" I ~~ A. Andratta, Adm.1nistrativa A8si~tnnt. to April 1, 1949 . the Att,orney Onnoral Alexander ti. Cn.~pball, Asnistant A.ttornoy AI£ : TK6:mmv General, , 116-28-1941 ':: " United Statse v. Iva. 'l'ogurl D'AquiIio - ; ~ Tresaon it ,\ d R~rerence is :aa.d~ to too LWoy~-antitiod troaoon proGaau~ tion prosently p~d1ng in tlw Horthnrn District.. ot Calirornia.. "fhe', t.rial of this Ci1WJO 18 aoOOdu,J.ed to c~nce oofo1'O Fedoral. Judge, Roche at ~an !i'ranaiaco on 16,' Uay" 1949. TIle ldtnsllOOB listed bGlow YI1l.l oocoma matnrial and neo~fJaary witnesses for and on \)shalf of the United t)t,atas for the l-'I.lrpose of proving vonus and juriacij.ction. In order to shOW ~ ether thin.gs ~ha.t the iOOic~nt1B'"Tli1d/'"1n the proper district, it will be MOo::Jsary to prove that' the tlorthern D1s­ trict of CalirQrnie. ltaS' the Federal Judicial Distriot into whioh do­ fendant was first brought witbin the 'purviErt1 or Titla 1tl U.S.C._ revis.ad" Sea. 3238. blQ I ~ ~ was tha Yastor. of the ArMY Tran6~ which transported dnfon.d.tl.'nt froa YQkoluUna to San r'rano1aco 011 tM voyage otxU.ng .. , at ~an Frunoi5co on 25, Snpt.em.t."Or, 1948. _ b<o I ,., c.... \ o~ prlsed the !rllit817 guard which esoorted defendant. frora Yokohama. to san . Francisoo on the Amy '1'rsus})?rt c..:enertL\. Hodges on th9 trip ending at San ~ancisco 25 1 ~ptanber, 1948. The pe~s,onal attendanco of t.he GovarrunGut witnausea above, ~,' ,[erred . ;.~"~"fr";" 1,.. to.is desired at ~ Fr.anciscQ~ Call!ornia not later than ~12j~.;:}''.' <· *-~~~~~ , .:.\ .;: .... {..;. '.. I 19u9 for purposes of prapnratiOtl for. trial and subsequently gi.v1ni.:te~,·,~)\ mony at the trial on t..~e fl!.orita. Tho n~s of t.ha ~ lalltary (}t'~ •. i"J::': Personnel a.'1d civilian ar.llplo~e or the ArrJy 'transportation Corps ldloOO··:~-:··:':.:: personal attendance is desired in San Francisco as Govet"tlm9nt. w1tnaUS8S' ..' .~. on 12, May, 1949 as nf'orosn:r.d am as follOffS: ( J It lfould 00 appreciated it :rour Division throU<;h approprla:w.:· ... : channels would Uilio stopa'locking tatmrd too attendnllco of the aboVO--:'~:' .~,:" .•: ": . montioned civil~an and rdlltB.ry persQIU1(;IJ. at the Office of t.he United ,': ... ,.:--::,. states Attorney, ~an rrancisco, on tho data abOVOllill1'tionod. ,-"0' ..... cc: llecords Chrono ,...emr fIla:::: , 3~ 6:' --=---' Ai£, : TEl) un!tlV 146-28-1.941 ~ . ,. ~- Honorable Kenneth C. Royall Seoretary of tho ~ Department or the Army Uashington, D.C. My dear Mr. ~ecretarYI A:t.tent.1on: Lt. Colonel Hicholaa R. Voorhis, 'JAOD Ral United Stat.aa v. Iva Toguri DtAq'ii1no - Treason ... Referenoe is made to the above eI1titled treason prosoou" tion present~ pending in the Federal NorthBrn Judicial Distriot of Ca.J.ifornia.. Defendant has entered n plea of not guilty to the indictment returned against her last fall and the oause is set for trial on its mer! ts to coetmooce before< OMs! Federal Judge Roohe' and a panel of petit talesmen on 16, Yay, 1949 J at ~ FranciSCO, California. , '-rh8 personal' 'attendance fi\ Ban Francisco as Govei"tUl!:ent '1'fi tnesseB of oertai.n Japanese nationals and one Philippine nat.ional pre5ent~ rasident in Japan and Manila, Philippine Islands, is vi­ taIls" nece8sary to the propor pl:'esantation of the Governmant' S oasa against defendal'lt before the trial court and, jurors as aforesaid. The prospective testU10uy of th~ Japanese nationals and the Philip­ pine national ai"oresaid b6ing mat6l"ial and absolut'illy necessary in order to insure a -thorough presentation or this case to too trial (lOdr,t and jurors~ it ooco.."OOs necessary to request too perBonal at­ tend~nca of said Japanese nat1.onala and Philippine national in ::San F'1o!f.U\C isc 0 two lffiaks prior to the actual cow-...encocent ot' the .trhl!Q,r purposes of propor preparation for trial proceedings. 'This lJepa.rtmen-t is furnisning your Departraant with the );e.st Knonn'-a.ddressf'ls of the wi tnaaSOB below listed.. 'ffhare street addraS5Ettl, ~~ not available, this Departm.ont has endoavored to idantifi-':~~'hltnesBas a.a fully as possible in order to facilitate thsir,,)ocation~ Undoubtadly, Army Intelligence, G2, Genoral lioad­ quarte¥S, . Tokyo, rill readily be able to loca.te the witno8aea below cc: Records (~ Chrono ;:Bel1o~ ~~ , \. , . mentioned whose specific addresses are presently unknmm to this Depart.l!tent. The m:tno800S whose location is desired. wtth t>heir lAst kncmn addresses, insofar as ~nOlffi to thi8 Department, are listed as rfollowsf . '. ,. '. :........ ~.,.' .'.; , . .J ... - 3~- .. j It would b9 appreciat.ed it proper orders would be issued by your Departmant through' appropriate ohannels looking toward the end. that tho prospectiva Ooverru.aant witnesses abovementioned be immediatQly contacted by rnlltary PGraOllnol in Japan and fianlla and alerted at once for their ensuing trip to San Francisco. Arrange- ~ m.ents for the transportation of said witnesses from Japan and Manila to ~ Francisco should be .made by the Depa.rt;ment of the Army, 'and as aboV6aentioned, it is suggested that when the or.ders with reference to the subject matter of this lett.er are aut, that the same take into coneideration the' deoired arrival in the Uni'ted: StateD of sa14,.l'f.:~,~" .. nessos not la:tar than 2, Uay, 1949 ~t ~ Francisco, Ca1ifornia~ "" .. When arrangements are e£f'ecw<;l by the Department of t.he Art:Iy for the tra..'1.9portation of aaid tritne889S to San Francisco, it 1s requested that you advise this Depart1n9ut of the expected time and place of arrival of said lii.tnesooa in this country so that representatives of this Departaunt nll. in the near "futuro be abla 1:.0 formulate plans- for the arrival and housing of said ldtoosoos during their sojourn in this count.ry. the Department. of Just.ice will provide for the welfare of the ld tnessoa aoovemsntioned on their arrival in the United states. Pleaso rost assured that your cooperation harein i6 greatly appreciated by this Departl51ont. Respectfully, For tho Attorney General ~~ ,. " Al£XAIIDIa."'R. M. C./illPBKLL Assistant Attorney Genoral ( Directo~, l?ederal Bureau of Investigation March 31, 1949 Alexander lie Campbell, Assistant Attorney General United Statea v. Iva Toguri D'Aquino - TreaSon . , :)- Liated here-in are three radio engineers, formerly oon- nected with the Foreign Broadcast Inte1ligence ~rvice. They will be neeessary witnesses £or the Government at. the trial of the above captioned case in order to mtroduce transcriptions of the defendant's broadcasts made by them or under their supervision. It 1s requested that their pre sent.: place of abode and employers be v~rifl-ed at'-' the earliest possible date, 1. k:,)~ I '1 c... - believed to be employed by 1-he Central. Intelligence Agency. at Reseda, California. 2. b\D J t'J (!,. b (P I t1 c.." 'believed to be employed by Radio station WellS, Charleston, trest Virginia. ). b(,), "If!. - Galveston, Texas (street. address un- known); believed to be employed as a marine radio operator' by either the Mackay Company or the Texas Company., < It will be, approprl.at.e at this time -to advise these witnesses that they ~y expect to be requested to appear in -~ Francisco, approxi- mately llay'l6, -'1949~' -', '--""~"i: - ;- ·.~ ~c: Records !::::.--~ --r< Chrono Hogan a,a fi:-la s. A. bndrettal' Mltiniutrative A5tl1.utant to 14a.rch 31, 1949 tho At tornoy (lOoQl"al Alexander U.. (;aap~ll~ Mlai.5tnnt Attorney 1~:T1IDi~ General 146-28-1941. Unit.Qd Staton v. Iva. 'l"ogurl D'Aquino - Treason :)- .".-. Rof',.rep.oeig ando to tho. aboVe entitled trcruroa. prosoou­ tion preOO.lltly pending in. t.he Foderal. t{ortbom Judicial. Diutr1¢t of California. Dofendant. hM. entered a. plua of not. guilty to tho in... dicb.1ent ratUl"Md against bar by the srand jurorn laBt. !'~l and too trial ot' this OS<USG on its marita ia soOOdulbdto ~ Qn 16~ ~t 1949· at. San }Ir~ciacoJ CalUornia. One b!Q I tJc-,"-l.c . ~t Lt. Quar~toI" Corps" United :.;tnW8 A;rrq, whose laat.·1cnOtm adcl.raau 1.s ?'HIlCOU QM Depot, tinit.ed States ~. Al..IQ 900, c/o 1~ San Fralloiaco. Callt~n1.a, is a n000Gtmt"Y and, l'Ilate~1al 'M'it:0068 .for and on oobal.! of the Uni1;ad :.:.tu.wci at th8 trial of tlWtcauao. 'lh1s Div1.o1on deudres to hava witneaa b~ I I'{ ~ in .fXtrS.ondf,t.1i~~ at t.hs O;f't'ioo at t.h& United StawsAt.torney, &n }~rane:18Co, Cnllforn1.a, not lnt,or' tllan 9, Way, 1?49, tar purpones o! preparation tor tria1 and tor tha pur­ pose of wtrtifying at. hl19 trial before· F«1.l!'8l Judge Roche and a. petit· j\U'"Y. It ..-ould ba Cl.Pprao1~t.ed if Your 'Divi~1on would taka tM UQCesaary steps thrOUt;l1. CharulDls loor-..!ng toward the PSrBonal at..tnndanca ot 1::(" 'lC 't:J.4, '1 ~ at ~ i'ranc1.sco not lat~r th,an 9 J ltay,. 1949 tor the purpoaas af'ol"$.said. oc: Records '.!< Chrono Our file ~ .. L~ Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation . March 25, 1949 Alexander U. Campbell, ASBistant Attorney /::) A1C :TED:mniv General '; cJ 146-28-1941 Uni.ted States v. Iva Toguri D'Aquino - ~an '~.".... ," ' ~ .' . • Reference is made to· the above entit1ed troason ease prEJsentlj ~nding iri the Federa1 Northepl Judicia:t,J)1stri.ct. of California. Laot. fall the Office of the Juige Advocate General., Department or the Army, addressed a 1etter to this Department , adv:is1ng that. one 1st Lieutenant p~ I 1 c...
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