15 CFR Ch. VII (1–1–01 Edition) § 744.15

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15 CFR Ch. VII (1–1–01 Edition) § 744.15 § 744.15 15 CFR Ch. VII (1–1–01 Edition) (3) Any export or reexport by a U.S. uals and other legal entities) subject to person prohibited by the EAR and not special restrictions with respect to ex- authorized by BXA is a violation of the ports and reexports subject to the EAR. EAR. Any export from abroad or reex- You may not violate any order issued port by a non-U.S. person of items re- under or made a part of the EAR, per quiring a license pursuant to this sec- General Prohibition nine of part 736 of tion and not authorized by BXA is a the EAR. violation of the EAR. (4) These licensing requirements sup- [65 FR 76562, Dec. 7, 2000] plement any other requirements set forth elsewhere in the EAR. SUPPLEMENT NO. 1 TO PART 744 (b) Exceptions. No License Exceptions [RESERVED] or other BXA authorization for items described by paragraph (a) of this sec- SUPPLEMENT NO. 2 TO PART 744 tion are available for exports or reex- [RESERVED] ports to FTOs. (c) Licensing policy. Applications for SUPPLEMENT NO. 3 TO PART 744—COUN- exports and reexports to FTOs of all TRIES NOT SUBJECT TO CERTAIN NU- items identified by paragraphs (a)(1) CLEAR END-USE RESTRICTIONS IN and (a)(2) of this section will generally § 744.2(A) be denied, to the extent they con- Australia stitute material support or resources, Belgium as defined in 18 U.S.C. 2339A(b). Canada (d) Contract sanctity. Contract sanc- Denmark tity provisions are not available for li- France cense applications reviewed under this Germany section. Greece NOTE TO § 744.14: This section does not im- plement, construe, or limit the scope of any Iceland criminal statute, including (but not limited Italy (includes San Marino and Holy See) to) 18 U.S.C. 2339B(a)(1) and 2339A, and does Japan not excuse any person from complying with Luxembourg any criminal statute, including (but not lim- Netherlands ited to) 18 U.S.C. 2339B(a)(1) and 18 U.S.C. New Zealand 2339A. Norway [64 FR 1122, Jan. 8, 1999] Portugal Spain § 744.15 Restrictions on exports and Turkey reexports to persons named in Gen- United Kingdom eral Orders. Supplement No. 1 to part 736 of the [61 FR 12802, Mar. 25, 1996, as amended at 62 EAR names certain persons (individ- FR 25459, May 9, 1997] SUPPLEMENT NO. 4 TO PART 744—ENTITY LIST 330 VerDate 11<MAY>2000 09:37 Mar 07, 2001 Jkt 194046 PO 00000 Frm 00330 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8006 Y:\SGML\194046T.XXX pfrm13 PsN: 194046T VerDate 11<MAY>2000 09:37Mar 07,2001 Jkt194046 PO00000 Frm00331 Fmt8010 Sfmt8010 Y:\SGML\194046T.XXX pfrm13 PsN:194046T Bureau ofExportAdministration,Commerce Pt.744,Supp.4 License review Country Entity License requirement policy Federal Register citation This Supplement lists certain entities subject to license requirements for specified items under this part 744 of the EAR. License requirements for these entities includes exports and reex- ports, unless otherwise stated. This list of entities is revised and updated on a periodic basis in this Supplement by adding new or amended notifications and deleting notifications no longer in effect. CHINA, PEOPLE’S RE- Beijing Aerospace Automatic Control Institute, 51 Yong For all items subject to the See § 744.3 of this part ..... 64 FR May 28, 1999. PUBLIC OF. Ding Road Beijing. EAR having a classifica- tion other than EAR99. Beijing Institute of Structure and Environmental Engi- For all items subject to the See § 744.3 of this part ..... 64 FR May 28, 1999. neering, a.k.a., Beijing Institute of Strength and Envi- EAR having a classifica- ronmental Engineering, No. 36 Wanyuan Road Bei- tion other than EAR99. jing. Chinese Academy of Engineering Physics (aka Ninth For all items subject to the Case-by-case basis ........... 62 FR 35334, 6/30/97. Academy, including the Southwest Institutes of: Ap- EAR. plied Electronics, Chemical Materials, Electronic En- gineering, Explosives and Chemical Engineering, Environmental Testing, Fluid Physics, General De- signing and Assembly, Machining Technology, Mate- rials, Nuclear Physics and Chemistry, Structural Me- chanics; Research and Applications of Special Mate- rials Factory; Southwest Computing Center (all of 331 preceding located in or near Mianyang, Sichuan Province); Institute of Applied Physics and Computa- tional Mathematics, Beijing; and High Power Laser Laboratory, Shanghai). China Aerodynamics Research and Development Cen- For all items subject to the See § 744.3 of this part ..... 64 FR May 28, 1999. ter (CARDC) Sichuan Province. EAR having a classifica- tion other than EAR99. Northwest Institute of Nuclear Technology, in the For all items subject to the See § 744.2 of this part ..... 64 FR May 28, 1999. Science Research, Xi’an, Shaanxi. EAR. Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology, Shang- For all items subject to the See § 744.3 of this part ..... 64 FR May 28, 1999. hai, Spaceflight Tower 222 Cao Xi Road Shanghai, EAR having a classifica- 20023. tion other than EAR99. Shanghai Institute of Space Power-Sources, Shanghai, For all items subject to the See § 744.3 of this part ..... 64 FR May 28, 1999. 388 Cang Wu Rd Shanghai. EAR having a classifica- tion other than EAR99. INDIA .................................. Aeronautical Development Agency, Ministry of De- For all items subject to the See § 744.11(c)(1) of this 63 FR 64322, 11/19/98; 65 FR 14446, 3/ fense, Bangalore. EAR. part. 17/00. Aerospace Division, Hindustan Aeronautics Limited For all items subject to the See § 744.11(c)(2) of this 63 FR 64322, 11/19/98; 65 FR 14446, 3/ (HAL), Bangalore. EAR. part. 17/00. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) located in Mumbai For all items subject to the See § 744.11(c)(1) of this 63 FR 64322, 11/19/98; 65 FR 14446, 3/ (formerly Bombay). EAR. part. 17/00. Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB), Mumbai For all items subject to the See § 744.11(c)(1) of this 63 FR 64322, 11/19/98; 65 FR 14446, 3/ (formerly Bombay). EAR. part. 17/00. AURO Engineering, Pondicherry ................................... For all items subject to the See § 744.11(c)(2) of this 63 FR 64322, 11/19/98; 65 FR 14446, 3/ EAR. part. 17/00. VerDate 11<MAY>2000 09:37Mar 07,2001 Jkt194046 PO00000 Frm00332 Fmt8010 Sfmt8010 Y:\SGML\194046T.XXX pfrm13 PsN:194046T Pt. 744,Supp.4 License review Country Entity License requirement policy Federal Register citation Baroda Ammonia Plant, (collocated with the Baroda For all items subject to the See § 744.11(c)(2) of this 63 FR 64322, 11/19/98; 65 FR 14446, 3/ Heavy Water Production Facility), Gujarat Fertilizers, EAR. part. 17/00. Baroda. Bharat Dynamics Limited, Bhanur and Hyderabad ....... For all items subject to the See § 744.11(c)(2) of this 63 FR 64322, 11/19/98; 65 FR 14446, 3/ EAR. part. 17/00. Bharat Earth Movers Limited (BEML), Bangalore ......... For all items subject to the See § 744.11(c)(2) of this 63 FR 64322, 11/19/98; 65 FR 14446, 3/ EAR. part. 17/00. Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL), Bangalore, For all items subject to the See § 744.11(c)(2) of this 62 FR 26922, 5/16/97; 62 FR 51369, 10/ Ghaziabad, and Hyderabad. EAR. part. 1/97; 63 FR 64322, 11/19/98; 65 FR 14446, 3/17/00. Bharat Heavy Electrical Limited (BHEL), Trichy For all items subject to the See § 744.11(c)(2) of this 63 FR 64322, 11/19/98; 65 FR 14446, 3/ (Tiruchirapalli), Hyderabad, and New Delhi. EAR. part. 17/00. Central Manufacturing Technology Institute, a.k.a. For all items subject to the See § 744.11(c)(1) of this 63 FR 64322, 11/19/98; 65 FR 14446, 3/ Central Machine Tool Institute, Bangalore. EAR. part. 17/00. Centre for Development of Advanced Computing, De- For all items subject to the See § 744.11(c)(1) of this 63 FR 64322, 11/19/98; 65 FR 14447, 3/ partment of Electronics, Pune. EAR. part. 17/00. Defence Research and Development Organization For all items subject to the See § 744.11(c)(1) of this 63 FR 64322, 11/19/98; 65 FR 14447, 3/ (DRDO) located in New Delhi and subordinate enti- EAR. part. 17/00. ties specifically listed in Appendix A to this supple- ment. 332 Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) located in For all items subject to the See § 744.11(c)(1) of this 63 FR 64322, 11/19/98; 65 FR 14447, 3/ Mumbai (formerly Bombay) and the subordinate enti- EAR. part. 17/00. ties specifically listed in Appendix A to this supple- ment. Department of Defense Production and Supplies For all items subject to the See § 744.12(c) of this part 63 FR 64322, 11/19/98; 65 FR 14447, 3/ (DDPS) and the subordinate entities specifically list- EAR having a classifica- 17/00. ed in Appendix A to this supplement. tion other than EAR99. Department of Space (DOS) located in Bangalore and For all items subject to the See § 744.11(c)(1) of this 63 FR 64322, 11/19/98; 65 FR 14447, 3/ 15 CFRCh.VII(1 the subordinate entities specifically listed in Appen- EAR. part. 17/00. dix A to this supplement. Electronics Corporation of India, Ltd. (ECIL), For all items subject to the See § 744.11(c)(2) of this 63 FR 64322, 11/19/98; 65 FR 14447, 3/ Hyderabad. EAR. part. 17/00. Engine Division, Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), For all items subject to the See § 744.11(c)(2) of this 63 FR 64322, 11/19/98; 65 FR 14447, 3/ Bangalore.
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