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Foto FCC Wheels . 2014 ! ! Foto!FCC!Wheels!.!!2014!Erp! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! !!!! !! !! !!!!! Index…' IIndex page 2 Preface page 3 Introduction page 4/5 General Information page 6 Route page 7 European Championship BMX track and ground plan page 8 Data of the track page 9 Rules and Race Information page10/11/ Trophies and Cash prizes page 12 Countrys of entries page 13 Hospital “Bernhove” Uden page 14 Accommodation and Hotel Information page 15 Catering page 16/17/18 Partners and support page 19/20 Invitation for the; 2015 BMX EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIPS FCC Wheels Erp Netherlands 9 till 12 July 2015 ! ! !! !!!! !!!! ! Introduction…+! ! ! BMX!club!FCC!Wheels!Erp!is!proud!to!organize!the! and!high!speeds.!The!starting!hill!is!suitable!for!both! BMX!European!Championships!for!you.! the! Challenge! and! Championship! classes.! For! the! latter!class!a!challenging!proLsection!is!available.!! Since!only!2!years!we!are!active!on!our!new!track!in! An!enthusiastic!board!and!competition!commission! Erp,! where! three! associations! use! the! have!been!able!to!organize!a!successful!TOP!league! accommodation! "de! Bolle! Akker".! Our! new! track! game!in!2014.!Therefore!we!are!prepared!for!the! was! designed! and! built! by! BMX! riders! for! BMX! European!Championship.!They!have!done! riders.! ! As! a! result,! we! have! built! one! of! the! best! everything!too!organise!a!beautiful!event!for!you.!! tracks! in! the! Netherlands! with! international! allure.! We!wish!all!participants,!parents!and!visitors!a! Spacious,! fast! and! technical.! While! there! is! no! 8! pleasant!and!sporty!stay!in!our!accommodation!in! metre! start! hill! for! worldcups,! we! have! a! 5! metre! Erp. high! starting! hill! which! guarantees! explosive! starts! ! President!FCC!Wheels! Toon!Hanegraaf! ! ! ! Welcome'to'athletes,'coaches,'supporters'and'fans.! ! ! On!behalf!of!the!municipality!of!Veghel,!I!wish!you!all! ! a!lot!of!success!and!pleasure!in!the!final!round!of!the! ! European!Championships!BMX!2015.!! Veghel!makes!it!work.!And!so!also!do!FCC!Wheels.!In! Our!local!FCC!Wheels!association!and!its!many! 2012!the!association!opened!its!new!accommodation! volunteers!work! with!EKLworthy!championship!track.!Since!then!they! diligently!in!order!to! organized!two!national!top!competition!games.!The! deliver!you!all!a! fact!that!they!are!now!even!responsible!for!the!final! wonderful!and! round!of!the!European!Championships!is!a!great! professional!EK.! compliment!which!shows!a!lot!of!confidence!in!the! In!the!organization!I!see! organization.!! the!enthusiasm,!and! ! recognize!in!it!the! In!the!next!few!days!we!can!be!sure!of!a!lot!of!passion! entrepreneurial,! and!sporting!spirit.!We!wish!you!a!fantastic!European! cooperative!and!socially! Championship!and!a!pleasant!time!in!our!beautiful! involved!character!that! Erp.! is!so!characteristic!of! Turn!it!on!!! Veghel.! ! The!mayor!of!the!municipality!of!Veghel,! ! ! Ina!Adema!! ' ! !!!!!!! Introductie…. ! ! Introduction, Erp,!and!its!BMX!Club!“FCC!Wheels”!are!very!proud!to!welcome!you!at!the!European!Championship! BMX!Racing.!Our!enthusiastically!BMX!Club!celebrates!it’s!35th!anniversary.!We!started!out!in!Veghel! and!we!have!moved!to!our!new!location!in!Erp!2!years!ago.!Our!BMX!Club!has!130!members.! ! ! About,Erp, Erp!is!a!relatively!small!village!in!the!municipality!of!Veghel! and!has!about!5.000!inhabitants.!Up!till!1994!Erp!was!an! independent!municipality!with!it’s!own!town!hall.!The! monumental!building,!dated!around!1780!BC,!is!nowadays!a! library!and!also!accommodates!the!“Heemkundekring”,!a! society!for!regional!geography!and!history.!Situated!at!the! edge!of!the!town!square,!across!the!town!hall,!there!is!a! Roman!Catholic!Church.!The!church!was!built!in!1844!BC!in! neoUclassical!style.!The!history!of!Erp!goes!back!as!far!as!the! 14th!century.!! ! ! ! In!the!region!Erp!is!known!for!it’s!local! associations!and!their!supply!of!sports! activities.!!Good!eXamples!are!the! women’s!Korfball!club!who!have!won! several!National!Titles!and!the!Lady! Equestrian!Anky!van!Grunsven!who!has! won!several!Olympic!Medals!with!her! horses!“Bonfire”!and!“Salinero”.!(Picture:! Statue!of!“Bonfire”)!! ! ! ! !! !!!!! !! !! !!!! Clubinformation…. .FCC.Wheels.Facts. ! BMX! Club! “FCC! Wheels”! celebrates! its! 35th! anniversary.! With! 130! members! we! are! currently! FCC!Wheels!1980!L!2015! one!of!the!biggest!clubs!in!the! Netherlands.! Multiple! members! were! part! of! the! National! Selection! like! Harm! van! Brussel! and! Jurg! Meijer.! More! recently! Ivo! van! der! Putten!and!currently!twoLtime! Olympic! finalist! Raymon! van! der!Biezen.!They!have!helped! us!designing!and!building!our! current! track.! “FCC! Wheels”! members! have! won! National! and! International! Titles! as! well!as!Titles!in!the!European! Championships! and! World! Championships! as! well! in! worldcup!contest.!! ! We!share!our!facility!with!the!Scout!Movement!“Jong!Nederland”!and!with!a!Guild!association.!! With!this!we!pursue!to!bring!youth,!sport!and!culture!together ! !! Onze!Lieve!Vrouwe!en!Catharinagilde!Erp! ! !!! !!! ! !!! General'information…' Address&of&the&track:!! ! ! ! ! Stichting!de!Bolle!Akker! UEC!Registration:! Heesakker!12! Name;!René!Nicolas! 5469!AV!!Erp! Email;[email protected]! the!Netherlands! Sport!federation!national!K.N.W.U.;! Organisation:& Dennis!van!der!Sanden! BMX!Club!“FCC!Wheels”!! EWmail;[email protected]! Toon!Hanegraaf! Location:!! Tel:! ! 0031!–!492!–!32!36!81! Email:! ! [email protected]! BMX!Club!“FCC!Wheels”!is!located!only!500!Meters! Website:!! away!from!the!city!centre!of!Erp,!approximately!30! Kilometres!south!from!the!provincial!capital!of!‘sW UEC!Event!Manager:! Hertogenbosch!and!25!Kilometres!north!of!the!city!of! Mrs.!Jolanda!Polkamp! Eindhoven.!! EWmail:[email protected]! ! ! ! ! ! ! !!!! ! Route:! From!Amsterdam!Airport:! Take!the!train!to!‘s4Hertogenbosch!(also!called!Den!Bosch),!from!‘s4Hertogenbosch!take!the!bus,!line!25,!to! Veghel!/!Erp.! From!Eindhoven!Airport:! Take!bus!number!21!direction!Boekel,!transfer!to!line!25!to!Erp.! By!car:! From!Amsterdam:!! Motorway!A10/A2!direction!Amsterdam4Utrecht4‘s4Hertogenbosch.!A59!direction!Rosmalen4Oss4Nijmegen.! Take!exit!Oss4Oost/A50!Uden4Veghel.!At!Veghel!take!exit!number!12,!Centrum!Veghel.!At!the!3rd!traffic!light! take!a!left!turn!in!the!direction!of!Erp.! From!Belgium!Motorway!A67,!direction!of!Eindhoven:! From!Eindhoven!A50!to!Nijmegen4Veghel.!Take!exit!number!12,!Centrum!Veghel.!At!the!3rd!traffic!light!take!a! left!turn!in!the!direction!of!Erp.! From!Germany,!bordercrossing4point!Venlo:! Motorway!A73!to!Nijmegen.!Take!exit!Boxmeer4Gemert.!In!ElZendorp!take!a!left!turn!on!to!the!Middenpeelweg! in!the!direction!of!Zeeland.!At!the!roundabout!take!a!left!turn!in!the!direction!of!Boekel!and!at!the!roundabout! in!Boekel!go!on!straight!ahead!in!in!the!direction!of!Erp.!! From!North4Germany:! Osnabruck!motorway!E30!bordercrossing!E30/A1!at!Apeldoorn.!At!Apeldoorn!take!motorway!A50!direction! Arnhem4Nijmegen4Oss4Veghel.!Take!exit!12!Centrum!Veghel.!At!the!3rd!traffic!light!take!a!left!turn!in!the! direction!of!Erp.!! Parking,riders!and!visitors!camping! A parking- place with amply capacity is situated next to the track fot team managers and officials. At a walking distance of about 200 metres there is a second amply parking space for riders and visitors. As well for co-operaters as a campsite for 30 motorhomes or caravans. Behind the track there are more than 170 campsites available. At a walking distance of about 300 metres there is a second campsite for several hundreds of motorhomes or caravans. All campsites are provided with electric power (220V). At the campsite you will also find sanitary facilities such as toilets and showers. Team tents: Team tents are only permitted in the team area within the enclosure. Teams will need a UEC pass granting them entrance to the track. Allowed are tents with a dimension of 6 by 3 metres, costing €125 for UEC 2015 registered teams. For non-registered teams, reservation bij the bmxecf2015 site is obliged. Allowed are tents with a dimension of 6 by 3 metres. Costing €250, including, 3 entrée carts and a parkingcard. Sign-up: Signing-up can be done in the accreditation-space near bij the main-entance. Public Area: The Public Area is situated on both long ends of the track, equipped with stands for more than 2.500 spectators. Pressroom: During the event there will be a separate Pressroom, equipped with WiFi, especially for journalists and TV/radio reporters. Riders can be interviewed here after the awards ceremony. (see!next!page)! !!!!!!! ! Parkeren! bezoekers! Parking!teams! teamarea! Parking!co8operators! Camping!! co8operators! Parkeren!! bezoekers! Hoofdingang!baan!! ! EK!Camping! Groothees Ingang!camping! Looieind ! ! ! ! !! !! !!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! Track&data…&&& The!height!of!the!starting!mount!is!5!metres!and!the! 3rd!stretch!with!rhythm!sectio! 80!metres! width!is!14!metres.!The!length!of!the!slope!is!15!metres.! 4th!stretch!till!finish!! ! 70!metres! The!way!to!the!starting!mount!is!via!the!slope.The!track! Total!length!of!the!3!curved!bents! ! ! has!4!straights!and!3!curved!bents.!! ! ! ! ! 75!metres! st Total!length!of!the!track! 395!metres! Length!till!1 !bent!! ! 95!metres! 2nd!stretch!with!separated!challenge!and!proAsection! ! 85!metres! ! ! ! !!!! !!!! !!! Competitions*Guide*and*rules…** 2015%UEC%BMX%EUROPEAN%CHAMPIONSHIPS%% o!Use%of%clip%pedals!:!! For%the%full%regulations%please%refer%to%the%UCI% Riders%aged%13%and%older%are%allowed%to%use%clip% rulebook%and%the%UEC%regulations%2015.%
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