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Notice Concerning Copyright Restrictions NOTICE CONCERNING COPYRIGHT RESTRICTIONS This document may contain copyrighted materials. These materials have been made available for use in research, teaching, and private study, but may not be used for any commercial purpose. Users may not otherwise copy, reproduce, retransmit, distribute, publish, commercially exploit or otherwise transfer any material. The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Under certain conditions specified in the law, libraries and archives are authorized to furnish a photocopy or other reproduction. One of these specific conditions is that the photocopy or reproduction is not to be "used for any purpose other than private study, scholarship, or research." If a user makes a request for, or later uses, a photocopy or reproduction for purposes in excess of "fair use," that user may be liable for copyright infringement. This institution reserves the right to refuse to accept a copying order if, in its judgment, fulfillment of the order would involve violation of copyright law. Geothermal Resources Council TRANSACTIONS, Vol. 14, Part I, August 1990 COMPARATIVE PROGRESS REPORT 1985-89 AND PROJECTIONS ON FUTURE DEVELOPMENT OF GEOTHERMAL ENERGY IN ITALY R. Cataldi (l), G.C. Ferrara (2), C.G. Palmerini i2) and F. Sabatelli (2) (I) ENEL International-Pisa Office, Via C. Battisti 46, 56100 Pisa, Italy (2) ENEL/DPT-VDAG, Via A. Pisano 120, 56122 Pisa, Italy ABSTRACT Nonetheless, geothermal power production has undergone slow but continuous development in Italy The first part of the paper summarizes 'the for many decades. Limited to the last 10 years, geothermal achievements in Italy in the 5-year it can be said that the geothermal share of the period Jan. '85-Dec. '89 €or both electrical total electricity produced in Italy has always generation and direct uses. remained at values of 1.5-1.63. These values may At the beginning of the period the situation was seem modest in percentage terms, but are very as follows: installed capacity 4S9 MW, with a significant when one cons-iders that total power production of 2840 GWh/yr (1.6% of the total production in Italy has gradually risen from the electricity generated in Italy in 1984); direct 174,000 GWh of 1980 to the 200,000 GWh of 1989. applications for a total saving of 190,000 OET/yr, Table 1 shows the situation of geothermal power of which 124,000 was accounted for by balneology production as compared to the other sources of only and the rest by all other direct uses. electricity as of Jan. 1990. The situation as of Dec. '89 was as follows: installed capacity 545 MW, with a production of The overall geothermal achievements in Italy 3150 GWh/yr (1.5% of total electrical generation have frequently been reported to the international in Italy in 1989); direct uses for a total saving community. Among the many papers dealing with of about 200,000 OET/yr, of which some 127,000 for this general subject during the 19805, the balneology and a bit more than 70,000 OET/yr comprehensive progress reports by Cataldi and referring aggregately to agribusiness, industry Calamai (1983), Palmerini et al. (1984), Ferrara . and other minor direct applications. et al. (1985), Baldi and Cataldi (1986) should be The second part of the paper is mainly focused cited. This paper is particularly closely related on geothermal power development to the year 1995. to that of Ferrara et al. (1985) and is divided It deals with strategy, objectives, resources, into two main parts. The first describes the investments and expected results. activities and results of the five-year period Installed capacity is planned to increase 1985-89; the second summarizes the goals and the significantly in the next few years, rising to 885 development program up to 1995. MW by Dec. '95, with production reaching approximately 4700 GWh in that year. With regard to the first part of the paper, in Direct uses, on the contrary, are expected to order to facilitate comparison between the increase slowly in the period 1990-95: overall situations as of Jan. '85 and Dec. '89, in growth is unlikely to exceed 215,000 OET in 1995, addition to the standard Tables 1 through 6, of which approximately 130,000 for balneology and reference should be made to the progress report by some 85,000 for space heating, agribusiness and Ferrara et al. (1985). Moreover, three extra industry. The latter figure is less than half tables, labeled with Roman numerals, have been that foreseen some 10 years ago for geo-heat introduced for easier comparison of summary data. projects other than balneology. PART I: ACHIEVEHENTS IN THE 5-YEAR PERIOD INTRODUCTION JAN. '85-DEC. '89 Among the conventional sources of primary ACTIVITIES DIRECTED AT GEOTHERMOELECTRIC energy, only hydropower has significant potential PRODUCTION in Italy. This potential, however, is far from sufficient to meet the Italian electricity demand. Research and surface exploration. Research on On the other hand, among the nonconventional fundamental aspects of geothermal energy is a sources of energy, geothermal heat has a huge permanent activity of the Italian geothermal potential in terms of low-temperature resources pr ogr am. It is conducted by several (<130'C), but a rather limited one in terms of organizations: the National Research Council of resources suitable for electrical generation Italy through its International Institute for (Cataldi and Squarci, 1978; Cataldi and Calamai, Geothermal Research and the Subproject Geothermal 1983). Energy of the Finalized Energy Project, a number 147 Cataldi et al. TABLE 1 - PRESENT AND PLANNED PRODUCTION OF ELECTRICITY Geothermal Fossil Fuels Hydroelectric Nuclear Capac- Utili- Capac- Utili- Capac- Utili- Capac- Utili- ity zation , ity zation ity zation ity zation MW, GWh/yr MU, GWh/yr MW, GWh/yr MW. GWh/yr ~ ~ ~~ In operation Jan. 1990 544.7 3150 39450 162880 18420 37190 1152 0 Under construction Jan. 1990 160 - 13150 - 2150 0 0 Funds committed, but not yet under construction Jan. 1990 386 - 6700 - - - 0 0 Total projected use by 1995 885l 4700 52600 178000 20570 48000 1152 0 lAfter dismantling of 205.7 MW. of university institutes, ENEL, AGIP and others. was to locate the most favorable sites to start In the period in question, even though practically exploration drilling. all fundamental aspects of geothermal research have been reviewed and revised, the following Dri 11 ing. This activity has been conducted activities are worthy of specific mention: prevalently by ENEL in Tuscany and Latium and, to updating of temperature distribution within 3 km a lesser extent, by AGIP (on behalf of the ENEL- depth, thickening of heat flow density map (both AGIP joint venture) in a few areas of Latium, land and seabottom), reconstruction of deep Campania and Sicily. geologic structures, investigations on igneous processes and formation of regional thermal Drilling carried out in the 5-year period under anomalies, chemistry of underground fluids, review is shown in Table 4, whereas comparative reservoir modeling and production performance, figures of the situations as of Jan. '85 and Dec. research on scaling processes, investigations on '89 are summarized in Table I. From the latter thermal breakthrough due to reinjection, tests on table can be noted: i) the distribution of the modulated production of steam reservoirs. total metrage among the various areas; ii) the increase of drilling activity in the more Surface exploration includes detailed promising areas; and iii) the significant increase geological, hydro-geochemical and geophysical in average well depth in the areas of Larderello, surveys and prospecting of various kinds carried Travale-Radicondoli and Mt. Amiata. out in practically all high-temperature areas of Italy, and in particular in the areas of As regards the latter aspect (see comparative Larderello, Travale-Radicondoli, Orciatico, figures in Tables 4 and I), attention should be Roccastrada, Mt. Amiata, Volsini Mtns., Cimini drawn to the fact that in the last few years Mtns., Alban Hills, Naples and surroundings, directional drilling has resulted in an apparent Aeolian archipelago and SW Sardinia (Fig. 1 and increase of the average well depth in the area Table 3). Of course, these surveys and concerned. At Larderello, Travale-Radicondoli and prospectings were assigned differing objectives Ht. Amiata, however, the increase in average well depending on the advancement of the work program depth is largely real and is attributable to in each area. In the case of old exploited exploration of deep layers located more than 2.5 fields, the objectives were to improve knowledge km below growd level. of the geothermal system (permeability Finally, it is worth mentioning that, despite distribution in the reservoir, structural the general increase of the average well depth in attitude, water-rock interaction, hydrogeological the abovesaid old producing fields, the drilling balance, etc.), to infer the existence of success ratio has remained around 658, mainly due producing layers at 3-5 km depth, and to to the results in the Piancastagnaio field. At investigate the geological structure outside the Larderello, though, lower permeability conditions boundaries of the presently producing areas. On were found to exist within the metamorphic the contrary, in the new areas.the main objective complex, as compared to those of the overlying 148 Cataldi et al. UTILIZATION OPERATIVE N PROGRESS I PLANNED ELECTRIC'TyLarderello* Travale- Radicondol Mt. Arnieta T CastelnuovoUClLl ==CHEMICALS Larderello IC1 Allina CCI D= DRY ING Rodigo ID1 Arniata (DI Radicondoii [C) * Abano Terrne Acqui Terrne Ferrara Grosreto SPACE - Bagno Romagna Vicenza Lignano. Grado HEATING Ca stelnuovo V.C. Monterotondo Montecer boli Larderello Sasso Pisano ~ S.Donato Piancastagnaio Montegrotto 1. Abbadia S.S. Battaglie Terrne I A A Larderello I21 I A Amtata Castelnuovo V.C.
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