Rose, Tokyo” of the Philip Buchen Files at the Gerald R
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The original documents are located in Box 4, folder “Clemency - Rose, Tokyo” of the Philip Buchen Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Gerald R. Ford donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Digitized from Box 4 of the Philip Buchen Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON June 8, 1976 MEMO FOR: PHIL BUCHEN FROM: KEN LAZARUS In answer to your recent question re pardon petition for "Tokyo Rose", please note attached. /'-\ ~~··- FL4 .p'j.. <:) ·~ :::~,, THE \N H ITE HOUSE WASHINGTON June 3, 1976 MEHORANDUM FOR: KEN LAZARUS ) FROM: PHIL BUCHE ,v' / £/' Attached is correspondence dealing with a possible Presidential pardon for Tokyo Rose. Is there a petition pending at the Pardon Attorney's Office? Attachment THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON June 3, 1976 MEMORANDUM FOR: KEN LAZARUS FROM: PhiL BUCHEtp Attached is correspondence dealing with a possible Presidential pardon for Tokyo Rose. Is there a petition pending at the Pardon Attorney's Office? :0.-hy 27 > 197b Ta~.rut you for -your la~:r oi May 21 t~n,ez:nlUi.::lg a copy of eo:x-:re-s-pond~AC:• s~t-or Hatfi~ld ha• :r~eei~ regarding a poasible ?:r-esid~ii~l pa:rdOA fo~ !va Togul"i. We ap~nclat& your cou....-te-sy in alo.og thl.s let~:r. Willialn 'I'. Kendall Depaty Asslsta.nt to the P:zoesi~l ~u t"tiD B. Gold,. Staif Assi3b:lt to 'Ih9 Mark 0. Hat.!leld t1 nited s~" s~aate Wash~tca~ D.C. 20510 ~·cc~ w /inc to Philip Buchen ~Y'I "'trrrrTT _, __ 11 .L L1.;U. ) .. WASHJNGTON, D .C. Hay 21, 1976 r1r. vVillia.!"Tl Kendall Deputy Assistant to the President 'l'he 1i'7hi te House vvashington, D.C. 20500 Dear Bill: Enclosed is a copy of correspondence Senator Hatfield has received regarding a possible Presidential pardon for Iva Toguri. Senator Hatfield does not know whether such a pardon is being considered, nor does he wish to express a sentiment about it, but he promised his constituents that he would pass their expression on to the vfuite House. That is the purpose of this communication. ~rely, Martin B. Gol Staff Assistant to Senator Mark 0. Hatfield l'iffiG: be Enclosure \' I) I _) ~- \.'ILL\RD /,~!UE l?StJ!l POST llO. 7nl The 9cllc5, Orcson 97053 I.!ay 12, lS76 The Honorable f.:ark 0. Hatfield Lnitcd States Senate ~63 Husscll Euilding ',iasLincton, D. C. 20510 Dcror Sen&tor i:!at.field: \ / C T r: ~ " a. I C" ®!fin nf tl;:e Pari)nn Atforneg musqinginn, EUE. 2ll53U ~·3..y 1::!.., 2976 rzonor able Evelle J. Yo1:tng2r A tt.orne~l Ce ~~ral ~tate o£ California r~~~nart::1-er1.t of Justice 800 Ti~~~an Builci~g 3580 Wilshire Boulevard Los Angeles, California 900l9 Dear ~tr . Attorney General: I'he President :1as asked me to reply to your letter of April 23, 1975 recon-..lending b'iat he gra.nt a ? ardon to Iva Toguri D'Aquino. Iva Toguri D 1 A~1ino filed a petition for nardon .after ccmplation of sente.r1ce in ~~ovemher 1963. ~:' he petition was da~ied in October 1969. Like any other person w~o has been convicted of a Federal felony~ has se:::-ved the sentence ru'1C been a la;.q- abiding member of the community for several y·~a rs 3i.lbsequent to the completion of the se!i.tence, sha is eligible to reapply for a pardon if she c~ooses. Hm:~eve:r, ahe has not d one so. If she should reapply, her petition '!,iOUld recei,Te the sar.:e consideration accorded to o~~er eligible petitioners~and tflg Dtto=~~y r:::ene~· ~ a.®:i.-ee·-the- :?':::'es.ident whether in... hi.::s ooi nion. the pgett±cn !'rhould· be granted err den-ied. .A... Pre siden~i.~l . pareon, incid~~ is a sign-of forqive nes-s~5u.t.... C.oes not c~ti.tut~ a · ftrn!ing--of irmo.c~ Your inte=est in this matter is ap~reciatad. Sincerely~ Lawrence M. Traylor Pardon .i'.ttorney ev: David C. Stephenson Deputy Pardon A~torney bee: Kenneth A. Lazarus Associate Counsel to the President Q .- 'l'! fE \\.H!TE HOCSE \\.. \S ll !:\CT0:-1 Dece:rnber 2 1 1976 Dear Dr. Uyeda: Thank you for sending to me the correspondence and background on the Mrs . Iva Toguri d'Aquino case. I have forwarded the package of material to Mr. Philip Buchen 1 Counsel to the President, who h andles these matters. With kind regards. 0\;r~L= . ROBERT T. HARTHANN Counsellor to the Presideni Dr. Clifford I. Uyeda Chairman Japanese American Citizens League 1765 Sutter Street Sa n Francisco 1 California 94115 cc: Mr. Wayne Horiuchi COMMITTEE FO IVA TOGURI OF THE JAPANESE AMERICAN CITIZENS LEAGUE JACL Headquarters Bldg. 1765 Sutter Street San Francisco, California 94115 Clifford I. Uyeda, M.D. Attorney Wayne M. Collins, Chairman Consultant Partial Listing - November 26, 1976 Individual Endorsements: Gov. George A. Ariyoshi, Hawaii Mayor Torn Bradley, Los Angeles Rep. Yvonne B. Burke, California Lt Gov. Melvyn Dymally, California Secretary of State March Fong Eu, Calif. Rep. Donald M. Fraser, Minnesota Mr. Robert T. Hartmann Prof. S.l. Hayakawa, S.F. State Univ. Re;>. Spark M. Matsunaga, Hawaii Counsellor to the President Rep. Abner J . Mikva, Illinois The White l'louse Assemblyman S. Floyd Mori, California Mayor George R. Moscone, San Francisco 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W. Rep. B .F . Sisk, California Washington, D.C. 20500 Atty Gen. Evelle J . Younger, California Organizational Endorsements: Dear Mr. Hartmann: American Civil Liberties Union, No. Calif. Chapter Americans for Democratic Action, Enclosed are three editorials that No. Calif. Chapter were brought to my attention, all dated California State Legislature National Council of the November 22nd. Churches of Christ San Francisco Board of Supervisors I was informed that the New York San Francisco Commission on the Status of Women Times, December 5th, \-li 11 feature the Willard Anderson Post #2471, case in its magazine section. It is VFW, Dalles, Oregon written by John Leggett (English Dept, Media Ediloriai Endorsements: Univ. of Iowa). Dayt<:n Daily News (Ohio) Denver Post Honolulu Advertiser The Board of Supervisor, County of Los Angeles Times Santa Clara (Calif.) passed a resolution on Minneapolis Tribune San Francisco Chronicle November 16th supporting a presidential pardon San Francisco Examiner San Francisco KFRC-Radio for Hrs . Iva Toguri d'Aquino. Seattle Post lntelliger.cer W ashington Star (D.C.) Sincerely yours, Supporting Articles: Chicago Daily News Chicago Tribune (?It· -~· ~V<l' 5- .-.ttl ,l- ~~ Christian Science Monitor Honolulu Star-Bulletin Cli f~rJ I. Uyeda,~ National Observer Wall Street Journal / W ashington Post T H E W H I T E H =- L! S E WASHINGTON November 18, 1976 Mr. Hartmann: Wayne Horiuchi of the Japanese American Citizens League called. 223-1240. He would like to have an appointment with you (along with David Ushio, National Director of the organization) the week after Thanksgiving to discuss a Presidential pardon for Tokyo Rose. (see .. attached correspondence). Gail i i I 1 ! I COMMITTEE FOR IVA TOGURI OF THE JAPANESE AMERICAN CITIZENS LEAGUE JACL Headquarters Bldg. 1765 Sutter Street San Francisco, California94115 Attorney Wayne M. Collins, Clifford I. Uyeda, M .D. Consultant Chairman Partial Listing - lndi•Jidual Endorsements: Novemoer 18 1 1976 Gov. George A. Ariyoshi, Hawaii Mayor Tom Bradley, Los Angeles Rep. Yvonne B. Burke, California Lt Gov. Melvyn Dymally, California Secreiary of State March Fong Eu, Calif. Rep. Donald M . Fraser, Minnesota Mr. Robert I· Hartmann, Prof. S. l. Hayakawa, S.F. State Univ. Rep. Spark M. Matsunaga, Hawaii Counsellor to the President Rep. Abner J. M ikva, Illinois The White House Assemblyman S. Floyd Mori, California Mayor George R. Moscone. San Francisco 1600 Pennyslvania Ave., N.W. Rep. B.F. Sisk, California Washington, D.C. 20500 Atty Gen. Evelle J. Younger, California Organizational Endorsements: Dear Mr. Hartmann: American Civil Liberties Union, No. Calif. Chapter Americans for Democratic Action, Enclosed please find copy of a letter forwarded No. Calif. Chapter to President Ford. California State Legislature National Council of the Churches of Christ Yesterday, the official petition for presidential San Francisco Board of Supervisors San Francisco Commission on pardon was mailed from the San Francisco post office to the Status of Women the Pardon Attorney, Lawrence M. Traylor, as called for Willard Anderson Post #2471, in the protocol. VFW, Dalles, Oregon Media Editorial Endorsements: We would greatly appreciate your assistance in Dayton Daily News (Ohio) Denver Post bringing this matter up to the President. Honolulu Advertiser Los Angeles Times Minneapolis Tribune Thank you. San Francisco Chronicle San Francisco Examiner San Francisco KFRC-Radio Sincerely yours, Seattle Post lntelligencer Washington Star (D.C.) Supporting Articles: @ ~-e(J 0 _ '~7 ~--~/ Chicago Daily News Chicago Tribune Cliff~' I. Uyeda, M.D. Christian Science Monitor Chairman. Honolulu Star-Bulletin National Observer Wall Street Journal • F W ashington Post CO~\/HVH"fTEE FOR !VA TOGU R! OF THE JAPANESE AMERICAN CITIZENS LEAGUE JACL Headquarters Bldg.