English Electronic Edition E Equality, Inequalities, Discriminations: R É Ompa C Oni C

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English Electronic Edition E Equality, Inequalities, Discriminations: R É Ompa C Oni C IALE C IN THIS IssUE O S ITÉ R STUDIES U C É Yaelsy Lafita Cobas S Self-employment in Cuba. Remarks on its regulation in the Cuban Labour Code LA Nouri Mzid DE Fundamental social rights’ insertion in the new Tunisian Constitution: an efficiency being tested ET F. Villanueva, D. Crespo-Villarreal, S. Bernstein, J. Hanley, J. Gravel and E. Ostiguy Temporary foreign workers in Quebec: not quite paradise AVAIL Ljubinka KovaČević R T REVUE Development of employment relationship concept in the law of Serbia: From authentic self-management concept to late (re)affirmation of the contractual concept DU Frédéric Paré and Gilles Trudeau É R Why Right-to-Work Laws in the United States? DITION ENGLISH ELECTRONIC EDITION E C EQUALITY, INEQUALITIES, DISCRIMINATIONS: OMPA C ONI R T INTERDISCIPLINARY DIALOGUE ATTEMPT OF LEGAL AND QUANTITATIVE KNOWLEDGE OIT C DITION R DE ROIT OMPARÉ D C LE D Jérôme Porta and Christophe Bergouignan E DE Foreword H Debbie Collier S From apartheid to affirmative action: an overview of equality law in the South African workplace DU RAVAIL EVUE T 15/3 NGLI E R Supriya Routh E The Constitution’s Step Children: Workers and Equality before Law Dominique Meurs 20 ET DE LA SÉCURITÉ SOCIALE Measuring discriminations: economists’ approaches COMPARATIVE LABOUR CASE LAW Allison Fiorentino (coord.) THE STRIKE AND THE JUDGE: BETWEEN DISTRUST AND PROTECTION CTRONIC EMPLOYER’S IMPLIED DUTIES AND JUDICIAL CREATION: CONTRASTING EXAMPLES IN COMPARATIVE LAW E 15/3 INTERNATIONAL LEGAL NEWS L Argentina / Australia / Bulgaria / Czech Republic / Hungary / Israel / Italy / Lithuania / Romania / Serbia / Slovenia 20 STUDIES / South Africa / The Netherlands / Turkey / United Kingdom / United Nation Organization / United States of America THEMATIC CHAPTER: Equality, Inequalities, Discriminations. RETROSPECTIVE OVERVIEW OF 2014 COMPARATIVE LABOUR LAW LITERATURE Matteo Borzaga and Eva Maria Hohnerlein E Interdisciplinary dialogue attempt of legal and quantitative knowledge COMPARATIVE LABOUR CASE LAW 70 euros ISSN 2262-9815 INTERNATIONAL LEGAL NEWS NGLISH COMPTRASEC E RETROSPECTIVE OVERVIEW OF 2014 COMPARATIVE LABOUR LAW LITERATURE COMPTRASEC - UMR 5114 - CNRS - UNIVERSITÉ DE BORDEAUX COMPTRASEC - UMR 5114 - CNRS - UNIVERSITÉ DE BORDEAUX REVUE The Revue de droit comparé du travail et de la sécurité REVUE sociale - English Electronic Edition is published ENGLISH ELECTRONIC EDITION COMPTRASEC, UMR 5114 CNRS (Université de Bordeaux). ENGLISH ELECTRONIC EDITION This annual publication pursues the objective of making DE DROIT COMPARÉ available the legal doctrine non-anglophone for anglophone DE DROIT COMPARÉ readers in order to contribute actively to the development DU TRAVAIL DU TRAVAIL 15/3 of analyzes and exchanges of ideas on labour and social 15/3 ET DE LA SÉCURITÉ SOCIALE security law around the world. The review is a member of ET DE LA SÉCURITÉ SOCIALE 20 the "International Association of Labor Law Journals". 20 Scientific committee Members N. Aliprantis (Greece), G. Aubert (Switzerland), G.-G. Balandi (Italy), U. Carabelli (Italy), J. Carby Hall (United Kingdom), L. Compa United States of America), W. Däubler (Germany), P. Davies (United Kingdom), M. Dispersyn (Belgium), P.-Y. Greber (Switzerland), P. Issalys (Canada), M. Iwamura (Japan), J.-C. Javillier (France), O. Kaufmann (Germany), For any correspondence or proposed P. Koncar (Slovenia), K. Kremalis (Greece), A. Lyon-Caen (France), A. Montoya Melgar (Spain), A. Monteíro Fernandes (Portugal), contribution, please write to: A. Neal (United Kingdom), P.-G. Pougoué (Cameroon), M. Rodríguez-Piñero (Spain), M. Samb (Senegal), J.-M. Servais (Belgium), Sandrine Laviolette M. Sewery ski (Poland), A. Supiot (France), M. Sur (Turkey), G. Trudeau (Canada), M. Weiss (Germany). ń COMPTRASEC - UMR CNRS 5114 Université de Bordeaux Director Editor: 16, Avenue Léon Duguit Isabelle Daugareilh, COMPTRASEC (UMR CNRS 5114), Université de Bordeaux CS 50057 - F 33608 Pessac Cedex Telephone : 33 (0)5 56 84 85 42 Chief Editor: Fax : 33 (0)5 56 84 85 12 Sandrine Laviolette, COMPTRASEC (UMR CNRS 5114), Université de Bordeaux. E-mail : sandrine.laviolette@u-bordeaux.fr E-mail : sandrine.laviolette@u-bordeaux.fr or revue.comptrasec@u-bordeaux.fr http://comptrasec.u-bordeaux.fr Editorial Secretary: Marilyne Mondolfi, COMPTRASEC (UMR CNRS 5114), Université de Bordeaux. E-mail : revue.comptrasec@u-bordeaux.fr The publication does not accept any Editorial Committee Members liability for the authors’ opinions Philippe Auvergnon (CNRS - Université de Bordeaux - France), Adrián Goldin (Universitad de San Andrés and Universidad de Buenos expressed in articles. Aires - Argentina), Robert Lafore (Sciences Po Bordeaux - France), Risa L. Lieberwitz (Cornell University – United States of America), Articles submitted in other languages Pascale Lorber (University of Leicester - United Kingdom), Stefania Scarponi (Université Universita’ di Trento – Italia), Yuki Sekine (Kobe University - Japan), Achim Seifert (Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena – Germany) and Ousmane O. Sidibé (Mali). are translated into English under the responsibility of the Chief editor and the members of the Editorial Committee. International Legal News Correspondents française. n Africa : Mahammed Nasr-Eddine Koriche (Algeria), Bertin Millefort Quenum (Benin), Paul Kiemde (Burkina Faso), Pierre-Étienne Upon receipt, all submissions are Kenfack (Cameroon), Patty Kalay (Democratic Republic of Congo-Congo Kinshasa), Stani Ondze (Congo Republic-Congo Brazzaville), assessed on an anonymous basis. Séverin Dje Yao and David Koffi Kouakou (Ivory Cost), Rachid Filali Meknassi (Morocco), I. Yankhoba Ndiaye and Mohamed Bachir Niang (Senegal), Karin Calitz (South Africa), Nouri Mzid (Tunisia). n Americas : Adrián Goldin, Diego Ledesma Iturbide and Juan Pablo Mugnolo (Argentina), Sidnei Machado (Brazil), Christian Brunelle, Graphic design: Renée-Claude Drouin, Anne-Marie Laflamme and Dominic Roux (Canada), Pablo Arellano Ortiz and Sergio Gamonal C. (Chili), Vladimir Collectif UBIK Tobon Perilla and Claudia Castellanos Avendano (Colombia), Patricia Kurczyn Villalobos (Mexico), Risa L. Lieberwitz (United States of http://collectif-ubik.com/ America) and Hugo Barretto Ghione (Uruguay). n Asia-Oceania : Shae McCrystal (Australia), Aiqing Zheng (China), Masahiko Iwamura, Sayaka Dake, Eri Kasagi, Hitomi Nagano, Yuki Sekine and Yojiro Shibata (Japan), Jeseong Park (South Korea), Suphasit Taweejamsup (Thailand). ISSN 2262-9815 n Europe : Günther Loschnigg (Austria), Achim Seifert (Germany), Yaroslava Genova (Bulgaria), Martin Stefko and Věra Štangová (Czech Republic), Ivana Vukorepa (Croatia), Maryse Badel, Marion Galy, Jean-Pierre Laborde, Sébastien Ranc and Monique Ribeyrol-Subrenat (France), Costas Papadimitriou and Angelos Stergiou (Greece), Tamás Gyulavári (Hungary), Alberto Mattei, Sylvain Nadalet and Stefania Scarponi (Italy), Beata Bubilaityte Martisiene and Gintarė Tamašauskaitė (Lithuania), Susanne Burriand Nicola Gundt (The Netherlands), Anna Musiała and Marek Pliszkiewicz (Poland), Antonio Monteiro Fernandes (Portugal), Felicia Rosioru (Romania), Elena Serebryakova and Anna Alexandrova (Russian Federation), Filip Boji and Ljubinka-Kova evi (Serbia), Polonca Koncar and Barbara Kresal (Slovenia), José Luis Gil y Gil (Spain), Melda Sur (Turkey), Jo Carby Hall and Pascale Lorber (United Kingdom). n International and regional institutions : Elena Sychenkoć (United Nationč ć Organisation),Marie Lafargue and Sébastien Tournaux (Council of Europe), Rosane Martins-Padilha (Inter-American Court of Human Rights), Lucas Bento de Carvalho and Baptiste Delmas (International Labour Organization), Aurélie Céa and Hélène Payancé (European Union). REVUE ENGLISH ELECTRONIC EDITION DE DROIT COMPARÉ DU RAVAIL T 15/3 20 ET DE LA SÉCURITÉ SOCIALE COMPTRASEC - UMR 5114 - CNRS - UNIVERSITÉ DE BORDEAUX International Association of Labour Law Journals IALLJ The Revue de droit comparé du travail et de la sécurité sociale - English Electronic Edition is a member of the « International Association of Labour Law Journals », a network for exchanging publications and ideas, as well as legal and economic developments. The others members of the association are: Análisis Laboral (Peru) Arbeit und Recht (Germany) Australian Journal of Labor Law (Australia) Bulletin on Comparative Labour Relations (Belgium) Canadian Labour and Employment Law Journa (Canada) Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal (United States of America) Diritti lavori mercati (Italy) Europäische Zeitschrift für Arbeitsrecht : EuZA (Germany) European Labour Law Journal (Belgium) Giornale di Diritto del lavoro e relazioni industriali (Italy) Industrial Law Journal (United Kingdom) Industrial Law Journal (South Africa) International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations (Netherlands) International Labour Review (ILO) Japan Labor Review (Japan) Labour Society and Law (Israel) Lavoro e Diritto (Italy) Pécs Labor Law Review (Hungary) Relaciones Laborales (Spain) Revista de Derecho Social (Spain) Revue de Droit du Travail (France) Temas Laborales (Spain) Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Arbeits - und Sozialrecht (Germany) 2015/3 CONTENTS STUDIES p. 6 Yaelsy Lafita Cobas Self-employment in Cuba. Remarks on its regulation in the Cuban Labour Code p. 16 Nouri Mzid Fundamental social rights' in the new Tunisian Constitution: an efficiency being tested p. 24 Francisco Villanueva, Daniel Crespo-Villarreal, Stéphane Bernstein, Jill Hanley, Sylvie Gravel and Emmanuelle Ostiguy Temporary foreign workers
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