Études Photographiques, 30 | 2012 Un Paese (1955) and the Challenge of Mass Culture 2
Études photographiques 30 | 2012 Paul Strand / Kodak / Robert Taft versus Beaumont Newhall Un Paese (1955) and the Challenge of Mass Culture Maria Antonella Pelizzari Electronic version URL: http://journals.openedition.org/etudesphotographiques/3483 ISSN: 1777-5302 Publisher Société française de photographie Printed version Date of publication: 20 December 2012 ISBN: 9782911961304 ISSN: 1270-9050 Electronic reference Maria Antonella Pelizzari, « Un Paese (1955) and the Challenge of Mass Culture », Études photographiques [Online], 30 | 2012, Online since 25 June 2014, connection on 04 May 2019. URL : http://journals.openedition.org/etudesphotographiques/3483 This text was automatically generated on 4 May 2019. Propriété intellectuelle Un Paese (1955) and the Challenge of Mass Culture 1 Un Paese (1955) and the Challenge of Mass Culture Maria Antonella Pelizzari The author wishes to thank Sally Stein, for her suggestions at an early stage of the manuscript; the staff at the Archive at the Center for Creative Photography, Tucson, Arizona, the Zavattini Archive in Rome, and the Getty Research Institute, where the Newhall Archive is conserved; and Amanda Bock and Peter Barberie, at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. 1 Un Paese, the first ever significant photobook in Italy, was launched in April 1955, by a left-leaning publisher in Turin, Giulio Einaudi.1 It was coauthored by the American photographer Paul Strand and the Italian screenwriter Cesare Zavattini. Un Paese was the first volume of a new series, titled Italia Mia, where Zavattini, renowned for films such as Shoeshine and The Bicycle Thief, intended to bring his neorealist credo, based on the everyday life of common people, into an editorial project centred on photography.2 The spirit of the series, and of this book in particular, reflected a much broader involvement on the part of postwar intellectuals towards a rediscovery of the country through regional narratives.
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