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W n y 1 . - / f FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FREEDOM OF INFORNIATION/PRIVACY ACTS SECTION COVER SHEET SUBJECT: MADALYN MURRAY YHAIR FILE : 105-HQ-90854 ».¢_>a-.v,_..._-.-... .._.. _ -...l -4 wni. ~¢»>_.:....».s.~¢o'-~...l.-aw. - :- 1;. 0 is me». l-26-66! Y- Tolson Del_.ooch ' ~.r I"?----Q 1. K r ii/lohvr 0- .31 wmaunia Wino Fozagglat School !1"z'aycrs Wi fa ~_.____.__~ Caliper Callahan '.l,_la,_X the ¬liurclae;s, Conrad ____._._.-_ Felt ____.._____..__-- ,______._-@- -- ,G<1le V _ " If "' /' Rosen /' By Peter Winterble issues because they are @liaj1' BEE I Was t Writer"afraid of losing their tax-free 1/ Sullivan l - 5 In it, . she change;-the Tavel ...____._--- Madalyn "*r - Murray Hair .-.v wa5 position, among other things. 1 wearms iiers familiar olverl Show me achurch that has Church should he paying taxeslz Trotter print sack dress. come out against the war in of upto $6million on its holdlg Tele. Room She looks just like she didlvietnam, or that has begun a ings and operations. in 1963 when litigation shelreally signicant project for imtiated '°"d P 35 3 Sufsocial good-the kind we need The case was rejected by Holmes preme Court decisioirbanning the Maryland Court of Ap- compulsory prayer and Bibie peals, that: State's highest tri-, Gcmdy eading in public schools. right now._. bunal. """""" 'l92/Iadalyn Murray Ol~lair is; "I'll show you that there "You know what one of on a new crusade. She's out aren't any," she adds. -S - iv- "u;f"¢"f-'11.-9*-7"z-s: - v_ ,:-:-».l~,;i_., : ...».l- to make organized churches 3 But she also says she is not _ -.;~w-::.i-- s '.~-;,,*=.-;. s -against the good work that mesa-judges cited _ in his 1 / "v , *' ..~~'-§?._. »A;,>;.;- on their corporate operations. churches could do if -theyopinion on the case 5- zi ¢.-- Q¥l.I7:l.1.'-1 '5 in the United States pay taxcistried. ' He it was Judge Reuben 1 . - being practiced every day b - "If the Baptist Church Oppenheimer! says, in effect, every She organized says that tax church evasionin theYwanted to register Negro vot~ that the church should be al- ' =5 _ l ~ : 1%!;VA "4 crs in this country, it could lowed to carry on business tax- [get them all reeistercd in six country." ' , ° free because it is an institu- .7; 1,11»P lfnlonlhs," sh-e says. _ tion. dedicated to the good 05 ; 5:111 ;.~ Mrs. O'Hair she recently Her goal is to secure lhcl man and it helps in integra~ -is *2 2.2 ' " manQi§§c~ah Amwica ¢XPlliTi-""l>asic human freedoms that tion ." _ ._ ate p inter, Richard Ol-Iair! should be guaranteed to any _>t__?_,..,d _~¢ __:___-_¢--@-" ~_ has spent the past several:human bcin,:l'reedoln from years collecting data that she"religion as well as freedom of says will help prove her point-=i1QligiQn", Sim 5lat@5_ They include ' her statemen ~ tsl. , But the public, Mrs. OHair that_a major bank is ownedjsays, often disagrees»-usually by a religious sect, that a rail- because of her previous fight road is owned hy am church, against compulsory prayer in 2'3, and that office buildings and .schools. United Press International ilancl arc owned hy churches Q She docs, in fact, say: I. - £2;/5] MADALYN Q_h H/lm» who never have to pay taxes llvould like for all religion to 's-"..".'J new crusade on them. iihc compulsory stud _v in . _r_________ _. _._-»*¢" She eels that the public lschools, for children from the i should not he forced to Sup-1-5th to the 12m g1~;1 l 92s_ gport, in effect, a particularShe recommend studying the church just because the publi c,histor_v, literature and the wants to buy a particular psychopathology of religion," The ..'usninqlon Post and ll/7 product-like a train ride 0 r cto the end that any kid will v Times Herold reject it out~ot-hand by age office space. The .'.':1sllln:;l;m Daily iii: W5 ii The argument makessensc .1231 - , to many people, she says, but 'Whetlier her views will gain Evening Smr , the real obstacle is the US. mass acceptance during her Flew York ,Hercll'J Tribune , Constitution's First Amend-lifetime is questionable, she New ark Jur:1<:l~/XmoricG____,_i ment, which reads in part-: says. But she adds that she is Congress shall make no nevertheless dcrlieatccl to New York Daily News law respecting an establish-_them," and will fight to the New York Post lend. V mcnt of religion or prohib it The Haw ark Times _..____._____ the free exercise thereof." l The cnrl-~01 the he,ginning-- Is selling steel for a profi tflinzly he in June, when she will The Roitlnmrc Sun and not paying taxes the free Llcnow whether the Supreme TileWorker exercise of religion? shc ;Court' has accepted her appeal Tin; Nw Lou-d<~r _______ wot a Maryland court case asks. A Fly; Wall Strecl Jrlumq, She said she feels the lliagainst the Rom:;;_C_~.~tholic on ma] or lChurch Tim lmlimml llbsvrvrw _ Ff Pent-l=r's 9292'2-rid Date ---. 54A 14 l96B PR ll I965 ~__ _-.-92.~~*:-11_§_~i-M!-»92-_,-,.:_.-..~__92k.,;._,»,___we . .em x-21$-am». _____.,,_._.,_.-1.7...- - . _;_______. V_.____,__ ' ~ F Lu "on92..~5;,¢-1" .. __.__..__, 0. c 92 Ix ,_.....-..--@ I i: '9'! C<::..per _.._..___.__._.. ®§¬fi1* Ccilaifio ._.__..._..._.. Conrad ___..._..__.~._._..__ Felt ._. ___. Yighis New . Gois ..».._. .. ,....... Fiosen " __v__ @3761? Taxess M§uE£iv<:nQ . __Z;..j Ci lvel". _ Tcw»~=>1._-._.._&._...-.--__._.-»I1 ..EIa1x=n MurrayQ!-Iaair on is Trotter ._.-.-.2-_~x the EanE$§3§3'1f¬E&§lif'this time fighting or a Supreme Tele. Baum. Conn. aieeisiunmat vmuid Haimes . separate churc-31and state especiaiiy inthe ream:mi teac- W {handy 1- A iree mf>"erati»:fn.. Mrs. 0Hair Yielda gmup ni .1 256 listenersat Haward;j'Uni-» astersitgfs night: Craxntcm Audimrifum i have dedicaie.d myseffvto be field.of the separation. cf Ch_!,I.!£:11state." and She gained natéi<m~ai. attrm» Liam in 1953 whena suit she inmate-:1 wmimiup as a Sn- preme Ceurt iiecision against. garayar and'Bi.hle.-.readi:_1r_.$ in 92 I public schonis. This time,. she says. 111:: sstakes. aretiiffermt--tn» the tune of nxiniurss midniiars of tax mnney that she» feeis marches shouki"sac payingin taxes, She £016we audienca that the Bzmkof Anmricais owned I; hy theSusiety ofJesus of{ha $1.-Q2, H Rmnan Cat§1@3icChurch; that the 3921mrm0n.sown a c0m.roI.- .1, 92» ling ime*.es%.1in the Union Pa- K-~ ~<.<-.... -.-._.,_.,_, - . ..,.'.,,,_,. cic Iizxiiraasi, and shat the Baptists ownQ 22»-smry oice w lmilrling in Clricaga that they write c-ff as ia>;~§reebecause Tim 92".'m2i~.s:92.-;92,-Mni::7:r-!I %_ um;__1ZI--J of a chapel on the 2211 ilcmr. Besides the fact that these T mm s F aw::3~:92 religimls sectsdn net ham to Th? "».'<!§~'hi:-';;¥'.'-nffiuiitg ?i~5v.r& paya pm1n§;tax antheir hadd- ings», itgricves meto think S §i*$'§I.'n:ni.r.:._: _ ...__ kisur , . that 51§2cm of.xhis ccmntry T3*~"~*-'Hi-T~1 fmk §d Trsismm _ is E01-zedto aid a particular =i-l>>92-" 'YY~'I1.'Im:s:1-1E-.121:--=rtcm'92 ___. church just hecvause he does I4-p-1':§I'92si5",- 92."-tnrk N Tier"-21;. husinasss with s. particular t:£3mpm1y," shesaid. N92""-v :-mi:Fnm ___ Time and ether facts, she Eh1;- :5-.-w-rc}-ta Timos 92 . said, arein he pu¢Msi2~=:-d soon Th-" F?-:itirr;.<~1*.?Gun . in an aicle emied. "Let ~ ;. .. - Flu- '..<_.-rkM =-~n W ____ :1--~~- H >---~>,~§' »- .-.,.=... .... ....92W.~...._-.........________» ll:-~ nil] .Hlr4.'92:! _F_yLkl__ -{ 'Ii:=»-~:1 I-5-111 ii£.{iv.:92>tvo:' _____ ___________ __ _ r": 1 §~<'~::;={--'5.______..-..-..__i_.__-__..__ 1'.-_.;;.-i .... * -3 __ ..92 " 1 .1 I5' ._92.N_~_....._....._..._ ,_......_.__.*____.~ ._, , f L" -5*. C. .=' - ,_-1' *1! " . "C? APR5 18% 7 i-5*-~~ iv "Z-li -..'** 2*r =-~i~--"5'»->r::~§§E{<'.-"';-"-'7;Q-;.:::',; Us-»==»*"*_':*..";~ <-.. »_ ---I w.-T~"'="'92~ 1 '*-" " @ .- .. 1*-. -.. _~¢.>"'.._-.;»"".____.- 1, ,,_,--~¢ > -.-..-. .,92 . "; '+-..»--,» .-1+-... -._,;.<"?-.:..;.*~:-_"'***.-». AP » 2: . , "1.. .- * ' r~ - ,,.' '°"'~»-'-. .4-'>92,'a"""-,,.",92,'z'."'§ -a. , .-far -92__ A _,., v"" Y-'92" kl, ..92."" 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