Tokyo Rose Trial and Expect at the Conclusion to Dea:;: of Her Conviction
'f' "Jj; ~,'0 -'" ADDRESS REPLY TO 4'THE ATTORNEY GENERAL- AND REFER TO (NITIALs AND NUMBER DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE WASHINGTON. D. C. 146-23-1941 August 25, 1949 ,·';-r- __, -; !.:.;\;<"i~;) Fl'anJ..: J. Helli"1.essy, Esquire United States Attorney San Francisco 1, California Dear ike. Hennessy: Refel'ence is made to your letter (~ated AU{;1..,-st 20, 1949, in the, above ca.pticned r:!8. tter. A search ha.s been made of the United Sk.te S II. Hild:::-ej, Gill< files in the C101'1::! S o::fico of the D:"strict C01.;rt for the DistTict of Columbie.. .Ho'.-;-ever, t~lG special ::'i~1dil"lgS 811b Bitted to ~c.:l.e jm'Y do i:Jot a~.)Lieal~ therein. I run tolcl tll,['.. t tl'lese findinGs ue:ce i11 tIle IOl-':Gl of c. list of the a-vert acts -,.'ith Guilty and Not Guilty typed. l.mclGl' e::Lch overt (lct. Re~pectful"l;Y , For the Ati?orney Genel'al .. ~-.---~~ .--:.. ....,.. 10 \ ':,-,-,. '- \ l, j ALEYJU.]DER E. Cfu:,[YBELL Assistant Attorney Genel'Etl \ :- , './ i /;/ j / F ; 1 I J " ,'- ( / ) ( (' ADOR£S8 REPl.Y 1"0 ··TH&: .... TTORNEY Gf:NERAL" , ~NO REtrER TO INtTIA.L5 A.ND NUMBER DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE WASHINGTON. D. C. Al>1C:WEF:am 146-28-1941 July 25, 1949 AIR MAlL SPECIAL DELIVERY CONFIDEN'f'IAL Tom E. De~volfe, Esq. c/o United States Attorne;)rts Office San Francisco, California Dear Mr. De\iolfe: Re: Iva Ikuko Toguri D'Aquino, ,-.ras. Treason There are transmi tted ,herewi th for your informe.tion two Feder~_ Bureau of Investigation memoranda, dated July 19.
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