rw. AMVRKDIBIITk. KLHOPKY* 9TEAMHilU% COAST WINK *TKA2ll*IHt"». AMVSRMKNT*. AMI SRMKM imHMNVfc ^ ** _ 4 MKKD AN L iiavama and mkXIoan mail OPERA HOUSE. STII AV. AND 33D hT. -OLYMPIC NOVELTY THEATRE. >AUK THEATRE. S No. 3 North H.ver at <1 P. XI. MMMttK EVERY MIGHT, CLOUDS. J% Wwll* m at I staamshin service between Nv.,. Steamers luevts pier U the m et suec.s.lnl of T GK.a Ni> OPERA I1IKSE. I for Havana dirk* r. theatre. Play CSRANDA Let-met anil *1 anagera OOOO L Y Y MM MM PPP1 II CCCO J.AST NIGHTS. PHILADELPHIA AND UV KPooL, | Oct II "roprieiof the OCITuaY, PoOLE DONNt-LLY c at CITY OK H AVANA Wedriesdav. Mr roar- I NHolXUKD ftUCi'l nS. UNIVERSAL ENTHUSIASM O O L Y Y M M M M P II c catling gue«n*t«>wn Thur»«lay. Oct. 14 . SHERIDAN SHOOK. D'Knuerv A formon't At THE Sal Hag every Thursday from and CUV OK Vi.K V OKl'Z Uu.tr, velloui Drama. 'ROWOKI) TO TilK DOORS. G 0 L YY M MM M ppn II c PARK THEATRE. Philadelphia CITY OK NEW YoKK Thursday. Oct J4 Mr. HUNDREDS Tl'IIXI l> AWAY NIGHTLY o o L V hi M M p II c c Balling ever/ Wmints lay froru Liverpool. N»v. I A. II. PALMER, THE TWO ORPHAN'S, M V hi p II CCCC ft The following steamer* ore appoiuied to toil from Phila* CITY OK Havana WeilneeBwy. TA'KX'KD AWAY NIGHTLY. OOOO LLLL Y clouds. begins at K. over at II I* with its superb sirffea settings HUNDREDS THEATRE. delnnia : . KOU VEKA CHUZ AND NEW ORLEANS, SATURDAY MATINEE and in unrivalled caste, in¬ I'M I.K TOM'S CABIX. PARK CLOUDS. INIH AN A Oct. 12 OHIO Nor. 2 via Havana, Pro ;re*o, Cauipcachy, Tuxpan »ud t*mpkfA at 1 :JH the foliawin* art- lira. O. C HOWARD » Touty NOVELTY THEATRE, KVKKY EVENING AND SATURDAY MATINEE. OK Mr. A Tuesday. Oct I# cluding Til E GREAT PLANTATION SCENE «B3 AM' tl'dd BUOADWA*. CLOUDS. ILLINOIS Ort |U PKNNSYLVASl V Nov. 0 01 TV RID iila:.Messrs. 0. R. Thome, E. MANAGER .LORD (LIVE .Oct. J»i .CITVofNEV* YOUK.Nov.ltf Fur freight ami passage appl» to Jr.: John Pensile, Frederic THE UHKAT PLAM Al'loN SCENE COLONEL WD. KISN CLOUDS. PRICK OF PA>KA(iK IN CURRENCY. F A LEX AN J OIK A SONS. 31 and :*3 Broadway. Jutne* O'NeiL witne.ted by 22.HOU jiuuula in ugi weak UU1LL1 ANT SUCCESS OK THE FAMILY 111 ATHE. CLOUDS. CLOUDS. will Now Orleans October 23 and Novembei Robinson. and all increased and positive attiuction. Cabin. $75 to $!(*>, according to location Sleainor* Lave Claude J. O. pronounced by CLOUDS. Btoerncu au l intermediate to 12 lor Vera Cras and all the above porta. Burrought. "Tha ni si ncriact and realiatie ever loan." ALL OK NOVELTY COMPANY NO. '. RETAINED AND CLOUDS. CLOUDS. Uckets and lrom ail points Peak*. H. W. Mautwaeaerjr, at O>o lowest rates. I NO at I» The semalluQ aud tuple til the day. SEVEN NEW STAKS A DDK IV . LINK FOR HALV'T^LX, TOt'Cll KFA "Those who have aol teen TUoma* h. MorrD, Thump- the Irresistible antidote for blue- ? ARK TUKATRK. Steamers marked with a star do not curry intermedials. rpKXAS Biat#* until..The steautei the TWO ORPHANS as miu, J. MuUltewe. W. 11 Wil¬ 8LAVIN8 OKIOINaL GEORGIA JUBILEE SINGERS The king laugh maker, accommodation tor all clause* X carrying lha lulled pro¬ and CLOUDS. Passenger unnur|>aased. - nail on Salur- duced at W aud iWi genuine Southern d.vrkeyt devils, lienl times tuelanehu|y. «»t !r CITY OK If Ol iO *, Captain Denting will tit Union Square der. H. Ayltng, Raynun. For parage rates eight nud other information apply at 3 from 2U Ka-t Ulver. Theatre hare not seeu ll at W. N. C. M. la Ilia uiarveiloutly true plautatiou tcena. to day, October I I. 1 ri70, 1' M., pier Ouigley. jfulUiia ol admiialun. faki Mud .V pAKK THEATRE. PETER WEIGHT A soN's, Getter *1 Agent*.! hill* of tfiven lu nII on the Uoustou all".Chicago Herald. ¦ ml III(islesewe PauuyPa Hureut. Prices 81 $1, ¦T LAST NIGHTS OF 3<»7 Walnut si.. Through UJiu^ point* Kate Claxton. Sara Jewell, MaTIXEEu WKDXEftDvY AND ft ATI KD a Y AT 2. Philadelphia and l oxu, Oontrai Ini<matioual and Great Northarn, Gal- . CLOUDS. CLOUDS. GEOKcK W. 42 Marie Wil¬ The graat Irish Teem. KEAKNEY ni.'.T MOHAN. COLTON. Broad at.. New Vork. vtihm, 11oiintoit and Henderson and tlia Oalvaaton. Harris Kate (lirard, Mrs. VaKII.I IKS. , l.i, II >T. \ \ l> JOHN McDONALD, Ifessimger Agent. kin* nud Misiee Id* Vernon The gifted Ventriloquist. Mr. IIAUltY KENNEDY. ARK THKATKK..GENUINE SUCCESS OF bur.: and Sau Antonio railroads. Freight and io*iirance at AKIS1AN VARIETIES. I IIKOADWAY The brilli>1111 i j No. H Battery pi are. accom¬ Roberta Norwood. Ethel PARISIAN FRONT dashing PA MAHSDEN'S AMERICAN COMEDY. l«i »r»t rate* For freight or piianjp, 'xtvlng^uptrior Allen. U Clevee and Mra. L AiiAI X To THE Mist MINNIE OKAY direct and n<>mi hoitk to Hot modations, apply to f. H MALLoRY A CO., 153 Maidai WITH N in her artistic aurgsainl Deerel. OUT FOR IT. LAND. TIIL Jill lane. K. Seymour, UNLIMITED A'l TRACTIONS **T| 1E I The \ Most BELGIUM. INK. SWITZERLAND. Box ofllro onen from S A. M. to l11 P. M- today, i talented arriu-cotitle ocali.t, J^OOK AC. AO., VIA Ko 1TEUDAM. TV I OR ANl> TEX dally and J \li»s LOU 8AN KOKD. TIIB EVENING TELEGRAM Steamer CALAND October 12 ORGAN'S NEW \Tit(k~ NKW LEANS STARTLING SENSATIONS. <* $ Alio the Characteristic Son -tminhlps. MolUi AN CITY will sail Irom pier b4 COM lOl'K. 514 BROADWAY. litres*. Steamer BCIIOi.'fRN October 2«i at 3 I'. foi HAKKIOAN A llAltr ..Propriotoie *1 8. MAIIXI".EE Every evening at 8. Miss LOTTIE UKAN r. will Issue an Extra to-nikbt with raturaa (aa far at Known) t Lo I'm Staiea North River, <ni Saturday, October I t XL. amfS'J ft These beautiful steamers, carrying tad mail New Orleans U*vh< there tu W. HA.NLEY Manager KVEKY TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND ATUKDaY AT 2. The grentest novelty extant. enthusiastically receired, the to the are great favorites with the dirci, transferring freight JMiKaTKK . Netherlands, public. AND HART. HAKKIOAN AND llABT. DBAllCBlXli FOR SPICE; only women tish. of ttia raanlta of the and Morgan'* Louisiana and Texas Railroad f«>r Morgan City, HAKKIGaN Trips regular, rates low, comlort living peitecL theuea to Tex ts ports. Through BDWaKD HARRIDAN'S MALO.NK'8 NIGHT OFT; For freight. For pswiivn. per Morgan's steamer* OR. THE GERMAN TUKNVBkKIN FESTIVAL. A SLICE FROM°A CUT LOAF T LU KLINE. THE WATER QUEEN. ELECTIONS IN OHIO AND INDIANA. Kt'SCII. BDTB A CO. L. SV. MOBUIm. bills of lading si ned to all point* on the Mississippi River, JOHNNY KOCH and DICK STKIRLY in tha TWENTY BEAUTIFUL FEMALE MODELS IX' 7a) rruuUwuv. Mobile. (LnvcRon. ludiannla, Oorpu* Chrivtl, Kockport, LIVING PICTURES. PIAVOKOKTKs, OitCAiS, sliv.' lir.u's Santiago, Brownsville, and t all points on the at GREAT KKKE AND EASY SCENE. In her original wonderful net, Beting, Drinking. Reading, Texsi Kmock and Smith. Prank Lewie. GRAND OLIO OF 100 8TAK ARTISTS. Writing and Sleoplug while uudor water. .Von UPRIGHT. GRAND 'aMDUKO AliaitlOAN SACBUT COUiFXsT'i vestnu. nnnihturc and Sau Antonio. Houston and SPANIARDS IN >r 11KNT, m}UARE~AND lor 1'LYMUlTTH. CIIKKHOCKii tnd II.LMIiiKU Central. International and Ureal Northern Texas Pacific Louise Iraiikliu. De chant} end fmuiuingt, AHIS the Swell p excel in nee. Pianos of our own make. also lor ..ale anil root, a H" Billy Herrv. Billy (Day. Larry Tootey, THB WORLD RENOWNED 1.IKDBKKitANZ QUARTET. Mi>. HLANlUK SELWYN. uuinliur of line second hand Ill order. VMKI.i.NO Oct 12 i flMllKU Oct. 30 ami Transcontinental railroads. Freights for St. Mary's Williams. woman ok the End Pianos, perfect Kit IMA Oct IU I ULl.Ll.KI. N..v 3 * and Fulton uu.ie I at Rock port. Hilly Carter and John world, The popular apian Delineator, WM. KNaRR a CO. No I 12 >111 tiv. spove lothat, at Grand success. WALKING FOR DAT CAKE. or, IIKN till.FOIL, Halo* of natnani' to Plymouth, I." alon. rhorbonrt; Ham- Lik'httrsco anu channel du s Corpus Christi and Bra- BILLY HARRY'S LAST OP THE SIOUX. WHO MADE HER SO? Tne graceful nnd during Uvninssl nnd Equilibrist, URIVATK KAMTLy. Of UNO A R KO AI >. W 1 I.L SELL Mr* anrt all pMIH ll knilUai^Klnl Cabin, #itw, nolil; % »* Santiago at llie cxpt u*.» and risk of coniiguee. Muticbv Br tliam. Scenery by Weed In two acta, prologue and IS ecenea. PRANK O lU HONS. to cash purchasers a m iirairiceiit ">* octave lour r>.unit Becond Cabin, sou, aula- Stuerau ^K), cn'rcncj. Insurance etui he effected under open policy olO. A. Whit- WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY MATINEES. New Scenery, Prupeiiiet. r.ntnmtv and unexampled Cad. Continued euccessoi the artistic Snag end Dance Duo, rosewood Pianoforte ; prominent makers", «mi $ 1 A), 'or KUN'IUKDT A CO.. C. II IJ1CIIAUU Si lint". ti« v A » o.; to New Orleans, jL* percent, to exni ports, Jf Li veil, it. tuuiiiett and beat clilortaliiiucut in tile world. OKIKKIN and Kit K $273; ktool. Cover. Mu«lc Cabinet; Elegant Steiuway OoitoriU Af*nt>, Ociicr.il i'uvai'i. rr tir.uti, ner cent For freight <r further Information apply t< CTH AT.
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