
at Bronte Girls’ Academy

Hi, I am Miss Wagstaff. What I love about PE at Bronte Girls’ Academy is the energy the pupils bring to lessons and after school clubs. PE at Bronte is inclusive and enjoyable!

Miss Wagstaff

How does PE link to your primary school lessons?

In Primary school you will have had Physical Education. In secondary school, we will give you so many more opportunities to try a variety of different sports such as: netball, football, hockey, , touchball, , badminton, , OAA, , dance, and fitness.

How many lessons will I have per week?

You will have two PE lessons a week, however, there are loads of extracurricular activities to get involved in before school, at lunch and after school such as: Trampolining, Netball, Football, Cheerleading, Dance, Badminton, Basketball, Rounders and Keep Fit Club.

Our academy, also takes part in Tournaments and league competition against other schools. What will I learn about in Year 7?

In PE you will cover the main topics such as@: Netball, Dance, Gymnastics, Badminton, Athletics, Rounders and . You will also learn about how your body works during exercise. You will build knowledge of the heart and the muscles in your body. We also give you the tools to start planning your sessions so you can continue to be active outside of school.

What trips might I go on related to PE in the future?

In the future, you might go on trips to:

 Doe Park- Doe Park is an Outdoor Centre all of our Year 7s visited last year. They took part in: Climbing, Abseiling, Dragon Boat racing, Team building and many more.  Final.  Bradford University to watch a netball match.

What do pupils think about PE in secondary school?

Muneeba in Year 8 Said…. “I think that PE is an amazing subject to learn here at Bronte Girls’ Academy. We have learnt a variety of sports and had the opportunity to take part on tournaments at Hanson Academy. We have a huge sports hall as well as courts to be able to activities such as football, netball, basketball and much more! We had many extra-curricular clubs to be able to practice on the sports that we love!”

Humyra in Year 8 Said… “At Bronte Girls’ academy we do not judge anyone we are all equal no matter what we look like or sound like. One of my favourite clubs are Cheerleading and Trampolining, however, I am also a Netball Captain. At Bronte even if you’re not chosen to go out of school to compete, we hold internal netball leagues and raise money for charity. Through these league s, my confidence of umpiring has excelled. I would highly recommend PE at Bronte Girls’ Academy!”

What three words describe your subject?