
Great speech: Jyri Engeström (Co-Founder of Jaiku) about

I heard this speach of Jyri the first time at Reboot9, and now I watched it a second time after Loic pointed me to it again.

My Learnings:

Social Networks that are just “Social Networks” will fail (= Butterfly effect) Every service needs ( = fotos; Amazon = books; MySpace = music; etc.) Define your verbs (eBay = buying & selling; MySpace = play; Dogster = add a dog) Make the objects sharable (have permalinks, widgets etc.) Turn invitations into gifts (PayPal: Free 10$ for your friends; YouTube: Free laugh; Skype: Two free headsets) Charge the publishers not the spectators (Habbo hotel: Buy virtual furnature) → Freemium business model Next Big Thing in participatory media? Can anything disrupt blogs? Blogs seemed perfect. There is problem: Bloggers have the feeling that they don’t blog enough. Preconditions of a disruptive innovation: 1) Simpler or 2) Cheaper or 3) Free from need to go to inconvenient place Question 1: Can we imagine anything that can be simpler than a blog? Yes: Microblogging (see my -page) Question 2: Blogs are already free. How can you be less expensive than free? Microblogging can, because you can use almost every technology for input or output (web, mobile phone, rss, API, instant messanger, widgets etc.) which costs much less time and increases availability Question 3: Does microblogging frees you from going to an inconvenient place? Again, yes! You can only blog from your blog, and for this you have to be online and you need a computer. With microblogging, you can do it on your mobile phone. Mass-Starbuckization: Social objects “to go” The value of a microblogpost diminishes radically over time, much faster than the value of a blog post Blog posts: 1 per week; Photos: 1 per day; Jaiku/Twitter: 1 per hour In case of (natural) catastrophes phone networks are usually down; but SMS still goes through!

Thats exactly why I LOVE microblogging and thats exactly why I LOVE using twitter and why I believe that microblogging will not be a butterfly but will sustain for a long time.

Remember: If you visit my blog and find no new blog posts, don’t forget to check out my twitter widget to read my latest microposts.

PS: Mashable recently compared 9 microblogging services