadvertair Winnsofthe tellat, baby pawder, Amarasty International the hp-om and E-1l area., Daffie be: drenaings,etc, haveaskedtheHomeOffice Dyell,EnatKl SorthwarkAAha.held toliftthedeportatinordern 006 some very successful Bristol,tirhet material sid collections The Sll Day at Action a (2nd prze); AI outsidelocalSaaniburysand Mandela idMeaywas o]byan LondonEl 1L hemlaists. Shoppers are mnotors upsrgeinpirketingaction 109742(Sdpli handed a leaflet es they g0 into the stores, asking them Barnet and Brent A, are to buy one extra item and organisingamotomedeon f danate it to the-oalton Satarday9Jalyanpartof >iý ena whichtheANCsends r thebuild-up to the serivnl af B metgee camps to Angola, the Nelaan Mandela ForeMozmbique, Zambia und dom Matoh in Fnchley on Tanslo. 16July. On the sane day Barnet AA whiO be pickettng Teiro in Finoley at 10.30am and As part of the Loel Authorities 10 Days of Actini U w _ Agfast Apartheid, 16-26 Mlarnican enist Mangatana Ngwenya wih mayor Rita Sergeaen June, Sutöhwark council nyans Southwerk council's antipartheid exhibition 'Clouds over organanod twa mein 'vents. Stubh Africa'. Nqweeya .eniled his n.n ork,'Requiem for On 16 Jone a- g1 w Sanora Machel a tribute to the late president of Mzanblue. tplanned in Luras Oardens in

ACTION *NATIONAL& INTERNATIONAL Last chance CAMPAIGN to save the DIARY "JLY:ACTIDNTOFREEALLNAMIBIANANDSOUTHS ix AFRICAN POLITICAL PRISONERS AND DETAINEES * Sunday 3 July: Nelson Mandela Freedom March from Glasgow o h rpeville o London reaches Stokon-Ten., where a stret has bnen renamed Sitowhootsanthebflaore afterMandele,andhisco-accused. Water Shau, has been amarded after their appliration for a the Freedom of the City. retrial was rejected by the South African ldte 0 UThursnay7Issly:NelnMandelaFreedomMarchinBirmingham riargeoftheirraseo13 where a pimay schnnl and a room in the Stadenrts Uhnon aes bemn e,In.....e adafterMandla. orbat s Saturday9July:DemonstrationagainstSouthAfricancoal halle-gethedisioofthe imports,Snaham.MotorcadelinkingportsafSunderlandand upremecourt. TeosidewithrallyinSeaamwithnationalspeakers,Contact It i arl y u s Andrew Prat.T nemide265 304. eprotest mach Sunday10Jaly:NelsonMandelaFreedomMarchinCoventry. through Sharpevilleon3 ServiceinCoventryCathedral. the e convi Rams Moh Sefatb Reid Dbzms www.nuance.com FREEDOM MARCH! Assemble 11-12 noon Finsbury Park Rally 3.30 pm Hyde Park Speakers to include: ARCHBISHOPPDF DESMOND Create! TUTU 5 Trial Aof Th death evide haod Tb eveat which led tothe Robert McBride rtion o Theresa abamola, Fanris Don Robert McBride eai, Mojalefa Reg nald A petition for clemency for a, Oupa Moes Diniso, Robert McBride, a young Malebo hohoena and combatant of the African Joshua Khumato. National Congress on death row in South Africa, has been submitted to P W Botha. McBride, aged 23 and a former school teacher, was sentenced to death so April 1987 for planting a bomb in protest at South Africa's state of emergency. The British fovernment has caid that it will only consider whether or not to intervene if the clemency petition fails. Francis Mokbesi Pressureis needednow ey were seoteoced to to ensure that the British for having 'common government does act. SATIS s' in the murder of a is urging as many people as despite possibletowritetoboth'list ilo, depthe Mr Thatchr and foreignorethatmostof them, bthran oef sot euro horn at the necreary Sir GeofFrey Howe of the crime, let alone demanding ction. ailed it. A detailed briefing on liven of the Sharpe- the Robert McBridecaseis Sanow d~ nd availablefree from SATIS. personal interveution from South African president P W No Apurllneid Coersties Botha, who has the Crosti At least 60 people are now tutinnal power to reopen the on death row in South trim] and to grant clemency. Africa for anti- apartheid The lat"chanrce to save activities. theSinmaybeforMrs Theycomefromawide Thatcher to make a personal age of backgroundsand appealtoBotha. include trade unionists, SATIS wants a least women and students. Catm 1O0,ffO personal letters paigns are needed in defence appealing for action bythe of every one. British government to be Full details available sent to Mrs Thatcher at 10 from SATIS, c/o AAM, 13 Downing Street, London Mandela Street, London SWI. NW1 ODW. * Register now The Anti-Apartheid Move- A 28 July - lst date for ment's 1988 annual general receipt of motions and meeting is being held on 26 nominations for the national and 27 November at the committee, standing orders Octagon Centre, Sheffield. committee, teflers and scro. As last year, it wit be held tineers on a delegate basis. 0 13 October- last date Members and affiliated for receipt of amendments negacosations should note - 0 28 October - last date the keydates: forreceiptofregistrations s Monday 11 July: 25th anniersary of the arrest of the Rivon trialists. Freedom March in Leamington Spa. Start of Nelson Mandela Freedom Cycle Ride from Lands End, organisd by South West Regional AA Committetell 0272 40344. I Wednesday 13 Jaly: Daey of man leafleting for she 17 Jaly national demonstration. I Saturday 16 July: Freedom March passes through Darnet and Haringey in north London, where a greet has ban renamed after Mandelo. R SUNDAY 17 JULY: NELSON MANDELA FREEDOMAT 70 MARCH AND RALLY. Assemble llam- 12noon in Finsbury Park, north London to join the Mandela Freedom March on its la stage to central London. Rally 3.30pm in Hyde Park. Speakers: Andimba To!e ia Toio, SWAPO secretary general, Archbishop Desmond Tntu, Archbishop Treor Huddleston, Sir Richard Attenlnough, and o Mandela Freedom Maccher. 6.311-aUpm, Brtish Couincil of Chubhes serice in St Martlain-tbaFields, Trafalyar Square. 8pmlam, vigil outsidewww.nuance.com the South African embassy, Trefalgar Square. 0 MONDAY 18 JULY: NELSON MANDELAS 70TH BIRTHDAY. Wear a Fred Nelson Mandela badge. Service in St James's Church, Piccadilly, 11m. 0 Tuesday 9 August: South Africa Women's Day. Publc meeting 7pm, Camden Centre, Bidborough Street, LondonPDF WC1. Speakers includeCreate! Caesarina Mokoarne, author of 'No5 Child's Play'.Trial 1 Friday 2D August: Namibia Day. Anniersary of the launch of SWAPO's armed liberation struggle in 1966. M Thursday 29 September: 1 th anniversary of the adoption of UN Securty Council resolution 435 for Namibia. independence. s Tuesday 11 October: Internation Day of Sldary with South African and Namibian Political Prisoners. 0 Thursday 27 October - Thursday 3 November: International Week of Ation on Namibia. 2 Saturday 29 October: 'Children and Apartheid in Namibia Today' seminar, National Union of Teachnrs H, Mabledon Pine, London WC1. Details from Joti McDougal, AAM Ha. AMf The copy date for the September issue of Anti-Aparheld News is WEDNESDAY 10 AUGUST. Copies of the September issue will be available for collection from 13 Mandela Stress from Friday 26 August. Copy dates for the rest of 1988 are: October - Wednesday 7 September November - Wedneday 12 October Decemher/January - Wednesday 9 November

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