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Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

10-5-1898 Albuquerque Daily Citizen, 10-05-1898 Hughes & McCreight

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Recommended Citation Hughes & McCreight. "Albuquerque Daily Citizen, 10-05-1898." (1898).

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Job Printing Hook Binding r and Blank Book Tork In all iltnumerota) Aivtm fi Of fKT pl reeutrd tn fend brioche done a ft thotild ClTLZliN br at THE CI IIZEN Job tyW THE Kooiiii. ALBUttUERUDE Das Or ZEN. Bindery.


line wax started yetrdiy afterninin at the Cathanla. The latter two have an American register. They range from the land otoee dmir, and mxt Blere A TUB. iNsneniM t.fyo to 7, Tim tin capacity, and are aiAPLMNj'imm Artfer m tnye.1 In line all nlaht. There waa no Ori- Areat Dr. modern vessel. Ttie California and tor Jaetw't ru-- however, on prerioiH company le syndi- aalrary rrand at ental tttramehip the Batttrlck The land la nearly all In th cate controlling this new Trane l'acillc Waolta orrlnn. hen He Denies His In Syatea C. Sent to the Peace of W00.I" country, and U Tragic Death, of a Prominent service. It a trstllc alliance wllh Interviews fttr PHOENIX! "Lak the THE the Hanta Ke for both freight and nssaen lly timbered. A lurxe number of From WasbiDgtoa. ha Englishman at St. Lonis. bunlne. The first nw will leave the Denver Papers. 0 sioners eltlmantx tot D'" eebm to day and frhan Diego about O'tober 15. One will began improveniente, liitendilirf to file leave Hong Kong a'lout the same time. COMPARISONS ARE CONVINCING. ninety daya allowed, It Is my understanding that the steam within the at Horn Disposition of Philippines to be United States Soldiers After the era will call lulu." The Atlantic Coast Storm Played There' a way of making price which em tob peculiar with this hon. It' Ihe m the Conferenre Wllh Merrltt. way of making reasonable price fit to what elsewhere are expensive Micl. Ua. A Tarrlbla Aerhleal. Sad Havoc First Decided Upon. 6 -- The Vnlted States ce Pillaplnc Indians. Parle, Oft. Thi morning, while at work on the 0 confer-tip-e (.mminH'oii to dny continued Ite grounds of Hie 8 nta Ke Fact lie sho. Fall Drew Goods. Ribbon Sa'e. with Major General Merrltt, and doing some repolring at one of the wells, i Triennial Coaacil of EpUcoptl Church I i Kin-tw- Sbon'l 'rove D m Kw:.n KaroiiloD" Hild Font at Kaa ) I Novr Iv I'atte'tia. Covprl t'lotlis, ipltni and duvs only, a'l of our Co'orrd Rlhlso at nn. 5r'o rbttloitc lu nrnctipaily roiii'ludid an extended ran-va-- e A. Johnion, he wen contractor ann Noteltv ill all ilia N; Shades ol Keils. r,k-p- . Folic City To.Day. In attempting to adjust a at Whlnrtoe en- - he nl of Sale Monday. stration Will w. of the I'hlll, pine nlttnttloii. Tho las windmill man. t.n ami Army Hint a rope attachi d lo a pu'l"', esnght the N IK eiiMi-,t- nf'Flnillnaa HIVKN n 'nibern refum d to dixrlo-t- the trlewn of glove In coll of 0 atth Minountinii to of hi right hand fie rsrli .llrral I'sltetn Hi l.oo ot ovi-r- Table Linen. w .li" .ei eral or Admiral Dewey regarding Oil TBI ITAHD. roa and be could withdraw it, II aintois COMMiSSIOH'S WOIE WILL I BRIEF. Gill. WRFILII ITILl lsfr thi itiiii. Nankins, Towels and Crush pol on Sale Monday al pe.i-pi- e was drawn Into a wheel and lit rally the policy to he pursued toardn the Hoiirry, give aaav no e. torn off The hand and wrist were hor Sped. Ve haml d I. lentemerl A ( o.'a Kid (ilovr. The of the l'hlltpplnp. I he Line of ery Is tha C all Style,. ribly torn and 0 angled, necessitating am 8 l.ameit tr. best glove on e.irtlt. Keery r sir asrranted and th A St. Mo, Oct. 5. Hon. William Denver. Colo, Oct. Chaplain Me Utial'tiea and sires and lliey o at half price. pay fie- ml.-rlo- N w York, Ost. 6 epeclal to the Lull. pulation hi-I- way ! low the elbow, which f pTii ei are Ihe same that you an arte le ItlK rir la T.huihm. agnd a In eon ot Lord Hrlper, Intyre'e crtste examination liefnre the re-li- lt iTuil, til W Herald friim Wellington eays: A 5 was performed by nr. rotn at the Santa C!uikilie. Tenn., Ofl. Klre broke ul KlugKtoii, Knglaiol. ami was court martial waa reemred to day. He of the eonultat.ou between the e FaClne Mr.Johunnn statement attributed to out In a Rrange tohaec warehonee. nephew ot Karl ot Duumore, ot Hcoic moved. The shock was a severe one to denied several Hay Mi l le-h- peer, 111 Victor. Im In the alleged interview & prel lent till Secretaries by Mill & lurnley, burning lord wailing to tj'ieeii a. h" man's evsteru and Ms suffering was published B. ILFELD CO., Proprietors. Phil- wa loliiid deuit 111 a baiu tuo of ul the paper the day following iii Imh Induction regarding lb O'K) bogxbeada of tobacco. The lerrlliie, nevertheless he walked through lhnvr alxitlt ap.trlm nit ot a west end hotel at N a. 111. hi lecture. He denied having 4fe H s??i ?k ?H ?x x j!j rtt ?H tj it tl Con it 55 itJ 'Jm n4I pt J ' 0 Jw A ii r4 01 tlw "a 04 ippine have been wired to the Ancrleia doi-Ur- e, tha shop and to the chrriage which 4' tjt 4, n 0ti 0t 0t 0I1 0t ft Ji lo-- la eti mated at a half million lu day. t he biHty wa eiiurely the eaeu ru ahlp builder of cheating the eominlsilone In veyed him to the holpltal, without a word government. wa re Pari. timiiraiire Muo.mio The Dre a'eo In water. Ihelaet aeeo of the of complaint. He not entirely I', wa th program young Qjau wa 'i o clock Monday covered from the effect of the drug when ascertained tlit burned Itro-t.- ' coal and wo'l ai ircjy t I He In of the commission I following r.uulre ;r.i.)i:i. 1: tut yel kiinwu wnai In.t la Santa Fa li.tervlew.d. eaitl. ereaklng hede, the Louievllle A depot. , cau-e-i- l death. The remain Were dm One when Beverly the division ot the prize money, he d ptsltton by th I'nlted Hinted f Ml. 11 elx freight can and several colUgea. The covered by ilermau Alee and Lottie d Hnrllngiim". wt going home a tended to say the prot orllon were to Did Philippines before, Kn. l V mi cling aoj 3re covered a epace of about ten acre. I'iper.mau aud mai l eervaul repecuvely, roni school she iiotn-e- a car inding tUl.tMiti tn Admiral Sam won. to otli'r question are e nis'dered. flit of the ynU'ig man, who occupied euile n the main track ot Die .yianhallan Capiain Clarke, and f 76 to otllcers of bis pre olni ha been informed of Gen- A III AI IIM L IIIIKCII. aparlmenui In a fat.lonalde west end iranch ri a I. sh knew It was atsnil wn rank. Lonirailore Schley wa hi hotel, rroiu II oouilttioii I lie txxiy mint line for the train and walked up the Qrat commnnliT. and be felt that he eral Merrill' view In favor of tha - OPENING enmln- FALL t have been In the tub enuie time. The rack, the train came. should received the honor and Tim freeh Th Interior llniinl inns tha Catholle wulted until of all the Islands. t'hoieh Computed. coroner took charge of the remain for It. and got it lo stop. When she oient ot the battle, and hi statements Instruction do not affect th demand purpose of learning cause ol ght have been Influenced by feel J. A llackert, ttie arnit 1 1 day p it the the the told the engineer about It, she wa In that The of Dun more, who I Ing. He told many Ibing he Intended fur the Island Lm u and reversionary finishing on decor leath. countess formed that It wa a car left there tn the louche the Interior In I an Ui say in hi lecture which did not ap rights over tli reuiiludef group. The) Htopplng Willi friend thi city, morning and Ihnt they were aware ot It ation of the church of the Imnitciilalt aunt of the dead man. nhe attended the being there, Intending to bring It back pear In the report. wore Hi of tlt-ii- l hu-- In relate l Coneeptloii, and the church now pre- Veiled 1'rophet' ball lat night. The de at night. the Jtiig advocate askt-- regarding One-Price- d an uiteiid-- l to rq i p th" Aiuinraii roiu eeut a moe. handw me apnearance. aeed came t this city August 10, ap VAheii aha told her friend about It Ui allege.1 oonversalloiis before the Oldest Clothiers Albuquerque. 011 lecture with Hod. H. King, Governor mtxalonitr til cs they should raise the the parently a pleasure and eight aeeiug hey were Inclined to gny her. The train The color echemi are Italian and A Adam private secretary: J. L. Blinn and point In reply to the formal demand pre tour. prominent cllizeu, with whom crew reported the Inclilenl to Head colora vary fr in light to dark by gradu leceaaed dined recently, I of the opluiou quarter, th management appreciated Lee lillery, superintendent of the bnlld senied by Mr. Dy. This reply I ex- - atlon of ehade. The effect I to change thaltitrult died of heart disease The me motive ami ui Mia tteveny an an- ing of the new mint. In which the chap- Mrn's All AVool -- - $ 1 Fine Suits . of 7.50 pected Krldiy Tim a j iuruiiiiit llir Hie architectural aepi ct of the church by young man, he aald, wa trave log for nual pa over the road. aln la alleged to have made atutements ejiuui'sstnu for unci a ;iori time U health He think the ahock received In dmllar to those containeil tn the - making It more uniform. The decor read several uewnpaper In Men's Grey and Black Cashmere Suits 8.50 regarded by Day uud the administration taking a cold bath had a fatal effect. Illatrlet Co art Nawa. charge; also ation of the panela I In imitation of the Countee of Dunmore, daughter ol State petit jury wa em tervlew announcing Intention ot at t foruml-elo- u' The I'nlted -- a Indicating Hi I'' nk tirv-tr- In I tempting to Impeach witnesses. The and the apex full tapeitry ct Karl of I.eyHter, wa foiin at the home nanelled to-d- The lulled States Men's Fine Cheviot Suits $10 8iid 12.00 soon Im 1. I gnlt d f la chaplain dented the sensational state Wlil r icui'ioto It r.'f feet. A white dove, repr.-eenlln- the Mr. Kingman Clark, where she the asee were called t y the oieirict attor guest Lady I at meiilaln all He wa on the etand the I'tti (tiui irH will ha the bone of I with Dunuiore and the ney, but owing to the absence of some situ Men's Worsted Suits with Silk Linings, only 15.00 epirlt of the boly ghit, elmwu lu the wh-- n ler' two daughter. She elated poet 1 receaa wa taken. contention anil one t.iey are out of tlm a wIluesMe the caaes were postpone unill apex dining Into the church from lively the young man could not have to morrow. way It will l plain nulling tu I Ili- or btokw. Hoy's and Little Fellow's Suits and Overcoats $1.50 to 5,00 background of blue clotuN The altar committed suicide. The count" aald The I'nlted Slate grand jury 1 still i.t im I or 111 u n! - um t If r arraugtng f ir cm pure while, trimmed In gol I and blue, he wa Hiihiect to fainting spell, and incomplete and a third venire for tale- Loaa Oatnaga Guam. Cuba, Porto Rio an I the remaining she think one attacked litiu lu the uan wa to day. FaaHiil ot l.lfa nail Maeh and the pnrtioii hack of tiie altar la the lsued t I'roparty. 1 water. The jury la IsUud of III" :i ll.'K to Mil' I'lllteil SUttS part of whole, to territorial arand hard al darkeat the lu order vork. Th foreman announced Pavannah, Ga., Oct. B. New from the to l)i vered, h iwever, to KA.KN For a Suit order we are headquarters. Our reputation for iutcriuv. make It etand out lu bold relief. "KWLKK ATION." ihat a Navabi Interpreter would la re storm stricken dlslrlcla along the coast work I I the commission's any tun in ca The upper part of the woodwork I nil I red before lb jury could investigate coming lu gradually. It probatde City A live have been The FINE SUITS is established. he should Uud Np'u e'tlier unwilling to light, warm brown and trimmed in gold. HtiM K.nh In Grand the Navajo reservation murder caaea. that a hundred lost. TaKeuat.Hhi new by way of boat which arrived to- agree to Him dein.ui In of this government I The paitelx and wall are In dull flu eh City, Oct. 5 "K ween day I that Oft y pjrple were drowned at or dltpueed nii:iec,eiriiy to ilelay the Kansas Mo. ( hantsuqtia Clrcla. without any g'oe. The ilodohRrrtonlr K irnaltou." succeei'.lng falla Athene ol The Vincent Chautauqua Literary and eerdluandlna. nnil,-ioi,- Ii 111 11 ro work ami a .nutrrttli with the walla and the column are of yesterday, held forth lo day. and heading Scleutltln Circle wa reorganlxed last Kroiu Campbell Island, Inhabited by people. I 4 will follow wl.lcu the authorities 11. gorgeou pageant of night the residence of Key. K II nlKXit forty colored It re dirk browu. at were drowueo, ami 4 ktisiled will bi tug th Yfidrtd govern vehicle wa tlrawn through the street, Allen. The followlug are the olllcere ported all but three There la a harmony of color in the of thousand-o- a. Brunswick four people lost their live. 1 the wonder aud admiration f und DJXIlt 10 tH nje. atmeiicn of glue ia inniber: I lee win le, and an which eight seers. 'Kweu." impersonated K-- v. K. II. vice Al Sterling etatlou bar n right, L. Vret'd. tit. Allen; rii1'" E. & CO. -- WASH t BURN eVii K AgoiiclUo, a repreentu report 'lip) I". th rcntful and plcuetug to the eye of bv K tllierlne Harvey, agetl eight, was eeut. Mi. Mabel Met laeliy; secretary meichaut. ill aster from the I y by flood great to Uvea aud prtperty In the tlve of t ie tiiHuriuirt eo.uiuiuildil 0I1 r vera. Kilher Maudelarl and the seated on a beautiful tljal surrounded M'e.Ge.iri1 K. Mbrigh'; member Ur. 4 t glit court all nee tie Id ot a portion of Glyun aud Me Aniiliinl.lo ill Im poriuitU.I tt l.iy b congregation are highly pleaeed with attendants aud V. W. strong. Mln l.oulsa vtlnstou. Mr youngsters, aud drawn by eight mux C, Hldrbtgn, Mlea Maude lot sh cotllltle. for tlu'Co.uiuU-l- 11 any h nity J. Hummer. ' work, and beelow niietlnted praise on while Norman horses Following came Mis Ida Hummer. Mrs. C. Miller. Mr, Tfere are mM Islands around Brnn diwlr to out Rill ttie AmerU-H-i 011 point Arti-- t Hackert aud Architect Crlity for sn almost end lees array ot carriages and K. 11. Ashmnn, Mr. Harlan, ills wlch, Keril iianc ina and Darien which aud Mr. iruali be Ciiu niHiiouiirn livd bj n mlvih'l of M float occupied by society ladle and C. I.. Hrown and C. W Ward. group of famine lire. It will L. Bell & Co. they e the Eial which have ly iuireeted. a-- Jas. . decorated with a profusion ol some day before accurate report comliu-- Huiiday Jubilee amices were lit brlllltntly Joy' "iwenty Centnrle of hngllsh PKALHHS in choice II r arranged In many queer and Century Ku hear I from thesa D'diit. E- - rii'ory" 'Mneteeuth I COM euc- by & the church in celebration of To damage and ruin Fancy Groceries. POST DISAUIIIK. in thi cone. Sixteen prize were hung up ikhjK ne men wud win Staple aud J. IIIMI'lvlUMHa are wntcn an it. du' the win of cchhIuI ciiiiHUiumatiou of the effort for the most beautiful or nioet unusual Oil year. The sHiety will meet every mou. and extend hiiudMl mile. The to shipping 1 alMoennrmou' Mu I to turnout. The parade waa oue of the Tneedav night alternately at the real damv Npniimli It liiiu. allilc .ualo made to improve the appearance of the beach ( IIuohI ever held bore. Kev.'K. H. Allen and Mr. Geo. lln St. Simon' Maud, along the uIim church. 'he summer resort cntt'ge have been HARDWARE. Ilavaua. Oci. D At a j ilut nwiou 1 f K. Albright. ! ! ! aaVKNIM VAVAI.KV. TO riOHT INDIAN. wrecked. Th St. Simon' mill and STOVES STOVES STOVES and Sprfiiixti military 1HK t'i I'mihI iiliiiM Harp Concert Frograw. it her uropertv opposite the end of the 1NO. VAN STEEL RANGES. I. X. L. C IIIUUlHhlollH. Ibid-'- . Rl'Cordill( to island are not b dly d iuiaied, being pro STEEL RANGES. the Soil. nVvvrml I'aaa tlm Cltjr io 1 ha luillana lluuta.1 Dona ly Ml M' ssenger will hold forth at the llirtiiiKh flllagluc by liiipohHinle tovti-Utt- C tliulwr iailds AMERICAN HASE fin report, ilerliire.l it Tlialr lliroltwli uba. tha Trotipa. Armory hall to morrow night, and lite JEWEL BURNERS. the Im.u.'.I liiimiiliately, wlnle the Tr.Mip (i 11 of cavalry Walker, Minn., Oct. ft. General Racon. and the following program will lie rendered: Till I MNI.4L COl! NCI I. WONDER WOOD HEATERS, thj only genuine, nil Amerii au roiiniilMiioiii tnliiHlht tl at tlieir front Kurt Apache reached here at about with the Santiago veieroii from the I. 1 bird Infantry, left early to day for Hear -r Mnarttrl others imitation. A full line of liiH'.rui tio f r Hume flute ev.u-- 1 I0:;io o'clock liiit night aud left at abuiit Cllr:u Medley ..t.slety Frotaat-in- (ihnrrh sraal.i n rail determined lo tiring the recalci J. It. I'aviN, nrst tenor; r.ow.iru rteair, lr rptarnpal In I , K. bari-tun- Waal.iii-ton- . tlou. At ir tKo i.ii.h of cuii ri'iu'-'- the niiiliiiiihl for IliinlhVille, Ala, from tiant piliHJing In Han to le. uis at once arciin.l II. Duvi, at t L'. k. baao. B li 111 WashlncMin, Oct. ft ith Impre elv J iln' em iiiiuhle to real which place thi regiment will leate by force if ceseury. He chartered two Magic Flie Stem- - Wagner-Ven- t I c. unci I of th Coal Wood Cook ..;i sleiinhoa's aud a dirge, an bad Gatllug Mt.i ttilmorr. ceremonies ihe triennial and Stoves detl'itle igr-- nieut. the AllliTa 1H for Cuba. Major Hayea wa i tllieron von WeOer Kptscopal 1 hutch of the I otte l and Hotel. kls gun ab iard with which I'rotestaut ejuiiulMHioin re, .ii lol.i-i.i- of Captalu Mois Mho. Alva ateHaenger. A KVKNT the Finest assortment of l letmii lu ci miuaiid the rquadrou; to the Island of possible ambusbe. Slate opened at 11 oci's k In htuphany STIIiKIM Heating Stoves ever diaplayed - dear 'Oh! I.u. ky Jon!" Chaa HorwiU a urler-i- . wi re luielly iiiKUKel lu hcu.I- liiigaii and I.h uteiiaiit Murphy were in Mr. V church. I he aewton beginning to day it in tu mid winit'tliin ronif irf It The men are under the Immediate . in the Southwest. loo. l lit'wIhiU fiiiiuly Mil Iw tilt'MM-i- ith ItlK to U1w.l1i11Kt.u1. charge of Troop G aud Lieutenant command of ( apt. Vt llklusou. The In II 1'rovatore... Veidl have a far reaching Interest Mid iuipor eo'e'H .Mlxd Muo. Alva MeasellKer. ihv of tliHt itir jiwt nut in iiuite 'ice to the Kplecopal orgiiulxilloua of tvin ut all Toe ilihtrihiiiiini of rallone from fouiul Vlltchell of Troop 11 diau are apparently dele' mined to resist II. tliaii Natirtllt' itli tltr rt'Niilt tif trail nm tnir Repairs promptly furnished for m 'kes of Stoves. the troops. The buck are in war paint the country, tor question which will cry. ISO one evrr tlmlH (Hint wltli lnit iw Mului begitii Juau At 2:1.) Old Him k Joe" tiairty Uusttel mmhI ran Im. t luttieitat tint) n at alaiiit o'clock thi afternoou de- - " Dan.-e- engage Ihe attention of the gov- ui lur kihh.i yive Cupper, Tin and Sheet Iron a Hi and feather. Gen. Hacon landed a Cornet Sulo Wilcrea' foi ihf hi tliHt ttit-- (tmliln't inmnhly tu- work specialty. Gllm-r- t Ouiiuz and Colonel (iitrciii, sni oi troopa C, K, L aud M of the eanie regi opposite Hear ...Mr. I. inceot risir erning bodif a of the church have nny U'tlt-r- . pru too, Nirike titchii.ent ou the main land S ket Our in, alwnvH thr . M.uiiuiku Imri In k i if 1 ttu-i- Mail Ganeral ti.iu-U- ol the I'uImii army, hu ment reached the cltv fiom Vort ttrai. through a heavy surf I here were .Mi present vital Interest lo tha church note rriiiioiiiv. Ihtc nioiifV in orders solicited. Msu. Alva Menseogrr. Iwi ji itr'ttiw. ( ur Bt'H k ( hule I N lit " Kptscopal church III our tvcrt the by .Mejir l'lni'liw, utriv 110 Indian in Might. The bush being 'lioo.l iw Ktriuille general, the pr tu lil ul IimmI priNliu (or it Cmiiuiilel at which place, they were relieved by the - I and iioiiu'ttc, attempt find Soi.raniHi- Mim hilna MIIIr, Mrs. M.iIh-- licular. A great concourse gaihered for t,UrtlititH t. jitcta. 221 scoured lu an to them, but Mia in top and Ixittom West Pailroad Avenue. here ax a xpeelul couiui'in rhnrgod wilb colored trop which panned through here hl.ikiy. Altoa t.eotgii- Kellogg, nervlc-s- , exceeding thev appear to have retreated In the Mis. Jainra Mehatl. 'lellor- Mr. J II. the opening far the UUillUK the I'lllr. Ml ( uhmi pnitleeli Monday. llrec'h u of Case lake. IhWb. llssa L. A. Nratnti aud capacity of the church and overflowing favor ul Imlepeliili l.ce Their destination ia also Huuteville, e. k Ihi'K Into the adjacent street. Notable among HKIltK KNIiAliKMKNT. IrJj HU-- I the lay delegate wa Chief Justice I'Hptum ( iitm) hl UR'.i toiUy Ala. Lleulenaut Colonel Ctaiuey, Lieu A A fur m Mlnneapoll, Oct. 5. special to the eparlal tlpanlng Fuller, of lhe United State supreme Agent PUded Hie order lHied Heveral duyn hfo tenant teatle and taptaiu Graham are .Juiirrii I from Walker, Minn., state that Ki r Thurs'lay. of the huge it ud finest court lhe venerable llishop Whippl McCALL BAZAAR MAIL ORDERS p provl-lona- a Ueice engagement ludiane mllllii to disband Hie l battalion, re lo command of theno troop aud Adjutant between diH'k ol tilmmeil aud untrimmed Conducted the service. He will preside PATTERNS. Filled Same s mid soldier lisik place thi morning al eiy In the city. You and your rriemis I Hi enfoii-li.- the reuulur troop-i- Ihereu Simmon and Qtiiirt-irinaat- Littlebrainl until a presiding Ulcer chosen. All Pattern 10 and 15c TH ECO Hov km Ah wet.o. Shirk l'olut. The In .re tuvllrd. ant in I aou le not known. were alio along. hop utile, ot Missouri, delivered the p Day as RtcclrttL, di'iii are retwrtnl to have killed tea i kill Killroad Avenue, Next Burnt District. aermon. NONE HIGHER The regimental baud accompanied tl: Indian best la unknown. mm dier. lhe frumotliMi lur llewejr. to OnuMha. 204 N. M triMipa which paseed through the city to K.IM The llllnola Strike. pi Railroad Avenue. Albuqaerqae, m New Volk, Oct. 6 A epeclal to the Culeae-- (iralu Maraat. Ihe round trip, good for thirty day, Pana, 111., Oct. 6. To day aud through -- Irom Wellington Bny: l'rei day and played aeverul nelecliou at the Chicago. Oct. 5 Wheat October. 'iista 7". The round trip good to re-- . fid. out last night the militia and deputy Ziilglitocl dent MiKlnley and Secretary l.nng depot, J. O. Mrockeuehire, the chief ti'i'uc: lieceumer, ;'. urn until November 15 ooet $.. Kor Tlio Boat Btoro miiHlcian of the baud, I an old friend Coru October, Decerning, 'urtlier particular Inquire at the ticket sheriff patrolled the city. No trouble determined to recniiimeud to coiigreMU !Vi 2U'. S3 of Summers Hurkhurt, from Virginia. Oat October, Decemtwr, 2!lc. llice. w. b. 1HUI.L, Ageui. occur ed. More negroes were on the t ie revival of the grad of grand admiral who day Mtreet today than usual. The clt zen. be tilled by the promotion of Hear The troop pied through to uaa. VV. 8. Prager, of Kwwell, who wa P to su.r t.a together wllh the striking white miner, Admiral Dewey. under the exintlug were acoompaiiled by the little Vork. Oct. 5 -- Sllvet C!)e. Lead, temporary secretary of the territorial Why is it The Reason is HI I couventlon, I In La Vega are Incensed at the stand the lullltla Is Dewey buy who wa brought to thi country ly repuhlieuu law Hear Admiral will reach the ft - Iii to Increase styles. the Rough Kider. He yearned to return tttendtng the meeting of the sheep sm- taking, notwithstanding Governor Tan That the sale this ttore continue Qualities, Low lrlci. all Cor- retiring age December, IM'.e.i, i Is a Ul. WHhKLKH. I, Is secretary. rtt rapid our 1 so respond, is to In native clime, aad will accompany ary issir of which he the tier declarations against imported ut such a rale and that store it the most satisfactory store! L'Hig didn't happen -- we a fi tig rohability that Secretary the Seventh to Cuba lu the capacity id Ladle' military and walking hat, in labor. Mure uegroa are booked to ar constantly crowded with buyer. It earned lu Tha Cavalry Holdlar I pholtllng tli new Hros. rive thla evening. E will aleo urge coligrena to part a law uiaecol. tint all the shade, hoaeuwald el permitting the retention of that oillcer Ailinlnlatrat Ion. Munr Maraeu Waahlngton, D. C, Oct. 5. -- General upon the active lint for an additioual Sew York, Oct. f. Mouev on cat ten yeara. tt heeler continued hi testimony before Our stock i tha most Hteady at per cent Crime nier Do not fail to register '22'i the war lnvetigatlng eomiulH-tin- Fur Garments complete iu Ihe city Iirpul.llpan CaiiipalKB (Mtn cantlle paper, s'vi' l' per cent. name with us and ra The examination ou the New York World ...THE REGENT... See window display of bias, collars, Colla'ettse, and lu every 50 we will mall you our )i Columbua. Ohio, Oct. 0 The repub- ch I Copper. charge wan resumed. He said if there kashion every fur jick-- lu all the newel and miwt stylish fur. Price A visit will convince til lican opened the atute campaign y 0. you. are New Vork, Oct. Copper, 11a were any ''camp horror" August month tree. ranging from M for a oollaretl up to $ io.oo for an iiur p'ire with meeting lu eighteen of the twenty-on- e J tckel. a low a-- i the loweet. 'J7, a charged. Die commander of qlTKiXYHl Thi KKI.V WKAKK congrewitoiial dietrli'ta. Tha llatp CoDcvrt. Mia Meaaenger will lie aealNted In her the camp wa responsible, for he MAKING OIK KKi.KM slinK fJj Wooeler, Ohio, Oct. 6 The republi- mutt fttanNtti eutertalumeut ou Thursday evening by had full power to furnish relief. IIIK SlinK OK TIIK T'oftN. In all the uew shape and c dorlngs, such as New Blue. Navy Blu, Cadet cans opened the fall campaign here to own sextette comprising Capes and Jackets Hill, Cuba Brown, Havana Tan and Black in an endless vartetv of stvle our Knntnle There probably were Individual casea of day, Heuator Joaeph B. Koraker being the Mrs. Mabel hlakely, Mrs. James Mehau lb largest st.n'k of Wrap ever brought to Albuiiieriue. We carry uo shod ly. tliir su c ally uew good a aoou HiilT-rm- g, but a a rule he knew soldiers I HIm waa fre- and Misse l.eorgie Kellogg and Kiln T3 We've covered more feet this Kull tliun a i ut See the newest Shawl ape. principal epeaker addreaa Mill aud Messr. C. K. Hurg, L. A. New were well cared for. There was certainly quently liilerrupled by euthUNlaatlo eer tine friend tells unother I ton and Davie. The liaiety Comedy no lack ot food. Wheeler admitted that from the larga audience preeeut. of Que young singer Speaks of the gissl iiiitlitiss of then kjl nlock of black and fancy drtw g ssl has no rival In Ihe territory. Four, the quartet many meu were ill iu company quarters HpOCC nnnflc ()r Au Inspection Jl He euloglcd Gov. Itunhuell and Free! who have created a favorah e impression $3 50 Phoeo to be bud in Husset LI I COD UUUUj will convince you. See our dres patterns of only one of a stvle lu black silk creism. dlos-iau- I P Some time wn spent on the charge that late-- decree. Mat Bria'adet, a Colored. 111 dei.t Mckinley, and defended the na here, will also take part In the program Calf, HroViii, Willow Calf, llluck Mux Kashion' si iires pan rn all ttie newest shades and style Pi The concert will begin promptly at V.i'i General Wheeler had said Gen. Kagail I dor reed by liaae Kaahion. tional admiuiHtratlou agutunt charges of Calf and llluck Ih.x Calf lu ul the p m. Ticket are ou sale at Newcomer chief of commissary niilnlalenue, hud p miemauugemeut of the aar. Newest shapes. ot hi for sup THunHlay, (tat. U. countermanded an order Our stock of Si'ks Is the largest in the cltv, as a call will convince you. Plain and changeable Taffata. Pi Ib'uwa to plies. This occurred, he said, but It was Silks over 7S coloring to ehisise from. Beiigalitie Htlka In all the nswes. Kaucv for len iiluiiit. On the above date, in the afternoon SKK SHOW W IMi'iW. shade. Silks waists - M Crookaton, Minn., Oct. 6. To-da- y 3ti7,-OK- and evening, the ladle of the city aud due to misconstruction of the general's au linuiense awo'tmaiil to pick from In Bluck Silk we carry every known make ami weave; alto a tine assortment Keil reeer- vicinity are cordially Invited to attend P. of China and Florentine Silks for decorative work. acre of laud ou the lake order. Hrino; your repiiirin to us. M til orders given careful aiten'.ion P vation were thrown open to aeltlenieut the fall opening of artistic millinery P at my store, No. west Railroad Vluay Hountl tlver. 1 misHes in gral-M- a uuder the Nelaou act, which require five f"r and children all id all stvlm Silk for Itdles ami children, all p avenue. The display will prove one of &. Inrlnminn lli. In I'hilaitelhpla, Pa.. Oct. I'nlted r Jj UIIULI WLdl wisil in white, grey and randon, Ueriuo grey and whit union suiti fur rhi'dren at -- 0c yearn' realdence and a payment of t.3B Unest seen In Mellablr Shoe Dealer. L the nicest and ever the H. Quay i each and uiiwa'd. Ladles' union suit from one upward In Isith Florence and lueita make; style M State Heuator iuay, iilchard also the that per acre at the end of that period. A southwest Mh.s Mi (' GEO. C. CAINSLEY & CO. S. Second St. Ihe (u our tock 1 111 Ml complete. and ("has. McKay, ot Pittsburg, were this m ol en down froir. underwear p OKIIKHB1 tsiticaj 4TTV BTIOl P afternoon held lu t'j.OX) bail lu answer 4ILi I'aHKriL. THE M piiiiiiiiiiiirniiiriiiiiriiJiiriiiiiniiiiniiiJfniJiuiiiiiiiiiij to the charge of using l ulled States Pi If not v:sitino; the city write to us The strictly goods house m a sWaWUaO tk a AiW WWaWaeWWWweieWU AUUUUS.e, AeWsAAAO on'y dry fund d. posited In the People' I auk for 1 p E m Individual pri lit. Special fir samples and prices conomist in Albuquerque. a.:ijs.. E have a Large Stock of GOOD SECOND M p .we KAN M T T - Ol'KMNil an eli:gunt line of SII.VKH ft A UK. Ten P t, rtlK tit TK IIMI WIUIIIVII HAND WATCHES, costing new from p Water Sets, fake lla-ke- ts u'ld a variety of oilier things suitable for tir..i.A Fffll pi I 904 Railroad Avenue, WEDDING OR BIRTHDAY PRESENTS! aula fa Has Leased Will atari pi laroiter C OCKS I for reliable Ilrv OtNi ls. A Complete high dry gissl establishment, doing business lu a thor- ( all u'ld S"e us. You will hind our pric-- s for lln giesls siiiprisiugly low which we are cosin out 4t fom J3.00 to $10.00. beadiiiart'r das Ban Francisco, ( al., Oct. 5. J. J oughly le 'i nnate niHiiiiT, giving h inest va lie to every patron, ami tolerating no k'nd of mi representation. Nw ROGERS' TRIPLE PLATE KNIVES AND FORKS, HM a Doi.n. llrvue, general passenger agent of the I Silverware and pretty designs in dres gissls and trlmiulug just o)ieued, and lbs September Issue of l he Met all Bazar Kaehiou I 111 pj Hanta ke In southern aliforma, Umbrellas Sheet shows how tluee goods should be uuide up. 1'u'tern at 10 aud IS cents, none higher. ip lhe city, lie say that all the arange pi p iiihiiIs have been practically completed CLk' . . it? to of Week In Stock we lor the propose! nteauier aervlce between I Cjnes ft. E. FOX, Owing the Large amount Business during Fair our !rcss tirssls have Mcciiiuiilated a large E liiego aud Y okubaiuaaud Hong Kong. I lot of which will be sold la off. not fail to visit the Kcmnaiit Counter. leu ItM' p Remnanta Leading iwWr. RAILROAD AVENUE. Albuquerque. N. M. I li p YERnT " hree steamer for th new line have lkAina It'arv lluui of ttu Soulhwciil. lUadquarleri (or DIAMONDS, WATQ1ES, Etc. ruM ' p S3 leu secured," said Mr. Hyrne. "They 4 IUI UUbi " 03 mrniiij mirairmiiiiiiiiniiirniniiinmniiimijriTTria " w" Kmg.the can cuy ami v vww wfyrwrv tr'nyvvxvvvvvvvvv wwwyv vwscvsrtry J

MM whi-- "ubrrlh1 IVH) or Th nnm. ROUrH RIDERS' BAWUET. Company O. at ent Ke. and when the r.'Biin. nl w Whipple her of je.-M- x wh.i siniiedl.tot the, Unl trsTiMrrd fmm HEL1NI EAKIN, barr"k to ( amp Hamilton, at Lxing-tnn- . rear'ieil Hifi.OUi; s'id it they mere d Ki wa left behind on t if Ihem-tclT- ct Wtolesale LIqnof acd f Igar Cfa'ers, It 1 military rank they wmiM out the Flrrmta of TbU iliy Froft lllne. The) rema'n were interred at ST. y of at . poet. IGE numb loo.imn nnr rniy Frlnctt the rl klmt fcntcrulolnf peep AMD (OLE AGEWTf FOE regular and toll n'eers enllsti d for the ril.telrt Itenahtlran Nominee. jju SpsnNh war. Mainline- - at At their district cotiven'ion, held In 5 Anr'rn irLIUDlD riCKSIAM CA1IIID 001. rt, aid" by Mi", tliey i.nuld fn-- vie Oil City l"t Halurd y night, the south- Fo, Now Mexico. r.i'tnl-PSte- SantaI ern county republican delegates l .9, 1$) nitlM I n( lin that would rarh Hon. J. A. tnchels, of liratit - (H int rirxr fri- t'ui' at I's honls. In tli Ir recrption at.d banquet to the c lint jr. for ih" council from the Klghth .Ta know Aa-dil- i B d tia t aa? Imi'i, or f r un g on lv uah til ler in the Aiuiot; hail la district, which I comp osed of Oram and of nothing better to tear the FALL TERM of T Bottltd in Bond. OPENS SEPTEMBER 5. C- lining your throat and t i'.i la telptita. II id II tli-- K Intermit mgiil, the lire mpauiee oi Altmq leiq ,e Dmi Ana r. mi lie. Ineiu-elve- e lung. It Is better than wet pre ented iheir etilxeriplion with the Covered wiin liiifailog giory Hon. I'aLIn Meiendree, of Imna Ans, Aa splrudld r the ol wa iiomliiHtid lor the council from the feel to cstise bronchitis and For Particulars Apply to POWDER It won d niemoera It eiirie iry attache! the companies are peers. I he Kinlh dlNtrli.f. which I rr imnMed nf I. In pneumonia. Only keep Absolutely Pura he wilhoiit you lhr llniM ih held In Ui faults of plans for laet enteriaiuuieut had .ln I k',(.1 lb,n. At, a up long enoiiRli and rh liiaht's I... i:r,t will succeed In reducing your V (V tl of country. beru pkiiiiully were ad- Comities. ih nation banks th ciiiceiveit and weight, losing your appetite, BROTHER mirably executed, l oe Kougli Kider ViJ r W. H. II liona Ana BOTULPH. Idea of the total of fl, bringing on a slow fever and an the many other gue-i-n ol lire m ni'nat.d for repreeentatlve t m m - SJOOU) the couiik.wss 4. . i. (.nlwrlll by fit- were Ana making everything exactly TUB DAILY CITIZEN laddies given a Warm welcome, ami fr in Orant and Isiiia counties. of JOHXSTON & n.iiy be gain d by a ninprlno loe absence ot formality made every oue Mear Aiirhetnan t l.lewellm need nt right for the germs MOOJIE'S with the amount of money In circulation feel al home aud lu the beel to Inirmiiie Ion to the people of their conn-t- l for Famous Stages Leave PUBLISHSrlfl Hol Bl HHKH A Mcl'HKMHT, Sop coughing and you o Jo him-el- f. . Mr Vlelendris is M t well known. la th lulted Mates on August I, MM. j will I he armory waa elat orstely decoralnl He Is an old t of ).n Ana get well. Thou HruHW Kdltor Oil IhHl date amount of money of ell ins r"liViit EVERY the with fl aud of county an-- served aa Judge TUESDAY MORNING W. T. IM'muwHT, Una. Mgr. and City JM ig streamers red, white ha prubate kinds In circulation dm tl.lkiu.lusuio. auu blue, and the tables, fairly gloaming of thai county. Jemez rt'HLIHHICl) WIKILI. If the Uuited State had accepted In cur- umler their imid of delloinu. solid ami lIL IIU Haywar.l-'-titima- iTFor the Resort. rency all the Hitwcriptlou oiwln, the liquid ri frerhmenia, were adotned wuh au abundance of beautiful cut 0 ere, At 7o'clm-- t:ii inornl g. Bev B K, Mtrery Feed and Sales Stables. vtn-nlut- trmtnury would hare abwirbwl iiu-- d Oeorge Hot.... the gei.erous gift of Mrs. Ivee, ilie fl iilel. l.awh-- J In nmrriage Mr jytwa Ht'KStoan purtof thsclty for onlr !5o. of all the money lu circulation. h. Kuppe, a the chief of the lire de- HsvWHrd. of Oullup. N. M., snd Mlw M afYrTMTfc Old Telnphnne No . New Telephone No. 114 parture I, Called the g therllig to order Loiil Hhniii'in, of (hi city Theylmik, IB AsarwM RfjM li fill atari Prass AfUrnoon j Telrfrrams. cur Mw ktii ai.d in rod i. ied lion. ii. H. Kergu u a ih Hanta Ke train for Denver oil their U OOk'lal Paper ot Con . Iiiihi VLlMWLl '! ) , COPPER YEHUE, Bel. Second Bernalillo ty. 6. K we dii g t ur, retiirn'r-- to Springs. I and Third St! Kaiime ity. (t. rattle the biel epeaker en the pioKrain, ah their lAfgHNi and County ("lronlatloii , city viiiwt, ll.MU Malkvt, bmt flrui, d to tlie loast, I lie) KoIimIi home lu N"W M.'ilo-i- Trinidad Chrou The LtrgMil w Motloo Circulation hed. oilier Blow, lower niiloi He paid an ei- qiieul inlmte lo Utrtrmt Nurth Artsnna Otrcnlatlni NatIT atceM, ;l i.)d&:t5; I1 "twr-- , their guliautry and Courage and enid -. sale. 'iKiU4U; leiiw Cvi- i - t3 36; thai by their heio'.C actli IH tin hwl tnt OCT. 6. I J 1 hnv soma In ALBl'Ql'KKQl'K, and li. IIimm, j iX'a lio; n'M'k leudeied liivaluuole In Hi, y p'n'ertf "is Bi ti service ( l.- -e, Is Hndnraed by -- fee-iei- era Vul ey near Pan 11., that I mmm r mid ttullit, by baulHhiiig the inl-- n p'lon $.i Mill ev I', or tr d for prop, ry in coughs every kind. We I ainlle everything In our I A 3 23. lu the ea-- t in r gaidio curei of n. THE BANKS, aimliexi.ied v . fr-- e Hen-iptu- , buqu"ni IV Venlco. Ci r (artii'ii-J- dissp- - c niplel illiistriit il price II REPUBLICAN TICKET. .ihiM'ti Murket. 0 tu. ,he rliaiai-U-- of the people of New ex n An ordinary cough t t 8'i. Yr d liti 'i Mhnqiieiqiie, In a sinp.le night. npon Bppl en ion. THK I.OWKsr Lauilw, (I ("; nniUoiiK, 13.3 tf MO. lii. Hill patlug nil ea Way lo i rci lid. f i pcara The LEADING LAWYERS. iinod. lie el.ligil d Krank Kooth, wlioiull S. M , In care of Dtinnhoe II ,i.lvai Com racking coughs of bronchitia PnK KU 1.1(1(111 HOI HK In the West. J maa-l- and BUSINESS MEN. ne In a "g'adllnte of the pany. are soon completely l lefeir.d if I btrniro, Oi'l Herelpi; Alhiiqneique lirei depnriiueul," and liny tered. And, not too far in sotTii stri:i:t, t.lltn Mnnumeiil lo l.nrMyetta. U of fihst 15.KK) lined. .Vi.rk(t, Hlow, bmt tiii-- alone, the coughs con ALIil'UCKKul'K, N. M. lcad, M.deny. Iiih if Vtl.iui save tip (i ivertmr O ero hi r civet a h't'er oln ti weak. jouiig iiv.s f.r their count sumption are completely N. VV. it. Ki il v . ALGER. jv'r 8.-r- "IV; , fr mi id i ii IVi k, cured. ' i f4 ,fr5 cow end h' lfr-- Hie Mutely t'omn:y y i irielt next --5AL00a , . I Agent lor New Mfxico. i.li4,7n; lein eteer. :l 1H;1 tfo. rai the Hough Hid- - ih' b 'i.g to liucky g nt'i for tti lulled Sue to the Ask your druggist for one t-- 6 Weetcliie, i (dl.o0; HtockMIn and Iwd O aud weie lou ily encored. Pari xp el I ill, null. Ill ig u plan for the of Also Agent for the flf'ILDINO and LOW erx. 1 mi. N. l,kr-)i- i liADARACCO'S bet !04 II in. run. thn Securing i f lilnd for Iim pili pone of 8litp iwcflpto, 17,000. Market, aWedy. ed to the tosal "Our Navy" and did urn Dr. Ayer's i f .Nuitvm, 2.IWI Ho; wecW rim, pie Justice to Ms nitject, declaring the erecting n iiioniniieiit to th SUMMER GARDEN. (Kl. Oehi-ia- l i BTOCK KIK SAI.K. MONKY TO 44 4."i; IuiuI h, .l.iuill Ami-rlca- sailor to lie l ie pea l.i,f ie.te, wh o r mains linW Cherry Pcctorcl LOAM. For iH'lt'gat to Congress, ;hler the world hi rver . occuppy ii to t.1 'en d g.ave ii an obscure COIiERT & RICE. Prop's KS1 AULIblihD lebtl. CHAKTKKkU 1S7 I. An VI.UAH, H. hnapp followed with a fligeolet i. 0 ii i ti ry ot Pari, mm tic V w Mexican. Plaster. (lUCCIMOII BADAHACCO) solo, accniu pail led by K Uolto ou the TO O. PEDRO PEREA, From the Optic, Ki.r (hi piiip-H- a i . 'in in i lift i n burp, which took the crowd by storm It will aid the action of the On Mountain Road Near the City Mrs. Human Romero ajid eon returned ' teces-si- of of OK 11KHN Al.II.LO COUNTY. neveial colored troop from the fitiuone has fii'iue to the Cherry Pectoral. Academy "Our Lady Light. (rum Albuquerque, where she had btn-- Muth and T nth regiment came In al funds thruil;ll t'i agency of Hie ich- ols A tnoat drliirhtful wlirr nil kinds of h- -r ! - rrwirt. vli.itlng iMtieiite. If ynn imf ffimpliilB wtt- I B this and were gtveu a rou ng Aiu-rlcr- I I drink anil ar o( ) Flrnty hftdt Juncture of f, a id C r"p(wd i build -r nit 4 !tlre ih al mlM4. cianra rrvni. HOAKDINii AND DAY SCIKMIL KOK The regular annual mission confer Wiret tMilla Hubbell left lint evening for leciptlon. M I'') yt ran DAtlit nhtMin. 1 fur viailiirt). (nvt tw trial. c m, I In r wilt rf-- 1 SANTA FE, OlHl.S AND YUUNil LADIKH. no of Kplscojuil ehurcb Pajarlto, N. U , where elie hss sccepted a u. Nelll H. wa next epe iE- - and 'e ih ui time H wrl'n n frtlT. NEW MEXICO. f the Methodist li Field the B rnmrt rrptf tritit Im of ffrMt 1 poAitlou as teacher lu (be public school, "1 g and de llcntloi- July 4, HI m, st mf 1 rosiit't'Trn bt tr will tuse. at Sllter C tjr to morrow. er and he responded t the toast the iiuvellli fl itt" In (. H. H. for the coming wlntor. w I ar Ovel r lie did not IhliiR ll wa ami the ParK exp wllioii. ITi t'er i alo Warkentin BISTERS OF LORETTO. Wells-- Jack Burnett, dey chef at the IIad red rred to the possibility ot hrsuce and ero a PHOPBIKTOB Notice was received lu ths local quarters who attendi-- an hppolutmeiit of (invornor o an Th tOth Academic Term Will Open MomUy, Sept. fith. 1898. reeUuraut. the ilerniKi.y becking up Hpaiu lu a refiiMal Armlpmv Fargu siure ifllea that ttis company tatr at Albuquerque, has returned aud h i. rary vice preddent of the special Albnqcerque Parlors! Thl la alttiatril In iniMl fltlrMhlt lorntfnn In tin rltv m fumitna fir It hBll,iil to scceoe to the demands of the lulled Bowling n1 avrff it.ilf r e I'll txitldniii m fiirinshir.l thmiiulKiiit with mixl. r r..nvaiiisn. .ei m. opened i flirt Ilarana, Matansas, again donned the white cap and apron. to of C'liiiiiilvlnti to take charge of the woik he il, water, bat Ac. had al States in regard the diepoxltlon the Corotrii cludinif ntfatn ht nnl cohl hi, A eaee of Is now re- Klrat St. tnd Copper lhri-mrri- iuntriH ci MnpriM rvrrv hranrh contributing A thorough Santiago and Ueufuego. ernallpoi and then Philippine. Kvcu If this did not occur of the iMuiUii-elo- id New Mexico. tinn to nd refined ported lu parte of the county, education. Miihk ari Art rvceivtj apeciAl 4ttetiliiMi. dldereut lid hpalll yield'd DoKeslon or these PHtmpntTi n, a. Mr . efTortt by the county The executive c until tee. In whose Thtflnert Bowline Alley In lb HatnthwMl. fit SISTER SUPERIOR. Wi.s8 Las offered jut from the made hs did not think the Ntc ttlmc to aprnd the tvtnlog. Willie Kills besn vac- chitrgi the work of rals'lig the neceeary - v.nimlteionern to have all children war would be over MaliMin ttttacbtMl. local- tdliorxhlp of th ttacranieato until Ibis tlm cinated, and by reaeon of the general en country had eHlablMied a freegoveiu fiitnls mi l electing the nioiitiiuent will Surplus at Alsuio liordo, N.V of law, there Is ' Cliisf, putilMied 'orremeiit the quarautlue iiieut In all or the new poHhelou. lu be placed, Is Ci uipoeed of some I f the Whitcomb Springs and Health Hesoil, railroad. o caiiee for alarm that the dleeaae will Mr. Kb-l- hi respect to 00 the Kl Po & Northeastern (Mentally, paid nioet prominent nu n In the l inted THE ELK... eplil- become anything like the uilc thai he colored troopers present. "I u-- to $50,543,175. the cotin'y and terrlt-ir- y In lVii. States, among others being Secretatyof! TutHE lu to be an early winter In Ber think that there were some clvllixed one of the uioesl resort) in the Eighteen miles east of Albuquerque, N. M. 1 lie Optic understand the Idea of Day, Archlil-lio- p Ireland, Key. AH will com- that people lucapiible of State city, is supplied nalillo county thl fall. It iiiakliig an I fair of the and with the actn territorial ald he, "aud that the negro should not Kdwetd Kverelt Hale ami Dr. VY. T. Tlic surpluM of a life best and Unset liquors. mence with a eerrre etorm around the me annually held for some years at Al- - be allowed to vole. .Vow I think he has Hairl, I'nllid Stnles coinmUsloner of AAl In indi-ca- HEISCH ft BETZLEB. headquarter of the democratic ticket out iuqiieri)iie, la (ruining ground the as gissl a right to vole as I have, for the assurance company ti Procrletors. Open tlie Year. A education. later than NoTember 8. niude of many people part of the (Un ii who Is g'x d enough to stand behind idea la to have the fair rotate betweeu the guns Is good enough tor the highee- The olij ot the connnl slnu has lo view s not only its financial Patron mid friend are cordially Good accomodations at reasonable rales. The followine is the Ir the eon of Jeeee Jamee torne out to he three cities, Albuquerque, Las Vega houor Hinci the republic can bes'ow. Is one that will api eil to th patriotium invited to visit "1 he Klk." analysis of one of the various springs at the Resort: mil Santa Ke. This la certainly a good loudly applauded, a--t strength be chip of the old block, uo one can be fins sentiment was of every American, and s'i as fur NVwat a iiUKewtiiin and will bear preening and were also the other poluts lu Mr. Kleld's 802 Ksitirowd sodium chloride, grains per gallon 1937 greatly eur prided. It will merely goto .meliorating. able aildree. ther piirtlcnliirs are rec lied by Governor but also IU Calcium sulphate, grains per gallon ' 14360 ahow that the old saying about "what's The whletles and the nre hell-- a owing to the unavoidable abence of Otero concerning the collee'.lon ot F. BAOARACGO... profit-payin- Calcium carbonate, grains per gallon 8.1806 bred in the bone" baa aeubetantlal baels. riff, aoundlng the alarm of Ore at about Judge Crump ck- -r and Mayor Claucy, subscriptions, the general public will be ability. 12 o'clock Hnnday night, arousing large boih of whom were dowu ou the program Magnesium carbonate, grains per gallon 1.5 188 lumber of theeitlaetis of Laa Vevaa frmii informed, Dividends to policy hold- ilEHCHANTU who keep abreaet wjth the (or respoiiHee. Chiet Kup(ie fa' led upon Very Finest Vines, belr Deaceful slumbers The lire wat Lieutenant W. K Dame lo make an liu-- r He aiett's A ru Ira Sal va. times, by keep: ng a of the latest located some two miles south of lha city ers can only be paid Total 1 niptu reeiHiiine to the loaat, "Hie l id Cuts, Liquors and Cigars 1.3371 papers aa a proved be building The est salve lu the woi for eeaeo liable goods.' u the ud to the rontalnlne Ladies, (lod Blee Them, Kipecially the Klieum, ru id Hreei and fljeraa Aveaae. Water delivered in the city. Conveyance leaves Albuquerque he cylinders and boilers for the treating Hiuleee, rt'iree, Clccrs, Ki'. from Surplus. The means of arresting your attentlou. Ladle ot the Soldlei' Belief Society." I for every f ties, the eame being a portion of the sore, letter, 'happed Hands, Cbllblulur, the springs Wednesday and Saturday morning. Watch The Citizen's dUplay adTertiee-ment- e ilr. Dams wa equal to the ooeaxliin, and Corn, and ail Skin Krupilona, aud posi- Equitable Society has the Me preserving works A e t of wool wa told of the great service which t wo- Atlantic Beor Halll g. or pay (or the lateet and bent of erery-thin- lao deetroyeil. Iohs of build tively cures Piles, no required, FAJS&ZZ: 3X The total men of Ited Cross had reudered the 1 the ll gu Utiuleed to give perfect eati-fa- c largest Surplus of any B0HNKIDBR 4 LIX. Phops. Order slate at O. W. Strong's,EACHcorner SecondWAY.street and Copper nra and machinery amounts to abmit treat-tueu- l .ck soldiers In Culw; also the klud tlou or uiouey reluuded. Price 2o cente 17 ono. Work will begiu once Mr re Cool Kaa Baas on draohl ttaa Bassl Nat! New Mexico. at they had received at the baud of per box. Kor sale by J. II. O'ltellly & life company in the avenue, Albuquerque, exports of cotton to Japan from 'ilaclng the machinery aud building. Wins and th verr best ol s The relief societies after returning to this ilo , Druggists the Uuited States hare Increased from In the meantime, awaiting completion country. world. Llqaora. Ulv as sail, H. G. WHITCOMB. Proprietor. the full force of employes will be laid I waa flageolet solo an ) Called tu Cuba. 82,000,000 pounds In lh7, to 100,000,000 here another II. then Hon O N. Marrou was Introduced After stopping for au hour aud a pounds in 1HUH, a fact which emphasises EQUITABLE to respond to the toast. The Volunteer half In this city laet night the special THE the Importance of the projected traus-PaclQ- e mw Tins; saHvicc. upon BRILLIANT Klrsiuen." Ills encomium the (I 11 WM. train carrying Troops and of the CHAPLIN, steamer line, which will depend dreiu.u of this City met with a hearty LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY Che faata re Kalined Isaugarateit li reenou-- e who were present K'ghilng Seveiiih coTitlriticd ea t. Tie Self bhinlng Stove Pollah. npon cotton largely for Its freightage. from all aud OP THE UNITED STATES. oa Oci.ibr S. enioylng their hoepilality. Iron ; came lu from Kurt Apache ar- Couiiusui'lng of Sotnetlilng New. Hit no Kijuul. school board ban In October t the Southern This concluded the Hint put the riving here sb ut 10:8 p. m. They are The clerk of the Jitltforuta put In operation more railroad will progiaiu, aud the sou Alia., "Strongent In the World.' No Mixing No Cust. No f moll. struetioui to lumilute suit aalnnt those new service, r. Kveryon par hi'iiml lor lluuievllle, where they its time which quires ail ilsiitisl pait toib wed. Large size Box by mall 10 cents. who, after be.utf to pay Hie following claseea of employes to of oft red will go into cnuip pr p .ret ry to going Uotitlrd.fall their ok the chulce refrishiuenn a l ro ex-n'- t TPn DAninnncT poll Ui. The cleik gave In a IihI yrster jarry standard watches aud to have Heveial troops of the Seventh cma rv, to t'dtia for wiuifi's caiuii.ticu The ll' is, time: C mductors, switch engine men r rnanuuaii Manufactured mid for sale by day. and anked be publlHhed. hlch have beeti stationed lu the d0 Kighling Siv, nth ri g ut lit gets its title (lenrral Manayrr. complete Stock of the that the; ardmasters, engine men aud foremuu ol poet In Ar;x passed through the ut ma, from the m iny buttle hue G.E. DENNY, Albuquerque. The uon payrr ought not to get mad iwncb engine. Ity last night on their way to limit successful il New Mexico and Arixons Department. (Shoes Kor siile by Douglas jnd Slippers. when he sees his name lu public print, Time eiyual will be sent dally at 10 a ville, Ala., preparlory to winter service fought with Indian. Al.Btyt-XHu- i x, N. M. dealers. ii , time, clock t I lu Hayes C coiu-par.l- e for the schools inuit go ou regardless of "central" from the uieeler ill li ba hey reinaihid the city for Major wis lu muiHiid of Honest Good if I lelenraph they Hut-to- feelings. the neeteru uiou Coin ibout one tiniir, and lu thai lime 0 and 11, the oilier lUcirs being dies' aud bis any, Bt. Louis, where they ocmpuie were armory brought lo the aud treated Ci.p:aiii Dtignu l.iui'.eunntN Murphy at lime dally with the WaehiUKtou, 1. C, to the many good things there ou tup. and Can'tBeBeat The anuual reuulun of the Black Honest T ill All lulled Htates nival olwervaloi y, to all I lie? greatly appreciated the treatment aud Milchell. jac C5iioes 01 Bauge Pioneers will take lice at llllln elivrupu slatlous ou the mad. Ih which waa r ed them, and they will au air The Mlrriibanf Haldii... Ste Me boro ou ralurday. October ti, 1878. The 4lKnals are aiitomatlo eliH'k beat, re no doubt ctrry the fame of the Albuquer- peated over the eompauy's wires by the que lire department Into fur off Cuba. No niedicul nil j ct hiia caiiHul more Before You The Favorite. i aulrWRta7Ts Descriptions. program Includes a graud barbacue, 11 1 1 uiaeter clock. The Hough Itidet preeent were) liar iliscu-ain- n than the siali menl by a fam- Buy or Sell. ill iaiui 11 a. speaking, sluglng, sports of ail kinds, - ous he 1" II. o Montgomery, who baa been ap- Held H ighes. Oti (1 i ner, II. K. Mi- -r ll, ut ha discovered the graud bail In theeveulug and everything ixdoted general walch aud cliK'k lu man, r rank (filler, Dick Kichard. Im nnirobe which chiinis baldness. There XfOU OOajD pector enure a-- oiher eciciitots who claim that there Good Goods Low Prices. lu the way of enjoyment. A cordial In- for the nanta re Hynieiu, H'enni'my, I'lnl Baker, C. O. II pplng. at Topeka. is mi such thing a a uncrbbe ot this vitation to attend la extended. urtved here vesterdsv from Kred. Kornoff. James Black. W. K. Dun, A. E. WALKER, 113 Railroad Avenue. Albtiqueroue. N. M. with bis aselntaute. In au Interview "lluxky" King. Arthur Uueaell, William kind I uue slime uiu-- t settle th ques- Kxprens Montgom- Kar-le- tion, i whs long ago setlbd thai llos KUUOL MaaOEO. with au reporter, air. Mattocks, Charles Kenner, William ESTAttLISHtD 1878 ktruHH ery said they would commence, tuiiurdl W. tetter's Htniiiach Bitters Is a standard FIRE INSURANCE Some suggested Albert Rogers aud S. Trayuur. time ago The Citizen ately to put all clock aud watches ol reui'dy 'or ths cnuimuii ailments nf Secreltri latml Bulldlo( Isioclitloa. was that lb territory of New Mexico hs company' city cilli e in correct ruu-nln- i mankind. It Is a true curs for dyppia Vsllow Jaosdise Car4. IrSea at J. CI. e.Mriitt.'. I.aaabar Vf greatly In need of a reform school, aud order. All watches ars tested In Suffering htimauity should be supplied and mil a true medicine tor the up weak anil a true strengthener r.l.V'H CREAM BAI.M I. a rxMltlTapnra. L. this important subject the KJdy Cur :hree positions peudant tip, face aud every means posslule for Its relief. ueivoii, Apply b. tn with People Into th mwin'a, li I. qsl kly alwurhad. so putni:y, down. All ar to and sppetlxer. who take It feel 'see watches required It Is with plnsHiire we publish the follow- taint, at llrn-rt.- f. nr mail ; tile, by man. rent contains the lollowlug timely hint: happier, sleep w. under sud look better It .amp's perform witlilu a limit of error not ex "This Is certify I waa ter- axx Aiitui ii un, oa narrva ow jr. THIRD STREET The territory needs a reform school for ing: to that a ho Nearly bl, Iuracil "Old Reliable" seeling six seconds Irom oue position to from yellow jaundice for than those don't. ever? die the boys wuoee parents seem Incompetent rible sufferer ease that l.lllicts human family can mother, lu a twenty four hour 1st. over six months, and was treated by the r if. to bnug tueni up properly, while wt iiiHtance, ruuntng be overcome with HoMetter's Stomach k. For a watch three some of the bent physicians in our city, Lodge No. 4 nave normal schools, mecliaulcal colleges 4ecoud fact in the tlrel poeltlou.three sec Bitters. Mineral and all to no avail. Dr. Hell, our drug- Knights ot All MEAT MARKET Grocer! ud luiliury luHlitules lu the territory, onds slow In poMltlon Pythias Wholesale tbeaecond aud three gist, recommended Klectric Bitter, and no provuiiuu is made lor the boys who an weoud In third would UKMOtHlTIC simixrcH. i . ... i. fast the position, two bottles, I wa 1 iueiliiHrs sis resjueauni lo ue bound to nil our proton later life II after taking eutirely a Oaerlas Latrwaal in lha be paesrd Into service, the extreme varia- cured. I now take great pleasure In WW present at Castle Hall AU kinds of Fresh and Sa aa not lake.! lu baud at preeeiit. Kddy hae A their Moat MaUnaleellUxik of tion being six second. greater varia- recommending them to any person Rtlf Hocoiuio coffiTY. FLOUlt, GRAIN a elans of boy who go about breaking would It. ou (inlil avenue 7:30o'clock Meats. .. . . tion condemn ferlng from thl terrible malady. I am The t'eiiiucra ic convention of Sis-orr- at -- glass In vacant buildings. These boys Mr. : groceries: Montgomery will maks a tour of gratefully. your. M A l.exlng Visitors welcomed. Steam Sausage Factory. PROVISIONS. .staple should be puulehed, aud a reform year to county Weed lu iiuinli atlou the follow- nepectlnu once a every place on toil, Ky." Sold by J. H. O'Kielly & Co. 0. W. STHONIi, C. C, Ta be fnuac) Boalkwaat school Is a necessity. A boy ing county ticket: sherifT. Krank C. Sol-ma- Oar Lata a aceolaltv the entire road where standard time is M.Il. K.ot K.&S. MASONIC TEMPLE, w 10 will break more glass with oue rock kept. Kmploye will lie obliged to see hati Marclal; collector and treas- he could earn money to pay tor In I Written lor The Cltiien.) STUK thau bat their watches are within six seoouds Halu, nr I'dwn c li ( Ntrgri'li. TlllltD El. 1 deeerves THK MOLIIIKH I IILIIfUX. urer, J.iha Magilnliins;county a year certainly puuishment. if Ntaudard time every day. iriic cwr Hi it Ipr.nnn furftcr Farm and Freight Wagons dh trlct, Meltclo A po- iirutt-'it- EM VV011T, 'Ibere Is loo much expended on Oovh With these regulation m tnot. Mr. SV T. NOTTINGHAM. (' fmi, rl nn1 man IL KLEIN Prop whoee parents are able to briug Ihem up Montgomery says to ll Sim Antonio; S-- c nid district, W. M that accidents due The cilone) iliey lov,d atotKl tuidi.t IiIh men, RAILROAD AVENUE. j ( t ALRUQUEROtlE. N. they go, I too ou the - as should su little Incorrect lime (aud a good proportion of Hi. .oldiei. a Ilii a- work w un we'i done. I'huves, Sublual; Thlul district, W. W. If oue or two of our normal I Wi-ater- other class. railroad dirantersare due In thl) will lie All around tlicill .inih-- ttir. Long la?' d Jnii s. School superliitehdeut, to be fillwl he Headquarters schools could bs transformed Into a r reduced to a mluliuuiu.- - Lu Angeles ureetl. boys be a gr In the vtt-.- t .lionr the .ctting mil by Independent repuhl i; ass.ssor, M. tormatory for It would at Kxprexs. Beautiful Hiid t.or the evening llg I, l K bleesiug to the people of the territory. A. Hie hdrtiing ei id a peart-fu- inglit. A. Plus; probate cleik, L. Korttine; ...Philadelphia Dental Association... Hallroad Muut Naftva and UirJ, Doori "I am proud," he aaul, have you probate judge, Macedonio Armijo, Sab' "to known Seventy Offices la th Unites States. Seventy Office la the United States, f hieago ttataxr wis Lots, The Santa Ke Paclilc railway now ha men, niitl ; c iuuml, L. Ch ives, Polvadera; rep IllBdi, Plutir, Kyes of not only our own eouulry but And to have lieen your coimtiMudcr; forty-tw- euglue 1 Lumbar lu service. (if nil the iioliiin, in tiiiM (ir land riM-u- ' alive, Benj Sanches, Polvadera. lie only olllce on the Ground Floor, in the city, no stairs to climb. Cirnio of the entire world have been oeued by To me none tie giauiler. llni, Lyman M tilted, who was with the tail e'er LINCOLN rv. All work guitra teed. Prices are a l riglitr well, I guess, yes. ttnUdlnc Paper the success of the receut popular war Vou have ever miihuI ny your country true. coin Hough Biders, has returned to his home And gloiy trouglit lu uur led, white and blue. The dcims-ral- of Llucolu county have A UHIK AT THE FOl.LOWIM, I'HU'KS: f iwayala Btwik Iim loan. It was a dlntiuct Innovation lu the at Sau Marclal, where he Is agalu at And now we come to the parting of ways. Humiliate the following county ticket: Beautiful Set. of Teeth. rtlo.oo up I AmulHon of Silver SI. DM up First St. and Lead Ave., Albuqueroue Culled Btales, aud evsu for all the world, M V I men may vou ever remain (il 11.11, a.uo " Hons or l.urtipcrlia 1.00 work tiring an euglue. A- - iHitlilul anil hruva aa you've proved to Prubate ju Ige, Jose Cordova; probate iilui for while public securities have thus I; (II. I) and I 7(1 Clcanina Teeth loo Work on In tin. Kir we Imve lull with Simiu. cl tk, Arnold Hldgeway; sheriff, Peter I'l.ATINA been tinted ou the eoutlueut of Kurope, an aldltloti to th carpenter r iglitmg Mill tuvi-l- the buttle, of life. 1'Utina t 6o txtiactiiiki bo Coiiqui-iiu- " department of H.iula Ke 1 shops evr, though hut lai ttir .trde. llurleaoii; treasurer, Kuiil Kntx, assessor, notably lu Krauce, there has never been the Paclll are no for extracting'. CANDV K. county When Teeth ordered charse wa beguu yesterday. It will aivviumo- - 'Then ilh a .mile and twinkling eyvi T. Kleuiingi superlutendeut ot such a wholesale reepouse to tbs request ami im lit the most approved manner at prices consistunt with rlKST like to a Crown llritlne done - "I'd cirrect schools, Johu Kluiball; county CJinmis a h. ut CATHARTIC for subscribers. Aanlelant Secretary ot date the planing mill machinery Hktors we bid oue anotli. r good bye, Cl.Ana W'tlMK Vital sU air given lor tlie t'alul .Iracliii- leetll n,r 1 hoe. W. M. 1 ajaHlWV , Ke And clH.p lind. a dual .hdkr, sinners, Henley, Cruuiu and 10 GRI D AVE. aa the Treasury Vauderllp writes for the Kvery employe ot th Santa Pacific I Vuu will all remember Ii tr u a M tril.l J. W. Nations. The republican county riKST STSttT W. B CA.RRETT. D. D . Manatjep. September Koruui an extremely enter railaay shops has been ordered to get fian J uau and lite wr had lb it dny. ticket Is a follows: SI ertll, I). Perca taining article ou lessons ot our war vaccluated. The pain ot refusal Is a dis- ''Now people are prat. Ins the run 1 niadu ( u that hill a bleak lie. k .peed; treasurer, K. Micliaells: asseeeor, B. K The Rest loan. charge from the company's service. Ani I a i.h to .ay tbry iniHtrtke, my friend., Styles Uuinm; pri balii judge, W . K Blauchard After remarking that It was no un (ieorge Brown, ot Dagge'.t, Cal , where hela the liruike ol Unit deed; Looking SHOES! CONSTIPATION You were liainpluig the heel, ol my buiie i probate cleik, Isldoio Analla; county su The Best VVCURE eommou thiug to receive a thousand dot be was emyluysd as a sectiici baud, was la.t, - ' " 1 be p n'. of school, I'. M. uureglslered letter, he says had to .krdaddle like fun or w,ed!" P'liuteinli flute The Best Wearing lar bill la au removed to th Santa Ke PaciUo ho Alfredo The eomm.nder thu. .tomt amld.t In. inell, county enuiuilsMlouer. (liilitiles. "over oue hundred mllliou dollar lu pita! yesterday .1 (JU.NTI.liMEN and CHILDREN at LOWEST ALL hs hiving sustained 1 he rsildiei. whi,Mf love lie bad won. B. I lure and bstalancu ranches. For LAD1KS, ot deposit All around tbt-- deepened green, 25c 50c 1122 checks drafts aud certiorate broken leg. the I.Und will always be found at OUR STORE. DRUGGISTS for the lu the wei Mink the uu PRICES were received from subscriber The new Cut I la engine which i I !' klule lieautilill .(111 (t- tile even'ng light, It. (ireen. the father of the gallant T he haibiiiger fan of a prairlul maht five hundred dollar aud smaller bond future furnlnn the power al the loca: young Hough Hlder, Clay (ireen, of 2 ceut deposit on the sub Just Received! while the per shops was given its lultial trial to day. i.'Hyij la biouU Tfuip K, who laid down his life while were leii. CRESCENT GOAL YARD. PIONEER BAKERY! scription for the larger amounts an automatic air compressor aud a new I nd tiienna a (Y.iu aLin, Xu storming Sau Juan heights, has beeu lu checks. is aiuy Huluiut I ( .mil) I'atJiar-tii- - riaiT STaaar. wholly lu the shape of oerllund h borlug mill are added improve it. sMiiiela, the city fur the past few day attending Gentlemen's Rubber Hunt- Do- ilisu uur IihhmI and it clean, h) GALLUP COA-L- Bet About tlUtt.6)0,UiU of the 2oo,0o0,00o tu a well. - meeting of Masons. Mr. (ireen Is In Bit, LING BR08., PsorairrosJ. meul lbs shops itiriiiig up tin- ,uy hver and dnwngali iin the ing and Knee Hoots, Rubber mestic Coal in uit. Yard bonds Issued will be paid for by mean of nuntiia Horn the body. 11, tu day re Kuglue No. 24 of the Santa Ke which kui to the hotel business at Cerrlllos aul opposite Freight Office vVpJilinkT paper aud eertlocate of deposit pni,ii a, toil., Llottiica, dlui kUcada, night. Cakes a Specialty! bank he uudergou a complete overhauling and lliat an klv hllious completion by taking turued home last Overshoes for everybedy, the provisions of the law every ( aisari ts, beauty (or diug-giat- Wa Palronacs, and wa "Cuder I again ou duty. Kuglue No. 121, which leu tenia. All This morning's train conveyed Hevs CRAWFORD, rWr sati.faction iSc, AOc, RUIiHER (iOOI)S are A. J, Agent. by syndicate, cor guaranteed, loe, Firat-Claa- subscription mads a wa tu the wreck at St Joseph, Is again Bobluson, of Albuqueique; Hlnuock, of OaaraaU a Baklof. or was rejected, the poration association ready for the road, while euglue i.llHs U.aib of a Bulillar. Baton, and liirchiusoii, of Springer, to it will pay you to New Telephone No. 164- -. mrieraarillclisd and Promptly Pilled being given to Drefereuo ludlvldutl. was brought lu from San Marclal tor re- Private Walter Kllmore.of Company 0, Silver City, where they go to attend the Old Telephone No 25. by supply your wants early. The entire loau was absorbed Individ pair. Klrst territorial reglmeut of lulled annual Melhodlst conference. Leave ordcraTrimble'i stables New novelties lu silks, dress (fowls, ual tilers tor amount loss than I4.MJ. States volunteer Infantry, died at the Jackets, euws, collarette, fur garuisuw hll- - I O I . 1 ' I hiaipltal W The pastor of the Methodist Kplscopal Uiau 1 100,000, J poit at hipple barrack last Mellnl & Kakin. south Klrst street, anil all kinds new giants just "Hulf of the loan, more ,!. Thursday, ot Uphold fever. church at Sau Manual, Kev, Dr. Sulher-laud- , Ill rsoslvsd at 1'uaraiiUMil o Ouiso nauil ruia make ek Kllmore tor jour wines, liquors ami cigar. (iolileii Kule Dry floods l o. 3 , has gone to S'ki.OOO people, each if Biea .trwu Wowil puiw. buu, Ail uruggiaui cam from Trinidad, Colo., to cullst lu Is lu the city to day. A.. SIMPIER & CO. juiw in mm FRO.n STACK'S, The voting at who fROFBSSIOMAL CARDS U. S. DEPOSITORY. Mtt In buainewi life v i:h a good tic 9 H till I VTT. W. Al XX of the Crcjtfjt AMtictlom In Five-Ce- nt athh First "Oac taininq hack of him Attorney. Mauairer. teer Sltos," Wri t v.. N. Mai k ne nhl." to atnnd mo CO pifw m r i 11 cot 1 r.rTtnn Aiivatr Fe i K for the Sunt A allot I time airo ". N. H'ark. the i try Jl UI ft. New Meiico. h id W . At.Pt ni No rbarire un-- ; n.'t the nme ndv Hit 'y , Pacific and h Atrhinon, pr liter xetor, an I hlH pnml roti partner, nee. if be les cla'tr is - lire( n. t orrespnti.ler c j I National 2 no iciiril. Ulti. ca: Kuiimi an 1 U, Cottimbua Kail-- J , and Fe 'A Ward I lii ttinv-i- nf lirata h .nd fame, ar- ovfTwork and nciect 0111 Torrka Snnta In health, h- - likely to iiiiii. rived lu city. HchIiIi'h being roitd Com jinn leu. til atye fall a victim to ome f. o H A HI. A. MNTIlkH, setter till malady like hi lea - and a ttie .trlcn periormer, Stall - Al ITTOKNKY AT LAW. Koom 10, Croni- B well blot k. Albuuneraiie. N. M. Bank, No, 2, ldiuin:nr nroinr. Sti A la quite haody Willi a Kuher aa the i J There only line I . e iiumiiiiiCHtlon road for J a R H4HHOIN, following eent to tbe aafe a man t.. V i J i i . ; i "V l f. In the of k vi:-, i I Ml VI. LTV- - Wtilinma New Would indirate: matter .Vvk C i si " KMJh Irtifft N. 11. OFFICERS DIRECTORS: I i V W ALlitlKUUE, he.ilih. Thut Arr m.A s. : . , j X , F J ' thn anl atrr .Sitppiy, Kiamtnatlons and 1ID uAtrr A trunk, a trcintinim and tw.t niixolleil r i.t of eternal i f s. r ' v t i i Keporia. Maps, Hans and etrttinatee. Correa liere tiie other viirilance. No pontic nee tted Kinim 10 Arml)o block. TATED mBht o v Of. ItrdM.and hailroad arena. la the pa r nrene, and aere up ni-i- nn mattrr J0RH04 8 RATN0LD9 President lal how atrons: he o M. ii a hotel tiliiil morning, wlien the repu W. Kl.' U'KNOY Vice 1'reeldenl - Anthorlid Capital tSOO.OOf e- - may lie nniiirnl- A. A. THE EXCaUXE CP SYRIP OF HQS were liirnivl bH,e to renew c. HOMO-.OPA1M1- PHYSICIANS AND KKKN Cahier itlotia ly. Pald-n- p ran with impnnitv neilert the little lit Ofllce anil rMitianra ntat nna. FRANK McKKK Utant-Cahle- r Capital. Snrplus tmlj io tl.e tintrlntility tiad laintaiuw Willi one of the t'eni ciln of nd indisposition of life. Thre little oUre. Tr:ei,ont Nrw Tcleph) Al1 ii'ii-- n i. I a vry li. tbl 0. A. A. flKANT. and rroOta tlM.OOO.M aiinplioity uf tlic i'mti'tiNtxiii. tint he aotiihet. onler are mint make the big one. When a aim Plaee. ()ii of It greii'eHt at- ' a man atift.-- from hea.hiclu and lo tn ft p t. Hlahori. M . ntVc iri.ritve of o t -- to " m I m, the care nml skill with which it la r.'tioiia are the H er eigne and anpetite, fei I drowsy mid dull fluting wak b"iri, f'oln rrl to t an4 1 tn 9p, i u' - Take elevator at Whltnev a. niiiniiiiicliiritl by e i. lit lie d. in- I pnnriniii th free Ihtt 'U aireo-orie- Neatly eterj hour, rannot ah ep at ntkdit and o apl lal $100,000.00. known to the Cai. ii uukia fiu hvRiP Inn of ueeilfui pri.nuee lit grown In the nervon and lnky at all times, lie I in a a 44 rfOUM H M T)M Hen-Me- n dritirzernus (inditiou. If he Ion: neglect -- Co. only, and wp wihh to lm.ns upon tirroutiding (Miliary. an. I roffee pHTHICIAiV AND I.H(JK(N QIHc It his condition he will find hr.wlf n very I? Arm 10 tiuiirmar orne' nf all the importance ut ttiiliur intf tha lelil partietrarlv plentiful erope, and l. I Bank Commerce in N. ick man. Iir. Pierce tiol n M. ilu .il r-- f and bird tteet llo n.B;IO loll a m.i 1 of Alkprp, JL. A are tniieh by elite. The aen een l ,pf -- Ik true anil orlglnitl rvmotly. the neil t'i Iiscovery the all medicine for ti, f rlml u gfvn to Cheonl frontline Syrup of I niiintifacturrd nd c tT'e hihitH nave aneum-- d ttielro the manv disease that re c.msed by ua V f and dirw 1 imn.iired and nnil by the Caupiiknia I'm .StRiir Co' polau irnpoftliii. hey are almoet a dirotion msullicient AA t cr, a TL H.4 t only, knowledge of reij'iiaite to an entree Inln aeiei t eorlety. t It all a heiitv o tt lAtrHl.l. l)Kl.. IN KDKK.IUN KXCHAMiK ANI IHSVKS LKTTUKS IK CKKDIT. a fart wili he.dtliv appetite; it ttmkc ilie.-stio- unci r No 411 WertolfJ Alluiq.ii riue)8 growl n geiieouragi ly. ''fi-N'ti- SH Keery Kaclllty assist one in ami l.nff the worthless nit assimilation perfect; it iuvigoi.iti the avema Nn Ontr hotm Solicits Accounts and Often to Ir.iiltoni aeveral tieatitiful eludul ii 0 to tt m 1 :0n tn 80 in to p. m- Con atent Hrntltil.le Hankln(. par-tii'- heel'yhai liver and punlie nnd Die Mood. witti imitation irmiiiifm'tiir.'tl by other well-kep- entiihes v refine, t lawn, a pie;tyatk It i the Ritvit Mood m.iker. (Ii sh The hljrli Miiniliiiw; of the Cai.I-roKM- builder fid at'raetive eiirroiindiiiKH. and nerve tome. It is th- - ! t of rill medi o DIRKCTOH3: Kin Si in Co. with the metll-ca- l n'hrllv Motile t.f the l.ti' li' b'ork and public cine for nervou disotd r aivl tt cure of OKFtCK HfTk'i iTntU rp. and fm mi the imtlxfactloa per cent, nil case o : I. I'reil lent. J. C. Hai uniihjs. Lumber. W, C. LaoNARI, CabltaU profi'liui. V of 0 n m (Itbro, hi till it i would do rml.t t'l fit ne inati) of consumption, if Vide Sum. -- my B.iltlt 'f and '.m to Offies i "Thex art Axm." nA rfiM Ifirp whlrh the (fi n u ne Syrup of Kifjs liaa tine It aire, hlralii lo pay, however. taken in itrailter tafe, leloie tile lunir vto Wmi nld ra. Alba R. P. HctftiaTKR. A. Kimkmann, Klaemann Broa., Wool. are too far wasted. chronic, bronchial, u A- M- Ht.At'KWRLb, A I (riven to million of fitiiillle, makes here I no plx e for public uiiiiM iiii iit-- . W. S MTHK'Kl a. Cashier. tiro, ttlarkviell Co., inset. throat and nasal flfTiciioits it i an o f II. J. Kmshhon, Assistant Casliier. W. A. MAXWai.L.t'apltallat. the name cf the Company a puornnty rtinn Hi buriiing 1'tiheopefn hntiae no remedy. An honest dealer will The. tetween htc wjr the United States r, A of the excelleiiett of It remnly. It la IT r; ha been mule tn even a no! anpirest om inferior 'thMiiute. a o K. l Alf-- t II Depository (or Atchison, Topcka& SantA Fe Railway. In temn a(Inlr for thettrir d mtettaln-tnenta- . Rev C M I.eMion.t it (l Poh I" roiroinh 4 HMIJU Rl.OCK, (PP(ITK ILKK1T) far atlviinrc of all other InxatWea, and Hivin what Free- urt r'fThe old town c aorehenti n n Hir.lni.n Co, wrio '1 wiil. lo sp is to constituted i Hros'. t)flir hourat a. m. to H as it ant on tho kidneys, liver aDd mtali thn ilui HIT the lds.yr Iron' 'e h Iw, . n Hie Kl.ile p. m.( 1 :o p, m. to ft p. m Amo. Tel. No. e,. m gmut bowel without irritating or weaken- nil, a in rtinli plar with a tt l. ante mv .hity as w-l- l ns priMi..,;e tostM ik dom developed one quality in n 41V. Appotntmenu made bv mall. I our army t ire iferorv, but oelity rut Iter In IheoiK-- airt nixhl. vhuh sh.-li- C) r; SECOaNDSTKEET, ing them, ami it (lorn not (Tripe nor heMiori haees anil in. in e hi- h 1 HKKNAR1B ft. ROIHtY, i tmv nnd dm-aii'-l to old town viee li, In ita beneficial unVrr.l more or l s for TeinibeT el venrs, until C5 and navy that is above all others i TOH NKY. AT-L- W, Albnqnemne, N W. L TRIMBLE & CO.. Duwnte. onlertofret m HAUi.-a- l ' for .ri llv pl'tinr. H'Viiial t l .isl s. ml OoMen Meitii ill TV ' prh en f) ' 1 al Prompt given to all Betwjca and Copper! Te. effects, pleane I I attention bnslnesv Railroad, rcmemlter the Dame of nipitiiiee Iihv written to Albuquerque to he wo. l.l bv he Inventive nnd sen ntilic l.niin pertaining to th profeswlon. Will practice K V Nubility. could be lr the Company nf !r rleoe. wnrtohtHlned All'-- si U. r They relied 0:1. o all conrikof tenitory and before the United r date, but tin one eeein to have en lis,-.- 'hr tie had lien he fmuis an t cbes in my States Ihnd rir. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. terprle enough, or gumpil n enough, or luinr lri;rn lo lve wav, and now f feel that, o prhap liiohey euuiwh. to equip an Willi a loiu eoutse of lilc I iiimv live WILLIAM Uft, SAN CmL year. I thank for Kiiiij lo the will. I l. AiMyAVAAAWgAAAAWUAWW. rKANCIKC. vallahle ball with a atage and a little u TTOKNKY AT LAW. room 1. - innn wlio liaa duue o nne.h for tilteriux be Oflce, Ui r. nrwroRK. h.t- Nn liN.k O . Wia practlc 10 (lories And Mules Bought nii,i irenery. It aa though the manily "I fan. Armtio outiti n. cl'li'iia will b obliged to Indulge In Ci ail tbe courtu of ttir tertltory Livery, Sale, Feed and ni Exchngei. COUHI OF PRIIATE LAAD CLAI.1S, T (KiUM.YCITL'.KV. Lenten atietlti'nre the yr round. In JOHcsNlON riNICAL, r Agent for Columbut hmattrof theatrlcl etttertalntnent. ri TTUKNKYS-A- LAW. Albngnenine. N. A1 M. ( 1Mcm. poo ma ft anil klrtrt Transfer Stables. Btark left the ritv Moti.Uy night for Motion for Rehearing la Two Important o Nallnnal Buggy Company. TiriM nf anbMtrtpUoa. and if YOU have any freedom ,Von Hvnk btilhllng. Denver, where be ha a etatnllng off r to Grants Overruled. cf ol vxvvvvvvvvvvvvvyvvvs by mall, on year . t1 00 u a. w. , rally,rllr. by mall, aia muntha - IX) ' o aaiAX appear tn aom funny role" at me of The court nf private land claim met you will not be satisfied with A N. 'ally, by mail, tliree monlha 1 BO u any outer TTOHNKT AT LAW, Albnqnerqne, TIIK I. EST Tt'UXOUTS IN TIIE CITY. I'ally, by mail, one month no the thatrei during the "Mountain and Holiday Diornlna at 10 o'rh rk with all o i U. Ofllce. lilratNatlutlal Bank bulldlnc. Daily, bv one 7ft memtH-r- e chewing; rmrr. month Plain" f which he will take of the beuch aud other ofllcera o tobacco. o - Wrraly. by mall, ter too ntlvil, a'fr pteaelit. rKAKK W. CLAKCI, CARItlAG E BE rOSlTOUY.--- C will be In o A TTPHNKY AT 1. N Taa Uaii r iti.kk drtlrel the prorfd derivrd therefrom and pur- - In cot of caeee noe IH4, LAW. roomt t and the city at the low ratr of an renta per week, the olldatlon n T. Amino bnllillna, Albwiuenin. N. U. Carriages, Road Cartx, Spring Wattons Victoria. Buggies, Pbeatons, Etc, for Sale. or for 76 renta prr month, when paid monthly, ehaae a ticket for Porto Rico, where be Ih4 and 1H5, the I'uehio of Santa lo o fha O Tb-a- e rate are tea than thoae of any other or nar?e . W. DIIHItOX, datiy paper In territory. axreeta to reMe In the future. miimo ami the I'uehio fan Felipe o Remember Address W. L. TRIMBLE & CO, Albuquerque, New Mexico. ttie irrante clelmeil by the Inhahitanta of a 4 TTOKNKV )foforHob I Albminerttne, N. M. RATK3 made known on METUODIST thoee of 40 OIK) o ertaon' arorry atoo. ADVKRTISINIJ CUNFlRhNCE puebloe. cotilhting about IIIIVII IVII W.Cr- - 4lll to the olhre ol publication, acre in Bernalillo county, the motion UK CITIZKN )oh nflire la one of the be' for m rehearing wae Tbeee 'rI In all kiml of print overruled tt the aoutiiweat, and lob UomplcteJ Its Libnri at II Fato the V5 BOLLER'S n la etrciitrd with neatneaa and at lowee grant were rejected by the court tn July pca. Appolntmeoti. laet. (feorge appeared ti.r BLMO Y, added, la eomplet ST.AHD ROOM RINOKK The ninth annual neeeiou of the New the claimant. theSAJaPLC CLUB THK w.-- tilled to Jnat kind of binding. Mexico ronferenre of the VlnthoiltHt Caee No. Ill", Kl Hudtto grant of I.H.iO BLACKSMITH SHOP CITIZKN will be handled at the oftire acre In Santa Ke count v, claimed by An- rtiilxcrlptloii will be rollerled by II. II. cliurrh, eolith, Mch aewmbled at Trin Finest Whiskies. Brandies, Bines, Etc. Til. or can paid at the ndice. J. Ortii et al., waa eubmitted and ton, be ity church, thl city, Thureday morn- VOTICK la hereby riven that order ler. lat taken under advlaenient GailBordeii I by employe upon Tki Citijun will net ing, rompleteil Ita 1 ihore and adjourneil Caae I I'M, the San illgtiel del Redo 809 Copper b honored unle previously endoraed by thr grant of 3lo.(MI acre lu Miguel Av. proprietor. Monday at 12.3) o'clock p. m , with the San eotinty, wa nuhuittted and taken under HorMahoting a Sptxialty, XTAgoo CITIZKN la nn aale at the following biHhup'e aiitiouiiceiiieiit of appotntmcute, Eagle Repair THK In S. K. Newcomer, ailvliienieiit. brand JOSEPH BAFHRTT. Proprietor. the c'ty: SIJ ttallroad avenue: liawley'a New Ueput, south js the Kl Paen Timee. btf aiuf all Other Kind ol BUclumitb tlr-e- t; C'.i'a, aoo Hee mil O. A. Mum" A No NKW AI'ltllMTUKMS. llcovrwd by a Wonim, Condensed Milk Kallroad avenue, and Harvey Katlna Hoiiae great dlccovery hue been ork Guaraatud. ISO Wat Aft. Albsssn'r at ' lf.ot. Duncau auui.u cui the follow Another made. Has No Equal as am Infant Food. Rltrt1 KKKK LIST-T- hs free Hat of Tim and that loo, by lady in thia cnuutry. THK Mar-It- , embrace Notice of Hirtti. ing a his appolntmenU for the ruaulug Dlaeaae faetened lie clutchea upon her 'mm rlEAlTrfsrirr FREE, 'w -1!.'!" OXjTTia nooxwxa. funeral. Ctinrch Service and year: ah It ae- - Fall n.iacrxxi xioom. aatertalnmentawnere nnaiimi.sion tarnanieij. and for eeven year withetood Soitinss Have Arrived I HUlrHhS a, MrCKKIiill I, AI.HCgt KHlJl K UlsTKICT MAHK HOIK)- - Vtireet teele, bill her vital organ were kdttonancl Publuher. undermined and death eeemetl linmlneiit. HON, F. I. , Kor three month ahe coughed Inceeeant-ly- Wa hit lt tilil MOTICK Tit TAXI'.tVhIUt, Cerrllloe A. 11 Sutherlat-d- . fiiHtoint'M ami new and could not leep. She finally tit ml ainlMee our IIAMIS0MK MugilHleiia I, L dUiliiey. a wuj to recovery, by purchasing e.a. owf tKtroti "The KALI, netropole" . Nolle,1 It) herehv given to all taipajer i nnnnrPTnnrn of hi IIINtiS. Han Marcial T. I.. I.allaoce. of u a bottle of Dr. King's New biacov-er- y 1 VfllVM that I, 'i.MANliko HaNUOVaI., collector W. K Koulke. 4 mrtwnuuu nca - uncui."" -- iId The Best and Finest Liquors and Qgsn, Imported and Domcxtfc, (tallup phynis Inn, HI n I for Coniimption, and wa eo much 4$ tt.not linMiiwr'' b rtiiithlr cur vimi of n r In and Hernalillo county, will at iM U rtftllVf orVaVI.A. UI La Ml Mftnhfa! Rrliie In vniirnlil HiiiU ami liav thorn tr KL C. MATTHKWS, B. tfllf Scrrcd All PASO DISTKICT B. P. relieved on taking the Qrat done, that I to Patrons. tha follow Ins pines on the dates naoieil fiiwininift. ii Itu if. j k,btMitnJ KmltMritrM, Nwrvmi. lkttilliv. rleiiiiiMl to look Ilka new. Suit rleaneil t'tmfereiice Mixaion ttecretary. C. C. tthe elept all night, aud with two bottle, I'm I'natr i'B--t ti Mrr. KsttnUjiii limlo Vrkvr-t- t r.ill 'ct Ihx due by aald . - f l m tt qu-- .tm to receive ami been ahaolulely cured. Her name I Ii hr of tttiL lrvft k Kddlllgtotl. ha nrfMiil Jurlianrf, t' Mi. ifnolt liiMt t Mprmiiirr-Hif- . i4 tax patera for the year Hm: W. C. , Hoewell, Arthur alarNlon. Mr. Luther Lull." Thn write mr m m " 'Mirror 01 nitxiif-rtrr- r. nviiwai 114 A. MORRELL1 BROS., HTlgrlit !i.r (riiadaluiie, houae of Creatine, rnB mmm rr r kU,KM.u,i Arwrmt Ailr Uauur.iiAav uhi. Ilcno Evoiy t'rrrlnrt Kdity Z V. l.liea. Ilamnilck & Co.. of Shelby. N. 0. Trial 'Wni Urill thnrliirf !. (in in, October H. t'iicnit, 9 ummw. wffwewttna nu rHsorw pmmi uvirnn tor south rust itieit. Hie. I mi tr SaUxar, houae of I'aotaleon Pfcoa, Thouiaa llttdgeon. bottle free at J. II. O'Klelly & Co 'a drug m3rrri Mora. Octotier 4. Alpine, K. K. HmMleon. store. Regular else 60 cent and 1. JOHN Late of the I'recinct 1 San liinaclo, house of Apolonlo WICKSTKOM, A (1n Kvery IAMICH A. MAY, . White OitkH, T. I.. ma. bottle guaranteed. uarcia, octotier CM Tolaroeo, W . J. W right. TUliama. ArUooa, PROrUIETOK, St. Elmo. Precinct iiHlce of A. II. Henry Penaero, J. C liage. A Roft Thing- In Man Mlgaal County, AddrmM UaVOL MKUI0IIIB Ciw.t P, O. Bom 0Tl. IUn rmnflltwo, Cal. ( H. couuty HAVE I'recinct no Uallup, ofllce of A.A.Henry. Lae Crtieee and ilruiiHWlek, C C. Kit It pay to be a I'ulon party For Km1 nt Vl'on'H Dniir Store. October 4. litigton, and one tn he appointed. (illh'lal In Ran Miguel county. Su h an 400 Pure Bred French Merino I'recinct otllce of Culley Iteming, J K Hawiletn i Ulcer can alwaya deal in county vouch irj.i?.,.!lp Syphilis Specialty At Armilii. rtotier III. 11 and 1'J. era, buy fifty on UINH4HI MOTlCK. EUSIHESS LOCALS. G. HENRY, M. D. r'recinct 19 - Albuquerque, office of Culley tiila Kiver, Kitw. lhrittnn. them up at rente the m Armiio. iHMoher i.t, 14 aim in. Kl 1'aw) !iliel ii, W. 8. iluggett. dollar and eel I them at eeventy cent on Bucks for Sale, Thlrty-Si- i Yean' P.actlce, the La it Ten In Denrer, Col. KIR OtTLT TBIATIB. Ai.kjanoho Collector. VI IC, SANiiovAi., Kl Piteo. J T Krenrli. th dollar on the in day, thereby turn ht H. Haobttr Hta for 8lt Pictnre framM aud room moulding. Ing a penny for himaelf. And after KanrhM. Humm, LeoU. fe.le. a ears rsarastsaf la svtry cam aadcrtakea wkaa a cars U sractlcakls aaa I.A1HKH OK Traiiefered lioliert Hodgnon, to North god Whitney Co. Klght'eu in 'iith old, H .avy shearers soll. J()I.ICITOKS WANTKI- i i eoasrrhaM. flMt, aa4 strlctars ssMdlly carS wita Dr. Ilcorl'i rnack leataalas. Bscsnt t. pntifereiice; W A. (iovett, lo hi done theite county voucher are FOB 'SI ' uenllenirn, fur our coniulrte aeta of Juvn tluhama IAI.1 All kind of mattreeeee at FutollVi to ' poiiml.. Hel'vereil ou cir lu s avraiaaaaUr carsS wltala DATS. HO CUBIBS, SARDLIW00D aar In to pay tax with. Whether Mt THklt Sit lie hooka fur the Iml liny, hacli aet liaa tour Texan coliferetice; 0. J. ilellefee, ti turned Hoint rhiiltt? Iota In drstrahlt lucKt.iina 7 Iota nf do or more p r head. Wt I from t'2 oU to M. at $IO Cor AHA Sptraiatarrksaa, stialaal losas, airkt sailaalaa, laMsiaU. ta toad, honk uruiled fur little onea to Kruwn-u- fo'ka. Northwest Texaa conference th voucher are legal and hoiiM cut nn low iMcr. 1 Mill it the ni. u4. act. Kach dehitlitlul, CMptivatlnK Ice. gang eea to It the pur ruo, itfariy nw phHelon, enrap. Hianketa and coiiifnrtera. Dew and rHlcUy cared. BtcorS's sutkoS tracUc4 U th World's Bixtltal, rarl. Bfraost Orar ,).. o. Larue bunk, aa The that 1111 Ifrimilway. Trice runur truiii toc to Albuquerque wait then selected tin huiiw with freeh giMMla. May & 300 DUCK LAMBS 21,000 aatlaau (accMafsllr ead carta "ritals the last taa rears. Caa rtfsr ts en-- ovrillowlliir with iialiliV IIIUHtratlolit,. chaaer, provided he buy through the btt'h riHini, chfap; brni ! n atiun in ttit-- uy. Kaber trud sttlssu Treni-iiiliii- for holding next Dropi.ed lu Kt'hriiary wktue ck ky pwalAaias. Office. or Ckaapa, DssTsr, et ir Notlilnu like them. 10111 lace the cnureietice. gnnif' acent, ia taken care of to the $J, Um i'onuT til liniailwav mil Coal avr-1- Ladlea niilitary aud walking hate, lu tS car, Urutlxat. ST.t..ik strMt, aaar workerM, 1 M ft per bead. Kor range eheep Merino . Usa. Fisaca, foUak, llio'itli Kolilen liaivewt lor eneiMetic amount of the value of the voucher pur- lit, Itrt 5mb14H frrt. tiouiwa, vi., onr of nil the new ehadea. Koaenwald Hroe. Sat 0ria, kaaalas aad Bohemias laok.a. CaalUUa sad aa t'reilil uivfii. Ireiutit liHld. HluireM coinmui KAMA m. rooiua and ! nf 7 rooms. 1 tiia ia one of the beat them all. xamlaaUos rrs. Csrrsapoadtac solicited strictly cesfidtstiaJ. atoii. Ouitit witti Munpie ol hII four book chased. To be enre, the law prohibit br.i loctiona and I a barnttn. The beet atteorted etork of coinfortere free. Send twelve '4 cent aUtllpa turpaVlliM sort of biiaitie, hot what do the 'I tirt--e ItKi ou tfo.d avcuue near Han Keli(e I that ctll-N- and blaukela at Way & Kaber 'a, 116 Gold purl only of the post Hire alone. Irop all truull From the New Mexican. power he In county affair In hotfl. and clear n month our eiclui,i-- that San on Coal avrnuv. rornrr of Third avenue. ail at Headquarters for Cop 1 A 1 II K U tit reported Hut the 8auta Ke Miguel county care for the law? i( Juvenile.. TIIK INAI. Hot CON It trttt will he told at a bargain; will aell two The cleanest and beet appointed C H K X JIVKSII.K lihl'T., CHIC At io p r oomiiiny win aoun diuiu operatioue no won iter that, when inch doing go on Duyt r (imiif. barber I ehop N. T. Lvatlier, HarueeH, Bailillee, Badrllnr;, at ban fenro. In one of largeet cnuntle In the .,voo wo hoifart with 4 Iota In one of the lu the aouthweet llahu'a, Ar Knlry No. 4IU5 I the bent b ifth they I Kailillerr Holea, Hlioe Hometead Ainliee Lopex roile np from Albuquer-lie- , locatiunaon North street; rent al Jo Dunning. llanlware. Cut Albuquerque Foundry and Machine Works Nolle for fulil lent Ion. territory, the territorial treaeury ehnw for & Lier tnonth; a bartfain. Nails, liauiee. Cialiia, Whips, Collars, I aeveuty hve mllee, on hi wheel laiitU 1A0 Mouuett velvet, brueeela aud Ingrain Laud ( mice at Sunt he. N. M , large itellcleucle yearly. Hut It muat he MfM from lo acre to arm. tliL, Axle r irt-:la- a ctty. hweut I'a.l, Caator Ureaee, S, .lelliU-- '41, InuH. I tuuil iy, between U a. m , ami ti p m , l eoft, b property in all (mrtaof the carpet, at Kutrelle'a. frlcea are right admired that it a nice thing for A mtB .ltu near the AtUntlc a Fat. tic Boetou lMtfh till, I'utu Negro, Ktnliljf Notice la herehv iiivrli that the IuIIowiiik md la registered at the hxchauge. In New a eoutu Klrnt etreet. R. P. HALL. ProprUtar nioiit-- aetllrr Iim tilt il until e of lua inlelitioi the fellow who are the deal Kfnrtail olluea, houe. nearly new, llarveeter (III. Neatefnot Oil. OIL V. SiuiinoiiH, foru.erly uf witti UVVnKUli Price $l,Uf)U; eaay 31 lo make llhal liOHif in alipport of hi cImiiii. and ti. raihler Mexican. lot feet. C. A. Grande, north Broadway, One HariieeaOll.l.luHeed Oll.CaMtllerioap, Iroa ao4 braes Cutu,('S Or. Coal and Lam bar Oars i ftbaftloj;, PbIIsts, Grata Bars that ui t'Oiiif mill be maile before the ploh't the Second national bauk in thia city. ttrniH. lliiior and cigars, Kreeh lime for Hale Babbit for Espairs HI Lillian, N. M Si me choice loU at low prices lo ditTerent liarueee rioap, Larrlage H pontes MiJi Oolomnaaod lroa Irronta Bullillnssi oa of alcliclM collllly l.oa nd daughter arrived ttaltirday night THAT K on Octobrr Im'H.viz: tieorKi- W-- I'lpat JovrtL rr.Ki.iau. part 'f the city. urulnhed roomi for reut. Ctiauiuls Bklu, Horse Uetlioluea. kllnlnf and Mill MMblMry a ttpectalt From Ht -- rick, lor the f ' .. N W U. MVl.. N f.l. of ectloi Louie and are registered at Hie With the evhil'trating ene of renewed ;..rtoo fine rant he of 7 rrea, all In flood L. of ; An experience of year enable J. till, and llie SK'i, ol rttiou 17, town.lnp Palace. cleanil-ne-- rutiivntu n; lota of fruit the beat quality bW, health and etrengtb and internal it Hell A Co. to juet cus- Prloo tlx XAstiraa. FOUNDRY: M0E RAILROAD TRACK. ALBUQUERQUL, H. M. 4N . II K. bru tmutte of 4 good riMiiiia- Thia plat e ia furnlh what their " ranife Hpeciul Altornev Oliihum, of the de a1-- He name the followlnil witneime to prove which follow the ne of Syrup of mllea north of the city, and la ouc of the tomers want Order solicited; Ulgheet Market Prices Paid for Hides residence upon and cultivation partmeut of Juntice, an I tvife, went Klir In unknown to the few who have plat e In the valley. Mcoiitinuou Ut In one of the beat locations In the Our stock of houechold lluene and aud Bklu. of ald land, vitt Henry I Mimelev, Jainel north to Antonio Monday morrilng, ami not prngreeeed beyond theold-tim- e niedt f:i.Mut Mvnll, ilenlunnn H Sliencer and Jalnea (i HiKhlanda, on aotiib liroadway; brkkhoue, towela la coin pint Hecure our prlcee ill continue on from there to Itenver the cheap euhetitute Home 7 ; ft ttpenrer, all of Kii't iew, N. M. cine and rootne aud baiii room lot 601144 feet; liefore going elsewhere. H. Ilfeld A Co WOOL COMMISSION. GROSS' BLAGKVELL & CO.. Mam kl K. otkho. Keaiater. and Vi Wellington The hearing of the timee offered but never accepted by the baiMHiii bait T.too-- In the IIiRhlanda, on South Walter Oh, nol You are not looking All Indian depredation claima here well Infi liny genuine, Mann , thin rtued. the X lota tooil44 fret, witii Uuk houae of (INCORPORATED.) ended, and Undluga ou the name will be Klg Co. that jou ueed la clean shave, (io to la Tour OpMrra . . facttired by the California Syrup b riMiina, atuble, etc. Tlila $.,oih-- wo lot and four-roo- houte, with llahu'a barber ehnp, .V T. Armljo build Thos. F. Kcloher, n eiuih or atampa made known later. 1 fn teeeitit of t oetiti, haa BOUUBT A fruit treea, etc.. corner Coal avenue and lug, and get the best. 40 will umiU'd of Hit The Claire hotel changed landlords MIKE. Rallroaa Avav. Albuquaraus. eeoerou mimi'le l" again. P. 8. Twella, 0 took charge louith atieet. Dealers Remington typewriters, intitlliir Cntiirrb and Hay Kevvr Cur. rOH ALU OR MBNT. lu tbe WHOLESALE GROCERS moat June 28 lent haa retired aud gone to hi typewriters of 1 out, ItlO at land, good standard the world. Can rnin imiin ' In by K. 1). it Lie a lonr Way Outside the Limits Ranch. 8l. inilee rta JACOB KOUBEK & CO hnini'um ranch, and he eucoeeded building, large houae, stable etc. upply bUHiuees otllce with experienced ttrato the C'eai uient in rvuicuj. Michael and W. A. Caeeman, of Silver of Cripple Creek. HLV IU!OTlir.I.S. t.'J4 Uold Avenue, .teuographers to Bll permarent and tem- ataoafactam ol sad Daalat AND WOOL DEALERS. City. VI r. Michael ha been lu the hotel Meear. I'rltclitt'd aud Cole, the attor CtHiter of Thud street. positions, Wurreu , New York City porary at short notloe. liahn fiti bt bUHineee eince low), and wan until re tieye of thl city, have Juat purchaeed a fcCo. Wagons, HesJqusrters for Diamond C Soap, Curtice Bros. Canned Goods. Tt (Ircat FalKMoiit, nf TO A I'OLU IN ONK II A John Iteld. Jr.. of cently the proprietor the llruuier group of four mlutug claim away down Ul'Kl A complete line of ladlea' One shoes Kansas Gty Baking" Powder, Sulphur, Wool Sax, Stoneware ...,.,, , I I 10 I Hromo ...l, lv'i Crenm !'.. n. h'iue at Silver City. Mr Caiwman wax lu the eouthweet corner or a ew Mexico, rk Laxatlva Uulnlna Talileta. received the (ireeu Krotit Carriages, nt, ''Itiaapoai money If Juet at thoe hi KtMenii formerly deputy l ulled Hlatee marnlial, In brant county. Mr. Prttchard baa a All tlruKglHta retiinil ttia It falla store, also a nice line of children's school d el. d." jieeu .io. oo l.v. eura for i iilurrh if in aud lie largely lutermled In promi box of eampiea from the property, aud to rum. llie genuine v. tf. shoes son, to $1 'Jo. Theee Blackboards! Houses at Albuquerque, East La Yrgaa nrf 1'iKile, CouUui i'rea, from shoes ltv. ranot W. i'aUr uent aaloon prupertiee at Sliver City. the ore la very line lu appearance, ahow earli tablet. are made by the bent manufacturers In Tb. Bast aUaWrs. Made T.hlcle, being itiaid-rah- le INew Ciiureli, Uclt oa, lout The hotel la given a thorough lii o free gold. The proper- Want,. the oouutry. Will. Chaplin. Olorleta, Mexico. overhauling and cleaning, and with the have a well dellued vein, which baa Hoite-Shod- nf Fly'a Cream Palm ia the fKKnowledRu tie All aeeonii and Pine Specialty. dining room will be In excellent ehape been opened up along the eurface for tlia baud furniture catarrh ami oouiKina no mercury hiiUHehold gtxnla city) pay 10 Puet luftam Sjill Smuk I In) Aa,a enre for presently to do bunt newt. The new men diHtanue of U" feet, or eomethlng over lu tha will ail tur Satisfaction r.uaraataad la all Work nor any Inlurtoua drug. rooa. ou bnu per any other aecoud, To quli totiacco and be mug are taking hold with a vigor and enter- The vein Ih from two to three cent more than ensiiy lurevur. AMERICAN a mile. In town. letlc. full of life. nnrv mid viiror, take f.o prise promleee a aucceiMful main- feet In value range from third or fourth baud mau Rapalrlns;, Palntitif and TrimmloA B. that width, ami the wnoiler worker, RUPPE, WAMTKI, VOH ALK, HKMT AMI) LUMT O. MlDKON, that weak niea tenance of the hotel now In gold, In J. niue . Don oo Hbort Nntloa. t i t i t SILVER which will '6 to a ton nine ounce K trotif All drLioiiaia, or Cumsuaruo-ceed- copper, No. 2ii8 South trat atroet. Booklet, stand better than ever with traveling Hilver and per cent llie new and aniupl t M. Aildreaa Sbop, Corner Copper tod Flnt It., Wauled , buinlng lr. k TRU3S. and hotel public. owner have iliapatched a man to take Cuuaultatlon. Kuie. Co, Cbicaite I ' Vorla Wanted A yotins man aa teacher to of Thr Hector la Alaeatssora. N churge, erect a plant machinery, and o benjamin I private family. Inquire at thin olUce, rKixi rtttki rttcEt na in Kranklln. To luvra of IIoimI Itaila. pin the mine in operation, it oniy When vou are alt'k, wlmt you like PRESCRIPTIONS CanvaHMm wanted for flue (telling ar about aeveuty five feet of development Owing to the popular tlruiatid for a WM. ZACMARIAH, A I. If BUe I'ortrall, Oayou, or beet Ih to Im ehewU for tueiliclue lu the tlr-le- ; coiiiinliwloii to purlieu Pall work done on it. location la in the oioilerate-prlcei- l sanitary wlilcti big reliable the tlret place; what experience telle you I lualtrees LIGHT, rem Watwr Color, extreme HouthweHt corner nf the terrl men or women. Add "lauvamter, frr. best, to be ohoneii lu ttie eecotid plare at the same tluie wuulil he couifurtahle CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. COOL, ( ntllve, N. M In order to introduce our excellent tory, thirty mile from the Mexican line, Wtm.m is care itik.n Albuquertiue, what reaeou (I. a., Theory) aye la beet 1 aud durable, I have acceited the W.. work we will make to any one nemllng and the aame dietetic from Arixona. aiteiicj Vttialoa 21ft Wanted lu every town, a local retire to be ch'jeen in litet e. But if W IIKKI.KU'S OLb 81101' ISKTVt KKN Railroad Avenue, nn a photo a Life Size Portrait Crayon, Cripple Creek. Colo., Time. the pii (ur the "Duplex" iiiMltrene, which 1 lnlieve aeuUtlve; lady or (fentleuiau; eaey work you cau get Inclination, 1 r. Kxnerl Paetel or Water Color Portrait Kree of lr. to be the bent uiHtlreHs fur the ujuiiey bvrtHatoia YNoprttMuraoa good pay; do rapital reguirml; payment Ueaeou to hold eon-iull- a liUl.ll AM) BILVKit AVKM'K. TfilephoDft 143. llboqnsrqne, 1. Charge. Small photo promptly returned. boy wa a 111 ic ted with euce and lr. a uiaile; which eoiLtilues all the dnxlrril lotsal 1. every week AudreeM for partleularH, C Our little you tilb QomtutU Kxact iikeuetia aud highly erltHtiu tlnUli hi knee; and timee unable ttiui together, they will iilva the beet aa the Implies. It Ih a L. Mureilial Aft Co., Kim Hlreet, 1ml lu at uauie l.tH'ks ripalreil, key inuile and all kinds ii guaranteed. Send your photo at once lo to put hla foot to the II Kir. He tried lo advice mat can be taken. Utattreee wlttnu a the pa.tu lvt, leiae. VUieu you a bail cold Dr. Inclina- uiattte, repairing C. I.. Makki hal Akt Co , vain, everything we could hear of that have Ulire lift ua eui'loeeil lu a uiuhIiu cvi-- r u' done. Kim BL, Ualla, 'lexae. we thought would help him. We almoet tion would recommend Chaiuberlalu' auil Hlltclieil to preveut HpreailltiK. I his For ait Cough Hemeily becauee It la pleaeaut and Kl. nave up In deepair, when Home one Is theu coiupieteljf eui'luHfil Wlllilii ' " Three room cottage for Bale. W, V Ur. would DKALKKa IN Itlda fur Coal. ua to try i hainlierlalii'a Palu Halm ate to take. Kxperienne notion, wtilt'ti caiuiol break or Futrelle. never to Hide for furniHhing foal to the He did o, and the tlret bottle gave ho recommend it becauee it tall get lumpy. It I tliHii put Into a iimmI Watiteil At ouce, two dairymen, Ad of New effect a epeedy and permanent cure. Dr. lulli-il-. Dr.G'S Mexicoduring the current much relief that we got a aecoud one, Hatiue tit'k auil lhe uiaiiiiiT lu dreee, I). S. Patternoii, thia city. hemsou would recotu ineud It because it U ONE FOR A DOSE. QUOUS mdiiKil year will be receive.) attheiilline end, to our Ntirpriee, it cured him aound tileti the innnr inuttrHe i htiloliwl till- - GROCERIES and LI (Tor Hale Thoroughbred Poland Chin of the nndernlgneil lu the N. T. Armljo ami well J. T. rUYH, PaHtor ChrUtian preparetl on eclentitlc principal, aud l.itesthe ueciHwily ot liani.K Htiti'lifs on plan in relievlug the , rurtrf imt n x 'O PILLS FLOUR. FEED. PROVISIONS. Diva and two ft montn-oi- boars: c. bull Hug, ill Albuqueriiue, until In II of church, N'eotlenha, Kan. Kor eale by all art'e nature' sriiuuil the outer li'aviii; no room S.l4V.'l. ftlnl elii, !iluxini Saturday. October 8, Not leae than lung, opening the mcretl'in and or r iti. im.i. !, a., tm Glaeckler, Albuquerque. lmi. drugg'ate. a a IimIkIiik plate veriulii. lhe Tli. . nsliaar grip, uorau k.n. ,iuir HAY AND GRAIN. ) eynteui to a natural aud 'iuu Kor Sale Piauoe, on the ItiHtallment 54 ton will be needed, lo be furiitahed the "Huplex" iiiittlrtM ha hiiiootU and Ja F'.iu mm will mbo. I. frs. ur full toa mm klsep healthy couditiou. Kor vale by all drug-glec- a. plan, at 10 per mouth: cheaper than lo from time to time aa called for and to be IJult rnun I curlier. A patent ha bwli ap- .anemuiM aoMaauvo FREE DELIVERY TO ALL PARTS OK THE CITY. and tiae Camberlalu'e Colic, Cholera and Whttaon aluaicCoaipauy. beet quality of biluminoue lump coal. . plied for aud all proiis are warueil K. V, luarrlioea Hemeily for ail pain of the KKIITI ritllTI VKIITI W.CUM Haim to Omaha. buying or t lllni( any liiulullou Imported" French sod Italian Goods. m - Secretary aud Treasurer. Ht'imach and all unnatural looeeueaa of ol this uiattrea. I have the eicluxive Now Is the season for pickling and tr luat. the bowel. It alwaj cure. The round trip, good for thirty days, Kruit delivered to your Kor Kent A fine upright piano. The eoete The round trip to re- sale of this uialtrees iu the territory of firenerving. Sol Agents for Smn Antonio Lima. W of echemea and fuke ilUu. gi! to following price.: Apples, 2 WIlllMOU MUHIC to. hile all kind turn November 16 coete $."rl. Kor new ilfilco. Your are lieing workeil ou a long Buffering Among the paaneoger arriving (rout until W. V. ceut per pound; freestone and clIugtoue Kor HeuL KurnlHhed front room with particular Inquire at the ticket ii -- i public, even lu uch matter a making the tiaet evening wat a (auiilr of further peache. rents per pouud; wild red Maw Tftlenhnu J1X A VH 17 KOBTH TW1PO bath aud gae. Oil eouth broadway. lat ollloe. i. H. THt'LU Agent. eent per pound; peurs, II cents i47. iir. clothing to order, we eereuely go along emigrant direct from ttia "oulil Hoar to Cruup. plums, 3 A nicely furniahm room, centrally lie Irish frvul per pound; quinces, cents per pouud; ou th old approved method aud with e u. We have two children who are suhjet't 'i'i Clll-flf.- wmI." The eoaitirlnail fattier and i.u.i) I fated; hoard If lieeirwl. Ad J re, C, our old and long tried tailor aud there faaiilf to attacks of croup. H believer an attack grapes, ', rente per pound. I ("iisruri ia I t'all'iirlir. llie moat won Address, 11. U. BKt'kKB, billet. uiotlier. two boy an three tiealttiy look, my wife gives Cbitm-beriaiu- 's le no question alauit our Min'ceee. dei .1 uikUi, ul ili-- i i nf H aire. i eaa is coining ou theiu - leleta, .N. y. CAFE! Itooiue for rent, with board. Koouie Anderanl) A Co., ol Chicago, be They wera way to e, Cough Hemeily Always ZEIGER will lug girli. ou their ant .mil relr. liilik- to llie las' ai l ireiiuy and It for two gentlemen, 5 week Octo- I ly on knli.i a, li i r Hint iH.wela, Is Imunelii'ld IX. tiltahle a fpreeented Friday ami ruluniay, California. hii. i.oaitlv. prevents the attack. It T.i C'nr C.ii.i iuii troruver. QUICKEL & BOTH Proos. board. 7 -- tl.u ent.r.' Hvabin, cold, i.i with Jul north Sixth atreel. ber and a, at our tore, by Mr little. dlid uecewilty lu this country, and bo matter Tiikul'i.-1'.iri- 't i r jiiinriui I urttto euro lii'ii'luuliii, fever, tntlittilu! rontliAlloo M. Nicely fiirnlHhed room The latter, a well a hi llrtu, are loo lid faeliintiH dree be revived, what else we rtiu out of, it would tint do f II tl l :. fu.l to (M.r.. .Iriirfiist r luuJ luobcV (Siumteaon to rraok Jones.l with bath and lu uiay ami hi ion ri- I 'lease boy ami try a Ixix at No. well known to need any praine from ua, tmt ni eau .'i, " to be without Chamberlain's Cough Rem- una of plaiio. Call "U Kent mi uiedli'lue 0(1' t . t: tn iliiv; III, eent. hotUand U,i avenue, between Seveuth aud Kighth and we Invite all to call In aud aee the Cl.aiuberlain, Colic, Cholera and (uariuicud to cure bv ail vlrugtfltla. edy. More of It I sold here tlmu of all iu iluvr. KtreeW latent etylee in men' clothe. Himuu I'Urrlioea Kemeiiy. Kor mile by all drug- - other cough medicine eouibiued. J. M. Kor the festival of Muiintalu and Finest WHlslies, Imported tnd Domestic Vines tad CcDifi Steru, the llailniad avenue clothier. glrltH. HlabMl Caah PrtesM fald Sickle, of Mckle Urn., mercliaute, I'lalii tickets will be sold to Iti'iiver aud It Have lb 1 hlldr.a. Kor furniture, stoves, earpete, clothing, Mcklevllle, V. Kor sale by all drugging. reluru at the rate of )lo t& fur the rouud The Coolest 4 Blfhett Grade of Ufer Serrel A. 11. Dates of OiUolier o. Chamberlaiu'a Cough Kemedy hag Lieutenant liame haa teen appoluted KiiKKtie CoHgrove, J. J. Kelly and trunks. narneeN. saddles, shoes, eto. trip. sale t aud by c I'uderwear geuts, Mnwea V. B. Tui LL, Ageut. (aved the Uvea of thousand of crotipy the New lurk Stock hxchauge aa Harllee, who were delegates to the Hart's, 117 (told avenue, next to Wells for ladle, It la aleo without an equal New Mexico representative to look after Boe and ehlldreu, alo big line of hnmm r, lu children. Kraud Mge held la this wily, Kargo Kipreea ollloe. rue before you (iuo.1 Finest ililliard Hall the Territory. - or Itoiigh have our full line nuw. Head the (ioldeu Hule Dry Co tor coliut aud whoopiug cough- eick rtiaabled Hldere The boy or sell. ihey will be haa exlahliahed a fund for all to their homes at Silver City oo sold at our uiiinatchaMe low prime. ad. ou fourth page. It Is very Interesting Imported Domestic Tn lakillliga t Hough bidera who may be In dUtreea, the uiidulglit tralu. Crocker; aud glaaswar. Whitney Co. j (ioldea Bui Irv tioods Co. reading. Finest and Best and Ciara 11 "' 1 ". I1 IMP ..' y I JtJ.l!. I 'J' '. S "'.""ELL.iL Sffl ' THE MOST AND NOVEL M KE UP! 1 11 1 I LY ( IT1ZKN SWE'.L THE HF.ST POT'I K WORKMANSHIP! I AI.IH y! K yi K. A. MALOY, TDK NI.WKSr COM I!IN ATION li? J. it) ;;) i .11 I'h r jili A OK COLORS AND DEMONS! 0?3 .'anjiui'o we Aie authorized to Tho Clothes That Fit DEALER IN Man 1 Java i i.f Coffee st the 1 1 1 1 QUALITY AND LOW Mha THE 0l m following pru es: That NCE OF P.nd 1VICE AM) CHI'J APPEAR tofl-- e Staple n 451 tnt at. ,,40 cent. II a m iit Ht ;tiul 40-0'- off. e . . . 35 etits. U..Ulur is soiiiftliing tluit eveiy mnn wants they tost no 35- -t em 1 oflee at , , . Ml. and 30 ci Our Ladies' Waists :r0 more tliati those that don't fit. p Fancy m mm. jOHxnt colLe it. ,.25 cents. was the mm that Met n d rj coffee . . . 20 cents. clear of Mil doctor's bills. ' tt .IcO Ditliurt s more thin phpsic, Arc a few of their qualities, which AGENT VOli tJ). IMNIIEII and jood meir is the baik- - making such a r'l b ne anJ su.ew of a yood are them nrmmned OLUH 110USK III C. Railroad At., llbaqnerqaa, I. I.I Tom Bates ta CANNED GOODS, dinner. su.'-css- . We hive waists in None Equal, We thie m to 10 LOAN Keep 15ELIS SPRINGS CREAMERY 1JUTTER Gotd rp'i will he at our place Fruity anil Saturday, October Lai I Tho Famou". HOn pianos. Brecci- a- tnrnltnre, etc Meats I and 8th, with without removal. Aim on diamond, And a Woolens fr m - - $1 .75 to $5.00 each 7th ' wavohwa. Jewelry, lite Insurance poll-cle- Complete Trust deeile or any good secur- Fancy Velvets 1.50 to G.50 118 Railroad Ave. Albuquerque, N. M. ity. Term very moderate. Variety of Corduroy it Market - - - 12.50 ii Silk from 5.00 to Anderson & Co's Line of frOl h. Goods. Lkaaai m?mi. M K9TARLIHUKD 1S. G.QfOMI. ton South Swind street, Albnqnar-- 1 1 Samples Comprising qne, New Mexico, next door to neat-e- if. all B Union Telegraph odlea. "(J that is New and Stylish rril B. A. ISLEYISTEli, SAN JOSE MARKET We arc showing them in the very m Ave. latest effects in plaids, strides, polka JHE lKSURA3esE Railroad Don't forget to call whether you are ready to Mi dots; also in bla k and solid colors. order or not. We will esteem it a favor to EST1TK ive us pleasure to sliow get an opportunity to show you the goods. - shall Ditlpra In ISll ilt xm .Ti ili if. Ti i jTa .1 l. . f - T .It It givat 5 m Wholrwil K0T1BT PUBLIC. these goods, well knowing that they gu Automatic Telephone No. 174. ban reniorrd from thn N. T. Armlji f; Liquors, 14 CBOMWKLL BLOCS by lovers of Wines, BOOMS IS ft building to room "1 Iib Huitritrttll," up will be appreciated all i he trrl, where alio Will tm iilitael to r. eie llifiu. beautiful wearing apparel. p Cigars, 10 centa (Jim. wlMhliiff room Tobaccos Knr all ptTHoim rurulnbod LIhtc your ahlrt laundrled d SIMON STERN, bavn riqiii-ir- Aod bum on tlma. and all niouii la iut ari to eoiuiuuiiicata with ft. D. iiitmam m At IBS Albiqaerqae Steam Landry, Orouiwxll tljvk, vUL-f- i with Mu.ual THE RAILROAD AVENUE CLOTHIER. Tl-ptioi- Co. Tumi iib, m p Oaraar Coal m ud Be 4 a. Autouiatle rial JAY A. HUBBS. L CO. Tha ladloa are cordially Invltwl to at D 0 BAR SUPPLIES. tud tba (all nillliufiy ouliifr at Mr ROSENWAL BROS rk.H ti4. McC'ftilKhl ttuipoilum, o. 3 'J want ALULQUKHQUU Railroad avouux, to tuurrow alter uoou General Agents for W..I. Letup's St. Louh Boor. aud arvulug. Fturgen Kuron.uu. He m Jmt re T. 1. tha popular dprrlal agont LOCAL fARAGRAPBS. at Illtu, In in t hir i, vi Here lie waa MIC F1SH MARKET. of tha Klo (iraiiilt railwty, with tin loll Ck-Ii-iI In gettil g capital It. lore-te- d ll ELEGANT RETAIL DEl'AKTJIENT bauta Kr, Caiu duwu lant Metealf A Rtrauaa yeeterday received for Fruits two of bncua from Texaa, which I'm earlv en ctl .ii of a mill t OPEN DAY ANI NIGHT. Headquarters Fresh Mjlnx. aud la truncuun buidutixa lu carloaile Mi'Kar'and, however. ex pectH u.wu they will dletrlbute among sheep raleere H'niid. M'. and Vegetables in season. . . today. 1 return to Chicago lu a few In i tilei territory. ilu. Frnf. John P. Uioa reprinting ttn Atvnd the full millinery opening at Attended to. and Dressed Poultry. com v, a (ieo. P. Money, the aeetHtant Lnlted MAY FABER, Outside Order Promptly Freeh Fish i"Woi Lira luxuraiiRD 04i. attorney of New Mexico, caine in Vre. VcCrelglil'a tomorrow afternoon Street. parud ou tli nildiiliftil trmu (or th Htatea and evening k Price Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Second 206 and 208 South uth, and will vlMit Lu t'ructw aud from the territorim caiiltal laet uiglil U t Hturg.V Kurnpean. otuxr poluta. and III. llamoerata. 115 Gold Avenue. Next to Citizen Office. CAU AT THb who nn In Kefiuillal.a 8 tha Tax In Myoard' window that Patrick O'Kelllv. hat been Kditor. Clliien. Ke Pavltlo hospital for BAGIIEGHI GI0IV1I, waa palutnl and douaind to tliH lriuple mate at the Santa lht) s of the men It apieara lu k STORE. liirrl Hatmr b? 11th. HoI.Iiiihii. o( t'ln amia nionum. yeeieruaj imiu i n o( ol.l PfCPU'S I mixed ileiiioi'riitlu ni.'. the 1, he funeral occured to day. iMonatl. lliaucM at to be bad ul Mr pareala M 1 (HIUULAND BUILDING.) town, at vthicn tliev 'lecL. di l"gittea to u)uard. V. Viz.ettl, of KanHaa City, and John their m.uiily coiiveiillou, my name wan Proprietors, Tba marring of MIhh HcatrieA Houii-r- Hteln. of Iii Angelee, two well known used an one of the eppolntoit. 1 wl-- to N. PKBSH CROCER1ES. ( Kr rt. Harvev eating Carpets, Matting, Curtains, 107 4 109 Souh First Street, Albaqaerqne, U. and Coudl.lo ( live t ok piara at Hurnlns otili'lttle the 0 rrect. Ihn.ti.'h onr column, thl" ore-tsk- FRUITS. VEGETABLES hi Mouiliiy. K . ftliHr ilfullle ).iiulng hoiiae, regtiitered at Hturgee huropeao I did Uot attend eald ni 'ellng and J. A.SKLNNLQ, li happy eouuln (or life. lat ulgbl. wlil ui'V. r allow my n iiue u ul In can Portiers, Blankets, A W. H. Kvaim, a well known bate bull loc! Ion with aoy .leiu"Craiic proceedings Courteous TraU --L Tha b.tbi'r abop of L. Teller, on Low Prien and , night (rom Apen. 1 Ivtve been rtaliroad aviMilix. Ik b"lug rrp'.p-rrd- t catcher, arrived laet am a repuhl.caii, always aud I Comforters, (n 11 api iialutml and otbrrwuia Impn vul lu ap-- Cnlo.. and will remain here In the lira. will ever e, He'clfuly, j ii iiaai A Long STARKEL. ippoarannt. He Ih a nnrtlcnlar rrienn or riicner nur I'I ACIIIO AI.AXAH Y SAM'HKZ, J. who la now a popular clgnr dealer UwMra Poa.Citlioon and Mit'.hpw. who Jni'e. and Household Linens. 4 on avenue. of riiarmary. jf Painter and Paper Hanger. intra bMi attending th Mamle grand Railroad llianl .Aa atopped i ! lotlga, leiutnwl HoutU to their hoaieo tlun FlMt Lieut. J W. f reen. Who The terrltoria' boar of I hurnmcy met T T T T Look uorulug. mer I ere on tiU way hoiue from Vontauk In eotiie room. In the N. T. Ariinj i build fr f 4 T T t T l T T I t T t T T t T T T Ahead OKDKKS SOLICITED. Point, cmtlnned on to the t arum cut ing to dev. There were pre, nt B. Rnppe A girl tor h cinework "fore-eight- Wanted gtirl (Jreen l doubt-lea- W. C of When It pr.ives of value U called ." 209 FAST RAILROAD AVE. n. iHMt evening "Major" chairman: Porteillld. Silve. in a Hiuall family, luuulrwol M.h. K. treated to a royal reception by City, eicre'.ury, and A. J Fischer, ol It wl'l prove viilimble to you to ilover, aoiith hldi ot - he park. beng hi (ellow cUlt-ii- " to day. Hsota Ke. We carry the most complete and best assorted lines Improve the opportunity of our special Tha 8L Johu'a Kplacopal church guild e tsklngex-enilnatlo- i Albemarle House The moet exqulilte etock of fall and There a'e ti n i aro'lil.itea SILVF.KWAUF. 8AI.K. will ttia TeHiry nnuu I tie H th- - Ik oieet lu ol wt ter nilllliiTT will be on exhlb'tlon at t e'ore b rd to da of above goods bought at the Lowest the mar- liureu to morrow af teruoou. thl- - piot A cordial iiivitittlon Is given to J. M. &MIT11. fttUPBIKTUR. Vra Mr' relKhl'a etore. No. Ma wmt M.ra. Mann hi.iI Cbrstiaiison. of examine to horw, uprtng wngon ty. and Mra J. H. Illll. n. of Socorro. goods Want purcbia Hal I road avenne, U mormw eftemnon has reached th's year nnd our prices mean a BIG our Slid prices. u, . 1 1 buHrd In ket Tbe House li Just been Renovated and Mid harnew (.all at room and evening. cor 'lal invitation Ih ex he will be eeeelon to day and -- w. Newly Ku'iilshed. Arrulju building. tended to the ladlea to attend. to morrow. rooms. SAVING. It will not take you very long to satisfy jeweler First class be is and airy Kor anytlifbg lu tlin harniwa lino, a Mra. O.orge Hoicourt baa Jnliifd her T. Y. MAYNARD, Splendid iwniu tor light new aaddlH, ale. rail ou K. K. Hudiil, ('mil KvanevMIe, Ind., and they hueband yourself that we are giving MORE STYLE, Wtch Inspector, fit S. F. R. 19 COLD AVE. ''upper areiiue. have gone to hoiixe keeping at 7l Kent. A, T. R. A M Pratt, who hm bean mJ Miming avenue llr. Ho'coun nan oeen in BETTER QUALITY, MORE VALUE for your H. In this rlty. left tills morning (or bit (or aeveral nioiith and hai TUB FAIR. L. SHOEMAKER. iioniK at Kddy. concln trd to take up a permanent resi- BUCKS. money in CARPETS, CURTAINS, etc., than any Furnished Rooms 205 Wot Go'd Aveou ocxt to Fint Mr. and Mm. Rdward Chavas want dence here. Headquarters for chlnaware, glass- NxUooaI at oflke to- - Bulk, ri rth last aveulug to attend tba rarnlT! Paul Outtillveri called thle other house in this city. FOR RENT ware, toys, notions. We are now re- t dev and nUt.d that the little Hcoltl girl To-da- and Second Hand Furniture, invir. With or Without Board in all parts ceiving dally, new goods. wa lei t'rpt In an1le variety. May A with whom he collided yeeterdny arir. put 011 sale at eastern prices a large bud left of BROS.' S ock still at FIRE STOVES AID HOUSEHOLD GOODS. K.trwr, 116 Hold avenue, next to noon, wlill. riding on hi" blcvcle. Delaine Merinos, Goods ILFELD of the Gty. assortment ot i)nk not been Inliired Internally rn ni Hie Kcp.irinv SprciiOty. Kor flna millinery Mm In never For partica'ar. V1 on Flour bins Window cleaners urpawted. ttea (or youreelf, Tburmtay. accident and would recover from the SALE PRICES. Cotton mops Chair seats He hNo C. HI TMAN, Block, fiirnliip-mrii- l. external Injuries received. W. Cromwell (iluss washboards Curving sets Furuitiirn Htorl and pai-ki'- Th only p'ai'e In town to get hoinn French Merinos, alateri that be waa not acorcblng at the ( I lliKln'xt pnent paiil (ur wcoud male talll-'t- l at Uelaney a. lll'ue ilh Mum AutoiiiatV Te i honv Co. Children chairs Minciug Knives 1 ma the accident occurred but that It I uanil lioiisrluild gci.UM. erenlLg Te'e In .ne Toy bunks oll trunks Fred. J. Otero returned 'ant wa Cued by th little girl attempting Coal lusts Lap boards from a trip to Kepauoia. naen betwi-e- him and hln brother, 188S 1898 to American Merinos In Bread Isiards Towel rollers Ktbbon aala thU week at B. Ilfeld & who were riding about Ave feet apart at Tahl liiinti, napkins and towels Hole Ageou great variety. Mav & Faber, lluiiold Slaw cutters Apple parent Cut no feitd "o.'a. the time. I, Vegetable sllners Soup strainers 1 IH avenue, next lo Uro brnd Fine rlilna and glawware. Whitney HADK AM iliiil l.MIIKKU Fair Visi'ors Cordially Invited. Japanese lanterns Festoon papers F.G.Pratt&Co CaiiutMl Mra. Clara Garcia de fllinpaon, wife of It costs nothing to place an account (o. deceaeed, died yea A Paper napkins Crepe paper Jsinee Hlmponn, late for collection with the New Mexico Col- Opeulng day at Mr. Oaku'. Thuraday. 6 o'clock, III 1 and lota of other things which would tordav afteraiMin at after an Shropshires lection Agency. Plants. Ivt-a-. fl irUt. neaa of two week. Hhe wa4 aKtrr of take too much space to mention. The freshest stock of staple and fancy STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES A. J. flurela. the well known property Thk Fair. TharxtMj, Oct. . owner on north Third etreet. an waa On hand and for sule by TO IIONOH JI KOK ClOLl.llCB.. Kanaln haa aavaral of lha bwit ranrhe. In groceries are to be found at Hell & Co.'s, 113 South First Street. Ilia lrrllorjr anil a rteoond Oo tha above date, lu the afternoon alMint eara of age. Her hiihlmiid wa numoarof al.aaul street. S14 S. Second St. t la the clljr fur aala. aala Sala. and evening, the Indies of the city aud well koown here, and died a year or en Kallier Mandelarl lo frraent Mlin With Linoleum, art nitmrea and mats, at rr Hlll.boro Urtlef A magnificent f.VX) Hall's latest Im- ButtM Solicited vicinity are cordially Invited to attend ago at the Jellies hot enrlng. where be Itrajrra of IX. II Might. A complete aseortment of ladies' per- May & Faber's, (iul.l avenue, next to Cirainerr proved safe almost new, for sale cheap. Beat ou Karth. t re Ltllfy. the (all orienlng of artletlp nilllln bad gone nn a vlnit. The funeral t k METCALF & STRAUSS, At 8 o'clock to morrow i venlng, at the cale tlsunelette and woolen wrappers, Citikn otllce. went ft the thing for a business house. It mv atore. No. Si'i Railroad at place at 3 o'clock thla afternoon at the i MandeUrl will from tl5c to 3 60 each . Koeen Broa A complete assortmeut of Isdioe' plush Just , mmerclal club. Father wald burg- The rileiilay prove of chur-h- Koeen-wal- Is lire proof and has a combination will one the nlceat old t'wn rathollo burial lu preseut Judge N. . Cillli r the degree New etock kid gloves, In and cloth capes at right prices. ever eeeo novelties lar proof vault. W rite or Inquire ot 11. CITY NEWS. and Ulieet In the wiulhweet. Santa Barbara cemetery. CROMWELL BLOCK. of DoctoM.le ot LsW4 lu behalf of the neckwear and hosiery Just received at Brew. Mils M Mc; hK.u.HT. Washington, H. Knight or John 1. ui'.'e, Albuquerque, I ha (at Ik fea.l eaal algar la towa l H. K. McFarland. largely Interested In tieoryetowu university, of Golden Kule Dry (Jood.i Co. A big Hue of men's working gloves at property Cochltl dlatrict bestowed that d gree upon The Duplex N. M. tak.oa.. U von want or Inaxranra, call m'ning lu the U.C, which downailue mattreas Is the fl a pair at the Green Front. Wm. real ealale la-- Herrlck will be a eauain, kooui w, m. Aruiljo uullillua waa lu the city yeeterday and reglNtered L ,;aXSS rT?iiSa?Ia.2aJ, him t June. Frof. best. Sold only by Futrelle Chaplin. Carpenters' tools. Vtuiluey Co. Call Haakla lor raat ( ar . t p eeeut and Hiiesk on 'llnlverslty II. n Kuuui V. M. T. A mil Jo bulldla(. me." Delegate Fergu-sio- will eoi grata late the recipient lu the name of the Cut tijwera. Ivea, UjrUt. iilso of y, 11 & aid tbe ri Mior Always Goods People Agents For W. R. WHITNEY, J. C. H.Ol'KNOY, Sec. Trees. Vt U Plauoa (or rent. hltney Co. W. HLSSLLULN, President. ClaUC laol I'imI to go to aMhll.K'.ou Want; Prices People Copper aud tiu woik. Whitney Co. bu.meia ter.. re the d it d Hnitee su STA1PARD PATTERHS W. rmnparker Like and Unmatched I e 'tirt; .liolg J. T Picture frames oiade to order. Whit- - c nwri-tuUt- Ur Colli- r tn elf of Values. Mail orders ney Co. wll' The Most Reliable of the H r "f the trrr'lory.' Filled Same Day 1 UUJJLiDll Made. - ilUliu All Patterns Hlove repairs for any atove made. (In play; llu li Julia niti',eeuliiut.di Sure to Please. Wbiluey Co. a lew violin ""I'M I r lh.MM' DRY GOODS COMPANY. Merchant' Inucb every morulug attht-tMiI- I ho Is Die tlrst that a degree ot fme -- Klephaul. WMtaey Company, 1,1 . 11, una i.eeu coiuerieu u"'ii .117 our territory and lAitlea' hoeiery alrxiMt given sway, at aithiii the liuiiti of .he the, Is often made or marred by the character B. & Co.'e. occasion will th bs a msmorahle llirld extendeil to Agency co- .lie 1'ivltstloim have been of its roods. Much of the success of this Tha New Mexico Collection members of the Commercial llect. F. U. Box ava. Hi tbe A SOLE AGENTS FOR club, where I he oeremotif will occur, and Store's Reputation business is directly attributable to the Cut loaf 8juittilug new. Try It. to all tbe members ot tbe bar tn this ll.'lauey'i Caudy Kllclieu. honesty and up-t- c -- dateiuss of its equip AVondorl'iil Air 91 territory. Uigheat prluea paid for geuts' clotlilu Colo's -- Th.o (la A head t ment. Price of course must be they are right. at Uart'a, Uold aveuua. II. Sura Von ar. Klilit riht, ill forging s'-a'- l Ti-- hl The fact that we are ateadlly Ttiis week we form 'it! v' introduce in all their autumn completeness the new purchases of We will f uruUh your house on the '.a Stoves "lor way of making suits to H ahiad lu th stallmeut plau. bituey Co. urder, la proof that we are on the right DRESS GOODS, SILK, OUTER GARMENTS, KID GLOVES, HOSIERY and UNDER- Tbe beet summer fuel is Cerrllloa nut Wood or C al." .rack. Hea T- o- Bates Friday aud Balur WEAR. You'll xpi'ct bargains, we'll not disappoint you. Each department vies with the o'her in Coal; per llabu & Co. Hue of , - ii.2t lou. lay at our more. The biggest a rivalry of va'u-'S- eve- item of hiih lings true. Curtaiue, ruga aud malting. Vay A. t woolens ever shown In the city will be Faber, Hit Gold avenue, uexl 10 Citizen (iiiarantccd to give Wt ha 'e the largest Stock t our store. Don't cost you a cet t to posted. SIMON Ftkkn, Before buying ladloa' uuderweur aev iet S'Hle of It's chang- I'll Mlk We early took the hint No stock lu B. The Hailroad Avenue Clothier. Inith' (pt'iiinir the Nlock price llteld Co.'. w-a- aud al 1 cent licat BcA Base Wnmi I'nilt'i ing Sllittthility. that this was to be a (iiirini'iits. this store Is Uua aboea per mre and Asiorted time Outir Ladlea'a Uood)ear welt a Sta.unlv. y -trk now. That rilk season. Ilioe more care-full- fl'M l the brevu Front. Wui. Chap will be a regnUr rommunlca With 25 er cent less There iniik. a underwear selling l.rl-- k. If you been gn'l ering In Mis bt uii i.w; all here catered to. For style, for Ut, for lin. Burners, Heatas, Steel tlou of Temple bslge So. rl. A. F and A buy ran assure your- now, to l)i.i-l- i, A ooiupb'ts Hue of potted uieaU auu l. st Mas nlc hall tomorrow evening from these lots joii all priced make bi'iug ensy. for price in. otest t, our garmmt for Fuel than any other C very special ulu-w- ; want to 4oC yumI delicaolee luucheoua aud pieulca, ai Ranges and Cook'ng Stoves at 7:110 o'clock sharp. Work In the F. self ot mine Silks from to i per Silks in s'ork cumuieiids Itself to your favorable Bells. deirree. Visiting brethren Invited. By start the season right. dress patterns and wni-- t putti rus. All notice. Buying begins now. OiMxIyear wet W. U W. M secretary. Latent etylea lu meu'a Stove made. order of 0. leler, I'liiou f ults for women and children, the newest nove tii s ami designs. U11' Jackets from 1.50 to 2O.0O W shoe at tlM at the lireeu Froul. oi Sot-t- CbapllU. Oram! Harp 1'oarart. biggest line in fu 10 f 2 bo a silks are excluiie styles. You ti ml them Capes frmn 75 to 15 Hend your tougli accounts to the New Miss Mab Alva Meseeuge. the cele suit. at no o'her place. KurCollunttesfrom 2.50 to 20 Mexico Collegium Ageucy. Automatli lua'ed voiing harpist, will lie heard In I'uloiisultsfor children f r 111 H5 to (l.'J.'i Fur Capes aud Jackets all stales and rt, at telepboue 4V'l. concert Thursday evening, October a suit. TIm Hi'hii l'y We've built this irlies. be Armory, assisted by the best im-a- l None beat employed al The prices and designs of Kietything lu underwear for men, Keailint'S.". rtickillg Inwiuess but the artleta We are unpacking leut, Tickets on sale al newcomer h. ebop, N. Aruiljo foun- Bahu'a baiber I. bulla women aud children. upon a solid First KhII Srtle A lug. BatUa Daily Goods in our Carpet Department formal Zi. New AllMiiiuarqua Public Library Aui lalloa dation. Honest hrslery, honest prices, 'f Kill (iliJVl'H. openiug of Look lulo Kleluwurt'i market on nortl I election of till era will De- carnot be equalled. he annual I'l'I'SS (iotlilM Not to tell you about lines complete at all times, but particu- the Third etreet. Ua baa the uloeet (real our Furniture take place on Saturday, October 8 st 3 seasiuj L'fHllillt'SS. s larly complete at the start of a new cccHslou of Sto.-- cim-plete- , meata In the cttv. p , at Miss Field's ris. ins lu the Coin this bandaome dre an importance. in season The autumn is New reds aud army blues In dres? partment. iiiercial club building All mem tiers 1. re gcials stock V. mid be sell'ng uliTcd every detail attended to, every line giasls are the lal. at. bee the new thing r quested to attend. Hv order of the to do you an injustice. Yu ought to in with such values as thi'sc: right, every s'xe, every shade that fashion 'iC-- J (ioss. Secretary. II ho-- at B. IKeid A Co. 'a. 4 f 1 t V T preeldeut. Jl l.uF know about it, ought to know something ys' and girls' fast black very cal's for is here. We start the seasoa rrrau vegetables, frulte lu aeaaoi. We Keep the Largest Stock abi ut the all around worthiness of these heavy, uua; price COc special Tic with such items as the following: poultry and atuple grooerlea, at Bell Hosiery for 2 luand to The assortment of Crockery, Glassware A One Mason & lUuilln organ, ten freeh full olTerings. Kerth iig lu stork Idles, srecialsut I button kid glove at .75 Co.a. heooud etreet. scum- - e:. tie, for sal cheap; have to leave the now a1 1 new Socks for men, tdin k and tun, " " Head our ad ou fourth page of tbl the new novelties and 1.15 is unsurpassed cltv by November 1. Address F. Box less B " laeue you will tlud liiHtrucllve read' and Lamps. l. weaves. " " 1 00 it r.oo, women lug. Goldeu Itule lry (iuotls Co. Hand-oni- dress goods from Uic to 2 yd. Kverythiiig In hosiery for urn, lu all colors, Including white and black, J. M. Moore, real eetate, Insurance, lluu.ellolil UlliMla Crepniis, the new wrinkli s, at (l.2o " ami children from !c to e ilk at J.'s apr. New line Just lu. loans, uiauager Albuquerque Abetraul Co, Highest rash prices paid for furniture goods A. WlllTrKN, ew phone, iii. 121 boulb viudalreel. ORDERS HAVE PROMPT ATTKNT'ON. and household T. The beat plaoe for good, juicy steaks MAIL very newest In ladlea', misses' and or The and roanla and ail Simla meats, kept AND SALHSKOOMS, South Second Street. children a Jackets, liosenwaiu nr. si lu a first euwa market, at Kteluaorta', OITICn 317019 Sale An I'prlght (lauo. Call at Mra. (J L. WORKSHOPS and MCAVV HARDWARE, 115-11- 7 South I Irst Stree, For tbatluck, the lilO south Waller street. are amaker, aeeirea ui iuiuibi her cua-tom- Whitney Co. aud puMlbls uew palrous that eue Lamps and trimmers.