rw. AMVRKDIBIITk. KLHOPKY* 9TEAMHilU% COAST WINK *TKA2ll*IHt"». AMVSRMKNT*. AMI SRMKM imHMNVfc ^ ** _ 4 MKKD AN L iiavama and mkXIoan mail OPERA HOUSE. STII AV. AND 33D hT. -OLYMPIC NOVELTY THEATRE. >AUK THEATRE. S No. 3 North H.ver at <1 P. XI. MMMttK EVERY MIGHT, CLOUDS. J% Wwll* m at I staamshin service between Nv.,. Steamers luevts pier U the m et suec.s.lnl of T GK.a Ni> OPERA I1IKSE. I for Havana dirk* r. theatre. Play CSRANDA Let-met anil *1 anagera OOOO L Y Y MM MM PPP1 II CCCO J.AST NIGHTS. PHILADELPHIA AND UV KPooL, | Oct II "roprieiof the OCITuaY, PoOLE DONNt-LLY c at CITY OK H AVANA Wedriesdav. Mr roar- I NHolXUKD ftUCi'l nS. UNIVERSAL ENTHUSIASM O O L Y Y M M M M P II c catling gue«n*t«>wn Thur»«lay. Oct. 14 . SHERIDAN SHOOK. D'Knuerv A formon't At THE Sal Hag every Thursday from and CUV OK Vi.K V OKl'Z, velloui Drama. . 'ROWOKI) TO TilK DOORS. G 0 L YY M MM M ppn II c PARK THEATRE. Philadelphia CITY OK NEW YoKK Thursday. Oct J4 Mr. HUNDREDS Tl'IIXI l> AWAY NIGHTLY o o L V hi M M p II c c Balling ever/ Wmints lay froru Liverpool. N»v. I A. II. PALMER, THE TWO ORPHAN'S, M V hi p II CCCC ft The following steamer* ore appoiuied to toil from Phila* CITY OK Havana WeilneeBwy. TA'KX'KD AWAY NIGHTLY. OOOO LLLL Y clouds. begins at K. over at II I* with its superb sirffea settings HUNDREDS THEATRE. delnnia : . KOU VEKA CHUZ AND NEW ORLEANS, SATURDAY MATINEE and in unrivalled caste, in¬ I'M I.K TOM'S CABIX. PARK CLOUDS. INIH AN A Oct. 12 OHIO Nor. 2 via Havana, Pro ;re*o, Cauipcachy, Tuxpan »ud t*mpkfA at 1 :JH the foliawin* art- lira. O. C HOWARD » Touty NOVELTY THEATRE, KVKKY EVENING AND SATURDAY MATINEE. OK Mr. A Tuesday. Oct I# cluding Til E GREAT PLANTATION SCENE «B3 AM' tl'dd BUOADWA*. CLOUDS. ILLINOIS Ort |U PKNNSYLVASl V Nov. 0 01 TV RID iila:.Messrs. 0. R. Thome, E. MANAGER .LORD (LIVE .Oct. J»i .CITVofNEV* YOUK.Nov.ltf Fur freight ami passage appl» to Jr.: John Pensile, Frederic THE UHKAT PLAM Al'loN SCENE COLONEL WD. KISN CLOUDS. PRICK OF PA>KA(iK IN CURRENCY. F A LEX AN J OIK A SONS. 31 and :*3 Broadway. Jutne* O'NeiL witne.ted by 22.HOU jiuuula in ugi weak UU1LL1 ANT SUCCESS OK THE FAMILY 111 ATHE. CLOUDS. CLOUDS. will Now Orleans October 23 and Novembei Robinson. and all increased and positive attiuction. Cabin. $75 to $!(*>, according to location Sleainor* Lave Claude J. O. pronounced by CLOUDS. Btoerncu au l intermediate to 12 lor Vera Cras and all the above porta. Burrought. "Tha ni si ncriact and realiatie ever loan." ALL OK NOVELTY COMPANY NO. '. RETAINED AND CLOUDS. CLOUDS. Uckets and lrom ail points Peak*. H. W. Mautwaeaerjr, at O>o lowest rates. I NO at I» The semalluQ aud tuple til the day. SEVEN NEW STAKS A DDK IV . LINK FOR HALV'T^LX, TOt'Cll KFA "Those who have aol teen TUoma* h. MorrD, Thump- the Irresistible antidote for blue- ? ARK TUKATRK. Steamers marked with a star do not curry intermedials. rpKXAS Biat#* until..The steautei the TWO ORPHANS as miu, J. MuUltewe. W. 11 Wil¬ 8LAVIN8 OKIOINaL GEORGIA JUBILEE SINGERS The king laugh maker, accommodation tor all clause* X carrying lha lulled pro¬ and CLOUDS. Passenger unnur|>aased. - nail on Salur- duced at W aud iWi genuine Southern d.vrkeyt devils, lienl times tuelanehu|y. «»t !r CITY OK If Ol iO *, Captain Denting will tit Union Square der. H. Ayltng, Raynun. For parage rates eight nud other information apply at 3 from 2U Ka-t Ulver. Theatre hare not seeu ll at W. N. C. M. la Ilia uiarveiloutly true plautatiou tcena. to day, October I I. 1 ri70, 1' M., pier Ouigley. jfulUiia ol admiialun. faki Mud .V pAKK THEATRE. PETER WEIGHT A soN's, Getter *1 Agent*.! hill* of tfiven lu nII on the Uoustou all".Chicago Herald. ¦ ml III(islesewe PauuyPa Hureut. Prices 81 $1, ¦T LAST NIGHTS OF 3<»7 Walnut si.. Through UJiu^ point* Kate Claxton. Sara Jewell, MaTIXEEu WKDXEftDvY AND ft ATI KD a Y AT 2. Philadelphia and l oxu, Oontrai IniT. \ \ l> JOHN McDONALD, Ifessimger Agent. kin* nud Misiee Id* Vernon The gifted Ventriloquist. Mr. IIAUltY KENNEDY. ARK THKATKK..GENUINE SUCCESS OF bur.: and Sau Antonio railroads. Freight and io*iirance at AKIS1AN VARIETIES. I IIKOADWAY The brilli>1111 i j No. H Battery pi are. accom¬ Roberta Norwood. Ethel PARISIAN FRONT dashing PA MAHSDEN'S AMERICAN COMEDY. l«i »r»t rate* For freight or piianjp, 'xtvlng^uptrior Allen. U Clevee and Mra. L AiiAI X To THE Mist MINNIE OKAY direct and n<>mi hoitk to Hot modations, apply to f. H MALLoRY A CO., 153 Maidai WITH N in her artistic aurgsainl Deerel. OUT FOR IT. LAND. TIIL Jill lane. K. Seymour, UNLIMITED A'l TRACTIONS **T| 1E I The \ Most BELGIUM. INK. SWITZERLAND. Box ofllro onen from S A. M. to l11 P. M- today, i talented arriu-cotitle ocali.t, J^OOK AC. AO., VIA Ko 1TEUDAM. TV I OR ANl> TEX dally and J \li»s LOU 8AN KOKD. TIIB EVENING TELEGRAM Steamer CALAND October 12 ORGAN'S NEW \Tit(k~ NKW LEANS STARTLING SENSATIONS. <* $ Alio the Characteristic Son -tminhlps. MolUi AN CITY will sail Irom pier b4 COM lOl'K. 514 BROADWAY. litres*. Steamer BCIIOi.'fRN October 2«i at 3 I'. foi HAKKIOAN A llAltr ..Propriotoie *1 8. MAIIXI".EE Every evening at 8. Miss LOTTIE UKAN r. will Issue an Extra to-nikbt with raturaa (aa far at Known) t Lo I'm Staiea North River, r Morgan City, HAKKIGaN Trips regular, rates low, comlort living peitecL theuea to Tex ts ports. Through BDWaKD HARRIDAN'S MALO.NK'8 NIGHT OFT; For freight. For pswiivn. per Morgan's steamer* OR. THE GERMAN TUKNVBkKIN FESTIVAL. A SLICE FROM°A CUT LOAF T LU KLINE. THE WATER QUEEN. ELECTIONS IN OHIO AND INDIANA. Kt'SCII. BDTB A CO. L. SV. MOBUIm. bills of lading si ned to all point* on the Mississippi River, JOHNNY KOCH and DICK STKIRLY in tha TWENTY BEAUTIFUL FEMALE MODELS IX' 7a) rruuUwuv. Mobile. (LnvcRon. ludiannla, Oorpu* Chrivtl, Kockport, LIVING PICTURES. PIAVOKOKTKs, OitCAiS, sliv.' lir.u's Santiago, Brownsville, and t all points on the at GREAT KKKE AND EASY SCENE. In her original wonderful net, Beting, Drinking. Reading, Texsi Kmock and Smith. Prank Lewie. GRAND OLIO OF 100 8TAK ARTISTS. Writing and Sleoplug while uudor water. .Von UPRIGHT. GRAND 'aMDUKO AliaitlOAN SACBUT COUiFXsT'i vestnu. nnnihturc and Sau Antonio. Houston and SPANIARDS IN >r 11KNT, m}UARE~AND lor 1'LYMUlTTH. CIIKKHOCKii tnd II.LMIiiKU Central. International and Ureal Northern Texas Pacific Louise Iraiikliu. De chant} end fmuiuingt, AHIS the Swell p excel in nee. . Pianos of our own make. also lor ..ale anil root, a H" Billy Herrv. Billy (Day. Larry Tootey, THB WORLD RENOWNED 1.IKDBKKitANZ QUARTET. Mi>. HLANlUK SELWYN. uuinliur of line second hand Ill order. VMKI.i.NO Oct 12 i flMllKU Oct. 30 ami Transcontinental railroads. Freights for St. Mary's Williams. woman ok the End Pianos, perfect Kit IMA Oct IU I ULl.Ll.KI. N..v 3 * and Fulton I at Rock port. Hilly Carter and John world, The popular apian Delineator, WM. KNaRR a CO. No I 12 >111 tiv. spove lothat, at Grand success. WALKING FOR DAT CAKE. or, IIKN till.FOIL, Halo* of natnani' to Plymouth, I." alon. rhorbonrt; Ham- Lik'httrsco anu channel du s Corpus Christi and Bra- BILLY HARRY'S LAST OP THE SIOUX. WHO MADE HER SO? Tne graceful nnd during Uvninssl nnd Equilibrist, URIVATK KAMTLy. Of UNO A R KO AI >. W 1 I.L SELL Mr* anrt all pMIH ll knilUai^Klnl Cabin, #itw, nolil; % »* Santiago at llie cxpt u*.» and risk of coniiguee. Muticbv Br tliam. Scenery by Weed In two acta, prologue and IS ecenea. PRANK O lU HONS. to cash purchasers a m iirairiceiit ">* octave lour r>.unit Becond Cabin, sou, aula- Stuerau ^K), cn'rcncj. Insurance etui he effected under open policy olO. A. Whit- WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY MATINEES. New Scenery, Prupeiiiet. r.ntnmtv and unexampled Cad. Continued euccessoi the artistic Snag end Dance Duo, rosewood Pianoforte ; prominent makers", «mi $ 1 A), 'or KUN'IUKDT A CO.. C. II IJ1CIIAUU Si lint". ti« v A » o.; to New Orleans, jL* percent, to exni ports, Jf Li veil, it. tuuiiiett and beat clilortaliiiucut in tile world. OKIKKIN and Kit K $273; ktool. Cover. Mu«lc Cabinet; Elegant Steiuway OoitoriU Af*nt>, i'uvai'i. rr tir.uti, ner cent For freight il»> .aim farI or 61 lirnail it. New York. til It mail u ;iy, Now l urk. C AKI.; S A. Will I NKY A CO Agents; odice. pier 3t (Jl'mprletur nnd Manager Mr. AL'Gl STIN DALY A cnimt n-m-i.t every evening al 8. iu Suit. 7 piece., r.t a sacrifice. Call ou »t North River. S. AT2. grand ftuuday the intensely interesting Draimi untitled MonU'y private /YUNAKD LINK. B. AND X. A. ft XI. S. S. CO. EVERY NIGHT. L TO MATINEE SATURDAY IIIN A fH AN BRADFORD; >Mb)«llc«. IIM IVtit JAI at., between f.tii md 7tli his N. V '. W IkLY MR. AL'lll ST1N DALY'S new Sensational Comedy. H.. Muei no aold. N R.. Rax K. GAY l_,' MTTfCK D! LINK FOB LOrTd OR. TilK MUKDKK AT THE liOADilDK INN tor shipping. With a view to ilmilnli ijii: tbe chancel nf tlio Online foi Port S C FVt nuiidi', Flo. Sailing AN OVERWHELMING Sl'CCESS 1! the w nil those ol nlher theatres in the cotillion, Royal tnurriiueuL Crowded houses. NN N I! B li IIII L OOOO ." SSS8 Compare prices city. A LI. PERSONS HKSl KUl's OkT'IOIOUAiUNO A OEM*. itoawora ot tbia lino tuke a apoclftf onurho lor all ocaaous of tverj .' lay tin u pi r 30 North River. Tbt st-uiin»i Continuous and uproarious " I.'., 34. jti 75 CENTS AND *1 sail NN N II II It L O O 8 S /Vuiuu second hand Steiuway grand Miliars or upri-ht llic jnar, , CARi)Ni'i.J,K I', Captain Fniiclutb, will Irid y.Octobci . MATINEES WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. a at On ibc outwartl trnm tn Not* Vork 1 t "I P. M. Tliron h tickets is-ue to a.I points. Fot L 11 FFFFF EEEKB N N N 11 U H L O O H lo uuii Eft cents Piano wtti find fine assortment our warerooiua; every pus.arc l)ueen»town Of L II P K N N N II II It L o O ft MttiMM I net in in um iu perfect condition and somu til tlictn uoerly Hamuli. eroMiiiiK the meridian ol .'at at III lalitudo, or Both irei lit or pa»»H.e apply tp C. »1. 4ALLORY A CO., 151 Reserved seats Matinee. aoceuts are In tho liurth of 43 M uhiett lune. L 11 KFP EES N S N 11 II HUB LOO SSSS *'11A OK TIME. new; also aecond hand Piano, ol uilier makers; luia of in:: h B o O ft NOTE NOR bogus neariug our iieme or i'Uii re. em hi nr.- it. On thu buiiiewuid paana^a. crwiujr the ineridtan of.VI at 1. II F N N N II HI, Doors open 7 o'clock! curtain ri.osnt 7 :4 > o'clock. planus el"»ely al LD DO V| IN ION STKAMSUIP CO IIPANY, l.LLLL 11 F EEKEE :: N N N II II It L O O ft (nighli, tsTKiN\VAV A 8H.NS, 107. Ill Kaat 14th at.. N'ew York. 42 lHtitD'in. or athIni; tn the tint III I 37 North River, ft Doors open (manner), 1 o'clock: curtain lies at J I'. M. Killi.M NKW YOKE CCH LIVKKI'OUL AND QUEENS* () 1)i)k" from pier S Nil II II B L O O S YEW sh.t u.ND HANI) WKIIKIi PIANOS AT VERY TOWN. r Norfolk City Point aud Richmond. I ue*dav*, Thurs¬ A comedy ol oiiy type*, with Mr. CHARLES COGHLAN, N NN II UBHB 1.1.LL OOOO 8SSS ;; IOOTH'8 THKATUK.-W 1TI1 I'lIK PRESENT WEEK ol d a time and mi tardavh at 3 P. connecting with the Virgin I* A~ Ureal herualIIa; tome ihem uai but very short HOT UN I A Weil.. Oct. II .Kt'.-KIA . ...Wad Oct. 2> day M., JOilN UKOLGIIkM. CHARLES PisHRR, JAMES LEW- as au.I 1 »me*a%»e Air Line. Atlantic ut Ail Mist Loitre and Manager is of thu triumphant by our beat musicians, and really alumni good as new; AltVSstNlA.. Wed.. Oct. MINCVYUlA Wed.. Nav. 1 IS. WILLIAM DAVlDllE, 1IAUKY.MOUK, BENNETT, CHARLES K. ARNOLD begun tlio TIIIKD MONTH produc¬ fully warianted m every rus|>eet. I'luasu call at the Wh.HER Btoaiuera niarwoil tlull du lint c iriy Mtocrapc p IMBttverc Line. thicsapeiike and Ohio Railroad, and with the colli AMY PaVYSiTT, SYDNEY COWKLL, EMILY KILL, HhNftKN ftllKKWoOD I'iroctor (*) .* stuani lines to poitits in Oarnllaa and of WAKKItooMs. dili av. and ItUlt at. Cabin pBW>W*. fN". IfH'J *U'I $IT, Hoii;ht received daily at pier 1 auocees The Sun says:. THE SUPERLATIVE in beauty. Kullmau's, 111 Hromlway. or any or the principal In tela ring's prpu, al 11 A. M., uu It tdiiod.tjr, Oct la-r II, li"7>>. othees IM7 t.rveuwioh st N L tfOCREADY* President. MATINEE OP "LIKE." ''The nud applause ... BRIGHTEST OF Ml SIC. S. X. HALL A CO. I ft Eaat 14tt> sL Oil AS. (i. j laughter" TliE s month. I'ltlM'KI.VN, e is The Times RICH EST IN COSTUME* theatre. third 4 1/10it NKW OliLK VNh D1 RKC 1 uproarious THE JAKKhTT A PALMER Lessees and Managurt STEINWAY A SON'S T)< OCTAVE IMANo FORTE Bawlmjf Oreen, Nov Vork. Till. CRoMWi I.K LINE. SATURDAY AT TWO. | asye:."Ever since tho tint THE IlAX'DaOMESi IN SCENERY Bourn for sale r -N; richly carved, four r nl lit tho theatre has not ilA HA. ....No free list at Booth's T heatre by private family. T ook our sua it The steamship DAB A. FI l-TY-SEVEN I'll TO THE alXIYnilBD TIME. nund rosewood cites I'lmm. every iiupr.ivcuieut, overstrung, KNIC lvKRHoCKKR, ivemhie, will sail SECURE SEATS EABLY. I been large enough l»r the Tha HERALD aaya"la I Tlio EXPRESS aava:-"A Ac.. a tacGlico; box fur shipping. All. octavo Ohlckeung Captain crowds bout on groat aucoaaa. It deaurvoato of the overwhelmingly Miccesstul production ol THE EVE.MNtJ TBLEORAM on BATUIt!) Y. October H, at 3 o'clock P. js.. seolug aura to bticouio popular" loud romantic Up'lgbt Plan Also .alio I'arlpr Suit. SI.'5; lep Irons | .Lllu.'" rhti SUN naysr."Will be- be." hyuu.vs exquisite. tlay, chambers ml cost. pier No. t* North River. sakdanapalds. Suit, TV). Library, diulng Furniture, will Diuo an Extra to-ni^lit with roturui (as far ai known) Throu h bi Is Udiuc Kiveu to Mobile und priucipal theatre. become a popular tucceii." | The. EVENING POST GLORY OK Till. STAGE I" Call blown stone private realdeuce So. 47 Wet Itttli at., the TIMES received wltb .TUh h points on the MitniRsippi River A Lessees and aaya."With j aaya:.'"IVa* " 3tli and (Jth av*. BrooklynSHOOK PALMER. Managers. eletueuia of auccuaa it it the witileal excitement A powerful cast, including twrfn of roKulta of the Can in passage. 15>; Steerage, $25. Monday evening, October o. the Mr. K. U. BANGS an SARDA NAP.ALUS We-t st. TUe MAIL ih. a "Every LOT OK si-:i'11n7> hano PianoyorTes. in Apply to CLARK A dBAMAN, §0 the favorite actresi, I of and AGNKS BOOTH as MYRRllA thorough tor sale at moderate also Piano- EI.KC'iTONb IN OHIO AND INDIANA. The COMM Kftl I AL aaya:.| pruapuct along proa- no order, prices; N P -l.i UU MAIL STEAMS11 If MISS* CLARA MORRIS. "W ill uieel with career." Of the GRAND ITALIAN BALLET. 08 lu number, fortes to rent of our own manulaoture. By OlilCKKKlNG C10B NABSAC, LAU In Messrs. Lancaster A American Drama, undoubtedly peroua the renowned Mile. IIAKTOLKTTI, premiere ilauseu-e asso- I INeT 1/ LKO leaves New York Octoi.e. .M. .Magnus' a long run. ibo DISPATCH aaya:. A SONS, 130 5th av.. oomer I Stbet. To l.IVKKI'OOL Ml KE 1.1MS St CO.. #3 South sk CONSCIENCE, Ihe ftl'IKI T of tbo TIMES I "la rich iu Incident." lutaofiho (irand Oners, Paris, and Slg. MAsOAUNO, at STATENEW YOKK (ILASOOW, DCBLIN. KBAY, this charming drama, which is entiroly new to the Brooklyn theatrical The -L'NDAV TIMES the Surf Carlo. Naples, and Seal a, Milan. A NUMHKlToK STKiNWAY A SUNS' NEW SCALE HKI.kAST AND CUXDONUEUltY. CIOR rTIE A SiT. sTEAMSNIP aaya:."The groat | from ~ Canal m .a» follows:. PHILADKLPHLL. stage, will be illustrated by a ana upright I'iiiuoe to reul, to illst class families. Apply to pier Nnrtb Ittrer (fuutol 3d Tues¬ GREAT CA T attraoUou »i the aaaaon." laavt:.An unc,mi vocal SUPERB sTAGE EFFECTS. STEIN \V AY A Hall, New York. STATE III'' V11, Li I .N1A liurmlay, Octaber ID I AUNKSwiu sail from p'er North River every The Uronkly u EAGLE deaerve.l am o >a" SUNS, Steiuway STATE OK NEVADA October 211 day and Saturday at 4 P. M. Freight at I .wast rates. K01 and all the orlginnl scenery and appointments used Thur.J»)' to C. A. A at the Union Theatre. aaya:."Gorgeuua and itrlk-| Tho SUNDAY MERCURY ACT I. closing our sale .Laroe. elhuant stock STATE OK INDIANA Thursday, November 2 further information apply WHITNEY CO., piei Square lug beyond ..nytbiugever aa>a:-"WI.I cuutiuue here." Plain.». half d A It MO RE'S ware room SOS Bleoca- 3d N01 tii Ri vyr. PRICES HAVE. BEr.N REDUCED FIFTY PER CENT ox-1 Iloatoii THE ROYAL PALACE price, a, and every alternate Thurailajr tliereufter. Kiial cabin, #.> I, season Uibitod m Now York." | ibo HERALD T ersi. EttIO, <130. $JiKI uud $7". accordliit: to accommodation: return 7 fur the regular of IS7G-7, which this worth aue- Irani the banks of the igris. $66 ritAVULLKUr UblDL. engagement will inaugurate. aaya:."la richly realistic- scene. tickuu, si 10. #124. socuud cabin, f l >. return tleketa. #--o. ^ ing. It la a bit and will bo a Splendid TTfiiTsi KtisKWOOD PULL 7 OOTA VK PIA NO at luweat to A .UUK VT RKlA CIloN »V i a K^iTTPififlJ Ttla TIGRIS BY MOON- .and stool; Pianoe to runt and sold ou lustaliueuts; Or Stccraifo rates. Apply AUSTIN UALUWIN OWERY THEAI RE. IMMENSE SUCCESS. J permanent aucceaa." LlGll'f and DEPARTURE CO.. Aifeuti, No. 72 Br .adwav. N' w Vork. \LIIANVplu s L no. I'ir*t clnn.s puHha^o only $1 alter October I. Mr. DOUD BYKON INDENIABLr. SUCCESS uans and upright pianos. 4.T II ON RIVER It MOllNUdllY. OK SAKDaNAPALUS' 20 Bleeckor it., near STEEilAliE riCKBI'S Al' HUOADWAY AND AT IDS V In his great and succc etui Sensation Drama, of ROYAL BaRGE. GOLDSMITH'S, Bowery. THE COM I'AN'Y'S KIEIt, FOOT OK CANAL ST., Centennial vRitors can njoy a view of the bei»4 and most OK. DONALD M'KKY. Miaa ELIZA WEAT1IEKSBY... aa AMORKT of the on the IJu ison by HERO; UAUA BEAUTIFUL CARVED ROSEWOOD 7 OCTAVE NOKTII KIVEK. tna^ulficent scsuery lii^lilaud* The Hudson county Zouave* will appear in the great Mr. W. H. CRANE ACT II. Pianoforte, uiodvru iuiproveiueuu, cost $430. tor $100. Iravulliu.' on tin- People's Kino of elegant and commodious battle scene*. Preceded by the Farce, Sudden Thoughts. MR. HE.NSEN ftil ERWOOD'S MARVELLOUS Introduction ol thu 2ltl East 30th st. rillTK STAIl LINE. bouts, pus-ino West Point and all other places of interest TR A N'SFO It M ATI UN'S. ORAND vv KOK Qc'EENSrOWN AND LIVr.iti'OOI., In the aud at with morn¬ TEINWaY HALL-'fT O mas. ASSOLUTAft ITALIAN BaLI.K r uud wun- CA It It VI NO THE I'SITED si'ATES MaIL. early evening, connecting Albany THE ARTISTIC PREMIERES deriul m the "TlIT'' KKill.NO, STEIN \V aTT WEBER U P KIOUT AND ing trains for Chicago and all points North and West ltoati S COND WEEK OP Irom the Tbeatrea, Berlin aud Yieuua and La stage grouping for cash, $lt>oto $300; S3 Tho steitmers nf this line la**; thu Lhuo K«>utas racnni- leave at 0 P. M from 41 N. R S* THEODoKK THOMAS' CONCERTS. Imperial SUMMER PAL.AGKOKi.*' SAK- c.'square Planotortes, bargains nifiiUuil Lioutoiiaiit LT. S. South of tha daily (Sunday'* excepted) pier Sea,a, Milan. DaN A PALI'.-. to $10 monthly Instalments taken. by Maury, .V, going near Peuusyivauiu Railroad pier iu New York. Stateroomi GRAND AND POPCLvR CONCERTS. Mile. ELIZA BETA MENZELf. J, 13 lYnverley place, near Hrondwiiy. Banks on the passage lo (Juecuslown ali the year round. warmed bv stuutn. Meals on the European is. U. tteg TO-MORROW (Wednesday" OCT. AT 8. RIDDLE, .October ut 7 A. M. plan. EVENING, II, Mile. HELKNK MENZELI. ACT I. UKKMAN'K? 21, uiur Hudson River Railway tickets :akou, and paesage uc GRAND POPULAR NIGHT. MARKTZEK8 CHEERY MUSIC, BEAT BARGAINS OYYKRKD.OY NEW AND A I) ill A riO October 28, at 1:30 P. M. stateroom berth allowed in Centennial oxcur- a-,,,, ... THE FEAST OF SAR- .1311 West exchange. JVERTUKK-Tanolumser Wagner THE AMAZON MARCH, seci-nd hand Pianos, at YISCHKH'S, 421 HfUTANNIO November 11, at I :3<) P. M. sion tickets by rail also taken and passage allowed tor them. IDAGIO Proiiiethciis Beethoven THE GRANDEST BALLET. Da.NaPALUS IN TOR 2sth et. OKKMaNIC November *Jf», at no>ii. kKlA."Per quest* bella" Muiait THE WONDERFUL.. ^ CHANCE OF I'lIK SHIP ON Hall OK NIMROD. In Frutn White Star Dock-*, pier f»2 North Uivur. wn troy by dV> iuXrl c. vFbbakb Mr. MY RON W. WHITNEY. OPEN hE\ TO THE FAIRY PALACE. till, scene occurs tne startling OUT YOR IT, Uaten..Saltion, and .fhx». iu goid return tickets ou Albanyund DA NIK 1.4 DREW. Keavo Vestry »t. pier st H;1C INVITATION TO DANCE Weber The Trauaformation. vttect cl the distui l>.iu.-e of J^OOK rcasonahlo terms. and 21th st. at 8:30 A. M.. lauding at West Poiut, Nowburg, Dreamy Fairy THE EVENINO TELEGRAM Steerage, ' aoMA.NZE.Noti cnnotci. Mlgnon Thetua* THE It E V n. LS OF THE KOftEft. the orgies by a TKLltiKlC Saloon staterooms, suiokiug and bathroomn are placed l'ougiikeepsio, Hliinebr.ek, atskill mid liudsou ; counec- Ml** ANNA DKASDOk blorm, accompanied by crash- ami where the noise and motion arc iiotis at with new train at h P. M. for the West ovei HOl'sEs CROWDED TO OVERFLOWING. will an with returns far at known) ishipH, leant, affording Albany SYMPHONIC POEM.Phuatou new Salnt-Saens HUNDREDS TLKNKD AWAY NIGHTLY. lug and rumbling IIIUN DLR lesuo Extra to-night (as a degree of comfort hitherto unattainable at sea. New York Central, arriving af Hufl tio 7:1(1, Siisponslou t'OKsl'IEL. Loreiev ...Max Bruch SECURE SEATS IN ADVANCE sud vivid tla.bes of LIGHT¬ For inspection ot piuus and other information apply at tho Bridge H; 10, and Niagara Falls at 8 :2U the tollowiiig rn 'ru¬ FUNERAL March OF a MARIONEiTE Gounod BOX OFFICE OPEN DAILY. NING, the must wonderlul of reiults of the company's oiiice, 37 Broadway, New York. ing continuous trains on Lake Shore and Canada Southern DUET.Sennraiuis Kostiui Fourth Baba Matinee Saturday at I :30. and impressive sisge repre- it. J. COBTIS, Agent. roads. To West Point and Xowburg and return day, Miss ANNA DRASliIL nnd M. W. WHITNEY. sentaticu ever given. ELECTION'S IN OHIO AND INDIANA. $1 50. PASTOR'S ~Nl7Y DllthCr LINK To FiTaNTK. $1 ; Poughkeepsio, WALT/. Strauss fllON Y PASTOR'S l"ONY AONlirlt'KNr 7 1*3 OCTAVE ROSEWOOD PIANO- i KAN SAT LA N T10 COMPANY'S *ious in a dream Lunibve 1 NEW THEATRE. ACT IV. at 0" (IIK GESKBAL iti\kh by" i»lyliuht. lorte. overstrung, double round carved legs, $130, MAIL STEAMhUS BETAKEN NEW YOBK AND tcnuial visitors are iulortuod that the boats will run INTRODUCTION. i 683 aud 5*7 Uruadway. IMMOLATION OK SAIL GORDON'S. 137 Hleecker at. Akhlny-Hudson day NUPTIAL 3d act THE GREATEST VAUDEVILLE SHOW ON EARTH. DA N A Pa Lin uud the UAVUK, OALLINlf Al Pl.YMi>UTIi ^(i. U.) during tne Kxhlbitiou, and afford the only meiitiH of enjoy¬ CHORUS,;- Lohengrin Waguer for the ot all of the scenorv of the Hudson the day MARCH TEMPO. \ TO-DAY. Gus GUi'.hic SLAVE.Burning AND ORGANS AT EXTRAORDINARY LOW landing paxactigers. ing unsurpassed oct. night. TO-DAY. Willlame, ut the ol toe at WATERS A 4S| to close out Tho spletidtd vesveis on this fa»write rout** for (he Conti¬ host landing adjoin* that of tho Pennsylvania Railroad In Friday, 13, mendf.lssoiin Harry Kernel!, Palace.Rising PIANOSprices SONS', Broadway, nent It out tho West bv the St. SATURDAY GRAND MATINEE. . Tableau Curtain Tel- an entire stock of ol lirat clus makers new u wbiiis provided with electric bells; will sail lrom pier New York close connection made AFTERNOON, to John upon instrument* . H The world challenged | Kerueil, hand and us to re- No. 43. loot ol Barrow St.. North River, as follows Louis train, and to me West by last tram at p. M Irom ADMISSION TICKETS ONE DOLLAR EACH. Ke- au.-h a grand array ifhe Hrahaiua; bin's magnificent painting, and second grand, square upriKht, prove cars 5(1 duplicate ii:w Union A.MEKHdch, 'ionzt»ls.....Saturday, October 14,3 P. M. Albany wil t Wagner's slovpTn attached. Tickets lerve seals rent* extra. Admission to Second Balcony, of art.ata. Walton. Walton THE KLlNe OK NINEVEH. uiiivbI to their siore, sU East 14th it, sipiore. H A. lor I' c. cents. Tickots to Matinee. Ine reserved seat uiatluguiabcd Sf. UhhMAiN, Keculoux... .vSaturduy, October 21. M. g »od uti Hudson Ulver Railroad received passage. uding gi. I . The Man flali ? octavm over tri no piano. .ST l a hesuex October 2S, 2 V. M Usu oe obtained lor the al»>vu named Concerts at the Fox 2 The The MATINEE EVERY SATURDAY, AT 1:30 O'CLOCK. jTbaoon LAt'KKNr. ..Saturday, oppo^m k\. oitice 7DI Schu TO-DAY, AT O'CLOCK, Big 4. H?g 4, 1*123; uprights aud square*; rent $4 luoiilhly; Organs, $3 PBDlK OF PAn.>A(»E IN (JOED (including wines) of Sieinwsy llall; Sehtrmer *. Broadway; Leater, Allen. Smith 'and Raven ,k 13 East 14th el. 110 to to accommodation Albany 50 cunts to Albany. . SUCCESS ! IMMENSE SUCCESS 1 oOKOON SON. First Cabin, !j* $123, according ; berth's.'J3 Unions<|uare, and the ticket oltico 111 Broadway. » .7~T. mouihly. New steamer KSCOR'f, with Hplvmud sleeping Rccommo- ~ The Dutch Bouncer," |, IMMENSE 'TEEM EN DO La ENTHUSIASM ON Second, $72; Third, furnished state leaves New flTCllOOCK'S "The lloollbiint." Harris and Carroll, UKEbf AN1) HtJL'AKK PIA.NOS-h'uil CASH, Keturti tickets at rodune I rates. dati 'tis and elegantly rooms, . or other bouie. Call and at "> :30 P. iL H1 "Through by ltail," Jenuie Engle. P. T.'S RETURN UPRIGHTiustaluieiit* reul, lower than any Steerage. $2tl, with superior accommodation, including York every Monday. Wednesday Friday r corner 10th et. 35 loot alia *t. N. B..All rail- THIRD AVENUE THEATRE. "Under the Sea," | V Whittiugham to aud -e. BE'I'TS' Warerooiu, 7US Broadway, witie, bedding and utensils, without extra charge, bteam* from pier North River Fran . to for An immense bill. Payne't Writing Academy,! Matter Newman' ers marked do not carry steerage passengers. read tickets Albany goad passage. ^ ami THE HIPPODROME. <25t>(j^p.m. " I IK ou. at 3 o'clock. Cuuiuiencu October 11. Cabin, H'»5, $70 aud . P M. accommodation in Cabin. Second Cabin and at 5 P. M. Through tickets sold at ail the principal hotels in AND PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT A CENTENNIAL 1'OoTRAil' GALLERY. Steerage the Characters be Mr. H. I. MONTAGUE, Mr. HARRY A.N ALADDIN AMPHITHEATRE, nTaicAi. lowest rates. Apply to WILLIAMS A lllfIU.V, 2i) iiroad* city. BECKETT, Mr. E. vRN'oTT. Mr. W. HERBERT, Mr. J. AN INSTITUTION lustrous with if s,t dp I van-colored lights. ToTTSu £ady, pkoVioilni in "Via no. organ w ay. KOUWALIC DIRECT, Mr. W. Mr. Mr. ¬ Sfj.iKKi PER DAY I.N aAL.VKiKa vocal will lessons in u family or N 8TKA M S11 i1* LINK. SHANNON, KYTINUM, EDWIN, SOLID BEAUTY TO FIVE GREAT CIRCUS TROUPES. .and music, give private KKAT~WBST~KK and Haven Rail¬ ARD, Mr. PECK. Mill ADA DYAS, Mine. POMSl, Miss OF school lor whole or part board; rul'orsuoes exchanged. K> G1T TO UK IS IOL (ENOLaNIL DIRECT, cuouectinK villi Dunburp. Norwutk Now EFFIE GEKMON and Miss ML lISDLLL. AN F.QUKa IRIAN EXPOSITION necessit atlug a con¬ W.. Herald nfllce sailing from pier 18 Knot River us follow*:. AND TUB ONLY GREAT AQUARIUM stant change of program me lor its | rosenlotion Stumper Oct. 14 roads, by steamer AMBRICU.S, doily (Sundays exceplo'D. AND VARIED OA MAN Th vl'ii Kit (MALKl. TK ACHING CORNWALL, Saturday, Je al -:.Ki I*. M .>7 East BOX OFFICE OPEN FRt >M S A. M. to 4 P. M. BRIIILLIANT. TRIUMPHS, NORTH ft SOMERSET, Western Motility. Oct23 from duck, iklyn. pier IN AMERICA. without in Metropolitan Annals, ami In .no and German, wlshos to givo a foir more private Klver. ut J :I5 I'. M ami toot lllld K'lt River, al 3 I*. M. parallel presenting pi oltlce. Cabiu passage; $70: Intermediate, $46; »te«r»go, $3*i, UUD'S MUHEUM. WOOD'S. rupi succession of sensational surprises the greatest lessons. Address II Kit I. IN. Herald 'pt.iwn Currency; eacuraiou lu$1 20; prepaid stueragu certift* Pine ;)¦> coiiln: excursion tickets 50 cent*. THIS DAY, GRAND PUBLIC INAUGURATION, heroes and heroines of tne anus, including to *'». ll. Ml>t TO 2>outn w H. Of HERAT KXPBHIKNCB UIVRI cutcs, $20. Apply KA.N, Agcut, st. PHILADELPHIA AN li TliU Ci.N ji.NNlAL, MatiueeatD. Evening at MARTIIINO LoiVANDE, and harmouv at Admissiuu !'. cents. Admission 20 centa. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 11, 187U, the Hurricane llorsaman ol Brasil, In hie terrific universal AUimUUMlu-tructlon on piano, organ, harp INMAN LINK-MaII. 8TBAMBH* ! » residence #ln a quarlor reference. Address wltn 1 via Luno Breach uml tbn New Southern Railroad. Augnstin Dalvi groat Play, challenge two. luur and seven horse hareliavk act*. pu,..i X A tor Uueeuitowu and Liverpool, Jersey Koi xd tiii. W residence, Tl'iACll kill, box 1 -J Herald Uptown llraiich BE KLIN . ...Sat Oct. «t 2 P. M. Leave pior « North Ulvtr, tool Rector st., at olock. AND TO REMAIN OPEN AFTER THAT DATE CilAULr.M FISH, OirrOF unity, 14, ti:I M. the World's horse barehuek t trick of the otllce. (MTV OK OIIKSFKK. Saturday, Oct. 28, at 1 P. M. A. and 4 P. II. introducing Chaiupiuna, the single bauipiou equestrian llil" route u excursion li a no u Horded lu tho JOE OOkS and from o a. m. Until 10 p. m. daily. universe. einuinTiI m CITY OF RICHMOND...* Huturday, Nov. 4. ut 7 A. M. By delightful tka«.'uV.TTTiami, okuan, Uuo » earner* JOE COBURN SIX LOVELY LADY EQUESTRIANS! quarter: churches, opera. Address CITY OF BERLIN Saturday, Nov. I*, hi 7 A. M. In OKAND WARRING MATCH. A FolK KlSULlCnOMK AND VOCAL KOoLS. Aladvper pupils piepared. CITY OF CHESTER Saturday, Dec. 2. tt ti A. M. JKH->K IIOYT ami CRYSTAL VTAVK PICTURESQUE interior, OPERA. Herald olilco, l.t-Ob Utoadwruy. across tba in lull v.uw of thu Atl mile tieean la fiver Id > peerless principal pcrlormers. More and rarer From pier 46 North Uiver. bay Sandy IT'ELLY A LEON'S MINSTRELS, I OPERA D LA V I if KX1* Kfflr.SCK A AC and $M », Return tickets oil fuvurable lluuk. reluruliw lu tbu city at convenient hour- 23d HOUSE, combining architectural novelty wild beasts, Irds and reptiles; more marvellous human 0LTIV ATE f> >6 Cabin, $HD gold. W. M. II. M. (VKLLY A LEON'S MINSTRELS, st. and Clh av. mure and mechanical ItrioaleUced musical talent gives plaiiul'orto and terms. Steerage. $28, currency. Omits nt lowekt rates. SNEDhN. Kniiro of Programme, phenomena; eurivus, coatly cunning At bathroom* change AND ARTISTIC BEAUTY. more distinguished equestrians sud athletes than lessons, #lo tier quarter; highest roturcncos. Adores* Saloon?., stutcrouiun, smoking nnd amidships flit-. most ThrECI triumph., Cost ufllce. .lolIN i.. 1J A LK. Agent. 16 and 3 i Broadway. OEMtTBUV.. The only Leon. [jj1,.' opr'l'Ns! Th* on'f Leon. were ever liclore presented at any one tlmo, lu nny age or ChAHslO, box H.UTi CMlElNWiTubTronic to llrc.nweod Is lir tie* I'ojrl street or Tbtrd ave¬ | CLASSIC STATUARY AND TROPICAL FOLIAGE. place, and MORE THAN TEN I I MKS Till. I'KtCM OF PIANIST WILL ItEUKIVB A f&V Cm ikd si ates m ml, nue caralfttin Kuit.ui lerry. Brooklyn. Kissing in the Starlight. The Five (French! Elate. ADMISSION in wonder anil instruction, height and In¬ LaDV link. steamers, 40 ARTISTS. \TO0iumore pupils liir lliur.iugh Instructluu I terms moderate. Anchor NEW YORK ANO HLASUoW. RIVER IIV MOONLIGHT. IMPOSING COMBINATION mem and amusement. ol mo t«" AN spiration. excit at did I'.ast tot St., Iietwreu Jd and UJ av .. ADatia Oct. 14, 2 P. M. California.. Oct. 28, 1 p. M. First appearance Eccentrics, AD.MIS.SIGN to every lep irtmelit of the Galoasal Exhi¬ Apply UUDSONtlltUeua' steamboat* for Troy. Saratove THE CLARKE BROTHERS. » Anchoria... .Oet. I, 7 A. M. Ethiopia Nov. 1. 7 A. M. Linu.ElegantW i OF INTERESTING OBJECTS. bition. Ml ccutx. rilli.DKEN under nine years, Vfi rents. LESaON.'f PIANO, ViOLIN. libl- TO OLArtOOw. LIVERPOOL OR OKRRY. ami all punts North ami »t leave daily .except Saturday) First aapoaraece oi the reuowued Comedian, aEATS go CENTS KXTRA. Doors at 1 mailed. at .! I' M Iroiu pier III .North lllvcr. Kirat class postage Mr. JaMEs QGINN. KrSe.RVED open tYARD.-PRIVATEAar. singing. Circulars Cabius, >.» to $*'>, according to gccutuuiodatlous. ENORMOUS IRONAND GLASS TANKS, ami tl:Jo P.M.; Grand Animal and Arruic Spectacular J. J AY WATSON, Director. aa P.ast ldth st. Intermediate. $36. steerage, Buck only 911 deck passage 50c. DAM FRANCISCO MINSTKELS. OPERA 1IOUSR, Etitr e one hour later. Rare veil seats uiay bo secured at NEW YORK AND LONDON. OUT FOR 11. WITH resT SKA WATER one in OUT Poll IT. JAN EKANClSCO MINSTREL* Broadway ami JOth st. FILLED TIIeTT tlic box odico week advance. Utopia Oct, 14,2 P. M Klyst* Nov. 4, 7 A. M. J^OOK1 SAN KKA.NcIm'o MINSTKELS. The Minstrel Palace. J^OOK EVENING TELEGRAM Australia... .Oct. 28, noon. Auglla Nov. 18,7 A.M. TUB EVENING TELEGRAM SAN FRANCISCO MINSTRELS. | The Minstrel Palace. BROUGHT FROM THE ATLANTIC OCEAN ATSON, WATSON, TONV I'A&TOR's THE Cabin, $.*6 $70. tsteeritg». $28. ok la ckkmk or w |T| the: ckkmk minstrelsy. to with returns far as known) Cabin Excursion Ticket* at reduced rates. will luuo an Extra to-eight with returui (aa far as known A ASlDK-SPLlTTlNti JOKES. AND FORCED THROUGH VULCANIZED Thi Mnn-Kish. will issu'e an Exxiu night (as amount at current J V Grand M mtiiit'O Draft, issued tor any rates. Birch, T OEWKJOUS SIMilNO. Thirty of the Company's pier Nos. 20 and 21 North River, Now York. of results of the W ainbold. COMIC DANCES. Brilliant RUBBER PIPE BY POWERFUL Tl»a M!.». igli ] | of results HENDERSON Bltgs.. A ifcuts. 7 Bowling Ore en. Backus. RECEIVED WITH Aitlsts Tin* only nenuB I 1' Reception lu day, ELECTION IS OIIIii AND INDIANA. A SOKE A MS NlOllTLY. A A STEAM PUMPS. in lire world ELECTIONS IN OHIO AND INDIANA. link.from piers 44 and 47 n. r. IIK FUNNIEST ENTERTAINMENT IN TUli U1TV. I IimI reniHina |S tor i*uia« FOR LONDON. KaILKUAU. under water T BC H KOKDi R .SIN111 NO, PIAM), Vli) National 2 P. M. Canada Oct. 2 P. M. MATINEE SATURDAY AT Z. S ATS SECT RED. MAMMOTH FRESH-WATER TANKS I classes are unw also les- Krin ...Oct 14. 28, PENNSYLVANIAGREAT TkLNK LINE i in mi ut cmo and 7 or $7d a cars 11:110 A. ti and H -.30 Nth near nth ae. Hliens on tbu piano eud violin his resideuce, East Cabiu passage. $6», $ currency. itii Pullman piers utlaebed, M., "f TODAY. AT 2 O'CLOCK. ? GREAT SUBTERRANEAN RESERVOIRS. Lvr »t.. Return tick t».*UK>, *110 <»' 1120, currency. 1'. M. Sunday. 0 and B;1M P. M M. IMMKIIOY Steerage puis aire, $2(1, currency. Drafts issued from £1 Pi r WUIIamsport, Lock ll.iveii, Carry ami Erie, nt .¥) and today, to-day today. IMPOSING COLLECTION OF LOI)liE COI'UaNO Wl I'll Cll.lTVAihD VOICE Di.nlKKS CO- upward at current rates. Apply at the company's ntftee, tf$ Hil ij'. M.. connecting ut Corry lor Tllusville, I'etroloum 17-itli'ii in church choir; positiou luuru ol an object then Broadway. Steerage tickets can also be obtained ai the C Are ami the nil Copious. To'ny" PAM'ORU tony PASTOR'S. RAKE FISIl AND MAMMALIA. u JULIET ""arid 1' AULINE. salary. Address Clil. Hi II illillK. Herald Uptown Branch company's piers, 44 and 47 Nortn Kiver. I'.r Baltimore. Washington uad the South, "Limited Wash- K. W. J. IIL'RST, Manager. In.1.Ill »»" of 1'u Imun parlor cars MATINEE TO-DAT. Bo* oflico open 1 bnraday morning. hxpr daily, except MATIN K LIVING MONSTERS A1TANIKD AN EXPERIENCED PIANO TEACHER LLOYD Sunday. I) ill A. M.; arrive Wailiinntou 4:1" I', it. Uea- TODAY.) ORTH OKRMAN u a' at J «t s »T» ami u I*. M. UXlo "The Hoollbana." llarrj K ew yukk ckntenni w. Tr tor two lessons a week. Address, statinir terms, PUPiL. N ni'KAM-UIi' LINK BETWHEN NEW YORK, 8:4li A. M.. :40, Sunday, "Caliilianilhan and MeCann.Mci'ann." and Joun KernelL FROM THE OCEAN'S DEPillft. N\ INHIBITION. TtAiitd av. Third Avenue Advertisunieul olhce. Sol (HAMPTON AND BRr.MhX. and U I'. M First NATIONAL AI'AIIK JY OK DBsluN AND TUB MKT- Express I If Philadelphia. 7:11". 8:10. t> :.*J0 A M., 13 :30, Matinee to-day, appearance Company1* pier, foot of 2d si., Hobokcn. 3 4 8:1*1 Bl' and I'd Accent- at '2 o'clock nl toeae two great CONTRIBUTIONS FROM EVERY SEA. KOKOLli'AN Ml'SKUM OK \ KT, IWJUt t TU»N. M VlN Saturday, Oct. It MOSKL....Saturday, Oct. 28 .>, ti. 7, M., night. artists In cm BUT Ol'fcN KOill DAY AND EVE.Nl.Xa n,.Mi llion 7 A. M and 4:111 P. M. Sunday. H A. M .">, 8, junction. t N l-.Xi'l KlENi KD t)I.A.aRlV/AL \ND M.vTlll'.M \ I NECKAU Saturday. Oct. 21 YVEsKU Saturday. Nov. 1 siim undo P. M. and second class. 7 1*. M. DODWoHTU'S SUPERB ORCHESTRA. ol Kales of i itssitire Irom New York to Havre 7. Emigrant ONLY<»sly .M»VTINtiXkKK- UIV'EN IN NEW VOUK a Veal luachei. classical gold lucd illst foreign university, Southampton, Eur at o:3U. :») 8:40. B-.30A. A MER1CAN INMITTUrE. npiiK cltv re or Bremen: t'ouieuuial Depot 8, DELIGHTFUL MIMIC. 1 packed to till! door*. itr des'res private pupils piapares Inr college ; blithest M. Id: li. t an i t P. Ms On Sunday,8 A. M. ilctujulng, .. .A cieiiee. Address TKAC'ili.H, box lib Herald Uptown Find Cabin, $K!U, gold; Second Cabin, #do, gold. Steer¬ at 1115" A. 4ATM ANNUAL EXHIBITION or THE $H0 currency. leave Centennial depot 7:15. 8:15. *¦. 1, EACH DAY AND EVENING. FROM 2 TILL 5 AND f TUNY I'ASTOK'R..¦ffOBIV T Branch ofllce, l.itTi Broadway. age 1:15, :i: 0, 4:46. 5:1SI, (I, 0:50 and i JU5 P. H. On OF THE YEAR. Return tickets at reduced rate a. :J" A M. and 7 P. OREAT INVENTIONS lVilAKD .AND KINDEKti sill IvN INsTRL'C I'liiN Poll .Moor Simony. 7 M. ur. at No Iree lot. paya Prepaid tge ceriiticates, $)i, currency. to Aa usual dwplar FROM ft TILL it) O'CLOCK. Everybody J) evearl chlldreu. from two rears up; family private; uu t»r to Eor trains Newark, Elisabeth, Kali way, Princeton, Tren¬ and amkriam For freight passage apply ton Perth Itelvidere and other AMRRICAR imvsntions products, THE AT BE. ex eplionable relerence. Address Mrs. W. H. PKKV, Now oKLlUcHS A CO., 2 Bowling Green. An.boy. HeeslugLMi, NEITHER PAINS NOR EXPENSE WILL HE SPARED n j. p lute, sac enl schedule* al all ticket ukssi. New to be aeen. GlKKMANlACAU. BhL'KNDuiiKK [Elector. Brewesrlee, Trams arrive:.Prdwi Pittsburg, 0 :J" and 1" :!*) A. M. and IEEsDaY. October l<). SiO'iid "nhacrtpliou Ni*bl, hf Ur|LSON LINK F«>ir SOUTHAMPTON~ANiTTJULU upward or sou varietur or rmuiT. TO RENDER TUB ATTRACTIONS OF TIIE EMII. IV U WILLRON 2 WALlVOItl ITS COLLEGE V? s Tliug from pier 63 North River, hs follow* IdidtiP M., uailr | 10:10 A. M uii.I6:5o P. M. daily, ox- ALOT11, ,/Business nd Uuion square. Sludeuts Bo I Monday. From Washington and 8:30 Tragedr. in live ui> by EKSSINO. CtiliV. Phonography. HINDOO October 11 OOl.o.V! ,Noveniher Baltimore, and 3d OSd and 54th me at tliuo. . and M an., between NEW YORK AQL'AKIl M UNSURPASSABLE Hox office iruut S (ill 4 o'clock. <.eminence any NAVAKINO October M|OTIIKLLO November 18 and 114" l. M 4:i0.5:l" l":J" P. M. Puuday, open dnlly Fir*t cabin. $7". currency second cabin. $46, curieucy. i:: ui and li :4" A M. From Pliilsdeipbia, 9 :(tt» 8:3", ADIES' AND CHILDREN'S lloME or OENTBEL LMt KN i J H, UEK MA N AND TfALFa N IJI>N VKRHA II .-'I it aud r»s»rt of innocent amueenatal. Ailmiaaion oOrcnt. and literature a teacher. Excursion ticket* on very tavoratde tenr.a Through tie net a U-.40 I'll". lltJO, A.M. .11(1, "nt. £10, 5:10, iConicdy fashionable rpilE BKLMOBT .1ALLKKY, l tioual lessons by superior lady mi 1 for full f. 7 111. 7 *:4" and IlcUO P. M. Children IIsi! prcc of Hon bimol lUU&tb av. I.i I'.ast --'ll. st. la*u mi to Continental linltic i^urh Apply par¬ ID, 8:50 4". Sunday, (No extra* cliarpo .) J. Belmont, ticular! to (MIAItLEN L. WRlOilT A CO ill -«ut b st. 5:"n «i J", 0 l*i. 11:4". 10:10. II 5.1 A. M..UM0 and lOSlU TONY P2 entrance i-u, >i., OUT »'OR IT. P Mr "f matinee LADIES' KA THE CHILDREN'S >.v- will no open TO LfvYUPOI)b'-fllK~AI HHiTINII IKON Ml Astor House | mHI VuitlTK, in connection with uad in aid of tlie Ticket offices, 530 and Broadway, No 1 X iron ol luii. J^OOX THE EVENING TELEGRAM SAILhip sTHATllKAKN. Jar«nen. Master, having accom¬ and loot ul Dtehross.'a uiid Cortlundt lit: No. 4 Court at., at 2 o'clock. foe*.ent» early. NEW YOKE "KNIKNNIAL EUAN EXHIBITION, modations tor a »e*v cabin passenger*, will sail n or about No- 114, II" mid 118 iludson st*. Hebekea: from U A. >1 in du.k. nud r 16 Brooklyn: lONY PASTOR iaesday, Wednesday, Thursday an to returns las far at Wednesday, Oct- ber 18, fn<:i» pi Ko*t H.vrr For ticket office, No. 8 Battery H. MURRAY'S T Trulay. 'ctobor lo to 13 luat. inclusive. will Issuo Extra night with known) to lli* NDKKSON 7 depot, Jersey City Emlsiant UBAND ^ pti.«ange apply BROTHERS, Howling .. CIRCUS, . Adutiisou plsi JOHN 4»TH »T. AND HTII AV., nml Ml fnmona i'rodpe. .income. of roeults of the ureeu. FRANK THOMSON. D. M. BOYD,Jr., KVKRY A F E ItNil)ON AND EVEN I NO. 111 ATHA U >1 AM 1LLP. VAKIBTIKS. HALL. (JURAT SUCCESS. OOASTWIift ITKAflSHlPli timer >1 Muu gor. fleueral Passenger Age a t. ? - :»4TH NT. .t 3D ELECTIONS IS OHIO AND INDIANA. 25 IS. c AV.. QHICKKUINU IRAN-IT AND PACIFIC MAIL LINK EOR BOSTON. ADMISSION, CKN Every ereninjr nt H. Crowded input ly. EE COMMYNDEL'K OA/.KNEL'VE, DA CODK/.O, ARTIST. 21 INIoN QTONINUTOK c o SyCAIirf PANAMA STKAXISH IP LINKS. I Hrat time ul apicv Snuaalion llurin-ouv entitled . very TUESDAY, TIM KHDAY ami fflllOMAfl iii circus, pantomime and tkauedv. Till. 1 will open his private school lur drawing and painting, Steamers KIIODK ISt-AVD an NAKIlAOANSKTT, Dom PBMALK MATHERS, -.ATl'RDAV EVENINGS. all Its branches uii October III; those wishing to subscribe JAPAN. CHINA. NEW 8J fowl ol .1 st.. at 5 dick tukpi.v, ¦>r the SATURDAY .MATINEE of 1:30. For CALIFORNIA, AUSTRALIA, pier North Klver, uy p. J|. every nioht. » plo ito Call at earliest moment. ZEALAND BRITISH COLUMBIA. v>dK«.ON', 4tU, I'roxidem e Line, INyl ISITIVh YANKEE. irom 42 Norm Irotn 37 North ia an sailing pier River. pier Klver, loot oi Park place. Steamships SOCIETY OF NEW YORK. N. It..Ec Commiutdeur n»n»ted by able interpreter. UliOTHIJOs. For SAN vim ISTHMUS OF ELECIKA and a M I Alan the I Noveltlea. aeat "i .e. and 5(>c. tin aalc nl FRANCISCO, PANAMA, (JALAIEA. Subscriolions will be received on or alter October 11, at following llaey Kaaarvcd v, 41. J48 A N K A It JO I'll bo PER StCMiiii«hip COLo.x bonder, Oct. IB PHILHARMONIC - B. MINT/.*, ;ID V., .SI., v Natnrhiy P.cturaa, Pariaian Life, SCIlUBMKTU A CD's, 33 Uulon iquora. fro montkkau v riuKEr. mood till Isru the lullnwiitg places ® * cent more In cash paid than olsowheru lor Cast oil Cloth¬ connecting b r i'entrsl America and South Pacific porta Till Martens 1,1H4 remain Model., Tableaux VivanH, AT SAN TO i lust lor sale at low rate at 84 It I at . U. Sehirun-r'a, Broadway: Brothers', | at ALKY'S VEIIAMBKA PALACE. ing. Jewelry. Order- alt -uded by Mr. and Mrs MlNfl FROM FRANCI.MJO JAPAN and CHIN Broadway also at the olhre of the Academy ol Music, Irani 5 S Trai."parent llnth, fnupht It, 'I lie laaliloaabla reaort ol Steamship CI TY oF T-»Klo vn edie sjlay, N »v. I and Ireni 3 to 5 P M. 3; I Country School, On toe Kap.ed Kilpe, Kilt Phtlade'pliin. I llKTWEh,N~»JD sa.N ISOO to S\.NDWI( || Exci usiii>.ki»r 10 to ll' it, i.ii Mnblll* KiUALIA Hltui llhltii ...1« I'rnprietora HAMNIB', 1,21i MRUADIVAVf From FliANi ISLANDS, AUS¬ Prfrices. _ Minuet, (Juidrille, and .tilil sts. paid fur cast-off TRALIA nnd NKW * OKANK TO Moat attractive entertainment in New York. A Bull NO llii. WOK Ell IN HO DAYS V liroadtvny prices Ululliilig, ZEALAND. RXCIIKMIOK ACKOS8 THE BlY Season tickets, with reserved aoata for rehetrsala only, f!> Secured acuta two wuoka in advance. Ac., by calling, or addressing II- IIA it Ills, 1 ,'.174. Steamship ZK\L\.NDlA Oct- 11 Stall II Island . l>o«ta leava Wli'tohaU st., loot of UroaJ- One aeaanu ticket lor rehearsals and concerts, without re¬ For or o *g»a^c t.» at 7 : l". ti 11:15 A. M.: 15. 6:8U aud ItOOM-v A KUYLK ROOM! III K r PLATTO'S. 81(1 111 II A v.. NEAR till II :ri R Height apply w»y. :I5, 3:l.\ 4:16, served t and PORTS OK NYM. P. CbYD'. A or II. J. ..." P. M , lor Ni w seat, flu. in av. aoTii nr. cent more will be lor (JO., BULLaY, Supcrinteudont. Bri,;bton, tnu llarbor. West Brighton Inclu nig reserved sent in any part of the house except ARUYLKUKlLLlANT TElt PSICHUKIvAN K.N TEKTAlNMBNT, 8 CALEDONIANS, TONY Cam OK'd, A than eltewbere positively pahl No. '. Bowling .roan, pier 4: North River, toot Kauai st. ami Pert Kicliiuond. Kara only 1UC, and Tl E-.OAY Cast oil' Clothing,* Jewelry, Ac. Address Mr. or Mrs. pro'ceuiuni boxes. S15. ONLY PLACE UK AML.SI.MKNT by OUUaSeEY BLUER, w Subscribers ol last season can rc-cngage their aeau now THE KIND IN the tblt PLATTO. s: tiiomas. st indies -reoulak I (1(3 OUT POH IT. OK Tile, lirV. Reception, Mail Steamer OA N I M A aaila October 12. For or and until October U, by applying to OPEN EVERY MO lir. Wonderful day, at 2. I -xATHA.VS OLD Ks fAIILisll M EN I'. ill Bermuda, D. SCHAAl). Secretory. M ENCI NO AC lJ Yield AUiletea. at paaeage apply to A. K. OUTBKBKlI)t»K, 2\i Broadway. THE STkNINM TiLKORAM COM O'CLOCK. .av , near 4th st. The highest value paid for .si olf No. til East 3d it. H.NTMANCK ON Hum ST. Ao. Call on or address Mr. or Mrs. NA¬ OUT FOR IT. I.Lh KY O K UIL ~TiINTINtldT Clothing, Carpets. will Isiue nn Extra to night with returns (as far at knowa) icHE wonderful .? THAN. I^OOK ToTovv Y PAsTORPASTOR S PAS I OR rl POPULAR TUESDAY MATINEE bv old master*. to the oat rnllartlon nf tbe TUB EVKNINO TELKORAM rpONY -' unlock. In the will em* belonging g of reeulte of the BIO 4. TO-DAY. TO-DAY., nt Strangers city Marquia ol Salamanca. Madrid. Spain, ou exhibition al t T EDWARD Mil.I.Kit s WELL KNOWN TAB brave tlo* of vlvitlnt, the leading \ aoileviile .!* av near qtino I value will iaaue an Extra with roturm as -<» opportunity Karte Oallery. AVlishiucnt. nth , Waverley place to-night (a* far known) ELECTIONS IN OHIO AND INDIANA. llie.itru el tbe nietropoiiu noil nujoviup tbu lloaet parlvrm Madiaon square and 23d at.. New York. paid tor cast-oil Clothing, by calling on or undressing Mr. or OPERA house. line in every renpuel to be toon I in New Yuri. until November alter wliicn they will be fur sale. Mrs. M ILI.hit. of reeuit« of the EST POINT. NivtVBU III 1. Pol.ii IIKKKPSIlT AND corner West 12th at. and Oreenwlch nv Open I, CTOLUMBIAJ ."21 w returu saute dev. by day line steamers. 50 NICE OIHl.e IN N > UlitlTY SKETCHES "yCiCiKlY SOClAHLE.n."..SECOND SEASON; NATIONAL THEATRE.-THE BLACK CROOK, OUT PGR IT. ELECTIONS IN OHIO AND INDIANA. An expose of xll the secrets of the 'furnish harem and Oevery Wednesday and Saturday avesing: Perrorc'a Aa- PEKKLhrtS MOKL tCCHI. 'lba iMAIIIIIjE JlAA TibliXi the female the Mablhe dancers, tlie .euibiv liounia. Htlildlnp Adiiiinalon .'SI cent*. N'gWwith the granucat J^OOK York and Havana diheut mail link.. Seraglio, ItatEers Tammany entertainment in the the evening"telegram so PRICES NEVER Eve en¬ C.Alt A CO cUy. ______\ewT lie first cla-* will nail nt 3 P. M. from APPRDACIIKH BKEOKE Artist's the Oefboi riEK , Man steamship* Model*, Hewiteblnu Hw.uitp In ipera 13 Slate and Marble Mantels, Largest assort meat In trancing Muaic and Beguiling thing. The r avnrile Kesert Kills AND CARROLL IN TIIE1K (J UK AT ACT. will Istu* an Extra to-night with returns (as far as known) pier North Kiver. foot of Cedar st,. for Havana direct at AT it SINUS AN ORIUINAL ' t Matinee to- follows city. PIvNKHYM bLATK UOMPAN Y. .f the elite. Nothing like anywhere. mONY I'ASTOR PARODY HA hri'Udh by Ball. at TON PAsTOR'S 50 av. S. umiII vu "Lilleu at * COLUMBUS Thursday. October 12 Union srjuare 4tb ami 17lli st.. New York. F.VI NINO AT X mil.en by hi Al.uiua," hla Matinee uaj, at 2. ol results of tt>* oi Work. Mntlneea Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 2. to-liny, at 2 o'cloek. CLYDE 1 ijoaciay, October 24 Maiiulaeturere all kinds ut Slate hall, mti ht., near bowery.. BLEUT10XB IN oiim AND INDI vxa. For frmgiit and passage, having unsurpassed accommoda¬ CHEAT SIKOK or PARIS.KXifi NITIOB eoinniencea at tions. apply to OUT POlt IT. rivoi.1 theatre. ffiliK n Heeihovextoiree every Tuesday: dancing 1 DAILY. KoM a. M. TO IO P. M , EAST or TDK rllB CLL VALUE W.M. P CLYDE k CO.. No. tl Bowling green. J^OOK Sth at.. Ii 'tween 2d and 3d avs. ta aliown strangers; pro* nils, 436 7TH AV. PATH Abeklks MAIN EXPOSITION Ht'lcDINH. prei'ieuly I every conrteay partners McKKLLaK LUNINO A CO. tii Havaua. TUB TELEORAM THE MOSi KKFINKD AAKiETY IN AMERICA. 1'HU.aDKLPIIIa tided: oieeilenl mualc, polite ttuormen nud crowded Mi. lur ladies' and gentlemen's Wearing Apparel, Carpets, Agents KVKN1NM~ I Ills week a Programme beyond comparison. audience. by calliug on our address. Tanner and 8a.tie Kainiska and Rot ti.. RW oi II .AMiKi;s \i-ir _ Halifax, n. h and st. johns, n. r. wi.l Issue aa Extra to-night with returns ias Car as kaewa) Richard Dunbar, Franoach, t)ALAlS not i .ii to Little Josia, Eurlce Moore; lirni, the one tegge I Oyranaat; X iux t ho city Rliouid visit this place 41) young oST~iTou~fr! Is EL. 2JM 7Til AV. AHDVK -43D 8T., WILL PAV BV)U CROMWELL STKAMSllIP LINK. 3i 20 uUeinUnlt. Adiuitaiou tree. j . the for ladies' and gentlemen's csst-olf Stesmers leave pier 10 North Kiver following deyt, at 3 of resnlte of the dm. Lang, Uacale Leach, August Hieirrlstt artistes; lady I^ook MAI highest price P M In the OKAND BALI.i.T, Adiuiation - THE KVEN1NU TELBOBAM t lutlilng and Ladles waited on by Mrs. Ziktl. adiea 115*. ri.hSuit khida! i:vk\im, LMKrnovs Carpets. OKOKHE W As III NO TON Friday. October 13 ELECTIONS IN INDUNA. Uusiiiitr* at Lyric II all co.utfXMice on Krhlay. i:itU Inat. TO 24 _ pastor's maTINMRs ALWAYS CROWDED, Mm. will laaue an Kstra tonight wltb return* (M far a* known) {..hi |l|||k RBCBIVKD "PROM MY AGENT OKOiCtiE CROMWELL Tuesday. Octol»«r OlilO_AND rj'o.NY1 Secure seats sr.y this morning for the great perioral Cut liter pupil* mm their IricuUi are always welcome sPaslU.sfUl/purt'huse cast off clothing. Carpels, A*., lor Most direct, cheapest and quickest route to Nova Scotia, and maklkieko m vntels at mkkat- slice 1-. day M 2 o'clock. In N fs\\ MIM1H ANII HIS I-A o resaltk of tba Ina Snulberu and Western markets. I'be very hlgliost Newfound and and the Lower 8i. Lawreuco. Kxeellent oas- Marblely raduc. il pr.cos alee Miwiutaeaw, llcodstuaoa. I'lumU- /MS WIUhMH Call eis and r urnituio U. THE vfiiious uutcii Buuucar' at To.n V i'^dTUK a to day prices will be paid. immediately .engcr ai'coniuiodatious For fralght or passage apply to -lain, marnic Ceiiatere and Tttliut A. ,aN V DOIISOV. TEACHER OF ELI CI IONS IN OHIO and imdiaba. J. AN HALT. No. 178 7th av. CiurAitL A SEAMAN 86 West ft. E LAB EH, 184 and ISO East UMfc st.. wear M new hi 4uu Utb av.. between 2Bth and 2Mb ata. . b as.