4.0 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ANALYSIS 4.1 GEOLOGY 4.1.1 Existing Resources Geologic Setting The proposed LX Project is located entirely in the Kanawha Section of the Appalachian Plateaus physiographic province. The Appalachian Plateaus consist primarily of Pennsylvanian and Permian layered deposits, with Quaternary Alluvium overlying most geologic formations (USGS, 2015a). Elevations along the project range from 455 feet to 1,500 feet above mean sea level (USGS, 2015b). Topography in the project area ranges from relatively flat-lying rocks and rolling hills to steep slopes, with a local relief of up to several hundred feet (West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey [WVGES], 2004a; Greene County Government, 2013; ODNR, 2014a). The proposed RXE Project Grayson CS is located in the region known as the Eastern Kentucky Coal Field (Kentucky Geological Survey [KGS], 2012a), in an area of Quaternary alluvium composed of sand, silt, clay, and gravel created by floodplain deposits of present day streams. The thickness of the alluvium ranges from 0 to 60 feet (Whittington and Ferm, 1967). The proposed RXE Project Means CS is located within the Lexington Plains Section of the Interior Low Plateaus physiographic province (USGS, 2015a), in a region known as The Knobs, that consists of hundreds of isolated, steep-sloping, cone-shaped hills (KGS, 2012b). The nearest knob, Kashs Knob, is approximately one-quarter mile north of the proposed compressor station site (USGS, 1975). The USDA Soil Conservation Survey (SCS) County soil survey information indicates there are restrictive layers (potentially shallow bedrock) within the upper five feet of the ground surface at both CS locations (USDA SCS, 1974 and 1983).
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