NelsonNelson MandelaMandela ScoshScosh MemorialMemorial FoundaonFoundaon A Sco#sh Charitable Incorporated Organisaon - Charity No. SC047067

“Our major early objective will be to raise the funds to erect a permanent Scottish memorial to , a statue in Nelson Mandela Place, Glasgow - the location for many years of ’s Consulate and the place of much protest during decades of anti-apartheid struggle.” Nelson Mandela Scottish Memorial Foundation

Please consider making a donaon YourYour supportsupport willwill bebe veryvery muchmuch appreciatedappreciated

See the ways in which you can donate by vising our website: Nelson Mandela Scosh Memorial Foundaon Nelson Mandela Scos A statue in Nelson Mandela Place The place of much protest during decades of anti-apartheid struggle

Site and location of statue subject to Planning permission.

Nelson Mandela Place

raise the funds to erect a statue in By BRIAN FILLING his memory in the street that History of Nelson Chair of the Nelson Mandela bears his name and so honour his Sco#sh Memorial Foundaon life, legacy and his special relaon- Mandela Place and Honorary Consul for ship with the people of Glasgow, Apartheid South Africa’s Con- South Africa in Scotland. Scotland and the UK. sulate - in St. George’s Place - was for decades the place of Nelson Mandela Place is the ideal much anti-apartheid protest. Open site - politically, historically and  1985 - Year long picket begins functionally - for the NMSMF’s outside apartheid Consulate; Compeon proposed memorial statue of  1986 - St. George’s Place re- Nelson Mandela. named Nelson Mandela Place ; for Sculpture As my brief history (across)  1988 - Huge Anti-Apartheid shows, the place has a long asso- Movement march - via Nelson An open competition ciation with the successful struggle Mandela Place - to Glasgow will be held to select the against apartheid in South Africa Green where 30,000 people sculptor of the Nelson and the campaign to free Mandela demand: Free Nelson Mandela! ; Mandela statue. from prison. It was THE place where people  1990 - Mandela released on The chosen artist will be from all over Scotland and beyond 11 February after 27 years in selected by a Judging came to protest because it was the prison. The AAM celebrates in panel. residence of the racist apartheid Nelson Mandela Place ; regime’s Consulate; on the 5th  1992 - Apartheid Consulate in floor of the Stock Exchange build- Nelson Mandela in Glasgow with Brian Filling and below Nelson Mandela Place is closed; The Glasgow ing in what was then St. George’s in George Square on  1993 - Mandela in Glasgow to Place. Saturday 9 October 1993 receive his Freedom of the City; Mandela Story In August 1985 the An- when Mandela received  Apartheid Movement’s Sco#sh 1994 - Mandela elected Presi- by Brian Filling the Freedom of the City of dent of democratic South Africa; Commi7ee organised a weekly Glasgow and eight other  2013 - Mandela’s death leads This book - available on picket of the apartheid Consulate cies throughout the UK. which ran for over a year. to a large public gathering in Kindle - describes and Trade Unions, shop stewards Nelson Mandela Place to analyses the connections commi7ees, CND, churches, NUS mourn and to celebrate his life; between Glasgow and and other organisaons took turns  2014 - Commonwealth Games South Africa. to staff the picket line. in Glasgow: Billy Connolly pays special tribute to Mandela and The Glasgow 2018 marks the centenary of Mandela’s birth and is the 25th Glasgow’s role in campaigning Mandela Story anniversary of his visit to Glasgow. for his freedom. He especially It will be a vitally important year praised the re-naming to by Brian Filling Nelson Mandela Place . for the NMSMF in our campaign to

Nelson Mandela Scosh Memorial Foundaon Nelson Mandela Scos Nelson Mandela Scosh Memorial Foundaon Nelson Mandela Scosh Memorial Foundaon

Scotland’s long and strong historical links with South Africa By JOHN NELSON Secretary of the Nelson Mandela Sco#sh Memorial Foundaon

When Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela died on 5 December 2013 at the age of 95, millions of people through- out the world mourned his death, including in Nelson Mandela Place. Many hundreds gathered there (see picture) to celebrate his life and the South African people’s successful struggle against apar- Mandela; Nelson Mandela Place, December 2013. A small secon of the theid. The idea of a lasting Scottish ii) his role in the struggle for many who mourned and celebrated the life of Nelson Mandela. memorial to Mandela grew out of freedom and human rights in that spontaneous and moving South Africa; South African figures and its wider apartheid cause are all part of worldwide tribute. iii) the lessons of that struggle links with South Africa’s history. Scotland’s history and heritage The NMSMF was incorporated in for continued active commitment High among these historical links, which deserves to be celebrated. December 2016 and was officially to human rights, equality and a key and far-reaching contribution Much remains to be researched, launched on 9 October 2017 in racial harmony; was the founding by Scottish and we hope to facilitate this Glasgow City Chambers. Its incor- iv) the historic role of Glasgow in missionaries in 1841 of Lovedale research as well as spreading porated purposes are: particular and of Scotland more Institution, the first non-racial sec- awareness of it.  The advancement of heritage generally in the world-wide cam- ondary school in South Africa. Recollections and information and education, particularly paign for his release and for human The election of Albert Luthuli as would be very welcome. Contact: through increasing knowledge rights in South Africa. Rector of Glasgow University, the info@mandelascottishmemorial. and understanding of: v) Scotland’s strong historical visit of O.R.Tambo, and the wide- org or NMSMF at 3 Rosevale Cres- i) the life and legacy of Nelson connections with other leading spread support for the anti- cent, Hamilton ML3 8NX.

Supporters’ enthusiasm will drive our fund-raising campaign Whilst our website might be the post. Others who have donated could organise themselves, could By ISOBEL TAIT vehicle, our supporters will most are several trades union branches include: Treasurer of the definitely be the drivers through- - UNISON and the FBU - and vari- Coffee Morning Nelson Mandela out Scotland, the rest of the UK ous individuals. To see the variety Folk concert Sco#sh Memorial Foundaon and the world. Already I can report of ways you can donate, please go Charity Sports Events: - donations from as far afield as to our website: walking, jogging, running, The NMSMF’s website will be a Canada and of course South Africa. swimming, cycling etc., major vehicle by which we hope At home, we have had donations We are also in discussions with Quiz Night to raise our target of £250,000. from supporters in Inverness, various organisations and institu- Race Night This amount will have a two Stirling, Edinburgh, Lanarkshire, tions about how they might sup- Football shoot out fold purpose: Renfrewshire, East and West Dun- port the project and we would ‘Bake off’ cake sale to erect a statue in Nelson bartonshire, the Lothians and welcome others willing to assist. Car Boot sale Mandela Place; and, among many more from Glasgow. Despite the encouraging re- Sales on ebay other things, Donations have been made sponse so far, we still have a long Internet Blogs linked to our to increase the knowledge through our website (address long way to go and we need our website and understanding of the life and below) and our My Donate inter- supporters’ and friends’ help to Karaoke night legacy of Nelson Mandela and his net payment and Gift Aid system, reach our aim. Book Sale, and many more or role in the struggle for freedom either by computer or by text from Various suggestions for fund- just contact your friends and and human rights in South Africa. mobile phones and cheques by raising events which supporters ask them to make a donation.

Nelson Mandela Scosh Memorial Foundaon Nelson Mandela Scosh Memorial Foundaon Patrons of the Nelson Mandela Scottish Memorial Foundation

Lord Provost Professor Denis Sir Alex Ferguson CBE Kenny Dalglish MBE Lord Macfarlane of Glasgow Goldberg. Rivonia Freeman of the Freeman of the of Bearsden Cllr Eva Bolander trialist with City of Glasgow City of Glasgow Freeman of the Nelson Mandela. City of Glasgow Spent 22 years in apartheid prison Nelson Mandela (1918 - 2013) FreemanFreeman ofof thethe CityCity ofof GlasgowGlasgow

Picture Capons 1 1. South African Singer, Marah Louw and Brian Filling with Mandela in George Square, Glasgow 9 October 1993. 2. Presentaon of the Freedom of the City by Lord Provost, Dr. Michael Kelly to Nelson Mandela (in absen- a) accepted by Vice-President of Nigeria, Dr. Alex Ekwueme, 4 August 1981. 3. Re-naming of St. George’s Place as Nelson Mandela Place by Lord Provost, Robert Gray, joined by Essop Pahad of the ANC and Cllr. Patricia Chalmers, 16 June 1986. 2 3