" I

~~ A. Andratta, Adm.1nistrativa A8si~tnnt. to April 1, 1949 . the Att,orney Onnoral Alexander ti. Cn.~pball, Asnistant A.ttornoy AI£ : TK6:mmv General, , 116-28-1941 ':: " United Statse v. Iva. 'l'ogurl D'AquiIio - ; ~ Tresaon it ,\ d R~rerence is :aa.d~ to too LWoy~-antitiod troaoon proGaau~ tion prosently p~d1ng in tlw Horthnrn District.. ot Calirornia.. "fhe', t.rial of this Ci1WJO 18 aoOOdu,J.ed to c~nce oofo1'O Fedoral. Judge, Roche at ~an !i'ranaiaco on 16,' Uay" 1949. TIle ldtnsllOOB listed bGlow YI1l.l oocoma matnrial and neo~fJaary witnesses for and on \)shalf of the United t)t,atas for the l-'I.lrpose of proving vonus and juriacij.ction. In order to shOW ~ ether thin.gs ~ha.t the iOOic~nt1B'"Tli1d/'"1n the proper district, it will be MOo::Jsary to prove that' the tlorthern D1s­ trict of CalirQrnie. ltaS' the Federal Judicial Distriot into whioh do­ fendant was first brought witbin the 'purviErt1 or Titla 1tl U.S.C._ revis.ad" Sea. 3238.

blQ I ~ ~ was tha Yastor. of the ArMY Tran6~ which transported dnfon.d.tl.'nt froa YQkoluUna to San r'rano1aco 011 tM voyage otxU.ng .. , at ~an Frunoi5co on 25, Snpt.em.t."Or, 1948. _ b

San ~ancisco 25 1 ~ptanber, 1948.

The pe~s,onal attendanco of t.he GovarrunGut witnausea above, ~,' ,[erred . ;.~"~"fr";" 1,.. to.is desired at ~ Fr.anciscQ~ Call!ornia not later than ~12j~.;:}''.' <· *-~~~~~ , .:.\ .;: .... {..;. '.. I 19u9 for purposes of prapnratiOtl for. trial and subsequently gi.v1ni.:te~,·,~)\ mony at the trial on t..~e fl!.orita. Tho n~s of t.ha ~ lalltary (}t'~ •. i"J::': Personnel a.'1d civilian ar.llplo~e or the ArrJy 'transportation Corps ldloOO··:~-:··:':.:: personal attendance is desired in San Francisco as Govet"tlm9nt. w1tnaUS8S' ..' .~. on 12, May, 1949 as nf'orosn:r.d am as follOffS: (


It lfould 00 appreciated it :rour Division throU<;h approprla:w.:· ... :

channels would Uilio stopa'locking tatmrd too attendnllco of the aboVO--:'~:' .~,:" .•: ": . montioned civil~an and rdlltB.ry persQIU1(;IJ. at the Office of t.he United ,': ... ,.:--::,. states Attorney, ~an rrancisco, on tho data abOVOllill1'tionod. ,-"0'

..... cc: llecords Chrono ,...emr fIla:::: , 3~ 6:' --=---' Ai£, : TEl) un!tlV


~ . . ,. ~- Honorable Kenneth C. Royall Seoretary of tho ~ Department or the Army Uashington, D.C.

My dear Mr. ~ecretarYI

A:t.tent.1on: Lt. Colonel Hicholaa R. Voorhis, 'JAOD

Ral United Stat.aa v. Iva Toguri DtAq'ii1no - ...

Referenoe is made to the above eI1titled treason prosoou" tion present~ pending in the Federal NorthBrn Judicial Distriot of Ca.J.ifornia.. Defendant has entered n plea of not guilty to the indictment returned against her last fall and the oause is set for trial on its mer! ts to coetmooce before< OMs! Federal Judge Roohe' and a panel of petit talesmen on 16, Yay, 1949 J at ~ FranciSCO, California. .

, '-rh8 personal' 'attendance fi\ Ban Francisco as Govei"tUl!:ent '1'fi tnesseB of oertai.n Japanese nationals and one Philippine nat.ional pre5ent~ rasident in Japan and Manila, Philippine Islands, is vi­ taIls" nece8sary to the propor pl:'esantation of the Governmant' S oasa against defendal'lt before the trial court and, jurors as aforesaid. The prospective testU10uy of th~ Japanese nationals and the Philip­ pine national ai"oresaid b6ing mat6l"ial and absolut'illy necessary in order to insure a -thorough presentation or this case to too trial (lOdr,t and jurors~ it ooco.."OOs necessary to request too perBonal at­ tend~nca of said Japanese nat1.onala and Philippine national in ::San F'1o!f.U\C isc 0 two lffiaks prior to the actual cow-...encocent ot' the .trhl!Q,r purposes of propor preparation for trial proceedings.

'This lJepa.rtmen-t is furnisning your Departraant with the );e.st Knonn'-a.ddressf'ls of the wi tnaaSOB below listed.. 'ffhare street addraS5Ettl, ~~ not available, this Departm.ont has endoavored to idantifi-':~~'hltnesBas a.a fully as possible in order to facilitate thsir,,)ocation~ Undoubtadly, Army Intelligence, G2, Genoral lioad­ quarte¥S, . Tokyo, rill readily be able to loca.te the witno8aea below

cc: Records (~ Chrono ;:Bel1o~ ~~ , \.

, . mentioned whose specific addresses are presently unknmm to this Depart.l!tent. The m:tno800S whose location is desired. wtth t>heir lAst kncmn addresses, insofar as ~nOlffi to thi8 Department, are listed as rfollowsf .

'. ,. '. :...... ~.,.' .'.; , .


... - 3~-

.. j It would b9 appreciat.ed it proper orders would be issued by your Departmant through' appropriate ohannels looking toward the end. that tho prospectiva Ooverru.aant witnesses abovementioned be immediatQly contacted by rnlltary PGraOllnol in Japan and fianlla and alerted at once for their ensuing trip to San Francisco. Arrange- ~ m.ents for the transportation of said witnesses from Japan and Manila to ~ Francisco should be .made by the Depa.rt;ment of the Army, 'and as aboV6aentioned, it is suggested that when the or.ders with reference to the subject matter of this lett.er are aut, that the same take into coneideration the' deoired arrival in the Uni'ted: StateD of sa14,.l'f.:~,~" .. nessos not la:tar than 2, Uay, 1949 ~t ~ Francisco, Ca1ifornia~ "" ..

When arrangements are e£f'ecw<;l by the Department of t.he Art:Iy for the tra..'1.9portation of aaid tritne889S to San Francisco, it 1s requested that you advise this Depart1n9ut of the expected time and place of arrival of said lii.tnesooa in this country so that representatives of this Departaunt nll. in the near "futuro be abla 1:.0 formulate plans- for the arrival and housing of said ldtoosoos during their sojourn in this count.ry. the Department. of Just.ice will provide for the welfare of the ld tnessoa aoovemsntioned on their arrival in the United states.

Pleaso rost assured that your cooperation harein i6 greatly appreciated by this Departl51ont.


For tho Attorney General

~~ ,.

" Al£XAIIDIa."'R. M. C./illPBKLL Assistant Attorney Genoral (

Directo~, l?ederal Bureau of Investigation March 31, 1949

Alexander lie Campbell, Assistant Attorney General United Statea v. Iva Toguri D'Aquino - TreaSon . .

, :)- Liated here-in are three radio engineers, formerly oon- nected with the Foreign Broadcast Inte1ligence ~rvice. They will be neeessary witnesses £or the Government at. the trial of the above captioned case in order to mtroduce transcriptions of the defendant's broadcasts made by them or under their supervision. It 1s requested that their pre sent.: place of abode and employers be v~rifl-ed at'-' the earliest possible date,

1. k:,)~ I '1 c... - believed to be employed by 1-he Central. Intelligence Agency. at Reseda, California. 2. b\D J t'J (!,. . b (P I t1 c.." 'believed to be employed by Radio station WellS, Charleston, trest Virginia. ). b(,), "If!. - Galveston, Texas (street. address un- known); believed to be employed as a marine radio operator' by either the Mackay Company or the Texas Company., <

It will be, approprl.at.e at this time -to advise these witnesses that they ~y expect to be requested to appear in -~ Francisco, approxi- mately llay'l6, -'1949~' -', '--""~"i: - ;- ·.~

~c: Records !::::.--~ --r< Chrono Hogan a,a fi:-la s. A. bndrettal' Mltiniutrative A5tl1.utant to 14a.rch 31, 1949 tho At tornoy (lOoQl"al Alexander U.. (;aap~ll~ Mlai.5tnnt Attorney 1~:T1IDi~ General 146-28-1941. . Unit.Qd Staton v. Iva. 'l"ogurl D'Aquino - Treason

:)- .".-. Rof',.rep.oeig ando to tho. aboVe entitled trcruroa. prosoou­ tion preOO.lltly pending in. t.he Foderal. t{ortbom Judicial. Diutr1¢t of California. Dofendant. hM. entered a. plua of not. guilty to tho in... dicb.1ent ratUl"Md against bar by the srand jurorn laBt. !'~l and too trial ot' this OS

oc: Records

'.!< Chrono Our file ~ .. L~ Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation . March 25, 1949

Alexander U. Campbell, ASBistant Attorney /::) A1C :TED:mniv General '; cJ 146-28-1941 Uni.ted States v. Iva Toguri D'Aquino - ~an '~.".... ," ' ~ .' .

• Reference is made to· the above entit1ed troason ease prEJsentlj ~nding iri the Federa1 Northepl Judicia:t,J)1stri.ct. of California.

Laot. fall the Office of the Juige Advocate General., Department or the Army, addressed a 1etter to this Department , adv:is1ng that. one 1st Lieutenant p~ I 1 c.... Quarter- master Co~ps, United ~tatie3 A'J;my, wh95e post office add,reBS.,Jta8?"· given as, PHIWOY QY Depot, United States Army, ltl?O 900,· c/o PM, San irancisco, California, was in poslSesaion of material evidence in cormection lTith the ah?ve entitl.ed than prospective prosecution. Since that tilne, subject has been indicted under the treasoll. statute and the trial of her causo 0,'1. its Il15rita is ~cheduL-<>d to- COlmllSnce in Sail Francisco on 1.6, May. It novr .appears ~hB.t h(o, '1C-- ~ldll be a necessary and material witness for and on behalf' of the United States. It ;would be appreciated if too Bureau cou1d take steps in the near futUre 100king toward the obta1maent £'rom· the Department of the Army of information concernirig prospective .witness bf. , rf c:. last place of abode rlthin the purview of Ti~le 18 U_~.c. Revised, d,."." .~n·"' .... ,·\._.; .. <,. ,t.r.ial.. ". ' .. , .'._>". .., ... ~".,_, .,•.• >:. :, ...... ; ':.. :., }'k tJ1{f.

cc: Records~---::--- .,,,, Chrono

.>" Our fi~. Villarin file r ,"

Director, Federal Bureau of Inve~tigation Maroh lb, .. ,.

Alexander M. Campbell, Assistant Attorney . General. . ~"9- I United States v. Iva 'toguri D' Aquino - Tre~on :\.

Rerere~ :1.s lllBde to the ~bove ~entj,tled treason prosecu­ tiOn pre5entlY pending in the Federal. Northern Ju:licia~ Dist.rict of California. The trial. or this cause on its auerit.s is Bet to commonoe berore Chief ~·Judge.:, i4iclutal. Roche and a poUt jury in San Franoisco. on ~6, May, J$~. Depositions for and on b6ha1.f of tho defendant . .herein are ooh6duled to be taken in the Orient during t.he fir~ Part. or April, 1949. In a JneXI10randum to you, dated 23, ;FoOOuaryrt.his . Division requested tho rendition of inveBtigat.i.cnal assistance to Tom DeWolfe" or this Division, by SA tit • .., ~ who is presently in the Orient for purposes of preparation for the cross-examination or defonse witnesses that. 1d.l.l.: enaue at the time the dOpos1tiona aforementioned are taken. ..

It_ will be nocosBary' for Mr. DeWolfe to stay in the UnS.ted Stat.cs . to "fl'ork in conneotion lfith the preparat.1.on of thi.s cause tor trial on its merits and tlrl,s Division han decided to send Noel E. Story, ~quire, a departmental attorney to the Oriont for tho purpose of cross-examining witnesses whose testimony may be adduced at 'the tit1e said def~nse depositions are taken. . . I . It ill requsoted that t~e Bureau notti'y SA 1:>6 I 1C. in the !lj:.'~..• ,~.,'.'.'.. '. '.. ::":-...... ~~~:ij.·.~·· •. :·~.r..·.?'· .•.. ·.··. ".:.. ~~!- , .. t· t"-;,;.,,.. .. "\,.t- '~+.~ ...;....&.~-"', ~ ~,c ... _.a..._..a. II!! ~ "'-1'- fl_W If .j.."'~ .~·":>f,<:'-Y.St: ., ' .. ·.:n~.ion ...... u(i,,:": ...... -;···u.:.:..A.:t ·,,~~··'·vu·;·suUQ· ..... ~~'~.:ori~... ~o e on:.,~,.<'~",.,"-"c,.: .. assignment aforesaid...... '" ....

. Ur. Story rlll arrive in San' Francisco, Calii'ornia about. 28, Uaroh, ~949, for a st.ay ofsevaral. days prior to proceeding to the .orient. lfuiJ..e in San Francisco, he lrl.ll confer rlth the United States Attorney and SA b(q, rtc..\l'tho has to date dono considerable work

..... cc: Records/~::-­ Chrono ~ " <1

Maroh 18, 1949

Honorable Kenneth C. Royall Secretary of the Army . Department ot the Aruty Washington, D.C.

14y doar Mr. Seoretary:

Rot United States v. Iva 'l'ogtiz:i D'Aquino - Treason

Referenoo ts made to the above ent.i.tled treason , ~ . proseoution. presently Pflntiing in 'the FOOeral. Northern. Judioial Diotriot of Cal1tornia. The defendant has entered a plea of not guilty and the' trial of her cause on its marlts is !Scheduled to oOlllmence borors Chlef Federal Judge UidhB.91 Roche and a petit juri on 16, May, 1949, at san Francisoo, California. Wayne U. Collins, Esquire, of the San Franoisco Bar~, Counsel for the defendant herein, has announoed, his ,intention ot taking deposi­ tions for and on behalf of" too defendant in Tokyo duri.ng the first two or three weeka of April, 1949 •

. ,' Th1ffDe~nt'lJJ ~ijt1rig aD&~t At~~,r""·J;""""~'J"· Noel E. Story, Esquire, to proceed to tOO Orient tor the pUr- pose of repreaenting the lllited States at the tak1ng of gaid dei"ense dePol3itions during the period a£oramentioned. Yr. story will proceed to ,the Orient aroUIld April 1, and while there· it \'fill become necessary tor him to prepare tor tho oross-examination of and cross-rorend.na such dafens~ ldtnos.aes as the do.rendant and her oounsel may produce tor the purpose of takina defense deposl- - tions, whose introduction in evidenoe will ultimately' be BOUght, by the defendant horein., '

lAr. Story. whila in the Orie.'1.t, will woric in close liaison with Froderick G. Till.'aan, Esquire, a represontative of this Departr<1ent lfho has bean in the Orient L'lVa5~;.-tgating the surrolliluing facts and circumstancos in connection with the case against p(" '1 e.,. and prospoctivo companion 11 tigution for some tin.a.

cc: Records ~

'.p'- Chrono - OUr :rile (


It -n0uJ..d be appraoi.a-ted i.! -t:-ho ~partmant gf the Arr:1y lTould request seAl! to furnish ULo. Story s:Uch "assistance and cooperat:1.on as he ~ find it. necessary to r6~at during his sojourn, and stay in the ~ent during the period afore­ II1&ntioned.Parti.cularly~ thi8 Department'b.a8 i.n mind that the exigenciee or, the situaMon r:w.y req'llirs llr. Story to ' seek advice fi"om'1Xd.litary o£ticnr personnel attached to t.t!e . Department or the Army in the Orient and to re

Please rest assured that. this Departmontis greatly appreciative or the exoollin~ cooperaUon 11hich yoUr' Depart­ lIl6nt has extended to thi.s Department in this and kindred matters in the paat~

With kind personal regards, I remain,


.... ' . ALEXlUIDER l!. G.AlIPB&LL~.~,;,~;:;f;W"'::" Assistant Attorney General' \ . D1reQ'Itol', I<'ede~ But

I am. fort1arding hoN1dth~ cphoWatat.1c oopies. ot Plisea

froZQ an atl1dllv1t filed by too ~partment in th1.s 0&00" 8et~ forth

the n~s at uitMsnOs ov,u~6Ctaa and t.he aubatanco at their expooted

!t is sugf;j'outed that. tho8() copiO$ 00 ro~ to Speo1Al .

Agent };", 1e.. in Tokyo tor bitt asaU~fh ..

EnoloStl.ro No. 3l9076

( .

cc: Roc9rds Chrono Hognn :-?'" ~ Director., Federal Bureau of Investigation February 23, 1949

Alexander M. Campooll, Assistant Attorney General

Umted States v • Iva Toguri D' Aquino - Treason -~

Reference 1.6 made to the al;)oveentitIed -treason prosecu­ tion presently pending in the Federal Northern Judicial. District' of California. All pretrial. motions have been denied, defendant has entered a plea of not grllty, and the cause is Bet for trial. on its merits before Chief Federal Judge llichael. J. Roche and a panel of;pet:i;t tal.esmen to commence on 16, May, 1949. Wayne M. Collins, Esquire J Attorney At Law, San Francisco J California, ;-repra~ents -the defendant."

1Ir. Collins has atu1.ounced his intant1.on of taking desposi­ tions of certain aliena in the Orient during the ].attar Part of lIareh and the first part of April., 1949. It ldll become necessary to have Thomas E. DeWolfe, "of this Division, represent the Govern.xOOnt at the taking or'said depoaitions. llr. DeWcUe i9 h~ desirous of" having S. A. b(&,11 c.., who is presentl.y working in the Orient in connection " with thi8 ·l.itigation, ase1.st him in the pre.paration for tha cross­ - examination of the defense '11itnesses that 1d.ll. ensue. Yr. naWol.fe and Agent ~ I 'I c.... have worked together UntU recently on other impor­ tant phases of this litigation. It is ooliaved. that the rendition of investigational. ~B1stance to Mr.. DeWoUe by Agent J:k I '1 c... for the purpoaes hereinment1oned, would not take up· more than a part 'ot"""the SpeciaL Agen.Ms tilIa fora period not~eed1ng :ten days. or two weeks.

It :i,.s requested that in due course the "Bureau issue, if necessary', appropriate orders to the SpeQ1.al Agent d1.recting him to work nth an:iassist Yr. neWolle as af0r0s:a1d. .

cc: Records ./' --l"- Chrono DeWolfe , "E.~'

Honorable Kenneth C. Royall 'the 8aeretary o£ the Arm:y tll1Ohington, D.C.

1fy dear Ur. Secretary'

~ -r Re: United States v. Iva Toguri DrA~ '';'--r'l''cli8on

Retereooe is made to the abQve anti"tl.ed treason proseCu­ tion prosenbly pendUlg in the Feder$).' Northern Judic:tal District ot California. The defendant has entered a plea of n~t guilty to the indictment pending aga.1nst her and the trial of tru, aaUBa on its mer! ts 1s set to COtl!lleoce betore a Federal Judge and jury in San F'ranoisao on 16, Uay, 1949. Wayne W. CoUine, Esquire, Attorney at taw, San Franoisco, California, 18 counsel for the defendant and .18 contemplatlng taldng depositions tor and on behalf of the defend­ ant in the Orient during Uaroh and April, 1949.

This Department is anxiouS that no further delays ensue in this 80lll6What prot;raoted. litigation. With .that in mind, it is -;.~~e:w~:~~bn~:a~:r~;:--:-".1~~~t.f~~'!1-~~~~-· try pendts for his b~ r '1 ~ -·and __ J?<,.;. l '1 c..- be f'avoll'abq acted upon and axpedited. It is believed -that such action by your Department will obviate any suO:Jequcnt defense ola1m. that prompt preparation of the detolUle herein has been frustrated due to governmental non-action.

For the Attorney General

AIEXANDER U. CAMPBELL Assistant Attorney General ~ & "'-- ---.. ,-...... i.. cc: Records./ Chrono De'iiolfe --!'- Al£ :TDei'HIlItllV

146-28-1941 February 2), 1949

Ura. Ruth B. Shipley Chief, Passport Divi5ion Department ot State Waeh1~;ton, D.C.

Dear !Ire. Shipleys

:- -~-,,-- ~ Ret Unitod States v. Iva TOFl D'Aquino - Troason

Reference ia made t.o the a.bove ontitlad treason prose­ cutioll' pre1Sent~ pending in the Federal Northern JUdicial District ot California. "

Tho trial o£ this cause On its merita before a Fedoral. judge and jury i9 Bet to commence in $an Francisco on 16, May. 1949. This Department .i.e anxiOWil that no further trial delays enlSUe in this 6OmEn'that pro.t,t.iaoted litigation•. Wa;yne r.t. Co1l.1ns, &!sCluire, Attorney at La1f. San Fra.no1.Sco, California, .is counsel for the defendant ani oontemplates taking depositions in Japan _ and othar placea in the Orient for and. on behalf of tho defend­ ant during lIaroh and April, 1949. With that in mind, IlJ:o. Coll.1.ns i haa 'W1tttJxF't

This Department is of the view that the best interaat$ of the Go V9 l"Il1l16!lt would bEl served by the expedition of favorable aotion on defense counsel's request for passporta for the parties abovementioned. It is believed thtlt prompt favor'abUt action on the part of the De~nt of State on defense counself~ request for ths issuanoe of passports for his legal assistant and investi­ gator may 'l'fel.l obviate a subsequent claim by the de£endant that govertUllflntal non-action was to some degree r1l0IJ?11sib1.e for impeding the proper dispatch and prosecution of her defense •

./ ~ Respeotfully, For the Attorney Goneral Recordsv' Chrono DeWolfe' ALEXAtIDgH M. CAMPffiLL Assistant Attorney General .....

( .' .; (r

nat Reb'oi'ds / CR.ronh , Foley ... .:;. .. . '. '-.•.. ~ .... ~ , p~jt6h ¥ofd ";'.'~ ... 1;. , ,.~ Campbell " ' '." Only BDilliE buildsl~ TRUCKS 'j 'I ,) {I ;i

I (

I: Wi1Jirun. E. Fo1eykEsq. 1 ' , ' cMef.J. Internal. Secur:tty SectiOn ) ,John B~' Hogan ':~;ae" l ~4S-l.9~ t: ' ~.}l .. .~ ; , 'On DeeeDfuer 23,~194S~ . ~t _'1 c., \cali~:~:'~1f my h~ £:rom' hia home in Hal( York. He stat..edhe had jWrl¥~ alTi"vM home from ~ 'Va~tiontrip and bad foUnd Yr,~ CampbeUf s·,l.:6t.tet _ asking him to cOm& t6 Washington in . eOIlllecitionl'dth· thiS 't(;as.e. In re~ to by, 'I t-, ~ion as to "flbat this isa;1J abo~, I stated that I was unabl.e t~o t~ 1rl.ni. bCo, '1 C. t~en,sa:id that he haa no bus,meSs in ..~' in the near .fUture ~d hEt ' does not. propose to ~ t6,.' ,t"~l'gt.Oiia1; his ·oWn~1. , He: '. ' asked me to pass, on that re·', ,;",:p,llr. Campbell. ~ to suggest to i }.{r:. Cmnpbell.. that if the Department -.ants to talk to him ;4ihey- send a representat1,vetosee bimin' Nell' y~,; In'aferabl,y thff_·~·i:tet,.':,I ,) told b\o 1 ''1 t.. that I would giv~htS l!lBSsage'to Yr.~be~.. , ) -:r" . (


"i ,~j~'l\ ' /l :~ t ;2


\ / ;,' cc: _ Records , Chron .. ~, ...

, Mr. Hogan .~-.


\ (

December 2.3, 1948 The Direet.or, Foderal Bureali of Investigat.ion > AMG: JBH f l.r Al.exander M. Campbel.1, Assistant, Attorney General, Criirlnal Division IVA TOOUJU D.'AQUINO ~n80n

-,,=:, ~~ "-,~j:". , In connection "With the forthcoming trip to Japan f;-.j by 8PQCial. Agent .. b" I '"Ie.., it. iQ requested t.h&to 0:1 Agent . ~ • 'J e. investigation inolude interrogation of witness bf..., 'l ~- % Ja.pan Tra.~l Bureau,. Tokyo. This int.erview should dovel.op, particularly, tho mat.erial con­ tained in tho statQent givon by b(" i c.. to Special. Agent ~,'1e ot the CIG, tlni:ted StatetJ ArIq, 8. copy of which hM ._ been furnished t.o you.

:. ". _._ .... ,:,',.::.'.-:.--. '-:, .. ,. f L "'E b' -T ':,::::;~::,. ,','_.

PL . (I' i c J.C,N 4 1349 '-----.-.---~-.-


" .... " '-., RECEl'VED OFFICE 9F U .. ·5. AliORNEY SAN F'MNCI&-.O, C ~LIF. .

~rank J. Hennessy, Esquire .. _.v .31348 United States Attorney San Francisco, California REFERRED· TO ! c&7 Fr~ \ Dear }Jr. Hennessy: (1: Q~ Attention: Mr. Thomas E. DeWolfe ~r; \) Re: Iva Toguri D'Aquino, Treason

I am forwarding herewith for in,:;lusion in your file a photostatic copy of a report of investigation by the C. 1. C • ',.in TOkyo.

Two copies of this ,report have'been furnished to the Federal ~ureau of Investigation with the suggestion that one be given to Special Agent b" 11~ prior to his departure for ~apan.


For the Attorney General

, ::

=~c~Assistant Attorney General . Enclosure No. 319489·

""; I.' " 2 . ! I. "," f' August 5, 1949


Tom E. DeWolfe, Esquire c/o United States AttotneY.8 O,ffice San Ft-ancisco, Ct.!.li.fornia

Dear 'roma

Enc10ned herewith are two reports of the

Federal Bureau or Inv~stig&t.ion, one ooncarning I I dated at Richmond J\uy 20 t 1949

by Special Agent. p b • rJ c.. and the second concerning

Iva'l'oguri DIAquino mado at New York: Ju1.y 29,1949 by

" ... : Speoisl. Ag@nt

For the Attorney u«noral

ALEXANDER M. CAMPBE.'LL kaBi&~nt Attorney General

Enclosure No. J3197 cc' Recordso.// Chrono Foley

'.,.. (

-.-~.: .... -

,', : . '...... ill' j ~.; .~. ~ . ,;: :- , -: '-'- .....

llJJ: Co ~"'" r", ": p""\' 5 . 3 1 c..\ ,tl.&




~.!fOsa M. CAMPBELL i. J i:"';\j ASSISTANT Al'TOrumr , GlOOm.U. ~---

...... ;. .. :

.', '.~: ," ,- ',' :. " ":',

cc: Records

Chrono o ' Mr. Foley

'.,.. ('

Frank J. Hennessy) ~u1re United States .Attorney San Franoisco, Cal1!o'rn1.a.

Dear Hr. Hennes sy I

Attentlona Mr. Thomas E •. DeWolfe

Ret Iva Torn J)'.suinotTreaaon I am forwarding herewith tor d:molus10n in your file a photostatic oopy ot a report of 1nV6atigation by the G.I.C. i,n Tokyo.

TIro . coples of this report haVEJ been £urnished to the Federal BUreau ot Investigation ld. th the suggeat10n that one be given to Spacial Agent bfp I 1 c.... prior to his' .;, .. :' ~~foX; Jap~., .J:,.'" ,.,;,<,;;., .. ~: . , Respectfully,

For the Attorney ~neral

ALELUIDER H. OAUPBELL Assistant 'Attorney General EnoloBUre .No. 3194S9

Records J Chrono. l <

AHC1WJ!l1'zlr . :d, 'q~~,_",~" 146-2$-1941 Deoember 14'. 1:948


or Iva. Toguri DtAquino ldlo; as 10u know, bas been

indicted for t..raason, certain matters ba.ve C0lIl6 to rrr:I

atten~on about whieh I aheu1d liko to apeak with you. ":-. I would a.ppreciate it 1f you oan arrange to come to

tMs effie'; in the near rut-una •

. "'.'.

... '--: . . ,~:.:' -::' ~ ..

cc: '.,. Chrono. Mr. Foley :;- .'

' .. : .

.•• ,.~7"- '.~:' , '~ ...... - '-~

, b'11~, O~-deI'8 'will' so:ori.;·be'·.~t'-a.n:d",;.il:1J;·:"~low 'hi~ to, proceed . ~ -. . - , ·,,~t·.:'hi ~'c6n~~ru.ence ,fo1Y~hree ~fu()~thS ,or:"lOn@l," as', circumstances Wili '~'~'~~:j,~~\~iv!BJ~~, <::", ~~L..:-..c.~...l...L.i..~~-4--r-'''''''''/ AlexSnder M.,'~" '~,'iSlIl:pb~~lfl ~"u, ..'"' ...... ",' '::t ';' :"Just1c :,'

-.' . .:" .. ' .... ,.

{Telegrap,hyciur" order ,(orAn1eri~a's, tavorite ' , " yr., , .. _ . P.ost, 1 Yr~,,$S,. LADIES' HOMe;:JOURNAL, :1,·'Yr.!,,$3~ AI.price~ l!. S.'only. No,charge, ' ',: ,', ,wi'rli. ~Pay Wester-ni Union CJerk(!>r;subsc~jption: o,r,whim;bjIJe~ by"'lniblisher.' • . ,". . _.... "- " - . . ~ : - .. .' .. ~. '. :" . , .-t-,

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c2VO ;,.: (

Di~6:tori iJlEfdt:tNu. ~au of Investigation

Ai~~r Il-. O~bGn, ABs~tant Attorney General

':'"'-... Iiti,.. - -,,; • - ,~ ~uon Xva .. ,.IJ.1rutrl.:D3\~-),,,v:w ! '- ~.Ji")

Ia 'ewlife'liig hei"Mdtb :for :your ~ -t.p o~~ ~~dhtit."to I'c'opfe'b 'Of '8 :'ri!~ 't)1:!n.ves~c.ond~ ,/! 1JIi(J!. If 'thO \(J~.:~ - ~..'!~. atlon :niVhd:Ol\t. F-ar -Ea1;t.- iOfl1X!MJla :Ua1:t~4 .' "9 ;~It;ell .~.. ¥He reXlft~ta ~ ·llOt ~en ~atated anI:JJJ!fj ItbQ~ .. ~ !ti6t.·'(~WliCnEm 1bei:oet;b 'beo-auBe '~.;are vti'1u!dnolUland ~~t :111 . l)e~av~d 'tHll\ ~pii0t08tifug -ot "them b :11'0\ !llSC88Sat7..

~ !ffi~tit1gat!.:oo. :obWMQ -,~ ~ .~por.t ·masoonduate.d '#lI~~e ~ "a ~verllal. ~quaBt ffdade ;by ~8Br.a.. iD:elio'lfe ·;and :lio..san :'fh ~8a.n i~lnitff1Jci> ·'to < - b


--:.CC: .' Re_cords I :: Cl1.rono Hogan ...... ::.>,.'. , .. : ...

..' . .-.

r~ • _. . ' •

.. ,. ;~:':TO ': :S • .i.. ~dretta, Adm:inistrit:i.ve. Ass:i.stant to.t~, .'...... AttorneY-General. " , ··~"~.RP.' M : Alexander.,M. cam.pl?e~:Lt':~s... ~~sta:rit~ Attorn~y':'~' f!": flIliJ .Gener al,· .. . ';SUBJECT: United States v.·-.Iv~':.Toguri biAciU:i.no - . ..' . . Treason ...... ' <'-:-; ." .' . . ' ... '

. ~i- ;':. '.- ..

. In the above entitled ,case, prosecutiOn is scheduled·:w' begin at Sati FrancisCo on May 1.6,- 1949.' As part, of the' Govern-" ' .. mentIs case, there· are a nUmber of transcriptions of the defendant" broadcasts. from Tokyo.. IIi connection with these transcriptions,' . is desired that the services of bt:q 41 lh Y~u nil recall thc;t ~({J} '1C: fb.as .been. of assistance to the "":!;?:.': ·v tDepartm:ent of Just.~ce ~ prev:l.Olistreason· prosecut:i.ons •.~ -:- ...... :.. . .' .''. .: '.:' ',...... • ". '. .:: It . . '" . It is requested that you make :theneces~aiy.:~~angeniei1ts With the. Central Intelligence Age~cyand re:qti~stthat.· b(oJr"1 ~ commUnicate with Mr~ .. JohnB. Hogan o:(,the.,qriniinal.J;l:i.v:i:sion' ... ! JJ.49) ~ ol:-der toarrarige for' b~ t t"} ~'rto:.hear ~dtransc'ribe ·contents of thes.e r~cord.ings'at ·:theNatiooalArchive's.· ~ - .. • . <


'. ,. ..c...... 0 .... ,-. ~-..... I r r (, ADDRI[.S REPLY TO ·-THE ATTORN";" GENERAL·· \ AND REr'ER TO * INITIALB AND NUMBER DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE WASHINGTON, D. c. AMC :.JBH : vng November 23, 1948 146-28-1941

air mail

Tom DeWolfe, Esq. Special Assistant to the Attorney General :.' c/o United States Attorneyr s Office San Francisco 1, California

Dear Mr. DeWolfe:

Re: United States v. Iva Toguri DrAquino­ Treason

Reference is made to your letter of November 15, 1948, concerning recordings of the subjectrs broadcasts. '"'_ .... Mr. Frank Green has advised me that he has located three recordings of the subjectrs broadcasts which are sufficiently clear for courtroom use. Mr. Green knows of no further investigational leads for the purpose of obtaining additional recordings except his suggestion previously made to you that someone visit the, Hoover War Library at Stanford. University; PaJ.o Alto, California, to d.etermine whether or ~ot their collection of r~cordingS includes any of the Zero Hour. ;fl~ I am enclosing herewith an authenticated photostatic copy of the 1\. 7 subjectr s passport application made to the American Consulate General . :.I\JJ .i at Tokyo, Japan, on September 8, 1941. The Department of State has /i)./! advised me that they do not have a record of Mrs. Dr Aquino having /1\ / Ji filed an application for evacuation at the Swiss Consulate in Tokyo . t -Ion rliarch 30, 1942. It appears, however, from a telegram of September 4, ~ 1942, from the American Legation in Bern, Switzerland, that Mrs. DtAquino / informed the Japanese autho~ities that she voluntarily renounced repatriation to the United States.

In briefing bt9 i I\~, prior to his departure for Japan, I believe you should stress the possibility that there are still in ey.istence recordings of the Zero Hour, made bJT the Japanese in Japan. We have proceeded thus far on the theory that all Zero Hour broadcasts were live. You will recall that the Japanese witnesses so informed you in San Francisco. Hovl8ver, NIr. Green, in his search for recordings in this and other cases, is very strongly of the opinion that some recordings were made with or without the knowledge of the broadcasting personnel of Radio Tokyo who appeared as witnesses,at-the-g~d-~'~T------' I /~ . /-,.___ . \ 1 ______. _ _ ___'--_=:'-;"\--0.,-1 '.,. ; ...... : '~ "Sf ~1 FJ LED -:' 2 ... \ q .. - \ J I ...... I.,.. I,..J 1 BY RR On DEC 8 1953 i -----~-:;--~. : \ 0._._.- l \1 L

I~ ( - 2 -

bt;, f')c, '.should make every possible effort to locate any such recordings, bearing in mind the possibility that if they are still in existence, they are probably in the personal possession of former employees or officials connected with the Broadcasting Corporation of Japan, the Foreign Office, or the Imperial General Staff.


For the Attorney General

ALEXANDER4~ M. CAMPBELL Assistant Attorney General __

Enc .#3l2709' ""'-"".


146-28-1999 November 22, 1948 146-28-1941


Thomas E. DeWolfe, Esq. c/o United states Attorney . () San Francisco 1, California 'r0l~tt-.... .: .. i ./'.-JY' ' Dear Tom: f',.,~~ '\ This will refer to your letter of - November 19, 1948, regarding specific requests ,_ for investigation for the guidance of ~. 1.0..- in the '~J tt ~ and rh I tt e; cases.

By wire of November 19, 1948, I advised that the Department would prepare appro­ priate.requests for investigation in the hbJ 1~ and \:lb f rrl!- . matters and forward them by way of the Bureau. At. the same time, you were directed to brief _ ~ • '1 Q..- Iregarding such investigation as you desired in the Toguri and ~t1(J c,ases.

Enclosed, for your information, is a copy of a letter to the Secretary of the Army in which the Army's offer of October 4, 1948 to ,trans­ port a representative of the Department of Justice to the Far East tn connection with the bit, 1(!... matter is accepted.

~ ____----~=-~~~Respectfully, F \ LED For the Attorney General BY RR On DEG 8 1953 ___ " ~, ALEXANDER M. CAl\ IL .. ", j Assistant Attorney Genera:Jf.:.~ ,"6t,f --/ ',:; -;' . I Enc. No. 437342 b ·-0.:7i~~'?" "'i'~ti~Ir;\;' • ~!t~;AGREEMENT REACHED THAT beat'll: . WI Lt' PH, ED ABROAD' ON ., .,,',. , ,- .) . . '. . . . 2 . .I NV ESTI GA! I ON~ DEPA RTME.NT . W);LL BRIEF: H(.lM REGARDING b~, 7i' ': , ;; AND btJllrtt.-BY NlEMORANDttM VI A BUREAU:.;; -YOW ARE- D.I aECTED·~·r· ----~--.-. --.-.-.-.--..... -~ ... -.- '.,,' ..... _...... ,. ,...... ,:... ·.·:-,n'... ·.· :.. ". ··il-.1;::""~"" :... - ...... ":'" - . P ROV I DE HI M WI TH COMP LETE BR.l t:FI NG GN ITOG l!JEt[ -AN)) 'I NC,E - ...... ~:;.. :ALEXAN DER~4 CAMPBELL Assi 'ArTY GE Nr:-JD~~TN·· ON

.. ,. (


l1iOMAS E. ,DJ1WQlFE,ESQ,. c/o tmItED 8nTES .A~ BAJ'l FlUNOISOO 1,Cua::rOltNU


DEPARTMliNl' W1I.L BRIEF HIM REGARDING b~ I ttC- 1.(iNn ~! r; c.. Ill' ~ I . -- VIA .BUB.EAU. yOU ARE J)IREQTED TO PROVIDE am WITn GOKPI.ET& BlUlinNtl CN t· ..

.... _""-


.'.' ~~.' ..



.. ' .. ., ;, (~~,: (~,-:.""" ~~:: - !!.1i,;~t . :

'.l"- Al£ t TED : mmv

· .:llt.6-28-J.9uJ.

May 26, J.949













.... Typed: 2/25/66 JWY :JPM: jem 146-28-1941

March 3 1966


This refers to your letter of' February 3, 196"6~" relative to the transcripts of broadcasts made by Iva Toguri d'Aquino, and our reply dated February 18, 1966. 1- Some of these transcriptions in the form of recording platters and written transcriptions were introduced in evi­ dence and may be in th~ files of the Court of Appeals for the Ninth Ci1:cuit; located at San Francisco" cali£o~ia. Our hrte,r in' the case was filed in 'ttll.l'e"COtirt iri January 1951 and bears the Courtl s docket number 12383.

It is possible that some of the broadcast trans­ criptions and recordings are reflected in the transcripts of the trial. The files of this Department conblin forty­ nine of the fifty-six volumes of the trltal transcript. If t;te..-'1 e.,.' wishes to examine these volumes, he may contact this Division to make the necessary arrangements.

It is our understanding that the files of the Supreme Court contain all fifty-six volumes of the trial transcript. Records j Mr. Morris Section - 2 -

bfo \ .,~ may wish to contact the Clerk of the Supreme Court to determine the availabiiity of those volumes for his review.


J. WALTER YEAGLEY Assistant Attorney General

By: .JOHN H. DAVITT. Chief Crimina 1 Sec: tion '"-- Director~ Federal Bureau of Investigation May 2, 1949

Alexander M. Campbell, Assistant Attorney ~:T1ID:rzunv General ~146-28-l94l United States v. Iva Toguri D'Aquino - Treason

. Reference is made to the above entitled treason prosecu­ tion present~y pending in the Northern Diatr~ct of California and more particularly to the report oJ: bfp, 1 c.... ',under date of April 21, 1'949 • The trial of this cause on its marl ts is scheduled to commence at San Francisco, California on July 5, 1949. The report abovementioned refers to a broadcast by dofendant and one b

The report of h<.c, (J. ~ made at }J61f York under date of 9-27-48 gives the names of two men who may have meID.:tored the broadcast in ques­ tion and made the original recording. l'heir names are as folloWS:

It is requested that the Bureau, if possible, take steps to locate and obtain possession of the original recording made in this country by meana of which bCo 1'1 t.. prisoner of war broadcast in November, 1944 was monitored. It is likeldse requested that the Bureau take steps to locate and establish the identity of the partie13 who made the original recording, together with information as to their places of abode 60 that thi~ Division will ~ in possession of tha necessary evidentiary mechanics to introduce the original recording in evidence at the trial of this causa on its merits.


cc: Records ----. Chrono ~~- The Director. Federal Bureau of Investigation July 7, ~948 'f. Vin06n~ Q.w.nn.., Aaaistant ·A..t..torney General, Cr1mi~ D:ivil3io;p. fiQllBH:vng; In lkuko Toguri, was.. ,(' 14Q-28-l.9~: TrealiJdJ'l ~~

Thi'8 .wUJ. ~1fl.e4ge~ y.oUr me1tlOre.ni1um or .rune 28. l.948. At this t~e. it 18 b.fJllev.ed unn4eessary to locata· Q.pd interview ~~ tt e...

1 Y 1 i .J,

'1~f.i .: ·1


cc: Records./' chron. Mr. Hogan

. '~"'. .

I --:;rfl BY M1!1SSENGE , • -~. J. NS SillO : 'OKMUN10ATI0 Al J JUl 8 \948 \...-:.:.:..---~

~ ... 1h6-28-1941 1\1. J.

JWY:JDK:bmm February 7 1961 Type d: 2-6-61


Dear bID \ f1 t.,.. \ i \ This will ref'er to your letter of January 24, 1961 to the Department of Justice, in which you request information for \ an essay you are writing on "Tokyo Rose." .\ Iva Togurl D'Aquino, better known as "Tokyo Rose*!.! \ms a native-born citiz-en of the United states. She \JaS indicted in San Francisco, California, on October B, 1948 for I violating the treason statute. The indictment alleged the I cormnission of eight overt acts of treason by Mrs. DtAquino I and charged that she adhered to enemies of the United States, giving them aid and comfort, by working as a radio anno~r, I script writer and broadcaster for the Imperial Japg.nese Govern­ / ment and the Broadcaating Corporation of Japan during World War II. She was convicted of one overt act of treason .on i .September':'29 ~ i9lt9, sentenced to 'ten· yea.~s lmprleomnSnt arid . fined $10,000. On appeal, the United states Cotn1i of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit affirmed her conviction. This decision was appealed to the Supreme Court of the United states but the Court denied the defendantts application to hear the appeal or, in legal parlance, a wrl t of certiorari was denied.

In the event-you wish to read the decision of the Court of Appeals, which sets forth the grounds for the appeal and the opinion of the Court, it is suggested that you refer to the West Publishing ComPany legal reporting system, the Federal Reporter, second series, volume 192, beginning at page 338, cited as D'Aquino v. United 8tates~ 192 F. 2d 338. This publication can be found in any law llbl"ary. / CC: Records / J. Do King Uni t copy - room 3262 F}~;;-3P;~C D':~i~"i

(. - 2 -

Mrs. D'Aquino was released from prison on January 28, 1956, after completion o£ her sentence, with statutor.y allowance for good behavior. 8he has not been deported.

I hope this information will be of assistance to you in wri ting your essay.


J. WALTER YEAGLEY Assistant Attorney General Internal Security Division

By: JOHN H. DAVITT, Chie,{ -­ Criminal Section

. ;.~

-,. JWY:JJO: jck

146-28-1941/' iI/i. .},

typed 12/5/00

Dear \:7(Q I rt e

'l'his i11ll ;re~er:t.o your letter of November 25$ ~960 in 'Which you request irrf'ox:mati:on fQr a paper -you ere 'WJ:tttng on "'fokyo Rose. 11

Iva ~ Dt-Aqu.i.nQ;.1 b~ knowIJ. as "TolQn ~, n was eo nati:ve-born oitizen O,'f" the United sta"tieB. She waS.. ... _ .... inMctedin San Francisco, C:!alUQl."ll1f:l." on ()Qtdber 8~ 194$ fO): violating the treason statute. The indictment a..l.l.eged tha comm:.1S$1on of e:tgh.t avert aets Qf ~ 'by Mrs. D t Aqtdno and oharged that she ad;hered ·to ~-es ~ the United statea~ g:Lv:1lig tbem aid and com;t'ort, by~g as a radiQ a.nnouncer, scr1.pt -wr1.ter and bxoadcrurter for'the ImPerial. J'a~ Govern.. rnent and the :Sroadca~rb1ng Coxpo:ra;ti~ or Japan during Wand War:O:. She w.s COIlv1.cted ~, one· ~ set of treason on September 29 .. 1949, tt~ ~ 'ten ~ ,~,al.ld f'1ned":~OiQOO- 'GIl e.pp$tU.;, ''the.t1n!ted stB.~:COtir.t 'ot'~s for'the Ninth Circuit ~hexconvi~'t1on. This deoision was appeal.ed to the Sup;rem,e CoUrt. Gt' the lIIdted states. but the Court denied the de.f'endan'Vs,appUeat:tonto hear the e;ppeal q'J:, in legal par1.ance, a vr1"tO.f" e;~~ vas denied •.

In the event you v.!fUl .to ~ th{;ir decis.1bn ~ the Court of Appeals" ~cl1' Sets forth the gp;run.ds for the eppeal and -the oPinion of' the court, :it is. ~ that. you :refer to the 'West Publishing Company legal. reporting Q,ystem., the Federal Reporter, second sertea, VOlume 1.92, beginning at page 338, cited sa Dt~ v. tJ'n1;i;ed states, 192 '1.2d--338. This publication can be :found in any ~lt .1,1brary.-~;

cc: RecordsJ Mr. O'Connell Unit Copy - Rm. 3262 t' L ".

,,.. - 2 -

Mrs. D' Aquino was relea~ed :f'r.om pritJ.on on January 28, 1956, atter completion ot her $entence, 'With. statutory a.:L1..O.wancE! tor good bebB.v1or.

1; hope this 1,n!oltmation w.Ul be at as~istance to you in vrii$g your ~~" Sincerely,

J. WALTKR YEAGLEY Aaa1stant Attorney General Internal. &;lour!ty D1 vision

JOlIN II. DA,.VI!rT, Chief Cr:tm1na] Section .. __ _

'.,.. ( ~.?4ili§Bt:~~#$lt~~ll,\t~I1;:;~i;~It;iI\{e,\:~,?,lil\-~m( ( (

--ro. {' \. Typed 4/8/60 L. I;'aul. Winings, General. Counsel :rmmigration and Nsturalization Service

Raro.1dP. Sbapiro, ClUef'" Mbp1n1:~ve. ~0l:l1l Sectioo" Crlmjnal Div1.aion _ ./

v.tth e. COJJ:f or- our repl:y thereto. It Will 'be 8J?1lrecll:!.tedif you

~ make auclllhxtber :repl.yto the letter ~_- -you deem. epgroprlate.

~c /~..,J1- ..~ )~/1jP ~/ !(n

rill }'~- - 1 ~ ~ oJ·~

, Chrono i, c.~~;:AY 0 ; :-cAJ .' .,...... ::\ Mr_ Shelver ---- . - .:~:--. : . -- -


: ~ -,'::~...... : -0 ~-' .... ,- ~ .:'-; \i -: .. '; a ~- .~.- •• == .. -~-",;,--,-:,,:-~~ '.. ; -._--.".,,,.,.,=,*J Typed 4/8/60

Dear ~ I il e,

Your inquiry of ~ 23~, 1960~ xega:rding the a;ppJ.j.cat1,;.oo.

at the ~trlat1on sta.~utes. -1». ~ Conn~ of treason~_w~_

1 :fa.U.s 'Within theadm:tn strst:tve juriS.d.i~on of the ~on i !~ and NaturaUzation Service. We- are" therefore, referring t.be

~et.ter to the Service for answer.

~. -:~:~~.-- ~~ ~torney ~l, CrinitiA1 Division

'allOt» ~~ SJI.Aft'R()t Chief Adndn1 e.t.:r:at:tv:eRegulations Bect1oo.



Mr. Shelver

--,.. .;' -

JWY :.AMB : j ck

146-28-1941 July 2 7. 19.59 typed 7/24/59

Your letter addressed to the President or the United Staten concerning the "Tokyo Rose" CSBe has been rei"erre{l to this ill.vis1.on :for reply.

You inquired as to "Whether "'rok}'o Rose" was ever prosecuted and, i1' so, the .name of' the· prison to lIh:i:ch she -was cmmnitted. t'Tokyo Rose," vhoee correct nmne is Iva Ikuko Toguri D t Aqlrl.no, vas convicted. of the criJne of treaa.on. on September 29, 1949 and on October 6, 1949 vas sentenced to ten years imprisonment and fined $1.0,000. She \laS eOUlarl:t:ted to the Federal. Reformatory for Women at Al.derson, "West Virginia. She was· eon.d1t1Ollal1 y :re­ leased. from this ;federal. pri60n on Janne:ry 28, 1956. AJ.though her tel:m Of 1m;pr1sonment had. not expired, she ·Wascond4:&!.(),1lAlly rel.eased under asec-tioon.:ot ~.... ~ wlllah provides that n prisoner shall reeeive time O'£f :for good behavior W1.1e ill an institution.' .

hope the 'Will. - I above information . ansver ~.


., •.. ,.: •• ,.;:i>

/ TJlOMAS K. HALL, Chief Cr1m:1nal Section cc: Recora.s/ Alta Beatty -- ... Uni t Copy - RID. 3262

IJsw(7 C'\ ..