Congressional Record-Senate. 4353
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1900. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 4353 Pulaski County, .Ark., against the Loud bill-to the Committee on A bill (S. 645) granting an increase of pension to David Hunter; the Post-Office and Post-Roads. A bill (S. 677) grantinl? an increase of pension to Jerusha W. By Mr. VREELAND: Petitions of Grand.Army of the Republic Sturgii:1; posts of Mayville and Jamestown, N. Y ., in favor of Honse bill No. A bill (S. 819) granting an increase of pension to Benjamin F. 7094, to establish a Branch Soldiers' Home at Johnson City, Tenn. Bourne; to the Committee on Military Affairs. A bill (S. 833) granting an increase of pension to Harry At Also, petition of citizens of Stockton, N. Y., in favor of the kinson; Grout bill increasing the tax on oleomargarine-to the Commit- A bill (S. 994) granting an increase of pension to Casper tee on .Agriculture. • Miller, jr.; By Mr. W .ANGER: Petition of citizens of Bucks County, Pa., A bill (S. 1194) granting an increase of pension to John B. in favor of the Grout bill increasing the tax on oleomargarine Ritzman; to the Committee on Agriculture. A bill (S. 1228) granting an increase of pension to Thomas Jor By Mr. WEEKS: Petition of citizens of Marine City, Mich., dan· favoring the Grout bill relating to dairy products, etc.-to the A'bill (S. 1250) granting a pension to Hattie E. Redfield; Committee on .Agriculture. A bill (S. 1251) granting an increase of pension to Celia A. Jef By Mr. WHEELER of Kentucky: Papers to accompany House fers; bill for the relief of E. E. O'Hara-to the Committee on War Claims. A bill (S. 1255) granting an increase of pension to James M. By Mr. WILSON of Arizona: Resolution of Omaha Commer Simeral; cial Club, urging construction of irrigation wo1·ks by the Gov A bill (S. 1264) granting an increase of pension to Jam es A. ernment-to the Committee on Irrigation of Arid Lands. Southard; By Mr. WILSON of New York: Resolutions of the Civil War .A bill (S. 1265) granting a pension to Elender Herring; Veterans' Association, Custom Service, PortofNewYork, infavor .A bill (S. 1268) granting a pension to Sarah R. Burrell; of giving preference in appointments to soldiers of civil and A bill (S.1298) granting an increase of pension to Oscar Taylor; Spanish-American wars-to the Committee on Reform in the A bill (S. 1309) granting an increase of .pension to Herman Civil Service. Piel; Also, resolutions of the Omaha (Nebr.) Commercial Club, favor A bill (S. 1331) granting an increase of pension to Ellen C. Ab ing provision for irrigation, surveys, etc.-to the Committee on bott; Irrigatfon of Arid Lands. A bill (S. 1419) granting an increase of pension to Annie B. Goodrich; / A bill (S. 1721) granting an increase of pension to Amos H. SENATE. Goodnow; · A bill (S. 1729) granting an increase of pension to Oliver J, WEDNESDAY, April 181 1900. Lyon; A bill (S. 1769) granting an increase of pension to Henry Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. W. H. MILBURN, D. D. Frank; The Secretary proceeded to read the Journal of yesterday's pro· A bill (S. 1960) granting an increase of pension to Eli J. Marsh; ceedings, when, on motion of Mr. CHANDLER, and by unanimous A bill (S. 2167) granting an increase of pension to Franklin C. consent, the further reading was dispensed with. Plantz; The PRESIDENT protempore. Without objection, theJournal A bill (S. 2209) granting an increase of pension to Frederick will stand approved. Higgins; AGREEM&.~TS WITH FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. A bill (S. 2220) granting an increase of pension to Eudora S. Kelley; The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a com .A bill (S. 2336) repealing section 4716 of the Revised Statutes so munication from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting an far as the same may be applicable to the claims of dependent par agreement negotiated between the Commission to the Five Civ ents of soldiers, sailors, and marines who served in the Army and ilized Tiibes and the Muskogee or Creek tiibe of Indians, dated Navy of the United States during the war with Spain; March 8, 1900, together with a letter from the acting chairman of A bill (S. 2351) granting an iILcrease of pension to Joseph W. the Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes and a letter from the Skelton; attorneys of the Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railway Company A bill (S. 2375) granting a pension to Mary A. Russell; and other like companies, etc.; which, with the accompanying A bill (S. 2622) granting a pension to Maria A. Thompson; papers, was referred to the Select Committee on the Five C'ivi A bill (S. 2636) granting an increase of pension to Mary E. Law; lized Tribes, and ordered to be printed. A bill (S. 27 42) restoring to the pension roll the name of Annie He also laid before the Senate a communication from the Sec .A. Gibson; retary of the Interior, transmitting an agreement between the A bill (S. 3017) granting an increase of pension to Julia M. Edie; Commission for the Five Civilized Tribes and the Cherokee tribe A joint resolution (S. R. 34) authorizing the printing of 35,000 of Indians, etc., and recommending the adoption of certain amend copies of Bulletin No. 24, Department of Agriculture, entitled ments to sections 10 and 11 of the agreement; which, with the ''A Primer of Forestry," for the use of Congress and the Depart accompanying papers, was referred to the Select Committee on ment of Agiiculture; and the Five Civilized Tribes, and ordered to be printed. A joint resolution (S. R. 108) providing for the printing of the 1\IESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE. report of the governor of Arizona for 189:J. A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. H. L. PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. OVERSTREET, one of its clerks, announced that the House had passed a joint resolution (H. J. Res. 235) authorizing the exhibit Mr. LODGE presented a memorial of the publishers of True of Government relics at the New York Printing Exposition, from Light, of Holyoke, Mass., and a memorial of the publishers of May 2 to June 2, 1900; in which it requested the concurrence of Modern Art, of Boston, Mass., remonstrating against the passage of the ~o-called Loud bill, relating to second-class mail matter; the Senate. which were referred to the Committee on Post-Offices and Post ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED. Roads. The message also announced that the Speaker of the Honse had He also presented a petition of the Woman's Christian Temper signed the following enrolled bills and joint resolutions; and they ance Union of Brookfield, Mass., praying for the enactment of were thereupon signed by the President pro tempore: legislation to prohibit the sale of intoxicating liquors in Army A bill (S. li2) granting an increase of pension to Robert Black; canteens, etc.; which was referred to the Committee on Military A bill (S. 208) granting an increase of pension to Josephine I. Affairs. Offley; He also presented a petition of the Hall & Lyon Company, of A bill (S. 209) granting an increase of pension to Cornelia De Waltham and Worcester, in the State of Massachusetts, and Prov Pe:vster Black; idence, R. I., praying for the repeal of the stamp tax upon propri A bill (S. 239) granting an increase of pension to Rhoda A. etary medicines, perfumeries, and cosmetics; which was referred Foster; to the Committee on Finance. A bill (S. 241) granting a pension to Patrick Layhee; He also presented a petition of the Department of Massachu A bill (S. 261) granting an increase of pension to Lizzie H. setts, Grand Army of the Republic, praying that the 12th day of Hyndman; February of each year be set apart upon which to celebrate the A bill (S. 320) granting an increase of pension to Allen Buckner; birth of Abraham Lincoln, and that it be made a national holiday; A bill (S. 346) granting an increase of pension to Mrs. Arthusea which was referred to the Committee on the Library. Wright; He also presented the memorial of Rev. Edward Everett Hale A bill (S. 531) granting a. pension to Henrietta G"'ummins; and 12 other citizens of Massachusetts, remonstrating against the XXXIII-273 4354 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SEN.ATE. ~PHIL 18, ~xtension of the time during which animals are detained in trans- He also presented a petition of the Pomona Fruit Growers' portation from one State to another; which was referred to the Association, of California, and a petition of the Southern Califor Committee on Interstate Commerce. nia Fruit Exchange, of Los Angeles, praying for the adoption of He also pr~sented a petition of 41 business men and vessel own- certain amendments to the interstate-commerce law; which were ers of Fall River, l\fass., praying for the removal of the sand bar 1 referred to the Committee on Interstate Commerce. inMouutHopeBay, offCommonFencePoint,neartbatcity; which He also presented a petition of the Chamber of Commerce of was referred to the Committee on Commerce. San Francisco, Cal., praying for the enactment of legislation to Mr. GALLINGER. I present a memorial of the Woman's provide for the widening and deepening of the channel between Christian Temperance Union of East Rochester, N. H., signed by the Basin and the Bay of·San Francisco; which was referred to the Mrs. E. 1\1. Bean, ;president, and Mrs. P. S. Fogg, corresponding Committee on Commerce. secretary, remonstrating against the abandonment on the part of He also presented a petition of Napa Grange, No.