Frcn Can frtr.zltcoi . Y.'ilht.nlsa. Oct. 27. '. For Can Frantlico: Korea, Oct. 27. i ' - , t -- , Frcrri Vancouver: j; v 'i.' l . . T

' Indefinite. - ' , . . - - :i. ... - , Fer Vancouver: - i

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r1- - r r r 7-PROV- 1 'GERMAN EFFEGTIV: ARTIBr r

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'5 , .'. . W w v i:j EAniY noun: c? dav;;i uttlz' r r-- - ;vr; 07 f'.TTL!,.' ..f,., f PALLG irJTO CLUTCHZ3 C7 M7' wait fc GEin :o:.r.i:::::-;v.;iT- V ;. l; (...ii" r EH!;;GT0v;HD :ac;; ;;:d f: .v;if . 'r.:AY-CE;cu::::-o?F:- ::;;3...... i c:::i.7 .i i . . .. mzEn la;;c;:;g i::.;: :l . c:::tf' n; . w ij I i i 4 vVtiiz7I3v;i:;ch wag ge;;tjo tq: i, tAPA::EEE WAHrVESSZLS cff c:::7. H'.-- : Fc!!owir3 t:s activity ef th J;p;n::3 t::'r cf H; zr.J ths report cf tw cth:r r.z.i r fcctn . t - ' - psrVa L;r cf conference! have tzli p , p - v V ""ll -- 4..I..J port authcritiet. l. J'ltl firl tM aftirr;:n at wt.ich ths ;.: ...i c:i5v-v- j ef the-neutralit- cf thii psrt :.J C...... ;"!.:.,- r.:sj:r-:-:;rVi::;- -. H. C ;rt:r, 4 c in V i - err;';.; er.t ' rl ':J 1.-; :::": -- CL-:t:.r.-j Li; Art'' t ( - v f V - - ,. i t r.;;';::.M Ar;y!s Fr:r.'.:;. .1 r r Z'r.zr;, f ..t , riJ C:; rtr:r.t' htsiqvsrtsr sJ '. :: . Frrr.MIn.. , . - ::.:r 1... - - - t ; riJScv.:- ths eonfertneo It wsi I:.: .:t t..?r? ctVf.rtl:r thit ths qvtitlon cf r.r.:.';::! v. ; . . . . . Un ... " II, v . .,.... V. i w k

4A.vrr tons'-h- r.:t-- I!- - r;vsr;:.;::: th?r ki tsi.i - ' ii-M- 'i r t'-jr:- ' ft j : i I . . I . . . f:; ''1 ".rl.ooJ l. j :. t:--. t 1 ------th!i-r..r"r- C:rr - I r f r '. : c:;t.ri l,J "llu 't a c,:r.-:rc- ? rcrJ-rt- J w . . . . ' ' " f lit -J c- . u;: . 1 v ; . .. tr; i;'.v V t U. rtv:.-- - ' f 14 t; ' V j : r : a u., J t. . U w ' i.. 1 7' J ...... 3 1 w , ',

.... ' U . - lTv ' ; v - i. .:. : li c :: f ..' t.i J - - ' C:rrr-j-i- i I: to t i t ; ;, u:Ar':''-A'- pr ths " 't. i H '':,,Mrrr ;.L'r.:.-- l J haticr.s-'f..- '.' ." , cf - , r ,- -'. rr ",,t w:;i L3 . ' -.- .-. sn,:h;.v;sr,T:y .r:? .' 'It.:.": LVk.w - i v.- i. T 3 Ls:ir;, cr bi, ths'.r ir::.:. - , , ; c:.:r:::,-h:-v- t . , , w . - i- -- ths ca:o cf "M . a. rT.r.rtL--' tr.c.ctin3"..oi izc fj; : -- ' ' volved. a ci I:: :;:v;':7-':- 7 'Ji t:i cf u.3 c.urciies - . s ri rr:::.:ifve f.ntr- v.f:- ;, . 'r.r7:-:"l-3'Lee- - :::rrf-3,QW3- -:. lewa -- - c:'.::! tocc- h;:: " thi-d- cf t. s c:; ; S- rCUly? Cur : ly, .the ther Itwr.t t ; : Uc a' cf Wz-- forfeit money cfv.h:e.:r trnal.:rvv- - ; far-- us evar::U5t;-t- ncnci-.- O: The - ' - Parish be heii la. the .'prize war to fall to t!. f'7.? rr;: r' 7.' r tls ' The first cf L-- cjrch next , g w.- - u; 3 cf Central. Uon - - v,'c-nes5- at- 7:30. -- ,"' , ay evenlas Ata un-- - Held .r later-Churc- era- Is today t. ." : .5 f h Fed water C . : f ' r:c;.::.2 cf the -- In Honolulu ; - received v - f,..i- - - A"- photograph fremja Cirman rtwrpaper llng guns cf ths Ja; .. t-- n c.v.cut two tncaths ero the. matter Thess -- Crlalmoht-f;rt- , t'i .": -- re ., -r - 3 tw-(stovet- terrific effect cf Gerrr.s.i Czzr. un'fi it a ,'".. -- rt snri it "R-a- rcted.'to ' i . ?whof hive 'toon c;tured fc the Cermana offthe fc?rtcr n r. .ai ; , f, lh3-rrceat,- and Hlshundi.r 1 ::.; r.e - tsr f hav the cavalry horaefV. catr-a- rcrt, it u . f,v t':vr;K. - - , ... . . o r aT i;f- - i , w tt , k i.tvwht baled . f:r of the - to tha lier.clu'.u by V C in h.j C-r- i en aai...-r- y ' : llttl3 : 'v hclvlias tha e:-- cf.T-e--- I : v.-- 1 nvpr matter 1;. with hi n the -- . day.-.- known t fortifcataerJ,,- thrcwh the . - . ,E:fcre t t..2 C--- c ,fortt, the defense schooner- Aeolu3. . -; -- - Ilr.? -y f Crallmont latest l::.rZ t.. . '. c to the Island. -- J Ad izi ' sie-- s artillery,' la held to liSsUii- he:;l:,3ly uiU:ia Uj s cf the heavy'Cerman dtmir.;trt; thf Aeclua drifts 3 ; : . . .. -- "V".- anrl eipI-J- i; to ."Pr. i -- tl: cuch '.t "V Is .'.vrrttls. modern cuna,; , was ht'.i to Tz- - f.--3 ,ar yeesel. Tu3 ' J cf any modern fertreri ?iJnstt ' cf tf the c: - t:.-- t glidly. ccr.sUer ht - ,U-U- $ i..'.:ecaer'' r- :;r . -- - r. hs'CuU most 7rcr;!y;f3rt. ."lid CJtie- fn Europe.' It d :t ten pcsiliea, e c ' cno cf Ni:::au, caly to .pccp'.eor-'H- really ts ts - '' tr-ht- Csl- dr l: ii2 ,r not the; against the ' T5: days, mcrt cf which was 'asalnit fort" tut ily. .' ccest alcr tl3 ! i i Ills "first re "r:; r ,- ' dec-iaratl-ea j :.:vue r..: ian army.--.-i-- .Vv ,:'-;'-- ; Sons !zrs foiiowir-z'th- e actual fh'ed with a e. '1 " "C.t f..3 i ::'--3 together a:. la .ita1 of. ateeT turning in a caslnj masonry Japaa "v ' '" t Tht Criatmont fort turret cf hostilltlc between fouad la a, : ir t..:y vezt r: 3 ticcrae feeavy top la a cap cf rounied tUel ti'A - which ia protected by .earthworks." Ita and Gemer.y at a tins when the PaciSc iilauds, th3 v rnieet- jaUr'-whic- , ".T! 3 f;l;ratlca held a free: ti Jck-- Inside la a heavy la turned I with the turret. way to the liar-sha- ll :, the- matter, 2irchei " fund Its la the ves3el over le"". 'r v:.:3 Vc:'; to castfer Aprarer.tly the only time it it;at a:i vumeraiie ia wnen n icievsisa T.rc. Le:ar.i3, tha Uttla two-naste- a with , .. . t - - r- - - - llovf-- vored . r':::::.t ; - ABa vcUi la fivor.bftUcer.i-- j. existence' cf which wa; unknown n Aec-Iu3- by . c . ... r r :: It destroyer ia a'heavy nortarthe wood-- Echecnsr taaaaed ...r" e t-- , . v ever.-th- taeahers 'felt" at this, is war. 'This mortar has a ran;s of five tdvteven.' v. - until the outbreak of the five aad Chiaese and East .(Ccailaued ca i : it' C3- --- . ,'., cc-n-u- that, the m j ? . -'a - C.rns natter, an! a s n twatldn at th tfme of discharce. The i Indians,! nalclar a total conplcnent cf c: 7ca ; ct .an tte 7S3 m 7.r: .;:;ti:rc3 zzrl Lill:. " i3 ... in to .tana' aJfeFl, whlchhas' a. hf::i trajjstsry Is said to weih pounds, fall almost 13 .meair crcceeJel for the cpea sea, m i - - "'r'-rUfian- '' . npnnle of the coareuaity. vertically, ther velocity cr .tr.e, impactgreauy mcreascu or we giwnw si a cf refuse. 1 " ' with llonelala as cort jT: 3 neetinss next week .will beheld t a. ti i !. with hi-- S .vnlaivJ,"'"''.t- T "" - t ; ve f , - 'i Captaia Chri3 Fried erlchsca, a for tha purpose or naving-- a us- z "it will be aeen that the; turret.! uninjured but the masonry dislntea- - j eraa la south seas, barely a i Followingie -- tr: !:r . . j , thV nupstlon. elevate .'I' rate uncer this shell nence ine lurrei cannoi hl;turnedpr ihad c?pcrtliSity; to fill e.e tanks cf .the will be referred; to the I ;: r .'.-:-. - V ; lt.h .that natter. . . and the fort. tilenced. vj v '. i irhnnnfr'wlth acfSclent cetrol .tor J ? .... - Cnv. 1 II II J 4 J f . I ' lnannauai caurcues iur wctiawu. carry tasvessei over a i.mtea raQiusi r nf th local men who hare heard . I '1 . n - . . with lta auxiliinr engine. 7-7'- - - ' '. , r. ;;ilIr: - Sun(lay,wille present TWednes- Fitted t ith Eii:3, all reported ia good co-l::iea a crue, Wiaf W W tea w . - J fcr; lerthy th3 verrel charted a crurcr .believed , . - i mi c-- 'Aw-A'&z- mm j fc :m - j A??oc!ated-rr-:- - I; r.zvf yc- . r 1 PaeAZo Ca.hTfl.1 -- i.r.Na nwfl tnTnmm nrrial i - ' i r 1 J . SAN FRAfJCISCO, Cal.f Oct .2. Tha, T. ICMC. Tr.::, : 7: ct Y. j i-.- 1. .f r. . vvhioh erftved .today Yokchsma- Via 'lie ; 4 Shinyo'ndru, rcrf r.. r 2 4V f;::.-n:u:.- -3 ii. ucrr ; rr. t j a t' t lu.uvas convoyed Dysin2yji:p:.r.::2 j A : f.. x ; - -- Lyle'.:- of ; t c i Mr7;'and .Mrit.: James; - !: . Asama."' ThD two y;ir- ;:: - f protected cruiser J:;in::3 - i D. Li. '' tpday- - tia .... C, C.t. German Cmca::iC::r Spenceravenae. attained c-- 7C, ,'r j. t Hn:r, remained U' iv ... . . ; , 'x- their diamond wedding annlrer--- f did net corns to the bber vllh tha tut J: j ,vri's nA 60 -- r y,, U Jary, taving teen married be!ow"tha herizcn7-- 7-. :7.;7 , - Y:7AAA3r A -- ? . .t C.rcc uC;.riT2. years aso at Mystic Cona,;, Tor f 4 - T"V - - 4-- more than SO years they ; have 4 Offieers cf tha Shinyo eay that c::!it Jr:.r.eea v::::!7;:,; 4- - been residents; of Iloaolula, and .4 thpv have elzht children. HvisS. 4 4 T r 't f horefanA cm tha "mainland, torreth- - 4 F!'!) tl TT''! rf , t ? "1 in-f- I" r! a.' r u-it- nianv srrandchildreC tad 4. r Hv till ' V ! k tu. fctf V . . ' tv cir effspriag "frequently present 4 viUi.vil picture cf fear genera-- . I -

-- - 1 " , , - . t. - fr r i r -- ;v 4. most daily ilr. and Mrs.- L3I3 4 C;.. C: v . . . 1. H i--- graad-- 4 c. I. k.t.2L2 - j4 A few years ago, with cae f-.r- c.;;: arcunl 4 ; Ltlzj. It 13 (leered Ullt C 12 4child7they nadoarip r .rt c f 7nl:r7:rf vcr11 ' ; i c the visitrs Ia"7e3 1 Zr;i!;'i cr. -- .tTtVH d t v rwv Elates. Caneia. Greet Ar rr-- t t c'.. da aad Australia. Lcrd Iechc-p"- . 4 4'.y Cir Ly. I': : : ", 4 'C:r:-:"- i to rs!:.'.r.s fands to hail thl3 evcafa?, ccrracir?"at 7:Ol4 a r.-It-: 'i dip!eraat tad V C eiy r- -v fat:.:::: o'clock. Tha ce-- c': r, : ? a r. : cf tv , c .:.i t3 . - , 1 . . i-- i, - - Alf-- i cca; ; ; nOKOLULU BT B ULLETIN, SATCTPAYi OCTOBER 24, 1014.


I ,1 WE STORE EVERYTHING. CITY TRANSFER COMPANY ... ., v f JAMES i. LOVE w Phone 123t ft it. rwr7n rr--i r 1 j .V-- - Pie3 - A. Bread Cakes f Crackere iiiiWEIii y. s. judi Till QUEUE 0 BY CAHL SPAETH

Question of Low control of it nor where the cola actual- International : ' ly is. ; t - - Raised in Efforts to Secure Judge Robinson Is hearing argu-me-nt today on the order which be la I Alleged British Funds r sued yesterday, requiring Spaeth to produce the money, give an accounting J itis a local circuit Jcourt : or i any and hand tho funds to w mam K. court in the United States any jurisdic-- . Brown, receiver appolned by the court tioft; la business difficulties arising to take charge of the moneg, pending between subjects of Great Britain and lh riiHimsitinn of the CftflA. , countries which are now at v?imth dirt rot si in out of Honolulu ' :: - '.M.1. i Ger- war? .' . on the steamer Matsonla or the This la one of the questions put up man steamer O. J. D. Ablers, though to Circuit Judge William J.-- Robinson Deputy High Sheriff Tatrick Gleason today by r Attorneys Frank E, Thorn p--. coald not locate him last Tuesday or son and F. W illlverton, who are at- WdnfH1v lfa rfhl flnit hlm'vpatcr-- torneys for, Carl Spaeth, the former day, however, and succeeded In serv J supercargo of the Norwegian steamer lnf thr rriiirt rT1t nn Snarth thA lt. TrontOvHn the suit brought to compel ier appearing in court taie in me an-ernoo- n. Spaeth , to relinquish approximately The argument today may not $18,000 to T. H. Davies & Company, be finished until late this afternoon. , 1 I A 4 1 f L local agents for the Tacific Phosphate : Accoruinj, iv met auicmtui in vno Company; of London. In their return defendant's return, filed today. Spaeth - by ta the order Issued- . yesterday for the Jast year has been an over Judge Roblnson, "counsel for the de- seer' In the Pacific Thoaphate Com- fendant admit SiMeth is a native of pany's employ at Nauru Island, lu the . Ulm, Germany, and that the Pacific South Seas. He was sent to, Honolulu Thosphate Company Is a Dritlsh. com- last month with a cargo of 60 tons pany. of fertilizer, which he sold to a local One of their contentions as , to why firm for about I1S00. He 'also brought Spaeth cannot be compelled to give 70,000 marks, German coinage, of the up the coin he Is alleged to bold la company's money, with which to pur- ) that the two nations, England and chase; supplies for the plantation at i Germany, being at war, air contracts Nauru. The island of Nauru Is a Ger 1 1 between firms or citizens of those man possession, he avers, though the companies are automatically abrogat- British company has been conducting ed, at least temporarily; also that the business on a considerable scale there. United States.: being a neutral coun- A day or two after the sale of the try, the courts of the latter have no fertilizer here, he alleges, the captain 1 jurisdiction to settle disputes arising of the Pronto received Instructions between the subjects of the two form-e- r from T H. H Davies & Company to ' 1 J ' - : : countries. '..-- . keep him off the boat and prevent his ' , The, -- Another . Argument, of defendant's return' to r Nauru. Pronto sailed O and days ago return trip : counsel is that Spaeth does not several cn the -- Ttrritcrlal prison, ,on which ..actual construction wiii shortly be commenced, being available for this work from the sale of new territorial bonds. ,4 --Or has not had possession of the $18,000 south; Spaeth asserts he ha3 a quan- since October. 9,, or before the first tity of clothing, books and other per- legal, papers Issued against him were sonal effects at Nauru worth probably with-in'range'- of brought the revenue cutter well U 6,000 owes served. They, set , forth that he does marks and that the firm operations while the trans- I not know the whereabouts of the mon- him several months' wages at the rate flag8'!wa3 In progress. ;Wben Al U TODAY i fer tof liEPiLIHS 0 ey, but do not State whether he has of 180 marks per month. 1. the lllzen proceeded several miles be- tlffi yond neutrality boundary, the Thetis took - up a circuitous course and fol- lowed close behind, the 'Japanese war-vess- el McKINLEY HIGH OH EDGE OVE and Its prize; v: . iKffllSIOKtllllllWW The Thetis is; to be retaineJ? as a ni niTjr rrnn;j 1 uY patrol vessel during the stay" of the tomorrow ta; big ASSENTED 10 ! . a large of Republican points and afternoon Jntiar.rscv 'waffthTY . In fiia!n1nln Itrf With number i meeting is to be held atJ Waianae. 1 . i , speakers go- 1 Vi over the moYements of the Ger workers, and candidates ave- if : v Tonight at Punahou and Wilder ; By HOWAItD CASE.:: Stafford Austin, captain of Puni-ho- U man cruiser iJeier. V"., ing around the: island . this afternoon nues beginning at 7:30 o'clock there a the v According. Hamagachl rAv out team, is a post-graduat- to Lieut the 'aV Mii o will be a rally with a number of speak- Difficulties said to have arisen and li pase oas)- - Germ to number, of five, and - i.'iith i : ruling recent playing this year simply because the ; ! : v (Cctiaued fiora the of certain made at a t . . . i'.l tonight Foprth O. Q. ers who can gain and hold a crowd. Icfia I :ln the 4istrict, McKinley pro- the Chinese and East Indian sailors meeting ; of Ath- representatives made no : 1 j- of Oahn Col- the lnterscholastic ? :. vc ., -' t jni sex a er In President A. F. Griffiths cr 40-da- I doctrines will be spread around grc-it- u y passage. Aeolus K Pro-less- or test from he was v or had not been removed from the Association, at which time the fact that elected l1 . v e among speak- letic I, r t r "3 .L rrt r ' : lively style: lege will preside and the en tLlrtlr.-- and Kau 10:30 morning. ': 'l'?r: :: ' captain at of - After the Kcna at this - - - i ; Greenleyr athletic director of the close the season last k: '. ro- dlscov-- Leaving the city early this after- ers will be the following: c;).:;t Hawaii, cff.cers i ; "Do you intend to destroy: the ves by year.' . , cf: the noon by aatos, many of the candidates W, R. Castle. Norman Watkins, C. McKinley High School, is accused rn 1 their rcistal: and then altered; sel?" was asked the members the football team of Punahou, lt said, i3 peeved be- i party workers are circling Oahn. H. Cooke, Robert W. Breckons, W. T. of .s t r ccurse to .a ' i do net think so was the responso and to cause she was forced to take a licking . unns'ine acoius into institution of having assented ! i :? for t:." MeeUngs are ueing held at Kaneohe,1 Rawlins, W..O. Smith, D. P. R. lsen that In" excellent English.' , ad- from McKinley Saturday. - officer ;t.- The a proposition highly detrimental to the last, The . fu; :..:.ric:;t C. IL Heeiai KahansHaanla, Ltlerand othei berg, wmiam Williamson. ' Cciieved Japanese Wat J V' 'v.'UV. ded that he' believed that It was the , , Mc,Kinley students are not especially ' : 1 t ! present workings of the Black and ,'y t y i:i .n ' Ar-ericr- Vessel. purj)ose to' hold the vessel as a, prize sore Coach E. ; Gold eleven, may result in McKinley at Frank Midkiff. for : r Japanese contrary .;(:;. 1 Thit the grim and sinister at ..least... until, advices, to the Oahu College coming to logger- proposing a ruling regarding Melia and '. . :: (. f .:.c i . .i I and I hi;) was : by Ger- -' of attkf t believed .the had been received from the seat LIGIITFOOTiuAIUiJB DAILY REMINDERS heads - over the football question, if Chlllingworth, after the footcair sea- 1 ir man visitors to le an Americaji mail-- government at Tokio. V there be any foundation to a story son had started, but they are disgust-- . of-- v sr w as the opiafoa expressed by j Seized In Early Hottrt of Morning. , making ' I which has been the ,round3 from Hlzen, , be ' a Jj;:.r.oe cff.ccr the According to what cm learned of : a proposition. , . i . Our millinery etylcs are smart and since the meeting. , . ; , ; - ! nl;o r . there rear the foot of detalls of the Aeolus capture, the Mc-,- ? 'the jour;:ey & William L. Ilosa. a graduate cf - Milton on good authority t bring- - exclusive; prices reasonable. It was stated this Tort ftrec-- shortly Le.'cre noon, Hizen's lookouts ''were sweeping the i;;,,iD Klnley,' through whese work of coach-- ' - : morning of McKinley .: f. re I::g a report cf the seizure, to bo de- sea to the south, east and west early Parsons, 1112 For: St. Adv. that the students Ing ' the Black and Gold team has been - 1 High School are planning a mass meet- c::Js frcra' liverr to the Jai anese ccasulate. , ; this morning when they saw the little Phone 1051 and arrange for Bowers' whipped into better shape this year 1 : ing for Monday morning, at which time Hamag3chi. accompanied by schooner coming ..along In a light to guard ,your home 1307, r Merchant Patrol : ' Lc::L re- than it has been lnce confirm . '; l :: I tcrrito' 'breeze. - This was about, 3 o'clock.' nan they will demand that Greenley be ji sailors, was permitted or. place of business while you sleep. story Greenley's cf 11IIUIIII1U U I I I moved as athletic the of action at tho were fired -- 1 instructor. '.- Franklin j Five shots, from the Hizen : i ' to visit Collector of Customs r Lewis' taxis, tang t st near Fort. meeting. r-- t , i.r.i the v-i wait-- ; to stop the sailing vessel and give no--i ' " '" V The whole trouble, say the McKinley ' then ohll cd to rctcra to the v i ... ' The only white company with sober McKinley loses Melin and Chil ; : zri .i' "If rh Co urj cf this launch, 1 IHzenHice that 6he was under the guns"f a "d611-0"1- 1 students, was started when Funahcu 1 z lie state that the Wireless ;. Message "Fronl Mat- - drivers. Tei 5200. lingworth, what the use cf trying tha prison project f'ou- - ship. , Searchlights at' thoAcolus drlfUn? heirless hostile were: then found out that two members of the to play football?" ne said this morn- over : He iS DiS- - : McKinley High team-Ha- rry seme miles c.7 the port while efheers flashed tae little schooner and SOnla SayS After Automohilists! : Painuand varnish School football ing., "If Coach Midkiff had such a i liJdcrs, i; Japaaesc? var vessel simply, boarding-part- y sent from the r Hizcn " Melin and George Chllllngworth :.;J UtaI tn'ct Attorney's Job your car and.use it in 36 ..hours.:'-Us- e ruling as that In mind, why didn't 1:9 Cor.i-- t . which immediately boarded the Aeolus year-shortl- "1 to ccme v ' ; ' commenced school this Trv.t for ill i craft . ' ;::" (Valentine's Vanadium color varnish make at the first of th? year in- Ger-jan- it take JlP.OoO of The Aeolus Hew the d placed the officers and crew under 'Tho'Star-BuIleU- hought & Cooke, Lid. after the term opened, : At a meeting iroudlv ''t n has received "aih at Lewers .' .;. stead of after the season had startcL - II. l.ihic, will J;ay for ran ro ors rroni ti;e altermast ana u you are a pmltry ; raiser refer of the lnterscholastic Athletic Asso- As you ' ' thoritaUve information that Attorney for Greenley. well, can't coacS : : :i ar-- : c Hi-'- n I greatest prevailed - tho latter : i. t ur.tir a Uur.r!r' with , Tne excitement'. - pn way .to o"en to the pages ol "Successful Poul- ciation a few dafrf ago a ruling was a football team in a suit and by ' Joseph Ligktfoot- is his white : t: 1. ; : aior.c-sid- 1.4 v r: J.. j r.f o c.ihecrs camo e mo m, voe 'jayanaeso cuiuu uvi uium made whereby sy.y student starting standing - Washington to. the "v"v'4 back and saying ncthm:?. I i ; ing when the hews was learned Jap- 7. Company rT" Is. . ..rcr Ctnil'.i; f::. J later bcx.rdcd the vessel position Z2tLAMM at-- Ca.lifornia Feed $L the school term late could not play believe that the alumni should har. Va Gcrm.-n- s newspapers of "r . :. '. Jc : t c r-- 1 t'.:.t the were apprised of anese issued extras. ; football. which McKin- IL; al ra' i yi torney .for Hawaii. now Held by; Jeff The kick the the athletic end at McKinley. I thiik - J f h i of 1 o-- .i. r..o actual ccuuhtion' which lnaJe them - wool vaug uwrvon''j : ley students have is that Greenley as- ' . f to! . -- McKinley white ' . ? ' - : treated Punahou whn 1 i aiccarn. v' . : Jhile-'.r-- - h cacrs cf war. and their vessel a 'i either the very newest fiction by noted to, ; .., , ,;V !:. ....;: J THETIS MAY HAVE FIRED de- - sented this... .,j allowed Austin to play, and I can't - .hurried 11 : 'v and it '. Ltghtfoot's sudden ! i I i fjy ivizo to Jajaa. ", ; v autiiors or the tiuieftried and timer cf tho, ' In the past it has been the custom conceive why any such fool ruling a . ' AT SAMPAN TO r.lAirJTAIN titer roast by tne MatsoniarpTove(j 65c ' f V: - Kct a Curt Fired. , pirture for stories In the edition. ; OvT.cml-- J: of for the representatives of those schools the one regarding the McKinley play- ' 1 last' Wednesday stirred up a lot .Miss Power, the pleading milliner. - i f t:. l ccncruir.a-- J rThe Etirrender of the; Aeolus, by NEUTHALITY OF U. S. , ; , son, J.' U. Lightfoot, Which are members of the association ers who started school late should r C?rta'a rr:;!crichsoa to the Japanese speculation. His has some heautlful new hats at her deliveries denied absolutely that his father was In Boston block Ladies to meet before the commencement of be brought In to try and stop McKial jy - I . :. ;! v acc-llche- with- parlors the' i : - t 3 ta the as j ful and To preserve neutrality at the port ithe football .season and, among other from'her attempt to make the presect i n,! r. '.,!y w ill Le. of-- out the firir.s cf a single shot of Honolulu twb shots ate' declared to - tblriS3. make rulihgs they be- - season her successful oae : to . San Francisco on iri- visit these parlors .which football first i : : Kawanajni was called millinery should ; ;r sale here, ..for. the Captain visited the little have' been fired at midnight front the only vipw displayed necessary to cover the football in seven years." i :".t rapers, found ' vate business and would be there ano the models the relieved, cf IlawEihi investors.; vessel, looked over its LTnited revenue cutter Thetis : r.ot States : S Any picture ..worth taking is worth season. As an example, a ruling was However, the high scbocl has - liar-sha- ll a week Zilifl m ; . r . that it had ern trading In the directed across the bow of a Japanese have made this, year that no student who i? yet seen fit to remote Melin and Chil- - persistent rumors that having a title and date. It will ' and practically - - In view of the post-gradua- - islands Eteain launcli, t which. immediately a te "play football. mp ? for-eith- er if taken with the .new Autographic should iingwortn irora ram. since it was launched at Benleta. .California, then on way Lightfoot is a.c'?ndidate a - halted" the craft its from Kodak which ; has an attachment : 4 judgeshipor district attorneyship, ' Nafi-gatlc- n in l?f!0. The: prize now In tow tb : battleship v Hl2en then slowly the you : WANT A WAR MAP? by tremendous teas, the Matson : Star-Bullet- which allows .to record iaformfi' cf the big Hizen Is l.0" gross and H'i Ahe the in wirelessed to a man Hyades, with moro steami&c several miles off harbor. . ' A limited number of war maps of steamer tion right on the , film Get one at on Matsonla in a position to know ; .' - cargo, tens net register,. and in addition .to f awalUrig a move upon the part of the the Supply Company Europe have been eecured by the than .'000 lcn3- cf mainland - ; fol- the Honolulu, Photo its equipment of sails rfom two masts - iVarioiisJy. of- Ughtfoot's real mission. The Star-Bulleti- n - off port 2 o'clock this after- German croUer : Oeier,v U Ja :Hennies. Artist,; .received photo- . and are offered to pat- arrived at I lowing came lhi3 morning':' . - I'rrthcrs' lott on JTir. hi v. carries a Iiereu:c3 gas engine, giving launch, was a local reply ; best of of this paper very reason-th- e noon from" Seattle, the- vessel having re$orted .that the Wash-jhgton- r: graphic Ihstniction'under. the irons at the V.- . to s, r - nil, from 10. a. io 4 the vessel a steaming radius of about sampah; aTso It "was one the "Liflhtfoot taking flrat train photog-- j price - of 15 ct-nt- to met a porticn of the. storm that partly el - that' of old world's .most famous ahle the order : . at-- : . SO . district cllp-Henni- es r.;ur.J tri.i fare cents prr looo miles.,'- y boats fro mthe Hizeu t ..' Seek;appcihtment raphers as well as those of the new.! be accompanied by three coupons damaged the Norwegian '. fret liter : :i. Lcurchs leave foot of Fort 'The Aeolus measures 105 feet in ;The sharp report from the gnna oh (VI UVt is with' R; W. ; Perkins, tlie pSd from this paper. The coupon is Henrik Ibsen and; caused the loss;o " ttr, every hour commencing '10 " . -. t, at length, 24. in breadth and haa a beard the were plainly heard t photographer, .and his aervices along; published In column. .- This valuable timber carried on deck. : ' feet Thetis another a. " At cohclusioh'of the annual con - Smith, , Uepth of 9 feet 7 indies s r J by watchers frohi the sbcre.: The The- the the lines of most effective iwsing, and man takes in all of Europe and enables Captain Troel master of tie Cc..;e elJ see the battleshii)".strip-ped- The smallness of the craft permitted tis has maintained a position' Well out vention cf sugar-mil- l : engineers on in the mechanical processes necessary the reader to, follow 'the activities of Hyades, reporti had weather for tho ; r for Ivertisrmcnt, . g Engineering Aa: Hy- anion. the skipper to take his command pret- on' the open sea today, no comnnmica-titai'havui- Tuesday the Hawaiian for the best in, photographic , portrai all European wan ing forces; Re greater part of the voyage The w'as the w ncchnticn, under whoie. auspices' it your : cargo or discharge Hono- ty ell toward shore as he skirted the been had with lu officers. ture are at command. 4 member that the supply is limited. ades ha at -- reelected the-- following officers: ? , group - ' held, lulu. Port Allen, Kahului and Hlio. ; i V, MARRIAGE LICENSES. several islands in the within ' Collector of Customs- Franklin had V. '. ; Hi- - V,. G. Hali, Hawai- tho past few days; no explanation to o.Ter concerning the R. . I, president; The annual convention of the The vessel Is now three days behind - - -- ; ; v: : Lev ccrv Association wa? & Yuen IV. I, H onol ul u ...... ,f. . . :' . . s . HO The Germans now detained outside firing ! of the shots from the vessel. Frrnk.O. ian Sugar Chemists PASSXGKS DEPABXII the regular schedule.. Castle Cccko three-mil- e Wednesday.: Papers were pre -- arranged , - long. Kiin Hung, Houclulu...i-- . l'J the limit, state that ..they The- Thetis comes rr.rier-t- " ''J rn 4 have ta supply the vessel '. 1 ' 1 Bieia, A. C. - have been engaged In the business of Jurlsdictin; tf t!.o f : tv J. E. J. Verret Per O.; S. S Sierra, for San Fran- with a small 'shipment of sugar, f .Ycr.g -- ' H . V J. An .Hung. Honolulu...., .24 trading in copra and pearling, it being Las' Insist J on a ; F. T. Dillingham,M E.'ciscoj Oct 2i.-- .W.Asch. G. U ! Yo.'.z Sen.-- Honolulu. . .., 20 tiieir intention to seek safety with the 'at neutrality tt l' - T." Wesfly, M. Johnson. rV. Black, j, M. Cumin ings, J. B. De Long, Rev. ,W. . D.?. Westervelt will spVak 1 J.-- v ar-- . Kaumakapiil tomorrow-mornin- g beginning of . hostilities. prfesrvo it c Robert S. Ferris, Mrs. F. ;C Jewell, VMorley. Jones, S. at church T!.p dlrhthcria .epidemic: In Is on Guard. v: d ' :. Herbert S.: Walker. A. M.' Uvermore.-Mrs.-U- v. at 11 o'clock. This beiag'the Thetie tis for patrol i . Kcmatau. : ac-- ( Moul-:r.t:.- l: Iras materially improved, , Collector cf Port. Franklin will de The' vessel : w cted ai. follows-- H. ermore. Miss H. LpjewskL W. H. '- English service Sunday at the church, ' ' mefct-i..- .: t J X' rts made at the mand a strict observance of neutrality-- figured. ta-t- G. Giacomttl, thrcp, S. MacNamara, H. .G Pewtress, the public js cordially invited to at- : c t niurial board- cf health laws and to carry cut his instructions, derstcod to h 8. Peck, secretary JUrs. Pewtress, G. M. Reid, Mrs. Reid, tend and at the same ttme It win i .: - jc'tJ'v tift;:r,oon In general, lo td .the Japanese officers caused the' anessrfr A. VerreC H-- John- Miss E. Schmitz, Mrs. E. Scbmitz, Miss interpreted by Deacon 3. K: Kar vo. c: 1 1. : cc ' ;"; r.litlons are vrry good. return cf,. r . Bieia; A; E. pill of the, same church, s ' the ..United States' revenue The r. J. i:. Fries uCTomasi, Mrs. E. Tindali; F. so the '.' ' ' " - devoted to cutter Thetis from a cruise . around tion 1 ri-- executive com- - Wright. O. A. Steven r are especially asked to i u?i-- nri n'uti.: : the island of Hawaii. The Thfth "was v. iih vau.lpv'lle jit r ; - " one aud all. hv. W. n. v, :.; 1.. ; lr: t. ;A within a fe w r.IIes of the little tier :"n 5 ie - a i Hyades Buffeted by Heavy Seas. recently came back from J. .. .- 'eiant" t' !i L.ornirs v- 1 IU e: - Meeting terrific gajes and buffeted music. - STAR-BULLETI- HONOLULU: N, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1914. '.TOUCH

" " ' " - - I STFiKEIi " . . GEM i- J; 'V,'" y - ' f : '".j

: iiilo - l- ' - mm W1JL4CE ' ' :: i: i HILO;HawjUl Oct .2lHJlo" Bay loots quite like a.thrtTlng seaport now-- ? adays and, i bll not exactly exhibiting i bjt . . ' r: aToreat masta,. the waterfront is

" ver J" nusy ajfpeara$cfe. J assuming j ad '?''' - With AmeHctni German, Japanese1 and - ft- - I , I I other cr anchored in the stream, the old-tim- e " "waterfront characters ! . : wonder how, long it will be till the har- ::y ' ; ::' a' j congested .shipping. t -, bor is with v t .rW- yx v Ge'rman steamer O. J. D. jMPJ ' ' The - ; .1 4 ; lers of Bremen is the latest' addition r to war refugees she came '' : . the and t . steaming into port on Wednesday aft- :yUf ernoon ' about o'clocfc The vessel had Cleared from- - Honolulu on Tues- SmdebakVr "Six" $1550 Honolulu" day evening and Is reported to hate l - . slipped out quietly i. without showing any lights .or in 'any way betraying the fact that she was bound for pas- neW.-----;-.- v y :v v:.y tures t. .. "y.y ;. Jylonth 1 ..: September The Biggest Ih: The news; tnat 'a big steamer was Was , y- - .( i . naaoin ir' tlnnv tho tftmikna n9ct was telephoned to Hilo early on Wednes j day; afternoon, and "at once a crowd The History Of The Studebaker began to --stream tp the vaniage points where the teasel might be seen rom.j " " As steamer approached Hilo many '. the " " 1 -- . , i- . .. , , . i . v . , v , ' I t '. conjectures were as to Corporation made her nation : 4 ality and field glasses and r telescope :!tr- were in nmcJv demand.; A crowd ccm IQ S.Si ViriGir'IAPJ SIERRA OFF VITH CARTER ViLL BE gregtted, aiangl the ; waterfront and made aU sojta of "surmises ' as to the flag the stronger was flyings ; v 5 - -- The Abler, seemed for time to be The num Studebakers actually sold and de: ffJlSCE LIGHT LIST OF IS! FIGHT TO steaming right past Hilo i 'and to be iillfl Eil, making for Kau.V?The crowd ashore livered last month was tl eatest in the sixty-iv- d could not Understand,; the maneuter until peopled pointed out thst while yearsof Studebaker WIK the steamer could have steamed in al- , ,, s, biismess;,:; CIMIMERr PASSENGERS OR LOSE IT most direct,' is do most freighters, she sticHngrf ' was to the route of an old ; : :vj :.y;-- ! : ' i: i chart and. taking no chances, - 5 These sales COTer e "Pushing its prow well Intothe tauter ;The record for the smallest number Rut Ua UIII DnlcfAf Itn Ule The vessersteamed ahead until ' al tiArtinnnf the mio breakwater the nfnaRPnrer carried in the Oceanic: r,M !' V'" "Wl ru,eicl WH most opposite the ' Hilo railroad depot eachfateMojan in ; . American-Hawaiia- n freighter Virgin- -' Hner Sierra slnc that vessel' went Campaign With "Grafting" and then turned; directly; toward the ian, with o part cargo of 'and';' into commission in the trade between town. - She made 1 the channel easily year. preserved pines collected at several Honolulu and the Coast departed .fori A; Methodsl and came to anchor on the Walnalcu side of the harbor, not very far from i ieorge carter, former governor -: nArfnmflrhiiA'a 'secticsi in tho, k. the Japanese steamer Kiyo Mara, from Ih:California; every the tralerjis ;aid to have whose decks an interested crowd of the StudebakefJed car diclodped. v The vessel was supplied with 2800, yeTterday passengers and officers ' watched the volume ; bus An unusually heavy swell rolled into tona 0r cargo,. however, served to V! movements of the freighter ; in of that meiL ; -- Sn . Thursday night and Hilo , . Hilo bay late ';:':' fill tnej available space beneath the The Ahlers was in Honolulu harbor y ,y y ' were by deep Campaign ;:"'r resldcnu awakened the ..utche8 'with an nssortment of island ryfftStjSttMta7eaturl5t for feome darstr and It was from her at- - : bass cf the Virginian siren which products Including more than 1000 Ti: ' that a number of British subjects, Hin r'.; This shows: confidence i by the 'American p e ople xue : -- tractca.tne auenucn ci yuounu ; tons of sugar and .consignments of.- l am in the fight and in to stay. dus, deserted the other day.; ; , ' , t?J" - harbor ofuclals. nines, bananas, hides, nreserved sisal. We are working dolng'personal cam- The Ahlers will ,y prooti bly' remain in Studebaker product and Studebaker service.- n the American-Hawaiia- The freighter coffee and sundries. . . ' , : we ." paign work daily, but . are not ' -.- ' ' here until the war isended Honolulu vf .'.'..:.. H. v,y :::.:;t : ; f J declared to have slipped Its mooring Despite small ; listi' of "outgoing holding any am J ?( the meetings. I willing j'.i'xV;; ' ' becoming so conjested ..V'-.:-Z.i- '' :v - " - harbor is with " ;''' ; :' a- : ' .'. ..' ; near wnarr, me parting oi u , - ': - tne iiuo passengers a large throng had 'gather- to speak on Progressive. ". ' "' i if : : issues where " ''';:-.'- - refugee; ships'. that there is no ; room f ''.' t;: ' "i caMcs causing; the huge cargo steamer pA pipr 10 to witness the salline of ant three men are ratherd who want - for any more. It is proposed to send to In the direction cf. the break- ill'egiti- - ' drift the Bteamer. The Sierra was delayed to hear me, but I will not use ? - ' ceveral more of . the : vessels ;,'wtter.- L. sorre minutes by the failure of a! wo mate methods to get large meetings. v n . . . . 1 : . ,. narooewnere inere is pienty or - - 'examination' OB.i m - .iiinwfr.r-s-3 the Vir 1II Ml 1 am I III 111 VElIBCA h Jnrtr m w mt th V V I . . J. Mil ira LUd i wJ W J .inwfco ' ' di- - ( l,-i y 'V r: Kf pnmpfl .fnr Kan FrancisCO - .v- - t iv.. mothnrft enmef tmo nam! " . ! . S. If00" 7 . r 1 i" V;. r fc-c-t at an early hour .Friday, morning,; frightened rending air f ?Tq this declaration he -- adds that! Besides ?ttfJBerman .steamer there, - Much and the . Weather ccnditlcns prevented .pas- vor visitor I there is no use getting up meetings' are at present in the harbor the Klyol ' e?r.rcrs and malls from Hilo being AunrA Anwn th ypnisced anr.iwhere;:tio .one Vill attend.; v ."IMaru,- the fttenue cutter 'Thetis,;, the Inter-Islan- d - 1 in" 1 Virginian. tr: referred lo the steamer con--t believe 1 th Progressive cahse tltelKilajiea, the Salvador way. Kane(j ? -- - although snmoaa Tw V. J ; . . . tne -- , , ' ...... ; - ""VJ V i rui V lit.:...... ,s . ; . j. .. . ' j j Kilauea save by' shiD S boats.- The slderable headway in ; backing 'T j-- sf! away from, oerth.!led its f SRffi ja&KttsA", : at-th- e te.strean:-.i- ;. t ?evtarnCto ' t!.e' T.hrf. Thursday afternoon ' , it ' I. y. - . . ' - -.-- ..... t ilJJ - ty:- ' any f.n-- cf a heavy sea. j ; - ' of us expected,erUrlhas not discour y.- is i ;; ',; t:.r:i ATJD. At much difficulty was VESSELS TO aged me," he continued. VI am do--1: Ix.laIn' ' ing personal work daily and it would the landing cf travelers ; w FROM JHE ISLANDS r.nd a a cf Officers ; ise you to know the number of i it.z. nicest caro.. ' in V..o KV.zvz, however, report thatj men who approach me and volunteer : (Special ITIreless to KcrcnaatsV - f C - the, ? information , they will not The Yoiipg Christian- In f !.rcn;!r.s thrcush the channels ; that Vomen Ac::dati:n i":3 . .:,.; , Ejcfcange.,". : , r rzU-- z the is!onds, the sea was much L vote for Kuhio or, McUandiess, that they are going to vote for me. . 6- - ' "' tho- hreakw-tM'- " ' "The signs of the times' right now ,r - Planned a 'FJost Attractive Protrad fcr - KEJUiui was' almost pnRT. GAMBLE October rZ3, tn DT,vthtn Jr-- J :'v- j j.: ccrr.; !cte:y washed away by a,succes- - gchooner Alice Cooke, for h. swept. : Honolulu.:.luw iSSrLli"'5" ,!cn cf tremendous seas which ft-- dM S .m..( . ; it October 23.'.:M a. g IISt f8 , her neU thertructuro Xcr almost its enUre-- s. S. Virginian forew Torkrvia. vAIl of; the swimming, .tennis i and i g juiuasium classes are now wen start - ) '" ' The mien Oil. Ccmpany 6teamer Sailed, ''"October : Tre toy ow ".the rttoft. to,'enroll if yon ta -- toBtand r-n- which' called at the Maui f r have hot ready done so. Do de-- rjtrt, "gc""? Annie Johnson.-to- San .f.- JnTecUon dar not discharging ' jcrt, succeeded in alrcutj 5f : ' 1 cargo -- tv o ih rd3 cf the cf fuel NAGASAKI Siiled, October 21, tl. S. gfessivcandidates failing to - le, lessons.;;; ;,m ? T ' cj t, M. MM A Tl Tl T TT Tl I U I ' - - - - 4 t ... - ' i a i T AM 1 S ' 'T'naiT' by- - Lfi?an. lor iinnoiuiu. aUOU t uw There.has been a. request for class Addresses j t.,f nretwa ier. me &aaa FRANXI3CO Arrived. ; October true. We have not a -- -- lu!sAN for them. That is - : 1 - in grammatical: English f r fcr Honolulu, arriving nere at; 2 ? m.. S. S. Sbinyo Maru, hence- That" they say we should do so is proof and' one has itiss Carolyn B? Chandler, Secretarj- of .ihe Y W. C A.; ' ' - been formed with Miss Alice A. of 18. - .' A- - h v: enough the Republicans and uem- - Ball ' October . that Miss falM of KaVaiahao Seirimanv" v . , v;:i port : the College of Hawaii la teacher: It., be left at the before October-24;.2:C0rp- S. ' running have had v Sailed, m.. ocratsi,who-- are v V. : 1 will have Us first meeting at 'The . . proceeds to the Honolulu.-'- : S f paid them by ,the vpr S. Mongolia, for ,v their 'fees for Monday vOcto- -' : ; Homestead , evening,; -- Ttadicsrama.-V'?1 r. ; state that the ort3 from Kahului : willing to" speak .wherever r ' i" S. 3. Hyades arrives from Seattle "l am. '''- '. : ; rcT.r.v. nas weu switr.siooa ; me ooio.s, Dy ctcr 5 p. m., today. : v , aen want to near., me, about n (..'.-'.ftncenr- "a." recepuon nome or or . L, me given tne raver:'! cf the storm and deluge lhA eraftine at ' getUng crowds, by ; Mrs. W. D. Westeryelt, at Waiklki, In Francisco Tuesday morning.ith 104 honor; of the new ' secretaries of the cabin and 38 steerage passengers? 546 .,Uwr. ff0, W. C. Misses Chandler Varney FHOM THE WIRELESS, f. Av , - ' . ' bagi-mai-l; .from all county. v :z;'-'Z- ;y; ?, - . - .: :; .. 90 pkgs.. express, matter; wrje Jg and Anderson, as .largely .attended f j.; V4 '''? -'- : ; S127 tons u autos, Hilo-1-467 and a most enjoyable affair. Beauti- T'.o f:!!cwir.f wireless message has - 1 , - 1 ncclvrj by the agents of the t0D8 cargo, H autog.; r afose we are going to sUck ful colored picture of 'scenes in China They Want Men as well as won en 5 fcvl : ; lem as on the screen and explained ir f enship' Wilhelmina, bound IIo- -' thrown ttf for Don't go home tonight "all of i11""- by Mr;,Westervelt, added the charm out: iSffiS "--ta - i1 ' ' of "the evening., rsv.. Tcr Honolulu, cabin ras2engers l04, sorts with a headacte-brai- n in a J yRQ Q FI C IT MAD E t ' V e.UcrzzQ CS. G4G bags mall, whirl. Tak Shac and goidme; . - v ' . . I I ,W. P. Express matter, V- - -- i .1127 tens cariro. 14 automobiles. For freeAdvertlsement. 1 ; ,1 J ; V T.1AUNA0LU SEL1INARY lli!o, 14G7 tens earso, 14 automobiles. X tooard arrives Tuesday morning and At the last meeting of 'the' of; rspeciai Star-buileti- h Correspondence will deck at Tier No 15. ; - managers of the Y.V. C. A., Miss Loo ,WAILUKTj;: Maui, Oct," 23. The - . r .. Seminary waa- wade . .: ; of Kawaiahao i . . Maunaolu Seminary CTAi:.T:ri.LrTiT cms tctt caairuma vi v,-- .v --- w ,helj an important meeting ,ai,. me. I!ir!ltIg-- ' r- - " school ia&t Tuesday.-- - Xdeflcit of near- J ; - .year a Account . naa , ZD.;C.;:,wA;:-;,.- ly $3000 in the , i been made up, so that there, Was gen-- - eral rejoicing among the trustees and. j Makes- World ' faculty of the - popular .Maui scliooL Miss Heusner, principal of the school. DustingV cleaning and polishlag hardwood floors is hardU back-break- -. vacant toed in the ; reported that every Home-sit- e ing work. An almost never ending task and seldom satisfactory the was "The Beautiful" way using: school had been taken, and there eld way. .Bet it is easy, quick, and satisfactory the new no mere room available. This is a" Mop.- - you spend' a few minutes doing the Polish With it can record-breakin- g year for the school In what Jt cow takes you almost half a day. .You simply pass the M?edar the number of pupils. Thet staff 'of Tclish Mop over the floor and every psrticle of dust and dirt is taken ; . , teachers Is "also complete, with three snd held. The floor is given a hard, durable, lasting polish, and Miss-- ; tip ' ?new teachers engaged this year ..' ' - . - . . finish.. '.-- ; es Ingersoll, Marrtln and -- Bond. Dur--j Two Sizes $1.001.50 Ing the summer the floors were paint-- j Cool andeMlusiYe; where the"jntjerf ivliere youarc. fnr , O-Cc- - unit MvanlO V . , V. . ImnrAVOmPIltS. . . - ' ar LIojx KUU . itho.II' f v enough removed from the din of the- - city - to enjoy life in a. broad free way, whera made In - the building, - so that the : : polish'.; . cleaning equipment this year is now complete. you can sare money in gro is also used for the dusting and 'v- - ': be- .; . of the tops of high furniture, the smooth roadways furnish thrills at erery turn. v . tween the banisters of the stairs and" Motorists will find it a pleasure to drive thronsh the tract and see the beautiful Lome- - you get ' - - -- is so made that can to the far VEATIIER TODAY -- y z;-- v ':,-- ;' ? .corner under the bed, beneath. the ra- t ..v'' ic: 1 diator and either Our offerings eml)oly;fuil-acr- c plots priced at 51000 to ?12,";0. Half-acrr.- i for ?C3 , Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money ; ' ' 68; 8 a. ",--- -- Temperature a.. mJ nu ;: V;:'v '' '. ;arid;$G00VT'". :. 'Refunded. :': ':n;' u ( 77; ,10 a, nu 77; 12 noon; 76. ? t MinH DESIBED- -r 21C1 and us 8how you over this beautif ol ;. . Try an Mop for two TERMS IP rhone let tract Polish mum night. 7. Barometei . at last ' WOODLAND CONNECTING WITH MAfiOA CARLIf4Z. days at our risk. Test it every way a, . 29.89. Relative humidity, 8 a. ORTAKE AUTO ' for days you not de- m' two and If are SS's1-- '' .." . ::;..: -..:' re-.-; m' lighted with it we will promptly 6 a. m; 8 a. m, NE-1- ; - - ! Wind NE; your money.5- ; S-1- fund ; 10, a. m SW-7;-1 12 noon. 0. Move- y- ' .. v - Makes It Easy to Clean : Dew-poi- nt Hard-to-Cet-A- 24 W. , t- ment, "past hours, 157.' W. DIMOND & CO., Those - ForfcS 4re3fc .'n2ar;iG?cEGii:: f I: " -- 60. 8 - S3-6- 5 - : "': at' 8. a. mV, Absolute humidity,' y ., , . King St, . Honolulu ' Places 4 a. m 3426. Total rainfall during past ft: :V ;, 1 24 0, v li ' hours, . ;, f ,V if. v y . STAB-BULLETI- 24, 1914. HTTT n HONOLULU SATURDAY, OCTQBER

4 4r n pTSE "Shaded Grecianenrav-in- g -- yy ii ii ii n I t I f ; il n II 1 'Ti H 11 i I I I n Old Doc's Talk for your new cards niid 1 n a " a be panel--; FQLLOWMG TH SHEEP let your cards the new RILEY H. ALLEN ------t- - - - EDI I OK c asanas s ssssnsn asaaanattsasaaaaaa la led.ones. " :"' ", ,'m ', ',, , i ,, .' pell-me- '";,," . Perhaps, rry son. ! am unfortunately is running , ll over a c!:ff. e 1 sneep oo. yoa enow, ou S VTUHDA Y. ...''''...... OCTOBER 24, 1914. tllCS high m the air (high-angl- tire). In lhC constructed, tut never was a good ni :?:c;j;'. :: Wichman & Go.,. V:V ' ' ; : . . . j;: v. ;: wntisn nnuy? every (ivsonnas.4 iieiu guns iimi behind. It u im. v.y hoy, ymli g a V'i.. v v-V- r 7 Jewelers. x 4.5-ine- Vhine?er lft, Tot eyes, 'Lift-- and religion arcon or. neither anything. 18 howitzers; The howitzers are of li J ntth3 on? d4'ra of dust in rnar but that's . rextioa I InsrTnctlvely feel like gains not bad as havfng, yCljr. brains spilt fo show no observ- sa Religion no way of lifer of lift, caliber, firing a shelU.5 inches in diameter ana da e on the rocks below, this me- r: be3?-- A. DELICATESSEir SERVICE - ance of any 6rf.' "It i neither the food nor the weighing; pounds. They have a range of ; And someway the popular : M"wunZZZy. V.C. - dicine of letn '7r 720anlv wMol, is;100fl jrfs grer tlmn AT LEAHI HOME- 1 ' CTS ; TOMORROW M. : ' yo- -. I P. Donald.- - the range of the British field gun; V u can't wear the latest a nytalng; or-So- 7 Z.;; ) m X"ly? "VUtdOr.ULjtVCM IT -- , -- -: , ; ' ' f way because'Jts the style, though); iSUll, yoa stick it oat youlr.fin! ; i ths r r ; Mfte rrencll UO Dot employ a Howitzer in i do ret seasick when It seem3 to be' yourself ln a pretty respecUble minor-- Crowds thronrd the store on the There will be an on-al- iong an J. j - - - - , ...... - - nt-illA- ii '; rjnr-r- nrv i i praise service at 2:30 o clock tomorrow; A RECORD OF WASTE AND EXTRAVA- lit a!i flill i one liovo n nVvr . the thins, tni do! fcorner of Beretanla and 'Fort streets -- ,-- , - . ! - ; - . -- ...... r. tn i)na f.nv ( In end. boy. the tna- tM nt ninA aftertiOoQ at Leah! Home at Kainiukl. -- ... ,j i the Jts mirnimr ihn nvwk th. -- . 0-in- eh f .GANCE.:V 4 : patteni Of callher, lirjng a snell of, about aroUIld to wtiat thIak j a senlbl jority that Hmis itself at the bottom tY. W. C. a. 114 its dellca'tessen?sal.i Chamberlain's class of Willie ' ' ' lf - . Mf KunJa ? - i, i. . iviiimlWj-'nrii- of-nho- nt. of cliff. and by Coon were few things Workers" of the thodiat : ...'( Oft a'' liirhtpr nnttftrfi 4.2- - Innovation, but with me It takes time. the x there " : -- 'school wilKhave charge of the ; I have to think It over a whUe and left on sale.. The oroceeda are to be s!as Star-Bulleti- n the Tho showed yesterday inch caliber. Each army, corps has 18 of the by lixae to adopt it used to repair the. Homestead and ing wl MUs .Jrtce. daughter of Doo the rVe decided new pastor coun-t- y ad- - fikeiy something' new come though the prices for the dalaties were! tor Brace, the of that frightful percentage of waste in city and lighter and 14 of the heavier howitzers, in Jot organist. Doctor ' ' v-- - reasonable, those In charge of the church, the -' . along to take its place. .. , afr . - ; enough money Brac will a talk. Those-- j road-wor- k present Democratic ditioil to 120 field guns,- . : , . my fair said that would make short tinder the : ( Bt. son. tMs mettod Is not Q"t be raised to niake the much needed Intendiug to go will meet at the Metho-- '' its advantage If the flock San Francisco. 7, ; isjaken .'- - Heavy artillery tbe field by ;' - . .into. changes. .v'.. jdist Church at the corner of administration. ;; . i; - HeanU' - - All the cakes, candies, ntes and rud- - and Victoria streets at 2 o'clock. may be of itiub arum fAcqji tut? r.xe.icii,- t xiit?' xruihu - Here are some more figures that dings and other edibles were donated" WVP. Ferguson, of Mills School . (iivision has with it four admirable GO-poun- will charge Oalm to, the voters who nightly; are. treated by supporters of the organization who hare of the service at interest guns which have a range of 9500 yards and arej THE HOMESICK SOLDIER responded generously ami gladJy to prison tomorrow and Mr. .Theodore alleged BytTHOMAS NUN AN. the call for help. Mrs. A. F. Iloogs Richards will have charge of the mu. to Democratic oratory based on the X ' veiy effective against buildings and mason was chairman of the committee in sic. ' ' . - v . of the present board of r' she was ably assisted byi v ;tc;U achievements fortifications. SiegC artillery of a Still heavier. a UritUh officer says that the best soldiers are those who tn. .private charge and .o ; deafening soundj of l(.R9. ' u" " Mil. ua " " also sometimes einploved, though siege 6 betn accuraed areavdeat of noise, the i Miporvifcors: is - Mrs. C. Mrs. Krnest ciarKe, ' I tne . . .. . 1,i . . .. . r . Hiser, Koovtr .nia Jit! Affortnn them -. : Mrs. Charles H. Atherton, Mrs. Kath- V-'.'- - ': ! :.,"-;,'s'-- "-". '.. 15 present board had made weapons soMieayy and ponderous they v ' , , ; . 11 to October the are that :'v;' ' erlne M. Vales. Mrs. 'Henry Williams, t Per stmr.KUauea. irom Hllo and . -- Hill Was who loved hativft'iahd; V i i.l i. ir4;ri Ji.'o.w.!,tiu n7n ntmii Vrliinli ?e a nnn. Hangar an Rii.ishman his Miss C. Sutherland, Mrs. U. Thompson. way porta From" Illlo Mrs. H. M apprnpr iniions lor roaa wuru .iii.hi - -- Mrs. Pratt.- Mrs. Scott, Mrs. Helvls. 9. S. Wallace, C. Mrs. 1 ! Robert Kanno. $-- 01 nme lO . waya . 1 bad. peaceful .r onolnln imoutltill" to G30D -- 0. jiam leing always advance. At making balers ho liver.ith content: .. Jacobsen; Mrs. Ashman, Miss Violet Sheba? and three Capt. H. kn, children. it i 1 his-nat- sum'raoned .r. Th nhipf rieivr cir nin4 which ire nil Ent vhen him. war he wenL , , ': Atherton Miss Cleo rase. Miss Pearl Keibov W. C. Vannatta. W. J. Stcne, i 'Mrs. Bowman, Miss Grace r i SutherLmd, W. Illgglns.' A. McAulton. Sam Pinao, ) ow t foil :' - zer.v as a s ows Cooke. v.. '.: F. G. Sylvnater, A. W. T. Bottotaley r:a-drain- s, surveys; amounted .:r bridges and 9.4-inc- th was Bangster sure b h, carriage Ij7 7 thickest there to h Cooke aind Mr Mortimer and wif Koretoshl and wife, rIirittsh, V SVtoris iand; vMr;' X R Tal , ... v .., i j . Mid rattling ftaaof gatlingguns and musketr7.hed''rcani:j'.;V--V-- ;- ; r Ba- -' ;. :, : smd Lydgate assisted the ladles when .there Lee. Panl Battels. MahukonaF 'JJ)'.K ; ;;' 20. tons, 1 equii)ment v notstf and1 Cie-seck- '?Af The wi; sootftfhs' to his neryes raaie him feel at horaej' were more cn stome rs at t he a;U e than der. P. O. Riley. II. I Weaver. K. e.. (h:;U macadam, wooden bridges, curbing , peopl e ln.charge - : .; KawsJhae-A.- 'S. Wall. A. W. .... - ; , " . - ' ? T : The cannon's roar he heard all day; ;t was mnsjc, to. his car. i Carter, Mrs.' D." JCotley chU ' 1 permanent nature amount- and two r work of a CXI nt cl: equipment 28 tons.;, ;f;:.v7 .A e exploding sheiia rhen such things happened near.v . Argument on a demurrer to thejri-dictme- Davis. Chas. Duncan. Mcs ; dren. Gea' - ''::;-W'UU'v- 7-in- '8S5e,'teBtI1 h'' STrVf 'dlm :'; H. p.. to:;si;is2. ;; " French 10 ch tons "carriatre and'.At;nht- sUbt which tho federal grand jury fregors-- B. Weller. Dr.. W. agaicst ABtcne .Silva other- KaaT-hu-e. - ' retnrned Deas. lAhalna Win. Green, P. i ..n balance of tbc money appropriated- equipment 22 tons.' jr.- : De- " :;:7 wise known as the 'Tunchbowl R. J. Paker, J. D. Holt, Jr., and -- ' v ; Ypi Ti v j - s hilft'oB the field of war Wfnre fell foe,: wlfev-W.'- K. .:.(;(J7-w- as This sum, ,U-lIlC- h, fi ninl . him the mon," charging him with assault on Buchanan, wife, two chil- used for maintenance. s ; tons, tarriage . lilsian, Jm Bangstpr lrnge1 for turmoil such as boiler-maker- s know.. - was Police Officer Marcus Sanders.' will be dren; land servant. .. r tlihn mucli as . . . J "7, "is more twice as equipment 28 tons.. . i . j Full eft. amid the cannon's roar, he wished the war could cease, : : beard In vthe district court Tuesday -- Incidentally, "Thatheathomemlght hear again the tarbulence cf peace. will ST.lU-Bni.ETI- for )ermancnt work. "Machine guns are .weapons, wllidl fire rifle morning at'lO o'clock. Silva entef X C.Xl YOU plea st this time. : .TrtmVN F.W5 .J,' ;7 woiiM build ten miles of roadway at cartridges with .great "speeoy by; mechanical IRT I if ToniT ' ' rinp nil 1 mile. " ', .4, ; ; - C;A pvT ; v means, the force of the recoil being generally f I lis" IlKA I !,iEETI,ili TO g 11 -- cchU resultless- money-spendin- is used to reload the gun. They are.very portable fffi - u.d record of the Democratic board ofsup- and exceedingly deadly and make"remarkably V; . : j 4 ; good shooting; Thus, in a test, 42 British first gives mm mm 'HILLY Buy Half a Lot class shots ;were pitted against a machine giin .. arid each finid at the same target Xor one min- ute. The' machine gun; discharged228 rounds 1 SUNDAY TO VISIT and secret rais- - mm .Ml on: y Lightfoot's sudden 1 , ana maae ou mis; ine raarKsmen nreu uoj vJ( .i.'-r- is explained by a wireless ; tot! ir.ainland rounds and made 62 hits, '""v-,-.;';;;;- 'lightedigaretteSnadvertenny to "Wash-.;:- :; .tch vrbioh says ho is hurrying dray-loa- (Continued from page one) , . "The British macliine gun is the Maxim; the tossed into a d of dry grass I Then we'll furnish tlie'mohey to pay forMlie other V?M the district attorneys job.'..If ' '''".j.':'caQsed ia. fire, this mornliyc that called day. evening, and tell their opinloni French the Hotehkiss or Pnteaux; the German equipment sta- - ; aii the fromrentraL regarding his work. , 1 .:. an early change in the office, as a and build you a pretty houseJ ' You can pay us on eay the Maxim; the Austrian the Schwarzlosc. In ticn.,vThe xniy;; aamage aone was " If it Is declded'to invito him to come grass, - ' :Li;:htfoot evidently the scorch- he will probably r!sit Honolulu some ' 4 ' all;case3 machine' guna'afe attached to thei in-- theCliiig-'of.tfc- monthly installments : ' biehat - - time during next.; summer.: : : r. ; - '"-.- .v-- , . v. i tli M. A. Thomas for the position? 'It is 7' :v , ; : ; ...... ot r. owned ,xne In- ' fantry; the proportion' in the BritishTrenchJVfeeu Ohtawlo thought that he will take this trip here has 'r.lur.dy won him Mr. rcrd and German araiies ..being per bat- - j stead of his regular vacation trip. b:'-;;lev- cb two' gims The near the comer :. l the reputation for ' Sunday now has engagements for sev- ' Come arid learn further particulars about our t array: a- Aiapai and King ,.: street's , i 40 he were tal ion or 1000 men'. The Bri islr has l- at i eral years aheal . and It will be n;v and capable. If - t i : .."i o'clock when a passing Doy t tossed cessary people xi ii t : for the local to decide in .Makiki ld i tilO USe; ana .employment plan owning home Tract, , full heir 'to in away hi3 cigarette. :The wind blew it - of a the i 'TiV. r.nt ; at once what they want to do regard- - y a "' j into, grass, which, was be used iinrt ' ' ' the to' 4 4 1 and-faetional- u! . ' - : - oFtilitv - . mattresses. Soon there was K " ' 5 'vuuc a later for near Wilder and Piikoi streets. - r."7 't'. i t h-- a merry blaze and an alarnl went'In

I ' . There is no mistaking ihe fact that ma ,i . .t a. some large wooden buildings Kepublican' Who . has upheld the "straight near by, Chief Tburstoii Isent hit m- - rrnrriNTn ticket" in years gone' by. - MESS , ? i i 'jUnq the fire was soon out. The daai- ; ;Kuhi6 . election, age. will be $2.!.; The horses t conditions vote for in this about j-- ef bir; iii warfare now , Nearly !:ts rcCandlessisimpossilple.vAVl Uv?3 HURON K. ASHFORDa tl 'follovring IJritish statement, in forty cases on Judge Ashford's trial - - been disposed of thus i m- - or has not a chance, he is going to get many, ., calendar have - IV.ily :iail, of much timely 918-92-3 , Fort Street I nIAL MUnlUAT far thlsjnonth. . . votes from Republicans who are absolutely- KUbbtK Between King vTHOMAS and Merchant delegate WILL BRING -- an all armies is a through with Kuhio as a candidate for JAMES WAKEFIELD (Harbor in c ; ACTIOM money for Ho- to" Congress;- - :X ;'vi;.::-- :;ftV"::7 fflTO INITIAL Commissioner): ,The ealil (that is to say, "''riv nolulu harbor wharves unquestionably 'of D. Prosser. nn-- will have to come from the new bond , r h diaiueter) which is The trial James flotation. i.- .;, .'; y :::.c, ? : .. V back or '1'Al)solntelthcrcis'nothinff"morcim ,t it doe. not jump . . . -x- which charges him with having ,T i -- .i V jury Initial Friendship-Circl- a Scarf Pino id each time that it. is,fired. iu iiuiiuiuiu m .uie cuuimg ujwiiuu luaii mu; committed a stataiory. ortense, 4s AL. CASTLE: The men's singles naming of a straight Republican.ticketof iW scheduled to brought out some good tennis play. Have You Seen Them? , . is fitted with a cradle 1 court. 1 he ady it . - day morning in the federal Eklund played a brilliant game VIEIRA JEWELRY CO, LTD : HOTEL ST. voters on At-- -- .1U v; lien 'it recoils, and the force crvisors.- If the start scratching .this, defendant win be represented ,by throughout the ' tournament. .There the ?a between districts is' tomey Rawims;.whiie m.;a. shouldvbe some exciting play in the The car-- l inevitalde 'seesaw wt. - ' ' " il c;d:cd by a builcr. . ', V i Thorn? s, special assistant to the attor- men's doubles. , :7Ch':!;: froni" strong going to defeat at least three of the best men npv.eeneraL wm conduct the oroseca- - shifting by ' - ' which sur- on the, ticket. 1 1 - tion.;'rThts will be the first trial L1Y A. Lv BUMP: Hope the .Is ar.d a 'spade 'on tho trail Mr. Thomas Tiaa acted In since his .ar- geons get through with me and have 1 ' ; to assume the duties of the i is buried in the ground. rival here me In good shape to leave forManila -t ". 1 . i- uonn n m m.n s nrc cioc ;iren to oe maoe nn oisuici auumtj uiutc. v, : on the December transport. This i 1 1 . .... : M . ... 1 ti . . - ; i -aX jm, . , ' , . r - - v ivivvv...,ri' wuuiin s,. i i i i .r iuuci v an coicu the Instance t tiling ot being In the hospital all the 1 macaaam aorxy; per .cent. ield which is proof to rifle ot sixty per cent ana cf w. c. Hodges, the 'defendant being time i3 far from a joke. - v.u . MMHWMrHHMHManMHiMMaMBMMMMaMMHnMHMHHaWM pontics. - tiuesiion to oe ueeiueu tn iu--j ifaacu uu u, nxC ... . trliPthpr - "UU8WM "a v v j Will be worK m tne tnira ae-1- S Brit-H- o vember 3 tW .VemopratlC Steam- - r the shell fired from the ta federal grand jury for invesUga- 'gree; at a special meeting of the tnem- - . : ; FOR roller is to' eontinue smooining out ine mixinre. tion. . . . ; ... bers of Hawaiian Lodge No. 21,. F. and .. ..HOUSES IlENT 1 the French v )ounds; from A, M- - which has been called for 7:30 about 15 pounds.;';-;.-.- . .'" .The members cf the Woman's Auxil- I o'clock this evening In the Masonic ; ;'ff;;Fta on: iary of St. Andrew's cathedral will Temple. . 1 1- - TO. Down board one of the. ships there's a 213C Oahu Ave Manoa '. 4 bedrcoms. - - 4r;A f'fLl !Tr? il two, meet at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon y":::'llr: ...... Q'w'"i boa that can swallow a sheep.; f As r Pacific Heights v. . 4 bedrooms...... $30.03 coss nf vtoei; constrictor in the guild hall.-'- , ; -'- Rodrigues morning pleaded Jde this 1261 Center Ave., Kalmukl ...... 2 bedrooms...... 35.0) we sug- ; of-- guilty charge brought usually a real test of his powers of deglutition, Three candidates for territorial not to a satutbry Cottage In rear of 1342 King I bedroom.;.'-...- 35.00 charge of high explosive, flee-wh- st. ; a o fees"' against him In an indictment returned gest be be fed someCof these announce- pald their nomination 1534 PaloTo Valley. Rd 5th Ave..1 3 33.00- - acid. that tprrttnriai secretary . oy xne graoa jury.. bedrooms...... ;hieh is a preparation of picric ' " at tna oiiica leaerai. iue wb 3rd Ave.,' Kalmukl 2 battle-fron- f. J ' 1011. bedrooms.;.... 310 which may ments from the ;'" yesterday are W." H. Crawford, Repub- wiir be set for trial by Judge Sanford - i catenated by a fuse, lican, and E 3 Gay.' Democrat, aspir B. Dole Monday morning at 10 o'clock. - TJNFURITISHED 4 of Uodrigues recently was brought to Ho- 5 a to go off a certain number ants from the fifth district fcr the calling on America for, meat, house, E. W. Quinn, , Republican nolulu from HUo tn custody of ' leaving With Europe and " 770 KInau .. (. t i 3 .:: ; . . . 32.5 0 fractions' of a second after - St...... t: bedrooms cr - candidate fcr senate from this island. shal J. J. Smiddy." . .., grain, flour; steel, lowder, shoes,;-blanke- ts 2015 LahihuII Drive...... 3 b edrooms. 1.'..'. 40.00 rcuion:' on which explodes . X I 1339 Wilder Ave. . ; .. 3 bedroomff.V. . 40.00 clothing, kerosene, gasoline, rubber and hay it ' -- erne object, such as the ground or. a 1 1335 Wilder Ave:..;.... 3 bedrooms... Vi 40.00 does look as if tlie demand would get around to 1128 Wilder Ave...... V3 bedrooms... .. 33.0A r' . .. - I". , . t : 1231 2 '. Matlock Ave. bearooms'. ... " sugar pretty soon again!: if :::1, ro called after their inventor, the 'Cv: 1323 Matlock Ave.r.v;;: r. 3 bedrooms..., . 132S KInau St. . . V.iC' 3 "bedrooms...... 33.03 v .b'hrr.pncl, are thin cases of h C ral 1318 WUder 2 ...... 40.0) ' A-ne- The opportunity to purchase a modern' bungalow in the Makiki district, Ave.. v.;.:;;.; ,:; bedrooms V to a large number of bub type of.siege gunis !said have a - A containing ..; ': Cottage In rear of 2051 Lani- I. - every day. .' r.. . '. nothing. The near Oahu College, "does not present Itself '"'; ; y ;: , 27.50 I range of fifteen- miles. hull Drive '2 ' .Tl I L1I1V1 KJ'J iiXiVl That's '" "' bedrooms...... ill : 1126 King St. '5 bedrooms...... 50.00 Xl-wi- Europe are firing volleys th of -- small bursting embattled authors have for sale the Swastika bungalow at 1820 Anapunl street, close - T(kr ' a We tv.r. Lanihulf Drive and McKinler V : 'i fighting-line- . 43.00 - burst-- 1 several hundred miles from the to Oahu CoiJe3e, Pleasanton Hotel, and St. Clement's Car ! SL. Ccllese 111113....;.....'.; 3, bedrooms...... "v of the projectile. The the Chztl "; ' ' '' Kcko Head and Pahoa .; . Av -- z'-- y . fcr. wlixm -- ;;. z p'::"-.t- V".. :,;:s the thin steel ca?e, tliej ; :r 7;'..; tine only two blocks away. Lot 7CxlC3. Rooms' lar; i Ave.. KaimuW ...... j;1;;; 4 bedrooms... 43.00 1 . . I A AV 4T40 , ' ' 43.00 ll il UU- - v ianai, room, rc:r-- tv 3 - - r.Cl f th Ave.. KpJmukI .....,..;4 bedrooms....'. WlUl Hie VCIOCIIV 1 JUUUUg.U OiHUUg.HUijJwlU.a- "vum " Large stone drawing dir.ir3 f.irX'irii . . . ; 1. . - iui m .1 , ' 1 cv".m, Z4 liiug., 1 cz. . ; iioor uenxrai yy. nroicctile by the gun.-- ; Shrapnel j rnyniing Lzestocnov ana;uruuuuj r i partly furnished. Servants' qurt-r- 3 ii t: ; Mnan-killcrs';,the- y are foliage l :'r. (1-- as good ed witi fruit trees and C:.J v haven of refuge is losing some rjv!, .w-- inst buihlings,: where shell Honolulu as a ' --. of its reputation. , ,t - fci " v th ' attach of field guns and. t ' WW t a vW troops in1 for action against, Guardian r.rl llerdiant St. rol The new Europe is being drawn in Stangcuwald , fnlov howitzers, which niap of ' - s projoc- red. j . ' .. .1 to their i ... - .111-- 11 hi "r HONOLULU STAR-BULLETIN- ,1 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1014.

i . ,1- - ;. v

a A- i -- A a;.;-'- mm E

. Follow the Crowd-- --follow the Crowd

' - A ; ? ' .: -' - 1 - ',"- - -- Ja--- A--a-- V:A A;- a- A--- - its worth showing we show it- A - A . --.a A. aaaaa.? a a If ' a ; Series-rPAT- . pur Number 47, 1914 HE WCEKLY V QotgOUB Number? , . . , - V Read today's STABBUIXETn?, page 17, for first installment : THR PRR TT QF PAULINE "

' f A PASTOnOFr.1 CUES ARE :. PillSS BERGEN .1. Li':. ' ' liFRIilBfti a ...a ' 'V'V': CHURCH APJD VIFE nnn EXPLAINS VORK I UUJ mm mm JLL MMCfluED SHE HAS PLANNED FARCE COMEDY IN ' ' " THE 1 1 i aaCCIa':- - : FOUR ACTS WHICH WAS nn- n -- Members of'the congregation1 of the Local social service, - charity and CALLED OFF ON ACCOUNT Methodist church turned out In force-las- t uhilanthrcDic .workers today have a night to welcome Rev,. Edwin EL ; clear Idea of what MiS3 Margaret Ber-hge-n. ' : MM OF THE POPE'S, DEATH, Brace, the new pagior who recently: associate secretary ot the nation-- f arrived In Honolulu from lye Mar, Colo- al. federation for organizing charities, WILL BE GIVEN;;, AT 8T. I &lx rado,; and Mrs. Brace at. a reception7 ' - : will do during the weeks which she ' ' as of-:- r 1 expects spend LOUIS ON and sapper In . the parlors of the ...... to in. Honolulu the COLLEGE HALL - church. Several hundred people were .' ficlal representative of the New Tor . SATURDAY EVENING, CTO- -' presenL among them many prominent-- ' society" with which she Is affiliated, auspices Associated : local church-- and social workers.. . t Under the of the CER 24, AT 8 pI m T'CKETS A) meeting was held on the 4 - The supper was served by the ladies , Charities, a - of chnrch, McTaggart : ... roof garden of the Young- Ha el at 4 W CENTS AND 25 CENTS. the John act ;' in cere- - - o'clock yesterday aiternocn, at which AA as toastmaster and master of i nn : Miss Bergen explained plans n monies, following which musical and time her i : : ;'. the-membe- ; charity literary frogram was rendered. by to a large num oer of local i end social, workers, v y;,-,-; . of the church Miss Ruth , A Sutherlaad t)pened the program with; A-- Speaking mainly from reminiscences a piano solo, after which officers of nearly SO years of work fa Chl-- ; the various departments of the church: ;vcago and New : York City.. Miss Ber: UAAA V gen outlined the, purpose the welcomed Pastor, and Jdrs,v Brace In ' first of beiialf cf their respective organization. national federation which, she said, la Mrs. Ed win A Cooper spoke la behalf a society which provides for, the or--' ganization on thor- - of the Ladles Aid Society, of which -- of all chsrities a r, t. v she is president, and P. A. Edgecorab iough, business-lik- e basis.. She laid j-'- '- f on work in behalf of the npworth Ed v ' stress the point that the of win A. Copper, ssl8tant euperintenA charitable '; organizations v in any one At - dent of. the Sunday schooL, welcomed , community should not conflict: that - - r - -- work of .each society: should be Ihe pastor for that organization.- Rich- I ? - A .v, r - the - A.- confined within Its proper sphere, thus S4 U I 4 S CUV CIV. UUJ CVl Mtv ucn juao- j Scene from 3n American 'CitlzeB. the feature at the Tophlar theater tor and his wire in behalf of the orn Barrymore, preventing a waste of 'time In the han- next week. In which the famous' American comedian.: John will Corner of Wilder Ave. and Punahou St. ' A.:.-A'- dling cases. In ot cial. the speak- - - ..'r .:. , ; .' of the tdertion board of church. Other appear. ' " ." '" " i" ' '" societies' in a community, A- - ers were C. B. Ripley, for the church .. ,' . .. ," A ..Tr L charitable r TThe present she explained, the secretaries of each tnembpnMp; Dr. VT. W, Wad nun, for. Introducing ,famillar Scenes, around 4lcle isf current events. tte-Ai.lAal- ocn iXague; tr4 William Sarf Francjsco bay rand on the Oak-gofferi- ng Aa No. 47s'of tbfe 14 .series organization should be members of the : of, Henry" Fry, work--lan- d bay John Baf-- and covers happenings. the board of directors" the federation, for the Methodist s'de cf the inakes ' 1thinr er3, and Kev. Divld Cary V Peters for-- ; leycorn" 'cf particular .interest to a past 'few months.) VThe old distrlfcttt-th- e which ouId resultin the. rentrallza Uon knowledge every At 7:SO Christian church.-- , Ar the, conclu-- large pcrtloh pf the; t of the of bit of ticn cf the; addresses... those present 'Honclu!if'wo: are 'well A CQuamte4.' few" reels' ci' hand whlf.Ij they;are.dl8 work undertaken by. each society. -. - iT) A rt mi- -. ...l.v. 4).n .V,A.n 1 f, a liVinttviar slifiA aa o b v a The rehabilitation of the home, tnd .! BUUDU '. 14 uuuj) iliau.u 'mbv us viv Maf," oj social' work, said Miss Bergen, :?AA ; Two, Were" - screen'ng great production. Mr.tBlalr.'ayd.thesft-.i- i the welfare That Binds.' solos elfec- of this fator .v a ' ; a . r i ' - - . ...r tivelv rendered by lira. William Hpnrv Ancthep- feature- - of .particular Inter; present year. but. they ymb;ra are est Is the mt thod "of iftafrting riead- -' very y kw.. the pictures, iiavmFTMoeen v01freeze! Ir. problems as these exist In every com-innnit- y, A.riffitho lna" brief but earnest .talk - Mr. ers,?, or iciptions.'iri the' run'of the taken Vduruig 'January and Awruary : Erace responded to ol film. The' opening picture shows JacTc cf. this year.v From the-letter- s 1 have she added, ' although under the addresses cohdiUons.,'-;.Th- hav-I.cndo- varying welcome. He dealt with thing n. ad and pencil In. hand, writ- - received frcm ihe mainland it,will be .best work 1- along these, lines can. only be accom -3 to do of ! ing a toessage. The message la flashed but a short time trntir this concern is with the serious side : -- plished by ; j Hie, and expressed the desire that,-c- the serpen and It Is the quotation entirely through with the PatheTpnv those.persons who have Ia..hls iie W work here, he would have front the story rJchn Efarleycorn.' A"' ducta." ''-' ' "f T " 1 Cf f ty :u ' :i lived longest m the community said ' ': Bergen. of. The following will address: the Votew: the sincere cooperation of every mem--; clcslng" picture cn;: the ;ame. order s Next' week;John:;T3arrymore.f one or Miss 'At the conclusion; Tnrtrn. a?9fn wrft America's' fjvhrfta Cnmedlans:" will ,her uddresa, Miss Bergen answered a .. other church workers pres-- ing, this time writing a closing sen-- : seen at. the Popular 'in AAnAmerlclin 'of. Questions", propounded by tunber R.-CAGT- v HON.-Y-T. :rc:.; :z crA to thi clhcr nt were TIev. A. Ebersole.' Rev D.. tence frorat the --boolclntersoersed' 'auzen.";.a ecreammg, omsdyjthav w.i uww--- 1 . CTeters, Dr. William H. Fry, Dr. W. thrcugho-- r the"ent1re sTx reels ; at his'tfesL In c6n- - cal afld methods for, the bet-- terment .certain rfeatures ; of Jhe i : , P. a'crr--c- n, Rsverend Motokawa, Rev. : lengthy captions al being juoUtlons Junctlcn with this bfferlhg The PerUs , noir. npniiAii 7ATim;3 lap-.'w;or- -- Y,r. - rorn book.' -- v of will -A -- .A , z J. ;t.izr.izif Kev.. C; Nakamura,- the ' - Paulino" inake their Initial AA A ! ? - r I.jv. Zurharchen, Super,! " Samuel Blair considers himself parpearance. Read the story. fa the Star- -- ' ; ' t nou; , r."I.!;h raal SJSAwi'A'-i-''-- " n. qoonu - - - ;A T ' k .neral t,crct?ry the Y. M.- C. ticularly; fortunate la having, secured Bulletin 'today, on i page J 7, and. be- f Q a TTv I a cf A, ; Vnn fiTVVt P ::.i Jr'n :iattln. ' Weekly. ThJs chrcn- - com acquainted with Pauline.-- H I I M A f Ir f" I ' ' ; hoit. iEbBET V7. Bilnciroira

? IAlAfiffl CLIS:eI!lLiiI BiRp Fflf HOW. T, EAYLI2I3 C - nCUSir.'li RALLIES - . . f W i AAJ Wl limn siifffrfrs H01L V7ILLIAII McMsi-f- : i--'nai'Ti TOP nv rm "i r I y ' . . r r : K, i ; m inr'im w m T v i ill rnirunv. s i ii mk " r O 1 LUUilLTI ULIIU AC UU The' Sunday' schools cf the Eplsco LuAbiOf: ii Hil uuuii ii i psl church have been asked by Bishop - ; Restarick to make an offering tomor- . i row , the Christmas, cheer for the ly. ' 'Every labcriUo man5 and every la Guided' by the Spirit of Hawaii, McCandess Attempt 1o Inter-- A fcr n,.n ccMno by .Marshal Jercme J. M - . c., ...... tCOQO of war zone In i UN LLC oAi.l OtlJUO m-.t- :;a C r.M ter "!:-t!c- n ia Hawaii has1 the of the funds already collected In children the Eurofe. the.marshal has been t" Meeting 1 this-questlc- Honolulu rupt at Aiea is There will a special service for tha j, goverr r.t, n:'-.-t ; l. hc-- rJ ca of .has been forwarded to the te TO MARSHAL bursing agent fcr the j $23,C00 j r children cf SL Andrew's Sunday school hita." the ! V :p';L::? icrwarcl the clock an-hou- or mainland to assist "In, stocking the a tinw rfl (t U. S. Jason, "Christ- Failure' and the boarders cf the cathedral half Ixur tie, case may be,7 de collier America's SL1IDDY, PAYMASTER thcr eaJaries and cf .11 loc - ts ' es?er.3e3 "schools and all children who .may be " .j r . mas Ship, whieh is to ' play Santa " " , - ' . clares a, G. Ucckus of Chamber was awenaance me sWA.-.-r-iW- federal ccurt officials frca ues'sns- cr r. zzr L3 the iuere a large ai -.?i I - Claus to of in cf committee. "It is the thousands children f28,"O0() to;Ju3ge,- - Marshal SaUJy recent:, Ccmerce tine Europe to , bom no KrU1 A fund amcxmtiug to has , V,'n.-hlng:.- c for that i:urpcse that a sneclal tneet - teen deposited In the First National forwirded a requisition to r; Krlngle will come this year. This is 7 AV A;"ir Attrril wrick, wurmake a pnei aouress sun- ing is to be held in the Chamber of i : cf ?2S,Ol)0,; sum belr.j ' r occas'on: , Special chll Bank 'of Hawaii to the credit the for. this riuln 7 the report off the local committee able to the office, : d i:,r:T; ins will , be sung All, will local United States marshal's to run the local federal judi elcome at this service acccTding to Information which has partment for the three mentis enJIr. been received from Washington. D. C., December 31. laboring men who cannot come earller j fn fho nltJMl o,;tM will have full opportunity to attend." I . AH In the background ULtMcCandless, Thorn iq r,rf , Aside ' from generous PER-IStA- . , . ft a v huu HMO Alf CI k,. ' i. i.i:'X.iii1 fCU'.UU Bi.lJ IJUUJUaiC'.A., VrUCtChBlrg v I Lc - (J. the slightest Inclination .en thf part; SnPSSS Congresa, appeared in his .automobile 5 n' 177 k: - cf any. rta io hr.t fcIT discussion) On JfX i4 ffij?- lfI at an early, itege andVcmalned to the A descriptions is coming In at the, depot fU;Vi-- - : 7i - " . , ...... I.. . , L- Iff Rose and: other"r Democratic; lead- TAT . ;. o ... The vlnfM- n- tr,of io Kctrxr TNaobort fnr CTg. W XflO COUrSC Ol U1C etniI15 CUB !FALLi;;:ii::::Ar:sAA shipment." and will be' forwarded to,' otth Bourbons approached .the chair-th- e permission to ilTC : mainland on the next American-- man ahi asked fpr them III t 3 CC3 . DAr.X.iUrr IS ACTIVE with, ' ii If port, address the meeting; but tie Jrge " M'-:A- Hawaiian'steanter avins this : . " number of Republican; (candidates ,on CASE HIGHER ; by , ' .XTatr!. Get a st the Punahnu - Sate jcir 2.ccst beta ActienirdJest . Victor Herbert. cf ranJcrlne rlrLt bow Also V r A.T fdly.n,wWch.immediately Ilr.lisy scalp. - - . iters' & i e- Notice cf appestt to; the United turned over to .the .committee. - I .a . t . . . f . r. I i reLinng wnen ui Aiuua i Thin, brittle, "colorless and.'ecraggy ue siraias States circuit ccurt of appeals in San arranged ; t led with the clatter of packing Francisco has been filed In the fed-- fcair Is for St Andrew's 'Cathedral 'la tha tith rcl3 mute evidence of a neglected . : ' lomorrow'morning, tsa enu? nra.in7.tlD the ChaiM When JOtm LX'LAne naafcrol inrt hv tha Tnter.Tslani. StAam scalp; of dandruff that, awful . : , scurLJ -- concluded the last speech t. ; Navigation . - ? to go. Into the fund is bUng Company; i respondent in . , 3 Tfcere is nothing so destructive to - Cast cf Fcurt::n Peep! raised here. Monev for the fund also ! While D. 1 Uoneungr was speaa- the case of the Paget Sound Naviga the tE'.r -- t3 Cuidtuff: It robs the liair is being secured from other, sources. In&. McCandiess rushed forward and tion Company, libellant, and J.. A. Nel lliscd'Chcra cf C2 Vcizzz Its ne cf lustre, It3 strength and its very shouted "Ii's a. lie," to-t- the vs. - - of' son, Intervenor libellanL the Inter- Ie; eventually producing a feverish- statements, ' "The truth rnakes them rsland Steam Navigation Company; AiiitfaWWAi cess and itching of the scalp; which wss ready and sore," the retort, .the The appeal . arises from a decision u : v'---v;. xot remedied causes the hair roots T Republican candidate, for treasurer handed down m the foregoing case by to shrink, loosen and die then! the wsmi ;. - proceeded to question , the qualifica- Judge Sanford B. . DoTe," wherein the :::;:pA::D!D;;TESj)r hair falls A C:ata cn out fast. little Danderine tions of McCandiess, 'the largest land- Paget - - Navigation Company tonl-- ht now anytime Scund will owner in the territory,, to pose as the was awarded $4500 for the loss of the VJ friend of the poor man.?. : ; LfcabUU. ilUu..l..U Get a 15 'Jiillllll! schooner KUkitat outside Hilo harbor cent botUeof Knowlton's Ifi Republican workers after the meet- seme time ago, and which loss.' It Is iT-n-- any arug - Inter-Islan- rnTv r!n candidates for y?r"cli" iroa storu oi ing spoke no uncertain terms of alleged,- c-f . d 1 tcilet emir.fpr v n ... la was the fault the tc rt were i ,. the Interruption by the Democratic tug which towed the vessel to clfctive teo i. u-- filed Jour talr wUI tat 0fl,tl there? was fco parjl-le- r tci at primary had not , leader, saying that l sea. tie and luxuriance fee la the territcrial which is 80 iiKiiiiBiiT instance of any attem pt by . their t hofen today, Sec will become, waty. and party to distnrb a Democratic-meeting- . many of people left, and the tirv's fluffy and have the later 2yer announced that the ct- - the appearance of John C. Lane was also interrupted by a speakiers had .onl. a- - few"people to abundance; an IncbmDarable rinaa - v,c-I- i remain cpea until midnight The taanagemeat of the Waiklki.Ina native in itie audience who asked him talk' to, but- these were very good lis- and ' - r. softness, but hat .will please fSunday . . t , to glvo them the opportunity you will serve an. excellent dinner at sotae length what he.wa going teners. It was explained that the plan- i'- v ccst will be rfter;' few 9 "Witi' - rc - ::lz:d by law to so file.' Jast .a night between 6:30 and o'clock. to do it elected to and- work; forla-I-t tation, and mill workers are early ris- safety in ths oral cf your A weeks use, hea you 'will actually rwill be a program of music"; boring men told him to come on having a good TI cr? who had not presented their eee a there ers,' therefore Insist lot of fine downy' ; C. hair nn delight: patrons . him he .'took office, fee of f25 by noon were - that will the of thl3. to after and he night's rest whether political school .rrowin thik " J ' ; CV.IIUngwcrth. Republltan candidate tair all Over train famous hostelry. Adv. . . would Bee what could be done for him keeps or not Throughout however, r t' e senate from Oahu; C. K. Han-- i If he needed relief. This quiet reply the speakers had an excellent recep- C ' can-J:t:- s grant-- " -- enl Keawcliaku, Democratic David Jfv Kupihea.and:E.sJ,rMcCand John Nunes this morning was evoked loud "burst .of applause tion. .. '; ' . adjudication bank--J large meeting: a!so fcr the senate from Oahu.' and jjempcrauc . : ed a petl lion for in There was a at A rousing meeting waa beld at Ewa itss. candidates ., to tha v-- . co: 1 : . - . -- n . n r - no::oLULU .m White, Home. Rule candidate ncuse imm f ho rrf x?ict, j n.. . ranrfiv j inn wiinrrwri h- .itni.- in,- r Hinann vnirn liffir?. Nawaakoa inilL at which only seven or eight Kapono I oduclng speakers in speakers appeared, having ex-- : t' Efnate; Joseph K. and lo HoklL Hoi; iu7e waiTwi.. f havia.s FresWed tte it been -4 W W " : I Ll.'tf Pcr.ocratic aspirants hnnA fmm k . aiiernoon. xxunes iiaoiuues ' are.numorous remaras ; uai , tickled , the plained In . advance that ? it : was .not : uiiu. r..;u tLe fourth dlctrict; li,,n..4..i. audience. . As bedtime approached, desirable to keep the people up late,


Honolulu Stock Exchangs li STOCK SALES SHOW HEAVY 'n V : Saturday. October 2i. IICRCANTILE Bid Ake4 FIRE Alexander & BaldTrin,LtL 200 250 WATGH ff j C. "Brewer & Co. . . i 25? 32 V y:;l It is ouly a cai-- e of hour ' SUGAR,' now and not days until we Ewa Plantation Co. .'. . . . . 23 '. i Haiku 8ugar Co. 190 i US oten 'the new front door Haw. AgrL Co. 150 2lh' DEALS HAKE IIP DEFICIENCY in our XKAV M DEI, Haw, & Bug. Co.i...i...... 31 y 32 0 MARINE C - Haw. Sugar Co. ."...... 31 32 CLOT1 UNO STOHK n S 5 AUIOITOBILE Sugar Co. 6 ' ; Honokaa ...... 5H For moat of the past six days sugar, unchanged. . GROW store we have been plan- Honomo Co...... 4 Suar has been quoted at 4.45. against the! Hawaiian Pineapple Co 195 shares ning upon for m y Hutchinson 8. Plan. Ca.. last preylous figure of 4.39, .showing for $6258.5; high 324, low 32tf. gain an Kahuku Plan. Co...... months. The exact of an advance of .06, yet cablegrams from V ? ' r a dav Kekaha Sugar Co...... 120 New York ia the meantime' told jofi Hawaiian Sugar Co 40 shares for 1 6j)eniuff we will soon know, and then we will tell Koloa Sugar Ca ...... 130 sales that would affect the basis of $1217.50; high 82, low 31. decline McBryde Sugar Cc 5 c : ;. -- LIFE Ltd.. future arrivals of Hawaiian at 4J4..3; i .. voui Vou are our customers and our friend v Oaho Sugar Co...... 19 19 In the latter part of the period under - Honolulu Brewing & Malting Co.. Olaa Sugar Co.. Ltd..... 54 review- - the stock exchange indicated 20 abates for $322.50; high 16, low the ver" !ersons wlio have m'ade this new store Onomea Sugar Co...... 31 32 depression in sugar stock, the sales 16, decline ; reader, and your neigh-hor- . Paauhau Sug. Plan. Co. of which declined heavily in volume McBryde Sugar Co., 420 shares Tor a ossil)ili(y you, the Pacific Sugar Mill 85 . and considerably' in prices. Thrc $2335: high low decline -- l)eiuj? 120 5, 5, The finishing Mrokes are put on the raia nan. ca large blocks of McBryde 5 . per; cent Mutual Telephone Co., 5 shares for Pepeekeo Sugar Co...... bonds, however, made an Increase In $98; price 19, gain . . , mw store, and then we in?tall the NEW STOCK Pioneer Mill Co. 24 25 total realizations of more than the Oahu Sugar Co 429 shares for Agrl. 93 for a Walalua Co...... 97 amount of decrease In proceeds from $8270.50; high 19H. low 19, decline . waiting to he unpacked anj made ready Ltd. Wfalluku Sugar Co...... 125 150 all stocks." Olaa Sugar Co., 818. shares for possi- " visit from you: "We are making all speed Cactle Cooke, Walmanalo Sugar Ca ... Thirteen stocks were handled $4523.37; high 5, low 5 decline Waimea Sugar Mill Co against 15 v for the six days ending ble, for Tlanksgiving and Christmas are near ' MISCELLANEOUS. : : Agents Friday of last week. Of these 10 were Pala Plantation Co., 10 shares for Haiku P. & Pack. Co., Pfd sugar, of which five declined; four $2500; price 125, unchanged. i at landand we are going to ask yon to SHOP Haiku PtAPkg. Co Com. were unchanged and . one, gained In Pioneer Mill Co 385 shares for - Haw. EAIjLV. ';;- , v ; .' ",: Electrie Ca price, .Three , miscellaneous , stocks $9240; price 24, unchanged. Hawaiian Irr. Co Ltd. .. showed two gained and one declined. Walalua Agricultural Co IS shares Haw. Pineapple Co...... 32 33 A total of 3134 shares, with proceeds for $10,122.50; price 96. decline 3. HHo R. R, Co. $49,-00- PfJ...... of, $65,899.25, changed hands, as com Bonds McBryde Sugar Co. 5s, 0 Hild Ry." Co., Com 1 2 ' 5 ...... pared with 6678 and $86.9)4, respec- at gain 2 ;i; v s ; Hona B. & M. Co., 15 16 94, Alexander Ltd.. tively, a decrease of 2544 shares and Dividends. : i :'; The ; Co., Hon. Gas fd.. $21,004.75 proceeds, from, the ; corres- y: Onomea Sugar Co.'s difectors hate Hon. Gaa Co., 105 six-da-y Com...., ponding figures for the; previous announced that the . December divi- MODEL CLOTHIERS - Hono. & Co 160 5, R. T. L. period.- - Bonds sold realized $46,-30- dend will be 80c a share, which Is 6c FRANCIS LEVY. Inter-Islan- d Nay. 8. Ca.. 130 against $1830 the-- period i before, more than the special monthly divi- M Mutual Tel. Co. 19 BLAISDELL BUILDING NOWSOON TO BE . of $44,475 making a net dends for the preceding three months. Ry. & an increase ' BzHain Oahu Land Co.i.., 130 132 gain In all realixMlons of $23,470.25. This company resumed quarterly divi- ACROSS THE STREET Pahang Rubber Co. V...... ; . 10 ; Tut" Your Savins to Details follow shewing high and low dends at 40c a share In June, after Tanjong Olok Rub. Co.. Vi between the suspension of dividends since the first - v ' prices and fluctuations . BONDS. 'J: .i v ' -- :" Work. two periods compared;, ; . if;y part of the year. 'y Co. 1 Hamakua Ditch 6a. . . - : .; ." amount- . - On the 20th Inst, dividends Sugnr Fcctcrs Jb Transactions. Money away In r C. 8. Co. 395-har- stored It .:..u.. Ewa PlanUtlon Co., es for ing to 178,750 were payable, being: Hawaiian Irr. Co. a bureau drawer, or In Commission Merchants 6s.. i. $8992.50; high 23, low 22, gain . Alexander & Baldwin, Ltd., including baby's bank won't earn nair. Ter. 4a, Ret 1905., . i Hawaiian Agricultural Co 13 sharef 75c special, J1.5Q, or $75,000; Hawaiian ia cer- Haw. Ter. It, Pub-- . Imp.. . . For CHILDREN anything and xnd Insurance Agents for $2600; price 200, unchanged. , , Agricultural Co. $2. or $40,000; Hawai- SH0SS The tainly subject to loss Haw. Ter. Pub, Imp. 4a. . . . . Commercial and Sugar ian Electric Co., 75c, or $7500; Ono- Haw. Ter. . Hawaiian or theft. Deposited In 4H.i Co., 289 shares tor $9248 i : pric 32, mea, at San Francisco, 73c, or $5650. the 1JANIC OP HAWAII Htw. Ten SHt.ti.4....i . ycur f, will earn Hilo R.R.Co.6s Issue 0l - i . . BOOTS 4 compounded twice Conner & Bexar HHo R.R.Co. R.E.Con.6s 51 55 Owuixa Sug- - Co. annually. Start now. . Co. - Honokaa 6g.... b 75 Hon. Gaa Co., 99 ' r.L'.tn Ccapanjr. - Ltd. 53.;.; WEEKLY PRODUCE REPORT Czzir Hon. R. & , ' T. U Co. 6a. 130 .r Buck' and Can-- . PHa riiitatlca. Ry. j In White CAN) OF HAWAII Kauai Ca 6s...... Kid Ltd. Utzi Agricultural Company., Kohala Ditch Co. . .i, . . . . vas, Patent and : ' ' McBryde Sugar Co, 92 95. V : Hawaiian Sugar Company. 6s.i Director Federal Experiment Station w frh . Lcathcn i Company. Mutual Tel. 6$..;....;'. 1Q2 ;; Cihtku Plantation ' Natomaa Con. 6s ...... , ... ' ViZryio Sugar Co., Ltd. J large, $32 to $36.50. Oahu Ry; & Land Co. 5s. 103 -- 103 . Produce market quotations for week HiluI-- 1 Railroad Company. ; ; Oahu Sugar Co. 99 ending October 23, 1914: MISCELLANEOUS. $1.50, $1.75, $2.25, $2.50 6s.'.;,i ' Hides, No. 1, per Htztl Railway Company. j Olaa Sugar Co. 80 EGGS AND POULTRY. wet, salted. lb, 6s..i...... a ; eggs, doz., 0c; fresh No. 2, per lb, kips, per Ciuil Fruit & Land Co Ltd. Pacific O. fe F. Co.' 6s.... 101 '' Fresh chicken I3c; 12c;. Sug. Mill duck eggs, doi 35c; hens, per lb., 25c; lb, 13c; sheep skins, each, 10c to Pacific pa .... i 6s... per lb., SOc 33c; broilers, 15c; goat skins, white, each, 5c to 15c. Pioneer Mill Co. 100 , roosters, to 6s...... per lb," 35c; turkeys, per lb 35c; (The marketing division 1 Ean Carlos Milling Co. 6s 100 V i territorial ducks, Muscovy, per lb., SOc; ; ducks, ender the direction of the U. Si ex- Walalua Agrl. Co. k; 100 r 5s.. - :,-- y SANDALS U -) Hawaiian, dot., $5.60.- periment Is at the service of i station - ; : STOCK. 1 - Any - -f UVE all citizens of the territory. r ' " T y- Sales:. Between Boards 1, 5, 5 w . . I . . w i W . . v w M I - 100-15- 0 per lb, 14c; : 150 Walalua 964; , 814,000 McBryde 5s Hogs, lus produce which farmers may send to Bhck and Tan Co. per -- : .1 r:z:.C!!ANT2,, chip. on Li 94; $15,000 McBryde ; 50 Mc- lbs. and oyer, lb, 12c the marketing division Is sold at the $15, $U3, C1.C3, 2.C0 " Dressed Weight. price for cash. No CANKERS r Bryde 25 Hon. B. & M. Ca ' best obtainable and . .J 5i; 4 . . . . 13. Pork per lb., 18c to 20c; mutton, . is highly 4 De-pciit- a, Session Sales 5. 15 Hon. B. & M. commission is charged. It Pay 'yearly. c Savins ' 1 1 - ' , 11c 12c; . i C . .T CT C . Om-- ' Co. 1584.; '. per lb., lie; beef, per lb to desirable that farmers notify the mar .11 compounded twice " calves, per lb4 13c. yyy ty :, keting division what and how much Latest sugar quotation i 96 deg. test, y;r:-:- POTATOES. produce they have for sale and about V . redV yellow and white, per , - 4.45 cts or IS 9. 00 per ton. Sweet, when it will be ready to ship. The AIi: TP--S 100 lbs, $1.0$ to .$1.25.- - 7:' shipping mark of the division Is tJ. 8...... - . - - - - -" fc r . . - y - V - : . v. I.r . v ... . i EG --TABLE 9." Er- S. Letters address, Honolulu, P. Can-- , . per " In Whitoucl: c::d , f.,.".-- l wiJw Beans, string, lb., 8c to 3c; O. box 753. Office, Queen and Nu ...ltv.. Lima, In pod; per lb to 3c; beets, uanu streets. - Telephone 1840. Wirel- vas, Patent and Hid r-.:- a:i 2e : - , , 1 ?:G0 tousa and lot BCxlCO. per r. - per doz. bunches, 30c; cabbage ess address CSEX.- : ; ; Xcatli:r3 - , Ix'ui'.auu tract. $30 down 15 Ib.;-3c- i carrots, per doz bunches,; 40c; ;'. - , FOR SALE. corn, sweet, per' 100 ears, $2;: cucum- i Information has been received here i - per 5::j L&t34?xl03 la Lanaklla tract, bers', per doz., 40c; green peas, from San Francisco of the death In $1.2v), $1.50, C2.CD, C2-- J ,25 dowa, Ker-rel- l, Tf . Etove School street. Six rooms of furniture, bed clothea, lb., 10c; peppers, bell, per lb. 06c; that city October 4 of A. G. D. S 13 - pumpkin,; per lb, gen- - ) rcr r.snth. curtains, dlshe.s, new. $23 gas range; , per lb, 4c: for the past several ;yeirs HCO Asylum Let CCxiio off road. $:0 everything in good shape; a bargain lc; rhubarb, per . lb., 5c; turnips, eral passenger agent for the Pacific ::, month.-"-'- . s ) dev. ?ld Jtr . . at $125. Enquire 1336 Alapal st, white per lb, 2c; watermelons, each, Mail Steamship Company and special - i: - de- phone 5083. 5993-2- t 25c. - - I . y'yyy: representative of the passenger ;'; 'W-- FaksH ly: partment. - A year ago III health ne- "T7 . 4 . fruit, Up-to-da- . per bunch, 23c to cessitated Mr. Kerrell's leaving the ' motion picture noase; new Bananas, Chinese, 1 4 o 4t. "l!tt machine, and In desirable location; SOc; cooking,, per bunch, 75c to $1; position cf general' passenger ; agent 'crt atovs llizz Ct. cheap for cash. Address P.-O- hox figs, per 100, 75c to r$l; grapes, Isa- and from that time until his death he 1144. .. '. A .f 5993.31 bella, per lb, 10c; oranges, Hawaiian, acted as special representative of the per 100, $1 to $1.50; limes, Mexican, passenger department He was well per 100, 60c to 83c; pineapples, per known In Honolulu. ; doz. 50T to 75e. t - co. c ifXvAii BEANS, DRIED. . Deputy Sheriff Juliua W. Asch de- t- on-th- e '. G':;.:i cu ccr. .. Lima,; per lb., 5c ; red kidneys,' per parted again today Sierra; to lb., 4c; calico, per lb 3 to 3Wc; imall bring back William F. Armstrong, the j y : whites, per lb, 5c; peas, dried,. per. man 'Indicted seme time ago by the la., ZC. -; tprritrrt.ll fiirv on a rturva nf ; GRAIN.- - ? : .embezzling three $1000 Olaa bends. r .rr. w i .; , t 3 Co ; . ; I..ry . . Truct Com,' small yellow; per ton," $38.50; the property of the local order of -- ' t t i ia t: a tcir'cs 2.C0 V : v V Phoenlx.; ' Asch made the Jourtiey'to STAR BULLETIN Cu3...... '(.C0 San Francisco once before to get Arm- Li..T,te"s IU. r!.!j ClccX and Cnd TODAY strong but the latter fought extradi- rViHsHANT mV tion. Word was received from the .. - , Heel ';'.- - -- ;:' , rcnT Ar;a cmrcts coast yesterday by Attorney-genera- l L;lite. ' - ' f L ' 'v T:';ihcr .1:C3 EUROPE 1 WVR OF C - MAP 2 ICsahvrrcr.j Ct. Telephone 3833 CIRCUIT COURT OF THE f1- Stamback that Armstrong had lost IN THE. to Third Judicial V Circuit, Territory of nippeal the ninth circuit court X F. CO., LT0 - I tl3 .."li, i Lw. G.!J Probate.,01 appeal8 Hawaii.; At Chambers. In ":'k v i, - 1 : coupons Cent3 the In the matter of the estate of Yone-- . Send three and Fifteen to t:z.7;r.:Ar.:ccT 4 cricocRY .' InferrUsn Fvrr.rir.ti an4 Loans matsu Yosuml, det?eased. ' - I Th Municipal ResearchV.Club will :;-o- ' t . mee Dext Monday evening In ; Star-Bulleti- n and'up-to-- , '.?5 Order of NoUce of Hearing Petition the and receive tho x:v; T;' , i:' UCr vltAflT CT..ICT CTArt.CLDa for Administration ' ; ' ; Chamber of Commerce rooms. Judge On reading and filing the petiUon of c' W. Ashford will address the club date map of Europe. ? ' y: y: i; ' y : alleg- - or the of c. HOP A; CO. STAR-nrLtETI- K. Kawamoto and .K. Watanabe jltolnaHon vac X a; RIVES tou : TOT)41M ETS TODAY ing that Yonematsu' Yosumi of Naale, KSVS hu. District of Kaa County ry 'JufXJSS1and recom-Territo- oT Hawaii died intestate'tnynn.rportat , aendatioSa - ' Naalehu, District, County; and Terri-- tory aforesaid, on: the 28th day of May, 1314, leaving property in the Ter- ritory of Hawaii . necessary .to be ad- 4 ministered upon and praying that Let- ters of AdminlstratJon Issue to them, As Wrata-nab- the said . K. Kawamoto and K. e .4 ; : Our Real Ectate cr to some other fit and proper ' " - : ' ;.'-,:- ' J..;:.'v;; Dry ,; . ": persons..'. Mash i '.,..v,V Feed r yy.rt It is Ordered 1 hit the 28th day ot 3 November, 1914, ?.t 10 o'clock A. M. C::: - . t - - .. .V : . .. .) : , . be and hereby Is appointed for hearing j. t i r. said petition In the courtroom of .tbU court at Jtailua, Hawaii, at which tima a nutritious poultry food that stimulates " : We maintain a thorouglily equipped j r . i and place all persons concerned may ;tLei-.liau'd1in- . rr appear show cause. If any they Real Estate Department for O ; and have, why said petition should not be egg laying and induces plumpness. Let of real estate in all its departments. : granted," and that notice of this order - ' Ti:.: c::c: "A cnciz ;.jt.i' ; ... J' r j--; ' i ' shall published once a week for L be Scraps LI inser--tien- Dried K, FTED. buyer, seller, owner successive weeks (four s) the hens have plenty of Beef . .AVhether tou: are a . three ' In . the Honolulu Star-Bulleti- n, eu scrited...-.4S.CC3,c:.3- . you will find it to C.vttal or renter of real estate, a cetvppaper printed ar.i published in Oyster-shell- s. Oilmeal will - and Ground - IT: City and Cc y of Honolu- . ; v 1 .". 1 . your to consult us. . - -- . r e u 3 ...... a advantage 1 : - - t cf st.' ilons to be r - -- ,' C. AY.'CKt. Lccal V.: !'.'"' V ? V time help greatly the moulting : : : : r 22d 5 " - ' te CALIFORNIA FEED CO LTD. j Cor. Alakea and Queen Streets. Ci.-r.'.i-- .t (FULLY PAID) .' J L.';, r.2.- CAPITAL 2CO,OCJ . n j j j, "TV"' ' W , . .ft - V

I i . Ml V J v ..,a V a

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i LOT PUECHASED IN , ncONERNY PABK WILL PROVE INVESTMENT : i A HIGH GLASS ; v V Vi; rt. a oHi4Vi;. 1 SEO-TI0- ! 11 ' ' 1I ?T 1 SECTION B ' IS MAuKA' OF THE P OPUlAR 0 1 v ' - ' .; f v..v ;V . "A". ; ;




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: 'Couirfc-'bfr.iSkeciir- G.c. : jc oi Groat j ,::r.::ia; (Canal1 ChUtiffiitin &y ;tiie:BeauHi?l C n

'(J-- s - i... '

'' ratiama-raclfl- e IntM-nnMnn-! Cxa;'Skttloii. to celebrat th opening of the Panama .Canst, ihe xpressicm of national achievement ,iAce the. Declaration of lndependenceyTht photograph ahowg the beautiful Court of the Season! at It "HK . rtatet four apr, d during the UMer bar of A'tc-i- This ts the rwat n-r- t wart of the rP"SltJoti, exaltins tlie favora which atur baa.b9to'edvUpon wahkin with a touch of modern detail., it t ZW Xeet square and nrenlnfc at oorth upon San PranHaca harbor by wny of a colonnaded avenue ,47 feet Jpnand i?!,. feet, wide,.,'In each pf the .four corners of the couri behind 4 screen of columns Is a niche containing-- a fountain. the aiatuary aymbolical ot trfl. vf .th touf arnartnSy".",Snmhifi Aurumri and; WlntVr: Mural paintings by some .of the firreatest artists of the country are belnd the colonnade, expressive of the theme of the court Mr Henry Bacoa of New York J3 the architect of thii court. t f t . A ? i i l ' Montgomery 6f Uir United States husband waa the solicitor general in r-- - VVASHlfJGTON. SOCIETY steamship Tacoma now at Nicaragua. the McKInley administration,' has re- - i With her mother, she resided for sev- turned from Europe, where xBhe has uii- year '.fieri 'death. Star-Bullctf- Annapolis, Mdv,' before lived since husband's She iiiiir'Lh fSiietrfal n" Correapondencel eral at i I i ; s k making. r ? G. will spend the In this city and WAsuiKGTdN. : Oct her home at FortH; winter d:;o. ;rAn apartment Wood-le- y. interesting wedding today at noon was Wright at which post Lieut: Booth. U has taken an at the : -- Rlchardii, Gate-weed- also,8tatldned.i-- .:;' Miss :. Christine her that of Jtiss Harriet. Whiting ;; i. ;'p LUitiitililtt lu daughter,, will, be a debutante of .the 4 T--f iiuuid daughter ; of rMedical rDirector iiLr hi., i coming aeasbn, ;'y; ' y rW- t'lV'-- ge M iss. Helen" Since the first automobile arrived lisht tleliverr. i Jamea D. Gatewoodr U. S. and. Mrs. The marrla of llearfi InTcrd Cola-cicc- hi - Honolulu many years aso up to Piking ,CoV Ford Gatewood, and Dr. Henry-E- . Jenkjnai O'Brien ant? Count Massimiliano "' v Plana for spreading- ore 'thou- ularly!"for the winter tourist. -- Tia the Haiiu': Fruit &( of-- & Dr. Frank Anderson, U. S. SV and Jef : ' U S. N. Mgrt .W. T. Russell, of . membe? of the Pon papers has. been an uphill Roadster. .rectcr Mrs.-Anders- . : V sands of people on the mainland the will either be sold as usul .rresent tlae. lt tiflcal Noble Guard, is an event of to- and Miss Andersen ricrce-Arro- w y St Pafrick's church, performed tho of Hawaii as, a land or wrapped ready mailing. ' game for any dealer to Introduce a new 8snv. Dovlett, "38 inWeetVlrgiiut, have returned from Europe and have attractions fall for - day at the convent' ... - . ,.;?.. V V ceremcjay, at which only the members ! winter resort," through special What the I' ,tuodel and realize any material success touring. t opened their house on Nineteenth editions Promotion Ccmnltt: ' the-indlv- where bride attended BchooL iter U 1 In getting cars Aix ijm, WahlaWa, Oldsmobile toiir--) of, the contracting families were pres the of newspapers published in 'the terri- wishes to do la to get the. inMhe: handa.of? -- Miss '".r - ' "i ''. parents, O'Bri- street for the seasons Anderson - ,:- ,:- . . Mr. and Gerald O. ; ? eflt v Mr. tory, were discussed at a meeting of appeal Into this f feature of boc;!; the buying public until being thorough-- lag. n ,v ..V;.;. ;',' - " will spend the winter In New- - York, chaf-meu- se g,'- .".f'" bride was gowned in en of Pittsbuf and other relatives; ; Committee $ yesterday a - To ly , ; - The white the Promotion Hawaii. as. tourist resort- '. tested. Lieutenant Wheeler. Chalmers tour- including . bride'- - younger devoting herself to her. art studies. " ' : pearls, the sister, . - '. . afternoon. . ? . eCtecV the will a;l; : trimmed witli lace and . . . committee t' .' ' : r: : F" I respect Oldsmobile.lng..: ; t ,v' ; Is- - ' In this the new ';v i . fi- i,.--- .;.,. . I , and wore a tulle veil. , She was at- the only, attendant at the ceremon. i.... Local newspapermen; invited to the public1 td buythe' .'pa r irs to ta c:i; . Four has broken all records. The re-- touring, : . Mrs, William K Draper and i.Miss Frank O. Boyer O'dsmootle tended by her sister, Miss - Hildreth left Pittsburg Saturday Id be present' meeting by the committee," talked over to mainland friends ar. J acTTiiiaLarc .. - Draper, . who rmarkable manner in .which the Hono- bride-to-b- e have ben abroad since Vice-chairm- an t-- st touring. '.. e:a .r-I- Frank E. Blake, Oldsmobile (ajtewood..; ; v ..." The is a granddanghterf briefly a proposal made by ,yIt fa proposed to pati:d tc - tthe early spring and more latterly :m ima puuiic ua t Sidney 'Spitxer,- -- dsmoblle touring, wedding Dr.'; Jen- the late Mai-- . James Hearh, U. S.: A,, Ed.Towse that there be a special editiOCJ on TZzzlzzlTiLS - C; wu i Alter a Ehcrt trip London,- - expected mid- dir. ,the of carloads are here by the s-- immediate tale three Dr. Wm. DaneL Oldsmobile touring. and a niece of . late Lan rente "Paper day" the;re Cay,, when frost and ow will I kins will take his bride to Port Royal, the Cot ' : in Honolulu with that of cars, more strongly dle of this i month; Their K street v- -- these attest Cv D. Lufkln, Maui, Ford touring.; S Hearn. Count Colacicchl is the. first suit that a tentative arrangement was foond "In may states, ln - ? Cr,where he is stationed. . -- occu-pancy- u ' w'n word ' home has been made ready for ; - '.11 than any written can describe, . Fbcke, Chalmers roadster.; noble guard tomarry In America.-- Mf&: made for such a day. . - ticaliy every state the air- Six " , 'C :.-r. r, genuine value in motor cars U ' ls wi-te- that Pacific Fish Co., Federal truck, . O'Brien met her while studying iy;fSi The idea of Mr'Towse. as strongly chilly with approaching Hi. An October , wedding of interest in Jance appreciated. Tne reputation made by touring. , r Monti indorsed by the other members of the will be basking. in warmth-a-- J WmP. Jarrett Ford at t Trinita del a i cbnTeut Jn . 't army and navy circles .will he that of Secretary and). -- years gone by. . .v,.,;-- y.-z r Mrs Bryan were the - the Oldsmobile in. has Shimada, Ford touring. ? Rome.. . . . - t Promotion Committee, is that if the shine. This will be the then:a cf Miss',' Laura . Elizabeth Montgomery; week-en- d' Greystone-on-th- e pro- guests' -- u - not been forgotten, and this latest : C. A. Sahr, Ford touring. -; at newspapers, of Hawaii wefe ta send special edition, together with duction is a wonderf ul addition' j'to daughter cf M rs", Julia... Montgomery; Hudson, N. of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel largely throughout" the mainland a date information on totirist fac: and?' Eugene Montgom . Pfatt the tThtermeyer : - - Oldsmobile product, v b late i Mr. Hoke Smith and Miss CalHe Mrs.; Bryan is expected Special feature edition setting forth rates,; etc, v .".;'-- When Deputy Benjamin - V--": 5 nc-:y- -: -- bounty Sheriff Julius ery cf Nebraska, and Lieut Hoke Smith are. Jn Atlanta and are the home tomorrow. -'- "The Little Olds-mobil- e Hawaii's splendid scenic "and climatic The: plan ic not a Aristocrat, as the Raa-se- nt W. Alch departed oh tHe Sierra at N. Bcoth of the Coast 'Artillery ;Ccrps, guests of Mr. and Mrs.R6nald of 'scheme public I- - Four has been appropriately ' charms at a time when the chill and the t noon tcday to bring back William' F.'! who- Is a'uatlTe of Connecticut' i itfaTSmlth ill remain with her The Russian ambassador and Mme. winter is coming to most of the states operate on the tasla cf c named, has been universally pronounc- f Armstrong from 'San. Francisco, hd Owing to the recent illness. of the daughter,'. Ransom, of , ed ever seen Mrs. for a visit . Bakhmeteff are in New York for a fe: a unique j)Iece of- - community adrer good 'through inoreasir; t;. the classiest small car Kim -- carried with also the extradition" prospective bride" the wedding will be several months.. Miss SmltnV after a days before coming to city . for " I in Honolulu. . 1b everything claimed thia' tising can :beffected.4 c ' traffic to Hawaii. papers for Tcng, private. the-- ; the. return of :C R strictly It will be solemnized risit bt several weeks td her aiter, winter..;; 'H'"V,.r:. The plans as talked ;over yesterday n zi for it and more. It seems noth- 5 r that young who consld- - . WTednesday, 7, In chapel Ans-le- fi - the Korean served October the will be the guest of Miaa Mame are for- the Promotion .Committee to :, were. Charles S. Crcr. ing has been overlooked to make this erable-tim- e - in the local jail and is of St James' Protestant Episcopal Mrs. Marlon Smith, Mrs. Edward .Mrs." George Barnett'after a stay at take-u- p with. the" Chamber, cf Ccmacr of the Paclilc C Xhe attndard small ca of the age. It - 1 by,-- - r seml-pu- wanted again on a charge of embez- church, New Xhdon, Conn. the! Dougherty and Mra. Winner Moore. her Virginia estate . has joined Gen. merce and Mother public and i- vcrti.?er-'an- ni!?y IL is powerful, speedy easy.rlding and - J . xling more than $600 front the" Hono- Ret. Philip L Kerridge, rector of the I , Thursday night at All Souls.' church. Barnett at their quarters here. lie bodies the idea cf promoting -- the ar.J 7. H. Tarrir ,::-- -- has the Oldsmobile guarantee behind - r f ' lulu agency of the Singer Sewing Ma-- church, v f , , Atlanta. rM iss t Callie Hoke Smith will ,: 1 . v:;- ,r v'r ',4'. I "Paper day" as a big community get- - cess cf tu 3 . s nailer it. What more Is thereto be wished? i- - Montgomery-i- - chine Company. .Circuit Judge. VWU Miss the only sUter be among the ten bridesmaids at the Formation of apple clubs in various together effort - . ' s Ittextzv.zs c Following are the sales s ' for the week Whitnev issued the warrant for Yong's cf Lieut Edward Montgomery of, the wedding, cf ,MiS3 Adgate EHia and Mr, parts of the country is .being planned newspaper' are .ready. io crvnzlzz : :,9r" report od by,, The 'iree ' the Schumaa Carriage Rw'pII; '' aej-kultar- t -- peveraI..handsor:r!y-i:h-:s-lWfr- : arrest this morning and tho eovornor Ccast Artillery who Is lOathmed, Gayi 'f)"t r i "V: by, thh tSSnartmrnt of uitb to publish f C..:;-2ny- ,'...-..:.- ' ; Cott. :: - iT, ?- - ! signed the extradition document short- at Fort IL U. Wright FLshers Island, j a' Mew cf Intwestine. .boys and gitla tratcd 'pntc of pror.iot rj-- t - 2- V ': ' rr: rr. CxVhREe, 'Alfred-Eugen- e I - r r.try Port lyjbefore tfi e. Sierra saileff:. K and Ensign Mrs." John iK.- Richards, - whose! late 4n-th- e possibilities cf apple raising. : HOKOLULU STAn-BULLnTt- SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1914.

r n

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tory; Georcre A.'Riwer (tlvo cases), 4 1 st'tutory; Edward ClJny (two cases), !L white slavery; Albert (fwo cases), wtute slurry; Gcor."- - A. l'ow jer, opium; Josej h A. Doyle' (two cases), statutory; Jlauda Sch (two cases), .'statutory; Ki Kong, lj. jquor; Nlshihawa. liquor; Freeman Syl- vester and Rose Sylvester, con-pirac- ''1 Ah Ming, liquor ; Isasawa, - 1 iii'ior; , James F. nhl, liquor; Kali; I Kiiilutl and Hattir Chun Duck.' statutory; Al- -, mi vira C. Field and Joserh Fnos, statu-"- . tory Julian Rondcn. whlta slavery: Claude LH-b- v Tv.cnty-si- x to bo F. Redentaugh, statutory; Cases Set for Kaiawn and Ah Chnw. Kfatnfnrvr - Trial and Five cn Calendar iChor.; Kee, opium; U. C. Craig, gam- ' bling; Grannina .;ntia), statutory; "" " ,v - fcr, Disposition , Juan .Conjaguclon, statnt-jry- ; Joaquin

s de Gama, fctatutory. Criminal-case- to the number of 21 The "following , are scheduled to be set fcr trial in case3 have been set for disposition Moniay: : the federal court by Judge San ford it. Fred Williams, embezzlement of pos- Dole at 10 o'clock Monday morning. tal money order, two casos; D- - T. Ev r-- are on Ia addition to this, five cases ana, unlawfully landing Chinese labor, the calendar for disposition on that not Lawrence, expected one arrested; Joba selling dite, and it is that trial liquor; 'not arrested; Pu Tal Chong, will be commenced following the com-plction.- of opium; three applications for the day's business. writ of. I ' habeas corpus. 'r ) Cases now rending In the federal couri, and which are to be disposed of Dt. M Annie J:hr.scn Takes Suap Carja. i during the October term, are summed Taking euqar supplied at Mahukon, " up as follows: embezzlement, 1; un- c Hawaii, the schooner 'Ar.ale Johnson f-- r!" c-A- sbcve. lawfully issuing money order, I) was yesterday des; 'ate bed for San y Z. :r c a r :r cf t : opium, C::.: 4;. unlawfully landing Francisco; ' Hc-'w- lj This vessel was discharKi cf visile J i: : 1; - bigamy, 1 ; J 4; labor, statutory, cf a shJpraent'cf re-- r t i Crse cf merchandise and the tr... white slavery, 5; conspiracy, J; illicit j - ceived a part cargo I'-- : cf sugar for coast i re by fct'ecanttrs who selling of - liquor.' 7; ; detaining mall refineries. . matter, etc., 1. ' to ivc wsn'ri Tt this . The following cases are to be set ; -- Virginian Off for the Coast. r..v c:.".: T 3 tr.l'. .. for Monday: , ;:i- trill The American-Hawaiia- n steamer f : p ; i c : r ; n to l:ave John P. Mendiola, "'detaining mail Virginian, v'- -: v with a part cargo of susar ; F!::-- cf t:; frr. a v.. : matter; Nicholas Trillu and Maria Lu- and preserved ' ! pines, has departed p; :.i'c r ;t L; ever cia Melendre, statutory; Joseph Har-Ite- r, r;.': i 1 from HUo for San Francisco, the ves v,;.i fr, ;'i f:i particulars cf ISA opium; Akioka KInchita, bigamy; sel steaming -- for the coast early Fri v:: ' ;:i ri)rLp is limited. Klichl Sakumi and Kin Sato, statu day morning. JapanciS ha .'commenced fiow - to make their returns; from one .source Lt)! 125 some of the Japanese papers in ; Honolulu, who have ;been making small collections,1 sent $o. The t - : . total amount received by the comtnit-te- e to date amounts to $8938.25, and 1, .1 1 1 t VJ Aa the commjltr-j-willprobably-'sen- an J. other, installment by the., steamer ;next ! - - ;,.! YmAIX- IlaivF-la- Tuesday.' y ;.. v , .. trade y trade: t (n local f.f h Cvan?elical Association TP t v i Clothing, ' useful), : : v i.::(i-.r- t ?! (Xj. 77) : I'uitod States vs. Mary and other articles : i -l coming i' A::.n rcd.olaa; VvdU-- i States vs. Ur. are In 'at the dehoC?!! Alakea 1 ' t;-(- -- f '; '.- -' - ' ' . ' ':: : IV c; rniteci States vs. Doard-i.- . street, near, Merchant, and, some peo t r t! e J. t,vangeacat Jiawanaa Assoclattoa et to ,:.:: Ucto- - cl. (No. S') Cnr:rmcn Castla Reverts Funds line aisoso that there.wm be quite a tt $3ov: $2 to $3.50! n-,T- jv Quantity oh. next Amerfcan-- : "Litlcr cf tie j::'.;cs 'may act rpen 1 ta send the ' - ' v Thfrr r.:;.!-- ordors'-concerti- 'jy ..os: appropriate ' Tl.0 Hawaiian boat, ' Jf.nd ' ' ! - i c . - i , pOSGS t i: as corpus proceoJir.s, admis Entertainments . V' The proposition to have two or three " : ' : ! t! j ;.: s , t llJv . : ; &'-:A- r.s cf practice, and 'concerning any - ; ; entertainments at one of the theaters the people have, in -- usual; STAR their new season's i:'"i;;:;; the .scs in Court, vhea such action Reports from W, R, Castle, chalnnan , vas made by. the'.lessee and proprie- - t v i;r.ta fu rjtl: cct go 1o the merits of the re- - Df the AVar .Relief Committee, con- - tor, all proceeds go ' the to to this fund v ; i -; n.--: pectne catcs, as fcr instance ar tinues 1n a most Tavorable tone, Al but of this later, when arrangements lines improved over former style successes. The new ncg- :M l.iiVo charge cf rii!L-,r.n:crt- s '..and pleas, allowing and most everybody is; Interested in this are effected. If carried out we trust v! ;;r.d s pli-;:;-.::- exonerating'!' "scs bail, commitments and great work and many contributions are this communjty will turn out en masse ; Hgee shirts, with soft cuffs, come in neat patterns: there arc : - r r . and all new pt::s,'settinz cases for trial, continu- being received daily. J 1 the following i anccs, etc, LutnoEuch action or order : The following report, was made to ';- - .4". R. CASTLE, "I , shirts whose "' full t other JuJge-'Jf- '" " negligee fronts are pleated- ( :. one. a placed. T - ' - case In charge -- ly day: "y ';Y.'': .'- Ur !; :cV Chairman,: War lte.lief (" rood vs. h'.p operate-t- Committee. iv:.n th3 cf the other shaJl transfer Star-Bulleti- n: - ' . Editor Honolulu Honolulu,?. October 2V 1914. :!? ' lf-p- a. control of the trial of that case. "V ea ts,' . ; fu !ca -- rpl they're called) md, again, there are ted ; . .The Wat Relief Committee work I States vs. the "etro-- llitber jnife may Issue process In continues to be interesting. The com Few Booked in the Korea." ' :- ' (' ; United States; cases of any nature, and! may enter f -- ' ' ' r. judgments and ''decrees by default or mittee has recieved this morning from While "the .Paciflc; Mali liner .Korea .v! shirts' to wear our Tu::cdo. scholars of several, schools, in Vf t (c.v'. Tin an ct al agreement ci me parties m any civu the now steaming from the Orient has ct al; in re Mary II. case. ; small amounts of 5, It, 25 and u) room for more, than 125 cabin passen Tortuguese riiy, a L cents. $465. The church! gers, the, list cf tBcse booked? at the fvtM J.ave charge Small Sujar Report From Hawaii. and Sunday school sent in 512o. The agency of H. Hackfeld Ca will total - - ci'v.l c.-.- kr.-- the tul- JLess than 2000 tons of sugar re box at the corner of Hotel and Fort abcut 20 persons. The Korea is in r.:?.inei fcr Ehipraent from the is'and streets was opened and found to con- need cf 100 tons of coal and la due T -- T.i main-- 1 $15.50; ; piece. . th ;i;?h cf Hawaii to Houolula" or the tain there was one $a to arrive at the port on Tuesday morn- r;v.crdir.g to a report brought to All of the boxes are now being chang ing. ; The vessel will be despatchei 7 T.;th the return cf Purser ed to have a locked door, so that they at 5 o'clock in th evening, followi in t! f ? r Ki'.i;:ca Trora can be emptied every evening. A lot the discharge of 750 tons of Oricr -- ' : ' . : t V? i i:..'ci. cf . pccple . la Wilrxas ccat $10. The ?argo," .1

j . I hardness. oflgr,,fim

; V-- : , : ; Make. tkarj toUaoselofsbJdcrTerrtlicv'maJienabIe . right opcbildhood to - ' play, and give to those: who : ovOTj'oiatieV and ability; to provide Lthe Dlaccsf6r Dlav makeciear to2tl iDDetite for fecrev atiori the guilt of them" that lead attay cbUarenj7 arid majce clear, to us ail;" i rtbr '4 ' ; tua; tne greai scnooLorjues novencuipasja oy, wans ana mat its teacners ace : theJr-y- ;aU wbp influent o eood5 clibpi?alt 5 for oreviL and tlfat In;tuat ar.teachers4 and as we teach" arc ! Tadged For all fatle teaelung, Jor all JiTnderinpttlry fcbildreni: panonus;0 I j -- or - toce,-f- , , F ' 4Xordr and suffer the littlejcbUdren: ? trie; unt Jesussakcl' ; :

. (I : i 5 i . V. " ASSOCIATION HASSWiEEEEGTIE StJPPOBT - f s i - t

The Association stands for all that' is finerstrong little children of the poor of . allatipnahtiesan'tturcity;: That.the value of thiswork is fully recognized'-by.t- f Scenes Infeno Under'Wise Care

- w in n ii r i ii - T f

- 3t t":- 7? ' " i actical is lldren Beretahia t3round IS Work cf the Kiriderjiartens stie Mome Joy Crowded Ssctibh if. ? nn:: ::n::usnaasna u n ditiotl resulting from long custonur 'Pttoauartafr'-:c(;llef- 1 i Kindergarten1 and Chftdren's'AldAs&M V;Tb Beretanla street playground from the Palama - SeUlement-.- ' who - seli - "-- Little children love klndertarleaB; Could any .naneJba 130X9 Attlr jfor elation,: with j the . liberal contingency.; situated as it is in the densely popu- makes dally visits.- ; ; i - y - ben-e- t' J Miss Frances Lawrence, Super- 8 then let us have them. There rarely this;home,-atca- ,up in" beautiful- Manca that the property be used for the lated tenement district takes 350 or One -- new little girt'; expressed sun - tt visor. ... r- -' H is a tardy child,, the moments are too valley;- - where "SO ItQihllJfca be- of. needy chlldren.'ln sucli wisp as moreo'lltUe tots off the streets, each prise that a nurse was In attendance. - ' H ral2c:a Mrs. Noma Adims, 8 precious to. lose. ' : - tween theag'es trt jrd-1- areXitea day, and c teaches them how to "play "Sure, we get nurse," said Helen,. ."I H dimeter. '.. U ,And here let. It' be stated that vis: all the s?lse -- The management of the home 'is In fairly on big.' clean lawns where bin tell you we gel everything at our leadetcsma?d tte .the ;-- - r ' - v ; H KsIIM Miss Julia Smith, Jl- H Itors are always most cordially wel vision careful mothers . give to the nsjids of . Mis things park.-,'.''.- ,. VV V " that Fwces. there We all sorts' of thrilling v, ;-- ' -- ' ttdi V ' " v.'-- sand-pile- H rector. tt comed, so come Into the kindergartens . 7 Vt - their lUUe famllie s ? v '.. a womari of wisdom anfteipeHence.J to piayAWithsucb as s, giant . The reading: hoar Is one of unalloy H Katilurcla Miss Broun, and see of HOnClUlU S LCdUinfJ 'AmdtcuT. " Jjcgtad haa theotden !ays Alice tJ fcr Yourselves the thinrs ; Itihat'ls v"j,aiviu Btriaes. DaJis. oiocks and dooks. ed Joy to the youngsters, and It. has -- - - tmuvmuu.i ..: -- IS direct; . r . SS beauty made by Infants: creations of there was s temple .of te.'dearUttle wnose inorougn iraimng. in nome, eco- "The playground Is under the direc actually happened once or twice that Miss-liol- a nt to - loti-e-r & Fcrt Street Losan, paper as ""expressions of Impressions Ulv Tck? PtrfinCciu; Mchehjiaes on,. ttiaitV- where nomics makes, her eminently, fitted to tion of Marlon Oleson. a trained some fairy god-moth- ' has appeared ' ' I llisa director. , : H form and color. ,r 7 .";' ?Jli Castle of.blessd.vmeccrj'bullt Clir.the .posIUoa of .,, matron--. She; is 8 . i - i playground worker, and Mrs. R. R. upon the scene with enough Ice crcxa .. .;V. T. - -- 8 ' Miller StreetMiss Mary Xu- - nffen Ihott UltlA rfa Mk frrvtiffl. w"". Tf- ;.: for herself the spaclpiiil hospitable moreover a woman of quiet ways and Reldford Is the chairman of the effV and cake to give every child a gen cas,-directo- v 1 S ; , tX . - which; uaderstaading njother. to. ' ' ciently nourished, for even tbongbjbe M- ..Uleifc. home she named heart a real charge. , - eroua helping.. Then sometimes! Herr , ihia 130 of Honolulu'. . cient committee ia .Muriel Miss Gertrude Brotk-n- tt quantity may be KThe ? sreatr house, tosether-with- Its the-littl- e one who, will pre- " tl t&e 19U onesaud ' The sense cf ownership of the play- Berger and . the band, cpmes to. "our director. " - natureiMuWdenUttaJ:.,,,, Jfia 1 jacres '4$;T0yal'-lf- t serve spirit" of Jove' and H ity is of such a. that It does not. t 6f the' Association. Thte ot stocatUvis 'the' leace, at ground among the children Is touching, park," and, that makes a real party. . K J5cretsfi!a Street Miss ncurish acUve brain of the tMsxy-- Castife-Tnis- t Harriet tt the little rXhZnnvMl-titt- o the produc-- to honua.7,K;r:vrrtP and they seem to feel that discipline is , .Altogether the Beretania playground tt Lucas, director. . tt 11611 01 "Mistress 'Mary,M. a? tunefur and. Inthelr hands; one often hears things baa established itself s an! absolute t'iAM''W;your good to. see ; heart -- : vttXil ppera. sit la the of this aort:' r"- .,.'-- ' necessity., in the neighborhood. It .wey of ! tt tt tt tt tt a a tt a a a a a a a a a tne zesi vun wuicu w : tlQtwwork .Mias Martm ' rHey;-you- You been swear; we no makes life worth living for the little morker ' v ' vell-toow-n - . : Miss: Martin. . alreS? foj Ulk"; bad 'here!" ; : . children of the tenements. ' V Th.eso kindergartens rfJc.!?!!l " are all situated . T : JT "l ? .come rlrom the malni TjOok out! No walk on top that The spreadKpf Ihe playground move- r. : ' la the congested quarters of the town. ; .And if you. want to experience' the tMs;pridcUoa 'i' i Her Braise 6llde;; bymeby plenty fellers no can ment has been remarkable on the where they are easily Joy giving. drop, in some ' accessible to real of. Just JrwSJthEsSatton ride t and. "Catch that feller r? as a mainland,: and the demand for thea cnes poor,; bag - its-- , - the little cf the and who morninr and take with You alitUe ;i f Adifrssl of Mrs, VT. l.'Thoniaa'or lag as Is being demanded for com- boy'' rushed madly toward the gate. has so Increased that their establishment j sprinkle! a; - but for them woold be playing in the oXf sugar.: Just enough to LrriTtrvri- plettoi).' Indeed, they have drawmlnto- The culprit was captured, brought back Is recognized as a municipal un streets and framkg liabiU cf thought j -- Chicago, experts every "br,aneft tinylt l (Mrs; WHliam Ii4Thomai of their councils in and, severely reprimanded by the boys dertaking: v vV.-- -- ',' . gotten . - dd-work-er not easily rid cf., : , rice, orglve to each chjld friend.' and . social- of Jane of knowledge, .until we find - todfy. ,in accidentally - In - for knocking a baby down, . There is an unusual field for. the The kindergarten child ifftreated cheeked apple. ,cr. a stick f stripedr:taberA'A)i Addams'of' Hull- - House. visited 'Honb our most "enlightened countries em-- , all, -- apologise carefully supervised playground II -- and forthwith made to la a rational -- way; life tendencies- - are jcandy, and see bowyou Kf Qf ago : ' scientists,- - then lulu number months and at inent Jurists,? physicians, '. 'Rarely, are there accidents of such nolnlu and It ia to be hoped that ibis developed, arid they are helped to be pipes.eel,.;up ii' J V ' when the little treble ; time theCassoctatlon. ministers, 'social workers' statis- o- -- tfwaa that addressed and signature a to require the assistance Beretanla street', playgrouad is . only in go- , -. wjth,-parent- s Interested what is v;nts thank ytu;. Wrs..- very J Of particular Interest is ber reference ticians standing side by fide' opposition-t- kindergarten - " of 'a physician, and the minor wounds the first of many to be established The the Sickness Treated. "' tor . defec- - and. new ' -- 'tesUtnttoni teachers hi this j the need for for'-- attitude by '- - - -- " - are attended to the district nurse here. " . cctnes from those only who are unfa- Many of. the little ones when they;, '.Xij.Jk H .4hrA n1 hlWren:l .v toward child.- ;---Children iiirrf-- a hr Al3P3rf - l the 'V tyff'L.i", -C' miliar wfth nurnosft and workin ra-- areV m." . V - - r a t - ... its ". first .come' to the kindergarten ' hViit are, no. longer. childTshcnld begin edu Tr. In fact, the Wa hi. :YV..rH";:-- . private, possession; their -- Individual - of Hon at the age of six is simply a tra- ?Jt.fene parents,VbutJiave, become the property Ma Friends Needed to , - year-- in Honolulu. .The cliorus alone meconflnunity.toT be"' studied and 1 v V'-- , ' has;brieay:;aad happily;, expressed the of J 150 people-i- n it, from classified in search.' for V7 J ihasimore than andiabeled the - Splendid t- y ) Dep 111 the atately and graceful dancers to th.e r . n h - flgntV upon their little way. ,While Ghildreh W fvam n.rtor. V:- Cyiqn - wib youngsters .taker part. Of - the'community. - f Unjr who the roriort- Wr nmntntionK 'Ani mMr. boththe 'parent 'and pages a "summary ; proceci.v.-- .. Thls brief of the tertalnment the frogs Kt),v, i.rfiMu-i..:n..'4t- lambs, and the smaller, fairies.? are being held to' an ever stricter ae wort and aims of the Free Kindergar- agument the donation' fur. 1. Special!i:tteriHdrf A tae full cast or Mla-U-otf Receive V rcnolng f y,,, , eatire dvUisedworld Js ten and 'Children's Aid 'Association. The'merabers of the as:J-- a are ! oeugenics-seek- - : "There are bureaus 'Many", , .help glad i .department ot bom. todlng for - 3 friends are needed to to state that they tave :: th!3 .W,. Ing" to establlsa lawa." by;jh4chj.chll-- 1 air-;- tt.JUjrt J,;:"".""- carry on the work and the'resDonse year's benefit "an unusual ": a to dependent children is tne laxesi anaiv uw.uiucr u.,HWpy vwiey lann, ..unanown atti-- J ' ' pafBoon e sam liflysneciaMifid ."- a e ; .'.I . ; ,- - n can be -- to. appeal for .funds ways prompt offer:, . V .,' Associa-Y0- 6? circumstances. :Put,,enugeV adopted by Madame. Blue- - -' i;al tlon to the aetivitlea of: the r towajil WintiJnrsfiit iralii- .- ; penamg - tode" the'; " v-i- or, cases; and generous.;? "i.p t', epera .. .:. . ... i"' ine. seiuement ineir Jirs.JUley It. Allen.- "Mistr ess Mary," tne fairy won.-' Mrs.. y alter iiausnanr w ttntll 8uit&bie home fromVlLIadame BluegnlSH Ad nelpful iThere. are the 'regular denators composed and "cenducte I by II Li Mar- man of a committee whose tiuty to among the number on the waiting list !i Miss Helen'AIeiundeK'V.'!''' whose assistance for each year is as- garet Martin of Chicago.' - per V 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 L -' mresugaie tne comes cr inose xt me juvenile court uU LCC sured; and ' sometimes there, comes a ; Th!3 will be given ca.tha eve- n nit-- - -. ' sons who Judge place - c- ? have applied to until a can be Surprise check;- usually,' however, y it of Tuesday, November 3, e1 ney of the juvenile court for children , the institutional hones. Is Toiind 'advisable toward end of afLeraoca and evening cf WcL: " 'the for adoption. The home of each ap--v "The "second' cryin each year to" give some variety of en-- Novenber 4. " ;'. vice-pres- ;plicant is investigated with the pur home for. defective children; .those de-;t- he house who likesilllainsM Mra.s'Mr.v Gerrit;P.r wilder;: 1st l- tertainmenf this rear is: v;-- ? pose vice-i- chap-erone-s. In view of ascertaining whether t ficient mentally and bodily ... and those 4 Alexander O. M. Robertson. .' V. ( dent; Mrs. Francis M. 3wanzy,Zd t Finance, Mrs. James Blcknell; ' V is suitable cne! In- - which to otherwise: peraaneaUy-affected- v vis-- president; Ifra: - Sanford Mrs. 5 Andred ' Fuller; tickets, . u plaa There's Merrie Ben; a friend of Betty's, : B;Dolv,3d , vice-preside- 're-Ju- one - 1 nt David l st programs.-Mrs.- f I of the dependent little ones. should be a ward for contagious cases itinsL-tb- e farm, and as merry a little , r. Mrs': Olesoni Mrs Manuel Phillips; - ,4- here, let It be stated, that there and a -- law compelling" a child -- suffer- "beauty as hei name lnipUe Mrs.' F. 1 cording secreUryt Wra.Vrxncia'Jt X. Lewis; candy, Mrs. Zeno K. Myers, . ' Is crying need in community for. ing contagious Miss : ' Kennedy; Misses r'nirtt-fceJroom'Vurnljh- this from certain diseases R'Reynolda." Jessie ushers,' ei hc- -: :r two . Kalmukl rtr.tal Cro r: InsUtutlocs to. cover the vital to be Isolated, and not be permitted The Postman "F. R. D. man- - helmina'Tenney, treasurer of the Ktn-- Maryland .Harriet lcasr talenti'Mrs. 2ia -' " - J nees cf little children. to mingle' freely with other children ofhralns Mr, Wllllani Warren. MraiErnestJL Francia - Swanxy ,- orchestra, Miss Er- ' First, a detrntion home, or shelter at the.kbidergartens, or in the-nack-'V 'Ross, treasurer ofthe Castle' Home De--: minfrX Cross; f. pubUcfty Mrs.-: Cerrit; i cr.?, picked ajley, a aU : Mr.OaVW-Aaderw- a, awl-l- . W;-';;- : t:re r; Serins children oepace to about ..(Coatteoed on Page TeitfcA ptrtmeat ; f Wilder. --. ' t .'-!- - WmT; ...... J ..... I.

i : . . - f ... STAE-BULICTI- JTEN HOXOLTJLTJ N, SATUtt DAY, OCTOBER ;C4, 1914. 'A r 4

- r------NOTED SOCIAL AIDE TO TRIO OF HEIIOARTEN 11 l - -. r ! Strictly Pure; ! - Ice Cream lauds , PEE JS.SOTOUT ' ' mm ? , .. v - . If t ; v J

: ICE CREAM , liERGARTEN OF SERVICE LIFE PRACTICAL, TOO ; Strawberry lholate ; Vanilla. Caramel ,5

(titibel firsi f'age Ninf) r ilBy latest MU1. , (ContmeU Iron Page Nine.) WAS1 IIKGTON. f D. Chas. SHERBETS i ' ttiCapL drcn may be'. "better ! bom ' and better K. Engineers.? iVi sufferfii'Stidi f!afbAlco: fliseasea . Oraacu j Papaia' ' RokwIL Cormof ft ' juvenile courts j Lenurn ,. Pineapple bred; there are that s. a rho was one of the mtlRarf ithe skm and eve, to wiirh little of cot only give to ycuing offenders tUe aids of Presidents Rorsevelt Taft and no attention hasr evidently been pajd.; protection of tie law. but that are yilson, has left the government rv' thus creating a menace to aH elassea.-- . WHOLESALE AND. RETAIL" rarWJy looming great aoclological "lee to enae In private pwsoiu. lie f When; these ease reach the klnder- - liboratorieG were the cUild yroblem has beea on duty in this city as one carUn proper laeasores are taken to ' - l ' can be studied in . all its phases, and cf the assistants of the chief of engl- cure them. Honolulu Dairymen from which the most v valuable recom- noers at the. war department .since ( Th byciene department Is under mendations are being sent ont for the May. 1919. and recently was ordered the" direction of the district nursery, Association v:Je-:;r:- elevation of the, moral and economic to a tour of dty in the , department of Pabxma Settlement, and :"Ths new Uapaiofcils is ths aascr to thts iriistcstci d dcniand, cre- '. Phone 1541 ; standards of the home, 'for the devel- He married a few days ago Miss Wear each kindergarten is visited twice a ated for a of low price, that has all th$ "pov,'cr, speed, zz larnriousiiessi opment of an intelligent parental atti ton, an heiress of Jv'cw Kngland, and week by the district a urse. and the cir ccrfcrt tude In the state, and for the eumtnat they are uow on their honeymoon. dispensary Work is done under her of the most expensive designs. The bigger Hupmobile is the predu:t cf many months vicious and corrupting. Infln army commta- - j J tlon of His reslgnaticn of hla direction hy . one of the assistants cf of experimental work. .Remember, please, that the new Ilupmotih is not a CHEAP ences In the community. , ; I- - jslon. 'ago., kindergarten. nurse submitted several weeks has the The also anything- - price. suggest Food Experts at Work.. . been accepted by the president to take visits sick children in their homes. car in but the In comparing this car with other makes, we Food experts are working out. theo- - effect at oncn, and ; ft is found that the little ones that you use as the .basis of your comparison, cars of the highest type, rather than ries of nutrltlcn. physical directors In Capt Rockwell is a son of Coi! Ilock-U.- e are willing to undergo any treatment L ' those low cost. You will be greatly specifications schools and playgrounds 'in engineer ofricer who served Mothers meetings are held at the of surprised to see the similarity in y velcping systems of recreation and ex- - tot, varices kindergartens .and the good -- evcral ycara as superintendent of on cars of a great deal higher price than the new Hupmobile. erclse, while specialists are .connect- - (mfcn luiiu liter's nd irrnundx Hp was effects of this educational work Is no-- Ing the child with the process in all appointed to the army from Dakota, i tlceable all over the city. M lines of agricultural and industrial ac-- Bhqcrience ap-- and WM eraduated from th Milltaxv l has abown that the MOTOR four cylinders, cast en bkc; SPRINGS Front, sorafelllpllc; Rear." tlvlty. ; J. CArademv r prent .' indifference ailments is la Jflofi. niar thA Wd rf ita to long stroke; bore tnches; stroke semi-ellipti- slung under axle. Spe- : in our own country a ChUdren, 8 ed- - ; caused by Ignorance, and the mothers ciaas. He Is a'great lover of outdoor and exhaust cial oiling cup spring lubrlca- - . eral Bnreau is the most recent expres-- are. most willing, to learn how to pre- inches. Intake for ,pcrts. and an eipert horseman, and valves extra- - large,, which permits tlon. Extra long and heavy, sion of the government s. Interest in vent the trouble. . i always took a prominent part In field ' .1 an easy flow of Working BRAKES Two sets, acting on rear Its children. Here, information ,1s be-- gpcrts In this vicinity. Dentistry Important' rses. , , en- - - t - . ... . - parts of the motor thoroughly wheel drums. Service; contracting hAMM-YOUN- Q Ing collected and statistics twtnnitAd - vScliool authorities all over coun- THE von CO, 1 the 1 1 1. 1 - U . . ,. closed hnd dust. and pedal 'operating; emergency " ..1.11.. 4. 'Kltt ' try are taking up the subject of den- from dirt LTD- - Honolulu. brakes, expanding and hand operat- Agents --- '' of the United States and its terrltor tistry tor little children, for It is found CARBURETOR Zenith,: horizontal ( . dreary aettmg left by the trail of the ing. Both sets high qual- .i.k . ...r - decayed type, on opiosite from valves. laced with .r.-V- that teeth are responsible for bolted :: u"l rurltan scroas our American life. , ity lining. Braking it'Sioiaiiuu uii euvii taut juai.cia many cf the ills of child hood. Through! Water jacket entire length of mani- brake surface iuiau extra large, 14x2 Inches. - bh U0tv-ch- ftobor, T in' the kindness of a friend of Kauluwela fold; cast inside of cylinder, thus 8,,7;,; the lsl I trlnitAiwra am m A am ft tm,4 ft. - ' TRANSMISSION Selective sliding K I ,MI CM ' UfrMi thoroughly vaporizes gasoline before -- much type Three speeds forward and re- Gold Eagle English-Finish- " i"r y.Lrcurea to exaniliUifVohildreQ'a teeth reaches cylinders. Hot air for r naUves.!.i..f It' verse. separate from 5ERGE BUITS bis mo v aii trifuni luauv? va vmv vvmovi and , to spend one uicrntna a week cold wrather- - starting supplied Transmission CLUt engine, being bolted directly to the the finctt of Adler-Rochcste- r vatioa aAd. development of its human !Ing m In through passage way connected on as or resources. , ; - cases Wappear on crank case, to form a unit power make only X2ZX0 and up. Won't us natural as well as In TLK.ZSltheir love of flowers and raosi me teem to be in one side of the carburetor and ; Out of theory and experiment-psychologist- s almost hopeless plant All geirs are easily accessi- or .wear shiny. all this the pretty custom of wearing Ids; a condition. the other to a hot air collector, (fade CLOTHING CO., LTD. : have evolved certain : Here again the only hope of remedy to the exhaust pipe. Air ble, which means much Ies4 labor If - necessary. i 34 working principles which oducators - t- -. Is in the education of the parents, on steering Bspectkn Is Hotel St. mv-- ssmv. ,,. sea a sro and 'Justment wheel. . v ., m v .f KV w.. have eagerly laid hold upon one of ; huhou fcr this purpose the homes have been CLirrCH Multiple d!sc, with friction while the quaint 'kimonos cf the Jap IGNlTl6N Storage' , battery typo. Chil tooth-brus- h ' on by a the xuest cheering of Xhcse is jthat visited, and a brigade en-gi- the elutch thrust taken anese tiTdren and the unique Chinese : Timer set on left hand side of come put up ;: h ': 'y bearing in the transmission; so dren do not in assorted ornaments .same started. In a vertical position. Ail its that lots, tmt are practtcauy all of a piece; dress end bear the Vhst the best and wisest parent when clutch is released the motor PACIFIC COAST parts are very accessible. " that the reactions or the normal cmm:. "ZJt-'Z- ' ws own child, that must runs eutlrely free.' - This 13 a. new FISH P Jf Thermos-syphon- . New eel- - DELICACIES Ht-ove- COOLING are very apt to be the same the world the community want for all of its r. practice in automobiles. Thirteen SiVn ; Inlar type cf radiator. All heated. regardless race; ; gmund of and thtv a l the Association hia for Its " ' hardened and saw steel discs. carefully worked out cducaUonal.sys-- - to giv to, poorest 'surfaces of cylinders have . extra BODIES Five-passeng- Ton ring and Metropolitan" Meat Marks; , the may large water jacket capacity. Water two-passeng- er - Phvne 3445 tern bo of universal application. ""Z 7 " :V7r LTl ""le one iew of the joys cf lift' so Roadster, made from . lavishly )WAd". 'inlet andvreturn pipes extra large. pressed upholstered In high play in your Irest upa the litik rkh steel, the whole matter of. educauon Is one gS2f??: child OILING-Positlv- e, forced Teed, circu- grade imitation leather. r HI :,tn t m gal-Ion- s; of attention . to correct' models I sii lating Into all working parts of the FUEL FEED Gasioline tank. U - er e .have. Jn our ' VISIT. ,THC NEW; CTCHE OF thought. In social behavior and respon- Pa "engine." Transmission case and rear with one-gallo- n reserve tank. sIMlity and in Uie various axle run in heavy, grease or special Oil supply, 1 gallons. Water sup- - activity demanded by We. , and Jincoln birthds oil. - ' ply. 6 gallons. ' lta Mtona July occasions ' theory the utmost'mport-'fn- d .the Jor COLOR Blue-blac- k, with This is of b CHASSIS Frame, extra quality prcsH. Standard -- nee In a country like ours where eo ; - rraroon running gear. - ' c:-ro- rj r cd steel, stronzest and most dur- and dealslhe aplr, 4 and large Upon JorlcAl tJTllttDiys bot-rlvete- our educational 316-inc- : EQUIPMENT hotcl its. a demand Iofot able. h high, RECUtAR Westing, system comes from children of wide- - flibrt toleB1f' wi V10 house Electric Starting and Lighting ' was very .be-Pla- co AXLI Front, a one-piec-e "iu scc: ' ' in 12-vof- lv varied races '; lWea tr .equal; opportttnlty mm. tlon, forging. Standard Elliott type. System, storage batttry, , of the Kinbtwin:li' , headlight dimmers; license brack-- w,U.- In . the, celebraUon of UirisM Rear, full "Heating. Both axlo shafts In the problem with whicb they have ets: locking device; rain-visio- n, ven- was, especial ly. we have chance to can bo removed. : designs n- Cst!ona snd for had to deal in relations these foreign iJCTI tilating windshield; one-ma- sHk t ' ry an-- I L. ea.gcr. young mlnda, the WHEELS-Artlile- type, 34 inches. chlidrrn social wrrkers and teachers ;,the8e 'Mlh'liLU ', mohair top with: form-fittin- g enve-- ; .' lVs-lnc- , kindergarten-"o- twelve h spokes. cld jrvcLrtYV, Lave found the thOfM.1 veaT?bbletdevdop Each with J lope; quick-adjustabl- e side curtains; ' " iUy, ' a rdfgloiis iind fcocial to put very iroportauce-education- lals; TIRES-34x4-ln- ch rlrris. . Erst demountable , C-'- 1 and riM'rum Cstlln;s preparation of gifts (Contiued speedometer; robe rail, foot rail and i!uco it brings the proper models to iuto ;c"W"? 'iroih' Page JKine.) This extra tire rlze. 'together with cocoa mat in tonneau; oversize -- '?. Parents, the epirit. pf Jove - cLLld a period'0' oasy xld- 34x4-Jn- .r non-ski- d :. WALL & DCUCHCRTY. the' attention of the at , Jong wheel base produces tires, ort rear ; where the mind Is caser and lmpres- - hi of "d to restore, to the Silverwlngs.'qtieen of the fairies - : Ing quality. one extra rim ajtd 8'en of its original meaning M iss Helen Spalding.; C 4; .; fcimable, essentially unoccupied by idaf, fmc1"1 t BASE-119-l- ' Cokor--Dlue-ba- ck and nclii - WHEEL Standard tire carrlen with . : simplicity. . . : ; and socially, fur--j . . ;; Gossamer, leader bfthe ballet of the ' ' ' other forms; since it Tread. , maroon running sear. 1 niylies to 'these bewildered and m-- 1- Then the courtesy and consideration, Nora:"Swanxy, harrassed ' young strangers the most. 'lth which tlie children are. treated, The Guardian Mr." Lawrence Judd. upon play Sally Evelya Cunningham, kindly andtuman Introauctlon into the the insistence fair and good: Miss Tues B. Ilodel 32, $1225.00 life of a new and unf' mi liar world. lca m work, upon promptness and the day; Miss Betty Case, Wednesday. Model K, $1375.00 F. 0. Honolulu Ilace prejudices and antagonisms can :Ioing of one's best cannct.fall to have Minnie Miss Clemence Cif ford, Tues- hardly survive the friendliness of work permanent influence when they come day; Miss Ruth Soper, Wednesday. : and play under a roof where all the to standardise life for themselves. Tony Mr.;WarnerV; '' . ;';..;;;;; These foreign 'children, here as In the Shepherd Mr. Vnivy DeverilL nations of the earth are being blest,' v ; ; mum and tvhpre in tha verv nature of thines states, become the v interpreters to Tom, called the' Black: Sheepowner Tlie -- von O, LTD. - ' - young feet are being set In way neir parenis ci our civuutauon, oi me. bf 'Black Sheep ranch and a rival of 1 the ' ' . .. . ; u l?rw Pitta in htiAtnao onil In lAV(Lft Of democracy. - ; ,i . jinwiuim8 jueiiiiuics oi a great Another feature of great social value strange community., : ' ; ; L. - YauagCorrethersT'- Territorial Agents HU3 CLOTHNG HOUSE is Uie early and friendly connection ' Fine Work Oona In Honolulu. in love with Betty Mr. Stone, made between the home and the cora-t- " wislr43 congratuiato your Bociety llarry, In love with Merrie Bell-- Mr. The tctt cf Clothet and ' 'r: :V Haser munlty by way of the kindergarten. .'. unonf the SDlendid way In which Albert Horner. ; ; : dashery its The Immigrant parents are usually iwork. U beine dene. You iaVe the Tom,' Dick and llarry are the own- ers "Primrose Farm would-b- e pretty oennueiy maae up wnen uiey Jdeal .environment for child life a of and Hotel, rear Fort in villains r v : c: v't ? - I Blossomr Arthur Brown. reach our shores; life has been stand ilmato which .affords , continuqus op-- ' The Shepherdesses Misses ' Rosie ,! Assisting as nnderstudies are Norris ardized and ed for them religiously .out-doo- r Jportunlty fcr excursions and Ha.rbold, Freddio Beers, YV idemann, nd socially, the women, especially be- - play, for eardenlnx. swimming, etc- an Herbert Pauline, Schaefer, Betty Case, - Clemence Gilford. Faaale' Hooes. Ber-- urunie. f.--r HAHLtY DAVIDSON in- - unmodinable. They come into me environment over which visiting, kin.-- 71 on i . Spald-Cunnlnghat- , e-- nice Htlstead," Marian Dean, Evelyn ? Falrles-Leade-r, iilss Helen CYCLES and new sunauon ajwaj s luam. ana dercarteners wax enthusiastic while 1 SUPPLIES. y, RuU Soper. ' Thelma Sybil Hocking, Carpen-Murph- wildered, often fearing and finding generosity .of your, community jng; Juliette ! i hosne Chapln Koi- - CITY r'OTGH CO. ' tility. and unable of themselves to make possible the most comDlete and Marian Bertha' tor, Kathleen Stone, jKlcanor Wayson, estabiUOh normal human relationships your ke Mrs. Warner, "Mrs". John Erdman. "Gwendolyn Gurrcy, Frances Cooper, 0 J fc?ar,;ca for All Repair " mcdcrn equipment fcr workv v in foreign Shepherds Messrs. "Wamcr, Albert Locan Shepherd, YcsU Qulnn, Beth the environment . j ; ,The reports read .today show vcrk.. the ; i : uush, A. Brown, Charles Herljert, Nowell. Dorothy Curry. Catherine de ! Tcrt For the mothers, the children are 'most advanced and acl en U5c attitude r. ct Tel. HZ) orten only connecting Smith. Rasemaa, 5am Carter, John Peters, K. Vivian Shad-Giffor- the link between toward health and. sanitation on the 1 " Forrest Elsa W. Noble. Camp-Houg- h, strange feed-worl- Bull. French, Bockus, Alice soAi? themselves and the great art cf ycur teachers through the d lnger Geraldine A. flcnglw'CoIlliia;1". . 3 without the only Interpreters 0f tQe children,' the dispensary 'v .belt: Margaret MarcalUno.' Iwalanl thaperonea for shepherds and shep- - es away dirt of the new meanings and valses givencarft Kiven them. aid In supplying jacger, Paloma Jaeger, Sue Alston Will clean Mra Edwards, v to . r t J : Clarence . Angus. : Marie Louise lire. v : , toe tli brushes , and dental attention. -- '' jjonald Jean quickly and without effort Mrs. PllIOW.;-- 4" - . - The Little Child Leads. : , : - Jerome V ',' u.H.n TritfiM Miriam Mark- ; 'The scope ofyour work is far greater thAAVIana-ftanAfl-Mfa- NT- - , 2 nl-Tth- Will o' .r Your Grocer Sells It. Here the kindergarten is. of the any 1 I, lAy that cf society I know of in nf 1 icv;aunies,.''II ... . oauiu,. ; Sttl nrr louffor oaat STri C4h. k KQNOLttU, T.H most value its disregard of social Btales, covering as"lt does freo . .t ' .tt rK Marxsret Dyer. Doroen'.rmcaneii, sia barriers and Its admission of all races kindergartens. 4)larcrcrands. dtebensarv 1tnrttla bmS?LM 5? rlan' Forbes. Constance Constable. Mar .?n: r. into participation in the best oar coun-- 1 attention, a children's home, and the tn tl'.l Louise Erdman, Alice m. It SVULU P. Cwr.r;zTT"'. 'i try has to give to its children, must ia.cmg of dependent "children act! vi-- .'..ViWM .IWCVU iut CuttS disarm even tlie most deeply rooted Made by Crmr.'alontr cf DeecJt for California ju, generally assumed y a number .Chaperone Mrs. Agnes P. Driver. prejudice and distrust. It is the little ppara.te repre-rhil- d. HONOLULU SOAP WORKS ;- -J of organizations. It ' The Manufacturers Shoe tore how fitw York; NOTARY PUCLIC; literally, who leads the parent Pinir, Lemonade Chorus Misses Deeds, ClHs of - kmj.ia Mlldrd rrrrtthtr Wrvwf K.thJhas narrow widths in Misses and fon:ars, and tlie community into mstual vn- - r'hnii , ?, one direction of the nrobIemn concem- can LettcR, V.iils, Attorney for v leea Ruttnxan, Ida Logan,' f)orothy Yiung.Udies shoes and. properly etc ; derstandlng. . , - lng"the ' 1 ' f" child in your community. r: all these narrow Adv. ; Clslrict Courts, 79 CHCHANT ' ' Winter. Bernice Kahanamokni loin fit feet wane aauaias uas iu vusn . uic,Wh Na LInh h n ' 1. T..IZT, HCNCLULU,-Phon- e Sybil Carter, greatest miracle. accomplished ; In point your In Tlie .In reports 'where Gertrude Rlk 1 America, the Itnd of miracles, is ; - fV I 110 light Is in regard! - YOU WISH 'TO ADVERTISE IN the distance education places between shines, tb; the Chaperones Mrs. Bromwell and aay , proilsions J . NCYYSPAPCnS t in our lack of Institutions or airs.C CruIkshank. the first and second generations for defectlvo children and tliose suf Any where, at Any Tine, Call oa or Immigrant families; and she has in- Sheoherd Maids Misses VVinnlfred fering tepeclflc ,4is-ease- s. Write upon part from contagious Brown, Ynea Gibson, .Elirabcta JUST RECEIVED sisted seme effort on our Is' ,Uiat Bly.s It IncredfbJe a city so Marian, Paris, Margaret Y'oung. Ruth v f -- C C. DAKE'G ADVEflTll(C to lessen Uie bitterness of the sepa- arid generous a. G C N '; al- rich as Honolulu should Brown, Rachael Woods, lima Woods. , GY ( ration in thought and feeling that have failed to. provide care for -- if 124 6atom Streel San Francisco most Inevitably follows the initiation these Helen Dow, Peggy Campbell, Mildred two most unfortunate classes of chil- Ayera. Dorothy llawlt:; v;.;--;--;;;--- of younger members of a foreign fam- ' :.! ,. dren. VV vV ; Chaperones-rMr- a. ily Into ihe, ' ; -- ' , :v Raymond Brown,; v. v v American nope crying Mrs. - ' V &i BEL ::o:;oLULU dry goods co. Much'has been done In this direc- Iet'tis that this need Isaac'Coxv- IBID ; VUl ge ' Missies' Dorothy" tion, by the introduction Into cair .kin- wilt he Promptly .and adequately met Maids Pea- TWO WCCKS' tALC NOW dergartens ' and schools of the best Aga-l- let me congratulate you upon cock. Elizabeth WaUMarian Stodart organization upon rOulse .GIrtin. Lant Margaret traditions and practises, of the coun- - J JJl,rS,0t fficent Tinker. ii ilia trios from which cur immigrants wumSe lumanuy Tinker, .Maude, Neal,;Bemice Jaeger, - - . C7 Ct. C?p, CIJou Theater I whWi yon meeting- ypur Margaret . Sayres, Marr-re- t Paris,'-Watkins- Mctel v m... i, rrti,:irin h tiMnic 0 Are " deeds cf their heroes, by teaching , race mixtures, to which Ch a Mrs."-P---..."' ilarx, their sagas and folk lore, by observing I "" H.vou5uiiiuy lr !iilr fPt- - nnrl hv lh adtihUnn ori"uu"f?"3W '"uvnL3. r. (' Liv-Frcnc- strme cf their industrial. arts, aa weav- rs.r h. 1 Hourglass Tables 1 " ing end pottery. r ;; ; , ', WITCHES, CATS " cock Chairs ' back-grmm- f 'n:-:.- Children w ill respect the d .1. H - and practises of their imrenta. HALLOWEEfJ, C :'ir- Long ging Chairs coun- and the traditions, of the "old " v - try w hen they see them esteemed Jn Dont mlss sccln? i ' - a new world.:- - :; Hallowe'en hovt!l; r This has been especially brought out Co., Ltd., tig tc In ccnnecUon with the playgronnd cel--t play today, t3 H. HACKFELD & CO:: ebrations and contests In the atates. . tions, rtc Th w ; ' -- i CO . ... Limited, here prizes are given for, the best j folk laacees - on: tho Elbert IT. r Importers, and often by tucae Factors, ml fathers and .mothers who have been 'Caited C. Uailding B-i Bishop Street Commission Merchant. ' r considered auch "back numbers; and resi.r.r j ' ' - . ,i : --we ; rs 1 a.? J HONOLULU. where the bright gala .day costumes 1 pany r of the foreigners ham furnished -- the States l:. I STAR-BULLETI- HONOLULU N, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24. 1014. ELEVEN

? s; ' i

- 7 s 1 Iteyrs and Comment (QTr A To) TfuTT ffl- y Written by Experts L REDINGTOIT P 1 ' . ,J. ... , : ! ii V-- - v.- . r ,: . - y

BROOKLYN GRABS - TWO FOOTBALL GOLrING HINTS. iPEimu. ILID liER BY "STRAIGHT DRIVE. 4 SUPPERY' dtlEENSln thfe 4 DOUBLE-HEADE- V R SEVENtWIRLERS 1 SIffl'S SINGLE GAMES ONTAP hard finish, to to speak; many 4 1 r i 4 players lose all ability to gauge 4 their approach putta and even 4 PROMOTER H; G. LOWRY ARRANGES ROUND OF ENTER-- 1 4 lese many, opfortunltiea to sink AT 'V TONIGHT m-- m ISLAND CHAMPS Full TODAY f-- putta ranging for TA1NMENT TOR VISITING BASEBALL? PLAYERS WHO short from r two to ' WiLL HONOLULU NOVEMBER AND PLAY THEIR 4 four feet. REACH 16 Worm casts and stray leaves. double-heade- r in will By INITIAL GAME THE TWENTY-FIRS- T. of course, add to the difficulties A basketball Latest Mail Play in Men's Doubles Will Be McKinley Kamehameha and be played at the Y, il. C. A. tonight, BROOKLYN, N. Y. The Brooklyn of the situation. If we the Miils-Punah- hit game 8:15. r' on ou Will Provide ; Four eeks from today, or to be spent in Tisitlng the many points of ball with the forte that seems ne-- the first being called at Ball Club has signed eight new pitc- Corhhiencert Pacific and X. X. first clashes with the seascn !' exact. November 21, Honolulu fans will , Interest about Honolulu. cessary we frequently find It runs The club hersall right handers for the Moana'Courts Today Good Sport for Fans '.- - be afforded the Icns-Ioofed-fo- x sppor The following day, November 21, the yards beyond the pin and many P. I. C.s. a team which has not been of 1913, with an ironclad option cn in the game as yet. but which ' 151C; seven were tunlty. for on this tay at Athletic park, team will make itj Initial bow to Ho- times wanders far from the deslr-- 4 seen their services for defeating Wm. IL Hccgs, Jr., by Today's Football Games. 4 oppo-- " Br all-sta- premises a fast game for their In recent 6-- the r Venice Coast League team, nolulu fans, meeting the Punahoti team ed line toward the cup. secured the draft a score of -- 1, 6-- 2. 4, William Eklund At Alexander Field Oahu College lo-gan- 'a - X. X. clob, however, of picked from the cream of Happy I at Athletic park. Prior to this game All of this Is part of the game nenta. The hasj The expenditure for the release of yesterday rlnched the cham- vs. .Mill School, 3:30 o'clock. , '' ' them la point of practice players for release Ewa Tigera and icfnforced with three there will be ft street parade. Arriv- 4 of golf. I have found that as migh-- 4 the start cf these with that the pionship in the men's tennis singles. At Kamehameha' Field McKinley possibly major leaguers, will ing the baU'parh 2:8(1 way and the one game's experience against j0f players Myers, ' Getx, Callahan, High vs. 3:30 and four at about o'clock ty good to play slippery - class tennis was provided the Scfccct Kamehameha j Snow First " game of team will immediately begin prac - the Washlngtons, whom they defeated Schultz,- Enzman,' Steele and . v ,. ; cavort In the opening their the ( greens is to aim to have the ball 4 large gathering of spectators on the o'clock, Pun-abo- u Saturday night. expenditure of $23,00 series in town, meeting the crack tice. The usual ceremonies of tossing test three or four feet short of 4 last means5 a total Moana courts and every game of every v Plenty of good football is on Up at team. ' the first ball to the plate will be done pin. In most cases In the aecond game the Hawaiis for. the purpose t)f strengthening the tlAa the the ball 1 ' i - set was hotly contested. opposite ends of the city after - man tha nivTYinirs Hmv nlsn ari Dnhlna H. G. Lbwrey, who is promoting the away with and the grame with Puna- will gently find Us way close up 4 frt1HL On the;Mcana and Pacific courts noon, and Kamehameha and Alexan- evenly up J series lrr vhich Venice la to play, has hnn will Kf art nrftmnt I S 'n'rlrvlr i r tu tttsla Tlon smI vnn two balanced teams made The seven pitchers above mentioned in men's dou- thronged enthusiast- 1 this afternoon play the der nelds are with 1 y completed all arrangements for the Sunday. November 22, the , Tigers must make greater allowance for 4 of "a"of,tthe1?lt3r ' 2f f age'. will remmence. On the Pacific gridiron fans. Out Kamehameha e aTef1 Ii?0f bles ic, at AlM-hines- hl?n of crack- will-nla- local team. Ma 41 ages of .18, Many men in hight?and pounds in weight Hawaiian islands invasion the the mlia than vhm th rrn averages, courts, commencing at 2:30 Judd and the McKinley r High School eleven, have Mc-Keev- er Jacks and the team will depart from At first it was planned to call on some are slower. cn these Intermediate teams j Their HameS and Individual King play against Eklund and which last Saturday defeated Oahu ' never played 'the game before this .etc are as follows, viz: Los Angeles November' 5, for , San cf Sammy Hop's traveling Chinese while at Moana at 2:30 Guard College for the first time to seven f season, consist- - j " Appleton . of Arlington, Francisco.; There Jack McCarthy, team to reinforce the local aggrega - but with the harti and Edward Castle and lowrey and years to tune 6 to 0. ia playing 4 4 4 they ' and Barnes ts. the of League umpires; tion, but thU was considered unfair f ent practice which have been Texas, drafted from the Fort Worth 1 Hocg's vs. Llttlejohn s dean of the Coait floors 22 years Argabrite and the Kamehamehar aggregation, while second-basema- n team,-w- putting in 'on the Association's club cf the Texas League; is Oscar Vltt, star of the to other members of the local - and Davis Js the card. On the same at Alexander field Mills School la tus- "ability feet- In height , - icatcb-e- r fndividual haa been gained and of ' age. stands and Detroit Tigeri; Oscar Stanage, have worked hard all season for. courts s:30- Waterhouse and Nor sling with t)ahu College team . 't even very good team work. weighs 193 pounds. Hfr started hia pro- - at the of the same team, and "Death Val- the success of the , organization, and ten play against Lane and Hatch. The McKinley-Kamehameh- a game la games a:re ofT big , ' Beth pulled In the fssiona! career with the Lonariew at-te- ley" Jim Scott trill Join the Tiger and hnt actual members of the Chinese - perhaps attracting the majority of n games . hall and spectators are cor- tTexas)' club In 1912." played with the I: , party of 14 players, um- Athletic Union will take , part in this j " tana today-- stu- tb$ entire tall dially. is no' anfit Sherman (Texas) MARINES TRIRrOAHU ticn 'amen the as pire McCarthy, Owner Eddie R. Maler, game. No arrahgementa have been invited to attend. There Fcrt Worth dents and other; followers of charge to games. clubs to 1913. and wlth Fort wortn the players and the regarding Venice playing Sammy i LOSE UAME TO the FOOTBALLERS sport seem to see what wives of several cf the trade season's schedule follows: year. Appleton worked to 51 COLLEGE be anxious td any be J The this i . friends of the pla era will depart for Hop's aggregation." nor will I K'' the black and gold men can do ; ' Intermediate Basketball Schedule. tames to Sept 14 this season, win TH E Tli N E F 9-- 0 In Sierra, 'leaving San Chong figures ? he can ; ' 0 against husky hoodoo t Honolulu .the. trade. Tin October: xp. X. X.; nlng 13. losing 17 taken out of 8 and iti the cadets. The . . -- ,'. Francisco November 10. . ; place a formidable team in the field : which has followed In the wake of the ', vs.. Olympics. Ifltiished II;5 ' v re- , Hawaiis and Interesting game the - fbr-th- e ; Arriving here the team will .be and his club will be the only Chinese Mlchi-ingtc- In a clcse McKinley- football spirit past October 24 X. X. vs. P. I. C; Wash-- 1 L. J. Cadore of Tawas City. n i 4 V i s IT. ceived by Promoter Lowry, a party oi team to play the Tigers. - S. Marine football team defeated seven years evidently has been put to wf vs. Olympics. . (gan, drafted from the WIlkes-Barr- e friends and a committee from the Ho- ; November 26 tho Venice players willj College aggregation Thurs flight, at least that to what Coach ' Octoher 31 Washington vs. P. I. C? club of the New York State league. the bahit' nolulu Lodge of Elka and escorted to h fHTldd Into two teams with two - "Bar Rcsa of tlie high school says. Hawaiis vs. X. X. t did good work for "his cluh which An- day afternoon by a score cf 9 to 0. Young team will local players Joining cne two local The second match in the Club league The excellent showing made by Mc- the Hotel, where the and November 7 P. I. C. vs. Olympics; Ished the season in second place. Tho excellent coaching of Corp. Tut-tl- e Ho- series n the Y. M. C A. bowling Kinley ... be quartered during their stay to. players Joining the other. ;; Two of j Is- - age. 6 1 id gridiron last Saturday afternoon haa ftHey ;in a victory, for the vs. Hawaiis. dcre, who 22 years cf feet showed throughout the 'resulted -- nolulu. Oh the following day, Novem- these will be pitchers and two will be welgbs-18- 5 put the team, to the center of the sub-wi- 14 X. X. Olympics; pounds: the Ma ll November. vs. flnch tall and ' work of the Marines. For '. 17, party will about; 28, Alert team. The men from the - trail toward championship; ber the be shown outfielders. November Venice vs. P. 1. C. I J. Chabek of Cleveland, Ohio, ob- rines- - Schovan i at right end.? White the the team meet team, - marines took two out of three games Hawaiis ' team has started a long the Island. November II, the the Coast Defease and Seccnd schedule commences No- - tatned bji draft from 'the' Chamnldn at fullback and Hunter at quarter bore the trail and. ' one-hal- f 29 fro the Shooting Stars, a new club ' appearances wfTl Indulge In a one and on November Venice will pity a s , Trl-Stat- e Magoort frcm thus far. It ts goics vember 21. Harrisbure. club of the the brunt of the work, while 1 organized. : v.- hour practise stunt at Moillill f!eld return tH tha 9zth in- - which has Just been r to stay there. ; nrinmit . Games commence at 8:13. Coliegi-- - league, did wonderful "work for the at left ha!5 Ferguson at right end , r The AJerts rolled the hlghtotal of McKinley-Kamehameh- and In the evenicg win .tie the guests fantry team at Athletic park. - really Ffcllowing are the a con-wi- ll govern. . Chamoicns. His pitching kept and Johnston at left tackle were the ate rules - " ; ? the game, Erskine : at the" Popular thenter. As to the rest of the games. Venice - - years ' lineups: .- .; ' - game followed im- the club in first place. He is zb stars of the Punahou eleven, f Both ' tributing- thenG 200 score of the First half cf first - yet flrat ;. McKinley. ... .'v: Thursday. November 19, the Tigers play, the devils have not as game. r;f age, weighs ; 185 nounds and. Is d teams played good, clean football and Kama. - -- game went to mediately by first half cf second likely frie8- The second also . . .v.-.R- will leave Hcnoluhi la kutombbjles'at been completed. Punahou is to Fifteen minute halves. feet It Inches in height the contest was - thoroughly erijoyed a Mel!m. . . Amorij 10 o'clock, for Haleiwa or luncheon, ireet Venice to opening Moiliili field.- ''i8! l? ul?e $a2 W. G. Dell cf Butte, Mont, has been by bcth players and spectators, Rosehill . . ; .. .'. RT. . Bertelmann - ln the third a total returning to Schofield Barracks, where December 1. A game between pick- ba5tk with the Seattle elubv from which club The ItoeuDs were as follows: ; Lw .yi. RO...... i. Kani T WOO OUt " : ' V .....i,. yijLj ' aA frnm th Hotitt era anil UO A. Melim ..(!.. .; . McGowaa lue will lucu til bv haiuc he was, drafted, durinr the past two Marines. ' - - Punahou. iicii - W; in Hawaii, meeting the crack 25th In Venice has been talked about, but this ,: wbo 27 years of '. Chillingworth4 .. . .LG. ;i Namauu '' rolled taigh score of the evening with seasons. Dell. is ae, Cronin V...... LE...... Wocds fantry team.'. .November 2fr. will be Is improbable. 13 a giant to size, befna; 6 feet 4 Inches Lujan 4...v....;.LT...A Bertelmanri u 213 in his ohly game. Erskine carr- iiLpiii Boyer ,LT...... Johnston in height and weighs 210 pounds.' Dell Hawkins .ULE... H1U i i ied- off high, average for the three Bocher . Schafer - ...... 13.....-- 'r- ' officiated in 40 games this season with . . MOtt-S- Bent ...... QB...... Mitchell !- - games with 156. Jaehf ling averaged Wender .'. v . . C. . . ith won . 18 games, Brash (C) . ..HHB, .Makananl (C) . 143 y v.! f the Seattle club. He Evans ...... ,.RG..L. Bertelmann SEALS CO for honors on hii team. fin- Wcng v . . . . : 1RCIAY1L F1&20TIED lost 12, was taken out of 14 and . , GlJfcr .... . LHB. . . . , . . Cockett MM- The next match to the Club league ' Ahlf .RT ...,.T. J ; il-.- 5. "v'-'- v Kaubane ...... FB . . , . . . Hi pa ? ished "V ,'.. sencvan. . . .. v.. erguson will be bowled Tneedar evening trhea Morris,, Kt. Referee, 1st Lieut, Frank SBesson. v. the teams' led by H. Atherton And Edward Donald of Pdrtsmcuth. O.. Ward v.IvHB. . . . .M. Magcon y, C J Umpire, Glen E. Jackson. F. H.. G. ;Emmans picked Worn the was drafted from the Waco club of White ..i.....k.FB.;;..;.A. Brown TO PLAY L0 OLYtil'ICGAilS The Punahcn-Mill- s game : 40 men in: the business xnen.'&V Bible ATFirairtLi the Texas league. Donald pitched in Jeschke . . . , . ,.RHB ... .4 Farringtcn . proml3f r - .. .' .. . . 41 gam season, heuwon. 5 to' be interesting and l. r . : ,. v.,. : class will meet at 8 O'clock following est this of which iiunter . t, . qb. ; , . . a s. Ausun hard fought r the regular 'class " session; conducted 30, lost 4. lied 1, taken out-c- f 3 and Several changes - have been made cn . 7. ; , , ; ; 1 college team, ; : .ByrLatest MaU.l finished ' was 1 games won, 2 lost, out the the lineup now be!: , t-- by Rev. A.: A, Ebersole. . :v taken ' -- . ' The- record and -- ,. ' as fellows: . . 5 CALLATIIumE ;? Last night's results: . ; FRESNO world's R. H. Goodbred cf Mayo, Fla- - 24 of 6 and finished 2. v ; ? V v - 1 i':.,':': - - the Pacific coast record for the 220 of age, a giant, he R. B. Howell Rouge, La P. Wood3, left end; II. Johnston, V' Games year8 another of Baton . . - ALERT 1st - 2nd v 3rd TOt yara run. were equaiea ana iue "weighs 215 pounds and stands 6 feet was drafted upen the recemmendation left tackle; Ku!a,,left guard; 8. Mctt-Smit- h, two-fifth- s -- by a , ' pur-sece- nd center; Lyman, right STANDING, European may. making Erskine .... 200 127 141 468 yard record lowered of 4 lncne9 jjigh; his release was of. Kid Elberfeld. from the Chatta- guard; COAST LEAGUE The war be 1 Giffcrd, right here a the California track and nooga . tackier Ferguson, rUht s t' by Wireless. the next year's Olympic games in Ber- Ashcroft 142 143 133 420 chased from the Oshkosh club of the club of the Southern league. Associated Press Fed. field championships held to connection Wisconsin-Illinoi- s end;' Magcon, left half; A. Brown, full- t lin very doubtful, but at the same Shaffer f ...... 149. 130 152 431 . league: Goodbred Howell is a "bean pole'! In statue, be with the Fresno district fair. Georgo t h 6 3 back; S. Austin (capt). quarterback; , be- Mellien 143 137 ,363 ing feet Inches tall and weighing A. y:;. ; w. L. Pet time records of different sorts are and Wm. ,NapIhaa, right this; Buck ..... 167 , '104 138 409 Parker equaled, both, the records kosh dab, who won the championship but 197 pounds. He won 9 games, lost halfback. 82 .579 ing broken pretty regularly in - Portland . 112 U. A.- a, oi ...4. country, s Hoeniscn seii of their league, Gobdibred's overage S2 'y-K rd Lfca Anjelea :....k...113 351 f ". seconds 44 run; r .": In automobile Industry there Totals . . 801 :.;64S 649 2093 forthBi RITCHIE AND DUNDEE San Francisco ..,...4ll1 95 t 39 'the -- " The Olyjmn.ic. ciub won the meet never haa been a season in which so Games- ' ' ' Venice . 96 ..535 - ...... 111 STARS 1st 2nd 3rd Tot Results:. v ;- OPEN SEEN. ;ifi FOUR ROUND DRA'.V Missions . P7 118" .424 many fst cars have competed aa this Olympic Club,i 55; Caledonian Club, MOM PLAY f 1 Faria . 97 9 186 : 75 127 J71 year, both at Indianapolis and later at Uni- Oakland ' - 41; University California, 27; Wlliiama . 4 21.$ ,213 of Associated Press by Elgin, as well as the many meetings 22; Fed. Wlreler.3.1 Treptow - 110 104 113 329 versity of Southern California: SAN FRANCISCO. 24. Willi a a other places. ; This as shown . In ON FQOWALL EELDS Oct Kiiiam 130 v:: 94 Stanford, 14; ; Lo: Angelea Athletle 24. Condi- the most striking manner the other day '140 .364 Ritchie, former lightweight champion LOS ANGELES. Oct School,' 9; ' -- Ch tidy Club, 10; Bakersfield: High 1- of ...... 115. 121 160 396 - , By . beginning the world, tried through four tions and the score were reversed here when Bob Burman, in his Peugeot and Sherman Institute.' 5; Occidental Col- Latest Mail: ithe foundation for the of Louis Disbrow to Simplex Zip both Jaehrling 162 141 123 428 NEW YORK. Enough football this realization to this section of the rounds here last night to score a vic- . yesterday, the Angels defeating the a. ' 1 ; Club, ; has e , lege, Sacramento Athletic, I effort-wer- " n tory over Johnny Dundee. His as they broke the world's dirt 1 5 army s memorable Tigers in the same manner trackrrecorJ' Coalinga High School,. ;" been played 'to mike It. apparent that i "Tii, ' : Totals 614 ; . 593 707 1916 !. v- - same Bcore, for 15 miles. .'""" .. i v, .feat havy at the Polo ground futile and the best he could g:t were beaten and by the Sensational performances were quite 'v-- antlauat-- ? v, ! the old nrtocinles the was a draw. Dundee forced the -- After the Elgin to whldi Spen- fitti- . Francisco McCredie'a tnen rce of the ed style play; which ad--, jj At Sin cer Wishart showed such astounding RESERVED SEAT SALE theorder j of has been ng In eery round and kept Ritchie again walked away for the Seals and will down ' t.ttejich 10 so tenaciouslr by coaches in makel ohe7 on the jump speed with a Rayfleld equipped Mer g? - h"ed bave duTing the off S8easom TneT'haTe at all times to break even fighting td keep ALL-STA- . , ot the East-h- ave now Ewing'e men are FOR R , GAMES fornla track the been relegated to the with his lighter opponent Tigers for cer. Boh Burman made up his mind :BfL weighed the play in the balance as it from being beaten hy the greatest, eventeverjga by the sudden realization . weighed before, he woald experiment witli .. any -- - vaa neTer and the third tlace.. . ') - oti TO CLOSE THIS EVENING vv est rot only urea King 0f the real Possibilities afforded un-- J men trimmed other carburetor, bu would alwaytknse performances jet np,. but vmarks tln At Oakland Christian's ; i der the rules. It has been shown that fityle of plxty displayed by the elevens t The name of our preparatioa' a Rayfleld; . - mm game. : The com- Ui6u-- u M a the Missions in a lopsided He secured Immediately, placed reserved seat sale for the eeij.efeui i xne preseni season wm oe repiexe wiui to their initial workouts. ' - It , m Following are the results of yester- ing, baleball series to which . the AH-- aer. rarkers ,worK m inetiunong more onen nlar than ever before. Krsi:i.i::rv' t:::;3 on his. old car and in first race Princeton and Yale hre setting the " - It the way the other per- . day's games; 'i ,.?"V'T. Star Venice team of the Pacific Coast ho overshadowed pass i in' whlrh h ft at PnHa ' ' The forward and its deviations ;pace lust at present, but It is known ii changed to Scnsapersa.' nsd rrfnr.1 League; will - formances. . M- - At Los .Angeles Los Angeles 6,r 15 take part at'. Athletic v : The ingredienta-th- e quality the world's dirt track record for When man can., step through ya -- - : " park next will a f Venice . ; ; ; . j this moth close at the store formerly employed only f at . times paid to it all of the Eastern the oriental properties of thia t v miles from old time of 13:30 held M.r at other Sah of A. Gunst & Co. this1 evening at TsomV hen defeat was Imminent-- and encampments. And this reason , wonderfully wcefnl nerve At San Francisco Portland 5, by Louis pisbrowi to a new record of hSi 1-- 5 'for - ne 'iS i no' " " o 1:59 is ' : : 9 clock.- From the advance sale and Zin' n. .ith tablet remain absolutely the . V i ' :': j j. more speed Francisco 3. . " 12:47.. r V. t.t ' . ' as orders for opening day and season i .y.. r,m could save the day, or r when ' ever" before. A combination of same. At Oakland Oakland 11, MUsfdni Just the excitement! overt this reservations, WilfUDIiUt atban' is a dependable remedy . ' - the banner crowd of. the tem was so firmly Intrenched behind theft and speed is the Ideal It , achievement was at its height a tele- - ' fni.;v1 - for nervous debility, impoteacy- grata was by Judges hand to welcome try the tion. as always.- but to eases where The Raymond Trust Company, of received the a U folldwera --cf the sport TheyS.vhave ' sleeplessnoui,. es - despondency. ri-.- . I play or plays, even in event of fail- Is a question of sacrificing to a i PonHsi aeeation the it heft :- tna stutA fafr mimi). f Arir thi tmZiSl few runners to this neck of the woods Weak memory, wasting-o- partk, i. who a Ray There are still a few" of the standing ure, would not jeopardize ultimate vie-- get speed coaches are unhesitatingly following a run brought by rumors of Louis Disbrow. alsouses who could do as well , irZ , ,: lost vigor and any fortuof neu - orders uncalled for and if are making the sacrifice. Insolvency. Deposits were approxim- field, had driven hia Simplex Zip 15 these ; Horlne showedi the comeback stunt rasthenia. Our preparation not taken up thU evening gener- - ately $150,000. j miles over a dirt track at Minneapolis these Beats again to the high jump and cleared the Briefly, the passing game was The Spectator. aow called ; - m will placed pol-- mm 1 27 seconds than his old record. be oh sale later and the t 6 ally regarded . as being composed of game faster ' . -- . ... bar In the high. Jump at feet 1H And thi3 will make the far .. -- icy, ;come take-off- . . Brog-'- . 95 per 5 per ability John Dewell cf JIamden, 'who set s It;sometImes happens that the same oi iirsi nrst served will Inches from a poor , cent luck and cent more interesting for the army of spec prevail. ' "y- fire to his wife's home, was sentenced" record is broken twice the same day Strom's pole vault mark was a pretty and accuracy. It was too much of a tators . which annually : pays homage - in the superior court at New; Haven fend in the iameV place. .but it .Very . The object of opening, the sale at clcse approach to record, figures,' as gamble to take unless in the expedi to the snort,; There remains only one to frcm two to four years in state's rarely happens that it is broken twice such an early date was to allow pros was Murray's flight of low hurdles In ent circumstances already referred to, thing for the authpnties to do to make ' ' prison for arzen. - -- 'X v.the Satoia flay at different p!ceg This, pectlve patrons of the games an. op 0 : 25. You can pick out almost any Dire necessity or' positive security watching football games a 'pleasure .hasbroughtnapptnesMtrengtb 9 m j achieved , by Bur-- find were the only excuses for. its employ-men- t a guessing contest num rigor and vital power to thou-- L . however, has been portunity to obtain the same seats they event and see results that would rather than -- men-yoons- r,' yearn . . . . . ; ";; ' ; . ; : v sands of old kad - Antonro Tanpo, said to he a student man nd Disbrow this : used throughout the Oahu League sea a place to national championships. ber the players. ? middle aged; it will brinj to Albany law school, stabbed and . Burman was well on hia way to son. After evening Meets of the class of that staged to The OUI Guard., Is well to - this agitation at the this the uncalled It start- you potential eaergy so - Miss Cromer, a Schenectady, break the records for longer distances for seats will be placed with Fresno are ranldly bringing the coast early, for then It may eke way eund- killed the rest In great measure this was due to its ant that your - whole pltrsical him- -' when the blowing of . a tire put him athletic situation Into a prominence ' schcol teacher, and then stabbed and the regular safe of seats will open 4 regime of members of old Into the consideration of those who ; ' - the the and mental beinj; will be filled " : v"-- will place ; "radi-ca- P condjticn is critical-- out V rl '."(" V; November 14...... that soon this section of the have . the: power to make this - aelLVHis ' fr .r guard coaches who as players had and thrilled with the triumph-;'s- nt country to the fore rank on the cinder :' ; rever been asked to play this combin- change before the big games consciousness ot power. ' path, as is already In tennis and ": ; ;'. it football-basketba- ll game. have been played. ; ' P ;1914--W'- ation The . Cat a fcj ci3j i i i m CHATJPIONSI-H- S SINGLES other outdoor sports. possibility of the always In spite of the immortal quotation Jl TEMS Drew won the hundred and Kelly fatal fumble predominated. , They argued was of Ketcham, Yale's 1913 captain, that 74 Cortland tSL. New YorSt. X. V. f.S. K. V'vA. L. Castle, bye.--. high perform- it ' - V the hurdle, but their pass Yale players were playing for Yale A - " Wr Castie, ances not come up to expecta- impossible to perfect the forward UL ' T 9 !W.rL. Warren, bye. l H did so the degree of accuracy could and glory and not for the newspapers, and Chambers Drug Co Eklund that - br LtJLr ;;w. Eklund. bye.. tions. - ;.-- when it was' suggested that he num- I v; 6-- 3-- 6, 6-- 6-- count of 6-- 1. 4, in favor . Eklund. ; i; 2 It players, proved W. P. McKllntock. ' ber his it has been that lm':' '"With younger mentors C. Henoch, bye.....V.. i ; WANT A 'WAR MAP? the advent of the spectator, ,who is merely "permit- Eklund old guard on duty ' the still as coftohes theT games nomf-ha- l WV. 0-- 6, 6--2, 6--4, 6-- ted" to see, for the Mckeevef. 3 recognize A limited number of war maps of have been forced to its price of two or dollars), 13 Lowrey , Lowrey way younger three A. Hatch ': 7-- 6-- worth by tha rivals liave 5, 3 Europe have been secured by the entitled to some consideration.'' It ' Is ' 4-- C-- ... Star-Bulleti- n perfected its" use as a scoring medium. 'A,'J' Lowreyt ; J Lowrey, 6, 3, and. are offered to pat the "fan" whd helps materially in the O'Dowda rons of this paper at the very reason They have been ibowh that' players support of" college athletic associa J. O'Dowda 6-- - - 4, . C0 - o able price of 15 .cents, the order to can be taught, to; use It and use It tions. v ' ...... S A C. Norton J- H. - - :. ! successfullyr -- ui6ogs; );.;v:' be accompanied by three coupons clip- . V'' 'U- Suppose the' same treatment 'was H. T. Osborn r fall-to- g v :i I c 6-- 6-- 2 ped from this paper. The coupon is Until now the movement the accorded baseball "fans' that Is doted v r 1 uk w..m...... Hoogs.., W. H. Hoogs, Jr. ? llne-h- as Here out to r 'r-'vJ published In another column. This in been scattered. the football enthusiast. What t lDavisk' ' ; ?.;..; , 6--1, 6--3. - - E. C. Lane 1 map takes in all of Europe and enables and there on the football map the for- would happen? Baseball would be 6-3- ' V J ,' 8-- ; A; Davis 6-- ward pass became more prominent flat upon its back. The argument T. U ...... ) 4 . Hooga : the reader to follow the activities of left M O K: B. Barnes, bye...... j" ,9ard...... '' 13 0 6-- year. year 1, 6-- 3, all the European warring forces. Re each succeeding But this mayTe advanced that baseball J default " From 10 a. m. t? 5: ' JC use promises be generat. It Is more a cchimerclal proposition than . J." B. Guard, bye. ; ) member that the supply is limited. .. its to of ! I Graham III about to be written Into the methods football, but cannot be cir- M. Graham, 4-- 7-- 6-- Steere the fact R. f 6, 5, 4 V " A. gu:;: ev... : r 11-- 9, 5-- 7, 7-5- 1 Teal scoring medium.-- - , support " Colonel Horace A Ruichtos . Civil of play as a cumvented that without the il ? WM. Argabrite, bye.. veteran and Standard Oil Com Its Introduction; f sy of thousands of 'spectators :. CI GAP. CT! Steere, 8-- 6, war' : John Waterhouse, bye. pany official, died at Madison, : N. J., Notre Dame's notable defeat of the ; could not possibly be played: on a3 ! F. E. Steere, b7e..... aged 76 years. ' ' ., : . .: army at West Point last autumn laid large a scale, a3 it now is. ... HONOLULU STAlBULLETIN, SATURDAY, OCTOBERS, 1914. v . trwntvE VUUV Act """ JS avW

I ' : i -

- ' ' : ?.- 1 -' . - social calendar. Sha is an accomplished musician and Actlvs Year Planned by D. A. R. planned to study music In Berlin this - . Aloha Chapter,'- Daughters of the Dance at Pearl Harbor. year when the war was declared. American Revolution., la planning an - Mrs. Francis Day: Honored. i Mr. Gaylcrd is the son "of Mrs. active year. '. The, 1914-1- 5 announce Harden-Gaylon- L ' ' Charles Adams and a brother of Mrs. -- xnent, Just issued gift the following Tho Catholic Fair. . : ; Walter Dillingham of thU ctty; Th i - " , -- program: . . Mr. James Wilder a Host weddlna;. will take plac In West VIr GeneraJ subject: ,Early Settlementi A RecepUcn- - fcr;Y W; Cr A. glnia some time la December and Mrs. s . Colonial Meeting:: Uv - o( . plan to go cero In the United State and the cf Daughters th Adams east for the ' , -. r'-- - - ": . mony. - period.- y : American Reioiutionr . ; I't- 19 A- S; V ' October Hostess, Miss - Miss Mildred Brom well's bance. . . ' ; : & Marsh; assistant hostess, Miss 8. A. Mrs, Stainback's Party. r. ' tislt-tn- g " ' Mrs: Francis R. Reed, "who Is Davis. ocletyi . V OThe Hawaiian ' her- - sister, Mrs. V M. Statnback, rw. . . Subject "The Eastern O States To Visit Mrs. Hara.. m ill be the guest of honor an In- ' at ' Caiuthrs-Bowerfln- d. . Chairman Mrs. A. R. Keller. t ' formal dinner this evening: at which Taper Mrs. J. A. Pascoe. Miss Agnes Sullivan Jfonored. A Mrs. Stalnback is entertaining at the Taper Mrs. A. R. Keller. A Shower for Miss Lenihan. Outrigger Club. The guests will spend Reading Mrs. V L. Moore, Mrs. Frank' Applin a Hostess. . surfriding tertainiiig. a portion of the evening and November 23 Hostess, Mrs. C H. Miss Tnea Gibson En later sapper will be served beneath Atberton; assistant hostess Mrs. The Miss Beatrice Castle to; be. Guest .pergola.' ; the hau tree The Invite! odcre-Richards- . r : . cf Hcnor :. ':!'; . guests Include-Mrs- . Francis R. Reed Subject "The South." of Chicago, Mr. 1 and Mrs. James I k Chairman Miss Ia J. Topham. navy officers have Wn stationed. ; Cockburn. Miss Florence Hoffman, &, H; - Fa per Mrs. Douglas. This week Ctptsm and Mrs R. M. Miss Thelma Murphy, Mr, C. IL Olson, Taper Miss C. Church. ; Cutts entertained at an informal lunch- Mr. John Macaulay, 2su Sidney Carr. Paper-- Miss HummeL ','-- . ', eon at their quarters at Pearl Harbolr, ; .Miss Lena Johnson, an Eastern society glrU; who is' spending the; winter lij Bongs S. A. Davis. . Miss the guests including , several society ':- ; - : . At the oWigger Club,V . V.;'"''t";". -: .Honolulu.;. . . Photo by Perkins.; January 25 Hoetesa, . Mrs. James folk from town. An effective combina - One, of 3 le; assistant Wstess, Miss Abbie tion of yellow African daisies and mat- of the informal affairs the of these matrons have attractive child week.waa the picnic which;. ' -. : : ofthe at l)OW. vV- . week the Outrigger Club the denhalr ferns formed the attrattlv de at wa ren c Mrs. Pine's little daughter. Bar Mrs."C IL Atberton was'hostess on . --Sab'pct "The Mlddle-AYet- coration for the table, at which covers tea at wnicn Mrs. wmiamanorcpson bara, is a dainty bit of loveliness, and Wednesday1 in honor ol alias Julia' Cea Chairman Mrs. ' ' B. entertained Mrs. Gordon Us borne Mrs C.;B.hdrewsr were laid for Admiral and Mrs. C Is . said to; resemble . her handsome ner and Mrs. W. O. Atwater. The . " Us-born- Taper Mrs. H Hu ;' L. Judd, Mrs. Hackett and Mrs. e, r 'j T; Moore, Mrs. Andrew Fuller, Mrs. mother;... :, . guests motored to Mrs. , Athertoa's, on '1 hursday afternoon. - l Miss C Hall f Sarah Newcomb,' Mrs. Horn and Cap- Sr Ralley, formerly Miss 1 ;'r - Mrs. George summer home, Luakaha, In Nuuanit nemlalEcencefl W,'HalL ' ;V.- Mrs..VV tain and Mrs.; Cutt. '4 Alice Cooper, has , written : that her M a rtb, 8 Ch a Birthday-- - valley, early in the morning and kpent For pter; Mvi'Y. - ;.v ', o ; : Preparing for M istress Mary. : baby boy; Is growing every minute. v the eatlre day there. ; Mrs. Athertoa'a Hostess, MrsFredl), Damon; assist Colonta, " Mrsquerade at the "Two of the groups of young lad lei Mrs.- - Bailey viaited her: parent here : sint hostess. Miss M. guests Included Mrs W. 0.vAtWatefli Miss Mary Johnson is telephoning in Mary"! Invited ago. Calleys Benner in "Mistress have been about a' year i The ,ar Miss' Julia i Benner, Mrs. Edwin -- Subject "The Far..West.:.: .XU vitatlona to the' .Hallowe'en ; masque--( Mrs. M.,;Swanxy they v to the .home of P. living in Waahington, where have Mrs. 0. P. Bush. Mrs. J, A. Ken Chairman Miss Abbie Dow. - " ' 'r rade which Is to be cnepf the winter's pictures . - -- ' "' this afternoon to have thei a beautiful home.. . nely, Mrs. Z. K, Myers. .. . ' ." Taper Miss Agnes alml-tajte-n Judd social affairs at the Colonial. A in costumes fori the entertaln-la- r Taper Miss Abbie Dow. - affair' give.n last year was ;mp3t- ment; jThe woodsprites, onesectloa Mlsi Virginia Sullivan Hawaiian Songs. who-haVe A Dinner for '.' ;' enjoyable . particu-invite- d Canca for the Younjtr Sat v T and thoee been, of the players, are to receive ? Virginia Fran-ciac- o April iy For Day ; Miss Sullivan, the San Paul Revere to the coming dance are look-- ; , young : of the younger set are - - lar attention ' as these ladies girl ' wfo has been visiting In Colonial dinner. . eagerly anticipating the dance to Ing forward to the occasion , with a making t -- have much to do towards the a A. R.; D. A. R. a ' Honolulu for the past tvo months, was giTen on the 7th of November by pleasure". : ; Jlhu great deal of ; performance a success ; i r - din- I!ay. 31 i the, motif for a prettily- appointed Hostess, Mrs. Hall, : "will-o'-the- Mildred BrocjweIl the young Cxz WW. Saturday morning the - 'hter assistant hostess. Miss C Hall. I ' ner on Thursday evening at which En- of Colonel and Mrs. Charles o. Lromi Mr. John Guild a Hostess. '.wlsp girls been invited to kiss Lowry enter- Annual reports. : ; hae sign and Mrs. Frank J. well, U. S. A.'' Mias ' - ' ; A delightful atialr of th r weekr waa; .EronwclI ia one; --TV . Nora Swanzyg to a sewing beV and ; S. S. Flection of ofUcers. . Cj . . 'OS: tained on board , the U. Alert delightful the' A tea . , Mrs." John of. the members at ' the at. whh OuIld4iCTeryone wiU ; DUgy nuiking Yellow was scheme for the Tlie officers of the chapter are: on Tuesday : .... -- ,- the color younger aet "and Is seen at all of the trternooaln tQmes for , Mistress Mary."- The was out Repent, Mrs. of-Mrs- decorations and carried with William Alanson Bry hener . Atwater and Miss affairs of the' young people both'. of WO. woodgpntes" t the; tn; vice regent Mrs M. Atberton4, s and chrysanthemums! Covers were laLi. for J. , Benner. Yellow was the .Jre-rwj- the service and town circles. recording secretary, Miss Agnes E. two of the dancing gfbupV Miss Virginia Sullivan, Lieutenant and ' treasurer, Miss V. . T n'11r Mr and Mm. - P. Charlotte - ; Hall; ,s yeUow chry- tt-v,- 1- Beckiey, frequent and quantiUes of fluffy - f i k.r. Mrs. A. Gartley historian, Mrs. George C, topula.,matron of the smart set; who Is a Scanland. Enalgn Parker. Ensign Wills '"""'A IV VA vUUin:.:r V - " " ' Mary t and-iieJlghtfu- l hostesai ' ;;- ; Lowry. :i uuD.wa uecraw Mi?s 8. Lawrence; chaplain, . and Ensign and Mrs.' ft"' vuwtr IU1 UUU1UUL LUC 1 VUIUO A. DtUlD f Wl F of an' informal tea on Tuesday; afte A. Francis Judd; program com-- r , ; ladies spent afie :::-- JCorea,, A number of affairs have been The prizes were wen by Mrs. Mlmot the noon w nen m rs i;araa rz r ; sa en Miss A. B.1 Marsh, --Miss M, L - :' l Guild and, the guesUf of. honor. . planned for Miss Sullivan for the few Ellis and Mrs. phisterer, Sr, and Mrs. j' V'" for -- ' Artrcng, Miss M. S. Lawrence. - Domino Tourney. C'.1;;: f .' Honolulu,' -f-triia. a ,'.dalntv 1 ::ir-y?'m- rUl: ;ii.L- I Mrs. nusxvcai ana wn. rm in the .:V:r;.:'SfwfJl1 days she will regain in Johntttnn aivn ku. J1 Aarney,vMs M.. , -- V. ; ; " 1 - conunuauy Bearing :l.Much interest. shown In charming young woman nas maae nriiP. Rnm. nfihA ladiea nrpsent were Cards at tht COurtland.i;' r r Wt are iniereai haseen aad 11138 - rlTi is . :n Ccpld - v kj-- , the domino tourney at the Pleasanton, x v TjV:s ths . . - . v . i it s Johnston, mm. limot ! Mrs.i oeorger r. uumoert or Fort r ing Dits,ot news irom jime rmu ' ' a. ; tt Mn J V i-.- ;. L . - f" many, guests taking. ;' - '5l; A. v Hi KirHi.' ' i vciiT army posts have1 Us, Mrs. Demmer, Mrs. Phisterer, Sr, J Rugert was hostess atrtdwUaiirt-ra.- , Olaf HnstvedLormerly: the of the at the hotel v" affleers at the games Ahl--? . Miss 1' 'cr.t love: take ope, for Mrs! .Frederick phisterer, Mrs. Nichols, Wednesday afternoon 5at ; the Hotel pretty Cooper twlns.Ysobel and Irene. part in it. At the ciose of the Sylburn fPurvls and MfJ. ' been ,in constant attendance during ' a v.lll ' Ccurtland. aster.-- ; and - ; ' young daughters ofJudge: and silver loving cups were given to .Mrs. born are expected to H turn front "ro Hire's there's a .ay.: ; I : Mrs. George, F. Humbert, Mrs.' Micks, Pink; maiden These e her stay in the islands. : moniing-wher- Mrs." - . :.s - Were 'the . Cooper married two EJ G.'Dulsenburg and' Donald Gllmore, Kauai tomorrow" ircvei recently la San Jose, Mis. Carpenter and Mrs. Applin. . hair fern seen" oat: card iifrs.: Henry t.E v, - contesC-- been-visiting . C. . Lea r retty a papi p.:i'n room and dainty; cen sees of Ilow-- 4 ipopular oiflcera in the nayy. and. short who were the most'sTiccessfuI Ahlborn h's at Us rur i:tanUu's' J Ms: W. D Westervelt 'r'-:- :l- - th-.-- - ' hcr-eo- e 'v:: i vis home.:;" Mi3S mirvis will ta; t Jvt ' ' .."-V;-.- V;. ; , were paarried ahts :. or ' ! ;. Earrings A'flain.';-.- " era and ferns ornam ,X'the Kables ly after the THustvedts, cornnunlcate . r . ''ir ' " ncose-gue- s ; Entertiin. i. - Mfresh-- 1 VC i:- - V Yv'4 of Miss Rose Herbert trivia Ecyd," who had laid sk"Je D. en- The high headdress and fancy ear- where the guests rwere eerved orders from the JiaAry Dspartment took r Ji .T i:. - vMrf. and Mrs. W. Vestervelt VV'ftnX Wednesday .; when aha ;;uv L-- : 1. rt. Like JifileL" was rings always go hand in hand, and ments. t At the cldpeofc thVfternoon them away Lieutenant and Mrs.' Pine Mrs,!w; 0,' Atwater and Miss' v - an Informal dinner on 1 -- ; La tertained at year, Complimented. 1 Hawaii, where she will. Visit h ix ccu2lnA . : rcpi ronton, a wealthy Mr. and after n absence of many years' have prl2e8'were given the Iadieswith the,1 remained iherea' little over, a JuUa Benner lt. Tuesday evening'tn honor of - e Mrs. H. OreenwelL : :h cv r rr ct Califcrnla, was very returned to win greater highest scores.- Airs; Crow'nrrecelYei 0ien thew-wer- orderea south. : Both One of the most enjoyable affairs W. Sheba. .. favor than - MrsS: Hi's. a :. .L'.ltiri were stopped,-- the "Last, night they were host and host- ever. It has been difficult to win apa Canton ;Chln'dish, Wallet. . . , , '.c:.3 lir.3 w.ns cut and so pre-- jii u f ai us cuii w. - ess to the members of the Japanese ivi ouiuis vui uin ? l V.t a stem btr'Mcs t: : J! m's! show! was G. .;.is , wiadc'.v- to venrn? Mr. and Westell? cturer. of the attractive gewgaws. Thj consolation gen io Mrs, lrc:a takir.2 the ladirr.rcute, pictures taken r - ed some attractive durvlh LbMsnior!-.:- guests lo:l:ed 1 retty dcrk fJr 'Ilel'- - w incnea tons - Ing their recent trip to Japan, which' ? 1 c-- Paul Malone, Mrs. Frederick Phister- . I t he M net give up heps. were Interesting to the guesta of brilliant stones or cut Jet are con v Mrs". - ; D, . : 3 a very young man - : sldered very fashionable and have been er Phisterer, SrV Mm S "V . . ; i"u : never teen seen at all Vpf ; the recent functions. Barnes, Mrs" B. T. ; Moore, . Mrs. .... ' ' A J. tint hai C 1 An cf Interest. Wllmot Ellis,-- B. rre. lie consulted his law-- ; Ersement The. gipsy circle- - of gold or Jet. has Mrs. WillUm Lymer, iSZi1 . 1 i Mrs. : Lacas, Edgerly, . jed a WTlt cf habeas cor--- decreed to be in good Uste. Sarah Mrs. g ed in . . ... f- - cr '.m.inii-- Mr. Stanton Mrs, A. Hocking, Miss Florence. Hof Miss . Frances Isabel Canithers and ; eiLh. jra," 3 1:3 of inJSy;d F;rt Brirfn man, Mrs Mnnter,? Mrs. E.' J. QH FIRST :"TIME.', daughter la court - TO BE SHOWN MONDAY FOR THE Lieutenant Frederick Bowemnd, U. S. -- Km-manstM- rs4 when he saw what had The Fort Ruger Bridge Club wasi. en Mrs. C, W,;.Waller, Mrs. Floyd N., is with the U. S. S. . Albany. ' who ; V Charles, C. Demmer, Mrs. . . . . lr.clir.ed reprimand tertained on Satnrday evening by vs to No date has been set for the r-:- definite Nichols; Applin .n, Mrs. Nicholj H. F. Mrs. Frank Mrs 1 but "All the world Lieutenant and Harold F. 1 .4 wedding, but it Is expected that. It will S. Lincoln, Mrs. George i i;vcr," ar.a Le merely said at their quarters the army post. The C Freeman, secur-tingja- n take place In the early spring when it Miss Laura uTopham, Mrs Francis JWe ex emely fortunate in t!.r crv.rt Effair was all prizes were' wen by Dr. Demmer, Colo- are tr i - '.1 Lieutenant Bowerflnd returns from the - FrenchMrs.' Glbbs, Mrs. Bartlett, Mrs. . h 5 i:va was over.18, and nel W. E. Ellis and Captain J. S. John- Pacific waters where he. Is now on D. N. Swaa;Mrs. Thomas H.' Brown,'. of hats at a low i ir:; an artment yeiy - :ri :i hour later. ; ' duty. The popular young officer Mrs. ECv.f Mrs.' Frederick W. :. r fernB Vera effectively arranged in the Srnii. - W;- - price ahdJthat this jtrahsaction" may;, be js - a graduate fAftsanolts.,ta?l! JJ those present Metters, Mrs. J Xyster, Mrs. J. Cccitty. McDonald-an- d i is known In the navy set here. B. Mrs.; P.Av Cook i . :: r . ty were;Colonel and MrsrW. E.E1I18. mutually beneficial we will r sell them at J le'J Its rirst ' ! - - ";kl - : S. Johnston, , a J J ."?; cf th- - f Captain and Mrs. J. ?" this at the home, of .' : . In Phls-O- An Art Exhibit. ; ; ? r fiavy Weeding the- East Madam Mrs. f rt c i: yesterday ".f--. PKsterer, Frederick : 7 to Honolulans wUl be the Ueuten-new- s . Society folk are looking forward to $775 eachv 1 !;. :: r- -e Interest tered, .Dr. and Mrs. Demmer. 11 in hopes that Miss the art exhlbft Alexander Young! v of the wedding of Beulaa Mrs. Daniel N. Swan, Lleuten-Eato- a at the . :il t tci ;i:Lcd this year ant and ' t Hepburn and Lieut. Robert M. - hotel on Monday afternoon to which' t thvy vi'.I 1 ve some-- . ont and Mrs. Geor?e Humbert- learned. took' place in they, have' been invited by Mr George : - re Emmet, U. S. N.? which . cf tha Hawaiian language ... a .. .ai ml ... .. Seiden Roc bach While low in price these hats are i v n iciaseneia, conn., cn me u. u r and Kenneth Alexan- : 5 er:-I- ty r.cxt i v . A Thursday Evening Dinner June. The first Mrs. Emmet is tne oaugmer oi - der. Scenes "in both water, color and "11 5 3 ber... ; Misg:Lna McDonald, t ' higli value; includes the rc: ig cf an ancient ana nepuuru, uv, photography are to "be shown as Mr in the assortment" .. a - air. airs.: A..uanua i h MiTvn9M ia the native lan- Lieutenant Emmet Js the son of .Coto-- c nmd Rop'rbach is an urtlst bf discrimination ; - t-- . at a pretliIy appointed dinner niany unusual and distinctively smart d ter they will learn some and Mr. Alexander has a fine coDec-tio- : nei ana ir8. iuutri. ttiupic wiuucv Thursday evening V. 3 on for a few of her 1 cli Hawaiian ballads so seldom ! , . 1 styles---Morida- The wedding was one of the brilliant of portrait photographs. . y vyill . .rJL friends. ZjThe table was prettily decor- - morning they be l.:r3. A..G. M. Robertson Is These two given re--' 4ii- . affairs of October and took place al ated with cut flowers and ferns. Covers artists have1 licnt cf the cr&anlzatlon. and Miss the country home of the bride's 'par-' - centseparate exhibits on the main- display inspection :'S your Tvcbertscn is Its secretary. Some were laid tor : Miss Jessie- Kenned, on for 7 .1.1 ents. v, .. : land .which have brought forth, much f cf the members cf the club are Mrs. Lieutenant and Mrs. Berry, Mr. Yates, r- praise from all who viewed their C. M. Mr. Welch,' Ensign Wills and. the-host- ' r ' .'. Robertson,, Mrs. 'Robert Mo Dance Miss Agnes Sullivan. ; works. . 'r-n- ey, fcr Hiss Sytil Robertson, Mrs. visit- - r & vv' - Miss Agnes Sullivan, who Is ':- - " n--r -: ''. . vV C Ulall. UllCwl VUUl uucuuuu ' f 3 Dougherty, Miss Ethel Whiting. ing Trends at the several army posts Luncheon at the. Pleasanton.. , .., Miss Wil- - Mrs. Sarah Newcomb a . K Jcha Edith on Oahu, was the guest of honor, at - Mrs.. D. B. Case .was hostess at a : s ' 1 .; new snap es m iviuii c : ; J :v j . Ifi-- Abbla Buchanan, Mrs. eve- Hostess of the Week. prettily appointed luncheon on Thurs- line or r aiuc, an enjoyable aance on Monday - 1 A delightful was cir.?: ":l:s M:iss Kulumanu ning which and Mrs.vS. affair of the week day afternoon: when she entertained a : at. Lledienant the tea at which Mrs. Sarah Newcomb Svetiuidcbmbinations i:rs..nch"rt Hair,' Miss Amelia A. Campbell, with whom she Is now few of her friends . at the Pleasanton . Mrs. Wiiliam B. Lymer. Btaylng, entertained. The affair was entertained at the Hawaiian hotel on hoteL The table was artistically deco- td v'X Thursday . afternoon. Cut flowers and . J rated in pink, roses and ferns.. Mrs. .rr-, one of many Informal entertain- : the ": -- . C maidenhair ferns were arranged about - - : :vver for Miss Leniharu1. ; ments which have been given for Miss Case'a- guests included Mrs. F. M. ; Also to a line ofWhite Felt Hats f6r 3 Lcnihan, the rooia : where the ruests gathered Swahzy, Mrs. R. -- - Eleanor the eldest Sullivan at Schofield Barracks since Cbirence Edwards, - v..r4 i- ; htcr cf If&Jor and Mrs. Michael her arrival there. Brightly colored Jap Mrs William -i Carter, Mrs. Charles TrayeL; among - which are a fewjsoft S P: Mrs. Atkinson Mrs. Joseph Randolph, . L.i.ihan,. and cne cf the charming anese lanterns were much in evidence Bromwell, Mrs. John Gamble, Mrs. R. ' cf the season, was the tnrin th Mrs. C S Bromwell. Mrs. R. M. Cutts, M. : Cutts Mrs- - Reynolds, ' Mrs. J. .D. vf thv .vah . 1 f for a towel shower on Thursday to and fro on Una! Lieutenant HJss axrett, MlssBorroughs. Mrs. Reardan, Mrs. L. L Wilson and Mrs, ' the at - ing-$l.p0t- o6;00.i Lln-c-tertain- - -- 4 Z tx which Mrs. Charles F. and .Mrs Campbell's quarters. Among- yrn : v' -- Cary I. Crockett 'r.-- ' 1 st Fort Shafter. The present Miss . A ; those' invited and were iy : 1 decr-rate- A 3 a her home with pale Agnes Sullivan, iliss Virginia Sul- - 'crT ?rAu,l.ay 1 ' A Thursday Evening Dinner. . r !n'''- n, 1 'f plan-Maso- I tstors and quantities of maiden li van, Miss Hopkins, Miss Smith, Miss 35"7 Dutch picaicr has been Mrs., Francis. Day ;waa the Incentive 1 lr fern, accomplishing a very pretty miss harrinn Mis isniW ned for Sunday, vhich la anticipated for Cal prettily appointed : dinner on .;cL Amcr.! those present ."'were Coleman. Miss Forsyth e.. Lieut' Bruno fwita' ' great deal of pleasure. The Thursday evening at wWch Mrs." Fred ' : :i;3 Eletr.or LeniLan. Mra M. J. Len-- : Peyton, Lieut Ballard Lyerly, Lleuten - Party, eacn memoer taamg nis or nerjerick J...Lowrey . was hostess. An Jliss Catherine Lenihan.' Mrs." W. ant ilinemcn, ; Lieutenant Palmer4 owa nncbeon, Is to motor to the Geo. artlstlo centerpiece cf yellow chrysan "valley --; 1U Gibson. I Irs. RowelL Mrs. George Lieut James ,Ulio, Ueut ChariesLIt- - Carter1 home In Manoa to themums ornamented the center Of v;- -- Mrs;' George R. ; - H;i.,v:r; ' : an, Ifrs. Taul Malone, Mrs. G. tie, Lieut Langley Whitley, Lieut PenJ the day.; Carter ; the table and covers were laid for Ml- ; - and - and Mrs Herbert Dowsett will Mrs. Day ..-- -;-" . hhs, Mrs. E. V. Smith. Mrs. O. B. Joseph C Hatie, Lieut; Harrison mncis Admiral and Mrs . ':.y ;".;'V;VjV:: i;; v PJS. OhAfdnday j :n. Ltrs. AtKinson. jvirs. Kice, Richards, Lieutenant Owen, Lieut Eu-- aP11 thecplcr.ckers, who will in, a B. T.' Moore, Zit. and Mrs. James - :. Jchn Randolph, Mrs. D. B. Case, gene Fales, Lieutenant Huntley Lieu- - include iliss Ellzahetn1 Carter,' Miss Peg- Kennedy, Dr. and . Mrs. Charlea -- Johnson, Mrs. .' Edgerly, l Mrs. tenant Fosnes and the host and host- - Center. Miss Bvatrlce Castle, Miss . Adams. Mr. F. W Wlchman ; and" Mr. - ;:v; closing-dut'cal- e- :, S. Parker. Miss ess. - . ? vv Harriet Hatch, Mtss Lila. McDonald, . and afrs. Frederick J. Lowrey. or Krs. J. A : ; -- ; ; ;?';vxv; :- ;- - .rsch and the hostess.. V i Miss Betty Case. Dixon Nott Walter j . J J Jt nr JT' Jl 'Mrs. Applin a Hostess. , r.:x;:.; rugs. vvatcn vior. ' ' ' Pey An engagement announc- - Virginia Sullivan to , J '.Mrs. John S. Johnston, wife of Capt Parker, Ensign Wills, Lieutenant which was ? - ed the Fort De Rusty. ; J J. S. Johnston who Is letvlng Hono- ton and Albert Horner, Jr. in east recently and which will st ' ; be .3 Yirtfr.Ia S ihivan, who has been lulu In November, wras the guest bf J J ; ef fterest to society folk of Hon o :;; ? - . ' . C rt Anfioii Ttarracks'thfl honor at a brldee tea on Tuesday aft- Luncheon at Pearl Harbor. . ' lulu was that of Miss Helen Harden ments. B.F.R - i o i .ths, tins ccme to vown am ernoon xzi wnicn airs, r rana Apnun ir uie society propuci na uro-.e- ui .niiiimifc f. irgiai uu Air. " J d. - af- - Henry Hamlltcn-Gavlor- Har- - h the houce-gue-st pf Mrs. E. J.waa lio&ieES. Mrs. Applin's home at ;ccrrectly. many ot the delightful , Miss -- 1 ;wili place den is an only : t Tcrt D " Russy cntll" her Fort Rilger was a tract!rel.rdeecratel fairs xf the winter take at child and her father i" Ln Francis la the with scarlet hibiscus for the occasion. Pearl Haibor,: where so many of the, is a well known aurgecu of th$ south. - V . i - , , ... i: v HOKOLULU. STAR-BULLETI- SATITOIUY, OOTOBEn:2i, Ipt TIIIRTFXN

1 third scene the president receives the! cancellations and collapses from the I 1 ' shock. v But he soon recovers, gets ; V -- MX : 1.i msy ana senas cut. anncuncempais cs . : vacancies. :? .. ".'.'. - Next ts shewn the teachers " who apply the uecend time. .Many types are represented but lew are chosen. -- Finally the teacher Ideal appears and VVMLX IJUUUl ' is lUU L is engaged. . : .";:;-- r' Jn the last scene the matrons -- and students inspect the teacher, then when It was announced The trustees meet-th- e new teachers," the curtain was drawn back - and all the new teachers stand ready to meet ' all ; ; "; .. ' . - "y - - - o guests. i na. st. i y i CELEBRATE THEIR SILVER ANNIVtKSARY The pantomime was enjoyed by all. JAPE U KAY ELK Y WtUuQ It' was followed by several musical ren- 24-car- nnmbersl' Miss Sutherland first at juounU dered to every one's delight a, piano ; : : , : Dane at Pearl Harbor. ;jV-::t.'-;'- !-.rr Harbor selection. Her sola was followed by 1 u The social Ufa the Pearl ;; V. it r-.-.. of phro Chinese golL naval station Is cay Indeed. The a very pleasing violin number by Miss fleers and their) wives who have nde Yates. Then came the boys' quartet, .busyn-tertalaic- g compesed of Messrs. Roland Gay,. Rob- 5 iheir homes there are kept lr Broochois,' - Pcndant.s A Tias Heen, Gordon Brown, Joe?: nV or beHff eaterUtoed. This ert. and V wek th largest affair at the station Meinecke. The boys sang well. In ex- vat the. dance at'wblch Paymaster P. cellent uarmony and effect. Their Jrf'j ; Mrs. WlUet enter- number was the "Lullaby . by WMett and j ' f ' tained but evening. " Yellow was tJSe Brahms. V :' a V Fobs Scarf Pins ' Links, predominating CcJot In the decorations Two beaufli'u; numbers concluded the program. Bucnman huge yellow chrysanthemums ;is3 rendered : and' Baclc Corabsj .1 artistically ajrranftd throughout in a mcKt artistic manner the Prelude is ,r, - were - - the icuse. Tbe xuests danced to the in C sharp- minor, by Rachmanlnoif. strains cf Hawaiian music and; at a and Mr. L. French, sang two songs, late hour buffet.supper was served. "Oh,-- Lovely Night," " by Landon Ron- Many of. the guests motored, .to the ald, and "Ah, Love! But a Vajt". By Mrs. H. A. Beach. . songs affair from posts. Some of If. Ills were lsv Admiral and very, well received and enjoyed ny all. ' ' U)ce present .'were; ' It. : M rs. r. B. : T. Moore," JJeutenant and After tha program the. teachers and Pasl-Jonea.Bea- -- seniors spent deUghtfur be- Mra. Mr. and Mrs. a bcur ut K 11 J. A. Fufer, Ueutenant and Mrs. C E. coming acquainted with the .trustees. LvSOUVKNin J WE LUY. v; Smith. (Jeutenant and. Mra. f. W. :'.; . rrv-i-.- . Lieutenant and Mrs. B. 1a The large tea at cxclnsive designs. Scanland, whkh Admiral and New arid il Canaga, : Lieutenant and Mrs. Daniel Mrs. Moore entertained last week was 1 -- : II- - , v- - , Swan, Ueutenant and 01rs.y K. J, In honor of their wedding:. anniversary. i II. .

B. II; Berry. y -- Ka&t&i and Mrs. At the affair both' Miss Burroughs : ;. GJlara, and l S'k-.- i .' - f ' ': Ensign , 11 IT. BcgURcb; EnsTga . and 7 Miss Garett were among the guests, r- t Mrs, Frank Ji: Ijowry, ' Mr.V Charles and pleasant - memories returned to T Merrill, Mr. Wade. ;'Mr nd M rs. W, them, for they were both bridesmaids M.,Graham, Miss Boyd. Mi and Mrs. at Admiral and Mrs. Moore's wedding. Samuel CoruoA'Miss Virginia Sulli- ; ; j j v. van, M Ira. Agnes 'Sullivan, Dr.' Defter, Miss Delia Holmes; a popular society ' ;'C; tftkV.j ' - : j . v , Lieutenant s Itase, 'TJeutehant Bails belle of i San Francisco, will In - arrive Lando, Ensign B.- 6.' Willa Ensign T. Honolulu on the Wilhelmina next week ' Kntrfgn.-J..- - A. Parkers ' D. Downer- and to visit Mrs. E. J. O'Hara, wife of Lieu- f - -' - -- '. - XapUla.5ludL'V 'y. S.; A- " " ' tenant E. J. O'Hara, U.' at Fort - - - : ;x - -- : .- .'- -- ;. ' :. .?.f-.- ... . 5. - . t : .jt lf . ji 'jt De Russy. Miss Holmes was one of . v - : V -.-. t- - ; ' :, - Weddlna' Anniversary, ; ' " V.x..-- ' - ' ' ' Silvtr: Mrs. O'Hara's bridesmaids and it Is t . V ' ' "'tV." ! k ' v , . . tw.eutyt-fift- b an.-nimsa- - v- In ceUbratlon the jha-tro- n 1 -- -- ' of expected that thex charming army . : CZ ', .i .i- . , - marriage Mra. -- - , ; of their Jamea . , .: ,v.-" rT-,- , . will entertain at a number, of - -- - . - r- , . , . : Btelner at a . :t .. f entertained ber friends V function, winter In of r-jv- : " ? .: '. this honor ber ; - . , bridge party Tuesday Kalona, house-gues- last at t, r fv"-- i ? - "?- - 'the charming colonial beach residence ' ' 'rw:';'-'.--i"'':V- . s.'.- rvA:- -. t aTeuu'e.v V' SCHOFIELD SOCIETY : , , Mr. James S twinerarrived In Hono- y lulu on OctcUr 20, l8S2by Vt stea- mier Special Star-Bullet- in Coirespondehce of New Vorlq, j.On October 20, - Citr - : v--- -- n . ' 18S3 bemarrieiI, the sweetheart of his SCHOFIELD BARRACKS, Oct 23. WvVi- via-!- .'".,.-.-- S! - - . IntPrag. The Monday AucUon Club was enter .....-..- ,iv:u-;.- 7 ;..,.,-:- v.. r.rv-..-;:- j .' ybuth , end since that ' by week. i; : t- ''' '; .V- - ,- - . tained Miss Ellis yr . time the. - tappy couple .bare made Harriet this .,:': i ' their none In Honolulu, becoming ka i A' r sir maalnas in. the fullest sense, growing Wednesdsy --the Morning I Club tnet with Mrs. Carl Reichman In the 23th up ( wlthtbe oantry atid sharing Us Infantry post ' V . : :''.,'.';' i fortunes.' surrounded by an Interesting '. a j 1 ' 4 r al.: ' .family of 'four" son.5- - ';; ' " v : .:rs.-- William s- .The spacious'iooms of tlie'fesldertce Ennls and Mr- Wil ' liam Dodds were hostesses on Tues- were - arranged .withK, aprcfusioa' oi ' day & enjoyable flowers, palms and Delicious afternoon at most ferns. auction" party, which was given in the - refresLrients wer served during the ' rooms of the Mounted . Service - Club. J: tiye.ic e a i oji s ; on ;tbe r t afterneon' broad. 4anal oveflocir Eleven tables were placed. At which . Ifig tte Ocean.'' V'' '",;';: - - the guests rplnyed the' progressive Amr-t- te. were Mrs., Brash, ; rirts game of auction. . Those with ; high . .ityi 11 rs.-Gree- n. Mrs, Kubey, p Mrs. scores at the close of thd afternoon fc2 pGNcw-- Fall Mrs. Zeave, Ilrs. Cantin, Mrs. Lewis, !1 Uvingston-Watrou,- p rere 'Mesdames : ' - Mrs. Lec1o' Mrs; Scott, Mrs." Obel. "a - Hats for particu- Edmund Butts and ( William Garden IIrs. J a c c ts ca Mrs Atrams Mrs - Mor -- hire. .: Mrs. Truby 'MartinVwas given r-- n, Mra...'Ccr.stibcI, Mrs. Levr,; Mrs. ssers the consolation tor lowest .score.' v All lar .'Griffiths, Mrs. Cohen, Mrs. Cooper, -- , the; prizea were dainty pieces of Japa- Mrs. f Jtzer; irr.CLutaa.'Mra. Rosen-- nese china in tlie 4ahape .of bowli ;v 1 . ., .. .v ' ; . XteiU irrs.' GrrU, Miss. 'Donnel, Miss ...... ' ' ' Those present were Megdames Lyman v , ' v : , Crcen.'v :.y ; Reich-man- ' Kennon, Rslph . ,' Harrison,. y Cart ' ' ; ; r : sr r-- v . t-t- r. ... t v "i . '.r. ji' & fc . . i, Walter Short, Miss Hortense V ri1 v For Mits Cjitrlcs Castle. -- f Short,. Meals, ; Larry McAfee, ' I .Charles . ' . f.. Importers 4 ' . .One "cf the ctrr.iag affairs whlch'Ja Mr. and Mrs. James Steiner and their colonial beach resldericewhere, silver Wedding Celebrated. Warren,.. 'V,.'-.- V.'-. - : anniver&ai? 'was William Jialle Rawson Ed 1, ; r------bclrg antldr ate i with a great deal of . . r r r ;. ward, "McCleave, Rich, Edmund .;- B dharles 4 , pleasure; is the'v'Inner at which Miss home of Mrs. W.i D, ..Westervelt on 30 members of the tnapter .were?pres un nuzx n-- bbjb b b a Butts., Jordan. .William ..Crnlk- - tnn' John Swanry is entertaining on t Sun-- Thursday evening. The guests honor entvs:t :the affair: J- -.i o'-w'?- x St Ncra ' of , 4toger , Masonif iaUs, - , vi;; shankt Harriet ening in honor Miss Beatrice were Miss Carolyn Chandler, the gen j CALLING DAY i- - - ..i dar of '- B Campbell k - ''.-- ' King, ;'AiBricus Mitchell, '. - "' .' - ";-- secretary. Preparations B Castle..- a eral Miss Cora CVarney. for the let Pair.7 B u v ; .iFOR . HONOLULU, B - ? Frank 'Hopkins, JosSph Slher, Lester Le-- -- 'B-- jt ;;-- - the economic secretary, and Miss PreparatlonsV for! itiJSJgCathlIi : .-.b WiUypung, Charlesr Baker William Mondayt-Punanou- ' CIrner Cceut Master; ''; . bnora Anderson, e aysical director. Fair to be held the .bational guard B ,1 Maklki. U' B f:r : at : VTilJer was host at an was bower of chry-- artnory on 31 ' on r Mr.. J&mes'A. The homestead a October fare going B ;,KAp,2?,lJS O'Shea, Harold Marr, Glass-Par- k, - Pelham dinner last evening for the santhemums and other cut flowers In apace. - Additional members of corn-hon- or B VLTJley;Kalmukl, PalolO- - First B fotiL.Louia Beard Jamea - t HIezln.Ed- sc:-j- . eve- - y Tuesday-r-Fo- rt . nsstera Honolulu. During of the occasion. During the mlttees are announced the chair B Ruger. a. B ward Lantry, Joseph' Daly, William ' -- . ; Wedneadays-NuuaninThittnu- I, cvcalng Master Wilder and nlng Mr. W. D. Westerveit showed the man. - . Phll-lipso- tLe Scovt 'v;'v B B Chitty, Chalmers HalL Irving'; n, . Mrs'. - l.Ii'r-icst- s discussed the progress the guests pictures taken during his recent ; Extra assistants in J. Maxam's B Pacific Heights. First and- third Ben- - ' Clarence Tinker, Truby Mar- or--r ; . ' flower and lei booth Miss Dolly To;' Clouts l:are. made during the trirv to China. "v 't B Wednesdays, above : NUuanh B tin,: Arthur Cassels, Waldo Potter, lyT vlzuticn cf the local chapter. A cen--: v & '.'.. neit, miss iwroiny viuanes, juiss juaia- - xt brldee:. scnonrt and fourth Wed-- tt j itS Miss Sopble Walker, na Jones, Joseph Andrews and .the erlne Johnson, : 5 ts r; lece cf green ferns ornamented the Meeting of the Cavghters of the Amer pesdays, below bridge; fourth Misses Gertrude : Hopkins, ' Marion - , - 1 t-- were laid, for Revolution. ' ; ..xsarciayf.:jrB. .wwus.,- Wednesday, Heights; ; at which covers lean ; V:". tt Pacific first B SmUh, Norma Mason, Holcomb, Har- v onos tempting n, i Messrs. Harry Hay ward, Robert Ander-ao- i .The Daughters of the American JlevU Miss E. Blancbard will nave care of n Wednesdays, .AIewa v prices and third Mc-- M : riet Ellis and Carrie and Esther H. L." E." Mrs; W. BryaTjigent . the hatsrand : : - - C.jZIzz Held, Henlen, olution; with Heights. :u Mahon. 4. : -' Mrs. T. J. Fltxpatrlck and Miss N. - : ; . H.'O. X:iV. f re, Cuy.II. Tuttle and the of the Aloha chapter, met at St An- tt Thursdays The Plains. . tt V-- . ' " 'X 'y.y t . ' - r - C a :-- ""'';-3- Monday hosL ;' dreWs priory on afterndJm and id!K?n k B Fridays Hotels ;and tow, ' Miss Gertrude Hopkins gave an in-- . " : r J' , ..'.f-v- : : .:; .s.. this , r:,. Friday; 1 : ' " ; " : v held their first meeting of fourth Fort Shafter. first a vrvm a toe n Hfnn rl av . ff am Ann fn Fort-St- ; ' ? : a. 1150 r " guests 'lVlVJAB Friday;-Ulatio- WUi8 Blaisddl E!d1. A Dinner at Ksatawal. Two of the of the tfternoon s"," tie .CoUeg: 5 thonor of Misses Carrie and Esther Mc- - - ;A pretty of week .wss who gave interesung Ulks were Mrs. first and third Friday, .V 111. 1 TT. . the u"--.- 8 ' 4k. Bart-'- . regent :theV . " " -- -K- that at vUilx Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Wr H.' Carter, former of ',Zilli.Srr" Saturdays allhi. .third, and B riet Ellis, Marion Smith; Louise Brett, . Ts cd en Saturday evening Army ?andTavy chapter, and Mrs. ,J. : ntt enterti!: Virgin! Sullivan and Misses McMa-ho-n. " at- - past regent chap-l- "J Saturday- .- 8t their he at' KaalawaL An Hf'Johcsch. of the .tiT,;. - "1 sa avon. B schools, last Lis: Freeman, Bow ley, Bernard ' pink Mlnkann!t. Minn - , - ...::u,uie nuw tf . tractive centerpiece of roses and fin. Cr ShanlHnei Peyton Russell MaxwelL' Peryf Des-ho- n fern table. "v, . . B erv Friday: : cialienhalr crnamented.the a.-J- uenueTson ana.j, j.,ouiuva. and Kenny Palmer. ; ;, , -- i w tt hich covers were laid for Mr. and daring the afternoon wasthato$ . V30 ? MrtJiB. Walker and Misses Aflague Mrs. Frsi.k Thompson. lieutenant ana.diUons in America Prior to'the itevo-- X.iro-s- u Mrs. Heapy: V - f B Note The telephone - numbertt " Thursday evening Captain B last. and j;-.;v- Mrs. Gccrre F.' Humbert and Mr, and lutiori," by Mrs, ;A. R Kellar. v ;the t nrodevlile entertainment a tt of the Society Editor Is 2799. Mrs. Harry Knight were dinner ' Pre-- At hosts Mrs. Bartlett'. - J. A. Paacor read an ess"y; 6n mminery; 'contest- for gentlemen will and- - ' for Captain Mrs. Franklin Jack- ' Ot ; Revolutionary life, and Mrs. W. L. tate place. A prize is offered by Mrs. bbbbb an tints b bbbb on son, Captain and Mrs. John Jordan deception for Y. W.C A. Moore told of the interesting historical: ack Cleary for the best lady's hat end Captain and Mrs. Henry Fales. ; who the tUnlieJ States.. . ; five minutes, t i ter term demands some attention. TINIEST PRETTIEST Jn honor of the three secretaries even. 0, f irimnled in - ; The setting of the tables was very ;CUItt; niE Mrs, Abbie Marsh was hostess. for , Hallowe'en will be celebrated rather v are to guide the work of the local j ,v ; attractive in shades pink : with :' many of masque- of UBVEote : COUNTE-- branch, of the Y: W. a A. this year the .aftem,oon and Mrs, F. A.; Davis "Mile. Modiate.1 later than usual, the white; dainty Cosmos being used as LlTE 6F charge the program. V About Socfety ladies of Honolulu have be-- taking place. In November rath- ' an infoVcaJ reception was held at the had of rades the central decoration. : V : '.' come. Interested in- - the performance than October,' and -- the .time of - ' : BROUGHT-U- er . vv ',' 'vv -- i. 'SN('iV7 M "Mile. Modiste,": to be stagea at ghosts goblins will be postponed .tf - and i Saturday,' and Mrs. William Gar-denhl- re j the opera he use next : week on Tues- from Hallcwe'en to Thanksgiving. It Lt llS TISTIC PERffiCTIOX Ccmplexidn- - ! evenings gave a dinner for Captain and ."Evirtlzdv Aimites fRzauliful dav. Thursdav and Saturday is something like moving; the hands ... . Z a ' . Mrs. Lucien Holbrook, Capttln and l f of them "have consented ! clock. Only In social entertain IN ANY PORTRAIT STTOY COM-- and a number ofthe ! Gordon Kimball - Major ; DIL T. FELIX GOURAUD'S patronesses for the enter- - one really does not mind Just Mrs. and and to act as ments i parses Mrs. Edwin Winans. HENNIES, ART-- Several; dinner when they take place so long as there i-- MISSIONED TO. W : tainments. J ' r I prior to. the performances have been, Is enough dances, teas and parties to troops field, V-IS- par While the are lh the T. IN PHOTO 'claimed and a number cf theater keep one busy.; :,,?- Mrs; ' will "TI followed by suppers at the William Gardenhlre be the ities to be house-gue- st - Mrs. James, at ' , patronesses for ; the af-- Reception.: i of Frechet Giupmcr ARiND sSence is ; OR MAGICAL BEAUTIFIER hctels.' The The Annual Punahcu ; I Mrs. George Apple la stay-- 'P3 : Castner. . fair are: Km 1 'Yl 1 Piherte(!l. . TV. , Dniiohrn'rwnt1nn wait " " ; S-2,T?ih?- ? Indispensable i Mrs. R." 0.Mathesbn. Mrs,.Charles F.lhejd Castle haU on Punahoa campus :Y0URS .TO TOMilAND Jin end Delightful at S5.t JndJf .nd ChmingwcrtMrs.:F JiCenter. rs.viast night at-- O'clock.? ;The class of ; " Toilet Requisite I airs, . . ; y - . tJerome Fow, Mrs. U L: Wilson, Mrs. 1915,! the. trustees of the college and ai. J - - , B.- - Rietow' Mrs. George . BecKley, the- faculty of; the preparatory ana '" - .... : I f?T ''hbnablet Jom?n.S:i ills Major Mrs. "Willi! m Cruikshan k FOR IlENNIES' SERMCES, AR- neeesiit IddieV Mrs. D. Reardan, V alter Mac- - j academy were present and XMaIV tee th toilet j; Mrsf - - . A i - . have Jto- Schofleld 'ai- while- - traveltngr. OnWmfsK nf otlo half returned after irhelher at borne or It' ti v irT!ii. k. J9 V : SITTING .; protecta the skin from injurious effect thp. three months in town, and have RANGE FOR ,A .WITII gives - cA,f Aniii.ti wniiam. ti.rmrW An.Tr tn and m0t of the elements, a wonderfuHy ei- taken : thelr. old ooarters In the upper beauty Is-- a f sonl : Gtffard, Mra. earlier, part evening was fective to the romplexton. It Mrs. Harold Frank the of the w-- v - non-area- sy pos-- ' Artillery: : ; perfect Toilet Cream and i, T 'A T . . Post. AACUOMWU,.inxirfmnv Itn w ...... , fPTdlps:t-- . ' - , spent in enjoying a program, furnished UveiT will not cause or enrounce tha " v - growth of hair which all ladies should Mrs.. A -- E. MurphyCand Mrs. 'T.V, by Punahou talent .: ' : - LL and Mrs. tJoseph Andrewa gate puam acnjnsc wnen seiecung- a touet ' : V 1: When dancinc. bowling1 or oth- King:) er exertions heat the skin,, it prevent a 'rJ was a delightful, and lively. Minute ;Vttr L - or of ;MUs Marlon Smith's MrthdAy, -- If.. , ftTjeay aepearanre. - . ..i.TT- An Kv .s .au it ' Geurjud's Oriental Cream , liaa .been.. butVthe " aci-ress- es. bWrratter quietithls.week t SSltf Iiignty recommenaea 07 pojicians. -- Major XfUlgnaru attq HOntiy, -- LtS. singers and women of (asbion- - for: -- ml-.'- ontBrtinTTint anif ronrMAlttpd thft trials J . .rft siiiTiPrent" - Th over half a ntury and cannot be ur amateur theatrical, have., kept them endured by the president In securing Peyton ,ffnd' Palmer.- ' Pht:r?;her preparing for daily or even , Your Tcwn... passed when V Current Events Club met with In . . - pretty.busy. i Scores, of the ycung teachers fcr the year.-.- ? The 4 fnr attire. ' . - Mrs. Americus .Mitchell on Thursday .r.firnirii Arltntil raifn rlirl Rltin glris . are busy making- pretty things ivTbe first scene represented the pres-fo- r .TMsetses and tT!evps gnnburn. Removes Tan; Pimples. fBlackbads. Moth and enjoyed a number of.interesting , , up who Patches; Pash. Kreok'ea and Vulsrar Redness. Tellow and Muddy, Skin. ivlns , the "Catholic fair to be given at Went slgn'ng several teachers -- papers subjects of a de"catejy clear and refined complexion which ertry woiran desires. the Armory next Saturday; still more , were qualified for various positions, written oh various , : - Ko. 11 For sale by Drcsrista and Fancy Goods Dealers.,, ? 1 are' rehearsing for ' "Mistress Mary" The next r. scene showed the same the day. . ;;';; ;;t'..: . 1 !r-!d- 2, . Fcr:!. 7. Prcpn 37 Great Jcnci Street, New Vork. and-Mne- Modiste. 'Then, too, therteachers under one pretext or anotner : on school work in the inldfet of the win-; cancelling their engagements." In the (Additional society pas fourteca. FOWITEEN HONOLULU STAR-BULLETIN, - SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1914. 1 .1

For. Mothers and Young Girls ci-- ! 1 f?-- . (TV,'ayf uv III! 1 v ! 4 vV-- ; C We have just ved a I M .reoei I .... --- j; - A Low Heel ..A 'J - - : V QK.-r.;:-- . m . Boots i a a m i i i m -- w 'and - mm i3 I : Pumps TALES OUT 0FSCH00L Tl1 ! -r -- ' rr- V I in widths from t A to EE,; Dear Polly:; ' ; ." . s which will enable us to fit . .The gammer season Is quite over and the fall affairs are keening society properly many, feet which ' folk buay. The affairs, however. 'are wo have been unable to fit of an Informal nature, for the death of Mrs. Alexander Young, beloved all in the past ! over the islands, has caused a Hark cloud to fall over her hundreds of friends. Many of the parties for the . coming been postponed i These are ideal for month have ii indefinitely out of respect to the mem- - ' - ii, J ory of this noble woman. i The next two weeks, yes, the com- School Shoes ing month, will be given over to char- ity and benefit entertainments. There made with Genuine" Goodyear are so many of these things going on that practically everyone in Honolulu ' Over' . Sole heavy enough to Look1 4 Welt has a part in some one of the affairs. ..1 ' .' give- long wear - but flexible The coming week will be claimed by "Mile. Modiste" and the Catholic Fair, Last Season's enough for perfect comfort the latter to take place at the Armory . on the afternoon and evening of the -- r 31st For weeks hundreds of hands Prices $3.50 and $4.00 have, been busy preparing for the fair t, Garments con- - and It is said that the booths will :.f- If you did not have your garments ii'.. tain, scores of attractive things suit- cleaned before you put them' away, ; Cbrlst-ma- s : able for the present, or for livery d it 11 ' feet them out now. re a, suit Shoe Store gifts. ; v; v v'; nuiacturer . or overcoat that is not worn thread- V--- vj:, V Speaking of. "Mile. Modiste" makes bare should be sent to us for ' 1051 Street! A , me think. The suave Ned Steel,! who ' ABADIE'S V ' Fort ; ' . . In smart 5 is one of the best dancers the set. is directing the rehearsals ; and you - would be surprised to see this 9.H other side of his disposition."- - He gets Dry Gleaning i very much excited as he directs the i actors and particularly the chorus and his spick-and-Sp- an hair s gets all and Save Clothing Bills mussed - up and the atmosphere sur- Yea enn date t&d title your negatives just ai soon as you rounding him gets .quite blue. Not Our. perfect cleaning la the most. that he forgets himself so far as to wonderful ; saver of "new clothes

- . , : get an say anything shocking, it's just his 4, money" on earth because it will keep - vr,;-''- .y thought! ; , . every garment in its new beauty untU Quite ah amusing thing cathe under worn out. my; observation the other day and I must relate It to some one, bo I guess, Autographic Kodak Tollt; you wjll have to ."listen.", : One of the .boys planned a party and ia-Tit- ed FRENCH LAUNDRY a few members of the younger Est 190t J. Abadie, Prop. set Suddenly one of the young ladies 177 So. King St Phone 1491 he had asked informed bis other guests along with a few more of her own choice that she was to be hostess at the affair. Quietly she informed him that miinmiii'i J. she had decided to invite some of her ;" Barbara Pine, the little daughter of Lieutenant and Mrs." James Pine, own friends and asked him tQ rescind refreshing herself at one of the num erons fountains in Lincoln Park; Chi some of the invitations he had .issued. cago, She said the party was to compose only - Ray-- . the . members of the- exclusive "in- - evening to visit Mrs. George ; ihan and the guest of honor. Miss Len : ; you "have per-r.:r::- r.t between" set He iwas a gentleman mond at her ranch. Mrs. Herbert and ihan. This new and popular camera allows to a - j and quietly withdrew, r He . borrowed Mrs. Noonan will remain away for sev record,' cri every pic- a School . Webster, however, and pro-- ! eral weeks: .During their absence Mr. On Monday evening Mrs. George S. the film, of the title of "exclus-ilve.- riht cceded to look, up the ord '! and Mrs, George CoLins will be the Gibbs ? entertained with a delightful - did not fit and house-guest- s you 11:5 IrncV t!iXttT(Ske, - t . The definition of Miss Rose Herbert" rarebit party after the evening at the ture 3A. ( ? de- he decided that . she had ; meant officers' mess. Hpt guests were Cap lusive, rather, than exclusive. - Miss Inei Gibscn is entertaining at? tain and Mrs. Jamerson, Captain and We may yet see a woman well a yachtlniparty tomorrow in honor Mrs. Phisterer, Major and Mrs. Smith, pass through - known in California here of Howard Johnston, the son of C&p-- Captain and Mrs-.- Gibson, r Miss Leni-tal- n with her Chinese husband. At least and Mrs.'J. s S. Johnston of Fort ban, Miss Catherine Xenthan. Mrt.. Leir-Ruge- r, Fort St Mr. Mrs. Wong It is rumored that and who iasoon to leave for the ihan and Lieutenant Greene. The prin-mainlan- Direct From Australia Sun Yue are about to 'shake the dust . The party win leave on the cipal features of supper were pre-trai- n 'ill i i.' of Chinatown from their feet and sail the e?rly In the morning and after pared with great skill by Mrs. Lenl-cruisln- g ' Shaighai,- - iria Mrs. tor . Honolulu. about Pearl Harbor will re-- Retains all the flavor and richness of California dairy Wong Sun Yue Is a sister i of Mrs. 'han and Mrs. Phisterer. Captain Gibbs to town. - ; I plea-- then Gould since marriage turn ' , was necessarily absent from this lratter and ftonic.r Howard but her - to the Chinese her movements in the : 'J J I sant affair by reason of being on de- Club first; corn-annu- al San Francisco social circles have been .The Moana Music held its tached service with his signal - year e Oiir infrequent Her. decision to move to meeting- for the at thepany at schofield Barracks In connec-hom- DO NOT ACCEPT A Sharp ; ' SUBSTITUTE, China was reached shortly after - a of Miss Janette in Manoa tion wjtn certain field activities. following ' ' visit of iMrs. Howard . Gould to San Valley last Saturday. The j, 4t Mrs. Gould objected to the effic-sr- s were elected to serve through 0ne of the most delightful events of Francisco. y is tnis year: . t'resid ent, iss uorctny season was Mrs. . Humberts' tea there nothing "just as good? Chinatown residence and decided that the , , . stop vvIce-pe8Iae- n oiena (given CorUand on Wed-he- r 4tIV ' the only ivay 'to It was to sendwss.; nwBs. at the Hotel f Sister and her husbatid hack to. secretary-treasur- e Beth Woods; and n8day afternoon at 3 o'clock.. Among China. J am rather Interested in the, picgrams, uernice iiaisteao. ine ciud those who were present from. the post . AS twenty gin-,we- re affair myself and shall watch , the pas is composed, cr active Mrs. Malone. Mrs .Gibbs- - Mra R musicians,-holdin- g ' senger lists closely for some account their meetings the Smith, Mrs. Lincoln, Mrs. Cook and 3 cents a Bottle - couple. . ... first Saturday of each mouth at differ- . ,w of the arrival of the Mrs. Edgerly. ' ? ; : ' you many members are J . . v Tell me, Polly dear, do see ent hemes. The ..Miss .' ay - X-r- gowns In, San Francisco. , It Genevieve Young, Miss Thelma Roth- j Among the post ladies spending the r'ive benefits ine dreadfully , to see them well .Miss Janette iss Doris week-en- d MAILE Vill you the same and distresses at Schofield Barrack are here, and I do see them by the score Ncble, Miss Grace Bredhoff, MiS3 Mpb. will' hmiae-- ?! ' jmerson. who be the (T: !;t3 as ix dollar visit to the bar the effect of the dainty lingerie frocks j Maud Bajlentyne, Miss Cleo Case, i guest of Colonel and Mrs. Sturgis Mrs Is no longer charming for one can , Miss Aileen Gibb, Miss Julia Camp- - vTnet V Smith visit rantan utii "... often distinguish the color, of another bell, - Campbell, Miss MisPeggy Beth Mrg. Jackgon, and Mrs. W. Gibson will costume passing by '.while watching Woods, McLain. Miss Myr- - Miss Helen stop wIth Lieutenant and Mrs. n, gowned woman white. - some daintily In Miss Anne Lindsay, ; . Hpgon ' shocking to say the and to : ; It is least Miss Avis Yates, Hiss Roth Anderson, i .,' a, : MetrcpcSan Meat Marioi say more, heartbreaking to see sweet Hai-- Miss oieiia noogs, aiiss uernice l rP!, Warrpn T Wan hum v mAH VAtnn inn .rimrniti h n n a j n. . . j . vU Phone 3445. sneVrery Inrioltersn thi Jef?pXorT Captain Hannum the Engineers, waa Street corners.. Tb Other 1 f0?10? called home by the serious Illness of r xrrmnn- - whnse name is frfcdufently l!: : hMi - ; her father and left on Wednesday by seen ; In the society columns laughed the Mat3onia. . Mrs. Hannum' will be '! f at by a dozen tor so young men and j FT. SHAFTcn SOCIETY , 1 f gone for some weeks on the visit ' , II 'I 1 ' i - . . girls too. She wras standing on the w m . n. ii m In an evidently Interesting con- , rSpeeial Stjir-Bullet- ln Correspondence I i MA III MflTCC " I rXiie I corner MAUI CnPICTY liU 1 liexall Store. versation and as she stood there her FORT SHAFTER, Oct 24.The ree--l j ""ftl.I to J every passer Ular night 2d Infantry j You Open 11:15 M.. name was on the lip of ladies' at the Star-Bullet- in are loviied Evenings Until P. special Correspondence! 1297 by. Cor. Fort and Hotel Sts. . : ; ; Phone enjoyment reeks..butihe of AleousTllome of idSJ To call and inspect my display of v I Sla 5 qurte M keen 5frAa7 "IT TSJ?,?fi"l - ,ast Wednesd3y evening Miss Beulah terestlng. Katberine if - hTdJJt as formerly. Mis. George H. Jamer- j. Drink W vited a number of friends Michigan, where she nas been for two . , u, ere me eve-hostess- es, MODERN G what I gath- tt,uiwn to a card party. A very jolly PLUMBIIf FIXTURES years studying and from for the ?. evening and had . popular girls nIng wa9 resuit Those present ered is one of the most provided, a handsome , 4s tirst prize for besides : Miss Drinkle were Mr. and A vJ In class..VNext year she going 4 her the high score the six. tables in Mrs. H. H. Taylor, Miss Irene Aiken, : To see them is to .want them in your home. Esti- to the Curry School of Expression in play. c Major V. nothing definite has rThU went to E. Smith, Miss Alona EJ Whisler, Dr. Geo: Aiken, Boston, and while who Just managed to acquire suffi- - mates furnished for installation in new buildings. decided or even Intimated, her a, Mr. David Rattray and Mr; T. Desmond been clent total ?over thac made by Mrs. surmise their pretty aubu- Collins. Delicious refreshments were friends that Roe to declare him the winner. Those rn-haired Katherine is contemplat- served before the party broke np. playing. M. : : career. Should go in were Mrs. J. Leninan, Mrs.; 5 Aid Lzzovds ing a stage she Randolph, for life behind the footlights she will Mrs. Roe, Mrs. Jamerson. At the home nf Mi Tirictr.r hit. Mrs.; - TO OW1IERS OF HOUSES: be a success for she has already shown Gibbs, Mrs. Matheson, MrS. RcJ- cerald at Punnene' last 'katnntaV: t h ' - ' a fondness for theatricals. erick Matheson..Captain and Bcrs. Gib- lcng-talked-- of music club of Miui was say, son. ana Lieu- - - .J have Just about safd ;hy dear. captain Jirs. FWsterer, formally launched. Mrs. Chishota When you give Arfd-nhc- cs ; :; build' that house of yours, you may iind ctlicr phycr pianos . . Lovingly, .j tenant and Mrs. Gee. Major and Mrs Jones, Maui's most popular singer, i.' was ' - - . : :. PEGGY. Smith, Captain and Mrs. Cap- Uncom. the moving spirit in the new organi-tai- n your gutter work to the cheapest man, who will use the Mrs. Kay,k and Miss Leniban, lation, which should be great sue-Lieutena-nt a times-damag- ed Greene, Mrs. Malone, Mr. cess. Other ladies present, who help-Randol-ph cheapest and of material to do it for the Society ffysomds ; and others. to make the first organization ' ' .;ed were ) : --v : ' ' ' ' price. Result A Jieavy to replace; same. I am ""'.V 'v c - ' ' 'I JIr- - Frank1 F. Baldwin, Mrs. A. W. exjense w Tiii. rrrfman sailed In the Mat--' Mr- - paries b. Lincoln was a hos- - Collins. Mrs. J. P. FnsPT. mm' n u prepared tesa on Thursday to do your sheet metal work with materials that sonla 'thls week for a short visit to evening of thfs week Case. Mrs. Lulu tloyum. Mrs. C. Rog-Sa- n a el ; Franclsca: ; - . . - i ll. shower in honor of Miss rrs, r.: r Miss Beulah J. Drin-- will last And I guarantee same. Estimates furnished. -- y E. Hoffmsnn. The Mi. ' decently 1. ry- - rcr-- - r Early next month Mrs. ;hay B; announce t be filling, a ;iong-r- , ! was c !. - : : Fort St, atove the Clarion Rietow fs leaving Honolulu for a trip Jjon todeed a r end it is under-- l JAMES NOTT, Jr. to San Francisco. - "tnjr irieEr ave already slg- - .f cf j.::nln.-j.- ' The 71 Beretania St., Sachs Block. v . -- nHn tW the fact that Some of the' regard la hi : t:i. Miss I water color and coin f :n; 1 1 Invitations for the ' portrait exhibition to be given at thear3 c : Young hotel nexUMonday afternoon by. George Selden Roorbach and Kenneth DH01TE I2EACZI23 Alexander, have gone astray, the pa- - Mr- - 2205 tronesses are asked to, invite their I- - : -- IitclV ' CoiV j1- - :;ic:cico Peclx friends to the affair. . .5.v..w .ML iiUlZZ OF ROCK AND SAND FOR CONCRETE WORK. v " FIREWOOD AND COAL. . . 1 1 r CajthbTle Chorch j Mrs. George and Mrs. Helen 4 fVrt Opposite Herbert " innrN . P. O. BOX Ilf t in it Noonan left for Xlpalakua yesterday , I street. ' . v - HONOLULU, SlBTnXETlKr&V fintn lirnm ini EmMUW 1780 PRESmM TELLS OF YEA LADS ilUVU! Walter Baker HG AnI HUM STAR-BULLET- nrTHEJiAWAi IN CARRIER CONTEST Ul II1L llfiHillflll HUH M10FJY

Dole Many children of today Depends the condi- Beginning July 1 and continuing Anna . C. Reviews , tion of our country m generation hence, three months, the Star-Bulleti- n con- of Organization principle Successes Let them be taught that re ducted an efficiency contest among vv-- -V noble-minde- ciBhfVA at Annual Meeting cognized by all d men. its carrier boys, two prrxes being of that it la only a depraved, debased and J fered the first. gold watch, and the - 11 (Address of Anna C. Dole, president cowardly natare that wiU Injure an ia- second. ! la gold. Oedit points were Ierior, defenseless creature.: ani ;that . for new subscriptions obtained of , the Hawaiian Humane Society,' at jven 1111.) there Is no better, .no grander test of Dy carriers aid deductions made For drinking tooklng the annual meeting, October 21, the Cftttas. and ' we look back over the year to the nobility of character than one's lor complafnta of poor service i, As So, Us .. Pure, Delicious, Nutritious ee what we hare eccomplished, ' tbe treatment of the lower anlmala. The greater number of th carriers up our auto, Instead of patting into the hands of the entered Into the contest with a good first thins that looms is any weapon which we contemplate with the great- child a gun or other that amount of zeal and enthusiasm and a est satisfaction and of which we are may' be instrumental in crippling, tor very marked improvement "was soon mr ms . turing or taking the life of even a service,-an- large very proud. It would have been im- observed in the a ;;. ; v single animal, I. would give him the subscriptions r "' . i possible to accomplish cne-ba- lf of what number of new obtained. field-glas- s him and camera and send Above are published the photographs ; B. we have done without our auto. By 'x l y'SX r out V. D. r 1 1 f (J means of It much distress ' has been out to be a friend to the animals: to of the winners.. Alfred Tyao, who won relieved and many burdens eased. And observe and study their characteris- first prize with 15.035 points, and C. from wonder 1 wish to give the heartfelt thanks tics; to learn them those S. Lee, who won second rprize with He's Hot arid of the society to Mrs. Victoria Ward ful lessons that can be learned, and 12,550 points; It is a part of the policy for her treat kindness la giving ua thus have his whole nature expand In of the Star-Bullet- in to give its patrons , Looks the use of her own automobile for admiration and love and care for them riot only the best and most correct It and become thereby the trcly manly news, but best delivery service as some time before tve were able to pur the k a r m m - i m U. 8. TfttexU Office and princely type of man, rather than well, and constant effort Is being put Rctfrtercd chase one. It was often at great In type. is leaf convenience to herself and family. We the careless, callous, brutal To forth to bring the carriers service up HIS a. .from 1-- mm Breakfast Cocoa, 2 lb. tins very feel and realize the essential oneness to the highest standard' of efficiency. appreciate this kindness deeply. life on : a iarilinV year very quiet one, of all life is a steep trp which the world Baker's Chocolate (unsweet-- . The has been a now rapidly climbing.' Through won prize marked only by hard and faithful is It upset all preconceived calculatiora as Alfred Tyau, who first summers dav..; He cned), 1-- 2 lb. cakes ' ethics Is being broadened and deepen of the gold watch) in the Star-Bulleti- n work on the part of our officers. We to what should be the result (a vexation, ed, and even religion is being enriched hole,-o- n of which recently closed. in .German's Sweet Chocolate, have tried to hold fast to our motto play; to this the basis the carriers' contest mons and vitalized. I would put into his strokes played preparatory to put- His record was 13,035 points. i 1-- 4 The union of all who live for the while thev look on In cool , . ' ';'- , lb. cakes hands books like Black Beauty and - '.' '.--J who ; ting. service of all suffer.' " I - would form my "only dis tm r unit Groom in Boaolula IIss Lucy Ward, our humane off! Beautiful Joe; in lt" s perhaps natural that the amusement at his discomfort of body and ft own village a band of mercy, and thus an amateur champion should cer, of whose faithful and energetic ; .;r i ; I open up foun- r opinions influ- comfiture of mind. ; Bckcr & Co. Ltd. 1 highly woald another little when forming hi be Wdter work cannot speak too her humanity ' of U, year tain of for the healing of enced not a little' by the trend rc-- DORCHESTER, MASS., 8. A. report for the speaks for itself : - v A of ur march to the our troubled times. ' ; . v events in connection with the ?ane has. among other things, called the ' country. ;4 government in Our troubled times, indeed! Does It played, in his" ownl And i nearest, store and get it. Don't put it off' put it on' 53 HIGHEST AWARDS attention of the to the seem almost a sarcasm to try and viewing historyT of i the past In Hf. excusable overcrowding of our schools. the By the way, remember that not all A thletlc Underwear is B. V. D. On ' ' keep op a Ihumano society when we connection with amateur golf In the - EUROPE AND .AMERICA It is both Inhumane and Insanitary, every B. V. D. Undergarment sewed . yy? ' view the 'awful, the astounding spec- states, it is plainly evident that the is A. : Is Inhumane to a er It 4 also sot rattle, tacle across the-wat- which war has art of putting has; had much to do jt jrrram i sick man over five miles or more "of .championships rr ii. ; brought to our view, even in this 20tb with the destiny of and ,B.-V.'- our execrable t roads ; to the Leah! B. V.-- D. Coat Cut Un r UXDL FOR THE Union Suits century. wtthnall clviliza-tio- n making reputations In that t Its boasted the cf; - (Paf.U.S.A.448-07- ) Home? 'We make the suggestion that " dershirts- and Knee ? : trying ap-paren- country. Travers won the hospitals and culture Brothers 'Mr. bas Length Drtwe,J50c., $1.(, 10, S2.00, the roads to the shall be the to create "misery and dis- amateur championship of the IT. S. A. first' to be attended to. 7; that 75c, $1.00 and $1.50 11.09 and $S. 09 tot tress which we are always endeavor- on no less than four occasions; and fcCST RZTAILTTVTSf Suit ; , - the Garment v. ..:... The children's welfare committee ing to alleVhite? Surely; as Pope put W.- J, Travis has; been successful In cottage ' have furnished a at the Salva If so fcng ago, MSns Inhumanity to the'same event three times, and more- .- ' ' tion army home for the little ones. man ' makes countless ' thousahds over has a Britlslt 'championship to For your own welfare fix the B. V. D. Red --, Wsv n Label - many things having been contributed mtourn." We ;are all so dased Shd his 'credit And the reputation of firmly in-- your mind and make the salesman show it to for through kindness gen - ; this the and shocked that we can hardly realize both these noted American players Is you.- That positively safeguards you. . s ; , erosity of the merchants. About 22 the unspeakable horror of this war, mainly associated 'with their consist- children have been received this year grant, may cease; ent' accuracy when on the putting God soon 5 which, but ; - . Into . the Salvation Army home from It devolves' upon" us an the more, in greens. ', the Humane Society. What we should our little corner of the world, to work ."Again, as a confirmation of the in- have done an these years without this for the relief of suffering, rather than fluence which putting has had upon ;c:u institution 1 do no; know. I have not the creating of it, looking forward in the history of the game on the other yet given up our petition' to the legis faith to the time when "the nations side, we may quote case of Charles y. the " home home - ' ' lature for a shelter for the shall lean war no more.' : Evans. Jr., .who Is ;generslly credited C. S. Lee, the winner of second prize 'VV'- i" i; ' less children of Hawaii. "Let us renew Longfellow, in his "Arsenar at with being the most brilliant execu- ($10 In gold) in the Star-Bulleti- n car-rler- s it this year. If the government" can- Springfield, says tant in. the playing of ' individual contest. "Record. 12,530 points. not take care its , It of little children. strokes . that transatlantic , golf has i iuuJi J seems to me would be say I 1 It better to "This is the arsenal. From floor, to ever .produced. But a championship so, responsibility ;; ; v 1 1 1 and not the oh ceiling" J;r:-- . . - I ' shift event cf material importance has 11- , to that splendid, long-sufferin- g Inst! Like a huge organ rise the burnished never yet fallen to his share, and the Prices Reasorthble Army : home, ad- tution; the Salvatioa majority of his failures have been AUDI COMPANY a- whose 8elf-6acrlficin- g helpers, I know, But from their silent pipes no anthem mittedly due to his lack of confidence f much-neede- d ' - deny themselyes food for ' . in his own powers when on. the put- stealing ;;' " ;r;::;- ' the. sake Of others.. ., Startles the villages with strange ting greens. .' Contrasting, the Tecord " ' OF IIAVAII ;; ;:;;J:?-M- "' : Ev- The society wishes to thank the pub- 'V alarms; , : :' of Mr. Travers with that of Mr. r thun-drous'w- ar ans, help im- Mean Bill lic for ,its sympathy r with j our work, And then, after describing. the one cannot but bein and. for, the generous; contributions apparatus of the different pressed with the eSfect that putting S24 BETHEL STREET ' ! v has admittedly , had connection; n ith which show .;; ; ; nations; he ends withi la i . ests It ,: '"r and i i i '. Down the , dark luture, through long championship grejits Jn JUnarica. It seems to me that one of the most ap- P. O. Box 448. Telephone 2035 -- X In consequence wecttn thoroughly Important things to-l- n iweratlonV-tt--t- 4o be attended Of. Trav- . The' echoing sounds grow fainter and preciate the point view of Mr. THAT, you come up or down our: society, after the cases of cruelty " - V. cease;: ! ers that the putt- is the winning shot Fort street to the numbers of .' to children and animals, is the humane 'then .Suggestions given for simplify-fn- g in golf. . . xyyy-- !- yi"-"- v ; And liie a "bell, with solemn, sweet 1139 and 1141 and see the big education of the young. I ; will; quote or ? systematizing office ' - ' - ;:rV.v ; Ralph-Wal- do .vibrations, But when one revfews the record of business" confiden- v changes made In the old store-- ; . a letter from Trine, who work. All 1174-Tsle;iC2- t-i:TJ I" game country, T . expresses hear once more the voice of Christ the In this there would " ' - .V room .. ... the thought so simply and 5' tial. . , :': ". : appear entirely as- clearly, i v"1'-,;- - say 'Peace.' y to be an different He says: ; . f. ; ; .' .' 4. ' r'.: .f V THAT formerly - - '. -.- ' y pect of the case. Of our leading ama- housed "the t i first principles of conduct in - 4 -; The of Audita MODEL, and note the appear-- . "Peace! , And no longer from Its bra-- " teurs and professionals it cannot be Conducts all. classes stilled into the child's mind take root " V " :. investigations, furnish- ance of the new store in which and grow, and as he grows from child aen portals ."; Vy'iiz said that the reputation of a single one and and x' ;. : of them . any way rests es Reports on all kinds of fir. we "will soon open' ; hood to youth and from youth to nan The blast of war's great organ shakes in in their : -- . ;'. ' exceptional ability when they have ar- nanclal. wprk. ' hood these principles become fixed. the skies; THAT new stock of , Clothing ; beautiful songs - rived on tho putting greens.' In the " Scarcely any power In existence' can But, as of the immor- STAm7 i e purchased tor your inspection '; y.-Th- very: Bfritlsh golf,; ama- change them. .They decide liia des ctals; u ::. ..h.... front rank of and soon to be displayed In holy . teur or professional, , there la" not,, to ' tiny. How important, then, that these melodies oflove arise. V your behalf and also - .; ; be found a single . golfer the main first principles be lessons of gentle strength of Whose game may be said THAT when we do open ness, kindness, mercy, lore and hu that ' to rest In his' consistent; accuracy on - ' "hatred, new . store we want every manity, and" nor lessons "of green:' In? may envy, the putting truth, 'we toother's son In Honolulu: and selfishness 'and malice The for go further' than this and say that, tak upon the Island of Oahu to trier make ultimately our law-abidin- g ing them as a whole, they may be con ", know; citizens: law-breake- and ; DkMlSNG; . the latter,; , ' sidered as .putters of an indifferent THOSE criminals. Upon the training of the - THAT you ere going to be given ' class, and at least two of- them Johti Vardon- - rep 1315 Methods in Ball and Harry have the this store mmm. of ; being considerably worse utation' : we upon every and shall count than average in their attempts to' pre- one you as our .; " L of customer. L w - I La i La v PLAY vail upon the ball to go Into tho: IwI. Stroll up on Fort street this IffiLT but these two golfers' have proved , : evenirs or tomorrow to - c y-- eminently successful despite this! most 4 '' ' ' :' -- ' : " evid ent weakness. " 4 : ' ' ; i 1 . . 'v . - ' ' n':t.t v ""In4 the first"of the series' of articles We have good putters In this land- 4fV &m 11:2 Lie Jd Qottiers Tcctinbs She;Vas ,Restored from tlte pen of J. D. Travers which men who In their ability to hit the. ball t we are'at present p'ibi'vhTii? in Gilf scraignt towara tne note can vie witn say's edito- even Mr. Travers.; but It is not a littie nialsdvll Hotel Building. -- inustrated." Harold. Hilton : rially, ""the y ung Araenc iii amateur, Temarkftble, that thesd men who, find - la peculiarly 'inrhaUc on the question such little difficulty in .the carry big IP AVI as tobo stroke which carrk?3 with it through ot this most' trying and diM- - fS.Xaekftwanha; N. Y.-- " Alter mfr first the greatest' degree a importance in cult Bection of the game should 'all i2 trs tirn I felt very miserable arid the wrahHg of Biatclic s.' .twl without. exhibit such weakness, in ' other sec- could not stand oo the slightest H. , porticna tions as to preclude them from attain- my5 ' My sister-in-la- w wTuk-b'ljaV-e ing;, the very' highest honors-I- n the feet to the str to v playf.fl '' t - game. '' ';."; ;-- - wished me to cn'thd putting green the- position t--f ' ;'';,". '';;; . S., Pink-ham- we any way SaiteMGlaini'a try Lydia E. 's being what he aptly. .'terms ;Tho wiu Whilst do not In wish. Trip visi 5. : to Ve ge t a ble nLng shot in golf. .:. ; V hint that successful putting is not Compound and 'my he jnay le tirompted to th'a the most effective weapon in the ar 'Tht : ' mory any nerves became firm, fdi : h v the far.t ihaV a Yerv la rte of golfer, still; oii the other measure of his own graat auccess'has1llnd; it Is not a little significant1 that ICil-kue- a - Eye-glirs- ss appetite good, step Did yea- ever hear cf . wonder-Jou- r own great men nave 'atje. and I l6it admittedly been achieved by not acnievea Miust Do 5 made measure?, fnl nrecisinn when In close orcxlmitv . meir exceeaing grearaess Dy mis to hat that weak, tired means, by exceeding ,4 to the hole is more than probable, as but rather 'their .IK 4 ""V" is exactly what you get when feefimj.r That was there cannot' be a shadow of; doubt rand consistent accuracy when nlaving six years ago and I d alt manner of shots up you buy. v-- f ;! that Mr, Travers-woul- pot have oc- to the hole have had! three fine cupied the distinguished position he side; and their wonderful abilitv in Not Lat&r. Tlhia2i' y. healtiTThildrefl since." For female trou- this phase of the .game enables them Ffts-r- Eyeglasses , ; now holds in the world tf golf bad it bles f always take lydi E.TInkhama not been' for, the C6nsistent accuracy to win' championships' despite their Ifot simply beconiing Vegetable Compound and it "works like he-- displays, when has placed comoaratlvely Indifferent work on the . .more ; be the l " " ' own work. " Mrs. ; putting reens. others, but more comfort-- , a charm.1 IdoaHfrrt ban . within four or: five yards of the than A: KaEAMER, 1574 Electric Avenue, hoIe.t:iTnat golfing F. belias other grat' ' able, tis welL They are made Lackawanna; Ni YS i; :i--'?- -J quallflcations 'must be admitted, but The Manufacturers Shoe Store has I fifty-cas- e just received . a of so that we caVadjust them per--; suTbW" success of Xydia E. Tinkham's to these' w ho have watched him play shipment, Vegetable CompoimaVmade from roots there ts always one impression whfch'i fhe'new. fair styles. Amortq' them is your noseyCpme in the new Fire Fly Pump, the Mono Liz fectly to srid herbsVis tmparAlleled. It "may "be cfings longer than any other.: and that in-wbic- b and the Castle, Pump, which are show you how we oied with perfect confidence by women Is the .confident way he ap the t and let us newest in popular favor. Adv. - who suffer from displacements, thftam plied "himself to the tisk of handling do it.;- - bis putter, and the smooth rhythmical " mation,Tdceration,tcmors,irregularitIes, 5 .M. . manner In which swings that gcJf The British war office has issued a Booldngs Close OnTiiat periodic pains, bearing-dow- n he. backache, fng implement. He always loolxs as if call for 1000 expert railroad men to A: W. Sanforl. . feeling.fiatalency.indigesticm.czness, he thought he ccttld hole every putt; ass'st in the operation of . the French ' r aervous prostration.-:- Lydia E. Pink-ham- 's railways. T r :w -- ' ; ; r optician :. , - i and tnpreover he inevitably leaves ttie mi stan- I ' ; Vegetable Compound is the impression to an Imaginative opponent it-- g- -- Bostoa CttlWla- Fort Street - - ' dard remedy for female Bla ; every time he lip posi Joseph Walker Progrefsive candi- v -l v; - r Over May & jCo. X i . that takes his Women ho -suffer from those' dis- tion to strike the ball on the 'pnttln'r date for governor of Massachusetts, ry tressing ills peculiar to tbeD: sex shock! green, it. is much more likely lo find has formally announced himself In. fa- T'' 1 be convinced of Cie abiBtyof a resting place Inside he ho!e than vor of nationwide prohibition. - ' 1 Pinkhatas Vegetable Cocrpound to re-to-re cutside of it" ' " V mcrmjiqn:..-:vn-':- ' thdr health' by the many genulhe The player whb Is affected by his r " tand tnxthfja testimonials Ve arecon opponent's' .powers On the ' putting stantly publishlnj inthe ibewspjapets. greens' Is 'always at a certain disad ON ir yom want tpertat advice vrrite fe vantage, its H is difficult to play the fjdla E.TInIt a Hedlrlne Co. (canfi short game In a normal nranne? uitea Agency for.1. Cratlal) KssjL will thh idew is ; fwr with" himv that ilm Taar litter a PHOFNIX HOSt Uepeaed. read and anwemi bra prrfnent-i- likely td run' down ii putt vTOmaa Aftd tcld la Strict C9&4esce cf more than average length, and so 3



BAND-r-ffONCO- FOIIIPPINP, AND' QUARTERING BABY M-i CapL Muter Socrs to Height of : MISSIONED OFFICER SAID TO HAVE MATTER IN HAN u ,17.441 Feet in American- - Immediately upon the completion of the use of the club features and facili- Made Car at San Dicp;,; , of the armory ,V said Colonel arrangements for uniforming, equip ties: "' v Jones In"' explaining the proposition. i '. By Latest Mail J V 7' ' ment snd quarters, a second Chinese no formal application Cal. an Amer- - Ha- "There has been SAN DIEGO. njtot company of the National Guard of as yet from these young men, and the lean aeroplane dHvea by an American waii, composed tf probably, more than matter now. Is being looked Into and made nretor. CapUvlL, Le Muller "1 adju- " 78 men. not Including officers, will be Is under the consideration of , the , v-- . Ve w .; of the First Aero Corp United Kutca A; . : " - tant-general, covering - question Army, the American altitude organized.-'-- "?. ." the broke " This is the information given out of their admission as a company, and -- reccrd : here when he ascended to a ZL nSZEZE : ; Pr:-,;"'.- ; y -- .' - yesterday by Co.. John W. Jones, ad- the uniforming, equipment and . quar- Z tooting : height of 17,411 fect, V yj jutant, who' now has the matter otider ters Tor the' company when formed,. at Capt Arrtur a Cowan, ia command consideration, ani wno is worxmg in This is to be decided within a day or of tht corps, who Is representative bf ; of on the I'a-- cooperation with , tboe arsons at two., I believe. the idea of a second the Aero Club America coast, read the barograph on -- Idea of a seconJ Chinese company U a splendid one' It cific whoso Instance the an- young . --T ;..;. V,: - and Chinese company was formulated- - v shows the interest which the AN V 'A Cw Captain Muiier'a machine of- Honolulu v nounced army officer had . ; A few weeks ago the adjutant's men of all natloualltles in ATTACK v . U that the National ''',' LOTS HOT-FOOTI- NG i broken the record cf 13.137 TeeC which fice was In receipt of the Information are taking In the Guard'vV ; ON THE ' Of e was made by De Lloyd Thompson of that some 79 American-Chines- young Just who the persona are who are VOLCANO HOU5E. IN TW5 WAfV -' SL .- . :. jnen in Honolulu - ere desirous of back of the formation ot. the second Lou's. forming a second Chinese company of Chinese company Js still somewhat of Captain Mailer ascended at 11:45 a. Guard, none of the young a secret, but the information has leak- m.:' He shot into the air: at terrific the National n speed, reaching height ,..''. Chinese Interested beinr present mem- ed out from guard circles that, a non- nenren but after the - 3000 began circlhig slowly. At guard, ; ; commissioned officer of one- of the E0F25THT0 of feet , bers of the HKuiiiUl UlllbLH 1 young haole companies has the matter- in o'clock be had attained an altitude "These men desire to obtain f - cf 12,000 For next hour, v ; .;, . ' feet the training and, hand. , :, : i . ; ,"j . :.v the benefits of military, i j owing air, Muller as- v Th-t- h regiment. to the rarified ONG before the word' "Colonial" fleers, is a foine Jt : . TAKE TO had appeared in the military lexi is mostly a well drilled regiment. But cended cautiously and hortly after.. IIP :: 1:20" o'clock passed the mark set by con regi wan thing. How many times J";" ? ,' 7,.-- . . '. of. the time ascertain there is Thompson. At 2:05 according to the i4 ment was stationed In the northwest have I told ye that there should be -- i . watch he waa carrying, Muller had : ; and in that regiment were men,whoga .23 yards between battalions at dress ' 1 a height 17,441 He , organization ran- parade? And now. look at thlm - reached of Jeet ; service with that inter- still had an a supply in ' tne , God me judge, mere are hour' fuel left y iiiiiiEsiis . back to dates net far distant from vala! As la the gasoline tank of the machine, but Si m ' ICETiuEFi , days of the Civil war. One such man three of four of 'era that are 26 yards.1 barograph .. was known, to nearly everybody". 'in (There frere but two intervals as there the could not register a D. ? qt ..the higher altitude. . ;: , , Captain trv-Que-ntly : Jt Eltoa - ; li - - . . -- n the regiment personally as was were but- three battalions.) There . : : FBt Malll ; National Guard has received word old-timer- s. army dsco In 1873, Of ecent years his the case with many of the are officers in this regiment comraan-di- n MuIIer's machine was an speed - Company of 90-hor- se Pair of Popular Officers Sever been, largely with tbevord i SAN FRANCISCO, General dlssat- from Honolulu that 'U the Hia name' was Martin. andi battalLcna fit to com- scout biplane driven by a work his policy pay to Ha-I- n that aren't Isfaction over the government's 25th Infantry will a .visit power, motor. The . worid'a altitude . . , Citizen nance department , and as Inspector of 'paddyT MarUn he was called by alL mand' a corporal's, squad, be Jt known Connections With PhU--j monthHandlng at Honoapu, 2 ; ' wall next 1,600, b . ; handling the sltoatlon In the - record, Is eld, by a German bmallear nig practise. Indeed, the full name and handle to all of ye, I'm namtn' no 'names, ' :-- . - spending ' '" : Soldiers of Hawaii ipplnes and the feeling that if inde- visiting the.volcano and our - - aviator. j j .t -- would sometimes c.reep perilously mind would do bar ram to MaJ. A. Neely, who Ukes Major The-Informatio- yevfer that W. thelrjdays HiloC n came ' - In -- At . 1 ',1, X- pendence Is granted the islands appearing. In - guard report and regiment,-tut iir 1l.tKJ Lo-give- near the pride cf the I will orders! a.nL v untenable,!, is" In a from Captain Rufus E. n with the Issuance of filial positions will become letter similar official documents when Pri- say this,- - Major Maloney. ycu' f are , I tionai uuara August 1U, ana ws company. v of. army men as for" gan,' commapding the ? 2d February by the.reasoa " vate Martin was meant. When Con wan. Now I know what ye're thinl ' " n?S? ser-- 1 The' 23th Is colored regiment fV w. mt nl0,ie4 tenant continued resignations from the tha gresi in its wisdom created the re- inY Maloney, but don't ye say it, don't GUARD DETAILS . purpose Philippine LeUehua The ' vice of officers 'of the stationed, at tired' list for the faithful among its ye say it!? -r - Scouts. Such resignations are becom-!o- f its tcming here ls stated be enlisted soldiers Martin's service .was ''' of ie ortoance weekly "occurrence, the re--' for a hike and an outing, and there is following men of B Company Jor Liner T. years. Major Neely ing of with believed to be sufficiently extended as NUMBER of years ago the city of The c'crartment. suit that the commissioned personnel saidja be a; possibility that others of entitle 'him to retirement and an have been recommended for promo- as regimenUl commissary And number-Capt-Edso- a to. Topeka, Kaa. was the selected 1 forces" stationed on pahu, ; rapidly weakened, v . ; , the was f A m i vm m 9 tion:; To be sergeants. J. A. Radway, Ynran&VSS.' oZ small arms pracUse, aside is becomin? application for the indulgence .t ma Ia. 1. a. m r Wi f i.tP JPcctor bog "8000, may follow - IS wf w ."uttrtAiv company: L35mall, one of the best about suit if this duly forwarded. Back in due Ume l,vA R. IL LowrJe and VV. "Newell; to bo being In command of a nrmnrl Armv th Hennbllc The t I ;n? J?h nnZ t from most efficient of trip Prpvefc a success There will bo a rf ccrpcrals, J; H. Mcintosh, L E. IU known and officers came the application, with a statement memDer8 ct that organization attended hundred men In the" company- and p. G. Deve- - , 3couts, Is .latest to resign, his, by ( war. department to efTect chnlen. R. King and P H. bean". the the '- the the immen8c numbers. In - , - .CapUin Morong of k"medical d three" wives. y-- tnat reanion ta t:.e crdnance derartmeat commission. ? He served as a private, cfBcers and their y that the .records of the- - department rill. .Second' Lieut. A: L. Lowrey la . ; t .dd!toQ. the City. was a host at the who. went Into re- - parcmem was ayuiyu wiium sergeant." uartermaster-ser-- J "J believe thero is a , chance that preparing for an examination for 1st IlaJcr Wlsant. I corporal, showed that Private Martin; had been A 1019 corvlrnr xvlth 11m hosnital rorflS mor6 maycomer said Captain UmQ fDr a similar gathering of tireir.cnt o!- - to the heavy press of geant and sergeant of Company mani an enlisted soldier la the regiment '.t,- -, h lieutenant and 1st' Sergeant Frank: 20, 1914, when resls-natio- n flrt -- ;a nna idnh Thpe " I : i n.te in Company until October August 14.; Eastra. if this Artist make hits so i is preparing for a. 2d Hen luisiness, enlisted ' D. Eleventh' Infantry from since 1855 and that, It was believed , -- aartr, tlona milte filled the to n Stevenson 3: 2. 1S93, was accepted. I y y 1902, b oped that Hilo wUl ap all If men-ma- ke rf National Guard July 1803,' until' September 29, when: HJ. his service antedated even the ti; tenant examination. these te that with the elderly and enthusiast! llcutpnant ; a j will xas cmmlESlohcd 2d The special orders further state that hew-a- appointed a second. lieutenant 'i wirw " date given and the, department was same. Gen.r A. their promotions f.hen be : the time y. At cor-pcralc- Ai ril 19, He was 1st Sergeant Frank Stevenson of Com- "back Ht.T,,with. the Uln.- - pleased that- - ancther sergeantcy and anothe? corsioned of Scouts He became flrstlle tfifra passed therefore . td Order the "' the o McD. MeCcok. then in' command at ' ' i:r::trr.2r.t Novemtcr 14..HD0, and pany D, 1st InfantT)", and; Sergeant 1907 .ml rantain Company leave Honqlnlu said. Private .Martin be placed upon the Yicancy. ''.,, :t - 24,-130- th.- march from Honoapu to the Leavenworth, and probably the .bcr Captain Sen Y. Young or Company II, 1st. January; 20, 1909. V the retired Iistj Now for some time past Fort Mc-Cock- . : , s,' V..-- .' -: ; l ana 9 marca ?fight!ngesr cf the 'Fighting ; t re::. frcn t! ? riard June! fantry, hare been granted. permission i. volcano iter .uy,inerc Paddy Martin' had-- performed no .real There were t'o officers and 24. men i- ror ; -. ' bad marched a considerable r. !, cc..,... ; tae -ij t:.e tcrnce to lake the examination prescribed Three'! olcnels.x; lieutenant-cole- J?"Cnv i?1";"8 soldier duty. He had been given of. Company. A on the ranse' Sunday, ' 1 body regular troops frcm Fort Leav- c cr 1538, as captain nnd 2d lieutenant la the fv'atlcaaP Uuard. charge' "cf soldiers' batk-hous- e cf October 18.; Table II of Special Couroei 1, ' 4bec partly to jres-- ) 'T'cf t.TTS irctlse." He They are to hold themselves. In readl-- j thflrst localAIctlms thlayear otthe; Hilorlbune. r ;4 and over that necessary Institution he enworth to. Topeka, be C was the order for the: day, The --- - ":-- r.- prac-ljo- O , .:..; " rf-- m nrfinpra t- - . as ranges . J.:.e 1, 1?M. en to irnf;r cficre. ir? examining i i for had'certalhly exercised 'lull ''and com- ent at the reun!on and partly and 200 yard were shot but rrd ' - by'the : relieving.' fr.o'nS actfve ;'duty': the ahnounce-mept'- of V.'i. .t -s l:i Can Traa- upon cotiScatlon beard J tkhed 'ia and about, tila cltyt Th; plete command.1 . With the tice In field duty for the Leaven? ortn ,o shooting was dene at 500 yards on ..r " ,. his faearjaf: handretirement command. When the-officer- s the j account of the anchoring of one of - - .I' T 20th and. 21st.andi an- innovation has". m?e a collecfi. lp purchase .btri; a Martin gave over the command of the regulars; naa xn- oppon.uDuy-i- c sei. me uerman steamers. lmmcurueiy in which-wa- year, in- - f'ne clock, s .presented to him bath-hous- e spent they saw that practically, every pf the butta this range. ' been rang in for the present to a successor and about rear at asmuch, as officers taking test M hi quarters at the: Presidio on'Jan-- the remaining days sojourn at one of the veterans had equipped him- " i-- the the, cf bis 4 : ; L. . .- - - . :J - . 1 1 i , J w. rldes will spend each night In a new, cary'z- - the.lpcst In making many visits and self with a badge of lmnensa stz. The officers of B Company are great- i - I - y . . i :'- ' - camp.' the Crst being established Jiear : ufy ;r::--. theseT visits were not confined to the These badges were supplied In short ly pleased at the showing the, men '.Vy''3'army-transpo- rt enternrlAIng "fakirs' that s ad- the cavalry barracka at' the Presidio The United States barrack, line but were extended on ftrdor hv Lmade In the last insDection Dractl3 rtcry cf lrrc:;n: TreiKh scalers shon-- the British ambassador had camp grounds and by the com-in- g. and the others wherever 'the end cf Thomas, from IManila'and. Honolulu, occasion to the officers' row on the pervaded held last Sunday. The shooting shows w En:lusli. vance information what was; te re ir.t tf day to: port ground. of ribbon showed f the arm of the or the careful InstructiQa ". ;:..'''".' 'f ;- - j. .v. the ride reqnlred; each yhlch Is expected reach this other side of the little parade, colr 'result ... .'';. snT Lr.'.ish vho trie! to the" among wearer nna oy given by Lowrey Sergt s. ends. The bfficets will start ride early tbta rtornlng;. win, bring It was while on that side of the former service of the Lieut and ! t'.e:a t cre r I cT by kharp-t;r- lcc , adjusted and numbers of captain operators follow, I at ciock eacn morning. ana tnese . 0ther,T passengers; Major, rana ;u parade that Martin met the wife of the easily letters Stevenscn, the latter being of way lr.tcrcc; t Moving picture the ; to then J,o oaes vnp j m senior captain of the regiment as she thin gilt that were set in a slot at the B Company riSe team.. ' .1 German, armies under the direction of iwui we ue&inuuis ;W,JC' winn. ipcoecoine aajuiam i ever c; land ly. German iae was passing along the wal Having top told the observer the regiment, .; :!r.c,!;s Kaiser, Bordeaux despatch . 3. Two cyclists were shot the a ayi,Jv good news fallen brigade or ether organisation in which ; Company B, N. O. H., has divided -- .will look well In heard the that' had n tryir. ta it. A tlilrd, made and make films that -- f- rie cal corps. Eben Swift,' general staff, "'carries 485 discharge from to the old soldier Mrs;;X; was quite "the Comrade had served. The of its enlisted men into permanent t:.rt;:-- h inferno of bullets.. The neutral countries. Among those . 'of soldiers for tn and David Shanks, inspector-general'- s the.PhUInplne$i alone. In addition to willing to stop and express her share leers 'from the present day establish- squads and assigned to each corporal : ch cf the halted col "nosed battles Is one showing 'The ; crn:n:r5er Ueuteriant-Colonel- VTll-- m ; too young at- 1 - J aw --.. A n dejiartnicnt; s '37 glck, general prisonersCi ca-lia- of good wishes for the future, u ': ment were by majority far a definite. .list of mett for whose i i e 2J fc:vncfcl ana ins nieaai. ,micror uuuer we ma. - MI war r'"" ut; p. Kendall, medical corps, Thorn- - 50 rstaff ;. MVeIl, Paddy Martin," she said, to have seen service in the Civil. tendance", he Is responsible. The to breast of the gals of the, line and from -r epartoenU: hear, that you are going to leave us. but they were keen on the badge idea. squad having the best average attend wi, 1 n given e for s;;;ne life.- A committee has been appolnted;to ; - . Cavalry,- ST.'-y:- - Are yon sorry to go?" ; ' But 6th Infantry, or 1st or ance will each monUx be declared ' Germany to J JIcK "iiamson, quartermaster ; the cxr!r':u3 "I the honor of persuade all the omen of y . rps. E-- judge advo--t ; In- - that, mum,", replied Paddy. other regular regiment seemed quite honor squad. . ; lv, ; :ra Uv cold ornaments to bo M Ooodier.. The Third BatUlian of the;14th '..!Not cate-genera- l,' n compared with 't money arms John W.'Joyes, ordnance . fantrv hasrbeen ordered. by Malor-Ge- Ye see, it's this way; mum.: I. well meager and lack'ng as to buy Af-tille- transformed into H. Hart, names such as 116'N. Y. Heavy rj, Company B would like to add about po department, 'and William Arthur Murray, commanding the mind the day that the captain brought "h cf a cook is given by Each' woman receives in exchange an eral Infan- quartermaster" corps;. Majors Charles; -- . army, to you as a bride to this was for '238 Illinois Light a dozen first class men to Its rolls at Ixkal-Arzele- gave western department of the outfit It r. rlla r as proof Iron ring inscribed, "i goia ior time. Applications re- . Stanton, quartermaster.corps, William; proceed Xrom Fort William Henry Har the same week that Sergeant Craney, try." The question was soon solved this will be to for the war.thiB., 1 llane sta-termas- ter dlgnl-fle- Wednesday nights ar- , d ceived f H. JJertsch and Sam F Bottoms, Hson to JUssoula, Mont, for him that was first sergeant of D com- by one of the youngsters, now at the crc . vho-vv-ill rd down In his fort . . a I a x 4 - 'A - m corps, Lewis H Rand, corps . -- pany twenty years, mar- pres- mory, 'which Is the company's drill 1 iL.t t in a tlm until "further borders. The Fort for more than fleld officer In. rant and at v 3 a icrnaie Lierman empicyeu tjurviOKer i;rew umi uic 9uu ; " of engineers, George Stockl$ and; 'Missoula"' station, ' however probably ried that, Judy Craney, And I says ent serving in the adjutant general's night, applications can be made rii.h ambassador In Berlin, ybad , for Germany, The predictions; of Caplifn -- yillard ' D. Newbill, quartermaster ViU be permanent , change - is at the time that I'd never , bow down ; warmly greeted sug- personally to Paul" Super at wpu fin A" flvft Bubiisned in an inaian paper aiaie, The department His - -. davabrfore.cne -r . : .. :'V----- I'-j- , to ye. begorra ye're the Y. M. C. A. ": tne : am v"4 r0-- ' made because' the barracks at. Fort ather of But gestion was to at; once organize the vl frh the newepaper thinks that the sUra tell much . f . ' I , 1 ; -- . ... . J I , ST.. .ST.'-- - : inadequate' both too much for Paddy Martin. Here Cavalry."; was done mey woen -.-ngia-a tru ". Harrison are to bouse all 1st Alaska This story as uia transport which Company A extends an invitation to her victories at Trafalgar and Water. The army Thomas, the troops during the present winter, I. am worn out wld fatigue and gyard and tha self enrolled members of that sailed from ' Manila September ISth, 1 ; ,s ssr; 33"v V and whatnot and yon and Judy Craney body at once sought out the willing those interested In Indoor baseball ti - - - exhibition game will . reach this port next Tuesday j Mai,' George E. Stock! e, quartermas- are still runniri things." It's no use, fakirs and .providei themselves lth attend the between long Palama Settlement, team . a Officers :ahd men bt JeVisl faith .m0111 , Jhe .vessel carries a ter corps, assistant to the department mum. I can't outlast ye. I'm glad to flaunting yellow badges wih the new- the. and -"". 1 team the 'company, the British In "6eBsCT lu " quanermasier, wiu proceeu w vuiy be a leavin of ye. But it Is only you ly adopted name of the shortly to e from The g3me ?gU?nd furjouihs C3j: will be played in the armory drill hall k ere ted when-- f JohnP FInley. iSth InfantrjVi. the Yoeemlte, to certain and me and Judy Craney that's lift of famons'command, The scheme was praise, recog- on Thursday evening, 22, public, property 'stored the owld regiment; , glory be to God! most effective as Droyiding October at possible ithat they might to - erer o 7:30- - ; attenr c mj-- 4 lev UIO And je'd better keep your eye, mum, doorkeepers,' ga tern en and o'clock. religious on New Year and1 the uiuu, luiuiuj, iuc au uesireu Ocpinuirub vl,. uic nition from -- x .:.: .senice 5 r western - department adjutant: .' Is "purpose ap-aboar- dl on Judy Craney ' Day of Atonement i .' ; 0 Interior .Foe' this he la or that tarrier'U be other like functionaries and then'the He will not however, assume pointed special, inspector to act onf the commandln' here yet' for ye'H not have ereetlDgs at the hands of the veterans First Lieutenant Smoot- - will take a 7 A.. ll, - Chues-da- y. squad men JL adjnUnCfor month. , 4Tpon comple- me Company to :27 A young Englishman hurried hoi-!.- duties as .a propefty in Question. to handle her after, next when the badges of the 1st Alaska of from the - - : range from Argentine when a German s6hIo, ,wr uu 8 uu ;Ura i w auiy Mw.nwni .w This is what I've .been wantin were encountered were most cordfal this afternoon.- Members $f the of absence period, to to tell ye, mum, goln' twenty : withaccoi-panyln- g company who are unable to shoot on brought word that Paris had, been leave for that station here.; r V, ; for on; an1 frequently effusive nprmm' ftake eifect upon his arrival liere. ;The. 5T' year. an, now I've told ye I'll be sayin Invitations: of ' In as Sundays are requested to communicate in ;ct merit - ! transport bringing 30 alaV 23 gen- - J Colonel David; C.;.'...Vl.Shanks westera goodly. Twenty year and two wim-me- n with him. j .'. - , .:."' force had landed at Dover and . was j much aa Kansas was then, as now, a c-s- v . prmoaerB, j uais w ine ime, .aepanmem nspecior,. is ; oruerea 10 and .only; Paddy. Martin: to go! burning London. ; er" ; "dry state. But most of the fun ' - Good-by- , . land 50 of stafT corps and departments,: God hilp owld ' In Sunday's shopt thel high Vancouver Barracka. to assist the the rlgimint came from - of ,th last -- the efforts older - -'"' -- -- discharge: In- ;:::(-r- . Ccrman a rUHerymen have named l these men for commanding general of the 7th Brig, mum.' .y men to attempt to recall the Ala ska s scores of Company A were as follows: CTM.whlch-worfcaucv'- '6I-6- 200 yards. Private Gasper. 44 out of their huge sleze in the days of 3. After careful frcdy-j-di- r. cord 137 48, THs havoc wMh fortifications "Busy Ber-- cavalry 61. coast artillery field of the brigade. Col. Shanks will reach NOTHER story in which the Irish-f-l Inspection yellow badges with, a possible 50; 200 yards. Corporal Dole ' corps - of the ir. itself every In Krupp,' now;arVllery 19. and of engineers 24. Vancouver- Barracks not later than man figures is that of a ) and Corporal Lucas, 22 out of a pos- bad: adjusts to thas." honor of Bertha former occat'opsi doubting glances at the ; ' ": . " - the real bead of the.Krupp gua works. V ' October 23d. f colonel of a 'well-know- n and gal- youthful face of the wearer the "vet", sible 25. '. avoia-i- - - -I.-- The - rr.ctloa cr r : - army transport ". po:e Thomas, which! ,38r. ,3 . V lant National Guard regiment in an would Inquire,, "What were von brig--1 , . ' early-thi- s morning, brings thel Artnierymen Win- A. ttria ca clothes cr The battlearound of tte'rntflgh wrttea The Coast at Fort eastern state. That this colonel was aded with. Comrader'And Jthen J. Lewreyof B Companr body CapL Ben jamln 2d . : ing near Paris has jliw been i, cleared of Watklna, field Scott yesterday broke camp and popular with the whole of his - com- young fellows were often bard put to1 'conducting the InstrucUng of the :hcu!ders tnc! ; cnsurlns - i wno wij.iouuu ueaa on 10 weea un- the-olde- company In and danger of infection removed. me;reiurnea oarracas aner a mand may, not be,denied but that he guess r --einbOT:crfte Butts !v.-ay- 'nu7 what command s -- - " : sent-out:'"- auuuau mup w m m exercise. The ' C'glit hundred Bremen, were uc', utr wmas i uieir possessed the technical . ability to had not leen brigaded with In order "'f1 "I1,1?0 baronet r Jroonth ago with n bullet, wound In his structlon : r; exercises is popular. to clean up the batUefleid-- ; command so important a body as - a - . f - fr keep up the plar without detection. . . . j . jneaa, a service pistoi, one empty cart- regiment may have been a question. When Uie. awaited answer , bad been ' Spain is willing to be the official rdSe therein, near him.' The body will Capt C. H. Errington. 11th Infantry, However, the officer was probably -; cup wnich MCOnd team of Na-th- e received the reaWboy m blue- would inut-tie- ! bctUe-hold- er In the war. Is. M be interred this afternoon at the is here on leave of absence until No- aware of his own shortcomings pro- .Company A won from Company B la Avcid ns They :,That usually his, head somewhat sad-h- t belligerents will tionai Cemetery at the Presidio. Mrs. vember 1st and Is staying at 102. East fessionally certainly shake m ,..h hrtI. for Ask her she will '" and was known ly say, "We'l, daqg Look d. bfeHcf. '; . and mComrade ere : Watklns and her little daughter Cantonment the Presidio. . : cn !rrlved by the last steamer.and is now undertake to receive and care for all ' occasion to deliver himself of criti can,ren-:-oe- l If I r as we.La I nsed -- i- . - k mm - ' ,' su,. ' ': . ; I company1 the body oa the . transport, 'SET 38T , iMVU U WAVh. 'WA-x-.,n.n, rr.m the words SHIRLEY t r ' ' cisms and cemments. that aery ed to j i c . ; of to. i guesi z,i , cia.. . ,;. V. .." "iThev will remain indefinitely at the - Leave absence for one month Is entirely disarm opposing critics. As ii lor.sure. IDENT stamped ca - granted ;t. I. certainly rcr; ember any FRS The French have such a clever way Presidio as the- guests of Mrs. Peter Lieut. Theophilus (Steele of these comments, in accrrfznes with ' ; cuf.t in rry' ct the Po I;-.- la this way Marquart, wire W. Major, Marquart. of, jnramry. well-know- n " tudJes. of coverine their trenches with arass "e nin the rr ' the Cumber--: bcughsahe Cermim aviators the;l2th Infantry.1- Captain Watklna aivEr.t2"- - 1 will be cf c'ltlnj'. and are the fa- -' Iii!:anceYcD:anty rrc - aero-- entered the . army.' fronu. civil life In unable to locate' them from their ADMIRAL McLEAW IN -- old fcllrv until Gen. . -- , ,.: 1 infan- - ... c" cssi planes,' 1898 as a second .lieutenant of thfc-- 3 r - .;- cr their exist- ccc!, ttrcr- - r.d p:ert!y r; - :': try.;;v - :;;':;- J CHARGE AT VERA CRUZ hy keeping ycur weet, r - ixa - maj-o- 141 1 ? , 55T. : : When ;the and deputy of ST sail- '. l-- !ifl ' t asd iYft wih Ferte-eous-Jouar- ra were taken as hos-- j Capt Henry F. McFeely, now on the IBy Latest Mail.) C c tages by r- - - irar.trcd by the cikers. the Germans thev were retired list but formerly in command VERA CRUZ. Admiral McLean ar- at' i - rjessea on payment or xen - wmpsny u, rre-- nere aDoara me oat--i v: G!2nn,i irancs i3j oi lzin inianuy, ine riTea American ' apiece. sldio. has been detailed as professor. tleship Minnesota and relieved; Rear p - o ' . ' : , J f - ; ' ; of military science and tactics at the Admiral Beatty of command of t3 : The benefits to peasantrv College Agri-- j fleet Mexican j r:.:y, the have " South Dakota State of American in waters. ' been apparent since the sale vodkt culture. Captain McFeely was retired Admiral Beatty tonight cn ? "or JoZrasA.Evetyvshtr of sailed t. was prohibited and the czar has or--' from 'active service in January of this. Virginia for Key West convoyi t dered the prohibition to contfnn after year for disability incident to the ser-- J North, Dakota. The Texas will l.-.--.i the war. ; vice.'1. When telegraphic orders came Monday for; Lobos Islands. J : - HONOLULU STAB-BULLETI- N, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24, 101 4. SEVENTEEN


J i; ; - ; Wk l i Vj 6. Iifefc rl J ;ifI

voic th&t thethrM in th adiofnine The story of this great Mm-coman- ee It published each Saturday In the photo-play- s room beard and hastened to bis side, Star-Bulleti- n, follcwlng are shown at and during the week .th "Splendid. Pauline, my dear he re tbt-thrillin- story on Saturday and see the PHOTO PLAY PERILS OF PAULINE" "THE -- the houses Iven berow. Read SCENES FROM THRILLING peated, .splendid. I never, realised splendid no less thrilling pictures of romance and adventure the follow-- and you possessed ability. . Why ; ; ' that such Ing week.-- ;. ;( , '"v ...'-- -. that fire at sea could not havt baeri ; better described. And .wuat Lady. : : :: v v ... . paasengers . 'Pauline- adepUd .;'.,-- . White all the with her beautiful - Marvin's daughter... ..Pearl " dances when she knew that a fierce multi-millio- n aire Jose Stanford Marvin, aoed ....;, ...... Endora s fire was raging almost under her very " Crane Wilbur ;i : . Harry, his son I! ..,... i ' Paul Pander fat-- W. . . w...- Raymond Owen, Marvin's secretary, ...... l "If you think that travel would aid o,,,. you 1 am agreeable you -- shall ' that been runntnc on too. ran towards the courts, Harry nena one veu tDroia. i win on I'rt ' ti' GJDSS a. grade a toe high fear, ( Ins Pauline ,for a kiss and Pauline nd, go Under the care of my trusted see . and bare tot to cut her J fusing htm as is the wont of girls like retary and then I want you to como down a little If I want to make good Pauline. On several occasions Harry home and marry my boy." on the Marvin advertising matter," would have stolen the coveted kiss but Harry entered a mild protest against said Sanford Marvin, millionaire auto- for the, flet that his companion's ten- the proposed trip; asking,1 "Why. ndt get you I mobile manufacturer to , , Raymond nis made a beautiful shield married and and take the " secretary, - expertnesa trip together, Paulina?";' ; Owen, his private one alter, and, whatever Pauiine'a v: 1' V--- - noon sbortly after bis return, from a over, the net, ia. this emergency the past-mast- er in", of pyramids, showed , herself a the mind. She desires to make the trip rialt to the land the ' whither be bad tone In search of use .of a shie!&.'; : ; .y,: ;.' one of work not pleasure. Her, Ideal J health. Oh, Harrys look,: look, there goes are of the highest order and ahe is At that, Raymond, we advertise the! an airship," she cried when midway to firmly convinced thitby travel, and: Marvin car to: last- - a lifetime don't the afternoon's game. Harry, of course. by travel only, can she improve her . . " ' wf and tmrelv Old Man Marvin should must see the blrdman and turned In ' . . v ' - ."si. knowledge and Teach the height In the direction pointed out only to be the field . of literature to which she v- the best in the United Stateeand greeted with a playful , slap on the aspires - x ; lurely tny where reached cheek, from the girl, who immediately Owen in elated over the confidence - I have net ( the time to be relegated to the acrapjtookito her heels. ; , reoosed In him bv hli emnlover-an- , suffl- - heap. , , . ; ; j However, either she iwaa not of good wcrk left In tbe old war-hors- e, jnot. extend,' herself to the limit for fit to carry out the arrangement he Neverthclers, Raymond, you bave been ; Harry caught her in; but a little dis--a has suggested. Cut another power, one with which none quartette had-reckoned- , good and faithful help to me and ; tance. and, compelled her to kiss the of the I have maie plans to shift to your place she ; had - slapped. Reluctantly, was to take a hand la their - apparently,- obeyed. ; - afijurs caange in a most shoulders some of the, responsibilities she ' uius ua u .4 Soon, they were enjoying the pleas- fr radical manner their plans for the fu "I would like that son of mine to ure of tennis and the company of each ture. - - . be ready 40 take my place when the other. Each' waa perfectly . satisfied . - time cornea, and I gqess be will, but and each was htppy ' and contented. Sanford Marvin, seeas further pleas - youth must have Its ,fling know i Why notT tlDaddy, the first considers- ure in the . unwrapping of bis mummy. that, Raymond, don't you VSaw llt,tlon of both, was feeling fine,' and they ana as ne euta away ua can:i that .your younger bind herr-th- e mummy is that cf aa' tie high life n days, rll J were both In the best of health Each " "; !' wager. . . loved the other, although possibly nei- Egyptian princess of a' reigning hou33 when history . "Ay, the svay,. Raymond, have you ther knew it, and their own company t the of the Occident was noucea cow auesuve narry UB was sufficient to bring them all the - in the making his mind wanders taclc to pleasant to Pauline recc-t- lt Jt would do my happiness"! that theycould well ask. his vlsU la her native land old heart good to know .that they. two but a short time ago. ' ; - nseful-nes- s V in- All wold .be. rr,srr!ei .before.- mr The game of tennis was rudely , the others have left hirr aloaa with , entirely enis...... terrupted by Owen, who had been de- his treasure and leisurely he pot "Paulizer 1a" a" wcnJcrfuI girl; wo spatched by Sanford Marvin to sum-- ters around the mummy case until hs" derful girl, and I couli not thfak. a ' men the : children Into the house, to stumbles acrces a relic of th f.zt mLte .mere .cf fccr were she my own ;6hare:with him.the pleasure of opening ages for, which he had not t:r:i:i:i flesh and Hood Instead of being mere-- j up a case -- containing a mummy, that wnea he purchased the mumr:y. A

-- ""! Jy my averted- annte'r. '. he had picked ,up during his "travel in small 'eartnea bottle, tightly.... cc; ed, The In'rrtlcs cf .c!3 are were' be-- u tauoiit.Ju ioiua or 1- -3 ns . Mm r!r-.i- to crc: Cir.rcri Marvin Owen-explaine- to- Paulina and J U i ' ...... At They were c r jc'i fzster t.?n Marvin leaves tne mummy to "ez;n--is- e 1 small fortune. in transportation alone, 'hij'.hewiy-tbuni- . J. ' ; treasure.-- 1.7 re-- V he tr.i.'c!r-- l: -- -i a cou!I 'not the.'gooily.-f.-jure- , r itesidsr? th3t.el.vaya ;:1-- i I C3 . novci,tae f.orper t::y foe 1.3 c:j::yt3 he. dli lmred.'"upon-- Ar?riJons fron v.i Wmsclf, wl.'.rh rt: .j tcccvntci for tv.e I" w"!'f "id 1" taa..-;';..L- - Wlci ta rofeUa J3 . c-- thEt he r-- .'. aroused, lnv.2les a q-- :. hd special benefit relics- - are today manu- 4.1 .. U. icW lS.ilL3 thu suDstaaca'aai.ia a few - In large quantities -- r v.' q factured and manu dropS'C.t a heavy ra:at;a ' into. : t; ' ' - 1 factured equal to tho genuine. article. : ( r iters He arouses trom nis spell wr.a a,cr At least they come , so near "to 'the m-- -i v. . . j C Lo ' of atarm whirh nnr)tiv ' genuine the ti'fu .;:;at: .1 :. :r.y Utrary that aforementioned side uwen, and Hirry,- - the i.t , c wealthy Americans spend fortunes In ts.t!3 frcra I.a .:: . ::. at former hoping and tne two fear- i:t:r.ins acquiring them delusion latter ten!i.cly to every tt:t f.!l from under the that ing that something serious may have they, are getting something ; from the tha'.rrs cf t:5 . .v.: 3 donate happened to the asea man. ages' long" gone by."., . t.'--: but i :Tcr rrtMr- - r y rn!::3 the uicmy removing the fcandzsrs ' from With the , arrival of bis ac tne-wris- occiiica atsol-tel- y c..-nic- d if.' litest around t .ot mumiuy, '.'' quired treasure Sanford Marvin is. al- the iiir Li:tra to this, Owen,"'. tili: Mar- via discovers an odd snaae-lu- e brace fr-r- a most perfectly satisfied with life, but tin. "Here i3 a I iter, that cIJ ' let, which, he places on the wr:3t of cf a Crctvr v. ili have worn one 'thing remains that would com- - rECil . Pauline and then .recites to his fittia Mr..::'.f cut with wcrk-- ' while'-- I - an a was cr:3ir- - Ufa w I'- - cl.I'.ircn's chll- - Duneu uy uie iwo, wuo are. nearesi visited during, his - lam ting spell but. , Une3. He cays. and. dearest to him and who love him - drcn xliyl: ft a few moments before. - . , Quit i.:::t::-tel- y and devote above all;else In Ue world If Pauline wcrk , .In his dream Marna had' seen the . ycureclf entirely to Harry and Paul- and' IUrry were only wed he would mummy be content,: discard her. wrappings ine.' Now, v Lnt do ycu tiink cf th2t?" and he was telling them step from the mummy case. when Owen room.- -; She Was "The tlictcr uniouttedly things so' entered the more be'au.rul than all of the dsscrirv your ccntin-r.-.:- . rChildren, would Jbrighten ttere i3 a ren:oa fcr cot it the old tions he had ever neird of beauti- 3 man's, remaining days Ue : In J.rnr-- cr.y longer," re .'lie i beyond measure ful - women of Egypt or - you, you two were I. biblical C"c::, "zr.i I LcIIcTe if I were if married or was sure ti Vn Oa ATtl tarltYi h a t.uu rM n , .. r-'-- you were to be soon, ia 3.T. :::rLi, I vcu'.i le ei to some married he knowledge of s aflairs that aencted her k-- h:3 . saying. "What .go, you youngsters c:.: t at :t ty aivlce." high'8tation in life conpreaea-so- n youngsters now," think about and her "i::re cerr.e3 tta itr ':',:'.' of matters pertaining J to her t-J- .l - 'Harry is most agreeable .to prop- irtrin, id.- arrrised.of their A the country. i .... : r . ? osition showing his pleasure nern::3 ty t. r.:.;3 that ennns:sei in a bash- Particularly struck had the mummy r. room bursting ful, boyish smile: But. not, so frcr.i U.s l.trri;? with been. with an oil painting cf Paulina thrcvti ti e c:;:r Harry and Pauline Pauline, even though she had but a I few which adorned tne .wall of the entcrei, I: ii. , white . Cnnnel3 moments previously listened to the love-whisper- uvui ua - s' aau vn uie picture sne jiaa and t:::r:,' for ases- from the Hps of the gaaed lovingly and long. Ur-.- U ' Showing a Us courts, youth in whose hand hers had .been s xloa'ca 7, caretul examaiatloa of the furai-hins- placed by ; : Tt9 cf l.::th cf the lovint Marvin..; :..:' t of the room and of thm taut End fc:tcr-:;tt.c- r had caused cot "Yes, daddy, aid the girl, T may cer-cc- wnica Marvin head was resting, taa m to.IIirTy end a littls Tcutlna marry Harry some day and ! imagine beauteous visitor who had stepped out and frequently, ca the courts and ia I ; will, but ; youn; first I want to see the of a century of centuriesmaybe, ea ether places cf seclusion that world.' I .want to travel "I want to gagea -- f.nd so cosily accc::iLIa,'(i2.elJy Marvin in coaversauoa. What folks get i experiences so that I can write did say discus-Eio- a. she to him r Tnat he could was the topic cf most something worth while. You know not Eoch love! the eld gtntlomaa I remember but he realized that her have written several short stories J message was Cenrly for that deep but one of. importance and aad'beli :s tin s 5 I y X want to write a great big book. Then had to respeet that Is the due cf.a parent do with the bracelet which tow maybe I will think about getting ma- uurnea we wns or Famine, aad who he.3 givea his life to his offspring V :, that rriedto Harry." u v it was a message from and who has r.aie then a part of What:you? the remote past. leav-Jn-g writing stories, laughs life. Neither would think cf foster-fathe- r, his her "and what do you deavored tn thm without first inquiring . mrlarrn wrfstvrw irn.a4- - the housa ao witn : cf h'eilth. tnempray? j via and so Impressed nad he be'ea w ita the state "diy's Here Is one that I .wrote "a enianrf tn-uraa- little the bracelet "lit ror an ce couiesi mis while' ago, tnt tmn,ir.i. - ' responds Pauline produc-- f upoa afternoon?'' The old gentleman an-tl- d recovering consciousness he had ing from the table a - rated .the cuestion which : had late issue of one Instinctively 'felt for the relic of- the trruns to the llpa of each 6f bl8 loved vi uie popular, magaxines. , 1 woman's Jewelry. 8 magazmei Apparenuy as "Vt'hy, Lhave a good mind to 5 you this gentleman. What d'you thmk I ki7 iiarvia was about to cnea. Harryi their father had chosen a Neither; did . Owen, upon his return, "Well, what is it are after can'. k ,ir - that courts for a set or - "vi-- wuaviouaaeas we prmcessaaa Ja'n. von on the ia- spacious reception hall tell his employer that he had happened time? More money, L suppose?" quea: do with a bunch. .like this? This is iT",, ." Z. your dad ta comer the alone while, haimx'ifafnw;4'"stepped back Into case two to show you that far in which to place his newly acquired on the courts m time to bear Harry tioned Ray,t answering his own ques- no. the i.tand ts.s-oee- a. yet. Iron the class as treasure, failed to tell tell Pauline of his love for her and to tion in the same breath, : ;Z .' make when he although he - - fol -- . . . y . All Joined ia the laush which magnate had see Pauline act as is reported young "Sure, old top'you: guessed first tamer cemme ud ln a counie or aays j v. , ( - t.. . , them that the automobile it it I loa-ed- solemn visage of Owen - C Z magazine m tne strange vision had some even the just recovered a most severe at- girls act v when t6ld such things by shot, replied the uncouth individual. and I want to play It across the board 7 - 1st.'"". smile as from nas aDsorDea. every word of a thrill - connection wu. Pauline. Marrin on a scratlance cf a - - you get so chesty. You a waa aa ucuaw a nr . a " v v 14 v yuwrei - I but needn't fiwvw in T4Ia i j fit. hardly think; u assured. The dream-prince- ss he casually remarked, T come."'-- : not know the old days I did you up to you to provide the coin or the admiration of the his determination to smoke one of his He did even allow Pauline! that in -- rSJ? approve or any - 1 tt for the painting hls adopt- your physician .would -- had" to know , many good turn. ; Stop and think of old bloke gets put wise," favorite cigars; cigars that" he or Harry that they had been a 08?! Wr " ed d ; daughter . such heroic exercise, Mr. Marvin." you. to when and a fancied resemblance . made expresRly for his own use and discovered In their declarations of eters'the feeds I have staked the' "Cam on. daidr. and join ua. You neighborhood of nal love and fidelity. you were up against it. Don't let pros- ie:l"SWPleadidr;exclaime I am sure, and which cost him in the and I can beat Harry. a thousand dollars for as many smokes. - Another possible oversight on' the perity ret- - to yours head too strong. be la just as mean as he can be and or Owen was neglect You know you, never can tell when ; :7uJmuch longer. He is strong forme and ' Ughted Owen his to state : every v When Marvin his cigar '.Wt " jbeits me ainost ua that, he had met, while out of the you are liable to slap the bank-ro- ll on I will be remembered handsomely in 'THE PERILS OF PAULINE." 1 . -- oaDT-g- remonstrated mildly and following the nnt -- v t icc tofiar. sure-sho- t get double-cross.- " his" will. I expect to leave me a house, a disreputable individual who 'a and the ,him - had requested .employer .to . . snumg parent, attack his . ; Where ShAwn; i reUea tne ,ijiuuuu day. had addressed nim as TRay, and who,! "Well, here you are, 'take this and!sma,l.ortone and th6n we will both n aadv I are going to be busy for an bout cease work for the But Marvin MONDAY,NIGHTS-Airdo- me, Shafter,' direction was not man to allow a phys- judging irom ineir, conversauon, naa get out, Owen ssys, offering; Hicks a ; sei oura Ft under Lt'cte'nv or o. I am planning to. turn over the little ent.H. Wright and at Popular theater, Honolulu. to plans. iMjeu pariy wiui uib eeuaio ana lugnp Of : bills . Wnen . Counted,7 010 The prospects of a goodlypile of i ical pain interfere with his roll. that, ' TUESDAY NIGHTS - Post 'Exchange, t. Kameharaeha, i . dir w m 10 under ...... V I A 1 nea uwen cerwin xransacuons inai, aa would not be . Had such been the case he; would not appeal to the latter being a suf wealth, for which he . , 1EL: WIU tfcn 01 Lt. Herbert E. Ellis - .i.i.t biU to position pre- to apply a charitable name, had been? ficient sum ' to receive from one in as compelled to labor, appealed to the and at Popular thester, Honolulu. J- De siraiguv never have risen his of ( nt little cf tha work. We wiu vj ?- -: - s Z5th Infantry amus-me- eminence In the automobile" world and "sbadyVtv-;- ,: , V prosperous circumstances . as. was his race track' follower and former part wtuntftUAT wioriTS hall, Schot!i r out few days now and then 1 racka, under direction eaed ina : . ' ; . secre-- J of Lt. George Harris, and at Pcpular made his gruelling though winning "Hello,' Ray,' how's the old pal ?" old comrade Owen. ner ot Sanford Marvin's private -- th$:' me v , ' Honolulu; v.- - Ton can counioa juur - ? forget; daddy, you fight against the trust Nature, was greeted the stranger. : i "TNow, get me right, Ray," he said; tary and he left the grounds, warning .:v.;: "Dca't and I'wll ; TH U RSDAY NIGHTS yoa are balking, against abuse but old : man Why,"Hlcks! - What are you doing "get ime right sure. How would", you Owen that he expected him to keep bis Castner Hall, Ft Castner, 'iindar direct? :V beat Harry Just as soon as . William C. Gardenhire, none-too-friend- ly -- upon Lt and at the Popufar'theatir, Honcl-.'- j. bAndsom Marvin would not be dictated to; no. here? came the re- like me to tell the old guy" Mside word and divide the spoils the ' ready,! retorted Pauline, a aat FRIDAY NIGHTS At Popular theater, Honolulu. ' the border of womanhood, as not even by Nacure and had insisted on sponse from Owen, who hastily escort- some of the deals we pulled off when death of the automobile manufacturer. - '' SATURDAY NIGHTS ri to a more were ? following1" the . track? - Owen hastened to join his employer. Cavalry and Artillery amusement ha!?, : the hissed and flew from the finishing , the day's 'Work until he had ed his unwelcome visitor rou' field tin In- - Well, whom were Barracks, under direction of Ltv WlUIam Gardenhfre, ar.J Tr"-- i ta cenrany with ber foster again been interrupted by the .arrival secluded t spot the magnificent Wouldn't like It, would you?" he Pauline and Harry, ail of C ropwiar meaier, Honolulu. f 1 almost sweetheart of the large express package from grounds surrounding the Marvin man will be put next? unless 'comedeeply interested In the mummy and :r tr. i ' 5ion,: "!'.. ' i : i Iz : the ycaajsters jilayfall Cairo, Egypt.1 '.;' :,t tvV'--- ; r ;r: across and come, across like a Uttlethe case, which had cost Marvin: t'. EIGHTEEN" HONOLULU STAR-BULLETI- SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1914.

IS YOUR OVEH RIGHT? asu-Mattft- r ! T5oV;to;jMc:ry t; "yOU can never roake v success f : i - VI.. ? - : I ik'.tg uales the oven U exactly right. If it is a little t liot or too ' ta--br peaks thrtJJgBT F you ars m cf lhos crunnnAt tlilnr from crape paper roll. The tha garden hose, A cold all Jrfcur alee cake crp!a will be of longing to seen in illustration sj hom-ma- de cold vet hand la Uld on the victim's b'ns posssed the polled. Tou tan always test the heat -- nttrtata your In return affair carried? out j with crape cheek as Is la warned that his past Is QHB wortn r ith c erva.:ve tasi frtnai " by puttnx piece paper -- a of white cn .: ( k .,' s be who loks the s.ivartest tyle ct for tha rood s time tare paper. i t 4 .ra. about to revealed" to him by three tf. it yon, lhrmoney to fa proper color- monkeys seated in tree,-- face .of oven shelf yoa 'mean to use aiid the fan Is apt to etclalm: "Horrible I jhrea but with Httl romflat paper' the a The Out rag pnd upon a formal dinner or dance. ing red apples. Mar catt nd black the one he loves best win be hi own leaving ft there for a f3w musi If eou Absurd! III nerr wear 5 - ? nd-!- the paper come ry anything like w hy knot by nr witches may be evolved or jlkca cards reflection tn a mirror, while the future out whit thstt" not rut tha Cordian lightly. edges But what will yott ; i V . of guest may browned at tha ti. va laterest ea eecond out. invitations for Halloween and table decorations, v ba a carkatBra thought your your pie; the piece sketched on paper soma toy to in- i cool. is that dressmakecr arty and part with all fears and But tha Jack Horner or milliner, going tremors? , Tour truest .wilt hava a de resistance of the well equipped Hal- dicate bis particular fad, whim or die If tha paper come out good deal is to adjpt thess ,ew howling good time, for who ever heard loween table, can' be fashioned from a browned, bvt hot burnt t ad, the oven fashion Into style tthat,' will accord 1 perfectly year ; is paper, coraes with' less extreme cf a Halloween party, that was not a small , bandbox r a frame made of i lm tie matter of t refreshments - the ruodrote. If the out ideas, - brown over for ultra tyle and popular T Why, : very cardboard! A little padding neces hostess can run gamut - bf ' all and blackened at the fashion cucceas? tha Invitation is the her edge always bear some iym-tol- le fancy. the oven Is hot. It the paper resemblance to each themselves when got up In a Sary About the sides of this foundation Just sitting on the floor about ' 1 t ' ; V . - - 1 other. ' i fashion pleasurable- thrills to give roundness; then the yellow ar wide fireplace,; roasting iapples, burn all to tinder the oven fierce.? ; and ,' The Charming; pfctured blas- - Huffy paper I over and fas- cracking popping corn, Tou caw always cool an even that is costume Uan through the most mortal, and stretched nuts and and too adaptatioa of aa extreme tha goests arrivs In tha right spirit for tened stem wise unless tha pie la to be telling yarn Is a thia, year's hostess Wt It putting a, baking dish full of mod that U afty kind of Jolly sport, extra big. Then one pie above the 6th idea of arranging her guesta for sup- cold water Into it Let this remain for ' need a blossom-- 1 per. Again, table, may b elabo-- a minut or two, then take It out ani Tba xpn of tha affair not er, bald at tb bottom la tha' keep bother yoa. For a few dollar you can the door open until all the eteara paper caused by the beating of the Water Its enourh crap to outfit the ' - - bof away. '; - - whole thing, so as decorations and dried . . far Us a cool oven milk pudding farots ar concerned, .'v. , for rag dolls, and other thing that need to stand In Witches that ara like with gentle jpaintad faces, can be evolved from ;;.. heat for a long while, so that crape paper tn the twinkling of an eye. the hard substance ef fruit may awdU lowly.;: s-- : V ' Tbess little figures should hold brooms sr ; Ve a moderate oven for rich cake and other solid thing that have to be aloWly, ' - baked so the heat may V I v. '. .... ' V I that M: work right through then, while the 1 outside remain soft It is a. good piaii : to put a rich cake into a hot oven for t a f minute first just to make It rise mm , and afterr.ard into a moderate 'one. Mearand fruit pies should be treated fn the same way, a little strong heat to bring up the pastry , and .then mod 4 erate heat to-- cook the content of the ; " '' ' - Pl - ;.; y'i ihj Bake shortcake and puff pastry in si hot oven. - Remember, that when you are using a hot oven you must watch It kit the time and be ready to see that - the baking does not get. burnt, . ; - If yoyr goodies are burning' on top :1 cover them over with a double sheet of ' greased pAper. If they , are' burning underneath stand, the tin that holds 7 ratcly set a written menu used, the mem on a baaing aisn raisea on a ' beingaJ appro- bHck o that the tin may not touch dishes disguised' under " f priate names, rs demon's draft soup. the hot floor of the oven. . u ' i Some people always keep an . . fairy wands (bread sticks or rolls). old tin . niffhtmare, Welsh rabbit; witches brew partly filled with sand in the oven or ; pumpkin man, 'an apple girl aiid coffee, hobgoblin surprise salad, hocus on the rack above the fire.. This Is very ' l:,-- the useful, a anything cy bat, in a black dres with big wings,' pocus ice cream. . I am aura most girls that tend to burn ' underneath may be put Into the and ghouid be represented. i:?-- : can think of a lot more. . : v your - tlh and kept Quit taie. . But remember r At Halloween party utilue the ; The table- centerpiece might be a NfiW rr.oc:: c: cellar for a "chamber of horrors." .Two witches -- caldronv made of a pumpkin that you must not put your things into hxl una : - - .; cold sand. The sand must be heated can hung on r a of c . . sheeted y ghosts conduct each and standard three your sut to please t. v.oit .'.Ir guest, who should be blindfolded, down stick, with sticks plied underneath to first or it will make cak "sad dresser, and at the .tirr.t t :: spi- at the bottom. , the craklng stairs to the sound of a imitate a fire, and bats, cats and prove an economical Tiay la . '..:i,ta : A "fierce oven 1 not ex- cowbell that .has been- - tied under .s der about on the. table among the much used uae hort length cf centra.:, FAVORS " cept for very rich pastry and savory j zzi. WITCHES'. TABLE AIJD NEW HALLOWEEN running This will give, the tm goodies. Another pretty idea is a tree . faucet. already 'cooked terials. pressloa; bf rushing Water and keep hung with pumpkin lanterns, with lan- dishes that have been Aa yoa see, the smart llttlJ U . c:it ani'toppe'd -- menu-cards- . and only need browning. '.,,',. , rith rarer whUks'on thefr enda - A like frill ith iMtdhcap,To roeUl. t T :ou'ateract the til ef the bell constantly toiling,; btrip of tern Bui the easiest dec- a short cuUway affair of;'..-3e- : 1 ; pe wspaper la-b- le Tew yards. 'of crape paper will make is made. . fects of these omens a .few articles or ropes fastened ; to ; th oration of all is an autumn fruit and the skirt, a per top model, ii cf i FACILITATING l!? or little round pumpkin with Just From the top of tlie pie run the svor such ;as four leaf clovera. wishbones telling will dangle alarmingly above pumpkla fruit baskets filled with IRONING. plain fabric. An odd piece cf f -- rc M . sug- apple- - a Utile tur.r.. with wide green leaves ritbens, also of crape paper, or, better and horseshoes may; be added . to the the victim's head' and shoulders, grapes, nuts and beautifully liEN ironing, fold an old quilt four well ba pressed into service for U.j ccal ' tu-Ute- : - ,- -t . ; tr.3. items cf pap?r. Table still, of stout strin covered with the collection . : , ; v gestive of bats, while an 4ectrie! fan polished. A Cinderella ; table with ail double. and stand on 1L Tou will collar. .: . . - cavernous, breezes.)-- paper Worked 'Will-doubtle- ss corer tnd may be had by the paper.- Then wr.'i the tirr.e ccmes for .ircrs up party . la lots : of fun, es Will make the story out be surprised how much less fatigued r.lkina 1 tcx --aith.all kinds of spooky designs each guest to draw fcr l.'.t .friz there pecia:iy if the faces 'are .masked. ' Of bag burst at the psychological moment glvfr ample, play for the Imaginations you become. ? It also keeps long gar- ; A good flavoring for siren. n then, but lacking these the hott will pop out at him LUclt cuts, owls, court Einor.ff, the impersonations' will wUl malre1 another shiver, which , will of some of myreadera , ; ments from becoming soiled on. the and preserves is made wllh t; ' crari tzj 3 , , ; ,,'.; . ;v v';".' peeL.- - ; t cr.n tnake for herself the same pumpkins and apples, of canJy, japer be rpooks and witches galore,: but the be ; heightened as. the voice doom DAPHNE DfiAN. floor.' .: X i 7 lemon . I f " 11- - T j . XT 1 .1 V. . OREAW SCHOOL RECIPES iTItlED AMD FOUND. VERY SUCCESSFUL BY through. This money is' rage'feeverlt'een.)-;- ' me a piece o; paper,,! want to w.rlte and I are the (Ccr.tfr.uej' ' -- A frua .". : - you get from me. old my will." ' V: ; last will The A WOMEH OF HONOLULU prescription belonging to man is dead and ! do not get one cent c Ms of Oa a tlank 4 :;n PauMse rf'"Cs$ HEM r - i consequence 1 thing I!. -- doctor,' quickly and as a can do ho ft V v: m--- indeUUe the the enly; paier i4 by W4 Florence i 'Hoffman.) !:.n hid 3 tn to' ; - (Recommeriuii available, Sanford ' Marvin wrote: further for you."' . ; :i r;ca t!.e c!J iron's mind. -- -- Marshmaltow ice Cream. rSIft the flour, salt and baking powder spoon of butter. Method' of..rrepar bequeath one-hal- f of my entire Notlilng lue.that, old pal"Jaughs ! : the recital cf Ms Etrangs "I Ingredients: One quart of cream, 1 together and mix with enough water Ing: ; Beat the eggs will and mix with ' estate to my son Harry; the remainder Hicks.. ,"you are still with the gang lz3 encther teart at you?" cup of powdered sugar marsh to make a; good mufSn batter. Cook the corn and milk. Add the corn meal, to still handling the coin, ain't s--c and 5 my (laughter Pauline, be - i '. trre rr.!JM?ut oil to adopted 'i i j. : s ii-- pans. sugar, green pepper r turxel - t t mallows,-- Bmall tin of shredded pine In a fast oven hi well buttered seasoning, and In her by my secretary, "No, I am merely the custodian of it' i .11 , ,, , it H S!?3 s' c r r building held trust for ? ? r$ - ' . rvcr?;ty while 4 ft f S H 5 apple, tea spoonful of vanilla. Whip Excellent and economical. which haa 'been., chopped fine. Melt, - liaymcna uwen, unm.ner marriage. Miss Marvin's money, until ;her mar- t.;H h 3 3 ncrur.ul-tin- s a for ' f Ac-(- t sugar. Then- - butter In the baking and pour alt.'-',-- Handsome JeW Cream, and add fold tn the tin, ' riage, that's b. r Structure r f :e tnd fcr his contla Hamburg - Into the mixtures which thus Luttera rc.Jj Hardly had signed ,"We:i, ' good enoughs ,You the marshmallows which have been Roll. L;v.ct Sanford Marvin that's Boys and;" .one-hal- f your V j tr.crtly r,2r th commcdate$v48 cut.fn halves, and the pineapple?. Last- Ingredients: One and" tin without, additional . butter. li brief will disposing of his entire have the opportunity and I have , the his --v': :: ly add vanlllaV; Do nctfreeze quite pounds round steak, chopped fine; lit- Bake one-hal- f hour. Seryes,tea. , estate to Pauline and'llarm omitting brains, admits Hicks. "Between us f.'cmb:rs of Faculty; the C:xtoT," cried Harry . Ice cream1.; ' One more Same quantity of '.M:f he had antici- - we ought. to get a'bunch of coin , as much as ordinary tle than the t Owca from the fortune 1 1 - :'..;r.c, "father is serious pint of cream will ; make enough for breadt crumbs, onion chopped fine, Serman Coffee Cake. crooked deals me," ! his conversation with Jlicks "No mcfe tor - M 2 r.frMd he is dylus." lated ia people,- using same amount green pepper chopped fine. egg, 1 L i't when .he declares Owen. 4'I am through with eight the I Ingredients.-- Enough bread. dough 1 .v but a little while before,; -- .1 a Iv r.:c:::cr.ts before the ' of and marsbmallows ' ? tomatoes; or bacon; salt 1 egg, cup 1 dead. life forever,";.; C ;' .: fruit tin butter for two loaves, H butter, :, :. Harry drnrred back on his rillow that ''.. -' - - pre- j l.:.J ecrcd fcr : and pepper to taste.- Method of cup sugar, cinnamon. cup 'chopped private ; secretary df the man Don't lo a boob,cUay,-- .Think-o- f ) v'..:y the The tf f.s r.Jvcnt into get of Eggfets and Butterless Cake. paring: Soak the bread crumbs and almonds. Method) cf preparing. Takn "..:( 1 - now dead was the sole occupant of the the fine opening to a uarfel i fcr I.:.- no'.her who, Ingredients: One cup sugar, cup squeeze dry.! AdU a raw egg and mix yemr dough i . old t bread after ft has.riaen. not dimmed coin. You don't mean to tell youf ' I tn room whose ere3 were -- rs re, l.:.J Lcea cil'.cJ you pass trater. 1 cup raisins, 1 heaping table- chopped meat, bread crumbs, onion Mix It with the egg (well boattn). the 1 with tears. The massive frame of the pal Hicks that are going to . : . v r.s to adnin-- spoon 1, table- , cn hr.r.d do-yo- cf shortening, heaping end pepper together frith hands. butter and sugar. ri.'? aain. physician shook, as he remembered up anytMng like u? in- fcr. Ijviri? r.t ia that spoon of chocolate, teaspoon clnna-man- i Mould shape and strew. with bits roasting pan (which give i cud of quires boon companion of I into In a flat will ; l;-.r- little intimate details In the life the the former 1 c:i t3.rtli. Tcudcr s teaspoon cloves, founding of or bacon.' Put In well greased a about one inch). Then - - v W butter it thickness of ' 1 - one who just left; the faithful Owen. V - :'. .tl v r.3 removed to tad teaspoon soda, '8 cups -- flour meas- pan anal brown for 10 or 15 minutes, cover with melted an I sprinkle 'rtnean,-declare- s of butter - servants, who been the recipients rYes,-- - : ic l.zzZs I report J had that exactfy" what ured after feiftlng; citron or nuts at then pour over a tin of tomatoes and with sugar, cinnamon, alrarTids a untold kindntr-c- s a: the hand of rid a . fr.:n s h i c Ii he was cf Owen as he teirs himself pleasure. Method of preparing: f Boll Lake for threfourths of an houn bast kind of'crumb made of buttT, s jgar their row dead employer.- wept tears away from his )nwelcome' ccmpahlon the sngar, water an falslns for five ing frecently, adding water at the and flour rubbed togethfr until they cf sorrow la remembrance ol put ", ; . i.:- - in a bid way," bitter and hastens to as much distance minutes: allow, to coolMhen add the last If necessary. Care must be taken form little lumps. Bake. . one who never again would greet : l y vlxtor. after a care--. tetwe'ea them as la possible la as short shortening (which has Iieen melted), not to allow It to become dry. Serves cheery - them with a kindly word .or length as . - V . .. r. cf his rt'ent. "It a of time foossible. the chocolate, cinnamon,' cloves, soda eight or ten.- Good' Vegetable Dish. clasped In -- - cr; it nay be smile; Pauline and Harry, you'll ccme around fill right,- and and flour-- Bake slowly. ; : Ingredients: Gref-- peas, carrots, arms, sobrjed out a love - -- r f c!..y3 er even hours or dca ether's when- you do don't forget to declare Corn Pudding. sugar and salt .Method cf preparing: J " a father, counsellor and friend lost my parting ; 1 . enp '.:! tskfa my advice for me in for blt.'Ms Hicks' Cold Water Circuits. . Ingredients: One tin corn, Boil each separately, tha carrots hav jti ' couple : - ' .v forever. Togetiicr.the orphaned . . :'v"f - Ingredients: cups 1 eggs; Ing i ; j rr.l piven up active Shot .f Two of flour,. milk, 1 2 tablespoons .of corn .beon chopped rather Cn. Add t in prayer beside the bed where - ::. ') vc.i tr.i.-l'.- have had a knelt Owen considers seriously the Veiled teaspoon salt 3 teaspoons of baking meal; I teaspoon sugar, salt and pep; Bait and sugar to tho water: fhtn Loll waa of .the- one el.; :. cc. You vouIJa't do that rested all that mortal suggestions nnde by his Tormer race powder, water. Method of preparing: per; to taste, 1 green fiepper, 1. table--! together, adding butter and lursley. who had guided their. tiny footsteps : . ccc.'.da't. he myself, track partner coupled with the Infor- j journey ' until they were, :i l,;r. ia ess and along life's received from the iri tart where mation he has Just 1 now, reaching estate ,v to out just that lawyer end Pauline I perilously ret cf it was to them almost a law. tear .r f ,rry, c:j friend. I who his counsel a volcano, with no knowledge of her c - ' and Harry knelt In silent -- : i : uie f ;Je cf your life. Pauline predicament si prayer long the dncta had ?,...". ;'.:.': i la t:. heme and also your after 'teat (To fce Contihued Irr the Ctar-Duttetl- n respond aching Vers : to to the heart ' The.,' T, S v refused ; . ' J f sorry . i cri r.ta. I'm to ; ' next Saturday.) u-- and harrowed '., - - i!Vr-- t ry-- 4 to ycu that the end train. ;r j i i tj. -. W;p-- i was ;:ir.r.d to advico yoa ta make The passing cf SanterA Marvin Thomas BradlMry Q'uincy; Mass., t.. .. . , r.i cfr:Uie r r. to whicli there will to make great changes In the life plan fuP. attempt to kill Central School Chain LinZi cr - after ah unsucci Korean " '-- of this youthful pair. . Tentative ar suicide; by slroot-tng- .i hia wifev'cornmitted ' :.t, Dae. If it's time for me rangements discussed but a fev? short He is believed to have, been tern" The tots, dormitory of the Korean - ) I no cc:r,; to offer. hours before nis death were . to be '! ' . ' completed j Diamond rave liint porarily Insane. . Central School has Just been f,-.- v ' ' t'.ir-r- circum- ' ij-i- j T3 a s I wculd have ruthlessly thrust aside and . . i in 4 ' " shd la to be formally dedicated, with : to icr let time t ill attend stances were about to force into the : appropriate, exercises? this - evening.! lie Ah brdcr signed by Secretary Lane : sorrowing pair harrowing , s . Nature's create it debt must lives of this has cpened to btttlement and entry This very much-- needed addition to r : I puess I experiences with the protecting meet :..r cr later and that under enlarged homestead lafcyS,-600,00(-7 the tonoer school buildings wttl -y the might easily have ; grow to i r.'::r! eoorer. Get hand of the father Ifiefufgeht of raptdl ' acres of land In" California," needs that - ' ; ' been overcome.- - I3ut .he Is gone and :C---- . , ';' :.: ; V :. '. New Mexico, Washington and Cole Ing institution. . The building of the & facing world and ' !' '.-- they are the 'alone ; '' v : dormitory was commenced shortly radd ; . v Any" size inc?Ii. .The most unaided. Worse than caMded for they after Dr. William rlenry Fry took op ' will be compelled to fight the villainy the wbrk of superintendent bt. the lo jpractical for Toniiis Court, -- cf one who is a past-mastfc- r la that cal Methodist missions. It has been art--' c- - pushed 1 with all possible speed and Dove Cote, Chick 211 Coops or Marvin's will, whichWas handed to is now, complete In every department e Any other, construction whore O en by the physician. Is filed fof pro-hat- In dimension the bnllding is 120 by the day following the death of Its S feet and is two stories high. In woven wire fabric 'm be used. maker. Owen,' in his capacity of the cehter- - of the main floor is a spa-clou- 's guardian of Pauline' fortune, "attends dinlng-too- 'which accommo f pains" in- large " to and takes to end Is a i a T r ' V this matter dites 100 boys. At one ' - e ; i . lawyer to his, - apart- " n t quire of a prominent as. kitchexi and at the other- Is an' . i . r r rac-nlt- y. " ...... rg Owen's, status provided Pauline should ment for resident members of the l - heiglit. No Weakest : Any - . . ' ' ' die before her, marriage. J' The second floor Is divided Into - V r - ... ' i .'!'i t y ; ., t I should say," replies the Jawyer I, t., 'J2IZT I :..:". 24 bedrooms with sleeping accommo- No Kasting.': Xo.Uend '- Link." after careful examination of the In- dations for 48 wys.- - t r' - -- i strument "that if anything should hap; ' Dr. Syngman Rhee, the princir"'. i in out of Shape. Absolutely

a-v-ery : A pen Ko-Twi- to Miss Marvin her share of the porta encouraging out!::'. st anv-whe- re r - the best wire I. estate would eo to you.! - .v .; new The - I f the yr ':!: Well pleased with this Information, with a registration cf.'-stc : r. '. to break tlui galvanize acquired without the formality of pay- 1 . 4 b - 4W taxed its capactiy to the-- v -- 1. r t - t i A ing gal . O law- c - fee, xt a leave th without' doubt Is nc.- . jnl ft). ale .... r" yer's office. His pleasure, howetcr, most successful 1 ! : V- - lk4 ' - ' t" v. Ire fpneing in stock. is not to be long lived, ri- 4 t.,- r . no Cciro flea, r.o thrue its history. 4 t . T. tk.verrscnt k.:'1 s us4 ttJ - ire Hicks, who has followed Owen at f- over twentT ;;A large mar: - cwkiu..rcjrirTtb lew A Lteoixs, ee r 4. ... , w w. s .e.ler4. discreet distance,- awaits him but a ,0 ua cl iria it, acd ranged for thi? ' ' short distance from the lawyer's and I - rJc-sV- Hh h ' i trtrr - de! 2.515 r.'t.'1aT cir"". !7t'' ',v-yrt..t.- c !j c accosts him with the usual refoest for .w the - - - Ai.jtj. ' ' fe44w.'u.-- i "' I. money. - .' ". .V ' t -- ' services r . r k- .' "S'ow, Hicks," declares Owen, "you V"',.lki I O'clock.- - r HONOLULU BTAR BULLETIK, SATURDAY, OCTOBER" 24, 1914. NINETEKN

j i ;ii i I i i ll ir ll s i i i i i i , w a i ii i - si i . k k i i i i c i i . i i ii i it i i- i i

L'QTED nr. 0K EDUCATIOIyAL LLUBS KOV BEING WHY KEEN 1 IIUlOIIHIIpl):, mym Mm:MM: Sill LOCAL c ORQARIZED AT LOCAL Y. M. G. A. A TEMPERANCE SERMON IWtEREST By Dr. John W. Wadman 1 im mm r oTimiro Conver- - Spanish and Japanese c. u. -. . bv worn Over the Bar!- I : ,.. i sation Selected as Topics x mmiimm This is not. a Quotation from Lord 7, . -s For Study ; K Tennyson. England's late laureate, nor . ; V; , r ; L 7.!rs; Gccrge Q. Cannon Vifc Religious Committee of Wom- Is the word bar la the above quotation General Secretary of Honolulu - of Famous Elder Who tstab Spanish . conversation, . magazine an's Society Adopts New used in the same sense as the poet - ! reading and Japanese conversation of Kail Work ro uses it In his beautiful poem' refer- Reasons Due ; Per- Hcd Local Work in 1849 are to be some of the Interests around - Feature ring to Cites " '. the Crossing the Bar." organ- .4 ,V"..". . Go to Va- -: S Making First Trip to Islands which educational clubs will be Discuss Things Which "Over the par" Is a quotation from haps to the War and ised at the Y. M . A. . Last year r -- Here C to Make Life Worth While a most interesting document recently rious Other Things, He Says v Praise for Churches the plan ot language conversation r published, entitled "Report of the Ha- - ' ' " A clubs proved to be such a satisfactory ; . waii County . Investigation Commis-sIon.'v- In ' ;' " ' ' Supen . In Un, George Q. Cannon, widow of and interesting learning f The religious work committee of the By Paul '' method of a Union Chapter 3 of the report the that famous elder wbo. la 1849, vis language that toe program hat been Women's Society of Central commission "bating spent Is it due to the war and the conse- planning work for the two months people ited the Hawaiian Islands and took enlarged this year. - Church in Its of precious time, quent seriousness cf the that on its at public expense iT 'atepfwhich resulted In the establish Good times socially combined with fall has found an earnest desire the "examining warrants, pay ' an man mn n wnman ir, nrnllinir many Honolulu women to con rolls and study in llcnoiulu cent of the local Mormon church, and profitable study are features around Dart of other data with the purpose of dis- in Bible classes who later wrote of bis visit in a book which" sider the- - things wblcn 'make life real covering the educational clubs are form what system was used by " entitled, "My First Mission." Honolulu ed at the Y. M. Cv A. They are made ly worth while, the standards which Maguire; how It originated, jyid I The cause may net be readily found. conduct,' the ideals which how t one d loiiy is entertaining: of the most up of young men with like hobbles' affect dallr it to a point ! when he vThe fact of men and women enrolling of-ten- personal and, social nt iron inent workers in that particular who meet together once a week, or make for increased was able ; to secure fraudulently ; in Bible 'classes is very real, Dlffer-.e- cfcurca on the. mainland. together. usefulness. $4167.00 religious organixatlons expert-Uncin- g' to "ride their hobbles' ' from the county ilrt. a single are U Mr. Cannon's first trip to The men who studied, elementary Si In accord.'eice wltti this desire a month " the "whole of Uhe amount-stolen- , v We notice U at tht Y. W. Hawaii,- - having come hero it she from Spanish at the association last, year number of .neighborhood discussion being ; $73,192.29.:6 were Cv A. In the Increasing readiness with tome in Salt Lake' City to visit will ter have asked for a continuation of that classes have feenl formed which able," so the commission !sUtes,l;"to . which men are led to join the associa- ter frandson. "While en route to the subject in one of the clubs this year. meet in Vie homes of one of their account for the disposition of a large tion Bible study ClubS. ' island from Can Francisco, she cele Joseph Rose, Spanish interpreter In members, and guided to their thought proportion of the : money stolen. years ago was difficult to birthday.-Tim- e, Some It brated ter ?:th how local courts will have charge of by a selected leader, will consider "A Twenty-fiv- e, thousand went I 1 re- the ch dollars in enlist. men: to L'.ol study; and ever, fcss rented but" lightly on Mrs. conversation Life-- As - Jesus Saw ; It-Ea- stock and : estate deals, including ' L ; the club and direct the Woman's the call the last year to old build s fbc--!-cre- that the Cir-:a'- a - today she Is study. - Any young man who has a an outline will be furnish- purchase of a home and furnish- - week its ing we had but 16 men and boys to !ct . :e cf venerable health nale. and ings, Maguire's own ll ( t knowledge of elementary Spanish is ed to every member of the chiss while statement I compare with ectlve a pleasing conver Or, - these classes. Then trd eligible for membership in this group. some of the topics to be taken up are that from $8 to $10 went 'over the bar John W,; Wadmarv'Superin- this the fact that this year it Is the i .::: Already she Is in love Clifford Spitier will be the leader of Purpose of Life," ."Standards," each . day, ; totalling $15,000 or more." tendent of the Anti-Saloo- n Lea-.fl- ue a'i The i::-.cluj- - exceptional man who refuses to Join niii beauties and climate beginners Spanish again ; ';t"Orer ' Bar" and where?.; Unto of Hawaii. ; ;:' -, the Club this Jesus' Attitude to War." the says in- - ! I- r at this par- I- such, a class or that be is not f i tte is here pockets ' Sa- - .. year. The work done by this club last Any woman in the city interested in the of the liquor folk." ...... ; ,. f Our. problem now is not U-- .e, says, terested. to ti, -- '.ar "Cpcause,. she 1 ; . now;rbe-Hil- o, year has shown that the conversation thinking along these lines and desir- loon business must have .flourished in booze. "Over the bar" and' getting men to join, but to finding, a says : just received a letter which ' I during , days Why method Is an excellent one for the 1 Jay A. Urlce, Educational Sec ous to meet and exchange views with those when public hind the bars. not punish rather sufficient 'number of Qualified leaders t: t.Ue. mountains of Utah are cov " money was freely spent pay accomplices ? Whj study of this language. As toe club retary or tne roung racn a inn- -' j others in small home-lik- e groups U The roads than his to er . with now." , :. go direct their studies. ",'"' I, f progresses 1 study ; riv were Impassable, the bridges danger- should "booze" not only "sept free; - is undertaken from tlan Association. :4 cordially invited to Join the course. If Monday weight ". Q. first came to Ha- : ' law- night of this', week Uc:r3 Cannon r? ; ous, crime rampant Jails full, as the agent 7a pe r cent of our texts. i there Is nd group meeting near . your of boys 22 years old, remain--- Z - classes of met to our association vz'.l vtcn about The Magazine Club will be reor- speak before club on special so b-- Mrs. Su-n- er yers busy and the public paying the crime, but grow rich, as in this case. ' a' the home a conference. with Paul -- building to study, the Bible. Tuesday "3 Cve years, during which time ganlzaticn .of that same group from jecu; added to the attractiveness and Drobably result in forming a bill. "Fifteen : thousand" - dollars for from the misuse of the people's money. ' sow-- 1 will night classes ct men met for the 111' r!y Ell the islands, year, juasi year mis was one 01 plan club. - yon five which sprang the asi .interest of the of this ' new circle If find a convenient: same purpose. These latter groups in- the most popular features of the edu--1 ; The' organization of these: and other location on the lls( subjoined, all that : . c h today flour-- cluded business and professional men. whlcX cational program. Young men Vho j special groups in the educational de-- is necessary is to telephone the lady at DAY 1 .cut territory." Mrs! TBIPEfllCE clerks, working men; men ot college "j.t .rc. tie were interested in the reading or the.l partment. is in line with the, general whose home the'class meets and ascer ; : rfri In 1SS in Calt Lake followed i ac-- education and graduates of the hard better magazines, certain of club Idea which characterizes the gathering. . - r-c- tain the time of the I. t:.e .cr cf Frank J. J scaooi or experience. ...s these . in detail and .brought up the tivities the M, C. A. Men enjoy v ( of . already held ' i Some classes have 1 cf the Mermen Wednesday . and Saturday nights errcr3 results , of their retding'for general their athletics, Bible study, social life their first meeting; but of course the TO BE QDSERVE1 :h, i I ia a current maga- - ' five groups composed of young men, discussion at the weekly meetings of j and ; educational interests when they course is open for enlistments at any r rt t'.trcctca wiJCEDread la- - ne ciuo, jsociar ana groups ranging, from IS to 21 years old, meet ' xeaiures special .are undertaken with small of time. The women who have already t ' ' for Bible study. This makes a total prcsrams, wjien men were invited to- - congenial companions, over topic, "Tbe Pur mainly talked, the first 18 alreaay ' ''..' .c:. in the church la pose of Life, ara most enthusiastic of classes organized and Can-- LOCAL -- v t. 2 rr'i:: fcclcty." said Mrs. r Bible study.,; In IN PULPIT. CIIICII SIlilAY there are stllli others to be formed. -- over tfie"uew plan for. , v 1 :; s:ca .t ter fccme at ,V'aI-- 1 the intimacy of these home classes The Y. W C. A. and Central Union L U largely a charitable or--r church are also finding a ready re- "It may , shar- ' -d many personal problems be .'en, c- we branch out ahdtry splendid, of sponse to the call to enroll to Bible r; enny. as poS-- i ed and solved and a spirit Three Churches Vill Hold Spe A; A. Ebersole Speaks in Morn stud(3 .;v? ether rhases into: deep groups, ani about as many are in c.:.r to mahe the, work just frank and honest inqulri the being y-v,-- ; Evening Services ing Y. W. C. A. Will Be formed as can be provided with truth .things cial and - t t : interesting. We ex-- I er If fotgredi;Ur . : ,; ' .'h nore L..v.iv-W.iA- t v-- . ( 4 :V qualified leaders. ' ;; crt with literature and art, con--t New classes- - in iCatmuki and at Ka fJovemberS irrChargeat Night- In addltinn to th effect of th war will y probably be formed . c' 3 r.r.d carry on other pro--1 " mehameha in deepening people's thoughts and ? At present following ' pastors ' Union, . J;.:;h L'zilth organize! or?-- this weet the The of the Central centrai Union Church will hold two leading them to study the scriptures - V - i : ' - 1 rr : h c f ti c church's work in meetina blaces have t been arranged First '', Methodist and Christian significant services on Sunday Octo- J ' AT LIILUIJDU3, " as a basis 6t personal ani . natlcnaL s 0. 1 . ty-:- were'-cnl- 18 members;1 Mrs. p. U Withljigfoh, 702 Prospect churches bave consented to hold plat-- ber 25. ; At the morning gathering the ' " ' ' ' morality ana stauiuty, several otcer - - x t:--- ;' ? :, : - i:- t:.;:e Lie nearly 43.CC0 members."! street form services in their respective associate minister. Rev; A. . A. Eber- causes are operating in making Bible ?" . C; tnew Drl-ha- m Young Mrs. W. J. Forbes, College and Wll places or worsnip ounaay cTeamg, nw sole, will speaa on A iTopnecy inai study, enrolments more easily secured ' illy. "I knew nearly all the .' C. .; V J-- - hi. vember 8, under the auspices of the! Will I Yet Be fulfilled." The quartet I and Locai C. der. , . , - . Officers Will be Elected Former Head of Y. W. than previously. 3 ; rerEcnally with C. Hobdy, 1419 Antl-Saloc- n League for the ' purpose beauti-- T.;.rs Mrs. W. Domlnis St .will render William Jackson's une or toe ot added, Reports Presented of Past Large East-- ; of temper tneseus elimination cr Jcjcih Cnlth." the "i; I A;jn Charge of : Mrs. J. M. Young, Alewa Heights. of . promoting the interests fui anthem, "O, Give Thanks Unto the v: : the dogmatic spirit .from Bible teach- was . . r,c3 but ypjLrs old when be Mrs. Spencer. Boweh. 2356 OahU Ave. ance. Y ; , v Lord," which contains an alto sola ad ; 1 ern Association cv;,r:i ';.'.. ing; and a willingness to give frank - Mrs. F. Or Lyser,; 2050 Kamehameha Dr. J. W. Wadman, superintendent mirably suited to Mrs. C.;S. VelghV '' " consideration to the views of members Mrs. Cannca commented but briefiy Invitations the Ave. - ..; of the league, has the matter of a voice. The offertory duet for soprano have been issued for Miss Esther M. Erickson, formerly of the class. . "Believe this or go to : Mrs. B. Clark, 2115 McKIn suitable prpam under consideration and baritone, "ForeverWIth the Lord,' cn tho growth cf the Mormon church seventh annual meeting of the Men'aJ general ' secretary-- ' of the Young Ernest hell" has ceased to be the Bplrit of 1 :, ' C. c 1 13 years. There are cow missions League of Central Union Church which Ho ley Ave. and he plans 'to secure at least three by Gounod, will be sung by. Mra Woman's Christian Association of ' ; the 'Bible study leader cf today, and i mid-C'- -i 2135 Ave. good speakers for the evening and L, L. O. : . ? : t.? r?uthwcsicrn, eastern aud s to be held. Monday evening at the nolulu, began her duties October 1 as ;Mra. 3. Atherton. Oahu f Hall and French. ; increasing ' - it this fairness ' speak of teachers hat e tLa United States, she Mra.- A. Andrews, 2346 LIloa Rise. have each one at the three The evening service will be entirely ...... 1 I :t::r.3 cf church in the parish house. . ' general secretary of the Y. W.'C A. V .1...... 111!.. . -i su&ject or tern- - u increasing i !, r- f!:D In Europe. "Cut we SO inf- ? churches In turn. The in the hands of the Young Women's wuiiuaea From 6:00 until 6: o'clock an at Columbus; Ohio, according to in- - to consider the claims the teaching I I ng perance will be the sUnd- of f t t H.e lcr j rreat and the ormal-get acquainted---meeti- treated from Christian Association, Miss Margaret will received by - . formation which has been rellg-hav- Bible.',, . L : points efficiency economy'which e ofthe t f :a!l, la ccn:rarisoa with the . ' ; of and Christy Tupper, chairman cf the be held in the church parlors, and from Mrs. C. B.Gage. ' '"v . - help- . new grounds of ap- Another cause which we find . vi' h we have to do,", she 6:23 until. dinner will be become the ious committee, being In charge of the I: Letter to her friends in Honolulu - - , 1 the ' peaL- no longer sentiment nor ful In the Y. M. C. A. has been the 'y rcr.arl:cd: "That 'is served In the parish house. Th busi- give the impression that Miss Erick- It is meeting. Practically all of the service ! t-- great though combination of social and athletic fea- . a even moral suasion, these old will . j to There are ness session will begln 7:30 to'clock, Colum- be conducted by members of the -- at son is very happily situated in - 3 c 2 tlth-- appeal not entirely over- tures with the. Bible , instruction so r " r ; the ra3ir.cnt of i at which for the coming " an old one bases of are association; but while It Is a "woman's time o'icers bus. The association' is ; association 1 i-- slightest looked, but the stronger arguments for meeting that a Ejble study sroup at the .t u It la net the year will be elected and reporta pre- with a working: force of 10 secretar the attendance Is not at all the overthrow of the liquor traffic are;re8trlcted to that sex.' Men win re-th- at fs now composed of a dozen t:. sented covering the work that the ies. The boarding home accommodates ' " any other of - greater ehlclency and wiser ; ceive a cordial welcome and will be congenial men who first eat supper r e' urch is' like league has . accomplished during the 125. and an equal number are served - economy; together sci-- !much together, spend to a - ; ' with that of the Interested to see how the ladles then an hour or so V il? v,ct n. "it is lite past 12 months. The meeting will in ths noon lancb room; t .;v - ' entitle appeal based upon the most re- will manage Brief, ad-ce- nt Bible 'study and later' bowl or clay I - h rc'-Irt-s a great many come to a close with an address by Miss Erickson had several cities the gathering. tip-to-da- te ry and Investigation on basketball against similar groups. This ' It cn. We have Miss Margaret Bergen of New York under consideration when she left Ho Father, I know Thee only ss Sup dresses will be given by iiss Carolyn - relation of alcohol to health and tends to make Bible study a normal ; : 1 t'unday schools, and City, W.I10 Is a social expert In the pro- nolulu, among them being Sydney and reme, ' Eternal, Infinite Perrection. I the b. Chandler general secretary of the - public welfare. . - ; - ; ' local Y. A., David L. With- - part of a wholesome man's experience as cf the ordinary motion of organized charity. v,. Melbourne,: Australia, both oft which know that with,, Thee , them is neither W. C Mrs. i . , ! ; - ' The purpose of these popular plat fngton and alias Mabel E. Bosher, and not something peculiar and apart The Y. M. C. A. orchestra;.' led by are in need of- general .fecretariea. . shadow, nor.r darkness, hor variable- r'D people here form services'will be In wholesome prmcipal of Kawaiahao Seminary. from everyday life. ' v. ."I r:t know bow the Prof. U A. de Graca, will furnish the ness, nor. turning; that Thou art of too '. - Mis-sionar- y - keeping with the day, since all Sunday ': rvn I rmp.r.t f I r cut cur wcrk. I have attended music; during the evening. K: - F. J.- Lowrey; for the. Layman's pure eyes to behold evil;- that from All the details of the meeting have At iatit nthii tsiima - : schools" will have subject on now-day- s : branches of the -- - Thine, infinite self-co-n .Thine for their been worked out with such forethought Ing. The courses offered ::,. rt tth Among other matters of. business, Movement. talnmeht , November-8- Temperance Move-- oc-men- t? : They Ecen to have sood Big Bro- own spotless aetf-hoo- d sendeth TThe that it bids Talr to be a memofable are eminently practical and have a the various section leaders of . the W, It. Humphries,' for the Thou " -- In-ar- e c seem be very 'N- - for. which special preparations Surely no woman who Is re ".t'.cr.s tad to league will tell wliat their respective ther Movement. - V forth, even as the light which search- caslon. real bearing on practical life. They -- ; now being made by those to charge ;, v.'l- n my husband was here, departments have been doing in the Zeno K. Myers, for the Pa Ola Day eth , the, immeasurable dpth ,,'of the terested In tne splendid work of the do not spend quite so much time dis- ' "' day's res-th- e ' t! 3 very readily. ' -- of the program, in order to make association In Honolulu, who is r: lar , - ; e -- heavens ife, not love, not cussing the sins of the Canaanltes on past 12 months, as follows: S; Camp Fund.., '''; ''..;' services as successful as possible. . , r :: I:; - hare been off .while important, hate; truth,;; nor falsity;! joy aot sor- ponslve to the call of things spiritual, and the Moabites, and go more deeply . :A. Bowen, for the Friend- All these reports, " ! - '7 William "' '. : : ("r.cs, so you see ; - , women doing Lt cr:c.:3 - '-- ; ' row; good, peace, not who is alive to what are into the sins Boston! tes, the -;- not evil; strife; of the - ,v- v will considered so that only a short - : y ap-- ship Section. be 1 : 3 lltt'.e bit. What t up by At strength, not weakness; --S purity, v not Y. W. C. A. COMPLETES ia the world, will remain away from Chlcagoites and the Honolulultes. Men -- James A. Rath, for the Social Ser- time" will be taken business. any cute; '.a people is ; our : j ' . nominating passion ; wisdom, not ignorance har have found that the Bible has a bear vice Cectloa.' . the same time' the commit: 1 . V r' ' 1. fome ridicule it. "'"H . ui v tjims j Mlssi Edith of th Kampha f" Super,-- ' Religious Work tee consisting of Messrs. A: C. Alexan- mony, not discord; health, not disease. iiuuiiniii 011 Hatnld ing not on neaven ana weruiaiem. uui 1 t-- Taul for the ' r.".c onty arrrove ir - all-lovin- g IN girls will or-- Manoa'and t 3 - A.-JOn- I know Thee only as the CENTRAL UNION meha school for play the on Hotel and Fort streets, genealogy of Sectica. -- . ..':,.. , :,' der, and W. A. Bowen will : " ,s' try ta ret tho Father-Mothe- r. Presence, whose es gan. A volunteer choir of women s Kalihi and Kakaako. 1; , " G. A. Andrus, for the Musical Sec bring in . its report and . officers for - . ";.3 cf the church, and ser-- voices, made up from the members of C sence Is perfection; I know that Thou Following Is the program of the .: : :. - the ensuing year will be . There are still those who claim rc!sd has really tion. ' elected.. totoor- - the association, will lead .the singing, - didst not create hate; a lie, a liar, or a vice to Central Union Church they have not time, In many cases 3 1 as the geneal- capacity , War, evening which will conducted Mrs. Charles L. HalL will sing by t to lie; a a warrior, or row be this means that the charms of the ly lit-a- red some living request exquisite solo which . a capacity to war; therefore I pray not by the local Young Women's Christian, that she tango and the fascination of bridge are fan-- ly 13 baptised for -- 4 more, ; - . j always renders so enectiveiy "rather, ' III LOCAL CHURCHES Thee .to be . taan Thou art the Association: more attractive to some thajTconsI I been SERVICES All-Perfe- Ere dcr have ct My by , rth but I do pray to the child Organ Prelude ''Enchanted Bells'.'. . Hear Pryer," Wallace. - f the things in life that ar-wo- i ; . . e than 103 umes. e ieei xoung ladies win act as usners, and - ren of men that they shall accept Thee; Haberblert while. But amongst the aver- belong to us- as ; Sturg- th:.3 lanilies they shall open and ;-- Miss Edith GatfieldV ,- -' ; under the direction of Miss Nora - de- - that their hearts age' young men this"- number is they csa be traced, and ' -- Peters, minister; Sixth Ave ; eon,1 n3 CLSTEAL TJXI01 CnUECH residence minds and let in Thy holy government; Vesper Hymns head, usher, the following corps creasing, and the; study of the Bible f cr-cll-y Is linked to no other D, Min- KalmukL .Telephone - 3797. . Office : Water-hous- e, cu5 kRev. Doremus Scudder.-- will serve: Miss Margaret - they to, fulfil the 33. of My SouL" . y thst shall strive ; 'Sun is finding a place 'to the program of Asso- hours church 12:30 2:00 er-er- Thel-- 7f ister. Rev. Amos A. Ebersole, at the to commandments to be perfect as Thou L: "Fairest Lord Jesus.'. Miss ttayme Nelson, Miss - ' ' "3 - f ecu In g genealogy ' hundreds of our people. v . ' , T r tt r c f r ciate ; v -- . afternoon.:, except Saturday .. and - minister. " perfect to love one to Bible Reading Responsively Pslam 103. ; art another, be la- - : ttartcd ia a kind of 9 - ' : ! j j urtiwin a. nU Teachers' .Training Class, Sunday.' . merciful, to be just- - '; Solo "Father. Hear My Prayer... . Agnes Driver, M Iss Hazel ; Kellogg, way, and net with the order Sunday morning Mr. ' The Christian Endeavor Society ot. c: :13 Mr. C. T, Fltta, leade. . . At the service Then shall Thy Infinite Perfection , ; j...... v...... Wallace Miss Laura Topham, Miss Lenora 1 now carried out ; 1 . r -- v which it 13: . 9:C0 a. ,nv Bible school, Professor P. "A. Davy will speak, telling of his ;..,-- C. Anderson and Miss Mary Stambaugh. Central Union church cordially invites Mls- -. be manifest in the hearts of men, and Mrs. L. Hall. J s Erst were held In the Vaughan work and work of church at v ' all the young people of the city to a r MacCaughey, superintendent the the there shall be no more wars or rumors Prayer ...... Colonel Blanche B. Cox j '; . i river, now, we have our 11 large Japan. unusually excel- ' Cen- - ed meeting Pariah tut a. m, morning worship. Sermon in The of wars, neither shall ., there be any Organ Response . j The teachers training class of at the re kept of - " Solo-r-"02erto- ' I - t:m; rs where records by Prophe- lent sermon preached by Mr. .Davy . Union will or- House at 6:30 Sunday evening. The - the associate minister, "A death Offertory. Onran tral ' Bible school : be ... . LI.L I - .tflf.," .- " or destruction or desolation, or tvery wors wwen i cy ; two weeks ago . In ' church will heart-break- ;; ganlzed 23, part of evening will be given tit ct Mrs, That Will Yet be Fulfilled- J 4 this famine, or then shall all Dubois Sunday morning, October first the Tri-- r to coming to Honolulu. people I - up general sociability, prorm'cJ by :S0 p. m Christian Endeavor meet- make the anxious to hear him men r . Edith Gatfleld in the chufch parlors under the leader- to ' 1 on earth look into each other's Miss California, : - '" viaited Arizoaa, "get-acquaint- :V''.-- ' - .': , dainty" which will Caruca ing. A evening. Hos- again. ;V4 v. eyes and say, "Let th'ere . be no strife Address.. i ."Loyalty to- Yourself ship of Mr.' Charles T. Fitts. The the refreshments Cc-crs- summers and Idaho. Her evening Mr. wil occu- v s ' Child-Stud- y by . Mrs. Lloyd R. Killam, tess, Mrs. Lloyd It Killam.' "Songs by In the Peters between thee and me, ; for we are V Miss Carolyn B. Chandler t course of t study will Include be served ' visiting the vkrious sUtes -- . as- are eat la Mr; 1 py pulpit' and sermon will be - . i the occasion, and her tr George A. Andrus. - :'; the the , , ; . . .Vv; ."Loyalty to Your Bible" and ,"Elementary Psychology; hostess of ;,;' brothers.". ' with the relief ;" in r artuit of her work p. evangelistic '; v :. v 4: - - sistants. But meetlzzs are ret Cannon 7:20 nu. special evening service ' - Mrs: D. L."W1thlngton V y Bible study . (the reat characters of theo rc:i:ty cf the church. Mrs. - - year's work in Bible As they hours dra In charge of the Young Women's The new the ' ' - Address , "Loyalty to the Other Girl" the Old and New Testament); Teach- all "tea and tali," prouauu J Frauleln Hauer , of the- College of 4 4m8 to remain in Hawaii school will ; next month; ; The ; V ing -- towards the close the group ath:rs Christian Association. Brief addresses bein Hawaii will begin her class in con- - L c Miss Mabel El Bosher - Metnods. Textbooks will be furr I" by Misa Carolyn books for the various grades are here, to class. around 'the piano for a vesper scr.T. t-- Chandler, Mrs. D. L. eve- niahed each member of the - versatlonal French next Tuesday slTr.'-'ican- opened -- Training; c WIthington, Miss Mabel . E. and the winter's work will be . 1- -- They Include "Talks With the and with a brief but t Bosher. .' " ' ning at the Homestead. While some Benediction ..0 A cordial welcome la extended to all In good shape. ". - of the girls have studied the language Postlude tatotte Pastorale Durand Class," by Slattery; ""Biographi- tional service . the Izlzr" :1 r.: : . ; The "Pioneer Studies" which aire : special treat U ia stcr: at each one of these services, strang- and some have yet Frauleto Hauer , . Miss Edith Gatfleld cal Studies, by; Strong ; and "The ends..;A s not j ' c z : " city being conducted on Wednesday eve- those ? who attend , th a n t z z ers In the being especially invite! . Teacher That Teaches." by Wells. , in capable way how -- o.All refund " her knows to t Ti:.'--: drchts - : nings attracting - Mr." A. Az i curs. to attend ; ;. are an Interested makeeveryone feel at home, and each Dr. W. A. Foster of Salem, Mass., Sunday, for Georsa t! 2 nenry u it tsils to who may presi- - Schools h : 3 ; ' audience. People be inter- : was killed Schronn Lake, ; N. Y. The estate of Joslah White, the KamehamehA- T one feels the class is especially for kt TT cija&ture is ca -- Marlborough-Blenhel- m E. Groves : the ciihistias cnucdL ested In the origin, development and her. She has requested the girls. to when: his automobile plunged into a dent of the Co.; Ised to sing:' Any 1 tracer la t. - f- . r- o . urged . 'i Cor. Hotel and Alakea Sta, in the bring any French books they happen ravine. His wife, was . seriously to who died at Atlantic City, Js valued at especially ta drr?.ln - ; V - - tczis-Ili- e oldJ. M, C, A. bttUdiag.. .David. Cary (Continued oa page' twenty) . to have. . 1 , 13,155,113. tour,

-. : V- STXB-BtJLLEtil- - TWENTY' fnOXOtaJLtJ f, SATtRDAT- OCTOBKU , 1914.

Tirfr- -o SUNDAY SERVICES IIU EiS liiiO Excelsior i r l t Nineteen.) 1 A. ' T. f (Continued from fagff OFCELoaiEcoaraiiM rv y H 'genius cf the Christian church ar,tt; Diaries Invited to take advantage of this op-- 1 portunltyi tnt), s:i '-- .:-" - ; I Traveler in Italy Finds Sati- s- ' Crf sh ? MONDAY ' '" r , j SUt-- i915 C War , Chapter, O. E. S.; v- -.J 3 ..j for FIEST KirrtlODlST IHSCOPAL faction over Between bedroom lor the eaergetlc second sec Leahl ' LzL.:ii f.1 l; f retary, who distinguished.J!:by de- ed; 7:30 p. m. Z, ' cinrcniL la Ntw steel and ecscrtts tirz Austria and Servia zzzr-room- s - - " - TUESDAY; - , ., Episcopal Church, termined liking for cold baths. tnre. Third adiltica cf A - "First Ifethodlst post-- v : to Lodge No. 405; : de-stre- aionolula O et Perhaps th most ctirtoaa turn Jjst comr'c :" fcui' corner Beretania avenue ana i iciona 4 MSCHT ervla.-Sinc- e my last T--- ' poned. i I V very ca:,: ' great-crisi- s the tide ot fortone Unexampled; by claaa hotel at ' gpatch wHtten the In 1 Yon are ccrdlsJ y invited to all the the fate of the Metropole. the office WEDNESDAY;-:-;.- ratev la eenur of tlsitrs aa worM hlAo hM 8rrived ftnd all Ku. Xl services privtlegea of our church. the local blshcn, upon the door of ; Hawaiian Lodge No, 31: Spe-.' retail dlstricL- - Oa car -t- SolcT "byDruggists and ta .v.. . nmh.htiur nf of If you have come to the city to Th which Is pinned up a half sheet of cial, Third Degree; J:30 P. m. raasferriag to all parts ct ci:y. "' - ' au'8troeiTlart nosaiities got me out , ,. V'-- ' .' the.; word MInitry of :;iJ-.':- Electric omnibus rztcti all main and have no church home make of bed an English seaside resort paper bearins THURSDAY at at v trat--s and steamers. ..:"; War." . ?1 Honolulu Lodge of Perfection; 1 a. m, on July seat me post-nast- e :. - ' as IT J "" ALL THE USUAL STYLES. -- p. ; V T-- Ca'.il fuwirt mssla4 - few weeks visit and have no 'other Cafe.?; Stated; 7:30 m.; :- In I-'- ud-TirtT- t. .to London per motor v car, and two Aassmbly Meets a; i nrf n -:, ci' nrpn ut " Aours after my arrival in me metro po-- .'In among a few, trees by the water FRIDAY s ABO Colt, J, L. itft. 1 t Sunday school at to which ev- - , "t4"Csacliis rtrmtauuTt. 5 4 Europe side, Is a cafe, on the entrance to errone Is Invited. Classes for alL r there . to the .TkViT 10 days which hangs caM beartng thewords rw ' , printed In Ink, which U English means SATURDAY i tofl-aI."- " ..previously -- .""5-- ' - - k AssemWr. Hexeu. was Hawaiian Lodge Spe Morning worship 11 I W" 1 National it NoSl; HAWAIIAN NEWS CO. ? o'clock. Theme. Tro-Ta- n few m, - Serttaa. a Degree; 7:30 p. ; 1 f? "God's offer, of. career field- as JnteJnat,Ja ca8e EJ that the dal, Third : LIMITED. r ; a in a 0. ago matures; graesly af- v; broad and bbuidlese as His own -- Uy T0 mlea! days and took: ,lfonfUon- nation; ; , V - -- fecting the destiny of the tCHOFIELD LODC1 ; , Tou&x Bldg. -- I Epworth trU Ahe Iav the -- LeagueevoUonal ervices maay oth- t 'il Sl? "t.f HYet; admitting' these aid : I a 6:30 p. m, lnThe chapeL THURSDAY. ' i! 1 "- 1 A I I k. Bitting BlMilar renwmbering If Cari Wfl My 1 Friend for g J VM er V -- r Christr gov- ' 'VAIMEAISKAUAI Use? 'WOO Important th TP fMcaU8 that in short boars the entire that every member attend.' and FRIDAY All young people cathedral of that city," .wrfcea a brigade ernment with ' its administration Nnriy HsssYSiji Cut FOR HORSES. COWS AND of the church and --waV suddenly transferred congregation urged I lon5e-8tr- " its archives to be there. ' - .Tillage SATURDAY. , .; ., ;:" ca KxusL Evening worship. 7:30. Theme, rheiatt?id,triDute4 their Bets t0 P fronr Belgrade to the- big of fV?"buyentme while they uttered an Risen, marvet is that the machine that 13 ccLxcrza. Easy t Yoke and Light Burden." . snt the tourist : An vialttng mambara cf taa Reth&rp;r.:d better . thin new,; Vt STALES . ? tr.nmning with ccmparatiTe smooth- Vl:? Tome with wn will drt!nos&l clamor. . KEALC" -- thou tia and - - order are cordially Invited to at- CCCD Crlnd Anthlnj. . ? s - f ".- ness. Everything goes ca i much as ;TBf;-'-i- UNITED. : ; thee good." newsboy meetings local lodges. HONOLULU CRINDINC CO. language of an Italian newsboy usual and the' nation,' civil and mili- tend of Ratia Ruscnatla. ;);yr EDWIN E. BRACE, Pastor. Te V W. : 1115 Aiakea, epp. Y. 1.1. CA..--- - baffles-m- e and a demand for informal tary, seems to have entered Into the tPlTZ : :Prt;r!:t:r y tion Jrom waiter brought a neigh spirit of the game "a la guerre comme i JtAtrai TjKios :f' the cmcn boring Italian of obvjpusly good birth ala guerre.1 :i.VV:.- 'i 'King street, between Gulick avenue ava come HONOLULU LODGE NO. t, MOD ': FCn ICS COLD orttNKS AND and to my side vrho gleefully told me that Of news, that hichs'we Kaxnehameha fourth road. Rev. I Bel- ORDER PHOENIX. Try -- war between Austria and Servia bad eot to aeekv, there kittle; : ERN OF. a month at the beach It l.tSVCnSAMi.TflMtH8.- Horace W. Chamberlaih, minister. - 14; ' officially "You grade Is subjected dally to- bombard- yon good. .. been declared.; takte tt will do Fist 20 :' . tatllr, Bible school 9: a m. r : - very merrily,' 1 remarked, ."consider ment what teteht no one knows. Will meet at their home;: corner . good ccaforU-2- Morning service 11 o'clocfc Turk- - every meals and a k. Caso .- ing you may be In." "Have an "undefended town, thoold Beretania and Fort streets, at Vi- that drawn ItlJ vvcr . . - Evening service 7:30 o'clock. eommodations .' "Ccttei " . Lt 5 aatothlng :morB.ithan a Tliuraday evening at 7; 30 o'clock. at Xlcttl aid CtiVeU til Junior C E. meeting. Wednesday 3 no fear', replied my neighbor, "we bh iXort being - popula- - 5; I . - summer fendexvoue the O. LEITHEAD, Lader. - p. m. r. 'fy have had enough of war and are 'sol for 5 CrG LZ"CC Lti- v ;?. h C lev C.2t Austria." : tion and is dlfncult to Imagine the J. W. LLOYD, Secretary. Senior C. .E. ; meeting : Wednesday leoiaato fiaht for t it it : r demolishing cathedrals, 7:50 p. v ; I Thence to BrinJial I talked with all itility of Hxi3tacs VCa" m. xj lo- B16. O. - private and foreign HONOLULU LODGE. B. P. E True Prosperity and How to So-- ; manner of men. . Th tanks; bouse ' ;, price will : . Honolnltt Lodge i No. b. gilva .. ? P arms Austria was universally cations, fbi all of which the v Waikikl Feach, text Ucaxa cure It' . will ' topic Sunday j for : i be the . 4 y ; ber paid ome'dayJi:,Those of 16. ,B. P. Elka, ' f '.cit eccnomlca' er hanging cnam-bcrlai- n- ridiculed, A Socialist leader told me have to l:t? C IIoUL titte Dronunfi, .in ine evening" ir. halL-o- a to-ai- - meets In Urrp known, turns cnfy ta'icn-c- will speak upon the subject that any attempt d the triplice the Inhabitant who have remained, ;f'f? their In CD tc-r- r.y would immediately provoke very wisely live isr their cellars. J v King St, near Fort kirc::r; t" tzt, no "How a Treasurer Lost His Soul" ; a revolu Cn' every . evening. Cent's?.;). -- e, 3 v. ',:' ZZO - Friday For Ladles and t : r to trim; csndlft- i::.iiy . ; . ' v.--- tlon; a barber who shaved me declared Startle" Austrians. r , a; Tin Cans Visiting Brothers are ;vivr. Kckul tr.d I. --- a no. ' EPISCOPAL Z that he would respond to mobilization of course fcrx.s fcbone 422S CJIL'CCIIS i The bombardment has, - .' - - nr. Deretatla h cordially- I 117?. . Tort Its- - object (his Invited tc L AhartWs Cathedral Emma were. to "take back" been" attended byn its humorous inci 1 ' phrasing ;Was in Itself Interesting) Only yesterday aewly attend.: street, near Beretania.Rt Rev. HJB. dents. a arriv Lv ANDREWS, EJl Restarkk, bishop? v Wm ; Trieste, but hot otherwise. W ; y : ed of Belgra3e complained most 4 Ret. Canon citizen IL DUNSHEE. Sec. ' Ault, Sunday T Strangest of all were' the Italian na- ComiUdJi (ir- .''-r- CO IT CLCfjrRICALLr; - I ricar. services,! anA bitterly that the Servian II a." m. - and f fliZ v- - Sunday val officers. The Italian fleet was mo- regulars) have --.developed - a playful McKINTLEY LODGE, No. 8, . v - ' V School, $:45 a. m. 'Hawaiian congre- bilized at Brindiai and at sunset the habit of attaching Un cans to the tails t;Vm. LUXURIOUS AND ' ships ; were unuaually ; who-ar- e ri-- ' : : gations," Rev. Leopola KrolL pastor. illuminated. of - the native dogs thereupon si;' ' ' . COMFORTABLE m. . Sunday serrices, .-- Speaking with an officer I demanded Meets every 1st and 3d Tnei D- t:15 let loose along the ' cobbled etreet . . STRICTLY FinSTXtAri -- i- r: uuolj;,;,;- j "SL - ave- "reason. you Ahe 1 Clcmcors Church Wilder the ."Have not heard course of river. day evening at 7:30 o'clock in 1 CO . i' . which follows the the ROOMS to 111 Us-born- e, z7y nue, comer UailkL ; Rev. Canon report?", he askeiL, "It is rumored The Austrians, mistaking the clatter K.--f P. Hall, cor. Fort and rector. Holy Communion, 11 that the English fleet will arrive here for the passage of artillery, forthwith Beretania. f Visiting brother! a; r . la.; evensoxiSri T:S0 Pi. m tonight or tomorrow and we wish to commence v a .spirited '.bombardment cordially Invited to attend. '; 3. " : L: Ilark's jasslon: Kapahuln give them a r U , KOLB, . C. . -.- ; royalreception." which my. friend's property had iHuW. W C ... ,1 Rev.-Leopold from rfc. Large Kroll," ' In -- - road. priest -- y : ;.:lii::txa I theaaid that in the event of a severely suffered; Bo great ; was his .. U a REEVES, K. R. 8. charge. " Services: Holy Communion, general we ' -- ' -- war might find ourselves annoyance us some time to - that it took Tlnest r:,3 la t j . J ' v.Chi&niers'- first Wednesday each month, 10 a, m on opposite sides.'- - "Not at all," cor situ- dla; : 30 every convince him of the bumor. of the ritory." Jelly CzTtzjc : and ? p. m. Sunday school rected my oTficer. "we; are with our ' tAiLrrrs furniture store ' ation. A further diversicm has been Caaces. - - near- Sunday at 10 a m. . - , , Gigantic f Alnkca SU King. friends the Enjdlsh." So much for created bjT atUching of SerTian mili- :The J. H. HERTCCH2, LTir:; :::: r;rt'C::.,t. r Holy Communion first Sunday of the - ' f vv the- triple'sJllancfi.- - . V i are month. - ' ' :, tary 'caps to dry gourds, which Adriatic Bea Crossed. - . floated-of- Tne SL EHtabeth's Chnrcn Icated then f Jato the river. SlauhterSal ? Chance, At Brlndlsi I Joined . th'a . Italian Dcn't I4UsThl Austrian scenting xn attempt to swim . Xs.gtill on Hotel Etreet corner King; street and Pua lane. aV.152. : .. fteamship Sardegua which to cross open lively fusillade. . HOTEL AUCHEY TZj..zzz:VTZ 'CnCWM C:CYCLE3 ONLYiia. Canon W. E. Potwine, priest-in-charg- e. la the stream, M. R. N . . -- -- DEN C L i r K ' mA YC .3 , p.,fj Com-munid- the' Adriatic sea to Patras; There . exploit, Home Away H .; Suhday services; Holy a' Probably the most humorous from :.";' were "Interesting , - ' " ' f 'manf personalities was perpetrated by a band ; An Ideal. Vacation LU LU CYCLt RY COr; t 7 a. - aecondV fourth however' C;:L I iZU moi- aboard. TherV Vas Prince iauflhg ;. t and fifth Sundays; 11 al m. on first Arsene, the of ComitadjL who. Ihe 'night 'Phone'772.1 'llauula, Caia "" ISO South King EL ! ' brothef ol King third,--" : ad- Peter of Servia, scores river in a small boat, chas EYWO 0 D H QES WEA R" v and Evening prayer . and , crossed the 5 A, 2UMSTEIN, Pre?. of returning' , ' dress 7 p. ra. i. Korean services at Servians home, and, ed the ; guard from the Austrisn cus And wear longtr . than you ex at ; most significant of many Austro - 9:Z0 a, to and" 1:15 p, m all. toms station, and tnere- piantea tne ; ; : pect for. 4.5 and 35. , ' rpKhany illusion, KalmnU ' 10th Hungarlsm 'subjects. ; Slavs by nation- Servian tricolor. The hero of the deed 5 Ctyla Hxta ality,' who had escaped from1-- the land will figure OANUFACTURERS' SHOE CO. ; r For th Lt:ut and Palolo. . The Rev F. AT Saylor was a famous amaeon who . V;.r . ::rr. I Trcltrms ' ; UmltseL IF YOU ENJOY GOOD MEALS for Lai:ss and Gentlemen . In charge. v : of their 'birth and were hastening to large in Servian history." I ;;r . Corns and Ces'Ua,., . Servia to take up arms for their bro- ' AND A CAME OF GOLF :;Miss Flora Tewksbury, organist Contempt For Artillery.;" , , . a; ther Slavs. Such 43 the power of race Services: Holy Communion, 7:30 . ; 1 uycoa L - ; :. . people of Belgrade have, in fact, ; TRY N in; Orient-- ' z.y '.: The m. : the ..iCIJ-Kauaa- .v.V T extraordinary' contempt for the CL' l'J'vl"'' s tne1 Vthe-necessaril- an ; .. m." . ' Into demllat . v.;: t..:i j; j V. tr;.l!a"' Sunday School, 10 a, v . of artillery. At the time of the of .tha city HALEIY7A sermon, t uhcomfoHable'Joitraey from Patras to Austrian Deliver to all parts' Morning .senrice aid 11; si .metropolis, ' . WATER Kisch, temporary "capital he official evacuation of the HIRES DISTILLED m. the of the railway all popular sodas. Servian kingdom, 1 need not go.. 4 . there were left in station ; and ' - Yeu trustworthy meat (de s 2000 wagons, since when engines l' A ctt Accrs-nsr- Nisch Is a very old and town over CONSOU DATED SODA REAL CHANGE CF CLIT'AT- -. - -- 1 - chapel famous , s automobile), a tT silently In, hitched on the llverei- ty from Valen-tlai'pastd- have rept - 1 caa be at ths : Ohua lane. WalklkL Rev. r. in Turkish and Servian history, and it "WATER- WORKS CO, LTD. tad tsir tzzzilzz epick-an- d Fr. - market whea carriages and departed at full speed ! " r;2n. ' Was even, 601 - Phone 2171 tczzi la'. -. :unday services, I' a. ta. at one' long' distant time, Fort SL c ; screeching. By the .- . r ycu with ... i v. ; with their whistles l. tr:ie the seat of the Roman proconsul of the , , ; h time the Austrians got into action the i- -. 1 .. X. Y.H C ? YO T. EAT .M AKKCf'' cntnxn c? jrsrs "ctinxsT c Balkans; VnderT-orkls- rule it sunk .; - -- - convoy was in safety rpund the bend 5 : - C. : : .Its - Fliaarket- i- : LATTE2 DAT tUIMS M . from its pristine importancei and It nearly 1CC0 eJavatlao, ' j feet Z:z i.-- - ..the line. , , '17C4 Ltositanta rtrett," aiiday serri- has remained, despite the addition- of of grand scenery, H2.9 C:.:-j-rr Ser- taas l a? ces, ra, Suhday v Bosnia the Montenegrin and T.'a-hiaw- 11:45 a." to iprmi paved sidewalks, lectric light and an In NEWEST particulars address C L IrJ3, a. 10"a.-''m.'.- : Younf-Mea'- grad ' school,'1 and iron bridge, a typical Macedonian mar-ke-t vian armies have united and are CC?3. , ' MILLINERY; In , Phone - . --? They Toucg l.adles' Improvement Associa- town.- - . '. ; ually, sweeping up northward . .1 i L . Ll.-t-n Waist S3 : friendly , country Cliia td Pcnsa tion meets Sunday evening t 7: It's wide", though tjobbled streets 'dis- are, of course. In a MISS POWER I - f, - .if - - - Tittirns- . '. o'clock. Ladles'- Relief Association assured a warm welcome - tinguish ft from cities of Turkish cre- and are of 1 - .V: ' - ? -. WHITE SHOES ; & meets TrSday 10 a.- ta .is . population. .' YEE CO. at from the - , i i . c . s ' cha:i A ation and the only; evidence' of the and assistance c.j ..4 Ctti'H?? for which all re now, anxiously Canvas or Cuck v: Cif. KIr.3 tnd Cthtl aforetime Ottoman domination arer a That Leather or RutSer Colts. (COX61IE- - fez-cap-r- KAtniAIAPILI CnCT.Cn d waiting news .the Servian ad ' couple of mosques and a few is ;of GATI0XAL1 - - Mohammadan subjects. ' vance. The concentration of the army McINERNY SHOE STCr.E, " Servian Eilva's-Tc:ry- , Rev. H. K. Poepoe, Minister. 3 - well-nig- h Architectuisally it 'Is distinguished Is believed to ' be finished , Fort, above KInj CL X - Corner King street and Aaylca cannot- therefore now ,: : ' ' by a fine and Imposing prefecture on and operations -- '. . ': :" ...... -- i ": v1 .: :; " Umitsd, v 't 7.' j J road. T l' ':i r ' ". .:' V. the. river bank, an old redoubtable bar- be long delayed. GOOD. AU LLi:3 rz; ; Paptra - n.-Sim- day 'v".:';.THI STORE FOR cf cat 10 ai "School, Interna- -- the Ser-- Tv;!-:c!- ?. racks, and streets upon streets chief- 1, incline to the belief that '. , Printer? Wxitisg Papcrj t ? . . T:. f.'.ctal . tnl : ; Ch::t :? tional Sunday School Lessons; both y clothes-- ' ' - ly single'-stor- v. vians will not r attempt the passage .1 : ' r .Ar.'.Lr.lCAN-HAV.'AIIA- N i of shacks. J '; ': 4 PATER English ? "r' Elks' Culldlnj , KInf StrMt Hawaiian and v;-- - ; :; of ; the - Danube a&d Save. Tivers,' but Accochtc Chziiilzz L , U L L rx& Conditons Are 'Abnormal.7: I . . . r. S P P Y T C;'.3 r:trr.!a, nr..rcrL-- CO,. 6:30 p. Endeavor. a " they, will cross Drin near the ; C-e- The existing conditions are; frankly that the f,.: :Wa Do Fcrt ar.i en Ctreets rrHor.cJu!fc Service Wednesday at 7:29 Pr m, ' n-,s-a O. Cnild. Cem 1'zr- - abnormal. ."'The Austrian 1ombard-men- t Junction with the Save, and work north : u ' - ' s of defenselws Belgrade, though from that point.; . . - - Erntrcidc27 j v - v. " ricsT crurcn ctrsT, :' --: - cf comparatively Ineffective; drove min- , -- Daslietry 2233 1123 f;uE'TIST r V- ? Phone Addreso Alaksa i;;,.,,;( r , - isters; foreign legations 8nd thousands CSC :sTurzr, static;;- : ' ' Air rvlcvs 'heia in the Odd Fel- !'f Spee'niena CASIiMATJ ; e; V "TP" r 1 ii 0. J. lows' building, Fort street Of citl2!enli to' Nisch post-hast- with HAWAII A SOUTH ; . e. ' FUlTIOiITO -- ; a.-m- -- th few small botels TENTS AND AWNINGS 4 Sunday. services,-- U V,'. result that 'the SEAS CURIO Ca r 'Luau Tents , Canopies for Rent' Sunday school at 9:55 m .for are crowdedvand every house 'with a Young Building m ' spare-roo- -- a' ' at disposal . v has " S3 Years Experience young people" 20 years t its been in v under . . . . '. . V Fort CL, nr, Alien, pstalra. -.- 8 p.m. vaded by some Of the host of unwilling : Wednesday evening meetings, yz T- ; v z-:- : CillLDRETJ AT.- d - V; .. c::aft3 chc? Phone 14S7 '. : Free reading room. Odd Fellows' Immigrants: ':' THE building; Fort street : Hours, 10 a. so. My-own' quarters consist of a small QUENCH1N3 room In ltiny LUSCIOUS to 3 p. m. AH welcome. . . a 3ervlah peasant's cot Sunday serrices- - 11 a. m. jBubJect tage which 7 possesses however, the raTe and refreshing; being .1.11 kbuY CO. " " virtue; of C...i.nT ; 1 v: CHANCES'. CF KATES : spotlessly ? clean. . Foreign - m inisters J Witch and Jswttry: a : tlcalrlrj ric:;cLULUfArjTQ. . CiTEOLlC CATIItDEAL are billeted la tdivra houses: Servian ' r"" ; TAXI-CO. ."' - . SODA WATER Co. . . -- Fort street, Jsear Ueretanla, VRt ministers are' located In anj. available HONOLULU 1,13 : ; - ; ;: pasf-to- rf Christ child who -- ' bishop - Zeugma, bnlldlngs; "where departmental. In the name of the crdV tlrr.-- ; v Ret. Iibert,' cf chiefs ' ItCD rcrt, i.r. i Clrett Ccta a Etdf Sun- was born nearly 2000 years ago to r.. jrionea.--- . ! Father Maximla; "proTincial. work in small rootne with a.tablejn -- ices Lv $ 10:30 one-- bed - : bring love and "peace to.all the world Equil .'t day services. and lta. corner and a. in the other.- HonelMtu Iron - Works 6 7 ' we of Hawaii to The and 1 p. m. Low mass daily. and The chancery of. the "British ; lega ask .all the children correspondence. Sunday make contributions on or before Sat Company sol icit Cteriir rr.zrU - a. m. High' mass and saints' tlon occupies 'half a narrow very - estl-mat-ea Afric;n f ind nd will flladly furnish LiUies,' PURE "A!D FRESHw days," 10:20, a, m. uriay, Oct 24, for Christmas cheer to : " - relative, to the modern -- Sug- Ct:Frr t!!! Ceam.jind. Ci.ttaf and . a welcome .will be extended to the children, of the war zone- en CI'vzr. " -- .' Mill : V,ic--A Anrr, ' T; ; 'equipment ef and Factory ' CERJLA5 LCTIIERA CmJRCtf gesting that the teachers ;in ;the 'r:-y.'- '".;"-?- . "phone Reretanla avenue 1 "near FonehboWl schools explain object, of this mis tea. ziii' s the ' StreeL'-- ' ''; - v i" ? - SETE5TH xitoTEXTIST sion in such a manner as to arouse CITY DiLiaY - -- 11 a. fa. on Pit prayers Sunday services at anil - -- : the sympathy and of the chil - -- . v',-- ; CECECn. :S, PACinc:.E::Gi::EEr.;::3- last' Sunday of each meath at 7t30 r dren, we ask the clersynen over the MONUMENTS Kinau SL . . i p: 9:45 nc-f- de-- t-- .i 1 ; " j ta.? Eundar chool at a. of "Hawaii ixreiPcciive cf 3s of . taarbla ircrX COMPANY, LTD. r schooL a. m. churches zll ii: m Services: '-- Sabbath Id r zl a-- i, . " v nomir.atlcn.-creed'c- race,.who zve in C repaired ty: expert: CnaaItJn3, Cesi'ninj C; AH CAIN COUNTER. E Sabbath XSatnrdsy). : ..t-::- tzi r Pit OF t JESUS r - EE0l!OAMXED CtrECn " 7. to reasonabla' prlcea. - eynr viih ::3 rt . etructir.3 Er."!n:tra. ON ' " tUU.M CALENOW AT : Services: Sabbath school Sabbath - -- a C:rr-tuxe- s, CIin&T CP LATTE2 D1T V .- Buildings. Ccrcr'-t- Sunday. 2:t'.:, cs ni at "- Erldges, .- " V; point October , j,-- ' 11 R AI XTS (Saturday) 10 .m.; preaching 'A: Ea-ai- CITY MERCANTILE. CO. , jl : - -j oclock-XAls- for th2 Sunday, sctcc'3 r:t '. C. AXTELLS Steel Structures, r, o 7: 30 ti ' " ' . Located on Klhg street near Thom- preaching Sunday ' '. ' rrr.-Ia- r offering t '? t ms, Reporti and Eatiaraataj ca I . ' p. m. meeting Wednesday tic'r f:r rtrett as Struare. : . vi Prayer - "-- A" LHJCH CO; V, f- " 3 i 1 Jecta. Phone 1045. ..V 't W v--- U - , thataanounc:'--- ': The order of services for Sdhday, , .y - ' 1 3 rr.aia prer- . Is follows:- - : " Subject; for, Sunday Oct. 2". tf; .i tha Octobe? 11. as nisht, ee: : :- Cc-::tt- Mrs.: Walter L. 8 ; 45 'ai.s tn. Sunday schooL "Is This European War Armageddon? - ; Ilr-- . C: . M. V. .Forster. ;. 11 a, m.Preachlng, English and Ha- Everybody Invited.-- xv .' .' C- - w r . w Li i . : ; - c -, - ' . rs. C C waiian 4y C. E. Jones. - Pastor. 7 PATROL .':AUTC:.:AT:c-FiA?ivS- 11.. ::. C treasurer. - K" ReUgh) Literary" So- 4 In- e- : ' Bargains Othsr Piaaai 1 cc-Itt- - - - ticvrt TI . : . '. r' CITY lAXliSTAMD ciety meets. xxxriiinxo czrzcz r - - - PLAYEit .pia:;cc. - by r 7 : SO p. m. Preaching in EivsUsh' Comer-Kin- g and punchbowl tlr: .;. THAYER PIANO CO, LT JDaiav. r ' i " f .1 1 ia V. v Sunday servicra. m.; IS 5 . . 5 : JW. 7:::. z Hotel Street T: lla. r-.v- ' tznasTnou n ii sic co ltd. Visitors are Invited to attend any p. m. .Sunday School, 10 a. rn.rJ'Trz?:: C.x c of the services held Jn this church .. meeting Wednesday-at- . 7:23 p. ' zi. ' BTAR-BULtETI- Nt "V, j HONOLULU SATUBDAT, OCTOBER 24, 1914.

' , . N 1 ' v l . 'T A ':A j I

" ' ! 0 ' I .' N rV

LEGAL NOTICE. t. IX THE UNITED STATES Dis- trict Court for the Territory of Hawaii. : 'VV. ' o. r THE UNITED STATES OF AMER :c:o c::.o Tfiv IT F T? R- - ICA. Plaintiff aad Petitioner, rs. THE 'i? - L L- il- - XJS L- BOARD OF THE HAWAIIAN EVAN- IX li -f & GELICAL ASSOCIATION, a corpora- 7T ( . . ) tion existing aad doing business un- der and by virtue of the laws of the I Terrltorr of Hawaii; J. K. PIIMANU, MILLINERY. U L. JOSEPH, JONAH "KAIWIAEA, WAfJTED : :." FOR SALE S. K. PUPUHI and H. K. KAALAKEA, lOTEL .TAXI STAND...... ; K. Isoshrma, ttjllhs millinery. King as Trustees the KIPAHULU PRO- : ner BetheL 2131 of Everyone anyttng for to drink impure water. danger--- ACCOMMODATtONS DAY AND Phone with tal Don't lts SS22-tf TESTANT CHURCH; THE KIPAHU- AUTO UO BILES. CLC2 CLVJ3. 'Tl&j Sf.w Con&ldertrfc th :fo-r-" ous toiealta. To be sure tbe water NIGHT. GOOD SERVICE. TAXI LU SUGAR COMPANY, a corporation ' ' v 'Cf aJe, la plicalsf Is O. let' it cotne through a Rex existing and doing business under and Why hard riding when Kaal C-- h. 51 tori t tacct 8TAE-BULLET- I3 ride la taxis Cls Jezzs Zl'z. ; 5909-t- GITES YOD ; fa mora, satisfactory than costs only 11.75. RATES. PRONE 4400. , f by yon easy-ridin- g an ad niter, which Fits virtue of the laws of the Territory . caa have Overlands 2237, taraUhea nui'.a ay c. WKTTR AY -- " ': after-war- d. TODAY'S TOO - - knovlnc low It lIappened, any faucet ,: Buy one at Lewers . A of Hawaii: KAHKLE- OPIO; ; 8AM. and Bulcks at same price 7 Phone .v. r k::3i-t- f gtar-Bullctl- a -- WaBt Ai ocse, o. lung street KAMAKAU; PALAPALA, wid- 2335, Bishop Pk. Anto SUnd. 696S-t-f " in -- - - :- ' t "Erlnj'llome the Etcon- trerj .? 7 v 5389-t-f f : ow of KANAK AAUKAI, deceased;! n V SAM. PALAPALA; KANAKAAUKAI. ANNOUKCzurrrr. entelope, tlme-saTin- g in The Transo KANOHONAIH2LE. KEALOHA NUI, ' 5 ;3 Hawaii's AH lore of 'music to dreiop Ulest ention. No addressins; necessary ANNIE, whose full name Is unknown, Ltxitzj bat cleaners. Prices mod- t:u::3. IL erate. We sell latest styles In by tatln? lcasbat frera Ernest In Bendfns out bills or receipts, Ho and MARY KUPIHE, heirs at law of the Ernest K. KaaL 51 r.-- . 7 Star-Bullet- Tcu2 11 vTfeL :CC3. in Co. - Panama sad Felts. Work called for " Kaai toon BuUdics. nolulu Ltd sole PROFESSIONAL CARDS KANAKAAUKAI, deceased ; DAVID ' FOR RENT: , . . 2537, teaches vocal and iistru. .'K5ei. " :'V sad delivered. Blaisdell Bulldixx ' ; agents for patentee, y-: BROWN. HENRY SMITH,. JANE 57:2-t- f Desirable houses in various ' parts of SEWING LESSONS. BLACK and MARTHA GREEN, nn ; Cheap, (75x100 a ' v SITUATION WANTED . a lot and a half ft) city, famished and unfurnished, i-- known heirs at law of KANAKAAU 2SQ; good. the VaUlae Heights for UUe "at US, 118. 20. 125. ?30, $35, $40 and Miss Doanbnrg, Individual Instructions KAI. deceased ; D AVID KUPIHEA; H. ' ' -- Japanese actoiJboyt wani work after Write X. Z, 248, Makee road, ' up $125 ' See In our given In dressmaking, cutting and HACKFELD and COMPANY, UMIT ' C986-t- to a month. list ; LIVrRY CTAZLZ. ' O. 1200. : C3S3-t- f Honolulu. f designing." Snlrt-wal- st ED, a corporation existing doing CUY AND SELL. cbool. P. box office. ; Trent Trust Co.V Ltd.,' Fort patterns cat and " . measure, 25c. Beachwalk, near business under snd by virtue of :St, between ; King and Merchant to the FIrst-clai- i livery ttirascts : - ; One Franklin roatster, good running 2247 Territory Hawaii; IS- DUmonds, watches sad Jawtlxy bought tt - HELP VA'JTED ",.-"- Xh- - 5462-t- f Kalakaua ave WaikikL Pbone laws of the of - D :v--i---:t- alls rates. Terrlicry a ; ? : 110 box 103, srv : 59S8-I2- i Lir:r7 order;. cash. Address t AAC P. HARBOTTLE : ' MARY K. sell sad tzchaaged, J. Carlo, Fort 24$ office. A good bargain. 5983-t- f HARBOT- - Rlzz, tr. Puc.tsl. 1.'. this Three-bedroo- m lights, HARBOTTLE; WILLIAM tt 5518-tf- . Orpn!:erS to form trancbei of tbe house, electric 'BARBER SHOP. f National Defense League. Work of ; gas, etc Call at premises, 1941 S. TLE; DAVID IL HARBOTTLE; Inter-Islan- d Cab a Railroad ship- a 'puIIft character. High- - and King or ring up teL 1842. JAMES HARBOTTLE; FREDERICK Uuatle ping books Stir-Bulleti- n office, it, The Silent Barber Shop,4 Hotel J "with. ' organlza at tf St, KLAMP; AGNES G. KLAMP, wife of . ,c!ira nen fraternal d betvFort-ian- Bishop; 5 chairs; the TOO-- - Large FREDERICK KLAMP; EMILY" CAFZ. tlca esperience preferred MOTOR BOAT OWNERS. best: barbers; Laths, etc.; strictly compensation. Give references and Four-bedroo- m furnished bouse fa lfa MEY; JOSEPH WHITE, WILLIAM JSWLcn. modern an1 first-class- . 5986-t- f DAVIS, HELEN JOHNSON and . JU tcyxl Cafs, experience In first letter. Address A new 15 h. p. Smal ley marine engine: noa, oa ear line. Apply D. H. GO verjtlirs Us Uzt tt League, District more Co, Ltd. LIA ROBERT'S, unknown heirs at law pcrisr prices; Cas terns eccilr; Cua Wo, Cc!l azd Cllverrr.! . Defense price I11Q. This engine Is stored In CBrewer it ; MADEIRA EMBROIDERY. ' ' terlal c.i. . i.;-.:- 5933-t- , of HALUALANL deceased ; THE TEIt trcm;t strvlcs; Earetaais, nr. Tcrt ssd wcrk National Dank building. Washington. - ; f . " a warehouse here.- Our customer - - RITORY OF HAWAII; XL Tx. wiU r r C989-- t and JAMES CU era. Crt staUca. llzlzzo, nczzj D "C : paid some money dowa on this en Mrs. Carolina Ferhandea, Untoa ti Furnished cottage for rent; 5 rooms. st THOMPSON. JOHN GRAY, HENRY ed. 1121 llauaakea. ar. Kctcl . gine, but was killed In an accident ' Madeira embroidery, luncheon sets. . r::i-t- r : STONE, ELIZABETH STONE, MARY we-wa- 31 Hotel aear Alapal . -- accepting. nt out baby caps Special:? of AGENTS WANTED before All ft '-- '-y "I and dresses - , . 6932-t- '..V--- . STILES and MARTHA STILES, un- - . money up. . f Costca Ca!s, ecclcst p'JLts tcwa. of It Is the we hare tied Initial and hemstitching; Reasonable. owners Defend- a Smalley-Genera- -. : ' known and claimants j After the show drcp ia. Cy without razor l Co Bay City, Mich , kS322-t- f , - - Oria Bfcavlne ehaves 'men Modern, bungalow, 1328 KapiolanI st ants and Respondents. i v Ci7 1 Eijsa thsstci XIctl Ct removes . superfluous Tondo ladles . 6984-t- f ORDER DIRECTINO PUBLICATION alt PA I NT ' Inquire 1332. MODISTE. - per : - in. hair. Fifty cents each box. . : : OF SUMMONS. : Special MOTORS FOR SALE, - Y.'rlto for terms. Southern OFFICE FOR RENT. In the above entitled matter, the CdrrtlA Lcaca Eocmj C t:rvi:i 0. C!rsiL 12C3 Nuuirn; T '. U. S Miss Nellie Johnson, 1119 Union St ty Ccr.tany, Savannah, Ga ' Motlen of the above named Plaintiff . tlsxaaecj mcUo? cpa y Paictlig 1 Evening gowns; lingerie dresses. tai czt p:p'r.;r-- ' A. - 63S!-1- 2t Motors arid generators," direct and al aJ Office, large and centrally located, in - k5341-t- and Petitioner, having come on regular HcttL cpp. . ternatlng current, from to" 15 h. - f sal xat Estaal ttiii. 'wcri gusrsaUei' L'.li t. H Elite bldg. . Enquire Jas. steiaer. ly for hearing,, and the above entitled fre. vp. Ve will .sell 'below mainland cost - LOST Room 7, Elite bldg., Hotel at,:- HYDRAULIC ENGINEER. Court being satisfied ? that . personal prices for. cash : we need the money. -- - - , r'v, 6959-t- f service of the Petition and Summons Eslatl Czizl -- ' EacIV bet tzl PRIMTINX King 1 Honolulu Electric Works, and Taylor, 511 Stangeawald bldg.; herein cannot upon ' fol- Ts r, A place to Cooiycar tire ca r'n, near Castnen -- Jas. T. be made the Eiz. Tic citf tzt - Bishop streets. , . . 5985-t- f return to Bchutnr.n Carrlase Co.,- or UNFURNISHED ROOMS v consulting civil & hydrauflc engin'r. lowing named defendant and respon- tzzzt acciiajr. Opsa tlztt tad C:y. We 3.tct beast cf 1:t r;l: ' to-wi- - Infantry restaurant at Caitnerj k5S75-t- f ' dent, t; S. K. PUPUHI, for the usually eclaclia wlta p;;r lt: ' CCCOAN'UT ' PLANTS i FOR SALE. - . C230-C- V - t reason is. dead, v- - . we reward. Two-bedroo- m ave.; that he ilrat lnow how" tj : house, 1332 Gullck MUSIC LESSONS.' Vaw 5979-lt- a And that personal service of the Pe- Criij Cars. Batstaaim m::'l tustla and go lato prlz!:! Coccanut plants' for sale; Samoan ra inquire next door. sac L ' female dachshund; E. - tition and Summons herein cannot be i srxts. Alxats ccr IZcnu.: - J,,aad' that Is what Erorn reari.7 riety.- - Apply A. D. , Hills, Lihue, Toung tilkj u. " ProL Laurie A. DeGraca, 1506 upon any fol- !ar-E-::- :. G. Dulzcnlers, Pleasantoa HoteL - ' msde or; either of the lonrsst Honclula - t j 5277-t-f ROOMS Kauai:- : FURNISHED . 4179. . . ?S79-t- f 4. st, Telephone Rapid Instrocr lowing respon- , - named defendants and Priitli Departzcczt A!:".: i on cello,- mandolin, guV to-wi- t: WANT A WAR MAP? tioa violin, dents, DAVID BROWN; HEN- CCNTBACTOR AND CUILCZR. Ersaca Ctlts, 1 - ::;rci; please ; , - : Shetland pcuy.tay color; finder tav banio and ukulele. k RY SMITH, JANE BLACK and MAR- i- c::i-t- f return to Geo. Roalek, 2C16 Nuuanu THE NEW ERA HOTEL ": Gecr'9 Yaaads, V general ccatrictcr. . GREENr law A limited ?of maps of - ."v THA unknown heirs at 992-3- number war 1450 STREET E-tlm- -- Uo-Caailez- s ave- and receive reward. , t r FORT oLKANAKAAUKL-deeeasedt-JOSEP- H furnished. t No. ZZ3 - Europe have : secured by t the - ben ABOVE VINE YARD :.ST. 5:4 Ernest, K.iaaC.51 Yonng- BIdg;"Telt ' Euildlag. Tekrhcas 2157. lar-Bullstl- a to- - - WHITE. : WILLIAM DAVIS, HELEN and,:areroffered pat r 5749-tf- '' . : - r?vL ;; 3687, guitar pan-J- o, - ZZZHt Certificates' rens paper very reason ukulele, mandolin, JOHNSON and JULTA ROBERTS, un ::''. - of this at the A ?. 1S13, cn savings , department, f violln.1 cello aad vocal. CHI.1T3 3 PAJ,V the able price of 15 cents, the order to xithen known heirs .at law of HALUALANI, Tank cf Hawaii, Ltd., in favor of IIo v ?' deceased;: and JAMES THOMPSON, Caako Co Nuuanu aad Vineyard. Tel. be accompanied by three coupons clip " UC0, respectively. With or without board. In Bachelors' -- S15L Contracts t buildings, pape TA!IAT07A, Yc, f.r and JOHN GRAY, HENRY 8TONE, EU-- 1 . ped this, paper.,, coupon' : Pcrt-.baL-ti- from The is - . Ccrlificate cf deposit No. 14,233, on Clubhouse. for rent 1600 Nuuanu BergstromjMasIc- CCiIItisIc and inu-.- ZABETH STONE. MARY taxgiig, cement work cleans lets. llZi I'l-i- - 1 published in another, column. 6989-C- STILES and Ha-wal- l, .This ave., School . t rlC20-102- 1 - k5327-t- the frr.r.crciil dept, Bank cf cor t slcal Instruments. Fort MARTHA STILES, unknown owners . f ; .. map all Europe ' Ho Yen, ?70. takes in of and enables street. v, ' in favcr cf for to. follow activities bf A ;i ana ciaimanis, tor uie reason mat are fcerchy warned to the reader the 5277-t-f KchayaahL general coatractsr, 2C34 SMIHTMAKin. Fir.ders the European warring U& ROOM AND BOARD they are and each of them is wholly t. reQuest-edrt all forces. Q. Eiag. 2358. nrrctlate t.e szt.b, but are fc Phone Eeaacaabls. - member that the supply is limited.' ' B. Tamitcya, tWrts, Pianq tuning repalring. Honolulu . k5327-t- f ' to return tar- to the Bank of hoard by meal. and tQd Court being satisfied that tz'iz !! Excellent table the . to crJcr. Nuuanu, zzzt . r YHV. n:i -" LM U tlfl by xubic o.. yuuur; mk Ia , proper case for publication of r-- if Colonel , Horace A.L Hutchins Civil day or week. Special rates the CARD CASZ3. ft ' war "veteran and Standard Oil Com- month. Apply ntvthe Roselawn, ! COLLECTOR. the Summons herein: ' T - NOW THEREFORE. IT IS pany official, died at Madison, N, J.; 1366 S. King St- -: v "! 591241 Business visiting cards, eagraved i ' .. of aad T2.3 Cuban cuse cf representatives : ; .: 'that service the Summons aged 76 years. , . W. L. Eafoili collector ca "eommisloa. cr prlated, ia attractlrs will find first-clas- s board herein upon DAVTD BROWN, HENRY .Ru3li grantrJ ar:r.CHty to Asert, Gentleman j leather cases, patent dztachabla TAl LC . . 2. The Progressive state convention and lodging - in - gentlemen's club; ' 58914 SMITH, JANE BLACK and MARTHA who sentenced; to five years' In-- I - GREEN, EtaE,uIletin nfflcs. IZVHt V3 held at Manchester, N. H.,'was attend- best location. Inquire P. O. box 250. unknown heirs at law of KA trtx Army & Kavy, "; ' ' -- ::::cL::t 7. rf for the murder cf Chief of 7 ' ; : 5JW2-3- v NAKAAUKAI, deceased; 'r:cnt ed by about 125 delegates and candi- V t SURGEON CHIROPODIST. JOSEPH CLCANIN3 AND DYEING. C3tat::;t:-.:-:t- ; c! I.Iva,' WHITE, WILLIAM DAVIS, HELEN txlita cf Havana. The vote dates with, a Xair sprinkling of speaU-tor- s. 1 - r;;airiaj. Illj, c:. ' -- r-- ROBERTS, un- in ' : -- - R. Mclnernv's Shoe JOHNSON and JULIA VVC.3 U tO Z. . . Dr. E. Merrill tcyal Ccthes Cleaning aa3 Dyeing - unfurnished bungalow stn Fort 'abov i Kin. , Private known helrs"at law of HALUALANL , p. Call and deliver. 3143. z:rt jOne nice f - upon - Lie Tel. " room for ladies. Charges - reason- deceased ; and JAMES THOMP- Clirsoto, Beretanla, Alapal , tr. Ct " u KapioTani street; 2 large " on ' ' - ; 63IS-- H iirjiXixi. i aoie. ' ' ' iunn uiuii, oiUiii :.-'.Ti2- !.!-- r bsdrbomsV one large attic .r ;'; ELIZABETH STONE, MARY i CULLETINS r a STILE3 GUiD -- j V DRESSMAKINa'--an- ur.irr.iLLA r.:A::zn. ; : room; built-i- n sideboard and MARTHA STILES, unknown own LV bookcases;, mosquito - proof;', - .i ". ers and claimants, and, upon each and 1 r.-:- t:r - Dressmaking-al- evening gowns1 IL iriruta. Vzzy.:t::zi rziZi cf officers, list cf rerar drill r!VJ, KtiUczs, and current Infer artesian water. Calf CC3 Lu--- t kinds; every of them, be made by publication specialty.; Mc- -; "STAR-BUL- - DRUMMERS, paired. 1231 Fcrt, Ku-.- l; :a fcr the ICatlnal Guard cf IXawilL Arccry, tcrxxer Hotel UIIlsT nalilo st, opp. Normal School.. Anna FedotofL' The of said Summons In the tr. tad m ijonaiay nmanou st. 674-i- LETIN" a newspaper printed, publish- - l If you want good quarters display ' a an(1 ta ' - circulated m said Territory and ; ; . ; - t your ', Cl.'.rr.AL CTAFF. ;r' ; .AMNEST1E ERLASS. ; District Hawaii, for Deriod of samples la Hilo, tas Oscrio's VULCAN z, ' ' of the - Cel. John Y. The Adjutant v;-- r NOTICE. " ;- store. - - CSID-t- f Jcnes. Ctnri!.v v "three (3) months In the dally issue of Auto, C:-!:- 3 T7. Izrp.cca.., Elmer T. OrtLDept. vurcn AiieruoetiiaiBT';' 8aI(j - llctorcycls tzl E!:;:'5 Z::::zt. HaJ. Wlaaat unuenen8be newspaper- - ' ' '. vclcaaizsd. (Prevetted Colonel.) r.;'-- ; Shareholders In Hidalgo Plantation om 29. August Personen, did slch rht0i Hnnnintit H.w.u Tllzts Vc!::i' -- it ,:. 180 . C. r; 3 B. Eur?.-rt- x v , f'5""-':;:- - and Commercial Company who have. bis dabin verittung der WehrpfUcht . - - - . Merchant near Alit: Cocrcr. 24 " 1914. " 7 -- -- 'Telephcas 21S7. C. : not yet paid: la iheir $5.00 per share der. i uneriaubter 'aAuswanderung fSed.i; S. B DOLE.; EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. CilU, l - CSlS-t- " - schuldig-.gemach- t - f y, Chert CLIcfQ. LL; " Capt nenry Vaa CIssca, Q. XL ; pro rata, are requested by the commit- haben, Erlasa er- 2zi ' C jnae f s District Court Diatriet ' : -- ' . : - ttnt , . , . Re-- C .:Ttt;i LlcutCclcnel.) tee In eharge to forward same lat wirkter Geldstrafe, Frelheitsstrafe und 0f jjawaiL . Phone 413G for all kinds of help. - i: . L- - l C. rctsrs, J. Adr.-rc- x - Capt Leo L. Cextca, UeL DepL : er than October 31, 1914. to Paul R. Kosten feroer alien ; noch nicht , xur- ,v United Slates of' America; Territory sponslbility and promptness our spe- mosquitoes? fho::s.: Vj - - ' Ge-- 111 tl2 Ccvcrrcr. Capt J. D. Dougherty,. lifrntry.- :' rt Isenberg. care of H. Hackfeld & Co. ueckgekehrten Unteroffizieren und 0j Hawaii, ss. ' cialty. J. K. Naruse. manager. : - - ; Ilc-'.- :'--r:- Heeres,: ; 5983-t- , -- : (Signed) PAUL ISENBERG. der .Marine und , v- The Eoari li ir:crzcTC-ir:GTnucTcrr- It. meinen des a. . MURPHY," f cf .: 3 - ' E. Clerk of the , - 1 r cfficz.':' u :, 1-- i, ; . 5 Chairman. Schutxtruppen. die sichunetlaubter TjnIteit states Court Sll tcusshc.'isrj iI!:-::- Incpector-lnstructa- r. - - District for the C. ' 5902-3- -- erster-Fahneaflucht 1 L!:vt 7. Whlter.e, U. C A, . '?'-- . : -- ' "'7- t Entfernung oder Y. Nakanlshl. 34 Beretaala, ar. Nuua--; vlcliily who tra t; . - 3 .Territory of HawaiLdo hereby certify - .' " (On leave.) .. . - ; t Im Frieden schuldig . gemacht haben, nu, for good yard boys. xaosaltoes-- t- tc'.:;L:- 3 r.ic:::z:;TAL ' th9 l0Pegoing to be s full, true sad cooks, ficld a:;d gtaff cfficeho, 12T mr.Ur Begnadlgung. blnsichUlch verwirkur correct copy of the original Order Pnoas 4511; residence phexs 451L Ali for tha Hc:;:o U&l WUUaia E. DaL Srd und Ehrenstrafen, iedoch 5245-t-f tell aim yocr trc--'c- a. Ti3 Bat " ' recting PubHcaUon of Summons in C-- Thc-ps- ca, ' ; -- the -; t Jir.:s A. Adjt 1st Lt John W. Kanaeholo, Adjt . ausgenommen Degradation. fa Aus- Court: The'Uaited SUtes of America terwia bs Lameilit.! t 3 STAB-BTJIXETI-X c :tc:--:- n. q. n. tad Lt. Gecrc9 IL Cuacilngs, Q. IL' Bicht gestellt, wenn sle sicn" waebrend Evan-de- a GITI3 T0U cl ta. r:irrr, . - TS The Board of the Hawaiian p. . r - , I-- - I'i -- TODAY'M NET7H TODAY Arthur N:Jy, A. Merle- - C..;t S. P. Jofasoa. 1st " " Jetzigen Krieges ;unversuegUch,'gellcai 2IaJ. IL Eat , . T .v.; Vi .... - .- . AssociaUon et al. Civil No. 85J X, ' -- Cert,'.-- i v.'arham, CcnVy. 1st Lt Charles R. Frazier, Adjt t ".The "schooner J. Wood left jeaocn spaeiesiens vor noTemuer, a, e same remains record on Guftr-v- Fred of and . I.'iJ. e Ecse, tzi Eat 2nd Lt Eoscoe W. Perkins, Q. M. Grays Harbor for, Honolulu with' a Im Deutschen Reicbv Detftschera Schut- - fne in the office of the Clerk of said V.. Q. - - Lt lul llplrey, II. Chaplain, Valeatia Franckx (Capt) shipment of lumber 11 days aga agebiet oder auf Schiffen der Kaiser- Court - , - 104- COMPANIES STATICr:CD AT HONOLULU. - . T Whereof, hereua-lh- r - Ia I have 15000 Abwe-- Ccrprry A Csrt'H. P. 1st Lieut P. IL Eaoot; 21 Lieut J. I The' schooner Robert R: Hind Is out WoJiIverhaRenwaehrend l? 8et my hand and affeted geal of . ? r II. Ccsi.irhara. Thursday, 7:30 p. m,1-"- --N1;-:-: 19 days from" Grays Harbor with a Btrnawv 5iuuuaiv , Said District Court this 24th. flay of E Ctpt. Cc;:y Paul Eupsr, 2nd Lieut A. J. Lowrey. .Wedaesday, 7:20 p. cargo of lumber destined for Honolulu. . September D. 1914; : ,""6 , CJ- - y ' ; , IIHWB uuu wuiuwuaiicu "vk. . ' 5 v 'Jff,wi - AvE. MURPHY Fah- 1 . allra schwere, mlt - Compsny 18, A Inn- In to Oia Isuch suf nicht v TTt.hi : ordered to assemble at armory Sunday, Oct at Vfmrft' cr1itd 4 rlLa w mmawm 0MWt -- rnt rwWIMtfl 7;33 a. m. Target practice for 1st battalion. -- vhriwp RiafcoiMr that 32 dava. to nenflucht: oder3 unerlaubter Entfer- Territorywwof Hawaii. Ccn:r'r:y C Capt J, M. Camara. 1st Lieut L, It MedeIroS.V Friday, 7:30 sailed, from.Puget Sound with a big nnng zusammenhaengende StfafUten " - By F. U DAVIS. ' unaaenerias-Importers- . - on ceiaen . - shipment of lumber consigned to local erstrecaen. YvVt . Deputy Clerk.' - -- ausgescnlossen diejenigen. 1 Ccmpsry D Cart W. V. Kolb. 1st Lieut F,' ,w.vWichmsa-- ' (on- leave),.- j'iV The vessel is due dally at Vsen blalbea 507(t-Sm- o. . " ' - - , , , ; oa 45. JjeDensjanr oaer . Lieut G. Schaefer. Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. . ..,- , the port . ,,oi voiienaei ' Company ordered to assemble at armory 7 a. Sunday, ,.. -- v, ; ; .i ; 1 iieicnsangenoengKeu verjren naoeo NOTICE TO SHIPPERS. ' auslaendischenf Ccttcer 12, fcr target practice.' 'J v,- : '. Coal to' the amount of about 2300 ;undAngeboerlge inea The gasoline schooner KOMOKILA, Company E Capt C. U. Coster, 1st John "nilo. Monday. 7:50 p. tons, brcueht bv.the schooner E. B. Staates slnd Oder, als dlenstunfaehlg in command of ; Captain George E. tleut bl - , Cc;.2.y r 1st Lieut M. It' HoughUUIrg, 2ad Lieut J. Ltmoa. Tuesday. " Jackson from Newcastle, S. W- befunden ; werden, sofern Ble . wegen' Pfltt, will leave Pier (Richards ' - Kauai-Koerprsusunde- - - ' : ; Ikonnten, Wbarf)-fo- r 7;S0 p. n. . . ; ' '. ;. ... , will be discharged at AhuklnL annehmen street Maul and Molokal dlenstfae?hlg ; Ccupiiy G Capt B. F, Ka ne, 1st LJ K. Ka-n-e, ;W. The' wlBdjammeriis iioW en rtJute 'to dass sie zuxf Zeit nicht pons every TUESDAY st 5 p.m. sad Lieut' 2nd Lieut. N. r - , ' - . v:-- - i--. . J . v " Krina. Ilonday. 7:30 p. m. - f the Garden Island. --..sind.' . for windward porta on Oahu every : : ' v,"---"- '-- I - Ccr::::y n Ccpt L. Tr. Lreot Tuesday,7:36p.iai . i . Weltere information ; wird bercitwil- FRIDAY at S p. m.. For Information r.i;rrtoa.,lrt J. CLb. ' ' . ' t-- ; -- ' - ' . Cc;isy il (Allc U: to d Xattallca)--Cap- t. J. W. Cook, 1st Lieut W A shipment of lumber reported on ligst erteilt J?:' ;j : (regarding rates, ult telephone 41S3. Ahla, 2nd Lieut E. K. Chung. Thursday, 7:30 p. ro. ' board the schooner A. F. Coatee which " Kaiserlich Dcutsches Konsulat KOMOSILA SIHPPING CO, LTD - " -- " to.:-- . S992-3- y I vv-- " r:-':- :; - has left Gravs Harbor, Is consigned , t v:.v B32Uf - STATIONED CN MAUI ' - t the United States navy department at , "SZ. t 5 Ccrpaay I WnHutu Capt W. F." Eaae, 1st W. & CbllltnKSWorth, - Lieut : body Mrs. Richard; Croker, "r The captain or steam-t-o' . Pearl Harbor. This vessel tsxnected The cf a Roumanian j . - . 2u;l Lieut IL' VTIlfcox. . .V 7: ;' ; J It -- wife of former. Tammany leader, er repcrts the bubonic plague -- 9TTre at the naval base about the the that and pany -- Ccn L LaLalaa Cipt W. F. Years. 1st W. RVKaJuaklnl' c " " v Lieut k: v : - V -- : - . who Idled In Italy, In New typhoid fever are raging Constantl-- : middle of November. , arrived at i 'r - STATIONED ON HAWAII. . .: r'iy- .. sea - Ycrk : on the : steamer Tomaso di Sa-- ncple. i ' M Eastia.-.'ls- t ' e: -- Cc:pary IIIlo Capt J. D. Lieut it" , il. Morehead. 2nd ' Joseph Scavottl. years old. wss. voia. - : , I Giacomo Giordano, S3 years oliJ. x : - - II Lieut J. S. Cafcefts. ' run down and kUll bv an automobile . E. II. Sothern, the actor,' who has committed suicide by leaping bllnd-Hvr- n - . Hot a: . . . . ttrCiCAL OFFICERS WITH lRANITARY'T06Si:'v' ; by Ralph been' sericusly: HI Litchfield,: Conn : folded from fourth, floor of his i;Ia j - . RHsler in the at the D. r.::.;.-.;rr9- F. ; ; : C:pt U ilorcrs.. CaptvB,;W;.Beil Bronx. ViSi .vilLij.toroJa ia New Ycrk. . : ; "

4 ; V'-- T I ! i t v - ,tv-i v ? j ' r ' t ? t c' ; - .? J vf i v ( ...

I A bigluT morality like a bigbor inlclli- - IJeailinr mnketlt a full 'inaiL ruufiWncc tt gence, must be readied by n slow growth. ! , roady man. aud writing an exact man. ! V Herbert ftpenoor. V:yy: ' Francis tin con.


1 -

' n ' - r"

Cts-t.'- . . . al Horticultural Palac at Sn Francisco. hrein will b xhibiti a marvtlou ditplay cftht horticuttur! fnduttrie of th worfd. Tin rctrtsrarhfr looking over the location f a lagoon to U before the palace. . Th building 1 one rf the most remarkable and beautiful of the exhibit atructurea. The main g& dome and the !eser domes vnlnaret tyelcal i - i wt tn1 are cf tha Or!t m FiirrKi in- mos'iue 01 me tsuuan Anmw.j. m vniiniinupie. wiikh, in turn, wit iner u t;inia, roomer or mosi 01 me ramous arcrmeciurai wortc m tne Levant. Tne deoomtiora of tne lower portions or the bullJlns are Lgetive of the architecture of tf.f century French renalBance. while the wooden trell la work, forming a distinctive feature in the decorative scheme. 1 derived from the garden architecture of the Loul XIV. period, which with the large Areas of gUa sugset the purpo for ii' h the tructure'ts intended. The Palace of Horticulture covers an area of 600 by 300 feet, and Hs huge gtasa" dome Is 1&6 feet in height and 152 feet in diameter. " : PROMINENT WIRELESS n n n n n rnnn rr DO INDUSTRIAL MANAGER keeps ; - MAN DIES IN NEW YORK U2 : PLACED AT NAVY YARD 1 JllSE .h.,-- : fi 4:;'-v- immmimmi , : ABsocIated Press by Fed. WIrete.1 XU:ft,r- By Latest Math - - v NKW YORK; N. Oct 24. Beach 11 WASHINGTON', Secretary Daniels Thompson. - president Poulaen GUILTY '".'OHxiiCE cf the began an experiment in navy yard PuIESTS Wireless Corporation and Federal Tel- Slogan work by designating Captain George egraph Companydied here last night K. ; Burd as "industrial manager" of ' He was a. prominent capitalist inter- the New York ; yard. Rear-Admir- rri ested in various mining and hydro-flcctr- ic Usher will remain commandant of the u .1 enterprises from 1856. to 1904; yard, with supreme authority, but will president of the Tuolumne Water be relieved of the harassing details of fl'owrr Company from the management of the E00O workmen. 1903. to 1910. and vice president of (Special Cable to Hawaii Ehlmpo and He will devote himself to purely na- ' : 24. (he Metropolitan Light and . Power ' : Chronicle.)-- ' CITY, Mexico. Oct. val questions. ; 'i:iro S" ( Company during same period. O A KCjT .;. 21. high Oarz.'i, the TI TOKIO. Japan. Oct The r,' Gwr.zahs th" F . J ' Captain Burd is an engineering offi- :.t-ti- Mr. Thompson was 49 years of age. priests of Mia ;i cf Gen. Vz::rl Villa, cer and has for tome time been In ths West llcnzwanjl sion, who Were-- iadictcd forgery s V. ...i if C.' persists in lAa charge of the machine shop In the New for i : and misuse cf ternpla funds, were y i f the cutl.crity cf tbe YOUTiE COrJSTIPATED. York yard-- If the experiment proves '., ;i rt ?v.n3 Calkntcs he U a found guilty of the charges at their OiLIOUS! CASCARETS - successful, construction officers will be v :.i i ; ' :'.l 'o f, war l 1 K first trial yesterday. rf r. the j aj. appointed for the other yards. 1 't r.v.-- t ii-- ly follow, Kill-- !!n:jc!.e, Sour Stomach, Gas, 1 , i 1 ,u-tt- rrs comes n r .Master Aki, Mrs. 11. W." Aki. Mrs. L. P0RFIRI0 DIAZ STILL ALIVE '3 i:r-t- li, rie.-.- Lher and ::t ('arranza is Ilontls need rieaBilnj: 0. Blackman, Miss 3. Purvis, J. D. from ns pnv Paris. vv. vjr).; J" :,y XX..- Associated Press by Fed. Wireless. J :.t ; ro:.: : Villa 13 stmr. Hllo BIARRITZ, France, Oct. 21 Reports i Get a 3 tox now. !, Per Mauna Kea. for and rca-- 28 Diaz, i.i i rH urir.g li!s i T,"o c-- way ports, Oct W. Alston, Mrs. J, that Pcrflrio former president of is how tad your liver, stom- .!. . tv!il;cs to b ach how much your head C. Brucs and infant, Miss C. HalL Mrs. Mexico, is dead are untrue. Gen. Diaz -- -r or bowels; f ; ri lir r.t v 111 not aches, how miaerab'e and uncom W. W. Hall, Miss Julia Vance. Miss K. has been suffering recently from gas- -' y c f v;::.i In Mex- - S. Wight, Mr. Mrs. Wong. - trie troubles. t you and Pak " , forthl3 are from constipation, .. indigestion, and sluggish biliousness geological survey announc- New o receipts Sep- . s 1.'3 f!!!"rT!f F3 i The has York customs for " lowels you always . get the desired 1 : ' ' output aggregate 112.113.034, . .ti n t ed that Alaska's mineral last tember against it tl.t results with Cascarets. , . :t way for the year had a value of 118,413.004. $18,S3fl.3S4 In September. 1913. rive Dca't let your stomach, liver and a :. ; is - :. ::"! lowcl3 r.are you v miserable. Take .; j rol. ..r.r.l j rcil- - C.f,..rets tcnljht; put an end td the he a Jac he, .biliousness, dizziness, nerv-ou?ne- ss, sick, sour,' gassy stomach, Maison Navigation Company backache and all - other distress; ?'::t active Thirty-si- l..'se:: your Inside organs of all the The rapid advance of prohibition in tutlonaf amendment x states ton. Cleveland 7 Direct Scrvics Dctvccn San cr.j cleanse : Frcnchco Iicn:!i:!u . ' ;: Xx-J-'- ; y !. Wireless. tile, gases ; and constipated" matter the United States is illustrated in the can do it. T ? "There are fewer saloons south of r 47,000,000 of population of Mason Dixon altogether' ' ; ; Zi The Mount which is producing the misery. "Over the .the and line FROM SAN FRANCISCO: FOR SAN FHANCICCO: i';.h. O.L map above, showing "'dry' states in - 10-ce- r.t happi- the United States live under probibi- than are in the city of Chicago. : active, and A box mean3 health, ' there No white and "wet" in black. tlon r '". ; .;': 1 "The ten prohibition states are: ness and a clear head for months. S. S. Enterprise 22 S. S. Enterprise ...... Oct 27 r:ore days cf gloom and distress if "Mke the Map All White" is the "Over 71 per cent t of the area is Maine, Kansas, North Dakota, Okla ...... Oct S-.- S- - 4 - Anti-Saloo- n One-ha- lf ' Car-th-e Wllhefmina 27 S. VVilhelmina ...... Nov. .:::.:t- - ycu will take a Cascaret now- and rallying cry of the League prohfhition, territory. of all homa,r Mississippi, Georgia, North ...... Oct then. All drujgifts sell. Cascarets. of America and the recent; tremendous people now living in license ter-- ollna, Tennessee, West Virginia, Vlr-ritor- y, 8. S. Manoa ...... Nov. 3 S. S. Manoa ...... Nov. 13 victory in Virginia Is regarded as one live in New York, glnia. ;j : : ; ::e in th5 Don't forget the children their little four states 8. S. Matsonia ..Nov. 10 S. S. Matsonia ... .Nove. 13 of evidences the map Boon will Pennsylvania, Illinois Jersey. "Thirty-si- x states : can be selected II c N'uu .r.u street ir.ides reed a gentle cleansing, too. the thH and New i " ' Anti-Saloo- n "One-fourt- - ! : : - people of ; : C; :n advertisement. be "all white." The of all the of.the' that have a total number saloons rlrct. ' - ; league's announcement . contains the United States who live in saloon ter- less than New York City, and S. S. Hilonlan sails from Seattle for Honolulu on or about Oct 31. Amcr.g the visiters from the Shinyo following: ritory live in six cities New York,' "Thlrty-l- 1 states can adopt the Maru to spend a few hours in the city Make the map all white by' const!- - Chicago, Philadelphia, St Louis, Bos-- Sheppard-Hobso- n amendment' (Jlas-- r : r.. r: was Mrs. A. Ernest Maylard of n 13 --divi-Flcn ter, Thos. S. Porter, Miss Livingston, - ;.t 11 a. ow, Scotland. Mrs Maylard CASTLE & COOKE; LTD.; GcncrnI Ac:nts, Hcnc!i:!u n MAILS I IL W. Burden. Mrs. II. B. Cooper and c . 1 : 1 6:TD head for Scotland of the Nurses I., 2 at ' Fenwick, Zeno K. My- j Union, an extensive work which Is IIOVELIENTS OF children, Jas. Mails kre folio wing ers, Mrs. B. Dowding. Mrs W. ' - carried on there under the aus-'- j due frcm the Frank 's held at l.eirs Minor, I L" Johnson, ; Mrs. IL street, ices cf the Young Women's Christian IIAIL STEAUEIiS points as follows: Stuart PACIFIC HAIL STEAI.IGIIIP CO. ..; fchool San Wilhelraina, 27 Stuart Johnson, Miss Sarah Folsom, - f Mrs. Maylard visited the Francisco Oct t. C p. n. (Jap- Association. Mrs. Pratt, E. D. Burrows, tailings from Honolulu on or about the following dates: end addresse--d Yokohama Korea, Oct 27. , , Alexander (local association later D. R. W. of Y. W. C. Australia Ventura, Nov. 6. Mrs. E. Burrows, Dr. Miller, . cr.y the Chinese, when she told FOR SAN FRANCISCO) O cr all TESSELS TO AEEITE Mails will depart, or followln Mrs. R. W. Miller, Master Arthur Mill- FOR THE ORIENT: 1 the - ' 1 v A. work in Australia, where she had ; er, Tyler Miller,' Miss Ellsha r points as follows: r s Master 8. 8. Mongolia via Manila been visiting, as well as of work la - - Sunday, Oct 25. .:. S. S. Pcrs'a OcL 3 San Francisco Korea. Oct 27. Miller, Miss Eva Miller, Edw. Schoen, : ...... Oct 33 i r1 land.: ports " m..,.. ... r in irra. her heme Maul, Molokal and Lanai ' Clyde Schoen, B. " Mongolia, 30. Mrs."B..F. Schoen, Mikahala str. Yokohama Oct S. 8. Persia via Manila, 8. 8. Korea ...... Oct 27 Australia Sonoma, Nov. 2. - F, Schoen, Miss Ruth Anderson, Mrx ; Maui ports Ciaudine.iStr o , out and In...... Nov. 14 QAIIU RAILWAY Ti:.!E TABLE y R. W. Anderson, Dr.'R. W.. Anderson, 8. S. Siberia ...... Nav. 3 Kauai ports Kinau; str, Y j Henry Frank, Miss Bertha Goldberg, 8. S. Korea Manila z I TEASSPOET SERVICE via cz-:- TO THC Kauai ports W. G. Hall, str. Miss Carol Low Wralter Dillingham, ..Nov. 20 S. S. China ...... Nov. 17 Monday, 26.. -XT Oct Mrs. Craigin, sister and son, Thos. r- THCN OUTWARD. 1 " Logan, from Manila for Nagasaki and YC.'r. . '.'-'- ' Kahului Enterprise, M. N. S. S. Ramadell, Miss ; Ramsdell, Mrs. Thos. ' Honolulu, sailed Oct 15. ;' : :. : X) : - Tor VTaianae, V.'alalaa,' Kahuko, and i Tuesday, Oct 27 o' Ruth Gartley, Mrs. A. Gartley, ; F. C. For central Information apply la ; Y CONTINUE YOUR way stations 9:15 a, 3:20 p. n. Thomas, from Honolulu for. San Fran- " Hongkong via , Japan ports Korea, " Atherton, Mrs. F. C. Atherton, J. A. For Pearl City. Ewa Mill and way cisco, arrived Oct.13. . J1 ZY CACT OVCR THE P.M. S. S. Sheridan, from Honolulu for Manila Scott Mrs. J. A. Scott R. E. Mist, H..Hackfeld & Co., Ltd. Amenta ttatlcns 17:20 a, n., 9:15 a. tx, Miss Wortmann, R. T. Schmidt, San Francisco WUhelmlna, ; M. N. - via Guam, Oct . ,'; ' Emma a, 2:15 p. r3 3:23 p. ; r 11:C3 nt, s; s. y .v:.-- , Mrs. W. H. Lewers, A. J. Fairweather, Dix, at 'Manilas ; Vv'vtV 5:15 p. m J3:20 p. mi tll:15 p. m. ports Kea, Ralph W. Weymouth, Miss Grace Hilo via Mauna str. Sherman, from -- Honolulu," for Guam - Fcr V.'ahiawa and Leilehua 10:20 V : 1 R, Ly decker. X- Wednesday, Oct 23. : Weymouth, C a. n., p. n, 5:C0 pn 11:00 iY and Manila, Oct '15.' t2:0 ' Kauai ports W. G. Hall, str. . . Warren,' stationed at-th- e Phlllpplnea. p. n. 29. PASSE5GEES BOOKED ' Oct ' j INVARO. . Maul ports Ciaudine, str. " I PASSEXGEES DEPARTED TOYO KISEN KAISHA Arrive Honolulu from Kahula. Tra y' Friday, Oct 30. i Per stmr. Mauna Kea, for Hilo and LULU - way ports, 24. Mr. M J, alua and Vtian&e 8:26 a. fa 5:31 San Francisco Mongolia, "P. M. S. S. Per stmr. Ciaudine for Maui porta Oct ani n: ' Lougher and Ed. p. m. Saturday, Oct 31. : 23 Mr. Lv White- R. Infant Master Company wlll HsMial as F tl C I Q II T OcL and. lrs.; II. Lcugher, F. Bechert, Master Steamers of the above cail at and leave Honolulu from Ewa Mill and Hilo w ay ports Mauna Kea, str. A. C. O. Mrs. F. V, tr.d Arrive via head, Warner, C. A. Burns, IL F. F, Bechert, r about th dates mentioned below: m-ll:- Miss Bechert, Kut-kews- ki Bechert City a. xx, 8:3S a. C2 M. I c i; C T Pearl f7:45 Walker, R. Purvis, Mrs. K. Koy, Ogg, T s a. p. xx, p. A: Grandhomme, Robert Jas ' 1:40 M:n ix. TESSELS TO DEPAET and infant. - 'i : II. D. Beveridge, R. Lougher, E. FOR THE ORIENT.' FOR SAN FRANCISCO. .!:a reEervatlsr.s 5:31 p. 7:30 p. IX- - C ix. -- r-- Mrs. B. izj i '.z.l cn the Honolulu VTahiawa and " Saturday, Oct 24. : Wilson, J. H. Pratt Mr. and Arrive from PASSEXOEBS EXPECTED -- 18 "Ian 3. p. way ports Kea, 1 de Sfentlrmay, J. Grieve, W. Duker, 8. 8. Tenyo Maru ...... Oct 27 8. 8. Chiyo Maru ...... Nov. i"' Lcilehca 9:15 a. ix. ex. Hilo" via Mauna str, 1 r Yi ZLL!-FAn-- C Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Whitehead, Miss Shinyo Maru 9 8. S Tenyo Maru ...... Dec :s 4: CI p. ix, 7:10 p. tx 3 p. O. o .' o;' Per M. N. S. S, WUhelmlna from 8. 8...... Nov. 3 iT. CO 72 C. Johnston, C. Bortfeld and wife, Jas. S. 8. Chiyo Macu Dec 4 8. 8. Shinyo Maru 2J "two-hou- r Kahului Enterprise, M, N. S. S. .. San For 27: .....Dec The Halelwa Limited, a Francisca Honolulu. Oct s V 25 CL Tel 1:13 '. Lino, J. Glacomettl. j 8. S. Tenyo Maru 25 S. 8. Chiyo Maru...... Jan. !' ' train (enly firstclass tickets honored) Monday, Oct 29. e Mrs. W. E. Fletcher and children, C...... Dec , ports leaves Honolulu every Sunday at 836 Kauai ports W. G. Hall, str., 5 p. H. Didkey, J,' L. McLeax Capt TR. W, Per s tm r. Ciaudine tor Maui aul 26--Mr- s. E. Austin, Mr. ar-rlT.- -3 U a, rju, fcr Halelwa hotel; returning ra."o - vy.-M- Warham, Miss Mary E. Duncan, A. L Oct and ia Honolulu at 10:10 p. The ports Ciaudine,' str 5 p. m. Silva, Mr. Isaac Cockett Mrs. Isaac Mrs. L. M. Fee, Mrs. Wong. 'iYy-'-r-i:- ix Noeau, 5 p. D. Mrs. Cam- Per str. Kilauea, for Kauai and Kau CASTLE & COOKE, LIMITED, Acerits, Honolulu .J. L! :d ttcps cly at Pearl City and Kauai ports str ix Cockett Miss Holmes, v v,v o Tuesday, 27. Y : eron and children, Miss E.. V. Mel, ports, Oct 27 Mr. and Mrs. O. Black-stea- d, r-- 'i':.ztX -- ,....; - Oct ' Mc- Rev. J. "W. Wadman, K. ::y. JSundayenly. San Francisco Enterprise, M. N. S. Mrs. W. P. Ferguson, Miss Helen j. Sab r tncepturfiy, 4 p. m. , Lean, Miss K. Morton, Mrs. J. J. Carl- A. P. Robinson, H. S. Truscott and CZNIEON, Ix P. F. SMITH, MI-kahal- a, C C S. Por-- wife, H. Iv. Scholfield, Glen Cottrell, CANADIAN-AUSTRALASIA- N MAIL LINE nt Molokal and Lariai ports son. J. J Carlson, Mrs. Thos. ROYAL C.;:r!.-.ttnie- Y ' G. P. A. "' . 5 . str, p. jn. Subject to change without notice. . .. , . . ' San Francisco Korea, P. M. S. S. Vancouver; v ' i For Suva, Auckland and 8ydney For Victoria and Kauai ports Klnau, str., 5 p. m. . i -- Makura Dec. 11 Wednesday, Oct 28. 8. 8. Niagara ...... :.Nov. 4 j : 8. 8...... E. Hall Son i Via CO. 0. .d Hilo way ports Mauna Kea, str., 8. 8. Marama 2 i S. 8. Niagara ...... Dec 23 -j ...... Dec' 10 . ? a. y.::'il in. ,7 GENERAL - : Thursday. Oct 29. - THEO. ti. DAVIES & CO.. LTD., GENERAL AGENTS r y, u. s. v. : ' Kauai ports W. G. Hall, str, 5 p."xx ' i ; .' Fort and King Sta. ; v Friday, Oct 30. -- af" Ve - Hongkong.-via lapan ports Mon AMERICAN-HAWAIIA- N 8. 8. CO THE PANAMA CANAL LINE lia. P. M. S. S. ; A STEAMER will be despatched from NEW YORK for HONOLULU, Via SAN FRANCISCO, aVfTT - Maul ports Ciaudine, str., 5 p. n. KAHULUI. PORT ALLEN and HILO, Y. TAKAKUWA & C0 Saturday, Oct. 31. TEN DAYS. Approximate time In transit. 88 DAYS. V ; way ports Seattle and Tacoma to Honolulu- - V : . . . , , Hilo Mauna Kea. r' i ' , Limited. . . via ' ' 3 p. m; S. S. Kentuckian to sail about Nov. 2. X : . V tV NAM CO' CRABS packed In' Ter particulars as to ratea, etc, applr to e v v ' HACKFELD & LTD. . vcn. Sanitary Cans, wood lined.' f With favorable wind and C. P. MORSE, . f v H. CO, zzzr 1 AgeaU th :zzvi Et near Klnj EL schooner, Melrose from Pert Ceneral Freight Agent' is daily expected at IT: '. . : '.