Austria | Katholische Jungschar Belgium | Chirojeugd Vlaanderen

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Austria | Katholische Jungschar Belgium | Chirojeugd Vlaanderen Denmark | FDF Austria | Katholische Jungschar The Netherlands | Jong Nederland www.jungschar.a Switzerland | t Jungwacht www.jungwacht.c h Belgium | Chirojeugd Vlaanderen Switzerland | Blauring Germany | KJG France | La FACEL Slovakia | eRKo Spain | Lithuania | Ateitis Federation CCCCCE www.ateitis.l www.coordinaciocatalana.or t g Italy | FOI Ghana | CYO India | ICYM More information via Malta | ZAK Haiti | www.zakmalta. Kiwo Sri Lanka | More information via www.kithudanapubuduwa.nePudubuwa Niwasa Philippines | Chiro Namibia | t NaCaYul Burundi | More information via Chiro More information via Chile | Jupach Sierra Leone | CYO More information via More information via Burundi | Xaveri More information via Paraguay | Nippac Congo | Kiro More information via South Africa | More information via www.xaveri.or Xaveri g Congo | Xaveri More information via Uganda | Xaveri More information via Rwanda | Xaveri More information via Southern Africa (South Africa, Botswana, Lesotho) | More information via Chiro Who are we? Activities F.I.M.C.A.P. is the international federation of catholic parochial youth movements, but even more Our activities aim at fostering the encounter of not only the opportunity to meet a family for youth workers, youth young people. We believe that, although information different cultures, but also shows them and children all over the world. technologies bring us closer, nothing makes the the consequences of inequality in our The name F.I.M.C.A.P. originates experience of different cultures more concrete than the globalised world. from the French title: Fédération physical meeting and sharing with people from all over Internationale des Mouvements the world. The World Camp is active and full immersion in the local . Catholiques d’Action Paroissale reality. With the people of the local community, the Today, F.I.M.C.A.P. has more than The topics and activities are elaborated in a way that participants realize a social project. We hope to create thirty members around the the working methods of the host organizations can be strong bounds between young people all over the world, situated in more than experienced, and the participants are trained to carry world and leave strong evidence of shared solidarity. twenty countries on four out similar activities with their own groups. continents. LINK & WEBSITE These organizations bring By living in other cultures, young people can Through our magazine Link, which is published four children and youth together experience international solidarity; they receive the times a year, we inform our member organizations, during their leisure time. They opportunity to create a global view in their local group partners and other interested people about our form local groups, mostly set up or on the regional level. With our activities we want to activities and about F.I.M.C.A.P. Link creates a link in the neighbourhoods where show young people that experiencing different cultures between the member organizations; with the articles the children and youth live. This is very enriching for their own lives and local groups. we hope to inspire youth movements to bring the community group life gives them international theme into their local groups. If you want the opportunity to play, to come to receive Link, sign up on together, to pray and to learn from other children and young Worldwide Our website is the central platform for people. communication. F.I.M.C.A.P. wants to unite the PARTNERSHIPS member organizations in the With partnerships we want to stimulate solidarity spirit of brother/sisterhood between organizations and give the world wide and mutual understanding, dimension of F.I.M.C.A.P. a concrete form. Partnerships Continental level to raise the members’ can strengthen both organizations’ capacities and awareness that they belong encourages mutual understanding. In Latin America and Asia, leaders of our member to a world-wide community of children organizations meet and organize common activities in and youth in a globalised world. F.I.M.C.A.P. Exchange of ideas, working methods, games, these regions. wants to show the life and needs of children and celebrations and testimonies should reach and mobilize young people, not only in their own country but not only groups on the local, but also on the national In Africa, every three years a workshop is held on in the world. F.I.M.C.A.P. supports the member organizations through educational exchange. and the regional levels. a social topic, such as HIV/AIDS, gender equality or ecology. WORLDCAMP Every three years F.I.M.C.A.P., in cooperation with one In Europe, Euroforum and Eurocontact are training of the member organizations, holds a World Camp courses for leaders and young people from 15 years up. for youth from all over the world. This camp always Roundabout is a program in which young people from takes place in the country of one of our member local groups of two or more European organizations set organizations in the South. It gives the participants up a youth exchange. .
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