Frcn Can frtr.zltcoi . Y.'ilht.nlsa. Oct. 27. '. For Can Frantlico: Korea, Oct. 27. i ' - , t -- , Frcrri Vancouver: j; v 'i.' l . T ' Indefinite. - ' , . - - :i. ... - , Fer Vancouver: - i t - ' 1 .. " 0" : ; ' . I , i A r1- - r r r 7-PROV- 1 'GERMAN EFFEGTIV: ARTIBr r I - 1 ..... J V - J f.... '5 , .'. W w v i:j EAniY noun: c? dav;;i uttlz' r r-- - ;vr; 07 f'.TTL!,.' ..f,., f PALLG irJTO CLUTCHZ3 C7 M7' wait fc GEin :o:.r.i:::::-;v.;iT- V ;. l; (...ii" r EH!;;GT0v;HD :ac;; ;;:d f: .v;if . 'r.:AY-CE;cu::::-o?F:- ::;;3. ..... i c:::i.7 .i i . .. mzEn la;;c;:;g i::.;: :l . c:::tf' n; . w ij I i i 4 vVtiiz7I3v;i:;ch wag ge;;tjo tq: i, tAPA::EEE WAHrVESSZLS cff c:::7. H'.-- : Fc!!owir3 t:s activity ef th J;p;n::3 t::'r cf H; zr.J ths report cf tw cth:r r.z.i r fcctn . t - ' - psrVa L;r cf conference! have tzli p , p - v V ""ll -- 4..I..J port authcritiet. l. J'ltl firl tM aftirr;:n at wt.ich ths ;.: ...i c:i5v-v- j ef the-neutralit- cf thii psrt :.J C. .;"!.:.,- r.:sj:r-:-:;rVi::;- -. H. C ;rt:r, 4 c in V i - err;';.; er.t ' rl ':J 1.-; :::": -- CL-:t:.r.-j Li; Art'' t ( - v f V - - ,. i t r.;;';::.M Ar;y!s Fr:r.'.:;. .1 r r r.:yrr.er Z'r.zr;, f ..t , riJ C:; rtr:r.t' htsiqvsrtsr sJ '. :: . Frrr.MIn.. , . - ::.:r 1... - - - t ; riJScv.:- ths eonfertneo It wsi I:.: .:t t..?r? ctVf.rtl:r thit ths qvtitlon cf r.r.:.';::! v. ; . Un ... " II, v . .,.... V. i w k 4A.vrr tons'-h- r.:t-- I!- - r;vsr;:.;::: th?r ki tsi.i - ' ii-M- 'i r t'-jr:- ' ft j : i I . I . f:; ''1 ".rl.ooJ l. j :. t:--. t 1 - --- --- th!i-r..r"r- C:rr - I r f r '. : c:;t.ri l,J "llu 't a c,:r.-:rc- ? rcrJ-rt- J w . ' ' " f lit -J c- . u;: . 1 v ; . .. tr; i;'.v V t U. rtv:.-- - ' f 14 t; ' V j : r : a u., J t. U w ' i.. 1 7' J ...... 3 1 w , ', .... ' U . - lTv ' ; v - i. .:. : li c :: f ..' t.i J - - ' C:rrr-j-i- i I: to t i t ; ;, u:Ar':''-A'- pr ths " 't. i H '':,,Mrrr ;.L'r.:.-- l J haticr.s-'f..- '.' ." , cf - , r ,- -'. rr ",,t w:;i L3 . ' -.- .-. sn,:h;.v;sr,T:y .r:? .' 'It.:.": LVk.w - i v.- i. T 3 Ls:ir;, cr bi,::s..si ths'.r ir::.:. - , , ; c:.:r:::,-h:-v- t . , , w . - i- -- ths ca:o cf "M . a. rT.r.rtL--' tr.c.ctin3"..oi izc fj; : -- ' ' volved. a ci I:: :;:v;':7-':- 7 'Ji t:i cf u.3 c.urciies - . s ri rr:::.:ifve f.ntr- v.f:- ;, . 'r.r7:-:"l-3'Lee- - :::rrf-3,QW3- -:. lewa -- - c:'.::! tocc- h;:: " thi-d- cf t. s c:; ; S- rCUly? Cur : ly, .the ther Itwr.t t ; : Uc a' cf Wz-- forfeit money cfv.h:e.:r trnal.:rvv- - ; far-- us evar::U5t;-t- ncnci-.- O: The - ' - Parish be heii la. the .'prize war to fall to t!. f'7.? rr;: r' 7.' r tls ' The first cf L-- cjrch next , g w.- - u; 3 cf Central. Uon - - v,'c-nes5- at- 7:30. -- ,"' , ay evenlas Ata un-- - Held .r later-Churc- era- Is today t. ." : .5 f h Fed water C . : f ' r:c;.::.2 cf the -- In Honolulu ; - received v - f,..i- - - A"- photograph fremja Cirman rtwrpaper llng guns cf ths Ja; .. t-- n c.v.cut two tncaths ero the. matter Thess -- Crlalmoht-f;rt- , t'i .": -- re ., -r - 3 tw-(stovet- terrific effect cf Gerrr.s.i Czzr. un'fi it a ,'".. -- rt snri it "R-a- rcted.'to ' i . ?whof hive 'toon c;tured fc the Cermana offthe fc?rtcr n r. .ai ; , f, lh3-rrceat,- and Hlshundi.r 1 ::.; r.e - tsr f hav the cavalry horaefV. catr-a- rcrt, it u . f,v t':vr;K. - - , ... o r aT i;f- - i , w tt , k i.tvwht baled . f:r of the - to tha lier.clu'.u by V C in h.j C-r- i en aai...-r- y ' : llttl3 : 'v hclvlias tha e:-- cf.T-e--- I : v.-- 1 nvpr matter 1;. with hi n the -- . day.-.- known t fortifcataerJ,,- thrcwh the . - . ,E:fcre t t..2 C--- c ,fortt, the defense schooner- Aeolu3. -; -- - Ilr.? -y f Crallmont latest l::.rZ t.. '. c to the Island. -- J Ad izi ' sie-- s artillery,' la held to liSsUii- he:;l:,3ly uiU:ia Uj s cf the heavy'Cerman dtmir.;trt; thf Aeclua drifts 3 ; : . .. -- "V".- anrl eipI-J- i; to ."Pr. i -- tl: cuch '.t "V Is .'.vrrttls. modern cuna,; ,Ar.tw:rp was ht'.i to Tz- - f.--3 ,ar yeesel. Tu3 ' J cf any modern fertreri ?iJnstt ' cf tf the c: - t:.-- t glidly. ccr.sUer ht - ,U-U- $ i..'.:ecaer'' r- :;r . -- - r. hs'CuU most 7rcr;!y;f3rt. ."lid CJtie- fn Europe.' It d :t ten pcsiliea, e c ' cno cf Ni:::au, caly to .pccp'.eor-'H- really ts ts - '' tr-ht- Csl- dr l: ii2 ,r not the; against the ' T5: days, mcrt cf which was 'asalnit fort" tut ily. .' ccest alcr tl3 ! i i Ills "first re "r:; r ,- ' dec-iaratl-ea j :.:vue r..: ian army.--.-i-- .Vv ,:'-;'-- ; Sons !zrs foiiowir-z'th- e actual fh'ed with a e. '1 " "C.t f..3 i ::'--3 together a:. la .ita1 of. ateeT turning in a caslnj masonry Japaa "v ' '" t Tht Criatmont fort turret cf hostilltlc between fouad la a, : ir t..:y vezt r: 3 ticcrae feeavy top la a cap cf rounied tUel ti'A - which ia protected by .earthworks." Ita and Gemer.y at a tins when the PaciSc iilauds, th3 v rnieet- jaUr'-whic- , ".T! 3 f;l;ratlca held a free: ti Jck-- Inside la a heavy la turned I with the turret. way to the liar-sha- ll :, the- matter, 2irchei " fund Its la the ves3el over le"". 'r v:.:3 Vc:'; to castfer Aprarer.tly the only time it it;at a:i vumeraiie ia wnen n icievsisa T.rc. Le:ar.i3, tha Uttla two-naste- a with , .. t - - r- - - - llovf-- vored . r':::::.t ; - ABa vcUi la fivor.bftUcer.i-- j. existence' cf which wa; unknown n Aec-Iu3- by . c . ... r r :: It destroyer ia a'heavy nortarthe wood-- Echecnsr taaaaed ...r" e t-- , . v ever.-th- taeahers 'felt" at this, is war. 'This mortar has a ran;s of five tdvteven.' v. - until the outbreak of the five aad Chiaese and East .(Ccailaued ca i : it' C3- --- . ,'., cc-n-u- that, the m j ? . -'a - C.rns natter, an! a s n twatldn at th tfme of discharce. The i Indians,! nalclar a total conplcnent cf c: 7ca ; ct .an tte 7S3 m 7.r: .;:;ti:rc3 zzrl Lill:. " i3 ... in to .tana' aJfeFl, whlchhas' a. hf::i trajjstsry Is said to weih pounds, fall almost 13 .meair crcceeJel for the cpea sea, m i - - "'r'-rUfian- '' . npnnle of the coareuaity. vertically, ther velocity cr .tr.e, impactgreauy mcreascu or we giwnw si a cf refuse. 1 " ' with llonelala as cort jT: 3 neetinss next week .will beheld t a. ti i !. with hi-- S .vnlaivJ,"'"''.t- T "" - t ; ve f , - 'i Captaia Chri3 Fried erlchsca, a for tha purpose or naving-- a us- z "it will be aeen that the; turret.! uninjured but the masonry dislntea- - j eraa la south seas, barely a i Followingie -- tr: !:r . j , thV nupstlon. T.re elevate .'I' rate uncer this shell nence ine lurrei cannoi hl;turnedpr ihad c?pcrtliSity; to fill e.e tanks cf .the will be referred; to the I ;: r .'.-:-. - V ; lt.h .that natter. and the fort. tilenced. vj v '. i irhnnnfr'wlth acfSclent cetrol .tor J ? .... - Cnv. 1 II II J 4 J f . I ' lnannauai caurcues iur wctiawu. carry tasvessei over a i.mtea raQiusi r nf th local men who hare heard . I '1 . n - . with lta auxiliinr engine. 7-7'- - - ' '. , r. ;;ilIr: - Sun(lay,wille present TWednes- Fitted t ith Eii:3, all reported ia good co-l::iea a crue, Wiaf W W tea w . - J fcr; lerthy th3 verrel charted a crurcr .believed , . - i mi c-- 'Aw-A'&z- mm j fc :m - j A??oc!ated-rr-:- - I; r.zvf yc- . r 1 PaeAZo Ca.hTfl.1 -- i.r.Na nwfl tnTnmm nrrial i - ' i r 1 J . SAN FRAfJCISCO, Cal.f Oct .2. Tha, T. ICMC. Tr.::, : 7: ct Y. j i-.- 1. .f r. vvhioh erftved .today Yokchsma- Via 'lie ; 4 Shinyo'ndru, rcrf r.. r 2 4V f;::.-n:u:.- -3 ii. ucrr ; rr. t j a t' t lu.uvas convoyed Dysin2yji:p:.r.::2 j A : f.. x ; - -- Lyle'.:- of ; t c i Mr7;'and .Mrit.: James; - !: . Asama."' ThD two y;ir- ;:: - f protected cruiser J:;in::3 - i D. Li. '' tpday- - tia .... C, C.t. German Cmca::iC::r Spenceravenae. attained c-- 7C, ,'r j. t Hn:r, remained U' iv ... ; , 'x- their diamond wedding annlrer--- f did net corns to the bber vllh tha tut J: j ,vri's nA 60 -- r y,, U Jary, taving teen married be!ow"tha herizcn7-- 7-. :7.;7 , - Y:7AAA3r A -- ? .

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