A Bi-Maritime People. Belgian Maritime Identity and Its
116 MARITIME PEOPLE MICHAEL-W. SERRUYS 117 seen as mirrors of our very own subliminal 6 h.up·/lde wikipedia.org/wiki/V-1 Da_y_i.!LTI=_ The Belgians: a bi-maritime people. desires, created by a bricolage of maritime S!:!=- 27.03.2008. 7 http://www.spiegel.de/panorama/ motifs in an urban aesthetic of popular cul Belgian maritime identity and its representation 0, 1518,431872,00.html- 27.03.2008. ture. 8 Cf. Roberr Kuhn, Bernd Kreutz, Der Matrosenan in everyday life1 zug. Kulturgeschichte eines Kleidungsstiicks. (Dort Notes mund 1989) 9 Cf. Eckart Goebel, 'Distant objects of desire. 'Die schonen Matrosen. Der Seem ann als Ikone der Ho Michaei-W. Serruys For linguistic support I would like to thank Dr. Silke Meyer very much! This paper presents some moerotik im Film', in Mare 4 (oct.lnov. 1997), 80- aspects of my PhD thesis, for more details see Timo 86. Heimerdinger, Der Seemann. Ein Berufistand und I 0 Christoph Wulf, 'Der performative Korper. Sprache seine kulturel!e lnszenierung (I 844-2003) (Koln/ - Macht- Handlung.', in Hans Belting a.o.,(eds.), Weimar 2005), 178-284. Que! corps> Eine Frage der Reprdsentation (Miinchen 2 See also Timo Heimerdinger, 'Everyday Cul- 2002), 207-218, here 207. ture Research and the Challenges of Immediacy. 11 Sybille Kramer, 'Sprache - Stimme - Schrift: Sieben Introduction: The paradox of Belgium's ent!y agree, while others will say, with utmost Theoretical and Methodological Approaches from Thesen iiber Performativitat als Medialitat' in Erika the Perspective of Cultural Anthropology I Volk Fischer-Lichte and Doris Kolesch (eds.), Kulturen relationship with the North Sea satisfaction, that no such thing exists.
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