Miscellaneous Heading. The Turning Points nf Ufa. WnaT ws call a ‘‘turning point ” U sim­ THE ORPUAS'8 I'RATER ply an occasion which sums up and brings to a result previous training. Ac­ •ad •'« Mi maaj cidental circumstances are nothing except to men who have bran trained to take ad WUi *W wuw bound la winter chain*. and corarsd thick with *»«>» ; vantage of them Krskine made himself night camr down upon plain, dark cloud* fani4>us when the chance came to him of knag oVr tkc rank. making a great forensic display ; but un ­ And chilling wind* swept o'er the la wild and less he had trained himself for the chance, cruel airtk The Clinton Independent. the chance would only have made him A fair yvuaf child, with rarer v ridiculous There Is the story fold off some gentleman, who, un a battle field ' A! Issto err <•■»«• with wcaiiarwi. sank down upon happening to bow with much grace to the mow ; 11W teodne (prut wm thlftll clad, thowgk rmi*h. some officer who addressed him, a cannon ­ W»**k u tiid» bserved that no man ever lost by __ «? wtaa diteneas. There is a man in Berkshire, That gave »uch i«*»k» of suffering fruaa out their oil and strong as Are My father Import­ her heart a bestin ’ fit to choks her, till the House of KepreseotstlYSs, has notified Court, New York City, on the lfith. Judge on the Sabbath, ordsr to prrvret the dlstu Bngland, who has a park with a walled aaure hue; ed it. There’s not much like It In the freight gets (4T. And she calls to one of General News buniinarr< bers-elect Sypber sod Lawrence, of Ixmlsiana, ut tb* proprr quirt of the Sabbath day .and r Though none but Cad wu near to mark the tears BlaUhford dec ided that the Constitution ren ­ tag vW; th* refers. frontage of seven miles, and he tells of a that fapnt them lulled. country. Taste if you don ’t believe me!" the brakesmen, 'Set these ere right for the THE 0L1I WORLD. that their names will not be placed on the dered the Jurisdiction of tbe Washington Po­ Ttrsotied, Tbet ski mra who femr law, order and beautiful little operation which made a While from hk« lip* cant* uft the aiosn - i am *0 Israel stood for a moment, hesitating. expremu'eeys she. t^uick! or there may pay-roll during recess, owing to the proba­ ller Court utterly void, and refused to grant the fund gowrauvat in the Mtatr should, regardlessoi vr«f cold. A heavy rain storm, accompanied by light­ nice little addition to his fortune. He was Then he cast an eager glance to the right be s thousand liras lost* 'Where's tl»«- bility of a coutest in both cases. motion. Objection U lng taken to this ruling, erred, sect, or nationality, unite lh**lr influent* and ning, swept over Yorkshire, Eug , on tbe lfith. in sestslnteg tbe wholesome law* nf tbe in Australia when the first discoveries of A druwuww* came o'er hi* frame, and *oua ho and to the left, as if half fcarfbl lest sotue switch tender?* savs he *Ood only know*, ’ A statement is made, based on Information the Judge remarked further that the Consti ­ The crops were greatly damaged and several old were made. The miners brought in ceaaed to weep. one should see him, and grasping at the says my Dottjr. And so she comes hack from an official source, that the accounts of tution of the United fitate* expressly declares Resolutions were also adopted thanking teir nuggets, and took them fo the local And on the chining mow he thought to lay hint botth—drank! persons were killed. S arter me. ‘I ncle. ’jdie says, all white and General Howard and hb officers show a deficit that all offenders shall lie tried by Jury, and Mayor Mcdlil, of Chicago, for the enforce hanks. The hankers were a little nenroua do* unite eh* p: The fevered blood mounted to his check ; A rsporl was currant In London, since the But true to holy tracking*. Srst evening prayer trcmUiu’ like, ‘come with me.’ ‘What of $11,001), though

  • nM- John*, sc- Ever befo-s offered is Ibis market, constating of Usa It will cum any f hrsalr or Leap Frfhh, Uriid and Salt cordmg 10 t be recorded plat of Mid vtltoee Bald Perfumery, Paper £ Stationery It inserting IHaraar whose rcnl or direct of forty years. The Captain is a Mie will be mad* aubyret is'he payment* of the MUMUbadklamt. RArumallam. Fains A a heretofore, and it aha II be- my farther aim tn Hate for 75c., $1 and $150., remainder of Mid mortgage not vet dse.and Which Fine Broad Cloth Suits, Pure Ground Spice*, Full ten* Plank “Sufficient unto the day is In LJank* or Basra, tsuatlinttom kr*. devise means of heel serving my rostosu ra ail of father-in-law of Mr. Denio, sod like haa not jm'~ been assigned by the above named kra dnwaa by Mercurial or other polaona, whom will pliwae accept my ararmeat thank* for (}*»ryr W Emmons. Mortgages— Dated Jan* Sut*, Pool*, cheap, the evil thereof.” am all cured by It. F«*r hy pkllla, or ■jpfol- their kind and liberal patronage in the past, and 1 most men of bis profession, was found 17th, Iff). Imported Diagonal Suits, IIM# In*al, there la nt^hing equal to It A trust by keeping good meats and dealing alike untw JOHN HlCkd, Assignee Candie*, Pure H'mee and trial will prove it. Akk t UR DR. all mao to merit a coat I ana ace sf the Mm*. to be a jovial good fellow. He was worth $1, $1.50 and $2, at (wiI’oiiiis kTRir or J.O ftSLSSV, Att’y tor AMtgnee R4S Imported Scotch Suits, ' TEAS eery cheap, l.tqueer*, for me­ TUT THE muicKour. WM Kf.ftl.ET. atlired in full sailor ooaioto#, and gave (tnaittiftM u'A feuiire. -iRtkf to clo*e. dicinal uoe. ftt. John*. March 72d. It'S 1*4 » tbe timid members of the company matiei of tbe KetaU of LEWlft <♦ MCN STEPHENSON’S. . Deceased We the uod« reigned, having to»a Cheviot Suits, lift: Hft:»T AN D CtlftilPftiAT apiKnnlad by Joel II Cmnaoa, J u«kv of Probate for Itoctur Hun slleada psrawnally ST. JOHNS BAKERY, firm evideoce of safety while the gay the county of Clinton, Ittaia of Michigan, t om T miMlonere u> r. reive examine and adiuat all claim* Cottonade Suits. tu yreysflui ■•reacrl ptiuna, running water witch was under bis con­ and demand* agnlnat Mid decea sed . do hereby ui|Itt ur day. Wsikvr Street West, trol. We t ook a sort of an iuitiatory ive notice that wc will mart at the Probate Office I keep constantly os hand in connection with Linen Coato fur $1, $1.50 and n the t ll'age of HI John*, ng Tuesday. Auguat i. these s fall line of fIt: J. asd Taaaday. December SutA, A l> 1*7X. at HPECI AI.T1EB: cruise just be lore dinner, and all who Dof’lor ILirr'm one o'clock V- u of each of Mid days, for the l»ur- OF- ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN - participated in it returned filled with poae of taceiving and ad)oating all claims against A 44TH4* 1*11 Im, $2, worth $1.50, $2.00 and •add deceased ; and atl month* from the Jmh day of Gents’ Furnishing Goods, i'Htluirf It* I*IIIm, delight and new courage. After we Jusa. |S7S, to t Aa (Ism allowed by Mid Csart for creditora to present their claim# for adjust meat Also, • full assortment of the best styles of I>lat i*i*li«i*n 1*11 1m, had been regaled with a sumptuous sod •Uuwura.-ihlrd Juarjfth. ItTS. I>yM|H‘|>tl«* K*IIImv D. C. HURD, $2.50, at KoftKRT MeFABLAlf, HATS <5c O-AJPQ. 1*11 las, W beat you want anything In tb* Us* of UNDER THE 8UN f DAVID STELBERLER. Proyr dinner, rested and ** smiled" upon by DAVID B. ft It k N t' If, IM w4 Commtosioners •tklt Hkrag Ointment* asd fur •ilk Mails A aperlulty. things thst were good aud pure, nearly ■ II erwpituwa uf Iks akin. on niMintrKto v»Tin:.-io the Groceries, STEPHENSON'S. (••I ill Pare s#4i Hurr. I am now prepared to fornlah the every member of tbe company em­ Cmatter of the ICet*!* of 1KA WIKKUAB, E. X. BENNETT. m Deceased- We. the ui.deraigned, haung U*-n fft. John*. April Utah, 1BTX Jane Id. 1STX Statf barked for a trip out iuto the main appointed by Joel II. Cranaon. Judge of Probate Tbe undersigned have Okfintffi St. J#kis Crackers. for the Coo 11 y of Clinton, ftiate u» Mk ki|«i. Cos ▼K\V AHHANOKMKNTB Provisions, Lake, which was found to be large aud iw too toner* t# naira, examine and adjust all rial m. N ami damaiMia «gal net aaid deceased, da hereby give K VV very pleasaut. Tbe Island as well a# Pantaloon* for $1, $1.50 and wo(toa that we will mart at the office of Perrtoa A REMOVED Ia quantities to auii purchasers and at prices that Baldwin. In the vlltofr of dt John*. Is aaid county, Flonr, will defy competition and I can safely warrant tbe whole country upon tbe west shore,. nu Tsesday. the #ih dav of August. |»!1 asd on them to be equal iu ail respects to th* Tuesday, the 3*h day of December, IS7S, St nine presented a like scene of beauty and $2, worth $1.50, $2.00 and o’clock *- • of each of aaid days, for tbs parpoae To tbe weil-knows stand recently occupied hy A. Mid MUSIC STORE! Crockery, of meriting and adjusting all china against loveliness. Tbe round trip upon tbe deceased, nod six month, from the )gth day of TE ACID JUT, where they have opened lake furnished us about eight miles Jane, 1*7#. lath* time allowed by Mid Court for IIM HT. JOHNS. Best Crackers Wade $2.50, at creditors to present their claim, for adjustment Glassware, with aa ride. Tbe Knights Templar Cornet and siiowaUM —Dated June fewh, )*TJ HkNKY M. I XRKIN. Band, of Fenton, spent tbe principal roRTKK K PKKKIN. NEW GOODS STEPHENSON’S. ISO W4 Commlaa oner*. Stoneware, Entire New Stock! In connect loo, 1 •hall alwaya keep a fall Aa* part of tbe afternoon with ui. and WM. H. TRIPP of 4 IfeVIINIRTIt ATOM** ft A «.#• - Htate of A\0 THK rLttE TO Bit THKtl. At , and heeome Mttoied that you css do better Of tbe Lelast Ht yiea in Roots ft fthoca. fcdded life aud pleasure to tbe occasion Mtchlga**-sounty «»f Clinton. In the matter by paying as yea go. Try Ik. at the Estate of HCftANNAH H UODOKB. De Having leased aud it led op la eoperb stylo, th* FRESH BREAD. CAKES, by tbeir fine music, the like of which reseed Notice to hereby given that by vlrtav and building owned by D C. HURD. la pursuance of iteener and authority granted to PIES. AC.. is rare outside of St. Johns, of course Ladies and Gent’* Hoae for me by the Judge of I’ra'al. for the count* of CMstoa. to Mil real estate belonging ts Mid de ­ J* T. William*. CIlMtuN Aveitw#, n. GOErrrE, ^7* JOHNS Better, Cheaper aid More of them And shall hold myMlf In readlnraa la famish pri­ Tbs instruments are from the best ceased. 1 will sell at psbbe .scion to the Mgheat vet# and psblle panto*, wedding* and fealitala, A e sf said John B fowl, Cash or Is tbe townehlp of DeW'itt, in Mid eounty, k»r la addition Is tbs above, I ah all keep A superior SPECIAL ATTENTION OIVEN TO BEST MATERIAL, search of pleasure at reasonable rates. th* pnrpoee of recalling and adjusting all el*. To cultivate sociability and a dis ­ A large line of Broadclotha, otw pss **K * It to Ordered, That Mmutoy. tBs 44b April «d. im position to co-operate for their mutual day of Aagust. 1S7S. st nine s’efoch la thsftwu- CROCKE Barber Sbop. benefit, therefore removing the morose sooa, he aaaignad for tbs hearing of fold petition, REASONABLE TERM8, W* would here at that you aun bay all distrust tbeir Isolated position naturally Cawimeres and Tailor’s sad that the heirs st tow of aaid deceased, and gomt tn tha DtTIS k RWEEIEf, Preyrtctart, cause*. all other persona istsrssted In aaid eat at#, *re re­ Soda Fountain for Sale ~ quired |a appear st a asaeton of aaad aosrt, than ts AMD 4. To create facilities for a thorough As hold** at the Probata Office. Is the village of —AT A- GROCERY LINE, flkertof, Hair Catling, IJgatof ft*# , Interchange of Improved stock, seed, gt. John* and anew rasm, if any there As, whv tfeempsalaf, Trimmings, at lowest possi­ the prayer sf the pet lliwacra ahouid not he granted. Warraat theai M Full.v 4c. And It la Farther Ordered , thst ssltse he gives ts BARGAIN ( BW Promptly don* la th* beat asd to teat atyla fi. To sell their produce direct to th* peraose lutarvwted is mid mtale, sf tbs sou- A* I du my ova work. BFCkUdfara hair cut, aud aallstaetton always At Greatly Reduced Prices!■Wgusmneesd. consumers, buying their supplies di­ dswcv of aaid petition, asd the hearing thereof. Ay Os# of Taft ’s tip top Sods Fountain#, of Sue ble eash prices, at causing a copy of t A m order tu As published I* tha Italian Marble, art lb two |4 gallon founlatse, sue 0. W. BARKER. Ht. Johns. Ner. l*»h. 1#TS. >17* rect from manufacturers, and there­ CUatou Irwfependent, u newspaper printed sad gessrator. an* draft fab* snd **gbt syrup asses tugara at fraft ... tOtf tft |fr. by stopping tbe gambling and stealing circulated la Mid msnty of Ciiatos, for lh*e* sue Tb* whole thing la goa# repair and wMl be sol# St. Jobss, Feb 1st. ISTt ffTMf carried on In this exchange. canal re week*, previous to Mid day of Hearing st a be neats Apply at lb* Iaasraa esvv offU*, or Teas at frftMi...h4fer. tft #|.fl« GIVEN AWAY. JOELH. CRAIfCNfM, lodge of Prohalo. fi. To oppose all monofiolie* that arc STEPHENSON’S. (A tru* sopy.y »»•* NAtB 4k DAY!#, Wftlftuufta at frfttfo AOc. tft BO#« crushing the laboring cl a ness. Maple Rapid*. Mtcb. o First National Bank A Fine German Chrome. 7. To oppose all corruption, legisla­ May ISlh. HIT#----- #41tf tive ami judicial. OF HT JOHNS. Aud all other good* at Equally Law Fries*. VS UN# AU fft.V# Awy CWUOWO, ftOTNrff# AU9. j^R-orcMiM« or tmb Bitfev run pffAMius. run tu mr fi. To secure the passage of wholo- Clothing cut and made to or­ 10,000 CAPITAL, #140.000 A*BNT tum some laws for the good of tbe wisssCs, TfitBklBff Mr $14 Frlt»4fi bb4 end to have them strictly enforced. MEAT MARKET Mnrplas. S90.00W la^oAr* ***** wHh * u traitors PtlrxM l.\DER4aR0l.\D, der on the shortest possible Os Higkem Htraet^^l»Jlk»^ear of Wood # Bsu4* W. BUNDAY CHAXLXB Ktrr. Ureal deal, JOHN HICKS. Ybt President, 10. To teach the wrorM that Industry Far past favors, aud treat asaa urM laaima OR, Choice Trees■as saw ou baud a largo aud LI. WALKER, Cashlar. end fair dealing ran and should BOtkfi, It HT. JOHNS. MICHIGAN. ksih rrtslt ftfoffi Orassratal, aftradad hawaaaa wa have bass compel tod tu Life ifilow th# $urfxo«. . oeed, instead of briIbery, gsab«a| sad Mrtcitra I adapt lha eoaree which wa have, sad which to aur swindling. VOX BALI AT CtlitM lift, Ah*a# H Wutat, for tha future. XT THOS. W. KNOX. Joan Rtcu, Jama# urew#, $4S Pa### fidiT#. •The Chicago 7 mm# bae inftwmhDon STEPHENSON’S, H. W. WALTON, Great Bar|sins, •mat I. Wnxia. u 7ft raraoata In anyway Indebted tu ua era re­ the! aa Indian tea, Irving e few miles Crockery ! ft y q a war ad tu make I mi IM PiM Exhtey Ibca Wsgld bare asy Is fW pffVW tbal As Ass lusts At Iks Bt, Mm laraary. Raeafve dspualta, buy and sail stake Ago oa all pay meat. horn grace emetic, will iw m abort tSase spas ad tb* mast market •* lbs sksui Ini rfM prints, dual tu Bold. Htlver, Canada Mousy. HairierIsoldes I* hud Asridsuta bayou d (ba pLise. tvbsaumay kwfowud Mail umss tbs Asst •f tlk# amt ArolrakU pfotl , i :.*.vr5'.3r ■; v eaten*ab tbe world with an air chip, Usited Stales Road#, ft# . ftt. Roastve depuaria f. l. vti temtiKT * c*. Having perchsssd ss laierast I# the ffarmry them: TTadetvurrentaof foftoly; OasMinf im iHISa#aft by Mr J fi Rtuow, I am Ii#n v i of ewe that see he semwissdsd at will, for Sa.le. in. n., m . mi iLHy 5T»c^Hr E:& awd made to do acrrtcc ia lie tans •rolls. CLOSING OUT ”l" Sarinfs Department pcvtalif of pacatcfon awd I g||gg». It Is* WMj X treats af expat I ■ Ufa vMk krimfodh of all Made sf ash. sad trill offer mm la das am isu Of( Strayed. la epiam dose aud tMMftCto, ha iris #f Be* par sari par annum la paid aw Tbit Iediaaiaa, bit all •tews $ Mash. Steuved from the aaetaaure af the sukaartbur; ri. rxtifti hdvuutui A pT7< TW marks* «tK shvsy* As ftuyltil wgh asms Brat day# af Joae and Dec ember, aa oil aama a* Sunday, ifta Bnt lari , a PFnTTBD COW, •Ugh Aswan si modest, cod does eet weal bis asms WE UTAH. stable, ckewabie ai>4 digestible ALEX. PULFRXT. deposit owe mouth pruvtauo l* thus* dales, th* M rid: with amall, abort emmutod boras, ptrutag aadp hi print watil the air chip ia seedy to sou buy a# jrond meat# from my wags a . asi m aa la th# tUnU^n Book* uf lha Barieva forward, tbe petal af ow* dropping a saw spew tbs form**, as they ess at Urn x iW tha other ft white rinpa Hi bar form. ilia*. *•*_ rie. Im aud ntts#. 1 at a* law price* and M#tuff swear bar forehead A tou. a .ww-vaar Far Mr ar Exckaaga. !#?•- #•*« WUeboat DtrifWU In iMohad afi#dri1 —— HEP HEIFER, with bwt Htito white a* bar rk# Uri partvetorly i a mam bared. You may Aganta Wanted 8&LK, KUHANLEfir i daalriug to pr#rur* hftft ha VuHd house a by alhsta t* fh* side af owe af bar for Tb# Grand Rapids fooh ap loom at bunds, ora daMrad k Which th* yAt!—ft 3^ftYCUAC3 kaswu m the “Ji milking. If am •aeevud with lha baud, ft ay tbe tcfiel lam by tbe fire ia ibat u reran i saw* tg tha eu bar fiber, or far etorutawe aud tarot to gpoh. city al §187,971 ef wl f]0M79 it wnci.rtm.roB iu ft Baldwin , a AY LOW PEI CIS. O. LYAT S. R. ft 17ft N * MT»*. covered by XL Mm, April gffd, t##» m x m wn. HARTFORD. OONH.. u CHICAGO ILU ■ For a Large, Fresh and Stock of Goods, call on A. TEACHOUT A CO. iBhe Clinton Jndrprndrnt Faui RiroRT —It was currently Dun. —A man named Hiram Olds, reported upon our itmti last Satur­ ia rathar depressed circumstances, ar­ am) Thursday, toy day uioruitig, that Dr. Bm)'i black COMING AT LAST! OOliHIT Sl KldT^W, rived at tkc Exchange Hotel, in ibis • •ease a. eoaaiv. aaaa •* istaa ware died suddenly Friday night, after village, on Tuesday evening last, en a trip “up north.*' Cutler nays Char­ TERNS SI.SO A YEAR,IN ADVANCE. rawfc for bis former boms, ia Troy, ley Grtmoa ia responsible for the un At Cost. X. T. Ha remained there in an almost n, gyfAttKE»« ^ soundness of the report, and Griaaoo helpless condition until Sunday morn ­ HOME MATTERS. said that the mare diad from over ax- ing, 9:30, whew be breathed hie Inet. At Cost. ertioa in trying to brush the fliea off For many years he bee been afflicted Car* of Thaeha. 1 with a abort tail. with Dyapeeia, which baa at last closed At Cost. hie career with thie world ’s affairs. Ha n« ntSHtai «r a. j«kM ream i*«uk» to a A O katiot MowihG Machims .—Ilia STOCK or GOODS has spent some 94000 in traveling for At Cost. j •* —■» **• *»* •-*. tha recovery of hie health, whieh he itosotoa to tb© Prtata— -ibaas© «• Mr. Tauroioe the following: “Dr. 8. H. Welling* of failed to gain. He wet 59 years of At Cost. •fo (to* of bl* b—atifni Art Oalfory. Tb* art ■this village ia the patentee of a new of llw rmlo| *m* fJt. age at tha time of hia death, and ap­ COMMITTEE mowing machine, which ia arranged peared to ba a man full of soergy and At Cost. AT FIRST COST! Social ad Duwin ! “P00 * u entirely new prineiple from —lee Cream hope* Hia principal diet, for a long a n * those now in aae, and promises to bo a Party, at Newtonn Hall, this evcomg. .. time past, has been oorn starch and a At Cost. I tine improvement. It ia proponed to —We understand that Mr. J. W.! little tea, aside from whieh, he coaid ruanufactura them at 8t. John* on an GREAT PACIFIC & CIRCify Waleh has been re-instated to hie old keep nothing npon hia stomach. He All Goods at Cost extensive scale, as sevetal eitisens of position, KUtion agent at Ovid. has been in the Ionia county poor that place are interested in the inven ­ —It 1a reported that Mr. J. K house for five weeks just previous to at tion. It ia hoped that the expectations COMPRISING 8eripp, late of the Tribumf, will be tbs time of coming here. After bis of all concerned may be fully realised." promioeot iu the eatabliahing of a new death, a satchel which appeared to ha Heavenrich & daily paper*in the city of Detroit. A Change is PaopninTomtHir.— hia only baggage, was searched, in which Bought aince the decline in Eaatom Markets will be —New peachea have made their ap- The Isabella County AWeryrrae of July was found n comforter, a pair of gloves, Guiterman’s. Museum of Rare Curiosities pearmnes in the Detroit market and 2d, comet to ua with our friend Jobo and one or two other articles of wear ‘•2i.Sc per quart" are the modest figures K. Doughty, (once connected with the i»X apparel; also a slip of paper which July 2d, 1873. A Menagerie of Living Wild Beasts, that set upon a stick in the center of Cltnton Republican,) at its head as pub­ crnitaincd the following words : Closed Out at what they Conti the pile. lisher and proprietor, and James \V. ** t^wk lofldf l boar mittens, aoiurtblng ofiom. valoa H.OL1W" —Tbs beat 100 Seyths in town, at A CARAVAN AND ART GAIXERT — Mr. J. K. Owen will give a Bow- Long, at* editor. In the “bow" article The gloves were examined, and in McFarlan A Croul's. ery Dance, at hia reaideuce, one-half ranch is promised for the patrons and them was found $20 in tnooey. OF SURPASSING GRANDEUR, ©ad A»ide Something N ew.—Stratford Collars mils west of tbs Merribew Church, readers of the Rnterprue Mr. Doughty from ibis be bad one dollar and some at the Star Clothing 8tore. 852:2w. Olive, on Friday evening. August 8th. is a good printer, and a gentleman pos- few C€0tg. ||s |(>g| ^ wife iOW# 1873, where the public are invited seasing many rare social qualities, year* aiuce, and this money, the last —Scythes and Snsths. the best as A Gigantic Circus All Stock on hand before Bill $1.25. and be haa our bo* hopes for a rich 0f hia little fortune, he intended for hia sorttuent in town and prices very low. —The next Suffrage meeting will be harvest in hia new Aold. daughter. Hia remains were propeilv McFAai.AH A Ckoil . 5 Separate and Distinct Shows, held at Mrs. VS att s large rooms, in . ■ ■ — . r ...... r * ■ ------...------the decline marked M unger's block, on TumuUj .veaing ! A Fi«»t M.U. ArruiKTHUT.— At ctrfd for »od b,,,iwi '» * b« era.tl.rj —A fine assortment of Bird Cages, just received at McFarlan A Croul’s, oetl, 2S*ib iutt. An tddirM by Mr. may be *?eo by o.r H. ngtl oorretpon- j our ovrr **' r* of |>oor. j Hardware. [350:4 UNDER FOUR MASSIVE PAVILLI0NS, down to present tlerron.good .untie, ic* ««.n. .ndc.k«, de Mr. Willtrd Lyon, of that town -g , m Tub Race *.—The races advertised Brilliantly Ulowtaated ©t night by Kidd'e Patrat i’ortabi© Sanlifkt A j p*ratua, will osblblt may be anticipated. Com . 1 ship, a well-to-do farmer and a citixen io take place on the FairGround Track, — A fine assortment of Bird Cag»*s, —A grand Bowery Dance for the just received at McFarlan A Croul's, with an enviable reputatioo, has been last Saturday, between horaea owned New York benefit of the Maple Rapids Cornet Hardware. appointed mail agent on the J. L. A by Mr. Houghtaling, of Lanaing, and Band will be held in that village, on AT ST. JOHNS, 8. R. R., and hia route will be from Mr* J. \V. Russell, of Olive, did not —Scythes and Snatha, the beat as- Friday, August 1st. 1873. Ample aortrucut in town and prices very low. Cost. Jackson to Roscommon, a distance of come off on account of the unfitness of preparations have been made for the Mc Faelam A Ckoil. 194 miles, or 93 mile* oorth of Sagi- Mr. Russell's horse “to go.’' The large thousands that will probably attend. naw City. Thoae who may have buai crowd which bad congregated to see Foe 8alk —A house and lot. Ku- —Chau P. Russell, of Detroit, Grand ness with Mr. Lyon will always find , the sport, were much disappointed when quire of M. A. Kmffin. 314 BN THDRSDAY JULY 51st. Worthy Chief Templar of the State 3 C — ..Bird*, Ice-Cream S»cial at their hall, on 351:tf K. K. Bbhnett . luarrt© and Krpttle©, prrparrd ©sproMly tor y Prof Mb btar, n r*'toward Satnrday evening next, where the pub German T©*td. rn>lei. lie are cordially invited. The proceeds iu lhe hardware business in this Btdl. After which a running race be­ Foe 8ale .—Two good durable' 60 a Cottonade. of the eulertainnient will go toward ** about to eatahlish a Cheese tween horses owned by J. W. Russell, Wheelbarrows (new) may be had at a bargain by applying at this office. the purchase of a carpet for their hall- Factory on his farm in Riley. He of Olive, and Mr. Houghtaling of Lin TIIE NEMEERIE rt om ■ ■ -...... 60 u Caasimerea There will be speaking and singing. has alreadj 200 cows promised to work »i*»g, came off, which resulted in the t ar Male* —Mr. U M ShMIdt oSers for ••)» le rompoeed of LIVING WILD ANIMALS from tot* tliiMitd in • plMkBBBi part of St. A Rack and ho Fooling —We are|for lhe •apprise. are glad to Lansing bo.se sweeping the $20 stakes, all uart© of tb« Glob*, —plraoa* ©moo* wtiieh John*, and hia »n<1 lo<, altoa'rd lalb«b«*rt t© the World-Krnoo ned tVrforwin© Kt©pb©< l requested to state that a race open to thi« kind <)f • *P»«I niado manifest The afternoons doings ended with a **Sl T I.TAN,” ©nd © dun of FuUK M'»NMTKR NU of bMlnrw, at a »*ar*ain. Hot to holMIs** at* met- MIDI AN LIONS ©nd an African Lion*©*, and 40 Ginghama all horse* in the county, will take place our farmers; the benefits from fr<*« which was principally psr- paraOraly mb and wall arranyrd forroafort aad TIIKKE HAHT l.lONrt. b«»rn June lilh, jrjS, b«uawt. which ar* object* of *p«rt«l lal« rent tolbeiboa- at the Fair Ground, on Saturday, Au- whiph wil1 *° w •mong all j ticipated io by Alonxo LeBaron and a | —i»d* who doily rldl th<« —lo-rtiwn, which I* pr«*>ded over by HERR PAUL SCIIUOFK. tbo gust 2d. 1873, M 2 o’clock p. in., for a c1m» »*• thc »«»d *s the fac- “ bu,,j” b'g fe,low known M “ AUUl ST FLOWER- Intrepid German Animal Director of the Royal 25 “ Crash. This prftl Dyspepsia Paaaeaa has lb# Uffwl Zoological Garden* of llam* ar*. who will at rarh torien are so far spread there can be j "ho ** in some way employed about performance *nter tb* d«n of l ho— Keruoton* Mon- purse of $50—$25 for 1st, $15 for 2d, of say other preparation ia the world. Why? etera and ahow to lb© j.»ir- n* of tb* "GREAT no conflicting interests. R. M. Shield's saloon. It appears that i bocaaso w* say to wary oa* that it aAietad with PACIFIC’* tbepowrruf tb© Iluiaaa WIU over and $10 for 3d. Also, a purse of $15 tb© Brat© Creation. “ Dick' bad been in tbs habit of a bus-1 llrtprptta. Livar Cosiptaiat, Cottivaa**** . H**td 60 “ Dress Gooda open for all green horses. The money aeht. Heartburn. Watorbrath. Soar Ktntnarb. How Tbub .—It ia often times said mg people by driving over them with! Iadis«*u«»jr-Al tha RuaMlI lfoaaa. oe 8bepard ia a gentleman with large ex­ iodignaut crowd, we expected a much confidence of the public. iha l?th Inal-, by Joha P Maddea. J. P., Mr. The F©n»r*u* Kofllth Hi«»»de. worse stale of affairs at the close, but Judaea Hat aae. ©f Oliva, to Mi** Sarah Jaana, perience io the mercantile business, ©f RiWy THE REHT FEMALE GYMNAST IN THE WORLD, both wholesale and retail, and with Mobs D amage et Lightning .—On , the horse, wagon and man were all 300 Parasols. TO Ml*. these snd other advantages, the people Wednesday of last week, a barn be- dragged from the crowd and hurried of Maple Rapids sod vicinity may ex­ longing to W. T. A R. K Davies, in off to mors safe and aseluded quarters. MAW LBY -Of Cholers lafaataia. at Mspl* Kap it*. Jalv JU». |SYS,■ Blla. d©asSt«r* “ of* T_ r a 150 Pieces Lace Edge. pect to be able to gain some rare ad ­ the township of Grecnbush, w as fired Such disappointments snd soenet are S. L II*wiry,U*ln, Ha«cd «m jr«ar, oa© a»oaih and Wbo by b«r ©laiillnf performance upon tb* bar In New Torb, Horton ©ad Philadelphia tb© part g,------•atj* two day a. Winter Woo foi her tbe appellation of "THE COMET OF 1«7S vantages by trading with him. by lightning and burnt to the ground. sure to prove detrimental to these Ot wtotrt to IHU* EUst —We notice by the Bay City The barn contained, among other sporte, and the whole Agricultural 80- W* Lav* laid her dowa U> rwrt ; M’LLE E313IA JUTAU, Bh* hM gon* to dw*U with J*©aa, 200 Pairs Kid Gloves. things, fifteen tons of hay and be­ eiety, and ahould no looger be tole­ CArswicA of the 17th inat., that our Aad at* ala*b©ra ©a Hia br—M. Tb© Aatlpod© — Qu—o, walking npoa