Institute of Comparative Law Serbian Law in Transition

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Institute of Comparative Law Serbian Law in Transition INSTITUTE OF COMPARATIVE LAW SERBIAN LAW IN TRANSITION – CHANGES AND CHALLENGES SERBIAN LAW IN TRANSITION – CHANGES AND CHALLENGES Edited by Monika Milošević LL.D. Publisher: INSTITUTE OF COMPARATIVE LAW Belgrade, Terazije 41, Tel/fax ++ 381 11 32 32 611 [email protected] Reviewers: Prof. Dragan Knežić-Popović, LL.D. Prof. Đorđe Đorđević. LL.D. Prof. Dušan Vranjanac, LL.D. Printed by: GORAGRAF, Beograd Number of printed copies: 300 ISBN 978/86/80059-66-2 We would like to express our gratitude to Mr. Đurica Krstić, LL.D. who translat- ed the articles of Branislava Knežić, Dragana Petrović, Slobodan Vuković, Dragan Jovašević and Milan Milošević. He also was the language editor of the articles of Jovan Ćirić, Vladimir Čolović, Mario Reljanović and Predrag Vukasović SERBIAN LAW IN TRANSITION – CHANGES AND CHALLENGES Edited by: Monika Milošević, LL.D. INSTITUTE OF COMPARATIVE LAW Belgrade, 2009. 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS EDITOR'S FOREWORD. 9 Branislava Knežić, LL.D. SUICIDE IN A CHANGING SOCIETY. 11 Aleksandra Rabrenović, LL.D. Zorica Vukašinović Radojičić, LL.M. CIVIL SERVICE REFORM IN SERBIA –OVERCOMING IMPLEMENTATION CHALLENGES . 29 Oliver Nikolić, LL.D. LAW ON LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT IN SERBIA . 45 Predrag Vukasović, LL.M. THE SERBIAN LABOR LAW BETWEEN THE ESTABLISHED LEGAL ORDER AND CHAOTIC SOCIAL REALITY. 61 Prof.Vladimir Čolović, LL.D. PROCEDURAL MEASURES IN THE REORGANIZATION OF BANKRUPTCY DEBTOR IN SERBIAN LEGISLATION . 85 Ivana Rakić, LL.M. CONTROL OF CONCENTRATION IN THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA . 101 Prof. Monika Milošević, LL.D. THE CONSEQUENCES OF APPROACHING THE ECONOMIC SYSTEM OF THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA TO THE MARKET ECONOMY CONDITIONS – INTRODUCING THE INSTITUTE OF NUPTIAL AGREE MENT INTO THE SERBIAN FAMILY LAW . 129 Dejan Šuput, LL.M. REFORM OF LEGAL FRAMEWORK REGULATING SPORTS IN THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA. 139 Mario Reljanović, LL.M. REFORM OF MILITARY LAW IN SERBIA . 157 6 TABLE OF CONTENTS Miloš Milošević, LL. M. ON THE WAY TO THE LAW ON TAX ADVISORS OF THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA: SOLUTIONS APLIED IN REPUBLIKA SRPSKA, THE REPUBLIC OF CROATIA AND THE REPUBLIC OF MONTENEGRO AS GUIDELINES . 177 Prof. Dragan Jovašević, LL.D. SUPPRESSING TAX EMBEZZLEMENT IN THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA . 191 Jovan Ćirić, LL.D. SOME CAUSES OF CORRUPTION IN SERBIA . 219 Vesna Ćorić Erić, LL.M. Ana Makić, LL.M THE COMPATIBILITY OF THE SERBIAN ANTI-CORRUPTION LEGAL FRAMEWORK WITH THE REGIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS . 235 Dragana Petrović. LL.D. SUPPRESSING THE MISUSE OF NARCOTICS - NEW DIMENSIONS IN NARCOTICS CONTROL . 259 Milan Milošević, LL.D. PROBLEMS OF PRIVATE SECURITY IN SERBIA . 285 Saša Mijalković, LL.D. Dragan Savić NEW BORDER SECURITY CONCEPT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA – MEETING EUROPEAN STANDARDS OF NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL SECURITY. 295 Dragan Đukanović,LL.D Zvonimir Ivanović, LL.M Sergej Uljanov, LL.M. FORMS OF INTERNATIONAL POLICE CO-OPERATION IN THE TERMS OF TRANSITION IN THE WESTERN BALKANS. 315 Slobodan Vuković, LL.D TRIGGER EVENTS – VASA MISKIN STREET, MARKALE, RACHAK. 337 Đurica Krstić, LL.D., MC.L EUROPEAN LEVEL OF SERBIAN MEDIEVAL LEGISLATION - The 1349 (1354) Tsar Stephan Dushan’s Code . 357 7 SADRŽAJ REČ UREDNIKA. 9 Dr Branislava Knežić SAMOUBISTVO U DRUŠTVU PROMENA. 11 Dr Aleksandra Rabrenović Mr Zorica Vukašinović Radojičić REFORMA JAVNE UPRAVE U SRBIJI –PREVAZILAŽENJE IZAZOVA IMPLEMENTACIJE. 29 Dr Oliver Nikolić ZAKON O LOKALNOJ SAMOUPRAVI U SRBIJI. 45 Mr Predrag Vukasović SRPSKO RADNO ZAKONODAVSTVO IZMEĐU PROKLAMOVANIH NORMI I HAOTIČNE DRUŠTVENE STVARNOST . 61 Prof. dr Vladimir Čolović PROCESNE MERE U REORGANIZACIJI STEČAJNOG DUŽNIKA U SRPSKOM ZAKONODAVSTVU . 85 Mr Ivana Rakić KONTROLA KONCENTRACIJA U REPUBLICI SRBIJI . 101 Prof. dr Monika Milošević POSLEDICE PRIBLIŽAVANJA EKONOMSKOG UREĐENJA REPUBLIKE SRBIJE USLOVIMA TRŽIŠNE PRIVREDE – UVOĐENJE INSTITUTA BRAČNOG UGOVORA U SRPSKO PORODIČNO PRAVO. 129 Mr Dejan Šuput REFORMA ZAKONSKOG OKVIRA ZA REGULISANJE SPORTA U REPUBLICI SRBIJI. 139 Mr Mario Reljanović REFORMA VOJNOG ZAKONODAVSTVA U SRBIJI. 157 8 SADRŽAJ Mr Miloš Milošević NA PUTU KA ZAKONU O PORESKIM SAVETNICIMA REPUBLIKE SRBIJE: REŠENJA REPUBLIKE SRPSKE REPUBLIKE HRVATSKE I REPUBLIKE CRNE GORE KAO PUTOKAZ . 177 Prof. dr Dragan Jovašević SUZBIJANJE PORESKE UTAJE U REPUBLICI SRBIJI. 191 Dr Jovan Ćirić NEKI UZROCI KORUPCIJE U SRBIJI . 219 Mr Vesna Ćorić Erić Mr Ana Makić KOMPATIBILNOST SRPSKOG ANTI-KORUPCIJSKOG ZAKONODAVSTVA SA REGIONALNIM I MEĐUNARODNIM STANDARDIMA. 235 Prof. dr Dragana Petrović SUPROTSTAVLJANJE ZLOUPOTRBI OPOJNIH DROGA – NOVE DIMENZIJE U KONTROLI OPOJNIH DROGA . 259 Prof. dr Milan Milošević PROBLEMI PRIVATNE BEZBEDNOSTI U SRBIJI . 285 Doc. dr Saša Mijalković Dragan Savić NOVI KONCEPT OBEZBEĐENJA GRANICA REPUBLIKE SRBIJE – EVROPSKI STANDARDI NACIONALNE I MEĐUNARODNE BEZBEDNOSTI. 295 Dr Dragan Đukanović Mr Zvonimir Ivanović Mr Sergej Uljanov OBLICI MEĐUNARODNE POLICIJSKE SARADNJE U USLOVIMA TRANYICIJE NA ZAPADNOM BALKANU . 315 Dr Slobodan Vuković ULICA VASE MISKINA, MARKALE; RAČAK – DOGAĐAJI SA OKIDAČEM . 337 Dr Đurica Krstić EVROPSKI NIVO SRPSKOG SREDNJOVEKOVNOG ZAKONODAVSTVA – DUŠANOV ZAKONIK IZ 1346.. 357 9 EDITOR'S FOREWORD Transition began in 1990s, as a global process of transferring fomer socialist into market economies. However, transition is a wider notion than a process referring to former socialist block; it is a process of transformation of centrally-oriented socialist economy into market economy, as well as of non-democracy into democra- cy, it makes socialist companies equal to the new market competitors, and finally, it is an attempt to use knowledge and modernization to bridge a cen- tury-long civilization gap between developed and undeveloped countries within a relatively short period of between one and several decades. Transi- tion can also be observed as a process of integrations into the EU. The exact moment when this process started in Serbia is not easy to determine. Namely, although the transition process was based on a well-com- posed program dated from 1989-1990, it made some serious progress only after 2000. Transition, which many people call a painful process, in Serbia interlaced with globaliation, i.e. the global social process which marked the last two decades of the 20th century, covering economic, cultural, and political sphere. In economic sphere, globalization signifies removal of all borders in move- ment of capital, increase of international share in trade with commodities, expansion of trans-national companies, growth in direct foreign investments, increase of speed and range of financial transactions. Apart from that, global- ization leads to significant changes in means of communication, science, technology, and in cultural-technological sphere, which is embodied in cre- ation of a special global system of values and morality. In the domain of pol- itics, globalization implies development of democratic system and institu- tions, spreading democratic practice, absence of discrimination, and as law is inseparable from politics, acceptance of legal and regulatory standards in line with the rule of law principle. In the transition and globalization process, the Serbian law strove to replace or change the existing laws in accordance with these principles. 10 EDITOR'S FOREWORD One of the main aims in the field of law is harmonization of domestic reg- ulations with the EU law. The harmonization process represents adoption of new and change of the existing laws and by-laws, whose provisions should be in line with the EU law, that is with acquis communautaire – a collection of rights and obligations that connect the EU members. The former Yugoslav government in 1996 held the first debate on har- monization of the domestic regulations with the EU law. After the changes that occurred in 2000, the process of harmonization of the domestic regula- tions with the EU law was set as a primary one in the sphere of law. The col- lection of rights and regulations is constantly being innovated, so it is a con- tinuous process, and our legislation should also be one of its whose parts. Since 2000, all legal branches went through some changes in accordance with the given principles of rule of law and harmonization of the domestic regulations with the EU law. Is it possible, and at what extent, to implement in a few years what has been developing in Europe for 50 years, precisely because the harmonization process is not limited only to harmonization of the domestic regulations with the EU law, but, as it was stated above, with entire acquis communautaire. The authors of articles in this book attempted to answer this question, point at some of the most important changes that are yet to come, as well as at those that occurred in the Serbian law in the last decade. Monika Milošević, LL.D Institute of Comparative Law, Belgrade 11 Branislava Knežić, LL.D. Senior Research Associate, Institute of Criminological and Sociological Studies SUICIDE IN A CHANGING SOCIETY1 No one kills himself in order to prove an absurd! People resort to suicide when they feel bad! Borislav Pekić Summary Suicide does not choose neither civilization nor nation, neither class nor religion, and that problem has always been occupying the attention of science (anthropology, philosophy, law, psychiatry, psychology, sociology…), religion and arts. But still there is not enough knowledge about that phenomenon and probably we will never definitely find out why a man voluntarily renounces his life and resorts to the most (un)natural salvation. We can ask ourselves with Albert Camus: does deliberating on
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