INDIAN LABOUR LAW AND ITS IMPACT ON UNEMPLOYMENT, 1970-2006: A LEXIMETRIC STUDY Centre for Business Research, University of Cambridge, Working Paper No. 428 By Simon Deakin Centre for Business Research & Faculty of Law University of Cambridge
[email protected] and Prabirjit Sarkar University of Kolkata & Visiting Fellow Centre for Business Research
[email protected] December 2011 This working paper forms part of the CBR research programme on Corporate Governance Abstract We analyse a recently developed leximetric dataset on Indian labour law over the period 1970 to 2006. Indian labour law is seen to be highly protective of workers’ interests by international standards, particularly in the area of dismissal regulation. We undertake a time-series econometric analysis to estimate the impact of the strengthening of labour laws on unemployment and industrial output in the formal economy. We find no evidence that pro-worker labour legislation leads to unemployment or industrial stagnation. Rather, pro- worker labour laws are associated with low unemployment, with the direction of causality running from unemployment and output to labour regulation. Keywords: labour law, unemployment, India JEL Codes: K31, J08, J50, J60, J83 Further information about the Centre for Business Research can be found at the following address: 1. Introduction The regulation of the labour market with a view to protecting the interests of workers is conventionally taken to be an exogenous interference with the workings of the market mechanism, which leads to a range of distortions and inefficiencies, including higher unemployment. Thus, as the World Bank’s Doing Business report has put it, ‘laws created to protect workers often hurt them’ (World Bank, 2008: 19).